#s: deep space 9
nagusposting · 10 months
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Trying a new coloring style what are we thinking nagus posting gang
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doctor-octiddius · 1 year
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slippery-domjot-balls · 7 months
Quark always looks so good on DS9 because Garak planned his outfits.
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hawkp · 9 months
WHY IS THERE A FUCKTON OF US THAT ARE IN THE DS9 AND MASH FANDOM???? Reblog if you’re in the Gay 1950’s and Gay Space Polycule.
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 9 months
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Happy 31st anniversary, DS9!
Because 31 is the Sloan number, I hereby challenge the fandom to collectively post at least 31 new fanworks tagged "Luther Sloan" on ao3 this year (2024) to celebrate! >:)
(The original air date of the first DS9 episode was Jan 3, 1993.)
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alonewolf52 · 2 years
I will look for you in every lifetime, until we finally stay...
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writergeekrhw · 1 year
How much of an influence on DS9 was MASH? Because there are definitely times when DS9 feels like MASH in space, and I mean that in the best of ways.
I don't remember ever discussing M*A*S*H in the room, so I wouldn't say it served as an overt inspiration.
However, I watched every episode of M*A*S*H growing up (my mother was a big fan) and I'm sure the other writers were very familiar with it, too. It was still a hugely influential show in the early 90s, one that every TV writer knew well, so I suspect it had some unconscious effect.
The only episodes I can think of that might have been directly inspired by M*A*S*H are the ones we did about wartime/frontier "horse-traiding" chain deals like "Progress," "In the Cards," and "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River" which harken back to several similar "horse-trading" stories from M*A*S*H, like "Hey, Doc" and "For Want of a Boot."
But there's a long tradition of those types of stories in war and frontier fiction, with Milo Minderbinder's wheeling and dealing in "Catch-22" being a prime example. Not to mention, "chain deal" stories go all the way back to fairy tales.
For reference:
Chain of Deals - TV Tropes
Also, that's a very flattering comparison. So thanks!
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chrrypckd · 2 years
I can't explain my current fav ship so let the pictures speake for themselves...
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he’s my baby girl but in the “man haunted by the horrors of war” sorta way.
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jasoncanty01 · 9 months
Get your 2024 Style ready.
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robotspock · 2 years
i just know that spirk and kiradax would have the most insane and universe shattering interaction.
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hedonicghost · 1 year
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guy who wants nothing more than to not be a part of someones stupid plan for once
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doctor-octiddius · 8 months
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let me show off some goofy file names once again
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karmaphone · 2 years
tfw you're being extremely triggered by an innocuous thing that a mutual keeps reblogging but it's exactly the sort of shit that you can't reasonably ask another person to tag for
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hawkp · 8 months
FYI if you ever want a certain moment clipped from a M*A*S*H or Star Trek episode or movie, just message me with the episode/film title and timestamp. And if you don’t know either message me a description and I’ll do my best to help you. <3
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konstantintreplev · 2 years
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Alfred, Lord Tennyson
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