#salary negotiation tactics
jobsbuster · 5 months
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mentorshelly · 1 year
Mastering Salary Negotiation Series, Part 1 - Building Your Powerful Value Proposition
Welcome to the Mastering Salary Negotiation Series, where we equip you with the essential skills and strategies to succeed in your salary negotiations. In Part 1, we focus on one of the most crucial aspects of any negotiation – crafting a powerful value proposition. A well-structured value proposition not only demonstrates your worth to potential employers but also sets the stage for a successful…
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chipwillish · 1 year
Utterly floored by the sheer charisma of Pearl, out negotiating Scar, not falling for his helpless silly schtick and underhanded tactics to wrangle herself a weekly salary, PLUS handily intimidating The G.O.A.T., with few gentle but specific questions, all in just one episode....
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cyberclouddream · 19 days
Mars-Ruled through the Houses
Where we seek to dominate and transform.
[ :based on Whole Sign house system & traditional rulership ]
Mars represents power dynamics. It shows how we assert ourselves, take initiative, and handle conflict. It rules over Aries [desire to assert individuality] and Scorpio [desire to understand the hidden & forbidden]. The traditional rulership makes sense because Mars represents our urge to assert dominance, which comes when we initiate profound changes and uncover hidden truths.
Houses ruled by Mars indicate challenges, competition, or the desire to assert oneself. There’s also a sense of urgency to confront difficulties bravely—or recklessly.
Note: Mars in Retrograde [Rx] delays the assertiveness; the will becomes more contemplative.
Mars Dominance Qualifications [ at least one ]
- Mars in angular houses: 1st house [ personal identity ], 4th house [ emotional foundation ], 7th house [ close relationships ], and 10th house [ public identity ]
- 10th house is Mars’ Joy; in alignment with Mars’ ambitious, goal-oriented, and leadership qualities.
- Mars as chart ruler [ Aries & Scorpio Risings ]
- Mars strong aspects [conjunctions, square, opposition ] to personal planets [ sun, moon, ascendant ]
- Mars domicile [ in Aries & Scorpio ] or exaltation [ in Capricorn ]
- Mars is involved in a major planet configuration, like a T-square or Grand Cross
1H Aries & 8H Scorpio [ Aries Rising ]
You come off as headstrong and bold, quick to act and eager to make an impression. You approach deep, hidden issues with force, which often lead to major life changes or power struggles.
- to be seen as independent
- to confront and transform fears & vulnerabilities
Prone: iniate conversations, lead group activities, negotiate loans, handle inheritances, manage a family member’s health issues, friction with those who prefer collaboration, perceived as overly-dominant, complex tax issues, hidden debts, power struggles in intimate relationships
Advice: Think before you act.
[ Cusp Dignities: Success in your professional life comes from taking bold actions and asserting yourself confidently, which can lead to rapid career advancement, public accolades, or a high-profile position. Your professional success and public image are significantly influenced by your partnerships and interactions with others, meaning you can achieve professional success through embracing collaborative ventures or partnering with influential individuals. Issues here can be resolved by inner work and understanding subconscious patterns related to your relationships. You struggle with how to project your professional image or face difficulties in asserting yourself in a way that aligns with your career goals. ]
2H Aries & 9H Scorpio [ Pisces Rising ]
You pursue material stability and personal values with bold and assertive actions, often taking financial risks or facing fluctuations in income. Your quest for knowledge can be obsessive and intensely personal.
- to fearlessly maintain material security & stability
- to address & transform core beliefs and ideals
Prone: initiate business ventures, negotiate salary increases, study abroad, intense debates on beliefs, impulsive investments, aggressive negotiation tactics, strong views on personal values leading to unrealistic expectations, rigorous academic environments, difficult subjects, cultural challenges
Advice: Invest with foresight, not impulse.
[ Cusp Dignities: You have a strong potential for social influence and gains through collective means, yet these gains come through complex, transformative, or shared financial dynamics rather than straightforward efforts. These gains aren’t always easily converted to personal security or stability; you may excel at obtaining resources from others or through alliances but struggle with direct financial security or managing personal resources effectively. You can come off influential socially but your personal financial situation may not reflect the external success. This can be due to how your creative expression was nurtured as a child. ]
3H Aries & 10H Scorpio [ Aquarius Rising ]
Your communication style is blunt and direct, and you’re quick to anger or assert your ideas. Your public image and arenas are shaped by fierce and sometimes obsessive vibes.
- to dominate conversations & learning
- to deal with harsh realities about success
Prone: initate problem-solving, initiate conversations, major career changes, power struggles in workplace, misunderstandings or arguments with peers/siblings/neighbors, challenges in educational pursuits or local projects, tendency to rush or be confrontational about learning, dealing with corporate politics, major shifts in professional roles, career achievements or failures may be subject to public scrutiny or criticism
Advice: Communicate with both vigor and finesse.
[ Cusp Dignities: You may be good at working tirelessly in solitude or may be prone to having your efforts go unseen. You can resolve or cope with these internal battles through traveling, higher education, and spiritual exploration. Your hidden strengths and challenges may push you towards teaching, publishing, or deep spiritual/religious studies. You may have trouble expressing your deeper thoughts clearly, feeling misunderstood by those in your immediate environment, or lack the skills to articulate your spiritual or philosophical viewpoints effectively. ]
4H Aries & 11H Scorpio [ Capricorn Rising ]
You’re fiery and confrontational about home and family matters. Your friendships and social groups can be full of intense, or even toxic dynamics.
- to have a powerful & self-sufficient home
- to navigate intense social dynamics & pursue impactful goals
Prone: initiate resolving domestic issues, starting renovation projects, family relocation, changed in living situation, intense group dynamics, major changes in friendships and personal ambitions, reevaluation of social causes or group projects
Advice: Embrace flexibility within the home.
[ Cusp Dignities: You naturally come off as bold, ambitious, and willing to take charge, yet this same power presence can also make you come off as aggressive, overly competitive, or domineering. Your drive and identity [ sense of self ] are strongly tied to your public achievements and professional success. You may excel in your career and public endeavors but struggle with establishing a sense of comfort, stability, or emotional fulfillment at home. You may prioritize professional over personal matters. ]
5H Aries & 12H Scorpio [ Sagittarius Rising ]
You’re bold in romance and creative pursuits, seeking attention and taking risks. Your private life and subconscious are probably charged with with intense yet hidden emotional struggles.
- to be fiercely creative & passionate
- to explore & expand your subconscious and belief systems
Prone: iniatate dating and creative endeavors fearlessly, taking risks that lead to highs-and-lows [like projects being publicly scrutinized or facing creative burnout], intense drama or power struggles in romance, unseen opposition or challenges that hinder personal growth or spiritual development
Advice: Keep your enthusiasm for romance and creativity from being overbearing.
[ Cusp Dignities: You tend to be highly motivated when jt comes to generating income, building resources, and asserting your values. Issues with impulsive spending and conflicts over money matters can occur. You are likely to find growth, opportunities, and expansion supported by your involvement in social networks. You have natural inclination towards leadership or influential roles. You may face challenges with creative expression, recreational activities, and romantic relationships due to your self-confidence and personal fulfillment levels. Issues can stem from past issues with intimate connections or shared resources. ]
6H Aries & 1H Scorpio [ Scorpio Rising ]
You approach work and health aggressively—and impatiently—your daily routines marked by a desire to improve and control. You come off as intense or secretive to others, your personal identity shaped my powerful emotional currents.
- to tackle daily routines & health issues with intense focus and determination
- to understand one’s self
Prone: overwork leads to health issues or burnout, rigorous workout regimen, initiate challenging projects at work, strong presence in social situations, disputes over job roles/deadlines/projects leadership, overly ambitious health routines, clashes either established routines, personal reinvention, non-transparent personal intentions in social dynamics
Advice: Realize that pushing too hard in your daily routines can lead to burnout.
[ Cusp Dignities: You’re drawn towards intellectual pursuits, learning new skills, and pursuing your interests in your local environment. You tend to take the lead in intellectual or spiritual conversations and activities. Your intellectual and communicative efforts are deeply influenced by psychological and hidden insights, which you find best in solitary study. You may struggle with maintaining productivity, managing time or health effectively, or dealing with work-related issues. Issues may occur because of emotional attachments to beliefs or education. ]
7H Aries & 2H Scorpio [ Libra Rising ]
You’re direct and confrontational in partnerships, which often attracts or creates power struggles. You prefer partners who are dynamic and straightforward.
- to have intense & stimulating partnerships
- to confront uncomfortable truths about personal values & finances
Prone: seek challenging relationships, contentious partnerships, major financial upheaval [debt or inheritance], profound shifts in material value, disputes over mutual goals, intense dynamics in business partnerships, unexpected debts, re-evaluation of financial strategies, reassessments of personal values and possessions
Advice: Focus on finding harmony rather than creating discord.
[ Cusp Dignities: You have strong determination to create a comfortable home environment, pursue real estate ventures, or deal with family issues. Your upbringing or family experiences place a crucial role in shaping your identity and how you present yourself to the world. You have a disciplined approach and sense of authority when it comes to home and family. You may face issues when it comes to establishing or maintaining stable, committed relationships or feeling supported in partnerships. This is due to conflicts with shared resources, financial management, and differing values.
8H Aries & 3H Scorpio [ Virgo Rising ]
- to be bold with shared resources & transformation
- to achieve clarity & efficiency in communication and mental processes
You’re not afraid of facing crises or dealing with issues of power and control. You communicate in an intense and probing way, often involved in complex exchanges with others.
Prone: psychological research, investigative journalism, confidence with complex financial dealings, confront difficult issues with intimacy head-on, transformative experiences that impact sense of security and control, perceived as probing and confrontational, conflicts or misunderstandings with siblings/neighbors/educational settings, explore complex settings, significant shifts in cognitive abilities [due to learning experiences]
Advice: Acknowledge the limits of your influences over other’s lives.
[ Cusp Dignities: You have a strong desire to excel in artistic endeavors, pursue hobbies, and approach romance relationships with intensity, though this can turn into tendencies to be overly competitive in these areas. Your ability to maintain financial stability contributes to your success in artistic and personal endeavors. There may be issues with managing joint financial ventures or the financial consequences of partnerships. You struggle with trusting others in financial or intimate matters, and you may face obstacles in achieving stability or control over shared resources. Creative endeavors that involve others may be complex or require careful handling. ]
9H Aries & 4H Scorpio [ Leo Rising ]
- to expand personal beliefs & education
- to create a stable home environment that supports personal & creative growth
You’re driven to pursuing higher education, travel, and philosophical interests with enthusiasm and a pioneering spirit. You may face deep-seated emotional issues related to family and home, with a need for profound personal changes.
Prone: confronting deep family issues, major changes in domestic life, new academic program, reevaluation of roots, challenging academic environments, disputes with teachers, aggressive competition in scholarly fields, logistics issues or cultural misunderstandings in trip or studying abroad, emotional adjustments in living space
Advice: Check your tendency to impose your views onto others.
[ Cusp Dignities: You tend to approach work with a strong desire to achieve, taking the lead on tasks and demonstrating significant energy and commitment in daily activities and health. This intense drive can lead to conflicts in your work environment or burnout due to overwork. You may be good at work-related details, organizing your environment, or managing tasks that require communication, but may struggle with being overly critical or inflexible in communication. You may face setbacks when it comes to advanced studies, long-distance travels, and differences in philosophical beliefs. ]
10H Aries & 5H Scorpio [ Cancer Rising ]
- to achieve & authority in career and public life
- to express & channel emotional intensity into creative outlets
You aggressively pursue career goals and public recognition. You may experience significant changes in how you approach creative pursuits and deep, impactful romantic connections.
Prone: take on high-stakes projects, assertively seek promotions, intense competition or conflict with authority, significant career changes [like restructuring within job or shift in professional path], criticism from colleagues, high-expectation roles
Advice: Recognize the cost of letting your career dominate your life.
[ Cusp Dignities: You tend to actively pursue or initiate connections with others, having a strong desire to establish and maintain significant personal or professional relationships. You tend to experience power struggles or disagreements with partners, especially if one of you are overly competitive or dominant. You value stability and structure in your home, often taking on significant responsibilities, but may struggle with balancing this with your career demands. You may face issues with authority or receiving recognition for your efforts. ]
11H Aries & 6H Scorpio [ Gemini Rising ]
You tend to have a proactive role in social groups and causes. Your work and health routine might involve m deep, transformative processes.
- to lead & innovate within social networks
- to confront hidden problems in daily routines & health
Prone: lead community initiatives, push for innovative changes, complex job dynamics [like challenging work conditions or transformative health journey], disagreements with group members, conflict or power struggles within social circles, challenges or disruptions with long-term goals, intense health issues that require deep, personal adjustments or lifestyle changes
Advice: Dial back your tone, because your relentless push for change can alienate others.
[ Cusp Dignities: You have a strong desire to understand and control complex issues related to joint assets or psychological depth. You may have confrontational or risky behavior, especially when it comes to financial dealings or intimate connections. You channel your intense energy into structured pursuits or long-term projects, having an enhanced ability to focus and achieve results in creative and romantic endeavors. You may struggle with letting go or fully embracing playful or spontaneous experiences, perhaps due to overly critical upbringings. You can face issues with forming or maintaining social connections or achieving broader goals and aspirations, due to trying to balance personal desires with group dynamics or wanting to feel supported in long-term goals. ]
12H Aries & 7H Scorpio [ Taurus Rising ]
You confront hidden fears and internal struggles with a confrontational approach. Your relationships are likely to be intense and transformative.
- to break free from internal limitations & hidden fears
- to have deep, intense connections and control in relationships
Prone: partnerships that involve emotional challenges and transformative shifts, changes to how you approach and experience close relationships, psychological issues or deep fears that require confrontational methods, unseen forces or subconscious barriers impact well-being, emotionally intense relationships
Advice: Face your inner fears and quit dodging your problems.
[ Cusp Dignities: You have a strong desire for educational and exploratory pursuits, though you may overextend yourself when it comes to your studies or travel plans. When you have an organized or disciplined approach to your daily responsibilities your broader aspirations tend to be supported more, though be wary of rigidity. Your internal struggles or psychological issues can affect your ability to pursue higher aspirations or long-term goals, so work on resolving subconscious barriers. These internal struggles probably stem from childhood issues with nurturing, emotional security, or communication within your family or local environment. ]
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msmargaretmurry · 3 months
Ms. Blues!
Do you have any thoughts on what Leon should do next? Extend? Sign and trade?
Unforch for me I was very much hoping that the oilers would win and am too in my feels to have perspective on this. Would love to see McDrai win it in the next few years, but idk if I am completely delusional lol
hello friend! i am sorry about your sad hockey feelings, but not too sorry because obviously i was on the other side rooting for the p.anthers the whole way 😅 but i do know how crushing it feels when the team you're rooting for loses, and i hope you can find comfort in your good memories from the season and start looking forward to next season soon!
re: leon's looming contract negotiations, under the cut because i got real chatty about it, whoops
i don't really have thoughts about what he SHOULD do, because my stance on player contracts is that they should always be based on what the player wants and thinks is best for themselves. even if it's not the ideal scenario for me personally! sometimes i'll be grumpy when a player's desires go against what EYE want but in my heart i am always in favor of workers having agency regarding their working conditions. in this house we love labor rights baby. i thought that leon did a very good job in his exit interview saying tactfully that he hasn't had time to think about his next contract yet (understandable!) and that it's going to take some time and discussions with both his agent and the o.ilers to figure out what happens next (and did a good job sticking to that talking point even as the e.dmonton media got quite frankly inappropriately aggressive about it).
i wouldn't blame leon if he wants to wait until the entire next season is over to decide what to do. the worst they could do is trade him at the deadline because they're mad he won't commit, and i think that would be pretty beyond the pale LOL. if he pushes his contract negotiations out past next july 1, it's possible he and connor could negotiate at the same time, if that's something they want to do or think would be beneficial. the o.ilers are in a tough spot right now with how fully half their roster needs to be re-signed or let go — something they have to be super tactical about if they want to keep the caliber of team they had this season — and then bouch's contract is up the same time as leon's, and that kid deserves a big payday, and then obviously they'll need the money available to re-sign connor the next year. even with the salary cap going up a significant amount, i can see there being concern in leon's camp about the o.ilers having the ability to pay him what he's worth. he is already grossly underpaid and even wanting to stay there is only so much of a discount a player of his caliber can conscionably allow a team.
i do think he loves his teammates in e.dmonton. he loves playing with connor. those are definitely things that matter when it comes to contract negotiations, too. i also think that making it to the scf this year puts him under unique pressure to stay (which is another reason he might want to wait until after the coming season to figure out his next move! it would not be strange at all if he did; so many players do their contract crap in the off-season anyway!) but obviously it's also not out of the question that the o.ilers make a concerted effort to get him the contract he wants and get it done early so everyone can relax, lol.
i personally wouldn't hate seeing him play somewhere else (excluding on teams i hate, obvs), which i know sounds like sacrilege but it's for the totally selfish reason of i just so rarely root for the o.ilers and i think it'd be fun for ME to have him on a team i'm more all-in on, lol. it's truly nothing against (most of) the o.ilers players, they have some players that i'm super fond of! and some good narratives going on up there too! but my deep and ceaseless loathing of daryl k.atz easily outstrips all of that and is my unwavering guiding star here. fuck that guy fr.
so tl;dr i hope that whatever leon does is what he wants and what feels right to him. a lot of people are going to have a lot of opinions about what he should do but we don't know what's in his heart! i hope the o.ilers are respectful of the process and of whatever time he needs to take to decide, whether it's like two weeks or all season.
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
I am writing this on Saturday, as news outlets report hundreds of Israeli dead, and dozens, if not hundreds, of soldiers and civilians kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and taken into Gaza.
It is never a good idea to write anything as events are still rapidly unfolding, especially as neither I nor anyone else can answer the only question that ultimately matters—namely, “what happens now?” But we can answer another, much more rudimentary and no less urgent question: Who’s at fault?
There will be plenty of time to pore over how a cataclysmic disaster of this magnitude could happen, and who—from Bibi down to the IDF chief of staff, head of intelligence, et al.—failed to protect the lives of Israelis. A lot of it will have to do with people who should have known better—including former prime ministers and former and current high-level security officials—abandoning the core commitment of defending Israel and instead entertaining themselves by cosplaying some game of Demokratia, complete with donning handmaid outfits and ululating about fascism. Hysterics about your political opponents being the enemies of democracy may be fun in Kalorama; in Sderot and Ofakim, and even in Tel Aviv, there’s a price to pay for abandoning the real world and indulging in fetish play.
But the bigger mistake on the part of the Israelis is that over the past few years they have gotten the power equation that governs their lives backward: Instead of understanding themselves to be citizens of a strong but beleaguered country whose first responsibility is to protect itself, they luxuriated in the fantasy that the United States was and always would be their protector—when in fact the ruling party in America has decided that Israel is a liability.
Watch this video. That’s a Hamas drone taking down an Israeli Merkava tank. A drone operated by an organization sponsored and trained by Iran applying both Iranian tactics and, most likely, Iranian hardware to attack Israel. This happened weeks after America sent Iran $6 billion, and one week after we learned that the American government had over the past years ceded whole parts of its own intelligence units to Iranian spies.
The stage for this attack was not set in or by Israel. It was set by the United States.
For the better part of the past decade, the United States has pursued a foreign policy designed to strengthen Iran and enable it to form a strong sphere of influence in the region. This is the idea behind what Tony Badran and Michael Doran called “the realignment,” a vision of a new world order in which America partners with Iran in order to “find a more stable balance of power that would make [the Middle East] less dependent on direct U.S. interference or protection.” Those words aren’t Badran and Doran’s; they’re Robert Malley’s, Barack Obama’s lead negotiator on the Iran deal who, as Semafor reported this week, helped to infiltrate an Iranian agent of influence into some of the most sensitive positions in the U.S. government—first at the State Department and now the Pentagon, where she has been serving as chief of staff for the assistant secretary of defense for special operations. Biden himself, in an op-ed in The Washington Post, spoke of “an integrated Middle East,” using the phrase no less than three times to make clear that his administration was intent on pursuing his predecessor’s commitment to seeing Iran not as a U.S. foe but as our collaborator.
And the Biden administration wasn’t just talking the talk. It was also walking the walk, from unfreezing billions in assets to make it easier for Tehran to support its proxy Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon to sending huge cash infusions used primarily to pay the salaries of tens of thousands of unvetted “security personnel.” And while the previous administration halted all aid to the Palestinians—directly because of the “pay for slay” policies that support the families of those who slaughter Israelis—the Biden administration was quick to reverse the decision.
Lots of people argued that this was simply clear-minded realpolitik after decades of disastrous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bullshit. Here’s how you know this policy was, and is, motivated not by what’s best for America but by what would kneecap the Jewish state: Because it extended to inside Israel’s borders.
The publication on July 16, 2023, of an article by Jacob Siegel and Liel Leibovitz calling for an end to U.S. aid to Israel opened a fresh debate over a topic dominated by outdated assumptions and emotional entreaties. To deepen the conversation, Tablet invited a group that includes a retired IDF general, U.S. senators and members of Congress, former Middle East diplomats, and writers from various political persuasions to offer their thoughts on the issue. Their articles, and more from Tablet's archive, are collected here.
In addition to creating the external circumstances for terror, the Biden administration did everything in its power to derail Israel’s democratically elected government and prevent it from being able to see an attack like today’s coming. That the Israelis let themselves fall for this was stupidity of criminal order. But the invisible hand here was America’s. Biden himself took to CNN to call Netanyahu’s government “the most extreme” he’s ever seen, and lost no opportunity to lecture his Israeli counterpart about democratic values. The former U.S. ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides, took the unprecedented step of intervening in the country’s domestic affairs, announcing ominously that he “think[s] most Israelis want the United States to be in their business.” And if words weren’t enough, the administration also sent American dollars to support the anti-Netanyahu NGOs organizing the protests that brought Israel to a halt for months. Netanyahu was famously denied an invite to the White House; his key opponent, opposition leader Benny Gantz, had no such problem.
One idea floating around my inbox this afternoon is that part of Israel’s complete military collapse today was caused by a massive Iranian cyber attack that hacked its systems and prevented it from seeing what ought to have been obvious. That this could not only be true but related to the U.S. having recently given a team of Iranian agents high-level access to U.S. intelligence, which could very well have included information about Israeli systems, is not nearly as far-fetched a scenario as many would like it to be. And to the extent that we ever find out the truth about any of this, it will be because of Elon Musk, without whom we’d only have access to state-approved propaganda.
It doesn’t matter what words Biden says today. When you champion Iran; when you send it and its proxies money; when you reward Palestinian violence; when you go out of your way to portray Bibi as a dangerous fascist; when you finance and champion his opponents, contributing to further instability and unrest; when you hand over U.S. intelligence keys to Iranian agents; when you have your spokespeople declare it “disinformation” for people to connect obvious dots; when you do all of this, you know what is going to happen. You mean for it to happen.
Here today, then, is the challenge for Israel’s leadership: Can you accept that this is what’s happening? Can you imagine a future for the Jewish state decoupled from America? Because you must.
For at least a decade now, we’ve been told that part of what makes Israel so mighty and so safe is its superior technology, developed in partnership with America. Who, went this line of argument, needs to worry about missiles when we have Iron Dome and F-35 stealth fighter planes as part of a $3 billion military aid package? Who cares about guns and grenades when we’ve developed high-level cybersecurity systems that can strike at will? The war of the future, we’ve been promised, will be waged on computer terminals, in cyberspace—not in dusty border towns.
And then came a gaggle of Gazans with Kevlar vests and pickup trucks and small arms that brought Israel to its knees. “Startup nation” has been ravaged by reality. It is clear that the dream Israel’s elites have entertained for the past decade—to become part of the global set of people who make all the money and all the decisions and have all the right opinions and fashionable friends—has soured into a nightmare.
And now it’s time to wake up. Stop prattling about the “cycle of violence,” about faults on both sides, about “the occupation,” about Bibi’s cabinet appointments, or any other distraction.
Reroot yourself in what you should never have forgotten—which is that we have enemies not because of what we did or didn’t do here or there, or on this day or that one, or because our hasbara isn’t good enough or because it is too good, or any other pointless argument. It is because we have vicious enemies, and they hate us. Instead of trying pathetically to curry favor with American overlords by scrubbing Judaism from your streets, pray to HaShem to fulfill the promise made to Isaiah and deliver vengeance. Reject, with great force and wrath, the death cult that has gripped so much of American political, public, and intellectual life and that sees virtue in propping up benighted regimes in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We don’t need an integrated Middle East, because we don’t wish to integrate with the murderous mullahs and their packs of wild animals. We have our own interests, and if we’re smart—and if we wish to survive—we’ll never forget it again.
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cupidskissx · 11 months
Remember when in the few races before summer break RBR would NOT stop mentioning Charles? Max, Christian, Helmut, the social media admin? And then later Helmut said that in May and June they were trying to get Charles over to RBR?
I’m not saying he signed with RBR (in fact I extremely doubt it), but if they were acting like that, it leads me to believe that perhaps there were genuine conversations. Like mutually having some negotiations. As in Charles didn't completely turn them down (at least not right away).
Thank you for bringing such an interesting topic into my ask box sweet Anon ❤️
I too think Red Bull really tried to open contract talks with Charles / his management!
I also think Charles’ intelligence is often, severely underestimated:
He might be completely indoctrinated into, and infatuated with, the sacrosanct mythos and legacy of Ferrari, but he’s a fierce and ambitious athlete.
He knows it’s imperative to make informed business/commercial decisions to progress his career.
He understands the risk of being chewed up and spat out, like so many before him, if he’s complacent.
I’m not saying Charles ever entertained the idea of actually leaving — that man bleeds Rosso Corsa. However, I’m sure his management/legal team (if he was offered anything physical) did their due diligence in order to have ammunition to pressure Ferrari when it comes to renewing his contract with them.
Being desirable is an incredibly strong negotiation tactic, when played right. Having the opportunity/evidence to say: “This is what [insert team] is willing to do/pay to have me…” can hold incredible weight.
As much as it pains me at times, if Charles was offered a better, multi-year, higher salary contract elsewhere I think he would sooner retire than voluntarily move teams.
I’d very much welcome any other takes or topics if you wanted to share ❤️🥰
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pandoraspocksao3 · 1 year
Adam Driver Calls Out Amazon and Netflix in Support of SAG Strike
The actor took the major studios to task and expressed his solidarity with the SAG-AFTRA strike while promoting his new film, Ferrari, at the Venice Film Festival.
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Adam Driver may be one of the few American actors walking a red carpet this week, but he is still standing in solidarity with SAG-AFTRA. While attending a press conference to promote his new film, Ferrari, at the Venice Film Festival, Driver called out big studios and streamers like Amazon and Netflix for refusing to meet the actors union’s demands.
“I’m very happy to be here to support this movie, and the truncated schedule that we had to shoot it and the efforts of all the incredible actors working on it and the crew,” said Driver. “But also, I’m very proud to be here to be a visual representation of a movie that’s not part of the AMPTP and to promote the SAG leadership directive which is an effective tactic, which is the interim agreement.”
Driver stars as Enzo Ferrari in Michael Mann’s Ferrari, which follows a year in the life of the Italian motor-racing driver and entrepreneur. Ferrari also stars Shailene Woodley, Sarah Gadon, Gabriel Leone, Jack O’Connell, Patrick Dempsey, and Penélope Cruz as Enzo’s wife, Laura. Ferrari is being distributed by Neon and STX International, two independent companies, and received an interim-agreement waiver from SAG-AFTRA for its stars to attend the Venice Film Festival and do press. At the press conference, Driver said that the waiver helped “stop the bleeding a little bit so people in IATSE [International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees] and SAG can go to work.”
The actor also shouted out Neon and STX for meeting the demands of SAG-AFTRA, which has been on strike against the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) since July 14.
“Why is it that a smaller distribution company like Neon and STX International can meet the dream demands of what SAG is asking for—this is pre-negotiations—the dream version of SAG’s wish list, but a big company like Netflix and Amazon can’t?” Driver said. “And every time people from SAG go and support a movie that has met the terms of the interim agreement, it just makes it more obvious that these people are willing to support the people that they collaborate with, and the others are not.”
Driver has worked closely with both Netflix and Amazon before. In 2016, he starred in the Amazon Studios film Paterson, and in 2019 he starred opposite Annette Bening and Jon Hamm in the political thriller The Report, also distributed by the streamer. In 2020, he earned a best-actor Oscar nomination for Noah Baumbach’s Marriage Story, which was released by Netflix. 
Ferrari director Mann also voiced his support for SAG-AFTRA and the WGA at the press conference. “Ferrari got made because the people who worked on Ferrari made it by forgoing large sectors of salaries, in the case of Adam and myself,” said Mann. “It was not made by a big studio—no big studio wrote us a check. That’s why we’re here in solidarity with both unions.”
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Was asked if I think they'd replace Jim Carrey as Eggman - and now I am explaining actor salary negotiation tactics
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scorchedsienna · 3 months
"if the tranny does not feel loved, she will leave" was not the salary negotiation tactic i thought it would be
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wutheringmights · 1 year
CTB Scrap - Dinner With Impa
This is another scrap from the opening to chapter 5 where Link and the engineer go off to battle together for the first time. This scene is meant to transition into the scene where the engineer tries talking to the child the night before.
I actually really like the idea behind this scene. We get a bit of a look at Link and Impa's dynamic while giving the engineer an opportunity to explain how his senses work.
I don't quite remember exactly why I didn't like this when I first wrote it. I remember being very frustrated with how this came out and being unable to figure out what was wrong with it. It was easier to cut it than try to make it work.
Note: this is an unedited scrap, so the writing may not be up to snuff. Also, everything include was deleted for a reason, so please do not take it as canon to CTB.
Link studied the engineer. He had been quiet since the night before. They both had a meeting with General Impa in the Sheikah headquarters sequestered in its own little corner of the camp. Dressed down in her traditional Sheikah robes, she balanced a precarious line between intimidating and inviting as they dined on a noodle dish common only in Kakariko. Her red eyes were like blades, but Link had seen the other side of them. When Zelda had gone into hiding, Impa had been the one to take his hand and guide him into becoming the hero. She was the one who drilled proper etiquette and wrung the commoner’s accent from his speech, who taught him how to think on his feet, who tore down his strategies until he built them to perfection. Hell, he was sure he wouldn’t even have a salary if she didn’t sit him down and show him how to negotiate for one.
 At first, Impa had kept their talk to what Link thought the Royal Guard’s strategy should be next. He may have been the hero, he was still only a common born captain. He needed her on his side if he wanted any of his strategies to be enacted. When they had exhausted everything that topic had to offer, Impa turned an eye to the engineer. “So Lincoln tried poaching you from right under our noses,” she said.
The engineer shrugged, turning his eyes away. He pushed his chopsticks around the biscuit drizzled with honey Impa had served them for dessert. It wasn’t a lot, but with all the rationing, it was the sweetest thing they’d had in a while. “Yeah, uh… I guess you can call it that,” he said.
She smiled indulgently. “Well, I’m glad you chose to stay with us. You are an exceptional asset for Hylia’s cause.”
The engineer tightened his mouth, but said nothing.
Link gritted his teeth. “He’s just nervous about the battle tomorrow,” he said, trying to both monitor Impa’s expressions and comfort the engineer. Sitting as they were on the ground, Link slipped his hand over the engineer’s floor cushion, finding his wrist. He held it, hoping it was enough.
Impa smiled. “That’s understandable. Approaching battles can always be intimidating, but as a hero, I’m sure you have had your fair share of defeating foes.”
The engineer shrugged. “Sure, but I’m really just a Royal Engineer.”
Impa picked up a teapot, taking a moment to refill her cup. The pause was oppressive, but Link knew better than to play into Impa’s tactics. He squeezed the engineer’s wrist tighter. “They say that many of the heroes of old were privy to special abilities granted to them by the goddesses. They could change forms, defy time, and even command the elements. All of these skills they used to ensure Hyrule’s safety. And I heard you have a skill of your own beyond being an engineer.”
Link frowned. He had mentioned the engineer’s abilities to the general in passing. He trusted Impa not to abuse that information, but he didn’t know where she was going with this.
The engineer shrugged, looking away. “I’ve always been able to sense spirits,” he said.
“So you have always been a hero,” she said. “A sixth sense is a valuable asset to have.”
“It’s…” He hesitated, making a soured expression. “I don’t really like calling it that.”
She raised a brow.
He sighed. “Saying its one sense is like saying it’s isolated. And that’s not really how it’s like. It’s more like all of my other senses are lighting up. I can recognize someone’s spirit by the sound it makes, or the taste it leaves in my mouth, or how it feels—or any combination of it.” He twisted his arm enough for Link to think he wanted him to let go. But when he did, the engineer grabbed his wrist, keeping him in place. It wasn’t the hand with the Triforce mark, but the engineer still swiped his thumb over the back of Link’s hand in soothing, rhythmic motions.
What did the engineer sense when he was near, Link wondered. What was his spirit like?
“It’s not—I just don’t really think it’s as helpful as you think it is,” the engineer added. “At least, not the way it is back home.”
“Satiate an old woman’s curiosity,” Impa said. “How is my spirit?”
The engineer looked at her for a long moment. “There’s shadows around my vision,” he said. “And there’s a taste in my mouth—I don’t think I’ve ever had it before. It’s really spicy.”
Impa nodded, lingering in another moment of tactical silence.
The engineer winced, almost dropping his chopsticks. This has happened enough times now that Link knew what that expression meant. The engineer let go of Link’s wrist as he stood. “Thanks for dinner, but I need to get going now,” he said.
The corner of her lips twitched, but she managed to smile. “Of course. You need your rest for tomorrow.”
“Great. Thanks!” He hurried off, barely remembering to give her a sloppy salute before fleeing through the tent’s flaps.
A moment later, he rushed back in. “Sorry, let me just…” He took the honeyed biscuit off the plate, wrapping it up in a handkerchief he pulled from the pockets of his jumpsuit. He gave them both a grin and a second, more purposeful salute. “Thanks!”
And he left again.
 Impa and Link sat in silence for a while—first, expecting him to run in and steal more food. Then it was to make sure he was far enough away that they could both talk frankly. Link sipped at his cup of tea, resisting the urge to grimace at its grassy taste. The drink itself had a pale green color that reminded Link of falling asleep on Hyrule Field’s grassy knolls. He didn’t know how Impa enjoyed drinking this, but it was a traditional Sheikah beverage.
“He seems like a gentle soul,” Impa said at last.
“He’s shy.” Link placed his cup on the table. “If you have any questions for him, direct them to me first. He’s my subordinate, and I don’t appreciate you trying to interrogate him.”
“You’re too sensitive, hero. It was professional curiosity.”
He glowered.
Impa pushed back the billowing sleeves of her robe, enough to give her hands the freedom to push through her white hair, adjusting pins back into place. “Lincoln ignored the boy’s wishes and put in a request for his transfer,” she said. “He didn’t get it, but I admit I was curious as to why the Master Knight wanted the engineer so badly.”
Link’s blood was loud in his ears. “He just wants to screw me over,” he spat.
Impa gave him an unimpressed look. “We both know he’s not like that,” she said. “Dislike him as much as you want, but he’s the Master Knight for a reason.”
Link thought back to the night of the party, walking through every beat of their conversation. Distinctly, he recalled the way Lincoln scrutinized the engineer, biting like a fish on a hook onto the idea of him being a royal engineer. “It wasn’t his spirit abilities, if that’s what you’re wondering,” he said. Sighing, he rose to his feet. “Thank you for dinner, Impa. I appreciate you meeting with me, and I won’t overstay my welcome.”
Impa gave him a knowing look. “You take care of that boy tomorrow. First battle’s always the hardest.”
Link waved her off. “Will do, general.”
When Link left the tent, he was unsurprised to see things.
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stereax · 1 year
how does rfa work? what options does timo have if he chooses not to sign with the devils?
hey anon! that's a good question - UFAs, or unrestricted free agents, are pretty simple in that they can go to whatever team they want as long as they're not under contract, but RFAs (restricted free agents) are a little trickier to get. let's talk! (gonna put it under the cut so people who don't care about the contracts part of the game don't have to hercules scroll to get past this.)
so RFAs are basically defined as Not UFAs and Not Entry Level - so not rookies in their first 1-3 years in the NHL, but also younger than 27 or without 7 NHL years under their belt. Timo, being 26, can declare UFA status next year. crucially, this means that if he doesn't like NJ, he can sign a one year deal and then leave the next year (which basically means we would have traded for one year and some of Timo).
now Timo's got this weird contract where it's really backstacked. his base salaries for the 4 years of it were 700k, 700k, 4m, and 10m. with signing bonuses, 4m, 4m, 6m, 10m. this works both against and for us. his qualifying offer is 10m because of the backstack taking the last year of the contract. so here are the options we have:
Fitz negotiates a contract with Timo (8? 8.5?) for however long. the longer the better to keep him under team control, as, if Timo wants a 2-3 year deal, then he becomes a UFA and we can't control if he stays or goes, which means we have to pay him more money later if he decides to stay (because he can say "well Calgary will give me 9.5" or something like that). Fitz will NOT negotiate a one year contract with Timo... because
Timo's agent is probably smarter than that. here's how QOs work: Fitz has to offer the QO which is 100% of Timo's last-year salary (10m) if they can't get a deal done, else Timo is allowed to walk as a UFA. so if Timo doesn't want to stay in NJ long-term and just wants to cash out, he's going to push for Fitz to have to QO him.
but if Timo really doesn't want to stay, another team can offer sheet him. so he doesn't accept the QO, talks to another team (let's say Calgary again), and Calgary says "we'll pay you 11m to come here". Fitz then gets 7 days to decide if Calgary can take him or if he's going to match that. if he matches, Timo stays with NJ for 11m for one year. if not, Timo goes to Calgary. but but but! offer sheets don't come without a price. depending on the AAV, Calgary will have to pay a massive fee of draft picks. if the offer sheet is under 10m AAV Fitz is going to match because of the QO thing. if it's above, there's a breakpoint. see, there are "tiers" of offer sheet AAVs and each has a different draft pick compensation. up to 10.5ishM is two firsts, a second, and a third. above 10.5ishM is FOUR firsts. so if Calgary goes under that number (which any team probably will), Fitz would probably match it. if someone goes nuts and goes above it, Fitz will likely let Timo walk because FOUR firsts.
another possibility: Timo and Fitz go to arbitration. this very basically means that they talk to an arbitrator who listens to both sides and sets a salary. generally when arbitration is filed it doesn't actually reach arbitration, it's usually a tactic to stop the possibility of offer sheets (although they're super uncommon anyways) and push for more time to figure things out and get the contract. but if it actually hits arbitration, then - okay. so either Timo or Fitz can say "fuck this we arbitrate". if Fitz says that, he MUST honor the arbitration agreement and sign Timo to that amount. if Timo says it, Fitz can still decide whether or not he agrees to the amount (if not, Timo goes UFA). the issue is that the team can't ask for more than a 15% pay cut. Timo's current salary is 10M. I'm not sure if it's AAV or the last year's salary, but if it's last year's, it means they will have to pay at LEAST 8.5M if they hit arbitration. so they don't really want to do that, because Fitz pinches pennies and is pitching for an 8Mish deal. (I assume Fitz is telling Timo 8Mish and Timo's looking for 9Mish long-term, unless Timo's not sold on NJ.)
the last possibility is that Fitz trades Timo. which he can do, because Timo is still an RFA. this is why the whole "we can still get a first-round draft pick" thing has people worried, because Fitz can flip Timo for a first-rounder in this draft (and probably more too). most, if not all, of the teams in the top 15ish of the draft (I've heard the draft class thins considerably after 15 or so and I doubt Fitz trades Timo for the 30th pick in the draft) aren't going to want Timo over their draft pick as they're in rebuild mode and Timo won't fit their window. the one possibility I could MAYBE see would be Buffalo - Buffalo is entering a contention window, might not need the 12th draft pick if they decide to push their chips in and push for a wildcard spot next year (reminder that they were only like 2 points off from being in the playoffs). Buffalo's biggest issue isn't forwards though, it's goalies. so like, unless they put Timo in pads and make Akira teach him to save... idk. I doubt it. but yeah, since we still have Timo's rights, if he says "I'm definitely not coming back here, you broke my nose in the playoffs and I'm traumatized" or whatever have you, Fitz will have to trade him or force him into arbitration (and the latter probably won't make him thrilled to be here). I doubt we trade Timo, though.
what I expect to happen is that Timo signs for an ~8.5M AAV deal. I really expect a longer-term deal from this because if Timo wants to get out, again, he can sign his QO for one year, cash in for a hefty 10M, and get out when he UFAs. recall his agent is Claude Lemieux, though, and Lemieux won 2 of his 3 Stanley Cups with us (and the third because we traded him to Colorado). I'm not saying that Lemieux is gonna go team friendly because we got him Stanley Cup wins, but I am saying that Lemieux is probably on very good terms with the Devils organization, doesn't need a massive payday from this deal, and is likely enough to be nicer to us than, say, Joakim Persson (Bratt's agent) who doesn't have repeated interactions with the Devils and is really pushing for a good deal so he can attract more clients.
but that's just a theory, a stereax theory :)
(also, any and all references to Calgary are entirely fictional, I doubt Calgary is interested in him lol)
let me know if this helps, anon!!! and if I have something wrong, feel free to correct me :)
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fractallogic · 1 year
Hello for the last 11 hours or so I have been extraordinarily anxious because I was an idiot and didn’t just fucking hang up the zoom call instead of going along with predatory sales tactics
It is so fucking shady to say “heyyyy we specialize in this very specific topic that very few people are specialized in and we can help YOU for the low cost of *mumble* but only if you sign up right now. Isn’t what you just told us is important to you worth like, ten thousand dollars? Well, you can get that from us at only SIX thousand dollars BUT ONLY IF YOU DO THAT RIGHT NOW. I mean you could take a couple hours to think, but we only have four spots left and nine people on calls right now. Oh sure, you can pull up your budget, but don’t stop sharing your screen on the zoom call, I want to be able to help you out with the details. Oh, don’t be silly, this is all just boilerplate stuff, blah blah, I’m going to just keep talking while I watch you read it. It SAYS it’s a loan, but it’s simple interest, not compounding interest, and that big number is what you’ll pay only if you go through all three years of the payment plan, and we offer you a 100% money back guarantee because we are THAT confident in our ability to get you into the job you want. And when we do get you a job, we’ll negotiate to get you a big salary and signing bonus, and you can just pay the remainder of what you owe us with that! Easy! And you’ll have LIFETIME ACCESS to all these valuable resources, including the network of your peers who have gotten you on the inside track to your job!”
I feel like a fucking idiot for going through with it and now having to spend a bunch of time and brainpower to get out of it. Why did this shit work with me. (It’s because I’m impatient and slightly desperate and able to justify it to myself… until I have the “oh shit what did I do” feeling when the zoom call hangs up.) I hate this for me and also for the people it works on.
I watched his eyes move as he followed a SCRIPT I am so ANGRY with myself rn
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talentkompass · 1 year
Streamlining HR Processes: The Tale of How TalentKompass Deutschland Unleashed the Power of Outsourcing
Introduction: The ‘Aha!’ Moment
Picture this: you're navigating a labyrinth of tasks—hiring, payroll, compliance, and whatnot, all while trying to keep your business running smoothly. If you're TalentKompass Deutschland, you take a moment to pause and think, "There has to be a better way." And so began their enlightening journey into the world of Human Capital Management (HCM) outsourcing—a step that wasn’t just smart, it was transformative.
The Winding Road: Those Pesky HR Challenges
Imagine juggling flaming torches while walking a tightrope—that's what handling HR at a growing company feels like. TalentKompass Deutschland knew that to succeed, something had to give. They had a sprawling list of HR tasks, each more intricate than the last, and as the team grew, so did the chaos.
The Lightbulb Moment: Hello, HCM Outsourcing!
So, they took the plunge and said, "Let's bring in the pros." And just like that, they handed over their HR tasks to HCM outsourcing specialists. Why? Because these folks have made it their life’s mission to conquer the HR chaos, armed with high-tech tools and years of wisdom.
The Juicy Benefits: What’s Not to Love?
Less Money Drama
Before outsourcing, just the thought of HR costs would make anyone’s wallet tremble in fear. But by outsourcing, TalentKompass Deutschland started saving big time—no more hefty salaries, no more pricey software, and sayonara, compliance risks!
Wisdom and Gizmos
We're talking about real HR wizards here, the kind who live and breathe payroll and benefits, and who know how to get things done right, the first time. Plus, the tech they bring into play? Absolutely top-notch.
Focus, Baby, Focus!
The most liberating part? The TalentKompass Deutschland team could finally stop sweating the small stuff and get back to doing what they love and do best—growing their business.
Keeping It Legal
No one wants to accidentally step over legal lines. Thankfully, the outsourcing crew came with their own team of legal eagles, making sure that TalentKompass Deutschland stayed on the right side of the law.
The Nitty-Gritty: Functions They Kissed Goodbye
Payroll: Numbers in Safe Hands
Payroll could be a brain-teaser. One wrong move and you could trigger a cascade of errors. Now, it's like clockwork, managed by their new expert partners.
The Right People: Hired!
You need great talent to build a great business. That's why TalentKompass Deutschland leaned on their HCM partner to find folks who fit not just the job description, but also the company vibe.
The Hellos and Goodbyes
The first and last impressions matter—a lot. TalentKompass Deutschland's outsourcing team made sure of that, greeting new hires with a warm welcome and bidding adieu to departing ones with grace.
Learning the Ropes
When it comes to training, one size never fits all. Custom-tailored training programs ensured that every team member felt valued and empowered.
The Cherry on Top: Benefits
Who wouldn’t want to work at a place that takes care of its employees? Benefits administration went from a puzzle to a piece of cake.
Picking the Dream Team: The Outsourcing Partner
Reputation, flexibility, data security—these were the non-negotiables. TalentKompass Deutschland wasn't just looking for a vendor; they wanted a true partner, and they found just that.
The Happy Ending: Transformation Achieved
So, what’s the takeaway? TalentKompass Deutschland’s move to HCM outsourcing wasn’t just a tactical shift; it was a full-blown game-changer. They became leaner, meaner, and ever-so-compliant, all while creating a more harmonious, efficient workplace.
FAQs for the Curious Minds
Is HCM outsourcing just for the big guys?
Nope, whether you're a startup or a multinational, there's an HCM solution that’s just right for you.
How does it actually save money?
Imagine slashing several lines from your expense sheet—that's HCM outsourcing for you.
Are there any pitfalls?
Sure, like with any big move, there are risks, such as data breaches or a potential culture clash. But pick the right partner, and you’re golden.
What about keeping our data safe?
Good question! Always, always check your partner’s security measures.
So, no more worrying about compliance?
Exactly, leave it to the experts and sleep easy.
And there you have it, folks! TalentKompass Deutschland found their North Star in HCM outsourcing and charted a course toward smoother waters. So, what's your compass telling you?
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hornyrecruiter · 2 years
Who am i?
Tumblr media
This will be a spare time blog where I mix my libido and passion to help people find employment. Who am I? My real identity will remain a secret so I will use pictures of other but I am want I have come to call a "Job Coach" I come from agency recruitment and leading a companies HR and recruitment function and now privately help the unemployed find long term work to get away from homeliness and other bad situations.
What do I do?
I don't get you the job, I don't take fees from clients, I don't work hard play hard in an office. I coach and help build skillsets and pre-employment skills so others can get themselves employment. It don't always sound the most pleasant but in my years I have done all the work to have people walk out of a job 2 weeks later and lose my commission and my income from people who didn't really need work or want it. I now asses my clients based on needs and employability and help them get away from government benefits or homeliness or the anxiety of finding a job after school.
I primarily work in the area of both visible and in-visible disabilities - coach those who have a lot more trouble finding and getting employment based on barriers and biases of hiring someone with a disability.
What will i do here?
I am going to share how I help my clients work towards their employment goals such as
CV writing skills
Interview skills
Reverse marketing a job to suit you
Negotiating salary and benefits
Career building tactics to constantly grow
This will be mixed homo erotic's scenarios that I have either done or would like to fantasize about so its not just some boring page.
This is also not a "get rich quick" or "fake your way to CEO" because if that was possible I would be both but I do know how to ensure that you have long lasting employment where you are in control and not the employer.
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welingkarexedp27 · 3 days
How to Improve Negotiation Skills
Negotiation is an essential skill in both personal and professional settings. Whether you're closing a business deal, negotiating a salary, or resolving a conflict, strong negotiation skills can help you achieve the best possible outcome. However, not everyone is naturally good at negotiating, and even those who are can always improve. If you're wondering how to improve negotiation skills, there are several strategies you can apply to become more effective and confident in your negotiations.
1. Understand the Fundamentals of Negotiation
Before diving into advanced techniques, it's important to grasp the basics of negotiation. Successful negotiation involves reaching a mutually beneficial agreement, which means considering both your needs and the other party’s needs. How to improve negotiation skills starts with understanding that it's not just about winning but about finding a solution that satisfies both parties. This requires active listening, empathy, and clear communication to ensure everyone’s interests are addressed.
2. Prepare Thoroughly
Preparation is key to becoming a better negotiator. Knowing the details of what you’re negotiating, the interests of the other party, and any potential obstacles will give you an advantage. Research relevant facts, set clear objectives, and consider possible compromises before entering any negotiation. By anticipating the other party’s arguments and preparing responses, you’ll feel more confident and in control. Thorough preparation is one of the most effective ways to improve negotiation skills.
3. Develop Active Listening Skills
One of the most underrated aspects of negotiation is the ability to listen effectively. When you focus solely on what you want to say, you may miss valuable information from the other side that can be used to your advantage. Active listening involves not just hearing the words but understanding the underlying interests, emotions, and concerns of the other party. This approach can help you identify common ground and lead to a win-win situation. By actively listening, you improve your ability to respond thoughtfully and strengthen your negotiation position.
4. Practice Patience and Control Emotions
Negotiations can often become heated, especially when both sides have strong interests. Learning to manage emotions and practice patience is crucial in how to improve negotiation skills. Staying calm and composed, even when faced with aggressive tactics, allows you to maintain control and prevent the negotiation from spiraling into conflict. Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in effective negotiation, as it helps you read the other party’s emotional state and respond appropriately.
5. Master the Art of Persuasion
Improving negotiation skills involves learning how to persuade effectively. Persuasion isn’t about forcing the other person to agree with you; it's about presenting your arguments in a way that appeals to the other party’s interests and values. This requires good communication skills, logical reasoning, and the ability to highlight the benefits of your proposal. Providing evidence and using positive language can make your arguments more compelling and increase the likelihood of reaching a favorable agreement.
6. Know When to Compromise
Another key element of how to improve negotiation skills is knowing when to compromise. Stubbornly holding onto your position can lead to deadlock, especially if the other party is also unwilling to budge. Skilled negotiators understand the value of compromise and are willing to adjust their stance to reach an agreement. However, it’s important to compromise strategically, ensuring that you still achieve your core objectives while giving the other party something they value. The ability to compromise while protecting your interests is a hallmark of successful negotiators.
7. Improve Your Body Language
Negotiation is not just about words; non-verbal communication can have a significant impact on the outcome. Body language, such as maintaining eye contact, adopting a confident posture, and using open gestures, can reinforce your verbal communication and project confidence. Conversely, slouching, avoiding eye contact, or appearing defensive can undermine your position. Paying attention to both your own body language and that of the other party can help you gauge their emotional state and adjust your approach accordingly. Enhancing your non-verbal communication is an important step in improving negotiation skills.
8. Learn from Every Negotiation
Every negotiation presents an opportunity to learn and improve. Whether you reach an agreement or not, reflecting on the negotiation process can reveal areas for growth. Ask yourself what worked, what didn’t, and how you could improve next time. Over time, this reflection helps you fine-tune your skills and become a more effective negotiator. Seeking feedback from others who witnessed the negotiation can also provide valuable insights.
Mastering how to improve negotiation skills is a gradual process that requires practice, patience, and a willingness to learn from each experience. By understanding the fundamentals, preparing thoroughly, listening actively, managing emotions, and mastering persuasion, you can significantly enhance your negotiation abilities. Additionally, learning to compromise and being mindful of non-verbal communication can lead to more successful outcomes. As with any skill, continuous improvement and reflection will ensure you become a more confident and skilled negotiator, capable of handling any situation with ease.
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