malibuzz · 6 months
Lutte contre l’enrichissement illicite : Le Président Assimi GOÏTA salue les efforts de l’OCLEI
Le mardi 28 novembre 2023, Son Excellence le Colonel Assimi GOÏTA, Président de la Transition, Chef de l’État, a présidé la cérémonie de remise du rapport annuel 2022 de l’Office Central de lutte contre l’Enrichissement illicite (OCLEI), dans la salle des banquets de Koulouba. On y notait la présence du Premier ministre, du ministre d’État en charge de l’Administration territoriale et de la…
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kimludcom · 6 months
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banqueenfrancecom · 2 years
Joe Biden salue "une femme d'Etat d'une dignité et d'une constance incomparables"
Joe Biden salue “une femme d’Etat d’une dignité et d’une constance incomparables”
🪁Joe Biden salue “une femme d’Etat d’une dignité et d’une constance incomparables” ✈️ #banque #france | #Joe #Biden #salue #une #femme #dEtat #dune #dignité #dune #constance #incomparables | Joe Biden salue “une femme d’Etat d’une dignité et d’une constance incomparables” Retrouvez ici l’intégralité de notre live #ELIZABETH_II 23h44 : On ignore la cause du décès d’Elizabeth II, cet après-midi,…
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nitpickrider · 5 months
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First appearences of Shrinking Violet, Bouncing Boy and Sun Boy! Five all star Legionnaires introduced in one story! Action Comics 276
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thr-333 · 1 year
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@gemini-forest why would you give him a bat?!?! As if I wasn’t screwed enough! Guys don’t even bother voting for me, just call an ambulance.
@ separatedleoau @tmntaucompetition
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obsidian-pages777 · 12 days
Pick a Card: Messages for More Peace and Well-being. [Goddess Salus]
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Top Left to Right -> Pile 1, Pile 2.
Bottom Left to Right -> Pile 3, Pile 4.
[Feel free to pick more than one pile]. [Bonus: Practical Action Steps]
Goddess Salus, an important deity in Roman mythology, is the personification of health, well-being, and prosperity. She is often equated with the Greek goddess Hygieia, who is associated with hygiene and preventive health. Salus was highly revered in ancient Rome, symbolizing both personal health and the overall well-being of the state. Her role extended beyond physical health to encompass a broader sense of safety, welfare, and public health. Temples and altars dedicated to Salus were common, and her worship included rituals aimed at ensuring the health and stability of both individuals and the community at large.
Salus was frequently depicted in Roman art holding a serpent, a symbol of renewal and healing, often accompanied by a patera (a shallow dish used in religious ceremonies) or a scepter. These attributes underline her association with medicinal practices and protective qualities. The worship of Salus illustrates the ancient Romans' understanding of the interconnectedness between individual health and the state's prosperity. Festivals and offerings in her honor were part of the public and private religious practices, reflecting the high value placed on health and well-being in Roman society.
Pile 1
Message: Healing through Nature Salus advises you to spend more time in nature. The healing energies of the earth, trees, and fresh air will help soothe your mind and bring clarity. Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike in the mountains, or simply sitting in your garden, connecting with the natural world can significantly reduce stress and promote inner peace. Make it a habit to regularly immerse yourself in natural surroundings.
Actions to Take for Pile 1.
Daily Walks: Schedule at least 15-30 minutes each day for a walk in a park or natural setting.
Weekend Hikes: Plan a hiking trip once a month to explore new trails and immerse yourself in different natural environments.
Outdoor Activities: Incorporate outdoor activities like gardening, cycling, or picnicking into your routine.
Nature Sounds: Use apps or YouTube to play nature sounds (like rain, ocean waves, or forest ambiance) during meditation or relaxation time.
Sunlight Exposure: Spend at least 10-15 minutes daily in direct sunlight to boost your mood and vitamin D levels.
Pile 2
Message: Healing through Self-Care Salus encourages you to prioritize self-care. This involves more than just physical health; it includes emotional and mental well-being. Establish a daily routine that includes time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading, meditating, taking a warm bath, or practicing yoga. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, and listen to your body's needs. Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury, but a necessity for maintaining peace of mind.
Actions to Take for Pile 2.
Create a Self-Care Routine: Dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to activities that relax and rejuvenate you, such as reading, journaling, or taking a bath.
Healthy Lifestyle: Focus on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep to maintain physical health, which supports mental well-being.
Mindful Breaks: Take short breaks throughout the day to practice deep breathing, stretching, or simply resting your mind.
Digital Detox: Set aside time each day to unplug from digital devices to reduce stress and increase mindfulness.
Gratitude Practice: Keep a gratitude journal and write down three things you’re thankful for each day to cultivate a positive mindset.
Pile 3
Message: Healing through Connection Salus suggests that you seek healing through connection with others. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who uplift you. Open up about your feelings and allow others to support you. Sometimes, sharing your burdens can significantly lighten them. Additionally, consider joining a community or group that shares your interests and values. Human connection and the sense of belonging can profoundly impact your mental well-being and peace of mind.
Actions to Take Pile 3.
Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular calls or meet-ups with friends and family to maintain strong, supportive relationships.
Join a Group: Find and join a local club, group, or community organization that aligns with your interests, such as a book club, fitness class, or volunteer group.
Share Your Feelings: Practice open and honest communication with trusted loved ones about your thoughts and feelings.
Social Media Detox: Limit time spent on social media and focus on real-life interactions to build deeper connections.
Acts of Kindness: Engage in small acts of kindness, such as helping a neighbor or volunteering, to foster a sense of community and fulfillment.
Pile 4
Message: Healing through Mindfulness Salus recommends incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily life. Mindfulness involves being present in the moment and fully experiencing it without judgment. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindful walking can help you stay grounded and reduce anxiety. By focusing on the present rather than worrying about the past or future, you can achieve a greater sense of peace and balance. Start with a few minutes each day and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.
Action Steps to take Pile 4.
Daily Meditation: Start with 5-10 minutes of meditation each morning, using guided meditation apps like Headspace or Calm.
Mindful Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises multiple times a day, especially during stressful moments.
Mindful Eating: Pay attention to the taste, texture, and aroma of your food. Eat slowly and savor each bite.
Body Scan: Perform a daily body scan meditation to check in with how your body feels and release any tension.
Mindful Walking: Take short walks where you focus on the sensation of your feet touching the ground, the sights, and sounds around you.
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reflectedshine · 2 months
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❝ Our future is not built atop despair and resignations.
Arknights Main Theme Episode 13 -The Whirlpool that is Passion
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cinematicjourney · 5 months
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Hail Mary (1985) | dir. Jean-Luc Godard
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supranatra · 8 months
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Modern!Au Romeo for the soul
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dabruzzy · 1 year
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More Legion redesigns feat. the Espionage Squad
Thought process for my redesigns under the read more:
So for Lyle I didn't want to change too much because I like his Reboot costume the best, though I think it's a bit bland. A bland design works well for him but he's my fave so I wanted him to have a better costume lol. I decided to go all in on the spy look, it's not like it's a secret anyway so he might as well look the part even more than he already does.
Tinya I wanted to make her look like a ghost, so it's basically a mix between her cartoon design and her Young Justice design. I like how in YJ she's wearing a hoodie, it feels like what a teenage superhero would wear, so I incorporated it into the cape.
Vi is mostly a mix between Retroboot and the cartoon, but I gave her shorts and combat boots as a bit of a callback to 5YL Vi because I love her. Also I wanted her to be visibly shorter than everyone else but I probably overdid it. She's really tiny.
Now you might be wondering, what the hell is going on with Cham's costume? Yeah, me too. He's the one I had the hardest time designing. I don't particularly like most of his costumes, I think a lot of them are pretty generic so I wanted to try something different but I don't think I accomplished what I wanted to do. I thought a really asymmetrical costume would fit a shapeshifter pretty well, and I also wanted to give it a water-like look to it since water doesn't have a shape. Something like Inque from Batman Beyond. But I didn't know how to do make it look good and also make him look like he belonged to the same team as everyone else so it's a bit meh.
And for Luornu I mainly took from the cartoon, now with more triangles. I also decided to stick to the Reboot's color scheme of purple and orange because her powers are more effective if she can trick people into thinking she hasn't split, and that's not doable if each duplicate is a different color. Plus Luornu Neutral is the balance between Orange and Purple and I like the idea of visually representing that by making her both orange and purple.
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malibuzz · 6 months
99ÈME SESSION DU CONSEIL D'ADMINISTRATION DE LA CMDT: Le PDG Nango Dembélé salue l'appui gouvernemental
Les  travaux  de  cette  99ième  session annuelle  de la  CMDT,  tenue  le mercredi  20 décembre  2023   à  l’hôtel de l’amitié  qui, de  par  ses   réalisations soumises   à l’approbation,   se révèlent  satisfaisants.  En effet le  budget 2024  de la CMDT  a   été arrêté  en produits  pour  un montant  de   515, 454 milliards  FCFA,  en  charges à  514, 310 de F et en investissements pour  12,…
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lascitasdelashoras · 23 days
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Salu Bass
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cantsayidont · 6 months
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May to July 1986. I think a lot of people have seen the above panels from LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES (1984) #22, which are really the first indication of the attraction between Lightning Lass and Shrinking Violet, but consider also this scene from the following issue:
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It certainly looks here like they're going to hook up in the Legion cruiser, and probably not for the first time.
In the issue after that, Lightning Lass finally breaks off her longstanding relationship with Timber Wolf (Brin Londo), a hunky sad boy who spends much of this series gradually turning into a werewolf:
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This was indeed what it looked like, although it wasn't until early in the subsequent Legion series that Ayla and Vi were unequivocally together. Several of the later reboots erase their relationship completely, although they were once against together in the last Paul Levitz/Keith Giffen series (the reboot prior to the recent Bendis one).
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nitpickrider · 12 days
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Standing up a Legionnaire is...a bold choice. Like I said before. If SHE doesn't kill you over it, her friends sure awful might if they find her in this condition! Action Comics 381
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lemonyinks · 9 months
I think it would be awesome if DC made a mini-series revolving around Lyle and the espionage squad (luornu, tinya, salu, and reep) in which they just go on spy missions, and maybe uncover a bigger, more important plot that threatens the U.P in the process.
With background plots building on Lyle's childhood and his time in earthgov.
I would die for something like that
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pumpkinpie59 · 4 months
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girl help i have another rare pair
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