#sam without dean
collarbjt · 5 months
SPN 1004
Whump Dean is so …… wow, just , WOW
Demon Dean, STOP BEAUTIFUL!!!! Wow this demon is sooooo demonic charming!!!!! That shadows on his face… makes the scene just like a masterpiece wow…seriously, what a pretty face!
Well Dean’s right at some point, Sam without Dean is really scary, and the line of conscience is blurred. It reminds me about ‘mystery spot’ episode.
Ohhhh Crowley why are you reminiscing about Dean so fondly??😂 you’re sooooo ex-ish🤣
That beautiful mouth spits a lot of bad words, heyyy!! You’re babysitting your brother that’s right, but you know the part of you is lonely so it’s essential for yourself too, like many other angels AND demons told ya, beautie.
Sam: We don’t get to quit, this family is never quit. -he’s so right. Go ahead Sammy!!! Just leave the s9’s yourself behind!!!
Why all demons talk about Dean as if he’s Crowley’s ..a…mistress? What, a boytoy? Isn’t that Wording is kind of off…?? Nobody’s curious in hell? LoL
Cas is in danger now, but from now on most of them are Karma. Too many angels are died…
Sammy’s looking at his family photos…I’m crying😭
Crowley, you’re so boring about your demonic life, aren’t you? That's the only thing that explains why you're poking around everywhere. Now he saved Castiel, what a mess. Aha Crowley you ARE SENTIMENTAL Hey you 🤭🤭🤭🤭😂
Ohhh Dean is a horror, wow
What did I saw now??? I forgot breathing It’s a horror movie and Shining 😱 Sammy’s puppy eyes make me so sad, Dean you’re so near to killed your little brooooooo thx Cas, thxxxxsomuch
Dean’s back!!!!! I’m so happy, but hey,…. I’ll miss demon Dean’s beauty🫠🙏
Dean : Does he wanna divorce? Lol don’t be silly, you auys never gotta divorced🤣
Ending is a ginger girl, classic music, and two corpses. Curious about her
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crackers4jenn · 10 months
spn is such a funny show, it'll be like:
Naomi tells Cas he has to choose "us, or them" and 'them' is meant to imply Sam and Dean both, but then
she makes Cas kill fake copies of Dean only
Or Metatron will speechify about how Cas is "in love... with humanity"
and then give Cas another lil speech about how it was all "to save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right? I mean, you draped yourself in the flag of Heaven, but ultimately it was about saving one human, right?"
Ishim shows up and tries to tell Cas how weak he is for befriending Sam and Dean
and then when he wants to "cure" Cas of his human weakness, that weakness is just Dean
AND THEN you'll have things like
Sam will say that Cas is family, that he'd die for him
but he also refers to Cas as an "it" just hanging around in a vessel strong enough to take on Lucifer (in season 11!! It's not like he said that in s4 or something, it was like 8 years after knowing the guy)
Or in "Regarding Dean," Dean will say to Sam "and our best friend's an angel!"
and then when he's by himself in the mirror, he'll say "and Cast--Cas is my best friend."
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samdeancrimespree · 6 months
unfriendly reminder that this is what sam and dean looked like when sam left for stanford
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tgtbata · 1 month
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happy hunting
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brunchcorpse · 3 months
I think its absolutely hilarious that Dean and Castiel go through inhuman amounts of trauma over the course of a decade plus, and somehow they still arent the human x angel ship on the show that has gone through the most detrimental mind bending shit. Michael and Adam were literally trapped in hell together alone for over 1000 years and they walked out the other side healthier than Dean and Cas could ever possibly be. Iconic really
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pollsnatural · 7 months
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waywardsamdean · 15 days
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THE damsel in distress of supernatural
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ardentpoop · 2 months
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bloodfreak-boyking · 8 months
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how to look at your brother in a platonic and god-honoring way
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future-dregs · 30 days
Until Sam dies, Dean is in a peaceful purgatory.
Represented by an unending, forever highway. And yes, he's there with his Baby, but Dean doesn't actually enter Heaven until he stops on that bridge, and Sam's soul is joined to his once more. Then, and ONLY then, does Dean Winchester actually pass through, and enter Heaven.
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shadystranger · 3 months
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dying over how when sam feels helpless he calls for dean
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 3 months
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Dean out here saving horses if u kno what i mean😏
(psst, the full piece is here🤫)
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mlobsters · 3 months
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supernatural s1e11 scarecrow (teleplay: john shiban, story: patrick sean smith) part 1, 2, 3
I'm proud of you, Sammy.
be still my beating heart part 4 of ∞ || will he stay or will he go part 2 of ?
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They were so bad at their jobs in the first seasons.
Like, they knew how to hunt, they both were really good at finding what was killing people and killing it, but they were horrible at being people.
The Sam and Dean I remember: Fake FBI, fake National Security, Fake reporters, almost no issues Season 1 and 2 Sam and Dean: Constantly getting doors slammed into their faces, had to climb over fences and break into the place they needed anyways because no one ever believed them. Go somewhere as National Security, the real National Security appears immediately after.
They were a disaster
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lovealwayssay · 3 months
I know I'm crazy and need to stop thinking about the Supernatural finale but I can’t because I was so focused on how shitty the finale was to Dean that I hadn’t truly gotten mad about how it treated Sam until now and I hate myself for that because SAM!!! Sam, who had been through almost nonstop trauma since he was born, who started the show losing the woman he was in love with, who had his bodily autonomy violated over and over again, who spent at least 180 years being tortured by Lucifer, who died and lost and grieved and bled for the entire show, was supposed to just lose Dean, his brother, the one constant in his life, after losing Cas, who he considered family, and Jack, his child, and be able to move on and live a happy life? Sam deserved so much better. He deserved to grow old with his brother and Cas, marry Eileen, and raise their kids with Jack as their older brother. The ending they gave Sam is what Season 1 Sam would have wanted, not Season 15 Sam. They ignored everything he had been through, everything he had endured, everyone he had met, and all his growth, so he could satisfy his 22-year-old dreams. There is no universe in which this was a happy ending for Sam and I’m so heartbroken about it. 
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completelymindfucked · 2 months
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Dean feels sick in a way he never had before, it is summer and his clothes stuck to his skin. The humid smell of rain clung to the air, just like the cheap no name brand of cologne he snagged clung to the drenched skin under Sams jaw.
He shouldn’t want this, was supposed to protect Sammy. Not trace his brothers collar bones with his lips nor memorize the way his little brothers hip bones jutted from his skin like a handle for dean to grasp onto. There were worms on the ground near the shore of the small lake by the trailer they were squatted in, they will dry out and die with the rains evaporation. Dean pitied them as he pitied himself.
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