#trauma ment
911fans4humankind · 4 months
9-1-1 Fans 4 Humankind
Action: Supporting Operation Olive Branch & Hedaya's family in Gaza
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Operation Olive Branch is a grassroots, volunteer-run project to boost Palestinian voices & coordinate mutual aid. They have a spreadsheet of fundraisers to provide mutual aid for families in Gaza. All fundraisers are vetted through OOB to check that the organizers are legitimate.
Hedaya Mohamed is raising funds to evacuate her six family members from Gaza. Multiple family members have disabilities and physical and mental health challenges due to continued violence by the Israeli government against people in Gaza. The spreadsheet also indicates there is someone pregnant, which is not mentioned specifically on the fundraiser page.
My uncle is an amputee struggling with heart failure and diabetes. My cousins are ages 16-21 years old, grappling with both mental and physical health challenges with limited access to food, water, and medicine. My cousin Khaled is a nurse at Nasser Medical Complex, suffering severe trauma. My cousin Malak is an incredible artist and designer- Gazans have dreams, they deserve to live in safety.
Here is what you can do to help!
Priority 1:
Donate $5 (€5) to Hedaya's fundraiser. (If just 1% of the #911 fox tag donated $5 they would reach their goal!) You can also find the fundraiser link on line 68 of the Perinatal Project tab on OOB's spreadsheet.
Reblog this post. This helps even if you cannot donate, because it will reach more people who can!
Offer 9-1-1 fanworks to celebrate reaching donation goals! If you create fanworks of any kind (fan edits, fan art, gifs, show analyses, etc.) and want to offer one as celebration for reaching specific goals, DM us. This will help us build up excitement for the Action and keep momentum going!
Priority 2:
Boost Hedaya's Instagram posts.
Boost Operation Olive Branch's social media posts. (All accounts are linked on this page)
Contact your representatives to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. (Call, email, or fax)
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endo-memes · 2 years
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lesbiantrish · 1 year
Jason and Leo starting their trauma at 2 is just complete soulmate behavior.
me and the bad bitch i pulled by being traumatized
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pawjamas · 2 years
i have avoided talking about it but basically my mental health has taken a very bad, very sudden sharp downward turn to the point i’ve been needing a significant amount of assistance/irl support more than ever before.
essentially something triggered me so badly irl that my mental state has returned to a previous place i’ve fought for years to get past, and i’m having to quite literally relearn everything i learned the past couple years when i escaped my abuser all over again. all of my thought processes and feelings have returned to my former self that lived with my abuser. the air itself feels and smells like my abuser’s home, i anticipate nonstop that when i go outside of my wife’s room my abuser will be out there ready to hurt me again.
i am currently living in a constant state of fear and terror right now that i haven’t been in for years, but i am very VERY lucky to have such a huge support system to get me through whatever the hell this is.
tl;dr i am mentally struggling more than ever before especially in association w/ my trauma involving my abuser but i have a massive amount of support that is keeping me safe during this extremely difficult time.
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neopronouns · 1 year
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crocktraumic: a gender related to crockertier, trauma caused by being crockertier, and prior trauma caused by being brainwashed and groomed for the crockertier role
[pt: crocktraumic: a gender related to crockertier, trauma caused by being crockertier, and prior trauma caused by being brainwashed and groomed for the crockertier role. end pt]
for anon! the top two stripes represent brainwashing (they're blue, which i usually use to represent the brain, but light and desaturated), the middle stripe represents trauma (teal, like the ptsd ribbon), and the bottom two are taken from crockertier jane. the term is 'crock' from 'crockertier', 'traum' from 'trauma', + 'ic'!
tags: @radiomogai
flag id: a flag with 5 stripes, with the third being twice as large as the rest. in order, they are pale sky blue, dull light blue, teal, dark red, and bright red. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
dni link
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latexclownruff · 9 months
when you've felt undesirable your whole life up until a string of toxic relationships that make you want someone to want you so badly they can't control themselves but when it actually comes to the scene, I can't safely go through with it
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valiumgf · 1 year
I promise, I promise, I will do what you couldn't, you poor mother deer, you poor fawn trying to side step the trauma, watching him steal from your children. watching the funds coming in, is this safety? growing growing no food for a whole winter, tried to fix it, tried to open your mouth, show the lack of wisdom teeth, your mother never wanted you to hurt. hurt. hurt. I forgive you. I am so sorry. I am so sorry. you didn't have the tools to build safe shelter, stole vegetables from the neighbour's, it wasn't your fault. I am so sorry. I promise I will not let it happen again. sex like a receipt of your worth, told me I wouldn't be a homewrecker. the fear in my bruises and bite marks. you didn't know, well you watched (you knew) but you didn't know. how could you? you were thrust out into the winter and no one taught you where the grass was growing this season. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I promise it won't happen again. I'll do what you couldn't. I promise.
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thedragonflycluster · 2 years
I was reflecting on some trauma stuff while doing some class work for this shelter (because it likes to resurface on its own wildly inconvenient times..) and got some intense flashbacks I hadn't seen before. Pretty visceral and pertaining to some of our roughest stuff. I kind of just sat there and went Well, I guess I'm just dealing with this right now. It's not any use trying to push it away if it's here, I've done that countless times with poor result. I let the imagery pass and do its own thing while just being an observer. It eventually did float off.
This really would not have been what happened even a couple months ago. For 7 months continually we struggled and were tormented by nonstop auditory/visual flashbacks, bodily sensations, all the fantastic /s ptsd stuff as we started trauma work and counseling. It'd keep us from sleep and threw our health and body out of whack, and I'm still dealing with the effects of that. I felt like I was broken, because all I could experience was this past trauma, in everything I& did. Someone looked at me or moved a certain way? Bam, more ptsd taking over our whole body. Many nights I'd fall asleep with my whole body clenched, in a cold sweat or gripping for dear life until I fell asleep from exhaustion.
It wasn't fun, at all. These can be the sorts of things that come from DID, and systems who have trauma/(c)ptsd. All that stuff people talk about when they hear "DID", how we're miserable and in constant suffering from what was done to us.
And sometimes it is that. Sometimes we are purely in phases of suffering, a phase of processing, feeling scared and helpless again. Sometimes all we can do is hold one another through it, and tell each other it's over with and that we made it out alive, and that we are okay now.
But today showed me something different, something I've really only heard trauma survivors speak about, that it gets more manageable. That it can get easier. It doesn't change that what happened should have *never* happened, and that there was nothing you& could have done to help it, but being able to just sit and let the feelings pass means something. It means they didn't win.
It means you made it. You didn't let them kill you or your spirit. Each time you come out of a ptsd episode it means you& didn't let them win by giving up. And I have to say, for me& at least, it feels pretty damn good at times. ☘️
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solidwater05 · 11 months
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[ID: Two bullet points that say "Angry and Tired" and "this girl can fit so much religious trauma. "/ End ID]
Sorry Lucy. (I am not sorry)
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glitch-e-stardust · 1 year
Trauma sucks ass and destroys years or even decades of your life
But I gotta be honest, this whole working out who I am as a person and that I might like myself and be capable of being comfortable being me thing is pretty damn amazing
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endo-memes · 2 years
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alay-alexander · 8 months
Algunos de nosotros no decimos lo que sentimos, porque ya lo hicimos antes y a nadie la importo.
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lorelei-system · 8 months
I hate how they demonized attention-seeking behavior, as if it somehow makes you bad to need attention, especially as a child.
I’ve had fantasies of bad things happening to me and those closest to me, and getting attention, pity, and love because of it, for most of my life. Is this normal? No. Does it mean I am a bad person who actually wants bad things to happen to the people I love? No. Does it make me self-absorbed to crave attention that badly? No.
There’s always a reason that people do things “just for attention”. And it is rarely what people think it is.
I grew up feeling so guilty for doing things for attention, and ended up not getting the attention and help I needed because of that guilt.
Self harm is a good example of something that is often said to be done “just for attention”. And you know what? Yes, I have hurt myself for attention. And nobody understood why I would do something like that to myself.
But when you are so desperate for someone to see you, to hear you, to help you, that you would literally die to get someone to show they care, it makes a lot more sense.
Let’s try to be more understanding about attention-seeking behavior. Let’s see it for what it is: a legitimate call for help. Not a sign of self-centeredness.
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neopronouns · 1 year
may i request a gender related to crockertier and trauma caused by being crockertier, possibly with themes of prior trauma related to brainwashing and grooming one for the role?
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valiumgf · 11 months
me when I am pathologized and prodded and made to regurgitate my trauma for therapists to think I'm "healing" and they emphasize how "you didn't cause all of your problems but it's your responsibility to fix them" (which just feels like blaming me for not functioning 100% perfectly after being tortured by my family)
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deservedgrace · 9 months
The lack of understanding and empathy for cult survivors is really alienating. Because the same people that (rightfully) get upset hearing domestic violence jokes or rape jokes will make jokes about starting a cult.
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