#sakuya. masumi. muku. the list goes on
ginjithewanderer · 1 year
A3! Home Screen Lines - Kazunari's Birthday 2023
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izumi-fanclub · 3 years
A3! Translation Chikage SR Card “SUNNY SPRING” [Harugumi Fanservice Study Group ~Chikage Edition~]
Aren’t you curious?
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Live music is the best~! It is so exciting and hyping dayo!
Citron-kun, you went to an anime song singer’s concert the other day, right?
Yes! It was a very hot live concert! Coke & Lemon Pawns were also fun!
Call & response.
That is it!
Cool, I was really itching to go too. You could just drop by on weekdays any time you like, talk about unbeatable……
If you wanted to go so much, you could’ve just taken a paid leave.
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That’s like, trying to casually pull out a legendary sword out of a stone.
The venue was built by MIZUNO Enterprises in the next town over.
That is right. It is newly built, and the audience seats were very comfortable!
We were on stage at the opening of that venue, right? *
Even though we had the power of Mizuno on our side, I still can’t believe it.
That stage really was different from our usual one. It’s pretty refreshing.
The re-viewing performance we did before and the White Day Live were both very received……
We often get requests for live performances.
Maybe we’ll have another chance to hold another live together, maybe.
Yes! I also want to do it!
If that happens, I’ll have to work on my singing again!
It also helps when you’re onstage in a musical.
And as an actor, there’s nothing better than being able to sing.
Of course, singing is important, but that is not all there is to it!
More than just the song?
The fanservice, of course!
I went to the concert as a spectator, I felt the importance of fan support again.
Sakyo-san would always tell us to say things like “I would like to thank my fans at….” to thank them for their support.
Yes! That is why we need to study more about fanservice.
You got a point there.
I want to convey how I feel to my fans through various fanservice!
Like the singer I saw at the concert, you will be more popular if you do stuff in a way that suits your personality while doing fanservice!
I get what you mean, the princely type, the energetic type, the cool type and the list goes on.
Our company members all have different weapons! I am going to start researching on fanservice to take advantage of them!
Chikage-san also puts on a wonderful smile in front of the fans.
A mature and gentlemanly smile dayo!
But, senpai’s also pretty bland.
Oi, don’t give such a petty response.
How do we add more oomph......
Ah, I got it.
I think I’ve got an idea on what it is.
I got a bad feeling about this.
Part 2
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This is why I called you over. This is Producer Sakisaka.
N-nice to meet you!
I see, we will be under Muku Productions!
Thanks for coming, Muku. We’re researching bout fanservice right now, we plan on using each spring troupe member’s personality to our advantage.
Wow, each one with a unique fanservice style...... that’s so cool!
So, Muku, we wanted to ask for your help in producing a new kind of fanservice that would take advantage of senpai’s sadism.
If I can be of any help, of course I’ll help you in anything!
A handsome man who is very sadistic... I got it! Please wait a moment!
I think he went to get something.
Muku knows a lot about shoujo manga, handsome guys and heartbreaking lines, maybe he went to get a book about it to help us.
(Chikage-san's fanservice produced by Muku-kun, I wonder that’ll be like.)
Sorry for the wait!
How about we refer to my shoujo manga!
It’s shoujo manga that’s very popular these days, and it features a really sadistic, handsome guy from the underworld!
Oh, I know about it!
There’s even a movie adaptation.
That’s right.
I’ve always thought that the sadistic hero Byakuran-san is a lot like Chikage-san!*
I agree, the vibe is pretty similar.
You’re right!
Well, I don’t know, I’m not sure myself.
This cool bare is awesome!
It’s glare, not bare.
And this line on page 38 of volume 5 has a buzzing great quote in it......! It’s really popular!
How about practicing this line as reference for fanservice?
No, I.......
If you give it a shot, you might even get some ideas for new fanservice.
This line is really cool.
I think it’ll definitely suit you, Chikage-san! Please do it...!
…... Muku, your eyes are shining.
Sigh...... if you look at me like that, how can I not? There’s no way around this, so I’ll give it a try.
Wow, thank you!
Is it the line on this page?
Do your best, Chikage-san!
Your move, senpai.
“Fuu...... You’re the one who made me get all serious. No matter how much you cry or whine, it won’t reach anyone.”
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“I’ll chase you to the ends of the earth. Don’t you ever think you can escape me.”
Wow......!! A heartthrob!
That was so cool......!
As expected of Chikage! Sadistic lines are perfect for him!
No, it’s cool, but......
The lines hit and the vibe was perfect, but......
Somehow, when senpai’s the one saying the line, there’s like this bloody fear for some reason.
It’s not like shoujo manga or a live fanfic.
This is production is a no-go......
Story Clear!
May be referencing Mankai Company doing a live show there at the opening day (A3! White Day event story “Sing Big Thanks!”)
This might be a reference to the character ‘Byakuran’ from the Reborn! Manga/Anime series, if you read his personality section in their fan wiki, you’ll definitely get what Muku means
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ary-se · 4 years
Mankai with a dog
i was staring at my dog earlier, aggressively barking at a plastic bag. that's all. the rest is history
• at some point taichi just mentioned something along the lines of, "hey, wouldn't it be more fun here if... WE GET A DOG!?"
• whenever an idea spreads around the dorm, whether it's a good idea or an utterly ridiculous one, it's always either taichi or kazunari.
• sakuya is excited about it! he never knew what it feels like to live with a dog, let alone actually grow up with one. this pure bean just wants to experience it, c'mon man...
• muku also agrees!! 100% yes!!! wouldn't it be cute when you get home everyday from school with a dog greeting you? it's like that one shoujo manga...
• tsumugi likes the idea! he also grew up with a dog (gosh dachshunds are so cute... zabi ily with my whole heart) so it wouldn't be too bad to have a dog in the dorm! apparently dogs can help you out a lot when it comes to emotional problems :)
• the moment these three angels literally agreed with the idea, everyone is ABOARD. it would be like taking care of a child except it's 100x times more fun
• actually no scratch that, not everyone is aboard...
• cause there's SAKYO.
• see it's all about money in the end, but sakyo. we know you want it too. god just pls say yes.
• a LOT of pleading - either the boys shoot sakyo puppy eyes whenever they see him, or some of them (by some i only mean taichi and kazu) waits outside sakyo's room and bleed his ears off with saying PLEASE repetitively the moment sakyo goes out of his room
• sakyo murdered everyone who barged into his room but they always, ALWAYS do it anyways. they don't learn their lesson!!
• SAKYO GOT FED UP. begrudgingly, after this has been going on for a month, he says yes
• taichi and kazu, the mankai boys already aborted their plan of holding a funeral for the both of you... before sakyo agreed on getting a dog, he always has this look of wanting to strangle them to death
• after a lot of debating, they decided to settle on a dog that has a friendly disposition. anyways they get a light brown labrador!!!
• the day the dog got in the dorm, everyone got so excited
• they name the dog koro! it's simple enough
• (i just searched for popular dog names in japan... don't @ me pls sobs)
• that night the dog kept wagging his tail from being so excited with everyone's presence he deadass sprained his tail
• it recovered after a week
• everyone takes turns filling koro's food bowl and water bowl. the duty of walking the dog is also distributed based on when the boys are free. they literally have a calendar dedicated for koro
• tsumugi makes a list of what the dog can and can't eat! it's most likely that everyone will feed koro, so they better not kill him off early...
• everyone follows the list except juza, it seems like he forgot the existence of the list
• one time juza was eating chocolate cupcakes, and koro was giving him puppy eyes
• how could he resist that face!! his inner resolve crumbled so fast, he was literally about to give it to koro
• tsuzuru to the rescue! the moment he saw juza and koro, he yelled "JUZA NO DON'T PLEASE STOP DOGS CAN'T EAT CHOCOLATE"
• juza just looks at tsuzuru, shocked. what do you mean dogs can't eat chocolate?? how do they even live their lives without the goodness of chocolates?? WHAT?
• he fails to understand, but he doesn't give it to koro. the dog whimpers and just goes away,, juza felt so bad and silently apologized to koro, but now he learned his lesson
• omi spoils koro!! every time he has free time, he whips something up for koro. he makes it as balanced as possible, of course.
• everyone to omi: "please don't make the dog fat."
• omi: "haha i won't"
• cue next day koro kinda looks chubbier
• no joke, tenma was excited at first but now every time he sees the dog barking he gets scared shitless.
• when he got comfortable with koro, he hid from everyone and patted the dog for the first time, and ran away immediately from embarrassment
• that night everybody was questioning why tenma gets beet red every time koro gets near him. but nobody mentioned it.
• on a whim, itaru let koro pull for a limited banner, making his paw tap the button. who knows if this dog is kinda lucky, right? there's no way of knowi-
• itaru just gapes at the dog for five minutes. "koro, you are a godsend..."
• itaru hid the dog's insane luck from banri, but somehow banri caught on
• from that point forward whenever itaru and banri play together, expect koro to be with them. it occurs a lot of times, but koro doesn't seem to mind as long as he gets belly rubs.
• congratulations masumi!! you now have a new alarm clock, but a million times MORE annoying!!
• they trained koro so every time masumi doesn't wake up, koro will just pounce and literally jump on him while barking right on his ear
• masumi hates to admit it, but the dog is goddamn annoying and it's effective at the same time
• hooray to masumi for not being late ever again!
• tasuku just stares at koro dead in the eye while the dog looks at his meal. what if i also train him to..?
• one day during winter troupe's rehearsals, hisoka was actually super duper early and that NEVER HAPPENED.
• once tasuku says "koro, where's hisoka?" the dog nyooms to WHERE HISOKA ACTUALLY IS. is he on the tree? in the washing machine? in the long-lost, ever changing storage room? you name it sir
• the days of painfully looking for hisoka are over! tasuku can finally catch a break! this is a big win for winter troupe!!!
• homare just blabs his poems to the poor dog. always.
• it's been going on for five hours and koro is so tired of his shit he just settles on trying to bury his ears on the ground just to not hear him. i am so sorry for your loss.
• homare pets him after he is done with his long ass session so guess that's worth it!
• tsuzuru didn't necessarily train koro to do it, but somehow whenever tsuzuru is in a writing spree the dog just grabs a can of red bull from itaru and brings it to his room.
• tsuzuru doesn't even realize it's the goddamn dog. HE DEADASS JUST TAKES THE CAN AND SAY THANK YOU AND CONTINUE WRITING THE SCRIPT
• everyone just assumed tsuzuru trained koro to actually do that. PLEASE LET THE DOG LEARN NORMAL DOG TRICKS HE ISN'T YOUR MAID
• Whenever it's misumi's turn to walk the dog, koro joins him in his triangle hunting! koro picked up misumi's habits, so koro picks up triangular objects from time to time and gives it to misumi. d'awwww!
• misumi please don't expect the dog to join you running on walls. please don't. everyone's gonna hunt you down once something happens :)
• citron is super affectionate to the dog! koro is so attached to him and koro listens to citron babbling even tho he understands jackshit
• "back in my country, i am known as the glorious legendary master of dog b-"
• "yes citron. we get it."
• it's the dog's fave toy!!! he sleeps with it.
• yuki enjoys making anything for the dog. a dog bed? clothes? accesories? toys? HECK YEAH BRING IT ON SIR
• yuki isn't touchy feely with the dog but that's how he shows his love for koro!! it's okay, the dog understands!!
• koro is literally drowning in all those handmade stuff, spoiled by the only yuki
• whenever it's yuki's turn to walk the dog, he wears matching outfits with the dog as he buys more fabric for the next play (and for the dog but we don't mention that)
• THEYRE KINGS! literally a head turner. everyone just looks at them in awe. yuki wanna show off
• like citron, sakuya is super affectionate to the dog!
• he always gives bear hugs to the dog, especially when he is feeling anxious about something! koro's presence calms sakuya down big time
• please protect these small beans
• muku also loves the dog to death!! every time they arrive at home from school koro just jumps to them and he enjoys it so much
• at times when muku wants company when reading his shoujo manga, or just wants something to hug, koro does the job
• affectionate babies. please protect (2)
• koro is super affectionate when it comes to azuma.
• every after koro gets really excited about something, he gets dead tired so he goes straight to azuma's room.
• do you want to know what azuma does to koro? hmmmm? :---)
• they sleep together! duh
• taichi ALWAYS plays with the dog. it's like two dogs bonding smh
• taichi gets confused whenever they play catch?? whenever koro finally gets the ball, he runs back to taichi but doesn't give him the ball
• "umm, koro? we wouldn't be able to continue playing if you don't give the ball?"
• kazunari has a lot of aesthetic pics of koro! they're so wholesome, there was a point when his instablam is just full of koro
• ok he does have a lot of funny videos too, that's unavoidable
• best one so far was muku tossing the ball for koro to catch it, but he threw it too far and it hit sakyo's head at the back
• sakyo was about to lose his shit but once he saw muku apologizing and rambling he felt bad.
• should it be mentioned that cleaning sessions are more of a pain than before?
• the dog sheds a LOT MORE than they expected. the fur is literally fucking everywhere
• how does one dog have this much hair??
• those ppl with big sisters (cough itaru and banri) SWEARS this dog's shedding is a hundred times worse than their sisters' hairfall
• speaking of shedding everywhere, everyone's clothes have fur ALL OVER their clothes
• most especially sakyo because he wears all black. poor old dude
• after a month of deliberation from sakyo, they decided to buy more lint rollers and all that stuff that are supposedly effective
• every time the students are late to school, the dorms get chaotic
• unfortunately for everyone the dog joins in adding more noise pollution
• cue sakyo's very angry "KORO, SHUT UP!"
• koro didn't bark for a solid week... just pure whimpering. everyone was looking at sakyo like, "you better apologize, he doesn't deserve it..."
• when it was sakyo's turn to walk him, koro looks like he was about to shit. everyone was pretty concerned, but they wanted to see how it went
• the moment they came home, koro was all over him and sakyo is hiding a smile
• but what happened? nobody knew a thing. and it will stay that way.
• EVERYONE IS SOFT FOR HIM. not taking no for an answer
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instablamwriter · 4 years
Top 10 Mankai Actors
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Disclaimer: My onion lol. I think everyone has their own charm but if we’re going with just ‘acting’, I do think some are better than others in-game. I don’t think versatility as an actor is everything btw, but it is impressive to see people do very different roles and to do them well each time.
Warning: Spoilers for at least until act 8 for everyone since I did include the rookies in this list.
We will go 10-->1 Feel free to agree/disagree as long as you’re nice about it xoxo
I didn’t put a read-more just so that it’d be easier to read, but let me know if it’s pretty readable (dashboard or otherwise) with a read-more (and dw I tagged it as a long post)
Honorable mentions:
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Muku!!!! Muku has gotten so much improvement + has one of the largest range of role types in the whole company. Also helps that he’s in the troupe that does the most adlibs so he’s quick to think of lines to sell to the audience (and they have to be funny!)
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Juza is the most improved imo and he has the passion and the work ethic to back him up. He does his role type really well but hmm I’ll explain a bit more later why the others edge him out for me.
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Chikage was originally higher but upon reflection, I think he doesn’t make it to my top 10. He’s good in the sense that he was trained to deceive people, but in terms of stage acting, putting his heart into it is a newer sort of thing. Also, between him and Taichi, he was the one who was more obviously up to no good. Then again, was he really hiding it? His default is being cagey and secretive in the first place while Taichi is very much the type of person to wear his heart at his sleeve, so Taichi definitely edges him out.
Side note: I wanted to say Citron bc I adore his Ennis but I’m also aware of /how/ biased I am towards Harugaoka in general. so.
Let’s go on!
10-8) Harugaoka Boys
I’m sorry for cheating but I can’t really rank them properly among the three of them.
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Arguably, Masumi would be the weakest because even though he has the natural talent, he doesn’t have the same drive as the other two. HOWEVER, his drive in a way is Izumi and Izumi’s own love of theatre. He’s pretty determined whenever Izumi is involved and he has a pretty good range of roles, making him not only versatile, but just pretty good in general. SPOILERS!!! <I mean, he learned how to play a violin so quickly just for Izumi so he’s pretty efficient at learning in the first place.>
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Next, Sakuya is a hard worker and has the passion to keep him going. I say he edges out Juza because while I think the formal training from college (+ all the workshops he goes too, either Yuzo or at school), Sakuya sort of breathes and lives everything theatre. Like not only the acting part, but all the behind the scenes things too. He watches and helps out different companies on the daily so I’d say he’s more exposed to a variety of performances than Juza would be. Let’s not go into Liber underutilizing Sakuya with the range of roles or even the number of lead roles (either main or co), but I’d say he’s just has overall more practice at play (pun unintended).
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Banri, as we all know, is naturally good at this lol. He does say his weakness is that he can’t put his whole heart into is character unlike Juza (which is also a reason why I’d say that Sakuya and him are more or less the same level). He’s versatile and has a good repertoire + he does have the drive to keep getting better (he says to beat Juza but I think it’s also because he’s become motivated after seeing /everyone/’s portraits (but yes, Juza’s in particular was the hmm trigger I’d say). And since he’s newer to acting, I think everyone else on the list beats him due to experience.
7-5) Taichi, Hisoka, Misumi
I’m so sorry, but I couldn’t choose AGAIN. I think the next 3 have such different skill sets that put them up there. They originally did have a proper ranking but once I was writing it all out, I just couldn’t decide who was better overall. Not surprising since I’m more of a tierlist person than a straight up list person anyway. Hayz, anyway here we gooooo
Taichi Nanao
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I guess I should be upfront with the fact that I’m a Taichi oshi so of course, I’m biased. HOWEVER, Taichi started acting as a child, way back in elementary. He works hard on his roles (as seen in plays where he’s been the lead/co-leads) kind of obsessively and SPOILERS!! <has trouble sleeping and overworks himself for them.>
He was also able to get into GodZa at a young age that even Tsumugi couldn’t get into right out of college (tho I have other theories on why there but anyway). Reni treated him like shit but the fact is, he was still able to pass the strict auditions. Anyway, he has the foundation, the training, and the drive (PLUS IF YOU’VE READ ACT 9, YOU GET IT), so I think he’s earned this spot xD
Hisoka Mikage
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As mentioned with Chikage, they were sorta forced to learn how to act or it was do or die. Hisoka can pretty much get into roles quickly once he knows the information he needs about the character. I think it’s fair to speculate that Hisoka got a lot more of the dangerous undercover jobs? He seems more attuned to acting than Chikage plus there was the factor that he had to be good or else.
It’s hard to say if his overall life experience would put him ahead of the other two.
Misumi Ikaruga
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Misumi grew up watching all of the plays that his grandfather showed him. You could say he’s one of the less subtle acting geeks in the company but he’s all focus and everything once he watches a performance. He has the talent and the foundation, albeit no formal training. He did have a scriptwriter grandfather though who could have more or less helped him hone his skill. Also another very varied actor.
Still as we see with Tenma in-game, where you act (TV vs movies vs stage vs just the general public) makes a big difference and he still has less experience with stage acting and acting in front of others than the other two).
4. Sakyo Furuichi
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Sakyo didn’t really have a lot of formal training but he did have the drive and love for theatre since a young age. He watched Mankai rise and fall. I think he’s the most unique case out of everyone bc he has he experience but he couldn’t grow into his full potential because of all the other circumstances in his life. I think he rightfully belongs in the top 4 though. He’s also another case like Juza who does those certain roles very well.
3. Tenma Sumeragi
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Gonna be upfront once again, Tenma is my 4th fave, just after Taichi. Still, you can’t deny he’s been acting since birth and has had the formal training to go with it. He has the drive and work ethic to get even better. What puts him behind the other two is just honestly more life experiences and stage acting experience in general.
2. Tsumugi Tsukioka
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We know Tsumugi is very skilled. He’s great at the subtle movements and understanding the characters plus he’s just full-on in love with theatre. Also being less sheltered and older, I think he just has more to draw from life-experience wise. He is edged out by our #1 because of the years he took off acting.
1. Tasuku Takato
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Tasuku was #1 in Godza, one of the most popular acting companies in their region. He was consistently #1 until he left and even though he had similar roles then, he greatly diversified when he got to Mankai. I mean, it’s Tasuku, the resident ultra theatre nerd. Of course, he had to be #1.
If you’ve made it this far, then wewz. I hope you at least had fun reading xD
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mankai-onlyfans · 4 years
Hey, Yuki! Rank the Mankai Company by most fashionable to least! (Obviously you’re number 1 but I think Muku always looks cute too!)
Hm, okay.
1. Myself - no explanation needed.
2. Azuma - always carries himself with grace, and looks chic in every setting. Able to pull off almost any outfit.
3. Tenma - I hate to say it, but he knows how to dress himself. Must be all those years of being coddled by his personal stylists or whatever. He looks the part of a celebrity.
4. Masumi - he has a good sense for color and not mixing too many patterns. His face and aloof air is chic enough to pull off most outfits.
5. Muku - his style is simple, but cute. His outfits always go together by accident, in the way that a kid might dress themselves, but somehow it suits him perfectly.
6. Citron - he dresses exotically, but his outfits are usually pulled together, with coordinating colors.
7. Itaru - decent choices in terms of style. But he rarely ever goes out of the house, so I don't have as much data to pull from. What I've seen looks fine.
8. Sakyo - looks sharp most of the time, it's not easy to pull off turtlenecks, but he manages somehow. He could stand to add some color to his wardrobe.
9. Sakuya - looks like he just threw on whatever he found that morning, but thankfully his clothes are simple enough to mix and match without being too offensive.
10. Tsuzuru - plain, boring.
11. Hisoka - plain, boring.
12. Omi - plain, boring. Don't like it when he wears beanies. And he should grow out his hair a little.
13. Tasuku - boring, but with graphic shirts.
14. Tsumugi - even more boring, but sometimes wears this baggy ass tee shirt that is at least six sizes too big, I swear.
15. Juza - would be way higher on this list if he didn't wear sandals all the time. From the legs up, he's effortlessly stylish.
16. Homare - would be higher up on the list if he didn't mix and match so many patterns. He gives me a headache.
17. Kazunari - very hit or miss. He's bold with his choices, but they're not always good ones.
18. Misumi - too bright, too many triangles.
19. Taichi - offensive to look at. So many patterns and neons, and... ugh. Trying too hard.
20. Banri - no. Just no. Walking disaster. Who wears animal prints these days?? He's trying to look trendy and retro but it just doesn't work for him at all. His attitude doesn't help. 0/10.
Hope this helps.
- 🎀 Yuki Rurikawa 🎀
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jokertrap-ran · 6 years
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A3! (Act! Addict! Actors!)  EVENT! Re:FebMAGIC  (Episode 1):
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Name will remain as my normal ( ラン )
Episode 1/ Episode 2/ Episode 3 /Episode 4/Episode 5 / Episode 6/ Episode 7/ Episode 8/ Episode 9/ Episode 10/ Epilogue A3! Master-list
Ran: Is everyone here?
Sakuya: Everyone from the Spring Troupe's present!
Tenma: Same goes for the Summer Troupe.
Banri: The Autumn Troupe's an OK too.
Tsumugi: The Winter Troupe's all gathered here.
Ran: Thank you. Eh, well then...
Ran: I've got something that I'd like to ask of you all. And well, this is it.
Tenma: ...Well, that's one terrifyingly familiar paper bag you're holding right there.
Banri: And inside it...I'm guessing it's none other than aprons, huh.
Citron: Feels like pajavu!
Tsuzuru: You probably mean deja vu right there...
Masumi: We did something like this last year too.
Ran: I think everyone has guessed what this is all about, but--
Ran: The Actors' Cafe will be opening once again for a limited time during Valentines.
Azami: Actors' Cafe?
Kazunari: The Actors' Cafe is a kinda concept cafe!
Homare: All the employees there serve customers while acting according to their given theme.
Tenma: We also did an etude of a Share-time situation last Valentines.
Itaru: That was nothing but pure recklessness...
Omi: Well...I guess we should have expected that as actors.
Muku: That's right...! It was tough but it was also really fun thanks to everyone's efforts!
Kumon: Hehh~! Sounds kinda fun-! Did everyone help out?
Juza: Yeah. Everyone had been allotted at least one shift last year.
Kazunari: It was a big success on Valentines Day itself! So much that it even became a really hot topic on the SNS~!
Taichi: How nostalgic~! We were working with the theme of "Six Brothers" while serving the customers.
Ran: That's right! By the way, I managed to get the themes earlier this time instead of receiving them on the day itself like last year.
Azuma: Heh, now that's certainly different from last year.
Tsuzuru: Well, I guess we should all be thankful for the fact that we can all think about the themes in advance.
Ran: And here are the list of themes.
Misumi: Wow, so many themes~!
Guy: Teacher, sibling...
Isuke: ...Ha!! There's a theme of "Spectacles" written in there!
Isuke: Is this finally my time to shine!?
Sakyo: What are you talking about? You're always slated for behind the scenes.
Banri: Speaking of which, isn't that theme of just "Spectacles" way too vague? And the other themes are much easier to visualize to boot.
Ran: Spectacles, huh...But wouldn't there already be a select few members here who fit this theme?
Chikage: ...Director-san, I know what you're thinking and all since it's just within reach, but...
Sakyo: Honestly...
Ran: Ahaha, sorry, I just couldn't help it...
Sakuya: But doesn't that all work out just fine? Besides, I think that those who already wear spectacles are used to it being as such.
Tasuku: That's true. How about going along with it if you've got no issues to voice?
Kazunari: Oh, how about I join the bespectacled personnel too? My vision isn't exactly the best and I've even worn it before too!
Yuki: Then how about you just gather everyone with bad eyesight to be personnel for the spectacle-themed day?
Ran: I see, that's true...Could those here with relatively bad eyesight raise their hands then?
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taichissu · 4 years
my favorite fruit is grapes. please tell me your favorite self-indulgent a3 headcanons.
i love grapes too <3 but only the white (green) ones because red (purple) are spicy :(
a3 hcs under cut :D
i’m gonna leave out my LGBT headcanons because i have So Many and i’d suppose most people following me already know them (but my most important ones are enby ace yuki, homosexual kumon, demiro ace azami, and trans muku and tasuku 🥺) i’ll also try not to lean into any ship territory (you can ask me for ship headcanons on @mangaycompany tho) so don’t worry about any of my gay agenda <3
i’m not sorting it into any order but i’ll bold the names so it’s easier for you to recognize the characters you care about haha
welcome to me projecting onto fictional characters to cope (probably all summer and autumn troupe though because they’re my big faves)
misumi, homare, tenma, kumon, tasuku, itaru and hisoka are all autistic
wan wan conbi (kazu+taichi) and tsuzuru are ND
banri has severe depression but had no idea for the majority of his life up to late teens due to poor representation
taichi has dermatillomania
his comfort items are bracelets, wristbands, hairbands; anything he can wear on his wrists to keep his hands busy (if he doesn’t wear anything but has long sleeves, he’ll pull on and fiddle with them subconsciously to the point many of his long-sleeved shirts end up with very stretched out fabrics)
kazu has Terrible organization skills and tends to either do all of his work in one sitting (leading to frequent burnouts) or procrastinate till last minute
juza can’t handle bitter food and drinks; he’ll gag instantly if he tastes even the slightest tinge of bitterness
he also hates mint; he always buys toothpaste for kids (strawberry is his fave)
kumon’s anxiety can cause him to go fully nonverbal; when that happens, his preferred way of communication is via writing on paper (because typing on the phone, he tends to make many typos and it frustrates him)
another thing about kumon; when he was young, he would try to force himself to learn how to write with his right hand, due to which the teachers all believed he had terrible handwriting
chikage and hisoka refer to each other as april and december exclusively when they’re in private
neither of their birthdays are their real birthdays either; those are the days they’ve joined the organization
there’s this circle of people in the dorms; sakuya, chikage, misumi, omi, azami, hisoka and azuma, they all find this comfort around each other because they know the other can to a greater degree understand what they went through; the loss
masumi can play the guitar! nothing very advanced but he’d learnt his basics, and would most likely get very very good quite easily if he wanted to, he just doesn’t care that much
many think masumi would only really be into rock and its sub-genres, but he’s actually pretty knowledgeable about many different genres; if you tell him you like either pop or trap or country, he’ll always be able to say something he likes about it and list a couple artists he finds good
guess who ALSO can play the guitar......... kazu! he learnt because it’s an easy way to entertain his friends!
wan wan conbi have a bi-monthly tradition of bleaching their hair together <3 every 2 months they go to either 202 or 105 and fix their hair together (neither gets it done professionally; you know these 2 wouldn’t sakjasl); kazu also helps taichi with the red dye because he likes messing with tenma pretending his hands are covered in blood lmao
as i mentioned ^, they don’t get their hair done professionally, but there’s a reason: taichi really hates people touching his hair, especially strangers; he gets overwhelmed easily and feels terrible for hours afterwards
it kinda contradicts canon but that’s my special interest and i get to choose the headcanons so: azami always wears make up when he goes out (aside from the school; to my knowledge japanese schools tend to have pretty strict dress code that bans even slight make up to the point each classroom should have a make up remover at hand in case someone doesn’t oblige, and you know my boy azami isn’t gonna waste any of his expensive make up-), usually he just chooses to do very subtle stuff (just some foundation and mascara) but if he’s feeling fancy he’s not afraid to do some light eyeshadow and maybe even eyeliner; he’s not worried about people’s opinion, he mostly just doesn’t want to overdo it for his skin’s sake
both azami and yuki have interest in harajuku fashion
kazu and azami get along surprisingly well! who would have thought (i. i would.)
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godzas · 3 years
the updated athree lgbt hcs list. im insane
masumi: is clearly gay but we havent had the talk. also nonbinary and he/they/xe. you need to really coax him to talk about gender or tell you hes not cis hes like a cat
sakuya: is a cisgay, figured it out a while ago hes just chilling
itaru: gay and nonbinary. he/they. most of his like for women was built up in high school after being extremely insecure. he had a fling with tonooka and thats partially why he repressed it
tsuzuru: gay and cis. figured it out in high school and his family is very supportive. he wishes his parents would stop showing him pictures of men and asking if their cute
chikage: GAY. genderfluid he/it/she. number one woman disrespecter. also homophobic
citron: how could i forget him. bi. why is everyone in spring gay except for him. sorry buddy. yes bi and nonbinary. he/they
tenma: gay. gay. cis as well but hes questioning whether he may be genderfluid because he has been getting le gender envy from everyones fave gnc king. i have a full tenma gay plan in my mind its too complicated to list out
yuki: bisexual and genderfluid nonbinary!! he needed a lot of time to grow into himself and he still has a lot of trauma from his childhood, so he isnt entirely comfortable yet. but hes trying every day to unlearn what was drilled into him as a kid
muku: bi trans! he likes neopronouns but hasnt found any yet that are specifically his. hes like the textbook anxious ftm. someone tell him to stop practicing with his binder on holy shit did he do track w this thing on muku go to the doctor how are your ribs
kazunari: bi trans! i dont have much to say on him i just think hes swag. he supports everyone else so much hes the lgbts biggest fan. you bet he goes all out for pride and decorates
misumi: i wrote masumi wtf two. anyway san uses he/they/san/tri pronouns because i think san as a pronoun sounds so cool. gay triangle
banri: bi nonbinary. he likes some neopronouns but not many. hes picky and changes them depending on the day. hopelessly mlm
juza: some sort of mlm and nonbinary! ive seen some epic she/they/he juza and i like that. weve all seen the their typo for juza. they/them canon
taichi: ^_^ bi he/they he hasnt gottem a handle on gender yet. i love him so much he has def had a crush on nearly every mankai member but got over it. and they are cute to boot
omi: gay cis. was def dating nachi you cant deny it. wait i had a terrible idea. i wont elaborate but man thats sad. omi hunk and i want him to be a bear sooo bad he would look so good
sakyo: trans bi. hes never rlly loved anyone besides izumi, but did have some men in his early ginsenkai career. the first transmasc present father
azami: bi and nonbinary! im not sure if i want him to be afab since i try to keep my trans hcs within canon. no hes transmasc now him and sakyo are trans buddies sakyo gives him his testosterone shots and thats father son time
tsumugi: bi cis! is this our first cis bi so far. well anyway hes gay for tasuku, and yknow they dated in college but broke up bc of godza. he dated a girl after that, so hes bi. i dont talk enough abt tsumugi hes interesting. he/she
tasuku: the only gay man who likes cars. i have lots of evidence for gay tasuku and wouldnt it be sick if he was trans. get that jacked after transitioning. would love that.
azuma: genderless bi! he still uses he/him but it likes to switch it up sometimes. she has had lot of time to figure themself out and helps other mankais with identity. i luv azuma
homare: gayest man alive. well who wouldnt find maters and lightinings relationship homoerotic. oh my apologies you were talking about real cars. hes cis but gnc
hisoka: gay nonbinary!!! i love hisoka so much they are soo wonderful my little cat man. catgender marshmallowgender sleepygender. chikage goes crawling through mogai and retrieves genders for them. he/they/ it for fam
guy: he hasnt figured it all out yet! it knows its fine with he/it but he just became his own person give him some time hes got a lot to catch up on
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