allastoredeer · 3 months
About the whole top/bottom thing in RadioApple, it's funny how many Asian artists (Japanese, Korean, Chinese and even Vietnamese from what I've seen once!!) are way more into top!Lucifer, sometimes showing him in a much darker way! (not that I mind!) - bless them xD
If no one here got my back, I know the Japanese, Korean, Chines, and Vietnamese artists got my back! Can I get an amen 🙏
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 10 months
If I may ask: how would you have written/rewritten Sumire's confident story? 😊 Unless it's too close to what you did in code violet, sorry 😂 Personnally, I thought the first half wasn't THAT boring, she was endearing but I felt like she was either in denial or hiding her grief about her sister's death - and then I got the truth 😂 I've become a shusumi fan quickly but I still think there's *something* lacking for it to click. And the last scene we see Sumire was underwhelming imho 🥲
yeah! there are a lot of similarities to what i do in code violet, but it's not identical, since I have a lot more freedom in my fic than there is in the game.
i wouldn't change much if anything about the first half. i agree it isn't that boring, what really makes it seem that way are (1) high expectations for the New Special Girl to be exceptional since she wasn't in the original game and (2) comparing her to the other team members who you're already invested in, her conflict just isn't as interesting (at least to me). basically, you start out every other thief confidant already knowing the core of their conflict because of their palace, so you're already invested in their arcs, while with sumire that is reversed, where you don't learn what's actually going on with her later. so, the "boringness" of the confidant is really exaggerated by that. if you didn't like the way they inserted her into the opening sequence (i never had an issue with it, but royal was my first experience, though i did know the stuff with her was added in the rerelease) so she made a bad impression on you, then it's understandable why people wouldn't like her (at first, anyway)
but let's get to the point. my issues with her confidant. they can basically be summed up in 2 points, and the two of them intersect quite a bit (1) the way she idolizes both kasumi and joker and rely on them for her self worth is not properly unpacked and (2) her role as the waifu REALLY impedes her arc.
basically, sumire idolizes joker. her outfit mirrors his exactly, and her arc in third sem is all about...learning that since joker loves her, she wants to both rise to his expectations and can learn to value herself. and that's not bad, but certain lines about how she wants joker to see her really rub me the wrong way. specifically in her rank when they go to the mall and she picks an outfit for herself. i like the part about her wanting to be seen as herself, and the part about joker's reaction ultimately being irrelevant to whether she likes the outfit, and i would emphasize those points more strongly. but the parts about her wanting joker to see her feel a little like she's trying to be a person he will like? rather than being the person that she is. some of the dialogue is pretty meh, and it feels like she's getting her self worth from joker.
the bones of the confidant are good. great, even. but there's just subtleties in the execution that make it not quite land for me. choosing the romance route ends up feeling unhealthy for both of them, where sumire is putting too much of her worth in someone else and joker is entering an unequal relationship where sumire doesn't give him as much as he gives her because he just isn't in a place to. and i think that's a shame.
for me to get behind shusumi, sumire needs to be on equal ground with akira, and she just isn't. and the game is even aware of this--sumire says on white day that she isn't, but that she wants to be someday. and like, it could be her being self deprecating, but either way it's not what either of them deserve. i wish we could get a moment where she's there for akira like he's there for her, but atlus is allergic to joker's friends being there for him so we never get that.
so honestly, i really wouldn't change much. i'd leave the first half how it is, tweak some dialogue in the second half so it seems less like sumire is getting her self worth from joker, and add a moment where sumire explicitly says she's there for joker and wants to be there for him as much as he's been there for her, so they're on emotionally equal ground with each other.
finally, i do wish we got to see more of her journey, since she really is just at the very beginning of her arc of recovery at the end of the game. but i think it's okay that we don't. there is only so much time allotted to watch her grow, and we see her grow a lot in that time. there's questions she could ask herself that she doesn't have the time to get to, like if she really wants to be a gymnast for herself, or if she's just doing it for her sister. that sort of thing. but again, i think it's okay we don't get to that. i might add a line or two where she says she wants to be a gymnast for herself because she enjoys it, though.
and i guess that's it? i'm sorry for how disorganized this answer is. i haven't really thought in depth about what i'd change if restricted by the confines of the game, and so it's kind of difficult to do a rewrite when that's different than just having problems with what exists. a lot of what i would change can be found in code violet, like how i emphasize that it's "joker makes me want to be seen for who i am, and see him in return" rather than the one-way dynamic of "joker makes me want to be seen and so i will try to be a person he likes" which some of her lines really come across as sometimes. honestly, i think the entire confidant could have been improved by leaning more into the rivalry dynamic. sumire and akechi already have plenty of similarities/parallels, and joker kind of inherits kasumi's role as sumire's rival. so i think it'd have been really powerful if they leaned into that and made it clear that this time, sumire and her rival are equals.
but yeah! sorry this is so rambly. i'm going to end the post now
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calimera62 · 1 year
1, 9 et 10 pour le Disneyland ask meme stp 😄🐭
Merci pour l'ask ;)
How many times have you been to Disneyland?
Au moins trois fois, mais j'étais si petite la première fois que je n'en ai plus aucun souvenirs, la seconde fois j'étais toujours enfant mais un peu plus âgée et je n'avais que de vagues souvenirs de quelques attractions. La troisième fois était hier ! Je parlais de cette journée depuis au moins un an avec la famille, et après quelques petits aléas, le séjour a enfin pu se faire \o/ Nous avons été accueillis par de la pluie dans la matinée mais le temps a été plus chaud et ensoleillé l'après-midi ^^
9. The character you always have to see?
Je suis beaucoup trop timide pour aller à la rencontre des personnages et pas photogénique pour oser me photographier avec eux, mais sans hésiter, c'est Belle. Mes deux princesses Disney préférées sont Belle et Ariel mais Belle remporte la première place dans mon coeur.
10. Most memorable Disney moment?
Ouch, choix assez difficile. J'ai été très émue et j'ai hurlé intérieurement quand j'ai vu le château de La Belle au Bois Dormant, et si elle ne m'intéressait pas au départ j'ai beaucoup aimé voir la parade des personnages, j'ai même failli verser ma petite larme sur la fin, mais si je devais choisir... ce serait sûrement l'attraction des poupées, It's a Small World. C'est l'attraction que je voulais faire depuis le début et la chanson m'a rendu nostalgique, elle a fait éveiller l'enfant en moi et j'ai été émue jusqu'à verser une petite larme ^^;
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(photos by me, montage par Myposter)
Put a Disneyland question in my ask!
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ace--of--swords · 1 year
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Whoever loses, I get to disect them.
@saemi-the-dreamer suggested a meme
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If I may for the full HCs : with a MC who knows how to make their own perfume and make-up (maybe other cosmetics too). The M6's reaction when MC presents them their whole new line of cosmetics, inspired by them 💄🧴 please! 😄
The Arcana HCs: When MC makes cosmetics for the M6
~ @saemi-the-dreamer this is such a cute idea, oh my goodness I love it! Hope you like these! - brainrot ~
It's not necessarily his field of interest, but he's fascinated by the chemistry behind the stuff you make and its various uses (fake wounds for theatre? tell him more!)
Not to mention how willing he is to feel your hands on his face whenever you want to test out a new product or mixture
But when you present him with a themed line of products, which he inspired, and which is all in shades of edgy red and black?
Oh, he's learning to do his own makeup today
His permanent eye bags reach a whole new level of drama when he tests out the eye pencil you made him with some shaky success
He develops a good eye for noticing who around him is wearing makeup and then trying to decide how closely the products they're wearing can be compared to yours
Depending on how favorable his impression is of said person, it's quite possible that he'll recommend your products to them
Insists on paying you for everything you give him somehow
They love it. They're not always sure how the process works, but they could spend hours letting their eyes wander from your hands, to the colors you're making, to your face, to more of the colors, back to you ...
He has quite a few suggestions for ways to make your creations really pop, whether that be glowing glitter or a potion with a holographic effect mixed in
They're surprised and delighted when you give them their own collection of bright and unusual colors and they make full use of it
Might start leaving notes with multi hued lip prints around the shop for you to find while he's out
You have a brief panic moment when they decide to let Faust in on all of the fun and paint her with the rainbow too
If you'd known that it was going to be used on pets, you would have been sure to double check that it was safe at least!
Faust isn't bothered in the slightest. She looks fantastic and she will advertise your products to anyone who looks
So happy to share a common interest with you, especially when it comes to her adventures in fashion and styling
Loves to come up with outfits based off of certain products she's seen you make, or to invite you to do the makeup for one of her favorite original designs. She always likes what you come up with
It truly never occurs to her that you would see her as inspiration
Her styles, perhaps, or some of her fashion preferences, but never her personally. When you present her with your creation she's surprised and very, very flattered
She is going to spoil you in return, no room for argument
Puts so much thought into exactly how she's going to use each item in tandem with what specific outfit because your work deserves the greatest appreciation she can show it
Will insist that you wear some of it too, because she likes matching you and seeing you in something so personal to her makes her heart do funny things in her chest
His interest goes as far as whatever natural remedies you include in your work. He's not as familiar with the cosmetic properties of the different herbs around the forest
That, and he does enjoy observing you while you're focused on something you're passionate about. (He'll never admit it)
Unsurprised, but a little taken aback when you give him his gift. He's not a cosmetics or perfume kind of guy
He doesn't realize it's a plot to lure him into the delights of self care
First it's letting you apply chapstick to his lips with the pads of your fingers, then it's letting you put moisturizer on his work-roughened hands, and then it's testing out a bath product together ...
At one point, when you gently point out a balm that helps with scar tissue, Muriel gets a little choked up and vulnerable about it
But he doesn't mind it as much if it's your hands smoothing it along his chest and back and arms
Speaking of, you should be wearing some chapstick too ...
She knows her way around cosmetics (she was Nadia's maid servant for quite some time, after all) but she doesn't generally put that much concern into her appearance beyond cleanliness
Her routine is effective, efficient, and second nature enough for her to multitask with whatever else needs doing that morning
That doesn't stop her from helping you out, though! She's always got helpful suggestions for which ingredients to include and how to apply certain products
So when you gift her a line completely tailored to her needs and preferences, she feels so pampered and seen that she smothers you with hugs and kisses and whisks you to the bathroom to try it all out
She likes it so much and wears it so well that most of her friends notice and ask after the change (and Portia has a lot of friends)
She shamelessly advertises your stuff to anyone and everyone
Don't worry if the amount of new orders gets overwhelming, she's here to help!
One of his first requests as a ghost when he found out that you made cosmetics was to give him a better face of makeup. The painter didn't do his eyeliner justice and he wants it fixed please
Constantly volunteering to be your fabulous guinea pig, because he's the best and he loves you! (and he's curious)
Turns into an overexcited magpie when you show him his gift
You put gold in it! He loves gold! You put red in it!! He loves red!!!
Cancels the rest of his plans for the day and tests out each product one by one, showing off each result so you can shower him in the appropriate compliments
Incorporates everything you gave him into his daily routine and brings it up in every conversation he has for the next month
As much as he's still learning to sweet talk potential customers, his enthusiasm is infectious and you do see a bump in requests
Makes sure to tell everyone that he inspired those cosmetics
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zialinart · 9 months
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Mon cadeau secret santa pour @saemi-the-dreamer ptit dessin et ptite fic même si bon, j'écris pas beaucoup donc c'est sûrement un peu bancal
Il était déjà la fin de l'après midi quand Arthur commença sérieusement à s'impatienter. Ca faisait au moins 3 bonnes heures que lui, une bonne partie des représentants les plus importants du monde breton et des délégations venues d'autres pays pour l'occasion attendaient. Et encore eux ils avaient la chance d'être assis, lui commençait à avoir sérieusement mal aux pieds. Et bon sang la couronne de fleur que Guenièvre avait insisté à lui faire porter lui grattait sérieusement le crâne. Il se tourna une fois de plus vers Perceval qui, tenant son rôle de témoin très sérieusement se tenait totalement immobile, les mains croisées :
Non mais bordel qu'est-ce qu'ils foutent ?
Vous voulez que j'aille me renseigner sire ?
Vous voulez dire comme les trois autres fois où vous êtes allés vous renseigner et vous êtes revenus bredouille ? Je sais pas vous vous sentez capables de trouver le chemin des vestiaires cette fois ou je vous colle un intendant pour vous accompagner ?
Non mais les autres fois je suis tombé sur Karadoc ça m'a perturbé, là c'est bon il est assis y'a pas de mouron à se faire sire.
Ok mais dépêchez vous, et dites leur de se bouger aussi ou je sens que l'église va se transformer en un champ de bataille romain-visigoth
De son point de vue il pouvait observer toute la salle et voyait clairement que des alliances commençaient à se défaire au fur et à mesure que les gens s'impatientaient. Les représentants des pays qui parlaient la même langue étaient très agités et parlaient de plus en plus fort, semblant ne pas s'entendre sur le goût du vin, dont ils avaient probablement déjà un peu abusé. D'un côté c'était la seule chose à faire en attendant. Perceval partit se renseigner et Arthur alla se chercher une coupe lui-même, histoire d'actionner un peu ses jambes. Il avait été plutôt fier de son idée de renouveller son mariage avec Guenièvre à la mode catholique, en invitant les plus grands noms du coin afin de montrer qu'il était revenu en tant que roi et que le royaume se portait bien désormais. Mais maintenant qu'il était là, face à tout ce monde qui s'impatientait, il se sentait plutôt nerveux. Bon sang qu'est-ce qu'elle foutait ? C'était pas si foutu compliqué d'enfiler une robe potable pour l'occasion, de se faire un peu tresser les cheveux et boum, mariage et on n'en parle plus.
Qu'est-ce que vous foutez retournez à votre place espèce de trou du fion !
La voix de sa belle mère resonna derrière lui tandis qu'il se servait un verre. Ah, au moins si elle était sortie du vestiaire c'est que c'était bientôt fini
En attendant que votre fille daigne se montrer faut bien que je m'occupe
Oui, bah c'est bon vous vous êtes occupés retournez à l'autel, là Elle le poussa vers le fond de l'église tandis qu'il protestait
Faites gaffe bordel c'est un costume spécial pour l'occasion j'ai pas envie de le tâcher en renversant du vin
Vous avez qu'à pas faire votre poivrot au moins pour une soirée. Pis toute façon croyez moi vous aurez pas besoin d'alcool quand vous la verrez.
Elle le laisse planté là, retourna s'asseoir auprès de Léodagan et secoua celui-ci qui s'était endormi sur son banc. Arthur prit une gorgée de vin en réfléchissant à ces dernières paroles étranges. Oui ok, il avait été assez peu discret ces derniers temps sur les regards qu'il lançait à Guenièvre mais enfin de là à ce que sa belle mère le remarque. Le goût acre du vin le fit hoqueter et il s'énerva mentalement sur les paysans qui n'étaient même pas capables de fournir un vin correct pour le mariage de leur roi. A ce moment là Perceval revint, accompagné de Bohort, l'un en bleu, l'autre en vert pour représenter les deux parties du mariage. Pourquoi Guenièvre avait choisi Bohort comme témoin ça le dépassait, après tout il ne les pensait pas si proches. Mais d'un autre côté il n'avait pas été tellement attentif aux passes temps et aux amis de sa femme durant le temps qu'il avaient passé ensemble. Il se promit mentalement de changer ça.
Ah bah c'est pas trop tôt c'est bon elle va venir ou il faut que je reporte à après-demain ?
C'est bon, c'est bon sire, dit Bohort avec un sourire jusqu'aux oreilles. Sauf votre respect vous allez être plutôt impressionné de ce qu'on a fait avec du simple tissu
Je m'en fous un peu de votre tissu Bohort j'aimerais bien commencer le processus pour que les gens finissent pas par s'étriper dans une église.
Bohort se rangea du côté de la mariée, toujours souriant, et Arthur remarqua que Léodagan s'était eclipsé, sans doute pour pouvoir accompagner la mariée jusqu'à l'autel, c'était bon signe. Même si bon, ils étaient déjà mariés depuis 30 piges techniquement il n'avait pas vraiment sa main à lui donner. Il sursauta alors qu'un orgue commença à résonner dans la salle. Ils avaient un orgue dans le coin ? Encore un détail qui luil avait échappé. Il déposa son verre de vin sur le côté tandis que les invités se levaient, certains de façon un peu vacillante. Deux petites filles apparurent du fond de la salle et dispersèrent des pétales de rose tout le long de l'allée. Et puis elle apparut au bras de son père. Sa machoire tomba et il oublia tout. Les trois heures d'attente, les invités qui s'engueulaient, le vin dégueu, même ses pieds. Elle était vêtue d'une robe en tulle blanche recouverte de fleurs bleues jusqu'à la taille. Ses cheveux lui tombaient sur les épaules en cascade, avec seulement une couronne de fleurs similaire à la sienne sur la tête. Elle était magnifique. Elle arriva à sa hauteur et Léodagan lui donna sa main et retourna s'asseoir. Elle lui sourit timidement tandis que le prêtre se mettait en position.
Vous dites rien ?
Je euh Pour une fois il était sans voix, tout juste capable de la parcourir du regard bouche bée.
C'est les fleurs c'est ça ? J'ai dit à Bohort que ça faisait trop mais il était sûr que c'était la mode et puis Merlin les a fait pousser exprès et du coup…
Il lui posa un doigt sur la bouche avant qu'elle ne s'emballe trop.
Vous êtes parfaite, réussit-il seulement à murmurer
Son visage s'illumina et elle rougit un peu.
Il sourit à son tour réalisant que la cérémonie lui tenait finalement plus à coeur qu'il ne le pensait. Leur premier mariage avait été un simulacre politique. Celui-ci était un mariage d'amour.
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notmoreflippingelves · 8 months
saemi-the-dreamer asked:
OTP ask 😉 ! Krisnix: 10, 14, 30, 39, 42 ; Estelanor: 2, 5, 18, 30, 51 please?
Splitting these up into two posts again as I rambled on for way too long. And this way, I can post at least part of it sooner <3. This one is the krisnix one.
10. Describe their first date
They have like three "first dates" lol. The first would be the first time Kristoph invites Phoenix to join him for dinner at the Borscht after Phoenix finishes his shift there (or in-between shifts). Kristoph offers to pick up the check (he will do this on all their subsequent dates as well, and Phoenix doesn't resist in the least). Phoenix *technically* gets an employee discount when he dines at the Borscht but he never uses it with Kristoph--both because he enjoys making Kristoph spend more--and because he knows that Kristoph himself is enough of a snob that he'd hate feeling like a "cheap date" who couldn't afford to pay the proper bill.
Neither of them really expects this to turn into a regular thing. They just happen to be there (either Kristoph was working on a case in the area or purposely sought Phoenix out following the Bar Association's ruling) and be hungry at the same time. So they figure that they might as well eat together and talk through the conversation. And again, both of them are pretty surprised at how agreeable they find each other's company.
Phoenix is much more intelligent and well-read than his unpolished "every man" exterior would suggest--largely due to his time as an arts major. And Kristoph is surprised at how much they have to talk about. He may not be as cultured as Kristoph by a long shot, but he's surprisingly interesting and insightful, nevertheless. And the conversations end up being a lot more stimulating (in more ways than one) and engrossing than Kristoph ever expected.
Meanwhile even though Kristoph Gavin comes across as the coldest, most remote and pretentious person that you've ever met at first (and to be fair, there is a good bit of that in him still), Phoenix is amazed at how full-of-life-and-light Kristoph can be when you catch him on the right topic. He positively gushes about dogs and tells the funniest, warmest stories about Klavier-as-a-small-child. It's rather adorable and super unexpected. He's also surprisingly funny. His wit is much drier than Phoenix's own, and a bit more biting. But still, it's there and it's sometimes irrestitable. Plus, Kristoph is also funny in unintentional ways, given how stiff and formal and seemingly stoic he often is. So much so that Phoenix can't help but look at him and laugh--simultaneously with derision (i.e. "can you fucking believe this guy?") and with genuine affection (i.e.. "it's fucking cute how ridiculous he is without meaning to be.")
Their second "first date" would be the first time that they do something together in a place other than the Borscht Bowl. Neither of them come even close to acknowledging it as a date. This is simply an" outing that we will do together since I enjoy your company and we are sort of 'friends' now." It probably comes about rather organically. Kristoph mentions a different restaurant that he recently tried with Klavier and wonders if Phoenix has ever tried it. (Of course, he hasn't. The entrees cost more than he makes in a given night at the Borscht). Which then naturally extends to Kristoph saying that it's a pity Phoenix hasn't had a chance to go yet, and perhaps, he and Kristoph might go together some evening as friends.
Their third "first date" would be much the same as one of the ones that came before. But with a crucial difference. They are still nowhere near identifying this particular outing as a "date." But since their last "first date," their "friendship" has since extended to include physical intimacy of some kind. Maybe they've had a drunken kiss or two--or maybe they've actually done teh sex. Nevertheless, they are both acutely aware that things are DIFFERENT between them from then on, while also stubbornly refusing to admit to each other that things are different. They know this is a date. They know that they are much more than friends--even ones "with benefits"--but you will never get them to acknowledge this fact. This is just a shared social experience between two men who enjoy each other's company and lips and there is nothing more to it than that. (There is a great deal more to it than that).
Sadly, they never got to the point of a fourth "first date" (i.e. one that they openly acknowledge as a date) in canon, but they still can in my heart.
14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Both Phoenix and Kristoph are artistically-minded, driven, and very intelligent (albeit in different ways.) As I mentioned in the previous point, Phoenix is somewhat more "cultured" than one would imagine and Kristoph is not *quite* as much of a humorless stick-in-the-mud than he appears. So they actually find that they have a great deal to talk about and can enjoy each other's company. Due to the circumstances that brought them together, there is inevitably a little bit of a facade to their "friendship" but not nearly as much of one as you might think.
In terms of their differences counterbalancing each other, Kristoph's cautious and reserved nature helps reign in some of Phoenix's unhinged impulsiveness. Meanwhile, Phoenix's sense of humor and spontaneity can sometimes force Kristoph to stop taking everything (especially himself) so damn seriously and to open himself up to life outside professional success.
However, it isn't all smooth sailing for them. These same differences can cause friction between them just as often as they smooth it. Moreover, the fact that both men are extremely stubborn also leads to clashes.
As a workaholic and supremely ambitious person in his own right, Kristoph also finds himself frequently frustrated by Phoenix Wright's perceived laziness and lack of ambition. They both know that Phoenix is capable of being more than dubiously sober piano bum and illegal poker player at a mediocre dive bar. So why isn't Phoenix "trying" harder to find something better for himself?
Meanwhile, Kristoph is also trying very hard not to acknowledge that Phoenix's current state is very much Kristoph's own fault. He tries to convince Phoenix to lift himself out of his sorry state, at least in part to ease Kristoph's own conscience.
Kristoph is also very unaware that much of Phoenix's perceived lazy, aimlessness is an act--one carefully tailored to lull Kristoph into a false sense of security so that Phoenix can make his move.
Naturally, the biggest barrier between them is the one that they can never directly acknowledge. Kristoph's role in orchestrating Phoenix's disbarment and Phoenix's complete awareness of this fact. On the rare occasion that the topic comes up indirectly in conversation (ex: any mention of Phoenix's former legal career, Kristoph's Bar Association duties, Trucy's life before Phoenix, media coverage of the so-called "Dark Age of Law,"etc.) things between Kristoph and Phoenix become decidedly more tense than usual. Lots of sarcastic remarks, comments that can be taken in more than one way, and little arguments over matters that would normally not have provoked such a response. Again, they can't ever discuss the real state of things openly so they have their little proxy spats and then quickly try to change the subject.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
Phoenix loves to make Kristoph dress more casually--both because it's cute but also because he thinks it's mentally/psychologically "good" for Kristoph. He will be more relaxed when he wears clothing that is softer, looser, and/or more comfortable. I think Kristoph probably has a Gavinners-branded hoodie or sweatshirt that is leftover merch from Klavier, and Phoenix is constantly trying to persuade him into wearing it--ideally with jeans instead of Kristoph's normal dress pants. He eventually gives in, partly because Phoenix Wright is unbelievably stubborn but also partially because damn it, the sweatshirt (though far too casual for professional use) is very soft and very warm--and Kristoph has always been the sort of person who gets cold easily. And there is something very relaxing and soothing about letting himself dress for warmth and physical comfort instead of trying to impress people. Also he feels much freer to cuddle with Vongole (which is also psychologically very good for him) when he's less concerned about getting dog hair on his nice work clothes.
Kristoph, conversely, likes to dress Phoenix up. Underneath that dreadful hat and sweatshirt, Phoenix Wright is a rather handsome man with nice broad-shoulders, a pleasingly strong jaw, and bright, twinkling eyes. He really should show off his handsome features and physique. And yet, he hides himself in this loose, plebian garb and two days worth of stubble. (Kristoph is in deep denial about how much he likes Phoenix's stubble. Phoenix is completely aware of the effect he has on the other man).
So Kristoph is always looking for excuses to put Phoenix in a suit or even just a button-down shirt with a tie. And sometimes, Phoenix is willing to indulge him, even if it still feels weird to put on his "trial suit" to go anywhere other than courtroom. But he does like reminding Kristoph (and himself) just how nicely he can clean up when he wants to.
(Kristoph is so lucky that he never got to see three-piece suit dilfnix and his waistcoat of sexyness. He would've died of lust on the spot, and all Phoenix would've done was laugh.)
Another "compromise" is that Kristoph is able to talk Phoenix into a bit more often is a short-sleeve polo shirt. A little more dressy than his normal hoodie but still not properly formal.
(Of course, Kristoph never quite thinks through the ramifications of this. He is Victorian level of repressed-yet-horny. And so the instant, Phoenix's bare forearms enter the chat, kristoph.exe promptly stops working.)
39. Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?
Honestly, I think its fairly plausible that either would do this. But honestly, it's much more interesting to think about Kristoph being the one to do it so that's where I'm gonna focus.
This could be a possible backstory for Vongole acquisition. Kristoph's job led him to find the most Beautiful Dog in the World™ left abandoned (and possibly wounded) after her owner died or went to prison. At first, he intends to take Vongole in for a short while until he can find a new home for her. (She's a purebred and a very good girl so Kristoph isn't ready to just dump her in an animal shelter's care and hope for the best). But it's not long until he finds himself just completely enraptured by her and unable to imagine his life without her.
Phoenix, meanwhile, has enjoyed watching this unfold from a bit of a distance. He doesn't meet Vongole officially for awhile, but he notices how quickly Kristoph is completely "puppy-whipped" for her. Kristoph can't stop talking about this "foster" dog he's looking after. He talks about more even than he talks about work--which is saying something. His eyes light up behind his glasses and he can't stop smiling when he's chattering about how SMART and cultured Vongole is, because she sits and listens and wags her tail whenever Kristoph is practicing his violin. And she's so got the most refined palette too. She likes only the best dog food made from the finest ingredients.
It's adorable seeing Kristoph like this, so happy and relaxed and at peace with himself. Even with all the baggage between himself and Kristoph, Phoenix genuinely likes seeing his frenemy in this light and is happy for him.
After a few months worth of Kristoph "fostering" Vongole, he finally announces that he's decided to keep her permanently and Phoenix is all ...
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(Phoenix saw this coming about a week after Vongole came into Kristoph's life).
I am also struck by another possible "Kristoph-rescues-a-wounded-animal scenario" as well and would like to discuss it. In this case, I think Kristoph should find and take care of a wounded bird (preferably a baby). I think the most narratively satisfying (i.e. metaphorically resonant) would involve Kristoph having accidentally caused the bird's injury in the first place. Maybe he accidentally hit a passing bird with his car or caused the bird to fall out of its nest and injure itself, while Kristoph was tending to his garden. Kristoph would therefore have to take accountability for having hurt something so beautiful and delicate and would see his nursing the bird back to health as an atonement for his past missteps.
Phoenix, meanwhile, would have very mixed reactions to seeing Kristoph's diligent care for this particular bird. He can't help but feel a little envious seeing Kristoph take responsibility for his harmful actions in this respect, while Kristoph has utterly failed to do the same where Phoenix is concerned. The significance of this being a bird--and Phoenix's own name being a (mythical) bird is not at all lost on him either. But on the other hand, he sees Kristoph being so patient and caring and gentle with this little wounded bird, and Phoenix can't help but love him for it. Can't help but wonder if--if only circumstances were just a little different and if he and/or Kristoph were able to swallow their pride for long enough--maybe Kristoph would have been able to do the same thing with Phoenix after all. But of course, they are doomed by themselves, their anger, and the narrative so this would never happen.
If the bird is unable to be safely released back into the wild after all--or Kristoph is simply unwilling to let the bird go-- it's also possible that the caged blue bird in Kristoph's cell is in fact this very same bird. Which adds some additional metaphorical resonance to the obvious Phoenix-bird parallels. Either Kristoph has already damaged the bird (and Phoenix) so severely and irrevocably that even his most ardent attempts at atonement/undoing the harm are not nearly enough. Or Kristoph has become so mentally and emotionally attached to the bird (and Phoenix) that he refuses to let it fly away from him--especially while Kristoph himself is wasting away in prison.
42. What’s their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
Phoenix most enjoys bright, warm sunny days (especially in the summertime). This is more in general than relating to Kristoph specifically. There is so much more to do when the weather is nice--including a few particular things that he enjoys doing with Trucy and often with Kristoph as well. They've gone berry-picking a few times (on Kristoph's dime), something that neither Kristoph nor Trucy had ever done before and something that they are both pleasantly surprised by. They will go for picnics at the park and talk Kristoph into taking Vongole with them. (Trucy enjoys playing several rounds of fetch with her afterwards). Sometimes, when they have a day at the pool, Kristoph will wear a big, floppy hat to keep the sun off his face, and Phoenix can't help but find it rather endearing.
Kristoph, meanwhile, enjoys the rain. Or more specifically, a steady, lightning-less medium downpour that is heavy enough to keep everyone indoors (and prevent Phoenix from leaving too soon) and water the grass, while still being nowhere near heavy enough for there to be any danger of flooding.
He enjoys taking Vongole for walks after the rain and breathing in the fresh, clean scent of the air. He particularly enjoys it when he is able to rope Phoenix (and sometimes Trucy and/or Klavier) into joining him. Especially on the very memorable occasion that they saw a full rainbow just as the sun was starting to set.
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candysweetposts · 8 months
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Commission edit for @saemi-the-dreamer
I'm thinking about doing something with Li too :)
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cornus27florida · 11 months
LambCat posting this on her twitter and IG account, a preview video of the might be the very final part of the CPC story
Buckle up!
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One thing to say is, thanks a lot to @saemi-the-dreamer as the news that CPC might have 3 fp
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Whatever that's the case or not, I really wish all the best for LambCat - even if not having 3 fp as making those ep as buffer is okay too!!!
So, based on the preview video - which I have hardtime to screenshootings, we have several characters in the preview as the following:
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First image is Lorena, who's the shoes is? Find out next time in the CPC
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Second image is Lance, bro get first aid first?
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Third is Blaine... Bro bro - who's you gonna stab?
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Fourth is Gwen, the big bad (wolf) reveal???
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Fifth is Frederick, lil bro running to the opposite direction of everyone? And aren't animals around - Maria's woodland creatures ensemble?
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Sixth is Whitney, horrified with -?
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Maria scene as the following actually before Gwen-Frederick-Whitney appearance, F####
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We have Maria, Syrah, the Beige Princel using catapult, Jamie and Leopold as well Monika
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Swish slash the nightmare apparition, Leland
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What Aurelia see? One thing for sure glad that Potrait mystery finally be out!!! The content is-
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This is Lilyth (Leelathae) because the reddish tint in her hair - continuation of her diary content?
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The last image, the hardesr to get - Prez with shining eyes in yellow and sweatdropped a lot
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I putting the preview image again, as the conclusion - and what we know so far...
Leland smiling creepily is similar to the scene at ep 133 where he imagining 'everyone' as his pawns
Frederick shocked, and you noticed that he's the only male character in the good side
Lorena ready for war, LITERALLY
Maria sitting to where Gwen is - with a leg of her being raised. Remember, she's on slumber induced curse but neither of her limbs raised
Prez with her sword ready to attack!
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orionitswd · 1 month
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@saemi-the-dreamer @hannah-roseroche @wata-rp
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cpcposting · 1 year
(pspsp i think this was meant for you)
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Ahhh technically I've already done this @saemi-the-dreamer XD
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This was drawn back in... July I think? Not sure tbh XD
But just reposting that would be lazy so I did a little doodle of Gwen as Anthy
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I feel like in a Utena AU Prez would be more like a mom/big sister figure trying to protect Gwen idk
Requests here
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twinklecupcake · 1 year
I got tagged for two different memes, one from @saemi-the-dreamer, and the other from @sheepwithspecs
No tagging from me, but feel free to do these if you want!
Currently reading: Just finished 'So This Is Love: A Twisted Tale.'
Last song: The Korean version of "It's Over" from Dracula: The Musical
Currently watching: rewatching LMK s4
Current fic: Reading or writing? Reading uhh… a lot of one-shots? Writing the one-shot collection 'Takes A Village.'
Next on my watchlist: Ohhh man, uh… for TV/streaming, I'm not sure… Next movie on my watchlist is 'Wish.'
Current obsession: LMK. Love those funny JttW Legos.
3 Ships: Dragonfruitshipping, ClairexHuang, Huntlow
First Ever Ship: Ohhhh WOW, digging into the old memory banks huh? Jesus uh… I think the first thing I actively shipped/rooted for was Secret/Penny as a little kid. …tell me you know what I'm talking about.
Last Song: My playlist switched over mid-meme so now it's La Vida Es Una.
Last Movie: Puss In Boots: The Last Wish
Currently Reading: see above
Currently Watching: see above
Currently Consuming: Pumpkin Spice Oreos
Currently Craving: Some Jack In The Box chicken strips. I'm trying very hard to 'We have food at home' myself.
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 9 months
B1 or E2 for the Royal Trio please? 😄
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living their best lives
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calimera62 · 1 year
Valjean/Javert, Clopin/Frollo (*ricane* 🤭), FrUK, Ger/Fra et Ita/Ger please? 👀
Valjean/Javert : I have a lot of fondness for this OTP for this is one of my oldest ships. This ship has a lot of potential for angst and softness, and can come with different flavors: Toulon-era, Madeleine-era or even better, the post-Seine Valvert. Old men falling in love despite themselves, Javert discovering love and softness and forgiveness and connecting with humanity, Valjean having someone who respect and love him but not put up with his love of martyrdom, someone who knew him since the beginning. Old men growing old together, reading together, gardening together, walking together, being SOFT together. I'm also very weak for the AUs where they both raise Cosette and end up falling in love in the process, with Valjean being the soft parent and Javert the stern (but still loving) parent. Marius stands no chance ("Alright, who is this punk?" "Now Javert dear, be nice. He is the one Cosette loves" "A pity, she could do so much better" "Dear...")
Clopin/Frollo : this ship is my guilty pleasure. I'm not sure why I love them. Maybe because the thought of Frollo being conflicted and torn for falling not only for a gypsy but also a man? The enemies-to-lovers/enemies with benefits trope? The angst? The UST? The snark? Yes. Yes to all of those.
FrUk : The ultimate OTP. The OTP of all OTP. The blood in my veins, the breath in my lungs. One of my oldest and most loved ships. They're everything. Old married couple who can't stand each other yet can't live without the other. They're childhood sweethearts, enemies with benefits, friends against the world, rivals being each other's constant in a changing world. They're so alike yet so different, they complete each other. Also, another ship who comes with a lot of flavors! Pirate era, FACE family, Medieval era with the Hundred Years War (or possessive!Arthur trying to marry his childhood sweetheart and having his lands too), the two world wars and so on! My two beloved Eldritch drama queens. I would kill for them.
GerFra : If FrUk didn't exist, they would be my ultimate OTP in the Hetalia fandom. That is to say, I do love them a lot! The married couple of EU. So soft and domestic, with lots of cuddles and working together, shopping together, cooking and chilling together but there's potential for angst too! Let's not forget they were enemies before becoming reluctant friends and allies before they became as close as they are now. I have a lot of fondness for this ship and only FrUkFr prevents me from shipping them with the intensity of a thousand suns.
GerIta : I... can see why people ship them, however it's not my cup of tea. I guess they're kinda cute together and I don't mind seeing fanworks about them, but this is not a ship I'll actively seek.
Send me a ship meme
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istadris · 1 year
@isamajor @scribeprotra @saemi-the-dreamer @cloudydaysomewhere since you liked that post, come read about my druid with zero social skills!
Context: my Moon druid Ailes du Sud (=Wings of the South) is a Tabaxi who loves birds, wandering, and doing as he pleases. A bit unhinged, very perceptive but as blunt as a barbarian's club.
Act I : Making friends with kids thanks to hags
We are relatively early in the campaign. Our party wandered into a cursed forest (as one does) and at some point we got captured by a hag coven who locked us into cages.
Ailes woke up first, and among many things, he noticed in another cage a little grey-skinned, golden-eyed tiefling girl.
Now, Ailes is a bit of a dick, but he doesn't like seeing ANYONE into cages. So as our group manages to escape, he gets the kid out and makes her flee outside while we fight; we survive, and we take the kid with us as we leave. Ailes bonds with the kid, and while his methods are slightly questionable, he starts mentoring her in survival (climbing trees, etc).
Oh, and tiefling girl suddenly used magical fire at some point. Nothing to worry about I'm sure. All in all, Ailes and the kid have a good relationship.
Act II : meeting the (mafia) Family
After a while, we reach Tiefling Girl's hometown: a wretched hive torn apart by cinflicting gangs, with four Families ruling most of the business.
We find out the girl is closely related to the boss of one of these Families (she's the daughter of the boss's cousin). We bring her home, and Mafia Boss (also a grey-skinned tiefling with golden eyes) is very glad to see her niece again. She provides us with some favors, answers our questions, all in all is pretty grateful.
While we stay here, Ailes comes back to see the kid once or twice, and learns that her mom is on a away mission for the Family (as an assassin), and of course her daughter misses her, especially with the nightmares she's having since the hag incident.
Ailes then promises her to look for her mom and to keep in touch.
...incidentally, right before leaving town, we attacked, robbed and torched down a huge warehouse belonging to a rival Family, and we might have angered several other factions.
We still good with Tiefling Mafia Boss and her niece, though.
Act III : How I Found Your Mother
Fast forward to much later in the campaign.
We have traveled to the neighbouring kingdom and we're currently on our way to another one : we stop by a town to resupply and get intel. As both kingdoms are currently at war, tensions are high, crime is on the rise and guards are plentiful and vigilant.
Ailes wanders in town and amuses himself spotting and following suspicious people, which leads him to a hide-out. On a whim, he comes back with the party's rogue in tow, both as help and back-up.
Turning into a bug, Ailes sneaks into the hide out, only occupied by what the DM describes as "a female tiefling with grey skin and golden eyes, cleaning a rifle."
There's still a slight chance it might not be the right person though, so Ailes and the rogue decide to pick the lock and confront politely the person.
And here's where things get funny.
Picking the lock : critical failure. A guard gets suspicious, we waste time convincing him we mean no harm, and in the end when we enter, the tiefling is hiding, and we both fail to check AND convince her we're not a threat.
And then she runs away.
And the rogue.
Shoots at her.
"Just to scare her into stopping, not to hurt her!"
It doesn't work.
And that's where we ended the session : chasing after an assassin we tried to befriend in the middle of a city full of tense guards and criminal activity.
Ailes would say "2 out of 3 ! I had worse hunting days !"
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Okay I'll try, very silly but also fun: the M6's (and their familiars) reaction discovering MC has *the loudest* sneezes (a dad sneeze sounds like a kitty sneeze compared to it) and them blowing their nose sounding like the horn of a boat? 😂 (sorry?)
The Arcana Mini-HCs: When MC has a loud nose
~ @saemi-the-dreamer why would you apologize for such a perfect request?!? thank you for sharing it!! ~
Julian: okay but like - can you do that again? - he has questions. how does that work? develops a theory about your nasal cavity. Malak develops the perfect imitation of it and uses it to play pranks
Asra: surprised snort/laugh. keeps thinking about it and giggling, eventually asks if you'll do it again just to humor them (it's so funny!) Faust refers to them as your "honks" and reports each one to Asra
Nadia: wide-eyed the first time. hesitates to bring it up for fear of being rude, but starts feeding you lots of pepper to hopefully hear it again. Chandra will echo every sneeze with a questioning hoot
Muriel: jumps the first time he hears it. he's always been afraid of being too noisy himself, but you're out here with a foghorn for a nose and he ... likes it? Inanna gives you a disapproving stare each time
Portia: "and I took that as a challenge" Devorak, thinks it's wonderful and insists that you teach her your ways. share your secrets. stop gatekeeping. Pepi bats her nose in an effort to help her sneeze more
Lucio: takes it as an invitation to make any bodily sound he wants as loud or frequently as he wants to. uses your loud sneeze as a "get out of jail free" card. the noises make the dogs bark every. freaking. time.
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