#i just had to ... my poor gamer boy ;;;; LET IT ALL OUT
ouraniatm · 1 year
it wasn't uncommon for cora to stay up late. having royally screwing up her sleep schedule, what's the point of even trying to sleep when you know it'll either be disrupted in middle of night or you'll wake up far too early, unable to sleep? either way, cora supposed one good thing of being a renowned "night owl" ( as if the rest of ignihyde body weren't nocturnal, themselves ) is being able to watch over idia should he manage to catch a few zzz's, himself.
while idly scrolling through her phone and lazily munching on corn chips, cora is quick to notice shuffling from the fiery haired dorm leader. assuming this to simply be adjustments needed for a more comfortable position to sleep, she shrugged it off. there's no reason to jump to conclusions with scarce proof, after all. the second time, however, alarmed the vice when she finally, thanks to the light his hair luminated, discerned tears forming in idia's eyes. crap...was he having a nightmare? without hesitation, cora drops her phone aside and moves closer to tug him. ❛ idia...idia! wake up! ❜ cora moves back to give her sleep ridden boyfriend some space without saying another word. minutes pass and finally, idia spoke up...this time, an hour passed of a pretty hefty explanation but cora's face scowls with regret. if only she wasn't so selfish...if only SHE didn't push HIM away...
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❛ idia, i... ❜ pausing to think over her words, cora sighs and looks down at her hands - which still shivered frailly - while her frown only darkened. her voice is small and meek as she says: ❛ i...i'm so sorry...i wish i'd been there... ❜ she recalls their apologetic states shortly after regaining consciousness in the hospital, but it wasn't enough. it'll never be enough ... not when the image of idia's horrified expression during the argument still haunted her own mind. when idia finally murmurs, icy blue eyes glanced back at a sight she once detested but now piles her with more regret. oh, the things she wished she could've done, back then...but, there's not much either of could do but be there for one another. and right here, cora will be or damn her to tartarus, all over again.
that being said, cora nudges closer and takes his hands with the intention of tugging them off to look him in the eyes. damn...she never actually realized how handsome idia is. ❛ ...i'm here, now. ❜ she begins, with the firm tone everyone knew her for, which is quick to soften as she continues: ❛ and you're not gonna lose me...especially not after the hell both of us endured. ❜ she pauses to tug idia closer, pressing his head to her shoulder as her hands moved to gently tangle in long, warm locks. ❛ you said nobody ever heard what actually happened, right...? well...if you feel like it, let it out on me. get it all out of your chest...let me actually be here for you, idia... ❜ because this might be a fucked up world, but it's a two-player game - might as well finally make it fair and square.
@crownshattered ... continued from HERE and HERE.
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wolfiesmoon · 5 months
Hey I hope you are doing well when ever you are reading this but how do you think the 3rd year boys from twst would react to their s/o (gn reader) cuddling with a huge plush instead of them.
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Like this.
Oh boy oh boy this kinda cures my writers block tbh, i have so many drafts but none of em look enticing enough to continue writing (´д`|||)
I took out a few of the 3rd years bc its too many people for 1 fic but i might make a part 2 where i add the missing 3rd years at some point
i went with the more silly writing style again, hope that's fine by you ○( ^皿^)っ
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𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Malleus Draconia
He doesn't exactly get why, but he feels kinda annoyed just laying next to you while you hug a big ol plushie
This doesn't feel right🫤
But then again, you look rlly happy and satisfied so he stays quiet since if you're happy, he's happy (he desperately wants to be in the plushy's place)
When you playfully kiss the plush though, that rule no longer applies. After all, his rightful spot is in your arms🫠
He nudges you. "Put the stuffed animal away."
"You sound angry." You smirk and kiss the plush again, knowing he's probably annoyed about that
without another word, he pulls the plushy out of your hands and settles down in its place
"I am a much better than that object. Just so you know." he smiled smugly, expecting a kiss on the cheek just like you gave to the plushie earlier
you kissed him on the lips instead just to see his eyes widen and his face go red ofc 😏
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Leona Kingscholar
basically, it is NOT happening
"hell no." is the only thing he says before ripping the poor plushie out of your arms and chucking it across the room
like actually how DARE you try to replace him with a plushie
"Why would you do that?" You pouted at him, looking at the now discarded plushy from the bed🤕
"You know damn well why." He huffed, laying down on top of you without warning which tends to be a habit of his
"Because that's my spot, got it?" He answered for you. clearly you forgot😒
"Uhhh, right." you answered after a short pause...
"I won't remind you next time." he sounded rlly annoyed. it's kinda funny how worked up he got over a plushy replacing him 🤭
this also means he won't let you get up for like.... atleast 2 hours to atone for your sins
moral of the story: don't do this again unless you want a ripped up plushie and a pissed off lion man😠
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Idia Shroud
"This is so unfair. Even worse than an OP boss. " he sighed dramatically, laying down besides you and pouting at the sight og a huge plushie in your arms
"pick up the sock if you have enough energy to complain." you turned away from him, still annoyed with him
being the epic gamer he is (😎💯), he discarded one of his socks in the middle of his room and didn't feel like picking it up later even after you told him to
...which ended with you refusing to cuddle with him until he does pick up the sock
after a short while of very awkward silence...
he groaned in annoyance, begrudgingly getting up and finally picking up the sock, then leaving the room to put it in the wash
you smirked victoriously, placing the plushie away as promised and letting him hug you instead
"The things you make me do, smh." he sighed, relaxing into you 😒
"Picking up a singular sock?" you teased him, hugging him back
He didn't reply so that means it's your victory 😝
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Vil Schoenheit
this is an unforgivable offense, just because you had a little disagreement earlier doesn't mean you can just replace him with a plushie😠
love transcends disagreements, after all
does not help at all that the plushie's cute round face reminds him of a certain thorn in his side named Neige LeBlanche😒
he sighs, "I may have been too harsh back there."
your only reply is an annoyed huff and you hug the plushie tighter which makes one of those anime veins pop up on his face 💢
he takes a deep breath "It was not my intention to hurt your... sensibilities." he's trying babe, he's really trying
You don't reply for a moment...
"Ugh." you throw the plushie away and hug him tightly "This doesn't mean I forgive you, just for the record."
"I still stand by my opinion too, just worded less harshly." he gently puts an arm around you, stroking your back
it was only a matter of time until you gave up with your stubborn pettiness, soon you'll forgive him too, he'll make sure of that 😌
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Lilia Vanrouge
He's actually surprisingly chill about it i feel like
He wouldn't get annoyed or be jealous per se, he'd just get a little sad it's not him you're hugging😔
he's there, you know? there's no need for a plushie...
"Am I not satisfactory enough?" He asks half playfully half seriously
"In what sense?" you totally knew what he meant but just wanted to tease him back
"Hey, isn't this supposed to be the other way around?" he smiled at you, immediately knowing what you were playing at
"Hahaha, you know me too well." you kiss his cheek, yet you still don't let go of the plushie which makes him pout
"I see you have found yourself a new lover." his eyes travel to the plushie for a moment, the betrayal is real😔🙏🏻
"You got a problem with him?" you raised a brow 🤨
"A little." he hugged you from the back, getting comfy
"Okay fine, maybe my ex is the better one after all." you let go of the plushie and turned around to hug him back 💗
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hitomisuzuya · 11 months
and since you're from Japan that means you have a two day long birthday now! hehe <3
I've been thinking the past couple of days about sucking gamer bf!scara's cock while he's mad at his video game hehe :3c thank you for all you do as usual!! ~ wwafterdark
and a birthday scara!
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Gamer! Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Scara receiving. Au.
Hello dear! ❤️🥺 Thank you so much and for the birthday Scara. Honestly, I have been wanting to write something like this. So thank YOU for requesting it.
Scaramouche was a very, very temperamental boy. Given his colorful personality, it was 100% guaranteed to come through when he played video games.
Especially if it was a part in a game he couldn't beat. The huffy sighs were becoming consistent for the past two hours. It just wasn't clicking with Scaramouche for some reason. It didn't matter the variety of creative ways to pass the stage, nothing was working.
And what was so much worse was that he was messing up, and failing with you watching. And your sweet words of encouragement were only making it worse. He was grateful for them, but it made failing so many times in a row after hearing them was driving him nuts.
You could see his fingers starting to grip the controller, and you thought you could hear the subtle sound of plastic breaking.
Scaramouche tossed the controller onto his lap with a huffy sigh. You were relieved because it meant he wasn't going to completely crack the controller.
You knew what you had to do. There was one sure fire way to calm him down. You walked to stand next to him. "Take a break, Scara," You said, putting your hand on his thigh. "Spare the poor controller. You'll get it eventually."
Scaramouche scoffed, his cheeks flushing when your hand started to wander up his thigh. "If you say so. Maybe I should just hand you the fucking thing next time."
You pinched your fingers against the head of his cock outside of his pants, making him groan. "Please don't do that," Your cheeks flushed. You wouldn't tell him you'd puzzled out a few methods that would work.
Maybe you should just hand him his ass anyways? He often did livestreams, after all.
Rolling the head of his cock between your fingers, you sank to your knees in front of his chair. Unzipping his jeans, you took his cock out, stroking your hands over it.
His cock twitched in your hand as he rutted into it. You placed kitten licks on the tip, laving your tongue in his precum. Scaramouche moaned huskily, stroking a hand through your hair.
You abruptly took his cock into your mouth, squeezing your hand around the base. You hollowed your cheeks, sucking as you ground your mouth on his cock.
Scaramouche hissed in pleasure. "Suck harder with your slut mouth," He groaned, grabbing onto your hair as he pushed his cock into your throat. He held your head in place while you gagged. Your throat convulsing and spasming on his cock made more precum hit the back of your throat.
You moaned around his cock when you started to breathe through your nose. You flattened, and curled your tongue around his length.
Scaramouche did very little in letting you set a pace. Using your hair as leverage, he bobbed your head up and down on his cock as he took all of his frustration out on your throat.
His thighs trembled in pleasure, letting out a volley of curses, some of them in Japanese as his cock throbbed with impending release. You sucked more eagerly, tears stinging your eyes from his pace.
He was panting by the time cum spurted into your mouth. His hips didn't stop until he was satisfied with fucking his cum down your throat. It was a few moments before he suddenly tapped you on your head.
"I have something to tell you," He said, the way he was smirking down at you actually made you a little nervous.
"Y-yes? What is it?" You asked, sucking some left over cum off of the tip of his cock.
Scaramouche pointed to his webcam. "My web cam has been recording live the whole time."
That was all you could manage to sputter out. Scaramouche threw a jacket over the camera, and tossed you on his bed.
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xotication · 7 months
okay but.. a quiet gamer boy bf kaneki that loves when his pretty girl bottoms herself out as he’s in the middle of a game. <3
you love kaneki, & you can accept that he has a love & passion for video games too but.. how does he expect you NOT to wanna sit on him when he looks so damn handsome all the time?!
he’s sat in that gaming chair with a baggy tee & a pair of grey sweats. he’ll even be wearing a pair of blue light glasses so that the constant gaming doesn’t do too much damage to his irises. nd he just looks so good with this combination!! ugh. it’s not even fair.
on this particular day, he’s playing fortnite with touka & hide after not touching that game for a couple of seasons. he’s giving call outs, talkin’ bout’ “116 to the body” “he’s 1 shot” “full pieced, knocked.. he’s dead now. where’s his boyfriend?” “flanking behind us” & just a whole bunch of shit that you didn’t care to try & understand..
you’re a little frustrated, to be honest. you had a long day at work nd you just wanna be all up under him. especially now that he’s on the game with some girl he used to have a fling with..?
upon hearing that, he moves his headset behind his ear with a push of his shoulder & gives you a soft hum.
“when’re you getting off?”
“oh.. i don’t know, baby. probably not for another hour or so”
“another hour or so..??”
“yeah. what’s wrong?”
you don’t even bother answering. he shrugs his headset back on & continues to clack away at his keyboard. you’ve already made your way over to him, nd you watch him play for a little before you lift his arm & saddle yourself on to his lap. you’re thankful that he isn’t streaming today.
you begin to peck sloppy little kisses on to his neck, not really caring if it’s loud or not.. you’re kinda hoping it is, though :3. kaneki lifts his head a bit to give you more access. his pale skin is still displaying the hickies you had left just a couple nights ago nd you giggle a little bit at this. they look soso pretty on him!
a couple seconds pass by & you’re just slyly rolling your hips down on him. he knows exactly what you want out of him & he’s not gonna deny you from it. you slide yourself off his lap, now on your knees in between his legs & you take hold of the hem of his briefs & sweats before pulling them down to his lower thighs. it’s no surprise that ken is already hard.
you can’t blame him! he’s got a hot gf damn near humping him in his chair, what man wouldn’t be turned on?! i digress.
you take him in your hand & lick all the way from the base to the tip, you can feel him tense up & relax afterwards. you spit in your hand to act as lube nd stroke his dick a couple times before fully sticking him in your mouth. you’re left jerking whatever else doesn’t fit & you hear his breathing get heavier.
there’s a lewd gluck gluck (i’m so sorry 😭) coming from you as things get sloppier by the second. kaneki was now fully hitting the back of your throat, not really caring if it was difficult for you to handle or not..
touka & hide are noticing him paying less attention & his gameplay getting a bit more careless. i mean right now his character was on auto-run, & he had your hair in a makeshift ponytail as he fucked your poor throat! :(
“kaneki! they’re on the mountain building up.. there’s 20 left. focus up”
“fuck bro. i’m down.. he’s at least 5 bullets tho- push that”
“kaneki… push, maybe?? you’re selling”
“can you both get the fuck out my ear?”
ken let’s go of your hair nd tucks it behind your ears before giving his full attention to the game once again. you don’t know what he’s doing up there but he’s going crazy on his keyboard.
you pull him from your mouth with a lil “pop” sound nd climb back into his lap. you pull your panties to the side nd fully sit on his dick.. this man leaves you so full OMGG.
kaneki brings his attention to you for a brief moment to give you a quick couple of pecks, nd then he’s back to the game. you wrap your arms around his neck & use them as leverage to lift yourself up & down on his lap. the chair is making a bit of noise nd ken’s friends are now overly suspicious..
“the fuck is going on over there?”
“mind your business.”
touka rolls her eyes at his response to hide. she’s already knowing what’s going on nd she’s not too happy about it. you did kinda steal kaneki’s attention from her when they were talking. boohoo, so sad. you were just better!
you were getting a lil tired from bouncing up & down, so you began rolling your hips. ken doesn’t feel much pleasure from this but he knows how good it feels for you, he’s happy to let you use him.
“we have circle. camp this hill nd stay on high ground”
kaneki mutes his mic before he wraps his arms around you & snaps his hips up into you.
“ken- oh my god!”
“couldn’t wait till’ i got off, hm?”
“i couldn’t, i really couldn’t..”
you didn’t answer so his hips came to a full halt & you whined, like a puppy. “i asked you a question, sweetheart”
“look at me”
you met his eyes nd he just smiled, “you’re so pretty, holy fuck” nd he started fucking you again, no warning!
“kaneki, they’re pushing”
at this point he didn’t even care anymore. he grabbed you by your waist, carefully lifting you off his lap. ken stands up, turning you around & bending you over just to slip himself back into your cunt. he’s ruthless with the strokes too.
went from sucking to clapping sounds & his mic ain’t off no more. “can feel you in my stomach, ken”
“yeah? tell me how it feels, baby.”
“feels too good.. shit! i can’t-”
“you can, y/n. let’s finish what you started.” ken lifts your leg so that it’s resting on his desk, “ts’ too much!” you somehow felt him even deeper & it made your eyes roll back. kaneki was dying in the game, both friends collectively screaming at him over the mic.
“you can take it, i taught you better.” you’re babbling other things he doesn’t really care to comprehend. your hand reaches behind your back to push his hips away but he smacks it & tells you to ‘stop trying to run’.
he bends forward a bit to rub your clit, it all feels so good. he’s balls deep inside you nd stimulating you just right. he’s way too good at what he does. you feel a knot in your stomach & you start clenching around him, “fuck y/n”
“ken, i’m gonna-”
“not yet, angel. wait for me, please?”
you love the way he talks to you.
you’re nodding nd he picks you up to carry you over to the edge of the bed, he sits down again nd encourages you to ride him all over again.
“cmon, ‘wanna record my pretty girl” he says as he picks his phone up off the bed.
“are you gonna send it to touka..?” there’s a smile on your face & he kisses you, “course i will, she’ll never get to be in your place. you’re so perfect.. ‘s pussy was made just for me”
kaneki stretches his arm out nd records you the scene in front of him, the camera angle perfectly displays all of what’s going on; he smacks your ass just to show off too. it leaves you even more needy, “can’t keep holding it, i can’t”
“keep going baby, i’m almost there.”
you propped your feet on the bed- in a squat, bouncing even harder. “what a slut..!” ken let’s out a light laugh, he’s almost in disbelief, he’s rubbing circles on your clit again nd you practically cry from the pleasure. “fuck- go ahead baby, i’m cumming”
you let yourself come undone; there’s heavy breathing for a couple of seconds after, you’re both just trying to calm your heart rates once again.
“i love you so much kaneki, never wanna leave, i swear”
“i love you too, pretty girl. get up & show me what we did, yeah?”
“mhm!” you slowly lift yourself off of his lap & sit next to him. your legs are spread & both your juices are flowing out of your cunt.. kaneki’s slips two fingers into you & you almost close your legs on his arm, “i’m sensitive!!”
“i know baby, i know..” he’s laughing now, “cmere, i wanna kiss you. say bye to touka”
“bye bye touka!” you cheese real hard & the video ends.
“gonna run us a bath okay, my angel? i’ll come get you when it’s done!” kaneki had slid his pants back on so he could make his way to the bathroom.
after turning on the water, he sends the video to touka with a little message: “my y/n wanted you to see this :)”
sosososososo feral for this man. :(((((
(this was extremely rushed + first time kinda writing something like this in full! bare with me as i try & get better <3)
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vee-beeee · 7 months
gamer droids
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im literally SO SORRY i have not been posting that much, ive been playing an unbelievable amount of splatoon and doing school LOL
and playing games gave me an idea so here it is
Connor, Nines, and Sixty x (Fem)reader
warnings: FLUFFYYY, domestic, being cute and stuff, crack, not too long just a little slice
Premise: you play animal crossing with the boys watching you and its CUTE
It was a super long day.
And you just wanted to go home.
And play animal crossing on your old switch.
You were sitting in the car, leg jumping up and down, staring out the front window watching cars whiz by. Nines was driving, Sixty and Connor quietly talking in the back about a case they had. Icy blue eyes glanced at you, and quickly saw your jittery demeaner. The android leaned in his chair a bit, LED flashing a quick yellow before he reached out to gently place a large hand on your moving leg. You immediately stopped bouncing and looked at Nines, who peeled his eyes off the road to give you a slight smile.
You returned it.
The rest drive went on, and you all got home safely. Connor (of course) got out of the car to open your door for you, and Sixty chuckled as he watched, calling Connor a try hard. To which Connor gave him the dirtiest look he could muster in response, and pushed past him while taking hold of your hand to lead you to the house.
"Finally!" you sighed out as soon as the door to your apartment was opened, and you ran and fell face first into your guys' shared couch, letting your legs plank straight off the side.
Nines brushed past you, not before patting your legs, and headed to the bedroom, while you made fake snoring sounds into the couch. You felt someone come up to you and suddenly
SIT on top of you
You screamed and laughed into the couch, attempting to lightly punch the figure who sat on you, (and failing too because of the awkward angle your arms were at) and the heavy weight started giggling to himself. Luckily, the mystery man leaned in such a way that you still got air through the cushions. You appreciated it, but he was still hefty.
"Oh Sixty, you'll suffocate the poor girl." Nines voice was muffled from how far your face was shoved into the couch, and before you could register anything the figure (now known to be Sixty) was roughly shoved off of you. You rolled onto the floor, dramatically sucking in loads of air while Nines and Connor's faces smiled from above.
"You're not dying I hope?" Connor asked and leaned down to help you sit up, and you leaned an itsy bit forward to kiss his cheek. He smiled softly at you, and you started to return it, before seeing a blurry figure on the floor behind him.
You put your head on his shoulder to see Sixty in the family guy death pose and you burst into laughter, hugging Connor while the poor android asked you what was funny, and you definitely saw Sixty's frame shaking with giggles.
After that little show, you got dressed in some comfy clothes in your room, hearing the androids chastise Sixty for almost killing you (sorta). You just rolled your eyes, laughing slightly, before your gaze fell on a little item by your bed stand.
You beamed and headed to your switch, picking the game system up before turning around to head back to the living room. Just as you entered the hallway, you froze up.
Had you ever showed your boys your old animal crossing island?
You saw Nines head turn and pause to look questioningly at your still body, but you were already running forward to stand in front of the lot, who were currently standing in the middle of the living room. They instantly quieted when they saw your excited expression, and you were met by 3 confused faces.
"Have I ever shown you guys my animal crossing island?" you breathed out, rocking from one foot to the other and biting your lip, awaiting their answer.
"That looks old" Sixty tilted his head towards your switch, LED flashing yellow, aaaaand you took that for a no.
(A couple minutes of getting settled in and loading screens later)
You were able to connect the switch to the TV, all thanks to the boys. It was handy having boyfriends that could literally look up something in their heads and then instantly know how to do it. They connected your switch to the big screen, and you got out your old controller.
This was going to be fun.
"Okay so this is my house, and that's my little character" you pointed in the general area of the screen, before twirling your little girl on the TV in a circle to show off her outfit.
Connor made a small hum, while Nines complimented you "She's very.. adorable. Looks like a miniature you." You turned and beamed his way, looking at him from behind Sixty's head. His lips twitched in a sorta smile but his eyes were full of adoration, and you refocused your attention on the screen.
Before you could say anything more, a villigar walked on screen and started watering the flowers in front of your house.
"Oh that's Goldie, she's my little dog villager." Nines chuckled while Conner noted how cute she was watering your flowers for you.
"What to you do in this game?" Sixty asked, never taking his eyes off the screen, seemingly scanning every part of it.
"You take care of villagers, decorate your island, buy and sell stuff, there's a stock market-" you started counting things down off your fingers, and Sixty's quiet laughter interrupted you "There's a stock market?" you turned to him and nodded your head, explaining the turnips while he looked amused at how serious you got.
The rest of the day was spent with you playing animal crossing, showing the boys absolutely everything, and the boys being totally enamored by it.
Nines was focused on your decorating skills, complimenting your style and how you accessorized different houses and your island. Connor loved your villagers, and found all your dog ones the cutest. Sixty just enjoyed watching you more than the game itself, and how excited you were about your little animal game.
Eventually the boys wanted to try, and they each created a character for themselves and choose to place their houses next to yours. You giggled as they argued which plot of land they would get, and you just laid back to watch.
You leaned your head on Connors chest, and he wrapped an arm around you while continuing to argue with Sixty on where he would put his house.
Totally relaxing.
Thanks for reading!!
I feeeeeeel like this is a little out of character at some parts but im tryingggg LOL
I know its like, super in the future but lets pretend switches are still compatible with TV's and also still exist
Sorry for any errors in spelling!
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meibinnie · 11 months
「 pretty pink lace c.sb 」
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pairing: perv! gamer! loser! soobin x bsf reader
(brief taehyun x reader)
genre: smut, angst?, college au
warnings: panty sniffing, masturbation, mentions of sex, crying, reader gets pissed, swearing and, mentions of oral.
word count: about 1.9k
a/n: usual perv fics end so happy and they end up together so i needed to put my own sprinkle on it. lmk what you guys think!
✧ ˚ · .
you were the first friend soobin made at university. it was welcome week, freshman year and of course you approached him. how could he walk up to someone like you first? you were so pretty, kind to strangers and just overall lighting up every room you walked into. he had seen you in a few different spots on campus before you made the effort to talk to him. he just watched your every move, kinda like eye candy. always admiring you from afar.
“hey, you’re the boy from the gaming cafe right? soobster553?” you spoke to him as he sat in the library reading.. bunny girl senpai manga? he followed your line of sight, closing the book and turning it face down. “uh, yeah? that’s me” he nervously responded. “you left your shit logged in, don’t worry i closed everything out for you” taking a seat next to him you went on “bunny girl senpai? what is that?” you asked, actually interested. “it’s a manga” he simply said. “yeah, no shit i can see that” your crude language got the boy flashing his signature bunny smile. “you know, you kinda look like a bunny” the boy smiled even wider. 
you introduced soobin to your friend group and he practically followed you everywhere like a puppy. it was cute though, you didn’t mind. soobin was sweet, respectful and always looked out for you. you two were total opposites and that’s exactly why you clicked.
✧ ˚ · .
fast forward to your junior year and you laid on his bed, hanging your head upside down trying to get your best friend’s attention. “soooob come on, i’m bored” you whined. he took his headset off and deadpanned at you. “you’re playing video games, ignoring me, and i can’t even see the screen because your big ass is in the way” you whined once more. 
soobin wanted you in his bed and whining but not under these circumstances. he makes a mental note to be more specific with his manifestations next time. “y/n you ever heard of parallel play? now all of a sudden you wanna watch me play league?” he looked at you squinting his eyes, not believing a damn thing you had to say. “no but, i'm out of options for entertainment soooo” you trailed off and walked over to his desk. 
soobin took the hint and moved over an inch in his gaming chair, a poor attempt to make room for you. you frowned at his stupidity. “soob do you see this ass?” he didn’t know if he was supposed to look or not but he did anyway, respectfully. “i’m not fitting in that tiny space to sit” you plopped down on his lap. soobin froze and went wide eyed, not knowing where to put his hands. he held his breath as you shifted and leaned your back against his chest to get comfortable. “is this alright?” you turned your head back a bit, breath fanning his cheek. “yeah, ‘ts fine” he barely whispered
“you were off your game today soob. hopefully when you teach me how to play, you carry your team like usual” you say to him as you bid your goodbyes. “y/n you’re fucking mean to me you know?” he jokes with you. “yeah yeah, im such a bitch whatever you probably call me worse to your guy friends” you joke back, playfully pushing his shoulder. “i would never. see you next week loser” he hugs you tight, squeezing your waist. “see you soob” and with that he’s closing his apartment door, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
going back to his gaming chair, he immediately pulls up his porn tab and gets to work. putting his hand down his pajama pants and thinking of none other than you. your hair smelled so good and it was the only thing he could focus on thus fucking up multiple rounds in league of legends. he got such a good view of your ass today. it was only a split second or two but who’s counting? 
soobin wanted to fondle you, put his face in it. shit he wanted you to sit on his face. it’s a miracle he was able to control himself with you sitting on his clothed cock. as his fist pumped up and down his shaft, he envisioned your small hands, and your fucking teasing voice. you. you. you. anything that was you, would get him off. “fuck y/n. right there princess. please. fuck” he croaked. “soooob come on” he recalled your innocent whining from earlier and using it for something so sinister. 
that did it for him and he spurted his white streams of cum onto his hand and pants. he didn’t stop there. no, of course not. he milked himself until he was whining and tears were brimming his eyes. when he finally opened his eyes to witness the mess he made, he sighed in frustration. what would you think of him, knowing that he just choked his dick to every innocent interaction you had today? you’d probably hate him, tell your friends what a fucking freak nasty pervert he was. even go as far as never talking to him ever again. he couldn’t stomach the thought of it. 
✧ ˚ · .
“he told me i was the prettiest girl he’s ever seen and he said it like he meant it” you gushed about how you and taehyun have been texting each other lately. which was not in anyway romantic, it’s so obvious the guy was trying to get in your pants. apparently he was taking you out on a date tonight and you wanted to get all your jitters out beforehand so you called soobin over. 
he had to listen to you go on and on about his friend when he so desperately wanted it to be him. “i’m sorry, my room is a wreck. i wanted to wear my pink dress but taehyun seems like he’d like the black one more but i couldn’t find the black one and-” jesus fuck you were a nervous rambling mess. “fuck, i forgot to put on eyeliner” you ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. 
truth is, you looked so sexy in that pink dress. fuck what taehyun liked, what about what soobin liked? you wore it with pretty thigh harnesses, and dainty jewelry. the baby pink aesthetic for something so adult and whore-like drove him crazy. he couldn’t think about being mad at taehyun when all he could think about was taking you there, and ruining you til you couldn’t babble anything but variations of his name.
soobin scanned your messy room and pink lace sticking out of your top drawer piqued his interest. he looked at the closed bathroom door, making sure there was no sign of you. once the coast was clear, he went to the drawer and pulled out the lacey fabric. there was no time to examine it, he stuffed them deep in his pocket for later.
“i promise i’ll tell you all about it when i get back” you sincerely told him. “i can’t wait, i hope you have fun” soobin was bitter as fuck. he kept the smile as much as he could but how could you? how could you possibly choose his friend over him?
✧ ˚ · .
soobin wasted no time pulling your pink lace panties out of his pocket as soon as he got home. sniffing them like all of the oxygen on planet earth was running out. he laid on his bed, once again pulling his cock out to the thought of you. he fisted the fabric and pushed it up to his nose as far as he could, inhaling and exhaling. he choked his dick and thought of you in that pink dress from earlier. he wanted to cum all over it, ruin it so you couldn’t see taehyun. better yet taehyun see you stained with his love, make him back off and be taken by who you belonged to. soobin.
“god you fucking bitch. picking taehyun over me, he’s nothing. i could fuck you so much better than him mmm” he moaned and spat as he sped his hand up. “y/n. y/n. ugh fuck. please baby” he began saying your name over and over again. he put the fabric over the tip of his dick while cumming, completely soiling it. 
the act of ruining your panties without your knowledge riled him up even more. soobin looked at your stolen item in awe. he wanted- no. he needed more.
✧ ˚ · .
“the date was fine but i don’t think we’re gonna work out” you broke the news to soobin and his ears perked up. “really? how come” he bit back a smile. “ahhh i dunno. it kinda just felt like he wanted to sleep with me. i know that’s your friend and all but i’m looking for an actual boyfriend these days” you explained it pretty clearly. atta girl, so smart and always coming to your senses. soobin just nodded his head in understandment. in reality he was over the fucking moon. he needed to do something to celebrate. 
you fell asleep during the movie night like always, your backside pressed up against soobin. he laid there stiff, weighing his options of dry humping you into oblivion while you slept or just going in your room to steal another pair of your panties. you were so pretty, even when you slept. perfect pouty lips, wet from your slight drool. your strands of hair blowing faintly from your breathing. god it wouldn’t be fair to take you like this, that’s beyond wrong. you’re his friend, he can’t take advantage of you like that. 
he got up ever so softly and quietly to not wake you. shuffling into your room, he went straight for your drawer like last time. this time, he opened it fully and boy was he in heaven. different colors, fabrics, and designs all with your signature scent. your hint of laundry detergent and your everyday perfume that he couldn’t get enough of. 
he shuffled his hands through the entire drawer then picked up a handful. soobin was playing a dangerous game but he couldn���t bring himself to think straight. he brought the bundle to his nose and deeply inhaled your faint aroma almost immediately sporting a boner. he let out a pathetic whimper in response to the delectable scent that he couldn’t get enough of. 
“what the fuck are you doing?” soobin almost jumped out his skin seeing you in the doorway. how long have you been standing there? why didn’t he hear you get up? probably too pussy drunk to notice his surroundings.
“are you sniffing my panties? is that why my pink lace one is missing?!” you slowly walked up toward him. oh no, you’re fucking angry at him. “no? i swear, i don’t have them” was all soobin could say and his lie was so bad, not even he believed it. you snatched the bundle of underwear from him. “you’re a fucking pervert! have you been doing this the whole time? i thought you were my friend!” you yelled at him some more which turned him on beyond belief. once he locked eyes with you, he instantly regretted everything. you were crying. “get out. i’m fucking serious, go. don’t ever talk to me again” you uttered the sentence soobin had been terrified of hearing. 
what the fuck did he just do?
a/n please leave a comment and reblog!! my hiatus is over!! <3
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atelier-slime · 5 months
There's a thread blowing up on Japanese twitter right now about the poor quality of localization. It's the first time I've ever actually seen a japanese perspective on the topic, and it's been extremely gratifying to see a ton people from over there talk about specific translation issues they've seen or learn for the first time that japanese media is often given the short end of the stick here in the USA.
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Most of the time over here in the US, criticism of localization gets shouted down as whiny fans who think they know better than the translators. It's been heartening to see that people from japan are also annoyed by it, and its inspired me to write up a whole long-ass rant I've had simmering in the back of my mind for years, so buckle up, long post(s) incoming:
Let's start at the beginning with the first thing that ever caused me to start thinking about localization. This little guy:
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If you've played Dragon Quest in the past 2 decades, you probably know this guy by the name "Spiked Hare." Not me though! I got into DQ on the game boy, in the brief window of time where DQ's localization was handled by Nob Ogasawara, the same guy responsible for translating every pokemon game up until Platinum. In the DQ games Nob worked on, he chose to translate this guy's name as "Almiraj." Why the huge difference in translation? I'll get to that in a minute.
The almiraj is an extremely minor enemy in Dragon Quest 3. It's pretty weak, and it's only real defining feature is that it can occasionally cast sleep spells on your party members. It's just one of hundreds of monsters in that game, and aside from it's cute design, it's pretty forgettable. As a weird kid overly obsessed with linguistics though, its name always seemed odd to me. You don't really see words that end with a "J" in english. It stuck out enough that one night, when I was bored, I decided to google "almiraj" to figure out what the name meant. It sent me down a rabbit hole (almiraj hole?) that taught me all sorts of cool shit, and permanently altered the way I looked at localization. The path I tumbled down that night went something like this:
The Dragon Quest almiraj is named after the almiraj, a "real" mythical creature described as a hare with a large horn on its head.
The original inspiration for accounts of the almiraj (as well as the jackalope, wolpertinger, etc.) is likely the Shope papiloma Virus, which causes rabbits to grow weird, horn-like growths on their face and head.
It was described by Zakariya al-Qazwini, an Iranian lawyer, author, and all around knowledgeable guy who lived in the 13th century.
al-Qazwini described it in the Aja'ib al-Makhluqat, a massive cosmographical treatise that attempted to describe basically everything in the known universe at the time. It was so popular in the Islamic world that it was copied and translated into dozens of languages, which meant plenty of copies have survived intact to modern times.
The almiraj was brought into the limelight in modern fantasy when it was introduced in the first edition of Dungeons and Dragons, as a relatively weak and unassuming monster as part of a campaign to expand the game with monster suggestions from fans of the series.
Dungeons and Dragons-style role playing games were brought into the digital world with the release of the first Wizardry game in 1981.
Yuji Horii was a massive fan of Wizardry, which he first discovered as part of a developer exchange program when he visited America in 1983. Three years later, he decided to try and recreate the things he loved from the series for console gamers in Japan, and the the original Dragon Quest was born.
One little name was all it took to open up this entire through-line of history that I had no idea even existed before that night. It's a tapestry of human experiences over 800 years in the making, spanning continents, cultures, languages, and medium. It's probably because I'm the type of person who sits around thinking about stuff too much, but I honestly get a little emotional wondering what al-Qazwini would think if he could see the mythical creatures he described all those years ago as little dudes hopping around inside a computer.
And the thing is the tapestry doesn't end there! Dragon Quest is still pretty niche in the west, but in Japan it's fucking titanic. There's an urban legend that the Japanese government banned Square Enix from releasing Dragon Quest games on a weekday, because so many people would skip work or school that it would impact the economy. (It's not true by the way, but the fact that the rumor exists at all is a testament to how huge the series' influence is over there.) I don't think it would be an overstatement to say that what Lord of the Rings did to modern western fantasy, Dragon Quest did to modern Japanese fantasy. Almost every JRPG, manga, or anime with a fantasy setting has the fingerprints of Dragon Quest on it. Countless other works have been inspired by DQ, and those works will go on to inspire others. A million different threads weaving tapestries back and forth across time and borders, all over the globe. And the almiraj is a part of that! It might just be a single, tiny, white and purple thread, but it's still in there helping to tie things together.
So back to the question I asked earlier: Why is it "Almiraj" in Mr. Ogasawara's translation but "Spiked hare" in the current one? Simple: Nob actually translated the name.
You can see on the DQ wiki that the original japanese name of the monster is "アルミラージ" which is literally just "almiraj" written in katakana:
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The current DQ team has instead decided that all monster names should be puns. I'm not against puns or anything. "Spiked hare" for a rabbit with a horn is great! I might even raise my eyebrows and exhale slightly if I read it for the first time. Dragon Quest in general tends to have a lot of goofiness in it, so it's not like puns are out of place or anything. My problem is that, by deciding to replace monster names arbitrarily like this, all the little threads start to come unraveled. You lose the ability to look back down the line and discover all these different connections to history and nature and art that you might not ever learn otherwise. The almiraj isn't the only monster to get this treatment. A huge portion of the monsters in Dragon Quest are taken from mythologies around the world, and many of their names are literally already in English, just written with katakana.
The almiraj sticks out in my mind as a particularly egregious example because of just how much I learned because of the foreign-sounding name, but there's plenty of other name changes that have resulted in straight up confusing, ambiguous, or otherwise stupid outcomes in the current localization.
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demonichikikomori · 2 years
Lilia Vanrouge x GN!Reader
Word Count Tumblr: 1k+
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This was just Lilia being in a silly goofy mood and I thought it would be cool to share with everyone <3
Tags: Hickies
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You looked at Lilia with wide eyes as he hung from the ceiling in front of you, a wide mischievous grin was plastered on his pale face as a slender finger tapped his cheek. “Well, does it all make sense now? Do you believe that I am a vampire of legend?” He asked as you pressed your now sweaty palms against the soft blankets of his bed. 
You came over after befriending Lilia within the week of your arrival in Twisted Wonderland. After months of spending time together and growing closer you agreed to come over to Diasomnia. How could you say no to spending time with the eccentric baby faced student? He’s too cute and charming to deny! Lilia had originally intended to show you his ‘Pog Gamer Setup’ that he had in his dorm room, but instead had a deep dark secret to share with you. It was that he was in fact: A real vampire. Hundreds of years old, sleeps upside down, can turn into a bat and survives on blood. 
And you believe him. 
But why wouldn’t you? If there are dog boys and dragons why can’t there be a vampire on campus? You were speechless as your eyes remained locked with Lilia’s raspberry red. “So… You really do drink blood?” You asked, feeling stunned as Lilia flipped around to float back onto the floor, his back facing you as he hummed softly in thought. “Well, I don’t need it as often as you may think, but I haven’t had any human blood in quite some time.” He turned his head to face you, cupping his chin with a grin as he eyed you up and down. “But here is a human right before me, heart pumping millions of cells I could slurp right up to satiate my hunger.” His tone was sweeter than caramel and you could feel the pace of your heart begin to quicken. “Oh? Did that excite you? I can smell your blood much stronger now.” He purred and inched closer, his long cape flowing behind his much smaller body.
As if they were leathery bat wings ready to unfold and take him into the air.
You could feel your cheeks start to sting from the intense burn of blood rushing into your face as Lilia stood inches away from you, reaching out to slide his ice cold hands over the warmth of your cheeks. He really is a vampire… “Would you mind if I had a bite? It’s been so long since I’ve had human blood to drink. I’m sorry to take advantage of you this way, but help an old friend out in his time of need?” He asked as his large round eyes fell half-lidded. “This poor little bat truly is starving for a taste.” His voice was soft as he leaned in with your head held firmly in place. You couldn’t help but gasp as his lips brushed over yours. A kiss? Wasn’t he after your blood?
His sharp fangs suddenly nicked your lower lip and he cautiously began to suck as you felt the skin break. The penny tasting blood dripped over your own tongue as Lilia kissed the wound with a smirk. “Did that hurt you?” He asked in a ghostly whisper as you sheepishly shook your head. It didn’t hurt enough for you to complain at least. “Good. This might.” He warned playfully as his grip abandoned your face, instead he grabbed you by the shoulders. Lila’s cheek brushed against yours, his tongue rolled over your neck as you let out a whine. “Oh my… I’m only going to bite you.” His voice tickled against the sensitive skin of your throat and you whimpered, grabbing onto the fabric of his cape as his weight began to press against you. Lilia may be small, but he was heavy. 
His soft tongue attacked a soft area near your jaw line and he peppered gentle kisses against the area. You couldn’t help but blush at the feeling, anxiously awaiting the feeling of his fangs to sink into your throat. You soon found yourself laying against the Vice Housewarden’s bed, his weight on top of you as his long cape obstructed the view of his door. It was strategic, no one who suddenly walked in would see you beneath him. You yelped, feeling his fangs graze over the skin and Lilia’s breath ghost over the spot he was pampering. “Now, now, I haven’t even tasted you yet. Try your best to keep your voice down. If Silver or Sebek hear such strange sounds… They won’t hesitate to fling open my door.” He whispered into your throat as his teeth pressed into your skin and you could feel him sucking on your flesh. It wasn’t the same as when he bit down on your lip, it was much more tame. But you knew he was drinking your blood. You let out another soft whine, your grip on Lilia’s cloak only tightened. Your knuckles were white as your heart did flips behind your ribcage. You were sure Lilia could feel it. It felt like hours as your legs began to shake, your face was so hot from him kissing and sucking your neck you thought you might pass out. Or maybe that was the blood loss? With a final gasp being yanked out of you Lilia pulled away, sitting up on his arms to admire you from above. You expected a much more terrifying sight, blood to be smeared across the ‘vampires’ face. But instead his cheeks were as flushed as yours. 
Maybe he’s just not a messy eater?
Lilia’s dazed expression slowly melted into puffed cheeks as he tried to hold in a laugh. “My goodness… You’re as naive as poor Sebek.” He pulled away with a chuckle and swiped his thumb over your lower lip. Your eyes widened as you let go of his cloak, a hand shot to your neck as your stomach dropped. “Think of that new mark as a punishment for being so gullible. You need to be more careful.” He sighed with a shake of his head. Your hands were shaking as you realized he had just given you a hickey. A sizable one at that. “What if I had told you I was an Incubus?” Your only response was to grab a pillow and throw it square in Lilia’s face.
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bengiyo · 1 year
A Boss and a Babe Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, I was supremely annoyed by the noble idiocy of Cher deciding he needed to avoid Gun for the remainder of his academic career just to graduate with honors. Gun regressed, and that sucked. Somehow we will wrap up the Thyme plot this episode while also squeezing in as much fluff as possible.
Poor Gun. I will somehow find the words to describe how much a lonely gay man isolated by the passive homophobia surrounding him means to me. I've seen some disingenuous reads of his character, and it hurt.
Video game competition is hard. The amount of practice you need to do is unreal. I have played at very high levels and the level of preparation meets or exceeds that of physical sports. This is not a small victory at all. I am so emotional about them achieving this win while Cher was trying to graduate with honors and Jack was in crunch at work.
Very cost effective to announce their team's win via IG and then show them back at the cafe. I am unsurprised that Zo is the reason they won with a brave play. It be the weirdo on your squad that does that.
It is good advice not to burn yourself out turning your hobbies into work. I did that with D&D.
"Please don't do anything weird," is like the core of the Cher-Jack dynamic.
Real shit, I would be screaming too if something this gay and romantic happened at work.
I'm glad the second meeting with the mom is going well.
I'm glad they get to be cute in Cher's room again, but I still hate these socks they have Gun wearing.
I'm so glad they're talking through Cher's decision to run away, and Gun admitting he wouldn't have let it. I do hope Cher honors his promise not to vanish on Gun again.
That quiet, "I missed you," got me.
I hope Thoop is okay after all of this.
I'm hoping Cher stops calling Gun "Boss."
Three and Zo still thriving is clearing my skin.
Cher, a child of two generations of women running a restaurant, is burning an egg.
I love how shy Gun gets at being called "P'Gun."
I love this gamer friend group.
The boss should not be blowing up the gift giving like this lol.
Okay, this has been cute, but we have like two minutes left. What about Thyme?
Final Verdict: 7, There Are Good Ideas. It is so hard to be a fan of New Siwaj. I liked the deconstruction of the manic pixie dream boy trope by presenting it as a brave front for someone who is deeply hurt. I liked Gun being stern because of how cruelly he had been treated for his queerness. I liked Gun seeing Three and Zo as the ideal he wanted, and I liked the way Three and Zo treated each other. I liked the way Jack's mental health was treated as a health issue. Still, so much of this show just doesn't work together, and I do not know why Drake is in this show. The Thyme plotline has potential, but there's no resolution for it.
As usual, Force and Book are good together, and, as usual, we are hoping that Jojo uses them better in their next project.
It's a bit of a dud, but it started with such promise. I just wish New would pick one big idea and two supporting ideas to commit to in a project. There's always too much.
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docholligay · 1 year
Eurovision Rehearsal quick takes
I’m not linking the tiktoks because I openly resent the fact that Eurovision wants me to use tiktok, but clearly I don’t care THAT much, or I wouldn’t watch them. I’m not gonna be one of those people pretending seeing Eurovision rehearsals or whatever is a right, and I HAVE to use tiktok by force. lol. I’m more self-aware than that, thanks.
ANYWAY, here’s my off the cuff takes on each of the performers who went today. YOutube clips should be up May 3rd, and also be BETTER, so any in-depth thoughts I share will be then.
These are in running order:
Norway: Can she hit anything BUT the whistle note? It is all over the place here, and considering MGP is out of its fucking mind and lets competitors use autotune--though Alessandra claims she didn’t--I wonder if we’re gonna see shaky vocals on the night. it’ll qualify anyway, the tiktoks girlies are all over this one, and televoters don’t always punish bad vocals. (YOU SHOULD START.)
Malta: Love the sparkle sweater and the use of the LED screens. Also, he can actually sing the song he represented he could sing. Very dynamic, i’m not sure I think it can save them, but it maybe DESERVES to?
Serbia: I cannot wait to see what the fuck the casual viewers make of this. Bringing the NF staging, strange discordant gamer chaos that I am strangely unopposed to? I think?
Latvia: It was nice knowing you. They can sing it, but they brought a staging that is not going to stand out in this semi and it’s just too tough.
Portugal: GIRL NO. When you said you were bringing “A luxurious and glamorous cabaret:” I assumed like, a prop. Maybe some glitter. Just a thought. Even the couch is gone.It’s 5 of you on a bare stage with lights in the back. I have so many concerns now.  She can still KILL the vocals, but the staging is not it, friends. Best dress she’s had so far though.
Ireland: OBSESSED with how much I hate this guy’s jumpsuit. There’s stairs! BOY PORTUGAL WOULDN’T STAIRS BE NICE? There’s pyrotechnics! The staging actually looks good, and he can sing while moving about the stage, I bet the odds board is ALL OVER THE PLACE rn.
Croatia: This is going to be so much fucking fun to see live, and unless they REALLY fuck it up I am going to pay human American dollars to vote for it because this MUST be in the final.
Switzerland: I am so disappointed at how they burned this kid with this song. He can SING. He can sing WELL. He can RUN ACROSS THE STAGE WHILE HITTING A STRONG NOTE, meanwhile käärijä and mae are out of breath singing and walking across stage, my god. I do not think any of that can save this, and I don’t even WANT it to be saved, I fucking hate the song and think it is in EXTREMELY poor taste for Switzerland, but GOD, Remo deserved better.
Moldova: Oh Moldova is QUALIFYING. That was great, he can move and sing with ease, his flutist is incredible, my only negative is a miss the deer antlers and don’t care for the new headgear on the gals. But I am feeling SO much more confident about a Moldova Q, we love it.
Sweden: Finally got to see the solution to the panini press problem! It looks a little rinky dink in a wide shot, but I think with the close in camera it’ll look very similar to Melfest at home. It sounded a bit like she was rushing the vocals! I’m so used to Loreen sounding perfect all the time that it was pretty jarring, and the odds changes reflect that, but when one takes the average of her performances, i’m not actually concerned.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
(For some stupid reason, Tumblr refuses to show my reaction to last week's episode of Donbros on search results. However, it can be freely read here for your entertainment! We now return to your regularly scheduled brain melting.)
The greatest union of all time is about to occur. I have no further preamble, let's just fuckin' get right into it!
Spoilers, I guess...
-We're still far beyond your comprehension, huh Sononi?
-Awwww, Sonoi do a paint :)
-You did it :)
-"When the hell did I do that?"
-Sonoza's so proud of you Haruka :)
-God, I'm gonna miss this OP soon.
-Let's not dwell too much on the future though!
-Miho is not a gamer.
-Tsuyoshi certainly has an
-Interesting sense of what someone'd be interested in.
-"Yo, whaddup?"
-"We need Juto knowledge."
-"What are they, some kinda Super Sentai!?"
-"Haha, you really been spending a lot of time with your wife huh buddy? :)"
-Y'know Tsubasa, when Naoki Shiina freed you, the Juto that copied you didn't instantly die.
-I think that might be how they resolve the Natsumi/Miho/Crane Lady situation.
-Ooooooooh, that's right! Somebody's lying here.
-"You guys are noobs anyway."
-Ah, looks like Jirou's going home yet again.
-"I miss my girlfriend. Wanna meet her, Tarou-san? And my dad?"
-Tarou :D
-"Rumi cute <3"
-"Ohhhhhhh, this guy's crazy." -Tsuyoshi Kijino, the absolute last person on Earth who should be saying this about somebody else's love life.
-Oh, here we go
-This HumaGear-looking dude must be this week's Hitotsu-ki.
-I think I've gotten way better about identifying Sentai references, so let's see if I get this one.
-Okay, I'm 100% sure those robots on the folder are Bioman-colored. Lines up with his boss looking like Doctor Man. Incidentally Bioman was a series Haim Saban previously considered adapting all the way back in 1986, a good few years before the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. It, naturally, didn't get off the ground at all (neither did an idea from Stan Lee to adapt Sun Vulcan), but was the origin of the character Alpha-5.
-And after that, you had the simply titled and completely Saban-univolved "Dynaman", which was basically an Abridged-series style gag dub that aired on the USA Network and Nickelodeon from late '87 to early '88. I've never seen this parody before, but I assume that, since it's late 80s Nickelodeon and they renamed Emperor Aton to "Bernie Tanaka", it would've been riotously funny at the time.
-"Chief! Am I your little pogchamp?"
-"Huh? Oh, yeah sure, whatever man."
-Poor man just wants some praise. Must be a former gifted kid.
-Looks like Miho decided to go on.
-Here comes Sononi!
-Kill her.
-"I don't wanna stab my fiance!"
-"Do it, bitch boy!"
-Ooooooooh, girl bringin' out the shade.
-"In the name of my beloved Natsumi, the black dog will chomp down on the crane!"
-"Awwww, how cute! The doggo thinks he's gonna kill me!"
-Ah, right immortal. Don Clan has an annoying tendency to make their stuff TOO strong.
-I have to wonder just what goes through Momoko Arata's head whenever she's brought in for InuBro scenes.
-Ooooooh, Sononi. Having thoughts?
-Oh shit, Tsubasa's throwing down!
-Thing I learned yesterday. Murasame is, naturally, a reference to Nanso Satomi Hakkenden, which was the name of a sword with the power to control the waters. It'd make sense he'd naturally gravitate towards somebody named Inuzuka.
-Ooooooooh, somebody's dead!
-Oooooooh, nooo!
-Hello, Tarou!
-"Humans are delicate little creatures. Same things that make them laugh, make them cry. Something that you'd never get."
-Thank you, Crane Lady, for your... somewhat twisted affection for our kind.
-Ohhhhhh noo, here comes the wife guy.
-"Sononi. What the fuck, man?"
-Well, that's messed up.
-Ah, yep, Sonoi and Sonoza are here.
-"Get out, nerd!"
-She's your homegirl! Your bestie! Your sister! The one woman who isn't either completely horrified and/or enraptured by your presence!
-"The dog man..."
-Oooooh, Tsuyoshi's about to kill someone.
-Ohhhhhh, she's becoming a hell of a lot like the Don Clan, huh?
-Sonoi, honey, I think you're projecting a little.
-Yeah, I knew you can't do it.
-You boys :)
-That's it, let your hearts make the decision.
-Inuzuka Tsubasa did wound somebody's heart.
-"What the fuck do I do...?"
-Oniga Parking Garage.
-It's time for a duel to the death.
-Kijino's having a serious fit.
-I guess their identities haven't registered yet to each other.
-Jesus Christ, this should be completely stupid and asinine, and yet...
-And she's down!
-Even Kijino's horrified.
-Ah yep, praise man. Right on cue.
-Companion time!
-Avatar Change!
-Holy shit, Tarou
-He said a nice thing :)
-Sononi :(
-Oooooooh, I recognize this set up.
-It's identical to how Yuka died at the beginning of Faiz.
-C'mon girl, don't slip.
-Noooooooooo :(
-He's almost completely back at square one.
-Fuck, man...
-Hello, Auntie Yuriko.
-What's up, Haruka? I only mentioned you once the whole episode!
-Inuzuka Tsubasa! He was with us all along!
-Wanchan! Pupper!
-We're takin' it outta town!
-The sight of our next grand battle! Quite possibly our grandest contest of strength yet!
-Oh, everybody's together! Right after Tsubasa said he never wanted to see Sononi again.
-Two villages!
-A whole squad of assholes all ready to pound down!
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soconfusedwithmylife · 6 months
i love subnautica but dude is it buggy as shit lmao although! its one of its charms since its funky most of the time ESPECIALLY when its not happening to you. like i had a peeper stuck in the corner of my lifepod just rotating?? and it would close its eyes when i would come close or a shine light on it and open them back up when i go away or close the light. or like when a poor spadefish or boneshark gets yeeted across the ocean for no reason. is it funny to look back on a warper coming out of the sea to you like some fucked up little mermaid or a chelicerate busting through a ventgarden to attack you? sure. but is it fucked up in the moment? NO. the latter happened to my sister while i was there to emotionally support her on her way to get alan's whateverthefucks lmao. she loves and prefers below zero majorly over the og mostly because it was the first one she played and she grew attached to it over the beta,, she hates where they ended up with the finished product. i played like half an hour of it in the beta decided it wasnt for me. i get SUPER jealous of the seamonkeys and the mineral detector tho. ayoooo rip to you consolers but im different B) pc is superior in the way it literally lets you fuck around with however you want and you bet i Will Play God whenever applicable! what else do you play? also now that we are talking about games i have to tell you. i love you and and your writing. but the feelings ive felt when i read you put him in plat............. my boy should have been at least diamond from the start im still in tears from that chapter i still havent recovered to this day how could you do my boy like this. how could you doubt his epic gamer skills and gaming time management issues like this. please explain yourself before my entire life falls apart at your feet. also me, an adc main, reading "accidentally kill the large-"
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my boy was holding it in by shEEr power of love. especially after they nerfed the fuck out of adc to the point mfs will be rolling up the lane with double ap or a fucking yasuo. why is there always a fucking yasuo on enemy bot lane. and why do they all share the same zombie braincell. yone did not die for this bullshit. and to answer your question it depends on where im sending the question from lol. like on mobile there is like a 300? i think? character limit while on mobile and something similar on pc if i go to your blog site and choose ask from your theme. but here is the thing. if i go to your blog from tumblr/user instead of user.tumblr, then click ask, it literally gives me the same box as if im making a post. so no text limit whatsoever and i can freely send pics and stuff, pretty neat B)
nah i think at the end of the day doing whatever makes you the most comfortable and happy regarding the uploads is the most important! i just liked having multiple days of something nice to me ya know? not necessarily the fact that it was split. and i love them both!! the reason i call it texas touya fic is because one, when i started reading tomura was still more like on the sidelines and it kinda stuck two, it rolls of the tongue easier than texas tomura i guess? but i love them both T-T both as texans and in general! oh and dont worry ill probably bore you till you tell me to go away or something and and and! have a nice day!
I almost wish my game was as buggy as yours sounds. It sounds hilarious and game enriching. Mine doesn't like to glitch up but that probably because I played on PS4 and 5. Right after original launch of plain Subnautica, I got to the lava castle but the containment area wouldn't load so I had to start a new save. Hours down the drain.
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^legit me after going through the entirety of the game again. Reapers, warpers, ghosts, and sea dragons biting chunks out of my ass all over again. But it was soooooo fun. It's one of my fave games.
OMG the backseat support gamer!!! I had one of those too for my second play through of oh Subnautica! Good on you to emotionally and psychologically hype your sister for the spookiness. I really liked below zero the first time I played it since I was just super hyped to have more Subnautica period but playing them again, you can definitely feel a substantial difference in atmosphere and replayability. Below zero just felt cramped and not as scary while Subnautica was open to terror from any direction. I totally understand your first experience being your favorite though. Whoa! You played it in the beta??? That's awesome! I'm but a lowly console peasant (until I get my PC fixed 😈) so I had to wait for console release.
OMFG DUDE. I was literally going to make him diamond II or even master BUT I didn't want a mega mind gamer in the comments to be like "erm, tomura wouldn't be diamond. It's hard to get to diamond!!11!" So I lowered his stats and you know what's CRAZY?! Me and a friend were talking about this exact issue and she brought up how he should have been at least diamond and I said the exact same story lmao. So I will go back and edit him into diamond 💀 he deserves it. The CS steal is so real 😔 so uncalled for. So unsophisticated. Okay but playing yasuo is fun, going against a yasuo is cancer. The wind shield is op. (When I'm playing against a yasuo) but sucks balls and blocks nada when I play him. (It's a zombie braincell hivemind that we all take turns with)
You're a Tumblr pro dude. 💀 I hadn't used it since 2015 so I'm still getting the hang of it (it doesn't tell me when I get notifs btw so I'm sorry for leaving you hanging for TWO WEEKS)
It legit means so much to me that you find so much joy in my writing and have stuck with it even with the long periods between updates. I appreciate you and the time you put into talking to me. It means a lot to me and you're the coolest anon I know.
Oh! And other games I play are pretty much anything 💀 I try to not get into competitive games like overwatch, Apex, or CSGO because I get EXTREMELY competitive and start screeching like a wounded animal. I used to play league religiously until my PC broke and my laptops can't run it (it can but it's like I'm either crashing or playing on PowerPoint) so I'm saving to get a new processor so I can play again! I mained ADC (jinx and Ashe, sometimes Tristana) or Annie on mid (LOL) BUT other than those, I prettyuch like anything. My fave games are Horizon Zero Dawn, Fable 2, Binding of Isaac, Assassin's Creed 2, and Minecraft! I play lots of survival games like ark, the forest, 7 days to die, and so on. I like simulation games Sims (obviously), house flipper, power wash simulator or even farming simulator 💀. You name a game, I've either played it or know about it.
They are my loves. They are my special boys and I care deeply for their fictional existence. As Texans, futuristic jerkwads, and in general.
No way will you ever bore me. If anything, I'll bore you
ANYWAY I will literally talk forever if given a chance 😬 thank you for talking to me! I'm always so excited to hear from you! I consider you a good friend at this point. How long has it been? Like 3 months? Maybe more???
0 notes
syrinq · 7 months
me, thinking about how a lot of human behaviours don't make any fucking sense to me, but the context around it makes me understand why such behaviours exist, but nonetheless, why
me, also a fan of making lists to get my thoughts in order: time to make a list of human behaviours i don't understand because they're stupid, nonsensical or just whacky :)
1. growing up in school and witnessing how fellow kids would change their attitude depending on hanging with a "girl" or a "boy"
2. calling people who do horrendous things "inhuman" or "past their humanity". my guy humans are inherently neutral, whether they do bad or good they're still a human? get out of here
3. the entire "beating around the bush" and not saying it straight if someone wants x or y or talk about z
4. the entire "being polite" crap speech. "oh i had fun but it's getting late!" brother can't you just say "i'm god awful tired i need to fuck off home and sleep". fucking awful this
6. the psychology between pricing things 2.99 or a whole ass 3. Fuck you I HATE YOU FOR INVENTING 1, 2 AND 5 CENTS. AWFUL THIS!
7. pretentious symbolism behind colours, shapes, etc. it's True some evoke feeling, but to establish that as a ground rule is fucking bullshit. byeeeeeee
8. when someone gets shat on by eg. a bully and then they become the very same thing in the end. like okay champ you're doing so good
9. the reactionary sequences of big events in the world, eg. art periods, revolutions, etc. consequential reactions tend to be the same, the same but Amplified to Hell, the complete opposite, the complete opposite but sprinkle in Big Disdain for what once was. and then the cycle keeps repeating like a broken record?
10. the generalisation of a group of people, animals, things, whatever the fuck, whether positive or negative. like ok buddy chum "i'm not racist but..."
11. fads, fashion, supreme whatever. growing up poor and then when you get all that cash money $$$ spending it on gucci bags for the status. where's the whimsy and joy of actually enjoying what you get
12. ouhhhhhh i'm a company with soooooo much moneyyyyy let's squeeze out more money from these pesky binge watchers and these actors who totally didn't consent to their image being remade by ai!!!! DIE
13. ouhhhh humanity is so smart ouhhh yeah objectively the smartest on this planet but we still dumb as rocks!!!!! stop acting like we'll make mass effect real or prevail despite everything!!!! hell naw!!!!!
14. the need to humanise things or give them human features to invoke more "empathy" and "understanding" for something. my guy do we really need green smurf space human to sympathise with em??? I WANT MORE STORIES EXPLORING POSSIBLY HUMANITY OR THE ALIEN FROM A NON-HUMANOID PERSPECTIVE. PLEASE. I THIRST FOR THIS. I AM SICK OF YOUR DAINTY PRINCESSES AND WEIRD ALIEN SUPERMEN WITH AWFUL ROCK HARD TITS
15. whatever the fuck is going on with cocomelon
16. bitches fighting like petty 13yo xbox gamers calling each other slurs over some piece of land, oil, other resource, whatever in the world. and then they bomb each other like it'll solve anything. ok
17. categorisation of humanity in whatever boxes and labels that exist, to the point of being ultra-ultra-ultra specific. zodiacs, labels, etc. like brah i'm just a faggot on the internet. let me chill
18. regarding oneself as a "mommy" or "daddy" or "parent" to one's pet, and essentially roleplaying as their pet that they love their mommy and daddy sooooooo much :3 JESSE PINKMAN IN DA HOUUUUUUSSSEEEEEEEEEEE
19. continuation, regarding pets and/or kids as lesser than you or as things to be changed to your liking??? buy a barbie doll instead??? christ almighty on a stick
20. the need to comprehend everything through a human lens of understanding, eg. relativity theory, but then regarding those as 100% the truth whilst not really standing still and thinking that'd be the truth from a human perspective. and not necessarily the true truth. i still think time stopping at the speed of light is bullshit
21. the pettiness of kids and weird old-fashioned people in general for being "not the norm" or "not being able to be a cog in the machine". die maybe
22. the entire body language thing. ouhhh if a girl likes you she'll twirl her hair and look at you with her twinkling orbs and giggle at every grand joke you make even if they aren't funny 🥹 if someone crosses their arms they have a closed unwelcoming aura! unspoken silences and hints and nuances or whatever! have we ever heard of Talking. Please
23. the irony in someone being against x, but then being x themselves possibly. eg. someone terrified of their partner cheating and mistrusting them all the time, is themselves a cheater. and the opposite of that, someone joking about killing someone and then they never could hurt a fly. lol what my brain hurts
24. whatever the fuck "gender roles" and other "expected roles" are for someone based on gender, age, culture, religion, whatever. just treat people like people! sheesh!
25. society as a whole at this point. byeeeeeeeeeee
26. oh yeah whatever collectors have going on with nibs and insisting things are better when the package is left untouched and pristine and mint. not even to resell just to stare and look at. alright none of my business but what the fuck
27. gossip and small talk. oh hiiii how's it going with you? oh yeah the weather sucks absolute penis. (child emperor sitting on a throne) BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING!
0 notes
foolshoujo · 11 months
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disclaimer; the following has zero bearing on future or current ships etc etc & is just silly rambles about the canon world slate for my portrayal & the brainworms i have for it etc etc not a force ship whatever anyways---
okay ima use this one post to like both ramble & meme about the twins love lives bc im hilarious & i laugh at my own jokes but also stomps on my own heart. see this verse post to have reference to what i mean by FILE 001 or FILE 002 etc etc
so at some point i feel i will make a like ‘world slate’ style post for reference aka like what twin had what social link, did anyone die in t/artarus, c/hidori & shi/njiro’s supposed deaths, any of the sees members date or what their relations are to the twins specifically etc etc but i will often refer to this sort of world slate style set up bc its like the canon to the twins outside of like rp interactions or ships i have on the blog u kno what im talking about gamers. anyways for realies so in this canon state min/ako canonly dates akihi/ko & mi/nato has a somewhat unrequited love w/ fuuk/a in the sense that the two had feelings for each other but did shit all about it. in FILES 001 & 003 mina/to leaves fuuka/ a note in her room confessing & apologizing that it took him dying to admit those feelings & it was unfair to the both of them but he wants fuuka to move forward in life & love again, after all they are only in high school.
mOVE ASIDE NERD no more mi/nato time to rant on the idiot jocks in love. okay so min/ako was never a ‘san/ada-senpai fangirl’ nor does she play into that. in fact she tends to try to avoid anyone of the fanclub members as best possible as she really hates stupid confrontation. && fangirls throwing a fit just because m/inako lives in the same dorm as the apple of their eye is stupid confrontation & she has had to deal with it constantly since transferring to gekko/ukan. y/ukari & fu/uka no doubt also get this treatment but its not about them rn. her crush was a natural one. fighting side by side with aki/hiko, living in the same space so dinners breakfasts idle time are spent bonding with each other, hanging out when the two of them don’t have practice--- && the biggest is that the two are both on athletic teams & are in the gym p much on the same days. no doubt all the various sport teams & clubs have a bit of closeness to them as their proximity is very close as most of them only have two maybe three days not at the gym or track in some manner. which means ur likely to run into each other going to practice, cleaning up after practice, during practice etc etc like lets be real. tl;dr min/ako tripped into dokis very naturally no weird fangirl time. however jun/pei is not free from sin he is her wingman, he is pushing her to make a move bc we all know akih/iko sure wont. the problem here is u have two jocks, two very dumb jocks who are very much not bright. the two here ‘you should go out’ & they are like ‘oh for a run ? yeah totally lets go.’ this is 80% of their interactions, sometimes on purpose so they can not be awks w/ each other. junp/ei is forcing these two to go to the convenience store together, hes creating dumb grand schemes about oh no the two are locked on the roof after cleaning the dorm ahhh. like he’s trying. bless that boy.
if you are to ask min/ako about anything romantical she will respond like rig/by from reg/ular sho/w.
mina/ko absolutely the type to be utterly devoted & fuck annoying. ooeygoogy cheesy romantic lines n shit. look me dead in the eyes & tell me that this isnt true of minahiko after akih/iko canonly says ‘you dont need to believe in god you just need to believe in me’ get out of here. you walk into the dorm & they are on the couch u immediately groan & walk past them bc they are telling each other how cute they are. die.
the fact that jun/pei’s room is across from akih/iko’s is really funny that poor idiot is the biggest fucking bro, you kno he’s covered for these two idiots all the time. he deserves a medal of honor.
the idiot jocks of the dorm are constantly forced to be paired off as jokes, for manual labor, or as a meme naturally become a couple & the only ppl surprised were the jocks themselves & also mitsu/ru who has no spacial awareness of the interactions of the people around her nyx bless
also in FILE 002 where one of the twins has to relive the year while the other holds the fort down as the seal in their eternal never ending cycle of repeating history i want to point out how utterly romcom romance novel moment of despite the hundreds of times mina/ko has experienced that year of 2009 over & over again she picks akih/iko every time. && while its only a echo of a memory in her heart & she knows how the story ends before it starts, she always picks him.
jump/ei: okay if you could pick anyone that wasnt your partner to smooch who would it be mina/ko, without thought or hesitation: rio akih/iko glaring at both of them: ---HEY.
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0 notes
dragondemoness · 2 years
Everyones reaction to gn smart ultimate gamer reader who keeps trying to give hints in the trial who the killer is but Monokuma gets sick of it during the 2nd trial and just puts a contraption for reader to shut up and byakuya makes a slick comment and reader throw a handheld console at him like it straight up doinks him on the forehead perfect accuracy
This has the energy of a crack request, so I made it one. Hope you're alright with that😄
Also, the relationships here aren't really intended to be friendly or romantic, it's just their reactions. The relationships with the characters and the reader are up to the reader
Suck it, Byakuya - THH Cast x Smart Ultimate Gamer Reader
You were the Ultimate Gamer.
All you did was play games.
So naturally, nobody really expected much from you at first.
But you turned out to be super observant and smart.
You already knew who the killers were, and you assisted your classmates by giving them clues.
Monokuma naturally didn't care for this, and during the second trial, he slapped an iron mask on your face to prevent you from spilling anything.
Byakuya chuckled as you tried to pull you off. "Looks like the plebeian has finally been silenced."
You glared at him and took a Game Boy out of your pocket and chucked it at him. It hit him in the forehead, perfect accuracy.
Makoto Naegi 
"(N-Name)! There's no need for that!"
Though he'd be lying if he said it wasn't satisfying to watch
He feels kinda bad for you and wishes that you could help him out
But of course, Monokuma wants it to be a fair trial
Byakuya Togami 
"Ngh! Y-You absolute-!"
You pull out another Game Boy and it quickly shuts him up
He's not happy about having a Game Boy thrown at his forehead
And he's honestly grateful for the iron mask
I mean, if you gave away the clues so easily, the game wouldn't be fun anymore...
Chihiro Fujisaki 
(N-Name)! W-Why did you do that?"
Poor boi doesn't like violence
He feels really sorry for you
All you wanted to do was help, after all
Leon Kuwata 
"Hah! Take that, you bastard!"
He hates Byakuya for what he did to Chihiro's body, so he fully thinks he deserved it
He definitely let out a laugh after seeing you own Byakuya
He wishes you didn't have the mask on so you could roast rich bitch Byakuya
Kiyotaka Ishimaru 
"(Name)! Violence is not welcome in a school environment!"
Buddy... It's a class trial🤦‍♀️
He doesn't appreciate the violence, but he also doesn't appreciate Monokuma silencing you
Mondo Owada 
"Fuck yeah! Take that, you pompous piece of shit!"
Oh he's been waiting for Byakuya to get what was coming to him
He's satisfied that someone did it for him
He's also pissed at Monokuma for doing this to you
Yasuhiro Hagakure 
"Whoa! For serious!"
He's just shocked
But also, Byakuya kinda deserved it
He feels pretty bad for you
Hifumi Yamada 
"Oh my! Such aggression! I have to say, that's... strangely exciting..."
Shocked, but he's also gonna be a perv about it
Especially if you're a girl
He also doesn't care for Byakuya that much, so plus for him
Kyoko Kirigiri 
"(Name), that aggression is not needed here."
Despite her words, she's glad you put Byakuya in his place, albeit in a violent way
Even if Monokuma won't let you drop hints, she'll take your place and carry the trial for you
Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack
"Y-You a-absolute b-bitch! (or dick, or asshole) H-How d-d-dare you h-hurt my master?!"
She is NOT happy
She's grateful for the iron mask, honestly
Then Genocide Jill pops out and throws her scissors at you
They just bounce off the iron mask without leaving a single scratch
Aoi Asahina 
"You totally had that coming! Thanks, (Name)..."
She's totally for it
If you didn't do it, she probably would have
She wishes you could help with the trial, but shutting up Byakuya was enough
Sayaka Maizono 
"(Name)! Was that really necessary??"
Yes Sayaka, it was
She's shocked about it, but oh well
Celeste Ludenburg 
"Hehe... Well done, (Name)."
She enjoyed seeing you stand up to Byakuya
It was fun to watch
Sucks for you that you have to wear the iron mask, but at least she can enjoy the mystery as they solve it
Sakura Ogami 
"Calm down, (Name). Violence is not necessary."
She just tries to calm you down, but she did find it a little funny
She's tempted to break the iron mask, but she wouldn't dare defy Monokuma
Mukuro Ikusaba 
"Whoa! I mean, he kinda deserved it."
While she's acting as Junko, she's shocked about it, but she doesn't care that much
She doesn't care about the trial at all, honestly
But you beaning Byakuya in the forehead was kind of funny to watch
Junko Enoshima
She's just enjoying the whole thing honestly
Of course, she had to make sure you wouldn't ruin the fun of her trial
But she laughed real hard when you hit Byakuya in the head
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sugamamacustard · 3 years
🍢 🍡 (A/B/O) Menu 🍡🍢
My A/B/O verse ↦ Here! My rules ↦ Here!
Appetizer (🍚)= Angst Dessert (🍪)= Fluff Breakfast (🥞) = Social media! AU Lunch (🍙) = non-specified AU! (Other than social media; Mafia! Werewolf/vampire!, angel/demon!, etc) Supper (🍘)= Smut/ NSFW Happy hour (🍸) = Yandere Specials (🍮)= My personal favorites 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 Order up!
↳Reach so high ( 🍪)
Summary: You’re used to the world around you not being kind to the vertically impaired, but you and you’re alpha get through it.
Ingredients: Alpha! Tendo Satori, Alpha! Nishinoya Yu
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Sweet Little Chick ( 🍸, 🍙(Mafia! AU))
Summary:  The Karasuno Crows fell to the will of one person and one person alone. You were expected to do the same to the mama crow.
Ingredients: Alpha! Mafia boss! Sugawara Koushi
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN-- But Reader ends up in a dress and thigh highs, so take as you will)
↳ Come see me (  🍚, 🍪, 🍮 )
Summary:  Being a manager for Nekoma was a thankless job, but one you were proud to do. You were surrounded by alphas who wanted what was best for you and in turn, you wanted what was best for them. However, sometimes what’s best for them…may not be best for you or your omega.
Ingredients: Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Knock me out ( 🍪)
Summary:  When your omega demands to see your alpha, you can’t help but oblige, but unfortunately, someone else see’s you before he does.
Ingredients: Alpha! Hajime Iwaizumi
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Fire man ( 🍘 )
Summary:  Your heat hits unexpectedly and it’s up to your alpha to help you through it. How is he doing it?
Ingredients: Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo, Alpha! Toru Oikawa, Alpha! Kotaro Bokuto
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem!)
↳ Double Trouble ( 🍪)
Summary:  Inarizaki is known for many things above the surface, but only few know what great treasure lies deep within the pack.
Ingredients: Alpha! Osamu Miya, Alpha! Atsumu Miya
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem!)
↳ Level Headed ( 🍪, 🍘,  🍮 )
Summary: Betas were known for one thing and your alpha loved you all the more for it. So he shows you his gratitude.
Ingredients: Alpha! Hajime Iwaizumi
Serving: Beta! Reader (Fem!)
↳ Please don’t let me go ( 🍚, 🍪 , 🍘 , 🍙 (Shifter! AU))
Summary:  You were excited when the other packs joined yours, even finding solace in one of the alphas of one, but suddenly, you weren’t needed. Wanted. Not what he desired. And that hurt. So you do the only thing you can think of. Try to find someone who will comfort your poor omega heart.
Ingredients: Alpha! Kuroo Tetsuro
Serving: Omega! Reader (Pretty GN, but I said the word c*nt, so take it as you will)
↳ Please don’t let me go (Part 2!)   ( 🍪 , 🍙 (Shifter! AU))
Summary:   Thanks to Kuroo, your place in the pack has been cemented. But what made it waver in the first place? How can the rest of the pack change what has already happened.
Ingredients: Alpha! Kuroo Tetsuro
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Feral animal ( 🍪, 🍮 )
Summary:  You just wanted to get the boys to practice on time. You weren’t prepared to deal with this.  Good thing you had a guardian angel- or should we say, dog.
Ingredients: Alpha! Kentarou Kyoutani
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ One more time ( 🍪, 🍮 )
Summary:  You loved your small little family, but your alpha felt there was something missing.
Ingredients: Alpha! Toru Oikawa
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN, but a baby is born, so take it as you will)
↳ Puppy ( 🍘, 🍮)
Summary:   It wasn’t supposed to hit you as hard as it did, but when your heat came and blindsided you, you were left staggering for a way out. Luckily, your alpha knows you better than anyone else.
Ingredients: Alpha! Kentarou Kyoutani
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem! Reader)
↳ Two for one special ( 🍪 )
Summary:  You weren’t even a manager. You were a medic for the Nekoma team and yet, you still caught they of not one, but two, powerhouse alphas. What could go wrong, right?
Ingredients: Alpha! Satori Tendo, Alpha! Yuu Nishinoya (Poly)
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Rut ( 🍘)
Summary:  You and your alpha have been through so much together, but how are the reacting when their rut hits?
Ingredients: Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo, Alpha! Atsumu Miya, Alpha! Kiyoomi Sakusa
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Helping hand  ( 🍘, 🍙 (Mafia! AU))
Summary:  You were always so good for your alpha. There are some things that fall out of your control however, things that may put a wrench in your good behavior.
Ingredients: Alpha! Mob boss! Kenma Kozume
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem!)
↳ Spare some?  ( 🥞, 🍘 , 🍮)
Summary:  You simply ask for Daddy’s Cummies. How are these alphas reacting?
Ingredients: Alpha! Satori Tendo, Alpha! Toru Oikawa, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima, Alpha! Kenma Kozume, Alpha! Yu Nishinoya, Alpha Keiji Akaashi
Serving: Omega! Reader
↳ Let me help you ( 🍚, 🍪) (Now with Part 2!)
Summary:   Because of unseen circumstances, you drop, and you drop hard. How does your alpha help you/redeem himself?
Ingredients: Alpha! Toru Oikawa, Alpha! Hajime Iwaizumi + Part 2 includes Mattsun and Makki.
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ All Mine (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 ) ( 🥞, 🍪, 🍮)
Summary:  You alpha sees someone flirting with you, he’s not happy/ This time you see someone flirty with your alpha and your not happy.
Ingredients: Alpha! Hajime Iwaizumi, Alpha! Issei Matsukawa, Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo, Alpha! Osamu Miya, Alpha! Atsumu Miya, Alpha! Suna Rintaro
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ After hours ( 🥞, 🍘)
Summary:   Some spicy messages between you and your alpha~
Ingredients: Alpha! Atsumu Miya, Alpha! Osamu Miya, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima, Alpha! Kentaro Kyoutani, Alpha! Rintaro Suna, Alpha! Eita Semi
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Keeping you close ( 🍪, 🍘)
Summary:   Your alpha catches some low-bit, pathetic excuse of an alpha trying to get with you and he’s determined to but a stop to it.
Ingredients: Alpha! Rintaro Suna
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN, until the smut)
↳ Lips like Sugar~ ( 🍪, 🍘,🍙(Sugar Daddy! AU))
Summary:   Toru Oikawa had no qualms about paying a pretty little thing to hang off his arm, but he expects you to be at his beck and call for the price tag you come with. And if you aren’t? He’ll put you back into your place real quick.
Ingredients: Alpha! Toru Oikawa
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem! Reader)
↳ Back me up ( 🍪)
Summary:   Pregnancy can bring out both the best, and worst, in any and all alphas, and yours is no exception. Life, however, is unpredictable in every sense and sometimes, the worst and best parts get melded into one– and make you fall in love with your alpha all over again.
Ingredients: Alpha! Kotaro Bokuto, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem! Reader)
↳Baby, it’s cold outside ( 🍪)
Summary:  After waiting for your parents to come pick you up, only for them to never come, you can’t seem to get warm. Lucky, for you, your alpha is there to help you get warm!
Ingredients: Alpha! Takanobu Aone
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳Kiss it Better (🍪)
Summary:   You love spending time with your alpha in the kitchen, unfortunately it’s a little bittersweet for him.
Ingredients: Alpha! Osamu Miya
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳Again ( 🍘,🍮 )
Summary: How much can you take before your alpha breaks you?
Ingredients: Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem! Reader)
↳Feed Me ( 🍪,🍮 )
Summary: Some times, people do things because it’s what they think is best. You don’t tell your alpha about some weight gain you’ve noticed, and try taking care of it yourself because of this.
Ingredients: Alpha! Keiji Akaashi, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima, Alpha! Rintaro Suna
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Day and Night (🍘)
Summary: How do you and your gamer alpha spend heats and ruts?
Ingredients: Alpha! Kenma Kozume
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem! Reader)
↳ Crash Course(🍪)
Summary: The relationship between Iwaizumi and Oikawa is always a confusing one. No one is quite sure what it is and where exactly you fall into it. Well, you guys do and that’s all that matters.
Ingredients: Alpha! Hajime Iwaizumi, Platonic! Alpha! Toru Oikawa
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
Summary: Alpha’s are scary creatures. Going up to them is scary, and honestly, you were never sure you would ever be able to look one in the eye. Unfortunately, your omega was dead set on one particular alpha– one who seemed so much more intimidating than any other alpha you had seen before.
Ingredients: Alpha! Issei Matsukawa, Alpha! Satori Tendou
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳✨Daddy cats✨ (🍪, 🍘)
Summary: What’s life like with not one but two alphas at your beck and call?
Ingredients: Alpha! Kenma Kozume and Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo (Poly)
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN until the smut, then it's fem! Reader)
↳✨Olympic level✨( 🍪)
Summary: Sometimes your air-headed alpha makes you question your sanity. Luckily, you have some back-up to get him back in line.
Ingredients: Alpha! Yu Nishinoya
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN!)
↳Time Bomb ( 🍚,🍮,🍙(Non! A/B/O) )
Summary:  Anger is an ugly emotion and can bring out the worst in all of us. Mid-argument, it pushes your boyfriend into dangerous waters, threatening your very relationship. Is your relationship strong enough to survive?
Ingredients: Koushi Sugawara, Wakatoshi Ushijima
Serving: Reader(GN!)
↳Paparazzi ( 🍪)
Summary: Fangirls are nice, yes, however they tend to get in the way of simple things such as passing your classes. You won't take their harrassment laying down though.
Ingredients: Alpha! Toru Oikawa, Alpha! Yuji Terushima, Alpha! Atsumu Miya
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN!)
More to come!
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