#sad to say the solution to insecurities and flawed thinking etc etc etc are all typically very very simple
isekyaaa · 1 year
The junk thing about mental illness and insecurities is that like... If you've learned how to cope and improve and better yourself, people that haven't been able to do so look at you like your struggles were less than theirs, like you're just naturally stronger of a person or that your struggles weren't as bad. Any advice you give is oversimplifying things. Any help you offer isn't rooted in reality. It's very frustrating to deal with.
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sevendeadlymorons · 3 years
Hey I’m that one anon from a while back that sent those long ass paragraphs about Lilith and Simeon, remember me? Anyway I know I’m very late to the party, but some of the boys are either getting to much hate or too much love over here (in my opinion) so I made a pros and cons list for all of them, I’m sorry- (I’m warning you now this will be long but I’ll put it in bullet points so it’s a bit easier to read, just read it whenever your mentally ready lol)
Lucifer (I hate this man.)
He’d help a lot with getting your life together wether that be finding a job, choosing the right college or other shit like that
He’d make sure your working hard and getting everything done, which is both a blessing and a curse tbh
He would be the one to take the most care of you whenever your ill psychically
He would probably overwork you
Doesnt have much time to spend on you and doesn’t make a effort to find more time unless your getting really sad about it
Probably wouldn’t be the best of help through issues with mental illness (he just doesn’t strike me as that type, feel free to disagree)
His pride would cause some serious problems in relationships :/
Mammon (I love this man.)
He’s the “if your sad, I’m sad” kind of guy so he does whatever he can to put a smile on your face
Makes his affection towards you known once he’s comfortable enough, mostly through things like hugs and head pats tho
He shows off anything you make, and I mean anything (you gave him a drawing? After showing it to everyone he puts it on the fridge. You wrote something? He reads it to everyone then puts it in his notebook to reread later, I think you get where I’m going with this)
There would probably be some communication issues due to his tsundere nature and habit of ignoring you when he’s mad
He’d get super mad at you when your trying to help him financially, maybe it’s a ego thing or maybe he’s just tired of hearing it
While his possessiveness is cute at times he’d definitely get way to overbearing if you don’t force him to cool it
Levi (I kin this man.)
He’d try to set up designated hangout times (like Friday is movie night, Tuesday is for RPGs etc)
Wanna spend time with him but aren’t very into what he’s into? While it will be harder to bond with him because of this I think if you REALLY wanted to hang with him he’d at least try to meet you in the middle (like if you like sports he’ll offer to play wii sports lol)
Insecurities getting you down again? Well never fear, levi is here! He’d find characters with flaws similar to those you see in yourself to prove that they don’t really matter (and since he struggles with insecurity himself he’d know how you feel and be one of the best at helping you through them)
Even if he makes an effort to meet you in the middle if you have different interests he’d refuse to get into “normie” stuff
He’ll guilt trip you constantly, even if it’s not on purpose (“Oh your hanging out with Asmo today? I get it, of course you’d wanna hang out with somebody cool and perfect like Asmo and not a gross yucky otaku like me”)
You have to initiate almost everything Hugs? You hug first. Handholding? You reach out to him. Confessions? You seriously thought he’d be the one to confess first??
Similar to Lucifer he’d be good at helping you get your life together and putting you on the right track
Unlike Lucifer, he’d actively make time for date nights and/or hangouts multiple times a week wether your going out for dinner or reading in front of the fireplace
While he himself might not be best at helping with comfort in the moment, he’d be great to turn to if you needed a long time treatment (you need a therapist? He’s got the best three in your area that you can afford and he found some helpful things you can do in this book)
As stated previously, he’s not the best with comfort, which can be an issue if you need a friend/partner who can be your biggest source of comfort (I’m not saying he’ll do nothing, it’ll just be kinda awkward ig)
If you vent to him about something he’ll always offer advice and while that can be good, sometimes all you want is someone to listen to you and getting advice can be annoying in the moment
I feel like hanging out with him you’d rarely ever get to talk about pointless things, everything would be serious you know? And while serious and deep conversations are good for bonding, some people (myself included) need to be able to talk about dumb things without having it turn philosophical
He’s the best at boosting your confidence, there’s no competition
He’s more into spontaneous outings (he suddenly got the urge to go shopping, your coming with right?)
You can talk about just about anything with him, no judgment and he’ll never speak a word of it to anyone else if you don’t want him to (although he may brag to his brothers that you told him your secrets)
High emotional IQ
He has set things of things he’s interested in and his idea of trying the things your into is doing whatever it is for about 5 seconds then deciding it’s not for him
He cares a lot about looks, I don’t mean he’ll hate you or insult you cause he thinks your ugly, I mean he’ll constantly try to do your makeup, hair, and nails and he’ll always say things like “Your hair is a bit messy today, did you brush it? Yes? Well not good enough, let me do it” and “your wearing that out? There’s nothing wrong with it, I just think you’d look a lot cuter in this” and if your anything like me, that’ll get on your nerves a lot
While he’s great with emotional issues, if it’s a problem with anything like school or your job he’ll have no solution to offer, all you’ll get is a “You can do it!” and a good luck kiss
Narcissistic, need I say more?
He’s the best person to vent to, no judgment and tons of hugs and comfort food
He’s a mom friend, no explanation needed
Very supportive and always concerned for your health
Your in trouble? Call beel, he’ll help you and make sure your home safe before questioning you and will only lecture you out of love (unlike a certain older brother that will lecture you because “Your tarnishing Diavlo’s reputation by acting out like this. Your an exchange student, you must abide by the rules and behave yourself.”)
Food is his answer to everything (Sad?Food. Injured? Food. School’s stressful? Food plus a little help studying) and while food can be good for comfort, sometimes you need him to provide more than a snack
He’s the opposite of Satan in the sense that he’ll almost never offer advice when you rant to him, he just assumes getting it all out is help enough and won’t offer much more then a hug and food
Not getting along with one of his brothers? “They can be a handful, but they’re great people once you learn to handle the chaos” yeah he rarely thinks what his brothers did is a big deal so he gives you advice on how to apologize and get past it and he’ll give you food
Belphie (he really does attract the mentally ill people huh-)
I feel like he’d be good for certain people with social anxiety and people who have issues with always being scared about being a bad person (“you think your a bad person and are becoming more and more toxic by the day? Well your a better person than Lucifer that’s for sure, wether or not your toxic were going to cuddle now get in bed” or “your worried everyone is constantly staring and judging you for everything you do? Well I don’t really care about what your wearing or the way you walk so I doubt they do either, can we go home now?” ((Side note, I experience both of these issues and his uncaring personality would calm me, which is why I think this one of his pros))
He just wouldn’t care about whatever type of life style you lead and as someone who’s constantly scared of being judged for their lifestyle this would be amazing (“you sleep all the time? Same let’s nap together” “You don’t eat very healthy? Whatever, it’s fine, can we sleep now?” ((although it is a double edged sword))
He gets a burst of energy and just does the most random things (you see that tree? He’s already climbed half way up it. That petting zoo? He’s already feeding the lambs. That store? He’s already spent 30 grim)
Just like his twin he thinks every problem has one solution, but instead of food he thinks the solution is sleep (your sick? Sleep is the best medicine. A lot of homework? If you sleep you don’t have to think about it.)
At some point he just doesn’t care enough, if you come to him with a serious issue he’ll half listen to you rant then pull you down to sleep
He teases you a lot, which is fine teasing is fun, but he takes it too far. Maybe he touched on something your insecure about or he was too merciless, whatever it was, he won’t apologize for it, he just thinks your being sensitive. If he brought up some bad memories he’ll consider it, but his way of apologizing is cuddling
He doesn’t wanna do something? You guys aren’t gonna do it. You don’t wanna do something? Too bad, he wants to so your gonna.
I’m sorry this is so long- I tried to shorten it I swear- but anyway if you disagree I’m with anything, I wanna hear what you think
And even tho Beel doesn’t get much screen time and more serious moments, I think his character is way more then hunger
Random but I wanna add that other then Levi I kin Tamaki from mha and Ranpo from bsd
Dude do you just like torturing poor college students? This is so much to read, I’m about to cry 😭
I agree with the Lucifer part actually! Tho I do kinda thing he’s be good emotion support in some ways, for me, anyway. I feel like he may lack empathy that is needed in a stable relationship. Yes, he may be able to tell you with shit and honestly, he’d book my doctors appointments when I’m too anxious too so yknow. But yeah
Also agree with mammon. He’s a jackass when he wants to be, and I know he may not mean it, but his words are still hurtful in a lot of ways and he just can’t convey those emotions that’re needed in a loving relationship. But he’s so sweet and will show you off so it’s all good~
As much as I love Levi, I agree. He manipulates and guilt trips you throughout the entire game. It can’t be healthy in relationships but that don’t stop me from loving that sweet otaku boy 😔🖤
I agree with Satan too. I don’t have much to say but he’s avatar of wrath for a reason, for a start, and he honestly looks like he’d prefer talking about books than that funny thing that happened in class that made you laugh earlier
Agreed with Asmo too. Sometimes he may just get overbearing and the narcissism and the constant need to make you look better and improve you may get irritating
I agree with Beel. I don’t think he can comprehend that food isn’t an answer to everything and as a person who doesn’t cope with food and relatively hates it, he won’t be any help to me emotionally. He’s so sweet but he just won’t give you that proper support
I love Belphie so so much but I absolutely agree. He’s one of the most unbothered brothers who won’t care what you look like, yes, but that also means compliments may come rarely and like his twin, “sleep is the answer to everything” I can admit I like to sleep but I have a manic side that comes with insomnia and if he’s dragging me down and not letting me move and I just cannot sleep, I’m gonna get irritated and pissed off.
This got a bit long on my end too. I just really liked how you worded this and it was fun to see pros and cons of the ‘perfect’ brothers
I think Beel is more than food too, but I just don’t particularly like him either way cuz I’m not really a foodie so I can’t relate with him lmao
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transsexualhamlet · 4 years
asmr i psychoanalyze hide for fun
a lot of these are just stupid headcanons but a lot are also how i feel that’s just the way he is so
I know no one will read this it’s so very long but hello he’s my comfort character
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(the words are under the cut bc THERE ARE SO MANY WORDS)
thoughts: It’s funny because most of the characters that I really love are just fucking idiots. So stupid. No thoughts head empty. And like at first glance you’d think the same with Hide, he’s got the look of a real dumbass, but he’s actually a really smart person? He just kind of, hides it. He did say he was like allergic to books once (it’s the adhd, king) but that doesn’t change the fact that he emotionally is actually a very intelligent person. It’s something he’s humble about because I don’t believe he really identifies with the intellectual crowd or sees himself as particularly above average, he just finds it easy to understand things. And he doesn’t ever use it for his own advantage even when it would be totally fine to do so, he pretty much always uses it to help other people and I think he believes if he used his strengths to help himself it would be, like, selfish. Which is a problem of his.
gemder n brand of gay: A lot of people in yonder Fandom like to see kaneki as bi and hide as gay but nah fam you’re off. Honestly I do not care about his Date With Rize in the slightest, that man is a homosexual. Hide is the bi one. (it’s not like this is a requirement or anything lmao i am just Saying also i’m bi and i’m projecting) I can also say with confidence that date with Rize was the only date Kaneki’s ever been on and he was definitely lying to himself. (i just, don’t know how you could look at Haise specifically and for one second think he has ever seen a boob) Hide’s the one who’s probably dated people before and he actually knows what’s attractive, he probably just doesn’t discuss that a lot with Kaneki since the bitch is Closeted and hide knows this. It’s funny because Hide canonically has two dads. Like I think that kind of explains him tbh. Bitch has good parents??? He’s the only one but we love him for it. U know Kaneki spent more of his life at Hide’s house than his own.
And as to gender, like obviously hide’s a guy, but i think he’s one of the few cisgenders who could like... tell you why. He’s well versed in those kinds of issues and has just thought about it a lot I guess? He’s comfortable in his skin and with a conventionally masculine appearance but he could tell you what Boy TM means other than yo macho man dude bro guy
personality type- ENFP-T: I took the fucking test for him and it was like... so easy. Took me ten minutes. 
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basically what this means is it just calls him out as a fucken loud ass sunshine boy who has very many emotion and cares way too much about his friend
love how this part of the description describes kaneki and hide perfectly
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biggest strength: he’s so good at helping people?? Like I can honestly say if some random person started rambling about their relationship issues to him I’d give him 10 minutes before he had a perfect solution, he had the person crying and being comforted in just the right way. He’s the perfect medium of confident and caring and he’s not just a fucking ray of sunshine on accident, he’s like, mob psycho 100 style actively working to be nice and compassionate. He’s very aware of how his actions affect people and he always knows just the right thing to say, what to do, when to just let things go or when to say them. And Hide will forgive, literally anything, even if someone does something really shitty to him he’ll realize it’s the product of like, unresolved mental issues or something and seek to fix it instead of cutting the person off. It’s... really good for everyone around him. But well,,, not great for him, see below.
biggest weakness: bitch does nOT leave room for himself. Although he is generally a confident person and isn’t very insecure, he knows he’s giving too much of himself and simply ‘pretend i do not see it but in reality i do’. He’s never put himself first and feels more worthy when he makes someone else happy, and it’s really not that visible but it can take a pretty big toll on him. He’ll feel anger and frustration for his problems but eventually he will end up blaming himself for anything that goes wrong and will just resolve to Try Harder. (which, mood) He does problem solve well and he tries to come up with the best solutions to issues but the fact is he just does not prioritize his own happiness within those solutions. He gives too much and it’s fucking killing him.
what he likes most about himself: Although he does have issues obviously, I don’t see Hide as someone who has particularly low esteem of himself. I think he pretty much thinks he has himself figured out and therefore other people’s problems come first. He generally does, think fondly of himself, because most of the time he can fix people’s problems so he’s yknow, a good person. I think he likes his ability to enjoy life and live in the moment, and he likes his connections and friendships with other people. He values emotional connection and he likes that he can easily create and enjoy good vibes. He loves being the one who everyone just... goes to for a good time.
favorite things: I think I heard somewhere that he enjoys dumb american bands without really understanding what they’re saying which seems very on brand for him, but I’m gonna perscribe him some other stuff too. Obviously he likes bright colors and comic books, and places where he can have fun with other people. He generally likes college, even though it’s like, school, and unlike kaneki he actually had a good childhood and he enjoys the places he spent time and formed good memories, he has Nostalgia TM (see unbelievable by owl city hmmm he vibes to that he was born in 1996 or something right i can’t google things) he also just really likes to just, fix other people’s problems but we’ve covered that. 
what he’s doing right and what he’s doing wrong: Hide is doing his best. He’s no less flawed than any of the other characters in tokyo ghoul, it’s just that his strategies tend to involve 100% less murder. Ok no, let me rephrase that, Hide is flawed, but i meant like emotionally, he’s not a war criminal like everyone else. He may seem at first glance like, just, perfect? Sorry for being a simp lmao but I feel like from the outside he’s just got it all together right? He knows what he’s doing and he’s super nice and helpful and smart and humble and just doesn’t have any visible flaws? He... tends to hide any evidence that he would ever be struggling. And that’s not very sexy of him. He feels it would be a burden on others to show pain or ever say he can’t take something on (if someone asked him to do something he’d do it even if he was already mentally at capacity etc) and that’s something he needs to work on. The good thing is that if they got to a point where after Kaneki’s Character Development they got to just... like, be happy and not be separated and everything Kaneki would be good for him because he compliments that. Hide helps him because he needs a lot of like, mental counseling lmao but now that Kaneki’s gone through a lot of that his eyes have been opened more to the fact that Hide hides his problems from Kaneki so if they could just bE HAPPY this is an issue that could be resolved
insecurities: I think Hide kind of believes he’s not allowed to be sad. Cause it’s like, not his job. He’s the source of happiness for everyone else, supposed to have everything together so he can fix everyone else’s problems. he’s not allowed to be in pain or feel bad for himself even though he knows “Boys Can Cry” it’s like, yes boys can cry, not me tho haha lmao it’s not about his masculinity it’s just he’s like “yeah but kaneki’s had it worse” so like if he finds himself in a bad place, he feels inadequate and like... fundametally broken. and it’s. Like. I felt that but also like king that’s not how it works
goal in life: I think he wouldn’t really be able to answer that question. What the truth would be is that he probably wants to do something grand and important that helps a lot of people and kind of changes the world. But he might not really think of it that way, since he’s usually focused more on smaller more isolated issues and he has no idea what he wants to do as a career. He admires activists and people who put themselves at risk but it probably makes him feel inferior that someone else is Doing Something About This Big Problem and he’s just sitting there riding around on his bisexual bike and being in college. (I’d like to say he’s probably changed majors at least a few times,,, that man was like “oh yeah lmao i’m gonna be a comic book artist” but someone said something about how he’s a good therapist and he’s like “brb kinshift i am now a psychology major” lmao.) (hello i am projecting but i’m right) He sees a tumblr post about some issue somewhere and he hyperfixates on it for days until he sees another post about something worse it’s an issue. But I think what he ended up doing was what he wanted to, even if he never recieved any recognition for it the internal sense that he was doing something Right TM in the eyes of history would probably make him cry
how he was raised: I can’t really say much to this because there’s barely any canon on this and the canon that does exist I have completely ignored other than the fact that he has two dads. Bro tbh? He didn’t need any tragic emo backstory I think he had a great childhood. Honestly he’s probably a rich kid. Not super rich but he’s not struggling man. Not gonna lie to you I think the only reason he went to Kamii was because he wanted to be at the same college as Kaneki who probably got a scholarship. Hide, didn’t. (it’s not like he’s not intelligent but I don’t really think that his grades are his biggest priority, the only time he ever pays attention in class is to give kaneki the answers when he’s gone) 
What irks me about the random lore drop in the last chapter about him having a CCG dad that died or whatever- it kind of ruins the whole point for me. Personally I choose to believe he had nothing whatsoever to do with ghouls or the ccg before all that happened to Kaneki. He probably had correct opinions on them, but only like, in theory, it’s like straight people that are like “yeah ofc gay ppl valid” but they’ve never really had any personal experience with any. So when he gets involved in that- the fact is that the only reason he was... was bc of kaneki. It was never more complicated than that to me. YKNOW, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST, NICE, OK? 
And I think for me that the fact that he could actively choose to be nice and be aware of all these problems when he’s practically got every advantage in life is a lot more important. He didn’t have to be poor or have a dead parent or have a shitty childhood for him to be really genuinely good. I don’t think he’s ever been bullied or anything, but he can still be aware that it sucks to be bullied. I think he was just... raised right. I think his dads are probably pretty fucking baller for him to be such a bro. They taught him the right shit.
General philosophy: Hide is one of the only people in the series for whom the dynamics of right and wrong are not hard to understand. He’s never been required to pick up a weapon or actually truly fight in the CCG, he’s never been really mean to anyone. Of course I can say he’s probably decked a few ppl that made fun of Kaneki in middle school, but haven’t we all. The thing is that though he’s never suffered at the hands of others, everything that’s hurt him he’s gone in fully consenting to it- he can still understand and forgive what everyone else has done. Like bro he’s the literal only one around who’s not like a literal war criminal, but he’s not going to think he’s better because of it, because he understands that if he had been in their circumstances he couldn’t say how he would have turned out. 
That’s why I think it’s so important that he never really had a bad childhood- he’s not better than them for turning out without any blood on his hands, because he was never required to. And he knows that and he goes through every day with all these people who have and is conscious of it. He can’t ever say he’s incapable of hurting other people, because he would have said that about Kaneki before all of it happened. So he’s quite politically correct compared to Kaneki and the others but he doesn’t see things that way.
relationship bullshit: i mean bro i know this is a serious post about like psychological and emotional things but i felt the need to discuss whY does everyone write hide as a bottom I mean like sure he’d bottom if his partner was a top but this is simply not the case with kaneki look at him. Hide. Service top. I rest my case. The man’s the biggest switch ever but when he’s a top he’s a nice top. I think Kaneki needs that to be perfectly honest. He really likes to take care of people. Also kind of off topic but his love language is quality time he just wants to play video games wit da homies and he might fall in love a bit
I find it genuinely funny how much i cannot get away from the tentacle porn on the god forsaken archive of our own just looking at the tags i already know it’s so out of character haitoheoihesdsdsa and don’t get me started on the vore
how kaneki sees him vs how he actually is: One of the biggest problems in kaneki and hide’s relationship is how in the beginning, Kaneki didn’t really understand at all that Hide could be hiding anything from him. Kaneki’s not good at picking up clues like that in general, but the fact that he was hiding so much himself didn’t help at all. Hide gives off the vibe of someone who has no inhibitions and shows every side of himself without hesitation, and Kaneki really does idolize that. He didn’t realize that Hide could possibly be suffering or imperfect compared to his vision. He sees Hide as practically an angel, and that’s exactly how Hide wants Kaneki to see him, because he doesn’t want to burden Kaneki with his own problems since he believes they’re not as important and they would make Kaneki sad. Kaneki knew Hide wasn’t as oblivious as he seemed, but he didn’t really understand what that meant until too late. The good thing about Kaneki’s character development though is that it then helps Kaneki understand that Hide was suffering because of him and he didn’t want Hide to hide it anymore (lmao). If they’d only executed that point well that could have been really good but well that’s what fanfic is for
how he sees kaneki vs how kaneki actually is: This one’s a lot more difficult, because well. Hide’s very good at knowing exactly how people are in their hearts, compared to Kaneki. But there are definitely some things that he’s not super up on. He wasn’t around for a lot of Kaneki’s development, so most of the time I think he still believes Kaneki doesn’t want to see his pain, which is, simply incorrect, Kaneki would obviously not be happy to hear it but it would tear him up inside to realize he’s been oblivious to it the whole time. He’s grown a lot more mature since he spent most of his time with Hide, and I really think Hide could benefit from being able to open up to Kaneki the way he is now. And well. I think his biggest misconception has to be that Kaneki enjoyed women lmao
the most him thing i’ve ever done: listening to a happy upbeat song and visibly bopping while also uncontrollably sobbing
miscellaneous headcanons: 
-he’s a morning person lmao. Motherfucker gets up at 6 AM and Kaneki is like PL EA SE NO
-what he finds attractive is like. twinks and girls with hair in colors that don’t exist and ppl who don’t know what gender is
-He likes Imagine Dragons lmao you can see by the next point
-his coping mechanisms are mostly music and other people tbh he’s like “oh i am having emotions? disgusting” *goes to a party*
-he plays dnd and he mains a warlock i don’t make the rules
-he doesn’t look like someone who would do that shit but he probably knows how to use tarot cards
-idk how but that motherfucker is so neurodivergent i can smell the hyperempathy on him look at that man he has so much adhd
-he’s fully aware that his fashion sense is terrible and continues to wear more and more ridiculous clothes to piss kaneki off
-this man has tungle dot fuck. Look at him. His url is probably something along the lines of my ao3 username lmao
-he can see the forbidden shrimp colors smh
-this bitch likes mob psycho 100 and the promised neverland, kaneki keeps telling him to watch death note and he’s just like n   o hhsdfhhfdshdfshdfs he probably kins tpn emma
-he doesn’t know how to drive lmao he bikes everywhere and he lives in tokyo
-i am once again thinking about how he was in a play with kaneki and kaneki was the main character and he was the spicy side character that’s not a headcanon just. that
songs that are, him: 
-Stand By You (Rachel Platten)
-Luck (American Authors)
-Love (Imagine Dragons)
-If I Lose Myself (One Republic)
-Stardust (New Politics)
-Secrets (also one republic)
-Flaws (Bastille)
-100 Bad Days (AJR)
-I Lived (another one republic lmao)
-Battle Scars (Paradise Fears)
-Rise Up (Imagine Dragons)
yeah he definitely listens to this shit lmao
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rosesastrology · 4 years
Hiii. How can I glow up mentally and physically?i feel horrible all the time and so stupid and ugly next to my pretty and funny classmates🥺. Also I keep seeing angel numbers all the time and was wondering if my guides have some special message for me? Thank you so much!!!
How to glow up mentally?
Stop comparing yourself. The people you're comparing yourself to have their own issues and path. If you want to stop comparing yourself, you have to figure out WHAT you're comparing first. You say you feel stupid and ugly. Why do you feel stupid? Do you feel like you're worth less? You are not less than anyone. You are good enough. You are good enough because you're working towards a better version of yourself. You are trying. You are alive. You're here. That's good enough. You're always good. Do you feel like you're dumber? > you have your own smarts and skills and intelligence. Why do you keep trampling over yourself when you see the worth and skills in everyone else? You are just as smart, just as beautiful, just as good as the people you look up to. Why do you feel ugly? Are you insecure? (Look below) Do others say so? The words of others can hurt us immensely but the words that do not help us grow have no value. This insult is of no value, and this friend does not serve a purpose in your life. Do you think others say so? You're letting the figment of your own imagination about someone else's thoughts rule your confidence. They have no power over you. Why do you give them that power and control? Take that power back. It's yours. It's yours. All of it, all of you is yours. You're all yours.
Practice affirmations and self-compassion. Your subconscious mind takes everything literally, when you insult yourself your subconscious will take it the same way it would if someone else insulted you.
Stop insulting yourself. We all have flaws and make mistakes, however, you wouldn't call your friend stupid if they did something wrong, would you? Treat yourself like a friend, because you'll have to spend your entire life with yourself.
When you feel good, call yourself beautiful. Admire yourself in the mirror, as silly as that sounds. Acknowledging your own worth is so empowering. More empowering than someone else saying it.
Be more accepting of yourself and others.
Wear clothes that make you feel good, even if you're limited in options you could always try doing something like tucking in your shirt or putting your hair up!
Write down your positive traits.
If you find yourself slipping into a bad habit, stop. What were you thinking about? Perhaps this is a trigger for you. Find a solution such as distracting yourself.
Have boundaries. I can't say this enough. Allowing yourself to say "No" is so empowering. Accept your boundaries, stop pushing yourself past breaking points. You're not a candle, you're a sun.
Take breaks.
Watch or read content that makes you feel good. If something or someone makes you anxious, stop reading it, stop following them. You don't have to torture yourself. Social media and everything you see is what you feed your brain; don't feed into negativity. Paying attention to your music also helps, our subconscious makes the choice after all. If you're called to listening to sad music, that's okay! Maybe there's something you're sad about subconsciously. Again, honoring it and letting it go by the next couple of days is key :)
Do something you enjoy.
Get enough sleep.
Take showers!
Take a walk when you can. It helps clear your mind. You could also go to your room or have some alone time, just to unwind.
Talk with loved ones, try to be more open about your emotions. If you want trust you'll have to give some away.
Don't apologize for something if you don't mean it or have nothing to apologize for.
Do whatever makes you feel good. It's your life. You don't have to live in fear.
Sit with yourself through discomfort and sadness and anger. Uncomfortable feelings are not there to hurt you; see how you feel, acknowledge your feelings, honor them (act) and then let it go.
Go with the flow. Let things go that don't want to stay. Whatever is meant to be yours will stay and what isn't meant to be will never be.
Make lists if that helps you (personally I don't cause I'm more of a spontaneous person).
Appreciate yourself. Give yourself the credit you deserve.
Don't suppress your emotions. You're alive to feel. You're alive.
Let go of the ways you tried to kill your pain.
You are always beautiful. No matter how you look.
Pay attention to your actions and emotional responses. Check up with yourself, why did you say that? Why did you act like that? What do you need to feel better? Is everything okay?
Allow yourself to feel, to cry, to be angry.
Some things won't work for you. Others will. Find out what works, allow yourself to make mistakes and keep that curiosity of a beginner.
Sometimes you do everything right and still fail. That's not failure, that's life. Don't blame yourself.
Revenge only allows you to train a muscle of anger that will keep growing until you stop. Resentment doesn't lead to happiness.
Ask for help when you need it. People often aren't trying to ignore you, they are just busy with their own life as well. You are not a burden, for relationships are give and take; you can never be a burden.
When you feel grateful, express it to the other person or to someone/yourself!
Practice shadow work once you feel more confident.
How to glow up physically?
Being happier makes you more attractive, inner work shows on the outside.
Exercise helps some people feel and look better, according to their own standards. However, you are always worthy of love and your love shouldn't depend on your looks. This superficiality isn't something you'd use when choosing a partner, you'd love their soul. Self-love isn't for everyone, at least not immediately.
As I said before, wearing clothes or makeup if you're interested in that, can make you feel comfortable and beautiful.
Skin care! This actually helped me a lot, as it makes you feel more comfortable with your face and body. When doing skin care, you're putting creams on your face or using masks or whatever; only to take it off and have your skin feel refreshed and clean. This actually really helps you end and start the day with some self-care :)
If a scale is triggering, don't use it. Pay attention to your physical appearance instead. Not the numbers. Do you feel better? Good! The number doesn't matter.
Find a diet that works for you but pay mind, usually take one step lower of a diet than you think you can handle- egos tend to be a dick. For me, intermittent fasting can do the trick! I don't recommend dieting too long, or dieting if you have a history with ED. Go to a professional trainer or doctor who can help you make a plan, do a lot of research and don't stick to one diet for too long. Allow your body to rest in between.
Stretching :)
Doing something new, learning a new physical skill, can make you feel very confident. Learning to skateboard, juggle or do a split can really boost your confidence regarding your body.
Dancing, even if it's alone in your room, tends to be fun and burns kcal at the same time.
Take walks.
Go to fitness, get a personal trainer who can help you.
Go to the hairdresser, get your nails done, etc. treat yourself :)
Eating healthy!
Don't punish yourself if you fail during a diet or eat something unhealthy, you are aware of your choices and you made a minor mistake which doesn't mean you're a failure. In fact, if you break a diet it often means that you should eat more during the timeframe you do have! Don't look for punishments, look for reason -> solution.
That's all I got, hope it helps. There's a lot more, but different things work for different people! Like religion, spirituality, productivity, manifestation, love, friendship, working on family bonds, pets, etc, etc.
As for the angel numbers, you can Google the numbers to figure out what they mean! Sending love.
- @rosesastrology
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Thoughts on 2gether ep11
the dreaded episode 11 actually passed without problem
what is this false sense of security? I dont trust it
aww, Tine was so upset thinking Wat wrote a song for someone else precious insecure baby
speaking of Wat’s “high school friend” I was a bit confused by that tbh cause I thought Wat was gay? I guess not or like he wasnt actually crushing on her? guess we’ll see next ep what was up with that
you know I do wish Mil would give up already on chasing after Tine, I thought this ep was gonna be the turning point but doesnt seem like it BUT my favourite thing about all these confrontation scenes with him him is seeing the VAST difference in how Sarawat sounds and acts with someone who isnt Tine vs Tine
we saw that in the previous ep when Mil gave his jacket to Tine and Wat aggressively shoved him away and threw his jacket but the second he was facing Tine he was the epitome of gentleness as he oh so carefully covered Tine with his own jacket
and now in the buss scene the way his voice SOFTENED SO MUCH the moment he wasnt talking to Mil but to Tine telling him to sit over there
a bitch is weak for these sort of things
the bitch is me
Man trying to buy a book from a random stranger because he lied to Type that he was there to read but didnt bring a book and Type just leaving his ass there got me feeling some type of way
their interactions throughout the ep were just so amuzing
Wat has evolved from carrying make up remover to carrying sunscreen for Tine, he canNOT be stopped
at this point he’s just gonna name everything after Tine; this tree? name Tine; this coffee cup? Tine; this book? Tine; our child? his name is Tine
“Do you think we’ll last 10 years?” “No, I want to be together with you more than that” can you guys stop being precious for 2 fucking minutes?
ooh, Tine poor baby is so sad he lost the bracelet - I hope that comes back in the next episodes like someone found it and gives it back or Wat makes them new bracelets which carry new meanings for both of them
speaking of which, I like that the underlying theme of this ep was Tine’s insecurities coming to the surface and him worrying about how their relationship might go bad to the point where he even risks going into the woods alone at night just to apologize to some tree spirit because he doesnt want to lose Wat’; and obviously next ep with the arrival of Wat’s “friend” Tine’s insecurities are just gonna get worse and worse until something finally gives
that’s an interesting direction to take their drama, in my opinion, and the kind of relationship conflict that I really enjoy; one that comes from the characters’ feelings/flaws/insecurities/etc
I love that Wat saw how stressed Tine was and wanted to do something nice to help him relaxed and Dim’s solution was haunted ghost trees! that will totally fix your relationship issues, trust me!
in the background you can hear Green trying to not lose his shit
Type likes a man who knows his way around chores and I can respect that
that whole scene with Tine and ending up paired with Mil and Wat and Dim in the background, Wat glaring daggers and Dim like oooh boy, I done fucked up had me in stitches honestly
but then we got the shrine bit and I CANNOT HANDLE IT Dim putting out Mil’s candle to try to help Wat and Tine genuinely thinking there’s a tree ghost AND THEN SETTING ITS SHRINE ON FIRE
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and it was in that moment that I realised exactly why Dim and Green are together
I talked already about the significance of Tine wanting to apologize to the tree spirit since he thinks that will bring bad luck to his relationship with Wat and god can he GET ANYMORE PRECIOUS
this is totally my type of hurt/comfort
and then the ending scene completely destroyed me like high school!Wat writing a song for the guy he met ONCE and being so adorable and nervous in the video and then he was SHY to show it to Tine
seeing Wat so giddy and excited after seeing Tine again
Man and Boss being  THE Best Friends(TM) ever helping and supporting Wat all the way
of course Man write the email, of COURSE HE DID
And Wat asking Dim to let Tine in the club
and just ALL OF IT *CHEF’S KISS*
I have like two wishes for next ep?? can that guy confronting Type be his ex boyfriend with whom things ended badly and that’s why Type was so upset?
And also if Wat doesnt say when Tine asks him if the girl was his first love “no, you are” WHAT EVEN IS THE POINT
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readingsbylibramc · 4 years
birth chart reading for @annaoop
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a seesaw shape. your life focuses on different ideals and interests, often constrasting between each other. from one side, this gives you the ability to be adaptable and find solutions easily. on the other hand, you may struggle with balance; for example, you might find yourself dedicating your life to your relationships, neglecting your ego or viceversa. you need to learn how to harmonize these energies.
your dominant planets are the moon, saturn and mercury. you're an intelligent and hard-working person with strong morals and beliefs. you're probably very witty, you like communicating and hearing about others' opinions, but you also enjoy your alone time. you're actually quite secretive, and you may also be quite emotional and moody.
your dominant sign is cancer. you seek emotional security in life. you need to feel grounded, you're most likely extremely cautious about the decisions you make. you're also very sensitive and compassionate of others, even though you could get slightly passive from time to time.
your dominant element is water. you're very intuitive and empathetic, you care a lot about others, and you may seem like a healer to people you know. in fact, you always try to help them if you can, almost in a therapeutic way. you're also very spiritual, and you're attracted to anything related to discovering your higher self and soul purpose.
🌍 ascendant in capricorn, 23° / 3rd decan ruled by saturn and mercury
the most intelligent and approachable capricorn decan. you're a vivacious person, yet your heavy capricorn influence may make you feel restricted to share your vitality with others. others' first impression of you is that you look like some sort of authority, someone who needs to be respected. even when you're joking, you still have this seriousness to your aura that is hard to go unnoticed. you care about your manners, and just your overall impression in general. you may take extra care of your clothes, your makeup, hair etc. you don't want to look disorganized, in fact you probably own an agenda or even just write your appointments somewhere. you have a cautious approach to the world, you're very responsible, especially when people you love are involved. you may have a resting bitch face, even though your jupiter and sun dominant probably help you mitigate this. generally speaking, you still have a serious look on your face that looks quite intimidating. you also look introverted, and you most probably are. you're very modest, and that's because you're secretly kind of insecure about your appearance. you always feel like you're not enough, and that you constantly have to improve yourself to be accepted. this gets better with time, though. physically, you're probably very beautiful and don't realize it! especially with your scorpio midheaven. you may have an amazing bone structure, with high cheekbones, a defined jawline and naturally straight, pleasant teeth. you may probably also have an amazing posture and walk, even though you may suffer from scoliosis or other bones diseases in your early years. also, since you have a cancer sun, you may have more rounded features than other capricorns, like a round face, plump lips, big eyes, etc. you may also tend to bloat a bit.
capricorn ascendant opposite capricorn mercury: you appear as a very intelligent individual, and people may even feel intimidated by that. you love interacting with others; even if you're not much talkative, you like hearing about others' theories and opinions. you could also do that by reading blogs, books etc. you may sometimes find yourself in conflict with others, as you’re very opinionated and hate it when others’ opinions are baseless. pretty much, you could seem like a know-it-all. on the other hand, you have a nice sense of humor, you're able to light up the room with your words, even though this quality of yours may be overshadowed by introversion at first. yet, since your mercury is in cancer, I feel like this may manifest more as a passive-aggressive behaviour for you. you may often pretend to be innocent just to avoid conflicts, especially since your mercury is conjunct your venus.
🌞 sun in cancer, 7° / 1st decan ruled by the moon
this is the softest, most affectionate and emotional cancer decan. even though you may not show it due to your capricorn rising's influence, you’re actually very vulnerable and sensitive. you may be a crybaby, as crying is a way to vent your emotions. you may even overreact, and be considered too dramatic. you’re extremely moody; you could be all happy and relaxed with your friends, then suddenly you get sad, or even angry. it’s hard to deal with this, especially because your emotions are quite intense. this could make you argue a lot with your peers. even though it takes you a while to find someone willing to stay, when that moment finally comes you’ll embody cancer’s best trait: that is, you’ll become a ‘mother’ to your friends, lover etc. you have a very nurturing soul, you have a knack for affection and care, and you could even get kind of clingy, even though you may feel limitated to give your love to someone else. cancer is a cardinal sign, hence you may be the one to take initiative, yet you do it undirectly. you’re probably the passive-aggressive type, especially since you have a whole stellium in cancer. you’re most likely also quite patient, even though you don’t forgive easily. once someone tries to take advantage of you, it’s over for them.
cancer sun conjunct cancer venus: you enjoy peace and harmony. you want your surroundings to look all neat and clean, and the same goes for the people you surround yourself with. you wish people saw you as easy to approach, even though you may sometimes struggle with your image. you try to be as formal and kind as possible with people you don’t know well, unless they start getting on your nerves by disagreeing with your opinions or being too bossy. you’re very feminine, not only in your looks and manners but also in the way you dress. you’re quite romantic too, and dream of having a perfect marriage. the downside to this aspect is that because you take so much care of yourself, people may mistake your self-love for vanity. also, your self-esteem may depend too much on others’ opinion of you; you may start thinking you’re ugly and unworthy of love just because someone told you you’re not their type, to sum up.
cancer sun conjunct cancer mars: with this placement, you may be more straight-forward than the typical cancer. you are very impulsive and honest above all, you say things as they are. you don't get hurt easily, you're able to be very brave when you want to, and even if you do get emotionally hurt, you know how to stand up for yourself again. you strive to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true, you're an hard-worker. some may call you impatient, and you may actually be, but in reality you just can't wait for things to happen. for example, let's suppose you're going to the mall to buy the playstation you always wanted. you'd start only thinking and talking about that playstation until you actually get it in your hands. you get easily excited. also, this is another placement that indicates that it's hard not to notice you. you have a very strong charisma that makes others stare. you strive to be the number #1 at whatever you do, you're a serious competitor and you'd do anything to win and achieve your goals.
🌙 moon in gemini, 0° / 1st decan ruled by mercury
the most intelligent gemini decan. you're very curious about the world, you always want to be informed about the latest news and everything that surrounds you in general. this could make you love gossip and journalism, for example. in fact, you're quite chatty, you love talking to others, and you're likely to have a good sense of humor as well. you live to fill up your mind with knowledge, and you love sharing what you learn with others. in some cases, you may even come off as a bit of a know-it-all. you're really practical and logical, even though you don't lack intuition either thanks to your heavy cancer dominance; this is good, as it's obviously a heavy mental work that makes you even smarter, and as a result you don't have the tendency to over-analyze your emotions. you're also quite moody, and you go from being full of energy and sociable to isolating yourself. I also assume that you may hide your feelings, even if you don't do it consciously. e.g, you may make jokes about them. even though you don't realize it, it's a sort of self-sabotaging mechanism, as you're literally exposing your weak points to the world and enhancing your flaws. aside from that, I still think that people perceive you as very likeable, especially when you feel comfortable in the environment you are in. you're naturally flirty and charming, and people take note of that.
gemini moon conjunct taurus jupiter: this placement makes you extremely likeable and benevolent. you're very open-minded, you hardly ever judge someone, you give off very positive vibes. you may be quite optimistic, or at least more optimistic than the typical cancer, you like looking for solution and at the bright side of things. you're probably quite lucky, you always manage to avoid bad situations somehow, even though this placement could be altered by the fact that your moon and jupiter also conjunct your saturn; perhaps, you may come from a more unpleasant background, you could lack confidence and hence you may not assert yourself when taking new challenges. yet, as time goes by and you become more mature, you understand how to approach and overcome those challenges. as a result, you'll probably start seeing this luck of yours later in life, and it may manifest in your future family with your spouse and possible children.
gemini moon conjunct taurus saturn: you tend to hide your emotions under a severe, strict mask. the way you approach others is influenced by your sense of defensiveness, making you lack genuinity. this comes from a fear of intimacy and dealing with your inner, deeper self. it's like you're hiding from your own emotions, so of course you will never be able to express them properly if you're not aware of them. to learn saturn’s lessons, you need to overcome your trust issues and possible introversion. find someone you truly trust and feel comfortable with, and then open up to them; it’s only a small step, but once you become more comfortable with someone else, you’ll start feeling much better. this placement can also indicate that your home environment could have been strict or even violent at a certain point, it probably wasn't much peaceful, but thanks to your moon being also conjunct to jupiter, a benevolent planet, you probably know how to detach from possible unfortunate events. in fact, those hardships probably made you grow up in the much more mature and responsible person that you are today.
🗣 mercury in cancer, 18° / 2nd decan ruled by the moon and pluto
you don't really rely on logic. you're very emotionally intelligent, and you take in consideration others' feelings when you speak. even though you may be impulsive and blunt sometimes, you don't do it with malice at all. you may actually feel guilty after you realize that you've hurt someone. you may be sort of manipulative, as you're very observant of others' behaviours. because of that, you may be extremely good at interacting with others, since you know how to speak to people when you don't let your impulsiveness get over you. you know how to persuade others, even though you may not even realize it. if you manage to balance your moon and your mercury, I think it would give you great social skills. you'd be able to stand up for yourself, while also being mindful and conscious of the effect of your words on others. you may get defensive quite easily, and because of that you may become a bit secretive. that's because, deep down, you feel the need to be understood to fully convey and express your emotions. you want to feel at home with your interlocutor, otherwise you'll just be awkward. on the other hand, you have a nice sense of humor, you're able to light up the room with your jokes. your voice may be nasal, but pretty much very gentle as well.
cancer mercury conjunct cancer venus: this placement confirms your struggles to open yourself to the world. you’re insecure that your thoughts and ideas may be judged negatively by others, hence you just bottle them up with your feelings. this aspect is mostly positive, though! you’re probably a good singer, or at least you have a very calm tone of voice that is pleasant to hear. you’re able to see both sides of an argument, hence you may be good at helping people making up. you could actually be suited for psychology! you may also earn money through your voice and thoughts, so you could be a writer, a journalist, an actress, a singer etc. this placement assures that you may be sociable, or at least that you have great social skills.
❤️ venus in cancer, 12° / 2nd decan ruled by the moon and pluto
when it comes to love, you're extremely affectionate. you need someone who connects to you emotionally, it matters way more than physical attraction. in a partner you look at their manners, not at their appearance, and hence you're probably not the type to fall in love at first sight. you most likely dream of building a family with your future spouse, you want to be a parent not only to your child but also to your spouse. you like nurturing others, you may be attracted to younger or even immature people that need to be 'saved' by someone to become mature, or perhaps you're the one who craves to be nurtured in a relationship. you probably love being called 'baby', 'honey', 'sweetheart'... this type of names that you find extremely sweet. you may also get clingy at times, as you're most likely very fond of pda and skinship as well. the downside to this placement is that cancer brings sensitivity to whatever placement occupies. that means that you get extremely sensitive when it comes to love, and hence you may be the type to get extremely sad, even depressed, after a break-up, or perhaps you could start caring more about your partner's feelings than yours, becoming quite accommodating, so beware of that now that you know it. don't forget to keep your individuality safe.
cancer venus conjunct cancer mars: you are very serious when it comes to love. you seek intense, long-lasting relationships, filled with both romance and passion. ironically, you tend to attract people that are the opposite, who are way too serious and almost boring when it comes to love. that could afflict your self-worth significantly, as you feel unlucky in love. loving you is an adventure; you enjoy fun, exciting relationships. you're the type who's looking for a risktaker, even dangerous partner. you hate boredom, and this may be your weakness regarding this placement; that is, once the relationship starts getting more serious, you feel as if it's going down, when it's actually the opposite. hence, you just run towards a new adventure. yet, since your mars and venus are both in cancer, I assume you don't like changing partners too often, you still want someone that feels like family to you, but that also knows how to make you step out of your comfort zone.
☄️ mars in cancer, 8° / 1st decan ruled by the moon
in life, you have the need of feeling grounded and stable. you want to feel secure, and that makes you think deeply about your decisions, you don’t rush them. you’re not much impulsive, you think deeply about what to do and / or say, you are very cautious. this sense of being careful makes you quite indecisive, especially since you also have your sun, mercury and venus in the sign of cancer. you may change your mind often, or perhaps it takes you a lot to finally make a decision because you kept changing your mind. you tend to try and be collected whenever someone is getting on your nerves, but your feelings are extremely intense to totally bottle them up. you either get slightly passive-aggressive, and hence you could get very sarcastic and call them out indirectly, or perhaps you just lose your temper and face them angrily. possibly, you could even be the type to bottle up all of your feelings, until you explode all of a sudden. that can also make you more furious than normal, as you have all these repressed, strong feelings inside of you that were screaming to get out. you’re also extremely protective of your loved ones, especially of your family.
🏡 houses, interceptions
your 1st house is in capricorn. neptune and uranus are both here as well. with these three planets here, you seem less intimidating than the typical capricorn rising. in fact, you may look more on the dreamy, reserved side. uranus also makes you stand out from the crowd, you’re very charismatic in your own way. your body may be more elongated, you may be tall or at least you have a prominent vertical line. with your first house in capricorn, you care a lot about your status and about your goals. you always give the best of yourself, and you want to be acknowledged and praised for your achievements. it helps boosting your self-esteem, even though you may have the tendency to think that the compliments you receive aren’t honest. you are most likely a very maternal individual. you probably love your family, or just the idea of having a family in general; you could be the mom friend of your group, as you come off as someone very nurturing.
your 2nd house is in pisces. your relationship with money may not be totally stable; you may get distracted easily, and you could lose your money around. you could be quite messy, overall, or in general, this is usually a placement that indicates sudden money loss. this placement also confirms that your self-esteem isn’t stable either; you could be quite insecure, and you may idealize a lot the way you look. for example, you could think that you have an ugly nose when it’s actually the opposite. same goes for your belongings; you may think that you have saved loads of money, you spend them, and then you realize you didn’t really have much. the ruler of the 2nd house is in the 1st house: you could increase your self-esteem through spiritual outlets. for example, getting to know more about your soul purpose, or even about your birth chart, can literally boost your sense of worth. perhaps, you may start loving yourself more even through sex and intimacy in general. you could also make money from yoga, meditation and spiritual outlets, such as astrology, tarots, etc. you may also gain more confidence from material things, and hence you could start feeling better when you're able to earn and spend money, or perhaps when you buy new stuff for yourself. even dressing up or wearing clothes that you like would do.
your 3rd house is in aries. when you communicate, you take a lot of pride in your opinions. you hate admitting that you’re wrong, especially since you’re a perfectionist. you could be quite impulsive, and you may speak with a naturally loud tone of voice. you’re extremely good at coming up with plans easily, and you probably manage to stick to them thanks to your stellium in the 6th house. with the ruler of the 3rd house in the 6th house, you may make money out of communication. hence, you could be a teacher, a therapist, a psychologist… everything that involves the use of words in some way. this is a placement that indicates that your future career involves not only communication, but also healing someone in some way. you could become a writer or a musician, as art can heal people in an indirect way. or maybe, you would also do well as a counselor or as a nurse, as they’re more challenging jobs where you need to communicate in order to help someone out.
your 4th house is in taurus. your childhood wasn’t very turbulent, but not perfect either. your parents were most likely quite strict with you, possibly even violentat times, and your home environment wasn’t exactly perfect. someone in your family may also be absent, maybe physically or even emotionally. you probably were a very artistic and creative child, and since jupiter is also located in this house you probably got to make a lot of experiences in your early years. you could have travelled a lot for example, or in general you do have childhood stories to tell. the ruler of the 4th house, venus, is in the 6th house: you may end up following your parents’ same steps when it comes to school and / or work, or even health. you could inherit a disease from them, for example. you might have also been a very active and healthy kid, perhaps you used to eat a lot and didn’t gain weight, or you’ve always done sport in your life. you could also find a job in your birth country / city, or perhaps you won’t move farther than that, I don’t see you going abroad.
your 5th house is in gemini. you feel able to express yourself and your creativity through communication and media. probably, when you were a child you used to love puzzles. your hobbies are quite different from each other, and they have the goal to stimulate your mind in some way. in fact, with this gemini energy here, you’re probably interested in anything that involves communication. you may love reading or even writing yourself, and perhaps you could also be talented at acting or at least voice acting, you’re very expressive. you’re able to convey your thoughts clearly in your speech, and you may actually be good at mimicking others’ voices as well. you could also be a talented singer. also, since your 3rd house, which is gemini's natural house, represents career in your chart, I’d truly recommend you to turn a hobby of yours into a job. hence, if you’re into acting, you should try becoming an actress; if you like singing, you may become a singer, if you’re into writing, you should become a writer, and so on. it’d be the most pleasant and suitable job for you.
your 6th house is also in gemini. in your daily routine, especially at work, you have to communicate a lot. you come in contact with lots of people, or maybe you write stuff like blogs or books. generally, you have a very hectic schedule, as you have different hobbies and appointments that you can’t abandon. you also have a big stellium in this house involving your venus, mars, sun and mercury: this venus placement indicates that you may be prone to procrastinate, even though I don't really think it's exactly your case since mars is also placed in this house. in fact, you may actually overwork yourself, or in the best case you manage to balance these two energies and give proper space to both your hobbies and work. your ideal career has to include something that allows you to express your personal taste, ideas and interests. in this way, it won’t feel too heavy to you, and you’ll find pleasure in working. side note, but this placement also indicates that you may often date co-workers. with mercury and the sun placed in this house, you probably thrive from being efficient not just at work, but also in your daily routine; you probably like having a schedule, a routine of any kind (like a diet or a skincare routine for example). the ruler of the 5th house is in the 6th house: this placement confirms that you would do amazing at a career that involves creativity and pleasure. you could be a writer, a singer, an actress, a photographer… in general, anything that allows you to be creative using your words.
your 7th house is in cancer. in marriage, you’re looking for an affectionate and caring partner who’s willing to nurture you. you’re also the type to like younger people to nurture by yourself, even though your heavy cancer dominance points out that you’d rather be in a relationship where your partner is older and / or can be the one to take care of you. you can’t have the burden of controlling someone else, especially if you have yet to solve your identity issues or problems with your self-esteem. your future spouse most likely comes from your same city or at least from your country, you most likely share the same religion, culture, language, etc. they’ll literally feel like home to you, perhaps you’ll have a more serene family with them rather than with your parents. also, in a partner you value feelings above all. you probably don’t have a high sex drive, or at least you don’t care about physical affection as much as your feelings.
your 8th house is in virgo. you use a practical approach when it comes to intimacy, you may struggle to let go around others, especially with your pluto energy in the 11th house that gives you major trust issues. you’re extremely secretive, you hardly ever talk about yourself, and you may even despise being too exposed. you’d rather stay by yourself, in fact you have a very mysterious vibe to your aura. also, with virgo in the 8th house, you may feel so tied to a schedule, to a plan, that you lack flexibility. you probably hate chances, but at least you don't lack intuition thanks to your cancer stellium. even though you may struggle to get closer to your spiritual, higher self at first, you're extra good at handling situations here on the earth. for example, you may handle money very well if you're well-organized. transformation in your life happens when you're able to stimulate your logical mind to earn awareness of your problems. to make it simple, you may often not realize your mistakes yourself, others have to let you notice, but thanks to your gemini moon's energy in your chart you're able to solve your problems by your own.
your 9th house is in libra. your beliefs and life philosophies were shaped by the outside world. that doesn’t mean you’re basic; you just don’t look enough in yourself, you prefer taking inspiration from others. in fact, when you realize that you don’t feel attached to a certain topic or opinion, you just leave it behind and seek other truth. you're easy to influence, and the fact that you're so open-minded doesn't help either. you hate being told what to do, you want to be free in the decisions you make. the ruler of the 9th house is in the 6th house: you may pursue a career that involves travelling, foreign languages, culture, etc. perhaps you may have to travel a lot for work, or maybe you’ll actually move abroad to pursue your career. you could have to interact with people from all over the world, and your career will overall allow you to open your mind even more and make new experiences. you may also work as a writer, a philosopher, or even as a teacher or professor. you could also be a trainer of any kind, like a personal trainer for example.
your 10th house is in scorpio. you may have a reputation for looking mysterious, as you’re probably not very sociable. you’re extremely motivated to achieve your goals, even though you may feel lost and confused due to your hard aspects and interceptions. you’ll pursue a career that involves looking for the truth, hence you may be a detective, a scientist, a poet etc. your career will give you a major change in your life, and you’ll finally be able to embrace your self-esteem and indipendence thanks to it. overall, once you find your true vocation, you’ll have no problems working, especially if you decide to pursue a creative career that is the most indicated for you, even though it may take you a while to find the right job for you due to your midheaven being in scorpio. I feel like you may receive and earn a lot of money that mostly comes from other people, like customers or even fans, but you most likely won’t work under a boss, you’ll be independent. you may even open a shop by yourself, for example.
your 11th house is in sagittarius. your friends may be very open-minded, and you might have met them in school. they could also come from a different cultural background, or maybe they’re directly from abroad. at first, you struggled to make friends, as you were very secretive. with time, you’re learning to trust people and to transform and grow up through them. you’re particularly fond of your friendships as they play a big role in your growth and fortune. you could get popular easily, or at least you’re so benevolent of others that it’s easy for you to be likeable and get to know new people if you try, even if you’re an introvert. this placement also indicates that people may admire you, and you may even be seen as someone wise, a role model. in fact, it’s a perfect placement for a celebrity, as you may naturally attract fame and fans to you. yet, since pluto and chiron are also placed in this house, it may take you a while to come in touch with this side of you. in fact, you could be very secretive and picky when choosing your friends, you struggle to find people that you can really trust. you may have high standards, or you just don't attract people that you consider perfect for you. probably, chiron here indicates that one of your friends probably did something that hurt you and that you probably still remember, and hence it could affect the way you approach others.
lastly, your 12th house is in sagittarius again. you’re particularly interested in religion and higher beliefs, hence meditation would be effective for you. yet, you need to get enough sleep, or you could not be able to fully embrace the spirituality of this placement. you may also be able to have prophetic dreams, or at least they have a strong moral beyond them. also, with sagittarius in this house, you may find luck and relief in neptunian topics, such as meditation, dreams, astrology, religion, psychology etc. you may have a special bond with your pets, you’re extremely intuitive, you could even be able to predict the future, perhaps through day-dreams or even through your sleeping dreams. I’d definitely recommend you to get closer to your higher self in this lifetime, as it’s the key for you to find joy and pleasure. to do that, you may get into spiritual topics like astrology, tarots, psychology, meditation, yoga, religion… anything that allows you to detach from your everyday life is the key for your soul’s ease and peace. the ruler of the 12th house is in the 4th house; you may have a very spiritual, religious family, or perhaps your relatives were a part of your past lives, and hence they’re your soulmates. you may also dream of them often.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract cancer, aquarius, taurus, gemini and virgo. your future spouse will most probably have taurus and aquarius placements, hence they’ll be very intelligent, imaginative and confident, but also very loyal and stubborn. they’ll be more of a homebody like you, and they'll probably prefer spending a date inside than out. you could actually meet them in your birth city, or perhaps they’re someone from your childhood or directly a past life. they could also be introduced to you through your family or friends. your children will be heavy in gemini/virgo placements, hence they’ll be very intelligent and talkative, maybe even too chatty. yet, they’ll be pretty ambitious, polite and serious individuals as well.
👶🏻 family life
your mother was very caring and affectionate with you, even though she could’ve been a bit too protective and/or strict, possibly even violent or overwhelming. she’s probably a taurus, a capricorn, a sagittarius, a pisces or a libra, or she has at least some placement in those signs or in the 2nd, 7th, 9th, 10th or 12th house. your father is more dominant than your mother, and he could be very scary. he’s very honest, and he may also be a bit possessive and controlling of you and the rest of your family in general. hence, he was the dominant figure in your house, but you may still have a nice relationship with him. he’s probably a scorpio or any other water sign. if you have siblings, they’re probably aries or scorpio. you might fight a lot for control, especially during childhood. you’re also quite possessive of your things, but overall you also have a deep bond. even though you may argue quite a bit, you still have affection for each other.
📊 career
you could do well at a variety of jobs to be honest! with your gemini in the 6th house you could actually work in different fields before sticking to one career, hence you’re pretty experienced. in your chart, I definitely see writer or poet potential, you have a lot of placements that point it out. you also have a stellium in your 6th house, which is associated to healing, fitness, health. hence, you could also become a therapist, a nurse, a doctor... literally anything in the med field. otherwise, you may also do well as a teacher, abroad as a translator or even in your natal country, as a journalist, as a singer... anything that has to do with communication, as well as creativity and healing of any kind. you may also do well as an actress.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
your style is most likely very androgynous, you wear pieces of clothing that are literally suitable for everyone. you probably prefer wearing oversized fits rather than tight clothes, and you're also fond of sweatshirts, big cardigans or jackets, oversized t-shirts... anything that feels very comfortable, but that still has some feminine, classy energy to it. you may like softer, natural shades of colours like white, beige, black, etc. in your clothes, and you could also enjoy prints and graphics on them. you may also be attracted to vintage fashion.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, the focus was on yourself. maybe, you had troubles with self-esteem and identity in general. you had to work hard and finally understand who you were to fulfill your past life purpose. hence, this lifetime your focus will be on the bonds you create with others. at first you might feel almost scared to the idea of marriage, or perhaps it's the opposite and you feel very attached to others; this lifetime you're here to develop this matter. with your north node in the 7th house, you're naturally lucky in love. there's nothing to be afraid of, you only need to take small steps and open your heart to someone, putting your worries and insecurities aside.
🤔 major transits analysis, october 5th
this year, your focus is on your persona. you might feel new, like you’re born again. you’ve probably gone through a few hardships last year that made you question your value, but now you’re back on track. this year, together with 2021, will be crucial for your self-esteem. even though you may feel pressured to always look at your best, you’re finally learning how to accept and love yourself. also, the north node is transiting your 5th house, and most importantly it’s opposite your pluto, so you may meet someone who can have a big impact in your life romantically! keep your eyes open, especially when you attend public spaces like cafes, libraries, parks, etc. I don’t see it being necessarily your future spouse, but they may be very helpful for your self-growth.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
with your water dominance, you probably have a 6th sense. you’re able to manifest what you want if you subconsciously predict it, even though it may be hard. you’d have to get in touch with your higher self to do so, and hence I would suggest you to light up some candles and meditate for a bit before manifesting, in this way it will be way more effective. you may manifest something while daydreaming, for example. or perhaps, you can also try listening to your own affirmations while you sleep, as you won’t be consciously aware of that. it’s probably the most effective way.
this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading, hope it resonated with you :)
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funkymbtifiction · 7 years
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Percy [ESFJ]
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Extroverted Feeling (Fe): All of Percy’s reactions are emotional, and he’s quick to pick up on other people’s as well and accommodate them, or even manipulate them. He tries to be polite and cares about how other people see him. While the series says his fatal flaw is loyalty to his friends (that Percy would sacrifice the world for his loved ones), in actuality, Percy always does things against his own emotional needs for the greater good in the end. He values unity and cooperation and this shines through as he develops as a leader and finds the place he fits in. He cares about what’s socially acceptable, even though his ADHD can make it hard for him to control his outbursts, and is determined to please other people and to not cause trouble or separate himself socially. When you lose his respect, he makes it clear in harsh judgements and impertinence, and throws all his cares about feelings and social norms out the window. Despite Percy being rough around the edges at the beginning, he’s an extremely kind individual who puts everyone’s needs before his own to the point that he exhausts himself, and he’s extremely affected by the feelings and opinions of others. People open up to Percy because he makes them feel comfortable and engages with them, being an active listener and expressive in conversation. He often feels what other people are feeling, and his mood is very changeable to the environment. Overall, his development as a person revolves around his Fe as he becomes an inspiring leader who fights with and for others with a confidence in himself that he didn’t originally have.
Introverted Sensing (Si): Reading Percy’s descriptions make his Si evident. He wants to immerse the reader in his personal sensory experiences, and very often does he compare things to what he’s used to. Memories, especially sensory ones, have a great deal of importance to him. He takes time to explain personal significance to different smells and sounds and sensory feelings like warmth associated with his Fe. His Si unfortunately also gives him his token pessimism, with his “this has happened and will happen again” thinking. He’s very resigned at the start, with no hope of things ever changing. His Si also gives him this feeling of normalcy in a crazy mythological world. He provides a relatable voice to the readers with his roots in what’s “normal,” often with his ironic sense of humor. One common misconception by fans is that Percy doesn’t care for rules, but it’s always circumstance that makes him seem a “troubled kid.” He makes it clear that he doesn’t want to go against rules and expectations and structure, and when there’s no life threatening danger involved, he’s very much a rule-follower and is very polite and ‘socially acceptable.’ It even stresses him out when other people, like Annabeth, are rude or do something unpredictable or rebellious.
Extraverted Intuition (Ne): Probably what gives Percy his “goofball” label along with his amiable Fe nature, he makes wild connections all the time. Two totally unrelated things can somehow be related in a way to make things more familiar to him, to lighten up a serious situation, or to properly describe crazy things to the reader so they can relate well. This function also comes in handy with his Si when facing enemies. He can recall a piece of information or structure and then predict how things will go, coming up with sometimes bizarre solutions to problems that will shock Annabeth, who always has a “my way” of doing things. Percy is also good at combining previous bits of information and connecting things to make accurate conclusions.
Introverted Thinking (Ti): The source of Percy’s ditziness is his low Ti, but almost all of Percy’s “stupidity” is the result of insecurity in his intelligence. Analyzing things isn’t his strong suit and requires conscious effort, but he’s actually very good at analyzing emotions and social situations. He’ll always ask “why” when it comes to feelings. Why am I feeling this way…well I guess this is why. Why is Annabeth upset…it might be because of this. He’s also very good at making sense of things based on information he has. However, it’s still his inferior function. At his worst, Percy is indifferent, cold, calculating, and can even be cruel. He stops caring, and separates himself from others. But in general he tries to keep his emotions in check, often opting to not say or do something because “I realized it would’ve sounded X/I knew the feeling didn’t make sense/etc.” Overall his emotions are very surface level (I felt angry. I was sad.) and he tries to explain/talk through them with the reader, and will sometimes talk himself out of feeling something because he felt it wasn’t appropriate.
Note: It’s Percy’s ADHD that makes people mistype him as a Se-dom, and it’s his canon fatal flaw that is mistaken for Fi (despite his fatal flaw never actually being a problem…as mentioned he always does things against his own emotional wellbeing for the greater good). Grover is an INFP, and Annabeth is either a fiercely independent ISTJ who has a Judging-dominant quality to her, or she is an INTP who knows how to properly translate her strategy and intuition into the real world like a Te-user through practice and because of her demigod abilities. 
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r-f-a-scenarios · 7 years
Hey, could I request the RFA reacting to an MC that has self esteem issues (like there are just some days that she thinks she's worthless or ugly) pretty please
I imagine Yoosung is prone to feeling insecure every now and then himself. He knows the feeling and genuinely tries to relate to them and listen to them to understand their emotions better in order to be able and help them work it out.
He’ll comfort them with cuddling sessions and pepper their face in little pecks. He’s going to shower them in compliments 24/7. Whatever helps them understand that he loves them.
Best thing about it is, since he knows what it’s like, he knows what can really boost confidence a little. It’s not about degrading others to make them look better. It’s about saying “what you feel insecure about is no flaw. It’s a part of you that I very much love actually.”
She’s the type to listen to their concerns and worries whenever they need someone to talk to.
They can vent and rant to her for hours upon hours. She’s going to sit down with them, make them some coffee (or tea, whichever they prefer) and just listen. Without interrupting them or trying to argue with them.
She’ll point out things she loves about them, things that she’s proud of about them, anything to boost their confidence.
Distraction also is something she suggests. Sometimes it’s better to step back from a certain situation and let emotions cool down to later reflect on them with a more calm mindset.
“If there’s anyone as perfect, if not more perfect than me, it’s you, babe.” He’s literally worshipping them from head to toe, inside and out, just the way they are and he’ll point it out all the time.
He’s genuinely upset about his s/o feeling sad because of who they are. To him, they’re literally perfect and it’s a shame they can’t see it themselves. Especially in physical regard about their looks.
He wants to get to the root of things. What is it that caused them to think about it? How exactly do they feel thinking about their insecurities? For example, if they’re uncomfortable with him bragging about his looks, he can respect that and will be more thoughtful, if that’s a reason.
He’s not going to have them feel worthless for something they did or did not do, etc. Everybody makes mistakes and being successful or reaching your dreams is hard work with ups and downs. He knows it best himself. But giving up is no option. If something isn’t to your tastes in what you do, then you need to try and work on it.
Their wish is his command. Whatever makes them feel better, a new outfit to boost their confidence, a weekend trip overseas to get their mind off of things, he’ll arrange it, as long as it cheers them up a little.
He uses rational thinking and logic to argue with their concern. It might seem bold and coldhearted, but he truly does want to convince them that they’re kind of in the “wrong” from a logical point of view.
Thing is, feeling a certain way isn’t always based upon logic, which can be frustrating and overwhelming. It’s why he wants to talk about it and not sweep it under the rug and let it be. He might not be able to relate, but he can offer an open ear and try to find a solution to make them feel better.
“You hate yourself because you ate some potato chips? I ate two entire bags earlier and you don’t hate me for it do you?”
What they need is a good laugh and he will make himself look like a total goof, if necessary. Whatever it takes to make his love chuckle, even if he just draws a weak smile from them, it’s already worth it.
He’s going to kindly remind them that they’re only human as well and that humans make mistakes and all have their individual flaws and that it does not make them a horrible person or worthless. It just makes them human and loveable in his eyes.
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gemini-62-blog · 7 years
A different post
Hey babes! Thought I wouldn’t be back? So did I, but after y’all were all over my dm’s asking for a comeback, I decided to be a nice beach (wrote this way on purpose, I’m not dumb, okay?) and not only post again but also give my blog a fresh, still classy new look. Here’s the thing, it is hard to stick with my famous person’s life and all of this work. But my manager said it would be a good thing for me to share a little bit with my loyal fans, and you know what? I missed you guys! And I had my birthday less than a month ago, so yeah, for those who are interested, contact me and I’ll give you my P.O. box so you can send me jewelery (and yes, it can be written jewelry, jewellery ot jewelery I have told I ain’t dumb!).
All jokes aside, if you remember my last post I said it was hard to stick with something, and it is! But I actually ended up watching 13 Reasons Why. I really liked it, and it made me be a little less of a beach towards other people, because you really don’t know what they are going through. Just kidding, I am not that bad, I can be a massive beach, one of those next to the dead sea, because I can also be as salty as it gets, but that is usually when I am facing someone who is full of themselves. “Try me, try me.” That usually the vibe I give to those people, but don’t think I can’t attack, you know. I bite, I am not an annoying pinsher, that only barks. Anyway, even with those people I have started to calm down and understand how much they just hate themselves, which is pretty sad. The best way to win while fighting those people is to understand that no one really wins unless both of you win. Get to their heart and try to make them understand that they don’t need to have that barrier. I hate when people have barriers to make their insecurities less visible, to be honest, it will only makes them even more noticeable. If you really aren’t in the mood to make a good action, just walk away without fighting and show them how little you care. Their victory won’t taste the same. I think if you believe in karma you will end up being way happier. Feeling that whatever force you believe in, (universe, god, etc.) sooner or later will make everyone pay for what they did wrong, makes you face life with good positive energy that will help you being more successful and happy, therefore, succeed over those who do not behave in a correct way. Having morals is the most valuable thing in someone. So, if you kinda stayed away from 13 Reasons Why because of all the attention it got on the media (which I don’t blame you) I really think you should go for it and binge watch the motherfricker. Things won’t make much sense until around episode 10, but it will still be awesome. But get one thing in your mind, there are no reasons that can justify a suicide. I once heard that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, but the thing is that suicide isn’t even a solution under any circumstance. I don’t think that was the message of the show, or the book that inspired the show, but I know they got a ton of backlash for representing Hannah as a hero, which I don’t think they did, but I can understand what people mean when they say that. By the way, am I the only one who doesn’t really like Tony? I think the character was annoying, and the actor absolutely sucked, but everyone seemed to love him. And Clay isn’t hot, please people! It is like when Tom Hiddleston (who? I know, right?) started “dating” (#mymanagerisbetterthanyours) Tay Tay (or should I say miss Cray Cray?) and everyone was saying he was super hot. He is a 7/10 at most. There are a bunch of people considered hot specially here on tumblr and they are just okay, in my opinion. I think what people see as beautiful is easily manipulated. I do have a image of what makes a woman pretty, and what makes the perfect woman body, but I have no idea when it comes to men. Weird, right? And it is my own preference, it isn’t something manipulated, at least I don’t think so. Whatever, I think overall everything can be attractive as long as you rock it (back to this expression since slay is so 2016). And listen, I thought personality played a big role in attraction, but only recently I realized how huge of a role it really plays. I had a very interesting conversation with someone, interesting to a level that I don’t think I had even experienced, and it made me realize that I am not weird for not falling in love, I just need someone who can be interesting to me. Basically I am super picky, but it isn’t on purpose, I guess it just happens, and I am not particularly mad about it. When it happens, it happens, no pressure. 
Before going into some things that really have no value, like discussing pop culture as usual, I wanna talk a little bit more about me. (ASTROLOGY TALK ALERT) I have already mentioned how I can be a beach. And I feel like that is one of the downsides of being a gemini. I have a ton of planets in gemini, and that makes me a bit of an unbalanced person. But hey, I think that is what makes me special. I do have my ascendent in virgo which does help me and keeps my feat on the ground, kinda balancing me, but still. Being a gemini helps me being great with words and, therefore, with people, since I know how to choose my words, and the right attitude to approach them. It also is the sign of intelligence. My greatest gift is my mind, my thoughts, my ideas. While some people have a huge will power and balance and some others have the ability to turn a plan into reality, geminis are usually behind all of that, we represent the idea, a mind that moves at the speed of light not to create an actual object but rather an idea, a plan. That is overall a characteristic of air signs (gemini, aquarius and libra) but mostly of geminis, other signs a have other “powers”. But it is not for no reason that a lot of people don’t really love geminis. It is not like we are some kind of magical creatures, well, we are, just like any other human being. There are amazing and horrible people from all zodiac signs, and don’t forget we are all a mix of signs, we have a bit of different signs, and it is kinda like different ingredients that melt into a final result. Some ingredients mix well, while some others don’t. We all have some flaws and some gifts, and it is our job to work on our flaws throughout our existence. For example, Donald Trump is a gemini. I know, it sucks.. But so is Angelina Jolie, Prince, Johnny Deep, Troye Sivan, Daniel Howell and Morgan Freeman. But if you look at some of those people, you see some common characteristics. A lot of the time they are very talented, or very good at something, but they definitely have an a*shole side to their personality. An arrogance, this sense of superiority, this beachy attitude and the characteristic I wanted to refer, they play mind games. I will give you some names so you can kind of see what I’m talking about. As I have already mentioned, Donald Trump, Angelina Jolie, Johnny Deep, but also others like Marilyn Monroe, Naomi Campbell, Emily Ratajkowski and what better example than Mr. Kanye West himself? All of this to say that people are easily manipulated, and since geminis can be quite good at this, we do have a tendency to play mind games. For what reason? Simply because it can be fun for us. Sometimes I (I am not gonna keep on talking about all geminis, because we are all different, but I do identify with these characteristics; keep in mind that you can be a gemini and not be like this at all, since your birth chart can balance this kind of behavior, or even intensify it. Same logic applies in the opposite way, even if gemini isn’t your sun sign, you may experience some of this zodiac’s characteristics) do find myself falling into this darker side of my personality. Sometimes I see people as toys I can play, and my emotions really disappear. I am a machine. An arrogant machine that plays people and so on. All of this just to say that we do have to work on ourselves and focus on trying to be better people and use our gifts in the best way possible. Usually I use my ability of getting inside people’s minds by simply trying to get people I truly like to open up to me. Not like trying to get them to tell me their darkest secrets, but rather to create a mood that makes us both very open with each other. Make them trust me, while trusting them. All of that aside, I hope you are having a great great day and let’s get into the pop bullsh*t we kinda love kinda hate, with some music mixed in, basically all of that stuff that you know I love to talk about. By the way, if you have been having some bad non productive days, try meditation, it is the best thing I have ever done o myself. A few times meditating and my life is much better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vx8iUvfyCY&t=235s here is a great channel and this is actually one of the best meditations to start off with. Try not to fall asleep, it is so relaxing! But I’ll write a full post on how to be more productive and don’t feel worthless. Now getting to our usual topics.
To be continued in a post coming soon..............
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okay so no shade! but I gotta vent about this because idk it’s something I care about bc I’m invested in my #reggiefeels ... so I want to get it off my chest... just my onion ofc 
it makes me sad how ppl respond to how, in afterlife, reggie’s well-established character traits and flaws are reinvented for both a modern & horror context -- like being somewhat poorly socialized due to having trouble relating to/getting along with other people and resentful of that fact, being neglected and feeling unloved by his parents, over the top narcissistic behavior & thinking to compensate for shaky self-esteem and worth (exacerbated by the two previous points), toxic masculinity, reckless bad behavior he later regrets, etc. -- but suddenly this makes him completely unsympathetic and “irredeemable.” not from the pov of the comic, which is not at all writing him unsympathetically, but from people criticizing the comic
like... those have always been aspects of reggie even if they’re exaggerated for the sake of the genre (& shifted slightly to be more in line w/ how such behaviors manifest in this day and age as opposed to the “timeless” classic archie personalities) and I hate the implication that he can’t still be likable (by readers) for being all those things as portrayed in afterlife (or now reggie & me), or that a writer interpreting him this way must not like him. bc he’s always been my favorite character and I still really enjoy him in both of these comics! in this comic he’s a traumatized teenager who might have some form of mental illness, or might just be CONCERNED that he does and misdiagnosing himself via the internet (which... does happen??) but still clearly has insecurities and regrets, still cares about his friends, still capable of some form of compassion, but now he’s suddenly he’s unsympathetic for that? nah 
like it’s a horror comic, the stakes will be higher for characters fucking up. whether he manages to make up for something he did mostly on accident is almost besides the point, I can’t really say if he will or he won’t, but whether he saves the day, dies trying, or succumbs to his fears and “goes out” on a “bad” note, like... he is still a teenager. he has ptsd and is gonna be somewhat jaded re: death (same with all of them by now in varying degrees, no doubt), and he’s been tearing himself apart with guilt and unresolved feelings, he is not exactly in a position to be thinking perfectly clearly? or making perfect righteous decisions? part of the point of reggie in general, but also in his character arc here, is that he isn’t archie, but that also doesn’t mean he actually, (for example) wants to kill betty necessarily, but thinks agreeing to might reveal alternative solutions to reversing the zombie crisis, or that he will be able to, even if he thinks he wants to because he’s being offered a devil’s deal while exceptionally vulnerable, suicidal, and mentally confused thanks to trauma (and possibly other factors) ... regardless of what ends up happening it’s still a tragedy?
it’s totally fine for people not to like it or be into it, but! yeah. just because the solicits bandy around “is he irredeemable??” doesn’t mean that’s actually what the comics are trying to suggest, it’s just marketing and it’s not really a new thing either. he’s very clearly not being written as a villain -- he’s always been a frequent antagonist, but that’s not the same thing.
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