#sadly no dick seen if you’re wondering
klaus-littlestwolf · 2 months
Now You’re Mine-Modern Mafia!Aemond
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(This is a Mafia!Aemond/Mafia!Targaryen family fic that I’ve been working on for a little while. However I saw a post the other day of someone mentioning wanting to read Mafia!Aemond and it got me back into this to finish it. I hope everyone likes it because I definitely want to write more like this for our one eyed bby)
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Aemond had been your best friend for years now. Helaena and you had met the first day of college and the two of you had become inseparable, leading to her actually offering you a job at her brothers company. That’s how you and Aemond first met, though sadly at that point you already had a job at your boyfriends publishing company (it was actually his fathers but it would be his someday and he knew how to act like it).
Every day that you weren’t with Jason Lannister you would be with Aemond. He somehow always seemed to have off days when you did, always available for you whenever you wanted or needed him.
Aemond was always there for you, often spending last minute evenings with you when your boyfriend had to work late again. You always found it sweet how much it bothered Aemond that he wouldn’t take a day off for you or spend any time with you other than work or your date nights but you didn’t mind.
“That’s exactly why you deserve it Love, you don’t expect people to take time off for you, but you deserve to be someone’s most important, if you were mine you’d be my priority…”
You often found yourself wondering what could have happened if you had never met Jason but even then Aemond was like a Greek God. Even with the eye patch (which in your opinion only made him hotter) he was 1000% out of your league.
However you could always count on him, that’s why he was your first call when Jason fired you upon you catching him fucking his assistant in his office.
‘You can’t fire me just because I caught you cheating, that’s against the law! I would sue the fuck out of you!’ You glared as he pulled his pants back on without a worry in the world which made you even more angry. He clearly didn’t care that you had caught him in the least...
‘You’re kidding, right? Y/n, you’re a girl I gave a job to because you had a tight pussy and a good work ethic. You’re also broke as fuck.’ He cackled.
Well…he wasn’t wrong about that…
‘I have my fathers lawyers, they would tie you up in court until you’re destitute and homeless, then you’ll be wishing you had shut your sweet little cock sucker and just accepted being fired…are you rethinking your response to me now sweetheart?’ He asked condescendingly and you glared.
‘Don’t ever call me that again!’ He rolled his eyes, catching his assistant, Madison’s arm as she tried to leave the awkward conversation.
‘You always did have an attitude. Alright, let’s do it like this. Clean break. You leave now, I keep what’s mine and you keep what’s yours, and the company pays you in full for 3 months so you can find another job. You’ll never find a better one but at least it won’t be on my conscience when you are selling yourself on the street.’ He snorted, pulling some papers out of his desk and signing a few things.
How had you not seen how big of a dick this guy is?
You had of course, but you had assumed you were the exception…how stupid could you be? Every night he was “working late” or on a “business trip”…he was cheating on you…so fucking stupid!
‘Fine. Give me the papers and I’ll be gone.’ You responded but he pulled them out of your reach.
‘Clean break. You give back everything I gave you.’ He looked at your neck and you rolled your eyes, removing the necklace he had given you.
‘You think I care about your cheap jewelry? Keep it!’ You snapped, removing the bracelet and the earrings as well.
‘Cheap? Okay…well then you don’t need my cheap clothes either. I bought you that outfit.’ Your eyes widened as the smirk grew on his face, however you would not let this asshole win. And honestly you would never see any of these people again…fuck it!
It was Jason’s turn to look shocked as you began unbuttoning your shirt and pulling it off, tossing it to his table before removing your skirt as well and holding your hand out for the paperwork. He just stared in shock and you snatched the papers, seeing them already signed by him. ‘I’ll collect my things and be on my way.’ You held in the tears as you walked from his office, everyone clearly knowing what had happened as it wasn’t quiet at all, and the tears finally fell as you got to your door and shut it, moving to grab your cellphone quickly and hesitating as you considered who to call. All of your friends are his friends…you could call Helaena but she’s on vacation with her boyfriend Cregan for their anniversary this week, Aemond is working…but he said to call anytime you needed him and this felt like an emergency as you stood there in your bra and panties…you bit the bullet and hit his contact which was the first number in your phone.
‘Hello Love, what’s up? You never call at work. Been missin’ me?’ He teased but all you could do was sniffle and continue crying. ‘Hey…what’s wrong hun? You can’t call me crying and not talk to me, what’s happened?!’
‘Can-Can you come g-get me? Please? I can’t call an Uber like this…please?’ You knew you didn’t need to beg but it just came out, Aemond always made you feel safe.
‘I’m on my way right now! Give me 5 minutes Love, I’m coming! Do you need anything?’
‘I’m g-gonna need a change of c-clothes…I’m sorry!’ He shushed you instantly, telling his driver something before speaking again.
‘Don’t you ever apologize to me, you know how much I adore you, that will never change and as soon as that idiot fucks up I’ll be right there. But until then I will be personally offended if you don’t call me when you need help…do you want to tell me what happened?’
‘I’ll tell you in the car. I have to get my stuff and clean my face-I can’t go out there like this…can you just text me when you’re here?’ I asked and he huffed a sigh.
‘Okay. I’ll be there in 3 minutes.’ With that he hung up, leaving you to wonder how many traffic laws were being broken today. You moved to pack everything into your purse, making sure you had everything that was yours and everything you couldn’t bear to leave behind. You also grabbed your client list just in case because you knew most of them wouldn’t want to work with anyone else and you would happily give their business to Aemond’s uncle Daemon’s publishing company instead (the man adored you from the moment Helaena first brought you to a family BBQ and he often turned his nose up at mentions of your boyfriend, Daemon Hates All Lannisters!). You looked through all of your drawers just hoping to find a jacket or something but there was nothing leaving you in your bra and panties. At least it was a cute set, you had gotten it on a day trip with Aemond and Helaena who had enjoyed shopping for clothes with you, dragging you into an overtly expensive lingerie shop. It had just been you dreaming of the expensive clothes at first but Aemond insisted and bought you 4 sets. He tried for 10 more but you drew the line…at least he has taste in choosing the lacy embroidered black bra and pantie set, and Thank God it’s not a thong that you’re wearing today!
It was exactly 3 minutes when Aemond texted you that he was walking in and you quickly told him to wait in the lobby. You grabbed your bag and left the keys hung on the door as you walked out, everyone staring at you yet again as you got onto the elevator. One of Jason’s asshole buddies did a double take as he stepped out and tried to step back in.
‘No! Out!’ You hissed and he listened, clearly smarter than his friend is. As the elevator dinged you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the laughter at your sad, pathetic situation. Aemond had repeatedly told you to break up with the asshole you were dating and now he was going to get to say “I told you so”.
As you walked around the front desk he turned to see you and his jaw dropped in shock, it was a face you had never seen Aemond make honestly as his wide eyes took you in. As if his brain finally finished computing what he was seeing he moved towards you quickly, ripping his jacket off and wrapping it around you, taking your bag and holding the jacket shut.
‘Fucking Christ! What Happened Y/n?!’ He demanded but his yelling only brought another round of tears which ended with him pulling you close and holding you to his chest. ‘It’s okay, you’re safe now Pretty Girl, I’ve got you.’ He lifted you up awkwardly across his chest so that he could make sure the jacket didn’t move and expose you all over again before he carried you out of the building. You could tell from the way he was walking that he was livid and you just nuzzled your face closer into his neck, knowing that Aemond loved it when you snuggled into him. He climbed into the car and held you on his lap as he snapped at Arryk to drive you both home.
‘No-you have to work! I don’t want-‘
‘Don’t even dare Y/n! You are way more important than a couple of meetings. Arryk will text Aegon and let him know that we need to reschedule, besides he has done this to me so many times because of his never ending hangovers, it’s nice to get him back.’ He joked, clearly just trying to make you smile but you didn’t. ‘Please tell me now Love? What happened?’ His voice was soft and caring which somehow just made it worse as you roughly wiped at your tears all over again which he stopped, taking your hands and holding them in one of his much larger ones, pulling out his pocket square and wiping your face softly. ‘Breathe Y/n, you’re okay now. No one will ever hurt you again…just trust me.’
His eye was so soft as he looked down at you and you knew you could trust Aemond with anything.
‘Jason cheated on me…he was fucking her in his office when I came in…I was pissed but I was even more pissed when he fired me-‘
‘He can’t fire you for that! That’s-‘
‘I know. But he made it clear that I would be broke and homeless by the time it even got to court. He signed papers to pay me for 3 months so I can find a job, I just had to return everything he gave me…thank you for buying me the underwear or I might be naked right now.’ You teased but he did not seem to find humor in the situation.
‘Did you sign anything?’ You shook your head, pointing to the paperwork sticking out of your bag and he took them, looking over it and never once letting you free from the grip that he had on you. ‘Don’t worry Princess, I’m going to take care of this. He will pay for this, I promise you.’
Aemond pressed his lips to your head, keeping the jacket wrapped around you firmly.
‘I need to sign them to get the money, I’m not going to be able to pay my-‘
‘You don’t need to pay for anything. I’m taking care of you now-‘ you lifted your head quickly and he looked down at you, the look in his eye daring you to argue with him right now.
‘I can’t let you pay my bills Aem, that’s not right. It’s my fault that I-‘ not a second later Aemond’s large hand closed over your mouth and your eyes widened.
‘Nothing is your fault! Do you understand me?’ He asked firmly. ‘He is an asshole and he’s taking advantage of someone that he thinks can’t fight back but he is going to learn not to fuck with what belongs to me.’
‘And Yes, you belong to me Y/n. I made it very clear what would happen when he fucked up. I told you that you would be mine. That day has come, Princess. Now, let’s get you some clothes.’ You just barely noticed that the car had stopped before the door was opened and Aemond slid out, his grip somehow tightening as he carried you into the high rise apartment building and up to his place before moving straight to his bedroom.
‘Aem, I thought we were joking, you don’t have to-‘
‘Let’s get one thing straight, Love.’ He told you as he set you onto his bed which was wildly comfortable. God you need a nap. ‘I don’t do anything that I don’t want to do. I never have and I never will. You’ve been mine since the day we met, I just allowed you time to end things with that moron on your own. However, now he has hurt you and that is unacceptable. Take the jacket off.’ He instructed before moving to a drawer and pulling out a Henley, helping you pull it over your head and cover yourself to your mid thigh at least. ‘You know how much I love you, you have to by now. Every single member of my family has been waiting for us to get together, even my stupid nephews ship us…you are my everything…and I should have told you a long time ago. For that I am sorry but I’m not letting you go and I am certainly Not letting him get away with this unpunished. I will have him ripped apart in court before I have him ripped apart for real, my family has warned him already. He will never feel anything but pain again for what he’s done to my Princess.’ Aemond didn’t hesitate even a second before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. You couldn’t count the amount of times you had dreamt of kissing him and it was better than you could have imagined as your stomach did flips, his soft lips pressed to yours prompting you to wrap your arms around his neck and tangle your fingers in his short silver locks. ‘Who in their right mind would ever even dream of fucking another girl while they have you? I will never understand that idiot…You’re Fucking Perfect.’ He mumbled against your mouth as his hands took your waist, squeezing your ass on the way down to your thighs where he lifted you up to straddle his lap.
‘Does it sound bad to say that I would have left him if you had just told me before.’ He shook his head, pulling back from the kiss and holding you to him firmly.
‘Of course not-we were meant to be Y/n. You’re mine now baby…say it. Tell me who you belong to.’ He was desperate to hear it from your mouth and you didn’t think there was anything you wouldn’t give him if he asked right now.
‘All yours Aemond, I’m yours. I love you, I’ve always loved you!’ And you truly had, since the night Helaena introduced you, your crush on the one eyed Targaryen grew quickly out of control. It was half of the reason you stayed with Jason as long as you did, so that you were never tempted to admit it and ruin your friendship since you never believed Aemond would see you as anything but his best friend.
‘I love you too, and I’m going to take care of you now. First I’ll get you some pants, I texted and scheduled a meeting with Daemon in the car and he can call his lawyers. You are suing his company and you will have the best lawyers in the country behind you.’
‘But I can’t-‘
‘Then we’re going to go and pack you a bag of your essentials because you’re coming to stay right here with me. No worrying about bills or anything like that, I’m taking care of my girl now. We can worry about “moving you in” later.’ You felt the dark blush on your cheeks at the idea of him taking care of you, it sounds too perfect to be real.
‘I don’t want you to waste all of that money on me-‘ he quickly cut you off again.
‘Nothing is wasted on you, let me spoil you. I want you to see him cry before I kill him, and honestly Daemon is going to be thrilled to get rid of him finally.’
‘What do you-‘
‘Don’t pretend you don’t know. We appreciate your ignorance but you’re mine now, that officially makes you a member of this family and you’ve known about us for almost as long as you’ve known me. You had to have also deduced that the Lannisters are members of the Mafia as well, though our relationship is…complicated. They were warned and he hurt you anyway, his whole family knows what this means and he brought it on himself. Now-let’s get you dressed.’
Aemond leant me some of Helaena’s pants, having plenty of her clothes in his guest room, before we got back into his car and were driven to Daemons company…well-one of them at least. He owns like 10.
‘Well, this is a surprise. Not only are you late nephew, but you’ve brought a guest. Aren’t you supposed to be with that little shit of a boyfriend at this time of day?’ Daemon questioned as we sat down never looking up from his papers, though as I moved to sit in the chair beside Aemond he promptly pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me.
‘Y/n doesn’t work for him anymore.’ Daemon looked up from his paperwork and his eyes widened at our position before smirking.
‘Do tell nephew.’
‘She was fired for finding him cheating on her. He gave her these, I’m going to need the lawyers to look at these today.’ Daemon read over the papers quickly before laughing out loud.
‘I can’t believe the idiot signed these. He’s dumber than I ever even thought…do you want us to sue him though? It will be in your name, you have to go through with this…can you do that, sweet girl?’ He asked, eyebrows raised as if expecting me to have issues with all of this.
‘Sue him all you want, I was promised a dead body at the end of this.’ I stated and his eyes widened before he grinned, teeth showing in a way that makes most people feel like prey. Maybe the Targaryens really do come from dragons…
‘I knew I liked you. You’re doing us some good, finally giving us a reason to get rid of them once and for all. Good girl.’
‘Watch it…’ Aemond growled.
‘He told me I could never do anything about it, that he only hired me for my tight pussy and work ethic before taking back the clothes he bought me and forcing me to walk out in my underwear…I want him to lose everything before he dies and I want it to fucking hurt!’ Daemon looked stunned for a moment, his eyes darkening.
‘He did what?’ Aemond nodded and Daemon hummed. ‘I’ll get on this immediately. He’ll have the lawsuit on his desk before the end of the day.’
It was 8 o’clock in the evening and I was snuggled up against Aemond’s side in bed, enjoying my boyfriend feeding me my dessert when my phone rang a familiar ringtone and I showed him Jason’s picture. ‘Ooh, I expected this but Daemon really does work fast.’ Aemond chuckled, turning on his phone to record the call and I answered mine, putting it on speaker.
‘What The Fuck Do You Think You’re Doing Bitch?!’ He snapped and I could only roll my eyes.
‘Exactly what I said. You knew I could sue you and you fired me anyway, practically signed your name to the crime with that paperwork. You would never pay me three months out if I had actually done something worth getting fired for. You’re an idiot.’ The pride in Aemond’s eyes was something that put my mind at ease, I knew I would be fine with him here and Daemon as well with how pissed off he has been made. Their whole family is pissed off now if the texts I had gotten from most of them all day told me anything. Even Aegon, who was usually too drunk or high to even lift his head in my presence was angry on my behalf.
‘This will never hold up, you can’t afford to take this to court-‘
‘You’re forgetting the fact that I have friends who are happy to help me. Ones that already don’t like you that you’ve just pissed off more now.’ He hesitated to answer for a moment.
‘No, I don’t believe you. Your little friendship with Helaena isn’t enough to make that family do shit! Not against mine for no reason, we-‘
‘I’m also…friends…with Aemond, remember? And they introduced me to their whole family who I seem to have grown on quite a lot. Especially their Uncle who I’ve found is quite happy to help me after you forced me to return the jewelry and clothes that you gave me just so I could get paid after you unjustly fired me. It seems finding out that you made me walk around in my underwear was quite a kick in the ass for Daemon to sue you quickly-well, me to sue you, him to help me. You really should have just broken up with me right, I probably would have tried to find another job and left but you had to do this. Pretty dumb.’ As I finished speaking Aemond brought the fork to my mouth, feeding me another piece of cake as if rewarding me and I loved it.
‘You dirty cunt. Are you fucking him?! You got all high and mighty on me and you’re fucking your friends Married Uncle?! What the-‘
‘Not quite, Jason.’ Aemond spoke making me giggle. ‘My Uncle just has a soft spot for her you see, she’s such a sweet girl. How anyone can not love her I don’t know, even your family did, didn’t they?’ I nodded, enjoying the rest of my dessert while he spoke. ‘We will be handling the lawyers so you can try to stall this if you’d like but it won’t work. And I’ll let you be the one to tell your father that you’ve made an enemy of a family that he depended on quite heavily.’ He had stopped recording by now as his voice grew darker, clearly hating the idiot on the other line. ‘You have until morning to let your family know what you did, oh and don’t bother deleting the footage from the cameras yesterday, Daemon has already gotten it. If you were smart enough in the first place that is.’
‘Bye Jason!’ I giggled as Aemond moved to hang up.
‘You Fucking-‘ with that he was gone and Aemond blocked his number from my phone.
‘We’re probably going to have to get you a new number.’ He teased.
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I’m considering a part 2 with Aemond getting even with Jason…and a little smut🥰
Aemond Targaryen Masterlist
598 notes · View notes
miley1442111 · 9 days
Reader x Rafe. They have only been on a few dates. They do not have a claim on each other. Rafe’s cousing is visting for the weekend, unknown to her, and is a really pretty girl. Rafe posts a photo of her on his story on instagram, having dinner. Reader assumes the worst, that he is keeping his options open and dating others, and it makes her really sad when she only had eyes for him. She is aware that that they have not had a talk about dating others, and she does not have the ’’right’’ to be so sad but still is, wanting him to just feel like her, liking her so much that he does not want to see anyone else. Rafe at some point later after his family/cousin dinner is done, he texts reader at night, asking if she wants to talk on the phone ’missing her voice’ but she just scoffs sadly to herself reading it, now thinking he is just a bit of a pig, thinking she truly meant nothing to him for him to be so casual about it. Unknown to her, Rafe feels exactly the same as her, not wanting anyone but her and is walking in circles at home in panic talking to himself, wondering what he has done. He does not want to be to pushy as they have just started dating so he does not harass her with texts. A few days go by and he sees her at the bonfire with her friends, kind of approaches her like he approached Kie, very gentle and soft. She tries to just keep it short, answering his questions being polite and goes to leave after getting her drink but he is like ’’wow wow wow, wait. You’re not answering my calls. I feel like I’ve done something to upset you and it’s killing me’ and she kind of brings up the girl, not in an accusing way, more so like ’’I get it. You wanna keep your options open. I’m just not comfortable with that because I like you a lot. We had a good run but I guess that is it. Take care of yourself’’ with a sad smile but then he stops her from walking away and clears up the misunderstanding and its a sweet ending
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my promise- r.cameron
a/n: thank you so much for requesting! sorry to everyone, i've been struggling a lot with writer's block and with college starting up everything has been super busy but I should be back on a fairly regular basis now :)
pairing: rafe cameron x fem! pogue! reader
summary: i suggest you look at the request
warnings: rafe is a bit of a dick without realising, reader is upset, pogues hate rafe, i think that's it?
+ this rafe is not show-accurate, this is another universe where he can express emotions and recognise how his action affect others :)
not entirely proofread
Rafe Cameron was a pig. Three months of talking, and he finally asked you out. And now he was on a date with someone else. 
But what else were you expecting from the ‘Kook king’? Your friends were right. You shouldn’t have even bothered with Rafe. He would always be a fucking man-whore with too much money and too little empathy. Of course you were a game to him, what else would you be? You were a pogue. You were nothing in his eyes, just a fuck. You weren’t even his real girlfriend. He had no claim on you, and you had no claim on him. 
You would’ve genuinely stabbed yourself in the eye if it meant you got to stop watching them interact. Rafe and that blonde girl. You’d never seen her on the island, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t from here. Random people spent summers here every year, a lot of people rented out their houses, especially the rich ones, just so someone would be in their mansions while they were busy in Bali, or the Hamptons, or wherever rich assholes went on holidays. 
She laughed at something he said and you rolled your eyes. “He’s not even fucking funny,” you scoffed. 
JJ rolled his eyes. “I hate to say ‘I told you so’, but-”
“Yeah yeah, you told me, I know,” you sighed. “Thought I could make a kook act like a human, that’s on me,” you held your arms up in defence. You two stood side by side as you shone the cutlery. Serving at the Country Club wasn’t bad, and the tips were good. It’s just you didn’t expect to see him on a date with someone else. 
You got off of work at 8pm, Rafe and the blonde girl were still busy chatting when you left. Jj gave you a lift on his bike and you decided to grab all of Rafe’s things and leave them on his doorstep, not even bothering to explain. You knew what you saw. You knew what he was doing. You didn’t care anymore, you were worth more than that. 
At about 2am you woke up to your phone ringing. 
Your groggy voice made Rafe smile. It had been a long night of entertaining his annoying beauty-queen cousin, and he wanted to talk to you, to see you. “Hey baby.”
You rolled your eyes. “Hi Rafe.”
“How was your day?” he asked. 
“Fine,” your answers were short and to the point. You had no interest in entertaining this anymore. “Yours?”
“Boring as fuck,” he chuckled. 
“What did you do today?” you asked, morbid curiosity getting the better of you. You wanted to see if he’d admit it. 
“Nothing much, worked out, golf, went to dinner with family, that’s it.” 
Of course he was lying. And using his family as a cover? Asshole. 
“Why did you call me?” you questioned, trying to act interested, but failing miserably. 
“I missed your voice,” he admitted shyly. 
“Ok, you heard it, night Rafe,” you sighed before hanging up. A part of you was angry. Another was just upset. How could he see other people? You two had a really good thing going, didn’t you? You thought he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend. How wrong you were. It just reminded you of why you were so apprehensive to date him in the first place, to date anyone in the first place. Maybe you weren’t enough for him. Maybe you weren’t enough at all. 
You let yourself try to sleep it off, but the next few days you were down, and everyone could tell. Jj had told the others what had happened, and you could see the pitying glances from Kie and the boys, and the annoyed looks from Sarah. She hated him, genuinely, but this was the last straw. She’d told him not to break your heart. She’d warned him. 
“What about the bonfire tonight?” John B offered to the group as the sunset. “That would cheer you up,” he nudged your arm and you grimaced. 
“I don’t feel like going out,” you sighed. “You guys go ahead.”
Sarah sighed. “You can’t let this ruin your week Y/n. He’s a dick, he’ll always be a dick, and it wasn’t your fault for liking him. Every single one of my friends as a kid liked him, then he showed his true colours and he’s a dick again. His behaviour is not a benchmark for your value. He’s in the wrong, not you. Come out with us tonight, even if it’s just for 30 minutes, yeah?”
You rolled your eyes, giving in. “Fine.”
You hadn’t texted him back in three days. He didn’t want to be the pushy ‘be with me all the time’  boyfriend, but he was used to texting you at least once a day. Now you’d left him without a response for 3 whole days. Thinking back, he knew you were being weird during the phone call the other night, and he couldn’t understand what he’d done. Were you losing interest? He hoped you weren’t. You were the only girl who he’d ever been really serious about.  You were the only girl he’d ever felt a real connection with. You were his girl, at least, you would be. 
He pulled up to the bonfire with one thought in mind, find you.
You pulled up to the bonfire with one thought in mind, hide from Rafe. 
Hiding didn’t exactly last long, especially when he was directly following you around the entire beach. If you went towards the water, he’d come near you, if you went towards the house, he’d come near you, if you went up to the fire, there he just so happened to be, roasting a marshmallow with a big smile on his face. You did notice how he wasn’t carrying around his signature corona, nor was his nose full of white powder. Huh. He’d listened when you said you didn’t like him being ‘uncontrolled’ as you called it, yet he went on a date with another girl. Strange.
You sat away from your friends, by the water, nursing a can of beer. You weren’t a heavy drinker and you’d probably go home after this, since you’d already been at the party for a little while. You watched the sea come in and out. Wave after wave, softly brushing against the shore. 
“Hey,” Rafe’s voice brought you out of your trance. He sat down beside you, dirtying whatever expensive shorts he had on. 
“Hey,” you answered.
“How are you?” He asked, his tone not missing the awkwardness of this moment. He was nervous before coming up to you, but now? Having to come face to face with your cold tone was becoming unbearable pretty quickly. 
“Fine thanks, how are you?” You asked, continuing your staring at the sea. 
“Good. Better, now,” he smiled, placing a hand over yours. “You forgot to text me back.”
“Did I?” you didn’t even try to make yourself sound sincere. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright. You been busy? How’s work?” 
“It’s fine,” you answered. After a moment of silence, you got up. “I’m going to get another beer-”
“Wait,” he jumped up beside you. “You’re not answering my calls. You’re not talking to me normally. You’re not answering my questions. Have I done something to upset you?”
You scoffed. “I wonder.”
He raised an eyebrow. “What does that mean Y/n? You’re killing me here.”
“Look, I get it you want to keep your options open and we were just casual, it’s fine. I’m just not the kind of girl to just be casual with, alright? That stuff makes me uncomfortable, and I really liked you. But if you want to go and do that, that’s fine, just don’t bring me into it,” you explained calmly. “Goodbye Rafe.”
“Wait, wait, wait, wait!” he called after you, making you turn back. “What are you talking about?”
“I saw you at the Country Club with the blonde girl, Rafe, seriously, your dating life is your own- what?” You stopped talking because Rafe had started pulling a disgusted face. “What’s wrong?”
“That’s my cousin,” he explained. “My super annoying cousin.”
And everything made a bit more sense. The family comment wasn’t a lie. Now that you think about it, they did look pretty similar.
“You thought we were on a date?” 
“Well it was candle-lit,” you chuckled.
“All the tables at the club are candle-lit past 8pm!” He laughed. “That’s why you’ve been ignoring me? You thought I was cheating on you?”
“Well, we haven’t technically said we were dating so… I just assumed you were keeping your options open,” you shrugged. 
Rafe cracked a smile. “You think I’d pick anyone over you?”
You shrugged. “People do.”
“People are fucking stupid,” he wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you two walked further down the beach. “So, Y/n Y/l/n, will you do me the honours of officially being your boyfriend?” 
“Only if you do me the honours of being your girlfriend,” you smiled.  He turned to you and cupped your cheek, pressing his lips to yours. “I’m all yours, promise.”
obx masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games, challengers :)
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fxckn-sxck-fr · 6 months
You can ignore this ask if you want!
Honestly as I was writing one ask another popped up in my mind 🥹so I decided to do two ask instead of one so I didn't spam your inbox haha!
Also sorry for bothering you with these ideas.
What would platonic yandere Dick Grayson do for the readers birthday? Would he invite anyone that he is close to or even trust or would it just be him and reader sharing a cake as he sings happy birthday to them? And also maybe gives them a lot of presents but they are kind of childish if that makes sense.
The other ask would be what would again platonic yandere Dick Grayson do if by some chance the reader escaped from him? Would he freak out for a bit and than promptly go and look for them? And once he finds them he's furious and the reader is scared because they have never seen him that angry or show that type of emotion before?
Again you can ignore this if you want I know I wrote a lot I was just so excited and the ideas popped into my head!
!!! GN reader, infantilizing, mentions of kidnapping, handcuffs, forced-affection, pissed off Dick Grayson, brief mention of drugging, reader fears being hit for a second.
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Birthday parties depend on how compliant you are. If you’re not trying to escape every other day, he’d gladly invite some of the Titans over to celebrate! He likes showing off his cool hero connections to you — even going as far as to play the “oh, Superman? His mother makes the best apple pie” card — so this would be a good way to live up to the hype. A lot of the party would be spent taking on your behalf, however. He just thinks he knows you that well (and he doesn’t want you to form a connection with anyone else; he’s the only one you need in your life!!). I can also see him laying down ground rules to the other Titans beforehand, practically threatening them to be on their best behavior. Big brother’s friends must be good role models to his young and impressionable sibling!!
Now, I already said that it depends on how compliant you are, but it also depends on what your situation is, too. I lowkey kinda imagine all of the platonic Dick Grayson asks to take place in the same universe as Life With Older Brother, which means everyone knows you’re under Dick’s care, and it’s pretty much the only scenario where inviting people to your birthday would work. But if you were kidnapped, it would be a different story. He’s not risking anyone finding out about you (which complicates his relationship with a very young Tim Drake, who would totally accidentally stumble upon you in the apartment, but that’s a story for another day), so even if you were very complacent, I don’t see him inviting anyone over.
Back to the Life With Older Brother universe, if you “misbehave” a lot, it would just be the two of you. He’d almost hold it over your head, sadly sighing as he says things like, “it would’ve been a bigger party this year, but only good little siblings get big birthday parties.” If you were a fucking child, maybe this dumb guilt-tripping tactics would actually work. If you try to cut your two-person party short by spending the rest of the day in your room, he’s not above wrestling you into his lap — or even handcuffing you to the kitchen table — so you can open your presents; and holy shit, there’s a lot of them. I can definitely see him getting you childish things, ranging from toys to innocent-looking kiddy clothes. Any gifts sent by Bruce are taken back to the store for return.
As for escaping…
There’s no way you’d manage to pull-off an escape while he’s in the apartment, so it’d be a nasty surprise for him when he returns from patrol. He’d frantically tear the place apart in search of you, his stomach dropping as he finds the clues of your apparent escape. Once he checks the security feed, he feels equal parts worried, heartbroken, and angry that you took it upon yourself to leave him. You really don’t know what’s good for you, do you?! You’d rather run around on dangerous streets than stay with your kind, loving, doting older brother…
His search probably wouldn’t take long. I can see him putting a tracker in your arm at some point, so it’s as simple as following the little red dot on his device. Relief washes over him when he sees you’re alright, but that does little to quell the betrayal rage he feels. He’s silently swoop down from above, forcefully picking you up from behind as he grapples back towards the apartment. You’d kick and thrash, plead and beg, but there’s nothing but radio silence on his end. The only inkling of a reaction you get is his tight frown and his extremely restrictive arm around your abdomen. Dread washes over your chest as you realize just how fucked you are.
Upon returning home, he practically throws you against his bed and spares no time handcuffing you to the headboard. Any sort of apologies you try to muster out immediately die on your tongue as he rips off his mask, his piercing blue eyes filled with an icy rage you’ve never seen before. It makes you want to curl into a little ball and wish you were never born.
“I don’t know what to do with you,” he’d lowly mutter, exasperation sprinkled between the gaps of his anger. There’s a moment where you think he’s going to start one of his signature lectures, but no such thing happens. Instead, he turns to the wall and punches it, causing you to flinch at the impact. Never has he shown this type of aggression in front of you. He’s yelled at you, sure, but physically punched something?
For the first time, you found yourself worrying if he’d put his hands on you.
I think he’d have to convince himself to cool off for a bit. First triple-checking that you couldn’t escape (possibly imposing more precautions like double restraints or the IV), he’d leave the apartment for another patrol, taking his anger out on any poor criminal he comes across. I’d say it takes an hour before he feels level-headed enough to come back home, his suit speckled with blood from viscous beat-down after viscous beat-down. It’s the first thing you notice when he comes through his bedroom window, causing your heart rate to pick up.
He wants so desperately to scream at you; he needs to get it through your thick skull that you’re safe here, and he’s the only one in the world who knows how to care for you and protect you. But that will come later. Right now, all he wants to do is bring you into a longing and desperate hug, not even taking the time to change out of his Nightwing suit beforehand.
You’d be held against him for a while, his trembling hands making sure you have no chance of squirming out of his hold. It may be suffocating, but at the very least, it quells your fears of him taking his anger out on you.
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lovetowee · 3 months
Chapter 1
"By the way, I desperately need the toilet, just thought I'd let you know."
You're so startled you forget to step on the gas. By the time you look at the streetlight again, it's back to red, which is just fine by you, because it gives you time to stare at your girlfriend some more.
She just raises an eyebrow, then shifts in her seat, somewhere between rubbing down on the seat and -
Well, taking pressure off her bladder, you suppose.
You only admitted your kink to her two days ago. Then, she wasn't exactly jumping at the idea, but she said she'd consider it. Now, you have her desperate in your car, five minutes after you left for the cinema. She had plenty of time to go at home - apparently she finished the consideration phase and skipped straight to experimentation without telling you, but then again, that'd be on brand for her.
It's only twenty more minutes to the cinema, so not really an unpredictable situation, perfect for her to try it out. She has a rather strong bladder after all.
“Alright,” you say, trying to copy her offhand inflection. But you're hard anyway, and she's probably enjoying it, too.
This time when the streetlight shows green, you drive.
When you arrive at the cinema, your girlfriend has her hand firmly jammed between her legs and is positively jiggling. You can't tell if it's real or if she's doing it for you, you've never seen her truly desperate in your two years of dating, but it makes it difficult to walk for you either way.
It is expected, but still disappointing when she leaves you alone in the ticket line to bolt for the bathroom as soon as you're inside.
Your dick flags sadly, but it's probably for the better, because you really do want to see the movie.
Or so you thought. Halfway in it's clear, this isn't nearly as good as you'd hoped. You decide to make the best of the situation and maybe pay your girlfriend some of the teasing back - she's not a big fan of action movies anyway - and sneak your hand down the back of her skirt.
You notice it’s the easy access kind, the one just held up by a flimsy elastic. She sighs, pleased, and shuffles forward in her seat a little to give you more room, and grinning, you toy with the waistband of the short leggings she wears underneath to ward off any looks.
You wonder distantly what color her panties might be, but it doesn't really matter, you'll see for yourself when you're back home anyway - and that’s a thrilling thought all in itself, because she’s been caught up in work this past week, and, well. You’re really looking forward to it.
She makes some encouraging noises, probably spurred on by the fact that you're the only people in the audience except for an elderly couple a few rows below yours, sitting in the very center - while your girlfriend actually prefers seats at the far side of a row, something about needing a quick exit in sight. She also likes anal play, but you want to tease her, so after you pushed your index finger down her panties to just over her hole, you pull it back out completely, eliciting a complaining huff, then use your entire hand to trace down her crack from outside her panties.
She moans outright, which surprises you a little since she usually likes direct touches to her hole a lot better, but you'll take it. Until she shushes you - her general way of telling you to slow down but not stop - so you rest your hand against her ass to wait for her okay to continue.
It never comes.
Instead, she tilts her hips forward a little, making your fingertips slide to the very end of her crack, nearly to where her pussy would open wet and hungry for you, and sighs again.
You register soft crackling noise and bulging pressure against your palm, and your cock is rock hard and pulsing before you even really process what just happened.
She sighs once more and relaxes a little, and you don't even know what to say. Your girlfriend just crapped her panties in public, with your hand in prime position to feel it.
The smell hits you right after, but it takes a distant second place against the violent throbbing in your cock.
"Hm, I hope you like it hard and chunky," your girlfriend muses, then looks at you, a devilish glint in her eyes.
You stare some more. Your occupied hand twitches without your permission, confirming her assessment of her mess, and your mind is utterly void of formulated thought.
Luckily, your mouth appears in working order even in that condition. "I like any kind of panty shit."
You kind of want to take it back right away, and you're probably glowing brighter than the movie screen with how hard you're blushing, but your girlfriend just grins. "Yeah? Because I have a little more mush I can pass, if you're interested."
Are you ever. Your mouth gets that across bright and clear.
"Shit, you're really about to come in your pants, aren't you?" your girlfriend asks, staring at the tent in your trousers. It twitches in confirmation.
Your girlfriend is delighted. She giggles a little, then leans in conspiratorially. "I'll cut you a deal. I shit my pants some more with you in front row position to feel it, then I'll relocate to your lap for the remainder of your movie. Then I sit in my mess while you drive us home, and there you can make me cum through my soiled panties. But only if you don't come until I have."
It takes a moment until you can speak again with how dry your mouth is, but then you agree, and about five seconds later you realize how much harder than expected this is going to be, because before you know it, she's settling herself in your lap, wiggling around in a way that makes very vivid images of the chunks mushing come to mind, and gives you a good deal of friction on your dick as well.
You let her find a position she likes, rubbing over her thighs as she goes - she's the most arousing thing you've ever seen, how could you not touch her right now? You're kind of mourning the loss of your hand holding the accident, but having it rub right against where you need it most... it would be a good exchange, if not for the promise you just gave.
When she finally stills for a moment, you put your hand back between her legs - over her pussy now, where there's only the smallest of wet spots in her jeans, which - she's a witch, isn't she, because if going for a piss before the movie wasn't all planned to prevent an obvious stain on the seat, then you're not a fetishist.
But god could you care less right now, with her still - and now it has to be deliberate - shuffling around in your lap, and not that there was much of a plot to the movie but you've utterly lost it now, because your blood is rushing in your ears and her scent is in your nose, deliciously mixed with what she did in her pants, and you can't help but pull her closer yet, pray that the other couple at least is preoccupied with the movie, and desperately kiss her.
She laughs into your mouth, absolutely delighted at your helpless arousal, but you just kiss her harder and start rubbing her under her skirt, just a slow up and down of your hands over the leggings, and soon you're rewarded with her tiny moans.
You're fairly sure there are explosions going off on the screen, but all you want right now is to get her out of her stained pants, pull those panties to the side and just... slide right in, have her grinding into your lap, hands on her ass to pull her closer yet - you break the kiss, panting, helplessly shoving up into the next downward grind of her hips, then grab her by the waist to keep her still.
"Stop," you pant into her ear, "please, baby, I'm gonna come."
She giggles, gives another small roll of her hips, but then she eases off, laying her head back to let you kiss her neck.
"Good boy," she purrs when you take up where you left off between her legs, and pushes up into your hand instead. "Hmmm, I think I might really like this."
Warmth, in your stomach and shooting down to your groin, half relief and half desperate arousal, head full of next time and the one after and all the other things you'd like to try - and you pull her head back to kiss her again, because you really, really love her right about now.
Thankfully, your girlfriend knows some mercy, and stays mostly still for the following minutes. It keeps you from breaking your promise, if just barely - your balls are aching with how turned on you are, the scent filling your nose on every inhale, and you couldn't stop being close to her, kissing her neck like your life depends on it, even if you wanted to.
She's warm and wet between her legs, and you want to bring up your fingers to smell it, maybe lick them, the mixture of piss and her arousal, but you refrain, concentrating on keeping her wet, on the feeling of her legs straining the tiniest bit, and you have to close your eyes and force yourself still every time she grunts and pushes a tiny bit more into her pants, the spot under your fingers re-wetting occasionally, and she's shimmying and twisting, seeking your lips, clearly very content in her skin.
Put plainly, she's amazing.
You are close to pain when the movie finally ends, some cheesy lines and a sappy kiss and the screen goes dark for a moment. Well, you're not going to stay for the credits.
Your girlfriend clearly agrees; she's up and off your lap before you can even grab your jacket, leading the way through the rows and toward the exit - your heart skips a beat when you realize that other couple’s also still here, but they’re not making a move to get up yet, so it’s all good.
Your girlfriend stops at the door though, turning around, and reaches out. "Give me your jacket."
She's not really shy, but she sounds a lot quieter than she did a minute before, so you hand it over without a second thought. Only when she knots it around her waist does it dawn on you, and you quickly glance down your own body - your pants are dark gray, but not quite dark enough to hide the small stain on the front - the stain of her piss, and your heart picks up again, beating a hectic tattoo against your ribs.
"You should be fine," your girlfriend reassures after a quick once-over, then winks at you. "Just follow me." And before you know it, she's grabbed your hand and maneuvered you both out into the lobby, past the ticket stand and out the front doors.
Bright daylight is a bit much this fast after the dark theater, but your girlfriend doesn't seem to have any issues finding her way to the car, and then she has no qualms about pushing your right up against it and kissing you breathless, rubbing up to your crotch in a deliberate, well-practiced and devilishly effective move. You're just grabbing for her ass to pull her closer, desperate to get another good grip on what she did for you - walking around in public is a bit of a buffer, but just this is enough to reignite your libido, your imagination, your want. But just when you're getting into it, she's pulling away again, lying a finger under your chin to keep you focused on her.
"So, what's it gonna be? Go home, like planned, or do you want to stay here? Get a thrill from me walking around in public, risking everyone to see what I just did?"
You briefly have to close your eyes against the images, walking through the park with her waddling by your side, trying but too inexperienced to hide it, maybe sitting down somewhere in the grass-
But no, this is too new, too precious. You want it to yourself, keep it close, where you can examine it in all its glory. "Home," you tell her, and she nods, kisses you again.
"Then get in the car."
Your mind is not on task, so you fumble like you’ve never seen a car at first, but you get your door open, sit down, key in the ignition.
Then your girlfriend is stepping into the car and sitting down gingerly - slow, deliberate, face pinched in concentration as she clearly feels out the sensation - the sensation of her poop pushing against her ass, getting squished, maybe even pushing around to the front...
You can see the moment she's fully settled in the way her shoulders relax, and she leans back even further, moaning.
You don't know if it's for show, and you do not care, you barely remember to close your car door for decency - there are probably kids around here somewhere - but then your hand is on your cock, squeezing, desperate to get some relief from the arousal that's burning through you, but you keep yourself from stroking it, because that would undoubtedly end it right here.
The other door clicks shut more gently, and your girlfriend laughs at you. "Aww, are you sure you're fit to drive?" But then she's leaning over, grabbing your hair to kiss you, and you're on her the second after, one hand at her cheek and the other grabbing her ass again, regardless of the awkward angle. She moans and so do you, biting at her lips until she gently pushes you away.
"Huh, I may have miscalculated a few things," she says breezily, but gets herself situated properly again, "but this is a ton of fun."
That's good to hear, but you're beyond telling her as much, so you just... take a breath and focus on starting up the car, then maneuvering out of the parking lot without killing anyone, and you actually do make it out on the street before you can't help but glance over again.
Your girlfriend is comfortably leaned back in her seat - her smell is filling the car already, and every breath makes your cock pulse. Her legs are spread wide, one leaning against the console between you, the other knee propped against the airbag in front of her - it's probably not strictly safe for driving, but you've never cared less about traffic regulations in your life. She’s idly stroking up and down her thighs, closer and closer to where they meet - you wrench your eyes away and focus on the street. There are signs to read and streetlights to stop at and other cars not to crash into, because not making it home right now would just be unacceptable.
You girlfriend snickers, but you ignore her like she deserves for that - ugh, what she deserves is reverence, stripping her down with your hand at her ass, licking her nipples, kissing down, eating her out while you massage the mess she made just for you - street. Cars, stopping, red streetlight, slowing down. Focus on the traffic.
You make it maybe five minutes, catching your thoughts when they start to drift, and you need another grab at your dick at one point but you manage to focus and be a good road user - and then your girlfriend groans. Long and relieved like when you push deep and grind against just the right spot, or when you stretch her open on your fingers and give her a broad lick at the same time. No force in this world could keep your eyes on the street, and you allow yourself a quick glance.
She's reclined even farther, head thrown back and eyes closed. One hand is pinching at her nipple, hard and stiff through the flimsy fabric of her top. The other, though - that's the one that nearly does you in, and you grip the steering wheel harder and wrench your eyes away because you’re still in moving traffic.
But... but she's touching herself through her leggings, soaked still, and you don't know the exact ratio of piss to arousal making up that stain but you want to, the one she's rhythmically rubbing her finger over, pulling the fabric taut on the upstroke, and - the pants, they're elastic enough to give, to raise the bulge at her ass, making it jump and shift with her movements, and she must be feeling it, it's so clear in your mind because you've done it enough, the feeling of getting yourself off with your mess moving in time, the weight in your pants that's testament to how dirty you are, how much you filled your panties...
You shift in your seat, making your own pants rub against your erection, and it's bliss and torture alike, and before you know it you're moaning along with her.
Because she's going to be the end of you, she hears and reaches over, rubs over your crotch mercilessly, perfectly, and you can't help but hump against the pressure, only just enough concentration to stay inside the street markings.
She lets her left knee drop further and turns toward you a bit more, and one glance is enough to get the full picture of the situation in her pants, and when she moans loud and deep just for you, you love her so much.
You've been together long enough that she knows exactly what you like, and you can only take it so long before you're actually going to cause a crash - because you're a good driver alright, but even you can't concentrate when you're coming.
Besides, there's a promise to keep, so you gently push her hand away.
Thankfully, she goes without protest, and you can already see the coffee shop that marks your last turn down the road.
She's quieter for the rest of the drive, but you can hear anyway, the constant rub rub rub of her hand on herself, and you've probably never done worse parking job than this, but you're not going to try and correct it, fuck what the neighbors are going to think.
You fumble the keys trying to unlock the front door, but you get it on the second try and your girlfriend is right behind you, and she's probably laughing at you but you don't care, you just urge her to go first so you can stare at her ass as she makes her way up the stairs, and just the view could fuel your masturbation sessions for the rest of your life. Her pants are clearly wet but not wet enough to be running down her legs - yet, a small voice in your head says, and you lick your lips and concentrate on taking the next landing without falling on your face - and there's an obvious bulge in the seat, about the size of an orange, not overt but perfectly obvious when you know what you're looking at, and oh do you ever. The weight and size of it is unfamiliar to your girlfriend, and it shows in the way she takes the stairs one at a time like she's usually too impatient to, and your head is full of the image, the knowledge of how every step pulls the fabric taut, makes her mess mush against her.
Finally reaching your floor, your girlfriend steps to the side to let you open the door again, and this time you master the keys on the first try and then you're in, and your girlfriend is right behind you and you push her up against the door the second it falls closed.
She makes a vague remark about shoes or something, but then you're kissing her an she's moaning into your mouth, and normally she would hook a leg around you to get closer now but she doesn't today. She spreads her legs to allow your hand between instead, and you put your other one on her boob as you kiss your way down her neck, pinch her nipple and grab her ass, right next to her mess so it's hanging against your forearm, and you take a moment to lick her other nipple, her hand in your hair and then you're on your knees.
You look up at her, a question, and she laughs and moans and tells you, breathless, "Fuck yes," and then she's helping you pull her leggings down to her ankles.
Her panties aren't ones she usually picks out for sex, they're cotton and cover decidedly more skin than her sexy lingerie does, but it's pale gray, securely holds her entire load and stains beautifully, and you pin the waistband to her belly to pull it taut against her front, making her clit a tiny but obvious protrusion, an easy target, and you go in for the kill.
Your girlfriend loves it. You pride yourself in having studied her preferences in getting oral extensively, and you put it all to use now because she deserves nothing less, and your other hand is still at her ass, and you dare to squeeze her mess directly now, feel out the shape of it and she just moans harder, takes hold of your head and grinds into your face.
Her mess didn't quite make it to the front when she sat down in the car, but you have your hands on it and you can smell it all around you, mixing with her arousal, and she's wet like a fountain and your cock is pulsing painfully where it's still trapped in denim.
Your girlfriend very clearly isn't grossed out yet, so you take advantage and grab her mess in broad strokes, hold it and squeeze it and rub it in a bit, and you suck her clit as time becomes a theoretical concept again until she shouts your name and then she's coming, contractions evident against your hand on her stomach, with the way she jerks her hips, her pussy quivering against your mouth. You lick her through it, then regretfully let up on her ass to allow her to get her bearings, and then you're just sitting there staring up at her, out of your mind with how bad you need to come, right now.
It takes another breath or two, but then she's smirking down at you, and your heart kicks right back up.
"Come up here." You're there in a second, and she pulls you into a kiss, takes your hand to put it back over her ass. "Like that, don't you."
You nod breathlessly, and she pushes you just far enough away to get to your pants, pulling the zipper and peeling the fabric open. It's sticking a bit to your boxers, soaked in precome.
"Oh," she says, lightly teasing as she rubs her hand down your crotch, "you really like that. What a mess."
And that's it. It's a trigger word, making your brain spark and overload - and the connection is right there after all, in your hand, still warm and mushing perfectly - and you give in. Before you know it, you're coming, your girlfriend making a surprised noise and rubbing harder, and you jerk and jerk again, come dripping to the floor in fat globs.
You have to lean against the wall next to her when it finally ends, because your body feels like pudding, and you rest your forehead against her shoulder.
Your girlfriend laughs again, hand still on you cock. "Oh, I like that."
"Really?" you ask her, peering up from tired eyes, and she nods with a smile.
"Making a guy so desperate he can't hold it until he's out of his pants? Hell yes."
You smile too, relieved in more than one way, and relax back into the wall, just holding her now, the smell still all around you.
Your girlfriend keeps staring down your body. "Maybe our kinks are a bit alike in that way," she says after a while.
"Maybe," you agree after eying both your pants critically.
"We should do that again," she says, and your heart kicks straight back into overdrive for a second. She grins knowingly. "I think I’d like to see how you wear messy pants. But let's get cleaned up for now."
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piissie, Cosmicfox987, damisdoormat, O_angeluc, CaramelVanillaHoodiePerson, Mare_Crisium, AssFetish, baby_das_quebradas, SSSMasterBaitor, tired_alone_and_gay, Kurau_Willow, Werepire86, NoIdeaAtAll0, EveGem, em2_lover, PoopyPants82, CaleXxelac, kuramakas, Stark578, snowymirror181, Alexmcgarry, House_of_Daenerys, and Mothman98 as well as 52 guests left kudos on this work!
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hageny · 1 year
Succession Thoughts: Gerri x Roman 
1. Love’s A Losing Game.
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I finally have a chance to touch on the scene between Roman and Gerri, and, as usual, my thoughts may be a bit controversial, but here we go. When we see them again, Roman is propositioning Gerri for advice after having fired her in the last episode, and Gerri rebuffs him with a firm, “No.” This seems to shock Roman, who then quickly plunges into damage control, attempting to cajole her and convince her his firing of her wasn’t real. As he puts it, “Dad fired people all the time. I was just feeling kind of fire-ish.” I can understand the logic behind Roman’s statement because, if one recalls in Season 1, Logan fired Frank, and, shockingly, Frank came back to Waystar and to Logan again anyway later on. Even Gerri was shocked by this, to which Frank replied, “Baby needs shoes, moth to a flame [...]”. This moment in Hunting between them sort of sets us up for what Gerri does in Tailgate Party by refusing to return, but again, Roman had seen the Old Guard kicked so many times he naturally thought Gerri wouldn’t permanently abandon him. Sadly, he thought wrong, and she has firmly--and gladly--removed herself from the picture. Most of the discourse online has cheered Gerri on, saying Roman got what was coming to him, and, to degree, I can agree with this. However, Gerri says something interesting that I’ve seen no one comment on which is the line about his dick pics: “[...] I will sue and I will go public with the many, many pictures of your genitalia that I have in my possession.” This struck me as quite pertinent because many fans debated about Roman’s sending of the dick pic in Season 3, wondering whether the one he sent his father was the only one, whether when Gerri asked him to stop sending, “the items”, she had been receiving photos before. This confirms that Gerri had received photos of Roman’s private parts before, and, until the moment she took the CEO spot, likely entertained his proclivity for sending them the same way she engaged in his other kinks. This brings me to my point, which is, did Roman deserve for Gerri to walk out on him? Sure, to a degree. He treated her poorly several times this season, and expected loyalty in return, which was foolish of him. However, was he the only one in the wrong? Not in the least. What many seem to conveniently forget when discussing their relationship is that Gerri willingly entered into a pseudo-romance with him, dancing the dance and leading him along as much as he led her. She was no virginal ingenue out to sea with a predator, she was a willing participant in their relationship, and she is as much responsible for its dissolution as he is. Her inconsistent communication with him in Season 3--her vague outlining of what was appropriate, her pulling back suddenly without any real clear sit-down conversation--is largely what led Roman to send her the photos. He even says to her, “I’m not so sure, I feel like you do want them, but you’re being kind of typically minxy.” Of course, she did seriously tell him to stop, but us fans remained confused through the run of the season like Roman did, and so I can’t help but sympathize with him now. He knew better than to send the photos and sent them anyway, and Gerri knew better than to enter into a relationship with her boss’s son and then turn around and throw the responsibility for it’s destruction in his face as though he was the only villain in the story. I am prepared to get a heap of criticism for this opinion, but I still stand by it. There’s something about the endless backing of Gerri and lack of actual critique of her actions that rubs me wrong. I do, however, still hope for some sort of turn in their relationship, naïve as that may seem, because, truly, they were much better together than apart. They were a more powerful team when they worked alongside each other, and to see the show just throw it all away feels cheap. I am interested to hear what others think about this scene, and, of course, discussion is always welcome, whether you agree or disagree with me. 
AN: I just wanted to add a quick thank you to all who have read and commented on my writings so far. As always I like hearing everyone’s thoughts, and I like how honest people are in the replies. Makes life more fun. 
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Dick with a partner who’s having a “I know you’re a ray of sunshine who planned an elaborate date that you’ve been excited for for weeks but I literally cannot get out of bed today pls don’t leave me” kind of day? It’s brutal out here rn
"Babe?" Dick called, "Are you ready I-"
He stopped at the threshold and his heart dropped, just a fraction. You were still curled under the blankets, wrapped at tightly as you could and balled up on your side.
"Hey," he said, lowering his voice and walking closer, "you okay?"
"I'm sorry I thought I could do this I just can't I went to get up and I just couldn't everything is too much I can't I just can't I couldn't even go wash my face and then I couldn't find-"
"Hey," he said softly, "Sweetheart. It's okay- no. Oh god, please don't cry- shit." He stopped the flow of words but that didn't stop the tears that leaked out of your eyes. "Shh," he soothed rubbing your shoulder.
"I'm sorry I know you really wanted to-"
"I want to spend the day with you," he said, wiping tears away gingerly, not sure where your threshold for stimuli is right now. "Whatever that looks like." That wasn't quite true and when you wince, somehow retreating further into the blankets, he knows you know it. "I wanted to go on an adventure, sure," he amended, "But that doesn't mean-"
"I thought I could be normal for a day-"
"Normal," he snorted, "Is just a setting on a washing machine, baby."
You whimper and take a shaky breath, "I understand if you don't want to stay."
Dick smiled sadly and not for the first time, he wondered how many times you'd been left to just suffer. How many brave little smiles you'd forced so that you wouldn't take up too much of someone's time. So no one would feel too bad about leaving you. Because you were trying to smile now and it was the most pitiful thing he'd ever seen.
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be," he said, bending his head to kiss your temple. And that time, it was 100% true.
"Let's start with a bath, huh? Then maybe some clean pjs and a nap? Some snacks? Whatever you need, okay?" He'd thought you needed a day out. But- he could do that another time. For now, if you needed coddled, so be it. As long as you weren't alone.
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irondad-defensesquad · 7 months
current wips (updated!)
the mostly finished ones:
i'll send an SOS to the world - takes place during iron man 3, through uncle ben's pov. peter is devastated upon the news of tony's supposed death. uncle ben can tell how affected peter is, so he tries his best to lift peter's spirits.
if you're going to shoot somebody, shoot me! - peter gets hurt again, but tony is absolutely broken, because peter got hurt outside of patrol. the two were just hanging out when a guy tried to shoot tony, and peter took the bullet instead.
the view from halfway down - TRIGGER WARNING FOR SUICIDE. peter finally tries to end his life, but he gives up on the idea and saves himself. but he ends up halfway down the bridge, and he calls tony for help, fearing his mentor is going to get angry.
you’re all i need to get by - sickfic in which tony gets sick and peter looks after him. eventually, peter kisses tony's forehead without realizing. THIS IS NOT SHIPPY, ISTG
untitled - TRIGGER WARNING FOR SELF-HARM. morgan sees peter's cuts and tries her best to help. eventually she tells tony that peter is hurt.
the rest:
we didn't start the fire, chapter 2 - miles wakes up at an unfamiliar place, but he realizes he's not actually in danger. tony tries to figure out who was the boy that left miles there. basically a spider-verse x mcu crossover where tony is still alive, but he doesn't remember peter.
and i say to myself, what a wonderful world - short fic that takes place before peter travels to europe in ffh. but here tony is alive and he doesn’t want to stay away from peter after the last five years. it's more light-hearted than it sounds, trust me. inspired by the ending of finding nemo :)
i need some sleep - tony finds peter wearing the spider-man suit late at night, but he finds out that the kid isn’t fighting anyone. peter is just talking to karen, and tony learns a lot more about him.
and then you’re left in the dust - a sequel to kid arachnid, part of the miles in the mcu series, in which mcu!miles meets peter and tony, and he eventually gets spider-powers. tony starts mentoring him before the events of endgame. suddenly, one day, miles’ father, who was dusted, returns as if nothing happened. miles later finds out peter and everyone else is back once he visits tony.
untitled - sequel to and the void stares back. after tony adopts tony jr., a black cat, peter brings an orange kitten home. much to his and tony's surprise, junior quickly adopts the kitten. shenanigans ensue.
p.s. say edith - another mcu x spider-verse crossover! miles graduates from school and all his spider-friends attend. peter shows up wearing cool glasses miles has never seen before. sadly, tony is dead in this one.
turn the lights off, carry me home - peter has an anxiety attack, and ned does his best to help. since they can't get aunt may, ned suggests they call tony. peter is against that, mostly bc he knows tony would pick him up and help him out. peter just hates getting in the way.
unsure about these:
i've become so numb (title might be changed) - peter is working in the lab while tony is out, when (alive) howard stark enters without anyone's permission. howard is clearly a dick to peter, but the kid is furious when the man insults tony and all his hard work. peter won't stand for that. i'm a little concerned this one might be too similar to you keep me searching for a heart of gold...
dad sneeze (title might be changed) - based on a post by @/fotibrit, peter never understood what was so funny about dad sneezes, until he hears tony sneeze incredibly loud. it's just fluff.
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
I remember that fight, 2:30 am
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Tom worries about your relationship when he realizes you never fight
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“Look at this picture she just sent me.” Tom smiled proudly as he showed his phone to Harrison. Harrison looked over and saw a picture you had texted Tom of you and Tessa in your bed. “We can’t wait for you to come home” was written under the picture.
“I hate you.” Harrison scoffed and looked away.
“You’re just jealous.” Tom sighed happily as he went to text you back.
“Yeah. I am jealous. You have the most unrealistically perfect relationship any of us have ever seen and insist on rubbing it in our faces on a daily basis.” Harrison said with a roll of his eyes.
“More like hourly basis.” Harry added.
“I can’t help it.” Tom shrugged. “I’m in love.”
“We know.” Tuwaine mumbled under his breath.
“I guess I can’t even blame him. I’d probably be the same way if I fell in love.” Harry said as he looked around at the group.
“Really? You haven’t been in love before?” Tuwaine asked in surprised.
“Never. Not even close.” Harry shrugged. “I never date a girl long enough to fall in love. I guess I have pretty high standards.”
“I don’t. My dick has led me places I wouldn’t even go with a gun.” Tuwaine said, making all the boys roll their eyes.
“Oh God.” Harrison chuckled and covered his face. Tuwaine smiled proudly at the reaction he got until he noticed Sam wasn’t laughing.
“What’s wrong with you? That was hilarious and you didn’t even crack a smile. You’ve been quiet all night.” Tuwaine asked as he nudged Sam.
“Sorry guys. I’m just a little distracted. I think Chrissy and I broke up. We had a huge fight last night.” Sam frowned and rubbed his eyes.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. You guys are great together.” Harry assured his brother.
“I don’t know about this time. It was really bad. Like really bad.” Sam sighed.
“I’m sure it wasn’t bad enough for a breakup.” Tom tried to comfort him.
“I don’t know. You know when you have one of those huge blowout fights that come out of nowhere?” Sam asked sadly.
“Not really.” Tom shrugged.
“Yes you do. It’s like when you say one thing that’s kinda uncalled for and she has a comeback that pisses you off and then you get smart with her and just starting bringing up shit that has nothing to do with the original fight.”
“Yep.” Harrison nodded. “And then you forget what the fight was even about because you’re way more focused on winning the fight then actually listening to her. You know those fights.”
“No.” Tom realized. “I don’t know those fights.”
“Tom, come on. It’s just us. You can be real with us.” Harrison assured him.
“I am being real.” Tom insisted. “We don’t fight like that.”
“You’ve had to have one of those fights that makes you want to break up and start over with someone else until you’ve calmed down and you’re like “oh wait, I love her. I’m lost without her”. And then you beg for forgiveness because being right isn’t worth losing her.”
“We don’t fight like that.” Tom shook his head. “We don’t really fight at all.”
“Ever?” Tuwaine asked skeptically.
“No. Never.”
“Come on. All couples fight.” Sam insisted.
“Not us. I value her opinion, even if it’s different from mine. I listen to what she has to say and she does the same for me. No fights break out when you know how to communicate.” Tom said with a proud shrug. He thought he would impress the boys, but instead, everyone looked at each other and laughed.
“What? What’s funny?” Tom wondered.
“Tom, it doesn’t matter how well you communicate. Fights are always gonna happen. They cannot be avoided.” Harrison told him.
“Not necessarily.” Tom shrugged.
“Yes necessarily.” Harrison insisted. “Because sometimes, you just need to yell. You just need to disagree and scream at someone. And sometimes you’re actually mad at your significant other and sometimes, they just happened to be there when you needed to let out some steam. It happens. Then you apologize and get over it. But it still happened.”
“Sometimes you don’t apologize. And then they hold on to it. And then they start to hate you.” Harry said with a grimace.
“Yep. Girls are really good at remembering things because they used to gather berries in caveman time. It’s in the DNA. They can pin pint every thing you’ve ever done wrong and every time you didn’t apologize. It’s scary how intelligent they are.” Tuwaine added.
“Tell me about it.” Sam sighed.
“Maybe that’s your girlfriends, but Y/n is different.” Tom told them. “She’s intelligent but she doesn’t use it against me. We just don’t fight.”
“There is no way you and Y/n don’t fight. All couples fight.” Harry insisted.
“Not us. I guess we’re just perfect.” Tom said with another smug expression. Everyone laughed again and Tom’s smile dropped.
“What? What is your problem this time?” Tom groaned.
“Tom, if you’re not fighting, something is wrong.” Tuwaine told him.
“What? Nothings wrong. Why would you think that?” Tom asked his friends.
“Because no two people, no matter how much they love each other, get along 100% of the time. If you’re not fighting, something is missing.” Harry said, and everyone nodded in agreement.
“Like what?” Tom began to worry.
“Maybe she doesn’t pick fights because she doesn’t see the point.” Sam shrugged.
“Yeah. Maybe she says everything is okay when it really isn’t because she doesn’t think a fight is worth it.” Tuwaine agreed. Tom thought about what they said and slowly put things together.
“You mean… she doesn’t think I’m worth it, don’t you?” He asked quietly.
“Yeah. Maybe.” Harry said with a sympathetic smile.
“Oh.” Tom said and looked down at the floor. An uncomfortable silence filled the room as all the boys looked at each other.
“You know what I was thinking about the other day? The apartment from ICarly. It was huge and had multiple floors, including a huge studio. It was right across the hallway from Freddie’s apartment but I think his was just one floor. How did Spencer, a freelance artist, afford such a big place?” Harry asked to change the subject. All the boys started talking about how they afforded it while Tom continued to stare at the floor, deep in thought.
Around 2 am, Tom pulled into his driveway and went inside his house. You were sitting on the couch with Tessa on your lap and an old romantic comedy on the TV. Tom stood in the doorway for a minute and watched you, getting a sad feeling in his chest. It was a Friday night and you were watching a romantic movie alone while he went out with his friends. One of you had to be home to watch Tessa and you had offered to do it so that Tom could have a night out. It made him sad to think of you putting on the movie and watching it by yourself with no one to laugh along with. It wasn’t the first time you stayed home with the dog so that Tom could stay out all night either. It was a common occurrence but Tom couldn’t remember if he had ever thanked you for doing that. He knew you should be pissed off at him, but somehow weren’t.
“Hey.” Tom said as he joined you on the couch. He kissed you hello before kissing Tessa some scratches behind the ear.
“Hey. How was it?” You asked as you hit pause on your movie.
“It was good. It’s always nice to see them.” Tom said as he noticed the half eaten bowl of popcorn on the table. If he had stayed home with you, the bowl would’ve been empty because you would’ve had someone to share it with. Instead, he had left you there all alone, making his guilt build.
“Sorry I didn’t text you about how late I’d be.” He said as he tore his eyes away from the bowl.
“It’s okay. I’m just glad you had fun.”
“I did. But still. I should’ve been more considerate and told you when to expect me home so you weren’t sitting up waiting for me all night.“ Tom said as he carefully watched your reaction to see if you were upset.
“I don’t mind waiting up. I just like to know you made it home safe.”
“Well thank you. And thank you for watching Tessa too. I really appreciate it.” Tom said before pulling you closer to kiss your forehead.
“Aw. You’re welcome.” You smiled and rested your head on his chest. Tom rested his head on top of yours as another sinking feeling settled in his stomach. You seemed so happy to hear him say he appreciated you, which made him realize how little he said that. He picked the remote off your lap and hit play on the movie so that you could finish it together.
The next day, Tom was playing video games on the couch while you hastily gathered your things and threw them into your bag.
“I’m running super late. Can you put the dishwasher on after you eat?” You asked as you frantically buttoned your coat.
“Yeah. Sure.” Tom replied without looking up from his screen.
“Thanks. And can you take the chicken out if the freezer around 5? It should be defrosted by the time I get home.”
“No problem.”
“You’re the best. Bye. Love you.“ You kissed Tom’s head before running out of the house.
“Love you.” He called back and went back to his game.
A few hours later, Tom heard the front door open. He hadn’t moved from his spot on the couch as he fiddled with the buttons on his controller.
“Hi honey. I’m home.” You said as you walked over to the couch to kiss Tom hello.
“Hi. How was work?” Tom asked you.
“I’ve had better days. I’m just happy to be home. It was a long day.” You sighed and set your bag down. You opened the dishwasher to get out some plates and saw that it was exactly the way you left it that morning.
“Oh.” You said and shut the door.
“What?” Tom wondered.
“You didn’t run the dishwasher?” You asked him with a disappointment smile.
“Oh. I’m sorry. I totally forgot.” Tom realized as he got off the couch.
“It’s okay. I’ll run it now. We can just use bowls for dinner.” You sighed and got some bowls out of the cabinet.
“Right…..Dinner.” Tom gulped and looked at the empty counter top.
“You didn’t take the chicken out, did you?” You asked when you heard his tone.
“I’m so sorry. I’ve been so wrapped up in my game. We can take it out now.” Tom tried to fix his mistake and got the chicken out of the freezer.
“Yeah. We can. But it’s not defrosted so it’s not really gonna do much.”
“I’m sorry.” Tom realized you were right and put the chicken back.
“Yeah. You said that.” You sighed and rubbed your tired eyes. Tom nervously chewed his lip as he looked at you, sure that you were gonna yell this time.
“It’s fine. I probably would’ve forgotten too. I should’ve written it down for you.” You said after a minute.
“No. It’s my fault.” Tom insisted. “I should’ve done what you asked me to do.”
“We can just order Chinese food or something.” You shrugged and pulled your phone out to place the order.
“Are you mad?”
“No. I’m not mad.” You replied, making Tom frown. He knew you should be mad and was worried that you weren’t. He thought about the conversation he had with his friends the day before and gulped.
“Are you sure? It’s okay if you are. You can yell at me. I can take it.”
“I’m not gonna yell at you.” You laughed like that was silly to suggest.
“But you had a long day and you’re exhausted and you had to come home to see that I didn’t do any of the things you asked me to do because I was sitting on my ass playing video games all day.” Tom said, growing slightly frustrated now over that fact that you weren’t frustrated.
“It’s fine, Tom. I’m too tired to cook anyway. It’s actually better that we’re ordering food.”
“Are you sure you’re not mad?” Tom asked skeptically, almost hoping you’d say yes.
“I’m sure. Besides, we have that dinner with my parents on Friday. The restaurant is literally known for the chicken. We don’t want to get sick of eating chicken before the dinner.”
“Okay. You’re right.” Tom nodded and sat back down. He watched as you started the dishwasher and let out a little sigh. If you were angry over this, his worried his friends might be right about you not thinking he was worth it.
Come Thursday, Tom had to go to set for a reshoot. He promised you he’d be back in time for dinner with your parents and had every intention of keeping his promise. But when he got home early Saturday morning and found you sitting alone at the kitchen table, he realized he fucked up.
“Oh my God. The dinner. I’m so sorry. I completely forgot.” Tom covered his mouth his mouth with his hand.
“I know.” You said without looking up at him.
“How was it? Were your parents mad?” Tom asked as he slid into the seat across from you.
“No. I told them you were sick.”
“Oh. Okay.” Tom nodded and watched your face carefully for a reaction. You finally looked up at him and sucked in a sharp breath before letting out a frustrated laugh.
“You know, this dinner was really important to me. I’ve been talking about it all week. I put it on the calendar with a huge circle around it. And I put a reminder on your phone. You promised me you wouldn’t miss it. You promised you’d get home on time. How could you forget?”
“I don’t know. I’m so so sorry. We were doing this one scene and it kept going wrong and we finally got it right but then the audio cut out and we had to do it all over again. I’m so sorry. I should’ve called you as soon as we went overtime.”
“Yeah. That would’ve been nice.” You rolled your eyes and got up from the table. This was the first time you were showing actual annoyance with Tom and he was starting ti get nervous.
“Can we reschedule? Maybe we can go out with them tomorrow.” Tom suggested in a desperate attempt to make things right.
“They leave tomorrow, Tom.” You sighed. “They were only in town for a few days. I’ve told you this.”
“Right. I’m sorry.” He said again as he watched your face. You looked at him for a minute and he thought you might scream, but you just sighed instead.
“It’s fine.“ You said and started to walk away.
“Are you mad?” Tom asked as he followed after you.
“No. I’m not mad.” You replied, making Tom stop in his tracks.
“Why not?” He asked, sounding a little annoyed. You turned around and looked at him in surprise.
“Why not?” You asked for clarification.
“Yeah. Why aren’t you mad?”
“Um, do you want me to be mad?” You asked with a confused laugh.
“Yes! I do actually!” Tom raised his voice. “I want you to be mad. I want you to yell at me. I did a really shitty thing to you and it wasn’t okay. You should be mad at me.”
“Fine, Tom. You know what? I am mad at you.”
“Then why aren’t you yelling at me?” Tom shouted, making your face fall.
“Why are you yelling at me? What did I do wrong?” You asked quietly.
“You didn’t know anything wrong. I’m just frustrated. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to raise my voice.” Tom said in a softer tone as he approached you. He reached out to touch you but you took a step back.
“But you did.” You said as you held yourself in your arms. Tom noticed your behavior and stepped back to give you space.
“Because you never do.” Tom said quietly. “Don’t you think it’s weird that we never fight?”
“We never fight because I don’t want to us fight. I could scream at you every time you do something shitty, but I don’t want to do that. I let it go specifically for the sake of avoiding a fight.”
“But that’s not healthy. You can’t just repress your feelings every time I piss you off. You need to let that out. You need to start a fight.”
“I don’t want to. I don’t want to fight.” You said as you tried to walk away again. Tom followed after you, not ready to drop the topic yet.
“Why not?” Tom shouted. “Why don’t you ever want to fight?”
“Because I’m sick of fighting! I’ve been fighting my whole life! I’m over it. I’m done. I don’t want to do that anymore, okay? I don’t want to fight anyone ever again.” You shouted back, stunning Tom to silence. It was the first time you had ever raised your voice at him and he didn’t know how to react. You both blinked in surprise as a silence settled in the room.
“What are you talking about?” Tom asked quietly.
“Nothing.” You sighed and rubbed your eyes. “Can we just drop this? Please?”
“I can’t drop this. I need to know why we never fight. Because if it’s for the reason I think it is then I need to know that right now.”
“What reason are you thinking?” You frowned and folded your arms. Tom looked at you for a second as he chewed his bottom lip.
“My friends put this idea in my head that maybe….” He trailed off and looked down at the ground.
“Maybe you don’t fight with me because you don’t think this relationship is worth fighting for.” Tom said without looking up. He held his breath as he anxiously waited for you to confirm his worse nightmares. Instead, he heard soft footsteps as you walked over to him. You placed your hands on either side of his face and lifted it up so he could look at you.
“Tommy, that’s no true. That’s not true at all.” You said in a soft voice as you rubbed your thumbs against his cheeks.
“Then why don’t you fight for us?” He asked quietly.
“Come here.” You nodded towards the couch before taking him by the hand and sitting down with him. You held on to his hand and closed your eyes as he looked at you expectantly.
“My dad used to yell a lot.” You said and slowly looked up at Tom. He gave you a gentle nod to assure you that he was ready to listen.
“He didn’t like me. He used to, at some point. But once I hit puberty, he didn’t like me anymore. Once I started having my own opinions and my own personality, he stopped liking me. I don’t really know what happened but something just changed. We used to do these “daddy daughter day” things where’d we’d spend the day together. Now I dread being alone in a room with him. I can’t talk to him. It’s like I don’t even know him. He feels like a total stranger and I literally have to struggle to make small talk. And part of me is sad because he tries to talk to me but I don’t really know what to say back. He makes an effort to start conversations but I barely say anything. I feel bad about it but I know why I do it and I can’t stop.”
“Why do you do it?” Tom asked quietly as he squeezed your hand.
“Because I resent him. I resent him so much.” You admitted as an embarrassed tear fell down your face. Tom wiped your tear with his free hand and continued to listen.
“He was always so loud. Always yelling, always picking fights, always screaming and throwing things and banging on walls. He never hit any of us but sometimes, I really thought he would. It was so easy to set him off. I never wanted to say anything as a kid because I was so scared of sending him into another yelling rage. It’s scary watching a grown man scream and punch tables and slam doors. It was scary when I was little and it’s scary now. That’s why I can’t speak to him. I hate him for scaring me my whole life. I hate him for how loud and angry he was. No matter what he does now, I will never forget what he did back then. He’s given me everything I ever needed but he was mean. He was a mean man. And I never, ever wanted to be like him. That’s why I don’t yell at you or raise my voice. I never want to scare you the way he scared me. I never want to make you feel the way he made me feel. And I never wanted you to raise your voice at me in return. That’s why I don’t pick fights or get mad at you. I don’t want to fight. I don’t want to yell or scream. I don’t want to be like my parents. I resented my mom for staying with him. I resented her for allowing him to stay because I knew, even as a little kid, I knew that your partner isn’t supposed to treat you that way. You shouldn’t have to be scared in your own home. You shouldn’t have to get scolded by a grown ass man for making a decision. I hated their relationship and promised myself I would never end up like them. So I’m sorry if it bothers you that I don’t yell. I’m sorry if you want us to fight. But I can’t fight you, Tom. I don’t have any fight left.”
You sat in silence for a moment and held your breath for every second of it. You braced yourself for the goodbye, because that was all you had even known, but Tom caught you by surprise. He reached out and put his hand on your face, slowly tilting it up to look at him.
“We don’t have to fight, baby doll. Not if you don’t want to. But if I do something wrong, you need to tell me. And you can do that without raising your voice or starting a fight. But you can’t just let me get away with things for the sake of keeping the peace. Because if you keep doing that, you’re just gonna end up resenting me too.”
“I know. I know that deep down.” You sighed. “But I just don’t want to risk it. I don’t want to correct you because I don’t want you to react badly. What I do works. We don’t fight. We don’t go to bed angry. And we don’t scream at each other. It works.”
“It works for now. But it won’t work forever. What I did today, missing the dinner with your parents, that was a really shitty thing to do. It’s even worse now that I know how nervous your dad makes you. I should’ve been there.”
“Yeah. You should’ve.” You smiled sadly.
“And next time, I will be.” He promised you. “And I’m gonna start doing things the first time you ask me too. And texting you when I know I’ll be out late. I’m going to be a better boyfriend for you. I’m gonna be a better man.”
“I’d like that.” You said as your sad smile turned into a hopeful one.
“Me too.” Tom returned the smile. “And since we’re talking about things the other does, I just have one little complaint.”
“Oh, okay. What is it?”
“You leave every single cabinet-“
“Don’t start.” You immediately cut him off.
“-open and I just don’t understand it.” He continued. “I don’t understand why you can’t just close them when you’re done.”
“If I’m gonna go in there again later, why would I close it?”
“You do this with the drawers too in our bedroom. They’re all open. All the time.”
“Because I’m gonna go back in there later.”
“So close it and open it up when you need it go back in there.”
“Why would I do that when I could just leave it open?” You shrugged, making Tom rub his tired eyes.
“Oh my God. You were right. We should just keep all of this inside.” He said through a tired laugh. You laughed as well and felt the tension in the room dissipate.
“I’ll close the cabinets if it means that much to you.” You told him as you squeezed his hand.
“And I’ll kill your dad if it means that much to you.” He said in the same gentle tone.
“I would appreciate that.” You laughed, making Tom laugh as well.
“So we’re good?” He asked hopefully.
“We’re good.” You told him. “Starting tomorrow, we’ll do better.”
The next day, Tom came home late to find you on the couch with Tessa asleep in your lap. He put his hand over his mouth when he realized he went back on the promises you made just mere hours ago.
“Oh my God. I’m so sorry. I totally forgot to text you. I’m so…” Tom trailed off when he looked around the kitchen as saw multiple drawers and cabinets open. He looked at you and you gave him a sheepish smile.
“We’ll start tomorrow.” You said in unison.
Tag List 🏷
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor
@lavender-writer @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@mara-twins @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland @flixndchill @sovereignparker @thisisthebiplace @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave​ @itscaminow​ @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman @smilexcaptainx @quaksonhehe @kelieah @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger @electraheart-3174 @unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff
@maybemona @alexxcorona113
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hauntedwitch04 · 3 years
Heyy babe!! I LOVE your writings and was wondering if u could write an angst with a not exactly fluff ending with angst prompts 4,7 and 32 with either Azriel Or Sirius
Thank you!!
Author's note: Hi love! Thank you so much, sorry if it took me that long, but as I mentioned yesterday I had a lot of trouble with Tumblr. I decide to put that in the angsty sunday, hope you don't mind. It was a pleasure to write. Hope you enjoy it. Have a great day!
Themed masterist I Themed Days I Join Taglist I Angsty Sunday 
"I screwed up, all right. but i never once lied to you. i’ve done a lot of shit in my life, but loving you is different.“
"you’re in my head, even when you’re not supposed to be. it shouldn’t be this hard to let go.”
"Why the fuck should I listen to you?”
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"Why the fuck should I listen to you? You betrayed me Sirius, with the first slut you found! Why should I stay here and suffer through hearing you make excuses!" I yell as I move restlessly around the room. Remus and James left us as soon as they saw me walk in, knowing it wasn't going to be a pretty sight. I am now teary eyed in front of what used to be my boyfriend, the one I considered my soulmate and thought I would be with until I died. But everything was a little girl's dream of first love. I learned that he had fucked someone else during the victory party for the last Quidditch game, while I was in the great hall with everyone else.  "I already told you I'm sorry, but please let me talk. I need to explain how it really went down!" He pleads with me, but I don't listen. "What are you supposed to explain? That you never loved me and that the first chance you got to get your dick wet, you couldn't say no? No thanks, I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses." I said angrily. "I screwed up, all right. But I never once lied to you. I've done a lot of shit in my life, but loving you is different. I loved you, and this was the truth.“ I smile sadly as I feel tears running down my cheeks. An even greater pain expands in my chest as I search for words. "You said it right, you loved me now you don't." I let out a sigh and close my eyes before speaking again. "Look, I don't want to ruin the friendship we had. Let's just go back to being friends. I know it won't be easy at first, and I probably won't be able to be the way I was with you right away, but I don't want to lose you. I knew by now that you didn't feel anything for me anymore, and I was starting to question my feelings for you too, but you betrayed me and that hurt a lot. Just friends, do you agree?" I look at him and see relief in his gaze. "Okay. I'm sorry, I should have been as honest with you as you have been with me now. I love you, and you're my friend, that will never change." He replies as he gives me a quick hug. I turn to leave the room when I hear him say one last thing. "You know, I don't want to sound rude and all, but I think Remus has feelings for you. Of course he's never told me, but I could see it in his eyes. And I've seen how happy you are when he's around. You deserve to be happy, do what feels right and don't give a damn about other people's judgment.” I look at him and smile. "You know, you're always in my head, even when you’re not supposed to be, like now. It shouldn’t be this hard to let go, but it is. I appreciate that you want my happiness but I need time." I answer before walking out of his room, still with tears in my eyes and the pain of betraying someone you still trusted in your chest. ” 
• @shadowolf993
• @sadblueberry721
• @goldenharrysworld
• @fairy-witch-bitch
• @xoxoloverb
• @idli-dosa
• @rainelikerain
• @daph-505
• @nyx2021
• @s-we-e-t-t-ea
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Never too late.
A/N: I hope you enjoy!! I have not proofread this so i apologise in advance!! 💕💕
Summary: Tom messed up a long time ago but can he fix it?
Warnings: Swearing.
W/C: 4.2K.
When Isabelle had asked you to be her maid of honour you took the role immediately, wanting to be there for your best friend. It wasn’t until a few days later that you realised who you may have to interact with throughout the planning and on the day. You were currently getting coffee with Isabelle when the question slipped from your mouth, you hadn’t meant to spoil the atmosphere as you discussed flower arrangements.
“So, um, who did Haz pick as best man?” The question came out before you could stop it. Isabelle carefully placed her coffee down and looked at you with a sad smile.
“I was gonna tell you Y/N/N, I’m sorry.” She said, confirming that it was indeed the man you’d hoped it wasn’t.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.” You apologised, guilt settling in your stomach as she reached over and took your hand in hers.
“No, I should have said. I just, well I don’t know, it’s been what? Three years? I thought you’d have gotten over it, no offence.”
“We never had closure, we just argued and that was it. We haven’t spoken since.” You shrugged and Isabelle smiled sadly again.
“Did you want it? Closure?”
“Not at first but then every time I saw him afterwards just brought it all back up, brought up how much I loved him and how much it hurt when we ended things.” You said as you bit your lip, sadness now settling in your chest. It wasn’t often you spoke about Tom, you couldn’t, every time it would make you cry and you could never explain why.
“Y/N?” Isabelle asked quietly and you looked at her, telling her to continue. “Are you? Do you still have feelings for him?” She asked and you shrugged before finishing your now luke warm beverage.
“I don’t think so, like you say it’s been three years. I’ve always put it down to not getting closure.”
“Maybe talk to him? This would be a good opportunity, you’re going to have to see each other a lot.” She suggested and you shook your head.
“No, after the way we left things, I’m not sure that’d be a good idea. I’m not doing anything to ruin your big day, I’ll be civil, I promise.”
You were meeting Haz and Isabelle for a meal to discuss how they wanted the day to go, making your way into the restaurant. You knew he’d be there and you were already prepared for your mind to throw you back to that night but of course all the preparation meant nothing when your eyes fell on him. Your heart twisting as you swallowed thickly and made your way to the table, doing your best to stay composed and civil.
You’d seen Tom several times after the break up, you ran in the same circles, same friends and your respective best friends were getting married. You’d seen him but always managed to avoid him, this time you couldn’t. You exchanged pleasantries and sat down, zoning out as your mind wandered back to that night.
“You’re such a fucking dick Tom.” You huffed as you shut the door to your flat. Tom making his way into the living room.
“I’m here aren’t I?” He fired back, irritated, you’d already argued over text.
“After having to be reminded yeah.” You said and he rounded on you, eyes holding anger towards you.
“I forgot okay? I’m a human being. It’s perfectly human to forget things.” He snapped back. You wish he hadn’t come over now, wish you hadn’t have reminded him of your movie night you’d planned.
“This is the third date you’ve forgotten.” You pointed out and he huffed as he rolled his eyes.
“I’m busy, you know that.”
“So am I and I still turn up to things we’ve planned. Believe it or not Tom, I actually remember I’m in a relationship.” You said as you stormed past him and into your living room.
“Can you just drop it? I’m tired and I’ve had a long day, I’m here now.” He said following after you.
“Sure. I’ll drop it, I’ll just bring it up next time yeah?” You shouted and his nostrils flared as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Stop being so difficult.”
“Difficult? Me? You’re the one who’s seemingly unavailable all the fucking time.”
“That’s not true. I make time for you.” Tom snapped out as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Bullshit. You used to, I’ll give you that but recently? It’s like you’d rather be anywhere else but here.” It was true that in the last month you’d hardly seen him.
“Maybe I do want to be elsewhere.” He shouted and your stomach dropped a little, it was different hearing it confirmed.
“What?” You asked a slight sadness to your voice but he was too angry to notice.
“You heard. You’re so needy and fucking irritating at the minute. It doesn’t matter what I do, you start a fight anyway.” He ranted and your heart stopped. Needy? Irritating?
“Well you’re hardly Mr fucking perfect.”
“You’re right I’m not. I’m fucking human. I know you want me to be this man who does nothing but put you first all the goddam time but that’s not always how situations work Y/N. I have a life outside of this relationship.”
“Yeah I get that, I do. But fuck Tom, I ask for one night of your time and you forget. Or is that even true? Is that you forgot or you just can’t be bothered?”
“You’re ridiculous. You know what? I don’t know if I can do this anymore?” What?
“This, us. All we do is fight, I can’t do a single fucking thing that makes you happy. God damn Y/N, last week you got angry with me because I arrived a few hours later than I was supposed to. I would’ve understood had it not been for the fact that I got held up, my flight got delayed.”
“All you had to do was text, that’s all I wanted.” You said, sadness settling in your chest whereas Tom just seemed angry at the situation.
“I did! That’s why I was so fucking pissed off, it’s not my fault you never received it. What else could I have done?”
“Maybe you’re right.” You said.
“What?” Tom snapped out and you let your eyes brim with tears.
“Get out Tom.” You said.
“So I come over to get kicked straight back out, well fan fucking tastic.” He snapped with another roll of his eyes.
“No, I mean get out and don’t come back.” You said and Tom’s face fell.
“Wait, Y/N/N, are you,”
“Yeah,” you interrupted. “This isn’t working anymore, you’re right. Now can you please just leave?” You snapped as you looked at him, he looked at you hesitantly as if he was about to say something but he never did. He composed himself as huffed as he left with a slam of your flat door.
You’d always wondered what he was going to say, you knew he was going to. Maybe that’s why you found it so hard when you saw him, that wonder about what he would have said, would it have changed anything? Was he going to say something nasty, something to try and fix it? You never contacted one another afterwards, returning each other’s belongings through Isabelle and Harrison.
“Y/N/N?” Harrison asked as he waved his hand in front of your face, pulling you from your thoughts as you looked at him. “You okay?”
“Yeah, sorry. Long day.” You said, you could feel Tom’s eyes on you but couldn’t bring yourself to look at him.
“So, wedding guests.” Haz continued as he clapped his hands together. “You guys are gonna spend most of the day together.” He said as he gestured between you and Tom.
“If that’s okay?” Isabelle added as she looked at you with concern.
“Of course, it’s your wedding day.” You smiled as you tried to ignore the pounding in your head at the thought of having to spend an entire day interacting with the man across from you.
“Brilliant.” Harrison said, he knew you and Tom had ended on bad terms but probably assumed you’d both gotten over it. You wondered deep down if you had.
The dinner flew by and you couldn’t have rushed off to your house soon enough. Wanting to leave behind the awkward tension between you and Tom, maybe this was going to be harder than you first thought.
It was the day of the wedding and excitement was bubbling around the church. You were all made up in your bridesmaid dress, hair pulled up into an intricate style as you watched Isabelle pull on her wedding dress.
“You look beautiful.” You gasped as you handed her the bouquet of flowers. “If Haz doesn’t cry I think I might snatch you up for myself.” You joked and Isabelle smiled shyly. Her hair was pulled up into a bun, pins with diamonds twinkling under the lights, beautiful white wedding dress that fell elegantly around the floor.
“I’m nervous.” She admitted as she squeezed your hand.
“Don’t be. Harrison loves you, you’re gonna be so happy.” You said as you squeezed her hands back. A knock pulling you from your moment. It wasn’t long before Isabelle’s dad made an appearance, stopping as he saw his daughter.
“You look, oh my goodness, you look beautiful.” He said in awe as he embraced her, wiping at his eyes that were now full of tears.
“Thank you dad.”
“That boy has no idea how lucky he is.”
You followed her to the alter, her hand firmly grasping her father’s forearm as they linked arms. You were behind her as you made your way up the aisle, you couldn’t stop your eyes drifting to Tom and you watched as his widened, he was already looking at you. Harrison and Isabelle had made the decision to have the dress rehearsal but keep everyone’s attire a secret for the day, Tom hadn’t seen you in your bridesmaid dress.
The ceremony was beautiful, Harrison cried, well almost everyone cried as they watched the loving couple say their ‘I do’s’ and share their first kiss as a married couple. They made their way down the alter and you let out a shaky breath as Tom approached you, offering his arm out for you to take. You looped your arm through his as you plastered possibly the fakest smile you’d ever given.
“You look beautiful.” You heard Tom’s voice and you looked at him as you continued to follow Harrison and Isabelle. All bridesmaids now having been paired up with another of the groomsmen. Of course you and Tom had to pair up being in the positions you were.
“Thank you.” You said as you bit your lip and he gave you a small smile. You’d always been able to read Tom, always had a connection with him that was unexplainable. He seemed almost sad. He wasn’t giving off his usual vibe, not that anyone else would notice, he really is a good actor, just not good enough to fool you.
The lunch had gone really well, no hiccups, everything ran smoothly. The décor looked amazing, blue and white flowers decorating the table in beautiful glass vases in the middle of each table. You were sat next to Tom, making conversation with Tuwaine who was placed at your other side. The room falling into silence as the speeches started. Harrison’s was beautiful, Isabelle’s father’s just as much and now it was Tom’s turn. You wiped at your eye, the speeches having been so beautiful they’d brought tears to your eyes.
“I’m very happy to be here today and share this happy couples day with all of you. I am beyond grateful that you asked me to be such a huge part of it Harrison, being your best man has been and always will be an honour.” Tom started and Harrison smiled up at him.
“You just have to promise I’ll be your best man.” Harrison teased and Tom breathed out a laugh.
“Done. Your wife looks incredible I want to add, such a beautiful couple. I’ve known Harrison since we were kids and I let me tell you, I have an incredible amount of embarrassing stories involving this young man. Like the time he got so excited when we went bowling that he fell onto the alley, got a strike but of course it didn’t count. Or the time he got so angry playing golf that he threw a club at the floor and almost knocked himself out when it bounced back up.” Tom said which pulled a laugh from the room.
It did a strange thing to you, you were there that day he almost hit himself on the golf course, god knows how he’d done it. The memory of you and Tom laughing as Tom had his arms locked around your waist, you shook your head from the thoughts.
“I could go on but I’ll save his dignity.” Tom teased as Harrison flipped him off, Tom read the paper in his hands before stuffing it back into his pocket, you assumed he’d almost finished.
“I’ve always been jealous of Harrison in a way. He found something good and he kept hold of it, he fought for it and made sure he kept it. These guys have been through some tough times, they truly have and they’ve both seen the other side of it. Harrison has always been better than me when it comes to admitting fault, taking responsibility for his actions, something I’ve never been good at. Watching these two and how in love they are with each other has made me really think about myself as a person and all the stupid things I’ve done in life, the things I’ve lost through my own stubbornness. You really have taught me a lot about love and soulmates, I’m just glad you didn’t make the same mistake I did.” Tom said and you found yourself staring at him, as if he was the only person in the room.
Your eyes met Isabelle’s and she looked just as blown away as you did, Harrison looking up at his best friend with a knowing look. Tuwaine leant over and placed a handkerchief in your hand.
“Here, you’re gonna smudge your makeup.” He said and it only just occurred to you that you were crying, more than you had at any of the other speeches. Was he talking about you? You doubted it, he’s had plenty of girlfriends in the three years since you’d split. You only half listened as Tom finished his speech as he sat back down next to you, the room applauding him as they fell into their own conversations.
“That was,” you said as you cleared your throat. “That was really beautiful Tom.”
“Thank you.”
The wedding party continued on, it was now the evening do, the night drawing closer to the first dance, the last interaction you had to have with Tom and you felt nervous. The tension between the two of you thick after his speech, you weren’t sure if he felt it too and you had got it al wrong. Maybe you just wished he was talking about you, he clearly was referring to someone.
Tom took your hand in his as you joined the married couple in the first dance. Couples slowly joining as Tom placed his hands on your waist and you placed yours on his shoulders. To say you weren’t an actor you were doing well at hiding your feelings.
“You really do look beautiful.” Tom said, eyes finding yours.
“Thank you. You’re speech really was beautiful.” You always were one to give credit where it was due. He shrugged.
“Thanks, I read it online somewhere, I’m no good at writing that soppy shit.” He laughed and you breathed out a laugh. Oh.
It wasn’t long before you finished, Tom leaving you instantly and you missed being in his arms instantly. He disappeared most of the night, you only catching glimpses of him every so often.
“Y/N, you look beautiful.” Sam said as he joined you on the dancefloor.
“Thanks Sam.” You’d not seen him in a long time.
“How’d you like Tom’s speech?” He asked and you furrowed your brows, why was he asking you that?
“It was beautiful.” You admitted and Sam smiled.
“Yeah, I helped him write that.” He admitted. What?
“He said he got help online.” You said utterly confused.
“That’s bullshit.” Sam laughed. “I helped him write that whole thing. That part about being jealous of Harrison? Not what I helped him write, that was completely off script.” Sam said and you stopped your dancing as you looked at him.
“Oh come on, that was completely pulled from his heart. You know Tom, that was completely unscripted.”
“Yeah, but he’s had a lot of girlfriends, why would I care?” You said and Sam burst into a fit of laughter at that.
“I thought you knew?” Sam said and you looked at him seriously.
“Knew what?”
“About Tom? About what happened on the stag do?” He said matching your seriousness.
“No?” You fished and Sam huffed.
“He was hammered okay. But he got all emotional and said some stuff about you.” Sam admitted and your furrow deepened.
“What did he say?”
“He regrets the way things ended. Regrets letting you go, said he wished he’d have stayed, told you how much you meant to him. Fought for you. Y/N, he was thinking about asking you to marry him.” Sam continued and your eyes blew wide at that.
“We were twenty-two Sam.” You said and he shrugged.
“We said that but he said it was irrelevant, he knew he’d found his person in you. He said he doesn’t think he’ll ever love anyone like he loved you, he’s tried.” Sam informed you. “I honestly thought someone had told you.” He said as he took in your shocked state.
“No.” You squeaked out.
“Y/N, he’s my brother and trust me, he’s an idiot at the best of times. But I know he loves you, it shocked all of us when he turned into an emotional mess over a relationship that ended three years ago. I think seeing you and the whole wedding put a lot into perspective for him.”
“But why now?” You asked and Sam looked at you seriously.
“Y/N, I think he realises this could have been your wedding. You were both young and stubborn and I stand by that fact but if things had turned out differently. If he’d stayed that night this could have been you and I think he’s realised that.” Sam said as he brought a hand to your cheek and wiped your tears out of your eyes. “Go find him. Talk to him.” He said and you realised you had to, after that revelation you had to. You owed it to the both of you.
“Thanks Sam.”
Half an hour it took you to find him, half an hour of running around looking for him until you eventually found the curly haired boy. He was on the roof, sat on the edge, looking out over the grounds of the manor house Harrison had booked for the wedding night. You had a room booked along with most of the guests.
Your heart was pounding as you let the door shut and your palms felt sweaty but your heart felt lifted at Sam’s revelation.
“I’m not so sure the best man is supposed to disappear.” You said and Tom snapped his head to look at you as you approached. Holding out a hand for you to take as you very carefully placed yourself next to him. The view was breathtaking, he’d always found comfort in the countryside, a complete juxtaposition to his life in cities.
“Probably not but I don’t think Haz will notice. I am planning on going back, just needed a breather.”
“Are you okay?” You asked seriously, you noted his slightly dampened mood all day.
“I never could get past you could I?” He asked with a breathy laugh.
“Nope.” You laughed in return and he smiled at you.
“Just thinking.” He admitted and you hummed.
“I spoke to Sam.” You said after a while and Tom sighed as his ran a hand through his hair.
“Figured it’d be him that told you. How much did he tell you?” Tom asked and you looked at him, admiring how beautiful he was and he really was, always had been.
“Everything, well I assume so. Is it true?” You asked and Tom looked back at you.
“Which part?”
“About the proposal thing?”
“Yeah.” He admitted and you furrowed your brows.
“Why’d you never come back? Say something?” You asked and Tom sighed.
“Because I was a fucking stupid child that’s why. Completely fucked up my chances with you.” Tom said and you nodded slightly in agreement with him, you weren’t blameless.
“Maybe not completely.” You said and Tom’s eyes widened.
“You mean?”
“I don’t think I ever really stopped loving you. I always thought it was closure I needed and then Sam said wat he said and I realised it was everything I wanted to hear. I tried to find the same connection with other men but I just couldn’t and I wondered if it was because I wanted closure with you. It took me until today to realise that deep down it was actually just you I wanted.” You said as a tear slipped from Tom’s eye and you were quick to catch it.
“I’ve never found that connection either. God, fuck, I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.” He said your heart soared.
“Still?” You asked and he nodded. “Me too.” You admitted and he smiled.
“I don’t deserve you.”
“You do. We deserve to be happy in life Tom and you made me so happy. The happiest I’d ever been.” You said. “I was difficult because I was so scared, scared that you’d leave me, find someone else. You got this whole knew life, you were Spiderman, meeting models, all these women I couldn’t compete with.”
“You were never in competition. It doesn’t matter how many other women I met, they were never you, they could never be you. They didn’t understand me like you did. Y/N, there was and is never gonna be anyone else like you.” You were both crying now, happiness surrounding you.
“What were you gonna say? That night?” You needed to know.
“I was about to get on my knees and fucking beg you to let me stay. My stubbornness got in the way, I thought you could do better, have someone who was there for you all the time. Someone who didn’t forget dates and keep you waiting.” He admitted before he continued. “But if I ever got a do over in life that’s where I’d go, I’d get on my knees and beg you to let me stay, let me keep you.”
“Oh Tom.” You sighed out and he smiled shyly as you leant your forehead against his.
“I should have tried, should have fought for you but I was an idiot. I didn’t realise how much so until it was too late.”
“It’s never too late Tom.”
“I hope not because I want you Y/N, I want you back.”
“Kiss me.” You practically begged and he complied, his lips finding your own. His arms slipped around your waist as he pulled you flush against him. Your hands finding his hair as you threaded your fingers though it. The kiss was sweet but fiery, a kiss of two lovers reuniting as he pulled away and his lips found your neck as he kissed it, you moved your head to give him more access.
“I love you.” He said as he peppered his kisses back up to your lips.
“I love you Tom.” You returned as you deepened the kiss. Missing the way he felt, loving the way you molded against him and the amount of passion behind the kiss, something you’d not experienced in almost three years. No man had ever ignited you the way Tom did.
“Oi, oi! I fucking knew it.” You heard screamed from far below you as you both pulled apart and looked down at Harrison. He was outside smoking a cigarette and he’d obviously caught you both.
“Piss off.” Tom laughed back down as you placed your head on his chest and laughed.
“Izzy, baby, we don’t have to pull that bullshit about double booked rooms, you can let your cousin know there’s a free room.” Harrison shouted in his wife’s direction and you and Tom laughed.
“Wanna go back in princess?” Tom asked and you nodded as he stood before making sure you got up safely. “I owe you a proper dance.”
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theharrowing · 2 years
Now The Forest Knows My Secret
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Seokjin told himself that if he caught up to Hoseok on his morning run through the forest, that he would finally confess to being in love with him, but instead he only finds a squirrel amongst the trees to open his heart to. Little does Seokjin know, Hoseok can shapeshift into a squirrel. 🐿️
🍃 Hoseok x Seokjin 
🍃 word count: 8.9k
🍃 friends to lovers, semi-canon compliant, idol au, shapeshifting, smut, fluff, slash, nsfw, 18+
🍃 warnings: top seokjin, bottom hoseok. events loosely take place during In The Soop 1. Hoseok is needy, Seokjin has a big dick, pining, confessions, outdoor/forest sex, ass to mouth, anal fingering, anal sex, overstimulation, light humiliation, sex while standing up, multiple orgasms, shameless smut.
🍃 written for the Serenity: In The Soop Fest!
🍃 beta read by @neoneunnajimin​
🍃 posted june 2022 | read on ao3​
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"Hoba!" Seokjin's voice calls. "Did you come this way?"
Hoseok's ears twitch, and his nose sniffs rapidly; Seokjin is close. He must have seen Hoseok take off running earlier along the path and decided to join him. However, Seokjin won't recognize Hoseok like this, so Hoseok continues to sit on the tree branch with his tail upright and curled at the end, watching as Seokjin gets closer.
"Yah, Hoba," Seokjin mutters to himself, sounding out of breath as twigs snap and leaves crunch beneath his feet. "How did you manage to get so far?"
It's a strange coincidence, Hoseok thinks, that Seokjin happens to stop right where he is. He wonders if, somehow, Seokjin can sense that he's there. But that would be impossible, right? As if able to read Hoseok's mind, Seokjin looks up, angles his head to the side, and stares directly into Hoseok's eyes. Hoseok stands straight, shocked, and Seokjin relaxes, smiling widely.
"Cute," Seokjin says. "Guess it's just you and me, little squirrel."
Hoseok cocks his head and sniffs the air rapidly. He can smell the sweet musk coming from Seokjin. Hoseok loves the way Seokjin smells when he sweats.
"I'm surprised you're not running away," Seokjin says, inching a little closer to Hoseok. Hoseok stays still and watches him. "Maybe I should sing to you like they do in the movies and make you my friend. I'll have you know, I'm probably more of a Snow White than a Cinderella."
Hoseok agrees that Seokjin's beauty is worth killing for.
"Perhaps I should confess to you my deepest secret, and then it won't nag at me anymore. Would you like that, little guy?"
Hoseok's ears twitch, and he sits comfortably with his front paws clutched together in front of his chest. He wonders what Seokjin's confession could possibly be. He bets it's that Seokjin secretly spent money to advance in a video game that he's been playing during his time off. Or maybe that he's been holding out on telling the group about his new favorite takeout place and hoarding all the delicious morsels to himself. Seokjin is as shameless as he is helpful, though, and a better gamer than most of the group, so he's not sure either of those scenarios would fit his hyung very well.
"I'm in love, little squirrel," Seokjin says.
Seokjin smiles, but it quickly falls, and his eyes drop to the forest floor before he looks back up at Hoseok. Hoseok's tail flicks, and he inadvertently stomps on his branch. He doesn't mean to have such an aggressive response to his best friend having feelings for someone; he just...wishes it was him.  
"It's silly, right?" Seokjin asks, smiling sadly at Hoseok. "It's funny because he's one of my best friends, and we've always been close, but I never know what to say or do around him when these feelings bubble. And they've been bubbling a lot lately."
Hoseok's mind races. Who could it possibly be? Another member? Seokjin is fairly close to everyone, but he's closest to Jungkook. Jungkook is so wrapped up in Jimin, though, and has been for an eternity, so he doubts it's him. Hoseok wonders if maybe it could be one of the staff members—the one who tags along to the amusement parks with him. Of course it would be him; he's handsome and outgoing in ways Hoseok knows he can't compete with. Hoseok feels so deflated, and he drops his tail down, wrapping it around his body.
Seokjin chuckles and shakes his head. "I told myself that if I met him out here, that I would confess." He looks around, taking in the scenery.
"But it's just you and me, so you'll have to keep my confession safe. Thanks, little squirrel," Seokjin says with a wink. "I'll go back now."
Seokjin turns to go back the way he came, and Hoseok stays where he is in a daze—the words had entered his tiny ears, and the information had floated right into his brain, but it doesn't make sense just yet, so Hoseok replays his words over and over. I told myself that if I met him out here, that I would confess. What...does he mean, meet who out here? The only one out here is...
Oh. Oh.
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When Hoseok returns to the main house, he's out of breath and ready for a shower. He hopes he doesn't run into Seokjin while he runs upstairs to his room for a change of clothes. He's not sure how he will manage to look Seokjin in the eye later and is already anxious about the prospect of preparing dinner with everyone.
Hoseok manages to shower without crossing paths with any of the members and begins to make his way back downstairs in clean shorts and tee, all FILA brand. It's late enough that Seokjin should be up at the upper house helping with dinner preparation, so Hoseok thinks he'll be safe to sit in the main house and work on some building blocks or tweak his rubber band airplane until he's ready to go make himself useful.
So when Hoseok sees, from the corner of his eye, Seokjin rummaging through the fridge, he panics. Hoseok backs up quickly, standing in front of the stairs. There's no way Seokjin saw him all the way from the kitchen, right?
"Yah, Hoba!" Seokjin calls. Hoseok sighs and cranes his neck into view, watching Seokjin come down the short hallway. He nearly runs into Seokjin when he steps forward, and both men hop backward as if there's an electric barrier between them.
Seokjin holds a bundle of spring onions in one hand and packs of bean sprouts in the other, and he offers Hoseok a small smile. "Where did you go today?"
"Wh—" Hoseok rasps, but it gets stuck in his throat, so he clears it and tries again. "What do you mean?"
Seokjin laughs and seems to be pretty nonchalant, except the red tips of his ears, which speaks volumes. "I ran to find you, but you got too far."
"Oh," Hoseok responds. "Yeah, I uh—I went further than usual today. I didn't realize you'd want to run with me."
With a shrug, Seokjin hums. "It was a spur-of-the-moment choice."
Hoseok nods—Seokjin has been nothing but impulsive since they showed up here several days ago, which Hoseok admires, so taking chase to confess his feelings doesn't seem too off-brand, as far as Hoseok is concerned.
"What's for dinner?" Hoseok asks, eager to change the subject.
Seokjin holds up the spring onions. "Yoongi-yah wants to make dakgalbi. And I found these bean sprouts, so I'm bringing them just in case."
Hoseok hums and nods, pulling his lips into a dimpled smile. Seokjin's eyes fall to Hoseok's lips, and he looks like he has more to say, but Hoseok speaks first, asking, "Is there something I can do to help?"
Seokjin hesitates, looks past Hoseok as if he's gathering his thoughts, then plasters on a smile, shrugs, and says, "If you want to come see if Yoongi-yah needs anything, I'm sure he would like that."
"S-sure," Hoseok responds.
They both stand there, quietly. Hoseok watches Seokjin, who watches some unknown spot on the wall. It's not necessarily an awkward silence, but it's a heavy one, and the longer they stand in it, the more it starts to weigh on Hoseok, so he steps back, out of Seokjin's bubble, and walks around him.
"Shall we?" Hoseok offers, opening the nearby door.
Seokjin doesn't move, but he nods and says, "Yeah. I'll be right there."
The walk to the upper house feels...off. Like Hoseok's limbs are too heavy to carry him, and yet there's a force pushing him forward, keeping him upright. He trips on some gravel on the incline of the driveway and stumbles but rights himself, and when he gets to the house, everyone else is there chattering away, either helping Yoongi with food prep or with some other kind of preparations, or standing around the gaming station. It's a familiar scene that he's walked in on hundreds of times, and yet he feels like an outsider entering the home, wondering if he has a place there at all.
"Ah, Hoba," Yoongi calls, "can you do me a favor?"
Yoongi's voice pulls Hoseok to reality, though he still feels pulled off his axis a little. He joins Yoongi in the kitchen and quickly gets to work on helping him, and when Seokjin joins moments later, the chaos of the house is enough to keep Hoseok focused. He only steals glances a few times.
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The thing is, Hoseok is stupid in love with Seokjin. He's been stupid in love with Seokjin for as long as he can remember and sometimes dotes heavily on all the other members to hide all the affectionate touches and glances he sends Seokjin because he has never been sure whether Seokjin would feel the same way. Now that Hoseok knows he feels the same way, he feels almost at a loss, somehow.
He doesn't want to confess to Seokjin that he overheard him in the forest because how will he explain to Seokjin that he can shift into a squirrel? But if he does start something with Seokjin, eventually, he'll have to tell him; it's not something he can just keep from him. But how will Seokjin react? The prospect is a bit terrifying.
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Dinner was amazing, and everyone sits around, finishing their drinks and giggling about this and that. It's been extremely cathartic for the group to come out into the woods for a few days at a time to unwind and play around as if they have no responsibilities. Of course, there are cameras all over, but that's so normal at this point, Hoseok hardly notices—only really sees them when he's seeking privacy.
Everyone begins to clear away the dishes except for Yoongi and Seokjin, and Hoseok twiddles his fingers, coming up with his next step. He's had enough alcohol to feel a bit loose and comfortable with making a confession of his own, but he's still full of anxiety. He's not sure he wants to speak his heart with soju on his breath; maybe he should wait a bit longer.
"Earth to Seok," Yoongi grumbles, and Hoseok looks up, startled. Hoseok hums in response, and Yoongi chuckles, squinting as if trying to read him. "You seem lost in another world."
Hoseok hums again. "Yeah, I guess so. I have a lot on my mind."
"Want to talk about it?" Seokjin offers.
"No!" Hoseok blurts, maybe a little too forcefully. His hyungs look at him, surprised, and Hoseok clears his throat and laughs it off. "Sorry, ha! Didn't mean to shout, just, uh—" Hoseok clears his throat again and stands. "Gonna see what the kids are up to in the kitchen! Make sure they don't need a hand!"
Hoseok knows he's being awkward and can feel their eyes on him as he stands and leaves, but he can already hear Yoongi and Seokjin change the topic to League of Legends, which makes him sigh in relief. Nothing really fazes those two, but it was still a close call.
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It's been over an hour since Hoseok laid down, and he can't sleep; he keeps replaying the scene in the forest over and over again. He thinks about how Seokjin looked him in the eye like he knew it was him—like he knew that Hoseok was a cute little squirrel sitting on a branch. How Seokjin blushed when he confessed to being in love. How much it hurt Hoseok to think of Seokjin loving anyone but him, only to discover it had to be him. Nobody else was out in the woods, and he called for Hoseok before stumbling on him...it had to be Hoseok he was talking about, right?
Hoseok hates that he has doubts, but he just can't imagine why. Why him. Hoseok knows that he's funny, and kind, and attractive, and talented, and all of the things the boys and his fans tell him he is, but he still can't wrap his head around the idea of Seokjin liking him, of all people. He wants to talk to him, but he doesn't know how or where. He thought about it earlier—stared out in the lawn for a while, thinking about leading Seokjin out there to confess without being overheard. But then he gave up and came to bed.
"If he runs with me tomorrow, I'll tell him," Hoseok whispers to himself, finally drifting to sleep.
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"Going on another run?"
Hoseok looks up to find Seokjin dressed ready to exercise. He had hoped to stretch and get into the woods before anyone else saw him, but of course Seokjin is up at the crack of dawn. It's then that Hoseok remembers his promise to himself, and he takes a deep breath in before letting it out. He nods, offers to grab a bottle of water from the fridge for Seokjin, and approaches a camera director to whisper for him to please not let anyone follow them on their run today before taking the waters back to where Seokjin begins stretching.
Seokjin stretches deep, so deep it makes Hoseok avert his eyes and stare at a spot in the grass. Two can play this game, he thinks, placing his hands on his knees to squat equally as low. He doesn't need to look up to Seokjin to see if he's watching because he can tell from the periphery that Seokjin has stopped mid-stretch to look. Hoseok takes his time rolling his neck, then stands straight and smiles at a frozen Seokjin.
"Ready?" Hoseok calls, tossing a cold bottle to Seokjin, and Seokjin catches the bottle and stares at Hoseok, mouth agape like he's just seen a ghost.
Seokjin quickly recovers and smiles that fond smile Hoseok loves so much and nods. "Ready when you are, Hoba!"
Hoba. The nickname always makes Hoseok's heart sing. He loves it when Yoongi says it with the fondness of a dear old friend, but he especially loves it when Seokjin says it with a hint of something more. How did he never notice until now? The tone was always there, always saccharine and dripping with affection.
Hoseok takes off along the path, and Seokjin follows him, staying just a couple steps behind. It's nice having a running buddy, hearing someone's feet against the gravel and breathing huffed out and sucked in, in sync with his own. He wonders if Seokjin is looking ahead at the same point as him or if he's viewing the scenery differently. Maybe Seokjin is looking at him.
They make it around the lake in silence, save for their breathing beginning to get heavier. Hoseok could run faster than he is now, but he doesn't want to outpace Seokjin or push him to go harder; he wants to keep him right here with him, just as they are. The forest is ahead, and he wants to wait to take a break until they're out of the clearing and hidden within the trees. He almost suggests it when—
"Hoba," Seokjin huffs, "let's take a break in the forest."
Hoseok smiles to himself and nods, sending an "Okay!" over his shoulder with his eyes on the tree line. A drone camera flies nearby overhead, and so Hoseok definitely does not want to orchestrate a confession until he can get out of its line of sight.
And suddenly, he feels anxious. Not so anxious that he begins to consider backing out, but just enough that he worries he'll be a fumbling mess when it comes to speaking his heart. Their steps get heavier and more languid, and Hoseok slows a bit more to keep in step with Seokjin. The forest is close. So close he can smell it.
"Wah, Hoba," Seokjin mutters, breathing hard.
Hoseok stops and turns to find Seokjin slowing down even more. The forest line is so close, Hoseok holds back the urge to whine. He considers offering Seokjin a piggyback ride just to get him past the trees.
"Sorry," Seokjin says. "I might be worn out from running out here three days in a row. I don't know how you do it!"
I have the speed and stamina of a squirrel, Hoseok thinks, but he asks, "Should we walk the rest of the way?"
Seokjin cocks his head, sending Hoseok a curious look. "To where?"
"T-to the forest. To take a break."
A small smirk tugs at Seokjin's lips and Hoseok wonders if his desperation to get Seokjin alone under the cover of trees is that transparent.
"I just thought, since there's shade it would be nicer than being out here in the sun," Hoseok continues.
Seokjin nods and smiles wider. He's taking a drink from a bottle of water, slowing his breaths, and Hoseok thinks, for just a second, that he would like to lick the sweat from the side of Seokjin's face. Hoseok feels his cheeks turn hot and looks away, gazes out over the lake to the house where he thinks he can see some of the boys walking around and starting their day.
"Okay, let's walk the rest of the way," Seokjin says, approaching Hoseok. Hoseok waits for Seokjin to be beside him before he begins to walk, falling into step with him.
"Do you feel better today," Seokjin asks.
Hoseok turns to look at Seokjin, who stares ahead. "What do you mean?"
"Yesterday, you just seemed, I don't know...antsy?"
Hoseok chuckles and curses himself for behaving so weirdly. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind."
Twigs begin to snap under their steps, mingling with the crunch of gravel, and Hoseok begins to pick up his pace, moving to a place just off the path where there's a boulder they can sit on.
"Anything you want to talk about?" Seokjin asks.
Hoseok swallows a lump in his throat and takes a deep breath. "Actually, yes," Hoseok turns to Seokjin and stops in his tracks just before the boulder. "There is something."
Seokjin stops, his breath seems to hitch, and he looks expectantly at Hoseok. Hoseok didn't mean for his voice to come out so low and seductive, and it's clear that it had an effect on Seokjin.
"Jin-hyung, I," Hoseok swallows another lump and takes a step forward, close enough to Seokjin to have to look upward ever so slightly. Hoseok pulls off his floppy white bucket hat to get its rim out of his eyes so he can see Seokjin more clearly. "I need to tell you something."
Seokjin looks intrigued and worried, and Hoseok takes one more deep breath. "Jin-hyung, I—"
"Whaaaaaa!" A deep voice calls from just outside the tree line. "Look, look! I found one."
Hoseok deflates, feeling the wind knocked from his lungs as he looks through the trees to see Namjoon crouched by the lake not far from where they are, most likely looking at a frog or something. He must not have been too far behind them, and Hoseok wonders how he didn’t notice. Seokjin turns and chuckles, then shakes his head.
"Shit," Hoseok whispers under his breath, cocking his head in disbelief while his eyes find the ground.
"I—uh—it'll have to wait," Hoseok says, patting Seokjin on the chest and running over to where Namjoon and his cameraman are beside the lake. Hoseok isn't fond of many of the creatures Namjoon finds, but he doesn't want to confess to Seokjin in anyone's presence. He wants to kiss Seokjin until his lips are pink and puffy, and he can't risk it with his hyung right there, so he'll feign interest either until Namjoon leaves or Seokjin decides to run back.
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It's already dark, everyone is full of food and drink, and their time in the forest is coming to an end. Tomorrow is the last full day before they pack up the following morning and head back home. Hoseok is looking forward to going back to his routine and keeping his body in motion, but he already misses having the freedom to relax and focus on crafts and watch everyone else unwind and have fun.
Hoseok takes a seat at the picnic table by the small fire pit. He watches as the flames travel up and lick the air and thinks about everything he did while out here and everything he watched the others do. Hoseok loves to bask in a moment and cherish it, never taking anything for granted, and he smiles to himself over all the things he and the others have managed to accomplish, even if their accomplishments were laying back and enjoying some peace and quiet.
There is one thing Hoseok ponders, wishing he could go back and change, but he tries not to dwell on it. Although it would be special to share a moment with Seokjin out here, in nature, he knows that he will have plenty of time to confess his feelings when they get back. It's not as if he'll never see Seokjin again after this.
"You look lost in thought," Seokjin says, pulling Hoseok into the present.
Hoseok startles and holds his hand to his chest, then scoffs at his own foolishness and shakes his head to the side in disbelief. Seokjin walks past Hoseok and takes a seat next to him, and immediately Hoseok can feel his heart pounding. He glances around to see everyone else is far enough from them that they could have the conversation he wanted to have, though he does lament missing out on the romantic first kiss factor that a totally secluded confession would have offered.
"I guess I do have a lot on my mind," Hoseok says, smiling softly while continuing to watch the fire.
"Does it have anything to do with what you wanted to tell me earlier?"
Hoseok shifts his weight, turning his knees toward Seokjin. It's not as easy to look each other in the eye while seated beside one another, but Hoseok does his best. "It does," he says, looking shyly at Seokjin.
Seokjin grins. "I'm all ears."
Hoseok takes a deep breath in, then inhales it. "I wanted to tell you this when we were perfectly alone. In fact...maybe I should wait."
Seokjin sighs. It's a playful sigh, laced with fake exasperation, as if he doesn't have all the time to wait right now.
"Seokjin, do you—" Hoseok stops and looks Seokjin in the eye, studying him. Seokjin watches Hoseok attentively. "This is awkward," Hoseok confesses, looking down. "I've never had to do this before."
"Yah, Seokah, spit it out," Seokjin chides quietly, nudging Hoseok's arm with his elbow.
Hoseok swallows a lump in his throat and ignores the fluttering of a swarm of something fierce in his chest.
"I just think you're amazing," Hoseok mutters. This isn't how he expected this would go, but he rolls with it. When Hoseok looks up at Seokjin, Seokjin's face is bright and open, as if he already knows where this is going. "I admire you. I find myself in a daze thinking about you all the time. I—"
Hoseok takes another deep breath and holds eye contact. "I love you. Not just in the way I love the rest of the guys. I love you in a way that makes me want to cherish you. I love you in a way that makes me want to hold you close and confide in you. I love you in a way that makes me terrified of you. I wanted to say this in the forest, but—"
"But Namjoon and his damn frogs," Seokjin chuckles, looking down at the ground before meeting Hoseok's gaze once more. "I love you, too. I confessed to a squirrel that I love you, so now the forest knows my secret. But I guess it's not a secret anymore."
Hoseok's fingers flex as if trying to reach out for Seokjin, but he stops himself. Someone could come walking by at any moment, and although he's held hands with all of the guys at some point or another, this moment feels too precious to laugh off and pretend it wasn't happening, or to fake as something less important, should someone see them.
"I wanted to tell you in the forest so that, if you felt the same way, we could kiss each other stupid and nobody would see," Hoseok confesses. He can feel his cheeks turn pink, and he doesn't care. "It's all I've been able to think about."
Seokjin's eyes glow in the light of the small fire, flickering with yellow and orange, and Hoseok watches, enamored by the blaze that mirrors what he feels in his heart. "I would like that," Seokjin says.
"Good," Hoseok mutters with a smile.
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This time when Seokjin stretches deep, Hoseok watches intently, commenting on his form and making crude jokes about how low Seokjin can go and about how good Seokjin might look if he got lower, all while towering over him. Seokjin smirks, ears and neck turning bright red, and when Hoseok stretches, Seokjin makes similar remarks, making Hoseok feel intimidated, almost shy, to be looked at and spoken to in such a manner by him, of all people.
They cannot get into the forest fast enough.
Hoseok takes off running. He had already grabbed a water bottle before they began to stretch, and he doesn't care if Seokjin is ready or not because Seokjin will catch up eventually. And he does. Hoseok hears footsteps beating gravel into sand just behind him, and he smiles widely to himself. Once more, he had asked a camera operator not to follow him, and this time he made sure Namjoon was busy working on crafts with the others.
The cool morning breeze coming off the lake fills Hoseok's lungs, and he feels elated and more alive than ever before. He can't wait to pin Seokjin to a tree and kiss him until they can't breathe. Seokjin catches up to Hoseok, and although he's more winded than Hoseok, he keeps up beside him.
"Eager, are we?" Seokjin pants and Hoseok grins.
"You have no idea."
The trees are getting closer, and Hoseok can't tell if his heart is beating so hard from the physical exertion or from his want. Hoseok listens to Seokjin's panting and can't help but picture him underneath him or leaning over him. However Seokjin may want him, Hoseok is a willing and eager participant. It occurs to him that he's getting ahead of himself and shouldn't be imagining the two of them fucking, but Hoseok has never felt so needy in his life, and his thoughts swirl and pulse through him at breakneck speeds.
Seokjin begins to slow, but Hoseok keeps the pace. In fact, he speeds up. In the tree line, off to the left, past where they stopped at a boulder, there's a more dense area of trees. In there, they can hide away even from Namjoon and his frogs if they have to. In fact, Hoseok laments not taking Seokjin further into the forest yesterday, but he didn't want to risk being heard and have to explain it with blushed cheeks afterward; Namjoon would not have let go.
Hoseok slows as soon as he crosses the tree line. He checks behind him to see Seokjin making good time, and he slowly jogs along the path before veering off to the left, coming to a walk. Seokjin slows and follows Hoseok, and as the trees become denser and the shadows widen, Hoseok feels a hand against his and fingers lacing between his fingers. Hoseok's heart skips a beat, and his breath gets caught in his throat, and when he looks to his right, Seokjin is smirking.
"I have some idea," Seokjin says, and Hoseok hums.
"About how eager you are," Seokjin continues. He takes the lead and tugs Hoseok over to a wide tree, rounds it, and presses his body against Hoseok and Hoseok's body into the scratchy bark.
Hoseok's breathing is deep and ragged, and he stares up at Seokjin with his mouth hanging agape and eyes wide. He knows he must look ridiculous, like a lovesick puppy, but that's exactly how he feels, and shame be damned, he doesn't mind if Seokjin knows it.
"Now, about that kiss you wanted…," Seokjin says softly, leaning into Hoseok's space and gently taking Hoseok's face in both hands.
Hoseok juts out his chin to meet Seokjin halfway, and when Seokjin licks over Hoseok's bottom lip and gently sucks it between his teeth, a jolt of energy surges through Hoseok and his mouth falls further open in a whimper. Seokjin leads, licking Hoseok's tongue and drawing delicate circles in his mouth. Hoseok doesn't remember lifting his arms, but his fingers grip the front of Seokjin's shirt, holding onto him like a lifeline.
Seokjin hums and groans, and Hoseok whimpers and moans, each man swallowing the sounds of the other, pushing and pulling gently with their tongues. The kiss isn't heated or desperate, but it's charged and Seokjin slots a thigh between Hoseok's legs, making Hoseok mewl from the gentle touch that grazes him.
"Fuck," Hoseok whines. "It's embarrassing how much I want you."
"Embarrassing?" Seokjin takes a step back, pantomimes being offended, and places a hand over his heart. "Have you seen me, Hoba? I'm surprised you're not ripping my clothing to shreds."
Hoseok takes Seokjin by the waist and steps forward, then spins them, pushing Seokjin against the tree and pressing his body into him. Hoseok can feel Seokjin's cock, firm and heavy against his hip, and both men whine as Hoseok trails his hands up Seokjin's torso, snaking them around his neck.
"I would be ripping your clothing to shreds," Hoseok says in a voice low and dripping with desire. It's Seokjin's turn to drop his mouth agape. But then, just as quickly as Seokjin looked surprised, his lips curl into a smirk, making him seem devious.
"So why don't you?"
Hoseok scoffs and searches Seokjin's eyes, then mutters, "I didn't bring lube with me on this trip."
Seokjin reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small bottle of lube, and Hoseok gasps. He can't help but wonder if Seokjin planned ahead—if he knew he was going to confess and hoped Hoseok would want to fuck in the woods like wild animals.
"Why did you—"
Seokjin rolls his eyes. "To jerk off."
Okay, Hoseok admits it makes sense, but he tends to just spit into his hand when he wants to jerk off away from home, and perhaps he expected everyone else did too. But then Seokjin continues and says a string of words that drive Hoseok wild.
"I like to make a mess."
Hoseok's hands are off Seokjin in a flash, tugging away his own hat and throwing it to the ground, then pulling off his own shirt and tossing it to where his hat has landed. Seokjin grins, watching Hoseok respond almost frantically, still fully dressed against the tree.
"You want me that badly?" Seokjin chides as Hoseok pulls Seokjin forward and begins pushing his shirt up. Hoseok wants to see and touch and feel Seokjin's skin, and he wants it now.
"Please," Hoseok mutters.
Seokjin grabs the bottom hem of his shirt and pulls it up and over his head, and Hoseok stops everything he's doing, arms suspended in mid-movement, to look at Seokjin. They've seen each other undress, but Hoseok always averts his eyes to prevent himself from staring. He's never taken the time to really look at Seokjin, to map the lines and curves—the muscle and bone. Hoseok's arms remember how to move, and he places his hands gently on Seokjin's chest and roves his palms down and around and up, feeling Seokjin's warm, soft skin.
"You really are obsessed, huh?" Seokjin says with a hint of sarcasm.
"Of course I am," Hoseok responds seriously—shamelessly. "Just look at you."
Seokjin places his hands on Hoseok's ribs and rubs up and down gently. "How do you want me?"
Hoseok looks Seokjin in the eye, feeling surprised. Of course, they have to have this conversation, but the way Seokjin brings it up so casually and immediately takes Hoseok aback.
"Do you have a preference?" Hoseok asks, and Seokjin shakes his head.
Hoseok smirks, feeling bold. "Then I want you to fuck me."
Seokjin grins, and the darkness that flashes in his eyes takes Hoseok's breath away. Slowly, gradually, Seokjin forces Hoseok to back up, and although Hoseok has no idea what's behind him, he can't make himself look anywhere but at Seokjin.
"You want me to fuck you?" Seokjin says in almost a mocking tone. "Want me to bend you over and make you mine?"
All Hoseok can do is mutter, "Fuck."
Seokjin stops, so Hoseok stops. "Turn around and bend over for me, then."
Hoseok turns and finds a boulder before him, just tall enough for him to bend at the hips and lean his elbows into it. Seokjin leaves—causing Hoseok to look behind him—to pick up their discarded shirts.
"Put this under your elbows," Seokjin says as he returns, and Hoseok takes the shirts, folds them a few times and places them below his elbows as directed.
Hoseok's heart pounds with anticipation, and his cock throbs in his shorts. He wants to beg Seokjin to touch him, but he knows Seokjin would likely just tease him and make him beg more, so Hoseok does his best to keep it together for the sake of his own sanity.
Fingers rub up Hoseok's sides, sending a chill through him, then back down and hook under the waistband of Hoseok's shorts to gently pull down, slowly exposing Hoseok's hips and ass. Hoseok hears Seokjin's breath hitch, and he feels self-conscious, bent over and naked.
"I always knew you'd have a perfect ass," Seokjin praises, and Hoseok does his best not to melt on the spot.
"You like what you see?" Hoseok asks, shocking even himself with how composed and seductive he sounds.
Seokjin lowers himself behind Hoseok, crunching leaves below his knees, and Hoseok stares ahead at some bushes, letting them go in and out of focus as he braces himself for what's to come.
"I love what I see, Hoba," Seokjin responds, grazing his teeth over the skin of Hoseok's ass cheek, toward the center. "I bet you taste just as good as you look."
Hoseok doesn't have a chance to allow those words to fully absorb and affect him before Seokjin's tongue laps over his rim. The wet warmth glides over Hoseok's sensitive skin, and Hoseok trembles and bites back a needy whine.
"Fuck," Hoseok whimpers.
Seokjin moans as he licks again, twisting his tongue over Hoseok's hole as if devouring him—savoring him. Hoseok fights the urge to fall forward, and he bites down on his lip, desperately holding onto whatever ounce of composure he has left. They may be out in the middle of the woods, but the idea of getting caught still worries him.
"So good," Seokjin groans. "Tastes even sweeter than I thought."
Drool drips down Hoseok's thighs, and he pictures Seokjin's pink tongue and plush lips making an absolute mess out of him, and he loses it. His head spins, arousal pools, and he drops his face down into his hands and moans. He wants to unravel completely, and he doesn't care if it's too fast or if he's too messy; he just wants Seokjin to give and take more and more of him.
The sound of the lube bottle popping open pulls Hoseok out of his reverie, and the anticipation of penetration has him feeling even hotter and needier; Hoseok has thought about Seokjin's fingers many times before. Hoseok doesn't expect to feel the press of a finger alongside Seokjin's tongue, and he yelps and ruts his hips, chasing the feeling and wanting more.
Seokjin chuckles but continues to lave his tongue over Hoseok while his finger slowly and gently probes at his hole. The feeling has Hoseok reeling, and he does his best not to rut his hips back more. He wants to be good for Seokjin and take all that he wants to give him.
"Do you want my finger, Hoba?" Seokjin asks, pushing his fingertip in and pulling it back out.
"Yes," Hoseok cries. "Yes, please."
Seokjin chuckles once more. "I didn't know you were so needy, baby."
Hoseok whines. Being teased while Seokjin works him open makes Hoseok feel a healthy mix of arousal and shame, and he bites his lip in an effort to keep himself from just flat out begging for what he wants. But Seokjin has stopped licking Hoseok, and the lack of stimulation makes him pout and whine some more.
"Nothing to say, Hoba?" Seokjin presses as he pushes the tip of his finger into Hoseok's ass once more.
"Need you," Hoseok whimpers. "I am needy. I've wanted you for so long, Jin-hyung, please."
So much for not begging.
Seokjin must like Hoseok's response, and he pushes his finger deeper, stretching Hoseok around his knuckle. Hoseok's head cranes back then falls forward as he moans loudly from the stretch. It hurts, and it feels so good, and Hoseok wants more, more, more.
"So tight, Hoba. I don't think I'll be able to stretch you to accommodate me."
Hoseok shakes his head desperately and pleads with his eyes despite facing away from Seokjin. "Please," Hoseok whispers. Seokjin pulls his finger out and pushes it back in, bit by bit, further each time.
"Please, please, please," Hoseok continues, singing the word quietly like a mantra.
The second finger turns Hoseok into a whimpering, blubbering mess. He might be crying, but he can't tell because everything is a lot, and the late morning sun is hot even under the shade of trees. Hoseok is sweaty and hot, and he wants Seokjin to absolutely ruin him.
The third finger sends Hoseok into a dimension where he no longer has the ability to speak. He's not certain his brain is working at all, in fact, except in so much as to decode and relay the message of pleasure. All Hoseok can feel is overwhelming, breathtaking bliss as Seokjin works three fingers in and out, scissoring open and bending in on themselves, forcing Hoseok's sphincters to open wide and contract again and again.
"More," Hoseok finally rasps when he's adjusted enough to the feeling that he remembers how to speak. His cock throbs and leaks, and he feels desperate. He wants to come undone, but not until he's felt Seokjin's cock. He needs to feel Seokjin's cock.
"I should add one more finger," Seokjin advises, but Hoseok shakes his head frantically.
"No," Hoseok begs, "please, I need to come; I need your cock, please, Jin-hyung."
Seokjin removes his fingers and rubs his non-sticky hand over Hoseok's lower back. Hoseok thinks Seokjin may have stood up behind him, but the only thing he can be certain of is that he's empty and he needs to be full.
"I might break you in half, Hoba," Seokjin says. His voice is low and close to Hoseok's ear, and Hoseok shivers.
"Please, hyung." Hoseok whines. "Break me. Make me cry, please. I need you."
Seokjin shifts behind Hoseok and the lube bottle is opened, used, and closed. Hoseok attempts to look back, but his legs are already weak, and he can't seem to move himself enough to see. He'll just need to revel in seeing the majesty of Seokjin's cock later. He assumes there will be a later, what with the confessions of love and all. He hopes there will be a later.
The blunt, slick tip of Seokjin's cock brushes over Hoseok's hole, and Hoseok shivers—trembles from head to toe—and he holds back a whine. Then the tip breaches Hoseok, just enough to begin the stretch, and Hoseok attempts to grip onto the boulder beneath him. It's of no use as his fingernails scrape over the surface. Seokjin has barely begun, and already he's too big.
Slowly, Seokjin works the tip in and out, and Hoseok devolves into a panting, sweating mess. Each gentle thrust forward knocks the air from Hoseok's lungs, and he gasps for each breath as Seokjin pulls out.
"Am I hurting you?" Seokjin asks.
"Yes," Hoseok pants. "Yes, fuck, yes. Please don't stop. It's so good. Please."
Seokjin chuckles, once more filling Hoseok's cheeks with the warmth that accompanies shame, but Hoseok continues to whimper please below his breath as if manifesting the ability to handle Seokjin's cock.
Slowly, gradually, Seokjin stretches Hoseok around his girth, and Hoseok's legs tremble so hard he worries that they'll give out beneath him once Seokjin actually begins to fuck him. Seokjin must sense Hoseok's struggle, and he pulls his cock completely out and taps Hoseok on the hip.
"On your back, if you can do so comfortably," Seokjin instructs.
Hoseok does his best to stand, using wobbly arms to anchor himself against the boulder. Seokjin tosses Hoseok their shorts, and Hoseok unbunches the shirts and makes a cloth barrier on the boulder. Then, Hoseok turns and immediately falls to his ass against the garment-covered surface.
Seokjin stands before Hoseok stroking his cock, and holy shit, Hoseok has never seen anything so incredible before. Seokjin's cock is exactly what you would expect from a man as tall and wide as he is, but it's still shocking to witness it firsthand.
"Wow," Hoseok mutters. He lays back, and no, it's definitely not comfortable, but Hoseok is unbothered. He wants to watch the look on Seokjin's face while he shoves that into his ass. He wants to experience every flash of emotion that tugs at Seokjin's perfect features while that monster of a cock splits him wide.
"Are you comfortable?" Seokjin asks as he approaches and hooks one of Hoseok's legs over his arm. Seokjin bends to align his cock with Hoseok's hole, and Hoseok shakes his head with a chuckle.
"No, but I don't care; want to see you."
Seokjin smiles and presses his hips forward, and Hoseok fights the urge to squeeze his eyes closed. The look on Seokjin's face is a mix of worry and bliss, knitting his eyebrows and pulling his eyes open wide. Hoseok pouts and bites down on his lower lip and attempts to grip onto the sides of the boulder for support.
Both men hiss and whimper profanities, and slowly, gradually, Seokjin gets his cock past the head into Hoseok's tight but eager hole. Seokjin keeps his hips still while Hoseok pants and adjusts to the feeling—rather, while he figures out how to breathe again. Then, when Hoseok quietly begs for more, Seokjin pulls out and rocks his hips forward. The feeling is so incredible and overwhelming, Hoseok sees stars, and he wonders if he's being pulled inside out.
"You good, baby?" Seokjin asks.
Hoseok realizes he's been staring up at the canopy of trees, and he focuses his eyes on Seokjin, using an arm to rest under his head to help keep his gaze on Seokjin instead. He nods his head and smiles, and Seokjin pulls out and pushes in deeper. The expression on Seokjin's face—eyes wide and mouth agape—is the prettiest thing Hoseok has ever seen, and he stares into Seokjin's eyes as he's stretched deliciously on his big, perfect cock, pleading quietly for more.
Seokjin begins to set a rhythm. It's slow, but it's enough to have Hoseok dissolving into a puddle of bliss, begging Seokjin not to stop. Hoseok wants more—wants it hard and fast—but Seokjin's cock hits every spot Hoseok needs hit, and he can't ask for anything more. Slowly, gradually, however, Seokjin gives him more.
It starts with deeper, quicker thrusts, which has Hoseok on the brink of total mental and physical collapse. Then Seokjin leans forward, pushing his cock even deeper and Hoseok grips onto the boulder as best as he can as the pleasure rolls through him in waves, threatening to crash ashore and leave him a hollow shell of a man.
"I thought you needed to come, Hoba," Seokjin pants, staring down at Hoseok with a mix of amusement and pleasure.
"I'm so close," Hoseok whines, "but it's too soon."
Seokjin reaches forward and grabs Hoseok's cock, and Hoseok holds back a scream. The warmth of Seokjin's hand collecting Hoseok's precum in his palm and rubbing it over the head is too much and too good, and Hoseok can't do anything but succumb to the feeling and let the orgasm wash over him.
Hoseok rasps soundless moans, worried he'll be so loud the others would hear him across the lake otherwise, and comes in Seokjin's palm. Hoseok's entire body is electric, buzzing from head to toe with pleasure, and Seokjin continues to fuck Hoseok through his orgasm and beyond, holding onto Hoseok's cock even as it begins to soften. All at once, it's too much, and Hoseok is overstimulated and writhing.
"F-fuck," Hoseok whines. "Too big. It's too big. I can't—I can't—"
"Do you need me to stop, Hoba?" Seokjin asks seriously, and Hoseok shakes his head.
"Say red if you do need me to stop," Seokjin says sternly, and Hoseok nods and whimpers, "Yes, hyung."
At this, Seokjin grins. It's a devious sight that has Hoseok suddenly fearing for his sanity. With a mock pout, Seokjin leans closer and fucks Hoseok harder. Hoseok squeals and covers his mouth quickly with his forearm as Seokjin stares down at Hoseok as if he's Seokjin's prey.
"Is my baby too sensitive?" Seokjin mocks, and Hoseok can't help but whine. Shame mixed with arousal swims through Hoseok, and already he can feel his cock harden in Seokjin's hand.
"Poor baby can't handle my cock," Seokjin continues, slamming his hips into Hoseok hard enough to make him cry out and tremble from overstimulation. "Look at you crumble below me. How cute. I bet you'll be even cuter after I make you come again."
The boulder feels like shit under Hoseok's back, and he's already dreading having to run back to the house, but he wouldn't dream of making Seokjin stop. Not when he's getting fucked better than he's ever been fucked in his life. Not when Seokjin's true, bratty personality shines enough to make Hoseok feel humiliated. Hoseok will have to unpack why it's so fucking hot when all of this is over.
"Already hard, Hoba?" Seokjin teases, giving Hoseok's cock head a squeeze, making Hoseok whimper. "So you like being overstimulated, baby? Or do you just like it when I'm mean to you?"
"Both," Hoseok whines, feeling his cheeks warm with blush. Seokjin smirks and tugs on Hoseok's cock, using what little of his release that hasn't dried to aid in the slide.
"Maybe I'll make you come again and again until you can't speak or move. Is that what you want?"
Hoseok shakes his head with pleading eyes, even though he's not sure he's being honest; maybe he would like that. But not here—maybe on a bed.
"I bet you would like it, baby," Seokjin teases. Then his face changes from devious to sweet as he asks, "But maybe not here. Is your back okay?"
"Hurts," Hoseok groans, pleased with how Seokjin seems to be on the same page as him.
Seokjin releases Hoseok's cock, grabs Hoseok under the ribs and sits him up as best as possible with a cock shoved inside him. Hoseok's body feels like jelly, but he does his best to move along with Seokjin. Then, Seokjin snakes his arms around Hoseok and lifts him, and Hoseok squeals as his arms and legs wrap around Seokjin for support. Seokjin uses Hoseok's body weight to fuck him down onto his cock, and Hoseok's head lolls back as the pleasure from being quite literally impaled shakes through his body, causing his limbs to hang limply draped around Seokjin.
"You feel so good, Hoba," Seokjin praises, and Hoseok does his best to smooth a hand through Seokjin's hair, petting the nape of his neck, but all he can focus on is being split in half on the biggest cock he's ever had.
"Want you to come one more time for me, baby. Can you do that?"
Hoseok nods, although it may not be discernible from the way his head already bobs, so he mutters a weak "Y-yes," and tries his best to look at Seokjin.
Seokjin is covered in sweat, dark hair stuck to his forehead, and Hoseok unravels at the sight, already feeling himself pushed to the brink of another earth-shattering orgasm. He still can't believe that this is happening. That Seokjin—of all people—is fucking Hoseok in the woods after a very wholesome confession of love and barely any conversation about sex at all.
"Ah—am I dreaming," Hoseok mutters.
Seokjin chuckles. "How cruel would that be? If you woke up right now and it was all a dream?"
Hoseok whimpers and leans his head forward, attempting to hold Seokjin close. Instead, Hoseok's forehead hits Seokjin's shoulder a couple times before he rights his head and decides now is not the best time for affection. Hoseok's brain is scrambled eggs, and his impending orgasm does nothing to help him think clearly. The urge to come rises quickly, and Hoseok squeezes a handful of Seokjin's hair.
"F-fuck," Hoseok whines. "Gonna come."
Seokjin slams his hips into Hoseok's ass, pushing Hoseok over the edge much faster. Hoseok's cock bounces, hitting his and Seokjin's bodies, and it's not much, but it's something, and Hoseok attempts to lean closer, searching for more friction.
"Don't wake up, then, baby," Seokjin grunts. "Stay in this dream with me a little longer."
Hoseok comes hard. He wraps his arms around Seokjin's big wide shoulders and holds on for dear life as Seokjin slows his thrusts but fucks Hoseok through his orgasm. Once Hoseok is a trembling, sweaty, hollowed-out mess, Seokjin gently leans forward and places Hoseok back onto the boulder. Then Seokjin pulls out and strokes his cock until his hot release hits Hoseok's stomach, and Hoseok lays flayed out, basking in the feeling of being sticky, used, and spent.
"Holy...wow," Hoseok gasps, staring ahead at the canopy of trees once more.
"I didn't think ahead about cleaning you off," Seokjin says, panting. "I just didn't want to make you run back with come dripping out of you. Although...I wonder if you can run after that."
Hoseok chuckles and looks at Seokjin. "How kind."
It takes several minutes for Hoseok to relearn how his limbs work, and then he sits up and manages to get off the boulder, he finds their clothes in a dirty, sweaty mess.
"This will definitely look suspicious," Hoseok says as he holds up his once-white shirt, eyeing the thin layer of dirt.
"Yeah, I don't know how we'll explain this," Seokjin mutters, holding up his own shirt that's not quite in the same condition, but is soaked through with sweat.
They get dressed, and although the air around them has significantly changed, it doesn't feel awkward in any way. Hoseok had actually worried things might be uncomfortable, especially after knowing one another for so many years, but Seokjin seems at ease pulling his small bottle of lube back into his shorts and ruffling Hoseok's hair.
"So that happened," Seokjin says, smiling.
"Yeah," Hoseok responds, finding himself suddenly lost in Seokjin's eyes.
"Want to do that again soon?" Seokjin asks, and Hoseok is surprised to find he almost looks bashful.
"Yes. Please. As soon as possible."
Seokjin steps forward, closes the gap between them, and pulls Hoseok into a kiss. It's sweet and slow, and Hoseok hums against Seokjin's lips, melting into the feeling. When they part, Hoseok opens his eyes to find Seokjin looking at him lovingly, and his heart pounds—suddenly, he feels shy.
"I'll carry you back," Seokjin offers as he turns around and squats.
"Are you sure?" Hoseok asks as he climbs onto Seokjin's back, wrapping his arms around Seokjin's shoulders. He nuzzles his face into Seokjin's neck despite his skin being slick with sweat and inhales the faint musk coming off Seokjin's skin.
"Are you telling me you can walk?" Seokjin responds, and Hoseok chuckles.
Hoseok holds onto Seokjin tightly, nuzzling against his neck as they make their way back to the houses at a leisurely pace. From time to time, he looks around to take in his surroundings, wanting to commit the moment to memory before they head back to Seoul and continue on with their lives, but he's mostly content with basking in the warmth and comfort that Seokjin's body provides. They may have some explaining to do when they return, and eventually, Hoseok will have to reveal his whole squirrel situation, but Hoseok isn't too bothered by the details at the moment.
"So, as soon as possible, hmm?" Seokjin asks, breaking the silence, and Hoseok chuckles.
"I hope so."
"Preferably in a bed."
Hoseok tightens his grip around Seokjin's massive shoulders and rubs the tip of his nose against Seokjin's sweat-glistening neck.
"Yes, please," Hoseok responds softly.
The sun is bright, and the faint sound of the lake sloshing against the rocks mixed with gravel crunching underfoot brings a smile to Hoseok's lips as he's carried from the forest by the man of his dreams feeling sticky, euphoric, and serene.
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❤ tag list: @dasexydevitt13 & @giriiboyy​
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beta read by @neoneunnajimin  ✨ banner by me
Now The Forest Knows My Secret is copyright 2022 theharrowing, all rights reserved. Don’t be a silent reader, I love to hear from you! 
22 notes · View notes
solarwonux · 3 years
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10. I still remember the way you taste.
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yoongi x f!reader
warnings: smut, semi unprotected sex, make up sex, some angst. Briefly edited.
note: lol i think I forgot how to write smut but anyway, hi, um, yes I got carried away lmao. But yeah let me know your thoughts. Send me a drabble prompt hehe. Thank you for reading I hope you enjoy.
drabble game
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“I still remember the way you taste.”  Yoongi’s  knee is wedged in between your thighs as he attacks your neck in desperate open-mouthed kisses. “Yoongi, f-fuck, s-stop.” You say in between pants, placing your hands against his chest in an attempt to create some sort of space between the two of you. 
Yoongi smirks against your skin and lifts his head, eyeing you down, pushing his hips further into yours, showing you how much he needed you. “I’ve been holding back from you all weekend. The guys even have a bet going on to see how long I can keep my distance from you.” His hand travels down the side of your body, bunching your silk dress up to your thighs. “Safe to say Jungkook, Hoseok, and Seokjin have lost.” 
You roll your eyes. “God, don’t talk about them right now.” You run a finger down his clothed chest, stopping above the first button of his vest. “At least not when you’re about to fuck me in the bathroom of your best friend’s wedding reception” You pop the first button, earning an enticing low groan from your ex-boyfriend. 
“Hey!” He exclaims flicking your forehead lightly, “he’s your best friend too.” 
“Yoongi, I’m serious I hear their names come out of your lips one more time and I’ll leave you to take care of yourself.” You say as he apologizes with a nod of his head. You unbutton the next two buttons of his vest, stopping before pushing it off his body finally taking in the situation and your surroundings. The bathroom wasn’t dirty, nor was it clean. It had a musty smell making you wonder if someone had already done the deed before the two of you walked in.  “Maybe we shouldn’t do this here.” You quirk a questioning eyebrow. 
He shakes his head in disbelief, “I’m not walking through the reception and the hotel lobby with a boner.” He grinds his hips against yours, proving his point. You let out a moan throwing your head back, hitting the wall behind you lightly. He felt so good, and if it wasn’t for the fact that the hand dryer was painfully digging into your back. You would’ve agreed with his statement. 
“Just stay behind me, I’ll cover you. Who’s room is closer?” You push him away, finally creating the distance you needed. You turn to face the mirror, fixing your smudged lipstick. Yoongi was shocked, staring at you. God, you were so sexy, the product of his late-night escapades by himself. Especially after the two of you had mutually called it quits. 
All throughout the weekend you were driving him crazy, reeling him in to then push him away. He suspects that was your revenge for breaking up with you. One you only agreed to because you knew that once his mind was set on something, there was no way to talk him out of it. 
He had almost survived. Almost. That small buzzword was thrown out the window the second you entered the green room where he and all the rest of the groomsmen were waiting in to let them know the ceremony was going to start in five minutes. The long silk lilac dress you were wearing left little to his imagination, one he didn’t have to use much because he had spent years memorizing every single part of your body. 
You giggle at his dazed look, sending him a wink through the mirror before turning to face him again, planting a slow sensual kiss against his lips, pulling away before he could respond. “Hurry up or I might change my mind.” You pat his chest and walk past him. “I’ll wait outside.” You say in a sing-song voice and Yoongi was now fully convinced you were messing with him. Exuding your revenge and he had foolishly fallen into your trap. 
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The walk through the reception was a nightmare. 
Yoongi felt like he couldn’t breathe, his hand sweating in between yours. He sent glares into your back and they only got worse every time you stopped to talk about your new start-up business, with someone he barely recognized. He was proud of you for finally leaving your job. He had witnessed many of your angry breakdowns, his heart shattering every time you cried into his chest because of how unhappy you were working for your dream company. That when he finally got word that you had left and started your own company, boldly rivaling your old one. The sigh of relief he let out was monumental. He was proud of you and would’ve told you, praised you, as you happily explained your ideas. That’s if he was thinking with his head and heart not his dick, which was straining painfully against the waistband of his slacks. If it wasn’t for his suit jacket doing most of the work in hiding it he would’ve died out of pure agony and embarrassment.  
“We finally found an office and we’re moving in when Jimin gets back from his honeymoon. Sadly, he says I’m not allowed to start decorating without him, scared I’ll put an outside fountain in the middle of the whole place.” You say, prompting a booming laugh from Jimin’s dad. 
Jimin’s mom shakes her head, “he gets his perfectionism from my side of the family, I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t worry, honestly, I don’t have an ounce of interior design in my body, so I’d rather he be there to supervise before he yells at me saying that I’ve ruined everything.” 
Yoongi could feel the sweat start to pool above his brow, tuning you and Jimin’s parents out. He had never felt this needy in his entire life. He supposes it's the adrenaline rush of seeing you in such a revealing dress or the fact that he missed you. The last year and a half without you had been awful. Everything reminded him of you and he had to fight the urge to just call you. He never did. Afraid you had found it in yourself to finally hate him for breaking your heart. 
“Yoongi, sweetheart, are you okay?” Jimin’s mom asked, placing the back of her hand against his forehead, making him flinch. “Oh dear, you’re burning up, maybe you should go lay down.” The worry in her voice was evident, melting his heart. Jimin’s parents always treated him like he was one of their own, welcoming him with open arms when Jimin had first invited him and the guys over for lunch after school almost ten years ago. When Yoongi’s parents had kicked him out for choosing to study music production instead of something ‘meaningful’ they had taken him and even offered to pay for his school expenses. He owed them a lot, and if circumstances were different he would’ve thanked them profusely, just like he always did.  
“I think he has a fever so I’m going to walk him back to his room.” You nod your head, letting go of his hand and looping your arm with his. “It must’ve been the shrimp appetizer, he’s never been good with seafood, right baby?” The evil glint in your eye was too much. You’re teasing was getting too much for him to handle. He’s never seen this side of you. It excited him. 
“Oh please, hurry, we’ll let Jimin know you had to leave early I’m sure he’ll understand.” Jimin’s mom said, pushing the two of you towards the exit. 
Once the two of you were away, closer to the double doors of the reception hall you leaned in, “How are you holding up?” 
“Get me out of here before I drag you to the nearest bathroom again.” 
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“Wait, wait, wait.” You hold your hand out before Yoongi can step any closer to your body. A sound of annoyance erupting from his chest. Once upon a time, Yoongi had prided himself in being patient. Tonight was not one of those times. 
The second the two of you were alone in the elevator, his hands and mouth were all over you. Painting beautiful flowers with his mouth against your skin. The noises he had elicited from you made his chest swell with pride and his cock throb painfully against his pants. Every ounce of self control he once harbored was long gone. He didn’t want to miss another second where he wasn’t touching you. 
Yoongi had almost lost his mind while you were fumbling to get the door to your hotel room open. Though, that was mainly his fault, he literally couldn’t keep his hands off of you. 
Yet, now that you were finally in the safety of your hotel room, Yoongi didn’t understand why you were still resisting him and it made him even more frustrated both sexually and emotionally. “What, what do I have to wait for now, I’m so close to coming in my pants please just let me fuck you.” He all but begged, even considered getting down on his knees and kissing the ground you walked on. Though, when he saw you smirk, he knew he had done exactly what you had hoped he would do. 
“Fuck you.” He closed the distance, sighing when you innocently took a step back. 
“I’m trying to but I need to take my shoes off.” You pouted, pointing to your heel cladded feet in front of you, arms behind your back as you swayed from side to side. Yoongi shook his head before taking you into your arms and walking you backwards until the back of your knees hit the bed. You fell back sitting down as Yoongi got down on his knees in front of you. 
“Are you punishing me?” He asked with a pout on his lips. 
You giggled placing both of your hands against his cheeks and squishing them. “Yes.” You affirmed kissing his lips, “I think you deserve it for leaving me.” You gave his cheeks a light tap. “Now get to work or I’ll kick you out.” 
Yoongi scoffed, placing your left foot on top of his knees. His fingers unbuckling the buckle around your ankle slowly, his eyes burning holes into your soul. You swallowed nervously as he slipped it off, his lips connecting with the skin of your ankle, kissing the tiny stick n poke tattoo he had given you after a particularly stressful week of finals, almost three years ago.
 It was crooked. The points of the star weren’t as perfect as he would’ve liked them to be. But it had been entirely your fault. You kept moving, yelping out in dramatized agony every time he poked the needle into your skin, tears welling up in the corner of your eyes. He knew you were just doing it to scare him. Your pain tolerance was higher than any normal human being, which is why he continued his masterpiece, ignoring your pleas to stop. Nevertheless, with a childish pout you had expressed your love for it in more ways than one and vowed to never cover it up no matter what. 
You had kept true to your word. 
“I didn’t mean to.” He sighed, kissing your inner thigh, then moving to the other one. He had long removed your other heel and was now showering you with all the kisses he hadn’t been able to give you in the last year and a half.  “I didn’t want to break up with you.”
His hands traveled up the side of your legs, pushing your dress up further until the white lace of your panties were visible to his soft eyes. He bit his lip, taking in how much of an effect he still had on you. In all honesty, it made him feel on top of the world that your body was still so responsive to his touch. 
“Why did you?” Your voice wavered and you blinked rapidly to keep the tears at bay. Though, you had agreed with his decision to break things off. It had hurt more than you had intended it to hurt. You were left dazed and confused wondering how he could just wake up one day and decide that you weren’t enough for him anymore. 
“You stopped chasing your dreams because of me.” The guilt he had felt every time he held you while you cried out in anger spilled out. The tears now fell down your eyes while he laid you down, taking your dress with him, bringing it over your head and throwing it to the side knocking over the glass of water you kept on your nightstand every night. 
You jumped hitting his chest, “That dress was expensive.” You sniffed and wrapped your arms around his neck, “you’re the biggest idiot I know, I hate you.” You said, burying your head into his chest, mascara staining his pristine white dress shirt, while you unbuttoned it.
 He knew you weren’t crying because of the dress, but this was also not what he meant when he wanted to have you crying tonight. You were right, he was an idiot. 
“I’m sorry,” he pleaded, grabbing your head making you look at him. His own eyes were now filled with tears as he wiped away your own. “I didn’t know what else to do. You weren’t happy.” He kissed your cheek then moved down to your neck, tonguing the spot underneath your ear that he knew would have you weak in your knees. “I-I wasn’t happy.” He confessed against your skin. 
He had never once said it out loud and now that he had, while you pushed his shirt off his shoulders, undressing him further,  he felt childish. “You could’ve just talked to me about it.” You sighed moving your hands down his chest, your manicured nails scraping his skin lightly. He shuddered, the coldness of your touch was something he had never been able to get used to. He had missed it. 
“I know.” He licked down your neck, his fingers playing with your bottom lip, taping it lightly. “I didn’t know how to approach the situation.” His eyes all but rolled back as you took his fingers into your mouth, moaning around his digits. Your mouth was so hot and wet. He wanted to be inside of it, fucking it until you were sputtering and crying tears of pleasure, his precum mixing with your saliva. But he decided he could wait to fulfill his fantasy, right now he needed to show you much he still loved and cared about you. 
Yoongi took his fingers out of your mouth, trailing his moist digits down your neck, painting a masterpiece until they wrapped around your nipples, pinching it, while his mouth kissed around your other nipple. The low sighs of pleasure you were making were astronomical. A beautiful melody he will never get tired of listening to. 
“S-So you decided to break up with me, f-fuck.” You gasped when he lightly bit down on your nipple. It was euphoric, enough to have you reaching your orgasm. You were overly sensitive, overwhelmed with the fact that he was so close to you again. 
“I thought we already agreed that I’m an idiot.” He joked and sat back on his knees, pushing your thighs apart with his hands. The only thing keeping you covered were your panties that were sticking onto you like a second skin and it was driving him insane. 
“Let me keep reminding you then.” You smirked and sat up on your elbows, lifting your hips from the bed to meet his. “Break my heart again and I’ll cut off your dick, and this time I sincerely mean it my love.” He shuddered, your menacing words filled with possibilities and hope. Hope that after tonight you and him could start over again. 
“Have I ever told you how much you actually scare me?” He tilted his head with curiosity, pushing your panties to the side. His mouth watering when he felt how truly wet you were for him. He wanted you in every single way possible. To drink you up like sweet honey dew juice. If he wasn’t so impatient he would’ve buried his face in between your legs, until you were cumming on his tongue. 
“Once or twice.” You lifted your hips as he slid your panties down your legs. He threw them to the side giving your hip a light kiss. “Maybe more than three times.” You gasped as he pushed two of his fingers inside of you. 
His eyes catching sight the other miniscule stick n poke tattoo he had given you after graduation. This time it was a beautiful cursive ‘y’ adorning the skin of your mound, the adrenaline along with the alcohol that was running through both of your veins that night, had numbed you out enough to have you lying still, giggling at his concentration instead of screaming out in pain. 
He moved his fingers, his cock aching to be freed from it’s constraints. He was so painfully hard, aching to be buried inside of you. “I think I told you more than that.” He curled his fingers, hitting the mushy spot inside of you making you gasp. 
“Yoongi, whatever, just please get inside of me before I kick you out.” You arched your back, lifting your hips as his fingers slowly teased you, opening you up for him. You hadn’t been fucked in such a long time. In fact, the last person you had sex with you was the one teasing you right now. 
He huffed rolling his eyes and took out his fingers. “Stop threatening me like that.” He said, bringing his fingers up to your mouth, painting your lips with your arousal. “It hurts my feelings.” 
“Then hurry up.” Your fingers reached over playing with the button of his pants, popping it open as you eyed him through lust filled hooded eyes, “We can play more another day, right now I need you inside of me before I die.” You pleaded. His eyes got wide, his mind ran faster than usual, making sure he had heard you right. 
Another time, you had said. He had heard you right. His hearing wasn’t as bad as he claims it to be, especially when it came to you and anything that leaves your mouth. He nodded and helped you push his pants along with his boxers down his legs. He kicked them away. A low moan escaped his lips when he felt your delicate hand wrap around his hard cock. Your thumb running over his red tip, spreading around the precum. 
“Do you have a condom?” He asked in a choked whisper as he tried his hardest not to cum in your hand. 
You shook your head no, a pout forming on your lips, “I don’t, I thought you would have one.” You kissed his chest lightly as you kept moving your hand around him. “I’m still on the pill though.” You pulled away and looked up at him giving him a knowing wink. 
He swallowed and pushed you softly, laying you down. “Honestly, I didn’t think this would ever happen again so I didn’t bring anything.” 
Your hand around him fell to your side as he climbed over you slowly. “Tell me if it hurts okay, I’ll stop.” He reassured before aligning himself up at your entrance. He ran the tip of his cock over your pussy gathering your essence before pushing himself in. 
“Y-Yoongi, oh my g-god, f-fuck.” You arched your back, digging your nails into the skin of his shoulders. You felt so deliciously good around him, your name falling out of his lips like a silent prayer. 
He buried his face into your neck, planting open mouthed down your neck, biting down lightly when he felt you clench around him. “Can I keep going?” He mumbled. “I need to feel all of you.” 
“Yes, please Yoongi please.” You gasped when you felt him bottoming out inside of you. The pleasure was mind numbing. Your pussy stretching over his cock after such a long time was otherworldly. 
His hands found yours and he intertwined your fingers with his, placing your arms above your head as he started thrusting into you slowly. His eyes burning into yours, refusing to let your gaze go.
Nothing was heard, except for skin slapping against skin. His low grunts combining with your loud moans as he fucked into you faster. The sound of your wet pussy motivating him to continue his ministries. Neither of you were sure how much time had passed, the only thing that mattered was the desperate chase of your highs. 
“Make me cum please.” You pleaded over and over again, as he pistoned his hips into you faster and harder. The knot forming against the pit of your stomach. You kept clenching around him and he knew you were close to the edge. He was too, he could feel the tightness of his balls as his thrusts became sloppy. 
“B-Baby, I’m close.” He bit down on your neck as you arched your back, your nipples brushing against his lightly. 
You dug your nails into his knuckles, raising your hips to meet his desperate thrusts. “Me too, I’m so close.” You gasped as he rolled his hips into yours. The change of rhythm had you screaming out in pleasure. 
He let go of one of your hands, not wasting a second in finding your swollen clit, rubbing fast circles against it with his thumb, “Gonna cum around me my angel, gonna let me paint your walls white.” He panted, his sweaty bangs falling over his eyes. He looked like a greek God, Adonis himself. 
“F-Fuck yes Yoongi, fuck I-I’m coming.” You choked out, the pressure at the pit of your stomach finally breaking. Your pussy fluttering around him, your orgasm taking over your body in pleasure filled spasms. 
Yoongi pushes into you harder, his thumb working against your clit as you ride out your high beneath him. Seeing you so fucked out was enough to tether over the edge, in a silent moan, his own orgasm taking over his body, painting your walls with his sticky substance, filling you up to the brink. “G-God, I love you.” He said after he had somewhat composed himself. 
You wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him into your body. You didn’t want him to move yet, “I love you too Yoongi.” You whispered leaving innocent pecks against his jawline. He chuckled laying his head against your chest. You brushed his hair away from his face. Both of your chests heaving at the same time, as you tried to catch your breaths. 
“Was that okay?” He spoke after a long moment of silence. He rested his chin against your chest looking at you through worrisome eyes. “You don’t hate me anymore right?” 
“I never did.” You smiled, making his heart sore, “It was perfect, I missed you...a lot” You added kissing his nose. 
“I missed you too, maybe a little too much if I’m being honest. I really am sorry angel.” He cuddled into you further, feeling himself grow soft inside of you. You felt his arousal along with yours slide down your legs and you had to hold back from begging him to take you again and again. 
“I know just don’t do it again.” 
“I’d be actually crazy if I did.”
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Jason Todd x GN!Reader in: Movie Nights with the (Bat)Boys™ Pt. 3
12 Days of Batmas || Day 8—Watching Holiday Specials
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↞ previous: firelight in gotham || decorating your home
|| ao3 version | 12 days m.list | batboys tag | main blog ||
|| dames day 8 | dick day 8 | tim day 8 ||
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This man is all about getting cozy with you.
He’ll take any excuse to cuddle up with you—not that he actually needs one, of course—so naturally movie nights are right up his alley.
The most wonderful time of the year just got even better…
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↠ Requested By: No one, technically ((but given the fact that I’ve been working on this series since last year I’m sure you’re all ready for me to wrap this ish up lmao)) ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: SFW fluff ((but my blog’s 18+ so if minors want to consume my sfw stuff while still respecting my wishes of them staying out of this space, they can head over to my AO3)) ↠ CWs/TWs: Brief talk of a handsy Jay; slightly suggestive, but nothing to write home about, really. ↠ Betas? Nah, we don’t do that here. ↠ Total WC: 700~
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So there’s no ficlets this time around folks. sorry about it but I just couldn’t come up with anything sadly. But! They’re pretty lengthy (they’re all 700+ words) so that’s something ig. Anyways, that’s enough rambling from me—have at it and (hopefully) enjoy!
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Headcanon || WC: 700~
🌟 This man is all about getting cozy with you.
He’ll take any excuse to cuddle up with you—not that he actually needs one, of course—so naturally movie nights are right up his alley.
Warm, soft blankets, yummy snacks, and his boo all wrapped up in his arms while you veg out in front of the television? That’s prime date night material right there.
Loves to spoon during movie nights, doesn’t really care who’s wrapped around who, tho if you’re tinier than him he’s gonna tease you a bit if you wanna be the big spoon lol.
Lots of “My cute lil jetpack”s and “Can you even breath/see back there” and the like.
((but lbr—this boy loves having you hold him; tho he’ll rarely admit to this aloud, he won’t deny it if you say it))
🌟 Providing work hasn’t worn him out, he’s the type to stay up for the whole of things.
Even if you tip off he rarely follows suit, choosing instead to hold you tight and enjoy the feel of you in his arms, alive and well and safe.
If he does fall asleep he’s gonna be so sad! This was time that he was meant to spend with you, and he’s wasted it by sleeping.
Will promise to make it up to you, no matter how much you tell him that isn’t necessary, so just let him, okay? It’s as much for his sake as it is for yours.
🌟 V. much a commentator—esp. if the movie is one you’ve already seen before and-or he finds the plot to be overly ridiculous.
He’ll pull back if you want to watch the film in peace, but the minute those credits roll he’s gonna rip into it lol.
He’s v. indiscriminate with his critiques, has to be given his love for B-movies. There’s just something about the jank of those films that just does it for him; like were the creators actually trying to create something good, or were they self-aware? Either way he’s here for it.
🌟 He’s… also got a tendency to get a bit, let’s say handsy, if he finds the movie boring.
What? He’s gotta keep himself occupied somehow, and it’s not like he’s legit feeling you up from the start. Really it’s more of a caress that can easily turn into more if you give him the go ahead.
If that’s not the vibe he’s more than happy to keep it PG-13, much like I’m trying to do with these HCs lol.
🌟 As for what he likes to watch…
No matter the time of year, this is v. much a weekly thing for you, so he’s not too fussed about the lineup…
…Well so long as you don’t pull a Tim and try to marathon the Die Hard series lmao. They’re movies that take place during Christmas—that’s it, that’s all.
In a somewhat similar vein, he does consider Nightmare Before Christmas to be both a Christmas and a Halloween flick. This spicy take is not born from an actual strong opinion, btw, but rather from his love of trolling Damian lol.
There are a few standards that he’ll want to get at some point during your sessions; i.e. The Year Without a Santa Claus, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Home Alone. These films never fail to get him in the holiday spirit.
((and yes, he is well aware of the fact that you can make the same argument for Home Alone as you can for Die Hard, but he also doesn’t care lmao))
This is also one of the few times you’ll catch him singing without a hit of embarrassment or restraint. Unsurprising given that most Christmas movie soundtracks slap.
Ngl, he finds most of the newer Made for TV movies to be terrible, but at the same time the season just doesn’t feel complete without watching at least one cheesy holiday flick.
((his favorite is Holiday in Handcuffs, but tbh he loves anything with Melissa Joan Hart in it; he’s kinda had a thing for her ever since her Sabrina days lol))
🌟 Overall movie nights with Jay are just *chef’s kiss* 10/10—would highly recommend cuddling up with this giant teddy bear of a man while you binge.
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🌟 Up Next: Day Nine || Kissing Under the Mistletoe ((check back tomorrow!!))
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Taglist is open, but to 18+ users only.
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2021 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol...
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
It's As Real As You And Me
Batsis x Kyle Rayner One-Shot
Word Count: 2.1K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst,
Author's Note: If you cry while writing, it means you're doing it right...right? -Thorne
“Do we have to get out of bed today?” he groaned, silencing the alarm that had been snoozed at least three times before. “I don’t wanna get out of bed today.”
She snorted at him, rolling rather slowly to face his bedside. “I don’t think we have to.” She said. “We’re old. We can do whatever we want.”
He thought for a moment, old eyes trying to focus on the woman beside him; but without his glasses he couldn’t see a damn thing. “Breakfast at Pop’s?”
“That sounds wonderful,” she replied, rising from the bed. “I’m showering first.”
“Oh no you don’t!” he retorted, trying to hurry after her and she laughed, pushing him back onto the bed.
“Stop that, Kyle, before you pop your hip outta place again.”
“Ah, it’ll pop back in, (Y/N). Quit worrying.”
(Y/N) frowned at him, pointing, “You keep on and I’ll talk the kids into putting us into an old folks’ home so I can keep an eye on you better.”
“You wouldn’t do that,” Kyle griped. “We’d lose the only independence we’ve got, and you don’t wanna do that.”
They glared at each other for a minute before smiles split across their faces and they fell into laughter, pressing their foreheads together.
“I love you, Kyle Rayner.”
He gently raised a hand, caressing her cheek. “And I love you more, (Y/N) Rayner.” Pecking her lips three times, he pulled away and she helped him to his feet.
“C’mon. Let’s go get ready.” She said and he gasped dramatically.
“Well, Missus Rayner, you want to fool around in the shower? At our age?” he teased, and she rolled her eyes.
“God, it’s been like seven decades and you’re still the biggest skirt chasing dork ever.”
Kyle grinned at her. “I try.”
“Did KJ call you back like he said he was going too?”
“Mhm,” he answered, cutting into the waffles on his plate. “Spoke to him last night. Said he’d call again after he and Thomas get back from Vermont with Sophia and the other grandkids.” He looked at her, putting the fork in his mouth. “Martha Ann call you about Devin?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “Yes. He’s gotten in trouble with GCPD again.” She waved it off, picking up her coffee cup. “I’ve half a mind to tell her to send our grandson to Jason and let him sort that boy out.”
Kyle snorted. “Jason would wear that kid like a slipper.”
“That’s what he needs.” She shot back. “This is the second time in a month that he’s been caught shoplifting. Mark my words, husband of mine, that boy’s a kleptomaniac and if Martha Ann doesn’t do something about it, he’s going to get worse.”
He placed a hand on hers. “You’re getting worked up again. Relax.”
“How many times have I told you not to tell me to relax?”
“I don’t know, how many times have I not listened?”
“Old lady.”
“I swear I’ve never seen two elderly people more in love and so at odds with one another than I have you two.” They glanced up, seeing Stacy with the coffee pot and another plate of eggs and bacon. “Refills?”
(Y/N) smiled and held out her cup. “Thanks Stacy.”
“Of course!” she looked at her. “You two going anywhere after this?”
Kyle met (Y/N)’s gaze and offered a shrug; she nodded. “I suppose we could take a drive around the countryside. You know, like old people do on Sundays.”
Stacy laughed. “Missus Rayner, you don’t look a day over twenty-five. Now Mister Rayner, I’m afraid that white hair of yours tells me you are more than a few over twenty-five.”
He scowled at the waitress. “If there was ever a time I wish was still in my twenties, it’d be now.” He gestured to the walking cane. “Bum hip. Bum leg.”
“Bum head.” (Y/N) coughed under her breath and he glared at her.
“You think you’re funny.”
“I think I’m adorable.” She smirked, waggling her brows and Stacy merely laughed, wandering back into the kitchen. (Y/N) sighed. “It does make you think though…about the old days.”
Kyle nodded. “I wouldn’t trade our time for anything but...” he squeezed her hand. “I want to be back in that suit just for a minute.”
(Y/N) nodded. “Yeah…patrolling with dad and Dick and the others.” Her eyes started to moisten, and she inhaled sharply, dabbing at her eyes. “Sorry sweetheart.”
His smile held sympathy. “You never have to apologize, muse.” She saw his Adam’s apple bob slightly. “I miss them too.” His voice was rather hoarse, and they sat in silence the rest of the meal, remembering their dearest siblings and friends who’d passed on. Her father Bruce, and oldest brother Dick, both their wives too. And Kyle’s closest friends had all gone on too; Guy, John, and Hal had passed the month before.
The price of getting old, they guessed.
“I wish my hands were still able to hold pencils like I once could.”
(Y/N) rested her head on his shoulder, eyes scanning the expanse of the sunset before them. “I know what you mean.” She inhaled the scent of the freshly cut grass beside the shore. “Your painting of this would be beautiful.”
Kyle hummed. “Not as beautiful as you are.”
“I’m ninety-two and you’re telling me that even covered in wrinkles and white hair that I’m prettier than the skyline?”
He nodded. “Always have been.” He shifted until he could see her face. “Always will be, my beautiful muse.”
(Y/N) grinned like the heavens had split and leaned close, pecking his three times lips. “I love you, Kyle Rayner.”
“I love you more, (Y/N) Rayner.”
She turned the burner off, pouring the gravy into the boat, before setting it on the small table. “Dinner’s ready.” She called towards the living room. He’d gone into the old study when they’d gotten home and pulled out his art supplies, determined to prove he still had it.
(Y/N) frowned. “Sweetheart, dinner’s ready!” she called a little louder that time and then huffed a laugh. “Fool fell asleep.”
Wandering through the kitchen doorway into the living room, she saw him in his recliner, chin tucked into his chest, eyes closed. She sat on the side of his recliner and touched his shoulder. “Kyle, dinner’s on the table.” He didn’t open his eyes and she bent her head down to look at his face. “Kyle?”
She reached down and took one of his hands, it was cooling. “Sweetheart?” Something tightened in her throat and with her other hand, she gently pressed underneath his jaw, holding for a few seconds before she let out a pained breath. “Oh, Kyle.”
(Y/N) curled her hand tighter around his, leaning down to press her lips to his temple. She couldn’t bring herself to move as she let out a quiet sob, pressing her face into his hair. “I love you,” she whispered. “I hope you know that.” Her lips wobbled and tears cascaded down her cheeks. “I wouldn’t trade our seventy-five years for anything. We lived a beautiful life.”
She pulled away and gently took his glasses off his face, setting them onto the table. Her eyes fell to his lap where his other hand lay, a color pencil still held in it. (Y/N) felt a watery laugh bubble in her chest as she saw the last masterpiece he’d ever made.
A portrait of the sunset they'd been looking at that day. A beautiful blend of red, orange, pink, and purple cascading across the sheet like an explosion of the sky.
Her eyes fell across the words written in white along the edge,
To my beautiful muse. Always and forever.
He still had it.
And it was perfect.
“Julia, can you push me out onto the patio?” she asked, looking out the window. “I think I wanna sit outside for a few moments.”
The young woman, no older than twenty-two smiled brightly. “Of course, Miss Rayner!” she happily complied, pushing (Y/N)’s wheelchair out onto the cobblestone patio, sitting her next to the table. “Do you want me to bring your dinner to you?”
(Y/N) nodded. “I’d like that. Thank you.”
“Alright, I’ll be back in a few moments.”
Julia wandered off and she glanced towards the skyline. It had been about six months since she let her children talk her into getting an in-home nurse after he had passed. She had argued, but after falling twice, she knew it was time to have someone look after her. (Y/N) was adamant about not going to a senior citizens home; she wanted to stay in the home her and him had built until she went too.
Her children and grandchildren had visited her the week before, all having to return to their lives once school had started and jobs went back. She understood—(Y/N)’d once been a busy wife and mother too. But it was lonely without him, and she missed him dearly.
Her eyes found the skyline again and she sighed heavily, feeling rather tired all of the sudden. A little nap wouldn’t hurt. And she knew Julia wasn’t the best cook so it’d take a while before dinner would be ready.
Just a few minutes of sleep.
Just a few minutes.
Just a few—
A warm breeze blew across her skin, and she cracked her eyes open, glancing out the open window of her bedroom. It felt like a normal Saturday morning. The type of mornings where she’d wake up to Tim or Damian jumping on her bed and telling her to get down to breakfast.
She blinked a few moments, not registering a thing until someone chuckled beside her. “You’ve been sleeping pretty soundly, sweetheart.”
Looking over, her eyes widened as she saw her father before her, young and handsome like he’d once been, sitting on the side of her bed. “Dad?” she breathed, and he smiled.
“Hello (Y/N).”
She shot up in a second, wrapping her arms around his neck, his own winding around her waist. “Dad,” she cried, tears gathering in her eyes. “You’re here.”
“I think it’s you who’s here, (Y/N).”
“What?” she pulled away and looked at him; her eyes drifted to the mirror hanging beside her door and she caught sight of herself—it registered as she lifted her hands to her face, no more wrinkles, no more snow-white hair, no more aches and pains.
“Looks like I fell asleep for more than a few minutes, didn’t I, dad?” she laughed, though she felt a deep sorrow.
He smiled sadly at her. “It’s the best way to go.”
(Y/N)’s eyes filled with tears, and she gazed at him. “I’ve missed you so much, dad.”
“I’ve missed you more, sweetheart.” Bruce replied, gently thumbing her cheek. “All of you.” He smiled again. “But you’re here now…and there’s a lot of people waiting to see you.”
Standing from the bed, he held his hand out to her and she took it, letting him pull her up; he walked over to the door and opened it, pulling her along as he stepped through it.
The scenery shifted from that of her bedroom to the backyard of Wayne Manor and she looked out to a large picnic table and seated around it were all the family and friends she’d lost through the decades. Dick was waving like a maniac, Kori beside him doing the same. They both looked young too. Hal, Guy, and John were sitting on the other side, ribbing Wally, Roy, and Garth over something; they too were young.
“I don’t understand,” she whispered. “Why is everybody young again?”
Bruce hummed. “We all return to the best moments in our lives. When we were our biggest and greatest.” He glanced over her at something and smiled. “There’s someone who’s been waiting for you.”
(Y/N) looked at him with pulled brows then over in the direction he was, and she brought a hand to her mouth. She broke into a dead sprint across the backyard, leaping into his open and waiting arms. He lifted her with ease, like he used to do when he was young. Spinning them around, he buried his face in her hair as she buried hers in his shoulder as she shook with sobs.
“Sorry I wasn’t able to have dinner with you one last time, (Y/N).”
She pulled away and placed her hands on his cheek, putting their foreheads together. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you, Kyle.”
He shook his head, smiling at her. “You were there.” He reached up, putting a hand on her cheek. “You look as beautiful as the day I left you.”
(Y/N)’s lips wobbled, but she smiled widely. “I love you, Kyle Rayner.”
“I love you more, (Y/N) Rayner.” He pecked her lips three times. “Forever.”
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Well, ladies and gentlemen, I spent 4 years studying ecology, behavior, and evolution an accredited university...and now I use it to write gay fanfiction about a karate soap opera. Granted, my school’s career services were pretty shite, and they never quite made it clear what I should be using my degree for, but I’m pretty sure it’s not this.
Anyways I have a long-standing headcanon that Eli has a special interest in “badass” animals (namely raptors and reptiles) that really intensified around the time he got super into Cobra Kai. And now, naturally, I’m going to subject the rest of you to it, AND use it as an excuse to infodump all the random-ass animal facts I know!!!
(Also credit to @asphodel-storm because part of what really solidified this headcanon was seeing her use it in her fic Second Chances and I was like :O Yes!!! Hawk loves badass animals!!!)
Ever wondered why Demetri just had random knowledge about snake pupil shapes queued up to lecture Kreese about??? Like how on EARTH would you know that off the top of your head unless you either a) had a specific interest in snakes or reptiles (which I haven’t really seen from Demetri other than that) or b) you had someone in close proximity constantly infodumping to you about reptiles, and you hung on their every word OR you independently researched reptile facts to impress/better engage with that person??? Because take it from me, niche snake pupil trivia is NOT something that any “science nerd” would know. Like I was none the wiser about the round vs. slit snake pupil thing, and I was in a bio-adjacent major!
Also like. Dem and Eli should probably talk about the fact that Kreese apparently shattered Dem’s nose to the point of him needing stitches??? So here I make them! Angst (but also some much-needed closure) ensues.
“He’s a man of few words...unless you bring up reptiles or birds of prey. Then he will have far more words than you’re prepared to handle.” --Demetri about Eli, at some point prior to the show probably
Chapter 1: Here
Chapter 2: Here
Chapter 3: Here
All 3 are also posted on my AO3, SummerPhlox!
CW here for homophobia and some sexist talk/language at the end (sadly, the teachings of my problematic fave Johnny Lawrence don’t die easy). Be warned, this is the longest of these bad bois yet!!! A whopping 7k+ words! Keep Reading at your dash’s risk!
The Nature Center
“Come on, come on, come on!”
Demetri lets himself be unceremoniously dragged through the cactus gardens, Eli’s grip around his wrist stronger than some of the rock formations they’ve driven past. Saguaros and organ pipes and barrels alike whip past at alarming speeds, and Demetri considers telling Eli he could be very grievously injured if he hypothetically were to be rammed into one. Say, for example, if he had a friend yanking him into a desert wildlife nature center at roughly 40 miles per hour.
He sighs wearily. “We’re on an urgent mission to save our best friend from certain doom, and you still want to stop here and dick around.”
“It’ll only be a couple hours,” Eli mumbles as he maneuvers them around a particularly frightening-looking cholla patch.
Demetri grinds his feet into the dirt, pulling his friend back. Eli stumbles and loses his balance, nearly sending them both careening into the chollas.
Demetri frowns. “A couple hours?”
His friend turns, giving him a pair of the big, sad eyes that have caused him no shortage of trouble over the years. “One hour?” he says, a little too hopefully.
Demetri sighs. “Okay. Not a second longer, though. And you’re doing all the night driving we inevitably get stuck with. All the way to Mazatlán!”
“Deal.” Eli turns back to the faded adobe building, and the dragging resumes.
Something soft brushes against Demetri’s leg. He tenses, suddenly concerned about the number of wild tarantula species in Mexico. His eyes flick down, and he slackens with relief when he catches sight of nothing more than a sprig of breeze-battered pink wildflowers.
They’re almost to the doors—and out of the unforgiving heat—when Eli lurches to a stop.
“Dem, look!” Eli tugs on his arm, pointing at a nearby rock. “Looklooklook!”
Any annoyance in Demetri abruptly drains out, replaced by a soft warmth. It’s been a long time since Eli’s called him Dem. Maybe even longer since he’s seen Eli this excited about something.
Demetri squints, spotting a mottled brown lizard doing enough push-ups to make Eli’s workout routine look shabby. As the little creature goes up and down, he catches glimpses of bright blue under the chin—a tiny, puffed-up dewlap, probably. The color reminds him of a certain mohawk that once made his life very…interesting.
Across the sun-baked rock are two slightly-smaller light brown lizards—presumably females. They both stare vacantly out into the desert air, the male’s exuberant display lost on them.
Eli nudges him, snickering. “Look, he’s trying to get babes.” He cups his hands around his mouth and hoots. “Work it!”
Demetri smiles sadly, shaking his head. “Doesn’t seem like a successful endeavor thus far.”
Eli scoffs. “Their loss! Who doesn’t want a guy who works out?”
As if to demonstrate, Eli strikes a pose and flexes a bicep. Demetri groans.
“Oh, great. I thought you were past this.”
“You wish. The Power of the Hawk is never finished!” Eli spreads his arms and lets out a bellow. Despite himself, Demetri laughs.
“How am I best friends with such a hammy idiot?”
“That’s a two-way street, my friend.” Eli smirks, slapping him on the back.
Eli’s hand lingers on his shoulder blade as they glance back at the rock. The male lizard has sped up his push-ups substantially, as though achieving supersonic pace will at last impress the ladies.
Currently, it is not. Both female lizards have closed their eyes, the male’s dramatics having apparently put them to sleep.
“You see his dewlap?” Demetri asked.
“He has a dewlap?” Eli squints. “Wow. I totally clocked his species wrong.”
“Barely. I’m just getting little flashes of it.” Demetri breaks into a smirk. “I guess blue is the color of overcompensation.”
“I gue—HEY!” He laughs as an elbow collides with his ribs. “Don’t make fun of the blue ‘hawk! It got your dumb ass, like, 7 beers!”
And I needed about 3 more to stomach you swapping spit with Moon.
Demetri thinks better of saying it aloud.
He really shouldn’t be bad-mouthing the color blue, anyways. Blue is the color of so many nice things.
Miyagi-Do. Ravenclaw house. The TARDIS. Spock’s uniform. Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber. Captain Marvel. Eli’s eyes. Stuff like that.
“It wasn’t the worst look for you,” Demetri admits. “I think that award goes solidly to the firetruck rooster hairdo.” His smirk widens. “Didn’t help that you were being such a cock.”
Eli groans. “Get that on one of your stupid pun shirts, why don’t you?”
“Maybe I will! Just a picture of you doing that wannabe scary scowl of yours and a big caption that says ‘Don’t be a cock!’”
He does a sweeping motion with his hands as he says it, and earns a reluctant snigger from Eli.
“Oh, my god. I hate you.”
“I’ll make one, and wear it to graduation instead of robes.”
“You’d better not. I’ll sob to Counselor Blatt until she withholds your diploma.”
“Ah, yes! The woman who singlehandedly stopped bullying at West Valley High! I’m sure she’ll be completely proficient at navigating high school bureaucracy to prevent me from graduating.”
Eli snickers. “Yeah, okay, fair. I guess I’ll have to make an equally embarrassing shirt of you.”
“Well, good luck finding an embarrassing aspect of my personality that I don’t also embrace wholeheartedly.”
On the rock, the two female lizards decide they have seen one push-up too many and skitter off. Eli lets out a disappointed cry, looking genuinely a little sad.
“Aw, little buddy! They didn’t deserve you, anyway.”
Demetri snaps a twig off a nearby shrub and starts toward the rock. “Maybe we can give him a free lunch to help him feel better.”
Eli sneers at him, snatching the twig away and chucking it over his shoulder. “Lizards don’t eat wood, you idiot. They’re insectivores like 90% of the time.”
The lizard’s head shoots up as they approach, pondering them for a moment. Before Demetri can figure out how to go about acquiring a dead bug, the reptile scampers under the branches of a creosote bush and is gone.
“Anyways.” Eli’s hand slides down and fastens around Demetri’s wrist again, returning to yanking him toward the nature center. “There’s lots of other shit to see. Come on!”
As they head toward the entrance, Eli’s gaze flicks back to the now-empty rock.
“Can’t believe that fucker had a dewlap,” he muses, half to himself. “No idea what he was supposed to be. I really thought whiptail. Maybe alligator lizard, but I don’t think they live this far south. Besides, the markings aren’t quite right. And he’s too dark to be a brush lizard.” He curls his lip. “It’s going to drive me fucking nuts.”
Demetri smiles, fondness starting to trickle through him. Apparently the “badass animal” special interest is cycling back around again.
Better that than karate cults.
The wave of cool air hits Demetri as soon as Eli opens the door, so eagerly it nearly smacks the taller boy in the face. The nature center is surprisingly crowded, the air filled with tinny animal noises that can only come from several small children pressing every display button at once. Kids are being chased by many a stressed parent, snapping at them in both Spanish and English. Nonetheless, there’s no entrance fee, so perhaps Demetri should count his blessings.
“You sure about this?” He raises his eyebrows. “Seems like a tourist trap.”
“Demetri! They have a tarantula section! We are going!”
There’s no time to argue before he is being pulled along once again. Demetri wonders idly when Eli went from an arachnophobe who hid in baggy sweaters every time Aragog came on screen to thinking tarantulas were the coolest shit he had ever seen, apparently. Probably a particularly brutal brand of exposure therapy while trying to be Cobra Kai’s toughest fighter.
It makes Demetri’s stomach churn, thinking of Eli bullying the terror out of himself, but he shakes the thought away. It’s months behind them, and Eli is okay now.
Besides, Demetri hardly minds Eli being a fearless force of nature, when he isn’t using that energy to break arms and commit felonies and such.
“Oh, shit! They literally liquify their prey and start digesting it! That’s so metal. And apparently there’s this really fucked up species of parasitic wasp that lays eggs inside tarantulas and then the larvae eat them from the inside out—”
Eli begins eagerly feeling up a large, hairy model of a tarantula leg. Demetri passes.
Before he knows it, he’s being yanked to the scorpion information panel on the other side. “Oh my god, these things can fucking kill you if they sting you. That’s so cool. And they have these weird hairs on their legs they can detect movement and shit with, so if you go anywhere near one, you’re already screwed, and they also like—”
Demetri starts to worry that it may be difficult convincing Eli to leave.
“—and venom in general is so wild, man. Like that shit goes in and fucks up your spine so you’re just frozen as you die. What a way to go. Although if I was a mouse or whatever, I think going out to a Gila monster would be pretty sick. Like at least you die with dignity. Better than a cactus falling on you. And I mean—”
Eli opens up little boxed information panels with reckless abandon, commentary not ceasing the entire time.
“—are you fucking kidding me? They really called this asshole an ‘earless lizard?’ All lizards are earless, idiot! I mean, unless you count earholes, but there’s a difference between those and ‘ears.’ And the lesser earless lizard, too?! Like it’s bad enough some dick is calling attention to the fact that you don’t have ears, but now these poor fucks can’t even have self-esteem? It’s depressing, Demetri, I’m telling you—”
He stops mid-rant, suddenly turning to gape at something behind Demetri. Demetri feels his friend’s finger ram into his side several times.
“Oh my god. There’s a snake room?!”
Demetri chuckles, shaking his head fondly. “You are so predictable, Eli Moskowitz.”
“Look, just because Cobra Kai are assholes doesn’t mean actual snakes aren’t still sick as fuck.”
Demetri is once again being tugged across the tile floor and into the next room. At this point, he simply lets it happen.
“I read up on it a while back, and there’s actually a shitton of rattlesnake species,” Eli goes on. “They’re not even the most badass ones, though—kingsnakes will just fucking wrap them up and eat them. Rattlesnake venom doesn’t do shit to them. It’s insane. And that’s not even touching on gopher snakes—those things can get like 10 feet long, and like that’s not enough to get anyone to fuck off, they can reshape their damn heads and pretend to be rattlesnakes and I think—”
Eli’s rant fades into the background as Demetri squints at the artwork on the snake information plaque. A vast, starry sky stretches out behind silhouettes of mountains, cacti, and shrubs. In the foreground, a moon-washed creature appearing to be a nightsnake is poised with his head raised and his little forked tongue extended. His orange eyes, sliced by black slits, are glowing eerily in the darkness.
“Hey, Eli.” Demetri nudges the other boy. “Did they get the pupils right on that one?”
“—and the reason sidewinders do that whole creepy ribbon candy-looking thing is because it doesn’t move the sand around as much, so they won’t slide down the dune or whatever. Probably also mimics the wind so they can disguise movements and hunt better. Or not get eaten by shit hiding in the sand. You know, like that sand walk they do in Dune? So the sand worms don’t—oh.”
Eli cuts his ramble short as Demetri’s question finally processes. The shorter boy studies the painting, gaze flicking to the information panel a few times.
“Yeah, vertical pupils are right,” he says finally. “A lot of patterned snakes have them. Something about making their eyes not stand out by having them look like scales or something.”
Demetri nods approvingly. “I do see how that could be unnerving. You know the thing’s looking at you, but you can’t tell from where. The kind of constant, invisible surveillance only seen in the bleakest of dystopias.”
Eli snorts. “You should write some desert wasteland Mad Max-type shit where the government uses automaton nightsnakes to spy on everyone. People would eat that up.”
Demetri chuckles. “You know, maybe I will! It’s not a bad backup plan, if the computer science career doesn’t work out.”
He looks again at the snake painting’s slit-pupiled eyes and sighs, shaking his head.
“You know, I still can’t believe that war criminal ex-sensei of yours is going around proclaiming to be a snake aficionado when he’s got such a blatantly incorrect king cobra on his arm.”
“Right? It’s kinda sad.”
Eli laughs, but it sounds forced. He looks away from the nightsnake display, shuffling awkwardly and not meeting Demetri’s eyes.
“I, ah…” Eli’s hand comes up to rub nervously at the back of his buzzcut. “I shouldn’t have been such a dick to you when he punched you in the face.”
Eli Moskowitz is not one to apologize over and over. Demetri figures that the first time gets the point across, in Eli’s opinion—no need to keep repeating it. It helps that Eli has always sucked at bullshitting. It isn’t hard to tell when the man is being genuine, if you know him well enough.
Nonetheless, Demetri knows that all the lingering guilt from Eli’s Cobra Kai fuckery didn’t just dissolve.
The fact really should not fill Demetri with as much smug glee as it does.
Perhaps “glee” is too strong—and too sadistic—a word for it. Perhaps it’s only relief. The ever-present relief that Eli really did mean it when he said he was sorry, and it wasn’t all some elaborate act (Eli has, regrettably, gotten a little better at bullshitting since the Hawk shtick). The relief that Eli is back with him—and works every day to make up for the very, very shitty 6 months he spent away from Demetri, terrorizing him and the rest of the Valley. The relief that Eli regrets his time spent being an asshole, and not the choice to turn his back on Kreese and all his bullshit.
Still, Demetri can’t resist being a little petty. Not when Eli Moskowitz peed in his bed at sleepovers for over 10 years and then acted like such an absolute shithead for several months.
And broke his heart. That too.
He nudges Eli’s side. “Are you just now realizing that?”
“No, I just, uh…I always felt a little bad about it.” He keeps rubbing his buzzcut. “You couldn’t admit that kind of thing in Cobra Kai. ‘The weak don’t belong’ and all that.”
Demetri snorts. “Charming sentiment. I do wonder what the endgame was for being ‘the baddest dojo in the Valley.’ Another secret, even bigger karate trophy? World domination?”
Eli laughs, seeming to relax slightly. “More like continuing to boost Sensei Kreese’s ego.”
“It gets much bigger than it already is, and he’ll be releasing some herpetological virus that makes all snake pupils shrink to slits, just so he doesn’t have to be wrong about something.”
Eli looks up at him, suddenly grimacing. “Did you really have to get stitches?”
“Oh, yeah.” Demetri winces at the memory. “I came home with my nose bleeding everywhere and my mom freaked out and rushed me to the ER. She yelled at like…7 nurses in Greek. It’s kind of funny, thinking back on it. Anyways, I probably didn’t need all 12 of those stitches, but you know how my mom is.”
“Sure do.” Eli chuckles softly. “I’m honestly surprised she was cool with us hanging out again, after…you know…”
He trails off, looking away. Demetri frowns.
“You know I didn’t tell her that was you, right?”
Eli’s head snapped back to him. “Huh?”
“She thinks it was some random new kid whose name I didn’t know.” Demetri rolls his eyes. “She already worries about anything and everything as is. Where do you think I get it from? I wasn’t about to tell her my wayward and misguided best friend is going around assaulting me.”
Eli winces, and Demetri feels a stab of guilt.
“Hey.” He lifts a hand and quickly squeezes Eli’s shoulder. “You know I’m not still mad about that. Frankly, though, I am a little insulted that you really think I’d snitch on you to my mom and get her on some kind of witch hunt after you. Besides, I’m not looking to collect another round of stitches, thank you very much.”
Eli breaks into a smile, sniggering. “Snitches get stitches. Anyways.” His face turns serious again. “I, uh…I owe you one for not telling your mom about…that. I don’t think she’d ever be able to look at me again.”
“She might plot your murder. Or worse, press charges.” Demetri made a face. “Listen, no matter how pissed I was at you, I didn’t want you getting beat up in juvie or six feet under.”
“I would not get beat up in juvie!”
“Oh, please. Juvie is full of people who don’t need karate to be scary. There’s always going to be a better fighter, especially if they were raised somewhere they’ve needed it all their life.”
Eli pouts defiantly. “I could take them!”
He still looks so young when he makes that face. Suddenly they’re 8 years old again, Eli on the verge of tears after the mean kid in the class took the last of the popsicle flavor they knew he liked. Even with the added muscles and the gritty back tattoo, it’s hard not to still see some of that sensitive little boy when Demetri looks at him.
He imagines that elementary school kid locked up in a prison yard, and he feels sick to his stomach.
“People get traumatized in there, Eli.” His voice drops, and he takes a step closer to his friend. “Doesn’t matter how tough you are. I don’t want you anywhere near there.”
“I could kick ass if I wanted to.” Eli grunts disapprovingly. “Besides, Cobra Kai can get away with whatever. Kreese has a bunch of the city officials wrapped around his finger because he’s a Vietnam vet. I figure that’s how he didn’t get arrested for aggravated assault, because there’s no way your mom wouldn’t have called the cops on him.”
“Oh! So you admit it! You admit it was aggravated assault!”
Demetri stuck a taunting finger in Eli’s face. Scowling, his friend ducked away.
“Yeah, yeah. Fine. I looked it up too, and I didn’t want to admit you were right.”
“As I so often am,” Demetri added smugly.
“Not all the time!” Eli retorted. “What about…um…”
Demetri breaks into a conniving grin as Eli struggles to remember an instance where his supergenius best friend was, in fact, incorrect about something.
He hums mockingly. “That’s what I thought.”
Eli groans, slapping a hand to his face. “You were acting like your life was over after one sock to the face. You act like your life is over when you stub your toe. What was I supposed to think?!”
“Many people go their entire lives without a broken nose, Eli. I’d even managed to avoid getting any from Kyler so far.”
Eli’s hand drops, lip curling up in a hint of a smile. “He sure tried. You were always too quick for him.”
“Ah, yes.” Demetri shook his head at the memory. “The tried-and-true strategy: Squirm out of Kyler’s gross, sweaty grip and haul ass out of there. Quite the high drama. ‘Alexopoulos and Moskowitz, on the run for their lives!’”
He sweeps a hand for emphasis, and finally gets a chuckle out of Eli. “God, we were such sissies back then. Always just caving and running to our moms whenever there was trouble.”
Demetri shakes his head.
“Not always,” he argues. “You found out soon enough what happened if your mom caught wind and tried to meddle. And I never actually told my mom Mr. Anatomically Incorrect Cobra Tattoo was the one who broke my nose.”
“Really?” Eli looks up at him in surprise.
“You told me not to get your crazed karate teacher a year in prison and a $10,000 dollar fine, so I didn’t.” Demetri shrugs. “I went and vagued about my grievances via Yelp instead. Of course, that was still too much for you, but it seemed like the option that would cause you less distress overall.”
Eli raises his eyebrows. “I think the issue there is that you weren’t vague enough.”
Demetri only rolls his eyes. “I certainly could have gone into more gory detail if I’d wanted to—no pun intended. I simply chose not to.”
“I guess I should thank you for that.” Eli sighs, looking down. “I never realized that’s why you didn’t snitch. I just thought you were…” He trails off uncomfortably.
Demetri snorts. “What, scared of you? Don’t give yourself so much credit. I mean yes, you did kind of give me the heebie jeebies later on, but not after making a handful of douchey comments and yelling at me once over FaceTime. I have a slightly thicker skin than that.”
“Maybe it’d have been better in the long run, though. If you called the cops on him.” Eli shakes his head, smiling forlornly. “Could’ve saved us a lot of grief at the All Valley.”
“Yeah, right. I’m pretty sure you would have drowned me in the ocean and left my body for the sharks.”
“Would not! The ocean doesn’t need more pollution, Demetri.”
“A body isn’t pollution, it’s fresh food! An ecosystem contributor!”
“Your clothes, dumbass. You get eaten by eels or whatever and then everything on your person ends up either in something’s stomach or the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.”
“Well, I’m glad marine health is important enough to you for you to cancel your murder plans, Eli.”
“What can I say? I’m a California progressive.” He smirks a little before his face falls again. “In all seriousness…yeah, I would’ve been really pissed, but I’d get over it when I heard how full of shit he really was. It’d be okay in the end.” Eli bristles slightly. “He deserves it.”
Demetri feels his friend tense up beside him, and a wave of concern ripples through him.
Demetri knows he’ll never admit it, of course, but Eli is scared of John Kreese. Scared of what a man who has seen war and clawed his way out to the other side and knows how to twist people any way he wants might still do to a traitor.
“He’ll get his just desserts eventually.” Demetri reaches up and gives Eli’s shoulder another squeeze. “The cops can’t always turn a blind eye to…well, whatever he does in that cursed dojo of his. I’d wager only about…maybe 30% of it is actually legal.”
Eli laughs softly, leaning into his touch. “30%? That’s generous, Demetri. I doubt it even tops 15.”
A distinctive piercing screech runs through the nature center, made tinny and artificial by poor-quality speakers. Eli’s eyes widen.
“Oh my god,” he breathes. “They have a raptor section?!”
Demetri raises his eyebrows. “How do you know the soundtrack isn’t just queuing up for you to fight someone?”
Eli snorts. “Because if I had a soundtrack, it’d have way better sound quality than that. I live in LA, not some midwestern shithole with terrible production design.”
He starts frantically looking around, head whipping in every direction as he tries to locate the source of the cry.
“Where is it?” he demands to no one in particular. “Where’s the bird of prey room?!”
“Calm down, Harley Qui—”
He isn’t even able to finish the statement before his wrist is once again being tugged to the exit by an insistent (but nonetheless very warm) hand. Eli is relentless, wrenching him from room to room with the drive of a persistence predator with unlimited stamina. Demetri wonders idly if this is how humans managed to rise to the top of the food chain—i.e. dragging their long-suffering friends all over the place with no end in sight.
It's a wonder, really, how the Nature Center Society of Mexico or whatever-have-you has the budget to make so many rooms in a tiny building in the middle of nowhere. The electricity bills needed to cool the place down to a reasonable temperature must be astronomical. Demetri feels like he’s in some anxiety-inducing fever dream, rushing around a strange, unfamiliar location and being utterly unable to find what he’s looking for.
Or at least he would feel that way if Eli wasn’t holding onto him like a damn lifeline once again.
That seems to be happening a lot lately. Demetri is not going to complain.
The hawk screech sounds again, louder and even more grating this time. Eli lets out a triumphant bellow and pulls Demetri down one last hallway. They burst into a sunlit room, panoramic window giving an excellent view of some distant, dusty mountains.
That isn’t what catches Eli’s attention, though.
The ceiling is spangled with hanging birds. Plastic and stuffed models alike are suspended by delicate wires, beaks parted and wings spread wide. Demetri looks up and sees everything from owls to eagles to ospreys to falcons to kestrels to grackles to woodpeckers to tiny doves and finches.
It’s like walking into an aviary where some all-powerful wizard has managed to freeze time.
And, of course, there’s no less than 3 different species of hawk. He braces himself to get a massive earful about each one.
Eli looks around—mouth hanging open, more than a little starstruck. He breaks into the biggest beam Demetri’s ever seen, so large that Demetri is honestly surprised his face can contain it.
He probably feels like he’s flying as much as the dangling birds are.
Demetri remembers the dumb bit from Titanic where Kate Winslet stands on the edge of the ship and excitedly tells Leo DiCaprio that she’s flying. Certainly not on the level of actually having wings, he’s sure, but still perhaps worth re-enacting if he and Eli ever find themselves on a boat. (And they live 30 minutes from the ocean—it’s not an outlandishly unlikely possibility.) Still something Eli might enjoy.
“Oh, dude!” Demetri is tugged across the floor as Eli points up at a mass of deep brown feathers tinged with reddish-orange. “They have Harris’s hawk here?! These fuckers are so cool. They hunt in packs. Imagine being lost in the desert and you finally see buildings in the distance and then you get mowed down by a hoard of these guys. It would suck, but it would be a sick way to go. And—oh, my god! They have these too?!”
Demetri can only follow as Eli’s attention is captured by another type of hawk. This one is a bit smaller, underbelly a brown-speckled white.
“I read about those,” Eli says importantly, pointing. “They actually pounce like cats. Like they’ll hide in the bushes and just explode out at you. It’s weird as hell. Pretty badass, though. Oh, shit, Demetri, look! These little fucks!”
Demetri barely has time to get a look at the strange pouncing raptor before Eli has already yanked him to the next one. It’s nearly identical to the last, but it’s the smallest yet—barely bigger than the jays that frequent his mom’s birdfeeder.
“I read somewhere the males help raise the chicks, but they’re deadbeat dads.” Eli sniggers. “They eat all the mouse heads before they even get back to the nest, and apparently that’s the best part. So they hog all the good shit for themselves and bring their kids a bunch of saggy leftovers. Birds can be dicks, man.”
“I don’t know.” Demetri nudges him playfully in the side. “Out of all the ones we’ve seen, that’s the one that reminds me most of you.”
Eli’s head shoots up to glare at him. “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?!”
“Well, he’s certainly small enough to be you. A tiny hawk that eats mouse heads—sounds about right.”
“Hey!” Eli lifts a leg and kicks his shin—soft, but firm. Enough to make him wince slightly, but not enough to stop his chortling. “You’re just mad I know more about raptors than you.”
“I promise you, I am not.” Despite himself, Demetri smiles. “I mean, don’t get me wrong. I am quite impressed. However, the fact that you’re some kind of amateur bird expert doesn’t exactly fill me with an envious rage.”
Eli smirks at him. “It will, after I tell you all the shit I know about gray hawks.”
Demetri chuckles. “All right, Professor Moskowitz, take it away.”
Their next stop is near the back corner of the room, underneath an admittedly very pretty bird. This hawk is a sleek silvery gray, belly interspersed with tiny white stripes. Eli is talking before they even arrive.
“—and the really cool thing is they’re actually super good at flying through trees, and sometimes they just snatch shit right off the branches. They basically only eat reptiles, and it’s fucking badass. Like they can eat fucking spiny lizards and somehow not like…gash up their throats at all? They’re going around swallowing the animal equivalent of spiked maces several times a day, and they don’t give a single shit about it. They can also catch fucking whipsnakes, and I mean, have you seen a whipsnake?! They’re fast as shit! And whipsnakes can eat rattlesnakes, it’s insane. And then a fucking gray hawk can swoop in and snatch them up like it’s nothing. I think they eat horned lizards too, and it’s like—”
Eli’s enthused presentation fades into the background as Demetri becomes acutely aware of something.
He’s fairly certain that not once since they stepped into this godforsakenly huge building has Eli let go of his hand.
Sure, having a grip on Demetri’s wrist was best for optimal yanking and making sure Demetri didn’t try to escape the onslaught of desert animal fun facts. Also ensuring they didn’t get separated in the oddly large crowd. The interesting part, however, is that somewhere in their jaunt around the nature center, Eli’s fingers have slid down to clasp Demetri’s.
Demetri wonders when it happened. Judging by how warm his hand feels, probably a while ago.
Strange that he didn’t notice. Demetri guesses it somehow felt so natural that when his synapses informed him of it, it only stayed for a moment before being casually dismissed. He didn’t even give it a second thought.
Demetri and Eli used to hold hands when they were much younger. In elementary school, it was one of the few ways to calm Eli down when he was on the edge of falling into a panic or succumbing to a meltdown. Sometimes when things got to be too stressful and overwhelming and Eli got caught up in his head, it helped to give him a concrete link to the physical world. It helped with the bullies, too—a small gesture of physical affection to remind him that even if no one else had his back, Demetri always would.
Perhaps it had been a little possessive, too. A way to assure that if someone came along, friend or foe, and tried to grab Eli Moskowitz away, there would be resistance.
Demetri smirks, amused by the memory. He imagines a younger version of himself shooting threatening glares at the kids who came anywhere near Eli.
He hadn’t trusted the lot of them. They were quick to feign friendliness and put a knife to your back. Nonetheless, he meant to send another message as well.
Find your own friend! This one’s mine!
Regardless, it currently seems that it also felt so natural to Eli that he either hadn’t noticed they were holding hands (and had been for some time now), or he was doing it on purpose. Demetri isn’t sure which possibility he likes better.
“Eli?” He breaks into a slow smile.
“—and they’re insanely good at what equates to like…bird air acrobatics, like they can swerve through basically anything and so even if you run into some really tangled thicket or whatever, you’re still probably fucked, and—yeah?” Eli cuts himself off to look at Demetri, eyes curious.
“Are you planning on letting go of my hand anytime soon?”
Brief terror flashes across Eli’s face, like he was hoping Demetri either wouldn’t notice or wouldn’t say anything. (No such luck.) It quickly fades, however, to be replaced by a sharp cunning Demetri didn’t expect.
“No.” He lowers his voice. “Because it’s really pissing off those people over there.”
His eyes surreptitiously flick to the side. Demetri glances over to see an elderly couple, looking to be plucked straight from a conservative Arizona retirement home and glowering at them like they just took a knife to the vitals of several children. He gives them the most pleasantly passive-aggressive smile he can manage. They scoff, in almost perfect we’ve-been-married-50-years type sync, and turn to study a nearby cactus wren display.
“So it is.” Demetri’s smile widens. “How long have they been watching us, exactly?”
“A while,” Eli says smugly, refusing to specify further. “I followed them over here. Thought I’d get our gay contaminants even closer to their Christian Family Values.”
Demetri chuckles. “That was a very good call.”
Eli’s eyes twinkle with mischief. “You know what would piss them off even more?”
“Do tell.”
Eli, apparently, would prefer to show. He stands on his toes, wrapping his free arm around Demetri’s neck and pressing their lips together.
He tastes like fast food hash browns, espresso, raptor trivia, and spite. He kisses hard—and Demetri knows he’s doing it to put on a show, but he can’t help but relish it anyway.
A little egotistical of him, maybe, but he likes to be shown off. Even if it’s only to stick it to a couple homophobes who look to have been around since the fall of the Roman Empire.
Demetri wraps his untethered arm around Eli’s waist, pulling him closer. If Eli wants to make this into an elaborate performance, far be it from him not to join in.
It’s honestly a shame his heart can’t run the infamous gym class mile in his place, with how fast it’s going right now. Its time would rival the cross country team captain’s.
He tilts down to dip Eli slightly, and the other boy leans into it. They move in the same unspoken sync they did at the Christmas house fight, the same sync that linked them at the hip for 10 years. It’s not difficult to feed off each other’s body signals, to move together like they’re one creature.
It’s something so integral to Demetri’s being that it nearly destroyed him when he lost it.
And now Eli Moskowitz might well destroy him again, by kissing him just a little too eagerly in the middle of a Sonoran desert nature center. Demetri wonders how many times it will have to happen before he gets a grip on himself.
Maybe he never will.
When Eli finally pulls away, his grin is blinding. The two of them turn to see the elderly couple now regarding them as though they set several orphanages ablaze. Eli beams at the pair, giving them a bird to go with the rest of the room. They storm toward the exit, the woman muttering something about how “there are children here.”
Ironic, really, given that the subjects of her grievances are far from legal adults themselves.
“Eli. Eli.”
Demetri receives no reply aside from continued huffs and pants.
“Eli, I am begging you to stop doing push-ups on my dashboard.”
“Absolutely not.” Eli puffs out the words in between heavy, overdramatic breaths. “How else am I supposed to get swole and land Mexican bitches?”
Demetri sighs. He tries to push away the part of his stomach that twists itself in a sad little knot.
“I really don’t think you should be basing your strategy to ‘land Mexican bitches’ off a lizard who lost the interest of both bitches he was attempting to land.”
Eli snorts. “Those bitches just had bad taste. I could find better ones in my sleep.”
Demetri rolls his eyes. Eli’s probably just messing with him, but he still feels a prickle of annoyance.
“Since when do you still care about this inane alpha male stuff again, anyways? I was really hoping you joining Miyagi Do meant Johnny Lawrence would stop rubbing off on you.”
“A guy’s gotta get laid, Demetri. And if we do it in Mexico, it’s no strings attached. Besides, I haven’t been in so long.”
Demetri wrinkles his nose. “You whiny baby. Just jack off like the rest of us. Look, a center of education is one thing, but I refuse to let us get off track on our very important rescue mission because you’re thinking with your dick.”
“You’re such a fucking nerd,” Eli sneers, although probably not with as much malice as he was hoping for.
“There, there.” Demetri takes a hand off the wheel to grab onto Eli’s ever-moving shoulder, giving it a couple squeezes. “I’m sure there will be plenty of time for acquiring ass after we make sure Miguel isn’t in mortal danger. We had our fun half an hour ago.” He gestures behind them. “The fun of a more…carnal nature we can save for later.”
“Get off, man! You’re messing up my rhythm!”
Eli roughly shakes his hand off, and Demetri sighs again.
“You’re ridiculous. You’re telling me that little make-out sesh we had in there didn’t tide you over at all?”
“Didn’t we establish that kind of thing doesn’t count?”
“As I recall, your qualification was ‘no witnesses.’ We had at least 20 in the bird room.”
Eli splutters, determined dashboard push-ups slowing for just a minute. “But I was just—I was trying to—fine! But it’s not the same as getting pussy.”
Demetri resists the urge to gag.
“You know, you don’t have to use all your ‘badass cool guy’ buzzwords here. It’s just me. You sound ridiculous when you say ‘getting pussy.’”
Although the push-ups start again, Eli seems genuinely crestfallen. This only makes Demetri more annoyed.
“I just figured while we’re here…” Eli starts, trailing off.
Demetri scoffs. “What, you think the locals are going to be racing to get a piece of the two California white boys who just rolled into town?”
“Maybe!” Eli snaps. “I don’t know. We might seem exotic or something. Or they could be impressed with the karate skills.”
“Look, while I’m sure not everyone in Mexico knows karate, I’d bet enough people do to make us not seem like much of a catch.”
“Do you always have to be like that?!”
“Like what?”
“Assuming the worst of everything!”
Somehow, no girls wanting to have sex with them in Mexico seems far from the worst-case scenario. In fact, Eli not getting naked with a member of the opposite sex for this entire trip is a scenario that brings Demetri more joy than it should.
I’m such a bad friend. Damn.
Demetri wished he knew why Eli was so hung up on girls. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out what the big deal was. Exploring the female body was mildly interesting, but he couldn’t fathom how it could be such a potent motivator—especially after the lackluster way things had fizzled out with Yasmine.
Girls were fun, sure, and relaxing to spend time with after you’d been around a little too much testosterone. But it perplexed him how they were such an all-consuming force in so many guys’ minds.
“Ah, yes,” he says. “Contemplating us taking no sex stops on this trip truly is the worst-case scenario. Forget arriving in Mexico City and realizing that Miguel has been brainwashed and quickly risen the ranks of the local Mafia chapter and now has an ever-growing body count, Eli Moskowitz not getting laid would be a disaster.”
Eli scoffs. “I’m not just doing it to get laid, you know. I need to be in good shape to fight off Miguel’s dad’s goons. Or anyone who gives him trouble.”
Demetri frowns, feeling a sudden prick of dread. “You think Miguel’s dad is a big enough name in the crime world to have goons?”
“Any scary criminal worth half his shit has goons.” Eli scornfully growls the words as he continues to grind out an exercise routine the car is much too small for. “Sensei Kreese did. Heard he had guys pull sketchy shit with some land managers who tried to reclaim the dojo.”
Demetri winces. “Did we say 15% legal activities going on in that hellhole? Let’s bump it down to 10. Anyways.” He sighs. “If we’re going up against an entire army of goons, I don’t think a few car push-ups are going to make much difference. And no, I truly believe it will not get you laid, either.”
“Shut up,” Eli grumbles. Sadly, his push-ups still have not ceased. “It’s not like you’re any better than me. If you had a chance to get it on with some hot Mexican babe, I bet you’d take it.”
“Quit being gross.” Demetri reaches over and swats Eli’s shoulder. “And I mean that in more ways than one. You’re going to get sweat all over my mom’s car, and it already smells questionable enough from the remains of those nachos we spilled yesterday.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I accounted for that.”
The sound of push-ups—bless all the powers that be—finally ceases. Demetri hears a plastic rustling and glances over.
Eli is digging around in his footspace, brow furrowed slightly in concentration. He pulls out what appears to be a small paper cutout of a prickly pear cactus.
Demetri snorts in surprise. “Where did you get that?”
“At the gift shop,” Eli says airily. “When you weren’t looking.”
He tugs a wide string from the back and loops the trinket around the rear-view mirror. A tart, floral scent begins to fill the car.
“An air freshener?” Demetri tsks disapprovingly. “What, you think that gives you a free pass to dump perspiration and gas station food all over my seats? I’m still getting an earful from my mom, desert-flower-smelling car or not.”
“Sorry, I had to buy it.”
Demetri glances over to see Eli simpering in a very self-satisfied and aggravating way. “And why’s that?”
“Cactus Blossom’s the perfect air freshener for you,” Eli says smugly. “Because you’re such a dainty little flower, but you still somehow manage to be a total prick.”
Eli broke into snickers as Demetri’s fist collided with his shoulder. “You’re just mad ‘cause it’s true!” he cackled out.
“I am not a prick! Besides, cactuses are badass. They can go up to two years without hydration because their water storage is just that good.”
“Oh, I’m not denying that.” Demetri glances over to see Eli’s smirk hasn’t faded in the slightest. “It actually makes it all the more impressive that you manage to be this resilient, hardened drought-tolerant little shit, and you’re still somehow a total pansy.”
“My god. Why do I hang out with you?” Demetri shoots another punch into Eli’s shoulder, and his friend only laughs again.
“And you’re stuck with me all the way to Mexico City and back, babeyyyy!” To emphasize the direness of this situation, Eli slams both his hands into the dashboard and resumes his workout.
“I will throw you out of this car, Eli Moskowitz.”
“No, you won’t. You wouldn’t have anyone to tell you which of the snakes are venomous.”
Demetri lets out a long groan as huffs and pants once again fill the car. “Fine. Fine. You can stay. For now.”
SMH at Eli’s atrocious lizard identification skills, like that’s CLEARLY an ornate tree lizard??? Idiot
Disclaimer that I actually have no idea if ornate tree lizards are one of the species that do push-ups, but like. Something something Artistic Ecology License + Rule of Comedy has to trump accurate science sometimes
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Gorgeous ↬ b.b
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A/N: Props to @thefallenbibliophilequote​ for getting me into bucky XD (fic lowkey based on Taylor Swift’s Gorgeous.)
Warnings: smut :) very smut and nudity.
WC: 2.5k+
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Peter Parker & Reader (Platonic)
Masterlist || Taglist 
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“Do you think he has a girlfriend?” You asked, sipping at the fairly bitter beer in your hand. Looking over your shoulder, you sighed, slumping on the counter of the bar you were in.  
You had been dragged along with your neighbour- Peter Parker, also known as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, to a club right after an Avengers mission. You were no avenger, just a run in the mill overworked and underpaid preschool teacher. 
It had become customary for you to tag along with him to bars with the other Avengers, after you had discovered about his spidery abilities. You had always been close to him, he was your brother in everything but blood. You were after all, his bonafide babysitter/best friend. 
The others in his team had accepted you with open arms, a weird bond forming between you and them, accepting you as more than "Peter's hot neighbour" and more like a part of their team. 
One particular person seemed to have caught your eye. 
Cranking your neck to see his slumped figure, you smirked at his back, eyes tracing his broad shoulders and newly buzz cut hair. You hadn’t talked to him much, but from when you had, you found him to be very sweet. He was shy, rarely spoke and always in his own shell, cheeks rosy pink whenever you conversed. So different from what the media portrayed him as that you found it utterly confusing that such a man could be brainwashed and used as a murder machine. 
Your heart ached for him, for how misunderstood he was among the antis. You just wanted to hug the man and give him one big forehead smooch. But, oh were you brought back to reality with a hit that you couldn’t really do that without looking creepy.
"Who? Bucky?" Peter smirked, interrupting you from looking at him. Your willed your heart to stop racing and plummeting in your stomach. 
“I thought his name was James?” You said, tilting your head in confusion. From what you had read in a source, his name was James Buchanan Barnes-
“Yeah but Steve calls him Bucky, so everyone does too.”
“Oh, Bucky. Has a nice ring to it.” You nodded, ignoring his smug expression, “answer my question though. I’m not gonna hit on him if he already has a girlfriend. Wouldn’t be surprised if he did.” You grumbled the next part, trying to ignore the flare of jealousy you felt in your chest.
Peter had made it very apparent to you that he was fully aware of your humongous crush on the winter soldier. And that little shit never let go of it, even when you weren't anywhere near the vicinity of said winter soldier. 
"Why do you think I would know?" He scoffed, going back to sipping his own bottle of beer. Scowling at him, you opened your mouth, inhaling sharply. 
"I don't know, cause you practically live there?" You shrugged, trying to feign indifference. You knew he looked right through it, if his shit eating grin and flushed cheeks were anything if not confirmation. 
"Bold of you to assume he even talks to me. And anyway, he hates my guts, him and Sam always prank me, it's practically a routine." He said, rolling his eyes, swirling his bottle lazily, "why do you want to know that anyway?" 
"You know why." You hissed. Turning around, your breath hitched when you saw him staring at You, wondering if he was just staring at your general direction and if you were going to embarrass yourself by waving at him. 
Apparently he was looking at you, because you swore saw a tiny wave coming at your direction, a small smile playing on his face. 
“And what if he did?”
“What is it to you, kiddo?”
"You both disgust me. Bucky with his constant questions about you and you with your constant questions about him" Peter muttered sarcastically. Ignoring him, you sighed dreaming, slumping on the barstool, "don't you already have a boyfriend anyway?" 
“And what about him?” You grumbled, rolling your eyes at the mention of him. He was hardly a boyfriend, more of a fling, an excuse to stop the pain of being single (you were dramatic, you knew). You were over him, broken up not long ago, but Peter didn’t need to know that. You wouldn’t want Peter siccing himself at your worst enemies.
“What I know is that he’s one son of a bitch who doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near you. Why are you dating him again?” Peter said, snapping you out of your daze.
“Do you kiss your girlfriend’s pussy with that mouth?” You scowled, huffing pettily.
“I’m sorry, who’s girlfriend’s what?” Tony said, appearing out of thin air, his mouth hung as he gaped at you and Peter. You snickered at Peter’s flushed and stuttering form, counting that as one win tonight. 
“My girlfriend’s lips. Y/N’s stuttering cause she’s too busy staring at Bucky.” Peter said, fixing you with a look, his head tilted adorably, jaw clenched like the way it did when he was done with your bullshit.
“Hey I’m not staring at him! He’s just so gorgeous- look at him!” You giggled, watching him stumble from his stool, the alcohol in your veins making you braver than before. You had endured more than one round of teasing from the team about your very obvious crush on one Bucky Barnes, yet you went on with your babbling.
“Yeah yeah, you’ve said what what- oh a million times before!” Peter shrieked, hands up in the air, nearly dropping his bottle. Snatching his bottle, you drowned the remaining liquid, dropping it on the counter with a scow, “are you even old enough to drink?”
“Hey! Let me tell you, I’m turning twenty one in a week, or did you forget?” He said, ignoring Tony, who was shaking his head and grumbling something about being too old for this shit.
“Of course I didn’t forget kiddo.” You said, smiling sadly at him, ruffling his messy brown hair. Ever since you met him, you always loved playing with his hair. They were fluffy, just like your cat’s, “Who allowed you to grow up so fast?” 
“Y/n/n! I’m only four years younger than you!”
“Ugh don’t remind me.” It still iffed you to no end that the boy who was once nine years younger than you was now 4 years younger, nevermind that he was mature much beyond his age. Mind briefly averted from one Winter Soldier, you didn’t notice him sit down next to you, startled when he called for you. You didn’t even notice Peter giving you a look before Tony dragged him somewhere.
“Hey, you’re Y/n right? Peter’s-” He started, your brain short circuiting when you saw his piercing blue eyes- the most beautiful shade of blue you had ever seen, staring at you, a small smirk playing on his stubbled jaw. You gulped internally, clearing your throat and sitting straight.
“Neighbour? Yes that’s me.” You nodded enthusiastically, smiling as much as you could without cringing at your ecstatic behaviour. 
“I know.”
Shuffling in your seat, you opened your mouth to speak, only for him to speak before both of you were interrupted by your laughter. Getting yourself together, you gestured for him to talk, “go ahead.”
“So, should I buy you a drink?”
“Only if you let me buy you one.” 
And that’s how it started. One drink turned to another, and next thing you knew you were kissing him, his hands in your hair, the cold of his metal arm placed firmly on your bare waist as he bunched your t-shirt up in a fist.
For a moment you weren’t aware of your surroundings, the only thing you could feel was his t-shirt fisted in your hands, his freezing palm causing an eruption of goosebumps on your skin as the cold air of the room hit you full force. Panting, you scrambled for the door, holding his hands in the darkened room as you followed him blindly.
Crashing your lips to his once again, you moan under your breath, chest hitching as you scrambled for your shirt and bra, pulling it over your head as you watched him do the same, smirking at the very apparent bulge on his blue jeans. 
“Do you have a condom? You panted, tracing his biceps with your nails as you pulled him so that you were chest to chest, your nipples hardening as your bare chests made contact. You could feel your pussy throbbing, groaning at your already growing lady boner, the place between your thighs slick with wetness.
“In my pocket.” He answered, lifting you up as you wrapped your legs around him, throwing you on the bed with questionable stains. You moaned as he dropped his weight on you, his hands burning flames on your skin as he traced patterns on your bare arms, kissing you with a vigor. 
Your hands reached for his jeans pocket, fumbling to find the packet of condom while he traced his lips on your neck, nibbling at the curve of your shoulder, making you shudder with excitement.
“Are you sure you-”
“Yes. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”
“Whatever you say doll.” 
Your stomach coiled when he called you that, groaning in pleasure as he roughed you up with his hands, his jeans sliding off, leaving his bare thighs barely visible to your eye. His eyes were somehow still illuminated in the dark room, leaving you even more wet than before. You never knew his eyes could turn you on so much that he made you come even before he could slide inside you.
Thrusting your hips, you watched impatiently as he slid the condom on his hardened dick, asking you for permission once more before sliding into you, his hips thumping with yours as he gradually increased his pace, hitting your spot.
“You’re so beautiful, so pretty under me. Perfect little wet pussy you got there doll.” He whispered, closing his eyes as you continued to run your fingers through his hair, holding onto his back with one of your hands, nails digging into his flesh, unable to form any words.
“I’m close.” You moaned, rolling your hips with his as he continued to move, panting, one hand on the headboard and the other on your boobs, keeping you firmly planted on the shitty pub mattress as he kneaded the soft skin, the brush of his fingers on your pebbled nipple your last straw as you finally gave into your climax.
“You good?” He asked, his dick still inside you as you came all over him. Sliding out, you lay on the dirty sheets, your bare body shivering with the excessive hormones that took over you, realising that you had just fucked James Buchanan Barnes. 
“Yeah, I’m good, Great. Amazing. Wow I can’t believe this happened.” You said, holding the thin sheet up to your chest as you saw him in the dim lights. His chest was glistening with sweat, his hair stuck to his forehead as you saw him discard the condom in a bin. Biting your lip, you tried not to stare at his bare ass, clenching your thighs. 
He gave you a friendly smirk when he caught you, thankful for the dark room, for you couldn’t stand him looking at your burning cheeks. 
“You know you can look right?” He smiled, holding your cheek in his cold palm, your own palms sweating as he straddled you, his frame encompassing yours as he towered over you, your thighs already pulsing, begging for a round two as-
“Oh, oh jesus you have nice fingers.” You giggled as he inserted his two fingers in your pulsing core, jerking your hips as he navigated through your slick folds. 
“It’s actually Bucky, but Jesus would do too.” He said, silencing you with another kiss. He gave a throaty growl as you kissed him harder, slicking back his hair with one hand, scratching at his scalp with your nails. Smirking under the kiss, you continued to do so until he increased his pace, your throbbing core giving in to the stimuli.
It was somehow easy for you to forget that the man you barely knew had made you come twice in the same night.
“Do you- do you want to go out sometime? Preferably without that Parker kid trailing behind you like a puppy?” Bucky huffed, ceasing his movement to look at you, your mouth open, wiping the smudged lipstick with a finger. 
“Aw he has good intentions.” You smiled, licking your lips teasingly as he rolled his eyes, “admit it he’s a good kid.”
“Are you really talking about Parker while I’m fingering you?”
“What? Ew. No, just, he thinks you hate him.” You giggled, shifting on the sheets a little to release your straining pelvis from cramping. 
“I don’t hate him, he’s a good kid, but he’s also a little shit at times.” He said, a fond look in his eyes. Your heart clenched at his expression, slowly pulling out of his grasp as you flopped on the bed, turning and looking at him. 
“He do be like that sometimes. But to answer your question, yes I would love to go on a date with you.” You smiled, burying your nose in his neck, not even caring that some drunk people might walk in on you two. No one had so far, so you didn’t really care.
To say that you were whipped would be an understatement. You started visiting the compound more often, came to movie nights, spent more time with everyone (especially him). 
“No!” You laughed, giggling as he picked you up bridal style, “Bucky! Jeez put me down right this instant or I’ll stick fridge magnets on you!”
You were instantly dropped on your feet, sighing when you felt his arms circle your waist, pulling your back to his chest. The tower was empty, everyone going back to their respective workplaces. It was only the two of you. You could hear him hum under his breath.
“Fridge magnet? Are they those sticky things that stick on fridges?”
“Yes Bucky, that’s exactly what they are. I thought they existed in the 20s?” You scoffed, turning around, falling on his firm chest. Circling your hands around his waist, you pondered at how close you had gotten with him in just a few days. Heck, every time you visited, it felt like you were just growing closer, until you felt your relationship tying in a tight knot. With a snap, you realised that your life might as well be in ruins was he not yours at this moment. 
“Only rich people had them.”
Maybe you were going overboard with your feelings, maybe you were rushing things, but you didn’t mind. Getting close to people wasn’t always your strongest suit, but with this man, you didn’t mind having silent conversations. Until you could feel his fingers on every inch of your being. 
With your heart thudding in your chest, you realised that you could spend your entire life tightening the knot of your heart with his, listen to him breathe as you laid by his bedside, play silly games with him. You were in love with this man.
“What are you thinking about?” He smiled, still swaying in your embrace.
“Nothing much.”
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A/N: the ending is a little questionable but lemme know what you think! Requests are open! :)
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