#sabin makes me cry
gazkerber · 4 months
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Some Final Fantasy VI sketch requests that I've made for patrons on Patreon recently ❤
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grxceful-ly · 1 year
hera and ezra reunion
i want to see hera catch sight of ezra at the same time he sees her. i want them to approach each other, i want them to be emotional but quietly---different from the loudness of sabine and ezra’s reunion---and i want hera to hug him like he might disappear in her arms. and then i want them both to break with a sob that could be a laugh while hera cradles the back of his head and marvels at how different he is. i want ezra to look up from the hug and for sabine to give him a brilliant, watery smile from where she’s watching, and then i want the girls to introduce jacen syndulla to him.
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jessicas-pi · 4 months
don't mind me. just making myself cry with my own fanfiction at 11:23 PM
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i was complaining to my friend about how ahsoka's fighting style is completely different and she doesn't do any of her flips and crazy kicks anymore but i just saw someone point out that she's 47? so yeah, i guess that's fair
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What if Ezra has super long hair in Ahsoka because the last time he cut it Sabine got so mad at him because she wanted to play with it and try styles out on him, but he messed up trying to cut it and she had to shave it all off.
So now he just doesn't cut his hair at all and only trusts Sabine to do it.
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samsdawn · 1 year
I spent hours making a wolfwren edit and before I could finish or upload my laptop has now broke and stopped charging so I'll likely have to redo all again on phone as I hadn't uploaded it to acc
I am suffering
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heelhausen · 6 months
Opening with Sabin… girlypop don’t play with my heart I know he’s not gonna take the belt back please just give me MCMG comfort kissies ;-;
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jacquesthepigeon · 9 days
I have personally seen cases where kids grow up as complete strangers to their heritage especially as is the case with my own cousin in California but that involved multiple factors
1) My aunt was isolated and practically estranged from boricua communities. There is a large latino population in California, yes, but it’s mostly Mexican, not a problem, but it’s drastically different from boricua culture. I cannot describe to you how sad it was to see her express relief at being around her people during holidays for the first time in over a decade.
2) Assimilation and shame was heavily encouraged. My aunt’s MIL, from Mexico, went as far as having her name legally changed to its English equivalent. Over the years since my aunt’s move to the states, there have been multiple incidents where she drastically exaggerated the state of the country and our living conditions (all way before the infrastructure, particularly electricity services, got noticeably Bad) based on sensationalist news articles. It got to the point where she called all of us “idiots” for staying.
Bringing it back to ML
According to a 2019 census, there were 71,500 parisians who reported being born in China, a figure that doesn’t account for descendants of chinese immigrants. That is a far cry from leaving Sabine isolated from her culture. She has ample resources to find and participate in a community of fellow chinese immigrants within the city.
In regards to assimilation and shame, just look at her fucking design and hobbies holy shit. It clearly doesn’t apply to her. As for her english (french?) name, it is a fairly common practice for people from various asian countries to adopt an english name. I’ve seen multiple explanations for this ranging from confucian self naming practices being influenced by exposure to western cultures all the way to workplace culture and convenience. In Sabine’s case, because her chinese name is so similar to her western name, I imagine it’s simply a matter of avoiding the headache of constantly correcting people on the spelling and pronunciation of her chinese name. It sucks that it’s something so many immigrants and even tourists have to do to be addressed respectfully but that’s also worth exploring within the narrative.
Which brings me to why it’s important that we recognize the crew’s intentions and POV when discussing how these characters and dynamics are written. They’re not considering any of these and countless other factors that affect how immigrants and their children interact with their own heritage. They want to be praised and lauded for being “inclusive” and “diverse” simply for commodifying a cultural aesthetic. They have no real concern for the people they’re profiting from or their lives and complexities.
So let’s assume for a moment that despite not being affected by any of the factors that I mentioned influenced my own aunt’s lack of educating my cousin about her culture, that’s still an issue that should be addressed specifically in regards to Sabine’s decisions in raising Marinette rather than pushing the blame onto Marinette for “not expressing interest” and learning on her own. The last few times my cousin has come to visit, we do our best to accommodate her and make her as comfortable as possible but when she inevitably lets it show that she is uncomfortable and would prefer to step away from the situation, my aunt has the nerve to shame her for not liking or participating in her culture. I assure you, my aunt was the only one blaming my cousin as we were all silently judging my aunt as she’s obviously the one responsible for it getting to this point, as we have been doing ever since we knew she wasn’t teaching my cousin spanish. So assuming this is the case with Sabine and Marinette, where Sabine had the means to teach Marinette at the very least the basics, and now Sabine is somewhat resentful of Marinette not figuring it out on her own, that is something that definitely needs to be addressed with close attention and care.
But they won’t.
Sabine is not a chinese immigrant in the interest of other chinese immigrants
Marinette is not a white-passing diaspora child in the interest of other white-passing diaspora children
There is no diversity or representation in this show that isn’t meant to turn them into props to make white men look better, be they fictional or real
That is the issue, not the existence of borderline caricature-esque immigrants or white-passing POC in the real world possibly getting representation. It’s not about them, never has been.
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generalsyndulla · 1 year
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Honestly I cannot look at this frame because it makes me cry.
Even before Kanan’s death, Hera had been on edge about the safety of Ezra and Sabine. Almost every episode she is seen to be worried and has to be constantly reassured that they’ll be alright. It gets even worse after Kanan’s death and her fear becomes overwhelming that she seeks comfort from the force manifestation of Kanan. So after losing Kanan, after being put in a dire situation with Thrawn (and finding out that she’s pregnant), she can' bare to let Ezra go.
The ironic part is she helped raised him like this! From the very first episode where she tells him “If all you do is fight for your own life, then your life is worth nothing.” He has stopped only fighting for himself and is now fighting to save not only his family but for Lothal - his home. Hera’s words from season one are thrown back to her face as she pleases with him “I won’t let you go.”
To add to the tragedy, Sabine is watching in the background knowing that she has to let Ezra go. She was raised by the same people that taught them both about selfless love and sacrifice. Sabine knows it will break Hera’s heart but she knows and trusts Ezra to make the decisions he feels he needs to make.
I'm the first one to criticise the writing of this show but goddamn I feel like the relationship between Hera and Ezra (though subtle) is one of the best things about the show and the writing.
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tonsillessscum · 1 year
You don’t understand how devastating I find Shin’s attire . Poor darling is so ragged and has darned and mended the ever-loving hell out of their clothes. And then compare that to anything Sabine or Ahsoka wears.
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They have spent so much time on the run, and still take so much pride in their appearance. The little gems in their Padawan braid, the stitching and darning on every part of their outfit, the bleached hair and eyeliner. Idk.
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It just makes me tear up at the thought of them finally settling down after weeks without rest , and going through the routine of brushing the bleach on their roots, painting their nails and then sitting down and stitching up the new tears in their clothes.
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It’s partly because they need to have some control over some aspect of their life but also because they don’t know the next time they’ll get new clothes.
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Crying over the shoulder darning on their cloak
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*sobs at the Chappell Roan concert*
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13ag21k · 1 year
It is 5am AND I JUST REALIZED THAT KANAN BLOODY JARRUS HAS JAIG EYES PAINTED OVER HIS VISOR, WHAT? Did Sabine just bestow this symbol upon him due to his bravery and continous self sacrifice for the rebellion and his little found family? Does Kanan even know that she did this? Why doesn't Rex say anything about it? Why hasn't the rest of the crew noticed this? I'm in tears, does anyone know why is this so?
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Look at him! Why didn't I notice this sooner?
Edit: Where is the scene where Sabine lovingly paints it over his visor and Kanan doesn't know how much this means to her and her people. This symbolizes how brave and courageous Kanan is, that instead of being underestimated for his lack of vision he should be feared and respected and that my friends is what makes a grown ass person cry.
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loth-creatures · 1 year
Wolfwren is just so funny to me. I can't quite take them seriously, but well if they're gonna be that goddamn homosexual on screen I guess I have no choice.
They're like the opposite of otp they're like one true divorce.
They never really get past wanting to kill each other but they wanna fuck so bad it makes them look stupid but they still hate each other but they're also both lonely af and circumstances are circumstancing so they form a begrudging and mildly toxic attachment/friendship/fuck-buddy-ship that there's no getting rid of but every time it almost starts working they end up trying to kill each other again. They never actually date but they have broken up 1 million times.
Ezra or Ketsu find Sabine moping and glowering over her phone and a bottle of whiskey and they're like what's wrong- oh you unblocked her again didn't you :(
Baylan finds Shin crying about it and he's like you know you could still just kill her 🙄
Disaster lesbians of all time
Ehahaaaaa I had this in my drafts before the finale we pretend it did not happen I'm fucking off to au land bye
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grxceful-ly · 1 year
random song playing at a cantina, probably in a language sabine mostly understands and ezra most certainly does not
ezra, leaning in: i wrote this one for you
sabine: *eye roll*
on a mission or smthn, having to deal with a terrible singer (who’s clearly never met anyone honest) as they belt out a song for one reason or another
sabine, whispering: hey, ezra.
ezra, clearly suppressing a wince as he listens: yeah?
sabine: this one’s for you.
ezra: *doing that lips-pressed-together thing, eyes beginning to water, refusing to even give her a smile*
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jessicas-pi · 11 months
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just-prime · 1 year
Ahsoka is so slow I could cry. She was trained by Anakin and presumably Obi-wan and several other Jedi, and Rosario can hardly do an actual lightsaber twirl, let alone make me believe she could survive Ventress, Maul, Grievous, or Vader, survive order 66, or run in a way that looks fast. Bo-Katan moves faster, Shin moves faster, Sabine moves faster, Ezra moves faster, even Ewan's lazy twirls while walking around and not actively engaged in battle in the prequels were roughly as fast as Rosario's in an actual duel.
It's also canon that in this era, in a less prequels flashy version of standard Jedi abilities, a Jedi can leap SEVERAL feet. Luke in ROTJ- even GROGU can jump higher, while Rosario's feet are consistently glued to the ground. Her choreography and speed are so inconsistent with this established era and people keep writing it off and praising it as her fighting like a samurai now, even though it makes NO sense for her to, given who trained her. She isn't A New Hope Obi-wan, nor sad cave dwelling Obi-wan who hasn't stretched or lifted a weapon in a decade, and a 44 year old Jedi is still supposed to be in their prime.
I truly wonder if part of it is that they can't keep her lekku on properly if she does a flip, and they are shorter because they were meant to be more practical, but I'm really not seeing a character agile enough to need stunt modified lekku.
If they couldn't bring this to life in live action convincingly, it should have remained animated and each passing week demonstrates this more and more.
I'm sorry to anon into your inbox like this, but your post about the last episode has been so refreshing, and I've felt like I've been watching a completely different show than other people and don't know how they considered any of the actors ready. (Rosario has said she was training during filming). Thank you for your brutally honest take, you're spot on on all counts.
Couple of things.
A) I agree with everything you just said. Always feel free to come and rant into my asks.
B) I HAVE BEEN ANTI TINY LEKKU SINCE MANDO S2. It's laughable that we've seen cosplayers with more Rebels accurate headpieces. And of course everyone defends it with the 'it wouldn't be fair to the stunt person to have them try and do flips in that' and it's like NEWSFLASH Ahsoka isn't doing flips anyway!!! And sure, they probably stuck Rosario in a 5 week sword training class, but she's clearly not had to do any serious combat training given how clunky her fights are. And again, this was also a problem back in Mando s2, only she was in the middle of a foggy woods, so it was easier to hide the fact that she is incompetent when it comes to fight choreography.
C) "If they couldn't bring this to life in live action convincingly, it should have remained animated" Exactly. This is why every passing day I am increasingly pissed that this show killed and ate the animated Rebels sequel series that was in fucking development. Everything about this show, from Ahsoka, to Hera (hell, even TBoBF cameos like Cad Banes) prove that Disney is not willing to shell out for a decent makeup and/or CG designer. No shade to the artists that are currently working on it, they are doing their jobs to the best of their abilities. What I mean is they didn't have anyone on set that was in a high enough positions to say 'Hey, have any of you heard of contouring?' Like, just looking at the alien makeup of the OT...which somehow holds up better than state of the art Disney budget makeup. It's just fucking embarrassing at this point. There is no reason everyone should look as flat as they do, but it's no surprise that they do when mary elizabeth winstead is celebrating that her makeup only took an hour. Sure, it's understandable that you don't want to be sitting in the makeup chair every morning of hours on end, but in the end you are an actor who signed up to play an alien...Suck it up buttercup.
D) I totally understand how hard it is to be not liking this show right now. The amount of people who've told me that "well, clearly it's just not made for you" after I point out a simple fact that a character is out of character is painful. Looking at twitter after each episode as everyone seems to think Filoni is creating the second coming is painful. Because it really does feel like we're watching a different show than them.
Okay, I think I covered everything. Thank you again for your kind words and your wonderful rant!!!
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swashbucklery · 11 months
Out of curiosity why do you ship sabine and shin ?
Okay anon so I am trying to figure out how to approach this ask because I know that this fandom has a real problem with bad-faith actors looking to troll Wolfwren shippers and I do not have the patience to deal with that, but also I do want to talk about them because they're lovely.
So. If you are asking because you're a troll, the answer is that I'm a big mean lesbian who likes ruining Star Wars and gets off on making innocent fanboys cry, #sorrynotsorry, it's part of my Terrible Queer Ruining Agenda and I am going to be doing it every second Tuesday until society as you know it has crumbled into gay dust.
If you're not a troll: because they hit this very particular combination of Trope Buttons that makes me ever so happy, anon!
Because it's about - like, there are ships that I love because they are a type of loving partnership that entrances me, where I see myself or see the type of love that speaks to my soul and want to enjoy the process of rolling around in it like a cat in nip. Then there are ships that I love because I'm attached to a particular character where like - this blorbo deserves the world and that includes a healing love, a warm love, a love that cultivates a space for them to rest after the harsh world around them has bruised them ever so.
THEN there are ships where - the dynamic fascinates me and I want to dig deeper into it. Where it's not about cultivating love as much as it is taking what's on screen to its gayest and most extreme possible endpoint, and that's where Sabine/Shin really gets me.
It's about the deep obsession of nemeses and the way that can feel inherently queer. It's about the ways that they are both mirrors and opposites. The way that Sabine carries so much anger and self-loathing and shame and guilt in her little heart and constantly pretends that she doesn't. The way that limits her throughout the series is riveting to me.
It's the idea of Shin, who in may ways is a more successful Jedi but in other ways is a sad, lonely little weirdo who has no community except for this weird old man and pretends that she's fine with it but can't be.
The way that they are both successes and failures in ways that mirror each other, the way that they orbit each other as nemeses and fight constantly but in their darkest moments have a weird little glimmer of - not love, but the beginnings of compassion.
And I have seen lots of writers and artists who look at that glimmer and see it as the beginning of a 200k slowburn story where they bicker and argue and slowly tenderize each other into being people who can be vulnerable, who learn to soften their prickly edges to fit around each other. And that's wonderful, and that's a beautiful way to ship Sabine & Shin.
For me, it's more about digging into that weird, fucked up little place of what if they didn't. What if they stayed fucked up and didn't soften but those orbits got closer and closer together. What if it wasn't toweringly romantic what if the orbit was the path of a comet colliding with a moon. What if that was somehow what each of them needed even though they both hated needing it. What does it feel like to confront the fact that sometimes our desires and what we want our desires to be don't align? What would it be like to envelop that in the complex ten-dimensional web of denial that both of them embody; desiring but pretending not to desire, indulging but pretending not to indulge. How far could that go before it hit a crisis point? What would that crisis point be?
There are so many stories there and that's fascinating and a thing that I find fun to explore in fiction, anon. If that's not for you, that's totally alright but there might be other dimensions that I described above where they ping with your interests more.
Or, they might just not be for you, and that's also okay.
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