#sad lizard tag
gallawitchxx · 1 month
🔮💨 crystal ball weed bong mickey 🔮💨
installment #25 & 26 for the @galladrabbles prompts: movies by @mmmichyyy & jello by @squirrel-fund!
click HERE for the Master Post to catch up!
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Ian’s heart kicks in his chest, a jolt of fear spiking through him, and his head swims. It’s like he’s back inside the dark theatre he’d been in all week. Mickey’s words are nothing but unfamiliar sounds.
If he’s gonna go to the movies, he might as well get a snack.
He grabs a pizza roll from the plate in front of him and pops it in his mouth. But when he bites down, the inevitable happens.
“Fuck,” he garbles, the sauce piping hot and burning his mouth.
Ian doubles over, in pain and embarrassed. He really should’ve known better.
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“Jesus Christ,” Mickey huffs, standing up and leaving the room.
Ian opens his inferno of a mouth, hoping the air of the room will cool down the masticated snack. Thankfully, by the time he hears the familiar sound of a beer cap being popped off, he’s able to swallow.
Mickey returns, bottle in hand. He offers it to Ian. “S’all we got.”
Ian takes it, grateful as the icy liquid chills his charred throat. “All you got, huh? Even juvie’s got jello.”
“What d’you know about juvie, Gallagher?”
Mickey’s squint makes Ian’s chest constrict.
“What d’you know about me, Milkovich?”
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spider-xan · 2 months
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Thinking again about how I really liked the moments Harry and Curt had with each other in the game - their interactions in the EMF scene above, the mission to try and save him at the abandoned zoo, etc. - but that I also wish that relationship had gotten more development onscreen, especially before everything goes wrong with the symbiote.
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bleachdeadbunny · 5 months
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I have returned 19-ish minutes later with more art.
( Some old, Some new. )
Drawing #1) Half-erased MHA/BNHA torso?? ( Old art )
Drawing #2) Fuckin'- Lizard girl??? ( Old )
Drawing #3) Hands ( From like- 3 Weeks ago 😰 )
Drawing #4) Unfinished mouth ( New, Literally just doodled it. Didn't have the patience to finish it )
Drawing #5) Unfinished skinny male body ( + Unfinished/destroyed spider-man, Head shape and hand. All are from like- 2 months ago. )
Drawing #6) Jason Todd, Everyone! ( 'Think I saw a video of him and based it off of that? Unsure. I got a shifty memory. Old drawing, Probably from 2 months ago. )
Drawing #7) Stolas! Fluffy birb boy! ( New art. Scribbled it out with the mouth I just did. )
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asleepinawell · 9 months
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most fabulous boy ever
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johnfulgure · 1 year
Magnus and the Consequences of Unprocessed Trauma and Grief
As you may have guessed from the title, my opinion on Magnus as a character is that he is an example of what can happen when one does not process trauma (and grief) in a healthy manner. Additionally, I think he's intended as a warning against allowing said grief and trauma to consume you utterly. Let's try and pick this motherfucker’s brain, shall we?
Before we can really dive into it, though, we need to get an idea of the society from which Magnus comes. Magnus is a member of the ruling Reptoid caste: the Draconians. Specifically, he's a soldier and engaged to Gracelis, who is, in turn, part of the Draconian nobility. Keeping this in mind, Magnus also seems to have some connection to Emperor Coracoid. If I correctly interpreted Coracoid's line on page 908, Magnus might even be a direct blood relative of the emperor. (For what it's worth, my headcanon is that he's either Coracoid's nephew or grand-nephew.) Thus, the guy probably has a lot of sway among the Draconian elite. 
If Magus is high-ranking, even among the high-ranking members of their society, it stands to reason that he has a lot to lose should he fall out of line. But Magnus revels in abusing the power he holds over others, you may say, surely there's nothing that could possibly tempt him into risking literally everything he has!
And that is where I say, Maybe. But maybe not... 
What do we know about Reptoid, specifically Draconian, society so far? For one thing, they're very warlike and take great pride in that. It also looks as though marriages among the upper class are arranged. If they aren't, however, the feelings and opinions of female Draconians regarding their marriages/betrothals don't appear to be taken into account if Gracelis' situation is anything to go by. Reptoids also have an extremely strict social hierarchy that could spell certain doom for anyone caught breaching it or anyone born as a result of that disobedience. 
Regarding Gracelis' impending marriage to Magnus, the fact that she's evidently stuck in this marriage implies that female Draconians as a whole don't really have much input or say about who their mates are if their parents— maybe more specifically, their fathers— and future husbands (and they will be husbands, which I'll touch on in a bit) are all for the idea. From here, we can conclude that Draconian society is not only very warlike and class-obsessed but also heavily sexist. 
Sexist societies are often very fixated on gender roles and binaries. They will say, there are men and there are women and these are the only two genders, and there are certain roles for men and certain roles for women and they are rigid and will never ever overlap or change and that's it goodbye the end. They will say, men defend, women are defended. Men pursue, women are pursued. And, of course, if a society prizes men for their abilities to fight and defend and pursue, to be aggressive and not show their emotions because to be otherwise would be to compromise one’s masculinity, it wouldn't be out of the question to assume a society like this is also likely homophobic.   
What does all this have to do with Magnus? Everything.  
Which means it’s time to talk about the man of the hour himself. 
To recap, Magnus is a (presumably) high-ranking soldier of the Draconian military, a (probable) relative of the emperor, and engaged to a noblewoman, with this potential marriage only increasing his social status. Again, the guy has a very far fall ahead of him if he fucks up. But what could possibly compel him to even want to fuck up in the first place? 
Enter Longus. 
Oh, Gus. Poor, poor Gus. He's a sweetheart, and his almost-love story with Brevis broke my heart. Even though I knew they weren't destined for a happily ever after, I still found myself rooting for him to get that hunk of Draconian beef, and when Brevis died, I grieved the lost potential along with Longus. The fact that Brevis never got to tell Longus he returned his feelings only makes the whole situation all the more poignant and tragic.  
But I don't think Brevis was the only Draconian captivated by Longus' charm and looks.
It's never been explicitly stated in the comic, and I don't think it will be, but reading between the lines has convinced me that Magnus was/is in love with Longus. And I do think it’s love, not just lust. Let me explain why!
Firstly, the scene where Magnus finds Longus grieving Brevis is hugely telling to me because, like, let's be real here: if Magnus wanted to kill Longus, he would've done so then. His brother was dead, so there was no risk of incurring his wrath if he'd killed Longus, and the only person who would likely miss Longus would be Quazky, a member of the serving class with little to no sway in Draconian courts (if they even have a court system in place.) Magnus would quite literally have gotten away with murder if he'd killed Longus then and there. But he didn't; he even made Longus his servant, tying Longus to him and thereby ensuring, in some capacity, that he could keep him in his life. And that, I think, speaks for itself. 
Of course, we can't ignore the violent attack on Longus. However, I think this is a manifestation of the trauma Magnus has endured and the damaging beliefs he has internalized living on the Draconian mothership. It's not meant to show that he's just a big piece of shit that has it out for Longus (at least not entirely lol), but rather that Magnus doesn't know how to deal with feelings and/or uncomfortable situations in a healthy way. To summarize, Magnus didn't kill Longus because, in spite of how much it obviously infuriated him, he couldn't bring himself to kill the man he loves. Longus was banished, but he was alive.
The next piece of evidence is maybe a bit more blatant, though it also comes with some implications you may not catch immediately.
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He straight-up calls Longus "baby" here. I don't know about you, but I have a sneaking suspicion this isn't something Magnus just says to people. He's openly flirting with Longus, and there are probably two options here regarding Longus’ reaction: either 1) Longus simply doesn't think he's being serious or is otherwise mocking him, or 2) he’s still reeling from the loss of Brevis and being exiled from the mothership, and thus doesn't pick up on Magnus’ intentions. 
On this page, Longus also mentions that sometimes, after a kill, Magnus would invite “comrades” that he wanted to impress to eat with him. (Part of me can’t help but wonder, though, if some of them were less “comrades” and more “one-night stands”.)
Here, however, it looks like they're alone, which is why Magnus said what he did on this particular page. He's offering Longus the chance to eat with him. On the surface, this may not seem like a big deal, but when you consider the fact that Draconians are obsessed with hierarchy, that Terrans are servants and should be treated as such, it becomes a lot more apparent why Magnus might have said this when it was just him and Longus. 
Terrans are servants, and the Draconians are their superiors. It wouldn't surprise me if their society, besides all the other bullshit, also has strict rules about meals and who eats when. If I had to guess, I'd say that Draconians eat first and separately from Terrans, who are then given the scraps and tidbits from their masters' meals. 
With this in mind, Magnus' offer to Longus doesn't seem so trivial now. He's inviting Longus to eat with him, i.e. essentially treating him as a sort of equal. I highly doubt Magnus would've done that if his feelings for Longus were purely carnal in nature. 
Have I got you onboard the Magnus/Longus (Lagnus? Mongus?) ship yet? Good, because now I’m about to smash it all to pieces and explain why it didn’t work out! 
There's one character I haven't really discussed in detail that's the main drive for Magnus doing what he does in the story, and that is, of course, his brother, Brevis. Magnus loved him, there's no doubt in my mind about that, but I also think their relationship was highly complicated and messy.
Brevis was Magnus' younger brother, so right away, Magnus was at risk of developing "eldest child syndrome": as Brevis' older brother, he would've been expected to set an example for him and live up to their parents' expectations, which was likely becoming a mighty, fearsome warrior. Of course, living in a warlike society, Brevis would have at least been expected to foster a taste for battle and bloodshed, if not rise through the ranks of the military. This being said, from what little we saw of Brevis, it's clear that he never reveled in violence the way Magnus did/does. Brevis was able to stay true to himself and not fall into the pit of toxic masculinity that his society demanded of him. But I'm left to wonder: how? How could he remain so compassionate in a world that was the complete opposite?
Which brings us back to Magnus and the  "eldest child" matter. We can assume that Magnus felt pressured to give Brevis someone to look up to, but maybe there was more to this potential desire to become the "perfect soldier" than just providing Brevis with a strong role model. Brevis was kind and sensitive, which are certainly not traits that Draconian society values. In fact, they're traits that likely would've been beaten out of Brevis (maybe literally) as soon as possible unless nobody ever really picked up on them. I don't think it's too far of a stretch to suggest that Magnus gave everything he had and then some to turn himself into a killing machine to have all the attention focused on him so no one could see Brevis' "un-Draconian" characteristics. He hardened himself, and in doing so, he allowed his baby brother to remain soft. 
We didn't see much of Brevis, but based on what we did see, I got the sense that he was much more in tune with his feelings and emotions than Magnus was and is. This self-awareness, along with his kind nature and good looks, is probably what initially drew Longus to him. I imagine Longus met Magnus around the same time he met Brevis: he may even have met Magnus first, depending on when Gracelis got engaged to Magnus and when she and Quazky became involved. 
Maybe Magnus fell in love with Longus first, but because of trauma resulting from internalized homophobia and deep emotional repression, was unable to properly express his feelings, let alone act on them. This left Longus all ripe for the picking, so to speak, to be swept off his feet by Brevis, and Magnus, who might have destroyed his childhood to save his brother from being chewed up and spat out by the world, could do nothing but watch on. 
For all the love Magnus had and undoubtedly still does have for his baby brother, I think he also despised and resented him: in Magnus’ mind, Brevis stole what should have been his. But when Brevis died, Magnus realized he would never get the chance to apologize to him, that the person he sacrificed everything to protect ended up dying anyway, and this sent him spiraling into a hole filled with self-destruction and violence that I don't think he'll ever crawl out of. He doesn't see Rose as a living reminder of Brevis' compassion but as a dark memento of what he lost and can never get back.  
Magnus is alone— and he is alone; what he has with Roger cannot be called "friendship"— drowning in a sea of grief and heartbreak, and while I understand his trauma is in no way an excuse for the way he's acted, more than anything, I feel sorry for him. There is nothing left in him but bitterness and sorrow and rage, because in his society, to show your feelings is to show weakness. He was never able to truly process the loss of his brother and the “loss” of Longus, and it’s destroyed him. Whatever way his story ends, part of me will always wish that things turned out differently for him. 
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randomnameless · 2 years
Musings about Yuri’s benefactor and Nabateans in general.
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It all starts with the question, who was Aubin?
A nabatean, or a human?
Aubin is the same old guy who gave his blood to Yuri to save him when he was young - the only precedent for this is Rhea’n’Jerry.
Which is why, it’s widely theorised that only Nabateans can pass down their crest through blood transfusions.
Old Man hated his power and blood? Why?
Is it some sort of Aeneid spin-off where the old lizard man resented his blood because it meant he wasn’t “human” and was a monster?
Or, and even sadder, Aubin resented his blood because, hey, his blood and his crest stone are the reasons why people (Nemesis’n’Dudes) want to dissect him, which leads to a very uncomfortable “if only I wasn’t born as X because I don’t want to die but some people really want to erase all X from the surface of the planet”.
And this makes me think, in FE16′s nonsensical SS final boss, Seteth mentions that Rhea is actually the carried of the “Pride of Nabatea”, something he will inherit at her death. Did Aubin resent his condition as a Nabatean, being ashamed of being one or at least hated being a Nabatean, because it paints a giant target on his back?
It might be a reason why Aubin didn’t join Seiros the Warrior back then, if he was too afraid of humans and of being dissected if rains falls and the hair dye vanishes.
Which is even sadder, all things considered because...
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Flayn’s hairstyle is dictated by this need to hide the fact she is a Nabatean.
Seteth likes it when it is “not tied up”, aka the current hairstyle she has, but does he like it because he finds it cute, or because it’s the only one that successfully hides her ears?
Being a Nabatean means those people had to die their hair, hide their ears and hide their true nature from humans. And we know Aubin, at least, hated being “a Nabatean”, resenting his blood.
Rhea apparently takes pride in being a Nabatean, but even proud!Rhea cannot do her hair like she wants, and we know still used hairdye 200 years ago.
FFS, even if the crap S-Support, Rhea wonders if people can truly wish for her happiness after learning she’s a Nabatean 
Can you still say such things to me, even after witnessing my...other form?
No matter how pround Rhea is of her heritage, she still thinks humans/people in general cannot wish her any good if they know she’s a Nabatean
(people who aren’t Willy, apparently)
And I know I joke a lot about this game and its writting, but it irks me to no ends that this issue is... never resolved.
(Save for Tru Piss, but we know what kind of “resolution” Tru Piss brings to the Nabateans even if the lolcalisation team tried to pull a 4Kids).
Will Rhea and Flayn and Seteth be able to show their ears in a future Fodlan? Who knows. Will they be terminated because their ears are pointy? idk.
Will Dimitri welcome them all in Faerghus and give reassurance that no matter the shape of their ears, to him they are still people he would like to befriend/thank/drink tea with?
I wasn’t expecting anything about Nabateans from 3Nopes, but the casual “btw Aubin hated his blood” (thus his own race) made me so sad you have no idea. Seteth’s happy at least in his final moments he found peace, but damn :’(
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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2017 was a different time…
#i’ve just been thinking about this promo a lot recently idk why#i can’t believe they freakin’ twilighted the gardening club trio’s love triangle </3#‘team koyuki’ and ‘team kotaro’… aaaaaaa i can’t believe i missed it :((((((#but even so i don’t post anything on fb (much less insta)… maybe i could’ve created a throwaway acc for the free merch…#but then again… taking selfies in of itself is a challenge when you despise being photographed… but the free merch…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i’ll never be able to get the koyukota movie files to go along with my hina file (sad)… even after all the trouble i went to to get the hina#cringey 2017-me had gone up to the counter after walking out mid-credits and went ‘where’s my movie promo???’ at the poor counter staff#and that was after i’d sent pics of the movie poster to my mother and went ‘can you help me to reserve a ticket for this online?’…#where did the shamelessness of past me go smh. i want it back.#to think that past me was also so shameless that she tried to sell a fully intact lizard skeleton at school…#but oh well. guess i have no choice but to continue living as my present,acetic acid-huffing self…#how did i even end up having a minor life crisis while thinking about the mf hina movie?#i blame the acid fumes ig. i must’ve huffed too much of them while pouring acids out all afternoon…#it is suiyoubi my dudes#at this point my wednesday tags should read ‘weekly life crisis time’ or sth. idk. screw acids.
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nucleiaster · 1 year
Heads up seven up !
I was tagged by @measlywritingblog to share the last seven lines/paragraphs of my WIP ! Thank you for the tag !!
I'm leaving this as an open tag, feel free to @ me if you do it !
Context : The Captain and Jill are picking up new (illegal) cargo, and the Captain can't help but wonder what is inside the box. It's a game the crew plays, trying to guess what they are transporting. They never get answers, because if they want to get paid they can't open the crates they are given.
CW : animal abuse and mentions of violence under the cut
They had opened a crate only once before, because of the smell.
They had discovered a cargo of small six-legged reptiles, most of them dead due to the lack of air and the shocks caused by the transportation of the crate. They had thrown the cadavers out of the ship, sold the rest at their next stop, and Etha and Jill had wanted to keep one of the survivors, who lived a cozy life in the Radio Isotope's garden. The reptile had tripled in size, going from the size of the Captain's smallest finger to the length of his hand, and had kept a form of respect for Jill, the only crewmember it had not managed to bite during its rescue.
The Captain had found the man who had given them the job, and stuffed him in a crate ready to be embarked on a relay-ship. The man had been discovered before he met the same fate as his reptiles.
The rumor had spread, and people learned : the Captain of the Radio Isotope did not smuggle living cargo, and those who tried to double-cross him would come to regret it.
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databent · 2 years
tucson used to have water flowing through it, real, actual water, there was a river full of fish and frogs and providing a habitat for so many native plants and animals… i need to stop thinking about this cos its fucking me up that that will never quite be the case again because of the water being needed to sustain the city and agriculture and everything else
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as much as i love the bsd stage plays, i am still upset that they cut the black lizard :/
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babydollmarauders · 5 months
au masterlist
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liked by jackhughes, john.marino97, and 435,722 others
y/ndevils00 we lost.
well…we won.
but we lost.
we won 5-4 against the orange and blue fucks, but my best friends conspired against me and went against my explicit wishes and CUT THEIR HAIR.
@/dawson1416 @/john.marino97 I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME, ASSHATS!
don’t worry, dawson was jailed for his crime against me
anyways 😒
we racked up 5 goals tonight to secure our second win in a row for the first time this month! including goals from traitor number 1, captain slut, uncle lizard and my beautiful baby angel doll face, Jacky!!
i’m so proud of my boys for not losing their confidence and coming together to win another game!
and special shoutout to my great uncle lizard, who got us our game winning goal with TWENTY-SEVEN SECONDS LEFT! i truly thought we would be going to overtime and i would be out past my bedtime, but no! because Laser’s got my back! thank you, king!
p.s. if you saw, or if you didn’t see, my lovely boyfriend was the first star tonight! and with being first star, means doing an interview! tonight, i bet my sweet boy $20 that he wouldn’t call our wonderful captain a whore in his interview— and although i didn’t think he would… he took that bet! AND took it a step further by saying, and i quote, “Nico’s our whore.” oh how i love this man! sorry, i wasn’t aware that you were chill like that @/jackhughes . enjoy your newfound $20, my love! it came from your wallet last week!
p.p.s. Mathew Barzal, you bald headed bitch, stay away from my goal net and my boys
tagged john.marino97, dawson1417, jackhughes, nicohischier, and curtislazar95
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jackhughes when the hell did you take 20 dollars from my wallet?
y/ndevils00 remember when you were sleeping last week?
jackhughes i can’t say that i do because i sleep every night
y/ndevils00 yeah, lame. well, it was then
jackhughes you know i’d give it to you if you just ask?
y/ndevils00 yeah, so why ask?
lhughes_06 can’t argue with that logic, Jacky
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 i’m not appreciating this new thing where you two gang up on me
lhughes_06 oh really? cause i’m having a blast!
y/ndevils00 me too!
jackhughes yeah, i’m sure you guys are 🫥
trevorzegras remember dude, you chose this life
y/ndevils00 it’s a sad day when even @/trevorzegras understands
trevorzegras what have i done to you?!
y/ndevils00 @/trevorzegras breathe.
lhughes_06 @/trevorzegras bro, her answer is never gonna change. just accept it
y/ndevils00 @/lhughes_06 Lukey, you are my bestest friend in the world
john.marino97 hello?? right here!
y/ndevils00 @/john.marino97 shut up! bald men don’t get to speak!
curtislazar95 i got a special shoutout! you’re welcome, niece!!
y/ndevils00 of course you did! because you did great things!
dawson1417 i did great things too!
y/ndevils00 @/dawson1417 did you? did you, really? 😑
jackhughes @/dawson1417 the answer is no, dude. just say no
dawson1417 … no
dawson1417 John made me do it!
y/ndevils00 that must be it because i know YOU would never defy my wishes
john.marino97 you liar! i didn’t “make” you do anything!
y/ndevils00 @/john.marino97 i trust nothing that comes out of your mouth
john.marino97 well then it’s a good thing that didn’t come out of my mouth. it was typed with my thumbs
y/ndevils00 @/john.marino97 next game, you will be jailed for your crimes AND your sass
dawson1417 @/john.marino97 😝
tofff73 why does Lazar get to be king and i’m queen?
y/ndevils00 because you give queen energy? what kind of question is that?
tofff73 you’re right, that was so silly of me
y/ndevils00 it’s okay! you were just feeling silly goofy! i forgive you!
nicohischier i thought he said horse
y/ndevils00 oh you sweet beautiful slut,, what sense would horse have made?
nicohischier makes more sense than calling me a whore
y/ndevils00 in what world?
nicohischier all of them?!
y/ndevils00 i do not believe you
nicohischier fine, yeah, whatever, i’m a whore
nicohischier and what exactly was i grieving?
y/ndevils00 a normal life <3
nicohischier oh yeah, you ended any chances of that as soon as i met you
user02 2 wins in a row… are we… back?
john.marino97 does it really look bad?
y/ndevils00 do you want me to be nice or honest?
john.marino97 i can’t believe i’m saying this, but honest
y/ndevils00 it looks great. i just miss your curls!
john.marino97 they’ll grow back, i promise!
y/ndevils00 but how can you know?!
john.marino97 it’s MY hair??
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junoswrlld · 7 months
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boys don't cry (smau & some written)
⟣playlist to listen to while reading
⟣ pairing — Spiderman!Yeonjun x photographer!moa!reader
⟣ genre — idol au, spiderman au, secret identity, collage au
⟣ summary — you are an aspiring photographer who falls head over heels for a member of a famous boy band. Little do you know, this captivating superstar also leads a covert life as Spider-Man. As your romance blossoms, you are drawn into a world of fame, fan culture, and the thrilling revelation of a hidden identity.
⟣ featuring — txt, jiwoong(zb1), jisung(nct), minnie(g-idle), chuu(loona</3)
⟣ Updates — when i cann </3
⟣ warnings — angst(?)
⟣ start- 10/24/23 ⟣ end- nevaaa
⟣ disclaimers- This is all fictional, the way I write and portray idols in this is fake! (just imagine the people yn is friends with aren't in the K-pop groups they're normally in plz )
⟣ universe lore- pls read!!!
the Spiderman comics exist but not the movies.
spiderman is the only superhero so no Ironman, hulk, Captain America, etc.
Yeonjun has only been Spiderman since late 2021
Deadpool is also here but hes just a silly guy
no canon events (no dead parents)
there are villains but they're nowhere as crazy as for example misterio or that weird lizard guy
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profiles darkest timeline goblins other & privates
✶ episode 1. stop complaining??
✶ episode 2. #cantdrive
✶ episode 3. thought we had something
✶ episode 4. i know everything
✶ episode 5. protecting the city(yn)
✶episode 6. u were too late </3
✶bonus episode. jumpscare
✶episode 7. 2 baddies 2 baddies
✶episode 8. comeback showcase
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notee... the playlist for this is kinda like sad sometimes :0 but the smau isnt really angsty i promise!!!!! i just made the playlist before i made this so like idk the playlist is mainly based on spidey vibes
yayayayyabyshghag hope all my mootie cutie patooties love this xoxoxo kissesss
tag list!!! (always open) @run2seob @n034sy @roseyrays @jype2papi @beomies-world @captivq @bblyeonjun @yannew @reyarain @cookiehaos @bluxjun @mochijjunie @jesssssmaybankk @dubuii
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kicktwine · 3 months
wahhh just went through your ffxiv specbio tags they’re so cool!!! do you perchance have any more hcs for au ra
I HAVENT DONE AU RA YET but I love the lizards…. My best friends lizardguys. I haven’t gotten to endwalker yet and I know there’s a few more auri characters in there so…maybe my ideas will change But
au ra are I think probably the most diverse species out there just based on HOW MANY lizards exist and how BIG the azim steppes/doma/their reach is. I don’t know if I’d divide species traits by xaela/raen or if they all share that diversity, but I’m tempted to say there are fewer raen, most of whom are either in solitude or hanging out in doma, and they kind of remain proud of their celestial lineage, so they on the whole have more often “draconic” traits, while xaela with their many different lifestyles on the steppe on the whole will be more diverse. Like eastern dragons versus every other dragon species
so! between everyone I think their scales are Way More, most of which are very very hard and difficult to scratch or dent but some of which are soft like some reptiles wherein it’s not necessarily a scale, which sheds layers (like turtles shed their scutes), and more like skin, which sheds in flakes (like snakes or geckos). Au ra whose scales are soft like that are generally the same types of au ra who can pop their (also often soft and thick!) tails off at will and regrow them. Most au ra have very tough, muscly scaly tails, anywhere from big thick crocodile tails to thin draconic tails to tails that have ossified spines or clubs at the end (like dinosaurs!). Since they’re so strong, they can be used to emote — hitting them against the ground is a happy sign, while dragging it against things is Not. Also kids tend to grab and pull them a lot, which leads to the common thought of tail pulling being seen as kiddy. It is quite rude to do to an au ra as an adult. Their scales can sometimes spread to cover most of their body, and sometimes be restricted to the forearms, face, tail, and legs. their horns (aside from being basically ears which I think is cool, they must be pretty complex organs on the inside — I think they can shed but only the tips, like goats, and breaking any further is both really hard and very harmful not only to their ears but because they’re full of blood vessels!! Be careful! ) aren’t really used for fighting or anything they are there for hearing and temperature regulation and in defense. Au ra don’t really, like, sweat? They’re warm-blooded, but don’t sweat. So an important thing to keep in mind if you’re going into the desert is that overheating looks different in an au ra vs another race (lethargy, drooling, and unfocused eyes are your main tells). many of their horns point forwards to block their face. so no, sleeping isn’t that hard bc they sleep like loafs, but yes kissing is hard :( that’s not really a thing they do unless someone else wants to they snuggle and rub scales. so says yoshi p
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Protofeathers are basically dinosaur fur - they are NOT feathers. They’re little hollow filaments somewhere between a feather shaft and hair. These ones are pretty stiff. That’s why au ra hair can so easily stick right up like a cockatiel. Some au ra have been noted to have protofeathers on their neck and arms like fur too :0
i have been. Speaking for a long time. uhhhh let’s see they have feets anywhere from plantigrade (clawed, kinda geckoey) to digitigrade (DINO!!!), their claws really need trimming often bc they don’t stop growing, they are not obligate carnivores like hrothgar but like miqote they need more meat than they do veggies, and it’s sometimes very hard for a non- au ra to tell if the big growl they’re doing is happy or not because big growl is how they purr! Like wolves going HHRHRRRRRR (happy). Also im obsessed with their limbal rings im so sad they’re so faded in the graphical update. they gotta glow. Most au ra are also colorblind in some way BUT! They can faintly see infrared
Also in researching lizards i found out that some lizards and frogs have like a third eye that can’t See like images but it CAN detect light and darkness and stuff? It’s called a parietal eye! Garleans… is amphibian (taking notes) /j
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mamayan · 9 months
So, I was looking the tag "Across the Spiderverse" on the tumblr when I see a request for "Miguel’s reaction would be if you asked him if he’s ever masturbated before?". It got me wondering, how would Tomura, Dabi (and whoever else you want to write) react to this kind of question? - Anon 🌲[English isn't my first language, sorry if I wrote it wrong]
That is a very good question Anon 🌲!
Tag List: @sharpcheddarcheese (for Spinner♥️)
Tomura, Dabi, and Spinner’s reaction to being asked if they’ve ever masturbated before!
Warning: Low risk, slight nsfw
Tomura Shigaraki: “Do you masturbate?”
Best to ask this question in private, if you ask in front of a crowd or the League, he could become volatile.
Whether he has Father covering his face or not, he’ll turn red from the roots of his hair down to his toes.
Of course he’s masturbated, excessively even, nightly, and daily, and sometimes in the middle of gaming if he can do it single handedly.
He’s a pervert, but to ask him so directly to say that he is?
He will ask you right back to your face, “Do you?” because he wants to throw you off your game too.
If you become just as fluttered or more as him, he’ll feel better and possibly make fun of you to take the spot light off himself.
If you confidently claim that card, he’ll scoff and claim false bravado as well and own it too.
If you vehemently deny it, he could possibly react violently. Depends on who you are to him.
As his lover? He’ll lose it. You’ll be dragged into his lap and forced into his version of “teaching” you how to touch yourself. Expect to be teased and edged endlessly. He’s downright filthy about it.
Dabi: “Do you masturbate?”
Dabi’s answer depends less more on how you ask him.
Are you genuinely curious? He’ll look at you like you’re an idiot. “Of course I do.” He owns it shamelessly and without hesitation.
Are you’re trying to flirt? He may lie and pretend he’s never done it before, and even ask you to “show me how’s it done?” A great way to get in his pants. 10/10
Are you being condescending and acting like you’re above him? He’s not a patient man and will absolutely drag you to his level very quickly. If you’re not someone he’s into, he’s violent. If you are someone he’s into, well, he doesn’t have a framed certificate of Professional Brat Tamer on his wall for nothing. Prepare to be humbled.
Are you asking out of jealousy or anger? Hoho, it can go one of two ways.
a). He’s into it and will one hundred percent show you why you should appreciate the respite he gives by getting himself off instead of using you. He’ll stop masturbating for a whole month just to prove a point.
b). If he takes it disrespectfully, please refer back to his Brat Tamer certification.
Are you asking with a pout/sadness? He’ll show you so quickly how much better you are than his hand right then and there. Also, refer back to point a).
And finally, the worst scenario, are you asking in disgust? Oh, please, give him a reason. He will take it. He is more than happy to show you what happens to those with a holier than thou attitude. You wanna sniff your nose up in disgust? He’ll give you something to feel disgusted about. Every inch of his disgusting self, he’s more than happy to provide. You’ll be humbled faster and more violently than if you were just acting like a brat. This is a step too far over his mental line of cute bratty and disrespectful little shit. Dabi has a thing for making whiny messes out of those who want to stick their nose up at him. He’s happy to comply and wreck you.
Spinner: “Do you masturbate”
Be nice, he’s just a sweet lizard with a penchant for violent destruction and sharp objects.
Embarrassed no matter how you ask it, once again, be nice.
He 100% does masturbate, albeit far less frequently than most think! He’s busy thinking about his ideals and goals with the League, so give him a break.
He’s going to ask and stutter why you want to know?!
If you outright say you’re attracted to him and are flirting, he’ll make an escape attempt. Check the sewers later.
If you tell him you’re just curious and he can tell you really are, he’ll mumble and curse at you for being nosy and weird. He’s still stuttering and fumbling around. His actions will answer for him.
If you tell him it’s cuz you’re trying to not feel weird about it yourself, like out right admitting to being shamed for it, he’ll become angry on your behalf! “Who told you that it’s not normal?!” Once again, outs himself immediately. Depending on how distressed you are, he may say “Yeah, doesn’t everyone?” Awkwardly of course.
Bonus points if you get him to awkwardly deny it, and then tell him you wanna show him how to do it. He won’t even know how to breathe, let alone deny you if you’re bold enough. Have fun♥️
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mooncello · 1 month
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Hey friends. Holy wow my big sad brain took me out this past week. I couldn't touch anything creative until the last couple days. (The warm sunshine is helping.) I'm on my fourth rewrite of chapter two for lost boys. (Fourth!) I think this is the version y'all are gonna see because I cannot keep doing this to myself. At some point, things just need to be good enough, yeah?
Eternal gratitude for @thewholelemon who has read every version, every axed sentence and dead end, and continues to offer sage wisdom, feedback and encouragement. Jenny, you're also reminding me to have fun, and, well, I honestly think I would have given up on this thing by now without you. Alllll the love, my friend. 🩵
For today, I'm sharing part of a scene that ended up on the cutting room floor. Enjoy this dead darling as it's headed to the compost pile. In the spirit and practice of having fun and not overthinking things, it is unedited.
It's also long so I've placed it under the cut.
A delighted laugh spills out of my mouth, and I hold out my arms in a raw embrace of the elements, tilting my face into the warm rain and feeling the water collect in the dips of my eye sockets. Eventually I blink open my eyes to find Simon racing between thick, tall flower stems with Pockets. Simon stops for a breath and looks over his shoulder at me, his smile bright and open and wide. It only takes a couple minutes before we are completely soaked through. “Tink didn’t tell me it would rain,” Simon says once he’s finished running around and joins me by an enormous tower of purple orchids. “I don’t mind it,” I reply. I don’t, really. Not when it feels like the most luxurious hot shower, surrounded by giant flowers. Not when Simon is standing in front of me, his soaked t-shirt clinging to his form like a second skin. (That’s happening more – me noticing things like that. Specifically about Simon.) (He’s a dream. It’s fine. I wish he were real, but it’s fine.) “Let’s go dry off,” Simon laughs. We part ways with the others and return to the flat rocks overlooking the sea. The rain ends at the meadow’s edge, so it’s nothing but big blue sky and gentle sunshine as we stretch out on the rocks. A slow, balmy wind sweeps over us from the ocean. It smells of salt and lime and driftwood. The sun-warmed sandstone bleeds its warmth into my back, and I release a contented sigh. “Fuck…” I draw the word out so long it turns into a groan. “The sun feels good.” Simon gives a lazy laugh and rolls onto his stomach, resting his head across his arms. Our bodies make a near-perfect 90 degree angle. “I feel like a cat,” I mumble. “I don’t want to move. Ever.” There’s no response. Simon is silent, which is unusual for him. I squint open an eye against the bright sunlight and glance over at him, only to find him staring at me. His curls fall over his forehead and his eyelashes are still clumped together, thick with meadow rain.  My stomach swoops. I feel exposed under his gaze. “What?” The faintest pink sweeps down his neck, and his eyes flick away. “Nothing.” He sniffs. “I mean, do you ever – I dunno…Would you…” He trails off, and I’m too sun-drunk to fully pursue. “They’re called words, Simon,” I drawl. Simon scrunches his nose and tucks his chin over his arms, tilting his head at me. “What d’you wanna do after drying off?” That isn’t what he had wanted to say, but I’m loose-limbed from the sun and distracted by the way his forearms are folded over one another. I tear my eyes away from his arms and say with a deep sigh, “Told you. I’m never moving from this rock. I’m a cat. A lizard. I’ve entered my reptilian era.” Simon laughs again, and the sound finds every crack inside my body and fills it with a warmth that surpasses the sun.
thank you for the tag @thewholelemon
no-pressure tags and hellos:
@best--dress, @shrekgogurt, @bookish-bogwitch, @cutestkilla, @artsyunderstudy, @nightimedreamersworld, @facewithoutheart, @whatevertheweather, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @ileadacharmedlife, @stitchyqueer, @valeffelees, @orange-peony, @larkral & @iamamythologicalcreature (ty for the art chat 🎨🧡)
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carlos-in-glasses · 6 months
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Thank you for the tag @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @heartstringsduet @alrightbuckaroo @inflarescent @strandnreyes @orchidscript @thisbuildinghasfeelings 🧡
A small section of Where All This Love Comes From (chapter 2 - coming Sunday), in which Carlos probably wishes he'd just bought his husband another apology lizard. Chapter 1 is up on Ao3!
TK squeezes Carlos’ shoulder harder, gives it a little shake. “I’m also really happy to be joined by my husband.”
The majority of the room sighs with a collective aww that gives Carlos butterflies. It’s his turn now.
Every time something that resembles public speaking happens to him, he has to remind himself that he is not fourteen and getting tongue-tied memorizing audition lines for Konstantin. He can do this. He’s a skilled police officer. Yesterday, he tasered a man who used a golfclub to beat up an RV while his wife and child were hiding inside. Why can he perform that function in his daily work life without issue, but saying his name in front of a circle of politely smiling strangers is so hard?
“Hello,” he declares, “I am Carlos.”
He tries to remember the brief speech he went through with TK this morning – a few key facts. But they were both naked at the time, and now that’s all he can focus on. The terrible truth is – this would be a lot fucking easier if he’d had a cold glass of oak aged Chardonnay beforehand.
Tags below!
With no pressure: @reyesstrand @freneticfloetry @paperstorm @sugdenlovesdingle @bonheur-cafe @lightningboltreader @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @eclectic-sassycoweyes @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @rosedavid @lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74 @wandering-night19 @basilsunrise @catanisspicy @chicgeekgirl89 @carlos-tk (if you're feeling ok!) @fitzherbertssmolder @goodways @herefortarlos @jesuisici33 @louis-ii-reyes-strand @mikibwrites @noxsoulmate @never-blooms @three-drink-amy @theghostofashton @whatsintheboxmh - if you want to share/haven't already! ❤️ 🩷 🧡 💛 💚 💙 🩵 💜
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