#sam and max slice of life
theizzizzy · 16 days
I guess I drew this last night???? I don’t remember drawing it but it looks super funny
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pikaflute · 20 days
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hey everyone!!!! guess who's birthday is today! superball's!!!!! yay!!!!! i wrote a little thing for him centered around his birthday and unlike sam's birthday it isn't sad. he's happy. he's thriving. he's joyful.
also this has flintball in it. you will enjoy my niche gay ship or ELSE. anyway happy birthday superball!!!!
It honestly slips Superball’s mind that it’s his birthday. He’s had a lot on his plate recently with work; not to mention having to get his kids ready for the school year. So once he finally gets a moment to himself one Friday morning and looks over at the calendar he sees it's his birthday.
Superball doesn't really have anything planned honestly. He stopped being excited for his birthday some time ago and usually the highlight of his birthday meant getting a cute gift from his son's or splurging extra during his dinner on a small treat.
As he's deciding between a slice of cake or a brownie: his phone rings. He picks it up and sees it's Max. Probably calling about his birthday no doubt. Despite the monotony of his life: his best friends really knew how to make it interesting.For better or for worse. Usually for the worse.
As Superball answers, he goes to say hello, but it's cut off by Max screaming on the other end.
“Superball! It's an emergency!”
Superball can vaguely hear someone in the background (possibly Sam) and something moving around.
“Don't uh me! Get down here quickly,” Max pauses and then adds, “Love you bye!”
The line disconnects before Superball can even process what just happened. He sighs. Well his job never really truly ends it seems. Even on his birthday.
-- this is a line break :P --
He's expecting the worst when he gets to Sam and Max's place. Granted: he always is. He doesn't know why the two naturally attract chaos and misfortune wherever they go, but at this point he's too far deep and he's not going to question it. The lights in their office are off so he can't see where the two are at the moment. Usually, he'd knock and wait; but Max did say it was urgent, so he forgoes the pleasantries and opens the door and enters the room.
“Sirs, I got here as quickly-”
Suddenly, the lights turn on and he hears a loud popping noise. Confetti fills his vision as it falls on top of him as Sam and Max stand in front of him: wearing party hats while holding party poppers.
“Happy birthday!”
Superball looks around the room. Among the…. questionable design of Sam and Max's office: there's party decorations. Balloons fill the corners of the rooms and streamers are haphazardly thrown on top of the fan in the center of the room. On their couch are a couple of multicolored boxes that Superball guesses are probably gifts for him. Finally, there's a rainbow banner hanging above their closet that reads ‘Happy Birthday!’.
“Ah. So this was the emergency.”
“Well, I couldn't tell you it was for your birthday, it would ruin the surprise!”
“Plus, I already had to stop him from setting the decorations on fire three times. So, we really needed you down here before the fire department came knocking.”
Superball smiles. He knew out of anyone Sam and Max would remember his birthday but he didn't expect them to do this for him. It was rather touching.
“I’m surprised you did this for my birthday, sirs.”
“Of course we did! You’re our best friend!”
“Plus, Max always wants the excuse to blow something up.”
Max rolls his eyes, “I don’t need an excuse. It just looks better on paper if I set something on fire for someone else.”
Sam smiles and pats Max on the head. He then reaches into his coat and pulls out a party hat (the same one he and Max are wearing) and puts it on Superball.
“Now you’re all festive.”
“Thank you sir. I feel festive.”
Sam smiles and pats him on the shoulder, “Also hope you don't mind holding the fort down for a few minutes. We gotta pick up your cake.”
“Ah you don't need to-”
“Don't get it twisted Superball,” Sam points at himself and Max, “It's mainly for us.”
“Also we tried to bake you a cake but Sam ate it.”
“I didn't. He decided to eat all the raw eggs and the cake batter before I could even think about getting a cake pan out.”
Max elbows Sam's shin, “Why am I the bad guy here? You ate that cake batter!”
“I don't know what you're talking about. I would never lie to Superball. Unlike you.”
Max bites Sam in the leg. Sam kicks him off and into the corner. Superball shifts around awkwardly and lets out a cough to get Sam's attention.
“Uh. So. That cake.”
“Oh,” Sam looks like he suddenly just remembered the original point of the conversation, “Yeah! We'll be back soon!”
Sam goes over and picks Max up by one of his ankles and Max lets out a ‘wee!’ as Sam swings him around as they leave the office. As Superball goes to brush the confetti of himself, he's stopped by someone's hand on his shoulder. He tenses up and tries to throw the assailant off of him, but he stops as he turns around to see Flint. Why can no one he's friends with (or in this case: dating) greet him like a normal person? As Superball relaxes under Flint touch, Flint lets out a sigh.
“Jeez, you always act like I'm going to hurt you or something.”
“I've seen the way you deal with clients.”
Flint rolls his eyes, “That's a gross mischaracterization, Supes. I'm way more complex than you give me credit for.”
Flint opens his mouth to say something back but he looks around the room and notices all the decorations.
“Who's birthday is it?”
There's a moment of silence between the two before Flint lets go of Superball. He then punches Superball in the shoulder. Ow. Superball frowns.
“See this is why I'm tense around-”
Flint cuts him off, “You didn’t tell me it was your birthday!”
Superball shrugs, “It slipped my mind. I didn’t even realize it was September already.”
“You know how shitty of a boyfriend I look if I don’t get you something?”
“I don’t want anything. I’m perfectly fine with what I have right now.”
Truth be told, he's still happy from the surprise he just got from Sam and Max. But even beyond that: he has a good life. He has some great friends who like him, he’s finally able to see his kids and spend some time with them again, his job hasn't been too stressful as of late, and despite Flint's eccentric demeanor: he's not that bad of a boyfriend. 
For the first time in a long time: Superball is happy. He couldn't ask for anything more than that. 
Flint, however, remains unconvinced. He just gives Superball a smile.
“Yeah that's just what people say. I'll get you something. Give me twenty minutes, tops.
“Really Flint it's fin-”
Flint cuts him off again, “Too late! Made up my mind! See you soon!”
And with that, Flint's out the door as quickly as he entered and Superball is left alone again. He sighs as he sits down on the couch. They're lucky he's used to waiting by a door doing nothing all day; otherwise he'd be pissed.
-- why the fuck does tumblr not let me do line breaks anymore --
“We're back!”
It takes about twenty minutes for Sam and Max to return with the cake. As Sam puts the cake on his desk, Max sits on the couch next to Superball and goes rooting around in the gift pile. Once Sam is done, he goes over to the couch, pushes Max aside to get a present, and then sits next to Superball.
“Do you know that he's banned from the five closest bakeries?”
Max finally grabs a gift from the pile and points it at Sam accusingly, “Oh Sam. We're banned from the five closest bakeries. Be proud of it.”
Sam leans over and flicks Max on the head, “I'm banned because of you moron.”
Max shrugs and then turns his attention towards Superball. He smiles with all of his teeth which would be deeply unsettling if Superball didn't know the little guy.
“Hello sir.”
“Do you want your presents?”
“I'm assuming that's why we're on this couch sir,” Superball points at the remaining presents, “I'm assuming those are also for me.”
“Yeah but they're not from us. I think we're too poor for that.”
“They're from the rest of the gang,” Sam smiles, “They would've shown up but you know Sybil's got her kid and all and Momma Bosco has some seminar in Jersey. Plus I don't think our office is zoned for guys that had a dark dimension entity in their chest.”
Max grabs Superball’s arm, “And since they didn't show up, we get dibs on giving you our gifts first. Sucks to be them!”
A few years back, Superball would rarely get any gifts on his birthday. He may have gotten a small gift from his wife or something from work; but other than that? Nothing. 
Seeing that people went out of their way to remember him and get him something meant the world to him. Even if they weren't here the fact they still wanted to show their appreciation for him was making his heart melt. He doesn't like crying but he can feel the tears begin to form. He wipes his eyes and then looks at both Sam and Max before saying:
“Thank you sirs.”
“Okay enough waiting,” Max lets go of Superball’s arm and puts the gift in his hands, “Open my gift first!”
Superball looks down at the gift. It's a small box: poorly wrapped in a bright green wrapping paper. Superball rips open the paper and then opens the box. Inside are three wood carvings. One is of a dog, the other of a rabbit, and the final one is a horse. Superball takes them out of the box and looks closely at them. They're quite adorable.
“You made these?”
Max nods, “I'm getting good at wood carving. I'm like if Picasso never cut his ear off.”
Max always was the more creative of the two. Whenever Superball collected documents from the guy there would be small doodles of guys (usually senators Max didn't like) getting maimed by Sam and Max. It would be cute if it wasn't so gruesome. 
“I think that's Van Gogh.”
“Whatever,” Max points at the horse, “That's you by the way. I made all of us so you can have me and Sam wherever you go!”
Superball smiles, “That's quite touching. Thank you Max.”
“See that Sam? I'm quite touching.”
“You're quite annoying is more like it,”  Sam hands his gift to Superball, “Here Superball, open mine next.”
Superball places Max's wood carvings back in the box and places it on the ground. He then grabs Sam's gift, which isn't wrapped like Max's but is instead a long rectangular black box. Superball opens the box to a tie.
It's a red tie like the one he's wearing now but instead of stripes it's got cute simplified versions of Sam and Max's faces on it. Superball looks over at Sam who's smiling.
“Cool right? I thought it would be fun to get you a new tie since you're always wearing that thing.”
“Don't you always wear the same tie?”
“Yeah but,” Sam looks embarrassed, “I also want you to have me and Max wherever you go, you know?”
As much as Sam teases Max all the time: the guy's a huge sap. He's always gushing about how much he loves Max or how much Max is his reason for living. The guy may have a short fuse but under all that was a guy who got sad at rom coms and cared deeply about the people around him.
Superball undoes his tie and places it on his lap. He then takes the new tie and puts it on: making sure it's tight enough and fits in his jacket. After he's done adjusting the tie he looks at Sam.
“Thank you for the gif-”
He's cut off by Sam and Max hugging him tightly. Ah. Well. He's not really a hugging person, but if it's with two of his favorite people on Earth? Well, he's not gonna say no to that. A few moments pass before Superball can feel his stomach growl. Hm. Maybe they should eat that cake soon. Once Sam and Max pull away, Superball gestures towards the desk.
“So. The cake.”
Max's eyes light up, “Superball you really get me.” 
“He's been eyeing that thing since we left the bakery. I'm surprised he hasn't pounced on it yet.”
“I have some restraint Sam, god.”
Sam laughs as he goes, “Do you?”
Suddenly, the office door opens. The three of them turn to see a very out of breath Flint Paper. He struggles to catch his breath as he holds out some paper in his hand.
“I. I got your present.”
Flint walks over to Superball and puts the paper in his hand. Max gets off the couch and jumps into Sam's lap, so Flint can sit down.
Superball looks down at the paper. He realizes that this isn't just any ordinary paper: these are tickets. More specifically tickets to a sold out Broadway show he's been dying to see for years. Even when he was president he couldn't get these tickets. He had given up all hope of ever seeing this show, so how the hell did Flint get these tickets?
“Flint. How did you get these.”
Flint just smiles, “I know a guy.”
Superball looks unconvinced. Flint may know a lot of guys from his line of work, but he's pretty sure Flint doesn't have exclusive access to Broadway. Otherwise, he would’ve started dating him a long time ago. A beat of silence passes before Flint speaks again:
“Alright fine,” Flint sighs, “There was a guy on seventh selling them for an arm and a leg. I just convinced him that his prices were unfair and he kindly gave me a discount.”
Which is Flint Paper code for: “You beat a man up for my tickets.”
“Hey. Scalpers are barely people. I'm doing the world a service by beating that guy up.”
“And,” Max butts in, “If you really think about it he could've done a lot worse!”
“See! It's fine.”
Superball looks down at the tickets again. You know for a man who claimed to be a shitty boyfriend: this was one of the most thoughtful things he's ever gotten. Flint may put on this tough guy persona, but Superball knows that he really cares underneath. Superball leans over and gives Flint a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you for the gift.”
Flint's blushing now. It's adorable.
“Yeah don't uh. Don't mention it.”
Sam and Max both make a noise from behind Superball.
“That was gross.”
“You said it little buddy.”
Superball wants to mention how he's caught them kissing various times in numerous ways, but since he's in a good mood he doesn't. He instead turns around and smiles.
“I want my cake now.”
Max jumps off of Sam's lap, “Geez you give one guy a good birthday celebration and he gets demanding.”
“I know,” Sam gets up and walks over to the desk, “I think we spoil the guy too much.”
As they begin cutting the cake, Superball holds up the tickets to Flint.
“I noticed there were two tickets here by the way.”
Flint gets up immediately, “Oh wow. Would you look at that? I'm starving.”
And with that, Flint walks over to Sam and Max. Smooth. Real smooth.
You know, despite claiming he wasn't that excited about his birthday anymore: he was thoroughly surprised how excited and happy he was after the little gift giving exchange. He knows it's a little silly to be this happy after a few gifts and some cake but could you blame him? It's nice to feel wanted and loved by people he cares about.
He looks over at the three of them and sees Flint laughing as Sam tries to wrestle Max away from his cake. They're a bunch of idiots sometimes. But they're his idiots. And as long he had them around all of his birthdays would be as great as this one.
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What are your thoughts on Disney TVA's upcoming lineup (Primos, Zombies The Re-Animated Series, StuGo, Cookies & Milk, Rhona Who Lives By The River, Sam Witch, Dog & Frog, SuperStar, The Witchverse, InterCats, Fantasy Sports, Neon Galaxy, La Familia Avenunes, Journey and the Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin reboots by Seth Rogen?
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1- Primos
Mira mijo para mí toda la polémica estuvo bien pendeja, ya que todo el crew del show fue puesto en el mismo saco de boxeo por las declaraciones de Myrna Velasco, como persona que conoce a Natasha Kline desde su trabajo en Big City Greens te puedo asegurar por Dieguito Maradona que no es un demonio como otras personas en el internet la están poniendo.
El show NO es sobre la cultura mexicana es sobre la cultura chicana en Los Angeles y como persona que se vio el piloto filtrado antes de que un chistosito lo subiera para crear bardo te digo que es lo mas harmless y inocentón del mundo, los que se están quejando son gente que solo lo hace para crear ragebait y farmear vistas.
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2- Zombies The Re-Animated Series
Not really my thing since the movies where "eh" for me but those days i was sick, so i recall the songs, happy for Aliki and the team tho, probably will watch it when i rewatch the films.
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3- StuGo
Really interested for this one specially since this one is slated to be Disney TVA's 100th Series, so im curious if Disney will have some kind of event planned besides that, the synopsis is interesting also this show had multiple people of Jellystone! and the crew from the axed CN movie Driftwood on board, so i think it will be interesting as the show saved this people from being jobless.
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Just realized that is called "STUGO" beacuse they are STUdents stuck three months on a wild tropical island, so they need to "GO".
Heh. It's like a pun or something. Heheh.
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4 - Cookies & Milk
Apparently this is the second project from the Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur EPs, i wonder how will they handle a down to earth slice of life series, imagine if they hire Flying Bark again becoming their first slice of life project with the Rise/LEGO/MGADD animation lol
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5- Rhona Who Lives By The River
I like how the concept art has a Cartoon Saloon vibe and wondering how will translate to stop-motion which is interesting, i like Karen Gillian for her role as Nebula on GOTG trilogy, what i wonder is how Disney will handle the show with the Elfman scandal, will they quietly drop it without any mention of Elfman like MAX did with Fired on Mars EP or finding a new composer for Season 2.
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6- The Witchverse
I played the VR short recently and OMG is so cute and adorable, the world they created has a big potential for multiple storylines, hoping S1 is more focused on Magda, Sasha (Yeah they have to change her name) and her mother, their relationship was so adorable, hope Daisy Ridley returns for the full series.
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7- InterCats
Apparently this will be Disney's first workplace comedy series for YA audiences and it sounds cute, apparently is co-created by one of the Nimona screenwritters Pamela Ribon, so that's a plus.
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8- Fantasy Sports
Super looking forward to this one, i loved the original novels and hoping Disney makes justice to Sam Bosma's world and characters, i can see Wiz and Mug becoming perfect additions to crosspromotion events at ESPN.
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9- SuperStar
BTW just like to mention that i named it SuperStar as a placeholder title, the show dosn't have a name as of yet, based on the cast call we can see that Alejandra is latina so maybe it's a mixture between MGADD and Hannah Montana, wonder which person created the show.
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10.- Journey
Since we don't know it's creator is very hard to tell what to expect BUT the synopsis is interesting kinda a awnser to LEGEND OF VOX MACHIMA but more family friendly, im wonder if this is the project created by Amy Hudkins, Ian Mutchler and Jonathon Wallach since they like Dungeons and Dragons, Legend Of Zelda and Magic The Gathering.
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11- La Familia Avenúñez
It's a spin-off of The Proud Family Louder And Prouder with a latino cast pues suena chido la vdd, esperemos que cuando se anuncie no ocurra lo mismo que Primos.
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12 - Dog And Frog, Neon Galaxy, Sam Witch
They don't have creator or synopsis as of yet besides a title revealed via a trademark, so it's hard to give overall thoughts
13- Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin Reboots
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After TMNT Mutant Mayhem, The Boys, The Boys Diabolical and Invincible im confident that Rogen's team will do Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin justice and wishing good luck to the crew behind them.
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dalekofchaos · 5 months
Tamber Ghostfaces au
Imagine an au where Amber and Tara are both Ghostface and girlfriends in Scream 5.
Amber's motive is a mix of her original motive and Richie's motive mixed into one. . Tara’s motive would be Sam left her. Her father left her. Her mother is the town pariah who constantly leaves her for work, Wes was obsessed with her and the only guy she liked was stolen from her. Her life was shit and it started the moment that Sam left her. All she had was Amber. They became best friends, shared their love of horror and became girlfriends.
Suddenly the Stab franchise became shit. Amber was pissed and Tara found out where Sam is and she came up with the perfect plan. "Let's make the perfect Stab movie and get my revenge on Sam, babe." "OUR revenge, she hurt you baby and I can't let that go."
Tara would be the opening act. She would appear as the "helpless victim" to lure Sam back to Woodsboro.
They had to choose a fall guy and Amber plans to pin it on Richie cause she found some very DAMNING comments on the Woodsboro subreddit.
Movie goes pretty much the same. All the same people die, but Wes is kept alive.
Wes takes Tara to hide to keep her safe makes a pathetic confession to Tara and then Tara slices his neck open and says "sorry Wes, I'm gay."
Richie protests his innocence to Sam insisting he is not Ghostface and that he's not Amber's partner.
Tara enters the room, drops the inhaler and pulling a Doofy from Scary Movie and says "he's right Sam, I'm Amber's partner" and slits his throat ear to ear.
Tara and Amber turn to Sam and grinning in unision. Tara takes the voice changer. "Surprise, Sam?"
Sam is horrified about what she just saw. She's all alone and left at the mercy of her sister and her crazy girlfriend.
Tara lays it all on her sister. "Why? WHY??? YOU. LEFT. ME! All I wanted was your love and you left me. Then dad left after you RUINED our family's lives. And if that wasn't enough, I was left at the mercy of our drunken pariah of a mother's abuse. You left and I was the target of her abuse. I was the target of some fuckboy's pathetic crush, the one guy I did like chose Liv over me. My life was shit and the only person I had was Amber. My soulmate, my partner and my love." Tara and Amber kiss.
Amber tells her what she said in Scream 5. The plan to make the perfect Stab movie, pin the deaths on Sam and Richie with Sam as the perfect scapegoat being Billy's daughter, finally snapping, convincing her boyfriend to get revenge on Woodsboro. and the movie ends with Amber heroically saving her girlfriend from her murderous sister.
Tara and Amber were about to kill Sam together, but then Sidney and Gale appeared.
Amber burns(but not killed)
Sam has Tara at her mercy, but she can’t kill her. She leaves her alive and makes things interesting as the only Ghostface to be captured alive with Tara promising that she will finish what she and Amber started with Sam just hoping she can bring her sister back.
Meanwhile Amber is alive and returns to the Woodsboro subreddit to find like minded people and cause some chaos in New York.
Tara would be the Hannibal Lecter in this Scream VI scenario with Sam and Kirby trying to stop the New York attacks.
However. Amber is able to turn Wayne into the killer. Amber met some interesting people who could deepfake to make it look like Sam killed Richie and then the smear campaign happens. And when Wayne saw that footage, he went insane.
Scream VI MOSTLY goes the same. Wayne, Quinn and Ethan all somehow FAIL again LOL. But something happens. Sam sees what she thinks is a fleeing Ghostface but found nothing.
This was all a smokescreen. Amber used the chaos in New York to free Tara
We cut back to the prison. Suddenly someone is killing EVERYONE in the prison. Guards, staff and prisoners. Until someone arrives to Tara’s Max Security cell. Someone throws the Ghostface costume at her feet.
Amber unmasks and Tara smiles and embraces Amber. Amber tells Tara "Let's finish what we started, baby"
Thus teasing Be Gay and Do Crimes in Scream 7 that will never happen because fucking Spyglass
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maki-matsurra · 1 year
Emergency Writing Commissions
Hello everyone! 
As of recent, things at my house has been pretty rough money wise, so because of how many people love my writing, I am deciding to start up writing commissions! 
The commission sheet is down below! 
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Paypal link: [email protected]
You can contact me either on Tumblr or my email ([email protected]) with details of your commission! 
These are EMERGENCY commissions, I have the right to deny any request! I prefer to be paid upfront. I have 5 slots available (this may or may not be subject to change)
OneShot #1
Oneshot #2  That's What It Takes To Be Infinite
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(Disclaimer: The completion times will vary depending on what you ask of me as well as my personal life) Prompts: $5
One shot: $20-40
Custom fanfic: $60
3-5 chapters: $70
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(Disclaimer: If you have an OC, I need a reference image of said OC so I may describe them properly)
1-3 characters: $5
4-5 characters: $10
6-10 characters- $20
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Slice of Life
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Adult x Minor Character
PWP (Porn without plot)
Incest (anything pro-ship related)
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(Disclaimer: If you want to request a fandom I don’t know, you can! Just be patient as I do my best to research it.)
 Sonic The Hedgehog (Including Movie-verse) 
 Guardians of the Galaxy (Movie-verse & Game-verse) 
 Uncharted (Including Movie-verse) 
 Red Dead Redemption 
 Kingdom Hearts 
 How to Train Your Dragon 
Rise of the Guardians 
 Love Live! (Including Sunshine, Nijigasaki, & Superstar) 
 Aikatsu Stars 
 Black Butler 
 Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid 
 South Park 
 Sly Cooper 
 Spies in Disguise 
Gravity Falls 
Disney Fairies 
 Detroit Become Human 
 Life is Strange (Only first game, Before the Storm & True Colors) 
 No Straight Roads 
 Team Fortress 2 
 Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
 Steven Universe Future 
Resident Evil (Only 2 & 4) 
 Looney Tunes 
 Ratchet & Clank 
 Sam & Max 
 Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach 
Sing (The Movies) 
 Genshin Impact 
 Ever After High 
 Monster High 
 Criminal Minds 
 Over The Hedge 
 Epic Mickey 
 God of War Ragnarok 
 Peanuts (Charlie Brown Media) 
Honkai: Star Rail 
Good Omens
BBC Sherlock
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kitkatbrown · 1 month
I made a blog after some considering (no pushing from any friends nuh-uh) and so.. here I am
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I don’t really know what to do, so ig I’ll talk about myself for a bit
I’m Kit Brown, 18 and occasionally reminded of why I’m bi. I use she/they pronouns. My favourite things to do are probably regular teenage stuff (cough cough - we don’t mention it in detail - cough cough), musical theatre, art, practicing bass (I dunno SHIT to play except for a few songs) and baking, specifically cookies or brownies! I play volleyball for the Hatchetfield High team and I think that’s kinda it :D
If you wanna ask me something pls be nice about it! I’m okay with slightly suggestive stuff, but not the hardcore shiz
Edit: I forgot to mention I work at Hatchet Huddy, lmao
Hi, I’m Sam! The main reason for me not being okay with highly NSFW stuff is because while Kit is 18, I am NOT!!
I’m also new to all this, so any tips or stuff like that is highly welcome!
Stuff I’ll roleplay
Angst, random funny things, slice of life, all that stuff is totally fine! Like I said before, no NSFW that goes beyond slightly suggestive (dirty jokes, jokey flirting, etc.)
If anyone wanted to know any ship things:
Ruth x Kit
Max x Kit
I think that’s about it then, I guess :)
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allieebobo · 2 years
CT:OS Dev log
Tennis/Sports x Slice-of-life x College x Found-family x Coming-of-age
Demo | Features | Cast of Characters | Back to main post | Ko-fi
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Wordcount: ~468k words with code (~100k words in a single playthrough)
CT:OS Update 1.0 (15 Nov ‘21):
Prologue—USTA U18 championships match semi-final against Rayyan
Summer before college—hang out with Sam
Move-in day—meet Mike (RA), some of your hallmates, and hang out with dad
CT:OS Update 2.0 (15 Dec ‘21):
Detailed player build—decide on your strengths, weaknesses, and overall playing style
Team introductions—meet the Cargill team
First day of training—strength and conditioning test, 5-mile run
Training snippets, team lunch—dance with Tobin, chat and listen to live music with Rayyan
CT:OS Update 3.0 (25 Mar ‘22):
Singles challenge match against last season’s No. 5 seed, Emerson
Hall party before freshman orientation begins—meet the French exchange student on your floor, and hang out with your hallmates
Rooftop scene with G
CT:OS Update 4.0 (28 Aug ‘22):
Freshman orientation—meet the rest of your hallmates, including your roommate, and play some icebreakers
Orientation activities—win the amazing race, and laser tag
Sign up for a club at the club and activities fair, pick a major
CT:OS Update 5.0 (16 Oct ‘22): 
Attend your first week of classes, and find out if you’ve done enough preparation not to make a fool of yourself (a surprise test...)
More training—get the chance to show off your finesse chops!��achieve the Devil’s Dozen
Challenge match with Jacks or Max
Find out if you’ve been selected to be part of the Cargill singles line-up—and which position you’ll be playing
CT:OS Update 6.0 (29 Apr ‘23):
Weekend hang-outs—head to the library with Tobin, go on a run with Rayyan, and skype with Sam
Meet Felix, Tobin’s ex, while hanging out in a café with G and D
Doubles matches partnered with Tobin and Rayyan—prove your chops as a doubles partner
Find out who your doubles partner will be (along with their reaction)—includes a potential angry locker room confrontation
CT:OS Update 7.0 (28 Sep 23):
Have dinner with Tobin after training—something steamy might ensue...
Bump into Rayyan in the tennis courts at night—resolve some issues, and get embroiled in others...
Convince the coaches to let you swap doubles partners (or stick with your original one)
Finalise your doubles partner for the season!
Study sesh with G at the Haynes student lounge before the first official match of the season
CT:OS Update 8.0 (21 Dec ‘23):
First doubles match of the season against Cornell
Sam reunion(!!)—bear hug your best friend at last
Possible fake fight with doubles partner (or a real one)
Post-double match shenanigan—seal your doubles match with a kiss just before the singles matches
Nickname functionality added to earlier portions of game
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findroleplay · 4 months
♥ Hii there, my name is Sam (she/her) and I am 26 years old. I am searching for someone to write with~
I am currently dying to write a female character against your older male character. (imagine female early 20s male atleast 10 years older, max of 50) I love all kinds of plots. It can be a slice of life kind of plot but also way deeper. Think of historical plots, maffia related plots etc. Some of my favorite plots are listed here
Teacher x female student (student will be 18+)
Plots like Outlander
Demons, vampires, abo, aliens etc
best friends to lovers
enemies to lovers (!!)
arranged marriage (!!)
sugar daddy x sugar baby (!!)
singel dad x baby sitter
Some things about me + likes:
3th pov writer, para to multi para. I do not write with anyone who just writes one liners or very small responses. I'd love to keep the energy and the posts flowing
I love gushing about our muses and coming up with ideas. Honestly it is super encouraged if you come up with some ideas as well and tell me all about it! Making playlists or memes about our characters is also something that I love.
Let's keep it realistic. If our muses did just have a giant fight, they are not being all over it 1 post later.
Let's keep it honest. If we're not into the rp anymore, let each other know so non of us keep waiting. No hard feelings there!
I am NSFW friendly. However let's not make it the whole plot, shall we?
To reach out you can either like this post or add me on discord: allergyx
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
The Boys Who Wouldn't Grow Up - Chapter 1 🦇
Summary: An Alternate Universe where the story is swapped. Now David is the human teen with a new life in Santa Carla and Michael is the mysterious, local rebel with a dark secret. Everyone's roles are switched out and now our Biker Gang has been replaced with the rowdy boys Sam, Edgar, and Alan, causing mischief and enjoying being kids. David is a frustrated teen not ready to grow up and meet the expectations of his father. His brother, Marko, may be more carefree, but David finds solace in the Lost Boys.
Things aren't what they seem though~ 🦇🦇🦇🦇
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I was inspired to rewrite the movie story with the roles of our beloved characters switched. It's sort of a love letter to the original movie plot being more of a Peter Pan tale with younger kids. It'll deal with heavy topics like depression, anxiety, emotional manipulation, and other things, so I'll add warnings as needed.
This won't be exactly the same as the movie, but the basic plot will still be followed. Character personalities have either been swapped or changed entirely for this.
Role Swaps
David - Michael
Sam - Marko
Alan - Dwayne
Edgar - Paul
Max - Lucy
Widow Johnson - Grandpa
Maria - Star
Next Chapter
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The famous boardwalk of Santa Carla was always buzzing with excitement this time of year. The warm weather and miles of exciting games, rides, and food shacks drew in locals and tourists alike, offering an entire day’s worth of activities to enjoy. It was already fun during the beautiful, sunny days, but when nighttime came, that’s when the magic truly happened. An entire rainbow of lights illuminated the different sections of the boardwalk, capturing the attention of visitors with flashy displays. The light drew people in as if they were moths to a flame.
One of the most iconic spots to see on the boardwalk was the carousel, a lavish, luminous ride that had stood upon the boardwalk for decades. Though the passage of time had weathered down and faded the bright, colorful ride, it was still a classic that so many people loved to enjoy. Guests of all ages smiled and laughed while they spun around on ceramic horses and decorated benches as music from a forgotten era poured from the modern speakers. It was a little slice of heaven on the boardwalk.
While most people kept to themselves on the carousel, a small group of kids decided they were going to disturb the peace for others.
Three boys, all no older than 14, were laughing and joking as they ran down the length of the curved path. They were dressed in scuffed denim jeans and jackets, and colorful shirts. Each had some form of special earring hanging from at least one ear.
One boy had a red bandana wrapped around his forehead, no doubt inspired by seeing Rambo a few times. Another had two black stripes painted across his cheeks like a wannabe football player. The third and youngest-looking boy had fluffy hair with blond highlights and a freckled face, the perfect image of a Brat Pack member in the making. They were free-spirited kids, and while they were caught up in their own world, they were disturbing the peace of others.
Their rowdy behavior caused parents of other children to scowl, no doubt judging the way these boys had been raised. The three boys pushed and roughhoused with each other, causing them to bump into other people and the animal-shaped seats they rode on. The tension was rising, but the kids clearly didn’t care about the feelings of others. They probably didn’t have a care in the world at all.
Finally, a local surf gang leader decided to put the kids in their place when the freckled boy bumped into his girlfriend and didn’t bother to apologize for it. With anger in his eyes, he grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt and hoisted him upward.
“The hell are you doing, you little asshole?!” the dark-haired meathead screamed in the boy’s face. Normally, a kid would be on the verge of tears from an adult shouting at them, but this kid barely bat an eye. Instead of fear, a devious smirk stretched across his face. That only made the surfer even angrier. He pulled his free hand back, ready to give the brat a black eye that would last for the rest of the summer.
However, when he pulled his fist back, he felt it lock in place, held tight by an iron-grip force.
He hadn’t expected it to be held back by a guy who looked fresh out of high school. A handsome young man with soft, brown waves of hair and piercing blue eyes smiled back at him, not breaking a sweat as he held the muscular arm tight in his grasp.
“I don’t think so, pal,” the young man said with a smile. Even with a pleasant expression on his face, his eyes were practically burning into the surfer. There was nothing but a deep, dark cloud of hatred behind those baby blues. The surfer was feeling uneasy, and the pain that was starting to spread through his arm wasn’t making him feel any better. Was this jerk trying to break his arm or something??
Before any more words could be said, a shrill, powerful squeak rang through the air, canceling out any of the music playing or the complaining from riders on the carousel. A boardwalk cop had shown up, blowing a whistle around his neck to get the attention of the obnoxious punks he’d been called over his walkie to deal with. Judging by the tired eyes and dark circles, this was certainly not his first time dealing with a stressful crowd.
“I told you and your brothers to stay off the boardwalk, boy” the officer scolded the oldest, identifying him as the caretaker for the band of troublemaking kids. His smile now traded for an annoyed grimace, the eldest reluctantly let go of the gang member’s arm.
His piercing gaze was now focused on the officer as if he was making threats with just a look in his eyes. Even if the officer didn’t believe this kid had it in him, the gaze was very uncomfortable. It was crazy how someone so innocent and nice-looking could have such a devious expression in just the eyes.
“Relax,” the young man assured the officer, his friendly smile now back on display “we were just leaving”
With a quick motion, the boy and his three younger brothers hopped off the now unmoving carousel. As they walked from the ride, the brother that had been grabbed was reluctantly let go by the gang member. With a brush down his wrinkled shirt and a quick middle finger flung in the direction of the others, he ran off to join his family. All the officer did was roll his eyes and motion for the surf gang to leave as well. He had enough excitement for one night.
It was a shame he was going to have to deal with more trouble later on in an entirely different way.
The officer hadn’t noticed since he was escorting the surf gang off the ride, but in the shadows behind the carousel, the eldest kid and his three younger brothers were staring down the man who had interrupted their fun game. They were all restless and pent up with energy, even more so than an average kid.
“Don’t worry, guys” the eldest assured them, not once taking his eyes off the target. “The night isn’t over yet. We can get a bite to eat instead”
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It was a new day in Santa Carla. The bustling nightlife was replaced with the warm glow of sunshine on miles of sand and city streets. Even with it being just the start of the day, there were plenty of joggers, surfers, and kids anxious to get to the boardwalk. Colorful cars of various makes and models sped down the roads, full of people with places to be as soon as possible. Even if New York City was technically the city that never slept, Santa Carla could easily take that title as well.
One of the cars driving down the road was a cherry red corvette, shining in the sun from a recent wash and wax job. Inside were four passengers (or rather three human passengers and a white-furred German Shepherd), making their way to their new home.
“Ooh! Boys! You’re gonna love this song, it was one of my favorites back in the day,” the man behind the steering wheel exclaimed. With a flick of the volume dial, the silky smooth music of “My Girl” by The Temptations poured out the car speakers. He moved his shoulders side to side, feeling a groove from the song of his youth.
This man, Max Johnson, was a slightly awkward but very well-mannered businessman. He was driving himself and his two boys to sunny California. Max had never married, unfortunately never truly finding the right lady to settle down with. Still wanting to create a loving family, he adopted two boys from the foster care system when they were just under a year old.
It was hard being a single parent, but Max wouldn’t have changed it for anything in the world. He adored his sons with all his heart and hoped they knew it.
The two sons, David and Marko, shared no biological relationship with each other, but still had a strong, brotherly bond that never broke. However, each of their own relationships with their father had gotten a little bumpy when they both became teenagers. Max knew this day would come when his boys would enter adulthood and want independence and their own choices. It was just hard getting close with them like he did when they were both little.
Looking at David in the passenger seat next to him, Max almost didn’t recognize his own son. His mousy brown hair and cheerful smile from his youth were now replaced with bleached spikes, heavy undereye makeup, and a permanent frown. David wasn’t even looking at him, instead just gazing out the window, no doubt thinking about how much he hated this trip. He hadn’t exactly been shy about saying that.
“C’mon Marko, sing with me! I guess you'd say…what can make me feel this way-” Max crooned with the radio. He had his attention on Marko now, looking at the younger Johnson son in the rearview mirror. Marko just chuckled and continued to scratch their dog, Thorn, behind the ears, ultimately passing on his father’s song request.
While it still hurt to be ignored by his children, Max was at least grateful Marko didn’t resent him as David did. He was a very go-with-the-flow kid and was a bit more optimistic about Santa Carla.
“Why the long faces, boys?” Max asked, trying to cheer them both up. “This is just for the summer and then we’ll be home again. I promise! Your grandma just needs us right now”
Grandma Johnson, a widow of nearly a decade, was recovering from a recent set of knee surgeries, and couldn’t get around her house like she once could. Max worried terribly about his mother, and despite her insistence that she could take care of herself, her son had packed some suitcases and was now headed to her home with his own children. Stubbornness certainly ran in the family, and David was currently proving that.
“Why the hell do we even bother having a summer break if we gotta spend it with the living fossil herself?” he grunted, not taking his eyes off the ocean that they passed.
Max sighed, not appreciating the attitude. It seemed like that’s all he ever got from his eldest lately. He really wished David would start acting a bit more mature, especially since he’d be graduating and heading off into the real world soon. That tone and look wouldn’t get him far.
“Watch your language,” Max said sternly. He turned the music back down, wanting to be heard properly. Then again, it would be hard to do that since he could hear Mötley Crüe at full blast coming from the headphones connected to his Walkman. While David didn’t understand the sappy, old stuff his dad listened to, Max in turn couldn’t stand the loud, overwhelming music the kids were listening to today. Like father, like son.
“Look, I know you wanted to enjoy your last summer break before senior year, but I think this would be a great thing for both you and Marko” Max explained. He glanced into the rearview mirror again, smiling at the younger son. He was relieved when Marko smiled back and gave a little cheeky wave.
“This place may not be your cup of tea, but it will show you some hardships people face. There are a lot of homeless kids here, some that even go missing. I think it’ll give a great lesson in gratitude and working hard for a good future!”
Max really did mean well with his advice, but all David heard was more nagging about growing up. Marko was a bit more carefree and was willing to take things one day at a time, but David felt like he was losing more and more of his youth by the second. He often fought with his father about the future. College, jobs, a career path, a family to support one day. Growing up was the last thing he wanted to do, especially if he risked turning into a total killjoy like his father.
In truth, David struggled a lot more than Max realized. He often had little motivation to get by each day. The times when he blasted music and shut out the world helped take his mind off his fears and insecurities. Nobody told him growing up was so fast and overwhelming, and he hated every minute he was reminded of it. In a way, he envied his brother for not worrying about it so much.
“Whatever. I just want my own room when we get there” he said, turning up the volume even louder. He’d rather listen to “Looks That Kill” than his father. Unsatisfied, but still hopeful, Max turned his attention back to the road. He’d help David see the positive in this one way or another.
As David got lost in the music, he felt Marko lean forward and nudge him. He turned to his younger brother who pointed towards the sign they had just passed by on the road. In bright, red spray paint was “Murder Capital of the World” spread across the worn-out wood.
What a joke this was all turning out to be.
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martianmoon · 1 year
Sam and Max: Handbook
“hey, winter, could ya lighten up a little?”
hey gang :D i’m back on my bullshit with a continuation of this and this, because im so attached to these two absolute DORKS that i cannot stop writing about them. my lovely pal @oswaldepic has already warned me to start writing fluff LOL and i promise i will!! eventually :)c
premise: “sam nearly loses max on one of their first missions back as a crime-busting duo, the two of them argue their way back to the same page and sam comes to a realisation”. they’re making progress... ;)
rated T!! for Talk about your feelings!!! (and one tiny mention of blood)
Sam’s sure he’s already experienced the worst possible pain of his life - until he sees Max sprawled in a heap, gun barrel pointed right between his ears.
The fury is almost nonchalant in its familiarity, which should, maybe, scare him. It doesn’t. He moves on autopilot, sprinting towards the culprit - some bum with half a mind to rob a bank and the other half, well--missing, as far as he’s concerned - and swinging a right hook hard enough to crack the man’s jaw.
The criminal staggers and drops the gun with a yowl, which rouses Max from his momentary stupor - just in time to see the perp stumble away as Sam fusses over him.
“Max! Max, snap out of it--c’mon, wake up!”
“I am awake--Sam!” The lagomorph struggles against him, livid. “Quit messin’ with me and let’s get after that guy!”
Relief floods his body so fast, Sam’s head spins. He’s alright... not hurt, not--not dead, alright... “Forget about that, he’s a nobody--”
“You’re joking, right?” Max pulls a hammer from somewhere, waving it dangerously close to Sam’s nose. “Why’d you let me bring this if I’m not even gonna get to use it--?!”
“Leave it alone, Max!” It comes out harsher than he wants and he regrets it immediately. When the other man only stares at him, Sam raises both palms with a sigh. “C’mon, he’s gone--there’s no catchin’ up with him now. Let’s just--let’s go, alright?”
“You’ve gotta be--”
“Max.” A warning. “We’re done here. Get your ass in the DeSoto; I’m takin’ us back to the office.”
The way Max regards him - jaw clenched, eyes narrowed - sinks his heart like a stone.
The drive back is silent. Every so often Sam glances over to see Max staring out the window, arms tightly crossed, and even if he wasn’t a detective he’d know the look on that face.
Sam scowls at the road. Let him be angry. Little idiot coulda been killed...
Too close for comfort. He shakes his head and buries the thought in the darkest corner of his mind, focuses on getting them home safely instead of indulging in a little wreckless driving, like he knows Max would prefer. He still hasn’t said anything, and maybe right now that’s for the best. Sam isn’t sure they’re ready to talk about it, just yet.
They make it back to the office in one piece, but the tension is worse: an exposed fuse ready to spark. Max makes an immediate beeline for the bathroom before Sam can even protest, slamming the door behind him with a muttered ‘Be right back’. Anger pricks in Sam’s chest and he breathes through it, counting upwards until he hears the latch click. By the time Max finally stomps back into the room, expression stormy, Sam’s slipped into his Noir persona - jacket stripped, tie loosened, forearms bared and shoulder holsters in full view.
They lock eyes, and he sees Max hesitate. He’s playing dirty, knows how much the lagomorph enjoys this look, knows he likes the way that boosts his ego - but Sam isn’t doing it to tease, this time. He folds his arms, frowning.
“We’ve gotta talk, Max.”
The other man’s hackles raise instantly. “What’s there to say, Sam? You overreacted--”
“Overreacted? You were nearly shot--”
“Like I haven’t been through worse?” He glares. “You wanna count the number of times I’ve been thrown, squashed, dropped, ran over--”
“Cut it out.”
“--fried, nearly sliced in two and, oh, yeah, blown up--”
“ENOUGH.” Sam jabs a finger, teeth bared. “This was different, d’you understand? That guy wasn’t Goddamn messing around, Max, he was gonna--”
“What, shoot me?” Max scoffs. “And that’d be a wild change of pace how, exactly?”
“I can’t talk t’you like this, you’re being totally irrational--”
“Irrational, me?!” Max lunges forward and YANKS Sam down by his tie, Noir spell broken. “You let the perp get away, Sam--!”
“And you weren’t killed!” He snaps. It has the desired effect - Max goes still, tie slipping free. A familiar guilt creeps up Sam’s throat but he forces it down, balling his fists. “He got away, yeah - another scumbag walkin’ around New York City for some other poor schmuck to deal with. But you--you--”
“I’m fine.” Max crosses his arms like before, glowering at a spot near Sam’s foot. “Except for where I didn’t get a chance t’beat some guy down with the hammer I specially brought--”
“You’ll get over it.”
“Is this really how it’s gonna be now, Sam? I can’t just--I’ve gotta ask your permission to bust every two-bit punk we see?!”
Sam snarls, instinct. “It was one lousy job, alright? There’s a million other crooks and lowlifes in this damn city and not a single one’s worth losing you over--”
Ah, shit. Shit. He swallows when Max’s attention snaps upwards, ignoring the other man’s wide-eyed look. He clears his throat. “Listen, I was--what I’m saying is--”
“Shut up, melonhead. Don’t even start.”
“Knock it off!” He doesn’t know why he’s suddenly so upset, but the fear usually just simmering at the back of his mind lately lances through him, cold and hard and ugly. An image of Max, this Max--my Max, he’s mine--lying in a tangle of limbs and shiny, wet viscera flashes unbidden, and Sam nearly heaves.
When he comes to his senses, he’s slumped in his chair with Max perched on his lap.
“Hey.” The lagomorph reaches for him, gently pats his cheek. “Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty.”
“Ngh. I knock myself out, or something?”
“I--I dunno, you kinda just...” Max flails his hands, brows wrinkled. “Went, for a second. I had t’catch you.”
Sam snickers, in spite of himself. “Bad luck, little buddy.”
“Now you knock it off.”
Max’s fur prickles against him, but Sam knows that tone, by now. ...scared. For me. He lifts his head to see Max staring up at him, heart stuttering at the look of concern there.
He winds an arm around his waist, voice soft. “Hey. I’m okay.”
“Tch, coulda fooled me,” Max accuses, but doesn’t resist being pulled against Sam’s chest. His fingers find the tie again, tugging as he frowns. “Don’t--you can’t just say stuff like that and disappear, Sam.”
“...I’m sorry.” He is. “I didn’t mean to, I just--”
“And you gotta stop fussin’ over me. I can take care of myself.”
Sam doesn’t bother fighting the wave of nausea that brings, closing his eyes as it rises and falls. No, you can’t. You can’t even be trusted with a kid’s toy--you need me lookin’ out for you. Who’s gonna do it, if I can’t? Who’s gonna keep you safe? Nobody knows you like I do, nobody loves you like I do--
He bolts upright with a start, nearly toppling them both.
“Sam!” Max slings both arms around his neck with a yelp. “I thought you said you were tryna keep me alive!”
“I--” Sam grips the arms of the chair hard, mind racing. Love. Love you--I--I love--oh, God. I love him, I--
“I swear--” Max rights himself and flops back into his lap with a huff. “You save me from getting turned into Swiss cheese, then nearly kill me by throwin’ me from a chair--”
It’s snarky but fond, a clear attempt at making peace - and it occurs to Sam that once again, against all odds and in spite of everything they’ve been through, in direct defiance of the pain, and the hurt, and the misery... he is in love: inexorably drawn to the one person who knows him like no one else, cracks him up like no one else, makes him feel stupid and brave and the happiest he’s ever been all at once, a feeling that squeezes his insides until he thinks he could burst.
Could just be the hoagie I had for lunch, he thinks weakly, but--no. No. He knows this feeling, the fear and the impossible joy, like the notes of his favourite song.
“Aw, jeez. You’re monologuing in your own head again, aren’t you.”
“Shut up, bonehead.” He pulls Max into a hug, ignores the half-hearted bite at his shoulder. Love. “Just... would you promise me you’ll be more careful, next time?”
He swears he feels the moment Max goes to make a quip, then doesn’t. Instead, smaller arms tighten around his shoulders, digging in hard... like Sam is the only thing keeping him rooted to Earth.
Max’s voice is quiet. “...sure thing, Sam. I promise.”
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zamknacsieniemoge · 1 year
Małgorzata Oliwia Sobczak - Szelest
co ja czytam?????? jakis dziwny kryminal wannabe przeplatany z erotykiem. literal dogshit
samo istnienie glownej bohaterki jest tak dziwnie niespojne..... niby taka super idealna i wszedzie sie szweda i jest seksoholiczka. okropna postac...i hate her sorry
i niby ma te swoje tragic backstory, ale ono nie daje niczego tylko jakies takie
dziwne throwbacks do tego jaka ona traumatized jest i flawed
to nie jest flaw. shes literally not at fault????? w sensie
to ona zdradzila meza ale ten maz jest pijakiem i mysli ze robi dobrze i to tylko ja usprawiedliwia ze jest super perfect swieta postacia
sam detektyw teez nie jest najlepszy shrug
niby dramatyczny jako postac a mysli o seksie z mloda kobieta ktorej nie zna totalnie
po czasie jego postac dostaje jakas glebie ale nie jest taki.....cool enough. LIKE ROZUMIEM ZE TA KSIAZKA NIE JEST DLA MNIE ale te postacie sa tak obrzydliwie jednowymiarowe...... traumatized perfect lady i dramatyk detektyw
brocken czlowiek x perfect lady romans they fuck i magicznie rozwiazuja sprawe swoja wspolpraca. wow??
obrzydliwie duzo w tym seksu. obrzydliwie. fabula idzie powoooli, wiecej jest w tej ksiazde zycia alicji niz samego kryminalu
sam kryminal w tym jest calkiem ok!!!! THUMBS UP!! sam koncept tej aplikacji i tego ze ktos zabija przez dane lokalizacje jest super fun!
tylko ze nie zostal zrobiony w pelni poprawnie... samo to ze aplikacja nie dziala dla specyficznych osob jest dumb. moglaby dzialac ale wysylac ich w totalnie normalne miejsca; to by dzialalo o wiele lepiej i dawaloby wiecej glebi konceptowi
poza tym ta ksiazka to dziwny slice of life z wyidealizowanymi ludzmi i ich pelnym seksu zyciem
co chwila podnosze wzrok i wzdycham. tak porzadnie. CO BRALA TA AUTORKA. CO JEST Z NIA NIE TAK
jeszcze sie okaze ze ten killer to jej byly to sie zalame
ok skonczylom to,, final thoughts? none. not really, badziej pytania
a) czemu ona nie mogla przemalowac wlosow? by nie byla podobna do innych zamordowanych. jakby. one mialy ten sam kolor wlosow co ona
b) czemu nie zainstalowala kamer w domu? przynajmniej kiedy zczaila ze ktos ja sledzi. yk. bo byla na celowniku i to bylo revealed dosc wczesnie w ksiazce
c) CZEMU ONA JEST TAKA ZAPOMINALSKA????? jakby ok rozumiem nie chciala pamietac wielu rzeczy ale litosci.... ma taki problem z przypomnieniem sobie kto to
szczerze mowiac spodziewalem sie nawet ze ta ulka to jednak ten killer i sie po prostu odnalazl jako trans chlopak. SHE DIED. IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO COOL CUZ LIKE NIENAWIDZILA ALICJI!! i z tym wypowiedzeniem jej imienia ten kurde
magiczny dzwiek(?) sylaby jak z emocja wypowiadala to imie
ale ten caly olek nie mial sensu jako postac. totalnie zero. nic dupa! no niby ma te fantazje o lalkach ale to w ogole sie nie laczylo z reszta jego postaci. to wszystko takie rozlazle ohydne blebbleefuj
tak jeszcze o stylu pisania tej sobczak
byl okeej, taki dramatyczny dosc; ale mi sie zajebiscie nie podobaly powtorzenia opisowe: "dotknal blizny", "jej wlosy jak u meduzy" "jasne oczy" bla bla
za duzo tego. wystarczy raz, serio
dwa razy max. trzy jak nikt nie widzi
1/10. chujniaaaa!!!!!
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theizzizzy · 16 days
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philolz-blog · 3 months
Playlist - July 8 2024
1So fresh! A handmade burger with plenty of jalapeños to balance out the greasy taste | @Delight []22:19▶️
2Ahora Se Solto Un Tormenton y Hago Un Caldito Adobado De Res | @De mi Rancho a Tu Cocina []7:27▶️
3Old School KC Brisket | Chef Tom | All Things Barbecue | @allthingsbbq []11:24▶️
4BILLIONAIRES Wedding Party. 150 kg Pilaf Prepared for 1000 People to Eat. Part 1 | @COOL DADDY []26:08▶️
5EPIC Taco Night That’s 100x Better than Taco Bell! | @Brian Lagerstrom []8:49▶️
6Better than pizza sheet pan casserole | EASY & Quick dinner casserole recipe | @Simply Mamá Cooks []6:26▶️
7Elephant Foot Biryani | Delicious Elephant foot Biryani | Yam Biryani | Grandpa Kitchen | @Grandpa Kitchen []10:52▶️
8Pigs in Blanket Jalapeno Poppers | @Cowboy Kent Rollins []14:24▶️
9Trying 3 D.I.Y. Japanese Candy Kits | @DancingBacons []9:04▶️
10Lemon Pound Cake ⧸ Candied Lemon Slice | @Boone Bake 분 베이크 []12:39▶️
11Eating Philippines Rotten Pork Delicacy with Apo Whang Od!! | @Best Ever Food Review Show []25:08▶️
12Grilled Pig Intestines Unlimited Refills - Korean street food | @FoodyTrip 푸디트립 []8:02▶️
135 Must Eats in Saigon, Vietnam 🇻🇳 | @Max McFarlin []28:16▶️
14OUR HONEYMOON ❤️ 14 Days in Korea | @Miss Mina []24:51▶️
15Clear Big Mac | @Barry Lewis []21:10▶️
16How Fish Cake, Crab Stick and Sea Grape Production in Japan - Japan Seafood Farm and Harvesting | @Noal Farm []12:34▶️
17Yummy ripe mango recipe - Delicious country food cooking - Countryside life TV | @Countryside Life TV []10:51▶️
18Chicken Saltimbocca | Food Wishes | @Food Wishes []8:22▶️
19Chiikawa Ramen Sandwich and Mini Cup Ramen Noodles | @japanesestuffchannel []5:16▶️
20cold air drying Stewed seafood pollack | @푸드킹덤 Food Kingdom []13:51▶️
21Giant Bread with Curry Chicken, A Timeless Recipe of Curry Chicken Bun | @Cate Food Travel 凱特食旅 []11:03▶️
2224hours Vlog of home-lover, Home alone party making cheese tteokbokki after work with lunchbox | @Jihyunkkung []22:55▶️
23Bokhcha - Traditional Azerbaijani Sweets I Dessert Recipe | @Country Life Vlog []19:41▶️
24Catching & Cooking GIANT LOBSTER & OYSTERS on a Boat in Tasmania Australia | @Strictly Dumpling []22:15▶️
25🌮 CALL OF THE TACO 🌮----
26Korean Spicy Hot Pot (Octopus, Beef tripe, Shrimp), Bowl of rice served with Korean Beef tripe-16:39▶️
27Homemade Chicken Pot Pie _ Cowboy Kent Rollins-18:56▶️
28ENG SUB] A day in the local bakery in Korea Bakery vlog Cafe vlog-10:05▶️
29오픈 두달 만에 공릉동 맛집 등극! 하루 200개 팔리는 페스츄리 미트파이 _ New Zealand pastry meat pie - Korea street food-18:04▶️
31Vending Machines in Singapore #4-8:14▶️
32$1 Tacos VS $113 Tacos in MEXICO!! Super RARE Mexican Food!!-19:02▶️
33La Mejor Receta De Navidad La Cocina En El Rancho-14:01▶️
34Taiwanese Street Food - Fried Fish Cake, Shrimp Fritter, Egg Rolls-11:55▶️
35Frosty Winter Hot Tent Camping-26:41▶️
36The Japanese Sandwich you should eat before it's gone 🇯🇵🥪-8:07▶️
37추운날에 딱입니다! 얼큰뜨끈 속풀리는 장칼국수 밀키트 대량생산_ Korean Spicy Noodle Factory - Mass Production-11:01▶️
38The ULTIMATE Iranian Street Food Tour ofDubai w_ Mark Wiens and Mr. Taster!!! 16 Hours of EATING!!!-44:30▶️
39Foil Boat Pork Butt-9:37▶️
40American Food - DETROIT STYLE PEPPERONI PIZZA Lions & Tigers & Squares NYC-20:02▶️
42Beautiful and delicious! Japanese grilled eel & 11 toppings of seafood over rice Korean street food-20:50▶️
43Bread BarberShop handmade candy making - korean street food-10:27▶️
44Cooking Quails in Tomato Sauce in the Wood Oven-13:16▶️
45vlog|Monte Cristo sandwich, chicken tender curry, oyster bossam with radish kimchi and many more-24:18▶️
46All You Can Eat DISNEY BUFFET! Food Tour of ANIMAL KINGDOM DISNEY WORLD 50th Anniversary-30:52▶️
47🌮 CALL OF THE TACO 🌮----
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 7 months
The Supernatural Hunting Academy for Boys and Girls
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/4E6WmCj by HallmarkDestiel At the Supernatural Hunting Academy, Claire Novak embarks on a thrilling journey of discovery, friendship, and adventure. With her new friend Kaia by her side, Claire navigates the challenges of training to become a hunter while uncovering hidden powers within herself. Together, they face supernatural threats and forge a bond that strengthens with each passing day, proving that with courage and determination, they can overcome any obstacle that comes their way. Words: 11136, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, M/M Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Meg Masters, Rowena MacLeod, Max Banes, Alicia Banes, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Rufus Turner, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Kathleen Hudak, Christine Barker, Clark Barker, Audrey (Supernatural: Just My Imagination), Jesse Turner (Supernatural), Magda Peterson, Kevin Tran (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves, Patience Turner, Pamela Barnes (Supernatural), Benny Lafitte, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Ash (Supernatural), Missouri Moseley, Eileen Leahy, Max (Supernatural: Lebanon), Stacy (Supernatural: Lebanon), Eliot (Supernatural: Lebanon), Aidan (Supernatural: Freaks and Geeks), Krissy Chambers, Josephine Barnes, Ben Braeden, Emma (Supernatural: Slice Girls), Adam Milligan, Bobby John (Supernatural: Two and a Half Men) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Kathleen Hudak/Christine Barker, Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak, Alex Jones/Patience Turner, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Hunting school, School Life, Boarding School, Hunting, Monsters, Canon-Typical Violence read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/4E6WmCj
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/DWKXnBb
by Milady_Silvia
Sam ripensa alla guerra che ha vissuto. Scritto per Fondi di caffè - il tuo scrittoio multifandom. Prompt: 26. Carezze. Mese Ottobre. Challenge: Un prompt al giorno. Scritto sentendo: 「Nightcore」→ Alan Walker & Ava Max - Alone, Pt. II (Lyrics); https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6BEZ0o92dk&ab_channel=Kenke.
Words: 104, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Italiano
Series: Part 1 of I need you
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Sam Gamgee, Rose Cotton
Relationships: Rose Cotton/Sam Gamgee
Additional Tags: Romantic Fluff, Slice of Life
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/DWKXnBb
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domesticadventures · 3 years
with their plot armor and good fortune finally gone, dean’s life gets harder in a thousand little ways. he cuts himself shaving, he stubs his toe in the shower, he trips going up the stairs. he slices his finger open chopping vegetables, and it heals, but this time, it scars. his knees hurt, his skin itches, his clothes never seem to fit quite right. he gets sick all the time, catches colds and flus from folks at the grocery store, has a little too much of something his body has decided it no longer agrees with and is rewarded with heartburn or a headache or a long trip to the bathroom.
he wakes up next to cas every day, and that more than makes up for however badly he slept the night before. he gets to make cas breakfast, and sometimes it’s perfect and sometimes he breaks the yolks and burns the toast, but cas smiles at him and thanks him either way. sam and eileen take a real stab at a relationship, no contrivances required, and dean sees what his brother looks like when he’s frustrated and annoyed and content and in love. people cycle through the bunker constantly, charlie and stevie, jody and donna and the girls, max and alicia and krissy and dozens of other hunters dean is still getting to know, and they raid his kitchen and make a mess and drive him insane, and he loves them all so goddamn much.
and for the first time in his life, dean feels lucky.
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