#sabine’s howler friend
alphaofdarkness · 4 months
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A ’Bine drawing I made for the amazing Natasha ✨💜🥹 + Tiny little scribbles of some important dears around her too; Miss Sabine Wren you are so loved 💜🧡💛💚💙
Natasha will be going to the Dallas Fan Expo this weekend, and while I won’t have the chance to meet her personally due to distance and availability tomorrow, my best friend offered to meet her for me and gift her this draw I made and have her sign another for me 💜🥹 I’m so giddy over it honestly hrkajdknfksjd
I’m just so grateful for my dear HS bestie doing this for me, first the personalized video recording from Atsushi’s English VA and now this for Natasha 😍 Que Dios siempre de bendiga Amanders 🫂✨💜
Will definitely update after on how it went for my friend 😍✨ have a wonderful day y’all 🥰
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linda-with-an-i · 1 year
I have QuestionsTM after Ahsoka's season finale.
But mostly...
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lunarspiral1127 · 1 year
Apologies in advance cause this is a rant and gonna come off as an anti post.
I have to ask. Is Sabine Wren a more likeable character in Rebels? Cause in Ahsoka, she comes off as an annoying brat to me.
The enemy reaching to Thrawn was all her fault. If she didn't take the map to solve it and just stayed and solved it on Ahsoka's ship, Shin wouldn't have found her and stolen the map. If Sabine wasn't so goddamn obsessed with finding Ezra and just did what Ahsoka told her and destroy the map to prevent another war, Baylan wouldn't have gotten it from her by convincing her that he'll take her to him.
And, even when Thrawn or anyone else tries to tell her what her actions have caused, she'd just brush it off and made it about her. Like, god forbid, we can't have her feel any guilt for what she did. I mean, she gave the map to Baylan for him, Shin, and Morgan to get to where Thrawn is and bring him back so that he can start a war on the whole galaxy. Innocent lives would be killed, planets destroyed or conquered, people would be in danger, including Hera and her son. Y'know, her OTHER friends that she still has in her life that she endangered all because she wants to see Ezra. A guy who exiled himself and Thrawn to another galaxy so that Thrawn wouldn't be a threat to his home and friends. He had to leave them behind to keep them safe and be stuck on a planet for over 10 years (I think). Way to undo all of that, Sabine. 🙄
Also, she yelled at a Howler for leaving when bandits shot at them. Like, WHAT THE HELL WAS IT SUPPOSED TO DO?! Seriously, she pissed me off when she yelled at the Howler. I felt bad for the big rat-dog. The big guy looked so sad!
I really really hope someone actually calls her out on her stupidity for real. But, I doubt that's gonna happen.
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air-mechanical · 1 year
Be warned. Nomads wander this wasteland and prey upon each other for survival. Die well.
Thrawn doesn't care if Sabine dies out in the wasteland. But Enoch warns her of a threat and gives her a respectful dismissal.
Because he’s seen countless colleagues and friends die out in the wasteland and from injuries sustained while in it. Their medical supplies are low. Their fuel is low. Their numbers keep falling. Their hope for escape hovers one rung above low, thanks to Thrawn's charismatic leadership and the practical deals he's making with witches.
But Thrawn doesn't directly send men and women out into the wasteland on missions. Enoch does. He used to have subordinates he could delegate this work to when needed. But they're gone. So he does it himself. He makes a point of doing it himself. Because the crew of The Chimaera have plummeted from a position of extreme confidence when encountering new planets and lifeforms, secure in their military might, to a mindset where they could be killed when they set foot on foreign soil. They don't have the fuel or replacement parts to travel everywhere by ship, so they go by foot. Or Howler. And their losses keep mounting.
But they have to go outside - to monitor native enemy activity, to make contact with Ezra (or to find him if you really believe that Thrawn hasn't got a clue where he is), to survey the land, to hunt, to exercise, to step off a warship and onto solid land and breathe natural air and feel it on their skin before they go crazy. And each time they do, they're at ever greater risk of dying. But they won't hide in their ship like cowards. They accept the risk of the great outdoors. They accept their orders. And they give each other one of the few things that's in their power to give.
The gift of a good death.
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redskull199987 · 1 year
A good Feeling
Ezra Bridger x fem!Jedi!reader Part II
Word count:2.9k
Warnings: !SPOILERS! for Ahsoka Ep. 7, minor injuries, canon typical violence
Summary:After finally seeing Ezra again, You barely have Time to celebrate, as Thrawn and his goons are still hot on your tail…
A/N: Decided to make this into a series, so here is Part II :)
Part I , Part II (you are here)
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Merely a day had passed, since You and Sabine arrived on Peridea. The sky was still tinted in a cold gray and the landscape looked exactly as uninviting as before. The only thing alive seemed to be the small tribe of hermits that had led you to Ezra.
Speaking of the young Jedi, he had decided that it would be safer to get moving again and so you were back on Tota the Howler, protecting the little flock from the back, while Ezra and Sabine lead them upfront.
You watched from afar, how the two of them talked. Sabine was probably catching Ezra up on what had happened in the last ten years. You were happy to see the two of them talking so freely again.
While the first few hours after your arrival were filled with hugs and small kisses between You and Ezra, you had realized that him and Sabine deserved some time to talk alone too. They had known each other much longer and were like Siblings to each other. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a strange feeling that spread within you. A feeling of dread and restlessness. You turned around for a second, looking out for something. Anything, that might have caused this feeling.
And then it was gone.
And a new feeling arose. A familiar feeling. The presence of a person. A Person close to you. You let your eyes flutter shut and concentrated on that feeling, pulling it closer and closer, until it felt like you could almost stretch out your hand and touch it. And then, all of a sudden, you heard it loud and clear. Saw it before your inner eye.Felt the fabric of her clothes under your touch. Her smell that you had known so well from combating against her.
It was Ahsoka. She was calling out to you and Sabine.
Immediately, you grabbed the leash of the Howler tighter, making your way towards Ezra and Sabine.
“You felt it too, didn't you?”, You asked, upon reaching the two. Ezra only gave you a confused glance, but Sabine nodded.
“It was Ahsoka.”, she said plainly, “She's alive.”
You couldn't help the grin that spread over your face. Ahsoka was alive and she was on her way to you.
You didn't have time to answer, as the small shuttles of the Noti surrounding you suddenly came to a halt and several of the small hermits pointed towards the hill, located in front of you. You followed their gaze and spotted two small figures standing on top of said hill. Upon seeing the two of them, the feeling of dread you had felt earlier returned.
“They have been following us.”, You said, looking over to Ezra and Sabine.
“Friends of Yours?”, Ezra asked, looking back and forth between Sabine and You.
“No.”, Sabine said coldly and you couldn't agree more with her. You weren't exactly keen on facing Baylan and Shin again, after how your last fight with them ended.
You watched how Ezra slowly turned his shuttle around, directing the flock the other way, away from Baylan and Shin. You followed close behind, but had your eyes still on the two Sith standing on the hill.
“We're having company”, you yelled, as the flock gained speed again. But it was useless. Shin and her group of murderous nomads were close on your heels.
You watched as Sabine grabbed both of her blasters and started shooting at the nomads. You nodded at her and let yourself fall back, as you grabbed your lightsaber to deflect the enemy fire.
While you were busy protecting the Noti shuttles, you saw from the corner of your eye how one of the Nomads was closing his distance towards you.
“You gotta stay real still for me, okay Tota?”,You mumbled to your Howler, as you let the leash fall out of your hands. You continued acting like you didn't notice the nomad sneaking up on you, but when he was about to attack you, you quickly jumped up, aiming your lightsaber at him.
Merely a second later, you landed securely on the back of the howler where the nomad had been sitting just a few seconds ago. But he was now laying on the soft grass behind you, a hole in his chest.
But the moment of victory only lasted a few seconds, as the Blaster fire of the other nomads was directed at you again, after they realized what you had done to their comrade.
“Tota!?”, You yelled out to your Howler. Upon hearing your voice, they immediately ran over to you, ready to be mounted by you again.
“Good Howler.”, You mumbled, as you jumped onto Tota´s back again. You deflected the incoming shots as good as you could, pushing a nomad off of their Howler here and there. But as you saw one of the shuttles malfunction and crashing to the ground, You quickly grabbed Tota´s leash, slowing the Howler down. You quickly jumped to the ground, as you saw the rest of the flock turn around, coming back for the shuttle.
“Are you alright? Is everyone okay?!”, You quickly asked, waving at the Noti. You didn't understand a word they said, but they seemed fine, so you just gave them a thumbs up.
You watched how Ezra directed the rest of the flock back to where you were standing next to the broken shuttle. The nomads were following close behind and started to circle you, as all the shuttles came to a halt.
“Get inside. I'll handle this.”, Ezra said to the Noti and they followed his directions without much hesitation.
You quickly jogged over to him and Sabine, your lightsaber still drawn and resting in the palm of your hand, as the nomads were still very much surrounding you.
But you couldn't help the smile that rose to your face, as you recognized the familiar outlines of Ahsoka´s ship quickly closing in on your position.
“You two alright?”, you questioned, looking up at Ezra and Sabine. Both of them nodded quickly, but upon following Ezra´s gaze, you saw that Shin and what seemed to be the leader of the nomads, were now making their way over to you.
“Who´s that?”, Ezra asked, looking down at you for answers.
“She's like you, but lacks your sense of humor.”, You described Shin for him. Looking back at her, the young Sith apprentice was staring holes in your head, like she wanted to kill you right then and there.
Ezra nodded at your answer,”Lightsaber?”he asked, not taking his eyes off Shin.
“Oh yeah.”, Sabine tuned in. You slightly winced at her annoyed tone, as you remembered the injury she had suffered from an attack by Shin.
“Great.”, Ezra mumbled, clearly understanding the emotions Sabine and You had towards Shin,”We better get ready.”
You watched how the leader of the Nomads lifted his spear into the air, shouting in a language you didn't understand, while Ezra and Sabine made their way out of the shuttle and over to where you were standing already.
“You okay?”, Ezra asked, slightly touching your forearm. You nodded at him, giving him a warm smile, before turning back around.
The nomads were now closing in on you. You calculated that your odds were about even.
“What´s the plan?”, Ezra asked, glazing over to you and Sabine.
“She only pulled out her lightsaber, wanting to hand it to Ezra:”You and Y/n. Do your thing.”
“What thing?”; Ezra asked, about as confused as you.
“Your lightsaber. Take it”, Sabine explained, her eyes still locked on the enemy.
Ezra pursed his lips at that:”You keep it.”
A small smile spread on your lips, upon hearing his words. This was so typical for Ezra. He always did something unexpected.
“I don't need it.”, Ezra explained further,”Besides, you´ve been training.”
“Very funny.”, Sabine mocked, still holding the lightsaber out to him.
Ezra only repeated himself:”No, I´m serious.”
“Take it.”, Sabine persisted, slightly slapping the lightsaber against his chest.
But Ezra refused again:”I gave it to you, it´s yours now.”
“At least take a blaster.”, Sabine groaned, but Ezra only grinned at her:”No, the Force is my ally. That´s all I need.”
“For God´s sake! Are you two finished?!”, You finally butted in, spinning around and cutting straight through a nomad that had been sneaking up on Ezra and Sabine,”Now is not the time for Talking!”
“Sabine started it!”, You heard Ezra yell, as the three of you dispersed into different directions.
You rolled your eyes at him, a small smile pulling at the corner of your lips, as you engaged another enemy that rounded a corner in front of you. It took only a few swings from your lightsaber before he was down. 
You kept moving around the shuttles, looking for the nomads, as you heard Sabine near you,”I did not start it!”, she answered to Ezra´s previous statement.
“You two are like children!”, You exclaimed, as you took a stance back to back with Sabine, fighting off the few Nomads that had surrounded you.
From the corner of your eye, you saw a Nomad that was about to jump Ezra from behind. You quickly stepped forward, reaching out your hand to use the force to send him flying towards the nearest shuttle.
Upon hearing the Nomad crash to the ground, Ezra quickly turned around. As he spotted you, he gave you a soft smile. But you had no time to return it, as You felt a sharp graze your shoulder and you quickly jumped back, raising your lightsaber in defense. 
The Nomad that had attacked you wasted no time and jumped at you, his spear raised over his head in an attempt to stab you. But before you could do anything, the Nomad was thrown against a Noti Shuttle, just like his comrade a few seconds ago. 
Your gaze lingered on his unconscious body for a second, before you looked up and saw Ezra sprinting towards you.
“Are you okay?”, he quickly asked, his gaze directed towards the small cut on your shoulder.
“I´m fine. Thank you, Ezra.”, You smiled and leaned up to quickly press a kiss to his cheek. The boy´s grin only got wider, but your small moment was interrupted, as you saw Shin behind Ezra coming closer.
“Look Out!”, You shouted and pulled Ezra away by his arm, as Shin swung her lightsaber at him.
A hand flew to Ezra's hair, as he grabbed a strand that had been grazed by Shin´s lightsaber.
“Close.”, he mumbled before jumping at her. You watched in awe how he managed to push her off, before also joining into the battle. Right as Ezra dodged one of Shin´s attacks, you stopped in, her lightsaber colliding with yours, as you pushed her back. The look of surprise that she gave you was unforgettable. 
You continued to fight together with Ezra, as You suddenly saw Sabine from the corner of your eye. She had drawn her lightsaber and joined your battle against Shin, swinging at her with full speed. Upon realizing that she now had to fight with three Jedi, two of them with lightsabers, Shin took a step back.
“It´s not looking good for you.”, Ezra stated the obvious. But he was interrupted as you could see several troop carriers closing in on you.
“We need to take her, now!”, Sabine exclaimed. Ezra nodded and was about to attack, but this time, Shin was faster and sent him flying against one of the shuttles.
“Ezra!?”, You yelled, but he wasn't reacting. You hoped that he was just unconscious and turned back around, locking eyes with sabine. the Mandalorian nodded at you and together you stepped forward to attack Shin together. The Sith managed to dodge your attacks, but you were able to slowly push her back, until you realized that Ezra had gotten up again and joined your side once more.
The fight stopped as you realized that Storm Troopers had surrounded you and each and every one of them was pointing their weapon at you three.
“Destroy them.”, Shin finally ordered and you heard the safety of all blasters around you lock off.
“Wait!Wait!Wait!”, Ezra yelled, lifting his hands to the air,”We could…talk. Or we could just…We…Don´t you wanna take us as prisoners? As Prisoners?”, He pointed his hand at Shin like that would help in any way.
But she didn't seem amused at all, her face was not showing any sign of emotion, as she yelled:”Fire!”, towards the troopers.
But they didn't have the chance to do so, as three of them were thrown off their feet and flung across the field. Mere seconds later, a Howler approached your group and from their back, Ahsoka jumped in front of you, her lightsabers drawn, ready to fight.
You, Sabine and Ezra quickly looked at each other, before dispersing into the field again, while Ahsoka took on Shin.
You saw Ahsoka´s ship flying above you, probably steered by Huyang, as you started fighting against the Troopers. It wasn´t particularly hard to take them down, the problem was the number of them. They attacked you from every corner possible.
You were in the middle of a fight against three Troopers that had been shooting on you for a few minutes, while you tried to get closer to them, as they suddenly stopped and started to retreat. Rounding the closest corner, you joined the rest of your team again. Shin was standing in front of Ahsoka, clearly surprised by the sudden order to retreat.
“Surrender your weapon. I can help you.”, Ahsoka ordered calmly. Shin only looked up at her, the fear on her face as clear as day. But instead of following Ahsoka´s orders, Shin turned around and ran off to her Howler.
“Ahsoka.”, Sabine finally said after a few seconds of silence. Ahsoka turned around and smiled at her apprentice.
“I thought you were dead.”, Sabine explained, sadness lacing her voice.
But Ahsoka only smiled, clicking her tongue:”And miss this reunion?”
She  looked over to Ezra, who also had a smile on his face, before the two shared a heartfelt hug. As the two parted, Ahsoka looked up to Ezra and a genuine laugh left her lips. 
After a few seconds, Ezra turned around towards Sabine and You:”Wait, you thought she was dead?”
“Clearly. We were wrong.”, Sabine answered, with a smile on her face. You only grinned, raising your hand to pat her shoulder:”I´m glad, we were.”
The sound of Huyang landing the ship behind the four of you, interrupted your little conversation as you all turned around.
Your gaze wandered over to one of the Noti, that had left their shuttle and waddled over to Ezra. Right behind them was Tota, who upon seeing you, Immediately ran over to you, rubbing the snout against your hand.
“Hey Tota.”, You mumbled and petted the Howler, as you watched Ezra reassure the small hermit;”Hey, it's okay. These are friends. All friends.”
You looked around you, as all of the other Noti now also started to come out of their shuttles, chattering away about God knows what.
Yeah, this feeling was pretty fucking great, you decided. 
“Guys. I´m getting a feeling.”, Ezra finally said,”I think I might be going home after all. "
You smiled at him, patting his shoulder, as the four of you gazed back towards Ahsoka´s ship.
A small squeal left your lips, as you suddenly felt Ezra´s arms wrap around you in a tight hug. You didn't have any time to react before, he pulled you off your feet spinning you around in circles. 
“Ezra!”, You scolded him, your hands resting on his shoulders for support, but You could only hear his beautiful laugh in response, before the two of you toppled to the ground. 
You could hear the laughs of Ahsoka and Sabine behind you, as you finally looked up. You realized that you were laying on top of Ezra. The jedi was of course already looking at you, his hands resting on your hips.
“I saw you fight today.”, he mumbled, only for you to hear,”You were awesome. You´ve really improved.”
“So have you.”, You chuckled, quickly pecking his lips, before slowly setting up again.
You saw a small blush creep up ezra´s neck, as he sat up next to you.
“We should take care of your shoulder”, He said pointing at the small scratch on your shoulder.
“It's just a scratch.”; You tried to dismiss him, but Ezra had already stood up again, holding his hand out to you.
“No excuses.”, he said sternly as he pulled you to your feet.
“Come on.”, You heard Ahsoka say, as she lightly patted Sabine´s shoulder,”Let´s give the lovebirds some time alone.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, as Sabine gave you a smirk, before following Ahsoka towards her ship.
“Shall we?”, Ezra asked after a few seconds of silence. You turned to look at him and saw that he held his hand out towards you.
“Always.”, You smiled before grabbing his hand and letting him lead you to one of the Noti shuttles, to take care of your shoulder. 
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swashbucklery · 1 year
I know I am never going to be a Star Wars Fandom Person and that I am not reacting to Ahsoka the way the rest of the internet is reacting because that was, without a doubt, the funniest dumbest gay thing I've ever seen??? HER STORMTROOPER FRIENDS LEFT
AND THEN RAN AWAY ON A WOLF (yes it's a howler i know it's a howler shh) TO BE SAD IN THE MOORS ALONE FOREVER(????)
NO ONE GIVE HER A HUG THIS IS FUCKING INCREDIBLE, I need to see her carve BAYLAN SUX into the side of a spaceship with her lightsaber. I need to see her dramatically tearing up as she learns that Evil Doesn't Pay I want her to listen to Space Evanescence alone in her room in the dark I need her to go to the Space Hot Topic and spend too much money on nail polish that DEFINITELY DOESN'T MAKE HER THINK OF SABINE this is critical to my enjoyment of Star Wars.
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kalevalakryze · 1 year
A Persistent Predator
Fandoms: Ahsoka Series, Star Wars - All Media Types Pairings: Shin Hati/Sabine Wren, Shin Hati & Ahsoka Tano, Shin Hati & Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren & Ahsoka Tano & Ezra Bridger Characters: Shin Hati, Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, Huyang, Baylan Skoll Warnings: Ahsoka Ep 7 Spoilers, Hurt/Comfort, Abandonment Issues, Notes: So... are we gonna talk about Baylan abandoning Shin, leaving their Padawan braid, Thrawn only ensuring his own men could retreat and leaving Shin to be captured etc etc etc? Also; I know Sabine was starting forward with violent intent for Shin, but... I'm gay, and soft, and I can't stop thinking about how red Shin's face got when they were about to cry , so I just need them to get lots of hugs, now. Also, again: "let me help you." NONSTOP. There is a high chance of this being continued for some proper wolfwren, i just wanted to lay out my bones first, but i am out of spoons rn. Word Count: 3,034 AO3 Link: Here!
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“Let me help you,” Ahsoka Tano, the enemy, the woman of nightmares passed along in tales of horror from Master to Apprentice. 
Emotion hung thick in the air, their heart hammering in their chest as they bit back the warble of their lip, teeth sinking into her tongue hard enough that the familiar taste of iron flooded her senses. Shin had straightened then; Baylan had told her the stories of what happened to Jedi who got too close to Ahsoka Tano, and while they were not a Jedi, they would not allow themselves to meet Marrok’s end, or the end of her ‘friends’ under her orders. 
They had felt the strength she had over the force, still had bruises and abrasions on their abdomen they’d refused to let heal, poking and prodding at purpling skin in fascination; a beauty from afar, but vile up close, Ahsoka Tano was just as dangerous as Baylan had warned, both physically, and psychologically. 
She couldn’t take her offer, couldn’t part with her saber; had never parted with the weapon, not since Baylan had helped her make it all those years ago, since he’d secured them a passageway to Ilum, and gave her a proper ‘gathering’. There hadn’t been many crystals left, but her crystal shined to her, because it was alone, it had been left behind in the wake of the mining and destruction; just them. 
Running was a no-brainer; Baylan wouldn’t have wanted them to stay, she’d never been taken prisoner unless it had been in the plans to lure their enemies, and now, without him to back her up, she wasn’t sure she could do it. 
It was just a good thing the tears didn’t fall until her boots were shoving through the grass, alerting the silver Howler to her need to go before the Togruta could hunt her down, and likely give Thrawn exactly what he wanted for the Mercenaries. 
The Howler’s fur was coarse, but it became a comfort as she pressed into its neck, not caring about direction or cause; how could they? Baylan parted ways, and Thrawn had left her at the hands of the enemy to secure his troops, she was merely a distraction, a pawn for both Thrawn and Baylan to get what they wanted out of this blasted graveyard. 
When the Howler stopped, Shin did too, sliding from the beast's back to offer it relief from her sagging weight. The stream of water wasn’t the cleanest, yet the howler lapped up the water anyways.
Dropping their weight into the least-sandy portion on the nearly dried-out riverbed, they were forced with the reality of the situation, and then the ultimate vast question of their next moves without Baylan’s guidance. 
“Master,” They reached outwards, into the force, past the buried fear, the exhaustion, and the hurt, looking within herself to find him. He’d never walled her off before, but as her presence was halted, it was clear what he had done. Their paths no longer walked aligned; he was done with her. 
Pain, sorrow, and a childish spiral had them tucking their legs up onto the expanse of not-so-smooth stone, fingers flexing and unflexing around the hilt of their saber as she stared out at the rippling water. 
Meditation was calming, familiar; the only familiar thing they had right now, when everything was so alien. At some point, the Howler returned to her from his break, sitting expectantly in front of the conflicted Apprentice. When Shin did not move, he stalked around to their back, before settling up in a way that had fur catching onto the thick wool of her tunic, and she could feel the saddle against her back, a tether to the world they didn’t know they needed. 
“Let her go,” Ahsoka had ordered, pushing back on Sabine’s chestplate until the Mandalorian pulled back, watching the red-faced and distraught opponent retreat. 
“Ahsoka-’ Sabine started, raising her hands up, gesturing to the blonde Apprentice’s shrinking form as the Howler moved away. “Ezra, are your friends alright?” The woman questioned instead, turning her head to face the Noti slowly emerging from their homes. The conversations were muted to Ahsoka, however, who’s gaze was on the empty horizon, the panicked thud of Shin’s heart and the padding of her Howler’s paws against the earth keeping her aware of trajectory.
The Noti wound up setting their next camp up where they had halted, under the protection of Jedi, a starfighter, and an ancient archivist droid. 
As the sun set, Ahsoka rose from her seat, nestled comfortably in the small community of bustling Noti as they fixed their crawlers and restocked their rocks. “Sabine,” She called the attention of the Mandalorian away from where she was helping a small family set up their dinner.
“Let's take a walk… Ezra, would you like to come?” A smile turned on the Togruta’s face at the young Jedi, scuffing his boot in the dirt and pretending not to listen, despite Ahsoka’s call across the camp. 
“Well, I suppose if it’s not intruding,” As Sabine approached, he threw his arm around her shoulder. “So, Fulcrum, where we headed?”
Shaking her head, Ahsoka began leading the two Rebels from the camp, Sabine’s Howler picking up his head and quickly trotting along to keep up with her. “I’m not giving up on her.”
Sabine’s sourness was almost tangible in the air at her words, Ahsoka’s head turned to catch the twisting of the Mandalorian’s lips into a scowl. “I’m not giving up on any of you,” Walking in quiet, Ahsoka’s hand moved to rest on Sabine’s shoulder, fingertips brushing Ezra’s arm as well. “I’ve made many mistakes in the past, I am not omnipotent; but I can’t pretend that running from my mistakes, from you-” Her hand squeezed at Sabine’s shoulder, trying to express what she couldn’t truly word enough of. “I can’t pretend like those were the right choices for anybody, no matter the delusions I gave myself to believe otherwise. I am sorry that I’ve failed you, both of you; and I will make it up to you; and make it up to them as well,” 
As they crested a hill, it was clear why they hadn’t used a crawler to get around. The riverbeds were running a particularly dry season, with thin streams cutting through sediment filled dirt. The silver fur of the Howler was as unmistakable as the platinum hair pressing into the beast’s side. 
Shin had always carried themselves with a commanding presence and the promise that you were only alive because they allowed it; the young woman curled up in the Howler’s side, legs drawn to their chest, chin nestled between her knees, and hands clamped over her ears, well, it was hard to process the woman as the same one who’d guarded her on the Eye of Scion. 
Sabine started once more, boots scraping loudly against the dirt as she moved to take off for the blonde, anger simmering under the surface. Once again, Ahsoka had to reach out and place a firm hand against her armor to stop her. “Impatience for victory will only guarantee defeat, Sabine, we wait until she’s ready.”
The trio moved slowly towards them, only halting at the bristling of fur on the Howler’s neck as his eyes blinked open. “I know you’re there,” Their voice was thick with an accent Sabine could not place, entirely different from the controlled cadence they’d delivered on the few occasions she’d spoken. 
“I would be disappointed if you didn’t.” Ahsoka countered, like before, her voice was anything but unkind. “A person with your skills, you have done very well for yourself,” The woman bristled under Ahsoka’s borderline praise, walking a fine line that could lead to the blonde bolting. 
Their attention turned inwards, lips pursing as they focused on anything but the three not-so-hostile enemies at their back. 
Gesturing to a patch of dry land, the trio set up shop, with Ezra and Sabine dispersing quietly to gather timber and other things they could use for the coming cold. By the time the moon was officially hung high in the sky, a deep chill frosted over the land; Ezra seemed quite accustomed to the cold by now, though Sabine firmly burrowed herself between the hot-blooded Togruta and Ezra, tugging her cloak around her arms properly to keep some warmth in. 
Just at the edge of the fire’s light, Ahsoka could see the red catching Shin’s nose and the blue of her lips, jaw tight to prevent their teeth from clattering, unable to properly meditate as she stayed alert for an attack that would not come. 
Adjusting the thick white cloth around her shoulders, Ahsoka worked the bag from her shoulders. “Are you two hungry?”
“Makers, yes!” Both Mandalorian and Lothalian expressed themselves in tandem, though Ezra was rightfully more excited as Ahsoka retrieved some of the better New Republic rations from the pack. 
Red-rimmed silver-blue eyes caught onto the side of Ahsoka’s head from where she sat, montrals twitching at the sound of Shin’s stomach rumbling. At least her plan was working, Shin showed them interest that wasn’t based around fighting, and now that she knew there was food, necessity would drive her to them… If they were lucky. 
As the hours dragged on and Shin’s shivering became more pronounced, Ezra and Sabine laid back from the fire to look at the stars. The young Jedi offering stories of his adventures with the Noti and the exploits against Thrawn and his troopers. 
It wasn’t until the rebels were asleep that Shin’s iron will crumbled. Ahsoka’s attention pulled from the fire at the crunch of footsteps and the quiet grumbling of the Howler being woken from it’s sleep. The woman didn’t say anything, keeping her gaze down at their slow approach, moving like a wounded animal right into the trap. 
The light on their face was enough for Ahsoka to see the mess they’d worked themselves into; smudged and running eye makeup, chapped lips, rosy cheeks with dried tear tracks, cutting away the dirt on her face, and heavy bags under her eyes. 
The silence stretched as Ahsoka reached back into her bag to retrieve another ration pack. “I’d like you to put your lightsaber between us, please,” The request was quiet, gentle, and Ahsoka still offered the peace of not looking at them yet. She set the packaged ration on the ground between them as her own offering, remaining impassive even as quick hands snatched the food away. 
Their hand shook visibly as the lightsaber was pulled from their belt and placed against the dirt, fingers lingering before another incessant growl from her stomach had her digging into the field ration in a way they hadn’t since first meeting Baylan Skoll. 
As an offering of peace, Ahsoka’s own sabers joined the pile as the blonde ate, fire crackling under the last of the timber; they’d held out longer than she thought they would, and while her resistance was commendable, the Togruta knew the flames would not be enough to keep them warm enough for the night. 
Rising to her feet, tired, wary eyes snapped to her attention, watching as Ahsoka stretched her shoulders, arms above her head before slipping the heavy poncho from her shoulders. When the woman passed behind them, their entire body went rigid, fingers stilling over the crumb of the ration wafer left in the package. 
They recoiled at the weight of Ahsoka’s poncho settling over her shoulders, but the warmth concealed in the fabric was enough to have her sinking, quicker than Baylan would have liked to see, into the fabric that allowed them to feel their icey skin start to thaw. 
“Come with us, Shin.” Ahsoka broke finally as the flames burned away, closing the circle of warmth and bringing the blonde closer to the fire. “We want to help you,” 
“I don’t need help,” Their voice was rough, thick with a million emotions they were trying to keep buried, though their accent was hidden under the layers of cover once more, like they were trying to do to themselves. 
“I’ve been here, you know…” Their eyes wandered to her again in wonder, sinking further into the given poncho for the fading warmth. “Not Peridea, but where you are; Of course, I walked away from my Master,”
“He did not walk away from me,” There was a desperation in their tone, trying so hard to make their words believable, more so to herself than to Ahsoka. “It was time,” Their fingers curled around the tightly wound braid in her hair, pulling at it in a worrying way- Ahsoka didn’t have hair, but knew human hair tended to be fragile, and painful to yank on. 
Leaning across the distance between them, Ahsoka’s hand moved to curl around Shin’s. “You’re in over your head, and you’re alone; it doesn’t have to be that way.” 
“He did not tell me-” Their eyes locked onto their hand, so much smaller in Ahsoka’s, even with the thickness of leather gloves and the frozen metal plate attached to it. “If he would have told me,”
“His plans didn’t involve you,” The muscle in their jaw ticked at the bluntness in her tone, eyes tracking the way her hand released her own and rose to the braid. ���If what he said was truthful, why would he leave you with this?”
Shin’s face was steadily growing warm once more, embarrassment and shame showing in the twitch of their muscles under Ahsoka’s scrutinizing gaze. 
“I’m not telling you this to be unkind, this is a war; and your Master failed to teach you how to survive in it,” Their lips parted to counter it, to find some way to defend the man that raised her, though when Ahsoka’s hand rose to silence her, she obeyed immediately. “Thank you. Your Master did not prepare you for an environment where you would be alone, on another planet, in another Galaxy; He did not tell you of his plans for this world, and perhaps he figured he was saving you,”
Shin’s lips twisted into a grimace as Ahsoka finally released the braid, their eyes welling up again despite desperate attempts to keep it all inside. “I don’t want to force you into coming with us, but you do not deserve to be left behind because someone did not see how important your role in the Force truly is.”
“What will happen if I follow you?” 
“Then I will finish your training, properly.” Ahsoka’s eyes moved back to the sleeping pile of humans across the fire, sprawled out across each other with Sabine’s elbow digging into the side of Ezra’s face. 
“I have attacked the New Republic, killed commanders, and ruined their fleets,” Fulcrum’s facial markings pulled at the reminder. “I’m aware; They won’t be particularly happy, but that’s something we can figure out together.”
“The Mandalorian is your apprentice, a Jedi cannot train two,” They were fishing for reasons to justify not coming with them, for reasons to die in the wasteland, far from home and everything they knew. 
Ahsoka stood once more and offered her hand, much like she had just hours before. “We aren’t Jedi, we’re survivors,” 
Staring at Ahsoka’s hand, Shin seemed to bounce between the options available. They did not want to die, they didn’t want to be alone, and… well, they did yearn for the disgusting companionship between each of them. Most of all, they wanted their Master back, but if she wasn’t good enough to aid him in his quest, then maybe she was just barely good enough to be not-a-jedi with the enemy. 
Hand resting in Ahsoka’s, the Togruta helped pull the young woman to her feet, steadying them by the shoulders when their body careened dangerously to the side. “Can I hug you?” 
Blinking, Shin’s look of surprise must have shown clearer than the moon in the sky, the older woman’s face splitting with a smile and a shake of her head. “Come here,” Strong arms pulled her against the woman’s chest, igniting that same old spark of fear deep in their chest. 
Fear was melted away quickly by the smell of cinnamon and morning grass, soothing away the cold that had frozen their bones and tore at her soul; when the force reached out to her from so close, it felt bright, painfully so, that letting her shields lower had been a process only achievable when her hands fisted into the fabric of the woman’s tunic, shields lowering for the orbital bombardment that was Ahsoka Tano’s force signature. 
It was overwhelming, the kind that made their skin tingle and the noises reverberate through their skull, the kind that would have her actively seek Baylan out to ease the plague of pain. “I’ve got you,” The woman promised as Shin held on tighter; as tight as they’d wished they’d held on to Baylan, if they would have known then it was her last time. 
Waking up to find Ahsoka all but holding Shin wasn’t the weirdest way Sabine had ever woken up, but it still topped one of the highest lists she’d ever had. Sabine struggled to untangle Ezra from her with a series of half-shoves until he was grumbling and rolling in the dirt. 
“You really did it?” She whispered as she rose, approaching the two as Ahsoka shifted their dead weight further into her arms, glad the sleep suggestion had finally made it through their exhausted system. 
“Was there ever any doubt?” The blonde wrapped up in Ahsoka’s poncho burrowed further into the woman’s shoulder, in a way that was almost endearing: if that face hadn’t nearly ended her life on several occasions.
“For you? No, for them? Many,” 
“I find your lack of faith disturbing. Now wake Ezra and let’s go, it would be a horrible day to lose two Apprentice’s and a Jedi to hypothermia,”  “Yes, Master,” Sabine teased with a smile, turning to shake Ezra as the two Howlers rose from their own rest, following the not-jedi back to the Noti camp and the T-6, offering Huyang only a minor circuit overload at the sight of Ahsoka carrying the Apprentice they’d been hunting.
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dotthings · 1 year
I might have cried!! Yes time for our old friend this meme again. I guess I was not joking when I said I might wind up needing to use it for every episode of Ahsoka S1.
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Thinking about that kid on Lothal living in the streets and only looking out for himself and how he grew over the course of Star Wars Rebels and formed attachments, found a family, and something bigger than himself AND NOW HE'S ALL GROWED UP AND HAS A SCRUFFY BEARD. EZRA BRIDGER HAS BEEN FOUND. I maybe cried a little.
Really loved the structure of this--Sabine going off on her quest across a strange land, to find someone she cares about who was lost. Along the way fighting bandits and meeting helpful critters. Very iconic.
Baylan talking about stories and myths and legends.
Huyang and Ahsoka talking about the old Jedi stories in his databanks. & Huyang telling Ahsoka a story, starting with THE phrase from the SW crawl.
This series is really really steeped in that atmosphere and I am here for it.
Thrawn and his battered troopers. That was a great entrance. My blood ran cold, and it's glorious.
omg Nightsisters!!!
So I may have called it about Baylan Skoll and some variation on the Ragnarok myth. He's seen the rise of the light and the rise of the darkness, over and over and over...empires falls, a new one rises. He's tired. He wants to "end it" by finding the beginning. Sounds ominous. There's even wolf-like creatures around to help along the Norse myth suggestions.
The Howlers and the Noti turtle folk are a delight. The Howlers are like uglier, more raggedy, less imposing, less dignified loth wolves.
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rebelsofshield · 1 year
Star Wars Ahsoka: "Dreams and Madness" - Review
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Ahsoka's penultimate chapter is a fun and action packed outing that delights even as it does relatively little with plot or character.
As the New Republic debates Hera Syndulla's future, Ahsoka and Huyang arrive at the ancient world of Peridia in the hopes of rescuing their friends and preventing Thrawn's return to the galaxy at large.
I remarked last week that Eman Esfandi's portrayal of Ezra Bridger felt like a pitch perfect adaptation of the character's beloved appearance in Star Wars Rebels. In many ways, "Dreams and Madnesss" feels like an extended episode of Rebels. We get lots and lots of big flashy set pieces, cute alien sidekicks, heroic banter, Admiral Thrawn scheming in the backdrop, and even a somewhat optimistic ending.
In a way, it feels like writer and showrunner Dave Filoni is throwing a bone to fans of these characters and providing the fun, light on its feet outing that many have been missing in the long five years since Rebels' conclusion. And for much of its runtime, "Dreams and Madness" (which may be the most strangely titled outing that this series has had so far) serves up a healthy serving of flashy sci-fi spectacle. There's daring chases through alien minefields, a great chase sequence of bandits riding on Howler's trying to attack the adorable Noti in their shell-mobile-homes, and, of course, a marathon of Stormtrooper smashing, blasting, and slicing. Our heroes think of creative ways to outwit their enemies and even when things seem dire, they come out on top with a smile. Director Geeta Vasant Patel keeps the action moving and the pacing light and things never once feel like they are dragging their feet.
There's likely a reason this week's episode is so relatively lean and playful. It seems very likely that Filoni and the rest of Ahsoka's creative team are allowing us one glimpse of joy before letting all of this week's optimism shatter in what seems to be a very dramatic and eventful finale. I mean, floating beneath Ezra and Sabine's interactions is the true nature of how she found her way to Peridea and the revelation that Ezra's many years long sacrifice is about to be undone. This is all speculation of course. It feels like the right storytelling move to justify why an episode so late in the season should feel so relatively shallow and lacking in consequence, but we can't know for sure until we actually have seen what is to follow. As it stands, "Dreams and Madness" just has to be accepted at face-value: fun but in the end uninterested in really pushing its characters or narrative.
The one area where this doesn't seem to be the case is with our two Dark Side mercenaries, Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati. Here, Baylan abandons Shin, announcing that his true mission must take him elsewhere. There's no room for his apprentice's ambition and lofty goals of ruling as part of Thrawn's resurgent Empire in Baylan's vision. It's a relatively unceremonious parting which in a way makes Shin's confusion and uneasy behavior throughout the rest of "Dreams and Madness" feel so powerful. Shin has never seemed like a particularly stable person and without the grounding force of her master, she quickly seems unsure and out of her depth. Ivanna Sakhno wonderfully portrays Shin's discomfort and fear wonderfully here and her fleeing from her former enemies when offered a hand of grace is a powerful moment and some of the strongest acting this series has shown so far.
Baylan is another story. I love Ray Stevenson in this role, but I'm growing a bit tired of the teasing. Yes, we know something big bad and scary is coming down the line. Yes, I'm excited to see it. But at this point, Baylan's secret quest is joining the "what the hell was Ahsoka up to in the ten years prior to this series" category of annoyingly vague storytelling. If we don't get some kind of answer or resolution in the finale I'm going to break into Dave Filoni's home and make me watch as I eat his cowboy hat.
Separate from all the action on Peridea, "Dreams and Madness" also begins with a cold open depicting Hera Syndulla's court-martial. It's still not covering much of the way of anything new. Kazuda Xiono's dad is still a blowhard, the events of Mandalorian season three are acknowledged in passing, and the threat of Thrawn or an Imperial Remnant are ignored. (It'll honestly end up being hilarious if the New Republic disastrously underestimated the threat of a resurgent Empire two different times in its existence.) The decision to have Leia come to the rescue via C-3PO is a smart and logical move here. I don't quite buy the logic that every major event in the galaxy post-Return of the Jedi demands some sort presence from the Original Trilogy's trio, but it does feel a bit strange that Leia's opinions regarding her former friend and ally's court martial wouldn't matter. Having C-3PO (complete with Anthony Daniels's voice!) waddle onto camera and deliver a last minute message of exoneration is a great work around and helps avoid much of the ghoulish digital trickery that Lucasfilm has been too happy to play with in recent years. It's not a trick that will work that often.
And so with a surprisingly happy note, we arrive at the big finale. Ahsoka has a lot on its plate to resolve and answer and don't count as me optimistic that Filoni will be able to stick the landing, but I've been proven wrong before. Let's see how this goes.
Score: B
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alphaofdarkness · 6 months
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miss ’Bine missed her blueberry just as much ✨
Based on this text post by @flilisskywalker + an added draw of Sabine having her “missing Ezra hours” once again 🥺
I hope y’all enjoy these silly doodles, more will come soon enough, after all I have a list ヽ( ˘з˘ )ゝ~ I also love drawing Ahsoka, she’s so fun to draw with her design 🤍🧡 as well as Sabine’s howler friend 🐺💜
Please do NOT repost without credit or linking it back to me‼️
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strangerthanfiction · 5 years
Who: @slytherdaddy Where: Ministry of Magic atrium, Rufus Scrimegour’s swearing in ceremony When: February 29th, night
How Rabastan ended up here, he had no idea. An invitation had appeared in the post, which he’d promptly burned, only to have his mother send him a howler, demanding why he was such an insolent little brat, who had taught him to be so ungrateful because it certainly wasn’t her, how he could spurn such responsibility when Rodolphus was risking his goddamn life. The letter was angry enough to make Rab hesitate in his decision, but at the end of the day, he wasn’t built for these kind of functions. He’d ultimately say the wrong thing, offend someone, and leave the party worse than he’d found it, and it was moments like this where he missed his brother. Rodolphus had taken most of this burden, and it wasn’t like he was doing his brother a favor, but Rabastan had benefited all the same. He’d put the event out of his mind...until he’d received an owl from Barty, formally letting him know that he’d be in attendance, and Rabastan felt his heart stutter and squeeze. Perhaps tonight, he’d have the chance to mend their friendship, to soothe the rift between them that had lasted for far too long.
As soon as he arrived at the party, however, and Barty was nowhere to be found, Rabastan realized that he had fallen into a classic trap of Sabine Lestrange. His mother had always had her claws in his skull, from the day he was born until the day he died, and he felt stupid and childish and wholly naive. She’d gotten in his head, seen what he desired, and then used it to reel him in like someone coaxing a rabbit into a trap with a carrot stick. He couldn’t think of anyone else who’d want to lure him to such a dull event, and it only benefited her to have him rubbing elbows with the powerful and influential. Merlin knows she probably wanted him to find some simpering wife here who would help continue the Lestrange name. Now that he was here, he couldn’t fucking leave, so of course, he hitched his wagon to the refreshments table, pouring an extra splash of whisky from his flask into his already spiked drink and tiding over a pleasant buzz to last him through the night. And certainly, he was drinking to make the event more bearable, but also he was drinking because he didn’t know how to be the person he was supposed to be here, all buttoned up and stiff, and he’d rather be a gregarious caricature of himself, with the excuse of alcohol to mitigate his total lack of decorum.
He was on his fourth glass of punch when he saw, across the room, a familiar shock of golden hair, the classically refined features of Lucius Malfoy standing out even this far away. Rabastan felt his heart sink into his stomach like a rock at the sight of him. He wasn’t so far gone that he couldn’t see the flush in Lucius’ cheeks, the way his lips pressed together, the way his eyes almost looked black, all pupil no iris. And, of course, not even a moment later, Antonin Dolohov appeared as well. The two men separated in the crowd, going opposite ways, but that didn’t matter. Just the sight of them together was enough to rile Rabastan up, picking at all of his most sensitive insecurities. Rabastan was moving before he even registered what was happening, practically shoving his way through the crowd, cutting a path directly to Lucius as his mind went blank and fuzzy with rage, with hurt, with betrayal. He couldn’t say half of the things he wanted to because they wouldn’t make any sense to Lucius, and that was his own doing, but he did have one bone to pick with his friend, and it was the matter of the tampered Felix that had left him reckless and useless in Dumbledore’s office, a child that had to be babysat while Bellatrix carried the brunt of the mission on her back. And sure, perhaps Rabastan wouldn’t be able to get out everything he needed to say, but he’d be able to get in a few choice words, barbed and nasty, and that had to be enough for him. He had no other choice.
It was without much care and without a whole lot of tact that he bodily shoved himself into the middle of Lucius’ conversation, interrupting the thing with a sharp look at his friend and a cold, snarling demand, “I need to steal Lucius for a moment. It’s been so long since I’ve seen my friend, and we have much to discuss.” His hand latched around Lucius’ wrist, dragging him away from the group, and somewhere in the corner of his mind, he felt himself thinking of the way he used to feel Lucius’ pulse when he thought Lucius was sleeping because the steady thud, thud, thud was the one thing that could calm his racing mind.
Rabastan only stopped them when they were at the edge of the party, away from the throng, and perhaps this was a conversation that required even more privacy than what Rab had afforded them, but all he was thinking about was how much hurt he had in him, like a walking fucking bruise that spelled out Lucius Malfoy’s name. “Did you know?” he asked blearily, the moment they were alone (or as alone as they could be for this kind of event). “And did you do it on purpose?” He already knew the answer - Lucius was the smartest man he’d ever met, and nothing, nothing, ever slipped past him. Rabastan really just wanted to see if Lucius had the gall to lie to him to his face. Perhaps that would be the insult he needed to finally kick his habit, his on again off again addiction to the way Lucius made him feel. "You think I’ll stay around no matter how many times you kick me in the ribs. You think I’m just this thing you can control and own and make to look like a fool and then you’ll say some pretty words and I’ll forget it all, but I’m fucking tired of it, Lucius. What have I ever done to deserve being treated like the dirt on your shoe?”
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alphaofdarkness · 8 months
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Sabine’s howler friend joined the healing party 🥹🐺
Again, I feel so (╯_╰) for forgetting them in the main draw~ pero bueno ✨ they are here! 💜 the big fluff is happy to be included!
Last little doodle to this “Sabezra: Growing back together” pieces. I gave her howler a bit of a sun glow to their fur, likely from the change in temperature and sun that shines in Lothal compared to Peridia ☀️ some healthy vitamin D for the big pupper ☀️🐺🌾
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alphaofdarkness · 8 months
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We grow back together Pt. 2
A different view from the last post 🥹 this time with a lovely look of Lothal in the background from their comms tower. With little therapy loth cat Murley 🌾🐱 (like a fool, I should have included Sabine’s new howler friend 🥲 well I made chibi sketch to make up for it 🐺🤍 will post it on Friday!).
I need them serene, happy, at peace and resting from the war, I will accept nothing else for them 😤
The Aurebesh text translates to: “Love you, Ez’ika~” / “Love you, ’Bine!” / "Murley paws" / "Supplies for storage - Replace" (not me trying to decode the random phrases I wrote for this like - heck).
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