#sabo x chubby reader
heartfeltcierra · 2 years
Sabo X Female Insecure Plus Sized Reader
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AN-I swear I love this man so much :'). This ended up being super long and super cheesy. Thank you @seafoamxshayde for helping me edit!
Word Count- 6.5k
Angst to Fluff
Warnings- Alcohol consumption, insecurities, self loathing, injury and mentions of blood
Spoiler Warnings- Marineford (Mention of character death) and minor Dressrosa spoilers.
 “Y/N you need to pick something to wear soon, we don’t have much time before the banquet starts.” You turn your head over to Koala, who has been scolding you for the past half hour.
 “I don’t think I’ll go. I’m not feeling well.” Your lie was not far from the truth. You felt fine physically, but mentally not so much. 
 “I’m not buying that crap Y/N. You are a part of the revolutionary army, you can’t just skip this” Koala walked over to your closet and started rummaging through it. “You're going if I have to drag you. Not even Sabo is fighting me about going. And you know how stubborn he is.” 
 Your ears perk up hearing his name. Sabo is the reason you don’t want to go in the first place. Not that its his fault, it’s your own stupid crush on him that’s holding you back. You know if you go, you’ll end up romanticizing something that won’t happen-ultimately breaking your own heart. Silly as it may sound, you're just protecting yourself.
 “Hellloooo, earth to Y/N.” Your attention pans back to Koala who had one of your dresses held up to her small frame. “I think this one is it. It’s cute, but very professional.” You look at how gigantic the dress looks compared to her. The sight made you sick to your stomach.
 “It doesn't matter because I’m not going.” You grab the blanket on your bed and throw it over yourself. Hopefully she got the message this time.
 “Fine. I’m laying this dress out in case you change your mind.” You hear her shuffle before your doors slam shut, leaving you in the silence of your room.
 It's been about 20 minutes since Koala left and all you’ve done is stare mindlessly at the ceiling. Occasionally you would think of Sabo. “I wonder what he is wearing tonight?” “   “I bet he is wearing his fancy cologne that smells like cedar and musk.”
 “Dammit Y/N, quit thinking about him for one second.” You smack your hands against your cheeks as you scold yourself. No matter how desperately you try, the chief of staff has made a home in your head and heart with no plans of leaving.
 You want to confess, you want to pour your heart out to him. But you are all too familiar with the outcome. You think of all the times as a little girl, where you’d confess to a boy only to be laughed at or how you were treated weird for liking someone. The dehumanizing experience of being an overweight girl. 
 Even after all the heartbreaks and unrequited love you experienced in your life, you still have an annoying small glimmer of hope. No matter how many times you tell yourself he would not want you, and no matter how many times you remind yourself you're not good enough for him- you still have a chance. Sometimes it felt like putting out a fire with gasoline. Maybe you should just tell him how you feel. The sooner your heart is broken, the quicker you can start healing it. 
 Knock Knock Knock 
 “I already told you Koala, I’m not going!” You yell from your bed. She is persistent as ever. Despite your yell, the doors open anyways. “Koala?” It’s hard to tell who it is considering the time of night and lack of light in your room. You hear a few heavy steps before the door shuts back. Your breath hitches in your throat along with a sense of unease.
 “Koala, if you're trying to scare me it's not funny. Cut it out!” The steps were slow and calculated. Like a lion approaching its prey. You begin to wonder if you're really being pranked or if you were actually under attack. You squint your eyes and see an outline of a tall shadow. Considering its size, there is no way its Koala. The steps come to a halt right in front of your bed. It stood for a few moments, like it was planning something. Your body is telling you to get up and fight, but you are frozen to the bed. You could feel a shift in the room and an unfamiliar weight on the end of the bed. You feel the bed dip with every movement of the shadow. It drew closer and closer. 
  You manage to whimper out as the shadow straddles your frame . Normally this would make you feel self conscious, in this case you were so scared it did not even matter. You could feel hot breath fan over you. It’s over now, you can’t have a broken heart if you're dead... At Least the shadow smells nice. Wait. You know this smell. 
 “BOO!” A small puff of fire revealed Sabo’s face. Your strength finds you again as you sling the laughing Blonde off of you. He landed right on the floor with a small “Ow”. You jump up from the bed, and  grab the closest thing you have as a weapon. A broom.
 “Sabo you little jerk.” You hold the broom ready to fight him. His laughing fit had stopped, he was now fixated on your movements. “You scared me.” 
 “You know Y/N, you're supposed to clean up the floor after you kill me. Not the other way around.” You could only roll your eyes as he smirked. 
 “Is that so huh? Any other last words you want to say before you die then Sabo?” You stood over him jabbing the end of the broom in his handsome face.
 “Why yes I do. That gown you're wearing is very cute, but not for the banquet .” You were unaware of your circumstance until he said that. You jump back into the bed and cover yourself up. Sabo pulled his body from the floor and sat at the edge of your bed. “I guess you're sparing me from certain death. Thank you Y/N.”
 “Haven’t you teased me enough Sabo?” You pull the blanket up to your chin and glare at the man. Sabo laughed and shook his head, confirming he was done. “Good. So what are you really here for?”
 “I was heading to my room to get ready for the said banquet tonight and met Koala. She seemed pretty worked up.” Sabo crossed his arms in a dissatisfied way. “She said you refused to go. She also mentioned you seemed gloomy. Is everything okay Y/N?” 
 “I’m fine. I apologize if I caused any concerns. I honestly just needed a moment to myself.” Your eyes met your lap. You want to come right out and say it, but you can’t. The words are there, but you won’t let them leave. 
 “Okay then. It’s settled.” Sabo stood up and stretched his arms. “As the chief of staff of the revolutionary army, I order you to get dressed and accompany me to the party.” The statement sends a shockwave through your body, but at the same time you shoot him a confused look. 
 “And If I refuse?” Your body is screaming to accept his offer, but your guarded heart is telling you otherwise.
 “I’ll fire you.” You know he was joking, but it didn’t stop you from throwing a pillow in his face.  “But in all seriousness I want you to come. It will be fun, I promise.” He was making it hard to say no, his soft smile had you hook, line and sinker.
 “Okay, I’ll get ready.” Sabo seems very pleased that you agreed. His eyes then start wandering around your bedroom before they lock on to your dress.
 “Is that the dress you're wearing?” He walked up to the dress and studied the fabric between his gloves fingers. 
 “Umm- yes why?” Sabo smiled and let the dress go. Did he not like it?
 “No reason, just curious.” The look on Sabo’s face concerns but excites you. That face is the one he has when he is plotting something. “I’ll leave you to it. I need to go get ready myself. I’ll wait for you in the corridor.” He winked and walked out of the room, leaving you in shock.
 You jump to your feet and hurry over to the dress. Maybe that glimmer of hope is more than a mere glimmer. You throw your nightgown off and onto the bed. You put the dress on and smooth it over your body. The only thing missing now was some jewelry. You walk over to the box you kept your valuables in. It's mainly filled with little trinkets you find when you are on a mission. You rummage until you find exactly what you're looking for. You pull out a simple pearl necklace with matching earrings. Sabo had bought them for you when he went to fishman island sometime ago. You hold the delicate pearls with a smitten grin. Maybe this was not just a friendly gift. You clasp the necklace on and place the earrings in. After applying some make up, you head out and towards the place Sabo said he would meet you.
  As you walk towards the corridor you regret not bringing a jacket. You could see every breath that left your lips. You could only hope Sabo wasn’t far behind. You perch yourself up on a brick pillar that connects between the corridor and the banquet venue. You watch as many familiar and unfamiliar faces walk by.  Sometimes you forget how many members there are in the revolutionary army. The welcome sound of ballroom music began to fill your ears. The melody was beautiful, you could only imagine dancing and falling in love while this played in the background. You close your eyes and enjoy the music. Your eyes open when the music ends. You heard the crowd clap before it went quiet again.  With the new found silence you can hear footsteps echoing in the corridor. You see Sabo come around the corner. You could only gawk at him. He was not wearing his signature hat and his blonde hair was slick back partially. He wore a black tuxedo with a vest that matches the color of your dress. “So that’s why he asked.” His eye met yours, he seemed to be gawking at you as well. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks the closer he got. With every step he took, he captivated you more. And before you could burn the image into your head, he stood right in front of you. 
 “This looks familiar.” He reached out to grab the pearl necklace. “I knew it would look gorgeous on you.” He placed a chaste kiss on one of the pearls. The actions snatched any words from your tongue. You begin to wonder if Sabo wanted your heart to beat out of your chest and right into his hand.
 “Thank you.” You look away in hopes he doesn't catch on to your embarrassment, but the chuckle that left his lips told you it was too late.
 “We better get inside, I’m sure you're cold.” He held his arm out for you, which you gladly took.
 The venue was packed full. People were dancing,drinking and just overall having a good time. After all the hardships and battles, it's nice to have a night where everyone can relax and enjoy themselves. You notice a lot of eyes on you and Sabo as you walk further in. Some people looked happily at you, while others did not seem as thrilled. But none of that matters, right now you were happy to be by his side, even if it's just this one night.
 “Want to go dance?” Sabo leaned down to whisper in your ear. 
 “Umm, I don’t really know how.” Sabo seemed amused by your response. Most of your life has been on a battlefield, not a dance floor.
 “It’s okay, I will lead you.” His hand grabbed yours, giving a small squeeze of reassurance. You looked into his eyes, still a little hesitant. Your insecurities creeped in. Sabo would have to hold onto you in order to dance. The dance floor was filled with couples dancing. You see all the petite figures being held close, like they were made out of glass. They are so delicate compared to you. You look away from Sabo, who retaliates by grabbing your chin. “What’s going on in that pretty mind?”
 “I worry I’m not good enough.” You're not just talking about dancing. “Plus what if I trip and get hurt.”
 “Trust me when I say I’m good enough for the both of us. You know I used to be a noble, right?” Sabo grins and places a hand in the middle of your back, guiding you towards the dance floor. 
“And you're safe with me, always.” You can’t help but smile at his declaration.
 “I trust you then. Don’t disappoint me Mr. Chief of Staff.” You notice a small blush creep up on his cheeks. 
 “Trust me, I don’t plan to.” Sabo retorted. 
 “Hee Haw! I hope you are enjoying yourselves tonight!” You and Sabo turn towards the stage where Iva was speaking. They are always the life of the party.  “A party like this won’t happen again for a while so make the most of it! Drink and dance your worries away! But don’t get too crazy kids. Bye now~” Iva jumped from the stage signaling the band to start back up. 
 Sabo grabbed your left hand and guided it to his arm. After he placed it where he wanted it he held out his other hand for you to grab. Your shaky hand laces with his calmer one. You look him in his eyes as if to say “What now?”. Sabo smiled at you before leaning down.
 “Relax your body and give me control.” You nod, after a few deep breaths you  let yourself relax in Sabo’s strong hold.  “Good girl.” The pet name slid off his tongue so effortlessly. He is too suave for his own good sometimes. 
 The music filled the ballroom once more.  You and Sabo locked eyes and nodded at each other. He guided your body along with his. At first it was awkward for you, but as he swayed you around effortlessly the feeling vanished. That’s how good Sabo is. He's a smooth man with a velvet tongue. Why lie to yourself any longer, you were living out a dream with the man you've fallen for. All the pent up giddiness was starting to leak out as your lips curled into a genuine smile. You looked up at Sabo who had a smile on his face, one that made all the light in the room seem dull. You were sure of it now. Sabo liked you back. 
 The current melody ended, letting the band prepare for the next song.
 “The next song is going to be slower.” Sabo adjusted his hold on you again, one of his hands snaked around you. You fight back any negative thoughts and let yourself feel his warm touch. With his free hand he guided one of your hands so it rested on his shoulder. Happy with the placement he then grabbed your hand and laced it back with his. “One last thing, I need to be closer to me.” The hand that was wrapped around you pulled you closer to him. Your plush body was right up against him and you couldn’t be happier. 
 As Sabo said, the music was slower. It was a nice change of pace. Between the calmness of the melody and Sabo’s gentle sway, you were becoming tired. You lay your head against Sabo’s chest and close your eyes. 
 “Someone looks comfortable.” You open your eyes and pull away. You look up at him and apologize only for him to place a kiss on your forehead. He let go of your hand long enough to place your head back onto his warm chest. “Don’t apologize, I was just admiring how cute you are.” His actions and words were all the reassurance you needed.
  A new feeling bubbles in your chest. In the past falling in love was something that only brought you heartache. And you thought it would be the case with Sabo, but you are experiencing it. And it is absolutely beautiful. The music began to wind down, before coming to an end. 
 “Are you ready for a break?” You were unaware how tired you were until Sabo mentioned it. 
 “I am. If you want to go find us a table, I’ll go grab us something to drink.” You point towards the mini bar.  “Do you want anything in particular?” 
 “Not really. When you get back I have a surprise for you.” He winked before disappearing in the crowd. You could not help but wonder what the surprise could be? You shake your thoughts and navigate through the crowded room. 
  You walk up to the bartender and order two champagnes. The bartender poured the liquid into delicate glasses with ease. You grabbed the glasses and handled them with care. 
 “Is that for Koala and Sabo?” You turn around to face the voice that spoke. The woman before you had a forgettable name, but her attitude and love of Sabo was a different story. Anyone would be able to see that she only wants him for his rank and benefits. 
 “No, it's for me and Sabo. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to get back to him.” You start to walk away before she grabs your hand. You turn around and give her a nasty look.
 “I guess you haven't heard.” Her words get you curious.
 “Haven’t heard what?” The woman pulls out a cigarette and places it between her lips. The fire from her lighter came to life. 
 “I guess they were hiding it from you. Sabo and Koala are getting engaged tonight.” A puff of smoke blows in your face. Your feet are frozen to the floor at her words. “I know it broke my heart too, but I think we both knew it was going to be him and her at the end of the day. I’ll admit they make a cute couple.” She pointed over to an area. You turn and see Sabo and Koala sitting at a table talking and smiling. Your eyes fixated on them. Engaged? “I have a surprise for you” You think about what Sabo said, so that was the surprise. 
 You picture them getting married. You standing alone while Sabo wrapped the same arms that once held you around Koala as he kissed her. All of this while you watched from the sidelines. Because that’s where the fat friend belongs. Tears began to form in your eyes.
 “And If you think I’m lying, look.” The woman points to the table they are at. You notice a small jewelry box in Sabo’s hand. Koala looks at it and smiles. You turn your head away, you could not handle watching what was about to happen.  All the joy and hope that had filled you was gone in an instant. Your insecurities came crashing down again. You lost, like you always do
 “I should have known it was too good to be true.” You drink down both glasses of champagne and place them on the bar counter. “I want an entire bottle of wine please.” The bartender curled a brow before walking behind the bar.
 “Will this d-” You snatch the wine from the man's hands before letting him finish. You say a quick thank you before storming out of the venue.
 You rush outside of the venue doors clutching the bottle. The chilly night air encased you once again. You know it had to be below freezing, but it's not like anything matters anymore. You walk until you find a bench beside a fountain. You take the cork out of the wine, the pressure causes it  to shoot up into the air. You hear a small splash and see it had landed in the fountain. “I guess I need to make a wish.” 
 “I wish… I wish someone would come and love me. The same way I love Sabo.” Hot tears ran down your cold face. “Please… just once I want to know what it’s like to be loved.” You throw your head back and gulp down some of the wine. The bitter taste was more than welcome. 
 ~Meanwhile in the venue~
 “She sure is taking a while, Sabo.” Koala looked amongst the sea of people, trying to find you.
 “I agree, I’m going to go see if I can find her.” Sabo stood up and used his height to his advantage. He scanned the ballroom and saw no sign of you. “I’ll be right back.” 
 Sabo walked up to the mini bar in hopes you were there. He sadly noticed an unpleasant familiar face. He tried to avoid her attention but it was too late.
 “Well if it isn’t Sabo. You sure do look handsome tonight. But you always do~” Sabo rolled his eyes. He had politely rejected her many times before, but right now he did not have any tolerance to deal with her. 
 “Listen, I’m looking for someone.” The woman smirked before cutting Sabo off.
 “I took care of her, she won’t get in our way the rest of the night.” She winked before taking a sip of her drink. “Sabo, you deserve someone thin and beautiful. Someone like me. I don’t know what that chubby thing could offer you.” That was the last straw.
 “I’d stop talking if I were you.” The rage in Sabo’s eyes had the woman frozen in her seat. “And for your information, Y/N is way more beautiful than you could ever imagine being. I don’t even remember your name, but my sweet Y/N’s I could say it until I lost my voice. Now you tell me where she is?”
 She did not speak a word. Instead she got up and ran away with tears in her eyes. Sabo smirked, it served her right. Hell hath no fury like Sabo, especially when someone talks bad about the woman he adores. 
 “Excuse me sir, I think I know where she went. But there is something you might want to know first.” The bartender flagged Sabo down. The bartender went over the conversation between you and the other woman. Sabo was enraged after hearing the whole story. No wonder you never came back, you are probably somewhere devastated and alone. The thought of that made his stomach twist. He needed to set things right and fast. “I think I saw her go out that door over there. And one more thing you might want to know sir. She downed two glasses of champagne and took a whole bottle of wine  with her. I’m sorry, I should have never given it to her.” Sabo’s eyes shot open at his words. 
Outside the venue
 “WooooooooWW  *hic* I feel like I’m floating. Hheehehe~” You hold the over half empty bottle of wine up. Your face was hot despite the freezing temperature outside. “I’m *Hic* gonna have a hangover for weeeeekkss after this.” 
 You know this is not changing anything. You can’t stop Sabo and Koala from getting engaged, nor would you. You needed to be happy for them. They are both amazing people, so they deserve each other. No doubt she will ask you to be a bridesmaid, and you'll fulfill your duty to the bitter end. You will never have Sabo’s heart and you have no choice but to live with it. Your lip trembles as fresh tears roll down your flush cheeks. The half empty bottle in your hands falls to the ground breaking in front of you. Sobs wracked your body as your pain and heartache became too much to handle emotionally. 
 “You're a fool Y/N.*Hic* Thinking he was going to choose you.” You somehow manage to stand up, you wobble for a moment. You feel a sharp pain in your foot as you take a step. You peer down and notice you have stepped on the broken bottle. A small piece had gone through your shoe . You wince and almost lose your balance when you pull the glass out. It thankfully did not go deep, but you were still bleeding quite a bit. 
 The faint sounds of the venue's music filled your red ears. You remember how safe and warm you felt dancing with Sabo. And now here you are not even an hour later cold, drunk and emotionally vulnerable. 
 “Y/N dear, what are you doing out here?” You spin your head to see a concerned looking Iva. 
 “I just needed to get some air, I’m okay.” You sit back down on the bench and motion for them to join you. 
 “Oh honey you’ve been crying? What’s wrong?” Those two words, that’s all it takes for you to break down again.
 “Iva..” Your voice trembles along with your body. “Why am I always the one getting left behind?” You look at Iva through tear filled eyes. “Maybe if I wasn’t so fat and flawed things would have been different. *Hic*. I hate myself so much. Every time I look in the mirror and see my imperfect body and all the stretch marks, I understand why no one would want me. I’m a monster.” 
 “Sweetie don’t say all those nasty things about yourself.” Iva places her hand on your back and rubs it circles to soothe you. “Let’s get you back inside where it is warm.” 
 “Iva I have a favor to ask?” You grab Iva’s arm before they can get up.
 “Favors later dear, you're freezing.” Iva tries to help you up, but you refuse. 
 “Iva, please listen to me.” You swallow your pride and look up to Iva with pleading eyes. “Make me beautiful and thin please. You can do that right?” Iva’s eyes widened at your request. “Please use your power on me. I don’t care if it takes a few years or even half of my life, I just want to be pretty. I want to know what it’s like to love my body.  Iva please I’m begging you. I should have asked you sooner, maybe Sabo would have chosen me instead.” You see a few tears roll down Iva’s face.  
 “Y/N, my power does not work like that. I cannot make you something you already are.” Iva hugs your shivering body. “And besides I think he already chose you dear. Isn’t that right you little eavesdropper?.” Your eyes shot open to see Sabo standing right behind Iva. Sabo started to walk closer and closer causing Iva to step away. “I’ll leave you two alone. It seems you two love birds have a lot to talk about. ” There was nothing between him and you now. Your eyes meet his for a moment, but you avert them to the ground causing Sabo to let out a long sigh.
 “Look at me Y/N.” Sabo’s gloved hand gently tilts your chin up, giving you no choice but to face him. “I heard everything, and it breaks my heart that you think that way of yourself. But when I look at you… Why don’t you feel for yourself?” Sabo placed your hand on his chest, you could feel his heart racing under your palm. 
 “Sabo I don’t understand? You and Koala are..” You feel Sabo wipe a few stray tears from your face. 
 “That was a lie, that woman was toying with you in hopes to get to me. I’ll have someone take care of her later..” Sabo had a sadistic smirk. “Now Y/N, how much did you drink? Also why is your foot bleeding?” Sabo kneeled to the ground and inspected your foot.
 “Umm, alot.” You let out a nervous laugh. “ And I accidentally stepped on a piece of glass. It doesn’t hurt tho.” You watch as sabo pulls a handkerchief from his coat pocket. He then gently wraps it around your foot.
 “Yeah I’d say it doesn't hurt considering you're wasted.” You roll your eyes at Sabo before he slips your shoe back on. “Do you have a first aid kit in your room?” 
 “I do.” Sabo stood up and held his hand out for you to grab. You hesitate for a moment before taking it.
 “Good, I’ll patch you up better when I get you back to your room.” Sabo pulled you from the bench and went to pick you up, causing you to panic. 
 “Sabo don’t. You can’t.” I'm too heavy for you." You try to step away, but yelp when you feel the pain in your foot. Sabo reached out to hold you steady.
 “Too heavy for me? You wounded my pride Y/N.” Sabo pouts, taking full offense to your comment. “I won’t force you Y/N, especially if you're not comfortable with it. I just don’t want you to walk all the way back on your hurt foot if you don’t have to. And I assure you that you are not too heavy for me. But if you don’t want me to at least grab onto me for support.” Deep down you really want to be carried by him. But you know your body type and size isn’t ideal for carrying. You look at Sabo who flexes his arms to display his strength.. You know Sabo is strong, he has the muscles and abs to prove it. You’ve watched him do crazy things that are well beyond human limits. Such as destroying a literal colosseum when you were in Dressrosa. You remember the time when he reunited with Iva after they broke out of Impel Down. He picked them up and spun around like crazy. 
 “Okay, as long as you are sure.” You watch as Sabo’s face lights up. “Just be careful.”
 “Of course. Are you ready?” You nod your head and shut your eyes tight. You feel one of his arms rest behind your back and the other one behind your knees. You felt your knees go weak, giving Sabo the chance to scoop you up into his arms. “I’ve got you princess. You can open your eyes.” Your eyes open to see Sabo smiling down at you like a dork. You couldn't help but laugh at his expression. “What's got you laughing?” Sabo started walking, causing your hand to reach up and clutch his dress shirt.
 “You just seem to be enjoying this. I won’t lie, I am too. You're so warm.” Sabo pulls you even closer to his body.
 “I am enjoying this.” Sabo spun around causing you to giggle. You don’t know if it’s the fact he was holding you so close or if it's the wine. But you feel it’s time to properly confess. 
 “Sabo, I need to tell you something.” Sabo stopped walking and peered down at you. “I’ve been In love with you for a while now. I’m sure you already know. Even though I’m very drunk and I have cried a lot- I’ve had one of the best nights of my life. It’s okay if you are unsure or don’t feel the same. I’m sorry if I made things awkward” Sabo was sporting a very serious face, causing your anxiety to skyrocket. “Umm Sabo, are you good?” 
 “Yeah, I’m fine. You are just making it really hard for me not to kiss you.” Your entire face bursts with warmth. 
 “Why don’t you then.” You grab Sabo’s tie to make him look down at you.
 “Because you're drunk darling. Once you sober up I’ll give you as many as you can handle.” Sabo continues walking with a grin on his face.
 “*Hic* Fineee.” You pout about it, but you're thankful that Sabo is such a gentleman. 
 You and Sabo reach the lobby of the RA’s living quarters. You, Sabo, Koala and a few other RA members live on the main top floor. Sabo looks at the elevator and then at the stairs.
 “Is something wrong?” You poke his chest to get his attention.  
 “Do you remember when the elevator was down for a week?” You nod your head. How could you forget, it was hell having to climb up those 40 stories. “So during that time I learnt a cool little trick.” The elevator makes a ding and opens, but Sabo ignores it and walks over to the steps.
 “Sabo? What are you doing?” Sabo didn’t speak, but the look on his face said everything you need to know. He was about to do something reckless. “Sabo what are you planning?” 
 “Hold on tight Y/N.” You watch as his lower half turns into flames. You could feel the warmth from the flames on your cold skin. “Here we go!” You felt a rush of air before realizing you were flying up the steps. You hear Sabo laughing like the maniac he is, while you on the other hand were clinging on to him for dear life, muffling a scream in his shirt. You open your eyes enough to see that you're out of the stairwell and in the hallway. Sabo is still flying with you held close. And then all at once you halt. You open your eyes and realize you are right in front of your door.
 “Umm Y/N, you're choking me.” Sabo struggles to speak thanks to your hand being wrapped tightly around his tie. You let it go letting the poor man catch his breath. “Wow, that was fun.” 
 “Yeah maybe for YOU! I’m drunk, you know.” Your hand lightly smacks his chest.
 “I’m sorry. I got a little carried away.” You couldn’t stay mad at the apologetic smile he gave you.
 “I forgive you. Now I think I’m ready for bed. I already feel the hangover creeping up on me” Sabo leaned you over so you could turn your handle, only for it to not move. “Uh oh. I think I left my key in my room. I’m locked out.” 
 “No worries, you can sleep in my room.” Sabo started walking down the hallway without a second thought.. “I have a first aid kit too, so don’t worry.” You're kinda glad you locked your key up, now you get to see what his room looks like. Sabo stops at the very last door in the hall. “This is it, my key is my vest pocket.” 
 Your hand slides into the pocket to retrieve the key. Once Sabo got you close enough you inserted the key and let the door click open. Sabo kicked the door open the rest of the way and then closed it with his foot. His room smells like clean laundry with a hint of smoke. Sabo walked you over to the king sized bed that sat in the middle of the room. You're a little jealous, being chief of staff has its perks. He gently laid you down and took your shoes off.
 “Let me get that first aid kit.” Sabo walked over to a dresser and began rummaging through it. You let your eyes wander around the room. You noticed a rack that is full of his signature top hats and some of his overcoats. But what stood out the most was his brothers wanted posters hung up above his desk.  You know all about Luffy and his late brother Ace. You smile knowing how much he loves them Your attention turns back to Sabo as he held up the first aid kit proudly. “Aa ha, found it.” 
 Sabo walked over to the bed and sat down. He picked your foot up carefully and propped it on his knee.  He opened the first aid kit and pulled out some gauze and wound cleaner. 
 “This may sting a little.” He gently cleaned your wound causing you to wince in pain. “I’m sorry, I’m almost done.” He grabbed the gauze and began to secure it around your foot. “Alright all done.” Sabo got up from the bed and covered you up with a warm blanket.
 “Thank you. For everything.” You could feel your body starting to succumb to sleep. 
 “Your welcome sweet girl. No you better get some rest. I’ve got some work I need to finish up.” You nod your head and get in a comfortable position. “Sweet dreams.” Sabo gave your forehead a quick kiss before walking over to his desk. 
 The moment your eyes opened you could already feel your head splitting. “Note to self, never drink again.” You lift your body from the bed and inspect your surroundings. You know you're in Sabo’s room, but where is he?. You were beginning to think he  was gone to work already until you heard the loud snores coming from his desk. You got up and walked over to him, his blonde curls were ruffled and messy. The feather pen he held was still loosely clutched in his hand. You reach your hand out to wake him up and you notice something that stops your movements. On your right hand index finger was a ring. The heart shaped gem glistened with the morning sun that peaked through the window. 
 “Do you like it?” You were so enamored with the ring you failed to see Sabo wake up.
 “I love it. Sabo I'm at a loss for words.” He watches you  with a smile on his face. 
 “The gem is infused with a piece of my vivre card.” Sabo walked over to you and grabbed your hand. “Point your finger at me.”  The moment you pointed at him, the stone started to glow. “Now no matter where I am in the world, you'll always have a way to find me.” 
 “Sabo… Stop making me fall so in love with you.” Sabo didn’t say a word, instead he leaned down and pulled you into a breath snatching kiss. When you finally pull apart you're both gasping for air.
 “I could say the same to you.” Sabo pulled you into a hug, but the moment was ruined thanks to his transponder snail ringing.
 “Dammit.” Sabo growled as he picked up the transponder snail. “Sabo here.”
 “Sabo, come to my office as soon as possible.” Dragons gruff voice spoke on the other line. 
 “I'll be there right away.” Sabo hung up and let out a long sigh. “I better get going. Why don’t you take the day off to rest up.”
 “Is that a recommendation or an order?” You raise your brow to him. Sabo laughed before dragging  you back to his bed.
 “There ya go. Does that answer your question?” You nod before curling into the warm covers. “Alright I better get going. Rest up. I’ll be back before you know it.  Sabo gave you one last kiss before leaving out the door.
"I can't wait to see you light up again" You peer down at the ring. You watch as the gem sparkled for a brief moment. A content smile formed on your lips.
"I really do love you Sabo."
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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ㅤㅤㅤ𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
➡ Nsfw ~ Demon! Sabo x F! Reader x Shinigami! Renji ~ Where You Belong ➡ Nsfw ~ Demon! Zoro x F! Reader ~ Addicted ➡ Nsfw~ Demon! Law x F! Kitsune Reader ~ Red Lights ➡Nsfw ~ Incubi! Ace & Sabo x Gn! Chubby Reader ~ Wake Up ➡ Nsfw ~ Ashura Zoro x Oni! Kiku x F! Reader ~ Ashuradō ➡ Nsfw ~ Donquixote Doflamingo x Gn! Afab Reader ~ Eternal ➡Nsfw~ Oni! Katakuri x F! Reader ~ The Hideout ➡ Nsfw ~ Incubus! Kid x F! Reader ~ Unbreakable ➡Nsfw ~ Kid, Law, Zoro & Sanji x Fem!Dom!Demon!Reader ~ The Queen ➡ Nsfw ~ Demon! Shanks x Virgin! F! Reader ~ A Dream ➡ Nsfw ~ Incubus! Marco x Succubus! F! Reader ~ Eternally Bound ➡Nsfw ~ Vinsmoke Niji, Vinsmoke Yonji x F! Succubus! Reader ~ Priapeia ➡ Nsfw ~ King of Hell! Jushiro Ukitake x f! reader ~ A Merciful King ➡ Nsfw ~ Demon! Grimmjow x f! reader ~ The Sacrifice ➡Nsfw ~ Demon! Law x f! reader ~ Punish the Brat ➡Nsfw ~ Killer x Succubus! reader ~ Daddy's getting hot
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Please (Don’t) Find Me
alright so this is waay longer than I meant it to be (seriously, 80 ish words over my personal limit! No, I don’t plan to go over my limit again.) but I liked how it turned out. The request was, 
“I wanted to use your chibi soulmate AU but in this one chibi can talk however chibi will talk and think like real you. Reader is a girl who is shy and timid because of past relationships and doesn’t want to be hurt again. While looking for their soulmate chibi soulmate is honest with them because she really want her bigger self to be happy. So chibi let be more open telling the boys how to earn her trust. While the reader has both chibi’s with her she tells them she’s an author and baker. Who travels the grand line working wherever and she isn’t looking for them out of fear. So chibi Sabo and Ace do all they can to break down her walls.”
I tried to include as much as possible, I hope you like it!
Part 2: Can’t Resist Your ‘Treats’
Warnings: Black!Reader, Chubby!Reader, polyamory Ace x Reader x Sabo
Word Count: 2080
     Sighing, Sabo leaned over the map on the table, placing another red X over the latest island. Sitting at the edge was a tiny female, only a few inches tall, laying on her stomach as a tiny pencil flew over a tiny paper. She was writing again, glancing up at him every now and again. Getting up, she walked over to the blond, leaning down and patting his hand reassuringly, making him smile. He didn’t understand it sometimes. Why were they having such a hard time finding her when someone so sweet should be easy to find? Grabbing his pen, she carefully maneuvered the writing utensil, her face contorted in concentration as she moved the pen over the bottom of the map. As hard as he tried not to stare at her adoringly, how could he not? The pen that was way too big for her, resting on her shoulder as she tried to write in letters that were probably about as big as her tiny forearm if not larger. Messy writing from attempting to write something to cheer him up and encourage him. The door opened, drawing him out of his thoughts as he looked up to see a familiar mess of black hair, a hand running through the dark locks in frustration as he approached the table.
     “So the last island was a bust, I got into contact with some friends, they said they might have seen someone matching her description on the next island, said that if they see her try and leave, they’ll try and hold her up.” Ace said, sitting in a chair and resting his head on his crossed arms on top of the table. The tiny version of his soulmate walked over to him, climbing on his arms to pat his head comfortingly.
     “Did you actually give a proper description this time or did you simply tell them ‘stunning, adorable, and perfect’.” Sabo asked, giving his brother a deadpan look.
     “Once! I did that once! And I corrected myself!” he argued, giving Sabo a small glare. 
     “Oh yes, because ‘her eyes are just wow and her smile is like the sun, she’s got an adorab-” Sabo was cut off by a tiny piece of paper hitting his face, both boys now paying attention to a very huffy soul sprite. Reaching down, she picked up a ‘large’ piece of paper, giving both of them her biggest, saddest eyes as she looked at them, ‘please stop arguing’ written on the paper, making their hearts absolutely melt. 
     “No, I gave them a proper description. Promise. I really wanna find her.” Ace said with a small smile as he sighed, “dark skin and hair, probably quite a bit shorter than us, and adorably thicc.” Ace said, gently caressing the tiny woman’s ‘cheek’ with the back of his finger, almost like he would with a kitten, though it was more like he was caressing the side of her entire face with the size of his hand compared to her head. Sabo nodded as he smiled down at their shared soul sprite. Reaching down, she pulled out another ‘large’ piece of paper, writing a few words of encouragement before holding it up, struggling to wave it around enthusiastically. Both boys chuckled, Ace taking the small sign from her while Sabo held his hand out for her to climb on, placing her on his shoulder before briefly glancing down at the map.
     “We’ll find her somehow. I won’t give up on someone like her.” Sabo said, the two boys clasping hands in agreement, their determination returning.
     Humming slightly, you seemed to glide across the kitchen, taking things out of one oven, popping something else in another, pouring one mixture into tins or pans before stirring another mixture halfway across the kitchen. Sitting on a small side table, two miniature boys smiled as they watched you, adoration written across their faces. Glancing over, you smiled at the two, blushing when you noticed how they were staring at you. They always did this, giving you the most loving looks in the world as you worked. Walking over, you quickly grabbed a couple of large muffins, setting them in front of the boys. 
     “Please continue to behave. I’ll take you two out for something nice for dinner if you keep being good.” you said, the boys smiling and nodding rapidly before starting in on the muffins. Pulling out your latest works, you set the stack of papers on the side table with them.
     “I know it’s a bit big, but if you want something to read, I could always use a second and third opinion.” you said, lightly patting their heads before getting back to work. Sighing, you glanced back at the two. They were so sweet, so caring, it made you wonder if the actual boys were just as sweet and caring. Could any real person actually be like that? Be that amazing? Every now and then you wondered if maybe you should go find them, quickly shaking the idea away each time. No, it was probably better that you didn’t go find them, soul sprites might be a manifestation of your soulmate, but it was only temporary, they’d just turn out like everyone else. The tiny males looked at you in worry and sadness as your smile dropped, a little less enthusiastic as you moved around the kitchen once more. They’d spent enough time with you to know what was going on, both of them jumping off of the side table to try and cheer you up. They’d gladly give up whatever nice dinner you had promised if it meant cheering you up.
     Crossing her arms, the tiny female stared at the boys, deep in thought. She knew that her bigger self had been hurt by others; she didn’t know the specifics, but she knew you’d been hurt, that you would inevitably be scared of being hurt again. She knew because her first few months around the boys were spent shyly staring at them, afraid of telling them too much. But she’d gotten to know the boys, she knew that they weren’t like that. They’d spent so much time treating her so well, helping her open up, she had no doubt that they’d do the same for her bigger self. Still, if they couldn’t even find you, how were they supposed to help you open up? Looking down at the map under her feet, she walked from one X out island to the next thoughtfully. She had to help find you, not just for Ace and Sabo’s sake, not just for your sake, but for her own as well. Just as Ace and Sabo were your soulmates, the Ace and Sabo soul sprites were hers. She wanted you to be happy more than anything, as well as Ace and Sabo’s happiness, she wanted you to realize that these two wouldn’t hurt you, that they were kind and caring and loving; she wanted to see the two boys who looked after her happy, smothering her bigger self in love and affection like they had with her, but she also wanted to be with her meant-to-be soul sprites. Following the trail of islands, she stared at the next 2 possible islands in deep thought. After a moment she took a large jump, landing on one with a big smile. She quickly grabbed Sabo’s red pen, carefully circling the island before grabbing her own pencil, writing in as large of letters as she could before struggling to drag the full sized sheet of paper to the edge of the table. Huffing and puffing, she jumped up and down, waving her arms, hoping to draw the two boys’ attention. After a moment, the movement caught Sabo’s eye, the blond walking over, noticing the circled island as the soul sprite crawled under the paper, the sheet covering her as she held it out to him as best as she could. Sabo chuckled and waved Ace over, looking at the circled island. 
     “She thinks like our soulmate, I think we’ll find her here.” Sabo said, pointing at the island. The brothers smiled at each other before hurrying off to let the crew know about their next destination.
     Staring at the two soul sprites, you couldn’t bring yourself to scold them. They hadn’t behaved like you’d asked, but could you really be mad at them? You knew they’d done it for you. Your look softened as you caved, using your apron to start cleaning the batter from their faces. They’d inevitably need baths, but at least for now, you’d be able to look at them properly. 
     “You know this means that you don’t get that nice dinner, don’t you?” you asked, the two soul sprites shrugging as if it was no big deal. Then again, compared to your happiness, it wasn’t a big deal. The dark haired boy walked over to you, giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes he could as he ‘hugged’ your arm. Granted, your arm was much too big for him to wrap himself around, but it was still sweet, the boy doing his best to apologize and make you smile. You wouldn’t admit it, but it was kind of working, your heart melting at the gesture. No, no, you couldn’t let them get away with this! They’d misbehaved! If they did this now, who knows what they’d do in the future! A voice in the back of your mind reminded you that they’d only done it to cheer you up, to draw you out of your thoughts. Picking both boys up, you headed to the sink, pulling out some soap, spare sprite clothes, and filling the sink part way.
     “Wash up, you two are filthy. I’ll be off the clock soon, I’ll take you to get some dinner.” you said with a defeated sigh. 
     It was a couple hours later, attempting to lock up when the two soul sprites jumped from your shoulder, surprising you.
     “Where do you think you’re going!” you shouted, quickly locking the door before running after them. Despite their small stature, they were surprisingly fast, leading you down the street as you chased after them. Huffing and puffing, you stood at the docks, the two boys standing on a post, seeming to be looking for something, “You two! I swear! And to think I was going to let you off the hook!” you scolded between heavy breaths. 
     “You uh, you might want to let them off the hook for this one.” a voice said, making you look up. A familiar splattering of freckles greeted you, followed by a familiar gloved hand, the blond attached to it offering to help you stand up straight.
     “You have no idea how long we’ve been looking for you.” the blond said with a sweet smile. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, whether from fear or attraction, you weren’t sure.
     “I… you… you’re…” your words were lost as you stared at the boys, the actual full sized boys, your soulmates.
     “I’m Sabo and this is Ace and we’re so very happy to meet you.” he said softly, placing a gentle kiss to the back of your hand. Ace smiled as he took your other hand, holding it to his cheek before kissing your palm.
     “Very, very happy.” Ace muttered, holding himself back from pulling you into the tightest embrace you’d ever felt. He remembered what it was like when they first got the soul sprite, he didn’t want to scare you, “We get that you’re probably not real pleased to meet us, but give us a chance, alright?” he asked, giving you the same puppy dog eyes his soul sprite version had given you earlier, puppy dog eyes that you found yourself unable to say no to.
     “I… was just heading to dinner… you… maybe you’d like to join?” you said softly, unable to stop the words from leaving your throat. 
     “We’d like that, we’d like that very much.” Sabo said, giving your hand another kiss before picking up the three soul sprites that were busy hugging on top of the post and letting you lead the way to the diner. They’d have to thank their miniature selves later for opening you up a little. It wasn’t much, you were still afraid of being hurt, but they’d broken enough walls down to allow their bigger selves to worm their way into your heart and that was all they needed.
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eustasskidagenda · 8 months
☆guidelines for requests 
So, first thing first, before sending a request, please check if my requests are open or not. The current status will always be on my header description. 
When requesting,please, show some kindness, I'm not a bot, a "hello" and "thank you" are always nice.
My current job is, actually, being a writer as a living. So I might not be able to immediately complete your requests, I'm doing this on my free time and sometimes I’m not in the mood to "work" (write) again.
I do not guarantee to write the requests you're sending to me, it will depends on my inspiration.
English is not my first language. Forgive me for the weird sentences you may cross on my writings here. 
I'll gladly accept both sfw and n/sfw requests. But, N/SFW requests must be off anon and are not allowed for the minor/ageless blog. However, I understand if you want to keep your privacy. If you want your nsfw request to be anon, please, just precise you want to stay anon on your request and I won't show your name when I post. ♡ ⇢ I absolutely love writing : hurt and comfort, fluff and funny, smut&kinks. Minors, please DNI with my +18 content or I’ll have to block you.
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Fandom : I only do One Piece prompts for now. Consider I'm always caught up in the manga and in the anime. So don't be afraid to spoil me when you request. If the request contains a huge spoiler, then, I'll use this specific tag : #op spoilers. Block it, if you don't want to see that content.  Reader : gender neutral, AFAB reader, AMAB reader, female reader, male reader, transgender reader, non-binary reader. MM, FF and MF pairings are all fine for me. However, I won’t write for male reader with female character. And I only write character x character for the ship I personally enjoy. ⇢ By default, I'll use a gender neutral reader for requests. If you want a specific reader, please, precise the gender! ⇢ Regarding the apparence, I want to keep the reader as neutral as possible. But I can do some exceptions, if it's still vague enough to include a large groupe of people. For exemple : chubby reader, black reader etc. I do not accept requests based on an OC, except for a giveaway or as a winner prize. Age : only 18+ characters Type of post :  one shot (over 1,000 words), drabbles (under 500 words), headcanons (multiples characters, bucket list) ⇢ One Shot : 1 character per request. Please, give me some details and ideas of things you want to read in the OS. And if you request for a smut os, I need to know what kind of smut you're looking for, kinks included ⇢ Drabbles : 3 characters per request, or less. again, please, give me some details or precisions, I need to understand clearly what you're looking for. ⇢ Headcanons : 5 characters per request, or less. ⇢ Group headcanons : how the characters would react in a situation. a small paragraph per type of reaction, with the list of all the suitable characters
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☆characters I'll write for:
⇢ my fav characters are in bold
⇢ i do not write smut or romantic prompt with Minks or non-human like character.
Bartolomeo, Buggy, Cavendish, Corazon, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Eustass Kid, Hawkins, Izou, Kaku, Katakuri, Killer, King, Kiku, Kuzan, Luffy (only sfw prompts with Luffy), Marco, Mihawk, Nami, Paulie, Portgas D. Ace, Rob Lucci, Robin, Roronoa Zoro, Sabo, Sanji, Shanks, Smoker, Trafalgar Law, Usopp, X Drake, Yamato (he/him) 
Characters I won't write for: Blackbeard and Blackbeard crew, Brook, Roger, Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Franky, Benn, Akainu, Kizaru, Apoo (it doesn’t necessarily means that I dislike those characters, just that I’m not comfortable writing for them. No offense if your favorite one is listed here)
⇢ if the character you would like is not on one of those lists, just send your request and I'll let you know.
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☆I don't accept requests with:
dub con ; rape, even as a consensual play ; stepcest/incest kink ; cheating ; abuse ; pregnancy ; somnophilia, even consensual ; daddy/mommy/and any kind of family kink ; water sport, scat; hateful and religious topic ; self-harm, suicidal intentions.  ⇢ Please, take care of you and your mental health if you struggle with that kind of thoughts, everything will be alright, but I know it can be hard sometimes. You're enough and you're loved. ♡ ⇢ Dysphoria (I don't know enough about this to provide an accurate text, nothing personal and you have all my support if you're facing dysphoria)
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☆some kinks idea i can write for:
⇢ if you're unsure about a kink, feel free to ask ⇢ some of my fav are in bold 69, anal sex, aphrodisiac, begging, biting, blindfolds, body worship, bondage, breeding kink, choking, clothed sex, cockwarming, creampie, creative use of Devil Fruit, cum play, dacryphilia (nothing with dubious consent), deep throat, degradation, dirty talk, discipline, dom/sub dynamic, double penetration, dry humping, face sitting, face fucking, fingering, femdom, food play, gagging, gloves, group sex, hair pulling, handjob, hickeys, lingerie, loss of virginity, massage, mirror sex, nipple play, oral sex, orgasm denial, overstimulation, panty stuffing (mouth), pegging, praises, public sex, rimming, roleplay, rough sex, sensory depravation, size kink, soft sex, spanking, squirting, striptease, teasing, temperature play, thigh fucking, thigh riding, toys, vaginal sex, wax play
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
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Ace x Filipino Reader Series
One Piece Filipino High School Stereotypes
I Choose You (Ace x Fem Reader)
A Morning Encounter (Ace x Fem Reader)
Secret's Out! (Marco x GN! Reader)
Rob Lucci x S/O with Wanda Maximoff's Powers Headcanons
Sanji with Insecure! Fem! S/O Headcanons
Katakuri with Sick! Fem! S/O Headcanons
Jealous! Zoro with G/N! S/O Headcanons
Shanks with Injured! Fem! S/O Headcanons
Katakuri with Intimate yet Bold! G/N! S/O Headcanons
Sorry (Jealous! Kid with G/N! S/O)
Marco with Chubby! G/N! S/O Headcanons
Katakuri with Loving! Fem! S/O Headcanons
Marco, Zoro & Sanji Jealous of Fem! S/O's Best Friend Headcanons
Zoro, Sanji & Ace with Fem! Y/N in a Toxic Relationship Headcanons
Sabo, Ace & Marco reacts to their G/N! S/O that Cooks for them for the First Time! Headcanons
By your side (Katakuri x Fem! S/O)
Shanks & Law's First Meeting with Cute yet Outgoing! Fem! S/O Headcanons
Usopp, Ace & Shanks with Fem! S/O after a Bad Fight! Headcanons
Sanji, Shanks & Mihawk with Competitive Eater! YouTuber! Fem! S/O Headcanons
Kid & Zoro with Competitive Gamer! Fem! S/O Headcanons
Ace, Law, Shanks & Zoro Reacts to their Fem!S/O passing out in a party! Headcanons
Zoro & Mihawk telling their Fem! S/O to hold their sword for them Headcanons
We Meet Again (Shanks x Fem! Strawhat! S/O)
Kiss Me Not! (First kiss with Zoro & Fem! Strawhat! S/O)
Sabo, Zoro, Marco & Ace confessing to Fem! S/O Headcanons
Kid, Zoro & Luffy with Childish! Fem! S/O Headcanons
Notice Me! (Law x Fem! Strawhat! Reader)
Zoro, Law, Sabo & Ace reacts to Fem! S/O's Flirty Childhood Friend Headcanons
Sanji and Thatch with Roommate! G/N! S/O that eats Unhealthy Food Headcanons
Platonic! Sanji x Strawhat! G/n! Teen! Reader Headcanons
Zoro, Sabo & Ace with Fem! S/O in a secret relationship! Headcanons
Sanji, Shanks & Ace crushing on Tough & Intimidating! Fem! S/O Headcanons
Law, Kid & Luffy with Shy! Fem! S/O that's a Rock Star Headcanons
Just You and Me (Marco with Fem! S/O dancing to the song "I Choose You")
Platonic! Zoro, Sanji & Luffy with Teen! G/N! Strawhat who gives them Friendship Bracelets
Zoro & Sanji with ADHD! G/N! S/O
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mugeesworld · 1 year
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Request Something! ♥︎
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Requests are currently open! So feel free to request something!
I'll put some info below if you're interested!
My name is Mugee or M! I do mostly chubby reader content since their is a lack in it but I do almost anything. I write to hopefully make other people feel better about their body image or just make their day! So if something is on your mind and you want to put that in a y/n for me to write I happily will! No money needed.
A few examples of stuff I've wrote that you can find on my page:
Luffy/Franky/Zoro/Sanji/Ukai with a chubby partner (not all in one part. Head cannons)
Distant/sad fem reader x Zoro (request)
Now let's go over a few examples of what you can request!
First let's go over different types of requests!
Head cannons
Small fics
Match ups
Head cannons:
Want head cannons of your favorite character or maybe how different people in a anime would react to a certain quality? Write what character/ anime you want and what you want them to be about.
chubby, tall, short, shy reader x *character*
Or for my kinky people
*Character* reacting to partners certain kink
Or maybe something more wholesome
*character/anime* reacting to child Crewmate/team mate (something like that. You get the idea. Like fluff)
Or if you're feeling down
*character* reacting to sad/depressed reader (like how they would help)
One piece crew reacting to chubby, short, tall, goth, alternative, y/n
How boys in Naruto would react to you calling them a nickname/pet name (tell me what name)
Make sure to put a good description of how you want y/n to be and on what character you would like!
Small fics:
Give me a scenario or idea that you have and I'll write about it. Adding my own touches! It can be mad, sad, sfw, NSFW, fluff, smut. Anything! Give me your idea and I'll just run with it!
Make sure to go in to very very deep description though. Put what gender you want or I will make it female! Im open to doing doing Male and gender fluid tho! Just make sure to put that! Make sure to add if you want smut or not. Or if you want it sfw.
Match ups:
This is the one I really want to do!!! So please request it!!!
Tell me one or more animes you want to be matched up with a person in. Whether you want it to be a boy or girl. And then make me a long long long descriptive paragraph about yourself! Tell anything! Make it as long as you would like! Don't feel embarrassed!
Tell me your zodiac sign, your personality sign, your height, if you're plus size, hair length, personality, fav color, fav animal, fav anything!, music preference, hobbies, characters you kin, LITERALLY WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!!
Hell even tell me some of your kinks if you're up for it!
and then I will pick a boy/girl from the anime/animes of your choosing that I think would like you. (You can choose whether it be friends wise or love!) and I will tell you why I think that! Like giving you reasons why I think this character would love you!
Reminder that these matchups will be decided by me so you may not like who you get! Or might not get the person you we're expecting!
I write NSFW/ Smut so if you want it or don't want it make sure to put that.
Put what gender you would like or I will make it female
Put if you want it to be fluff, smut, sfw, NSFW.
If you want something kinky in your NSFW like choking, pegging, bondage, spit. Let me know! No kink shaming here! (I don't do blood, urine, scat, vomit, incest)
If you want something sad I can do that.
I'll do any gender of character. I'm pansexual so anything goes! As long as it's not a animal.....
Animes I do:
One piece (I just finished thriller Bark so don't request people like Law, sabo, do flamingo. I'm NOT do chopper unless it's like a sibling relationship)
Naruto (I'm sorry but i won't do sasuke. That guy pisses me off💀)
One punch man
MHA (Has to be a adult for nsfw. No like dating or crush stuff. Platonic is ok. Comfort is ok. Fluff is ok. I won't do bakugo tho period. He pisses me off. Very badly!!)
Haikyuu (no nsfw unless they are aged up or a adult. Haikyuu is the only exception I make for ageing up a character then writing nsfw for cause the creator showed what they are like when older and posted art for them aged up.)
Hxh (no nsfw unless it's a adult like illumi. Fluffy head cannons are ok tho with Gon/killua. It has to be a strictly platonic relationship tho. Like best friends. It's different for them cause it doesn't give much description about older them. Like how haikyuu does.)
And more! Just ask and I'll let you know if I have or haven't seen it!
Don't be scared to request something! Like seriously. If you have a question please ask! I will happily answer. It doesn't bother me I promise.
I can't promise I'll do every request I get but I will try! ♥︎
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Requesting Rules
Just things I'm comfortable or uncomfortable writing:
Uncomfortable with (topics):
Incest / incest play (I include ASL brothers together)
Non-con / rape / coercing / manipulating reader into sex/ dub-con (CNC depends on the request. Consent is huge for me)
Scat / piss play
Pregnancy sexual situations (I'll do fluffy headcanons of x reader when pregnant, and breeding kinks)
ignoring safewords
dystopian au (nothing against it personally, just not my thing)
Manipulative character pairings (like purposely manipulative psychos in a relationship)
BIG age gaps (e.g. Garp x reader in 20's)
Father figures x characters
Comfortable with:
Smut (except for the stuff listed above) including multiple person scenarios, M/M!reader, F/F!reader, BDSM
Miscommunication / jealousy
Tropes (you can pry the one bed trope and the "creepy guy won't leave _ alone so _ helps" trope from my cold, dead hands)
other au's (yesss gimme a challenge, let my imagination go wild)
Angst (either between characters or if reader/character is suffering mentally)
Angst and fluff
Fluff and smut (my FAVE)
Humor (I'll try, okay? I think I'm HILARIOUS but some other people don't)
Holiday centric pieces (I am pagan, but am familiar with Christian holidays and comfortable writing about it. I would love to write about introducing characters to pagan holidays :). Also like Valentines day, St. Patricks, etc.)
Dialogue prompts
Action/fight scenes
Uncomfortable with (Characters/pairings):
Doflamingo and his family (EXCEPT Corazon<3)
Gecko Moria
Marine admirals/Garp (all but specified marines below)
Most of the supernova (EXCEPT. Kid, Luffy, Law)
Yamato (just haven’t met him yet)
Vinsmoke Judge
Gol D Roger (haven’t met him much yet)
Comfortable with (Characters)
For anything (Including smut)
Monster Trio (foursome, threesome, or single pairings x reader)
Reiju Vinsmoke
Ichiji, niji, yonji vinsmoke (pure smut only)
Fluff only (includes romantic fluff unless stared otherwise)
Straw hats:
Garp (same ish age romance scenarios only)
Any of the mink tribe (including Bepo)
Boa Hancock
Any characters that are not in this list you can ask about, even when my requests are closed :)
Note: I always try to write my pieces to where the reader is described as vaguely as possible to reach the widest audience. Chubby? Amazing, and easy to imagine (stronk anime men). Black? Yes please, and no description of skin color (why I always use ‘heat’ or 'flush’ instead of 'turning red’). Small titties on a fem reader? Love it, and the size isn’t described. The only thing that might not be applicable is that I have characters touching your hair, which doesn’t apply to my badass bald bitches or to anyone who covers their hair as part of their religion. HOWEVER if people want, I can change/remove those parts for any fics they request or add any traits.
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heyitsdoe · 2 years
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Dear Dr. Vegapunk’s Reality Machine volunteer participants,
We are pleased to inform that our lab has resolved all legal obligations and our Anonymous employee can now officially join the experiment team.
Mx. Basilisa, from blog designation @some-piece , is the framer behind the Reality Machine Travel Project and supports Ms. Doe in leading the 30 selected experimental runs. The 15 travels assigned to them will be launched from their office, with an appropriate notification for every participant when the time comes.
In the attached file, you will find an updated lists of Scheduled Reality Runs providing further information. The first travels will be launched very soon!
Thank you for your continued trust and patience,
Punk Hazard Lab Support
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Travels Assigned To Ms. Doe
Mythology: M!Reader x Marco, SFW + Fluff
Victorian: F!Reader x Katakuri, NSFW + PWF + Vampires
Western: F!Reader x Killer, NSFW + PWF
Wartime: F!Reader x X Drake, SFW + Hurt/Comfort
Magic: F!Reader x Mihawk, NSFW + PWF
Aliens: F!Reader x Zoro, NSFW + PWF, Reader is taller than character
Angels/Demons: AFAB!Reader x Killer, NSFW + PWF + Size Kink + Forbidden Love
Vampires: TransF!Reader x Robin, NSFW
Cyberpunk: F!Reader x Law, SFW + Fluff + Birthday-centric
Vampires: F!Reader x Kid, NSFW + PWF + Chubby Reader + Praise Kink
Aquatic: F!Reader x Ace, NSFW + PWF + Slightly chubby reader
Steampunk: F!Reader x Kid, NSFW + PWF
Horror: G/N!Reader x Doflamingo, NSFW + DF Body Horror
Gladiator: F!Reader x Zoro, NSFW + PWF
Apocalypse: F!Reader x Robin, SFW + Hurt/Comfort
Travels Assigned To Mx. Bas
Gladiator: F!Reader x Katakuri, NSFW + Size Dif + Creampie
Angels/Demons: F!Reader x Kid, NSFW + PWF
Time Loop: G/N!Reader x Katakuri, SFW or NSFW + Time Travel
Victorian: G/N!Reader x Sabo, SFW + Fluff
Cyberpunk: G/N!Reader x Nami, SFW + Hurt/Comfort
Mythology: G/N!Reader x Killer, SFW + Hurt/Comfort + Mutual Pining + Implied Confession
Steampunk: F!Reader x Luffy, SFW + Fluff + A fun experience
Apocalypse: F!Reader x X Drake, NSFW + PWF + Slightly chubby reader
Noir: F!Reader x Ace, NSFW + PWF
Magic: G/N!Reader x Sanji, SFW + Fluff
Noir: F!Reader x Doflamingo, NSFW + PWF
Wartime: F!Reader x Rosinante, SFW + Platonic + Age Gap
Aquatic: M!Reader x Doflamingo, NSFW + Fluff + PWF
Horror: F!Reader x Mihawk, SFW + Hurt/Comfort
Western: G/N!Reader x Law, NSFW + Angst
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doctorgerth · 3 years
HELLOO! Can I request a Sabo x Chubby S/O that’s NSFW? Sabo having a breeding kink! Included with creampie and some praising. I don’t think anyone/many have asked for Sabo and I just need some loving from this exquisite man. 😤❤️ There can be a lot of fluff with this one to! If you don’t want to or have an overwhelming amount of requests/suggestions, then disregard this one! It’s all good and thank you!❤️❤️
hellooooo!!! oh man we’re entering dangerous territory with sabo thirsts 🔥 I somehow ended up using the d and m words and I want to crawl in a hole and die someone stop me I’m begging 😩
plz just imagine older Sabo who is retired from the revolutionaries and you are his pretty chubby wife <3
don’t read if pregnancy makes you feel icky.
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sabo x chubby f!reader
(nsfw warning — breeding, use of “daddy” and “mommy” bc I have no self control when it comes to breeding kink apparently)
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domesticity looks good on you.
in fact, maybe a little too good, Sabo thinks to himself amidst blind pleasure as he rails into you from behind. the mere sight of you folding laundry enough to have him bending you over the couch, thinking that the only thing your perfect life together could possibly be missing is a child.
“squeezing around me so good,” his fingers dig into the supple flesh of your ass, admiring how your skin ripples with every harsh thrust, “gonna fuck a baby into you - huff - you’d like that, wouldn’t you, angel?”
this is surely a conversation more appropriate for anywhere other than hasty fucking against the old living room couch, but as his arm snakes underneath your soft belly, thinking about how cute you’d look so fucked out and full of his seed, belly swelling over months as you carry his child, he can’t possibly think of anything else.
“god, yes, Sabo! fill me up, baby, please! wanna make you a daddy!”
he stops, almost completely stills inside of you as the sound of your pretty lips crying out daddy echoes in his head. he’s stuffed your pussy countless of times before, but this, this will be different. Sabo manhandles you easily, lifting your body from the couch to relocate the two of you to the bedroom, throwing you down on the bed because he wants to witness the look on your face when he fills your raw cunt up to the brim.
he grips your thick thighs in either hand, pinning them back until your knees are hugging your cheeks. folding you in half so prettily, admiring the defined rolls on your body as he does so.
“you’re going to look so pretty all plump and round with my baby. gonna fill this cute tummy up. don’t you dare waste a single drop or I’ll just have to fuck more into you, you understand?”
you sob as you can only nod, Sabo’s heavy cock filling you up so deep, stroking that special spot relentlessly, it’s nearly impossible to formulate coherent sentences. the rough pads of his fingers swiping at your clit easily send you over the edge and it’s not long until his piston hips are stuttering, his grip on your flesh nearly breaking the skin as he fucks his hot load into you.
“take it!” he hisses, burying unfathomably deeper to fill you up as much as possible. he waits, sure it’s settled before pulling out. you keep your knees high even as he releases his hold on you, hoping you’ve made him proud as you try to keep it all in. but it’s just so much, some of it inevitably leaks out and down the curve of your ass. you shudder when he only clicks his tongue and throws your sore, trembling legs over his shoulders, pushing past your abused and soaked folds once more before you can even catch your breath.
he kisses your temple, far more tender than the way his hips are slamming into you, “that’s alright pretty baby, I’ll give you more, but I won’t stop till you can take it all — gotta make my cute wife a mommy.”
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
I LOVED THE HEADCANONS WITH CROCODILE X CHUBBY READER SM. do you think you could do kid and sabo w a chubby reader?? i love your writing sm i cant get enough !!
Ah! glad you liked them and hope you enjoy these!! and thank you ;-;
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- He loves having something to grab, he likes to get handfuls of you when he hugs you and holds you close.
- He likes to feel your curves and enjoys how his fingers make indents on your skin.
- Doesn’t think your ever heavy at all, he lifts you with ease.
- His favourite thing to do when you are feeling self-conscious is to pick you up and throw you on the bed, jumping on after you and nuzzling his face against your chubby bits.
- If anyone gives you shit about being chubby, they will get the ass-kicking of their life.
- Anyone says anything that could be seen as unkind to you, and he’ll make their life a living hell. All ten minutes of it.
- When you mumble and tell him you feel too heavy for him, he’ll scoff like he’s the one offended.
- “I like someone I can toss around and get rough with.” The wicked grin on his face always makes you blush.
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- He never considers that you might be ‘chubby’ you are just you.
- Loves how you feel when in bed with him, how you’re soft to hold close, how warm your body feels.
- Sabo doesn’t always understand why you might be uncomfortable with how you look because of it but he grabs your face, squishing your cheeks and turns your head side to side with a furrowed brow.
- “Who made you feel this way? I can visit them.” The implied arson is heavy in his tone as he huffs and rests his forehead against yours, letting go of your face so he can place his hands on your hips.
- “Who said there was anything wrong with it huh? I don’t think it’s a bad thing and neither should you.” He pulls away and fixes you with a determined expression.
- “But honestly, who said that? I just wanna talk..” he says in a sing-song voice as he grabs his pipe.
@mimi-ya @simp4ace @strawhat-bast @secretsnailor @rae-vynn
@smoleeveewrites @gonuclear @strawhat-bast @flameboyace
@rae-vynn @missbeckman @eustasssimp @undercoverweeeb
@slut4animedilfs @acesmarigold @sanjithesimp @aces-sweetheart
@sugxrslushy @kaizokuwritings @iloveportgasdace @bepoprotectionsquad @ace-no-isha @thatsprettycoolbro
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heartfeltcierra · 2 years
Sabo X Reader Hurt-> Comfort
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Word Count 1.5K
Hurt/Comfort (My guilty pleasure)
Warnings: Reader gets yelled at, neglect of relationship. Reader is a female
Sabo was in his office finishing up some paperwork. He had been extremely busy as of late and you figured a nice cup of tea and a snack would do him good. Plus you just wanted to see him. You walk carefully so you don’t spill the piping hot drink. The wooden door in front of you was open slightly, you knock lightly before entering. You step through the door and see Sabo going through different documents and signing them.
“Hey, I brought you a cup of tea!” You smile and walk further into the office. Sabo, being fully emerged in his work, completely ignored you.
“Why don’t you take a short break, I’ve even brought you some cookies I made, they are still warm!” Sabo still doesn’t address you. You swallow your frustration, you know it's not his fault he is so busy, he is only one man after all. But you weren't going to give up.
You walk right up to his desk and sit the cookies on his desk. Still no attention. You let out a sigh as you sit the tea down, but as you did some spilled on your hand causing you to retract spilling the liquid all over his desk. Sabo looked shocked as all of his paperwork was destroyed right in front of him.
“Sabo I am so sorry I didn’t mea-“ you couldn’t even finish your sentence before he cut you off coldly.
“Get out.” His voice was low and came out as a growl. His brown gloved hands clenched the soaked paper work.
“Sabo it was a accident. I'll help clean it up.” You go to help him gather up the paperwork, but he slammed his hand down on the desk, causing your body to tense up.
“I said get the fuck out Y/N, NOW.” He yelled. You were utterly shocked. Sabo had never raised his voice at you. You could feel your fight or flight reaction kicking in as your heart rate picked up. Tears formed at the sides of your eyes and fell before you had a chance to move your body. You turn and walk towards the door.
“I’m sorry. I'll go now.” You weakly sob out. Without another word you leave the office with hot tears running down your face. You slowly walked back to the bedroom you share with Sabo. His shouting voice was ringing in your head. The room seemed like it was spinning, you take a few deep breaths to calm your racing heart. The adrenalin that was coursing your body was starting to subsiding with every breath. You walk over to and sit on the edge of the bed. The room was dark due to the late hour of the night, the only light source was coming from the lamp on the nightstand. You look at the picture of you and Sabo that was being illuminated on the nightstand. The picture was from your wedding day, he was holding you proudly bridal style. If you were to go back and tell yourself at that moment 2 years ago how things were now you would have laughed. Now all you do is miss and ache for him. You miss the way he use to put so much effort into your marriage . He use to be so doting and loving. What changed?
You and Sabo rarely see one another now. He is always cooped up in his office or gone on missions. You can’t even remember the last time you fell asleep in his warm embrace. A wave of sadness crashed deep within your chest. Your body falls back onto the bed, unable to hold itself up as warm tears stream down your cheeks yet again. Desperate for some kind of comfort, your shaking hands reach out to grab the pillow that laid vacant on Sabo’s side of the bed. You wrap both arms around it, you could faintly smell his cologne on it. You missed him so much. All you wanted was for things to be the way they were before. You close your tear stained eyes. Between the comforting smell of Sabo and all the crying you've done, your body falls into a deep sleep. ~~ Meanwhile, Sabo was sitting in his office feeling like a grade A asshole. Being the Chief of staff was a frustrating and demanding job. Here lately he just can’t catch a break. But none of those frustrations had anything to do with you, his sweet doting wife. The look of sadness and confusion your face had will forever scar him. Sabo stood up from his desk, he needed to go make things right. He made a beeline right to your shared bedroom. Opening the door, he carefully towards the bed.
"Y/N? Are you awake?" He spoke low enough for you to hear, but not loud enough to wake you if you were asleep.
The sight before him broke his heart. Your body was clutching his pillow like it could run away at any moment. The skin around your eyes was red and wet from tears. In this moment Sabo realized something, he had failed you. He was supposed to be your protector and comforter, and here lately he was doing a horrible job. Sabo placed his top hat on the nightstand right next to the wedding picture he knew you adored so much. He honestly adored it all the same, if not more.
He threw his long coat on the floor along with his shirt and laid next to you in the bed. His arms wrapped themself around your waist. It felt good to have you in his arms again. He could not imagine how his neglectfulness and cold attitude has affected you. All the nights you spent alone or spent waiting up for him even though he never came. Sabo was mentally punching himself. You were so precious to him, yet his actions here lately did not reflect that. Work could wait, right now you were his top priority. Sabo pulled the covers over both his body and yours. You let out a whine in your sleep.
"I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. Sweet dreams my love." Sabo kissed your ear. The second your eyes open he was going to apologize for his actions, but for now he was going to hold your sleeping body in his safe arms.
You woke up to a dull headache due to all the crying you did last night. You tried to bring your body out of bed, but something was keeping you from doing so. You look down and see arms holding you tight. You could not believe it. You turn your body around in his arms, your face meets his bare chest. He was really here. You nestle your face and body closer to him. You could stay here forever, but you knew he would be getting up and leaving soon. So you were going to savor every second. Your loving moment was disrupted by Sabo’s eyes shooting open. He immediately shot up in the bed and looked at you. He stayed that way for a few minutes, just looking at you. No words.
“Y/N…” His eyes were riddled with guilt. “I am so sorry. Not just for yelling at you, but everything. I know I have been neglecting you. But I promise from here on out I will make time for us okay?” His arms pulled you into a tight hug. The smell of his cologne was so much stronger than that of the pillow. Your whole body relaxed into his strong embrace.
“It's okay, I know you're busy and stressed out.” He retracted from the hug and noticed the frown that adorn your lips.
“There is no excuse for what I did. If I ever make you cry again you have full permission to beat me with my own weapon.” He pointed to the silver pipe he had propped in the corner of the room. You couldn't help but burst out laughing. Your smile was beaming as tears gathered in your eyes from how hard you laughed. “There's my happy girl.” Sabo was relieved to see the frown long gone and replaced by the bright smile he loved so much.
“Okay I’ll keep that in mind. ” All the insecurities you feel are slowly fading away. "Do you want me to cook you breakfast before work?"
“Actually, I've decided to take the next few days off. I have a lot of things I need to catch up on with you.” There was a hunger in his dark eyes that didn't go unnoticed by you. "But for now, is there anything you want to do?"
“For today, I just want to lay in bed and be close to you.” There was nothing more you wanted right now then to be with him. “If that’s okay.”
“Of course it is princess, now come here.” His arms pulled you securely into his lap. One hand reached around to rub soothing circles on your back. “I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Sabo.”
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✨Master list 300 followers✨
Hi my name is kazenomegaminowanpisu, here's my 300 followers master list. I've got a shadow baned, but Tumblr staff fixed it... And now my blog is open again...thanks fo your support at my blog.
Topics on my writings ⬇️⬇️
.SFW 💚
.sad or tragic 😨
It's kinda effortless but hope you like it
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One piece
Op boys reacting to their s/o's pregnancy cravings
How Op Boys say I love you
Op Boys Reacting their s/o changing body shapes
Op boys reaction when they see you walking down the aisle but they're not the groom
Op Boys walking in on you changing
Op Boys Reacting to their s/o who know's how to use taekwondo
Monster trio reacting to their chubby s/o wearing a tight black dress + getting approach by some man
op boys reacting to themselves hitting their s/o because of anger
Op Boys Hearing their soulmates voice for the first Time
Sabo and ace getting Kissed by their s/o Infront of their friends
Monster trio Saying weird flirts lines to their s/o
Op Boys Reacting to their s/o asking them how many babies do you want?
Imagine Sanji and Zoro going on a date with you
Op Boys Reacting to their s/o wearing Revealing Clothes
Op boys reacting to their s/o Kissing them first
Op boys reacting to you booping their nose
Op Boys Reacting to their s/o calling them daddy for the first time
Cute things Op boys would do as a boyfriend
Op boys Seeing their s/o on a wedding Gown
Op Boys seeing their s/o sleeping on their bed
Op Boys reacting to their s/o who are about to give birth
Op boys reacting to their crush telling them that they had a boyfriend
One piece Cuddle Headcanons
OP boys reacting to their child asking them where do babies came from
Op boys reacting to their s/o Kissing them Unexpectedly
law x GN reader
Law x Gn reader||Read my mind
Law reacting to his s/o weird obsession
Imagine law Pinching your cheeks every time he sees you
Sanji falling in love into Zoro's sister
Imagine Sanji showering you with kisses just to wake you up
Sanji x fem reader||Weird Noises
Zoro x reader || are you done?
Zoro reacting to his s/o doing a make up tutorial on him
Imagine getting Kissed by Luffy Infront of his cremates
Imagine katakuri saw you giving donuts into a attractive guy, and his reaction
Sabo asking you on a date
Attack on titan
Aot boys reacting to their s/o not saying I love you back
Haikyuu:You can't see colors until you meet your soulmate
How haikyuu characters would be when their sick
My hero academia
MHA Boys asking their s/o on a Dance
Jojo bizarre adventure 1-5
JJBA Boys reacting to their s/o saying their full name during an argument
JJBA Stardust crusaders pet names to their s/o
Tokyo Revengers
Imagine you visit Baji’s Tomb and you see his favorite flower grow on its side
Thank you very much ❤️
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sashi-ya · 2 years
hi!!! so excited for this event! ace and sabo (both incubi) with a chubby afab human reader and they/them pronouns. maybe with the prompt “welcome to hell / welcome party” and breeding/pregnancy kink if that’s alright. thank you <3
Hi darling!!! of course!! I hope you like this spicy Ace and Sabo fic!! thank u for taking part in the event!! 💖💖
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𝑵𝒔𝒇𝒘 ~ 𝑰𝒏𝒄𝒖𝒃𝒊! 𝑷𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒈𝒂𝒔 𝑫. 𝑨𝒄𝒆 & 𝑺𝒂𝒃𝒐 𝒙 𝑮𝒏! 𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒃𝒃𝒚! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ~ 𝑾𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝑼𝒑
➡ Tw: nsfw. oral. Dp. Reader is afab, chubby! body, gn. dp. breeding/impregnating kink. a few slaps. thigh fucking. no ace x sabo interaction besides the dp. mentions of death (duh, how the hell you get to hell if not) ➡ wc: 2.1k ➡ Want more? visit the masterlist
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Those who say dying while sleeping is better, for sure have yet to experience what I am about to tell you…
“Little victim ~” “oooi, cute little sinner… wake up!”
A big gasp of air fills what you believe are your lungs, and it feels relieving. That weight over your chest you were feeling, oppressive, turning blue your lips and skin, now is gone…
As soon as you open your eyes, motivated by two sweet manly voices, your eyes fix on golden locks at your left and freckled cheeks at your right.
Playfully, they toy with your hair. Curling some strands, smelling them too. The have a cute smile, even friendly you could say. Wings sprout from their backs, but what gets most of your attention are the leather strips around their necks like chokers. Both have a little padlock hanging and you wonder who has the keys to them.
Their smiles allow subtle pointy fangs to protrude from under their upper lips, they are handsome… handsome as hell… but, what do they want from you?
“Hello, welcome to Hell!” the brunette says, cute wavy locks garnishing his freckled cheeks. You blink a few times… “So, this is it… Death has finally come to claim me, and I’m nowhere else but Hell… guess I deserve this”
The blonde man, or at least that’s what you think he is, pokes your chest with his index. It has gloved hands, and you wonder if this is how every person looks like in Hell. “Uh… hi?” you ask, taking a look at his finger who is now repeatedly being buried on your belly.  
“Hi! I like your chubby belly” he says, and what could sound like an insult in the living world, it doesn’t at all from his sweet reddish lips.
You try to stand up as your back is completely lying over what you could say it’s a cobbled floor. Soon, you discover it is almost impossible to do so. Or at least, unless you push the winged dark-haired man off you. He is sitting right over your lap, pinning you if you may, against the ground.
“Who are you?” you ask, frankly you are not scared but curious. They don’t look harmful, in fact, quite the opposite. They look like dark angels, playful and affable. But certainly, you need to know exactly what they want from you.
The blonde one, who you discover has a burn scar around his left eye, stands up. He puts his hands over his hipbones, showing you in all its glory, his naked body also covered in several burns. “My name is Sabo” he says, smiling and taking a look at the man over you.
“And I am Ace!” the freckled one says, also smiling.
“Both are the fire brothers, and we are incubi! Nice to meet you, (Name)! Welcome to Hell!” both say at unison. You stutter for a second, and no words could come out of your mouth. Incubi, they say? Those little demons who… fuck their victims during sleep?
“Are you going to fuck me?” you ask straight to the point, making the carnal demons laugh. A laughter that you couldn’t quite understand… that’s exactly what demons like them do, so… what’s so funny about it?
The one named Ace stands up too. He is, as well as his brother, naked too. Both have growing erections and drops of sweat drifting through the mountains of his well-trained abs… Hell is hot, as lava and fire seems to be what surrounds you the most.
Just like Sabo, Ace also has scars. Though, while Sabo’s are scattered all around his body, Ace’s are concentrated into a big one that occupies most of his chest. Who knows what happened to them, but they are for sure sexy incubi, demons or whatever the hell they are called.
“Yeah, yeah. We are gonna fuck you! But we were trying to make your first day in hell something good, you know, a proper welcoming!” Sabo says, tending his hand so you can stand up. Apparently, chivalry isn’t dead.
Once you are on your feet, Ace comes closer to you and begins scanning your body. Up and down, with eyes that reflect the flames that surround you three he takes all of his time to memorize every inch of your skin. “Surely, you look really tasty. I like this” he says, pinching your thigh.
“Auch!” you protest, the little claws on his hands are pretty sharp. “Oh, sorry! Sorry!” he excuses himself, but you kinda see he isn’t sorry in the slightest. However, he does something to remedy your pain… Ace crunches in front of you, placing a sweet kiss over the still painful little mark his nails have left on your flesh.
Demons being sweet? What the actual fuck…?
He kisses you three times, first one being a little peck, the last one including the tip of his tongue. And those kisses make you shiver, sensual freckled demon…
“You smell… amazing” he says, when he stops kissing your thighs to take his pointy little nose to your sex. You widen your eyes, trying to jump back a little, being, obviously, impossible. Sabo is right at your back, with gloved hands around your waist, pressing your belly slowly and sensually.
The warmth of his skin against your back soon shows you that as well as them, you are naked too. Sabo’s chin rest over your left shoulder, the golden locks graze your neck making your skin cover with a blanket of goosebumps.
“You asked us if we were going to fuck you… and you are right, but, we need you to accept our seed inside of you” he whispers, maybe asking for permission to… impregnate you? What was the point, you were already in hell… “Fuck me and fill me up with your seeds” you answer back, absolutely carelessly since you are now driven by the pleasure of Ace’s tongue inside your folds.
Sabo laughs, this time sexily, and you notice a change in their auras. Something that looks like flames surround them, and yet it doesn’t burn. Flames also are now garnishing their dark silver eyes; almost black they turn… black with sinful intentions.
As Ace moans, his little whimpers of excitement get muzzled by your sex pressing on his face. You wish his freckled cheeks to be shiny with your cum, and even if that ever occurred to him while in the living world, this time was eating your brain. Eating your brain, like Sabo has started to eat you piece by piece. Tongue and lips around your nipples, sucking hard, nibbling on them as they get hard and extra sensitive.
Your legs become weak, letting your body to fall over Ace’s face. Something he, absolutely enjoys by clenching to your ass cheeks with his claws. Harder he licks and sucks, and harder it makes you scream. Hard and loud.
You are putty in his hands, melting into an ungodly ritual of sex.
The spasms and squirming motions your body makes, announce the incubi you are closer to climaxing. Situation that apparently fills them with joy and amusement. “We usually only fuck humans until we came and impregnate them and that’s it… but we are enjoying this!! Right, Ace?” Sabo says, once he had freed one of your swollen nipples from its lip’s trap.
“MHHMHHH” Ace nods, still lacking oxygen as he is deep burying his tongue inside your entrance. He fucks you just with his tongue, and it’s amazing to you. His thumb also plays an important role into making you almost cry with pleasure, as it plays with your clit bottom up.
And, of course, if you thought the blonde demon would only satisfy his needs with sucking your breasts, you are absolutely wrong. He is once again at your back, this time using your thighs to warm his dick. “Fuck me with your thighs while Ace keeps sucking all your juices off, yeah?” he asks, already moving.
You try your best to close your legs as much as you can since his brother has his head in between them. Ace, however, doesn’t get mad and the more you crush his cheeks with your thighs, the more he enjoys. A quick glance at his hardness hanging, shows you the pool of precum that he has formed over the ground, proving how much he likes this.
Sabo moves, grunting in your ear, carving his teeth on your neck as he masturbates with just the little chubbiness of your thigh’s gap. Soon, you lose control of your body, climaxing with Ace’s warm index inside you, his tongue on your clit and as you wanted bathing his face with your climaxing fluids.
“AHHH” Ace finally takes a big gasp of air as he abandons your sex. You see how he sucks his fingers clean from your rests, with a big smile of pure indulgence. “Oi, Sabo! Stop it, don’t waste your cum like this… remember we need to impregnate her” he scolds his brother when he noticed how Sabo begins squirming enough as he is about to cum.
“Fine, fine! Who is going on top this time?” Sabo asks, but never stops using your legs as warm walls to his dick. Dick that now is able to graze your still sensitive entrance on and on and on.
Ace takes his hand to his chin, thinking whereas he wants to go “on top” or not and come closer to you. His claws pinch your cheeks, making your mouth to pout. “Tell me… would you like to sit on my lap as I fuck you hard? Look how much I am dripping little chubby baby” he moans, with his lips grazing yours as he speaks so sexily.
You nod, taking your curious fingers to that swollen gland. A smirk garnishes Ace’s face, allowing you to imbibe your fingertips with his precum delight. “Taste it” he mumbles, guiding your hand to your mouth.
As you lick so depravedly his salty release, he bites his lips and walks to where Sabo was up until now. Sabo, who is almost shaking as his orgasm has been delayed is now in front of you enjoy you play with the transparent fluids of his brother on your tongue. The blonde is ready to pounce into you as soon as you sit over Ace’s lap.
Falling back, you get ready to get your walls stretched by both of them. “Going iiiin ~” Ace celebrates while guiding his hard, dripping sex into yours. Stretched enough you let your body fall over him, allowing his dick to go as deep as it can possibly go. Ace begins to move his hips up and down, slowly enough for Sabo to accommodate himself to you.
“I hope you are able to take both of us at once” the blond says, a little wary… if he only knew that even if you had no space, you could make it just for him to bury into you too.
“Go ahead, Sabo ~” you purr, already biting your lip as Ace can’t hold his hip motions for too long. The burned demon smirk so impiously while he plays with your wet entrance being pounded by his brother.
Seeing your growing impatience for him to bury deep into you, you snatch Sabo’s neck to kiss him. Kiss that he accepts but that soon stops. A soft slap rings in your ear, denoting who is the real dominant here. “You are in hell now, and I am the one who decide when is going to fuck you, ok?” he says, burying now his nails in your neck with a dark expression.
Dark expression that makes you even hornier, as the constant thrusts of Ace are killing you. “I’m sor-“ you try to apologize, but your words got cut short by the violent intrusion of Sabo’s dick.
The pressure of both sexes inside your womb, stirring your whole being, moving so synchronized in and out of you… the way your bodies sweat, sticking to each other, the sound of moans interviewed, the sinful melody of the abode of the dead…
Coming, you tremble. Sabo inhales your moans, Ace squeezes your breasts, your belly, every inch of skin he encounters as his hands go up and down while infinitely shoving his dick into you. Sabo, who throws his head back, biting his lip, tensing his neck and mandible muscles, comes at unison with his freckled brother.
“Take it all inside, be sure to get really impregnated by our seed…we need more demons, much more demons” Sabo grunts. “Don’t you dare waste a single drop, all, all inside sweet chubby baby” Ace follows.
The warmth and the pressure…The haste breathing… The sweated surface of Ace’s lap… The hot expression of Sabo climaxing… This sinful welcoming party to the eternal… suffering?
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littlesniggy · 2 years
Others Masterlist
Submission (NSFW)
Taking off some tension (NSFW)
NSFW Headcanons
Mean marine reader confessing to him
Mistress (NSFW)
S/o telling him they’re pregnant
Kaido x female reader (NSFW)
S/o feeling lonely
Pirate following him around his island
Reaction to s/o being a well known poet
How they relax/ unwind after a hard day
I prefer making love (NSFW)
Monster Part One
Monster Part Two
Rob Lucci
NSFW Headcanons
S/o telling him they’re pregnant
Rob Lucci x chubby reader
Yes Sir Part One
Yes Sir Part Two
Rosinante having a size kink (nsfw)
Doflamingo x Reader x Rosinante (NSFW)
Yandere! Sabo falling in love w/ his best friend’s gf
No Milk
Reaction to s/o being a well known poet
Introducing Ichiji as fiancé
Reaction to s/o wearing their shirt
Going undercover with his crush
Introducing s/o to “father”
S/o pole dancing
Sir Crocodile
I wanna feel you (NSFW)
False Bravery
How they relax/ unwind after a hard day
Getting caught during sex (nsfw)
Old Friends Part One
Old Friends Part Two (NSFW)
Reaction to s/o being a well known poet
How they relax/ unwind after a hard day
Going undercover with his crush
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orieriee · 2 years
Some One Piece guys with types of people they might be interested in:
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Pairs: Luffy, Ace, Sabo, Law x gender neutral reader (separate)
Author's note: These are all just headcanons, I just like to imagine the "perfect" pair of person for them.
Warnings: fluff, kink mentioned in Sabo's
my masterlist
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Monkey D. Luffy:
Tbh I think this man doesn't really have a certain type he specifically like, as long as that person is a kind person
They can be shy or introverted or they can be very active or extroverted, they can be a serious type person or a playful type, he doesn't care, he also doesn't have a body type he prefers
Except if you're the type to torture a child do harm or evil to other people (intentionally) that, he hates.
Someone who puts other people first, selfless people is what he likes
Well, as long as he finds you interesting that catches his attention
Bonus points if you can cook and understand him that he is a person that needs to be free
Like, you don't limit your partner to not do this or do that
Take care of him like a mom, he'll cherish you like his nakama
Portgas D. Ace:
Just like Luffy, he only cares if the person is a kind person
But more specific, if that person is kind to him
But you can't treat ONLY him with your kindness, you also have to be kind to others that he considers important people to him.
But boi if you treat him just a little kinder, paying a little more attention to him than everyone else, his feelings will start to bubble up like soda pop
Why are there so many buts
For example asking him if he has eaten yet, or remind that he should take care of himself more and wrapping a scarf when it's cold out, plus points if Marco's around but you don't do that to Marco, treating him a bit more special y'know
If we're going to a body type wise, I think he would lean more towards curvy and chubby type person because they're cuter in his opinion
But he doesn't really care much about physical appearance tho
He longed for physical and emotional love and if you can give that to him, he's a smitten man
Sabo's and Law's are under the cut!
Kindness is an important aspect but I think this guy is more picky and has a more specific type than his brothers
If the person is smarter than him, can execute plans or assignments cleanly, he would be: "damn, I'm impressed"
This man doesn't care about physical appearance too
But this man has a certain kink liking for thigh belts is it called a thigh belt? Yeah I think it's thigh belt
He finds that hot so if you can pull it off, he'll be simping in no time
He'll like a straightforward person more than anything, he hates people that likes to beat around the bush
A person that is aware of their surroundings and knows how to read the situation/atmosphere is good for him too
For example, if he's in his playful, silly goofy mood, you can match him and be playful as well. He likes it when you can match his vibes
Is selfless but takes care of their own self too, also is a badass
Trafalgar D. Water Law:
This man is picky when it comes to personality, let me tell you
Body type wise, doesn't really care, as long you're in a healthy shape because of health reasons. (he's a doctor so)
His type of person has to be rational, calm and collected most of the time
He doesn't like an overtalkative person, because he thinks it's annoying to talk, let alone too much talking
I think he's into glasses, he kinda has a type towards glasses (because they make you look smart and all)
Someone who is mature, good in public speaking, knows their own self (Oof- Law, that's a LOT to keep up to y'know)
But they don't need to be "perfect" all the time, he's ok if you break the calm and cool demeanor/persona of yours
He might find people with tattoos on the their nape or just cool tattoos in general (somewhere he can see) attractive
Bonus points if that person can connect with him in terms on medical matters or on a deeper level
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© published on 04/01/22 by orieriee
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chimmiio · 2 years
ur dance with me acexreader was so goooddd the writing was top tierr i was thinking if u could write hcs about asl and them being in relationships with a chubby s/o pls write them separately tysmmm <3
oh my ofccc! ur my first req yay :) I'm not sure what gender you prefered so I'll make their s/o gender neutral.
note: if something doesn’t feel right, you are always allowed to tell me about it so I can fix it :)
matches: ace d portgas x gn!reader, sabo x gn!reader, luffy d. monkey x gn!reader
summary: asl with a chubby s/o headcanons
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Ace D. Portgas
☁ he loves you so much, everything about you. thighs, soft belly, arms, round face, everything.
☁ to him you’re his teddy bear. he loves hugging you and enveloping you in his arms 24/7 
☁ you’re cooking? hug. you’re reading? hug. you’re exercising? hug. you’re bathing? hug. you get the chase? hugs everywhere.
☁ he kisses you everywhere, there’s no limit to this guy
☁ he’ll always have snacks for you when you’re hungry. you can think of him as a portable pantry. 
☁ if he doesn’t have any snacks on him, he’ll be sure to go get some real quick just for you
☁ if you don’t wanna share food with him he’ll understand but he’ll have a big pout on his face until you do share the food that you’re having
☁ he really loves laying on your stomach because it’s so soft and comfortable 
☁ AND he’ll know when you’re hungry when your stomach starts to rumble
☁ one of his favorite thing to do is to squeeze parts (mostly your cheeks and thighs) of your body, however he’ll understand if it makes you uncomfortable he’ll stop
☁ if you’re insecure, he’ll make sure to show you how beautiful and important you are with kisses and cuddles and so much more
☁ this man worships you. he loves caressing you, especially your legs.
☁ he’ll be your servant. he’ll cook for you, massage you, start a bath for you, etc. he’ll treat you like a royal.
☁ his favorite activity to do is peeling fruits and feeding them to you. he’ll just watch you and he wont look away even if you’re flustered.
☁ he enjoys cuddling and sleeping with you, it helps ease his stress from a day of hard work
☁ his favorite place to kiss are your cheeks and stomach. he just loves the feeling of them against his lips.
☁ if you’re hungry, he’ll cook you a nice meal suited to your tastes
☁ if you doing anything consisting of a lot of work, he’ll help you out even if you say it isn’t necessary.
☁ if you really do  insist on doing things yourself, he’ll watch with an expression full of fondness
☁ its hard to be insecure with sabo since he treats you so royally but if you are, just know that you won’t be in the future. he’ll make sure of it
☁ you’re his queen
Luffy D. Monkey
☁ he does not care and its not a bad thing. he just does not see the importance of how you look on the outside
☁ you probably won’t be getting the same treatment as sabo’s or ace’s
☁ except for the fact he’ll be squeezing parts of your body because he finds it cute and fun
☁ you’ll also be getting a lot of tight hugs
☁ this monkey’s favorite spot to kiss are your pretty lips 
☁ he’ll share his food with you 100%, he’ll even steal food from others to give them to you
☁ he likes your hands because they’re so nice to hold. he can drag you anywhere he wants
☁ if you’re insecure, he doesn’t really know what to do but he tries his best. he’ll ask nami and robin about it
☁ he wants to understand you, it’s hard for him to comprehend but he’s trying
☁ to him you’re his foodie partner (aka his soulmate)
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Copyright © 2022 by chiMmiio *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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