#sam mendes beatles
dualredundancy · 1 month
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franklyimissparis · 3 months
they better not cast four very conventionally attractive actors in the beatles biopics… i want john and ringo to have proper noses! i want george to have vampire teeth and a unibrow! i want paul to be beautiful but in his own twinky asymmetrically doe-eyed way!
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Will any of the four upcoming Beatles biopics dare to tackle "I Don't Know (Johnny, Johnny)" (1960)
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zilabee · 3 months
love everyone's theories about what George, Paul or Ringo's films might be like, but we have met men before, yeah? four films about the four beatles is definitely code for a three and a half hour bio-epic about John Lennon's important life, and then some half hearted twenty minute mini features about the other three and how much they loved John
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buffyfan145 · 3 months
Just saw about that huge Beatles news that Sam Mendes is making 4 biopic movies that will focus on each member!!! 😀 They got the approval of Paul, Ringo, John's family, and George's family to do each one's life story even going past the Beatles years to their solo careers. The cool thing too is each movie will come out in 2027 in each season so they won't overlap in theaters. I always figured in order to do their whole story it would have to be a TV show but this works too, and we have had a lot of movies over the years telling certain parts of their story. Will for sure watch these and can't wait to see who they cast!!!
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crepesuzette2023 · 3 months
I’ve seen other people ask other blogs on who they’d cast for the boys. So now I ask you, who would you cast for all four of them ?
I'm thinking it would have to be four unknown-to-the-world-at-large actors. They can't be pre-famous, that would introduce too much noise to the system. They must inhabit the Beatles, and the Beatles must inhabit them.
For accent reasons they should probably be from Liverpool, but that would be too Beatle-y. I would prefer them to have no relationship to each other and the Beatles prior to filming, and then to be gradually devoured, yet strengthened, by the project. Think the Lord of the Rings movies, but with music instead of Orcs.
I want the making of the movies to make adults of the actors. I want the experience to meld their hearts together; I want it to provide them with a shared language for the rest of their lives, and also with private memories of undefinable erotic attraction admitted and acted upon—like the real Beatles, but in a healthy 'they went their separate ways towards fulfilling careers afterwards and maintained a [positively loaded adjective of choice] relationship with each other'-way.
I want their autobiographies to have titles like, To the Top and Back, and other things you can do with a Bowler Hat.
Also, I'm sorry, but after the movies are done, the actors decide independently of each other they will never act again—having done what was needed.
No matter their gender, they will have to be young and free enough to embrace the homoerotic subtext, and mature enough to be camp in precisely measured doses.
The person playing Pete Best will have to be the most handsome, irrelevantly so, and Brian will have to be played by a young Leonardo di Caprio. (Cloning, breeding, time travel, just make it work.)
The Paul person must be as angelically pretty as the real Paul, but also appropriately asymmetrical face-wise, furry, and upsettingly long-limbed. Soft spoken and confidently whorish. Should at the very least be able to credibly mime mastery of any instrument (wink nudge) shoved into his face. Obviously must be left-handed.
John: *must* be slightly shorter than Paul, and able to shift from silly and bendy to the immovable Leader Lennon stage stance. Also must be able to hold forth at length without anyone losing interest, melt camera lenses by staring them down, instill unease in parents far and wide, and mess up lyrics in exactly the right way. Final test: add an edge of genuine menace to singing the line "a bad little kitten moved into my neighborhood."
George: everything he says is so dry and sharp it ends the scene—a challenge for the writers. Eyebrows. Will say what the audience thinks and voice what they feel, which is why his movie will be the most anticipated and also the most hilarious. Must be able to glower intensely enough to make roses wither on the vine, then smile brightly enough to shame the sun. A French pastry chef's knowledge of chocolates and treats is a plus.
Ringo: For fuck's sake, make sure he can actually handle himself on drums. Ideally unconventionally and sensually hot in the way of the young Gael Garcia Bernal, but smarter, especially in the ways of human relations. Realistic stomach scars required. Must be able to sit and be present, oddly detached from the invisible battles raging between the other three, a calm pond of sanity, a focal point of anti-anxiety—yet capable of brittle humanity. Audition will include a performance of Boys.
if the movies don't work out they can record a song for Eurovision.
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sleeper9 · 3 months
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foryouwereinmysong · 3 months
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FOUR movies?! Well I’m hoping for the best I guess
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dualredundancy · 1 month
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franklyimissparis · 3 months
can george’s beatle biopic please be in the style of monty python pleaseeeeeeee
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cosmicbeatles · 3 months
no one they cast is going to play paul cuntylicious diva enough mark my words
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krispyweiss · 3 months
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Four Beatles Films - One for Each Beatle - Coming from Director Sam Mendes in 2027
- “I’m honored to be telling the story of the greatest rock band of all time,” director says
Director Sam Mendes is making four films about the Beatles - each from the perspective of a single band member.
Surviving Fabs Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr and the John Lennon and George Harrison estates granted full life-story and music rights for the movies, scheduled for 2027 theatrical release, per a news release.
“Have you heard the news? Oh, boy,” Starr said in a statement. “We all support the Sam Mendes movie project. Yes, indeed. Peace and love.”
The films remain untitled and the order of release has not been announced, though the principals promise it will be “innovative and groundbreaking,” per the release.
“I’m honored to be telling the story of the greatest rock band of all time, and excited to challenge the notion of what constitutes a trip to the movies,” Mendes said.
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mangle-my-mind · 3 months
Four Beatles biopics, each from a different POV? I'm already lamenting the person I will become when these come out.
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thestarsarecool · 3 months
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