#sage smudging
bbgirl-aesthetic20 · 9 months
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francoanglo · 1 year
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Clean positive vibes for the year ahead.
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esotericawakenings · 1 year
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Wild Flower Sage Smudge Sticks!
Smudge sticks are bundles of herbs bound together often with some form of twine. Sage smudging is an art form used to purify and clear the energy of any space used for magical working. Smudging is a tradition that goes back thousands of years. 
Each of our wild flower sage smudge sticks  contains White Sage, Cedar, Lavender, Rose, and Yellow Daisy.
Each bundle is between 7"-8" and weights about 1.5 oz.
Each bundle is hand wrapped with white cotton cord.
Get yours HERE! only $6.50
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litrituals · 2 years
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Smudge Wands by: Lit Rituals
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fallensapphires · 1 year
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Witch Aesthetic: Incense/Smudging
The perfume of incense reminds us of the pervading influence of virtue, the lamp reminds us of the light of knowledge and the flowers, which soon fade and die, reminds us of impermanence.
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wellnessswitch · 1 year
Cleansing my space for the solstice 🔥☀️✨
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Go smudge yourself🪬🧿🕉
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brookepricer · 2 years
Daily Spells: July 27th
Sage Wand Magic
You’ll Need:
Fresh sage branches
Fresh rosemary branches
White cotton thread
Plenty of metaphysical traditions use sage, which is associated with cleansing and purification. While you can buy sage wands in a number of places, many people believe making your own allow use to imbue them with your own magical energy, which makes them even more powerful. If you make your own sage smudge wands, you can use them to cleanse your home when you need to.
Bundle the sage and rosemary together, and use the thread to wrap them snugly. As you bind the thread around the herbs, say “Cleansing and clearing, by my hand. Purification and protection, by my spirit. Smudging and strengthening, by my will.”
Once you've bound the herbs together, tie a loop in the thread to hang the bundle to dry. Use it later to smudge your home in purification spells.
“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington 
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psioniciris · 2 years
Blood Blossoms & Other Healing Herbs
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Hey guys! Sorry it’s been so long since my last post. Been doing a lot of investigating around Amity Park and research in general so there’s so much history here. I barely know where to start half the time when it comes to what topics to talk about because there are so many.
So in the end I decided hey, why not talk about some interesting facts I’ve learned about natural anti-ghost deterrents? You know, the usual where we separate fact from fiction when it comes to what works and what’s nothing but Hollywood movie magic. I actually have a friend that knows a lot about this sort of thing so I got most of my information from them.
Oh! And huge shout out to Danny who let me borrow this antique sketch of his ghost hunting ancestor, John Fenton Nightingale, which I’ll get into talking about a bit later. He’s not the friend I’m talking about either by the way but I did learn a lot thanks to him and talking to his parents. Boy was that an experience because it took forever to get them to let me leave. I get that they were excited to talk to me about their ghost expertise but my dad wasn’t thrilled that I got home hour later than planned. Danny warned me this would happen but I guess I underestimated their enthusiasm.
Anyways, in my experience, nothing beats the classics but for safety reasons I would take a minute to share a quick disclaimer and tell everyone be sure to take what I’m about to say with a grain of salt since a lot of it only works in specific situations depending on the kind of ghosts we’re talking about here. Sadly, as much as I wish the joke I snuck in there was true the myth about making lines or circles of salt to ward off or trap ghosts and evil spirits doesn’t seem to work. But what does work is the thought behind doing it in the first place since its usually a means to cleanse an area of negative energy...
You see, just like the rest of us ghosts have feelings too, but theirs are a bit more intense than others because they’re now supernatural beings whose powers are often tied to their emotions. Some ghosts even feed off of OUR emotions to gain more power, especially through very strong or negative ones so its a good idea to keep your spirits up around them And I mean that literally since it will help make you a lot less appetizing to them. That’s why even if the actual method of purifying your home isn’t a surefire way to keep ghosts and other unfriendly visitors away I’d highly suggest doing it anyway by doing things burning sage, aka smudging, or placing crystals around your home.
On the topic of plants, the best known ghost repellent is called Blood Blossom. It’s an ancient plant that once grew in Salem and a few other isolated locations I’m still looking for back in the 1600′s and was used in a wide variety of ways, including cooking if you can believe it! Unfortunately though, as far as I’m aware of this rare flower went extinct some time ago and you can’t find live specimens of them anywhere. I did manage to track down a sample of some petals that had been pressed between the pages of an old journal and according to my friend, these flowers were often used in to make all kinds of things ranging from  tea, since they’re edible believe it or not, to healing salves made with a mixture of other medicinal herbs with natural anti-ghost properties.
There are a lot of herbs you can still find today that can help keep ghosts and other spooky stuff away, but I won’t list them all since that would take forever. All you need to know is that most stories about plants with supernatural powers? Yeah, almost all of them are true. They’re not as powerful as those ancient Blood Blossoms were according to all the books I’ve read, but if you know what you’re doing most of them can get the job done of keeping you safe.
And like I said before though, using any of these plants only works in a case by case scenario. For one thing, yes wolvesbane can act as a werewolf repellent if you need it, but the real plant is extremely poisonous to humans so I’d suggest against planting any in your garden without the proper safety equipment:
“... Since ancient times, poison made from wolfsbane has been used to coat swords and arrows in battle, execute criminals, commit murder, and has made its way into many spells and rituals. In medieval Europe, some magical uses for the plant wrapping wolfsbane seeds in lizard’s skin and carrying them to become invisible (if you ever try this, please report back!), warding off werewolves and vampires, and shapeshifting into animals.” ~ https://www.osgf.org/blog/2021/10/25/the-most-magical-plants
No matter what you do though, always do your research before trying anything out! It’s never a good idea to mess around with unfamiliar plants and herbs either way unless you know which ones are safe. Leave the ghost hunting to the professionals like the Fenton’s (kinda) or our very own Danny Phantom. Honestly, I’d say the easiest thing to do is carry some mint leaves on you since that’s the safest to get and on it’s own it isn’t harmful to anyone, only bad ghosts who let’s face it...could probably use a breath mint anyway.
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artisticeclectic · 1 year
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bbgirl-aesthetic20 · 2 years
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thegypsythread · 2 years
The Essential Guide to Smudging https://www.thegypsythread.org/essential-guide-smudging/
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ganondoodle · 7 months
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a rough concept for how Dongos (engl. dondon?) work in my rewrite, i want them to actually … be something beside a gem vending maschine :(
more info, both from the image and extra
they are ridable and tameable
slow movement
can climb almost any wall and dig through rocks and ore deposits quickly
they hang on walls here and there in the underground
big mole like front paws for digging and climbing, hooves at the back legs with one big claw so they can hang securely on a wall
two saddles can be attached (for link and zelda)
they have little appendages on their chin for sensing food
Gigama (frox) prey on them, hence their shell and pattern like the ground for hiding (if they get hit by a gigama they will burrow away and you have to call them again)
big orange-white eyes like cave or deep sea creatures so they can take in as much of the little light avaible in the dark
they are now found in small herds but were nearly driven to extinction twice as both the sonau and later the ancient shiekah mined for luminous stones which is their primary food source (hence the glowing of the horns, teeth and claws)
(idea? the yiga have little mini stables in the underground bc they also use the Dongos to get around, once you have at least the mask OR have koga as sage unlocked you can register Dongos at their places and call them while in the depths anywhere as long as they are not in the stable)
i dont think they should be able to get to the surface, or if they do they can only be used at night bc the light of the sun would damage their eyes and/or hurt them otherwise, given that they evolved in nigh total darkness
(totk rewritten project)
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nihilismtrcit · 7 months
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lil fangs
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tvstvnvkke · 2 months
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White sage
Contrary to popular belief, white sage, or even sage in general, was not used by every tribe. White sage has developed into the go-to "smoke cleansing" plant. However, this has led to a number of problems.
For the Muscogee tribe Sage as a plant was not commonly used. Cedar, Tobacco, and Ginseng were more commonly smoke cleansing plants. The word for Sage that I was told was "Vpvketv" which also means to add something. White sage would be "Vpvketv hvtke".
Today, white sage is commonly used to smudge. Packages can be purchased with a shell, feather, and a sage bundle to burn. Smudging, in the sense of using a shell to burn in and a feather to guide the smoke, was mostly a Dakota and Ho-chunk practice from what I know. With white sage specifically being native to lower modern-day California. The Cahuilla and Kumeyaay tribes are two who often use this plant. Smudging and white sage have both been taken up as practices among modern witches, pagan, Wiccan, and other spiritual groups. However, to anyone doing the practice, I highly recommend caution in continuing.
The modern practices of white sage harvesting are often harmful. The practices often leave the local environment poorly cared for. The plant is overly harvested by people generally paid very little and often with no consideration to the local communities that normally use the plant. The over harvesting has led to fears that the plant may go extinct if proper growing and harvesting techniques are not taken into consideration.
Another important aspect to consider is the spiritual aspect as well. If you are using white sage to purify the air, I would assume the hope is to clear away negative spirits or energies. I can not speak for all communities that smoke cleanse, but when smoke cleansing, you should use plants you were gifted or gather yourself. The intention when the plant is harvested affects whether or not it will clear away bad things. If you harvest it yourself thinking of how grateful you are for the plant, it will clean. If your friend harvests it thinking of how this will hopefully help someone, it will clean. If the person harvesting your plant is mistreated, in bad conditions, over harvesting a plant just to be underpaid. I feel like that may do the opposite of cleanse.
All around, it's just not a good idea. Be very mindful of who your practices come from and who your items come from. Look for answers online as to whether those communities welcome outside practicer or if your version of their practice is actually harming their ability to continue it.
I've heard debate on whether it's okay to purchase white sage from indigenous farmers. I would say if you're going to purchase it, that would be the best. I'm sure there are many indigenous people who sell it.
Be mindful of your practices. They could be harming you and other people.
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funeralfun · 1 month
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🪦🦇⛓️💣🥀Going to be obsessed with myself.🥀💣⛓️🦇🪦
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