#sad boy in purple; About Damien
Five years...
Trigger Warnings: Transphobia, Abuse. abandonment, homelessness, suicide
A writing about Damiens coming out experience to his family, and how it all went down. 
Damien stood in his bedroom, locks of his once long black hair laid at his feet as he chopped at it, determined to make it short. He knew it was going to look horrible, but at least he would start to look like himself. He didn’t care if it was uneven, he didn’t care if it looked like a toddler with a chainsaw went wild on it. 
Just as he put the scissors down there was a knock on his door, still covered in streamers and with balloons that bobbed half way from the ground as they slowly lost the helium that filled they four short days ago. 
“Amelia” his mothers soft voice called from the other side of the door “dear, are you alright in there? We haven’t seen you all day.” She was the kind of woman you’d see ringing the Salvation Army bell. Long dark hair, pulled into a bun at the base of her skull, and the gently eyes of a sunday school teacher. A feature that Damien always found comfort in.
“I’m okay mom” Damien called out “just- doing some reading. I’ll be out in a little bit. I- I need t-to talk to- to you all abou-about something imp-or-important.”
“Are you sure you’re okay huh” she asked “you’re stammering is getting pretty bad.”
“Y-yeah.. Like I said- I- it’s important.” 
“Did Elijah get you pregnant? You know that boy is sweet, but I don’t think he’d be fit to be a father, not this young. But I’m sure he’d be more than happy to stick by you, and be your husband.”
Damien felt his face turn a bright red. It had been nearly a year since he came out to Elijah. Two years since they broke up. “No, mom. Tha-that’s.. that’s not it. We- we uh- we decided that- that we work better as- as just friends a wh-while ago.. remember?” 
It still hurt, however. Damien still found himself having feelings for his friend. His smile, his laugh. The way his eyes lit up as he talked on and on about almost anything. The freckles that speckled across his whole body, and his soft belly that made him perfect for using as a pillow. He was Damien's best friend for many years, and someone Damien loved. 
“Okay if you’re sure hun” his mom said “I’ll see you downstairs in a bit. Annabelle is making dinner tonight, she learned a new recipe from a classmate in college. I love you baby girl.” 
Damien let out a small sigh before calling out “love you too, mom.” 
Half an hour passed, Damien still stood staring at himself in the mirror as he slowly wrapped a bandage around his chest. He knew it was bad for him- and he knew how much it could hurt him. But this was all he could do for now. It was all he had. If anyone asked him now, despite still doing it, he would tell them not to. Sure, Elijah and his sister had offered to buy him a proper one, but he refused.
He never liked people helping him like that. It made him feel guilty. Like he’d owe them something in return. Or- like he was using them, despite that being far far from the truth. 
He pulled on a light blue shirt, and the purple sweater he’d gotten for his birthday days ago. Slowly he zipped it up. There was no going back now. This is who he was. And his family had to know. 
The door opened and he stepped out into the hall, just in time to run into his mother who was coming up to check on him again. She let out a small gasp looking up at him. 
“Oh sweety, what have you done to your beautiful hair” she asked, reaching up to touch it “oh hun- I thought you were past this phase of giving yourself haircuts.”
Damien pulled back slightly “I was- was just getting t-tiered of it bein’ long mom- th- that’s all” he told her “can.. can you g- get everyone down- downst- st-airs.?”
She nodded a bit, frowning as she looked him up and down. He could tell she was scared of what he was going to say. She had every right to be. He felt his heart thumping hard in his chest as they parted ways, her going to gether the family, and him going down stairs. 
“Hey kiddo” a voice called from the kitchen “I love the new hair cut. Sort of gives off that hard-rock look.” Annabelle stood, spatula in her hand, her brown currly hair pulled back off her face. 
“Th-thanks A-Anna” Damien said softly “I- I uh-”
“I can tell you did it yourself” she interrupted “mom says you got somethin’ important to tell us. Can’t wait to hear what it is. Can I take a guess?”
He let out a small chuckle. His big sister always could make him smile, always make him feel safe. “Sure- b-bu-but you probably wo-wont be able to.” He thought he may as well humor her. Maybe, it would soften the blow of the truth.
“You’ve decided to apply to Julliard for your piano playing!” 
He shook his head “n-no-nope that’s not it.. my- my- my stage fright is- is far too- too bad for somethin’ like that.” 
Anabelle frowned a bit “oh boo” she said “you know you would own that school.” She swapped an arm around him, standing a little shorter than him, in a side hug, that he hesitantly returned. 
He walked into the kitchen with her, the smell of her dinner wafting in the air. Fish and asparagus. 
His little sister, father, and mother all came down the stairs. His father, a tall, looming figure. His eyes sunken into his face, cold and judgmental framed by thin square glasses, and bushy eyebrows. 
Damien watched as his fathers cold eyes locked onto him. “Amelia” he greeted “you cut your hair, I liked it better long. You look like a-” 
He stopped when his mother jabbed him with her elbow “I think she looks lovely” she interrupted “I liked it better longer, but I think it frames her face nicely.”  She flashes a sweet smile at him as they all took a seat on the couch. 
Damien stool still, looking at his family. He felt time slow to a stop around him. Their eyes all looking at him, patiently judging. 
“Okay-” he started “o-okay I- I- I don’t know how to- how to say this but- I- I-” Damien took in a deep breath, he could already feel his eyes growing wet. This was something he’d been going over in his head for along time. Something he’d been practicing to himself, and with Elijah. It was easy with him. He accepted Damien for who he was. He always had. 
“I- I’m not- good in this- I’m- I thi- I know- I’m transgender. I- I’ve known for years- and--” he stopped talking as his father rose from his spot on the couch. 
“No you aren’t” his father hissed “no daughter if mine is goin’ to be a tranny freak!” 
Damien closed his eyes, as tears started to stream down his face “this is who I am- wh- I- I am trans- my- I-” how could he explain it? Could he?
Before he could think, his father stormed over to him and smacked him across the face, sending him to the ground. Damien cold hear his mother gasp in shock as he looked up at his father. 
“No. No daughter of mine” he shouted “Amelia- you need to get yourself together! Either you are my daughter or you are not welcome in this house. You have five minutes to decide!” 
Slowly, Damien stood up and walked to his room. Moments later, his mother followed. “Amelia- hunny” she called after “please- don’t do this- we love you-”
Something inside Damien snapped then, and he turned to look at her, his voice rising slightly “my name is Damien mom! I’m not fuckin’ Amelia! Da-mi-en!”
“TIMES UP NOW” his father shouted, loud enough to shake Damien to his core. In seconds he storned up the his middle child and grabbed him by the wrist. “I don’t care whop the fuck you think you are. You are Amelia. And you are no longer welcome in this house, so long as you keep living as a freak.” He dragged him to the door.
“Dad- please” Damien begged.
“No- I am not your father” he hissed as he threw the door open “as far as I’m concerned, we are strangers now- understood?” With that he tossed Damien out the door. “if you come back onto my property, I will call the cops.” With that, he slammed the door, locking it. 
There Damien stood, staring at the home he’s spent 17 years in. Where he learned to walk and talk. Where his height was measured on the kitchen door frame. Now, somewhere he was never welcome again. Filled with people who he believed never wanted to see him again. 
With that, he turned around and walked away. 
As months past, Damien grew worse and worse. Taking to drinking, and harming himself to cope. Two habits that he now wished he never started. He spent his days wondering around the streets, doing odd jobs for people to make enough money to eat. Nothing but his sweater, and a hat a stranger gave him to keep him warm. By the end of September, he’d left Bar Harbor, and was in Portland. Running around the streets still, getting more and more things to himself. 
The first time he spoke to Elijah in months was also the last time he would for years. It was December 28th. He was drunk, and he had plans. He needed to say goodbye to someone. Someone who he knew loved him, and who he loved deeply. 
Luckly, Damien had found a payphone, and still remembered Elijah's phone number. He listened to the phone ring on the other end a few times. It was late, so he wouldn’t be surprised if his friend was still sleeping. 
Just before it went to voice mail, a sleepy voice answered “who the hell is calling at this hour” he asked.
Damiens heart skipped a beat. It was him. A voice he hadn’t heard in so long. He slowly sunk to the ground, still holding the phone to his ear. 
“Hello” Elijah asked “come on- you woke me up- say something.”
Damien sniffled a bit “it’s good to hear your voice, Eli” he said softly “fuck- I- I miss.”
“D-Damien” Elijah asked, more alert now “Damien! Where are you? I can come get you! Are you safe? Are you warm?”
“Why didn’t you come here? We would have welcomed you. Please- come here Damien. You can be home with us-”
“Eli- stop. I- I can’t.. it- it hurts to- to much to be anywhere in Bar Harbor right now. I-I’m in Portland.”
“Why haven't you called?”
“I- I don’t know.. I- I wanted to.. I- I’ve been trying to- to feed myself- and- and stay war-”
“Annabelle told us everything. My- my mom- Damien my mom would have called someone for you, she could get your dad locked up for that you know that right? We could do something! It’s not fair what happened. Please come home. You can be home with me- with my family. We can be your family-”
“Elijah- shut up. Please- I just- I need- I had to” Damien let out a soft cry “I just wanted to say goodbye.”
“Goodbye...? Now? Not when-” then it clicked “oh- oh. No! NO NO! Damien- please-” Elijah was standing in his room now, getting a robe on. He had to get someone.
“Elijah- I’ve made up my mind. Pleas- don’t try to talk me out of it. You can’t- and- and it will only hurt more.” 
“Like hell I can’t! Where in Portland are you? Stay on the phone with me-” he paused to shout “VICTORIA! VICTORIA! I NEED HElP-” Damien could hear the desperation in his friends voice. He’d almost never seen, or heard Elijah cry before. This hurt. 
“Elijah I’m sorry. Please don’t worry- please don’t look. I love you, so fuckin’ much. And- I’m sorry this is the last thin you’ll hear from me. I figured after everythin’ you’ve done. Everything you helped me with. You’ve always been there, and always could make me smile. I love that about you. I love your eyes that make me feel safe, your freckles that just add to your child-like wonder. You are an amazing man. Promise me you’ll never change.” 
Elijah was silent for a while “I love you too, Damien. You’re my best friend. Please.. I can’t lose you like this.”
“I’m sorry- goodbye Elijah. I hope you have the amazing life you deserve. Even if I’m not in in.” With that, he stood up and hung up. 
Damien was found unconscious, less than an hour later by an elderly woman, who rushed the young man to the hospital. He attempted to overdose on painkillers, but luckily was taken to the ER in time to save his life. To this day, he doesn’t know the identity of the woman who saved his life. All he knows is she wanted to go by ‘Granny’ on all his reports. 
Five years down the road after that horrible night. Damien found himself getting dressed for work, in the small apartment he was renting. His hair grown out, and scars healed. He was in a much better place now. Yes, he still struggled, but he was doing better now. He had friends who he considered his family. He had a job, even if he didn’t like it much, and he had a roof over his head. 
Damien had plans for the future now too. He was going to go to college and become a social worker. He was going to help youth who were in the same position as him. He wanted to be something to help give them hope. Hope that he desperately needed all those years ago. 
He was also going to get back in touch with Elijah. Or so he planned to. One day. 
Life was better now. He knew that. And while thoughts of suicide still lingered in his mind, he was able to push them to the side, knowing how much things can change. And wanting to be around to see his own life become better. 
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ryoko-san · 2 years
Everyone's posting their own headcanons for the bois so why not share mine with my comfort characters?? (Don't worry there's nothing explicit-related here, however there is angst related stuff so prepare for that.)
Social anxiety 101
He's near-sighted.
Whenever he's stressed out, he usually writes what he is feeling on a piece of paper then tear it up and throw it away.
Or he'd just knit something.
Honestly, loves flowers. His favorites are baby's breath and daisies. (FL usually putting some on his hair when he isn't looking)
Really really just wants to sleep.
Prefers to be in sweaters... oh! And knitted vests too.
Teal and Sky blue are his personal favorite colors.
He loves the colors pink and lavender (he finds those colors to be really pretty and honestly, it is.)
After being taught by damien how to cook, he sort of successfully became better at it time to time. (Imagine the amount of teasing he is giving damien lmao)
Can actually shape-shift his gender and probably his looks too (it's kind of some information i found on wiki about incubi and succubi? Apparently they have the ability to change genders for their... y'know)
Used to be friends with Cam and Avior.
He has insecurities with his own looks y'know? He wants to look nice to everyone especially FL.
Had a past relationship at some point before freelancer. (You can probably tell it didn't end well at all)
He hated being called by his real name. If some d(a)emons he hasn't met for a long time called him by that name, he sort of just flinches and tell them to never use that name ever again.
Prefers tea over coffee.
An absolute Bookworm.
Despite he looks like a person who hates sweets, he actually really likes sweets. (Most likely pastries)
He finds any shade of purple (especially the dark ones) to be really beautiful.
Likes tying his hair up to a ponytail.
He used to be really close with Gavin and Cam..
Vega did used to be his friend as well at some point.
If him and warden ever met, they'd probably have the same interest. (Atleast my warden and avior does lol)
Can speak and understand french (he learnt a lot from it for all these years)
Prefers to be in old fashioned attire.
Based on my cam design, the flowers in his hair are actually built-in(?) (Not sure if thats the term)
Because of that, whenever he feels an emotion, it sort of affects the flowers too. (Let's say for example, if he's feeling sad or having a breakdown...the flowers will start to wither. But eventually they'd regrow again once he calms down.)
Don't actually try to take a flower off his hair, it'll actually hurt him. (Kind of like taking a needle out of his skull or smth)
He doesn't show his daemon features a lot because he doesn't want to look intimidating to his charges.
Like avior, he prefers tea over coffee.
Caelum often braided his hair when they're together. (He kind of treats him like his lil brother)
although daemons don't need sleep, he really wishes to just have some long sleep.
Wishes to be closer to avior and gavin again.
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Emotions (pt. 3)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy helps y/n make a list of what she needs to do and learn in her life.
Word Count: 2305
Chapter 1 • Series Masterlist • Chapter 4
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"So what are we gonna do next?"
"I don't know. There's a lot of things that I've never done." You said. You both decided that he would come over tomorrow. After the call ended you buried your face in a pillow from excitement. Your face was hot and you couldn't stop smiling. You don't fully understand this feeling; it's one that you've never had before, but you love it.
The next day you heard a knock on the door and practically flew to it. You opened it with a big smile on your face, but your smile quickly faded as you saw a bruise on Billy's jawline. You reached for it, Billy looking down and watching you. "Billy, are you okay?"
He put his hand over yours as you gently grazed the purple patch of skin. "Course doll. Can I come in?"
You sadly smiled and nodded, although not too convinced that Billy was okay. He came in and looked around. It was small and old, but also cozy and had a home feeling to it. You both passed El's room, seeing her make out with some kid. You looked at Billy mischievously before kicking the door, causing the kid to shoot up and hit his shin on the bed. "Not cool five!"
You snickered as Billy tried his best to contain his laughter. That kid's face was just too priceless. You both get to your room and leave the door a crack open. You then get out a piece of paper and a pen, writing down all that Billy insists you have to experience. You were both laughing together when Hopper opened the door. "Hey. Just uh, checking in. Making sure everything's okay." He said, then muttering, "Y'know, keeping it PG and all."
Mike then passed by Hopper, stopping right behind him. You saw the time, and knew Mike would have Hopper take him home right about now. "I don't know Hopper, I think you might have to be careful. Billy Hargrove is the town's bad boy."
You stared at Mike, wide eyed. You then looked at Hopper and smiled. "That's strange, because his tongue has been in his mouth the whole time he's been here, but I can't say the same for Mike. Isn't that just the strangest thing?"
Billy bit his lip to hide his smile, although failing miserably. Mike had his mouth hanging open as Hopper gripped him by his shirt and dragged him out the door. "Y'know, for a sweet little thing like yourself, you got a wicked mouth on you doll."
You looked at him, uneasy. "Is that a bad thing?"
"Hell no. It's badass." You beamed and giggled, scooted closer to him. "Alright, now we gotta do all the things on this list."
You both agreed on what to do that day, leaving a note and grabbing the things you needed. You said goodbye to El and went to the car. Before Billy could start the car, you put a hand over his. "Um, I try to be honest with you about my life." You two stared at each other for a moment, before you gently ran your hand over the bruise on his jaw. "Friends don't lie."
He stared into your eyes, and though he didn't know why, he felt safe to talk to you about this. Friends don't lie. Billy couldn't recall if he actually had a real friend then. "Just a small fight with my old man, that's all." He muttered. "Saw Damien on my bed and called me a fag. He tried to throw it away and I wouldn't let him."
You took your hand away and stared at him with sad eyes. "This is my fault." You stated.
"Sweetheart no." He grabbed your hand, kissing your palm and settling it on his cheek. "I chose to fight him. That's on me. From now on I'm gonna hide him in my room. Right now I just wanna have a nice day with my favorite girl, okay?"
You gave him a small smile at the compliment and nodded. As Billy drove you quietly said, "Hey Billy," He nodded his head to show he was listening. "I think you're my favorite guy."
He flashed you a big charming smile. "Think, huh?" You giggled.
You looked down at yourself, uncomfortable. You weren't used to showing this much skin, and you certainly weren't used to wearing something without anything under. You stepped out of the Hawkins pool locker room and timidly walked towards Billy. "Maybe we shouldn't do this. I feel people staring at me."
Billy turned around after getting two towels to look at you, and he wasn't prepared for what he saw. You had your hair up in a high pony tail, letting him be able to see your face clearly. Your cheeks were flushed and your eyes sparkled in the sun. You were hugging your body, in a one piece that was snug in all the right places.
"Well would you look at that?" He leaned against the counter, smirking as he looked you over again. "Aren't you just the prettiest thing? People are staring because of how great you look. Lucky me, I got to you before anyone else could snag you."
You bashfully looked down and smiled. Billy took your hand and led you to a pool chair where he sat you down and applied sunblock on you. As he did this, he listened to you babble on about how you almost went to a pool with El's friends before but then canceled because something happened with El that led to a lot of bad stuff that you didn't elaborate on.
"So you don't know how to swim then?" Billy asked. You shook your head. "All done. C'mon, you're gonna learn today."
You both went into the water, and Billy had you hook your arms around his neck while he swam to the deep end. At first you were nervous and didn't want to let go, but Billy insisted that it was okay and that he had you.
You got the hang of it fairly quickly, and the two of you were enjoying yourselves at the pool. A group of moms were glaring at you, and you caught bits and pieces of what they were saying.
You could hear their snickering. You suddenly felt weird about your yourself. It was a new feeling, and it made you want to hide yourself from everyone. You suddenly felt a pair of hands under water bring you to Billy's muscular chest. "Don't pay attention to them." He murmured. "They ain't got nothing better to do."
You hung out at the pool for about another hour before you both went back to your home. He then told you that there was a party tonight, which was also on your list. Later on as you got ready, Billy called you with a gruffy sounding voice. You heard yelling in the background. He asked to come over, and you said yes.
About ten minutes later you heard a knock at the door and opened it. Billy had a leather jacket on and a dark red button down shirt with a few buttons undone. He looked down at your outfit, with your red skirt and cropped white long sleeved shirt. It looked perfect and adorable on you. "Billy!" You hugged him. "Are you okay?"
He looked down at you and smiled. "Yeah, just my old man again. Don't worry about it."
You frowned. "That won't stop me from worrying. But come in, I made food for Hopper and El." As he stepped inside your house, he couldn't help but feel warmer. This house had warmth in it, the type of warmth that Billy's house could never have. Billy was pulled out of his thoughts as you gently grabbed his arm, coming closer to him. "Um, I think you should know that we're a bit strange. And El is a little shy."
He nodded, completely understanding. You didn't want him to be offended if your little sister was not as instantly warm as you. You called out that dinner was ready and served yourself. The other two came out of their rooms to serve themselves, all while staring at Billy. "You can serve yourself too." You smiled as you handed him an empty plate. You made meatloaf with mashed potatoes and red rice.
Hopper took out another small table and pushed it with the one that was already there, pulling up a chair as well. You and Billy sat on one side while Hopper and El sat on the other. When they weren't looking, Billy buttoned up his shirt some more. "It's nice to meet you both." Billy said politely, knowing how to act in front of others. He's had practice.
"Yeah, you too." Hopper forced out.
The conversation was not going anywhere, so you stepped in. "El, Billy's from California." Eleven had a map of the country in her room, secretly wishing she could go travel somewhere other than Hawkins.
She looked up, interested. "Ocean?"
Billy nodded. "Lots of ocean."
Billy flashed a grin. "Real pretty, sunshine." Eleven smiled.
You stared at your plate and smiled. El liked him. Hopper couldn't help but feel less tense at the way Billy was making an effort to make them like him. He began to tell El about the times he's gone to the beach with his old friends.
Everybody at the table enjoyed what Billy was saying. The one who enjoyed this the most was Billy. He's never had this. He's never had a nice dinner, where everyone talks to each other comfortably. It's always quiet, with Susan going on and on about her day. He felt wanted here. And the food was actually fucking good.
After everyone was finished you began to wash the dishes. As you did, Hopper took Billy aside. "So, um, I just wanted to let you know that I'm trusting you with my daughter, and that's kind of a big deal."
Billy felt a twinge of pride. "Thank you sir."
"Just, uh, be back by 10, and," Hopper scratched the back of his head, worried about entrusting his daughter's safety to someone else. "Keep her safe."
Billy nodded. "I will sir."
You slipped on your shoes and told Billy that you were ready to go. As the two of you walked outside and to his car, Hopper and El came out. "Bye Billy." El said, waving with a small smile.
"Bye sunshine." Her smile grew a bit wider.
When you got to the house Billy took your hand and led you inside. He then got the two of you drinks. You took a swig, wincing. "This tastes horrible."
Billy nodded, chuckling. "It's for the effect, not the taste. I'll get you something a little less grown up." You understood the joking mannerism in his voice, and gently pushed his shoulder with a smile before letting him go off again.
As you waited you felt a heavy hand on your shoulder. You turned around and saw an unfamiliar drunk face. "Hey, what are you doing by yourself?" He slurred.
"Um, waiting for Billy to come back." You said wearily. You considered using your powers to knock him out. You knew you shouldn't use it in a public place, but you had a bad feeling about him.
"Billy Hargrove?" He took a step forward, to which you took a step back. "What are you doing with him?"
"He's good company." You said in a monotone voice. He kept on walking towards you.
"I bet I can be better company sweetheart."
You backed up into a hard chest. You turned around to see Billy, drinks in hands and staring straight at the drunk teenager. "You don't get to call her that."
"Get behind me y/n." He didn't take his eyes off the guy, handing the drinks to you and stepping forward.
"You think you're the shit, huh California? You think you could just steal all the bitches, huh?"
Billy wiped his mouth, pointing at him. "What the hell did you just call her?"
You quickly set the drinks down on the counter and stepped in between the two. "Forget about it, please. It's my first party, remember?" You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Let's dance."
He glanced at the drunken teen before looking back at you. He stared at you for a moment before chuckling. "Whatever you want doll."
The two of you left the frustrated, drunk teenager and went to the living room, where he pressed your body to his, putting his hands to your hips as you rested your head on his chest.
"You should be more careful." He said after a moment of silence.
You lifted your head. "I know. But I'll have you, so I'm not worry." He happily looked down at you, making a mental note to kick the crap out of that guy another day.
After you danced you two talked to other people, Billy snatching you every time a guy got too friendly. Later you told him that you wanted to go, and so the two of you drove off, you telling him which way to go.
You parked in a field, where there was a pond on the other end. "Is this the part where something bad happens?" Billy joked.
You smiled and shook your head, looking out at the view. "When I escaped with El, we found this place, and just sat down to take in everything." You got out of the car and opened up his car door, grabbing his hand and leading him into the field, sitting down with him.
The two of you were sitting together, just talking about random things. He told you that he'd never had a trust worthy friend before, and you told him that you've never been around someone who was so focused on you. You both taught each other on this day that this was what having a true friend felt like.
Tag List:
@roxytheimmortal @shane-isa-shame @actuallyazriel @tanovic54321 @chipster-21 @jula-bear
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Patton’s Perfect Family- Chapter 7- Dresses and Suits part one
TW: ropes, forced marriage, Trans!Roman, talks of punishment, makeup, forcing people to wear a dress, tying someone down
written by @wittlevirgilsanders
“Logie?” Patton sings, knocking on Logan’s bedroom door with one hand and balancing a stack of boxes with the other.
“Come in Patton.” Logan sighs tiredly, resting his chin in his hand as he stared at the wall.
Patton nudges open the door and bounds into the room with a smile. “Aww, c'mon, you can’t still be sad Logan! Cheer up! I have a surprise for yoooou.”
A surprise. Logan didn’t like the sounds of that.
“Yes? Patton?” Logan asks wearily, swiveling around in his chair.
“We’re getting married today!” Patton squeals. Logan almost falls out of his chair.
“We’re getting married!” Patton sets the boxes down on Logan’s desk, patting each one individually with a loving smile on his face. “The smallest is obviously my ring, and I have yours! And then there’s your dress and your shoes!”
“Dress?” Logan felt his throat going dry. “But…”
“But what? C'mon Logie, boys can wear dresses too!” Patton quickly kisses Logan on the forehead, beginning to rush out the door. “My friend will come get you when everything’s ready! By Logie-bear!”
“But I don’t feel…comfortable in dresses…” Logan mutters, opening the dress box and pulling out the dress.
It only had one strap and it was mostly backless except for four fabric pieces that Logan could only guess were to help keep the dress up.
It was mainly black, but at the bottom it faded into white, which faded into a dark blue the same colour of his tie.
Logan knew the dress was nice, but it looked absolutely horrendous because Patton expected him to wear that.
Couldn’t Logan just wear his normal shirt and tie?
Wait, no, Logan didn’t want to wear anything to the wedding, because he didn’t want to go at all.
How could he even think such a thing? He couldn’t be settling into life with Patton, that was crazy!
Shakily, he undresses and pulls the dress over his head and down. Logan was practically shocked to find the dress’s texture was so smooth, and flowy.
And when Logan shakes his hips slightly, the dress swishes.
He wasn’t enjoying himself, was he?
Logan pauses and stares up at the large full sized mirror on the wall.
How could he possibly be enjoying himself with something as silly as a dress moving, when he was about to be forced into a marriage with a man Logan was pretty sure wasn’t stable.
He was never going to see the sun again, or feel the breeze.
Or see the stars.
Logan’s vision blurs as tears fill his eyes.
He was never going to smell dirt again, or be able to go swimming in the Pacific like he had always wanted.
Logan’s knees buckle and he collapses into his chair, a low and horrible moan of anguish echoing through his room as a scream came from Virgil and Damien’s room.
“I’m not putting it on!” Virgil screams, holding onto on the the bed posts for dear life while a slowly getting more angry Patton tries to pry him off.
“It’s just a dress, Virgey.” Patton coos softly, trying to soothe Virgil and control his own anger. “Come on Virgil, you’re going to look so pretty!”
“That dress is for a six year old!” Virgil screeches, “And I don’t wear dresses you psycho!”
“Dami?” Patton asks with gritted teeth, “Can you please talk to your brother while I go calm down?”
Letting go of Virgil, Patton storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
Damien fixes his tie once more, his eyes nervously darting around the room, before finally landing on Virgil, who glares at him.
“What’s wrong with you?” Virgil bites out, seething. “You can’t just roll over like a puppy and do everything he tells you too!”
“Yes, I can.” Damien bites back, surprising Virgil slightly with his sudden new tone. “You don’t think I miss home too? I’m just trying not to get myself killed before the cops find us! Can’t you just put on the stupid dress and put a nice smile on your face?”
Virgil stares at him for a moment longer before his gaze hardened. “I’m not gonna be like you. That’s not true. Patton wouldn’t kill me. I’m going to get out of here.”
Damien looks down at his dress shoes and sighs, standing and knocking on the door.
Patton opens it and Damien speed walks past him.
Patton shuts the door softly and stares at Virgil. “You didn’t put on the dress.”
“No.” Virgil bites out, “I’m not wearing a dumb fucking kids dress!”
Patton’s gaze grows cold, and he grabs onto Virgil’s hand tightly.
“You know how I feel about language, Virgey.” Patton spits out, digging his nails into Virgil’s arm, making Virgil cry out in pain. “I will punish you for that later. Now, you have ten seconds to put that dress on, or I will put it on for you. One.”
Virgil sits completely still, still glaring and trying to control his racing heartbeat.
“Two.” Patton says lowly, feeling a type of anger he rarely felt. Why did Virgil want to ruin his big day? He should be happy for them!
“Three!” Patton roars, grabbing Virgil by the arms and practically ripping his shirt and jacket off him.
Virgil screams out in more shock then anything else, he couldn’t believe Patton was really doing this!
Patton puts the dress over his head and pulls Virgil’s arms out before pulling the dress down. Virgil was shaking madly by that time, but Patton ignores him and pulls off his pants.
“There,” Patton says, finally getting calmer, “You look so nice!”
He reaches onto the desk and grabs the matching purple headband, putting it on Virgil.
“Now, you need to put your socks and shoes on.” Patton orders, holding the shoe box and pair of nice white socks with frills out to Virgil.
Virgil lets out a small squeak and throws himself onto his bed, howling and sobbing. Patton rolls his eyes and puts the socks and shoes on Virgil, the pretty silver shoes sending little refractions of light across the room, making rainbows dance on the walls.
“Roman?” Damien slowly opened the door to Roman’s room, peeking inside.
Roman was sitting shock still on his bed, staring blankly at the wall and wearing a long red dress with long lace sleeves with red flowers embroidered on them.
“Roman?” Damien stepped closer to Roman, who looked over at him, his eyes filled with tears.
“I promised I wouldn’t wear a dress again.” He said, his voice cracking as a few tears rolled down his cheeks.
Damien sits next to Roman, who pulls the younger boy into a hug, sniffling. After a moment they both pull away, and Roman wipes away his tears.
“Ohh, look at you!” Patton squeals. The two look up and over at the doorway, where Patton was standing, tightly holding Virgil by his side. Virgil’s eyes were bright red from the crying.
“Well, it’s almost time.” Patton announces, “Damien, can you come help me? And Roman, could you do something to get Virgil’s eyes looking less red?”
Damien stands and heads over to Patton, who lets go of Virgil and leads him out of the room.
Virgil stands frozen in the doorway as Patton and Damien leave.
Roman stands and gently pulls Virgil into the room. “C'mon. We have to do as he says.”
Roman gently pushes Virgil down onto his desk chair. Opening one of the drawers, he pulls out a bunch of different makeups, applying them onto Virgil, who sits and stares off into space, not reacting at all.
Finally, Virgil looked like his normal self.
“It’s time!” Patton sings, wearing a beautiful baby blue wedding dress.
Virgil immediately snaps out of his haze. “I’m not. Going out there. In a dress.”
Patton sighs and quickly enters, walking over to Virgil. Virgil turns to grab onto Roman’s bedpost, and Patton quickly grabs him under the arms, lifting the squirming boy and beginning to carry him out of the room.
Roman follows him out, embarrassed for himself, but even more embarrassed for Virgil.
Virgil flails around in Patton’s grip, kicking wildly as he’s carried to the living room where Damien already sat, nervously perched on one of the dining room chairs they had moved earlier.
Patton sets Virgil down on one of the chairs, and Virgil bolts up.
“Jason?” Patton calls in the direction of the kitchen, pulling Virgil back onto the chair. “Can you bring the ropey-thingy?”
Virgil and Roman look up in confusion as a taller man, almost as tall as Logan, walks into the room, carrying a long white rope made out of what looked like silk.
Said Jason grabs Virgil’s arms as he tries again to get out of the chair and bring them behind, and Patton ties his hands, and then his feet to the chair.
Roman’s mouth hangs open for the whole process. “Patton, this is insane! You can’t do this!”
Patton looks up at Roman, a testing gaze in his eyes. “Why not? He’s my son.”
“He’s thirteen and you can’t just tie him to a chair!” Roman finally feels some of the fighting spirit he had before his punishment returning. “And you can’t force someone to marry you either!”
Words: 1530
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sidesandsanders · 5 years
Vampire AU For No Goddamn Reason At All
Nobody asked for it but here it is. Basically all of our boys are vampires and they live in a castle in the modern age. This species of vamp has retractable fangs, and their eyes glow under moments of extreme emotion, hunger, or strenuous use of their powers.
Logan: The Vampire Lord
- The oldest of the bunch, as in “he was a teenager when the bubonic plague was still a threat” old. Turned all of the other members of House Sanders. He keeps track of finances, utilities, making sure the public suspects nothing, practical stuff like that. He makes a living primarily online.
- Roman convinced him that any respectable Master Vampire must have a fancy and intimidating space to occupy, so Logan’s office has a throne instead of a desk chair, and an ornate but practical desk.
- He’s got a huge personal library in the castle. I’m talking mint-condition first editions of books that went out of print decades ago. He has a signed copy of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, as well as countless psychology, biology, and medical textbooks.
- His powers include mind manipulation, but nobody is sure if he has more that he’s hiding.
- His eyes glow a dark indigo blue with flecks of silver when he’s hungry.
- He has three sets of fangs, his top and bottom canines, as well as a smaller set located directly behind the top canine fangs.
Roman: The Victorian Prince
- Turned in the age of grand ballroom parties and red wine, and refuses to give that lifestyle up. Don’t get me wrong, he accepts and adores modern technology and ideas, but he also adores the aesthetics and poetic romanticism of his original era.
- Pretty much every piece of furniture he owns is velvet. Velvet canopy curtains on his bed, velvet upholstery on every single couch, chair, and chaise lounge in his room. Silk sheets though, a prince must have standards after all!
- He throws lavish romanticism era styled parties, and has a habit of inviting everyone he knows the name of. He loves to show off, and having parties in the castle’s ballroom is the most fun way to do so. He has a pet deahhound named Juliet, who looks like an oversized, all black husky dog. She is the (second) star of the show at his parties.
- He can enthrall people, and while he doesn’t do it to strangers, but he has been known to use his powers to make his partners enjoy being bitten. There is a running joke in the family to compare him to an incubus.
- When he’s hungry, his irises glow red, but his pupils turn shiny gold.
- He has the standard top only canine fangs, perfectly white and sharp.
Patton: The Wayward Nurse
- He met Logan during the witch trials. As a medic with a green thumb, he got mistaken for a witch. Logan offered him a place in the castle, and Patton accepted. He grows herbs and flowers, along with a tiny grove of fruit trees, on the castle grounds. There are coconuts growing in his greenhouse year-round, since coconut milk is a half-decent blood substitute and he’d rather his family not hurt anyone.
- Some of the money coming into the household is from him selling herbal remedies, tea mixes, and foodstuffs to the locals. He has been known to give discounts if you bring your dog with you, and he always tries to pet them, even if they don’t exactly take well to his otherworldly aura.
- He practically lives in the garden and greenhouse, but he also has a very pastel and out-of-place seeming room in the castle. Every single item in that room is designed for maximum comfort and maximum coziness. If it is not fluffy, he’s not interested.
- He can heal other vampires in his bloodline, but not outsiders or humans.
- His eyes gloss over and turn silvery-blue all over when he’s hungry. They don’t glow but they are crazy reflective.
- Despite having the smallest fangs of the bunch, just a pair of extra sharp canines, he puts the most effort into hiding them.
Virgil: The Runaway
- The youngest resident of House Sanders, he was turned in the mid 2000’s after running away from home, and is still adjusting to immortal life. He uses his powers, various gadgets, and anything else he can get his hands on to keep outsiders away from the castle. He’s security, basically.
- Despite being the newest to the world of the fallen, he’s the one who most throws himself into the vampire lifestyle. While Roman emulates the classic victorian vampire aesthetic, Virgil is 100% living the vamp life. He got ahold of a coffin the size of a king bed, one made for couples who want to be buried together. He replaced the lining with a mattress and bedding and that’s where he sleeps now. He also spends a ridiculous amount of time in and around graveyards.
- He’s also has a bunch of “creepy” pets. Two bats named Ebony and Gerard, a pink-toed tarantula named Malice, and an orange and black speckled newt named Calcifer.
- On the opposite end of the spectrum to Roman, Virgil’s powers give him the ability to make people fear him. Very useful for getting people to leave him (and the rest of the castle) alone.
- His eyes glow deep purple when he’s hungry, and they have a subtle bioluminescence even when he’s not.
- He has defined fangs on his top and bottom canines.
Deceit: The Outcast
- An animal hybrid vampire, a snake, naturally. The second oldest, he was cast out by his birth family when he was a preteen, once his parents saw the scales growing in. He keeps to himself for the most part, occasionally taking part in Roman’s parties, if only to amuse himself by confusing the guests. Logan has made it clear to the other residents that he is staying in the castle, and is to be treated as equal.
- Every time someone outside the family asks his name or story, they get a different answer. The baker was told his name was Riley and he was Logan’s cousin. The florist was told his name was Dimitri, and he was Roman’s handmaiden. The head priest was told that his name was Damien, and he had come to corrupt the souls of the townsfolk.
- Absolutely fascinated by stories in all forms. He didn’t learn to read until much later in life, and he witnessed the birth of movies and video as art mediums, so he has a certain appreciation for all forms of storytelling. Live theatre has a special place in his heart though, as it was the first form of storytelling he ever experienced.
- He possesses the unique ability to transform himself entirely into a snake, as well as a mild form of hypnotic ability.
- When he’s hungry, his left eye glows a striking neon yellow, while his right eye turns into a hollow black void.
- His fangs mimic those of a viper. Long, needle-like points trailing out from behind his canines.
Remus: The Disgraced Duke
- Turned shortly after Patton. Was tossed out of the royal family of a small country because the people could not handle the idea of him being in any position of power, so for his parents it was either toss him out with the bathwater or risk a revolution. He just sort of...wandered around until he got to the castle, and nobody could figure out how to get him to leave, so now he’s just there.
- He spends most of his time pestering the other members of the home, pigging out on everything in the kitchen, trying his best to hook up with Roman’s poor unsuspecting party guests, or playing pranks on random townsfolk. He’s responsible for the local legend about a mutant octopus in the sewer. It’s just him flapping his tentacle arms about.
- He has a pet, but it’s not technically domesticated. He caught a strange little octopus/squid/crustacean creature a long time ago, and it’s miraculously not dead yet! (Patton turned it in secret, he was scared of what Remus would do if it died and he got sad). It’s name is Hentai.
- His powers are the ability to manifest tentacles, and cause humans to hallucinate, but the latter requires a lot of concentration and effort so he tends to use other methods to freak people out.
- His eyes glow and shift between a sickly swamp green and a fluorescent lime green, both colors shot through with flecks of black.
- His fangs are jarring, an entire set of sharp teeth that slide out over his “normal” teeth. He looks like a shark. They fall out and grow back pretty regularly.
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juju-on-that-yeet · 4 years
Unravel, Chapter 11/20
Work Summary: Antisepticeye has a plan to destroy Darkiplier, steal his power, and take over everything - and he might just succeed. What starts with Yandereplier going missing evolves into a messy web of betrayal and grief, of blood and tears, of old wounds and new faces. However this ends, Ego Inc. will never be the same again. Chapter Summary: The egos get new information from an unexpected outside source, compelling Dr. Iplier to reconsider his silence. Warnings: Mild blood and violence, intense emotions ;u;
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A few days later, Yandere is well enough to be discharged from the clinic. As much as Dr. Iplier wants to keep him there, he knows Yandere has made a lot of recovery progress already, and Yandere himself is itching to leave. Dr. Iplier knows, too, that it’s mostly his own fear and concern over his boy that’s making him want to keep Yandere close, and not Yandere’s actual condition. Still, he can’t help but lecture Yandere as he’s preparing to discharge him, insisting that he be careful and take it easy until he’s fully healed.
“Oh, lay off, Doc!” chides Wilford, who poofed in a few minutes ago with the intent to hang out with Yandere for his first day out of the clinic. “He gets it, just let him go already.”
“I’ll be careful, Dad, I swear,” Yandere adds.
“Alright, alright,” Dr. Iplier sighs. “I just worry about you, kiddo.”
That’s an understatement if there ever was one. It’s not just Yandere’s physical injuries Dr. Iplier’s worried about; it’s his emotional hurt, too. After that first night, Yandere hasn’t slept for more than a few hours at a time without waking with a nightmare. Sometimes it’s about Dark, about how he must have felt to be torn apart, and Yandere will cry anew for him, weeping until he exhausts himself back to sleep. Sometimes it’s about Anti, about the mental and physical torture Yandere suffered under his control, and Yandere will wake screaming and begging for mercy, shaking in Dr. Iplier’s arms until Dr. Iplier manages to coax him back to sleep. Even now, standing before Dr. Iplier and begging to be discharged, there’s a sad, tired glaze to his eyes, a difference in the way he carries himself.
None of that has to be said. Yandere’s expression softens and he walks up to Dr. Iplier to hug him.
“I’ll be okay eventually, Dad,” Yandere murmurs, “I already feel a lot better.”
Dr. Iplier’s heart burns. He can’t help but think of the additional two weeks he let Yandere suffer as he tried to figure out what to do about Anti’s plan. Still, he hugs Yandere back, squeezing tight.
“Alright, sweet pea,” he says, kissing Yandere’s forehead, “I’ll let you go. Just–”
“Be careful, I know!” Yandere laughs, stepping out of the hug. “I got it, Dad. I promise I’ll go easy on myself.”
“Wilford!” calls a sudden new voice.
Everyone turns to see Silver Shepherd dashing into the room, skidding on the clinic tile and nearly crashing into a cart. He’s not winded thanks to his super-endurance, but he might as well be. He pants not with exertion, but with shock and urgency.
“What do you want?” Wilford asks, grumpy at his intrusion. Yandere and Dr. Iplier regard Silver much less critically.
Silver holds up a small gadget – not his phone but his communicator; about the same size as his phone but with a much stronger signal, meant only for talking to Jackie on patrols and connecting to police and fire stations and hospitals. Silver speaks before the others can intuit his reason for showing it.
“Jackieboy Man made contact. He wants to talk to us, all of us. As soon as possible.”
The quiet is stark. Dr. Iplier’s eyes go wide, as do Yandere’s. Wilford’s frown deepens.
“Come on, then,” he says brusquely, approaching Silver, “Let’s take it to the Googles, see if we can get–” He poofs himself and Silver away, presumably to the control room.
Dr. Iplier spares a moment of sympathy for Silver getting tossed through Wilford’s void with no warning, but it’s trifling, barely present under the apprehension. What news does Jackie have for the egos? Dr. Iplier can’t help but feel like things are about to get even worse than they already are. The look on Yandere’s face suggests he’s thinking the same.
“What’s Jackie-san going to tell us?” Yandere asks him, trembling just a little.
“I don’t know,” Dr. Iplier says, putting an arm around him, “But I bet we’ll find out.”
Sure enough, only a few minutes later the pair each get a ping on their phones for an urgent, immediate meeting.
Dr. Iplier and Yandere take their now-usual seats at the conference table, and the room fills quickly. People are talking amongst each other, but much more quietly and subdued than normal. One could choose a conversation to eavesdrop on if they so desired, as the other noise in the room is minimal. The wall past the end of the table has a flat-screen TV attached there, similar to the end of Markiplier TV, from what Dr. Iplier remembers. They don’t really use the TV much, but right now, the Googles are working on it via the panel next to it on the wall, fiddling with AV cables. At the other end of the cables is Silver’s communicator. Silver himself is standing close by, nervously wringing his hands. Yandere looks over and catches Chrome’s eye as he works, and Chrome only frowns deeper, something desperate in his eyes.
“Alright,” Wilford says, loud over the whispers of the others, in lieu of the usual gunshot, “The reason we’re all here is that Silver–” Silver lifts a hand in a slight wave, “–received a message from Jackie on his communicator.” The whispers quiet as the other egos absorb the knowledge. “The Googles are trying to connect the communicator to the TV so we can speak to Jackie as a group. Jackie himself has news he wants to share with all of us.”
“Got it,” Google says, just as the TV flickers to life. The screen is still mostly black, but with white around the edge, just as the face cam feed on Silver’s communicator currently is. Google nods to Silver, who presses a button on his communicator.
A loading circle appears in the center of the blackness. The room is so silent that Dr. Iplier can just barely hear Silver murmuring “C’mon Jackie, pick up, please pick up,” under his breath.
After what feels like days but is only twenty or so seconds, Jackie appears on the TV.
Nearly everyone gasps, and no wonder: Jackie looks awful. One eye is nearly swollen shut, the other is open but ringed black and purple. His nose is crooked like it’s been broken recently, his nostrils are crusted with blood. His lip is split, his neck is lined as red as his suit, like someone tried to garrote him. His hood is down revealing his green hair, messy and dull. His suit covers the bruises and cuts that must be on his shoulders and upper chest, but there are some tears that reveal jagged gashes underneath. The worst of it, though, is Jackie’s expression: Normally bright, happy, optimistic, now tired, worn, hollow. His injuries remind Dr. Iplier of Yandere’s before he healed, and his expression is far too close to the look in Yandere’s eyes now, the look of someone haunted.
Yandere must see it too, because Dr. Iplier feels him hide his face in Dr. Iplier’s shoulder. Dr. Iplier lets him, and takes his hand to squeeze comfortingly as Yandere starts to shiver.
“Hey, glad I could get a hold of Silver,” Jackie says, trying for a smile and wave. His accent is there, but the bounce and volume are gone. He doesn’t sound like the same person.
“I could say the same about you!” Silver exclaims. No one looks more upset by the sight of Jackie than Silver; even through his mask his distress is tangible. “I’ve been trying to reach you for days, and the others have been trying to talk to your brothers.”
“I suppose,” Wilford cuts in from the head of the table, putting both his hands on the tabletop, “That you’re here to give explanations to that?”
“Yeah,” Jackie says, sighing. “I needed to tell all of you, it’s too important for just Silver and Dark – well, Wilford.”
Damien is at the table, too, and his jaw tenses at the stumble.
“Look, I’ll just come out and say it.” Jackie heaves a shuddering breath, then seems to steel himself. “Anti’s taken the others.”
The whole room gasps again.
“What??” Bim is the one to shout, “Even–”
“He took Marvin first.” Jackie cuts him off. His eyes are full of pain. “I guess he knew Marvin would be the hardest to defeat, so he wanted to get him first while he had the element of surprise. He took JJ and Schneep next. He probably figured they’d go down easier since he’s puppeted them before. I mean, I guess he was right. He got them, too.” Jackie looks away then, starting to tremble. “I tried to keep Chase and Robbie safe, but Anti took them too before long.” He looks back at the others. There are tears in his eyes. “It only took him a few days to take them all from me. He didn’t need to recharge or recover from attacks. We’d break our backs driving him away and he’d be back a few hours later, fighting us just as hard as before. And the more of us he took, the less we could fight, because we can’t just hurt our brothers.” Jackie breathes in, rough. “I know Anti’s not done. He’s leaving me for last. He’s attacked a few times, as you can tell–” He gestures to his face, “–but I think he’s going easy on me. I think he wanted me to get in contact with you guys. He didn’t let us before, god knows we tried. He jammed our signals, even for my communicator.” His eyes glint. “It’s not luck that I’m talking to you guys now. Anti’s letting me. He wants me to talk to you, let you know about all the havoc he’s caused.”
“He’s sending a message,” Wilford muses.
“Exactly,” Jackie sighs. “And the thing about all this is…” Jackie shakes his head again, like he barely trusts his own memory. “Anti’s not normally this strong. If he always had the ability to do something like this, he wouldn’t have waited so long. But I know he didn’t. The way he controlled the others, how he made them fight…they weren’t mindless, but they didn’t have the normal level of free will his puppets have. They were somewhere weird in between. And I swear they were stronger. The thing that made Anti stronger made the others stronger, too.” His eyes go distant. “Chase was always scrappy, but he was never so fast. Schneep never had the knack for fighting at all, but he threw a scalpel from across the room and gave me this.” He points to a hole in his suit, a hole deep in his skin. “Robbie’s never really been able to control his strength or channel it into aggression, but he was like an animal with Anti controlling him. And Marvin’s magic is stronger, and I don’t know how many times JJ was able to reverse and fast-forward time as we fought…” He sighs again against the memories. “Point is, this isn’t typical. I had a hunch as to how Anti got so strong, and I think I’m right, considering Dark isn’t here.”
“Dark’s aura,” Wilford growls.
Jackie nods.
Everyone in the room is frozen with fear just imagining it all. The ones with a friend or two among the Septics are in tears. Dr. Iplier is horrified. Everything he feared about Anti using Dark’s power is coming to life and then some. Beside him, Yandere hasn’t lifted his head from Dr. Iplier’s shoulder, and his trembling has only increased. Dr. Iplier pulls Yandere into his lap and starts to quietly soothe him, trying to distract them both. Yandere whimpers into Dr. Iplier’s neck. His tears are warm on Dr. Iplier’s skin.
“Do you have any idea about what Anti’s plan is, or was?” Bim asks, crying but fighting to keep his voice steady. “We know he used a potion he stole from Marvin, and he took Yandere and kept him as a puppet for a long time. But he let Yandere go after he got Dark’s aura. It doesn’t make sense.”
“Of course it was a potion from Marvin,” Jackie mutters, suddenly bitter. “I told him a hundred times to stop making shit he didn’t need, but he always said he hid them–” The anger falls out of him in a sigh. “Of course Anti found it. He probably always knew where they were. As for Yandere…”
Jackie glances at Yandere, who doesn’t look up from Dr. Iplier’s neck. His gaze softens as he thinks. He probably remembers weeks ago, when Dark and Wilford questioned him about Yandere’s disappearance, before they knew for certain it was Anti’s doing.
“I can’t say why Anti took Yandere like that, but…” Jackie considers. “If he was able to get into Ego Inc. and kidnap Yandere, logic says that he should’ve been able to sneak in and use the potion on Dark himself without all that preamble. Anti’s just reckless enough to try it, but he’s smart, too. He probably knew that if he failed even once, he’d never get another chance. He had to be absolutely sure he could do it. And it couldn’t have been easy to get the drop on someone like Dark.”
“Dark was hurt when Anti took his aura,” Wilford says, subdued and sad. “He’d gotten in a fight with Infelix and got badly burned.”
“He must’ve been waiting for an opening like that,” Jackie continues. He pauses. “But wait, if Dark was hurt, he would’ve been in the clinic, right?”
“Dr. Iplier was there,” Host pipes up, “And The Host arrived soon after. The Host came too late to know exactly what happened, and Dr. Iplier was in shock and had no memory of what he saw. He still does not know what happened.”
Jackie looks toward Dr. Iplier. Even through the TV screen, Dr. Iplier can feel the burn of Jackie’s intense gaze.
“Really?” he asks, somewhere between desperation and disbelief.
“Really,” Dr. Iplier lies. It’s not the first time he’s told that lie, but it’s the hardest, speaking it to the face of someone who’s lost so much to Dr. Iplier’s decisions.
For only a moment, Jackie’s eyes narrow, and then he sighs and shakes his head. But Dr. Iplier’s heart pounds.
“He knows I’m lying.”
“The piece that doesn’t fit is Yandere,” Jackie muses, “There’s no reason to kidnap him unless he wanted a distraction, or…”
“Or…?” Wilford prompts.
“Or leverage.” Jackie finishes. “Leverage against Dark, or you, or someone else. With a plan this big, where one little slip-up would mean failure, Anti would’ve done whatever he had to do to increase his chance of success. Yandere has to fit somewhere in there. But I can’t say how, I don’t know enough.” Pain filters back into his expression. “All I know is that Anti has more power than he ever dreamed. He’s collecting puppets. He got all my brothers, and I know he won’t stop after he gets me. I’ve gotten some communication from other figments he’s attacked. I think he’s looking for the stronger ones, ones he can turn into puppets, and killing the weaker ones so they can’t band together and stop him.” He stares out at all of the egos. “You guys are the strongest figments around. Anti will come after you, and you have to be ready to face him. If you can’t stop him then nobody can.” He sighs, resigned. “I’m not strong enough to stop him, especially not when he has my brothers to use against me. I won’t hurt them. I can’t. They’ll defeat me and Anti will make me a puppet just like the rest of them. It has to be you.”
“Oh, we’ll stop him alright,” Wilford growls, eyes bright pink. “We’ll rip him to shreds.”
Jackie grins, bitter.
“Good.” His grin falls. “That’s all I have. I hope it was helpful, at least.”
“Very,” Wilford says with a nod.
“I’m so sorry, Jackie,” Silver says, quiet and somber. He’s probably crying under his mask. “We’ll stop him, and you’ll get your brothers back.”
Jackie smiles, sad and tired but genuine. His eyes shine with tears.
“Thanks, Silver,” Jackie whispers, as though suddenly too choked up to speak any louder. “Good luck, all of you.” His smile shakes and falls. “You’re going to need it.”
The call ends.
The TV screen goes black again.
“New rule,” Wilford says, eyes still pink with rage, “No one leaves this building. If Anti’s coming we absolutely cannot risk anyone getting hurt out there. We stay here and stay alert. The Googles–” He nods to them, “–will be monitoring the city through cameras, looking for any sign of Anti. If any of you see something, me or Host has to know.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “We still don’t have all the answers, but that doesn’t matter anymore. What’s important is stopping Anti. You’re all dismissed.”
The room bursts into flurries of muttering as the egos talk amongst themselves, but quietly, still in shock. Wilford storms away with Host following behind, leaving Dr. Iplier sitting in his chair with Yandere still in his lap.
“Did Anti just take me for fun?” Yandere whimpers. “Did he kidnap me and torture me just because he felt like it?? Was it just – just fucking set dressing for his actual plan!?”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Dr. Iplier murmurs, stroking his hair.
“I know why Anti took him, I know everything,” he can’t stop himself from thinking.
Dr. Iplier’s phone buzzes. He’s surprised, but he gets it out of his pocket – a feat with Yandere still in his lap – in case it’s important. And it must be, because it’s Jackie’s name that pops up on Dr. Iplier’s screen. He’s had Jackie’s number for a while, in case something happened to Silver while the pair were working together. He opens the message:
You know something they don’t. Whatever it is, you have to tell them. It could help them stop Anti, and even if it doesn’t, they deserve to know the truth.
Dr. Iplier’s heart sinks, because Jackie’s right. Knowing the truth may not help them fight Anti; knowing how Anti got Dark’s aura doesn’t matter for that. But it still matters to the egos. It matters to Yandere, to his recovery. It matters to Host, to the blind spot – in every sense of the phrase – in his visions. It matters to anyone who cares about either of them, anyone who fears being taken in the night and puppeted next. After all the secrecy and hiding, all the paranoia and guilt, it seems inevitable that Dr. Iplier would end up here.
“The question is, will you admit to what you’ve done, or will you hide the truth like a coward?” Anti had asked.
Dr. Iplier cannot be a coward any longer.
But it still takes him a few hours to gather up the strength to go to Wilford, to tell him that he has something important to say.
“Well, go ahead,” Wilford says.
“It…it has to be a meeting,” Dr. Iplier answers, voice shaking. “Everyone has to know.”
It must be the look on Dr. Iplier’s face, or the way he’s carrying himself, or something else about him that makes Wilford nod and send out the notification instead of scoffing at the idea of two meetings in a single day. Ordinarily that’d be strange, but nothing is strange anymore.
Well, not nothing.
The meeting room fills up, again. Wilford sits at the head, again. But Dr. Iplier doesn’t take up his usual seat between Yandere and Host. Instead, he stands at the end, and the other egos are bewildered by it. Dr. Iplier tries not to meet anyone’s eyes, but he can’t help but glance at his loved ones. Yandere is utterly confused, and Host is surprised not to sense Dr. Iplier beside him. Dr. Iplier’s heart is pounding harder than it ever has, he struggles not to hyperventilate. He has to stay in control. He has to turn on his doctor side. He has to be clinical, he has to speak simply, he cannot let emotion get in the way of this.
“We’re here again,” Wilford begins, addressing the room’s obvious question, “Because Doc has something we need to know.” He gestures to him.
Every eye in the room zeroes in on Dr. Iplier.
“Okay,” Dr. Iplier says, trying to keep his voice steady, “I just want to ask before I start that…that no one say anything until I’m done. Alright?”
Wilford shrugs.
“Sure,” he says. Some other egos nod, all continue to stare. Yandere and Host’s brows furrow.
It’s now or never.
Dr. Iplier takes a deep breath and begins.
“I should start from the beginning,” he says, quiet and slow. “A couple weeks after Yandere disappeared, Anti…Anti snuck into the clinic and grabbed me.” The others gasp. Dr. Iplier continues. “He teleported me to his cabin, the place where he was keeping Yan.” Dr. Iplier closes his eyes, remembering. “He showed Yan to me, but he put so much static in Yan’s head that he didn’t register anything around him, except for Anti’s voice. He told me how he could get into Ego Inc. just enough to condition Yandere, and during that storm, he came into the building through a lightning bolt and took Yan away. Anti taunted me, and told me everything. He showed me the same potion Yan saw, told me how he stole it from Marvin, told me how he planned to kill Dark and take his aura with it, and…and…” Dr. Iplier takes in a shaky breath. He can’t go back from this. He opens his eyes, but looks down at the table, unable to look the others in the eye. “And how he wanted me to be the one to use it.”
The room gasps again, and some start to murmur, until Wilford smacks a hand on the table to silence them. Dr. Iplier looks at him, avoiding the gaze of the others. Wilford gestures for him to continue. His expression is dangerous. Dr. Iplier shivers and directs his eyes to the table once more.
“He knew he only had one chance to give Dark the potion,” Dr. Iplier explains, “And Yandere was his means to that end. He knew he wouldn’t be able to sneak up on Dark. At first he thought he could make Yandere do it, but it seemed too risky. He knew no amount of brainwashing or possession could make Yandere hurt Dark, and he doubted he’d be able to hide Yandere’s brainwashing if he sent him back to us. So instead, he used Yan to get to me.” He tightens his fists against his sides, one beat, then relaxes. His hands start shaking. “He told me to take the potion and use it on Dark when I got an opportunity. If I refused, he’d kill Yan, as many times as it took for him to fade. If I told anyone, he’d do the same. If I got an opportunity and hesitated, he’d come and kill Dark himself, and then he’d kill Yan. But if I did it, he’d give Yan back. So he sent me back with the potion. For another two weeks I tried to think of a way out. I…I reasoned that Anti didn’t know for sure what the potion would do, he’d admitted that. I thought maybe it wouldn’t do what he wanted it to do to Dark. And that even if it worked, Anti could never take something as powerful as Dark’s aura for himself. And I didn’t–” His breath hitches, he struggles not to sob. “–I didn’t want to lose Yandere. I couldn’t forgive myself if I let him die. And I knew that even if we somehow managed to find that cabin and get him back, we wouldn’t be able to do it before Anti killed him, and we might’ve lost him forever.” Dr. Iplier shudders, tries to look up but can’t. “So I did it. After Dark got hurt in that fight with Infelix, I…I…injected him with the potion.”
The room gasps a third time, people start to shout, and this time, Wilford fires a round into the ceiling to quiet them. Dr. Iplier dares not look at him.
“It split him apart into Damien, Celine, the DA’s body, and his aura,” Dr. Iplier continues, remembering how Dark fell apart in front of him. “After it happened, Anti came with Yandere. He kept his promise, he released his control of him. Dark’s aura went right to him, he didn’t even have to take it by force. He said…” Dr. Iplier struggles to keep speaking. “He said I didn’t have to keep anything a secret anymore. That it didn’t matter now that he had what he wanted. But when Host came in I just…I froze. I couldn’t admit it. I thought, I feared, but I hoped he’d find out the whole thing by narrating, but he didn’t. And I just couldn’t make myself tell the truth. Not then, not after, not until now. Jackie took one look at me today and figured out I was lying. He didn’t know what I did, but he knew I was hiding something. He texted me after he signed off, he told me you all needed to know. And he’s right. You have to know. All of you. I’m sorry.” He still cannot lift his head, still cannot face what he’s done. Tears start falling, hitting the table one at a time. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
There’s a long beat of silence.
Then the room explodes.
Shouting, crying, screaming out, chairs tossed back, hands slammed on the table. Dr. Iplier finally, finally forces his gaze up to see chaos. Half the egos are arguing with each other, the other half are yelling at Dr. Iplier, all of them talking over each other.
“Dr. Iplier, why on earth did you–”
“You heard him, it was to protect Yandere!”
“But he killed Dark!”
“If it were my kid, I woulda done the same!”
“Letting Yandere die would have been regrettable; however, letting Dark die is already causing much more harm.”
“He should’ve told us, maybe we could’ve found Yandere!”
“Anti would have known, he would’ve killed him!”
“Would that have been any worse than this?”
“He killed one of us! How are we supposed to trust him now!?”
Their arguments go in circles, and they soon get too caught up in them to yell at Dr. Iplier anymore. Every ego is a part of it, even Eric and Oliver are raising their voices with the others, even the Jims are arguing furiously; CJ’s wide, angry signing just as volatile as his brother’s shouting. But Dr. Iplier can’t focus on any of them, there’s other people whose reactions matter more to him.
Wilford has his head buried in his hands, and Dr. Iplier can’t tell if he’s heaving with sobs or if he’s struggling not to completely lose his temper. Damien is making his way through the crowd to help him, his own face white, now that he knows for sure what happened in that blank spot of Dark’s memory, now that he knows what was happening right under Dark’s nose. Host is sitting ramrod straight in his chair, mouth open in shock, staring straight ahead of himself across the table, bandages darkening with blood, hands curled in tight fists. Worst of all, though, is Yandere, sitting hunched in his seat, staring into the middle distance, confused tears spilling down his cheeks, eyes redder than his hair. After a few moments, Dr. Iplier and Yandere’s eyes meet, and Yandere’s expression twists. He gets up and storms out of the room. Dr. Iplier follows him without a second thought, pushing through the crowd to the doorway. Most are so absorbed in their arguments that they barely notice.
“Yan!” he calls, making his way to the hall. “Yan, please!” He sees Yandere stop where he is, still facing away. Dr. Iplier runs to him, gasping with exertion or emotion or both. “Yan please, just hear–”
Yandere turns around and punches Dr. Iplier across the face in one smooth motion. Dr. Iplier is suddenly staring at the floor, struggling to stay upright. His jaw rattles with the force. His mouth fills with pain and something else. He spits a glob of blood and a tooth onto the floor.
“Yan,” he gasps.
“How could you??” Yandere cries, voice strained with tears. “You killed Yami! You killed my senpai! This whole time you held me and comforted me and you were the one who took him from me!!”
“I’m sorry I lied,” Dr. Iplier whispers, still in shock. His jaw throbs with pain, his chest throbs with hurt. “I’m so sorry I lied to you. And I’m sorry for what I did to Dark, you don’t know how sorry I am.”
“You’re still fucking lying!” Yandere screams, “If you were really fucking sorry you wouldn’t have killed him!!”
“I had no choice, don’t you see that!?” Dr. Iplier sobs, “If I didn’t do what Anti wanted he would’ve killed you!!”
“Then you should’ve let him!!” Yandere howls. “I’d rather be dead than live without Yami! How could you do this to me??”
“Son, please–” Dr. Iplier murmurs, aching, reaching out to wipe away Yandere’s tears.
“Stop,” Yandere chokes out, stepping back, away from Dr. Iplier’s hand, “Don’t say that now, just – not now, not now.” He turns and runs, crying the whole way down the hall.
Dr. Iplier stays rooted where he is, frozen, mouth open as every unsaid word congeals in his throat, burning as keen as his jaw. His heart was already broken after days of missing Yandere, days of watching him wake with nightmares, days of holding him as he cried, days of watching Yandere in pain, but now it’s positively shattered watching his – his – well, his nothing anymore, right? – run away from him.
As he stands there, two people – Chrome and Yancy – brush past him, running down the hall after Yandere to comfort him. They don’t give Dr. Iplier so much as a backwards glance. He has nothing left to do but turn and go back to the conference room, trudging through the doors. He can barely feel the tears still running down his face, his neck, off the end of his chin onto the door handle.
The room is still just as chaotic, but the chaos has shifted. On one side of the table, Wilford is storming up and down the length of it, one hand waving his gun in the air, the other buried in his hair, tight, almost pulling. His eyes are wild and pink, his face is stretched in an unnatural grin as he mutters to himself. Damien and Bim are following him as he goes, trying to talk to him, and the Jims are following Bim, watching silently with owlish eyes, unsure of what to do other than hold tight to each other’s hand. On the other side of the table, most of the other egos are giving Wilford a wide berth and gathered around something…someone else.
Dr. Iplier approaches to see The Host, and the pieces of his heart lurch in his chest. Host is curled over himself, hands tangled in his hair. Blood soaks through his bandages, runs down his cheek, dampens the front of his trench coat, puddles on the table, drips onto the floor. He’s already gone pale. He’s muttering so low and so fast that he’s impossible to understand, and he seems unable to stop.
“The blocks in his visions are gone,” Dr. Iplier realizes, “He can see all the futures he couldn’t before.”
Host mutters and mutters until his words catch and he coughs, pulling his hands out of his hair to brace against the table. The puddle on the table sloshes into his hands, into the cuffs of his trench coat, off the table and onto his pants, but Host doesn’t seem to notice. When the cough leaves him, he bows his head, trembling, panting. His teeth are red. When he speaks again, he’s finally audible, voice dark with premonition.
“The egos have hundreds of futures laid ahead of them now,” Host gasps, “All are suffering. Many are death. Reality is flayed open, no one is safe.”
He lifts his head and, even without eyes, stares straight at Dr. Iplier through the crowd of egos.
“Nothing will ever be the same.”
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Am I Ready For Love, or Maybe Just a Best Friend?
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Owen Queen has understood love his whole life. But that doesn’t mean he can’t get it wrong a time or two.
This is for @mickeysjones​ because we added in another next gen person and of course she’s connected to my favorite boy.... 
If you asked Owen if there was a moment in his six years of life where he wished it could erase the whole day, today would be that day. He would rather take three math tests in a row, then be lying in his bed. Especially when his entire family, immediate and extended, were down stairs having food and fun. 
“Knock knock,” his dad stood at the door holding a small pint of ice cream. “I brought you something to eat.”
He glared at the food, then at Oliver. “I’d rather have laptkes.”
“Latkes,” he corrected with a grin. “And maybe in a couple of days. You just had your tonsils out this morning, let’s stick with softer stuff.”
“It won’t be Haunnkah in a couple of days,” he grumbled, folding his arms as he turned away.
“I know buddy.” Oliver moved into the room, taking a seat on the edge of Owen’s bed. “Everyone misses you too. But we want you to feel better. That’s more important.”
He holds up the ice cream again, waving the spoon in front of Owen’s face. “It’s double chocolate.”
He took the pint, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t still upset.
“Want me to bring you up anything else?”
Footsteps came bounding up the stairs. Owen and Oliver turned towards the door as Sara Diggle popped her head in. 
“Uncle Ollie, Daddy told me to come and get you for a kitchen emergency.”
“What kind of emergency?”
“Aunt Licity and Donna are trying to cook more food.”
Owen watched as a mild panic crossed his dad’s face. “I will come back and check on you later. I have to go keep your mom and grandma from burning a hole in my kitchen.”
Oliver slipped past Sara and down the hall. He assumed she’d follow his dad back to the party, but she hovered at the door.
“Everyone wishes you were downstairs,” she said, pushing herself further in. “Miriam looks miserable. But Ada and Mia keep trying to distract her.”
“Thanks,” he took the lid off his ice cream and dug his spoon in. 
“You don’t look so happy for someone who gets to eat ice cream for dinner.”
“I’d rather have dinner with everyone else,” he grumbled through a bite. 
She nodded, then pulled something in from the hall. It was wrapped in blue and silver paper, about half the size of her as she struggled to maneuver it through the doorway. He could see his name written in big bold letters. “Which is why I thought I’d bring you your present. To cheer you up a little.”
Owen smiled as she came over to his bed, setting the box across his lap. He eyed the gift and then Sara. “It’s not Christmas.”
“No,” she agreed with a grin. “But it is the last night of Hanukkah. Besides we leave for the grandparents in the morning. So it’s the last time we’ll be home until New Years.”
Owen placed his ice cream on his bedside table then pulled the package closer. “You sure it’s okay to open it?”
She rolled her eyes. “Who cares. What are they gonna do get mad at you when you just had  organs taken out of your head?”
She had a point. And Owen was really curious to see what was under that wrapping paper.
He ripped at the paper, Sara egging him on the whole time. Once he got the paper off, he lifted the lid from the box.
There, sitting with tissue paper stuffed around it, was a small blue guitar. 
“You got this for me?”
“Technically Connor and JJ helped too. Mostly with the money. Mom said I had to say that,” she admitted with a grin. “But I picked it out. I also wrapped it. So remember that when you start learning how to write songs on that thing.”
Owen let his fingers glide across the neck of the guitar. He didn’t think anyone had ever given him such a nice present before. In the shine of its surface, he could see Sara’s reflection. The way she smiled at him, how happy giving him this guitar made her, it lit up her whole face. And he felt the smile grow on his as well. 
He didn’t put the words to that feeling until a few years later, but that’s the moment he was sure he knew he loved Sara Diggle. And once he did realize it, he didn’t think he’d ever feel differently.
Owen leaned against the porch railing, hearing the sounds of family and laughter coming from inside. But he stayed outside trying to find the courage to go talk to Cami.
Why had he done it? Why did he even put that vibe out into the world? Things had been good, no they had been great between them. But Owen had to open his mouth and ruin everything. Now he was more confused than ever.
“Hey.” He turned towards the front door, Cami standing there in a dark red dress. He had invited her so they could hear his and Miriam’s new song. But… “You’re family’s wondering where you went? Is everything okay?”
It wasn’t. Despite how much he wanted things to be. But he messed everything up. And now all he could hear with his own words on a constant loop in his head. 
“Not really,” he managed with a sigh. 
He wished he could rewind the week. Back to before Diggle’s had come to dinner on Monday. Before he knew that Sara and Adam were officially a thing. 
She told him that night up in his room how much she loved Adam. How she could see herself marrying him one day. 
Then the next thing Owen knew he was telling Cami he loved her. And from the moment those words came out of his mouth, everything had changed. 
It’s not that he didn’t love her. He was pretty sure he did. But it had always been as a friend. Saying those words had messed everything up.
“Can we talk?” he asked, motioning to the swing off to the side.
Cami followed him, taking a deep breath as she sat. “Depends. Can I go first?”
He wanted to try and rip it off like a bandaid. But she threw him off to the point where all he could say in response was. “Uh yeah I guess. Sure.”
Cami looked almost as nervous as he felt as they sat there in the quiet. “Look Owen about the other night…”
“That’s kinda what I wanted to talk about too.”
The turned a little finally meeting each other’s eyes. Cami looked sad. “I’m sorry.”
“When you came over, and we talked, you said you love me,” she paused biting at her lip. “And I said I love you too.”
“I remember,” Owen hadn’t thought of anything else in days.
“When I said that. I think I just got caught up in the moment.” She shook her head. “I love you, Owen. But I think it’s just--”
“As a friend?” he finished in relief.
She looked at him and smiled. “You too then?”
“I’m sorry Cami,” he threw his head back and laughed. “I honestly thought I meant it when I said it. I wouldn’t have tried to lead you on or anything.”
“Owen, come on. I would never think that,” she reached over and took his hand in hers. “We’ve been dating for a few months. It’s normal to want to reach that next thing.”
“So you don’t hate me?”
The nerves he felt lessened as they sat with each other. “I’m glad we’re friends.”
“Me too.”
“Should we go in, and listen to the new song now?”
“I would love too.”
He rolled his eyes and they laughed together, just sitting and enjoying being each other’s friend. Maybe she wasn’t the love of his life, maybe his first real girlfriend had always just been a friend. But he was glad they had tried. For whatever it's worth, he would always be glad they had.
Another party, another time sitting on the outskirts of it. He laughed at the irony. Especially since the party he was currently missing was for himself. 
“Owen?” he turned to the voice as she came up the barely lit parking lot. “What are you doing out here?”
Sara looked nice in a vibrant purple dress, her hair pinned back as she walked towards the front of the club.
“Lorena’s running late,” he replied as he stood. “I wanted to meet her out here, considering how my mom usually is.”
“Not easy when you got a parent against your relationship huh?”
“Nope,” he shook with a soft laugh.
They were kind of in the same boat he guessed. With Adam being the grandson of supervillain, Damien Darhk, and Lorena being the princess of the Bertinelli crime family. But neither of them were anything like their families. Not where it mattered most.
“Felicity will come around,” Sara said as she leaned in for a quick hug. “She knows how much you care about Lorena.”
“I think knowing it and believing it are vastly different.” 
Something in the night air shifted as Sara looked on. She watched him, almost like recalling something from years past. Then she smiled with a nod. “You love her.”
It wasn’t a question. Just a pure and simple fact that Owen hadn’t told a soul yet. Not even Lorena. But he didn’t want to deny it.
“I do,” he said, not being able to hide his grin. “I’m crazy, stupidly in love with her.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” Sara said. 
He looked at her then, saw the way her head dipped when she said it. “You knew didn’t you? How I felt.”
He didn’t elaborate, didn’t want to put it out there in case he had been wrong. But like always, Sara knew exactly what he meant. “Not the whole time. I kinda thought maybe it went away when you and Cami started seeing each other.”
“It didn’t.”
“Is that why you two didn’t work? Because of me?”
“We were always better as friends. Just like you and me.” he slid next to her nudging her shoulder.  “I wanted to say thank you thank you though.”
“What did I do?”
“I believed in love because of you,” he replied as he let his shoulders shrug. “I believed it could happen because of how I loved you. But now I know what love is like. What it feels like to be so in love with someone you can’t imagine your life without them.”
She looked happy for him. “Are you gonna tell her?”
“I am,” Owen said as another set of footsteps crossed the asphalt.
Sara looked over, and he followed her line of sight. 
She looked stunning, in a deep blue dress, with black accents. And Owen felt his heart stammer as he watched her walk closer to them.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Sara said, then winked at him. “Happy birthday Owen.”
“Thanks,” he mouthed, then focused his attention solely on Lorena. “Hey you.”
“Sorry I’m late,” she said wrapping her arms around his neck. “Work was a nightmare.”
“It’s okay,” he pulled her close with a quick kiss. “You didn’t miss much.”
“Having a good birthday?” she asked, and he knew without her having to say words they were both thinking back to when they met. Two years ago almost to the moment. God, how could his life shift so completely in that time? He felt more at peace, more himself than he could have ever imagined back then. And he owed a part of that to her, to what she inspired in him.
“It’s better now that you’re here,” he admitted. “Miriam wants us to sing.”
“I’m so glad I didn’t miss that.”
“I love you,” he whispered. Because he had wanted to tell her for weeks, months even. And he couldn’t think of a single reason to wait another second.
Lorena smiled, leaning in to kiss him softly. 
He had felt love three times in his life, outside of his family, three very different, very profound times. Maybe each one had been a building block for the next. Maybe it had meant to lead him right there to that exact moment. If Lorena didn’t feel the same it would be okay. Because he tried. And all he could hope for was to try.
When she pulled back, he could feel the sigh sudder out of her. And he knew even before she spoke, what she was about to say. But he still grinned like an idiot as she said. “I love you too.”
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Stole from: @bluehaired-tales 
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blackaquokat · 6 years
92 and 95 Acting Attorney I could use some good fluff while writing this angst heavy part of a story
Well, I was looking for an excuse to
work on my AU where Actor!Mark ends up with the DA instead of Celine, so THANK
YOU, you beautiful beta, you! This could be considered an alternate universe to
my Acting Attorney origin story “May You Always be Satisfied” where things would go
AU mid-chapter 2. Sometime in the future this may turn into a longer work, or
just a series of one-shots, but not now.
92. “You
make me happy.”
95. “Come
It takes Mark almost three months to
officially grieve his parents and cope with being the sudden heir to a big,
lonely house.
That is also around the time he finally
decides to officially put to the test Damien’s “theory.”
“I’m not in love with them! And, well, they are definitely not interest in…me.”
Damien’s tone made his implication
blatantly clear.
True, it wasn’t exactly the best
conversation to have at his parent’s funeral, but…Mark was glad to know, even then.
It gave more context for why his
dearest friend had seemed so uneasy around Celine when she first arrived.
But could that really mean that they…?
Could they really see him as…?
But he’s getting ahead of himself. Figuring
out once and for all whether his feelings are requited or not is a task he’s
set for himself tonight.
His friend is hosting a dinner, which
isn’t a new development, true. They are the only member of their trio that can
cook and their home is within driving distance of both Damien’s dorm at
University and Mark’s manor.
The wild card tonight will be Celine,
who also has been invited.
This is going to be
interesting, Mark thinks with a grin as he chooses one of his more dapper
outfits for the occasion.
He won’t lie and say he’s never dressed to impress his
favorite aspiring law student. He is fully aware that a fancy ensemble would
never attract their attention, not really, so his efforts in the past were more
to hear their inevitable snarky but kind compliments on his color choices.
Tonight, however, he’s pulling out all the stops.
After all, they have mentioned that red is his best color on
more than one occasion.
“Damien has told me that you’re studying to be a lawyer?”
Mark watches his friend swallow a bite of chicken before
answering Celine’s question. “That is my goal, yes.”
“Do you plan to open your own practice when you pass the bar
Their fingers tap against the table. One beat. Two. Three.
“That’s my back up plan. I’m hoping to become District
Attorney one day.”
He can see the tense anticipation in their shoulders. His
friend’s career aspirations always elicit rather polarizing reactions from
others. Those reactions tend to be negative more than half the time.
Celine is better than that, but his friend has no reason to
know this.
“That is a very admirable goal,” Celine commends with her
lovely smile. Her hand reaches over to pat her brother’s hand. “You two would
be quite the team on the political scene.”
“That is my hope!” Damien grins at the law student, and they
return the gesture.
Mark still sees a sad kind of shyness in their expression,
despite Celine’s positive response. When they meet his questioning gaze, they
force a reassuring smile.
“What about you, Celine? What do you see yourself doing?”
And so the conversation goes back and forth for another
hour, give or take, and Mark can’t help but notice the melancholy tainting the
law student’s behavior.
The gathering is nearing its end when he catches the way
their eyes flit away when Celine grabs his hand with a laugh after he cracks a
He thinks about what Damien said for about the millionth
time and nearly swears out loud as the weight of the confirmation hits him like
a baseball bat.
They spare another look at Celine before dropping their eyes
to their food, only half-eaten.
Well, shit. Mark needs to clear up a few things.
When Damien and Celine announce their departure for the
evening, Mark offers to stay and help the law student with the cleanup.
As he escorts the siblings to the entrance, well, he does
his best to ignore Celine’s intrigued gaze and Damien’s delighted smile.
This is not Mark’s first time doing dishes with his friend,
with them cleaning and him drying. This is, however, the first time that the
pair of them have done this with such an unhappy…tension between them.
Mark is on the verge of saying something (he’s not sure what, exactly, but it was on the tip of
his tongue), when the law student says, “Celine seems nice.”
They hand him a soaking plate. He doesn’t take it immediately,
his mind trying to catch up with their sudden observation. He clears his throat
after another beat and takes the dish from their hands. “What brought that on?”
he asks as he dries the plate.
They shrug. “You’ve mentioned her once or twice in the past,
but now that I’ve met her…well, she seems great.” They still haven’t made eye
contact with him, instead reaching for a stained glass to scrub. “She seems like
she’d be good for you.”
Mark’s brow lifts. They sound as if they watched that ship sail into the distance.
He reaches out and touches their forearm.
They stop scrubbing.
Wordlessly, he hands them another dishtowel. Despite their
obvious confusion, they accept the item and dry off their hands.
He hadn’t quite expected to have this conversation like
this, but as long as the two of them are alone and the subject is here…
First things first:
“That’s nice that you think that, but, I’m not interested in
Celine like that.” When their expression doesn’t change, he admits, “At one
point, yeah, I thought she and I would end up together, but…in all honesty, I
haven’t felt like that for a while now.”
Their mouth twists as they lean against the sink, arms
folding over one another. Always on the defensive when it comes to matters of
the heart. “You sure about that? You looked pretty happy when she first arrived.”
Okay. It’s now or
Mark takes a step closer to them, and, when they don’t step
away, reaches out his hands and lets them drift down the law student’s folded
arms before stopping at their elbows.
“You make me
Straightforward, to the point, there is no possible way they
can misinterpret this moment.
Again, he hadn’t quite planned making any
confessions tonight, but any time he spends with the law student leaves him
more honest and vulnerable than he ever lets himself be around anyone else.
They stare at him with those wide, century-old eyes and,
before he can second-guess himself, Mark kisses them.
He fully intended to pull back right away, give them time to
acclimate to the moment, but suddenly their hands go for the back of his neck
and they respond.
Holy shit.
They end up snuggling on the couch, sometime later. He can’t
remember exactly how they ended up here, them lying half on his body and half
on the couch, his fingers tangling and untangling their curls, their thumb
stroking his side.
When he asks, the law student says he just asked for them to,
“Come cuddle,” like he was half-drunk.
Which, considering the high he’s riding right now, is not an
untrue comparison.
“So what happens now?” they ask. They sound oddly dream-like
He hopes they aren’t trying to talk themselves out of
believing that this is actually happening, because he’s still fighting the idea
that he’s going to wake up any moment too.
“Well…” he starts. “I guess I could pick you up before your
classes tomorrow and we could go to Amy’s Planet for some coffee?”
The possibility of a more thorough “talk” over coffee is
heavily implied, but he’s hopeful that the most the talk will entail is
groundwork and possible boundaries for whatever this is turning out to be.
This is one area of his life that he wants no
miscommunications, and he’s sure they feel the same in that regard.
He can feel them smile against his chest. “Sounds perfect.”
Prompt List: Send me a number and a pairing!
@starcrossedforever87 , @dontworryaboutanything , @falseroar , @intemperantiae , @ren-mon , @memetoyoko , @soul-wolf , @marki-dumb , @withjust-a-bite , @raimeyl , @beereblogsstuff , @silver-owl413 , @sassy-in-glasses , @chelseareferenced , @sketchy-scribs-n-doods , @axolittle-boi , @im-also-dead-inside , @timelords13 , @ur-fairy-god-dragon , @conceitedink , @unknown-maned-wolf , @ohnoimshook , @mayazen , @skyewardlight , @gabs-ink , @purple-anxiety-blog
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New CEO Problems
Chapter 5
Summary: Summary: Back in the demon world, James the eldest demon was told to use his mark to find his soulmate, but he soon discovers that his mate is human and wants nothing to do with him. He is also in charge of a large toy company that was previously run by Mr. Anderson the warlock that brought his brothers to freedom. Now 1 year later, James took the position as Mika is now his VP. Will Kayla accept her fate or will she fight?
Chapter Summary: James brings Kayla back to the mansion where Mika is ready to tackle the magic mark. Before the link is gone, Damien takes a mind trip and finds something that puts all of them in more danger. Will Kayla believe them?
Word Count: 1335
James POV
I appear at the mansion lobby with my glamor dropped showing my demon marks all around my body. I must have made noise since I see Mika and my brothers running towards us.
“Holy shit..” Mika and my brothers are speechless as I walk towards the dining room and lay Kayla’s body on the table. I see the mark glowing brighter as I see her body starting to shake. Our eyes are wide as Mika starts demanding orders.
“James, go get my magic medical kit now! Damien can you sense anything in her mind?!”
I nod my head as I leave to get the medical kit, I see Erik gave me a quick hug so that I can regain my energy.
Damien POV
As soon as James appeared in the Lobby I knew that something was wrong. I could sense it. I stood with my brothers in the dinning room as James layed her down on the table. Mika then started demanding orders.
"Damien can you sense anything in her mind?!"
I jumped at her tone of voice as I nodded and walked up to her unconscious body on the table. I take my hands to each side of her head. I feel my magic enter her mind as I see memories from the past 6 months. I went deeper into her mind and before I knew it I saw a white clearing as I drop down.
I am placed in the throne room seeing the Demon Lord in the room. I see the council members all around a round table that was shaped in the form of James mark.
“Good work everyone! Soon enough we will have unlimited human energy without our spawn knowing!”
“But what about the second phase, my lord? Can we pull this off without them knowing?” One of the members whispered aloud throughout the concrete room.
I see my father's hearty laugh drown into a snarl, “Of course this will work! Phase two is just starting, you see.” He walks around the table as his red cap flows behind him, “My spawn will have complex feelings towards these ‘humans’ which soon enough they will control them to obey the person who made the mark.”
“That means…” One of the members trails off, “YOU IDOT! We can use them! Have the energy to save the kingdom. It went to hell and a handbasket ever since my heir left.”
“My lord,” the smallest member started, “This human male named Tony would be of good use to us since he wants to destroy Reastreo for taking the human girl that he marked. We can use the humans collected energy and pass it onto him.”
The demon lord thought for a moment as he sized up the smallest member, “You know what, that would work! Let us start the process NOW! This ‘Tony’ human can help us with the plan.”
Before I could step in I felt my brothers snapping me back into reality causing my magic to die down and soon enough I was back in the house looking back at James with a worried expression as Mika worked on the mark to remove the link between them.
“Damien, what did you see?!” James snarled at me as I started to breathe heavy around the room. I felt weak as I found a chair to sit down. I took a deep breath before answering as Mika and James look at me.
“Our father is collecting her energy with the council that you worked in the past with James. He is going to pass it to someone named Tony who wants to destroy you. This is phase two of his plan, I don't want to think about what phase three will be.” I look down not wanting to look up as I know that James is upset.
James POV
I felt a deep rage inside of me after a couple of minutes of the silence of hearing what Damien found. I slam my hands against the wall, 'why do they want to pass her energy onto Tony?' I thought.
I glance over to see Damien wince in pain as he can feel everyone’s emotions. I snap my head to Kayla as I hear screaming. Finally she is awake, I look to see the mark slowly burning off her body as Mika is snapping the link between them.
“Come on, come on.” I hear Mika whispering to herself as she worked.
I see Kayla trying to move off the table, but I went behind her and held her down as I sat on the table surface.
“What the hell is happening!” She whips her head towards me, “James, this hurts like hell why didn’t you tell me this would!”
“My flower, you were passed out, we had to take the opportunity. We have bigger problems now, please let Mika finish. We need your mark to come off to protect you. Just bare it a bit longer.”
I kiss her cheek as she nods as I see that tears start to well up in her eyes, I feel her press into my chest as Mika finishes as she put on a pack of ice mixed with herbs to break the link.
Mika stands up as Kayla looks towards everyone, “Is everything alright? What did James mean that we have more problems? I thought that once the mark was gone this was done! Screw this shit! I'm going home."
She starts to get off the table as she stumbles towards the wall. My natural instincts kicked in as I tried to bring her back into my arms, but she pushed me away clearly distressed.
Kayla POV
“Kayla, please listen, you are in danger now, you have to trust us.” Damien stepped up towards me as Sam pushed back James.
“WHY! Why should I trust you! The last time I did, that demon,” I pointed to James, “Used me like a demon can. He boasts about love and trust but all of you demons are the same! You all just have lust and desire, that’s all that James wants from me!”
I see the room froze after my words, Damien looks towards me as he knows what I have seen. James looks hurt as Mika steps forward as she looks into my sad brown eyes.
“You did learn from my grandfather correct?” I nod my head at her confused, “These demons are not like the ones that he explained to you. Other demons in their world are like that, yes but the boys,” she gestures towards them, “Have learned about our human ways, they have been with me over a year now.” She leans into my ear, “Trust me, James cares about you, he feels the human emotion love as he cares for his brothers and now you as well. He only wants the best for you.”
I stare back at her words as I lean towards the wall for balance. Tears well up in my eyes as I look towards the boys, “Is that true?” I whisper. They nod in response as Sam lets James go since he is calmer now. I let him walk up to me as I feel his strong hands around my shoulders.
“Yes, I do care for you as well as my brothers. We are not like the other demons like Mr. Anderson explained. Even back there I had these emotions as I had to protect them. Mika has been an amazing guide and friend to teach us about this world,” He looks towards his brothers, “We have been given a second chance seen we came to this world.” I feel his hot breath on my shoulder as I start to calm myself.
I let my body lean on James since I am feeling weak, I let out a gasp as I start to lose my footing. James brings me towards the living room where I see a gray couch and purple walls. He lays me down as he covers me with a black blanket as I feel the warmth and safety of the fabric.
You’re safe with me, I’ll protect you. I promise” James whispers into my ears as I let sleep take over my form. I drift off knowing that I am safe as long I am around the boys and Mika.
James POV
After I lay Kayla down on the couch to sleep I walk into the dining room as I hear giggles around the room. I let out a snarl as the room is quiet again. Mika motions me to sit down with the others as we are going to create a plan.
“So,” “Tell me where we start?” I grin as we plan together as a family.
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myrainydayloves · 6 years
8, 12, 13, 14!! Also, an original question- but have you ever thought about drawing? Because I’ve never actually seen a drawing of yours on this blog (if you’re not skilled- dw, me neither- but I still love it! Alongside writing >w
8. Your top 3 OTPs among your own selfships?
Ryuji and I, Sho and I, and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sho and I again?
13. Talk about a positive experience you’ve had with the community.
Too many to count! I will say though, it meant a lot to me to have the F/O takeover be so popular! 
14. Finally, talk about a few of your favorite self shippers!! (Honestly, talk about as many as you would like!)
Fuck uhhhhhh okay
@millizines and Earnest are both very cute and very Spicy(TM) 
@anotherselfshippingsideblog and Pidge are totes cute rn. They work well together and balance each other out, which I respect a lot.
@selfshipstudios and that purple boy are very good. Kokichi is a trouble maker and keeps Neb on their toes which is important. Plus Neb is adorable and Kokichi is a bastard so they work
@my-heart-is-but-a-gentle-moon and your polyship with Saeran and Jumin. I think your plot is really fleshed out, if that makes sense. Like Jumin is a young man with enough power to keep Saeran safe, Saeran is smart and loyal to those he loves, and you are the wonderful gentle glue that keeps them together. It’s just cute idk.
@mindless-self-pudding and beets. Or Mondo. They’re both good.
@reallyintouglyfos is an angel. She makes sure that all the boys who are sad and lonely are loved. Truly a Saint.
@haileyotakubeebe and Sho, obviously. Gotta give it up to anyone who can handle that brat, oof. No, but they’re also a good pair in the sense that Sho feels safe with her. And that’s something he desperately needs. Honestly surprised Akira can sneak in there to cuddle Hailey with Sho by her side.
@dokiquents, a new homie, and Damien. I don’t know Much about you but I know you love the Spicy types thus making you an instant friend.
@sakuraxisxevil and Kurama are actually my OTP. Like when I see Kurama I naturally associate him with Erika. 
@selfinsertheaven and her fuckin’ mansion fulla boys and girls. 
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mnmjax98 · 7 years
New Ego: Virus
@ferociousfangirlofmanyfandoms and I came up with a lot  of theories and headcanons about a potential new Ego spawned by Mark’s shenanigans, I’ve put them below the cut! Gonna make this a bullet point list later, this is just a transcription of the important parts.
June: And if the other egos try to get Virus to play along and behave, and also get to know Dark....How about that's how some behind the scenes stuff about WKM is busted?
That Dark, technically, has a brother running around Dark and Virus were once the house. Together. Morgan: What if Virus has the good parts of Damien and Celene in him the parts that didn't make it into Dark
So Dark and Virus are literally different sides of the same coin so they don't get along
what if they don't know that they're both made from the same souls Dark just knows he doesn't like Virus because he reminds him too much of Damien and Celene
June: Of how they USED to be. And it rubs him the wrong way to have another shard of his past come up.
Morgan: He starts thinking of them in his head, assigning Virus' responses to either of them and one day they're arguing and he just goes "Shut up, Damien" Virus' memories are all kerfucky so he doesn't actually know -- but being called Damien (or Celene) just triggers it like a sleeper agent.
June: And he absolutely loses his shit Ending in having to be put down by Yandere again Like, chained down put down Not killed -- subdued. Morgan: Virus goes from absolute anger -- "You tricked them! You tricked them and you stole their body!!" to just like. absolute despair
June: And he keeps flip flopping sporadically between the two, just not fucking understanding anything and the actual part of the house ends up bringing up anger -- And Dark and Virus end up in this fistfight maybe
Yeah he has to have his virusy abilities nullified which means no aura fight. Morgan: in the same vein as #FreeDarkiplier2018, connecting it to Virus -- what if when Virus breaks down in despair mode, sobbing "it's your fault, it's your fault!" over and over again, Dark like??? ? actually feels bad? because free from being Opposite Mark, he has the ability to feel remorse June: Wail-glitching, probably. Remember how Dark's voice sometimes two-tones? So does Virus’
Morgan: I feel like it would happen to Virus more when he's distressed -- so yeah, wail-glitching and just "your fault! your fault!" over and over again Dark has no idea what to do because he's new to emotions? June: And nobody can quite get him to shut up, and when Wilford actually tries he just makes it WAYYYYYYYYYYYY worse. Morgan: Because he's William but he’s not. Celene and Damien both loved William June: And while Dark got scraps of those feelings, the ones that are usually pointed to in Darkstache Virus got the R E G R E T
Morgan: I can picture Virus parroting Damien's words from before "He reached out to you! -- I want you to care!” June: And then glitching REALLY badly and then they hear cracking like with Dark -- Except it's actually Dark, because Virus absolutely losing his shit is actually affecting him Morgan: Dark won't admit that he's fuckin terrified because basically all of the egos are seeing this and it's his secret June: And it only happens when Virus is SUPER DAMN unstable Morgan: Wilford would be the one Dark tries to find comfort in but who would Virus be close to at this point? The Jims because they love everybody, but like??? Who else?? June: Literally no one. He finds a lot of comfort in the Jims because they're like he wanted -- A big friendly family. Always happy Well, almost always. But still. Morgan: The other egos are unsettled by Virus so they end up kind of. avoiding him? subconsciously
June: And Yandere downright hates him after this. Host might actually take pity on him. Morgan: What if it's Dark and Wil? they take him to a secluded part of the manor and Dark is just like "take it out on me. you're right, it's my fault." because he knows Virus needs an outlet of some kind because he's literally fuckin breaking apart but he can't. Virus can't. he's still just glitch-crying June: It's like self hate. And Virus isn't wired for that. Guilt, yes. Self hate no. Morgan: Instead of hitting him or anytthing like Dark expected, what if he just? Hugs him? Tight enough it would hurt a human, but Dark is some kind of demon thing and he's durable. June: Orrrrrr Yan follows them into that part of the manor And ends up starting a fight that wears them both out. Ends up using a bo, smacking Virus on the head, calling him a baka and Virus just starts giggling Because that's what William did whenever Celine had buried herself too deep in eldritch myth and Damien was having a bad day Booped them with a paper fan or something and took them outside To get them out of their heads. Or something Mark - their Mark - did, tbh.
Morgan: The first thing that came to my mind with Virus breaking down was this tbh https://youtu.be/MOl_QhtCF5M?t=33
Virus' voice being higher when he's glitching so Virus just cracks and is crying into Dark's dumb expensive suit that doesn't fit the way it's supposed to and Dark is struggling with feeling actual emotions but this feels right June: Calming But they really, really can't go back to how they were before. It's just not magically or mentally possible. Morgan: Because they're opposites of the same person but it's a sort of aura-synergy to just hold each other like that because that's about as close as they can get to what it was like before WKM like, their auras mesh together like puzzle pieces June: Considering that, any colors for Virus? Morgan: Purple
Lavender, violet, lots of shades of purple I'd say green but that's Anti's thing June: Fair. It's the hc color for Dark when his pieces are being cooperative. And Virus' pieces would be probably united in trying to survive in this weird ass new form neither asked for
Morgan: and Virus rolls with it because Purple is a really soft colour and it's warm and comforting and....idk. Just want. Different shades of purple too because Celene wore a lot of black (I mean Damien did too but) Damien also had a lot of white accents with his suit -- the flower, the tie, pocket square, his actual shirt, etc so it makes for a lot of different purples
June: Intensity of purple is how he's feeling? During the breakdown, it's almost black? Or almost wine colored Morgan: His skin changes too depending on his emotional state. during a breakdown it would be closer to gray -- when he's stable, he looks a lot more alive
June: But still not completely. Somethins is def off. Morgan: That's probably how the other egos can tell what he's feeling like on any given day -- I can imagine him getting better at trying to hide the glitches but like when he's having a really bad day he looks like a corpse and there's no way to hide that And at that point the Egos are like. ".....Daaaark!" June: And on those days I can imagine Dark just groaning, rolling his eyes and MAKING Virus go back to his room with Dark to work out the kinks of whatever has him in a fit. Because Virus is NOT an Ego to be allowed to remain emotionally unstable Not for long. He’ll just break apart
Morgan: sometimes it's just Depression ™ Virus having trouble coming to terms with the fact that sometimes he just can't get people to smile
Without manipulating them, at least. it's like physically upsetting for him when he can't help someone that feels sad
June: Sometimes the Host takes pity? Sits him down in the recording room and makes Virus proof read for him Because it's a quiet place and nobody else is around to bug And everybody else is a little unsettled by the Host too. . Host notices the Zombie ™ look of the day and just Grabs Virus by the scruff, tugs him away, and pops his butt down in a chair in the recording room Sticks a manuscript in front of him and shortly explains what he needed him to do- read it aloud for him. And Virus is a little calmer by the end of the script. Morgan: ALSO! The Jims are determined boys. So. They are determined to have Virus join them in their Very Important Investigations™
The Jims want the egos to be friends so they're getting Virus to tag along with them on their adventures -- showing that they’re comfortable with him. Its also their own Jimmy way of helping Virus with his depression (because they definitely meet happy people sometimes)
He's holding a mask and wearing a mask because he definitely knows his appearance makes people. uncomfortable so he wears a mask with a smile on it June: And he's like Majora's mask salesman! His gift as an Ego is enchanted masks And the breaking of protection or concealment enchantments- like taking off someone's mask that they wear when they're not happy The one he's SUPER DAMN FAMILLIAR WITH Morgan: And then also like Majora's mask, he's like the Skull Kid -- he just wants a friend .....Virus has freckles.  June: Ye but also he's a little embarrassed about them And that was neither Damien or Celine A trait they had I mean As kids. Just Virus. Morgan: he doesn't like taking his mask off because he looks so different from the other egos even when he doesn't look like a Zombie what if he looks physically healthier when he's doing well mentally so he looks even more like a zombie when he's in a bad way still in the suspeeshy uncanny valley on a good day but like that makes the bad days a lot more obvious
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hazelolive · 4 years
6 years ago
Damien was searching for Kera. He hadnt been able to spend much time with her lately because she had been hanging around a boy he could tell she liked.
She might of denied it do to embarrassment once or twice. But he knew better the way she talked about him. The way her face seemed to light up whenever he was near by. Like she seemed happy just to be in his presense. Hell he think he even caught her sneak a kiss from him one time.
And he liked seeing her happy but it made him sad and filled with longing. He wanted her to look at him like that, wanted him to be the one she smiled at, wanted him to be the one she would sneak a kiss from. He wanted to be the one responsible for the strange purple bruising that appeared on her neck. That she tried to hide but he manged to notice but didnt say anything about. He wanted her to look at him the same way she looked at him.
It ached him knowing that it wasnt him but as long as she was happy he could endure it. He could put up with it for her sake even though it killed him a little inside.
He headed back home and saw there was no Kera to be found there which wasnt very surprising. He was ready to dismiss it when her mother asked if he could check on her. Aperntly she had gone to her room and she wasnt responding and sbe didnt know what to do.
He went over to the door and knocked.
"Kera? You in there?"
There was no sound not even a miffled sniffle.
He went outside and before he could go around the other side of the house and climb into her window. He saw her sitting outside under a the shadow of a big tree.
"Kera!" He yelled "There you are your mom was worried!"
She didnt say anything but he could tell she heard her because he curled into herself. Away from the noise.
"Oh no."
He walked a little closer and he could hear a small sniffle.
No no no he knew what that meant.
"Kera whats wrong." He said walking over to her.
He walked around the tree so he was facing her and noticed that she had tears streaming down her face.
"Come on Kera speak to me whats wrong."
"Nothing." She managed to mutter out.
"He doesnt want me anymore."
"He found someone new and doesnt want me anymore."
That stupid son of a bitch! He must of broken up with her. While part of him before thought that if he this ever happened he would be happy. But currently he was just pissed. Mad that this boy would try and hurt her this way.
"Come here."
She just sat there. Unwilling to move. So he decided that if she didnt want to or couldnt find the will to. Hed have to do it for her. He sat near her and wrapped his arms around her.
"Hey, its okay now. Im here."
He couldnt think if anything else to say at the moment but that. He didnt know if it helped any but she seemed to stop crying after a half an hour and they spent the rest of the night under that tree her in his arms.
0 notes
candy-corps · 7 years
Let’s Talk.
Jaal belongs to @mygardenofmuses
It was colder outside than expected, but Damien really did need some air after running into his dad's new boyfriend. One of many, by the sound. It was something hard to swallow, but he loved his dad, and his normal was crazy but it was normal. The boy shut the door behind him; snowflakes still melting on his jacket and scarf; some on his hair. He kicked his boots off as he heard someone approaching. After that conversation with Bruce, Jaal felt he had work harder to fit in, or he never would have a place in Bruce's heart like Zagam still did. He was a little more aware now that his honesty (even when he believed it was necessary) wasn't going to be the best way to help them out. But he still could talk and apologize, right? "Damien? Is that you?" He asked, walking to the hall. Oh, could he have five minutes before that guy came up and continued to discredit his family members? Damien didn't reply; just un-did his scarf. Great. More of the same. Jaal sighed and bit his bottom lip. It was already tough with Bruce, but it seemed he'd have to have this conversation twice. What a pain in the holes. Better to get it done already. "Hey, Damien... Talked to your father. He made me understand... that Zagam guy is pretty important to both of you." Present, not past tense. Something, Damien noted. He got rid of his jacket, too, hung it up and turned to Jaal. They've been here, earlier. He at least looked at Jaal now; praying he won't fuck this up again. "Look... I was... perhaps insensitive when I said he's not here. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings when I said that. He's still here, in your heart... and Bruce's..." Jaal rubbed his hands, nervous. Was he apologizing correctly? He'd have to watch over his words from now on, and that made him anxious. Baegels - letzten Sonntag um 18:06 Uhr Damien exhaled. "Thanks." He accepted the apology. "He's the reason why I stay with dad, really. He invited me, back in the days" he had Jaal know. "Gave me my room. I've never had my own room." Damien stepped up, trying to get Jaal to follow him to the living room. He'd try to get along with him. "What?" Jaal blinked in shock and worry. Damien seemed so young. A child shouldn't be alone, ever. "How is that possible? Were you alone before???" "Grew up with my mom. She let me figure out by myself where to sleep. Thought it would strengthen my character, dunno" Damien huffed. " - And he gave me love advice. Which is how I have a girlfriend now." Damien sat on the armchair and turned the tv on, just to have some background noise. Jaal let out a sigh of relief. That was good. Every kid should have at least one father and one mother. Though it was pretty strange they lived separately. Maybe he should ask Bruce later about it. His eyes widened a bit with the last revelation. Apparently Zagam didn't only do bad things. He did at least two good things. Mainly for Damien. He nodded quietly. "Looks like he does some good things." he mumbled, unsure if he should ask more about the topic. Better to check. "Can I ask you more?" Present tense, again. "He does some good things" Damien agreed. "What do you wanna ask?" He rested his head on his palm, but didn't look bored. Jaal had his full attention. " I have questions about Zagam. And I'm a little curious about that girlfriend of yours. What would you like to talk about first?" Jaal decided to give him the choice to pick the subject he'd rather talk about first. At least It seemed Damien wasn't upset anymore. That was good. "Ask about Zagam" Damien said. He'd like to know they were good on that topic. Jaal rubbed his hands. He had already several questions in mind. Better to learn as much as possible!! "OK, first question: what was the best thing Zagam ever has done for your father?" "Uhhh ... I dunno. But he looked ... peaceful when he was around" Damien remembered. Well, that didn't answer all that much. "What activities do they do when they're together? As in, hobbies. I think that's the word..." "Hobbies, yeah. They were ... eating with others. Watched tv, visited friends." He wondered why Jaal was asking that. Good. These things were stuff he could do with Bruce. Maybe he'd like doing those things again. "OK, so... did you all have any family traditions?" Family traditions, family traditions ... Damien smiled as he thought of one. "When we didn't have to leave the house a day, we'd just stay in our payamas. And ... it was my part to get dad to eat when Zagam wasn't around. You gotta give him food or he's just not gonna eat" Damien let Jaal know, serious now. "That is good to know. I'm always encouraging him to eat. Thanks for telling me." Jaal joined his hands over his lap, as he sat on the couch. "Is Zagam the kind of person who gives expensive gifts, or small ones?" "Expensive gifts" Damien answered, straight away. "Like ... his flat? Everything was ... designer stuff. Clothes, too. Dad would wear that. His stuff. It looked all off" he found, amused. "He was ... rich or something. Because he was so old, I don't know." Well, that put him in a compromise. He was technically a refugee in this planet, a man without papers, no job, and of course no money, at all. How could he ever become a match to Zagam? Jaal let out a worried noise through his holes. Maybe... maybe he'd have to steal. Not that he hadn't done it before, but he felt pretty bad about it. Still - if he ever wished to become someone worthy of Bruce's affections, this would have to be the plan... for as long as he stayed here. Which meant... He needed to find a job. As soon as possible. He wouldn't be able to live as a criminal for long. Not to mention, what would his mom say? And the Moshae?? Realizing he had been quiet for a while, Jaal shook his head. "What is Zagam's best quality, in your opinion?" Oh, he was just about to ask if all was cool. So. Zagam's best best quality. "I guess he ... stays calm, really easily? Dad is more the hectic type, but Zagam, he's just ... super controlled, somehow." "I used to be like that... until my wife shook up my world. Sometimes I wish she hadn't. I was more able to control the things I said and did back then." Jaal sighed and rubbed his arm. Being calm. Collected. It wasn't that hard, really. He only had to do a little effort... Though back then he didn't care about most people either. He could shoot a Kett soldier straight on the face and don't feel a thing. Now... he'd probably feel bad about it. "What is the thing you like the most about him?" he inquired shortly after. "He gave us a home" Damien answered, straight and simple. Hard to argue with that. Again, he didn't have money enough. Not in this world at least - in his planet he was one of the richest men alive, serving directly under the Moshae. That gave him an idea. He didn't have money now, but... "Have Zagam and your father ever gone on trips together? As in... taking your loved one to visit a place he'd like to go?" Damien shifted in his seat. "They were in a cottage, once. Oh and he took him to Hell. Like. Literally. He liked it" Damien assured right away. "Zagam worked there and there was an opportunity. So he showed dad around." "What is Hell?" Jaal never had heard of such a thing. "Is it another planet?" Damien wiggled his hand. Close enough. "Dimension ... Realm ... " Yeah, something like that. "It's where bad people go, after they die, to get punished. Dad thinks Zagam is stuck in there, fighting. And because his brother is nowhere to be found either, we have no way to access it. Except through, well, doing something bad and dying, but there's no guarantee it works." Jaal gasped in worry. "I don't want you two to die...!" Whoa, that was some raw concern slipping through, right there. He looked away, a little flustered. "It sounds dangerous... and stuff..." He shook his head, sighing. "It's no wonder Bruce thinks of him all the time. I am nothing in comparison to him. He's got everything and I'm... nothing at all." He looked down, feeling a little sad. "You're around" Damien said, disagreeing with Jaal on that matter. "Best partner doesn't help when he's not around. Just ... Just be around" Damien advised. It was enough. More than, even. Jaal blinked in surprise and gazed at Damien with such intensity that it seemed he was looking into his soul. So Damien actually could acknowledge that Zagam was not physically present. That was some excellent progress toward moving on. Sure, he would still live in their minds, but... this was some progress, definitely. And then, that piece of advice. Being around. Sounded easy enough, he had nowhere else to go except his homeworld. But there was no rush. Still... "Being around... Will that be enough for him? I mean... I don't have money, or riches, or even a house of my own. Not in this planet. Just my spaceship and my belongings. In my planet, however, I could give you anything, whatever your hearts desired for. But I'm not sure how willing you guys would be to travel to another galaxy..." "Got a girlfriend here, sorry" Damien laughed and leaned back in his seat. "And we're not that spoiled, man. Be around for more than a few days at a time. Don't leave him waiting, and you're good. We're good." Really. "Right, I was forgetting about her. And I'm not planning to go anywhere, so... you'll have to get used to see my purpleness over here quite often." Jaal chuckled a bit, hopeful. He had got Damien to laugh. This was good, so very good. "Not planning to keep him waiting, either. I'd feel weird leaving the place without him to begin with. Everything is new for me in this planet." He rubbed his chin in thought. "Mind if I ask a bit about your lady companion?" "Girlfriend"Damien corrected. "Jess. What about her?" So they reached part two of the questioning. "You look so very young. How early do courtship rituals begin in this planet?" Maybe Damien could provide him with some information about how dating worked in this planet. He wanted to contrast this story with everything he knew about Bruce and Zagam, and his very own story with Ryder. Court-what? "I'm no kid. I can have a girlfriend" Damien found. Getting tired, he rubbed his eye with the back of his hand. "Had since I was twelve." "That's pretty impressive." Jaal nodded. It was indeed amazing. "Then you are older than you look. How old are you, again?" " ... Thirteen." He knew it sounded less impressive now. "I honestly believed you were 15 at least. You are very mature for your age." It was a compliment, and Jaal hoped he took it as such. "So, what things do you like to do together?" "Talk, do homework ... explore places" he answered. "What is homework?" Jaal cocked his head in confusion. He didn't know what homework was? "Assignments that you get from school. Exercises for math, or reading or whatever." When Jaal didn't know what homework was, he gotta be the luckiest person in the whole universe. "Ahhh. School must be a learning nest, then. Did you two meet in it?" Jaal asked, leaning back on his seat, getting comfortable. Nest? Damien had to laugh at the mental image. "Yeah. Yeah, we did." "Were there many young ones? How many children fit in every nest, more or less?" This was branching into a new topic, but Jaal wasn't exactly against it. He adjusted his visor. Good thing it was working and keeping track of everything. He was killing him! Damien burst out laughing. He found it just fair to keep Jaal thinking that school was just one giant nest, but he wasn't sure how long he could keep the lie up. "What's so funny?" Jaal was confused. Was he missing out something...? Or did he say something funny and he wasn't aware of it? Classes. Classes. "Um, roughly ... 30, 35 ... " Damien answered, still shaking with laughter. Damn, he used to be way better at lying. "They teach your children ... in nests?" He knew he was the one being questioned right now, but he ... just had to. "That is one really big nest." Jaal's eyes went wide as he tried to imagine the size. A nest that big probably would have to be cared for many adults. He smiled at his inquiry, glad to share bits of his past. "Yes. Our nests aren't that big though, usually five children per nest. Feel free to ask more, if you want." There was one question. "Do you want to see a school?" It was dark outside. Unlikely they'd get caught when they'd sneak in. "Sure. Can we take Bruce with us? I'd love to share that experience with him." Jaal was hopeful. A investigation trip sounded like fun, and more if he got to do ot with his dearest bats. "How long've you been on Earth?" Damien asked instead. Now that he found out Jaal thought schools were nests ... it got him thinking. "I'd say, less than an Earth week." Jaal rubbed his chin in thought. "Probably four days, or five. Why do you ask?" "How often have you been out?" Damien asked instead to answer Jaal's question. He could figure what was going on. "Not much just yet. I'm still getting used to the gravity of this planet." Jaal answered with ease, wondering if Damien wanted to study him, too. "You can stand alright" he found. Now this was getting interesting. "He doesn't want you to go" Damien figured. That's why Jaal wasn't outside just yet. "Yeah, I've been practicing and walking and..." Jaal fell silent in surprise. "Bruce... Doesn't want me to go outside?" He asked, cocking his head. Given Jaal didn't know another "he", it was Bruce, right? "Cut him some slack" Damien requested. "He doesn't like to be alone. And he ... might not trust you to make it back. But ... we can sneak out, leave him a note, make it home before dinner ... " They could! "I don't like being alone for long too, to be honest. And why sneak out? We don't need to hide, do we? Or is it forbidden to visit a school?" Jaal couldn't understand why it would be, unless it was a way to ensure the safety of the small humans. "I gave you a chance ... " Damien shrugged, more talking to himself. It was one of many of his dads quirks. Over-protectiveness. "I'm not sure I am understanding everything you say. Sorry about that. Can we bring Bruce with us?" Jaal decided to check one second time. He hadn't answered the first time he asked, so perhaps he had missed it? "He's not gonna let you go out" Damien assured. "And he'll feel bad when I bring you there. Don't worry about it." He waved it off. "Why not?" His expression shifted, becoming worried. "If he's going to feel bad about it, I can't go. We've just overcome our first issues together... Leaving him alone would be bad. Especially now." "Okay." They didn't have to go. They could stay here, play Monopoly all night. "Did you at least get to see the rest of the tower? There's a room with a pool in it." "No, I haven't. I've spent most of my time in Bruce's bed..." fucking him senseless and getting fucked. Okay that was a bit of too much information. Damien probably could imagine it anyway. His face gave enough clues. Did he build a fucking wall? Damien looked at Jaal, but he didn't exactly seem unhappy, looking back. Huh. He decided not to ask. "I can show you around, when you want to" the boy offered. "That would be great for my investigation, thank you." Jaal smiled. "As soon as I get Bruce to join us, I want to see everything. Especially that pool. It's been a while since I could go for a swim." Why couldn't he get a wiiink. "He doesn't like pools all that much. Oh well" Damien yawned. "You done?" "He doesn't? Why is that? That shall be my last question for today." Jaal chuckled lightly. Of course not. Damien finished the yawn. "Can't swim. Can't see when his ears and wings get wet. The ... " He made a circling motion with his finger, " - echolocation." "Echocolocation..." Jaal saved that word in his mind. He'd have to ask Bruce later about it. Giving him a nod, Jaal offered him a hand. "I've been told this is way humans express gratitude. Thank you so much, Damien. I learned a lot with you." "Don't sweat it. Ball your fist like that, though" he instructed, and held out his own to show Jaal how it's done. "Like this?" Jaal imitated Damien's movement. Was this another human greeting? This was something unexpected, but... Real fun! "Good." He bumped his fist against Jaal's. "That's how you show grattitude. The cool way" he explained. "Cool... Now both of us are cool, then." Jaal's smile grew wider. Somehow, he had a feeling that they had grown a little closer.
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sigmasins · 5 years
The Bishop’s Sin
“I can freely enter this hallowed ground,” the demon said to the archbishop in horror. “What have you done?”
        “I can freely enter this hallowed ground,” the demon said to the archbishop in horror. “What have you done?”
“I can explain,” the archbishop pleaded. “It was an accident.”
The demon’s purple eyes followed the archbishop as he ran to the front doors to slam them shut. The lock clicked in the cathedral.
The archbishop leaned his back against the door with a sigh. “Which demon are you?”
“A nasty one, aren’t you?” the archbishop said, walking to the first row of pews. “Come sit and I’ll explain everything.”
Abraxas was weary of the archbishop and cautiously took a seat on the opposite side. “You better start talking before I have to report back to the high council.”
“You can’t tell anyone about this,” the archbishop pleaded. “I know I shouldn’t trust your word, but I am begging you. This can’t get out.”
Abraxas had never heard a human with so much power against his kind sound so broken before, and he’s tortured his fair share of souls. This was something new and he didn’t know whether it was a good thing.
The archbishop sighed. “It was a child.”
“A child?”
“Well, technically there were two of them, but the boy was more the one to worry about.”
“Tell me about these kids.”
“The girl was about eight years of age. Her hair was black and ran straight down her back to her knees. She was short for an eight-year-old, but she stood straight and held her head high.”
“Sounds like an innocent kid,” Abraxas chided.
“You didn’t see her eyes,” the archbishop whispered. Abraxas leaned closer to hear him. “Her eyes were piercing red and they held so much pain and malice. She looked at me like I killed her mother.”
“Did you kill her mother?” Abraxas asked.
“Unless her mother looked like a goddess with eyes as dead as roses in winter, then no I didn’t.”
Abraxas looked taken aback. “That was very specific.”
“There was a creature with soulless red eyes that I was called in to deal with. She was gorgeous. I have never seen anyone so beautiful. It was almost sad to do what I did.”
“Your description of her sounds familiar,” Abraxas contemplated. “She almost sounds like the description of Lucifer’s little sister.”
“Lucifer has a sister?”
“She’s not well known. In fact, the angels hate her. The only ones who loved her were her brothers. Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer.”
Abraxas shook his head. “That isn’t important right now. What did you do to her?”
The archbishop was shaking in his seat. There was sweat on his brow and his face was heated.
“You have to believe me when I say I had to do it,” the archbishop pleaded.
“Tell me what you did,” Abraxas demanded. “Or I will leave and tell the council about the church demons can walk.”
“Abraxas, please. You didn’t see the horror she was causing. She made demons look like angels. She made you look like a saint.”
“Don’t sully my bad name with your claims,” Abraxas glared. “How did you deal with her?”
“That’s what ruined this place. I did a simple exorcism. It didn’t work. I did the most effective exorcism and it looked like it worked. She disappeared and the evil aura went with her.”
“Then what happened?”
“She came here,” the archbishop said gravely. “She stood outside the gate and watched me. I thought, ‘It’s fine. She can’t come in here.’It only took one step. She put one foot over the line and the entire barrier shattered. That aura washed over this place. I had to protect the church from her.
“The pope gave us a blessed weapon made of silver to use against powerful creatures like her.”
Abraxas stared at him in shock. “You shot her?!”
“There was no choice!”
“What happened to the children?”
“The kids that came after. What happened to them?”
“The girl glared at me and the boy came in behind her. He had messy white hair and yellow eyes that blazed with fury.”
Abraxas hummed. “The boy sounds like the rogue hellhound we lost track of awhile back.”
The archbishop gasped and fell back on the pew. “I faced a hellhound? Not only that, but a rogue one?!”
“Sounds like it.”
“They both took a silver bullet well.”
“I don’t know about the girl, but the boy probably lived,” Abraxas contemplated. “Hellhounds can take maybe two or three blessed bullets before they fall. Rogues are another story. There’s a reason we can’t control them. I don’t even think Lucifer can. Don’t quote me on that though.”
“How do you suppose the woman controls him?” the archbishop asked.
Abraxas shrugged. “She probably doesn’t. He might follow her, just because he likes her.”
“Rogues are that unpredictable?”
“Basically. Not sure what they want, but at least we usually know where they are.”
The cathedral doors suddenly slammed open. The metal lock bent at odd angles and lay broken on the floor.
A man, a woman, and two children stood among the broken door fragments. The man had black hair and yellow eyes. The woman had long, white hair and red eyes. The boy had messy white hair and yellow eyes. The girl had long, black hair and red eyes.
Abraxas stood and his purple eyes met the woman’s red ones. “I know you.”
“Maybe you do. Maybe you do not. I have never met you before, but I have met your friend,” the woman said. Her voice was soft, almost angelic.
“Mommy,” the girl purred. “That mean man shot us.”
“You’re lucky those shots hurt more than they did damage,” the boy growled as he crouched low to the ground.
“Abraxas, who are they?” the archbishop asked hastily.
Abraxas laughed. “Oh them? They are well known in the demon realm as the immortal family.”
“The immortal family?”
“Wrath told us about them. The woman, Ray Summers, is a woman like no other. She is kind and accepting, but if you cross her, run. The man, Fox, a human turned immortal. He’s a deadly agent for a place that hunts creatures like us. Those two are soulmates. Never hurt one without facing the wrath of the other.”
“By your tone, I am assuming you have faced such a wrath?” Ray inquired.
“I have.”
“You lived?”
Abraxas laughed. “I have my tricks.”
“Focus. What about the kids?” the archbishop urged.
“I already told you the boy, Damien Ryan, is a rogue hellhound. Rogues are dangerous and we don’t interact if unnecessary,” Abraxas explained. “How did you get the rogue on your side anyway?”
“I did nothing more than feed him when he would not allow me to get him free of the rock crushing his leg. When he finally allowed it, I offered my home as a sanctuary if he wanted,” Ray said.
“What of the girl?” Abraxas asked. “Wrath didn’t tell us much about her.”
“I’m a creature of heaven. An angel abandoned me, and Ray came to see me every day, while I foolishly waited for the angel to come back for me. My name is Blaze,” the girl explained. “Also, Mr. Archbishop, blessed bullets do nothing to me because I come from heaven.”
“You harmed our children. That is unacceptable,” Ray said curtly.
“I’d off yourself if you don’t want to be tortured,” Fox spoke up. “Ray has a temper when someone crosses her.”
The archbishop quickly darted behind the alter and emerged with a silver revolver in hand. He loaded in six silver bullets, each one blessed by the pope.
“Don’t come any closer or I’ll be forced to shoot,” he threatened.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Abraxas advised, appearing beside the archbishop. “I’ve heard rumor that Ray knows how to hold a grudge and will take it out on anyone along your bloodline. Don’t be the one to curse your family like that.”
“Abraxas, was it? You mentioned Wrath? How do you know him?” Ray asked.
“He often comes to me looking for information. I asked who he was delivering the information to and he said it was you. After a while, I got curious and started playing question for question.”
“I see. He never told me who his source was, not that it was really necessary to know. All information proved to be valuable in the end.”
“Glad I could be of assistance to such an important person in our realm,” Abraxas purred, bowing.
“Important, huh?” Fox asked, amused.
“Oh course,” Abraxas said knowingly. “I know who her older brother is and how much time he’s spent looking for her.”
Ray watched as Abraxas’s smile grew. “We will have to discuss this later. I have things I need to do first.” She turned to the archbishop.
“Do- don’t move,” the archbishop stuttered.
Ray stepped forward as her family backed out of the building. “For your crimes against my children, you and this accursed building shall burn. Abraxas, leave while you can. Once my flames touch you, they will not let you go until you have burned to ash.”
“Understood. Have fun with the archbishop,” Abraxas said as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
Ray formed balls of fire in her hands and threw them to either side of the archbishop. Her red eyes went black as black chains formed around the archbishop’s legs.
“You shall not leave that spot,” she said as her eyes returned to red. “This is where you shall breathe your last.”
Ray walked out of the building as the archbishop threw curses at her. It wasn’t long before his curses turned to screams. The night air was cold against her face while the fire heated her back as it rapidly engulfed the entire cathedral.
“Let’s go home, my love,” Fox suggested as he took her hand in his.
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always-idiotic · 7 years
do all 150 lilly do it do it do it
😒1. Who was the last person you held hands with? The loml Oliver2. Are you outgoing or shy? More outgoing but I can be shy sometimes3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? OLIVER4. Are you easy to get along with? I think so5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? He has6. What kind of people are you attracted to? I tend to gravitate toward people that are artistic, easy to talk to7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? Already am so yeah8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Gender isn't real 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? No10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Oliver 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? "I love you too"12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?Any song from cupcakke's new album13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Depends on who it is, also I don't like people tucking my hair behind my ears14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Yeah but also I'm skeptical15. What good thing happened this summer? Hasn't happened yet16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Of course 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Absolutely18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Nope19. Do you like bubble baths? Occasionally20. Do you like your neighbors? I've never talked to them so idk21. What are you bad habits? Losing things, picking at my skin, forgetting what I'm doing22. Where would you like to travel? Most of Europe, south America, Africa, New Zealand23. Do you have trust issues? Lmao yes24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Going tf to sleep25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? All of it26. What do you do when you wake up? Check my phone27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Neither 28. Who are you most comfortable around? Oliver, my best friends29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Lmao30. Do you ever want to get married? Yes31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? Yes but I hate ponytails in my hair32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Beyonce and rihanna33. Spell your name with your chin. Oh oot34. Do you play sports? What sports? No, I used to do tae kwon do if that counts35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV definitely36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes37. What do you say during awkward silences? Usually say I have to go38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Oliver lmao39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Burlington bc it's cheap 40. What do you want to do after high school? Im already out of high school41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Depends on what they did42. If you're being extremely quiet what does it mean? I'm angry/upset/some kind of mentally ill43. Do you smile at strangers? Depends on the stranger44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Outer space45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Dogs, wanting to help people, the people I love46. What are you paranoid about? Losing the people I love, being alone47. Have you ever been high? Lmao48. Have you ever been drunk? LMAO49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Probably but nothing comes to mind rn50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Maroon and gray51. Ever wished you were someone else? Every day52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? My voice 53. Favourite makeup brand? I don't wear makeup54. Favourite store? Target tbh55. Favourite blog? Mine ✌56. Favourite colour? Purple57. Favourite food? Mac n cheese58. Last thing you ate? MAC N CHEESE59. First thing you ate this morning? Fruity Pebbles60. Ever won a competition? For what? Spelling bee, tae kwon do, a couple other things I can't remember61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? No62. Been arrested? For what? Nope63. Ever been in love? Yep 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? It was after prom and I was really fucking wasted65. Are you hungry right now? Always66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? No67. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now? No70. Names of your bestfriends? Alex, Temi, Janae, Thomas71. Craving something? What? Oliver to be back with me, also Reese's cups 72. What colour are your towels? Varying shades of blue and green 72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 or 373. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yeah74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? Five probably75. Favourite animal? Dogs76. What colour is your underwear? Not wearing any77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Ben & Jerry's Half Baked79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Black and gray80. What colour pants? They have Eeyore on them81. Favourite tv show? The Office 82. Favourite movie? Get Out or Moana but it varies a lot83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean Girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean Girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Damien86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Dory87. First person you talked to today? Oliver88. Last person you talked to today? My mother89. Name a person you hate? ******90. Name a person you love? Oliver 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Yes92. In a fight with someone? No93. How many sweatpants do you have? Probably 3 or 4 pairs94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? Too many it's like my entire wardrobe95. Last movie you watched? HSM96. Favourite actress? No idea97. Favourite actor? No idea98. Do you tan a lot? I don't tan99. Have any pets? Yes a dog and a cat100. How are you feeling? Sad bc oliver had to leave today101. Do you type fast? Yes102. Do you regret anything from your past? LMAO103. Can you spell well? Yeah 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? Sometimes105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yes106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Probably not107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yeah I used to do dressage when I was 3108. What should you be doing? Laundry probably109. Is something irritating you right now? Myself110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Yes111. Do you have trust issues? Already answered112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Oliver113. What was your childhood nickname? Boogaley(don't ask)114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yeah a bunch of times115. Do you play the Wii? Not anymore but I would if I still had one116. Are you listening to music right now? Nope117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Yes118. Do you like Chinese food? Yes119. Favourite book? Brave New World120. Are you afraid of the dark? No121. Are you mean? Only occasionally122. Is cheating ever okay? Not really but in certain situations I could understand 123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Probably not124. Do you believe in love at first sight? No125. Do you believe in true love? Yes126. Are you currently bored? Very127. What makes you happy? Oliver, dogs, making other people happy128. Would you change your name? Maybe129. What your zodiac sign? Cancer130. Do you like subway? It's alright131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Probably not care as long as he doesn't try to do anything132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Already answered133. Favourite lyrics right now? Not sure134. Can you count to one million? If I really wanted to 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? I've told a lot of dumb lies136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed I need privacy137. How tall are you? 5'6138. Curly or Straight hair? Straight139. Brunette or Blonde? Blonde140. Summer or Winter? Winter141. Night or Day? Night142. Favourite month? October143. Are you a vegetarian? No144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk145. Tea or Coffee? Coffee146. Was today a good day? No147. Mars or Snickers? Snickers148. What’s your favourite quote? "Do it or imma fist ya boy"149. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes actually150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? "She sighed." Relatable
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