#saguaro x reader
bellafragolina · 1 year
If it's okay, can I request headcanons of Clavell, Hassel and Saguaro comforting the new literature teacher please? (Like they don't think they're that great of a teacher because even though they're passionate about books, they're not that great of a trainer and wonder if they're connecting with the students and the like~)
yeyeye also fun fact: i suck at writing lit essays. i can imagine a million and one topics, but writing them? not on your life
Clavell understands how you feel the most out of anyone. He constantly worries about being able to connect to the students, to be approachable and good for them. When you admit to him one somber afternoon they're you're afraid of the same, he shares a moment with you of sympathy.
But he reminds you after this moment that the children adore you no matter what. You try to understand them, and work to be compassionate to them and such. Being not that great of a trainer doesn't take away from your attempts to bond with them. After all, some students have no real interest in battling.
Clavell talks about the glowing reviews he's gotten about you, from student and coworker alike. Everyone can see how much you dedicate yourself to your teaching, to the students. It's hard not to love someone like that, and as Clavell assures you, every one of your students adore you so very much.
Hassel admittedly grows teary-eyed when he hears that you're worried you're not feeling like you're doing enough with your work as a teacher. You worry you aren't connecting with the students due to your lack of battle prowess, and Hassel weeps to hear it. It takes him some time to calm down, but at least you know he cares about you and your worries.
Once he calms, he apologizes for the tears and gets to be more stern and serious. He talks to you about how amazing you are. Your credentials are above and beyond any average, and you do wonderful when teaching before the students. He tells you that your passion is more than evident in your actions and in the way you talk about the literature you teach.
As for the students, Hassel has never known any of them to talk about your class in any sort of anger or disgust. Hassel believes they no doubt appreciate your attempts to connect with them. After all, a good student-teacher relationship isn't entirely reliant on being able to battle one another. Hassel instead suggests you just bring in Pokémon when you can. The students love that, even if you're not battling with them.
The moment Saguaro sees you're upset, he tries to feed you, or at least get you to drink some tea. He's still in "kid mode" so he says the reason is to refill your tears. He then blushes darkly and apologizes for treating you like one of the students. At least it makes you laugh, which he's glad to see.
Should you wish, Saguaro has open arms waiting for you. He's big and strong, and it's nice leaning against his chest as you calm down. He even brings out one of the blankets he's made himself to wrap around you. You can vent to him your troubles, or you can sit and listen to him hum to you. Whatever helps you, he's happy to offer.
Saguaro speaks to you slowly and calmly, his voice a warm rumble as he assures you that you're doing a wonderful job. He's happened to walk by your classroom while you're teaching, and he's always admired how you hold the students' attention. You don't need battling acclaim, he says, because you're incredible as you are. The students love you for who you are! Saguaro is sure of it.
i tried to make these all varied, so i hope that shows!
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ourvanishingghosts · 1 year
Can I request for Salvatore, and Saguaro (Separate) as your boyfriend headcanons pretty please?
Yes, absolutely yes!!!! They are two of my top 5 favorite teachers in Scarlet and Violet. I wanted to use other emojis besides the heart emojis for them. The microphone emoji for Salvatore because he’s the language teacher. The sandwich emoji for Saguaro because he’s the Home Economics teacher. Also, does anyone else keep forgetting that Salvatore is canonically married? Because I do.
The Different Languages of Food
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💝🎤Salvatore As Your Boyfriend🎤💝
~ Salvatore is the sweetest man you can have as a boyfriend
~ He can make you blush with his words
~ But you can make him blush with your actions
~ For example you will drop off a special gift you got him after he finishes his class
~ It’s usually something that you thought he would like to use in his classroom
~ “Mi Amor, what are you doing here?” You blush at the nickname “I just wanted to drop off a gift I got you. It’s an Eevee wearing a similar outfit to yours.” He blushes and the students that are coming in for their class ‘aww’ at the sight
~ Sal will kiss your hands, cheeks, and forehead in public and will kiss your lips in private
~ You will kiss his hands and cheeks in public and kiss his lips in private
~ He loves to hold your hands in public because he just likes feeling close to you
~ He will call you Mi Amor and My Light
~ You will call him Light Of My Life and Love
~ He is jealous of Saguaro and Jacq because he thinks that they are more attractive than him
~ You do reassure him that he is the only one for you and that you love him so much
~ He writes you songs and poems every anniversary
~ If he didn’t do either he’ll sing you a love song
~ Usually the song is a combination of multiple languages
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~ Saguaro may look strong and scary, but he is a total sweetheart around you
~ He somehow managed to convince you and Clavell to let you work part time with him
~ He loves using you and your Pokémon as examples of people and Pokémon having different tastes and feelings about certain food
~ He will learn what food you like, love, don’t like, allergic to, and safe for you for when you’re upset
~ If you are a part of a religion that doesn’t eat certain foods he will respect that and avoid using those foods as ingredients when you are working with him
~ Adding on to that he will make sure that at every party to make sure that the food that’s being served is alright for you to eat
~ Whenever you two are hosting a party he will make little cards with the ingredients that are in each dish so that everyone knows
~ At those parties he does use ingredients that others can have and uses other ingredients that you can have, so that everyone is satisfied
~ He does clean and sanitize everything that he used to cook two times and always cooks your food first just in case
~ He does teach you how to make every type of Pokémon treat
~ He even makes treats for your Pokémon team when you’re not working with him
~ You teach him some of your family’s recipes and always say that you’re parents and grandparents definitely make the dishes far better than you
~ Whenever you and Saguaro visit your family he is always talking with your parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents about recipes and food
~ You do suggest that you two or just him make a cookbook to sell
~ You two do spend a lot of time thinking of good titles for the cookbook
~ You two settle on some pun based off his name
~ He loves kissing your cheeks and a quick peck on your lips in public
~ You love kissing his arms, cheeks, and a quick peck on his lips in public
~ He calls you Sweetheart and Sweet Pea
~ You call him Sweetie Pie and Honey
~ You two usually fall asleep with one of your heads on the others chest but when you two wake up you two are spooning
~ You end up dying some of your hair pink to match his work clothes which he and the students love
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Sweets for the Sweet
[Dipping my toe back in the water.]
Saguaro brushed the sugar from his lips as he chewed the sweet delight he had hidden in his locker. A treat you had given him after you had helped out in his class. He had put out a call for a speaker from outside the school to come talk about cooking techniques they had learned in their own time. Word of the call had reached the tiny cafe you worked at and you obliged. Your bosses were more than ready for you to take on the task as speaking at the school would bring in publicity. Being a small family-owned business, they jumped at the chance to get more recognition.
You had spoke on baking and the various methods of doing so. Many of the students were very surprised when you taught them how to bake bread with a pot over an open flame than with any kind of oven. They very much enjoyed the treats you had brought with you from the cafe. Little cakes shaped like various pokemon. Saguaro had resisted in taking one, noting the image his students had of him being a super tough person who enjoyed the more arduous cuisines. You surprised him by handing him a small tart shaped like a tarountula. It's webbed body was a ball of chocolate coated in powered sugar and filled with fruit preserves. He took it gratefully, promising to eat it at a later time.
Now as he stood with his head hidden within the confines of his locker under the premise of looking for something and with fruity filling dripping down his chin, he thought back to you. You were a delight to have in his class. So kind and bright. You spoke to each student with such patience and understanding. You maneuvered through the cooking areas like a pro. Like you already knew the entire layout of his classroom. The bread you had so skillfully made was so light and fluffy that he could hardly believe it. Hearing the oohs and ahhs of the students, he could swear you almost sparkled.
“Saguaro?” A voice caused Saguaro to almost choke on the chocolate in his mouth. He swallowed quickly, feeling the half chewed dessert scrap his throat slightly. “Y-yes?”
“Are you okay? You've been holding your head in there for some time.”
It was Dendra. Since trying to learn to cook to repay Miriam, she had taken to hanging out with Saguaro on her off hours. He didn't mind. Her knowledge of proper nutrition was sound, her execution just needed work.
“Ah. I-I just can't seem to find my keys. I could have sworn they were in here.”
A nudge at his waist and a gently jingling caused him to slowly back out of the locker and close it. He turned to Dendra with a flat smile. “Wouldn't you know it...”
“Wouldn't you know it...” Dendra parroted him. She cocked her head slightly before brushing a finger under her bottom lip. “Saving some for later?”
Saguaro wiped at the spot she had pantomimed at and found a glob of preserves stuck into his facial hair. His cheeks blushed bright. “Please tell no one.”
“You secret is safe with me, buddy!” Dendra grinned and slapped him hard against the shoulder. Even with his musculature, her hands hit hard. “Clavell said he's ready for that meeting you requested. What up?”
Saguaro finished cleaning his face and smiled. Visions of your smiling face there to greet him when he entered his classroom danced in his head. “I was thinking...” His eyes gleamed with feelings that only he knew. “It wouldn't be such a bad idea to have an assistant of my own...”
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Hi dude can I drop a request here?
Male!confectioner!Reader x Saguaro ^^
Thanks to the main character (in the befriending quest) Saguaro finds his sweet tooth. Now he is a regular at Patisserie Soapberry but the new confectioner catches his eye for being even sweeter than the sweets. Katy wants to play match maker.
Boom Bam, third chapter of today
I had a lot of fun with this one, too!! I hope you like how it turned out :D
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ciderwitch · 2 years
Loving my teacher dating simulator aka Pokemon ScarVi lol.
Maybe reader!teacher could be a new hire at the academy and it's just a free-for-all for who can get them on a date first ❤️
Juliana/Florian and the others are just competing to matchmake their favorite teachers together.
Juliana/Florian are rooting for Jacq, Arven for Mr. Saguaro, and Nemona for Dendra. Of course everyone in the school is secretly participating - even Clive!
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thesunwithstars · 2 years
Pokemon headcanons with a plus sized! reader
I swear Pokemon do this to me every single game of bringing a game out, Arven is a good boy, I HC him to be early 20s so reader will be 20 or older! Saguaro is short, I apologies! (also gifs aren't mine)
Warnings: Mostly fluff
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• Listen, Arven thinks you are the greatest thing to ever happen to him, apart from Mabosstiff, & he loves you so much! (Spoiler, so does Mabosstiff!)
• Mabosstiff activity follows you sometimes, like if you & Arven go for a walk, even if you have your own dog Pokemon too, he'll follow or just join a cuddle pile with you after you've all had food & you're leaning against like an Arcanine, Mabosstiff has his head on your lap with a fuss whilst you also scratch Arcanine's head.
• Arven loves you for you, he loves to cuddle you or lay his head on your lap, you're so loving & gentle with him.
• He might not be good at battling, but by Arcues, if someone bullies you for how you are, he will battle them & defeat them for your sake. Then will shout at them, report them to Director Clavell. No one gets away from bulling his partner, regardless of body type.
• If someone does do that, whilst either in the grounds of the Academy or in the wild, you can sure bet he'll make a tasty sandwich for you both, Mabosstiff also at your side to offer support & has a few treats from you for being the best doggo along side Arcanine.
• Will spoil you, but it's usually a surprise because you do the same for him often because of your high status of Champion.
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• Jacq doesn't understand whose who can bully someone for their size, no one should be made fun of for their size or body type. Do expect him to keep a keen eye out for you, he can be overprotective when he wants to be.
• He appreciates you bringing him things like food during breaks if he forgot it at home, if you make a new discovery with a Pokemon, or if you just come to spend break with him. He never hears the end of it with his students if you stop by, his students also love you!
• I feel like he'd often forget stuff or not keep an eye on his surroundings whilst out doing research when he gets the chance, so you often go with him to remind him of stuff whilst looking at surroundings.
• He will spoil you, a lot!
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• Another who is highly likely to spoil you but its more like once a week with something of high value but you usually don't understand why & it would be if you've had a bad day with someone making bad comments regarding your body or just a bad day in general.
• He'll make sure you are ready for the day, but if you are up early & make him lunch for a day at the academy? If you do him food from your native homeland if you aren't from Paldea when he gets home? He might short circuit & endlessly thank you, even if you take turns in cooking.
• Work in a bakery? Work with people? He supports you regardless!
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moonlight-phobia · 2 years
Headcanons for Salvatore, Grusha, and Saguaro with touch starved gn s/o?
↭︎ Salvatore ↭︎
- What a king! Like really he’s perfect, could be a doctor even and I still would have been going after him too!
- He’s such a sweetie the perfect man for a touch starved lover.
- Salvatore takes it easy though and he knows within the first second of just meeting them that they’ve had something to do with their past that isn’t pleasant at all.
- The humanities teacher takes time with giving you praise along with the gentle pats against your hand. Holds your hand in one of his while his other gentle pats against your knuckles.
- “Tu es incroyable! You’re doing such an amazing job with getting out of your shell Bluebell!”
- Very common that he takes you out on one of his missions as he calls it- mostly when it comes down too taking care of hurt pokemon or ones that need some emotional attention.
- The kind of gentleman that won’t force you to kiss or hold hands instead he’ll take off his jacket and gently put it around your shoulders “you looked cold Bluebell” even if it’s very hot outside!
- First Anniversary Gift: a Alolan Sandshrew!
- This little cutie is such a sweetheart towards you only. Salvatore original got it from Officer Jenny saying that someone had smuggled it in as Sandshrew’s unique shell is seen as some value to the black market.
- Original he was the one meet with a powder snow before the cutie would jump into your arms instead!
- He loves you- he really does feel nothing more then sweet admiration and knows that you’re the one for him right away when he sees how easily Pokémon bond with you.
- Salvatore’s kisses are sweet and gently always against the center of your forehead.
- Little things that make his heart jump in the air is just you wanting to hold his hand or even the sleeve of his clothing.
- “Bluebell! Perfect timing let’s head out I want you to come along with me on this little field trip! The students and us will be learning how to properly make friends with Spewpa and help them evolve- would you hold onto my glasses for me dear?”
↭︎ Grusha ↭︎
- sweet snowboarder really honestly he is a such a nice young man, it’s a shame to hear that his career ended early because of such an accident.
- Is what I would have said. Grusha is only sweet towards his lover- too everyone else he’s a pain in the side. Especially considering how he feels of his job.
- It seems rather often that he would rather knock everyone out of your way. Touch starved lover? In his arms only!
- Grusha doesn’t want you going off into the arms of anyone else - he can’t lose something precious too him not again especially after his own passion was taken away.
- I say he definitely might have some walking problems from his accident so he takes the excuse of holding you shoulder as a way to balance himself without the use of his cane.
- “You should believe in yourself more Snowdrop I know you can do a lot with all those skills of your’s so don’t hide from me. You can share everything-“
- Big fan of venting, he holds back his own emotions but has resorted to those sort of anger rooms where you can smash things. Technical Machine Rock Smash? That doesn’t exist only Grusha and his anger that he lets go.
- It could be weirdly seen as therapeutic to have such an outlet. 
- A 100/10 with listening to any problems you have would deal with them for you. It’s best for others to not even try and force his Snowdrop into heavy social situations since if you’re still on the mend.
- Getta is in fear.
- Best Eskimo kisser.
- His love language in fact is through this way since he rarely pulls his scarf down.
- First Anniversary Gift: a Cubchoo!
- This Pokémon may seem weak at first but it’s really strong especially when it evolves!
- Grusha knows these little ones need a lot of affection so if he’s busy at the gym he wants someone to be there in his place. Like a stuffed doll but one that requires a lot of care!
- Be it you’re going up or down the mountain he always holds your hand while throwing his scarf around your face and shoving his mittens onto your hands.
- His favorite past time with you is seeing the Cetoddle and Cetitan roaming around.
- “Ah Snowdrop look at how cute they are! Come on- yes don’t worry you’ll be safe with me. Tch. You know I wouldn’t let my precious snowdrop get hurt they’d have to get through my team. So let’s go and get a closer look alright?”
↭︎ Saguaro ↭︎
- buff man omg
- really sorry it’s hard to rival him- like he could cover you up through his shadow alone!
- He probably approached you first too make sure you were alright- especially after taking note of how others might treat you or really cast you aside.
- Saguaro is used to that kind of treatment from adults though even when he was young he’s sadly used to the idea of that not everyone cares. After all he’s picked up more things that could be seen as not masculine.
- Isn’t afraid to show his true colors around you and how excited he gets over the smallest things. You could bring him an oran berry and he’s going to lift you up!
- The man tries his best to be careful with his lover especially to watch his own strength when carrying you around.
- Saguaro is definitely more physical and this comes with carrying his lover around really it doesn’t bother him at all.
- “What are you worried about Borage? I can keep carrying you around all day- not sanitary in the kitchen for me to carry you we will test that then-“
- No need to worry with him around he buys his lover the cutest pins though! Okay he does- they are adorable and all of them are various berries “Here a new one I found it the other day while getting flour for my class!”
- Make sandwich’s with him- he’ll even show you his favorite combination and it’s amazing to kneed dough with him. Holds your hands in his own while standing behind his Borage if you’re comfortable with this.
- First Anniversary Gift: a Cryogonal!
- the crystalline Pokémon definitely looks very intimidating but seems to show the same personality as the man who caught it.
- Saguaro being a teacher is busy but wants you to explore and be able to tag along with him to get Herba Mystica! So he knew that you would need a partner that would be able to defend you.
- It’s ice chain is mostly used to hold onto you though even the gifted Pokémon seems to know about your state of little affection given in your life.
- His kisses are right against the shell of your ear whispering sweet nothings to you before the day starts.
- “Borage! Coming to see me after class? Let’s go- what I can’t pick you up so quickly? Next time I’ll be more careful with you how about we head to the market I want to get a few ingredients so that we can make a nice cake for dessert at home!”
⌛︎ Hope you liked this one anon!
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
Headcanons of how would Salvatore, Grusha, Clavell, and Saguaro react to gender neutral crush accidentally confessing to him?
Salvatore, Grusha, Clavell, and Saguaro Accidentally Being Confessed To
(Sorry for the delay, I was running out of ideas)
Various x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romantic
You knew he was languages teacher, but you didn’t expect him to speak yours.
One day you were frustrated with something, and Salvatore offered to help.
He helped you out, and under your breath you mumbled “thank you, man I love” in your language.
You weren’t expecting him to respond in your language his he liked you too.
You were arguing with him about going out into the cold, saying that the blizzard would be too much, even for him.
Stubborn as he is he tried to argue back, asking why you worried so much.
In return, you blurted out how you loved him, a blush immediately taking over your face.
“Oh, well that makes sense.” He said, putting his coat up before pulling you to cuddle on the couch.
You were talking about crushes with Tyme, and she was trying to guess yours.
She guessed correctly, just as Clavell walked past you both.
Once Tyme left to go attend her next class, Clavell walked beside you.
“So you like me, hm?”
Valentines were going around, both by teachers and students. Blushes and sweets being shared, new relationships forming.
You’d given valentines to everyone, mostly just a feel good message and a sweet, but your true valentine was still tucked away in your desk. You were simply too embarrassed to give it away.
Saguaro cams across it by accident, he was in the room and needed a stapler, after being told there was one in your desk he opened the drawer.
You forgot to tell him which drawer, and didn’t realize your mistake until there was a kiss on your cheek and a valentine in your hand.
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charcadett · 1 year
i thought about sending in another request w/ cofagrigus but,, i think i gotta show yamask some love too since i love that little guy ^_^
sooo!! how about a request with katy, saguaro, and larry (all separate ofc!!) with a reader that has a yamask? and that yamask is very attached to them!! like if they’re spending a lil too much time with reader,, that yamask would start weepin so it can get a lil attention? :3
and mayhaps.. later on they get close w/ the yamask and befriend it!! but now it’s super attached to the BOTH of them hehe
Aaaaa hi! Yes! Baby time hehe! :3
Katy, Larry, And Saguaro With S/O’s Clingy Yamask
She finds it absolutely adorable how your Yamask follows you around like a lost Lillipup. So adorable, she doesn’t even get jealous when it interrupts your personal time together. Katy coos lovingly as you dote on your Pokemon, snapping a few pictures here and there when neither of you are looking. Yamask becomes almost as obsessed with her as it is of you rather quickly. Katy has a habit of feeding who ever is in the kitchen with her samples of whatever she’s baking. The two of you have one very happy Yamask, who might need to lose a little bit of weight from Katy’s overfeeding.
He feels his big, soft heart melt at the sight of you doting on your weepy little Yamask. Much to Saguaro’s dismay, his stature intimidates the poor thing, sending it running to bury itself against your side whenever he approaches. Saguaro makes a great effort to keep from frightening it. He starts with treats, then soft pets and wide grins. It doesn’t take long for Yamask to become enamored with his kindness. Saguaro is a gentle giant through and through.
It takes Larry a while to notice your Yamask. He gets lost in his own head frequently, and the little Ghost-type is shy, so it hides from him more often than not. Larry is not intimidating in the slightest. His mundane energy helps Yamask grow more comfortable with his presence very quickly. Before Larry knows it, Yamask is snuggled against his side instead of yours. He apologizes for stealing your Pokemon. You only laugh and take a picture.
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crystalitecloudie · 2 years
I find it funny that in Pokémon violet the one class where I got a 4/5 on the final was home economics. bc that's the class I actually suck at in real life
do not let me in the kitchen
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tsuutarr · 4 months
Pokémon Prom: Arven
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Pairing: Arven x GN! reader
Word count: 959
Content: fluff, prom
Summary: a part of my Pokémon Prom series where Pokémon characters ask you out to prom (Arven ver).
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Arven can feel the moisture gather at his palms, making them a sweaty mess. He can’t help it, though–this is probably the most nervous he’s been in a while. He’s rehearsed at least a couple hundred times in front of the mirror, afraid to mess up, but the more he practices, the more he thinks he’ll mess up.
“Okay–it’s simple, just ask,” he mutters, clenching and unclenching his hands. “The worst that can happen is a rejection–”
“Is this seat taken?”
Arven’s head swivels so fast he’s pretty sure his neck is broken. “Yeah–no. I mean, no it’s not taken.”
You laugh, taking the spot next to him. “You okay, Arven?”
“Yeah.” He can feel his throat dry as his hands get clammier. “Yeah.”
Your initial smile tips downwards. “Are you sure? You–”
“Yeah!” He says it so loudly that he knows people are looking. “I’m just–ugh.” Nervous? Yeah. But it’s not like he can say that without you asking why. “Don’t mind it. I guess I slept kinda badly last night.”
“Ugh, yeah, that sucks.” Your frown eases into a smile. “But hey! No worries, I’m pretty good at home ec., so having me as your partner should help!”
Partner, Arven repeats inside his head, but says, “Yeah, guess I’ll have to count on you a little this time.”
Before you can say anything else, Mr. Saguaro enters the room, his pink shirt straining against his muscles. “Hello class,” he beams, “I hope you’re excited for today’s class. We’re going to learn how to make sweet hearts. It is a chocolate that gives Pokemon twenty HP when consumed. A fantastic way to let your Pokemon know you love them, no?”
Love, Arven thinks, before smacking his cheeks to rid himself of the thoughts.
You glance at him, whispering, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah–yeah. I’m good.” Arven pretends to give his full attention to Mr. Saguaro even though his attention is pretty firmly set on you. You look at him a bit longer, before following suit and looking at Mr. Saguaro, who has already begun to write the recipe down on the whiteboard.
“Seems pretty simple,” you note, before standing up. “I’ll get the ingredients, so stay here, okay?”
“I can–” Arven begins, but is shut up by your look. “...Okay.”
Satisfied with his answer, you stand up to get the ingredients and tools to make the sweet hearts. 
Arven watches as you leave, internally chastising himself for being so abnormal. He made you worry about him because of how oddly he was acting. Shit. Still, he can’t help but think about how sweet you are. Worried about him–he didn’t deserve it…
The thud of metal hitting the table snaps him out of his own thoughts. He looks towards you as you look down on him. “Got the stuff.”
“Thanks,” Arven responds, repositioning the cuffs of his sleeves. “Let’s get started.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” you laugh, watching as Arven sets the tools out. You’d have helped, but Arven’s movements are too quick for you to interject. Instead, you glance at the board to read the instructions. “We’ve got to heat some hot water first, then put a bowl inside the pot.”
“On it.” Arven put everything in place almost robotically, showing his years and years of experience in cooking. You keep watch as he dumps the chocolate chips into the bowl, using a spoon to stir. 
“Huh. You don’t need the instructions?”
“Nah,” he responds, “I’ve done this a lot.”
“Heh.” You grin. “Your Pokemon are lucky to have you–they must be constantly well fed!”
“I’m lucky to have them,” Arven responds, tapping the spoon against the side of the bowl to get the excess chocolate off, “I was really lucky to have met you, honestly.”
“Yeah–before it was just me and Mabosstiff. But now I have a full team, and I’ve got you. And the student prez and shortie too, I guess.” He mindlessly pours the chocolate batter into the heart molds, before sprinkling some berry powder on the top. His own words only begin to settle in when he realizes that you’ve been silent for a while, and he almost knocks the chocolates over. “I mean–”
“I’m grateful to you too, Arven.” You give him such a bright, earnest smile that he honestly can’t help but flush. “You’re one of the reasons why I got settled into Paldea so well, you know? Thanks for being a part of my journey.” You give a little laugh. “Maybe you’ll be willing to be a part of my next journey, too.”
“Yeah, ‘course.” Arven swallows. “Actually… speaking of adventures…”
“Do you–you know. The–that is–” Arven taps the chocolate mold against the table to get rid of air bubbles. “You know.”
“Yeah?” you encourage as you melt some more chocolate over the stove.
“The dance. The one that’s coming up… I was wondering if you’d–like, do you want to go? Together? No pressure, though.”
“Oh.” You blink. “Oh!” Laughter bubbles out of you. “That’s what it was, huh?”
“You’ve been acting weird all class, y’know.”
“I wasn’t.”
You give him a flat look, before huffing out a laugh. “All right, fine, whatever. I’d be glad to go with you.”
Arven blinks, before his lips twitch upwards. “You mean it?”
“Of course!” you laugh. “Why wouldn’t I mean it?” 
“Yes!” he cheers, loud enough that the class looks at him. He sheepishly tacks on, “I’m so glad our sweet hearts are turning out well.”
You suppress a laugh. “Yeah, totally.”
He looks at you, before clearing his throat when your eyes meet. “...So, can I pick you up for dinner? Uh–before the dance, that is?”
You grin. “Does five work?”
He smiles back. “Five works great.”
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hoshikarasu · 8 months
Hi! Can I request Jacq from Pokémon SV x male reader? If you accept this request, thank you!! (^ o ^)
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❛ ⠀♡ . ˑ⠀featuring   :    jacq
❛ ⠀♡ . ˑ⠀synopsis   :    a budding love is blossoming between you and your fellow colleague ! 
❛ ⠀♡ . ˑ⠀notes   :    male reader. fluff. teacher/teacher trope. plus general thoughts. brief reference to hassel/brassius. headcanons. not proofread. hope you enjoy anon ♡ !!
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When you decided to seek out a career in being an instructor, not once did you think that you would wind up with a job to teach at Mesagoza’s well-known academy. 
Clavell was more than pleased to welcome you to the faculty. You were invited to come to the academy and get familiar with the place before the new school year commenced. 
During that visit, you came across some of your new colleagues, who all happily introduced themselves and offered to show you around the academy. All of them were incredibly kind, but you found your gaze continuously gravitating towards one in particular.
The slightly disheveled, easy-going man who looked like he’d appreciate a quick nap.
 From the moment that his eyes landed on you, he smiled softly and greeted you with a cute, “Hello, hello!”
After that visit, you two started to become closer to one another. It was far too easy to fall into long conversations with him. Which only started to become a bit of a problem when you would both realize that you’re running late to your own classes. 
Speaking of your class, you teach Pokemon Handling. The ways to care for various types of Pokemon and what’s necessary to ensure they live healthy lives.
There are times where your lessons branch off to the biology aspects of these Pokemon types, which leads to you and Jacq planning lessons to do joint classes. 
It doesn’t take long for the students to pick up on how you stare at Jacq, most likely the most interested in his rambling, when he starts to get into specifics and the way that Jacq looks more energized and at peace when you’re stepping in to share your own knowledge.
This has led to these students coming up with theories about you two. A lot of speculations arise, questions going on whether you two were even interested in men. Regardless, there are those that compare the way you two are to Hassel and Brassius, which only spawns in more discussions on your guys’ relationship.
Of course, students being students, they attempt to ask in what they believe are subtle ways. Anytime Jacq asks if anyone has any questions, he’s surprised to see the amount of hands going on when he’s been accustomed to them being more prepared to leave over anything else.
There are no words to describe the shock that washed over him when the question pertained to you and whether he likes you. Of course, he’s chuckling lightly while he runs his fingers through his already messy hair as he struggles to come up with a response. 
No, he’s not surprised that his students managed to pick up on his growing feelings. They’re a smart bunch and very observant. Maybe a bit too observant for their own good.
He’ll try to direct the conversation back to the topic on hand though he does mention that he likes you very much, in a platonic sense (not that any of his students believe that part) and considers you to be a brilliant instructor.
The rumors only grow faster once that happened.
If you thought it was only your students attempting to meddle however they can then you’d be very mistaken. The other faculty start to get involved as well in their own ways.
Salvatore offers cute phrases in other languages to say, and Saguaro talks a lot about how you and Jacq should go out on a picnic and the many sandwiches you could make together. 
Once you both start dating, it’s as if everyone in the academy can tell. Many of the students are happy to see two of their favorite instructors with each other, especially when they caught on that they were crushing beforehand. The other faculty members tease you both for doing the slightest bit of affection in the lounge room.
Every time you head into the lounge room, you always have a second drink just for Jacq. And each time, he will thank you by pressing a gentle kiss to your temple.
There are moments where he feels so tired but one glance at you gives him the motivation to get through the rest of the day. He greatly appreciates that you’re able to sense when his internal battery is dwindling down and welcomes the cuddles that you initiate with him. Expect to have plenty of dates that involve napping together.
You’re the one to make sure that he doesn’t drown himself in his research. Jacq has the tendency to lose track of time, unless he has something scheduled with you, so you’re often the one that your other colleagues ask to go find him to pull him out of his work.
Anytime he discovers something new, you’re the first person he turns to. You always listen to him attentively. He does the same in return whenever you get in a rambling mood, especially when you’re caring for your or his Pokemon and talk about some fun facts about little quirks or things that the Pokemon like. 
Whenever he catches you battling for any reason, whether you’re helping him with his research or you’re both simply out and about, he’s always in awe at your strength. 
The second that you turn around to return back to him, he’s staring at you with such a tender look on his face. “That’s my boyfriend!” He praises, eyes closing as he smiles at you. Your strength and Pokemon is a wonder and he will never get tired of watching you.
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arvensimp · 2 years
Rain and Ruined Sandwiches
Another lil arven x reader fic. This one specifically doesn't use any gendered pronouns so the reader can be fem, masc, or nb. No warnings other than a mild storm and tooth rotting fluff.
You two met up along the road, just a happenstance meeting. Arven was foraging for ingredients, and you were looking into a mass outbreak of Pokemon reported in the area.
Since graduating, the two of you had taken up working part time gigs alongside your former instructors, you with Jacq and Arven with Saguaro.
After completing your assigned tasks, you set up a picnic, let all your pokemon roam together, and get to preparing some food.
"Wh-what are you doing?!" Arven cries out when he sees you working on sandwiches for yourself and your partners.
"...putting pickles on my sandwich?" It was an innocent enough sentiment.
"You're ruining your bread is what you're doing," He scoffs, coming off maybe a bit more unkindly than you know he means to sound. "When you add your pickles right to the bread like that, you're just making it soggy." He pauses and looks at your sandwich a little more closely. "...especially when you add that many."
"We like pickles," you defend, sheepishly.
"I mean, valid, but if you like fluffy bread and crunchy pickles, I definitely recommend putting them between some layers. May I?" He gestures to your plate. When you nod your acquiescence, he gets to work fixing your 'mess.'
In your pocket, you fumble a bit with something you'd found during your work, making you smile. Later on, you hope to give it to Arven, maybe as thanks?
"Aaaand.....done!" Arven declares a minute later as he delicately places the sandwich pick you'd handed him. "A perfectly arranged, definitely NOT soggy sa-"
The thunderstorm sweeps in all at once, thoroughly soaking everything all around you in a sheet of rain.
"-andwich..." He finishes with a whimper.
You were already at work recalling all of your pokemon, prioritizing those who wouldn't take kindly to the damp.
"I should have packed an umbrella. I knew I should have packed an umbrella..."
"I know," You console, patting him gently on the upper arm. "C'mon. There's a cave not far from here. We'll be dry there." Rain is starting to cling to your clothes uncomfortably, and you feel your hair starting to drip.
The two of you quickly pack up from there and head to the cave. Thanks to Arven's scovillain, you have a fire started within minutes to get you both warm and dry.
"I know it's not the same, but... I do have some packaged snacks?" You offer after some companionable silence in front of the fire.
Arven wordlessly grabs a bag of Mimikyu Munchies from you before tearing into them grumpily. "I just...wanted to make you something perfect." He grouches, speaking through a mouthful.
"Eh, it's okay," You reply, sneaking a few treats from the bag in his hand. "We have all the time in the world. Speaking of... I actually," You feel inside your pocket again. "I have something else for you, too. I found it today while researching. Hold out your hand?"
Arven does as he's told, holding out his free hand, the other still stuffed into his bag of snacks. You press a sleek PokeBall into his palm.
"A...pokeball? You shouldn't have?"
"C'mon." You jovially roll your eyes and press him a bit further, excited. "It's what's in the ball. Let them say hi!"
"...Oh. O-Okay," Arven releases the pokemon inside, and you keep a close eye on his face in the firelight. His eyes seem to get bigger, softer. It may just be the dancing flames, but you think he might be tearing up. You take his free hand from the snack bag, entwining your fingers, not caring about the mess of salty dust. "Okay. Yeah, you really shouldn't have... A-are you sure?"
"Of course I am! Did you know the Galarians have a legend about these guys?"
Arven wordlessly nods as he brings an arm up to hide his face. Meanwhile, a little green applin squirms up into his lap and squeaks cheerfully.
"Jacq sent me out to study the applin outbreak, and this little one caught my eye. I thought....well, I thought you two would get along. The green ones like this guy only happen around once per four thousand or so. Do ya like'm?"
Arven can't really speak too well through the lump in his throat, but he nods again. He disconnects your hands to lovingly stroke one of applin's little leafy eyestalks. It chitters happily and leans into him. His other hand, meanwhile, gently places applin's ball down before it goes to his pocket, where he pulls out another PokeBall, this one green and red. A friend ball.
"H-here..." He sniffles, handing it to you before picking up his applin. "We, uh... I think, 'great minds' and all that..."
You take the ball confusedly and release its contents. A moment later you have your own applin, this one a shining red and much, much smaller than normal, chittering and squeaking softly in your lap, bouncing and bumping against your hands playfully.
In that amount of time, Arven seems to have collected himself a bit, but his voice is still soft and a bit stuffed up.
"Mr. Saguaro sent me out to gather sweet and tart apples, basically the different kinds of apples that can be used to evolve these little guys. He wants to see if they have any effects like meal powers when cooked. That one," He gestures to your applin, "Just happened to take a shine to me...and he reminded me of my 'little buddy.'" You giggle softly at his old nickname for you. He goes on. "Plus I've got tons of the different types of apples, so whatever way you want to have it evolve..." Arven trails off with a shrug. "I mean, I know it's not shiny..."
"I love it!" You interrupt Arven before he can go down that path. You hold up your applin, all small and feisty and wonderful. "This one is absolutely perfect, and the fact that you brought us together is even better. I wouldn't trade away this pokemon for a thousand shiny applins." You look to the little green apple still in Arven's hand. "No offense, of course."
It yawns.
Arven gives you a bemused and loving, soft eyed smirk. "Ya know...I was gonna offer it to you as, like, a side with your sandwich to be funny? Like, I was going to ask if you wanted any apple to go with your food and then surprise you...and then it all got ruined by the storm."
You place your applin on your shoulder and lean over to peck Arven on the cheek. "That would have been pretty good." You admit.
He shuffles a bit and hugs his knees to his chest. "Sorry it got ruined..."
"Hey..." You lean into him a bit more, pressing your face into the groove of his neck and shoulder and placing a delicate, comforting kiss there. You're vaguely aware that his hair is still kinda wet, but it doesn't bother you. "It's not ruined. Remember what I said about Galar? These little guys are a promise to each other. I'm not going anywhere."
"...You're right..." He says into his knees, and you can hear the smile forming on his lips.
"I know." You reply, entirely too chipper. "You're stuck with me now."
"Pff...Wouldn't have it any other way."
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dystopicjumpsuit · 4 months
I loved to read "The Protector of Chopper Base". There is barely anyone out there writing for Fenn Rau. Ahdhsh you make me so happy
May I request #7 with Fenn Rau <3
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A/N: Hi @f-e-y-x! OMG, I screamed with joy when I got this request! I can’t tell you how happy you’ve made me; I love Fenn Rau, and I’m so excited to meet other people who also love his character! Thank you so much; you’ve made my entire week better. The prompt is "falling asleep in each other's arms."
Pairing: Fenn Rau x Reader (GN; has hair)
Rating: T (but as always, minors DNI)
Wordcount: 507
Warnings and tags: fluff; post-coital cuddles; very suggestive dialogue
Summary: Privacy is scarce at Chopper Base, but you and Fenn Rau steal a quiet moment alone in the night.
Suggested Listening: 
This fic smells like: Sonoran Bloom by TokyoMilk (Petrichor, Saguaro Flower, Agave, Red Clay)
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“I don’t recognize any of these stars,” you murmured. “The sky looks so different on my homeworld.”
“Mm.” You felt the vibration of Fenn’s voice in his chest as you rested your head on his shoulder. He shifted slightly, pulling you closer as he pointed to the sky with his free hand. “There is Bari.” His hand shifted slightly. “And that one is Opoku. Avindia. Rama, and there is Altair.”
“How do you know them so well?” you asked.
“I’ve spent half my life studying star charts. I wouldn’t be much of a pilot if I couldn’t find my way in the galaxy.” 
His breath puffed tiny clouds that drifted across your vision as he spoke. Atollon was hot and arid, but the nights were cold. Feeling your body shiver, Fenn reached across to pull the bedroll more securely over your shoulders. The roof of a cargo container was not the softest or most comfortable bed imaginable, but it had a stunning view of the stars as the two of you lay tangled in each other’s arms. Despite the cloudless night sky, a heavy dew was beginning to settle on the parched red earth around Chopper base, and the dense mineral scent of petrichor hung in the air.
“I wonder if any of them have stories,” you mused.
“Hmm?” he asked quietly as he pressed his lips against your head, burying his face in your hair and breathing in deeply.
“On my planet, all the constellations have legends about them.”
“On Mandalore as well,” he said, his voice low and quiet as he spoke next to your ear. “Different constellations and different legends, but the same tradition.”
“Do you think that’s true of every planet?” you asked. “Do you suppose we all look to the stars and see stories to tell?”
“Perhaps,” he replied. “When we find ourselves in darkness, we look up to find the light.”
You smiled as you tucked your chilled face against his chest. “That’s much too philosophical for a man who was just inside me.”
He laughed quietly and rolled onto his side to pull you against him, wrapping you in his warmth. “I’m no philosopher. Just a simple soldier.”
“There is nothing simple about you, Fenn Rau,” you whispered, kissing his neck softly as your eyes grew heavy. “And I would listen to you philosophize all night.”
“Bold words for someone who is falling asleep as we speak.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” you yawned. “Wide awake.”
“My mistake.” His large hand cupped the back of your head as he kissed your forehead with a tired, contented sigh. “Shall we go inside?”
“Hm-mmm,” you mumbled. “I want to sleep with you tonight, and the barracks beds are too small to fit us both. Let’s stay up here.”
“It’s cold, my love,” he whispered. “Are you certain?”
“I am. Will you tell me one of the stories about the Mandalorian stars?”
“A bedtime story?” he chuckled. “Very well. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....”
Want to request a ficlet? Check out these lists of prompts for some ideas!Want more Fenn Rau? Here’s a fluffy first kiss ficlet.
@secondaryrealm @sev-on-kamino @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49
@anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @stunkbiggu @starqueensthings @marierg @idontgetanysleep
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@multi-fan-dom-madness @heavenseed76 @wizardofrozz @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @dickarchivist
@cw80831 @kimiheartblade @flyiingsly @lightwise @swcowgal
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @yve-barr
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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Emile Hides - He/She
Agender - Fray/Panromantic - Asexual - Polyam
24 years old
Autistic - OCD - Anxiety
Age Regressor - Permakid - Age Locked
Proship - Self Ship - Fudanshi
Art Tag: Emile’s Arts
Writing Tag: Emile’s Writing
Edit Tag: Emile's Edits
This is my Ship and Let Ship blog where I post about ships I like, Self Ship as loudly as possible, write X Readers curated to me and me alone, and ramble about my F/Os in the tags of other people’s posts.
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Full F/O list under the cut (Very Long)
Romantic F/Os
Koro-Sensei - Assassination Classroom
Toshinori Yagi (All Might) - My Hero Academia
Nezu - My Hero Academia
Mashirao Ojiro + Neito Monoma + Hitoshi Shinso - My Hero Academia
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) + Kendo Rappa - My Hero Academia
Atsuhiro Sako (Mr. Compress) + Jin Bubaigawa (Twice) - My Hero Academia
All For One - My Hero Academia
Makarov Dreyar - Fairy Tail
Toma E. Fiore + Mako - Fairy Tail
Jackpot - Fairy Tail/OC
Zanoba Shirone - Jobless Reincarnation
Leuvis - The Promised Neverland
Kyube - Madoka Magica
Ginko - Mushishi
Takashi Morinozuka - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Kometani Chushaku + Naruse Shisuto - Komi Can't Communicate
Masato Hanzawa - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Gonzaburo Taishiro - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Franky Franklin - Spy X Family
Riri - Romantic Killer
Junta Hayami - Romantic Killer
Harunobu Nikaidou - March comes in like a Lion
Otsu + Minegishi - Manly Appetites
Muta - The Cat Returns
Scorpia - She-Ra
Bismuth + Peridot + Lapis - Steven Universe
Eda Clawthorn + Raine Whispers - The Owl House
Hieronymus Bump - The Owl House
Good Billions + Bad Billions - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Tad Mullholand - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Ruby Gloom + Skull Boy - Ruby Gloom
The Snork - Moominvalley 2019
Lynn Angel + Nick Hoult - All Saints Street
Teddy - Bob's Burgers
Sisu - Raya and the Last Dragon
Zack Binspin - Moshi Monsters
Allhands - Drawga
Gyorik Rogdul + Grendan Highforge + Rosé - Drawtectives
James - Pokemon Anime
N - Pokemon Black/White
Lillie - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Molayne + Sophocles - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Guzma - Pokemon Masters
Milo + Gordie - Pokemon Sword/Shield
Jacq + Saguaro + Salvatore + Hassel - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Kieran + Drayton - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Hydreigon - Pokemon Black/White2
Chesnaught - Pokemon XY
Inteleon - Pokemon Sword/Shield
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Sirfetch'd - Pokemon Anime
Captain Pikachu - Pokemon Anime
Heracross - Monster Mind
Smeargle + Kecleon - Monster Mind
Mario + Luigi - Super Mario
C.Q. Cumber - Splatoon 2
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3
Jel La Fleur - Splatoon 3
Isabelle + Tom Nook + Redd + Brewster - Animal Crossing
Papyrus - Undertale
Vulkin - Undertale
Swatchlings - Deltarune
Viktor Humphries - Slime Rancher
Dick Gumshoe - Ace Attorney
Raymond Sheilds - Ace Attorney
Phineas Flilch - Ace Attorney
Hifumi Yamada + Celestia Ludenburgh - Danganronpa 1
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa 2
Toko Fukawa + Genocide Jack - Danganronpa UDG
Ryoma Hoshi + Gonta Gokuhara - Danganronpa V3
Monokuma - Danganronpa series
Shirokuma - Danganronpa series
Kyle Klim (K) + Luna - Virtue's Last Reward
GTM-CM-G-OLM - Virtue's Last Reward
Kazuaki Nanaki + Hitori Uzune - Hatoful Boyfriend
The King - Hatoful Boyfriend
Zenyatta - Overwatch
Ramattra - Overwatch
B.O.B. + Bars - Overwatch
Maximillien - Overwatch
Lynx17 - Overwatch
Iggy - Overwatch
Toy Freddy + Funtime Freddy - Five Nights at Freddy's AU
Nightmare Fredbear - Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Sun - Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach
Leshy - Inscryption
Magnificus - Inscryption
Theodore DaCabe (The New Prince) - Chzo Mythos
Anna (The Huntress) - Dead by Daylight
Al-An - Subnautica Below Zero
Candyman - Lethal League
Gabocha - Suikoden 2
Richmond - Suikoden 2
Neclord - Suikoden 2
Luca Blight - Suikoden 2
Andras - Hell's Library
Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children
Reed + Leigh - Middlegame
Aguri Yukimura - Assassination Classroom - Queerplatonic
Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia - Queerplatonic
Reedus Jonah - Fairy Tail - Queerplatonic
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail - Queerplatonic
Peridot - Steven Universe - Queerplatonic
Nemona - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Queerplatonic
Raifort - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Queerplatonic
Bowser - Super Mario - Queerplatonic
Cobb - Animal Crossing - Queerplatonic
Genocider Syo (Genocide Jack/Jill) - Danganronpa UDG - Queerplatonic
Winston - Overwatch - Queerplatonic
Goobert - Inscryption - Queerplatonic
Neito Monoma + Hitoshi Shinso - My Hero Academia - Metamours
Naruse Shisuto - Komi Can't Communicate - Metamour
Minegishi - Manly Appetites - Metamour
Baron Humbert Gon Gikkingen - The Cat Returns - Metamour
Nick Hoult - All Saints Street - Metamour
Brassius - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Metamour
Princess Peach + Princess Daisy + Prince Peasely - Super Mario - Metamours
Shuu Iwamine - Hatoful Boyfriend - Metamour
Maugaloa Malosi - Overwatch - Friends with Benefits
Abra - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Grovyle - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Buizel - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Rhydon - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Sandslash - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Lucario - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - Trainer
Wilkstrom - Pokemon X/Y - Trainer
Salvatore - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Trainer
Shiintonic - Pokemon Anime - Partner
Stoutland (Rusty) - Pokemon Anime - Partner
Mincinno (Nezu) - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Partner
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Partner
Koraidon - Pokemon Scarlet - Partner
Ogerpon (Clementine) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Partner
Weavile - Pokemon - Partner
Heatran + Entei - Pokemon - Parents
Marlo + Dora - Animal Crossing - Parents
Ginko + Adashino - Mushishi - Parents
Tony Mario - Mario Movie - Father
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3 - Father
William Afton - FNaF Series - Father
Ridley Wizen - Suikoden 2 - Father
Bumi - Avatar: The Last Airbender - Father
Frank Columbo - Columbo - Father
Opal - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Mother
Briar - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Mother
Beware - Pokemon Anime - Mother
Toriel - Undertale - Mother
Reaper Leviathan - Subnautica - Mother
Alder - Pokemon Black/White - Parental Figure
Toadsworth - Super Mario - Parental Figure
Mondatta - Overwatch - Parental Figure
Nezu - My Hero Academia - Parental Figure
Clavell - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Grandfather
Rizzo - Animal Crossing - Grandfather
Craig Cuttlefish - Splatoon - Grandfather
Kaoru Toudou - Baka and Test - Grandmother
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - Uncle
Aang - Avatar: The Last Airbender - Uncle
Petri - Animal Crossing - Aunt
Elizabeth Afton - FNaF Series - Big Sister
Mitsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Big Sister
Sekijiro Kan - My Hero Academia - Big Brother
Boris Wizen - Suikoden 2 - Big Brother
Micheal Afton - FNaF Series - Big Brother
Molayne - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Big Brother
Jelonzo - Splatoon - Big Brother
James Ratari - The Promised Neverland - Big Brother
Peter Ratari - The Promised Neverland - Little Brother
Victini - Pokemon Black/White - Little Brother
Arven - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Little Brother
Mirai Sasaki (Sir Nighteye) - My Hero Academia - Twin Brother
Kyoya Ootori - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Found Sibling
Cyrus - Pokemon Platinum - Found Sibling
Genji Shimada - Overwatch - Found Sibling
Ramattra - Overwatch - Found Sibling
Micheal Bleak - Wayward Children - Found Sibling
Mario + Luigi - Super Mario - Cousins
Ingo + Emmet - Pokemon Black/White - Cousins
Callie + Marie - Splatoon - Cousins
Sophocles - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Cousin
Samson - Animal Crossing - Cousin
Ira Blood - All Saints Street - Cousin
Cosmog (Nebby) - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Daughter
Amy Rose - Sonic Series - Daughter
Berdly - Deltarune - Daughter
Akito Sohma - Fruits Basket - Daughter
Julie - Jobless Reincarnation - Daughter
Jack + Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children - Daughters
Bede + Allister - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Sons
Pecharunt (Momotaro) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Son
Rabbid Luigi (Louis) - Mario + Rabbids - Son
Espio - Sonic Series - Son
Neito Monoma - My Hero Academia - Son
Inasa Yoarashi - My Hero Academia - Son
Ichiban Natsuno - Mix; Meisei Story - Son
Black Hat - Villainous - Son
The Collector - The Owl House - Son
Hastur - The Baby in Yellow - Son
Sam - Trick R' Treat - Child
Luz + King + Hunter - Kids
Bowser Jr. + Koopalings - Super Mario - Kids
The Lab Kids - Animal Crossing - Kids
Boss Salmonids - Splatoon 3 - Kids
Warriors of Hope - Danganronpa UDG - Kids
The Monokubs - Danganronpa V3 - Kids
Rosalina - Super Mario - Niece
Sonic + Tails - Sonic Series - Nephews
Jelfonzo - Splatoon - Nephew
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Nephew
Snufkin - Moominvalley 2019 - Nephew
Laxus Dreyar - Fairy Tail - Grandson
505 - Villainous - Grandson
Zanoba Shirone - Jobless Reincarnation - Student
The Squidbeak Splatoon - Splatoon - Family
The Rising Volt Tacklers - Family
Danganronpa V3 Cast - Danganronpa UDG - Family
The Fairy Tail Guild - Fairy Tail - Family
Class 3-E - Assassination Classroom - Family
Fatfam - My Hero Academia - Family
League of Villains - My Hero Academia - Family
The Sohmas - Fruits Basket - Family
The Evil Slasher Orphanage - Various - Family
Toshimitsu Kubo - Baka and Test
Shoko Kirishima - Baka and Test
Irina Jelavic + Tadaomi Karasuma - Assassination Classroom
UA Teachers - My Hero Academia
Lucy's Celestial Spirits - Fairy Tail
Samuel - Fairy Tail
Yuuko Ichihara + Kimihiro Watanuki + Shizuka Domeki - XXXHolic
The Host Club - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Ritsu Sohma - Fruits Basket
Makoto Katai - Komi Can't Communicate
Miyano Yoshikazu + Sasaki Shuumei - Sasaki and Miyano
Hanazawa Masato - Sasaki and Miyano
Entrapta + Hordak - She-Ra
Grime + Sasha - Amphibia
Iris + Misery + Frank and Len - Ruby Gloom
The Joxter - Moominvalley
Flug Syls - Villainous
Jessie + Meowth + Wobbuffet - Pokemon Anime
Cheren + Bianca - Pokemon Black/White
Hau + Gladion - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Dendra + Miriam - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Team Star - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
The Leauge Club - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Grimer - Monster Mind
Elvin Gadd - Super Mario
Metal Mario + Gooigi - Super Mario AU
Doctor Mario + Mr. L - Super Mario AU
Pearl + Marina - Splatoon
Spyke - Splatoon
The Mad Scientist Team - Animal Crossing
Chara - Undertale
Kris - Deltarune
Chihiro Fujisaki + Kiyotaka Ishimaru + Mondo Owada - Danganronpa 1
Kazuichi Soda - Danganropa 2
Ultimate Imposter + Ryoma Mitarai - Danganronpa 3
Hiroko Hagakura + Yuta Asahina + Taichi Fujisaki - Danganronpa UDG
The Nightmare Animatronics - Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Bonbon - Five Nights at Freddy's; Sister Location
Moon - Five Nights at Freddy's; Security Breach
Helpi - Five Nights at Freddy's; Security Breach RUIN
Huggy Wuggy + Mommy Long Legs - Poppy Playtime
Jamison Fawks (Junkrat) + Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) - Overwatch
Younster Squad (All heroes in their early 20's) - Overwatch
Team Talon - Overwatch
Nina - Suikoden 2
Klaus Windmier + Sierra Mikain - Suikoden 2
Claire + Brevity + Hero + Ramiel - Hell's Library
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Crush List - Fictonal Foe List - Agere List - Ship Lists - Kin List - Koro-Sensei's F/O List
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angelasscribbles · 6 months
Savage Love Chapter 37: Gone
Series: Savage Love
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake
Rating: R         
Warnings: Mature themes, violence, guns
Word Count: 987
A/N: Wow, I can't believe it's been five months since I posted an update for this! I've known since before I started writing it back in December 2021 how it's going to end. This is the downside of having so many ideas.... I can't work on all of them at once.
That said, this is a bit shorter than my regular chapters, but I just needed to see what Drake was doing while Riley was in Hidar in her quest to take down the Via Imperii and Leo was in Rivala getting the shock of his life. The next chapter will bring everyone back together again in Cordonia.
A/N2: I realize it's been a while and readers may be confused with all the OC's in this chapter, so here's a rundown. Nick is Riley's ex-fiance and also another GIA agent. Frederico Sanchez is Nick's informant. Saguaro Laurent is the head of The Gladius Company. Lorenzo is not in this chapter but is mentioned as a loan shark to whom Tariq owed money and who, on Saguaro's orders, leveraged Tariq's gambling debt to get him to abduct Riley (Tariq failed and was murdered for his failure, Lorenzo is in custody at the palace). Rico Mendez is the son of a former mafia don who wants revenge for Riley using him to take down his father's organization.
My other stuff: Master List.
Series Premise: Agent Riley Brooks is undercover on assignment in New York when she has a one-night stand with a handsome, mysterious stranger. Both of them hiding their true identities, names are not exchanged.  After one scorching night, they part ways, both returning to the duties they have pledged their lives to. Fast forward several months later and Agent Brooks is assigned a new case: investigate and infiltrate any Via Imperi influences in the small, Mediterranean country of Cordonia. Her cover? Posing as a suitor competing for the hand of the crown prince. Her way in? Civilian contractor and cyber security expert Maxwell Beaumont.
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Nick and I arrived at the warehouse where we were meeting his contact in the Liberation Core. The one that had gotten me a meeting with the head of the Gladius Company.
The air in the dimly lit warehouse was thick with tension as we made our way through the maze of crates toward their rendezvous point. The echo of our footsteps ricocheted off the walls, adding to the sense of foreboding that permeated the atmosphere.
Nick's informant, a wiry man named Frederico Sanchez, stood waiting nervously near the entrance. His eyes darted back and forth, scanning for any signs of danger. As we approached, Sanchez straightened up and extended a shaky hand.
"Drake," Sanchez said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Nice to finally meet you. Nick here has told me a lot about you."
I nodded curtly, assessing Sanchez's demeanor. I could see the fear etched into the man's face, evidence of the high stakes involved in the mission. Time was of the essence; we needed to infiltrate The Gladius Company as quickly as possible.
"Likewise," I replied as I returned the man’s handshake. “Now let’s go over the plan before we meet with your guy.”
Being on the same page was crucial. If any of these guys got a whiff that this was a setup, we were both dead. Nick would stay in the surveillance van, ready as backup if necessary. He couldn’t be seen by Saguaro or any of the men he’d brought with him from New York. They’d recognize the GIA agent that had brought down their last organization in an instant.
We poured over the plan twenty times, looking for inconsistencies, committing our cover story to memory, and working out the kinks. When it was time to go, I waved goodbye to Nick and got in a nondescript sedan with Sanchez. A quick check-in with headquarters told me that they had picked up Lorenzo’s contact, but he wasn’t talking.
With any luck, we wouldn’t need him to. I was hoping to set eyes on Rico when I met with Saguaro. If he was there, I was giving the order to breach. I knew what Nick’s objective was, but I didn’t give two shits about arresting Saguaro Laurent. It was Rico I was after. The man that had sent a kidnapper, albeit a bad one, after the woman I love.
The American justice system had failed and released a known mobster, allowing him to slip through their security net. But he wasn’t in America anymore. He was on my turf, and I had a literal license to kill.
Rico Mendez would spend the rest of his life in a Cordonian prison, or he would die, and it didn’t matter much to me which one it was. All I cared about was getting him off the streets and keeping Riley safe.
We arrived at the rendezvous spot, but nothing went according to plan.
I found myself in another damn warehouse. This one was on the waterfront and, if our intel was correct, not far from the empty factory that was serving as headquarters for The Gladius Company.
We arrived first and waited. Saguaro and his men were late, which only served to ramp up the already rapidly percolating anxiety in the man at my side.
Sanchez was too damn twitchy. Saguaro picked up on it instantly. He barely glanced at me before fixing Sanchez with a piercing stare. “What’s the problem, Freddy?”
“What?” Sanchez tried to laugh it off. “Nothing. What do you mean?”
Saguaro’s flinty eyes squinted at him, then flicked to me as his hand went to his waist. I had my gun in my hand before he could pull his. “Don’t do it! I really don’t want to shoot anyone today, but I will if I have to. What’s the problem?”
Saguaro moved his hand away from his piece and put his arms in the air. A flash of metal in my periphery caught my attention. “Get down!” I hit the ground just a shot rang out. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This wasn’t how it was supposed to go down.
Men scattered everywhere. We were outnumbered, but not for long. I could hear Nick in my earpiece giving the order to breach. Sanchez was hit. I drug him with me out of the line of fire, ducking behind a stack of metal barrels as the rat-a-tat-tat of machine gun fire spattered all around us.
“Hey, Laurent!” I craned my neck to peek around the barricade.
The only answer I got was more gunfire. I retreated back behind the stack of barrels for safety as my team poured into the building.
Now they were outnumbered, and the warehouse was surrounded. Less than fifteen minutes later, Saguaro and his men were cuffed and being loaded into the back of several guard-issue SUVs.
“Johnson, hold up!” I jogged quickly across the asphalt to intercept the lieutenant escorting the head of Gladius Company to one of the waiting vehicles. I grabbed him by his shirt and shoved him roughly up against the car. “Where’s Mendez? Was he with you?”
“Fuck you!” He lurched forward in an attempt to headbutt me, but this wasn’t my first rodeo. I snapped my head sideways, causing him to stumble forward.
I grabbed his shoulders to steady him, then brought my knee up hard into his gut. “I look forward to interrogating you, asshole.”
I beelined for the tactical van. Bursting into the mobile command center, I demanded, “Did we get Mendez?”
“Sorry, man, no,” Nick shook his head. “No sign of him. But the good news is, we got Saguaro and his second in command. There’s a second team sweeping their headquarters now. We successfully took The Gladius Company down!”
He was far too jubilant for what I considered a botched mission. I slammed out of the van with a huff. Goddamn it!
Rico was in the wind.
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