#s: warehouse 13
harveyb-wabbit92 · 2 months
Zero, after defeating a pack of sentient dodge balls: Who smells like fish now, Archie?
Akari: ...Who?
Zero, Snaps out of it: ...Huh?
Akari: Who?
Zero, flustered: Oh, it's just... I was having a... little playground flashback...
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beatricethecat2 · 5 months
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Happy Holidays nerdsbians! And an early Happy New Year, too!
I had a short story idea for this image a la the "Adventures of Bering & Wells" series (the one I was chipping away at a few years ago), but just didn't have the time or focus to flesh it out. So, for now, I hope it's enough just to see these two shuffling along in Midtown New York mid-conversation (or argument? Who knows..). I guess I should thank that W train that turned into a Q mid journey, forcing me to walk across 57th street to catch the bus home. I wouldn't have experienced any of the holiday decorations otherwise, and the snaps I took of this plaza gave me ideas.
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dianaraven · 1 year
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clonememesfrikyeah · 2 years
Some clone oc concepts for y’all:
A clone with a fondness for botany is deployed on a jungle planet whey they come across a rare species of plant and they save it and present it to some sort of official because the plant contains the cure for some disease but the official was like mmmmm we gotta destroy that because if people have easy access to a cure then that won’t spend money on treatment and that will ruin my stocks, cue the clone running away with the plant and they tell their squad mates about it and they cover for him while he escapes off world with the plant and deserts and starts cultivating it until he has a ton of it and secretly distributes the plant to pharmacists that actually want to make a cure
A clone who is really good friends with this older guy that runs a theater on Coriscant that welcomes clones and they meet up and talk whenever they can because the clone is just glad to have a friend they can talk to about their favorite movies and interests with and the old man is glad to have someone to talk to because his kids don’t come around any more and the clone is like the grand kid he never got to have, near the end of the war the old man passed and he left the clone this old space drive in theater on some outer rim planet that he used to run in his youth but then he had kids and had to move because of all the conflicts and it was abandoned, he couldn’t leave the theater on Coriscant to the clone because he had already promised it to his eldest, but then the Order hit and the clone wanted out with a few of his squad mates so they went the only place they had and ended up fixing the place up and running it
Clones that sneak off to god knows where at unholy hours and their CO’s are suspicious that their doing nefarious activities and follow them only to find out their just playing DND with their friends
Clone who played space hockey at the local community center that was open to the gar and ends up making some friends and they form a team and there actually really good at playing and some corporate sports dude with money notices and he’s like hey you guys could make bank doing this with me, I can set you up with other teams for matches that people would pay money to see and you could make it big. And their like idk this team is made up of a republic clone, a middle aged IT guy with a lot of college debt, an elderly woman on parole for petty theft, a couple of Highschool brutes, a 10 year old with a thirst for blood, a bimbo, a non-binary with two toned dyed hair and a bag of crystals and Craig, but their like ehh we do need money let’s just try it and it goes alright for a while until the guy try’s to swindle, manipulate, divide and exploit them to which they respond by not working with him anymore and exposing him to his competitors and letting the 10yo bite the guys ankles, then they go on to win a big nationals game, get that bag, dip and go back to just playing for fun.
Clone that goes exploring and always has some sort of paranormal experience, every time without fail, it’s like a curse. In the woods? Their gonna see some weird shit up in the trees that ain’t normal. In an abandoned civi area in the middle of a war zone? Their gonna hear disembodied voices and see apparitions. Just chilling in the barracks? Shit moves on its own sometimes. They always wake up with dirt in their pockets even if they haven’t been in a planet in months and have really unsettling vivid dreams. Turns out they are little cursed in the way that ghosts are just attached to them and their actual the one who’s haunted.
Clone who has a dream of being the gar’s best electrician because they feel that the trades should be something that should be an option to learn on Kamino because they shouldn’t just rely on droids to fix those problems all the time, they can fail, get shut down with an EMP blast, and be generally unreliable. Besides, aren’t they supposed to be fighting droids? They should be putting their lives in the hands of droids every time they need to get a door open. Their very passionate about it.
Clone who is working on one of the galaxy’s hardest math problems as a pass time and actually solves it and the galactic sciences institute that I just made up is offering a reward to anyone who is smart enough to solve such equations and in their excitement they tell their brothers who tell other troopers who tell the occasional civi (because we all know gossip runs rampant in the gar) and soon the word is out someone solved an impossible equation and soon this clone has a bunch of bounty hunters on their tail who were hired by some math weirdo’s that have been trying to solve the equation for years and now want to steal their work and take credit for it and get the reward.
A clone who runs off to literally join the space circus and meets a lot of cool people and sees a lot of nice places and there’s a lot of shenanigans and adventures and they get to be the most extreme, freest version of themselves and they eat strictly fair food.
Clone who runs a mystery shack type of emporium in the barracks. Like their a first gen clone and they’ve seen a lot of stuff and been a lot of places and they like to collect weird stuff and they keep it all in their tack box and if you trade them something cool or useful they’ll let troopers look at all their weird stuff; like the picked space rat toes he found at the market and he thought that it sounded weird and they weren’t sure pickled feet of an animal no less a rat sounded particularly delicious to him but hey people eat it and it must good for the market to keep it in stock besides they’d only ever had frozen vegetables and nutrient paste all his life, the jar of chewed gum they’ve been filling since their shiny days, a keychain with half the writing scuffed off and it was left as a mystery as to what it says, a rare mislabeled munitions cartridge, some feathers, eggshells, leaves, dirt and other natural items they’d collected from planets they’d been to, a collection of cursed drawings they’d randomly had handed to them by other vod and his favorite one is the tooka with wings and a human face, a rare flavored nutrient packet that had been discontinued before the war started, a 24 sided rubix cube, a funny looking half melted space McDonald’s toy from the clone equivalent of the 90’s, a shard of a CD that is ancient technology from a time long passed, a bunch of zip ties that a couple of cloaked figures tried to give him by attacking them to his back armor but he couldn’t stick around and make friends because he had a meeting to get to, and a ton of other trinkets and treasures he’s found (and may or may not have accident or purposefully stole or gotten from many miscommunications)
Clone who is obsessed with art and color but is part of the Kamino guard and the bleak walls drive them crazy and they go out of their way to express themselves in every subtle rebellious way possible. It’s hardly ever noticeable except Nala Se absolutely notices but it’s so minute it would be petty to make a fuss about it but it pisses her off to me end.
A clone who is stationed on a remote outpost that functions as a lookout but nothing major ever happens and the planet is going through a drought and forest fires are starting to happen often and threaten the tower and the near by inhabitants and basically the clone becomes a fire tower look out for lack of anything better to do.
Clone who brews their own liquor by using a glass jug they found in a dumpster, a bunch of home made equipment, watching space YouTube videos and stolen yeast and fruit juice from the cafeteria. The brews are so strong that it’s like drinking straight Star fighter fuel and it’s related to how they got their name somehow.
Clone who was accidentally left behind on a temperate forest planet that’s not very populated and doesn’t use a lot of his tech and so they wandered miles to the nearest village to find supplies and maybe a communicator but there are no such long range devices within a 200 mile radius so they survive doing various jobs around the community in exchange for supplies and becomes a well liked, integrated part of the community and is known as the village handy person/muscle/problem solver and they take a likening to the arts and ends up setting down to become a local glass blowers apprentice.
Clone who invents and tinkers with things
Clones who write. They write fan fiction about their favorite holo films and radio shows, they write there own original works, they write comprehensive works about how life is in the gar, they right anonymous letters to senators in protest of the war, they get the vod who can draw to do illustrations for them, they start groups they talk about their writing with. Basically take what the creative part of the fandom is and and apply it to them.
Clones who find they have a natural talent for magic and mystic arts that aren’t of the force and in there search for what these powers are and what to do with them the fall down a rabbit hole in the archives covering lore, mythology, spells, and history all over the galaxy and start to notice something’s off and there’s something recurring or whatever you guys feel like but one thing leads to another and suddenly there caught up in a thousands of years old conflict between mystic forces that are invisible to the majority of the cosmos, and bonus plot twist it turns out there a rare kind of magic wielder, either the powerful kind or one that’s so rare there’s only ever been a couple other, or their capable of anti or reverse magic casting.
Clones who are mall rats, like when they get to Coriscant they break out the civi clothes they’ve salvaged from store dumpsters and just hang around stores, especially the ones that don’t allow clones inside out of spite, and they get cheap earrings from space Clare’s and get cinnamon sugar pretzels from the food court.
Clone who has died and their navigating the afterlife and this can be whatever anyone interprets the afterlife as, it can be like what mandalorians believe and everyone of mandalorian heritage goes to the same plane of existence to live in peace together, or it’s based on where they die and what deity’s control those areas that determines what afterlife they go to, or it’s universal and depending on if you were a good person or not determines where you end up, maybe the afterlife is like a never ending adventure that sometimes feels like a feared dream and it’s like a soul collective with everyone whose ever died there and it’s expanded across planets and reality’s and it’s very similar to how life was but also very different. Just do whatever you feel like for this one!
Alternatively to the prompt above, clone who dies and becomes the grim reapers apprentice.
Clone who makes there own clay by collecting it while deployed then processes it and using it to make air dried little figurines.
Clone who makes jewelry out of wiring and glass and scrap metal prices using the tiny mechanic tools out of the tool kit their bachmate has to fix fighters that they often don’t need.
Clone who accounts pulls a Narnia and falls into an alternate high fantasy like dimension and goes on a whole adventure to try and find a way back but ends up spending a whole lifetime there making friends and having a family and a whole alternate life and when their old they find the way back and when they get back it’s like nothing changed at all and their young again and in the middle of a war that has no meaning puppeteerd by an obviously corrupt government who is using them and their siblings as slaves and canon fodder and it took them living a whole alternate life of freedom in a different dimension to realize how absolutely FUCKED it all is so they stage a coup and fight for freedom with their new knowledge and skills while smuggling clones that would like to go to this alternate universe.
Clone who somehow ends up in a really weird town in the middle of nowhere. Like if you’ve ever listened to podcasts like Welcome to Night Vale, Death by Dying and Uncanny County or seen the tv shows Gravity Falls or Over the Garden Wall I’m talking that kind of weird. Paranormal weird, cryptide weird, Midwest gothic weird, weird core weird, small town weird and spooky weird all combine into the same type of weird weird. And they live a happy life there and suspect nothing is out of place there because they have no clue how to live a normal civilian life as a clone and just contribute to the weird as one does.
A 332nd trooper who is deployed to Mandalore to capture Maul and gets lost in the underground part of the city and encounters a mando who attacks them and they win the fight, but they have now unknowingly killed an old, outcasted mandalorian god that had been weakened from time and fading belief in them. And it’s a magical rule that if you kill a god you become that god and get their powers because I said so and yeah basically a clone that becomes a new mandalorian god and had to deal with the really crappy legacy the late god left them with because through a series of misadventures they find out that god wasn’t exactly well liked amongst most gods.
Clone who grows a secret moss walk in the barracks.
Clone who goes out for drinks while on leave and they get absolutely fucked up and they wake up the next day to find they accidentally got married to someone who was also at the bar and was equally wasted and they go out to talk about it because ummmm hey were married apparently but I don’t even know your name and they find out that their each nice people who have similar interests and actually might like each other but it’s not an ideal situation for a relationship but it’s beneficial to them because it might legally grant the clone citizenship if they took it to court and the other gets better taxes and benefits so they stay married for mutual friendship and legal benefits.
Clone who works at an antique shop on Coriscant when they have leave. Except the shop is filled with cursed, dangerous, mystical artifacts. (it’s a little like Warehouse 13 if you’ve ever seen that show)
Clone who raised a jar of space sea monkeys on a top bunk in the barracks.
Clone who becomes a line cook after the war is over and moves around to a lot of restaurant jobs and works their way up and eventually after many years of experience and hard work they become an executive chef and then go off to staff their own place.
Coriscant guard who has an above human average iq and works In investigations and specializes in forensics. (Their friends call them Sherlock but they’re more like Temperance Brendan from that show Bones).
Clone who has a pet ant farm but the aunts are space aunts and they spit acid.
Clones who are book/pdf file dealers and smugglers because the intel gar troops are allowed to have is highly regulated.
Clone who makes candles out of the wax they use to clean blasters with and puts them in space monster cans and they smell rancid when lit.
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foreverambrosia · 3 months
W.arehouse 13 world where Warehouse gremlin is jealous that Muse gets to date somebody and her answer is to build a boyfriend. Magics herself warehouse Legend and his response from being poofed into existence is to fall deeply in love with the feral being that made him that's Love guys.
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So along the same lines as Neil Druckmann partnering up with Craig Mazin because of “Chernobyl”, which TV showrunner do you think could make a GOOD Resident Evil adaptation based on their past work.
Just tossing some names here:
1) Jane Espenson (Warehouse 13)
2) Maurissa Tancharoen and Jed Whedon (Agents of SHIELD)
3) Craig Mazin again. He’s also written some comedy films, so he could be a good fit for the ridiculousness of “Resident Evil”.
4) The Duffer Brothers (Stranger Things)
5) Alfred Gough and Miles Millar (Into the Badlands, Wednesday)
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fangswbenefits · 11 months
Summary: Miguel’s desire for you has been taking a toll on him, and he really has no other option…
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x spider-woman!reader
18+. Miguel POV. Masturbation. Sexual frustration. Obsessed Miguel. Inspired by this ask + gif.
* ˚ ✦ Part 2
There you were.
His walking and breathing torment.
You had been plaguing his every thought, and you didn’t even know.
He had lost count to the amount of times he had drained himself thinking of you. Oftentimes, more than once a day.
But his frustration was reaching new heights.
His eyes followed your every move through the orange floating screens in his living room.
You were pacing across sector 13’s warehouse in the middle of the night, working on some new tech. Of course you were. You were just so sweet and generous, and had offered him a helping hand.
How he craved that helping hand to relieve him of his sexual tension.
But for now, he got to watch you from a distance, as he lay sprawled on his couch, a heavy frown setting on his face.
Your fingers moved gracefully from one piece of metal to another, inspecting them carefully, and Miguel vaguely wondered if they would be this attentive while touching his cock.
One hand came to tap the screens so he could zoom in on you.
He had discared his suit for casuals before getting some rest, but he couldn’t help himself.
He had to watch you.
Leaning back with a groan, his cock strained almost painfully against his pants, but Miguel wouldn’t dare touch himself just yet. He needed to train himself to last longer without caving in.
You were absolutely on the task at hand, teeth digging lightly into your bottom lip.
He almost gave up right there and then, but balled his fists instead at his side.
If only you knew how hard he was for you. How much he craved your touch and attention.
A grunt escaped his parted lips as his cock hardened fully, the first beads of precum wetting his skin.
He was so ready for you…
His eyes were glued to the screen, roaming along your body. Your shirt was covered in grime and oil and the neckline was so low that if you were to bend over, he’d be able to take a glimpse.
“Come on…” he muttered under his breath, yearning for that reveal of skin that would tip him over.
You dragged a piece of cloth across your neck to wipe off the sweat, and he scowled deeply.
With him, you wouldn’t need to bother with that. He’d take care of you… he’d wash you clean right after devouring you whole.
His hands itched to set his cock free, but he needed more from you.
You were such a sweet and helpful girl.
Surely you could give him more, right?
He waited… and waited… patience slowly draining.
“Por favor…” he growled almost desperately.
The moment presented itself with you bringing a bottle of water to your lips, eagerly quenching your thirst.
A few droplets dripped down your chin, neck and finally soaking through your shirt.
He had waited for too long and had reached his breaking point.
Even though a part of him felt ashamed to resort to this, he just couldn’t find another way to deal with his frustration.
He brought one hand to rest on his crotch and ran his thumb along the underside of his strained cock, immediately hissing.
Resting his head on the back of his other hand, he felt the frustration taking over him as he knew there was no other way now.
Your bra was visible enough through the shirt for him to picture having his cock placed right in between your breasts that he would squeeze to add more friction.
Lazily dragging the zipper down, Miguel slipped his hand in to finally easy the tension.
His cock curved slightly, strings of precum dripping from the tip and he let lout a shaky sigh of relief.
You were suddenly smiling at something.
Or someone.
Who wasn’t him.
He narrowed his eyes in search of the source, but couldn’t find it.
Jealousy flared inside him like wildfire, coursing through his veins, as his fingers wrapped around his cock.
Why were you, his sweet girl, smiling? You should be right there with him, and he knew you’d gasp at his impressive size and at the realisation of how you made him feel. He’d take his time to make sure you felt comfortable enough to eventually touch him and let him touch you.
His fangs were now protruding in anticipation.
Would you let him graze them across your heated skin? Would you let him lick your neck? Would you let him make you his?
He’d be so good for you…
Miguel started gliding his hand up and down painfully slowly, precum rolling down his knuckles.
You were now fanning yourself with your hand and his hips bucked instinctively.
“Sí, cariño… so hot…” he said in between moans, fucking himself relentlessly.
He increased the grip around his cock, knowing fully well your pussy would squeeze him tighter than this.
It would be a miracle if he managed to last long inside you. He’d want your first time together to be with you on your back, so he could watch your face twist as you struggled to take all of him. He could picture perfectly in his mind how your lips would quiver and how he’d promptly comfort you, reassuring you that he would take it slowly.
His eyes fluttered shut, as he kept fucking his hand, wet sounds adding to the pleasure.
He pictured you riding him, soft moans escaping your lips as he guided you up and down.
Another broken thrust.
Deciding that he needed more visual guidance, his eyes snapped open as he watched as you tapped on your watch.
The one on his wrist beeped and Miguel groaned in pure frustration.
He considered not answering you, but…
“Hey, Miguel,” your sweet voice came through and it took all of him not to burst.
You were pacing nervously. “I… think I fried the chip. I’m sorry… I thought it’d handle the added voltage.”
So fucking sweet…
He halted his strokes momentarily, inhaling and trying to steady his breathing.
“Say something…” your voice was low. “Don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not,” he managed to say, cock twitching at the innocence in your voice.
How could he ever be mad at you?
“Huh… well, I know it’s late… but if you want to come…”
Bad choice of words…
Because he did want to come… deep inside you.
“… or not! You can take a look tomorrow,” you added rapidly with a nervous laugh, and Miguel had to bite the back of his hand to muffle a moan.
“You okay? You sound… breathless…”
Look at you… so concerned with his well-being… he’d love to leave you breathless.
He exhaled slowly. “Yes. Don’t worry about it. You’re doing great,” he said, slipping into his tendency to praise you. “You’re really good.”
“You think so? I mean, you’re the expert here… I’m still learning.”
He dragged the pad of his thumb across the tip, feeling the
“You’re so good,” he nearly moaned out.
“It means a lot coming from you,” she chirped happily, unaware of how close he was. “We’ll talk tomorrow. Bye~”
You were visibly excited on the screen in front of him, and it was evident you had enjoyed his praise and approval.
His sweet girl always so eager to please.
That was enough to bring him over the edge.
He tapped his watch right away, feeling the unstoppable wave of an orgasm flush through his entire body at once as the first streaks of cum shot out, landing on his pants and lower abdomen. He rode out his pleasure with messy rolls of his hips, fingers squeezing out as much cum as possible.
A loud growl erupted from his throat and he did allowed the overwhelming sensation to completely take over.
By the time he came down from his high, breathless and swear rolling down his face, Miguel realised he would have to eventually do something about this. The amount of cum pooling at his lower abdomen was impressive and he knew it was all going to waste.
Unless he made you his.
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Part 2
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nebraskas · 1 month
4/26/24 Nebraska/IA Tornadoes
a continuously updated list of resources
last updated 4/27/24 at 8:13 AM CST; find how to help those affected at the bottom
If you are disabled and impacted by tornadoes, call Disability & Disaster Hotline 800-626-4959 or email [email protected] (per The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies on X)
Nebraska Humane Society can house animals that need emergency shelter. Contact Animal Control at 402-444-7800 ext. 1. (per NE Humane Society on X)
Images and videos from across the storm's path.
Three Timbers Church - S 2nd and Warehouse Street, St. John's Lutheran Church - N Molly Street and Howard Lane, and City Hall - 156th Street and Warehouse Street are all locations to find assistance. (per KETV7)
Clean Up
13505 N. 216th St. in Bennington needs to keep several things in mind:
The landfill will be open 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday.
Green debris limbs must be cut into pieces 4 feet or smaller.
Debris can be mixed.
Home appliances and hazardous materials are not accepted.
(per KETV7)
The Red Cross has set up a location at First Lutheran Church at 2146 Wright Street (per KETV7)
A Facebook page where people are offering resources
Common Ground Recreation Center at 1701 Veterans Drive will serve as an overnight shelter for those affected and pets. (per KETV7)
Anyone needing relief or assistance due to the storms, St. Patrick’s at 204th and Maple Street is your go to. Do not go for unrelated reasons. (per Omaha Scanner on X)
Command Post has moved to 204th and West Maple in St Patrick’s Church parking lot. Media staging is now at the Walgreens parking lot at 202 W Maple (per OPD on X)
Currently there is a reunification center being established at Elkhorn Middle School located at 3200 N 207th street for parents. (per Douglas County 911 on X)
PETS: PetSmart Veterinary Services is at the Walgreens at 202nd and Maple in Elkhorn for pet triage and stabilizing services for animals needing care from tornado injuries. (per Brian Beech on X)
Clean Up
Pheasant Point Landfill as a debris drop-off location, closes at 3 PM today (per KETV7)
Residents who have suffered damage to their homes in today's severe weather event should call 2-1-1 or go online at http://dogis.org/211 to make a report. (per Douglas County on X)
Heartland Hope Mission has two locations in west and south O that offer help. West - 15555 Industrial Road, South - 2021 U Street (per KETV7)
How to Help
NE Humane Society is taking food and litter donations at 8929 Fort Street; also accepting monetary donations. (per NE Humane Society on X)
On 4/27/24 at 7:30 AM there will be a meeting at Relevant Church 21220 Elkhorn Drive held by Rapid Response America to help with disaster relief. Bring your own PPE (gloves, long sleeved shirts, closed toed shoes) and you will have to sign a waiver. More info here.
A Facebook page where people can offer help
My City Church is partnering with other area churches to offer assistance. It's asking for volunteers to help in a variety of ways:
Meet at the Relevant center at 212th Street and West Maple Road at 7:30 a.m. Saturday. Volunteers are asked to bring chainsaws, trucks, trailers, shovels, rakes, brooms, garbage bags, etc. to help clean up
Meet at Brookside Elkhorn Campus at 9 a.m. Saturday. Volunteers need to bring necessary tools and work gloves.
(per KETV7)
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Bad Dragon is suing SinSaint over copyright infringement of their dildo designs. What I want to know is, can you copyright the shape of a dog's dick? Because if you can, you shouldn't be able to.
I did knot need to hear about this one.
one more pun
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TSG is gonna be one of the more reputable sources for this one
MARCH 25--A manufacturer of “fantasy-themed sex toys” has accused an upstart Brooklyn, New York firm of knocking off its distinctive designs, according to a federal lawsuit alleging that the defendant has infringed on copyrights for dildos such as “Spritz the Seadragon” and “Tyson the Water Buffalo.”
In a March 20 complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Arizona, Bad Dragon Enterprises contended that its “sculptural” products have been illegally copied by SinSaint, which is headquartered in a Coney Island warehouse and advertises that all its “Ethically Manufactured” toys are “made in Brooklyn, USA.”
Bad Dragon, which noted that it has had “significant commercial success” in the adult toy field, alleged that SinSaint has been selling the duplicative dildos through its website and other trade channels, including the recent AVN Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas (where the new firm’s exhibitor booth was next to that of the all-nude Palomino strip club).
The lawsuit identifies 13 separate dildos that Bad Dragon claims have been copied (and renamed) by SinSaint, which was incorporated in New York last year. The colorful silicone toys feature scales, tentacles, suction cups, and other design elements meant to mimic the genitalia of dragons, sea creatures, and other fantastical characters.
Some of the Bad Dragon products that SinSaint is accused of swiping are “Kelvin the Ice Dragon,” “Stan the T. Rex,” and “Vergil the Drippy Dragon.” SinSaint has not been accused of pirating other Bad Dragon offerings like “Jason the Demogorgon” or “Cuttlefish of Cthulhu.”
According to the lawsuit, SinSaint’s counsel last month stated that the company had begun removing “some of the allegedly infringing listings for product redesign.” This response, Bad Dragon contended, was “unacceptable,” adding that it “continues to be harmed by Defendant’s ongoing, unlawful conduct.”
The Bad Dragon complaint seeks an order enjoining SinSaint from continuing any further alleged
copyright infringement and seeks “disgorgement of all of Defendant’s profits” related to the artificial penises. The company may also seek statutory damages of up to $150,000 for each of the dildos in question.
For more than a decade, Bad Dragon has sought trademark and copyright protection for various product lines. While often successful, the firm’s application to trademark its “Cum Tube” was abandoned after a government attorney rejected the ejaculating dildo because the “applied-for mark consists of or includes immoral or scandalous matter.” The application included a very NSFW image, which can be found on the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office website.
According to an August 2023 trademark application, SinSaint’s owner is Oleg Semenenko, 50, a resident of Brooklyn’s gated Seagate community. Semenenko lives less than a mile from SinSaint’s warehouse, which shares an address with GlobMarble, an industrial molds business for which Semenenko is listed as “manager” in a separate trademark application filed this month.
In a brief interview today, Semenenko was asked how a dildo firm grew out of his original business. “We work with rubber,” he replied. Semenenko dismissed Bad Dragon’s claim that its products were unique and original: “How can octopus hand can be your idea?” (4 pages) ____________________________________________
Hope the judge that did the recent trump case gets this one, even though I know that's basically impossible, just the thought of making him listen to hours of testimony about how these rubber fantasy dildos are protected by copyright or trademark law, or something like that is funny to me.
It's not a revenge thing wanting it, just a keep him humble thing. I know you think you're hot shit now, so here listen to these arguments for a bit.
Totally different note, I'm wondering how long until the discourse starts up, or if it has already started up, where using horse dildos is either bestiality or a gateway to bestiality because what with the way people treat cartoons of fictional people I can't imagine it's far off or not already here.
Look to japan for the tentacle ones.........
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lermisv4 · 1 year
To all Persona fans, here’s why Tatsuya Suou is (the best) my favourite protagonist
1. Became the top delinquent without actually doing anything illegal prior to that point.
2. Has a blood feud with a serial killer.
3. Stole said serial killer’s sword and is now using it to kill mobsters and the army.
4. Has piloted a mecha.
5. Once kicked his older brother from a flying zeppelin straight to the ocean to avoid talking to him.
6. Figured out how to work a teleportation machine in five minutes flat.
7. Eats his meat raw.
8. Can play the electric guitar. That’s always cool.
9. He’s bi and not afraid to admit it.
10. Once punched a god in the face so hard the god changed his non-interference policy.
11. He then kicked that god’s ass so hard the dude never interfered with anything ever again.
12. Also kicked the ass of that god’s rival god. Twice.
13. Is skilled at making sound effect sounds.
14. Is besties with a butch lesbian.
15. Fought the nazis.
16. Somehow managed an arangement where he’s staying the apartment of one of his brother’s coworkers without said brother finding out. Did we mention they’re police?
17. A friend of his is so fucking gay for him that Tatsuya got the ability to stop time.
18. Has heart-to-heart talks with a chainsmoking hacker that’s almost twice his age.
19. His ultimate move is to stop time and then drop an actual literal sun on you.
20. Nuclear powers will never not be cool.
21. Riding a motorcycle will also never not be cool.
22. Punches aside, his glare can also freeze gods.
23. His persona has his own phone number. It usually goes to voice mail though.
24. Killed the serial killer twice. Second time was with his own sword.
25. Still can’t talk to girls but that stopped none of them.
26. Made his brother drop 35-45% of his tight-laced attitude due to sheer exposure. And drove him to pick up smoking again as a coping mechanism.
27. Grabbed a golden robot sword aimed to use him as a human sacrifice.
28. Way too familiar with the local cave system.
29. Got a multi-millionaire to give him his personal favourite sword for free. He did so by cornering said millionaire in an abandoned warehouse. By accident.
30. Picked up flower language in the middle of all this nonesense.
31. His engineering and driving skills are literally powered by his reputation and god.
32. Had no backup for around 40% of the nonesense that was his game(s).
33. Has a shrine semi-dedicated to him that’s full of lava.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 2 months
Max: There's three suspects. One was a woman.
Melos: Are you sure?
Max, referring to the fight with the intruders: Yeah, I...felt her.
Melos: ...You touched the boobies?
[Max slaps him upside the head.]
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beatricethecat2 · 1 year
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Bering & Wells: Split Screen #349
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terapsina · 3 months
✨ E M O T I O N S ! ✨
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Scenes in question: Angel 5x15, Warehouse 13 3x11, 12 Monkeys 4x11, Bones 3x14, Glee 3x06, Buffy 6x08, Lucifer 4x09, Shadowhunters 1x12, The Tomorrow People 1x12, The Magicians 3x09, The Magicians 4x10, The Magicians 4x13.
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soberscientistlife · 8 months
A Kentucky distribution center has been slapped with a $30,000 fine after the U.S. Department of Labor found it illegally employed two children, one of whom operated a forklift.
Win.It America Inc.’s warehouse in Hebron, about 20 miles west of Cincinnati, Ohio, was found to have employed an 11 year old and 13 year old at its distribution center “for months,” The U.S. Department of Labor said Friday in a news release.
I hope more companies in states with relaxed child labor laws have the same fate.
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foreverambrosia · 3 months
Warehouse gremlin creating people from magic energies and everyone attempting to get her to stop is like trying to get a kitty to not fuck with something. Vague disinterest in listening at most lol
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
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On March 13, 2024 The IDF said that Muhammad Abu Hasna, a commander in the t3rror group’s operations unit, was eliminated in the strike. According to a joint statement from the IDF and the Shin Bet, Abu Hasna was involved in seizing humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip and distributing it to Ham@s operatives.
Ham@s hoard flour and humanitarian aid in their warehouse. The warehouses of the Social Affairs Center and the Ministry of Development and Economy, affiliated with Ham@s, are filled with flour and food supplies discovered by Gaza residents after being bombed.
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