#sam x reader story
notafunkiller · 5 months
best daddy ever
Summary: When Sam drops by unannounced, he discovers something new about Bucky.
Pairing: thunderbolts!Bucky Barnes x female reader
Warnings: teasing, pet names, daddy kìnk, language, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 1K
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: I really hope you’ll enjoy it!
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
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“You know that’s not funny, right?”
You giggle when you hear his broody tone as you make your way to the kitchen. You don’t realize that his words are not directed at you until you almost have a heart attack.
Of course you scream in shock when you see Sam sitting casually at your table while Bucky is leaning against the fridge with his arms crossed.
He immediately rushes toward you, though, when you place a hand on your chest. Your heart is beating so fast.
“Are you okay, honey?”
The way he casually wraps his arm around your waist casually to pull you closer in front of Sam makes you melt. You might never get used to him initiating PDA, but it makes you really happy.
“I’m okay, I’m sorry for screaming.”
You know he’s about to scold you for apologizing, but thankfully Sam speaks first.
“Hi, cutie. No worries, I came to annoy your tinman.”
You don’t even have to look at Bucky to know he’s rolling his eyes, his grip tightening on your hip as he groans.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to call her that?”
“So you don’t think she’s cute?”
You bring your hand to his chest just to distract him a bit. Sam loves to push his buttons almost as much as you do.
“Yeah, James, don’t you?”
You know you’re playing with fire after earlier, but it’s too fun not to. Especially when he gives you that look... you’re in trouble look. And you love to be in trouble with him.
“Get out of our house, Cap, so I can show her exactly how cute I think she is.”
Neither of you expected this since you both gasped. Bucky is sassy, that’s for sure, but you didn’t anticipate this type of casual sexual innuendo comment. Because he meant sex, right? There is no way he didn’t unless he is cruelly teasing you in vain.
“Guess the Winter Soldier is not so wint-” But Sam doesn’t finish his sentence, throwing his hands in the air in defense while still laughing when Bucky looks at him again. “Glad it still works, I was a little worried.”
“No need to worry, Sam, I promise.“ You smirk, patting Bucky’s ass twice before going to the coffee maker, stealing a whine out of him. “Want to stay for breakfast?”
“No,” Bucky answers for him, and you roll your eyes. You know Sam doesn’t mind his attitude because he’s known him for a long time, but you still want to be a good host.
“I can make crepes if you-”
“Doll, please.”
Sam looks at Bucky, then at you, and winks, smiling widely. “I’m leaving, I’m leaving. But don’t forget what I told you and stay out of trouble.“
It’s too vague for you to understand, so you’ll just wait for Sam to be gone to interrogate Bucky.
“Goodbye, Cap.”
And there he is, softer Bucky. You grab a cup for him too, and he smiles. You’ve never seen a more beautiful man in your entire life. He is magnetic and charming, and you feel like kissing him all the time. You don’t know how you managed to get him as your boyfriend, but you’re grateful.
“What is this? Oh my god, you kinky old man!”
Confused, you immediately make your way to the living room, following Bucky. You don’t know what Sam could have seen to say that, and you definitely didn’t expect him to hold Bucky’s cap in both of his hands, analyzing it. Your gift... Shit!
“Best. Daddy. Ever?”
You close your eyes, embarrassed, but Bucky, surprisingly, doesn’t seem to feel the same way. You don’t sense any shame or change in his vibes or posture. He simply stares at Sam as usual and snatches the cap from his hands.
“That’s mine.”
“I realized, daddy.” Sam can’t stop laughing even when he turns his head toward you. But when he sees you all serious, his face drops. “Or do you mean…”
“Mean what?“ You snap, a bit annoyed about the fact you two got busted in such a stupid way. And it’s all Bucky’s fault since he’s the one who left it there.
Only when Sam lowers his eyes to your belly, do you realize what he means.
“No, she’s not pregnant, idiot!”
“So you really have a fucking daddy kink? How do you even know-“ He stops mid-sentence, still totally taken aback, and Bucky sneaks behind you to open the entrance door. “How did you manage to corrupt this old man?”
You can’t help but laugh this time. If only he knew the truth...
Bucky puffs, pushing Sam out. “Goodbye, Sam!”
Thankfully, before Bucky could close the door in his face, you manage to say goodbye and wave:
“Trust me, I was not the one doing the corruption with this.”
You wish you could see Sam’s face. What a loss!
“He won’t stop talking about this, you know that, right?”
“You’re the one who left it here, so blame yourself.”
You take the cap from the table, where he put it, and walk straight to him, getting on your tiptoes before placing it on his head. Bucky looks at you with a mix of surprise and amusement as you adjust the cap to sit just right. He is the best daddy ever, indeed. If Sam heard how dirty Bucky could get during sex, he’d die. Contrary to what he believed, Bucky is the one who came up with this whole daddy thing while you were in the middle of fucking raw, right after he finished a mission. It rolled shyly but naturally of his tongue, and of course you liked it. You love calling him daddy even if you do it just to tease him. But it must be so hard, probably, for Sam to picture this mountain of a man, quiet but also sassy, knowing his past, like this.
“You’re staring.” Bucky smirks, and you feel your knees weakening. God, that smile! “And you’re horny.”
“What if I am? Gonna take care of me, daddy?”
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talesofesther · 1 year
secrets I held in my heart
Samantha Carpenter x Reader
Summary: The rules were Sam's idea, she had been demanding on the 'no feelings' part. She wasn't here to be loved, or cared for, or cherished. Yet with every touch of her lips on your body, it felt like she was begging you to do just that.
A/N: I neglected all my other works just to write this. Mentions of smut ahead. <3
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It was 9:23 PM when you heard the knocking on your door.
Today was a Friday, so you didn't need to look in the peephole to know who it was. This has been your routine for over a month.
You were already in your pajamas; a simple pair of shorts and an oversized shirt, and you could see tiny droplets of rain collecting on the windows as you walked up to greet her. You wondered if she'd have an umbrella.
You had your answer when you opened your door. Sam stood in the empty hallway of your apartment, the raindrops on her black jacket were shining under the yellow light; she had her hands stuffed in her pockets, always looking a little out of place right as she arrived. As much as you shouldn't, you were growing fond of her dark eyes and small smiles.
She walked inside quietly and you locked the door behind her — there wasn't a need for words, not really, you both knew what you wanted; why she was there.
The agreement was made with the effect of a few drinks on one night, just the right amount for extra courage and boldness. No feelings, no personal business, no getting attached; that was the deal. It was all about having fun and blowing off some steam without having to worry about the complications that came with a relationship — with being vulnerable.
You had your reasons for it and Sam had hers. It worked.
Until it didn't.
You kissed down her body. Your lips traced a path against her smooth skin, from her neck to her ribs and all the way to the curve of her waist. You always took your time with her, each of your kisses breaking a rule in their wake. You could feel every hitch of her breath each time you touched a sensitive place on her body; it was honestly quite hard to find a place where she wasn't sensitive.
Though you think she likes it slow too, because Sam tends to interrupt you; she'll tug on your intertwined hands and pull you up so she can cup your cheeks. Her kisses were eager but never bruising, you could feel the hotness of her breath lingering on your lips when the hands tangled in your hair kept you close.
She lay underneath you, with the only light illuminating your bedroom coming from the street lamps outside. You could see the outlines of her features, feel the bare skin of her legs whenever she moved.
You couldn't help bringing a hand up, your thumb tracing her lower lip before you leaned in for another searing kiss.
Sam's nails scratched at your back then, bound to leave a few telltales for the morning. She pulled you into her the closer she could manage, gasping into your mouth when your naked chest pressed to hers.
The rules were her idea, she had been demanding on the no feelings part. She wasn't here to be loved, or cared for, or cherished. It was the one thing she made clear she didn't want.
Yet with every touch of her lips on your body, with every breathy moan that slipped past her defenses, and every time her hands pulled you a little closer — it felt like she was begging you to do just that.
You knew part of her story, mostly from the rumors from before and after the Ghostface attacks on New York. Admittedly, you understood why she wouldn't want to allow people close. Though sometimes her loneliness was almost palpable.
So, you took your time with her. And Sam let you, because she cherished every second of it.
The rain had picked up when you gave her the last kiss of the night; the heavy droplets were loud against your windows as they poured down from the sky.
Sam had stolen your shirt. She stood before your window in nothing but her underwear and the faded Bon Jovi shirt you loved, glaring up at the sky as if it would pity her and stop its downpour only for her to get home.
You were sitting cross-legged on your bed, already back in your comfy pajamas. If she happened to stay over, which was quite rare, Sam would be gone in the morning before you woke up. You chewed on your lip, considering what you were about to say. "You know you can stay if you want, wait it out. I don't mind."
Sam glanced at the clock on your bedside table, it read 11:38 PM. She was hesitating; you could see it in the way she pressed her lips tightly together, in the way she bunched up the ends of your shirt in her hands.
Sam got back in your bed silently. She kept a reasonable distance between you two. She didn't look like the same person who had her limbs tangled with yours just a few moments ago.
The air felt electric with tension, with a timidness that shouldn't be there because you knew every curve of her body as if it was your own — yet this felt more intimate than anything else trapped between hot touches and breathless kisses.
You fell asleep first and Sam followed soon after, but not before taking the privileged opportunity to engrave the image of your peaceful features in her mind forever.
The red numbers on your clock read 2:59 AM when you woke up.
An unhappy groan escaped you as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. First thing you registered in the darkness of your bedroom was that rain was still pouring heavily outside, though aside from that, nothing seemed out of place, and you wondered what had disturbed your slumber.
Then, you felt movement beside you, and you remembered the visitor who stayed.
Sam was breathing heavily, panicked gasps escaping from her lips. She had a soft frown on her eyebrows and cold sweat collecting on her forehead. The grip she had on the bedsheets was nearly ripping the fabric.
Worry tugged at your heartstrings immediately. You sat up, scooting closer to her so you could lay a careful hand on her shoulder, "Sam," you whispered gently, "Sam, wake up, I think you're having a nightmare." You kept talking yet got no reaction from her.
It was only when your fingertips grazed her cheek, that she jolted awake. A strangled gasp got stuck in her throat when her wide eyes locked on you; she clumsily pushed herself away from you, almost falling off the bed.
"Sam, calm down," you scrambled to turn on the bedside lamp so she could see you more clearly, "it's just me," you spoke softly.
The sight of her broke your heart. You've never seen Sam like this. She was breathing so heavily you feared she might hyperventilate, her lower lip quivering with each intake of air; tears were steadily collecting on the bottom lid of her eyes, still wide as she looked around, checking every dark corner of your room.
It took several beats for her to seemingly recognize you, and when she did, she finally sat up properly; dropping her head on her hands when quiet sobs started shaking her body. It sounded as if she was trying to hold them back, as if she didn't mean for you to see it.
You moved closer then, one of your arms coming around her shoulders. It was uncharted territory, something that wasn't meant to happen.
"Sam," yet you spoke as if you'd loved her for a long time, "it's okay, you're okay." Your lips met the fabric of your shirt on her shoulder and you laid a kiss there, squeezing her body to yours, "you're okay, I'm here for you."
That was enough to break through the rest of the barriers Sam had built around her heart, because she turned to you and hid her face in the crook of your neck. Her arms circled around your waist and her fingers curled around the fabric of your pajama shirt desperately, as if you could slip her grasp any moment.
You brought your other hand to the back of her head, burying your fingers through her hair. She melted into you.
The tears rolling down her cheeks dampened your shirt, but you couldn't find it in yourself to mind; all you cared about was holding her for as long as she needed.
And you wondered just how long it had been since someone was willing to do that for her.
Sam was the one who pulled away first, and she didn't meet your eyes as she did so. She quickly dried off the remaining tears. You could still see the shaking of her hands.
Figuring she could use at least a few moments alone, you got up from the bed and walked to the kitchen. The wooden floor was cold on your bare feet as you waited for the glass to fill with water.
When you came back to your bedroom, Sam's eyes were already following your every move. Though there was a shyness there that was new. She felt bare in front of you, more than she'd ever been before.
You sat back down quietly, extending the glass of water towards her.
Sam took it from you with an unsure tilt of lips. Several beats passed where she just looked at you, there was a mix of sadness, and want, and hesitance in her glinting eyes. "I'm sorry," she eventually mumbled. Her voice was tight, you figured she was one word away from breaking down all over again.
The yellow glow of your bedside lamp highlighted the tear tracks on her cheeks. You knew she wasn't apologizing for tonight. She was apologizing for breaking her own rules.
"Don't be," you told her when you pushed back strands of her dark hair, your touch lingering on her jaw, "because I'm not."
You didn't have much time to prepare for the way Sam reached for the back of your head and pulled you in, her lips colliding with yours as she nearly spilled all the water from the cup she was holding.
When stripes of morning sunlight eventually came in through your window, they highlighted the waves of Sam's hair, the curve of her sleepy smile as she cuddled up to you.
And you kissed her good morning.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Sam’s taglist: @milkiane @v1ci0us
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zepskies · 9 months
Hey Zepskies!
So I just wanted to ask if you could tell your most fav fav fics for Supernatural.
I’m pretty sure I’ve read all your fics and they are just 🥹🥹SO GOOD!!❤️❤️
But I need more.. so if you could pls pls help me out here🥰
Oh my goodness, what a great question!!
(And thank you, my lovely. I'm so glad you enjoy my writing. 🥰🥰)
I've actually been doing a lot of reading lately, despite also writing up a storm, working on Smoke Eater.
Here are some of my favorites! They will span Tumblr, Ao3, and FF.net, as I did a lot of my early reading/writing on other platforms.
Now, in no particular order...
Some of my favorite SPN stories:
Keep in mind, I probably like several fics from each of these authors, but I'm featuring one or two that I very much enjoyed.
**[Minors beware, I'm recc'ing a lot of 18+ only content here!]
Dean Winchester x Reader:
Hold On I'm Coming - @ravengirl94
Clear the Area - Alisha Ashton (Excellent 4-part series!)
Unspoken - @thatonewriter15
The Girlfriend Who Remade Christmas - @deanwinchesterswitch
Twenty Minutes or Less - @iprobablyshipit91
Magical Blooms - @iprobablyshipit91
The First Time Series - @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
Remind Me - @justagirlinafandomworld
Delicate - @justagirlinafandomworld
The Fallout - @justagirlinafandomworld
Feral - @jawritter
Here For You - @marvelfanfn2187a113
Collared - @spnexploration
Old Man - @kaleldobrev
Creature of the Night - @waynes-multiverse
Friends with Benefits - @deanwritings
Safe - @waywardxwords
Carry On - @acreativelydifferentlove
You're Home - @acreativelydifferentlove
Helping Hand - @deanwanddamons
Love Language - @mind-empty-just-fictional-people | @jacklesbrainworms
It Ain't About Pity - @ejlovespie
More to Love - kittenofdoomage
Never Spoken, Always Said - kittenofdoomage
The Widow - @pink-sparkly-witch
Say I'm Beautiful - Lindsey D. Perez
While They Dance On A Pin (Jane Series 5) - shirleypositive72 (Dean x OC)
She's My Cherry Pie - BeccabooO1O
Feral - @luci-in-trenchcoats
Witches - @waywardxwords
Wild Flower - @deanbrainrotwritings
The Dangers of Hope - @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
Take a Shot - @rizlowwritessortof
Dean Winchester x Lisa Braeden:
Damages - adventuresinposting
One Step at a Time - FaithDaria
A Dad By Any Other Name - bloodmagik
Sam Winchester x Reader:
While You Were Sleeping - Avrilando (Sam x OC)
With The Eyes of a Loving Man - Avrilando (Sequel to While You Were Sleeping)
It's Your Birthday - Lindsey D. Perez
If You Give a Moose a Muffin - Lindsey D. Perez
All of Me - ALoversDream
Could Have Told You That One, Winchester - BeccabooO1O
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I'm sure there are many, many more, but here's a starter list for you of my favorite people! 💕
I have several more stories favorited on my FF.net account. (Beware if you try to read any of the stories I wrote there though. Some of those are old as hell and not to my current standard. 🤣)
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fantasylandbitch · 16 days
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Summary: While Danny is out with Ethan to get a few of his favorite snacks, he doesn't realize that Ethan is setting up to kill one of your friends. At the apartment Sam tries her best to apologize and accommodate you while you both try to hide your relationship not realizing some of them know but soon secrecy brings jealousy. 
Warning: Long Chapter, Fluff, 18+ A Little Spicy 18+, Self Deprecation, Family Therapy, Creepy Ethan
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5.5 Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 7.5 Chapter 8 Chapter 8.5 Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9.5 Coming Soon)
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"Y/n..I'm sorry for leaving you in the bathroom so abruptly" Sam apologized to you before looking down at the ground and then up at your e/c eyes. Then your eyes surprised her. What about them that surprised her? It was how your eyes looked, they held a certain level of judgment but also held understanding and comfort for her. "I wasn't expecting you to recall what happened to you so soon" she voiced as she tried to hold eye contact with you but under the kitchen lights, your gentle gaze made her nervous. 
"Sam" you spoke softly, taking her hand and guiding her to sit on a stool with you near the island. "I don't remember a lot of what happened to me...just bits and pieces, I can't make sense of them yet" you voiced as you thought of your next words carefully. "However, you could have told me how you felt instead of leaving me to wonder if I had done something wrong," you told her with honesty, and just as Sam was going to open her mouth you stopped her. "I don't blame you for what happened to me and you shouldn't feel responsible for whatever transpired before."
"But I do, Y/n, because if I hadn't left Ethan with you, you wouldn't be here wounded and trying to piece together what happened. If only I had known Ghost Face was going to target you...I would have stayed," Sam confessed, her leg bouncing with anxiety before she averted your gaze once again.
You let out a light sigh as you look at Sam. "If you had been there instead of Ethan then I feel like the outcome would've played out differently," you said to her. Your words bounced in every corner of her mind as Sam turned her head to you, she thought about the worst outcomes had she switched places with Ethan that night. She knows that Ghost Face would have played dirty like using one of you to lure the other out as one of you would have to watch the other die in some way or suffer much worse. The thought brought tears to Sam's eyes as she nodded in agreement, nevertheless, you reached out to comfort her. You place your hand on her thigh, unaware that Mindy was observing the interaction.
At the couch, Mindy's eyes widened as she watched your hand touch Sam's thigh to comfort her. Then she turns her head to Tara who's sitting next to her before whispering "Tara? Tell me how do you know someone is gay without telling me they're gay?" making the little Carpenter turn her head to her sister and you because she thought who else would Mindy be talking about.
Then Tara saw your gentle squeeze on her sister's thigh, Sam covering your hand with her own before pulling your stool closer to hers, making you laugh. She then watches as her older sister leans her shoulder against you, then uses your shoulder as a pillow before you say something to Sam that she can't hear. Tara watches as her older sister lifts her head to look at you and how you move your right hand to wipe something off her face before slowly leaning in to kiss her. Tara believes your exchange with her sister was supposed to be private. But in the end, it brought a tiny smile to Tara's face. She was reminded of the days when she and Amber were seeing each other, calling each other up to see how the other was doing and making plans to go on a date, and how she would call Amber to come over to the house so they could try some alcohol that her mom forgot to lock up as they listened to music while dancing. Some part of Tara wishes she could go back in time to see Amber again but she also believes that is where her love for drinking started. She was curious at first about everything about love and the adventures of drinking, but now, she wants to forget, forget the mental and physical scarring that she had to endure in Woodsboro two years ago.
But what brought Tara back to the present was when Chad had asked a question from her lap "Hey Sam, are you or Danny cooking tonight?" He asked from the couch before sitting up. The creaking from the couch caused you and Sam to separate quickly before he could see you both exchanging your love for one another because you and Sam wanted to keep the relationship a secret until Ghost Face was dealt with.
"Uh I was planning to cook tonight," Sam says aloud as she slowly gets off the stool to walk around the island and open the fridge. "I was thinking of making chicken with rice and vegetables" she announced before checking the freezer, only to realize that she forgot to buy the vegetables. 
"Vegetables, Chicken, and Rice don't sound horrible" Chad voices as he lays back down putting his head back on Tara's lap as she slowly starts touching his hair.
"Damn it! I forgot to buy the vegetables" she says annoyed because she was looking forward to eating the vegetables.
"Hey hey Sam, it's okay maybe I could make dinner tonight" you chimed from your seat as you watched your girlfriend simmer down before closing the freezer door to look at you.
"Nope! Not a chance. Sam, she might kill us through our stomachs!" Chad yells, about to get up from the couch causing Tara to sigh knowing an argument is about to start.
But Mindy pushes his shoulders down before he can and slaps his forehead "Chad, if Y/n wanted to kill us, she would have done it a long time ago." She said showing whose side she was on before continuing her thoughts "And Chad? I will support almost any relationship you get into because as you know I'm gay and I’m your sister, but how deep in Ethan's ass are you in or is it the other way around?" And your brows rose at Mindy's choice of words.
Her actions caused Chad to rub his forehead as he started to sit up on the couch to face her. "What kind of question is that!?" He yells before standing up causing Tara to scoot over to the other end of the couch as she exchanges a look with her sister from across the room. "Nothing is going on between me and Ethan and as your older brother, could you refrain from asking me questions like that?!" Chad asks, yelling at his sister once again. Sam crosses her arms and gave a heavy sigh before looking over at you as she notices how you're leaning your head to the side so you can better listen to the conversation behind you.
"As if, I'm the oldest! But whatever, whoever came out of moms coochie first is irrelevant right now Chad, the point is why are you all up Ethan's ass and not having a mind of your own? We're all supposed to be on the same team because Ghost Face is coming after all of us, he's not cherry picking here" Mindy said sternly, mad that her brother is still up in arms about you attacking Ethan and now he thinks you're going to kill everyone at dinner time.
"I'm not up Ethan's ass. He's my roommate. I care about his safety and knowing he was knocked out in that basement and then attacked by Y/n makes me feel protective." Chad voices honestly as he gave a heavy sigh before dragging his hands down his face "We already lost Quinn and I don't want to lose anyone else so forgive me if I don't trust Y/n right now."
"Is this related to your ex?" Mindy questions her brother, the smoke leaving her ears as she calms down. "Is it because you couldn't save her that now you feel responsible for your roommate?" She asked another question, seeing a connection between what happened then and what is happening right now.
"Now why would you bring up my ex like that Mindy? That was two years ago." Chad asked back, hurt but open to hearing what his sister had to say.
"Because for some of us, two years ago.." Mindy starts before looking over at Tara and then at Sam. "Felt like yesterday, I was at Amber's house party and sucking faces with a girl before settling on the couch later that night to watch Uncle Randy on TV before Ghost Face showed up. But that party that ended in a shit show? It hasn't stopped me from going to other parties and meeting people which is how I met my beloved Anika."
"That's the thing Mindy," Chad said earnestly. "You handled what happened two years ago differently than I do. I still go to parties too, with you, Tara, and now Ethan. But I can't shake the fear of losing more people I'm close to." His words hung heavy in the air causing you to turn your head toward the island, your expression portraying a sense of defeat. Without a word, you reach for a piece of paper and a pen on the island, writing something down. Sam watched as you pushed the piece of paper toward her, your disappointment was evident on your face.
Then Sam picks up the piece of paper reading it over as she realizes that it's a recipe for dinner that she would be able to make "It's called Blood Pasta uh?" Sam asked you, amused by the name while you pouted on the other side of the island so she walked over to you. Then Sam places her hands on either side of your body, caging you between herself and the island before lightly pressing her chest up against your back and lowering her head down. "Why don't you help me make it? '' She whispers into your ear as her breath tickles the little hairs on your skin making you smile and her smile widens. She wants to know you in every way possible and seeing your smile means a lot to her.
"Well, technically I could but Sam it's a fairly simple meal to make," You tell her, causing Sam to take her hands and place them near your knees as she begins tracing circles in thought.
Then Sam stops moving her hands, allowing you to pay attention to them as you anticipate her next move before she slowly drags her hands down your thighs causing you to take a deep breath. The feeling of her hands on your thighs is soothing and light to the touch but you don’t realize that she is intentionally teasing you until after she takes it up a notch. Sam starts to drag her nails down the rest of your thighs making you lean back into her chest as you spread your legs, mistakenly, Sam thought you were giving her more access to do what she wanted to you until you quickly clasp her hands when they get closer to your crotch and stand up.
"Fine! Fine, I'll help you make the damn Blood Pasta!" you said aloud, feeling flustered while behind you Sam stepped out of the way watching you hurriedly get up from the stool with a smirk. But when you turn around to face your girlfriend you catch her smirk at the last second before she changes it to a smile, and when you go to look up at her you find half lidded eyes looking back at you. You can feel the blood rush to your face, it's because you can almost imagine what dirty thoughts she might be thinking while gazing into your eyes. "Saaam" You stretched her name and she smiled. Sam won’t admit it to you but she's always loved the sound of your voice whenever you say her name or become talkative because your voice sounds smooth yet husky to the drums in her ears. But it didn’t stop her from watching you take a walk around the island passing the front door as you made your way over to get the pot from the drying rack. "There are children in the apartment..behave yourself" you giggled while trying to keep your cool in front of her family as you brought the pot to the sink.
But Sam couldn't help herself as she walked in the opposite direction and towards the cabinets. While walking over to you, her eyes gravitated toward a place that held one of the knives you threw at Ethan earlier, and for a minute she wondered. ‘How much strength did you use to have a knife sticking out of a cabinet door?’ she thought before she took residence near the sink, waiting for the pot to fill up with water alongside you. "Y/n '' she calls your name, studying your side profile before you turn your head to look at her and even then she tries to burn your face into her memory. "Try-" she started when she noticed the water in the pot was about to fill up so she leaned over to turn the faucet off before pulling on her hoodie that you're wearing "Not to take it personally."
Sam said next which made you scoff, the sound making her smile drop a little because she understands from personal experience what it feels like to be the bad guy in everyone's eyes. "I'll try not to take it so personally...Also six feet Sam," you told her, making Sam tilt her head like a dog as her brows furrowed with confusion. "We can't keep this" you smile while pointing your finger at her and then at yourself "a secret if you're always trying to touch me."
Your words cause Sam to smile "True but can you blame me?" She asks you, her brows relaxing as she looks at your eyes and then at your lips. With Sam eyeing you this way, she only makes your smile widen as big as hers and you nod repeatedly in front of her. Then you both hear the couch creak again making you both turn your heads to see Tara stand up before Sam asks "Boundaries right? Then can you take a step back for me? I don't want to spill all this water and make you wet now. That would be a lot to clean up."
You hear her say, her words making you laugh “Yeah, okay, sure” you say mid laugh before you accidentally snort. The unexpected snort made Sam laugh after she put the pot on the stove and you laughed even harder while covering your face as Tara walked into the kitchen.
"Hey you two, need any help with dinner?" Tara asked you both with a smile after witnessing you and her sister laughing in the kitchen. 
"Um sure," you say to her as you look over at Sam briefly, your girlfriend shrugging before you open the fridge to find one package of chicken. "Here, take this chicken please," you say to Tara, handing her one package to put on the island. "Thank you...now I just have to find the last one…but uh make sure you take off the skin" you say aloud trying to find the last package of chicken but Sam steps in by putting her hand on your shoulder.
“Here, let me get the last package for you so you don't open up your stitches” Sam voices, concerned about your wounds reopening before she bent over to find the package of meat for you in the fridge. However, when you turn away to find a butter knife to open the package of chicken ahead of time Tara opens the freezer to get an ice pop then forgets to close the door. Upon finding the package of chicken for dinner, Sam goes to stand up when her head makes contact with the freezer door. “OW!” Sam yells causing you to whip your head around to look at her “Tara! What is with you and not closing doors lately!?” She yells at her little sister before handing the package to you.
"Oooh, please! That was two times Sam I’ll make sure to close the door next time" Tara spoke back to her sister. Her backtalk makes Sam walk over to her to flick her in the forehead but you stop Sam by stepping in front of her to talk to Tara. 
“Tara, all your sister is trying to say is that she would appreciate it if you would be mindful of others in the apartment and close the doors..” you started and Sam who is behind you is secretly mouthing.
‘You are so lucky that Y/n is standing between us’ Sam mouthed to her sister as she made faces at her causing Tara to smirk and you to turn your head briefly to Sam before looking back at Tara.
“Do you understand where she’s coming from Tara? She just wants everyone to keep their limbs intact and their heads on their shoulders” you say next causing Tara to nod in agreement. 
“Fine, I will take that into consideration” Tara replied before taking the butter knife from you to open a package of chicken while you look for another butter knife to use when Sam offers one in your peripherals. Then you turn to reach out and grab it from her but are met with some resistance so you look up at Sam only to make eye contact with the same dark figure behind her eyes from the other night. 
“Sam?” you called her name before you saw the dark figure in her eyes take up most of her irises slowly bringing you into a trance as if the dark figure behind them was testing if you would submit or stand your ground. But much to the dark figure’s dismay in Sam, the creature that occupies your irises stands tall and fierce. Your expression gradually shifts from curious to pissed off and quizzical, unsure of what to make of Sam’s eyes. But unlike Sam’s darkness, which is rooted in the twisted legacy passed down from her father through blood, the creature within you is an enigma. You know of the creature within you from attacking Ethan, yet its origins remain a mystery, a shadow lurking in the corners of your mind.
"Sam, are you and Y/n having a staring contest right now?" Tara asks from behind you as you come back to your senses, the creature in your eyes retreating quickly, you turn your head to look at Tara before looking back at Sam’s eyes as you watch the light walk back into them. 
"Uh? Um, we were I think but um here you go Y/n" Sam replied to Tara confused, handing you the butter knife before she noticed the water was boiling on the stove so she tended to it. "SO what do we throw into the pot first?" She asks out loud before picking up the piece of paper from earlier "Okay first the salt" she says to herself as she gets the salt from the cabinet before reading the little paper again like she was working at a restaurant.
But you just momentarily stare at Sam before turning your back on her to open the other package of chicken she gave you wondering what to make of what just happened in the kitchen as you skinned it."Clear the way!" Tara yells, making Sam step out of her way while Sam watches Tara and you bring the chicken over to put into the pot to get boiled. 
"Now" you paused as Sam turned to the sink to turn on the faucet so you and her sister could wash your hands "We wait," you said last as your eyes wandered to Sam’s face.
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While you, Tara, and Sam are waiting for the chicken to boil, you three hear someone using their keys to unlock the front door to the apartment as Chad makes his way over to the kitchen to get a drink after talking to his sister while you throw the skin from the chicken into the trash can.
“Took you guys a long time,” Chad says aloud as he watches Danny and Ethan walk into the apartment with some grocery bags.
“Got lost?” Sam asked Danny before her eyes shifted to Ethan, her instincts telling her to watch out for him as he might be a threat to you.
“No, not necessarily, while walking to a bodega nearby Ethan and I were talking about life until we lost each other in the middle of a crowd. It turned out his shoelace had come undone so he found refuge in an alleyway to tighten his shoe while I tried to find a vantage point to see where he was” Danny answered her before noticing you walking over to the pot to examine the water with Tara and then looked back at Sam.
“Yeah that was my bad, I should have said something sooner to you before stepping out of the way to fix my shoe. I’m sorry about that.” Ethan apologized to Danny, feeling bad for giving him a freight before looking at you and Tara at the stove.
“Hey, Sam, can you get the chicken bones from the pot for us?” Tara asked, causing Sam to turn around to look at what was going on.
“Sure,” she says, putting a mitten on so she wouldn’t burn herself from the steam, and then got a large spoon to hook the chicken bones onto “Wow look at the color of that water,” Sam says aloud smiling at the pot before breaking the spaghetti noodles in the box and emptying the contents into the pot.
Then everyone in the apartment waits at their respective spots for dinner such as Danny, Chad, and Ethan hanging out in the living room to watch whatever Mindy had put on while Mindy, Tara, Sam and You hung out around the island in the kitchen and every so often look at the TV when a scene happens to catch one of your eyes.
But there was a particular scene that caught Sam’s eye on TV, it depicted a serial killer running after a girl down a hallway similar to what she believes might have happened to you at your apartment. The scene causes Ethan's story to resurface but as she thinks more about it, his story doesn't make much sense to her 'Why would you have hit Ethan over the head if he was trying to help you restore the electricity?' she pondered, unable to reconcile his account with her perception of you. Though she felt your gaze on her, her thoughts continued to race. 'Ghost Face wouldn't spare anyone...Did he not see Ethan in the basement with you?' she continued, questioning the consistency of Ethan's narrative and Ghost Face's true intentions.
While across the room, Ethan is replaying what he did to you at your apartment while watching the same film on TV. The scenes on the screen slowly make him smile at the thought of deceiving you by being your semi dependable friend to becoming Ghost Face and making your blood run cold in front of him. Ethan can practically feel himself getting excited all over again from remembering your earlier encounters and the expressions you’ve made but the feeling soon disappears when he remembers the amount of strength you revealed to him on two occasions. The first is when you slammed him against the corner of a wall to save Anika and the second one is from when you disarmed him and then tried to kill him earlier that morning. The very thought causes him to lock his jaw and look over at you, as he contemplates how to get rid of you before you can do further damage to a much bigger plan that has yet to be set in motion even though his foreman would rather have you join them despite what they did to you. Ethan believes that if his boss truly wanted to have you join their team of killers they would try to convince you themselves and not have him the shy and dorky guy to be the middleman when he's supposed to remain shy, irritated and scared for his life so Chad could take care of him. 
But Ethan's gaze on your figure doesn't go unnoticed because Sam glares at him from across the room even though you're sitting right in front of her, she can't help but feel protective over you. However, despite how she feels about Ethan's story she doesn't like that his stare seems almost predatory so she pulls your stool closer to her body. 
The sudden movement of your stool moving beneath you causes you to have a mini heart attack because your body for a second fell backward but to counter the loss of balance you hook your right leg around Sam’s left and place your left hand on her right thigh. “Holy shit Sam, a little warning would have been nice,” you said to her and Sam lowered her head a little with a tilt before looking up at you.
“You're right. I’m sorry for doing that to you” she apologized to you before she purposely moved her left hand to rub the side of your right thigh, making sure that Ethan was aware and watching her as she briefly looked over at him, her hand settling on your calf next as his jaw grew tight. “Got something on your mind, Y/n?” she asked you, as she turned her head before noticing how quiet you were while examining her face, specifically her eyes. 
“Mm,” you started, taking a deep breath as you paused to think of what you were going to say, your mind still wondering about the phenomenon that your girlfriend’s eyes went through an hour ago. However, you were at a loss for words as if your brain had left your body, your eyes shifting from her onyx brown orbs to her lips and then back at her eyes again before taking the opportunity to turn your body fully toward the island to hide your red face as Sam started to smile at you.
“Oh, cat got your tongue Y/n?” Mindy asked for both herself and Tara because they were paying attention to how you and Sam were conversing just moments ago as you sat there baffled in front of them.
“Yeah and what did I say about hanging around my sister?” Tara said afterward as Mindy and she exchanged a look before giving you a shit eating grin.
“Ha ha,” you say scoffing at them, “I can be quiet when I want to Mindy and Tara I’m not interested in your sister…we’re just friends” you countered with a smile as you looked over at your girlfriend making sure she's not offended in any way as you watch her prop her head with her hand, watching you with amusement.
After overhearing you demote yourself from being Sam’s girlfriend to friend, Danny takes the opportunity to get up from the couch to get himself a drink from the fridge but first he stops by to hug Sam from behind “What you girls are talking about over here?” He asked as you watched him snake his arms around Sam’s torso and her waist before squeezing her, causing Sam to bring her hands up to rub his toned forearms in front of you, and for a minute you felt a little jealous.
‘Maybe we should tell everyone we’re together’ you thought to yourself not noticing that Mindy is watching you intently, eating up every visual information she can pick up from you so she can tell Anika over the phone later. Tara on the other hand looks worried that you might intentionally take the closest pen near you and stab Danny in the jugular several times. However, you know in your heart, that Sam is interested in you because she’s always trying to find ways to touch and kiss you. You just don’t know if Danny knows that because he sort of acts like he’s still together with Sam in some way even now while he’s giving Sam a forehead kiss as she looks up at him, you know it's just a cover. 
Then Tara clears her throat several times to get her sister's attention as she watches you intently look at Sam unable to pull your eyes away from the fake couple but her attempts don’t work. 
But Tara’s throat clearing doesn’t go unnoticed because it certainly catches Mindy’s attention, so she watches as Tara tries to cue her older sister in on what she’s doing. Mindy looks between you and Sam when she finally picks up on what's wrong. ‘Ooooh’ Mindy thought, realizing that maybe you’re jealous of Sam for giving Danny attention and not you, which makes Mindy smile before thinking about what question to ask you. “Hey Y/n” Mindy calls your name as soon as she thinks of her question, making you turn your head to look at her.
“What's up Mindy?” you respond to your friend with a light smile because you know that Mindy could do you no wrong or so you thought.
“What were you doing before you went to Gale’s rescue?” She asked you knowing that Sam’s ears would perk up sooner or later because Kirby sort of filled everyone in while they packed themselves into your car after finding Ghost Face’s location.
“Oh um I was meeting up with a client at a restaurant called Rancho Tequileria near Gale’s home, she actually picked the place,” you told her not knowing that Mindy was going to use what little information you just told her as ammunition to spark you into a heavy conversation and make Sam get jealous.
“Oh, who's this mystery client that took you on what could have been a cute date?” she asked you, smiling to herself because not only did she get Tara to stop clearing her throat but she had Tara looking at her with a grin and Sam giving her the side eye before looking at you.
“Oh uh,” you smiled at Mindy thinking about that meeting “Her name is Melanie Rodriguez she wanted some help with designing her website for her Slay the Day salon so Erika and Luna recommended me to her a few weeks ago.” 
“Oh yeah, was she pretty in looks as well as personality? Also, Erika and Luna are the same couple who runs a Mothers Love, A Woman's Bakery right?” Mindy asked you as she became immersed in talking with you, making her forget why she was talking to you in the first place.
“Yes and I’ve been working with them for two years now going on three in September” You nodded at Mindy’s second question with a smile before talking about your client. “As for your first question, yes she was intimidatingly pretty and she was patient, decisive, and surprisingly easy to talk to despite me being initially nervous.” You say to Mindy feeling animated in front of her while Sam moves her head to get a better look at you while you talk about another woman in front of her. “It was kind of funny because at some point Melanie was looking in my direction while licking her lips…well technically it wasn’t funny I was just really confused, I couldn’t tell if she was looking at what I was eating or someone behind me.” You said aloud as Mindy’s smile grew as she remembered why she was asking you questions in the first place before looking over at Tara who was shocked by the information you just revealed. 
“What were you eating at the restaurant?” Sam asked you with a tightened jaw hoping she heard you wrong as you turned your head to her.
“I was eating this dish called um…give me a minute to look up the dish because I don’t want to butcher the name.” You told her as you pulled your phone from your pocket to look up the dish you ate from the restaurant while Sam watched your facial expressions go from focused to happy as you handed her your phone.
Sam takes your phone and looks at the screen “You ate a Molcajete de Rancho uh?” she asked you and you nodded at her with a smile as she kept her eyes on your phone before highlighting the text and searching for a photo of it. ‘This dish does look good’ she thought to herself before looking up at you briefly “What was Melanie eating?” she asked next and you thought about it.
“Well I don’t believe she was eating a lot but she had a dish called Azteca Fajitas” you replied not missing a detail as Sam looked away from your phone and at you fully. “I thought the dish sounded very cool and it smelled really good which is why I remembered the name” you explained as Sam looked down at your phone to look up a photo of Melanie's dish.
“Are you sure Melanie wasn’t looking at you when she licked her lips?” Sam asked you, her eyes narrowing at you a little as she gave you your phone back because the dish that Melanie had although delicious looking didn’t look like much to Sam in her opinion. In fact, Sam felt that the reason why Melanie didn’t eat a lot is because she was sizing you up to eat you out later that day but you just shook your head with a shrug at her question.    
Danny on the other hand was impressed by your client for being so bold around you because he knows that if a man did that to you that you would have probably retreated and honestly he wouldn’t wish that on anyone. But his thoughts couldn’t protect him from Sam’s anger and jealousy that was burning through her skin because he felt that the temperature underneath his arms was similar to a furnace which he found very unusual. Because he can’t recall seeing or feeling that kind of reaction from Sam whenever he would talk about other women in front of her assuming Sam knew he wouldn’t leave her for another person so he slowly unwraps his arms from around his ex before stepping to the side so he can get a drink. 
“Sam, unless she’s a cannibal I don’t see why she would look at me and then lick her lips,” you say to your girlfriend not understanding why she was heavily focused on Melanie’s habit of licking her lips as you recall another detail. “I wonder what attractive being behind me she was undressing,” you said next, causing Tara and Mindy to cover their mouths while Sam narrowed her eyes fully on you.
“SHE DID WHAT?” Sam yelled, startling you. She knew that the cogs in your brain were working but she didn’t expect to hear those words come out of your mouth “How can you not see that Melanie was interested in you? She was practically undressing you with her eyes!”
“I don’t see why you are so alarmed about Melanie licking her lips and undressing someone with her eyes. It’s not like it was toward me” you replied, getting frustrated because you were confused as to why your girlfriend was getting mad at you. 
“Mindy, what have you done?” Tara whispers to her and she watches as her childhood friend shrugs.
“I was just trying to help Y/n get payback” Mindy replies to Tara as she shakes her head “I didn’t think it was going to end up in their first argument'' she whispers to the smaller Carpenter sister honestly.
Sam’s eyes widened, taken aback by your response. “How can you not notice something so obvious!” Sam starts yelling again but she doesn’t realize that you don’t necessarily understand social cues all that well. 
But with the TV volume a little too loud for your liking, the heat of the room from cooking, you having a hard time understanding what Sam is trying to say and Sam yelling at you, you don’t realize that you are being overstimulated. With a clenched fist at your sides, your voice trembled with anger “News flash, Sam! I’m not you! I’m not this bodybuilder or trackstar built woman that people are conventionally attracted to. I know in my bones that Melanie is not interested in me by any means because of that!” you yell back at Sam which leaves everyone in the apartment stunned. 
As Danny slowly opens up the fridge to get a drink from the door, he leans over to look at the chicken and pasta that you and Sam made in the pot before quietly clearing his throat. “Dinner is ready,” he says in the relatively quiet room except for the TV that's on as he turns off the heat underneath the pot.
You try to take a deep breath while holding back tears from frustration. “You guys can eat. I'm not hungry right now.” You say to Danny as he nods before reaching into the cabinet above the stove to get a few bowls “I need a quiet space and time to calm down.”
You said as you looked over at Danny before turning your back on Sam, standing up then walking to Danny’s room, he chimes “You can use the spare room that I have down the hallway…because it's cool and less noisy.” Danny said a little awkwardly “It's down the hallway passed the bathroom to the left..you can’t miss it” Danny suggested to you which you followed immediately. 
When the door slammed shut behind you, Sam sat there on her stool in the kitchen, speechless. Her mind raced, trying to process the sudden outburst. She had no idea that you felt that way about yourself no one in the room had. The anger and hurt in your voice echoed in her mind. It hurt her to hear you, the woman she loved talk that way, her heart sank, a mix of guilt and sorrow washing over her. She had only meant to educate you, not hurt you. 
“Um, you want me to go talk to Y/n, Sam?” Tara asked her sister, getting ready to get up from her seat to get a bowl of Blood pasta as Chad and Ethan started shuffling into the kitchen waiting to get a bowl of their own quietly. But all Sam could do was shake her head while looking down the hallway as she tried to think of something to say to you that felt genuine but she couldn't. Nothing in her head sounded right to her so she got up from her seat causing Mindy to look up at her.
“Do you have a plan to get back in Y/n’s good graces?” Mindy asked, curious to see if Sam had any idea on how to apologize to you considering that she has never brought a girl home as far as she knows. 
Once again Sam silently shook her head as she looked over at Mindy hoping just by looking at her that she could absorb some knowledge on how to apologize to you without the risk of losing you. Because even though it’s not Sam’s first time being with a woman in the capacity of loving a woman, understanding what a woman wants, and how a woman feels. It’s certainly her first time being in a committed relationship with a woman, especially a woman who she believes might be neurodiverse and she doesn’t want to fuck it up.
“Even though I still don’t trust her. I say talk to Y/n as if you're talking to any of us Sam,” Chad voices making Sam look over at him by the front door eating the Blood pasta that you and her made together. He gives Sam the much needed push to get her away from the kitchen. “My god this dinner is so good” he whispers to himself as Sam secretly smiles at his reaction to the food before she slowly makes her way down the hallway.
In the bedroom that you reside in at the end of the hallway, you are berating yourself for how you reacted. “Y/n why did you do that!? You should have just agreed to what she was saying to you! You had one job to not fuck this relationship up and you can’t even do that correctly!” you say to yourself as you walk back and forth in the small room. “Sam is going to leave you because…because you're too much,” you say to yourself as Sam stood outside the room with her hand hovering over the door knob not understanding why you would say such things to yourself when she knows you were just voicing how you felt to her at the island.
Then Sam knocks on the door to get your attention “Y/n, can I come in?” She asks through the door hoping to hear a reply from you but she doesn’t. It makes her wonder what you might be doing in the spare room. Like if you're standing still on the other side waiting for her to leave or perhaps waiting for her to bust the door down. “Y/n? Y/n, I just want to talk. I’m not here to yell at you” Sam said next hoping you would understand that there is a gentle third option before hearing you shuffle towards the door and slowly unlock it for her. 
After you unlock the door Sam gently enters the room before closing and locking the door behind her, the clicking sound entering your ears as you turn around to face her but not before turning on the lamp in the small room you both occupy.
“Oh, you didn’t have to put on the lights Y/n. I would have been able to see you in the dark” Sam says as she turns around to face you with gentle tired eyes. She then notices the tear stains on your cheeks and the glassy look in your eyes. It is clear to her that you might be more sensitive than most people, especially with how quickly you became frustrated with the topic. 
“I’m sorry,” you both said at the same time, inadvertently making you both laugh as you tried to dry your face with your hands. You sniffle before saying “You go first…because I don’t know what to say to you” You voice softly to your girlfriend unsure of what to say when your body is full of anxiety.
Sam can see this very clearly because you're breathing a little heavily and you're playing with the bottom of her sweater. Sam knows the signs all too well because even though she’s calm in front of you right now she is also experiencing anxiety just like you, except she's playing with her hands. “Y/n…I’m sorry for upsetting you earlier. I only meant to educate you about the signs of how someone like Melanie might like you, however, I got so caught up in being jealous about another woman hitting on you that I didn’t realize that I had frustrated you.” Sam said thoughtfully to you as she looked down at her hands that she started messaging out of nervousness.
After Sam was done talking it was your turn to speak even though your mind raced on what to say back to her. “I uh“ you started, trying not to cry in front of her “I’m sorry for yelling at you in front of your family” you continued as you found your voice even though it was shaky “That wasn’t cool of me to do” you finished your thought before sitting down on the bed.
“I appreciate you for saying that, however, I don’t think you should be sorry for speaking your mind,” Sam says back to you as she walks over to join you on the bed. But Sam sees you getting comfortable, spreading out on the bed as you avert your gaze elsewhere. Sam smiles for two reasons at you, the first reason is because you're opening up more to her and the second reason is because she's always wanted to straddle you in bed. 
Without looking at Sam another thought came to mind that you felt that you needed to apologize for “It still wasn’t cool of me to do Sam and I’m also sorry for being jealous of yo-” You started to voice to Sam before you paused midway as you felt the bed dip near your hips, you immediately looked up. Your heart almost left your chest as you witnessed Sam getting comfortable climbing on top of you, her eyes half lidded like she was going to eat you right up beneath her.
“You? Y/n jealous of me?” Sam inquired in a whisper smiling down at you while realizing why you would have been jealous while she slowly moved your hands above your head. “For giving him attention?” she says next as she watches your breath pick up beneath her.
“Whoa Carpenter,” you said aloud with a nervous smile but also with surprise in your voice, You started to breathe heavily now. You watch as Sam leans down to your level her soft lips start kissing your neck. “I don’t know if it’s safe for us..to be in the same room together..” you started breathlessly as Sam was kissing near a sweet spot on your neck “Anymore,” you said last, a light moan leaving your lips.
Your moan encourages Sam to kiss you more even though initially she just wanted to let you know that you are beautiful just the way you are by reminding you with a few kisses to your neck and lips to prove her point. However, Sam would be happy to settle for making you moan and groan below her as long as possible “All I want is you Y/n” she says out of breath, tempted to rub herself against your thigh while kissing up your neck. “Only you,” Sam says to you as she starts feverishly kissing your lips while pulling at the hoodie you're wearing, unable to stop herself until she has to rip herself away from you so she can breathe as you chase her lips for more affection. 
“Sam” you whisper her name, unable to take your half lidded eyes off her as you start to drag your eyes slowly up and down her body. For a moment your eyes settle on her chest, watching as her chest rises and falls each time she breathes in more air while you try to catch your own. Sam notices and smiles down at you lovingly. Neither of you knew how absolutely crazy you both are for each other mind, body, and spirit. It was almost like you were made for each other like lost lovers in time. A compliment to the other. It drives you nuts inside how crazy you are about Sam, it turns your crazy into something adventurous because you want to know what loving Sam and getting lost in her feels like.
While you admire Sam from beneath her, Sam watches as the cogs in your head start moving. It gets her excited for more because she loves being able to see the different sides of you whether provoked sexually like this or seeing you naturally in the presence of her family and with her alone. But as quickly as the spark began she could see the lust in your eyes waning because she knows you're hesitating, you’re careful. Too careful. Too cautious to express that you want her in her entirety, she knows you’re new to the world of love but it makes her wonder, how many people have you met already? How many people have you met, whether platonic, familial, or romantic? How many of those people saw the love in your eyes for them that they acknowledged and told you in their own ways that you were too much? Because Sam knows that you aren’t too much, you're a woman who needs attunement, affection, and a place to grow, and thrive. In her own way, she wants to help you grow as a person because unknowingly you've helped her grow too.
As Sam’s half lidded eyes looked back at your own, filled with questions and thoughts about your love for her and being able to grow together, she didn't realize that you had moved until she was lying on her back. Sam looks up at you with surprise, the lust that was waning before is now illuminating. That's all she could see in your eyes before noticing you blushing as you place your hands on either side of her head, climbing on top of her before you carefully lean down to her level on the bed. Your face is hovering over her own. Your noses touch as she gazes into your eyes. Your lips are just inches apart. You look at your girlfriend's lips and then at her eyes waiting for her to give you permission to kiss her as your breath feathers over her skin. Your heart is beating so fast you can practically hear it in your ears. You scan Sam’s face, noticing her half lidded gaze, her long lashes, and then her plump lips that you don’t notice right away her slow nod of approval for you to kiss her until she caresses your face with her hand to focus on her. ‘She’s lying to you’ the voice said in your head ‘She doesn’t actually want you’ it voiced once again. It was the anxiety talking to you and for a moment you closed your eyes trying to hold back what little tears threatened to come to the surface. You back away from Sam but within her reach she lightly swipes her thumb across your cheekbone to comfort you.
“Shhhh” Sam says to you in a calm but low voice trying to be soothing to your ears so you would relax “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” Sam voices to you so you know that you don’t have to continue, giving you an out as you nod against her hand before leaning into it causing Sam to caress the other side of your face. Sam decides to sit up, you sitting up along with her as she examines your face seeing the light scars that litter your face from your first encounter with Ghost Face before lightly kissing them. “You are so beautiful you know that Y/n” Sam said to you with love as she littered your face with kisses “And handsome and super kind..” she continued kissing your forehead. “Your well of love must be so so deep just like you,” she said next as she kissed your lips before backing away to say something else but something about Sam’s kiss made your hands gently take hers away from your face to bring her closer so you can kiss her.
Your kiss takes Sam by surprise as she slowly melts into you because when your lips touched hers it was smooth and gentle just like you, your hands roamed her body while her arms wrapped around your neck. But as gentle as your kisses started they gradually got rough and hot. Your lips gravitated down her neck not hard enough to leave hickeys but enough that you started to hear Sam moan in your ear. You swear it’s one of the hottest sounds to grace your eardrums as her moans make you moan into her skin, you kiss down to her clavicle and then give her chest some attention as Sam allows you to lay her down on the bed. Continuing your course you bite Sam’s tank top lifting it up as the bottom of it rises causing it to reveal her muscles underneath making Sam breathe more heavily as she anticipates what you might do next. But she is impatient, Sam rolls her lower body into you trying to find friction against your thigh, however, you stop her movements by pressing your hands down on her hips as you kiss down her stomach inching ever closer to her hips, and Sam moans with anticipation. 
“Baby” Sam whines to you while trying to catch her breath as she feels herself grow wet at the thought of you between her legs.
You end up giggling at her whines, the vibrations from your giggles making her even wetter at the thought of you bringing toys into the bedroom. Then you lick just above the waistband of her jeans, before propping yourself up as you drag your hands up her thighs about to unbutton her jeans. However, before you can unbutton Sam’s jeans the light in the room flickers making you and Sam look at the corner of the room before it goes out causing you to flinch away from Sam. You end up having another flashback. You remember hearing the light bulb at the corner of the main hallway in the basement break as if someone had hit the bulb with a hard object leaving shattered glass on the floor before Ghost Face appeared in front of you in the dark and then hearing a voice say ‘Why is it so hard to kill a roach like you?’ It didn’t make sense as it continued, you felt a series of painful waves as Ghost Face sliced the side of your ribs and then punched your side as if it were happening in real time. “Agh,” you say aloud panting against the wall before another flash ‘I have to keep going’ and then noticing Ghost Face in an alleyway. 
The last thing you remember hearing was Sam and Tara screaming from your phone “Y/N!” before Sam touched your hand as you opened your eyes to see her phone light illuminating the spare room. “Did you have another flashback?” Sam asked you in a whisper, you nodded in front of her tiredly making her scoot closer to you so she could embrace you as you covered the larger wound with your hand before she kissed your cheek. “The light bulb must have been old which is why it broke so suddenly,” she says as she kisses your lips next before taking your hand in hers as she tries to calm down.
“I wouldn’t put it past the universe to give us a sign that now isn’t the greatest time to be intimate” you respond to Sam’s explanation making her laugh as she nods because she's sort of religious but isn’t opposed to there being something higher than her god or perhaps believing that it’s just the way of the world like you do.
“Maybe,” she says to you with a smile before taking your hand and pulling you up with her. You both slowly make your way to the bedroom door for Sam to unlock. She opens the door for you so you can walk out first before exiting herself. “Y/n” she calls your name once again making you turn around to face her as she lifts her hand to caress your face before leaning into you so she can whisper something in your ear making your mouth open just a little as your brows rise. “I just thought I would tell you that” Sam explains to you as she backs away from you with a smile.
You were so shocked by what she told you that you were overcome with joy but you also didn’t know what to say back to her but her name “Sam I-I-...What do I?” you stuttered, having a hard time forming a coherent thought before she stopped you with a kiss.
“You don’t have to do or say anything right now Y/n. Only when you feel ready to say it” is what she tells you before a loud noise interrupts your moment causing you and Sam to run to the living room. “Is everyone okay!” Sam yells as she scans the room hoping it's not Ghost Face until she hears you sigh with relief before following your gaze to the kitchen.
“Don’t worry I just dropped a bowl in the kitchen!” Danny announces before standing up to let everyone know he's okay. “Okay well maybe everyone should worry,” he says taking back his previous statement “No one comes into this kitchen until I’ve cleared the floor of sharp ceramic pieces and please only wear shoes if you plan to step in here” Danny informs his guests before looking over at Sam “Sam could you give me a hand?” he asks.
“Yeah I can,” she says to him with a little smile before turning to you. “You hang out at the coffee table with the others and when I’m done helping Danny, I’ll bring over the dinner we made okay?” She asks you and you respond with a nod and a smile which widens Sam’s smile, her nodding back “I’ll be over soon.”
Sam says last but before you can move from your spot to join your friends Kirby calls your phone.
“Hey Kirby, I feel like it's been a while, what's up?” you ask your sister in law before you pull the phone away from your ear.
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“Y/N, WE NEED TO TALK!” Kirby yells through the phone letting you know she's angry with you.
“Uh, about what? I don’t understand?” You reply not understanding why your sister in law was angry and now yelling at you.
“God you are so lucky that I have a lot of paperwork to deal with. Anyway tell Sam I’m stopping by the apartment tomorrow,” Kirby said to you before continuing. “You better not go anywhere,” she says last in a threatening tone that leaves you a bit alarmed. 
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Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5.5 Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 7.5 Chapter 8 Chapter 8.5 Chapter 9 (Chapter 9.5 Coming Soon)
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Stay in my mentions crew: @daddy-jareau @lummaland @screechcat @sluttyhorrorcharacter @f4riedimples @darkangelxoxo @stickydefendorpersona @werewolfbansheelove @fanboy7794 @grandpatrolnut @alphawolfstabs @rainbowmess823 @womenofmarvellover @inactivecabbage @msboules @bowergirlwitch
Scream 6 : A Love so Understanding Playlist
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teenagedirt · 1 year
Kiss it better
Colby brock x reader
Warnings: teasing (not in a sexual way)
Your pov.
I limp my way into the house, I had fallen at work and it hurt like a bitch, and i somehow cut my hand. I walk past corey and jake, and straight to my room, wanting to take some advil and go to sleep. As I take the advil colby busts into my room. "Yo wassup" he says, leaning on my door frame.
"Can't you knock" I ask,rubbing my head, hoping the pain in my body would soon ease.
"Whats wrong" he asks, coming into my room fully.
"I fell at work, and cut my hand, got a migraine,I just feel good" I say, still rubbing my head.
"Awh does baby want a bottle" he says laughing.
"Shut the fuck up colby" I say,annoyed and in pain.
"Want me to kiss it better" colby says, a sly smirk planted on his face.
"What, you wanna kiss my ass?" I ask, confused, and entertained, colby sure is a hell of a person.
"Maybe....." he says before walking out and closing my door.
"What? WAIT COLE ROBERT BROCK WHAT THE HELL!" I shout and chase him through the house, forgetting about my pain.
I'm sorry for these being do short guys
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thedelicatearcher · 20 days
☆finnick odair masterlist☆
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☆finnick odair who helps you study for your finals
☆finnick odair who breaks up with you after seven years together
☆finnick odair who loves making home improvements to make your life easier
☆finnick odair who loves doting on his partner, but also loves being doted on back
☆finnick odair is a sucker for affection from his romantic partner
☆finnick odair loves knitting and crocheting
☆finnick odair loves dancing with you on the living room floor
☆finnick odair loves being taken care of when he feels sick
☆finnick odair survives the mutt attack but is left with scars
☆finnick odair loves showering with his partner
☆finnick odair can’t stop writing poetry about you
☆finnick odair loves gifting you flowers with symbolism
☆painting finnick odair's nails
☆finnick odair likes going to sleep early
☆fair dates with finnick odair
☆finnick odair’s love language is physical contact
☆baths with finnick odair
☆finnick odair lets you braid his hair
☆finnick odair reacts at your bad haircut
☆you and finnick have a jewelry stand in the district four’s market
☆finnick odair has a bed full of plushies
☆finnick odair and classic maritime romance
☆finnick odair searches for your comfort when has nightmares
☆finnick odair's hair after the rebellion
☆finnick odair calls you cupcake ironically
☆finnick odair had a lemonade stand as a kid
☆finnick odair loves receiving forehead kisses
☆finnick odair's favorite ice cream
☆finnick odair is a hydrated king
☆finnick odair is an expert at poker
☆finnick odair loves being the little spoon
☆finnick odair is bad at making pancakes
☆finnick odair has a pair of shark slippers
☆finnick odair has a baby blanket
☆finnick odair wanted to be a firefighter as a kid
☆finnick odair with a partner who loves animals
☆finnick odair goes dress shopping with his partner
☆finnick odair with a musical partner
☆finnick odair had braces as an adult
☆sick finnick odair
☆finnick odair with a partner who has dyed hair
☆finnick odair with a tattoed partner
☆finnick odair eats you out
☆one of your favorite activities is sucking finnick off after his nightly shower
☆tweet #1
☆finnick odair loves knitting and crocheting with a swiftie gf
☆finnick odair is a sucker for romcoms
☆finnick odair is a passionate duolingo user
☆finnick odair loves minions
☆finnick odair considers himself a fashion connoisseur
☆finnick odair doesn't want to wear his retainers
☆finnick odair loves fearless
☆finnick odair loves cats
☆finnick odair and johanna mason watching garfield
☆finnick odair and surprise songs
☆finnick odair has a stanley cup in every color
☆finnick odair has protective cases for every device
☆finnick odair and the sims 4
☆finnick odair has a spiderman toothbrush
☆finnick odair is an excessive emoji user
☆finnick odair loves watching cake boss
☆finnick odair is a menace playing roblox
☆finnick odair gave everyone a kenough hoodie
☆finnick odair and peeta mellark love water parks
☆finnick odair calls the property brothers to remodel everlark's home
☆finnick odair and animal crossing
☆finnick odair is a swiftie
☆finnick odair fluff alphabet
☆finnick odair's struggle after telling his story in mockingjay (requested)
☆finnick odair with a rockstar partner (requested)
☆finnick odair makes friendship bracelets with you <3 (requested)
☆finnick odair and a riot grrrl fan hcs (requested)
☆swiftie finnick odair and rock gf (requested)
☆swiftie finnick and rock gf go to the eras tour (requested)
☆finnick odair with reader dealing with trauma after being taken to the capitol (requested)
☆finnick odair with virgin reader (requested)
☆finnick odair sometimes like to give you control in bed (requested)
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
careful what you wish for: halloween special // colby brock
A/N: i've been asked countless times over for a sequel to the sequel and so... here's what i got for you: choose your own adventure ! will you choose vampire!sam or demon!colby? or maybe you'll indulge yourself with both fics. either way, your night is gonna be very busy ;) happy halloween ! hope you enjoy.
prompt: you really wished that sam and colby would come back after not seeing them for a while. and on halloween night, colby decides to pay you a visit that was worth the wait. || demon!colby x reader
trigger warning: DEAR LORD SMUT, surprisingly colby is nice to you... but only for so long lol, supernatural powers, you are controlled by colby but you agreed to it, mutual masturbation, vibrator usage, lots of dirty talking, cum swallowing (but no oral), spitting in mouth, lots of commands, cursing, rough sex, "bondage", mentions of: princess, baby, sweetheart, plaything, unlike the other fic sam's not dead... he's just scaring trick-or-treaters lol
word count: 2903
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You had longed for Sam and Colby to return to you. It was hard to believe that statement was true, since you had hated them for such a long time. But you soon realized that you couldn't help but want them around. It had been a while since you last saw them, and you were itching to see them again; for them to bring you pleasure like before. The worse thing about them is no matter how much you yearned for them, they only came around when they wanted to.
But it seemed like they planned on coming by soon.
They always liked to leave you clues that they were near. Colby recently had started showing up in your dreams. And at first, you thought it was just your mind playing tricks on you. But then, he started speaking to you in your dreams, doing things that clearly meant he was the one in control, not you.
The latest dream you had about him had you tied down to the bed. Colby stared down at you, his eyes filled with lust. He lowered his mouth to your ear and whispered lowly, "Soon, princess." And then you woke up.
You hated his teasing. But in a sick and twisted way, you loved it too.
On Halloween night, you decided to turn in early and get ready for bed. You showered, changed into some comfy pjs, and laid down. You could feel yourself drifting off to sleep, when suddenly you could feel a presence in your room.
You opened your eyes, peering around, but didn't see anything. You turned over, laying down on your back. You closed your eyes again, relaxing into your bed.
“Trick-or-treat.” Colby’s voice spoke.
Your eyes sprung open, a gasp leaving your mouth. You stared up at him, his body looming over yours. "Jesus, Colby! You scared me."
He laughed, pulling himself away. “My apologies. There's no subtle way to wake you up, especially if I'm sneaking into your room.”
You huffed, sitting up. “You could just... not do that.”
“And what, use the front door? Where's the fun in that?” Colby scoffed.
You rolled your eyes, turning on the light. “Where's Sam?”
“He's out scaring kids.” He deadpanned.
You exhaled. “What?”
“I told you before, that man is sick in the head. So, I decided to pay you a visit to pass the time. What did you dress up as for Halloween?” Colby asked, sitting down in a chair at the end of your bed.
“Nothing. I didn't go out this year.” You answered.
“Lame. And yet... you're still so sexy.” His eyes narrowed, dancing across your body.
“Right, because my basic pjs are sexy.” You blinked.
“When on you? Of course.” His voice suddenly changed to a slight mischievous tone, “Would you like to know something special about tonight?”
“What?” You questioned.
He leaned forward in the chair. “On Halloween... my powers are at their strongest.”
You felt your heart skip a beat for a moment, “Really?”
“Oh yeah. I already have decently strong abilities, but Halloween just brings them out more.” He commented, “I basically could make you do whatever I want you to.”
“Can't you already do that?” You jested.
“Sure, but the difference is now I could make you do it without even realizing it. But I think it would be more fun if you allowed me to take control.” Colby turned his head slightly, catching your eye, “Don't you want that?”
"I..." Your voice trailed off, unsure how to answer.
“C'mon, princess. I know it's been a while since you've let off some steam.” His voice dropped low, slightly above a whisper. “When was the last time you touched yourself?”
"It's been... a minute." You admitted.
“Well, why don't you do that for me?” His voice was dripping in sweetness.
You swallowed hard, “I don't think I-”
Colby cut you off, his tone calm, “Let me take control, just for tonight. You don't have to make a single decision; or think for that matter. Let me take over your body.”
He gazed into your eyes deeply, your mind becoming foggy. You couldn't say it out loud, but the idea of him taking control had an effect on you already. You could feel yourself growing wetter by the second. You hummed, nodding your head. And Colby smiled lightly.
He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them once more. "Take your clothes off."
You felt your body move without you telling it to, your hands reaching down to the bottom of your shirt and pulling it over your head, your breasts exposed. You stood up, and you slid your shorts and panties off. You were completely naked and vulnerable.
His eyes snaked up and down your body. “Beautiful... Do you have any toys?”
“Toys?” Your voice trembled.
“How do you get yourself off when me and Sam aren't around?” He asked sincerely.
“I have a vibrator.” You confirmed.
“Get it out.” He stated.
You yanked open your side table drawer, pulling out a little vibrator.
He chuckled, “Isn't that a cute color... Come over here, baby.”
You stepped slowly towards Colby, stopping directly in front of him.
Colby placed his hands on your hips, rubbing them gently. “How are you feeling so far?”
“Honestly... I'm kinda freaking out. This is very weird.” You spoke truthfully.
He glanced down at your sex, and back up at you. "And yet, you're turned on too. I can see how wet you.”
Your breath hitched. “Mhmm.”
“Do you want to keep going?” He inquired.
You nodded. “Yeah.”
“If you want to stop, just say so. I'll respect your wishes.” He responded.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “You're being weirdly nice to me.”
He shook his head, “I'm a demon, Y/N. Not a monster.”
Colby cupped your face, his eyes trailing all over your body. His other hand drifted down your torso, tracing lines across your skin. You closed your eyes, your body shuddering at his touch.
He lightly pushed your chin up, making you lock eyes with him once more. "On your knees, princess."
You bit your lip, praying that that would hold back the moan you wanted to release. You dropped to your knees slowly.
Colby smirked down at you. “I didn't even have to command you that time.”
You blushed, not even realizing he didn't force you.
You were in so deep, you couldn't help it.
“Start playing with yourself like you normally would.” He ordered suddenly.
The rush of fear and excitement coursed through you. Your hands moved automatically, placing the vibrator against your clit and turning it on to the lowest setting. The moment the vibrations tingled on your clit, the realization that you had no control over what you were doing hit you hard. Colby could make you do anything to your body right now, and you had no way to stop him.
Sure, you could tell him to stop. But... did you actually want him to was the real question.
Colby’s voice broke through your thoughts. “Look me in the eyes while you play with yourself.”
Your eyes glued to his instantly, your pussy throbbed at just his look. Colby leaned back in his chair, getting a full view of you. You let out the tiniest moan, your eyes fluttering at the sensation of the vibrator.
He licked his lips, “Turn it up higher.”
You did as you were told, a whimper falling from your lips. The vibrator grew more intense, your pleasure settling in low in your belly.
His face was puzzled. “Are you always this quiet when you touch yourself?”
“I-I do have neighbors.” You stuttered.
He rolled his eyes, “Who cares about your fucking neighbors? You're being too nice for their benefit. Be as loud as you want.”
You let out a shaky breath, closing your eyes. You moaned softly, grinding your hips into the vibrator.
"You don't know how sexy you look on your knees for me, princess." Colby hissed, grabbing his growing bulge, and rubbing himself through his jeans. "I could sit here and watch you all day play with yourself."
Your eyes glanced down at his crotch, the idea of his hard cock making your mouth water.
“Would you like that? Being my little plaything, just touching herself for hours? Be honest.” He dictated.
“I-I would love it.” You confessed.
“I know you would, sweetheart.” He leaned in close, his eyes never breaking contact. “You're always gonna be my little plaything. My good girl. Every time you touch yourself, you're gonna say my name. Isn't that right?”
“Yesssss.” You mewled.
“Good girl. And just for that, you deserve a little present.” Colby remarked smugly.
You furrowed your brows for a second, and then suddenly you felt two fingers slide inside of you. You trembled at the feeling, confused as to how that was happening.
“Oh my God!” You helplessly shouted.
“I know you like having me inside of you, and I figure this will help you out just a bit.” He teased.
The fingers curled inside of you, making your voice tremble. “Colby, fuck! H-how-?”
“It's magic, princess,” he laughed. “Let me get a little bit more comfortable.”
He tossed his shirt off his body and unbuckled his jeans. He reached inside his pants and pulled out his cock, jerking himself off slowly. “I'm gonna touch myself as I watch you touch yourself. You have no idea how gorgeous you look right now.”
You bit your lip hard, moving faster against the vibrator. The fingers inside of you thrusted faster, making your thighs shake in pleasure.
“Turn it up higher, sweetheart.” Colby bossed.
You turned it up to the highest setting, your cunt quivering as you felt yourself getting closer to your orgasm.
“Fuck, Colby. Oh God, that feels so good!” You purred.
“Stare at my cock, Y/N. Watch me jerk off. Look how hard you make me.” He grunted roughly.
You watched Colby's hand move up and down on his shaft, his member leaking with precum already. It took everything in you not to reach over and take his dick into your mouth.
You weren't allowed to suck him, but that's all you could think about doing. That, and rubbing your clit.
He bit his lip hard. “Getting close, baby?”
You nodded desperately. “Yeaahhh.”
“You want me so badly, don't you?” Colby taunted.
“Mhmm.” You whined, pushing the vibrator against you harder.
“Fuck yourself on my fingers faster. Rub yourself harder.” He ordered firmly.
You sped up your pace, the fingers inside of you doing the same. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, the pleasure growing higher and higher. You could feel your body getting so close to the edge.
Colby's hand wrapped around your throat, your eyes bursting open as he closed the space between the two of you. He stared down into your eyes, still jerking himself off.
“Open your mouth.” He demanded.
Your lips popped open. Suddenly, Colby's spit landed on your tongue, surprising you. Arousal shot down your spine, your back arching.
He blinked, his eyes looking into yours. “Swallow.”
You closed your mouth, doing as you were told. Feeling his saliva slide down your throat made you hit your edge, your body gyrating against the invisible fingers and vibrator wantonly.
Colby added more pressure to your throat, squeezing hard enough to make you see stars for a second. "Princess..."
You begged breathlessly, “I'm so close, please....”
“Okay, baby.” Colby’s eyes turned black for a split second, “Come for me.”
Your body exploded in pleasure, your wails echoing off the walls of your room. Colby grinned down at you, relishing in your orgasm. "That's it, good girl. I know, baby. It's so good. Just come as long as you can."
You could feel your juices soak your vibrator and thighs, your body trembling until you finally could relax. The fingers disappeared and you were able to turn off your vibrator.
Colby pushed forward in his seat, jacking himself off faster and faster, his cock right in front of your face. “I'm so close, princess. Do you want to taste me?”
You mumbled a plea, still so high from your orgasm. “Yes. Please Colby?”
“Stick your tongue out.” He barked.
Your tongue fell out of your mouth. His swollen cock grew closer to your face, his tip inches away from your tongue.
"Fuck, sweetheart. I'm coming!" His cum shot out, spilling all over your tongue. It dripped down your chin and onto your chest as Colby grunted passionately.
When he finally stopped, he fell back against his chair. You swallowed the cum on your tongue, your body buzzing in ecstasy.
Colby exhaled deeply. “Baby, you ready for more?”
You nodded your head, smiling. He smirked, and within a blink of an eye you were on your bed. Colby hovered over you, gazing into your eyes. He moved your hands above your head, dragging them slowly. “Don't move them.”
You felt your hands freeze in place, and you tried to move but found you couldn't.
He bossed, edging your hips to the side of the bed as your legs hung over. “Spread your legs.”
Your legs opened immediately, Colby chuckling darkly. “I could get used to this.”
"No fair." You pouted.
“Don't frown, princess. It’s only for tonight…” He whispered huskily.
He lined himself up and slid inside of you instantly. You both groaned in unison at the feeling. You felt yourself squeeze around him, his hips shuddering as you did.
“God, baby.... You feel so fucking good. I missed being inside of you.” He moaned; his body pressed tightly against yours.
“F-fuck, Colby, please move.” You whimpered, wanting to touch him.
“I know I was gentle with you, and that was all fun and nice. But now...” His voice dropped, “I don't want to be.”
He pulled back and slammed himself deep into you, your body jolting with the movement. Your breath hitched, Colby keeping that pace.
“See, you deserve this, princess. You deserve to be fucked hard by me. And only me.” He grunted.
You shook with each thrust, voice faltering from the pleasure. “Yeaahhh.”
“You're mine forever, princess. No one can come between us.” He insisted.
“Colby, oh fuck-!” You cursed.
He gripped your hips tightly, ramming into you. “Sam can't do you like this, can he?”
You stuttered, “N-no.”
His voice was hoarse, pleasure dripping from every word. “I'm so much better than him. You want me more, don't you?”
“Yessss, fuck yes.” You sighed happily.
"Of course I'm better than him. I can make you come without even touching you. Like this," Colby bent down, his eyes meeting yours. "Come."
An orgasm ripped through you without warning, a high pitched cry leaving your lips loudly. Colby growled as he fucked you through your orgasm, "That's it, princess. Squeeze my cock harder."
You fucked yourself on his dick, gripping the blanket above your head. Your breath was labored even as your high lowered steadily. A light sheen of sweat glistened across your skin, your body feeling hot all over.
“Holy fuck, Colby! What the fuck was that?” You gasped, not able to catch your breath.
“Just me proving I'm better,” he replied smugly. “Don't you agree?”
You nodded your head thoughtlessly. “Yes, you're so much better.”
“That's fucking right.” He reached his hand down, holding your neck down against the bed. His hips moved faster, jackhammering into you hastily. You could feel yourself growing closer to another orgasm, your pussy ultra-sensitive.
“You want me to fill you up? Breed this cunt of yours?” Colby growled.
Your cunt pulsed at his words. You whined, unable to speak.
He choked out a laugh at your reaction, “You dream of being filled with my cum. I know you do. Admit it.”
You were depraved, “I want you to fill me with your cum!”
“God, fuck yes princess! I'm gonna explode inside of you, paint your fucking walls.” He gritted his teeth, his thrusts picking up speed.
“I'm so close, Colby!” You shouted, shaking against his hold.
“That's right baby, come for me again. Come for me hard.” He commanded.
You erupted in ecstasy as you came again. You screamed out, only able to say his name over and over again. Your pussy gushed around his cock, juices leaking down your inner thighs. He pounded into you harder and deeper until meeting his own end. He roared, his eyes turning black as he came deep inside of you.
He collapsed on top of you, pushing your body into the bed. You felt your hands being released from their invisible chains, able to move again. You slid your arms around Colby, sliding your hands up his back softly.
He pulled himself up, his face close to yours. His eyes were back to their original icy blue. You traced your fingers around his horns, surprised by how smooth they were. He leaned down quickly, kissing your lips softly.
“Did I miss anything?” Sam’s voice rang out suddenly.
You both turned towards Sam, his hand deep in a trick-or-treat bag.
“Did you steal that from a kid?” Colby questioned.
“Yes. He was mocking my people with his absolutely ugly-ass costume.” Sam spat.
Colby raised an eyebrow, his voice monotone. “Did you kill him?”
“No. But I did scare him shitless.” Sam beamed.
Colby turned back to you, exhaling. “I told you... he's crazy.”
Part 1 || Part 2 || Sam's Part >>
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miserable-sarah · 1 year
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The Date
Pairings: Sam x Reader warnings: None Requested: Hello! Your fanfics are sensational and I get lost in your stories, especially Sam's. I would like to ask for a story inspired by dandelions song between Sam Winchester x reader, very cute and romantic.
You look at yourself in the mirror for the 10th time, you fix your dress, you fluff your hair, you stand there and practice your smile. You don't like the way your hair looks, you think your make up could look better. You sigh and flop on the bed.
"You look fine!" Cas whines. You have him 'trapped' in your room so he can tell you if you need to change anything but he's getting annoyed because you don't believe him anyway.
"Sam told me to dress nice." You tell Cas, you sigh again getting off the bed. Cas grabs your hands.
"Y/n, you look perfect. I promise."
"Thanks Cas." You smile at him "You can leave if you want." You giggle. Cas leaves the room, you look at yourself again and take a deep breath. You're not sure what Sam has planned your dates are usually casual sometimes when it's an important date they're a little fancier. You walk downstairs, you see Dean and Cas sitting down at the table talking about whatever.
"You look great!" Dean says smiling.
"Did Cas tell you to say that?" You smirk at him.
"Wh-what!? Of course not!" Dean chuckles
"Okay." You tease "Thank you."
"Sam gave me this." Dean hands you a letter, you look at it confused and open it. 'Meet me at the first spot I laid eyes on you.' You smiled to yourself knowing where to go.
"I'll take you." Dean says hoping out of his chair walking up the stairs, you follow behind him.
"We have to go to the beach." You say getting butterflies. "So, what's he planning?" You ask Dean. You know Sam is up to something and you know Dean knows.
"I don't know." Dean says quickly not moving his eyes from the road.
"Dean.. I know you know."
"No, no I don't." He says matter of factly.
"you're not going to tell me?"
"I wouldn't even be able to if I wanted because I don't know."
"Fine." You cross your arms. You're not against surprises you love them, it's just you're so nervous and you don't know why. Sam is the best boyfriend you've ever had, he cares for you deeply, he pays attention, he helps you when you're down, he cheers you up, he makes your days so much brighter, he is your forever. You honestly don't know where you'd be without which scares you but makes you feel safer with him. You know he would never do anything to hurt you. You can't believe how lucky you got, someone was listening to your wishes.
"We're here." Dean stops with a huge smile. When you get out of the car your body is shaking you're so nervous. You don't even know why. You can see lights lighting up the walkway, you smile at how beautiful they are. You slowly walk down a few stairs and walk on the path, you see rose petals spread out everywhere, you can't help the big smile on your face, your heart is pounding in your ears.
You see Sam standing by the beach with flowers in his hand, theres a table set up in the sand with champagne waiting to be popped. You can hear Dandelions by Ruth B. being played in the background. You smile and walk towards him.
"Sam, this is wow." You say not even having words. You gasp loudly when you see Sam get down on one knee.
"Y/n Y/L/N" He starts, he pulls out a little black box "I saw you here 2 years ago, the moment I saw you I knew I wanted you to be mine. I knew I had to have you. I got so shy walking up to you I stuttered just saying hello." You both giggle. "The look in your eyes when you saw me, it was nothing I've ever seen. From that day we've been best friends, unfortunately I was scared because of my job and that held me back, but you reassured me you'd be fine by tactling me to the ground." You laugh again. "And at that moment I knew I wanted you for the rest of my life, I knew you were the one for me, I knew I'd be forever happy with you in my life so," He opens the box revealing a beautiful ring inside. "Y/n, will you please marry me?"
Your hand is covering your mouth, you have tears flowing down your cheeks. "Yes! Yes!" You squeal with excitement. Same carefully places the ring on your finger you can hear Dean and Cas cheering in the background, he hugs you tightly swirling you around.
"I can't believe we're engaged!" You kiss him, he kisses you back passionately. "I love you so much, Sam."
"I love you more than words can describe." Sam pops the champagne and hands you a glass. "To the future Mrs. Winchester!" Dean joins in on the toast. You smile to yourself just think how lucky you really are. You are going to marry Sam Winchester.
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holylulusworld · 5 months
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Really big what Dean?🤔🤔..Wonder why Sam is not pleased with your idea🫥
Dean has enough. He's just done cleaning the bunker.
"Sammy, this is shit," he complains loudly. "I should have a drink, and watch porn. Not clean the toilet."
"You agreed to help me," Sam retorts and wipes the kitchen counter. "This place is huge and we should try to keep it clean."
"Clean. Not sterile!"
"It can't be helped." Sam grunts, and looks around the still-dirty kitchen.
Dean hums, drops the rag in his hand on looks around the kitchen.
"We gotta get a maid!"
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"A maid?" Wrinkling his forehead Sam looks at his brother.
"Yeah...but...you know," Dean grins, "one with a cute maid outfit and big..."
"Don't say it," Sam gives his brother a disapproving look.
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Three weeks later Dean convinced you to take the job. *you were drunk after a hunt and said yes without knowing what you got yourself into.*
"Best investment ever," Dean bobs his head to the song blaring from your phone. "I think over there is more dust, sweetheart."
You grin and stand on tiptoes to dust the shelves. The skirt of your maid outfit rides up, revealing your panties to the hunter.
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"I hope you know, I want that book Sam promised me and the gun. Oh, and you will massage my feet!"
"I raise you to a free room at the bunker!" Dean hastily says. "If you agree on not only joining us on hunts but to clean the bunker too. Weekly."
You turn around and point the feather duster at him. "Not enough! This place is a mess, Winchester."
"I raise you to massage your boobies," he drops his eyes to your cleavage and licks his lips. "I got massage oil, strawberry taste."
"I prefer hard cash!"
"Oh, sweetheart," he raises from his seat to snatch the feather duster out of your hands and throw it over his shoulder. "I got something hard for you too..."
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yourmommygay · 10 months
Faking it all.
Summary: high school au where colby is the popular guy and y/n is the shy good girl. Will they fall in love im not sure.
Pairings: colby brock x plus size!chloe sanchez (aka you reading this) , sam golbach x Amanda sid, jake webber x Tara yummy.
Warnings: explicit language, smut, mutual pinning, bullying, fighting, mentions of abuse, colby being kind of a dick at first, Amber being a bully (I love Amber so much, she would never pick on some1 I know but it's just for the story)
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It started off as just another day, walking through the school halls when chloe reached her locker. Trying to balance her books in one arm while opening her locker with the other, she heard heels clicking on the floor which could mean one of two things, either chloes day was about to go south or her best friend was coming.
"Hey nerd" she heard Amanda behind her, rolling her eyes at the nickname chloe finally got her locker open. " hi Amanda, where's Tara?" Chloe asked her friend while shoving her books into her locker, "here she comes with jake, sam and colby" Amanda said. Chloe could see Amanda push up her boobs making the non-existent cleavage appear, making chloe giggle closing her locker turning around to lean on it looking at the group coming towards her and Amanda.
"Hey sam" Amanda said playing with her hair, "hey baby, wanna go get some breakfast?" Sam asked her putting an arm around Amanda's shoulder, she nodded and they walked toward the cafeteria, "hey girly, I missed you over the summer" Tara said pulling me into a hug, "you look so different but you look beautiful." She said pulling back to admire me.
Chloe was wearing minimal makeup, a slipknot band shirt, ripped jeans and combat boots and her glasses. "What do you guys think?" Tara asked the guys turning back to them, "oh yeah, I like your outfit" jake said smiling then pulling me into a hug, "yeah you look nice chlo-" colby started but got cut off "oh hi colby!" Amber said walking over.
She gave colby a hug and then pulled away to give me a dirty look "why are you hanging with this freak? Do you feel bad for her? Aw you've always been so sweet" she said praising colby but also insulting me, "go away Amber, I'm hanging out with chloe cause we are friends" colby said shrugging Amber off his arm coming to stand next to me putting his arm around me.
"But colby we are supposed to be together, your the most popular boy, apart from sam and I'm the most popular girl, apart from Amanda. We should be together like sam and Amanda." Amber said trying to persuade colby. "Everybody in this hall, do you like Amber more or chloe!" Jake shouted, a chant of chloe's name started along with people saying things like "she helps me with homework", "she's a good person, Amber isn't", "she always listens to me and gives me good advice".
Chloe started to smile and tear up hearing that she had a good effect on these peoples lives, "you heard them Amber, if I should be with anyone it's gonna be chloe, it makes sense. Jake and Tara, sam and Amanda, me and chloe. Just makes sense" colby said pulling her closer to him.
Truth be told, she had always had a thing for colby ever since they met when they were 3 and their dad's became work buddies, colby had never been a total dick to her. He would make jokes that made him sound like a dick but he was also a dick to those that hurt chloe.
Chloe wouldn't know it yet but colby had felt the same as chloe that's why he would always joke around with her but also protect her, chloe may not remember a thing colby promised her at the age of 6 but colby did and he was always gonna stick to it,
Colby and chloe had been playing all day outside in the park, their mother's sitting at a bench with each other laughing at some story they were sharing, as chloe and colby were playing tag chloe bumped into another kid, his name is zach. He was the main bully in the school, taking kids toys and keeping them, hitting teachers and throwing things when he wouldn't get what he wanted.
As zach turned around he looked at chloe as if he was about to hit her, as he went to hit her colby pushed him out of the way and kicked him grabbing chloes hand and rushing over to their mom's.
In the back of his mom's car he turned to chloe "are you OK?" He asked chloe moving over towards her, she nodded and quietly replied "yes, thank you for what you did back there".
Colby chuckled "I promise you I will always protect you and I will love you forever" he said grabbing her hand and kissing it fully locking in the promise.
*end of flashback*
Colby made sure to keep to his promise but now loving chloe in a different way he had when they were younger. All colby new was that this year was the year he made chloe his.
A/n I hope you liked this, this was part one of the series I'm not sure how many parts there will be, I might also put this on my wattpad.
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talesofesther · 1 year
souls tied, bound to burn | ch 1
Samantha Carpenter x Reader
Summary: Your move to New York came suddenly, in the hopes of getting closer to what was left of your family. What you weren't expecting was to fall for your sister's roommate, Sam; and little did you know, she'd be your doom, in the prettiest of ways.
A/N: I feel like this story is told in moments, but I do like how it turned out; it is, after all, a story that I poured my heart and soul into. This is one which took many of my sleepless nights, but it was so worth it bringing this idea to life. Cannot thank @iamnicodemus enough for basically being my beta reader and helping me with everything. There will be two more parts to this storyline, but I can't say when they will be posted, as I'm still writing them.
Word count: 10k (limit? never heard of her)
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One thing that Sam was still trying to get used to after moving to New York was the lack of calmness.
She had just finished her session with yet another therapist, it was past 10 PM, and the streets were still as busy as ever. There was no shortage of cars or people passing by her as she walked back to her apartment. Sometimes it could be overwhelming and she couldn't get home fast enough. Sometimes it helped to keep her mind a little quieter.
Sam was still unsure of what it felt like today, maybe a mix of both.
Things haven't been easy after everything that happened in Woodsboro, every day the weight on her shoulders worsens and she has no idea how to even start dealing with it. It only became worse after the rumors started.
The steps up the stairs to her apartment felt like a whole workout, after working the entire day Sam was absolutely drained. The hunch on her posture and faint dark bags under her eyes said as much.
Nearing the door, she could hear faint voices coming from inside, one of them she didn't recognize. The tensing of her muscles was inevitable.
Sam turned the doorknob and slowly made her way inside, she closed the door behind her without turning around. There wasn't anything different about the place — TV turned on, cheap yellow lights in the kitchen illuminating the dirty dishes on the sink, low music coming from Tara's room — except Quinn was talking with someone on the couch.
Though Sam didn't know who it was, she already relaxed at the fact that there was no trouble in sight.
She ran a hand through her hair whilst walking to the kitchen, there were leftovers of dinner on two pans over the stove; but despite only having lunch on her stomach, she wasn't hungry. Picking up a clean cup, she filled it with water on the sink and gulped it down.
"Hey, Sam's home," Quinn announced with a chipper voice.
Sam closed her eyes with a sigh before managing a smile, she really didn't feel like socializing right now. But she turned to Quinn anyway.
The girl was perched over the back of the couch, waving Sam over, "come here, I want you to meet someone."
Involuntarily, Sam's eyes drifted to the one who sat beside Quinn; it was a girl she had never seen before, but the gentle smile on her lips made Sam hesitate in her steps. She did walk up to them though, making herself comfortable on the loveseat beside Quinn.
"Sam, this is Y/n, she's my sister," Quinn motioned to you with a grin.
"Sister?" Sam's eyes were huge as she looked between you and Quinn.
"Well, half-sister," Quinn concluded, "it's a long story."
You then gave them a tight-lipped smile, raising your hand in an awkward wave whilst looking at Sam, "it's uh- a pleasure to meet you."
There were several question marks twirling around in Sam's head, but the biggest one seemed to be why she found herself quite trapped in the way the images on the TV highlighted the lines of your jaw, cheeks, and lips. "I'm Samantha- Sam," she stumbled out quickly.
Quinn raised her eyebrows in amusement, a beat of silence passed before she tilted her head towards Sam, "yep, that's Samantha Sam."
The older Carpenter kicked herself internally about ten thousand times. That was awful.
A weird weight filled the air after that. Sam didn't know what to do with herself, she didn't know if she should stay or just go and lock herself in her room. She ended up settling for pretending to watch the TV while you spoke with Quinn. From what Sam heard, you had just arrived in town and were staying in a hotel until you could find an apartment, because apparently, your mother had left a significant amount of money in your name; she also overheard that you were yet to go visit your father.
When it was nearing midnight, you decided to leave, saying something about it already being too late.
Sam watched as Quinn walked you to the door and bid you goodbye with a brief hug. And before the door clicked close, your gaze caught Sam's and you gave her that same gentle smile she'd seen earlier; all the same, it froze her, and Sam saw herself just staring back at you with an emotion even she couldn't place.
Quinn dragged herself back to the living room then, laying down on the empty couch to wait for the inevitable interrogation.
"I didn't know you had a sister," Sam started eventually, mindlessly switching through channels. The room was dimly lit, with the only other lights coming from the kitchen, the brightness of the TV hurt her tired eyes.
"Neither did I."
At that, Sam's attention was fully on Quinn, her brows furrowed.
Quinn shook her head, dismissing the worry, "I mean, I knew, sort of," she explained, "she's from a fling my dad had before he met my mom, I think they broke up when she was born and her mom took her to Boston. Never met her until like, yesterday."
Now, the pieces from what Sam had heard were starting to come together. She wondered just how detached you were from this side of your family until now. "And your father never told you had a sister?"
"He did, in passing, sometimes I heard the calls he'd give her to check in. But she's always been distant," Quinn shrugged.
Sam mulled over the words in her mind, part of her couldn't help but feel wary, "why is she here?"
"Her mother died, she has no other family left."
It didn't take long for Sam to bump into you again. It happened actually only two days after your visit to Quinn at their apartment.
It was a mildly calm afternoon at the coffee shop Sam worked at. At least for a Thursday, it felt calm. Just a few booths had people sitting on them, and every few minutes someone would stop by to grab a cup of coffee to go.
What the place lacked in fanciness it made up for in coziness — between her shifts here during the week and at the bowling alley on the weekends, it was easy for Sam to pick a favorite, nothing beats the vibe of a coffee shop — the place held warm tones to its decor, brick walls here and there with a few black boards hung up that had order choices written on them with white chalk; there was also a vintage radio on the corner that Sam always sneakily changed the songs of.
Against her own beliefs, she became rather good at preparing lattes and cappuccinos. She mentioned it to Tara once, and the girl said she'd believe it once she drinks it; Sam has been waiting for her to stop by.
Though as with everything, it wasn't perfect. Even before the rumors blaming her for the murders started, Sam was already an outsider, not quite allowed to fit in. She had no friends amongst the staff, only colleagues; and after the rumors, she even considered that to be a stretch.
Sam doesn't mind. She tells herself as much every day before walking in for work. But feeling judgemental eyes burning into your back at least once a day tends to take its toll on someone.
So she keeps to herself, she does her job, and she tries not to give them more reasons to bother her.
The small bell above the door dinged as someone came in, pulling Sam back to the present when she realized she would be the one taking the order.
She straightened her posture and smoothed down her uniform, looking around on the counter for her notepad and pen. Upon finding them, Sam finally glanced up and felt her breathing get momentarily stuck, the usual 'what can I get for you' dying on her tongue.
Part of Sam thinks she'd ironically recognize you anywhere. She realized you had that about you, something that felt unmistakable.
Same thing that happened to her apparently happened to you as well, as your lips hovered yet no words came out. It was that weird moment of I know you but I don't actually know you yet.
You were the first to talk, and Sam wanted to thank you for it. "Hey," you chuckled, somewhat awkwardly, "it's uh- Sam, right? It's nice to see you again."
Try as she might, Sam wasn't able to hold your gaze, she glanced down at her hands before looking at you again, "that's me," she gave you a small smile, "can I get you anything?"
"Yeah…" You dragged on, stuffing your hands on the pockets of your jeans as your gaze skimmed over the order options, "just a simple cappuccino to go, please." You eventually decided.
Sam felt your eyes on her as she scribbled your order down, even if it was just a cappuccino, she had the habit to write them all down. "Coming right up," she said, before turning around to make your order.
Ever since she started working here, she has probably made more than a hundred cappuccinos; yet she found herself checking things twice over. Espresso, steamed milk, foam. Everything carefully poured down on the cup.
You were standing right where she left you once she brought the order to you. That same gentle smile she saw two nights ago was present on your lips when you paid her and bid her goodbye.
Secretly, Sam wondered if you'd be back some other day.
It was never your plan to come to New York, let alone on your own. But tragedy strikes when you least expect it.
When, on one of his monthly calls to check in on you, you broke the news to your father that your mother had passed, he told you you should come live closer to him if you wanted to. And honestly, not feeling so alone in the world felt appealing.
So you packed everything you had of value, and took the leap. You had your mother to thank for being able to simply do that out of nowhere, she'd left everything of hers in your name, including her company's income.
But money hardly solves all problems, because you never actually met your father's side of the family. All you had were his phone calls, where he would sometimes briefly mention a sister you'd get along with if you were to meet, and not much else.
Upon knowing you'd be coming to the city, he gave you Quinn's contact, promising she would help you find a place to stay. You weren't exactly keen on meeting your sister for the first time all by yourself, but Quinn had been surprisingly easygoing; telling you all about how cool it was to have a sister instead of another brother. And the question 'I have a brother too?' lingered on your tongue, but you thought it would be a weird thing to ask. That was a few days ago, and you settled in a hotel for the time being.
In any way, you had a lot of catching up to do.
And now, anxiety was bubbling relentlessly in your stomach and you clutched tightly at the straps of your backpack. The police station was kinda busy at this time of day, but it was exactly the time he asked you to come in, so you did.
You didn't know exactly what to feel other than anxiety. How is one supposed to feel when they're about to see their father for the first time in their life?
It's a weird situation, though you couldn't really blame your mother for it; yes she took you away shortly after you were born, but from what she told you, she and your father didn't end on the best of terms. From the moment you were born, she'd been protective.
You reached the front desk, worrying your lower lip between your teeth. "Hello," you greeted the woman there.
She glanced up from the pile of papers she'd been sorting out, "hi there, what can I do for you?"
"Um- Detective Bailey asked me to stop by," you explained, and the woman in front of you raised an unamused eyebrow. Even before saying it, the words already felt somewhat strange in your mouth, "he's my father."
Your first two weeks in New York were hectic. Meeting a whole new side of your family was a strange experience, but you'd say it went well. Quinn was the easiest of all, she treated you as if you were one of her friends from university and you appreciated it. Ethan was distant, he was kind and polite, but you could tell he didn't want much to do with you. Your father was, essentially, what you expected him to be; he was kind and attentive, obviously a little awkward just as you were, but he seemed to genuinely care about you; as much as one can care about a daughter they'd never met.
Quinn had been quite insistent on having a sister bonding time with you, so you'd find yourself at her apartment more often than not. This led to you being acquainted with Mindy, Anika, and Chad, who were around just as much as you; plus Sam and Tara, of course.
The youngest of Quinn's roommates took an instant liking to you. Your personality matched Tara's quite well, you were happy to hear every gossip she liked the share about her colleagues at the university and the usual rant about her sister.
Sam, she was not an easy one to read; at first, you thought she might not even like you, but Tara explained that 'that's just how she is, she'll warm up to you eventually'.
Maybe that was part of the reason why you found yourself creating a habit of stopping by a certain coffee shop — after all, they served delicious food and drinks and the place was really cozy; the doe-eyed brunette who worked there was a bonus.
You'd usually stop by later on in the afternoon, when the sunlight had that deep golden glow just an hour or so before disappearing behind the horizon. It was a time of day the coffee shop was a little more crowded, but not as much as it was in the mornings.
Every time you walked in, you found yourself involuntarily looking for Sam; deep down feeling like a schoolgirl with a crush because of the butterflies that invaded your stomach whenever she remembered your order.
You quickly realized the importance of details with Sam. The more you came to eat at the coffee shop, the slightly more comfortable she became with you. It started with her serious expression changing to a small smile whenever she saw you, then she started greeting you by your name, and recently, she has been drawing little smiley faces on your cup.
The usual booth you'd sit at was tucked in a more reserved corner, just beside one of the windows; you liked the privacy. Each time that Sam brought your cappuccino and apple pie, you held yourself back from asking if she could sit down and have a coffee with you.
Maybe tomorrow, you'd think to yourself.
The smell of freshly made lasagna filled the whole apartment. If you had a good enough sense of smell, you'd be able to tell it was just the slightest bit burned, but no one seemed to care.
Mindy and Chad could be heard bickering about how to properly take said lasagna out of the oven without causing a disaster, Tara was opening up a cheap wine bottle while Anika set the dining table, and Quinn was switching through channels on the TV.
It was a pleasant sight for someone who wasn't used to many of those.
Sam had just gotten out of the shower, towel in her hands as she finished drying off her hair. She had managed to get out of work earlier today and ditched therapy so she could have dinner with her found family — which honestly felt more like therapy than actual therapy.
A chuckle escaped Sam's lips when Mindy called her brother a moron with a halfhearted slap on the back of his head.
And then, three soft knocks came from the front door.
"I got it," Sam told them, hanging her towel over her shoulder as she got over to the door and steadily undid all the locks in it. She knew who it was, Quinn warned you'd be coming for dinner today too. Sam felt a little childish when anticipation started twirling in her stomach.
Selfishly, Sam wanted to think that this specific smile of yours belonged to her.
"Hi," she greeted you with the same softness you stared back at her with; for the second time today, the first being at the coffee shop. Sam figured she wouldn't mind seeing you more often, "come in, dinner is almost ready."
"Hey Sam," you smiled timidly as you walked past her and inside the apartment.
Sam has known you for a little over two weeks, and there should be alarms blaring inside her head for the way she felt so naturally drawn to you. But there wasn't, there was only the softness of your presence and the way she wanted to drown in it.
"Hey new girl," Mindy called, her voice ringing loudly through the room as she peeked over from the kitchen with a grin, "you like lasagna?"
"Of course," you grinned, taking off your jacket and failing to see the way Sam's gaze lingered a little too long on you, "who doesn't like lasagna?"
Mindy pointed a finger at you, "right answer," she quipped before disappearing back into the kitchen.
Sam awkwardly cleared her throat next to you, "let me take this for you."
You glanced beside you to see the girl subtly gesturing for your jacket, unsure if the redness of her cheeks was a trick of the light or not. "Oh, thanks, Sam."
"Alright y'all, dinner's on the table," Mindy announced, getting everyone to flock to the dining room.
It was maybe after the second or third time you'd stopped by that you had unconsciously assigned a seat for yourself at their table. Ironically, it was the one beside Sam.
If you were being honest with yourself, you had a lot to thank this peculiar group of friends; if it wasn't for all the laughs they managed to pull out of you at each dinner, maybe settling in on the new city wouldn't have gone so smoothly. They sure took away the feeling of loneliness that had been steadily collecting in your chest ever since your mother passed.
And you had found a reason to like every single one of them; Mindy was naturally funny and made you feel as welcome as if you'd known her your whole life, and so did Anika; Chad was the exact opposite of what you'd picture him to be, sharing his sister's tendency for kindness; Sam was… you couldn't find a word to describe her quite yet, maybe entrancing could work; and Tara, well, you'd just found out tonight she shared your penchant for horror movies.
That's how, after dinner, you found yourself laying with Tara on her bed as you watched a movie of her choosing.
"You know, I'm glad you decided to come to New York," Tara told you out of the blue, the sound coming from her TV almost covering her voice.
Her room was dimly lit, the only source of light being the TV itself and a small lamp on her desk, you could barely make out her features. "I am too, I'm sure glad I met you guys."
Tara chuckled fondly at that, "Sam seems to like you," she told you quietly, her voice sounding as if she was letting you in on a pretty secret, "she could use a friend, you know."
You caught the hidden words in her soft tone. You weren't blind to how lonely Sam tended to be sometimes. Isolating herself even in a room full of people who cared about her.
Though it stunned you for a brief moment that Tara was asking that of you, you wondered if she saw something you didn't. At this point, you already knew of their story, at least partially; from articles online about the Woodsboro killings, and consequently, from the rumors circling around about Sam. Needless to say, your heart broke for them.
"I'd be happy to be her friend, if she'd have me," you meant it.
The movie extended longer than you predicted and Tara was already dozing off on your shoulder by the time the credits rolled. So you carefully turned off her TV and sneaked yourself out of her bed, your steps as light as a feather touching the floor.
You closed the door to her room with extreme delicacy and only as you turned around, did you notice the absolute darkness of the rest of the apartment.
It looked like everyone had already called it a night.
The only thing illuminating your steps was the soft orange glow coming in through the windows from the street lamps outside. The apartment held an eery silence to it, the clean plates and cutlery you all had used earlier rested on top of the table, there was an occasional sound of water droplets falling from the kitchen sink, and the red numbers of the clock on the coffee table read 12:37 AM.
The darkness and silence were a striking contrast to the commotion from earlier.
You opted for turning on the lights in the kitchen so you could look for your jacket and go home for the night; though after a good five minutes of unsuccessful searching you were almost considering leaving without it. That's when a soft, barely there whimper caught your ears.
It got a cold shiver running up and down your back, momentarily making you imagine yourself in a horror movie.
Until your eyes landed on the bigger couch of the living room and you saw Sam; she was curled up there, fast asleep with her hands under her head and knees tucked up to her chest, looking much smaller than she actually was, just barely being highlighted by the kitchen light.
You couldn't help the swelling of your heart. She was undeniably endearing.
There was the sound of a siren passing by in the distance. You looked out the window by instinct, but you couldn't see where exactly it came from.
When your eyes settled back on Sam, you found her clutching at the cushions under her head, a frown etched unpleasantly on her eyebrows. Her hair was messy, you realized; maybe from tossing and turning too much.
You were genuinely not sure what got into you, it's not like you have enough intimacy to even be seeing her like this. But you crouched down in front of her, one hand coming to rest gently on her shoulder.
Before you could even fully touch her, Sam was already stirring awake. Her body was visibly tense and her eyes a tad too wide and alert for someone who just woke up.
"I'm… sorry," you said quietly, feeling embarrassment crawling up your neck and to your cheeks, "sorry I woke you up."
Sam held herself up with her elbow, her free hand running through her messy hair. She wasn't looking at you, attempting to regulate her unsteady breathing.
You could see it from the way her chest moved up and down quickly. And there you followed a single drop of sweat running down from her neck to her collarbone. The night was far too cold for her to be sweating.
You wanted to reach out, but didn't. "I was just wondering where you put my jacket," you continued when she remained quiet.
Sam felt bare in front of you, somewhat timid. There were goosebumps rising on her skin. She nearly didn't find her voice, "I'll go get it for you."
You waited for her by the front door, shifting on your feet. She came back with your jacket in her hands, clutching tightly onto it so you wouldn't catch the shaking of her fingers. But you did, you also caught onto the hollowness of her eyes and the hair clinging to her damp forehead. You knew it wasn't your place to ask, but Sam looked so alone in the darkness of the apartment, that you feared she might let herself be swallowed by it the moment you leave.
"Are you okay?"
Sam's expression did something complicated, unsure of how to feel. Several beats passed in silence, as if she was considering how to answer you. Eventually, she nodded softly, "I'm alright, just tired from work."
It was a half-truth. You had been there today when a group of teenagers came into the coffee shop, one of them casting accusatory glances at Sam as he whispered — quite loudly — the word 'murderer' to his friends. You weren't able to wave her goodbye after that. She stayed hidden in the back.
Maybe your heart felt something it wasn't telling you yet, because it was hurting, for her. "For what it's worth," the words rolled off your tongue in a soft whisper, "I don't believe them."
Sam's lips parted, her mouth going dry and her doe eyes glinting with a sudden vulnerability. The grip she had around your jacket tightened.
Your smile was bittersweet this time, "the rumors, I don't believe them."
"I don't think I see you," you spoke on the phone, squinting at the evening sun shining on your eyes as you walked the busy streets of New York.
Last night your father had called you just before he left the police station, asking if maybe you would like to have an afternoon snack with him today; stop by at a popular bakery to catch up on lost time.
You felt an unfamiliar warmth on your chest at the request, agreeing promptly. He was trying to form a connection with you, and honestly, it was something you wanted too. You already lost one parent, you didn't fancy losing the other.
"I see you."
He spoke over the phone.
"Look to your right."
You followed his instructions and sure enough, he was on the other side of the street, his arms up and obnoxiously waving you over so you'd see him.
A chuckle escaped you as you hurriedly crossed the street, tucking your phone into the back pocket of your jeans. You smiled tentatively then, slowly closing the distance between you and him without knowing if you should lean in for a hug or extend your hand for a shake.
Bailey decided for you, he was opening his arms before you even reached him.
The hug was brief but welcomed. He kept one hand on your shoulder when he pulled away, seemingly taking a good look at you as a sincere smile appeared on his expression; "thank you for coming, I know we've never been too close, but I would like us to be."
You reached up to the hand he still had on your shoulder and squeezed his wrist in reassurance, "I would like it too."
That was enough to cut through the awkward bits of tension still lingering between you. Part of you felt like you were fifteen again, giddy for having your father dedicate a whole afternoon for you and you only.
It didn't make the pain of losing your mother go away, but it engulfed it into something more bearable. Something you could get used to.
It was about an hour after lunch that Sam received a rather urgent call from Tara. The only words she managed to focus on were "asthma attack" and "inhaler at the apartment."
The problem? Sam was basically on the other side of town.
Her first option was Mindy, but the girl wasn't picking up her phone. And then neither was Chad. Her last resort was calling her own apartment in the hopes that Quinn was home and could drive to the university with Tara's inhaler.
The line ringed, and ringed, and ringed. Until…
The thought about why she recognized your voice so easily flew by. "Y/n?" Sam stopped in her tracks, forcing the other people on the sidewalk to walk around her.
"What are you-"
"No, I didn't break into your apartment."
Sam heard your chuckle from the other end of the line.
"I stopped by to bring something to Quinn."
"Y/n, I need you to-" Sam took in a deep breath, running a hand through her hair and gripping at the roots of it. She closed her eyes tightly, "Tara is having an asthma attack and she left her inhaler at the apartment, could you ask Quinn to-"
"Sam, calm down."
Your soft voice made Sam realize she was having trouble breathing.
"Breathe, okay? I'll take it to her, I'm less than five minutes away by bike, I'll let you know when I get there."
Sam bit at the inside of her cheek, nodding even though you couldn't see it, "thank you."
Only mere minutes passed by — though they felt much longer than usual — until Sam received a text from you, it read 'hey' and she could see you were still typing.
Sam held onto her breath and only released it once you sent her the next text, which read 'all is good'. Instant relief washed over her and she leaned back on the wall of the random store she was standing in front of.
Her cellphone vibrated again, and this time it was a picture of you and Tara making silly faces while you held her close.
The smile that came to Sam's lips was as big as ever, her heart beating painfully against her ribs as if it was trying to leap from her chest and into the screen of her phone; all so it could reach you.
Sam typed back; 'I owe you one.'
She held back on sending a heart emoji.
It was becoming increasingly harder to deny the way she started feeling about you; how you seemingly occupied a place in her heart no one else could have; or how she hoped to see you walk into the coffee shop every day, because, on the off chance you didn't, something felt out of place, missing.
Maybe it was time for her to do something about it.
And the opportunity presented itself on the very next day.
It was a cloudy Tuesday afternoon, the coffee shop lacking its usual golden rays that came through the window at this time of day. There was a slightly colder breeze in the air, it came through each time a new customer opened the door and it forced Sam to wear her jacket on top of her uniform.
Sam had been anticipating your arrival ever since the clock hit 4 PM, which was the time you usually stopped by. She couldn't help looking up at the door each time she heard the bell above it.
It scared her, to take a chance like this. Trusting people with your heart only opens room for them to break it. She knows it.
But oh you made her want to turn a blind eye to every single risk, and fear, and doubt.
Sam wondered, for a moment, if destiny was playing with her. Because when the clock hit 4:47 PM you walked through the coffee shop's doors and the sky just so happened to have a crack in its clouds, casting a faded glow that bathed you aureate for a moment.
Sam's eyes were unfocused, caught in a daze that was only broken when you were already standing in front of her.
"Good afternoon, Sam," you smiled, your cheeks flushed from the cold wind outside.
"Hi," Sam stumbled out, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear as she cleared her throat, "the usual?"
"Please," you confirmed, already reaching inside your backpack for your wallet, but Sam's hand on your forearm stopped you.
The touch of her skin on yours felt electric. Sam pulled her hand back quickly, timidly curling her fingers to try and keep the feeling of you a little longer. "This one is on me," her voice wasn't nearly as confident as it needed to be for that line.
You were about to open your mouth to protest, but she beat you to it; "please, let me do this. As a thank you for you helping Tara yesterday."
A sly smile crept into your lips, your eyes roaming over Sam up and down before you spoke; "only if you drink something with me."
Your boldness surprised Sam, in the best of ways. She was burning up inside, her heart working overtime to keep up with her feelings. Despite the cold, she felt suddenly warm.
"I have a break in ten."
When Sam brought your order to your table — the usual table in the far right corner near the biggest window — she sat down in front of you. She carefully placed down your cappuccino and apple pie before closing both her hands around the simple cup of coffee she had for herself.
You took your time with taking a sip from your drink, closing your eyes when the slightly sweet, warm beverage hit your tongue.
Sam followed each movement, from the way your fingers closed around the mug to the way the corner of your lips lifted just the smallest bit after tasting the coffee she made — for a moment you were all she could see. Though she shook herself off of it pretty quickly, realizing how it might be creepy. Sam took a generous drink of her coffee as well.
"Do you like it?" Came the sudden sweetness of your voice, "working at a coffee shop?"
A faint smell of burnt bread reached Sam's nose, it was probably Enrique forgetting about the oven again. She could hear loud chatter happening at the entrance of the coffee shop, it was probably the five students who usually stopped by at this time of day. Sam was hesitating. Between apartment visits because of Quinn and everyday meet-ups for her to make you coffee, Sam didn't plan for herself coming this far with you.
"Could be worse," were the words that eventually escaped her mouth, "beats the bowling alley."
You chuckled, a lovely sound as you sheepishly glanced down, your thumb tracing the edge of your mug. Sam wanted to pull her cell phone out and trap this moment in time; it felt precious enough to do so.
"I definitely prefer coming to coffee shops instead of bowling alleys," you smirked.
Sam somewhat mimicked your smile, "are you liking New York?"
You hummed, choosing to take a bite of your pie before answering, "all things considered, I am. It's a lot of getting used to," you had a faraway gaze out the window then, leaning your chin on your hand, "meeting a whole new side of my family is… strange. But we're getting along surprisingly well, I've been going out with my father at least once a week, Ethan is more distant but still nice whenever we meet, and, well, I've been visiting Quinn quite regularly, as you know."
Sam took in each of your words, softly nodding along, "it's good one of us is feeling at home, sort of." She gulped, mulling over her next words, "you know you're welcome at the apartment whenever. Tara adores you… everyone does."
If you caught Sam's 'I adore you' you didn't comment on it. Instead, you asked; "how are you settling in? Tara mentioned you guys moved in only a few weeks before I did."
That had Sam holding back a sigh. She leaned back on her side of the booth, "feels like all the shit that happened in Woodsboro followed us all the way here."
Some days were better than others. Some days the weight on her shoulders felt more bearable and the people around her weren't as menacing with their baseless accusations. Some days were worse.
"I'm sorry about everything that's been going on the internet about you," you said.
Sam met your eyes and found there a gentleness no one had ever looked at her with.
"You don't deserve it, Sam."
Being with you was as easy as breathing. For a fleeting moment inside the walls of the coffee shop, there were no rumors crucifying Sam for something she didn't do; there were no bad memories taking her sleep at night; there were no permanent scars marking her skin — there was only Samantha, the girl who had almost forgotten what it felt like to just worry about which words to say next to impress the girl she developed feelings for.
And if she went to bed that night with the ghost of a smile on her lips because you kissed her cheek goodbye earlier, that was nobody's business but hers.
"Guys, what do you say we order pizza for tonight?" Sam threw the idea into the night.
It was nearing 7 PM and it was a Saturday, meaning it was the unofficial girl's night of the week. Sam, Mindy, Anika, Tara, and Quinn sat together in the living room of Sam's apartment watching a random action movie. Dinner time was nearing and none of them really fancied cooking tonight.
"I think it's a good idea," Mindy agreed, leaning back on the couch and pulling Anika with her, "do you think one is enough for the five of us?"
"Six," Sam spoke without looking up from her phone, already searching for the pizza place's number, "I invited Y/n over."
Save for the movie playing in the background, there was a sudden silence in the living room. It stretched on until Sam found the number and looked up to see everyone staring at her.
A frown slowly came to her eyebrows and she chuckled awkwardly, fidgeting with her phone, "what?"
"You invited her?" Quinn started.
"You two have been growing quite close," Mindy added, an all-too-knowing grin on her lips.
Tara had her lips hung open, being the last one to catch up on her sister's painfully obvious crush.
"We're… friends, she's nice," Sam shrugged, feeling herself grow self-conscious with the attention and involuntarily curling in on herself a little. She got up from the couch then, deciding to go make the call to order the pizza outside in the hallway as she figured she wouldn't have much peace inside right now.
She put on her house slippers and walked to the front door, hearing Mindy shout; "I've heard that before," right as she closed the door behind her.
Sam found herself slowly roaming to the lobby as she spoke on the phone, a cold air came from the entrance doors of her apartment building as she spoke on the phone, making her hug herself to preserve the warmth.
The pizza would be arriving in about thirty minutes, and just before Sam turned around to walk back inside to the coziness of her apartment, her cell phone dinged with a message from you letting her know you were here.
Sam saw herself smiling at the screen of her phone, at the small heart emoji you added beside the text.
The main doors of the entrance hall hinged as you walked in, and the first thing Sam noticed was that you were quite underdressed for the weather outside; only a thin jacket kept your body warm, your hair was all tousled from the wind and you had your hands buried in the pockets of your sweatpants. Still, you smiled brightly when you spotted Sam coming towards you.
"Aren't you cold?" Sam chuckled as she met you in the middle, coming to a stop a little closer to you than she should. Her eyes involuntarily roamed up and down your body, always engraving the image of you in her mind as if it was the first and last time she'd be seeing you; even if she has known you for nearly two months now.
"You bet I'm cold," without much of a warning, you brought one hand up and cupped Sam's cheek; the coldness of your skin contrasted with the warmth of hers.
Sam shivered from head to toe, and it wasn't because of the coldness of your fingers, for she could feel her cheeks warming up even more.
Unable to hold your gaze as she did so, Sam took hold of your freezing hand, "come on, let's get you warmed up. I ordered pizza."
You followed her willingly, nuzzling against her shoulder as you walked.
You're both not sure when this newfound intimacy happened. But you weren't complaining. Your heart was so full of Sam that you could hardly call it your own anymore. And Sam doesn't know what happiness means if it isn't written with the letters of your name.
Though it wasn't until a whole week later, that you did something about it.
This Friday was a rainy one, the skies had grey clouds looming over everyone on the streets as heavy raindrops fell steadily. Water splashed around people's shoes as they walked, holding their coats close to their bodies and their umbrellas above their heads.
Sam didn't have an umbrella. She'd given hers to Tara this morning because technically she wouldn't need it, she'd catch a ride with one of the nicer coworkers at the coffee shop when it was time to leave.
Sam was walking in the rain.
She never made it to 7 PM, which was usually the time she'd get off work. Her boss had dismissed her much earlier today; 'it doesn't look good to have a barista covered in coffee' was what he'd said.
Now, the huge coffee stain on her shirt was barely there, being replaced by the water falling from the sky. The pouring rain had already soaked through Sam's clothing; it trickled down her chin and made her hair stuck to her forehead. It was cold, she was shaking, and her fingers were becoming numb.
Today had been one of those unfortunate days. It was a group of teenagers, Sam can't exactly remember what they looked like; she had been the one to bring their orders to the table, and when their eyes met hers she could instantly see the hatred there. Various false accusations left their lips as one of them 'accidentally' spilled their coffee all over Sam. Today wasn't a good day.
Sam didn't know where she was going to, she was almost sure she was walking in the complete opposite direction of her apartment. She didn't stop, keeping her head low in hopes the rain would completely engulf her being.
"Sam?" The call of her name sounded like a hallucination at first. Too sweet, and too far away to be real.
"Sam!" Now it was closer, clearer between the heavy raindrops hitting the pavement.
It made Sam look up, one hand brushing over her eyes to clean the rain stuck to her lashes. Instantly, she forgot how to breathe.
You were coming towards her, one hand holding your coat and the other holding a faded pink umbrella above your head. You looked distressed, there was a frown on your eyebrows that Sam wanted to smooth away with her fingers.
Between the smell of coffee on her shirt and the rain on her skin, Sam had forgotten this was the time you usually came to the coffee shop.
Sam was suddenly shielded from the falling rain. You had to stay close so your umbrella would cover both of you. "Sam…" Your tone was sorrowful as your evident worry escaped you, "what are you doing out here like this? What happened?" You looked her up and down, taking in her purplish fingertips, her soaked clothes and hair, and the barely there coffee stain of her shirt.
The image of you in front of Sam started to blur over; she opened her lips to speak, tasting the raindrops there, yet the words were clogged up on the lump in her throat. A feeling of shame was crawling inside her guts, piercing through her heart for having you see her like this. Sam avoided your eyes, focusing on her boots instead.
Your sneakers inched closer and Sam felt your gentle fingers pushing away strands of her wet hair; the softness of your touch amidst all the harshness she was used to nearly made her crumble.
"Did someone do this to you?" You asked even softer.
Another beat of silence, and then; "I don't know why they hate me so much." Was all Sam told you, her voice nothing but a whisper that broke in the middle.
In the same heartbeat, with the hand that wasn't holding your umbrella, you took hold of Sam's waist, pulling her body close to yours in a warm embrace.
Sam clung to you as if you'd vanish into thin air any minute. Both her arms instantly came around your shoulders in a close-knit grip as she bunched the fabric of your coat between her fingers.
You adjusted your hold around her waist, mimicking the same strength she held you with. Part of you knew she needed to feel that kind of reassuring pressure, shielding her away from reality.
Her body was worryingly cold, the wetness of her clothes was seeping into your own but you couldn't find it in yourself to mind. Because Sam buried her head into the crook of your neck and you could feel steady wet drops falling into your skin, and you knew they weren't from the rain.
Sam's sobs were muffled against you. And as her body trembled in your hold, your heart shattered.
"Let me take you home," you whispered, your lips brushing the skin of her shoulder until you placed a kiss there.
Sam's grip on you tightened, bringing your bodies closer together if that was even possible. "Okay."
And you did take her home. Sam only didn't imagine that when you said home, you meant your apartment, not hers.
To say your place was better than Sam's would be an understatement. Your apartment wasn't overly luxurious, but it was evident that it was expensive.
Admittedly, Sam felt out of place. Not necessarily in a bad way; only in the way that you were clearly much better off in life than she was, and it made her feel a little self-conscious to think she'd been fantasizing about a chance with you, when, admittedly, you could do better.
You let go of your umbrella but kept holding onto Sam's hand, leading her to your bedroom, "come on, let's get you some dry clothes."
Your bedroom was the most 'you' room in the house. There was a double bed in the middle, a dresser, a desk with a computer and a whole lot of other things on top — books, a collection of pens, a couple of sketchbooks, small fantasy figures such as soldiers on horses and dragons — a mirror just beside the dresser, a bookshelf, and several pictures and fairy lights stuck to the walls. Everywhere Sam looked, there was a bit of you.
She hovered in the middle of it all, shaking from head to toe because of how cold her body was, and hyper-aware of the water still dripping from her soaked clothes and into the wooden floor.
You rummaged through your dresser until you found a comfy pair of purple sweatpants and a hoodie of the same color. You handed them to Sam, "the bathroom is just down the hall, feel free to take a shower and warm yourself up okay? I'll be in the kitchen."
Sam gulped down the lump still stuck in her throat, nodding along with your words, "thank you, you didn't have to do all this," her voice still held that same rawness to it, though the corner of her lips quirked up.
You let out a breathy chuckle, tilting your head to the side as if she just spoke a foreign language. "Yeah I did, that's what people do when they care about each other."
Under the warm orange glow of the fairy lights of your bedroom, Sam could count the specks of color in your eyes. She could drown in the ocean that was you and everything you made her feel.
Sometimes, you look at each other as if you're about to kiss.
Sam wondered if it was the same for you when she caught your eyes drifting to her lips. Before she could figure it out, you were sheepishly avoiding her eyes and walking off to the kitchen.
When Sam walked out of the bathroom, her skin now warm and her hair with the smell of your shampoo, you had just finished making two mugs of hot chocolate.
You heard her bare feet approaching you, felt her lingering gaze on your back. You could tell Sam wasn't allowing herself to be completely comfortable here yet. You hoped to change that.
Turning around, you were met with the endearing sight of Sam in your clothes, her hair still damp and cheeks now flushed from the hot water of the shower. She looked like your favorite dream.
You walked up to her, handing her one of the mugs, "now it's my turn to serve you," you winked.
Sam closed both hands around the mug, an inevitable chuckle escaping her.
You leaned back on the counter of your kitchen, hearing the rain that still poured outside hitting the windows. "Feeling better?"
Before answering, Sam took a sip of her hot chocolate, humming at the sweetness and warmth of it. "Much better."
"You can stay as long as you'd like," you told her, because you knew she needed to hear it.
Sam's thumb traced the rim of her mug. You could see her lips pulling thin, feel her uneasiness.
"I would like you to stay, Sam."
Thunder started rumbling in the distance as the rain picked up even more. Sam would be stuck with you for a while; maybe you should make the most of having her all to yourself.
You put down your mug and pushed yourself away from the kitchen counter. Sam could be fragile sometimes, you realized; there was a part of her that always remained guarded, waiting for the next blow to come. Yet you could almost feel the desperate calls of her lonely heart.
When you took a step closer to her, Sam didn't take one away from you, and it was all the confirmation you needed. She had a white-knuckled grip on her mug, though it relaxed immediately when your hand enveloped hers and you took the mug, putting it aside on the counter.
Sam was holding herself as stiff as a corpse; if you were anyone else, she would have taken her chance already, but you were you, and the fear that she might fuck it up spoke louder. Her eyes followed each of your movements though, her pupils blown wide and reflecting the vulnerability of a heart that started beating for you, for you, for you.
Both your hands eventually reached up to her cheeks, your fingers tracing her jaw and your thumbs brushing the skin beneath her eyes.
Inevitably, Sam melted in your hold, a breath leaving her lips as she closed her eyes for a beat. No one ever held her as if she was something precious. You always did.
First, your lips met her forehead in a kiss that felt like a promise. Then, your nose brushed hers when you leaned in; your breaths mingling as your hands found the back of her neck to pull her in.
You were gentle, so much so that Sam hardly felt your lips. You guided her into a chaste kiss, just a touch of your soft lips that fitted perfectly with hers. So perfectly, she'd dare say you were made just for her.
Small as it was, the gesture of affection got Sam grasping at your waist; her hands holding onto you with the same desperation as before. As if happiness, for her, was limited.
Sam didn't dare open her eyes when you pulled back. It was foolish, but she wanted to utter those three words just for the fact that you didn't go far, choosing to keep your forehead leaning against hers.
"Are you sure?" The words stumbled out of Sam's lips in an unsteady whisper as she took to memory what it felt like to have you this close.
You pulled away and she felt like crying.
It was only enough so you could look into her eyes, and there you saw everything she didn't want you to see. In those dark doe eyes that shone with the dim lights of your kitchen; you saw her fear, her loneliness; you saw the way she thought of herself as a person who doesn't deserve to be taken out of the rain, but who longs for someone to do so anyway.
"More than I've ever been in my life," you whispered back, pulling her in before you even finished speaking. You clashed your lips together, not holding back this time, because if she didn't believe your words, she would believe your touch; she would believe the way your hands tangled in her hair and how your tongue brushed over her bottom lip, tasting the lingering sweetness of hot chocolate there.
Yet, between each breathless kiss, you'd mumble, "I promise."
And Sam would hold you more firmly, her arms encircling your waist as she traced a path down your neck with her lips, confessions rolling off her tongue.
You had her at your mercy; she was yours. But you were hers too.
It's been fifteen minutes already. Fifteen minutes of Sam glaring at her phone as if it would relent and type the message for her.
"Sammy, this is getting sad," Mindy popped a popcorn in her mouth, side-eyeing Sam's figure; who was huddled in a blanket on the couch beside hers, "just ask her already."
"Yeah, I will," Sam groaned, hugging her blanket closer to her chest, "just… finding the right words."
"The words are: 'do you want to go on a date with me? Yes or no?' Simple." A popcorn flew in Sam's direction as Mindy explained, "stop making a big deal of it, it's not like you guys never went out together anyway."
Sam pursed her lips, staring at the little picture of you in her contacts. It's true, you've met for outings multiple times already; but there was something more now, an incessant swarm of butterflies in her stomach whenever Sam thought of you.
"It's different," she said quietly, "I don't wanna mess it up." Her vulnerability dripped from each syllable.
Mindy softened at that, forgetting about the movie playing on the TV and properly turning to look at her friend; "you won't mess it up, Sam. She likes you, everyone can see it."
It felt nice to hear the words out loud, it made them all the more real — as if your make-out session from a few days ago wasn't enough. Sam could feel her cheeks growing warmer by the minute as she finally typed her message and hit send before the small bit of courage went away.
Mindy had been right, after all.
That night, Sam took you out for dinner and a movie; classic, but she learned that you loved the classics. Especially when you pressed your lips to hers again before saying goodbye, in a kiss that Sam would be happy to live in forever.
The stairs that led up to her apartment weren't the most comfortable seat, but the empty hallways provided much-needed peace.
Sam buried her head in her hands, clawing at the roots of her hair. Her shirt was still damp, the smell becoming annoying. She could feel the back of her eyes stinging but she gulped back the feeling.
"You know you don't always have to wait for me down here."
It was almost magical, how your voice sent a wave of easiness through Sam's body. It was almost as if you carefully reached inside her chest and took away the burden there.
You were walking up to her, a smirk on your lips and a backpack hanging from your shoulder, "I know the way to your apartment."
Sam mimicked your smile, getting up with more haste than usual and meeting you halfway in the empty hallway. She didn't give you much of a warning before bringing you into a searing kiss, her hands cupped your cheeks and she had your bottom lip trapped between hers; chasing the feeling only you could give her.
A gasp escaped you when she collided with you. Your giggles got muffled by her lips and you took hold of her waist to steady yourself.
It's been four months since Sam started calling you hers. Four months since she's been able to gloat because you're her girlfriend. Four months in which she's been the happiest she's ever been in her life.
"I missed you," she spoke against your lips.
You kissed the words, frowning playfully, "you saw me this afternoon."
"Exactly," Sam's smile stretched further, "too long," and then she was leaning in again, and again, and again.
Sam could be intense sometimes, but you knew how to recognize when she was doing it for fun, or to forget about something else.
You took hold of one of her hands then, breaking the kiss she had you trapped in so you could place one to her knuckles, "is that cherry coke I smell on you?"
"Maybe," she dragged the word, her fingers intertwining with yours.
"Are you making a habit of having people throw drinks at you?" You raised an eyebrow at her before squeezing her hand reassuringly, "what happened?"
Sam let out a halfhearted groan, shrugging her shoulders as she avoided your eyes, "just some conspiracy psychos… and Tara is pissed at me."
"Did you guys have another fight?" You asked sympathetically.
"She was at this party and I tased a guy who was trying to take advantage of her, and now she's mad at me," Sam distracted herself by playing with your fingers as she spoke, "keeps telling me I should let her go."
In your four months with Sam, you learned how protective she could be of those she cares about, especially after what happened in Woodsboro. You learned that because you were now on that list too. You'd lost count of how many guys she threatened because of you already, each time you went out for drinks together and a strange dude decided to try his luck with you Sam would pull out her taser and aim it right where it hurts most.
In truth, you understood both sides. Yes, Sam could be overprotective sometimes; but she had her reasons.
"Family can be complicated, I would know," you pushed back strands of Sam's dark hair, never having enough of how she leaned into your touch, "but Tara will come around soon."
You felt the shape of Sam's smile on your palm right before she placed a kiss there. Part of you lived only for these sweet, precious moments.
"Hey guys," Chad's voice suddenly broke your peaceful bubble. You and Sam looked up to see him on the stairs, "come up here, quick."
Sam walked into her apartment holding onto your hand, and her grip only tightened when she saw what everyone was watching on the TV.
A student from Blackmore University had just been murdered, Mindy recognized him from their film studies class.
Tension lay heavy in the room, but especially, it radiated off Sam; you could feel it in the tremble of her hold on your hand when the reporter spoke about the several Ghostface costumes left at the scene of the crime.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Sam’s taglist: @milkiane @v1ci0us @alexkolax
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zepskies · 2 months
SCREAMING because we’re getting more Smoke Eater?!?!?!
I’M SO EXCITED!!!! 😍😍😍😍
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LOL Yes!!! Thank you, lovely, I'm so glad you're excited!! 🥰 💕💕
Indeed it's true, I'm working on a new Smoke Eater one-shot that will take place a couple weeks after the last chapter of SE. I went ahead and updated the series masterlist, so I can drop the summary here too (when we get closer to when I'm ready to post, I'll drop a full announcement with a sneak peek):
Something Real
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Summary: Now that you and Dean are officially engaged, you take some much needed time off together for a family vacation. But even with the wedding set for next year, the two of you are still at odds when it comes to one key part of your future together…
Coming soon...
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fantasylandbitch · 2 months
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Summary: Ethan tries to force an apology out of you, however, with your friends nearby to protect you, would they stand a chance against him or will Sam have to take matters into her own hands? 
Warning: Long Chapter, Hallucinations, Cussing, Fluff, Blood, and Manipulative Ethan.
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5.5 Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 7.5 Chapter 8 Chapter 8.5 Chapter 9 (Chapter 9.5 Coming Soon)
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When you turn your head, you see the little version of you standing by the front door wearing clothes that looked damp as if it had rained the night before. Your eyes then followed the blood that covered most of your shirt and some that spilled onto your pants before catching the loose white gauze dangling from your neck in contrast to the color red. The gauze leads your eyes up to the large laceration that Ghost Face left across your throat. It was like seeing a film that depicted body horror for the first time. It was scary and jarring, and it made you feel sick to your stomach. Your skin suddenly has a pale-ish tone to it and when the little version of you steps forward, you instinctively step to the side almost hip-checking yourself at the corner of the island. Your heart beat rapidly in your chest as you tried to make sense of everything from supposedly attacking Ethan and now seeing yourself across the room. You are afraid of yourself and you don't know why. 'Why are you here?' you thought to yourself 'What do you want?' then just as Danny passed through your vision, the little you disappeared. You felt a shiver run down your spine but your breathing never slowed down as you continued to move across the island before accidentally bumping into your girlfriend Sam “I am so sorry Sam” you said to her sincerely yet quickly as she turned around.
“You don’t have to be. Wait wher-?” Sam asked you as you quickly walked past her, her hands instinctively reaching for your waist, before you saw Ethan and then Chad get up from the couch. With the boys getting up quickly you bend down to reach for your phone that was charging on the side table before rushing between Mindy and Tara, eventually turning around. Your eyes immediately make eye contact with Ethan's, and you both stare each other down before you look away from him to look over at Chad whose eyes seem mad yet sad to you. A part of you wanted to reach out to him to explain that you would never hurt a fly without a reason but you couldn’t even understand the situation yourself. Then your phone buzzed causing you to pull your eyes away from him so you could look at your phone to see if it was your sister-in-law who had texted you, but it wasn't. It was just a notification letting you know about the next new thing for phones.
A sigh leaves your lips making Tara and Mindy look over at you briefly, before looking over at Chad who was standing only seven inches in front of them while Ethan on the other hand was only six inches away when he decided to move from his spot. “Back off Ethan. We both know that Y/n didn’t mean to hurt you” Mindy says to him as he gets closer to her and Tara, causing the two girls to move closer to each other acting as a barrier for you if push came to shove while Chad stays near the couch, Sam staying vigilant by the island, and Danny filling his time cleaning up the kitchen.
“Are you sure? Because what happened earlier seems pretty personal to me.” Ethan says to Mindy, his voice a little agitated before looking over at Tara as he walks a little closer to her, causing Mindy to square her shoulders before stepping in front of her. “I want you to apologize, Y/n,” Ethan says, demanding you to apologize to him, a tone that Sam doesn’t take lightly when it comes to her family causing her to look over at him, it reminds her of someone she doesn’t care for.
“You know you can’t demand an apology, Ethan. That's not how that works.” Tara interjects as she looks over at Ethan from behind Mindy. Then Tara looks over at her older sister only to find an angry look on her face while she throws daggers at Ethan’s head. Tara knows that look from her sister. It’s the same look that Sam wore when she opened up to her for the first time about how their mother was drunk on rare occasions and taking blows at her when she least expected it. When their mother would hold her own money over her head, acting like she did everything to provide for her. It’s that very look that her older sister wore that says she is ready to kill anyone who thinks they hold any power over either of their heads. That very thought caused Tara to take a deep breath for what was about to come as she squeezed Mindy’s arm causing her to look over at the older Carpenter sister from the corner of her eye. 
“Listen shy and dorky,” Mindy says shifting her eyes from Sam to Ethan. “If you know what’s good for you then kindly back off or this might escalate into something a lot worse.” She says hoping to get Ethan to back down. 
“No way, she has to apologize now,” he whines, taking a step forward to push her out of the way causing Mindy to stiffen in her spot as she moves her hands up to stop him and causing Chad to step forward preparing himself to defend his sister as he looks over at Ethan. However, before Ethan can push Mindy out of the way Sam steps away from the island to stand between them. 
Like a shadow moving out of the corner of his eye Chad freezes for a moment even though he wants to run away a response he developed from being attacked by Ghost Face two years ago before he realized it was just Sam moving quickly to defend his sister. Chad can tell that the situation that is taking place has pissed off his biggest supporter, Sam, and by the look of her shoulders, they’re pulled back a little like she was getting ready to fight. He knows she’s pissed and the tension in the air causes him to speak up for his roommate that he feels responsible for. “Sam, all he’s asking is for an apology,” he says speaking up for Ethan while expecting Sam to reconsider what she’s about to do. 
As Sam steps in front of Ethan, you notice that she is angry and it causes you to look away out of shame. You’re in your head now. 
“Back off Ethan,” Sam says, her voice deep with irritation for the boy as she narrows her eyes at him causing him to step back for a second before Ethan challenges her by stepping back into her space. 
“Why should I, Sam?” Ethan asks calmly as he narrows his eyes back at his roommate's caregiver and his brother’s killer. “Y/n left physical evidence on my body, just take a look,” he reminds her, pulling up his shirt to show the damage you had inflicted upon him an hour ago. 
“I’m aware of your injuries Ethan. But I also know that Y/n wouldn’t have done that to you had she not been targeted back at her apartment. Something that you could have prevented” she spat before continuing her thought. “And getting in Mindy and Tara’s face won’t help you at all,” Sam says with a growl hidden at the back of her throat as she tries to keep her cool while staring into Ethan’s cold eyes trying everything in her power not to swing on the boy as she watches him, Puff. Up. His. Chest.
“Oooh wow, you don’t think I wanted to try and defend her? Sam had she given me the chance I would have done something but did you forget that she hit me over the head with a bat?” a puzzled expression crossed your face as you lifted your head to Ethan's inquiry. You still don’t understand why you would have hit him over the head with a bat but his inquiry acted as a catalyst, unlocking a dormant memory in your mind “Or are your feelings toward Y/n clouding your judgment?” Ethan spat dropping a hint of venom in his words because he knows.
Then Chad spoke up “Ethan what do Sam’s feelings toward Y/n have anything to do with what is happening right now?” Chad questions, getting mad that his roommate would question Sam’s relationship with you.
“Well, Chad don’t you think it’s a bit weird that Y/n just walked into your lives?” Ethan questioned turning his head to look at Chad “Like actually think about it for a minute, Y/n had been going to Blackmore University before you, and then gave you a tour around campus and then integrated herself into your lives. Does that not raise any red flags at all? Or how she would come by the apartment sometimes when Tara was sick to give her her homework when Tara could have asked you or Mindy to get it for her?" he questioned before turning to look at Sam. "Did you ever find it strange Sam that you never once had to question her character when you have done that to me, Anika, and Quinn?" Ethan continues, making her slowly ball up her hand. 
Sam thought about what Ethan had said to her, making her try and recall every moment she had with you. But what Ethan doesn’t realize is that it's only making her angrier by the second, while her knuckles slowly turn white. Because she knows what Ethan is trying to say, he's trying to imply that the entire time you've been in their lives that you've been manipulating every one of them. Her sister Tara and her friends Mindy, Chad, Anika, and herself. Sam acknowledges that she may not have been actively forthcoming with interrogating you in front of her family, but god did she find it easy to connect with you. You were patient, considerate, and sweet with her, despite Sam giving you a hard time. Sam finds it hard to believe that you would go out of your way to fuck her over. She can't even get over the part where you are incredibly fucking loyal to her, laid back, and bubbly, parts of your personality that plays so well with her own. It's those rare qualities that you have that allow her to feel like a kid and teen again. It's those feelings that she would kill to experience once again, had she not found out who she was and had Ghost Face never entered the picture so despite what Ethan has said, and amid her anger she punched him square in the face.
Ethan’s body hit the ground faster than he could say economics. “Okay, really Sam!?” Chad yells, shaking his head as Sam turns her back on him to check on Mindy, Tara, and You. Because Chad thought punching Ethan in the face was unnecessary which caused him to turn to help his roommate off the floor but before Chad could help, Ethan got back on his feet. 
Then Ethan took his hand and brought it up to feel his face to make sure nothing was broken. Before his eyes started to water with aggravation from trying to convince everyone in the room that you are a threat and that he's not making shit up. The turn of events made his own anger wanting him to make a move, as his hands itched to kill something and anyone in Danny's apartment.
This causes Mindy to look at him from the corner of her eye, she could tell that Ethan wanted to let loose because she could see it on his face. It’s there, she just doesn’t know what the real reason or reasons behind his actions are yet. 
However, he’s clenching and unclenching his jaw making it tight before going slack like he wasn’t sure how to act at that moment, like if he should attack while Sam has her back to him or continue the script that he so wants to rip to shreds, but has to follow for the sake of bringing down the Carpenters and honoring his brother's name. But out of impulse, he went for it, Ethan threw caution to the wind and walked up to Sam just as he balled up his hand ready to hit her back while Mindy was about to open her mouth. But as Ethan turns Sam around to punch her, he sees that her anger from before never left, in fact, he watched as Sam narrowed her eyes at him like a threat needed to be taken out. Before Sam shoved him away, Mindy cut in front of her to protect Sam from Ethan while Chad jumped at the opportunity to hold his roommate back. 
“You want to go Landry!” Sam yells as Mindy puts her hands up to stop her from getting close to Ethan while Tara is trying her best to hold her sister back from punching him repeatedly. 
“I’m telling you that bitch is a danger to everyone in this apartment!! She’s just playing innocent!” Ethan yells as his face got red, making his eyes further water in frustration that Sam isn’t getting it. Appearing like he knows you better than anyone in the room, it's only making the older Carpenter sister angry, while in reality, he knows exactly what he's doing. He was slowly putting a seed in everyone’s head that you are the bad guy here and not him, a seed that only takes a few words to question your credibility if not now, then certainly later.
“Whoa!” Mindy says aloud as she leans her hands off Sam's shoulders as she stretches her arms to continue to make herself a barrier between her and Ethan while Tara continues to use what little strength she has left to hold her sister back. “You're on thin ice here Landry!!” Mindy yells behind her before looking back at Sam when her eyes catch something red developing behind Tara and on your shirt “Sam?” she whispers before Sam pushes past her.
But Sam didn’t make it very far even though she was keen on beating Ethan’s ass. It's because Danny intervenes knowing very well that Sam could take him out if she pleased but is relieved to know that when he put his hands on her to stop her from going any farther, that she didn’t harm him. “Sam, Samantha baby you don’t want to do this right now,” he says with a gruff voice to snap her out of the state she was in, Sam shakes her head, while her hands wrap themselves around Danny’s forearms. Sam was almost at her tipping point of wanting to murder Ethan, “Think about it baby, maybe this is what Ghost Face wants you guys to do. To fight each other so he can get everyone alone” he tries to reason with her.
But it was no use “Get out of my way Danny” she said to him in a low voice with a growl almost evident to Danny’s ears a new sound he'd never heard of before as she strengthened her hold on his forearms. Sam’s actions cause Danny to feel something clammy and wet on his skin so he looks down to see why that is out of curiosity.
But just as Sam was about to try and push Danny out of the way Danny’s eyes widened at his left forearm “Samantha..” he said in a whisper because he couldn’t believe what was on his arm while Sam was breathing more heavily, she's so close to letting loose. 
‘Just a little more’ Ethan thought to himself. 
“S-Samantha whose blood is this?” he says nervously while checking her over to make sure it’s not hers, making Sam calm down just a little as she looks down at his arm. Her eyes widen at the sight before her, the color red that stains Danny's forearm as she steps away from him. 
The sudden discovery of blood on Sam’s hand that now stains her own forearm brings her back to Stu Macher’s house where she was stabbed by her ex-boyfriend and how her blood was everywhere from her shirt, to her hip, and then her pants. Sam can feel herself starting to hyperventilate until she remembers the feeling of your body against her palms and the soft texture of cotton at her fingertips causing the killer in her to cease while she turns around to slowly look at you.
When you feel eyes staring at you, you look up, finding your friends looking at you with widened eyes and shocked faces. It was uncomfortable for you because you didn’t like being the center of attention, but what made your brows furrow in question was the look on your girlfriend's face. Sam wasn’t looking at you directly, you realize that none of your friends were, they were looking at something on your stomach so you slowly follow their gaze. You discover that on the left side of your stomach, it was bleeding and pooling onto your shirt and the wound causes you to breathe more heavily as you start to panic. 
“Y/n look at me,” Sam says searching for your eyes as she tries to get your attention and eventually she does, because you look away from your wound and at her eyes frantically. Sam can tell by your eyes alone that you are trying to remain calm but it’s not working so she slowly walks over to you, passing Mindy and Tara on her way over. “Come with me to the bathroom,” she says calmly as she takes your hand with her clean one and guides you to the bathroom before noticing that your back also has blood on it, causing her to take a much-needed deep breath in “Let me clean you up.”
When you both walk to the bathroom, Sam walks ahead of you to open the door, allowing you to walk in first before entering so she can clean her hands and forearm. After washing the blood off, Sam bends down so she can open the cabinet underneath the sink to retrieve some gauze, ointment, and medical tape for your wounds. “Sam” you call out to her but she doesn’t respond. Instead, she sets the medical supplies on the bathroom sink before sitting down on the covered toilet, getting ready to patch you up before looking up at you.
When her eyes met your own, you noticed that the panic that had set in earlier had suddenly disappeared from your body, leaving you a little tired. But despite that, you notice that there is something so comforting about gazing into Sam’s big brown eyes that makes you soften at the sight, they also make you wonder and reflect. Silently, Sam asks from her position on the toilet if she can lift up your shirt and you nod in a silent response before helping her by keeping your shirt above the wound so she can work on cleaning the laceration. 
While cleaning Sam glances at you, she looks up every now and again to make sure she's not hurting you but she’s also looking up to see if you would talk to her not that she didn’t like the silence. In fact, she secretly enjoys the moments when you two would share the silence in her apartment together just catching up on episodes of different animals on the Discovery channel before asking you questions about said episode like you were the expert. But at some point, while cleaning Sam nicks your wound causing you to flinch. “Sorry about that” she quickly apologized, feeling bad for hurting you even a little bit “Got distracted” she admitted as she felt your gaze land on her.
“Oh yeah? What are you thinking about?” you asked, causing Sam to look up at you as she held your gaze for a minute, finding herself appreciating the view from where she was sitting, before shaking her head and focusing on your wound.
“Nothing really” she answered at first thinking about what Ethan had said as she heard you hum in response before Sam took the time to think about everything that you went through with her, “How did you remember that you needed to make a tourniquet for Gale’s thigh? I mean we only watched Keep Breathing once and that was a while ago” Sam asked and her question made you laugh lightly.
“I don’t know. I guess the situation made me remember.. Or that particular scene is what I found super interesting, you know? The man was bleeding out” You answered your girlfriend as you went on a rant making Sam’s heart feel a little lighter and unknowingly making you step out of your own head.
“Mhm” Sam hums out loud letting you know that she was still present in your conversation “Liv should have taken his clothes,” she says smiling to herself. “I think I would have if I was in a situation like that” she explained as she got up from the toilet so she could attempt to take off your shirt but she stopped herself. Her right hand hovers over your skin while the other is on your hip as her eyes slowly look at the mirror in front of the both of you, waiting for you to look up, while her fingers itch to touch you.
When you feel Sam’s hand hovering over your back like a sixth sense the feeling causes you to look up where you catch her gaze in the mirror as you respond to her previous comment. “That wouldn’t be a great idea because let's say if you did Sam and someone knew who those clothes belonged to, you would be fuc-” You stopped mid-sentence when you noticed her eyes in the mirror were a bit different. Their not worried or angry but softer than usual, they make you look away out of shyness.
“Hey don’t look away from me,” Sam said softly to you with a smile as she kissed near your ear then your jawline, and then your neck making you look back up at the mirror with a smile of your own, a giggle eventually leaving your lips. “That’s right don’t hide that smile from me, baby,” Sam says to you as she gazes back into your eyes once again, her smile growing in size before giving you space.
“Sam?” You called her as your smile slightly faded as you both looked at each other in the mirror again. “Did I really hit Ethan over the head with a bat?” you asked her as Sam stayed silent “Why would I have really done that?” you say aloud not feeling safe around your people, while not noticing that Sam is touching your waist.
After your question Sam turns you around, her hands move up to cup your cheeks as she stares deeply into your eyes before capturing your lips. She hears you hum against her, the vibration from your body making her hum up back. Sam just wants to make your worries and hers disappear. She doesn't want you to think you have done anything wrong and she doesn't want to believe that you would do anything to hurt her or her family. However, as Sam's kisses slowed down she leaned her head against your own, finding your skin soothing even though she wanted more. Before asking “Permission to take off your shirt?” so she can take care of your other wounds and she makes you laugh, not realizing that Mindy is outside the bathroom door until you both hear someone yell.
“Hey, do you guys need a stool to sit on?! I know you're heights might be different so I was just wondering!” Mindy says from outside the bathroom causing you and Sam to jump before your girlfriend goes to open the door while you stand far behind her, checking out her handy work in the mirror before looking over at her.
“Hey Mindy,” You say aloud as you quickly wave at her making Mindy look over at you to wave back when she gets quiet. It was because she didn’t realize how big the laceration that Ghost Face left on you was until now while you examined yourself in the mirror. But while looking at yourself in the mirror you find yourself hearing water splashing around you like you were at sea before hearing distant screams calling for you and suddenly it felt like you weren’t in Danny’s apartment anymore “Sam” you try to call out but it came out low. 
“You guys need to knock on the door instead of yelling to get our attention,” Sam told Mindy without trying to out her relationship with you before turning around to tend to you when she was cut off guard by your pale complexion, the way you were slightly hunched over the sink, and the way your hands gripped the corners of the counter. “Y/n?” Sam called out to you as she slowly walked over to you with a concerned Mindy behind her not realizing that Mindy had called her little sister over. 
“Okay I brought my chair, did something happen?” Tara questioned Mindy before following her gaze towards her sister when she also got distracted by your pale complexion, “Sam is Y/n okay?” she asked her older sister.
“I-I don’t know Tara. Y/n” Your girlfriend calls out to you again but instead of hearing her, you hear a phone hit the ground with cars honking in the background while hearing two voices one of them is your own. ‘Sam I don’t have much time..’ you heard hurried footsteps and gunshots ringing in your ears before hearing the other voice screaming ‘NO, DON'T TOUCH HER’ You slowly recognized Sam’s voice, and then you heard a door slam at the same time Sam touches your arm. Your instinct was to swing on your girlfriend which caused Sam to quickly grab your wrists and twirl you around where she now has your back against her front and her arms crossed against your own. “Easy Y/n, Easy…come back to me baby” Sam whispers into your ear before leaning her head against your own as she feels your heart beat rapidly before she slowly feels you calm down in her embrace “Hey Tara?” Sam calls for her sister.
“Yeah, what’s up?” Tara chimed at the mention of her name.
“I need you to get my sweater from my backpack for me and Mindy?” Sam calls out to Mindy making her step off the stool she was sitting on “Can you get me one of your brother's shirts?”
“Yeah I can do that for you, give me a minute I’ll be right back. Come on Tara” Mindy says before bringing her best friend with her to get the supplies.
Now that Sam knows it's just you and her in the bathroom alone for the moment, she voices her concerns “Baby you’re cold…” she whispers into your ear before rubbing her face lightly against your own “Where did you go Y/n?” she continues knowing that you were trying your best to stay grounded in front of her before she stepped back while rubbing your arms with her hands.
“I-I don’t know...Sam” you call her name before turning around but not looking directly at her just yet “It didn’t feel like I was, here, at the apartment it almost felt like I was out at sea maybe a pier but there were sounds of a busy street. I remember hearing myself say that I don’t have much time as if I might have been dying and then you screaming ‘Don’t Touch Her’ before a phone hit the ground...But also the slam of a door?” You tell your girlfriend as you shiver before looking up at her when you notice that Sam is shocked and a few tears have fallen from her eyes. “Sam? Sammy, did I say something wrong?” you ask before reaching out to her to caress her face and when you brought her closer to your body she shook her head and then left the bathroom in tears.
“Sorry it took so long but we have the sweater you asked for and Mindy had to fight her brother for ownership of his shirt” Tara joked as she got closer to the bathroom with Mindy before they both stopped because they saw Sam leave the bathroom in tears. “Sam, are you okay?” Tara called out to her older sister as she kept walking away before walking over to the bathroom to interrogate you but before she could she saw that you looked confused and upset while leaning on the bathroom counter.
“Tara…all I did was tell her that I remembered something from that night. What did I do wrong?” you asked your best friend while Mindy stood near her with her brother's shirt in hand.
Tara shakes her head with a deep sigh “Nothing Y/n, I don’t think you did anything wrong. I’m sure my sister is happy to know that you’re getting your memory back..” She pauses before looking at your side where Ghost Face had injured you on before looking at your eyes “Sam is just…going through a lot that's all” she continued while in the back of her mind, she’s wondering how being attacked this badly by Ghost Face would affect your mental state, would you change for the better or worse?
You shift your eyes away from Tara before nodding at her explanation while Tara places one of her sister's bigger sweaters down on the counter before leaving to find her sister while Mindy follows her figure until she disappears behind the wall. “Hey Mindy?” you called out and Mindy shifted in her spot to look over at you. 
“Yeah what's up?” she answered while trying to stay focused on your eyes but her mind made her look at your wound that Sam did her best to clean up instead. The images from the video as well as photos that Ghost Face sent to Sam’s phone that night still linger in her mind, and she knows you must have suffered a great deal so she understands to a degree but a part of Mindy wonders what you had to have done to piss off Ghost Face.
You clear your throat making Mindy look up at you “Do you think you can handle some blood?” you ask her before looking over at the mirror to see that you have blood near your shoulder blades and Mindy slowly nods.
“Yeah…I think I can handle some blood” Mindy says nodding confidently before stepping into the bathroom with you as she places her brother’s shirt on top of Sam’s hoodie. “Okay let’s lift that shirt shall we?” she says with enthusiasm as a smile graces her face while you turn around before looking over the clothes being offered to you.
“Hey, Mindy do you think it’s wise that I wear a white shirt under the hoodie? Don’t you think maybe a Red or Black shirt might be better?” you say to Mindy with concern as she hypes herself up to lift your shirt. 
“Unfortunately my brother’s shirts are limited Y/n” Mindy replies to you as she takes a deep breath while her fingertips touch the hem of your shirt “Chad is not that cool unless I go shopping with him.”
You lightly laugh at Mindy’s jab at her brother's wardrobe before joking around with her. “You know if you're having a hard time pulling my shirt up Mindy, just think in your head that maybe it’s Anika’s shirt you're pulling up,” you say to her before laughing again as Mindy groaned while holding back a laugh and then slapped your back “Agh I’m sorry!” you yell back at her.
“OH I forgot you're injured,” Mindy says after slapping you “I’m sorry,” she says sincerely before continuing her thought “Damn..you're a little too cold Y/n,” she says worriedly “Like ice..” she trailed off as she realized that the temperature of your skin reminded her of when she pulled you up on to the dock with her brother.
“Don’t worry about it, Mindy. Please just patch up my back?” you ask your movie buff for a friend before you shiver and she nods quickly.
When Mindy pulls up your shirt finally, she sees that your skin has a pale-ish tone to it “Mmm.” She hums at the unusual tone on your skin before she pushes your shirt further up your shoulders. Then her mouth hangs open before saying “Oh my god? What type of Ghost did you piss off?”
Tara overhears Mindy making her stop in the hallway before turning around with furrowed brows. 'Should I check on them?’ she thought to herself before shaking her head ‘Naw Mindy's got this' she continued her thought even though a part of her felt curious about what Ghost Face had done to you. Then she turns around and steps into the living room seeing Chad and Ethan walking over to sit in front of the island before overhearing Danny talking to her sister in what she assumes is his bedroom.
“Samantha, you didn’t know that would happen. I don't see how you could blame yourself” Danny says calmly to Sam as he sits next to her before putting his hand on her knee to comfort her.
Tara watches as her sister gets up from sitting on the bed with tears running down her face “Y/n didn’t deserve to be put through that. That should have be-” Sam was going to continue her thought when she caught her little sister by the door with glassy eyes and a little scowl.
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence” Tara says to her as she walks into the bedroom making Sam quietly turn to Danny asking him to leave the room for a minute so they can talk to each other alone.
“Alright, I’ll be on the couch if you two need me, okay?” Danny says to Sam and Tara before getting up to leave while Tara stares at him, her eyes following his figure out of the bedroom before the door closes.
“Sam, you know what happened wasn’t your fault, none of us knew that Ghost Face would go after Y/n,” Tara says to Sam but Sam shakes her head before sitting down on the bed.
“You don't get it, Tara. I should have known because Y/n has been protecting us, all of us. She protected you from Ghost Face at the bodega, got Mindy and Anika across the ladder, saved my ass from falling several stories, and stopped Gale from bleeding out.” Sam says before finishing her thought "Ghost Face said he would butcher anyone who gets between us" with tears in her eyes while Tara walks over to her, her thinking face evident to Sam for a moment as she sits down next to her.
"Then why would Ghost Face go after Y/n with the intent to kill her, only for him to let her live?" Tara questioned out loud before looking away from Sam like she was going to get scolded but she wasn't, Sam just turned to look at her. Tara knows how much her older sister cares about you so she rephrases "..What I'm trying to say is..based on the audio in the car from that day it sounded like Ghost Face wasn't at her apartment to scare her even though her wounds looked otherwise. It seemed like he was there to shut her up, like Y/n knew something about him" Tara says, trying to get her thoughts in order before looking over at Sam.
When her eyes met Sam's she noticed that she had tears streaming down her face but also looked like she was trying to recall something. Sam's brows furrowed in thought as she went over the events in her head from being pushed up against your couch to actually sitting down to eat with you at the little alcove in your apartment.  'I did think it was weird that he knew how to use a shotgun…maybe he’s a hunter?' she remembers saying to you before she replays what you said to her in her head. 'He would have shot my leg off with no problem in the alleyway' and 'He had to be a professional he held the gun close to his body, maybe a cop?' Your words kept repeating in her head 'he held the gun close to his body, maybe a cop?'...' The gun close to his body'...' maybe a cop?'
"Sam?" Tara called out to her before laying her hand over hers as Sam came back, slowly collecting herself. "Sam, are you okay?" Tara asked with concern as she reached her hands up to cup Sam's face, inching closer to her on the bed. Tara's gesture made Sam refocus her eyes on her.
"Yeah," Sam said, closing her eyes with a pause, her silence making Tara sigh while closing her eyes as they leaned into each other, foreheads touching. Instinctively, Sam brought her hands up to Tara's face to caress before kissing her forehead. "I don't want you guys getting hurt because of me, you guys have suffered so much already," she says to Tara while her heart aches for what she might have to do, lie to her sister so she can end Ghost Face herself.
But Tara saw through her words "No, Sam you're doing it again. You wanted us to stay together before traveling on your own to the police station and here you are trying to do things alone. AGAIN." Tara started, getting mad that Sam would low-key suggest she try and sacrifice herself for everyone. "I would go through the attack in Woodsboro again, minus the leg injury to keep you safe.." Tara says, trying to find the right words that meant she was her sister's ride or die "..it's our turn to protect you, Sam" Tara declares as she locks eyes with her sister, causing Sam to laugh with delight even though she was surprised. But the sound that came from Sam's lips never ceased to warm the little Carpenters heart, after all those years that separated them.
However, after Sam laughs she looks down at her little sister only to find that Tara's eyes are starting to get glassy. A look that has Sam wanting to reach for her own heart to soothe with her hands because the pain there feels a little too painful underneath her flesh. The type of pain and sorrow that if she allowed herself to feel all at once, that it would kill her, so Sam brings Tara in for a tight hug. "Then don't stray too far from me Tara and I won't stray too far from you, promise?" Sam asked her little sister in her arms, as she felt Tara nod her head while on her shoulder before separating from one another. Then Sam brings her hand up with her pinky extended, a sign Tara knows all too well so she hooks her pink around Sam's before bringing her thumbs up so they'd touch, a stamp of approval, acknowledging the promise they're making to each other in that very moment.
"I promise," Tara says with a smile as she wipes her eyes before Mindy knocks on the door, and enters the bedroom that the Carpenters reside in.
"Apologies for interrupting fellow gays, BUT Tweedle dee and Dum are planning to go to a different bodega with Danny because Tweedle dee you know Ethan, didn't get his favorite snacks that he requested earlier," Mindy informed her best friends considering what has been happening to them and that it's only a matter of time before Ghost Face becomes bolder enough to strike once again.
"Are you fucking serious?" Sam says aloud, clearly annoyed that the boys would want to go out for some snacks as Mindy replies to her with a nod before Sam gets up to go into the great room. Upon entering the great room Sam’s eyes focused on your figure, watching as you moved about the living room in her sweater. A part of her wanted to walk up to you and apologize for her reaction earlier but she knew that her apology wouldn’t be enough, she wanted to make it up to you before she went back to looking for Danny. "Danny" she called out as she saw him by the coat rack while hearing the audible sighs from Chad and Ethan knowing she was about to go into full mom mode. 
"Yes?" Danny answered as he got ready to go out, putting on his jacket before turning his head in Sam's direction and seeing her approach the divider of his open-concept apartment. 
"Why are you taking Chad and Ethan out to get snacks? It can wait till we’re all safe.” She said to him in a low tone so that Chad and Ethan wouldn't hear her as you walked behind her and past Danny to check if the bathroom was cleared of your blood. 
“I know, however, there are three of us, like earlier when we went food shopping. Besides, the bigger the group, the less Ghost Face will want to mess with us.” Danny explained to Sam, feeling confident with his own answer while she stood there a little frustrated.
“Danny this is my family we're talking about, my kids. The only reason why I felt better when we were together earlier is because it was me and you going out with Chad to get food” She voiced trying not to get too angry at him. 
“Oh” was all Danny could say, clearly hurt by what Sam had said to him “Do you not trust me with your kids?” He asked as he searched for Sam's eyes while you watched their conversation from the bathroom, wondering if she would trust you with her family as you looked at your hand. “Sam, please look at me,” he asked her as he watched Sam's eyes dart across the room to look at Ethan before turning her head toward you in the middle of his conversation.
When you heard Danny plead to Sam you looked up from your hand and were surprised to see Sam’s eyes searching for your own. You wondered if she was looking to you for comfort or for an answer to Danny's question. You figured it was the comfort she sought as you started walking away from the bathroom, slowly making your way towards Sam and Danny. But as you walked past Sam again, this time, your fingertips touched her waist for a moment and she grabbed hold of your hand stopping you from leaving her side.
Sam squeezes your hand at the same time she looks into your eyes, a silent exchange is made, you realize that she wants an answer so you give her one. In your silence, you lightly squeeze her waist, and as you do she hears someone quickly walk beside Danny, causing her to pull you further in her body hoping it isn’t who she thinks it is and that it was Chad. But when she looked over to continue her conversation with Danny she was disappointed, there next to him was Ethan. She could tell that Ethan was antsy like he needed to get outside or else he would combust from being in the apartment for too long and it didn't take her long to come to a decision.
“I do trust you with my kids Danny but under normal circumstances…” she told him as she trailed off feeling your body go stiff against her back, her eyes narrowing at the boy who accused you of being Ghost Face. “But this is different Danny, you can take Ethan to go to the other bodega down the street so he can get what he wants but Chad has to stay here with me” she decided as she heard Ethan scoff making her shift her eyes to him.
“Why? Because you’d prefer me and Danny to get killed by Ghost Face?” Ethan asked narrowing his eyes back at Sam just as Danny looked over at him.
“No, because Ghost Face would be least likely to kill you both and..” she paused “either you take this opportunity to stretch your legs to go buy what you want OR no one goes out at all.” She explained as Chad groaned before walking over to lie on the couch in defeat, putting his head on Tara’s lap.
“Fine” Chad huffed in defeat even though he saw reason in Sam’s words “Be careful on your way to and from the other bodega you two,” he said to Ethan and Danny as he grabbed a pillow and put it to his chest.
“Thanks, man and we will,” Danny says responding to Chad, while Ethan sighs nodding his head as he turned around to find Danny opening the front door. “We’ll be back soon” Danny informed Sam and her family while watching Ethan walk out the door before walking out of the apartment himself. But before Danny could close the door to his apartment he made eye contact with Sam for a brief moment while she turned to face you, the scene leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.
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“Hey Danny, can I ask you a question?” Ethan asked Danny as they walked down the stairs slowly making their way to the lobby of the apartment building. 
“Uh sure..shoot,” Danny says as Ethan went ahead to open the door to the building for him, allowing him to walk out of the front door first before stopping at the sidewalk so Ethan can catch up to him but also so they can eventually walk in the opposite direction to a different bodega considering that the closest one to their apartment was messed up by Ghost Face.
“How long were you and Sam together before Y/n came along?” Ethan asked as he caught up to Danny before they started walking left to a new bodega.
“That’s technically none of your business,” he says defensively trying to gauge where Ethan is coming from considering he was causing a problem in his apartment earlier while also trying to keep vigilant, making sure that Ghost Face doesn’t surprise them.
“You’re right but don’t you think it’s kind of weird that Y/n just came out of nowhere and took your girl from right under you?” he inquired trying to get into Danny’s head, causing Sam’s ex-fling and love interest to stop in his tracks making Ethan smile behind him. 
“I” Danny started, trying to figure out what to say. “I did find it strange that I started seeing less and less of Sam” he voiced before turning around to face Ethan.
“Then I’m not the only one who thinks this way,” Ethan says before walking ahead of Danny as the neighbor catches up to him as they near the bodega up ahead.
“What do you mean?” Danny asked as he looked over at Ethan trying to figure out what he was trying to say.
“I mean same, we- me, Chad, Mindy, Quinn, Anika, and Tara started seeing less and less of Sam too” he answered “I think Y/n is trying to isolate Sam from her people you know? The people who really care about her,” he says trying to get Danny on his side before stopping near an alleyway.
“..I don’t know about that,” Danny says aloud to Ethan as he walks ahead of him not realizing that Ethan stopped walking a while ago. “Y/n doesn’t seem like she’s capable of doing something like that,” he says trying to keep his head on his shoulders even though Ethan gave him some things to think about.
“Keep walking..” Ethan says smirking at the fact that Danny’s figure is getting smaller and smaller as he walked further away “You fucking idiot” he insults Danny from afar. “Now what do we have here?” he says to himself as he pulls his phone out of his jeans and turns to the alleyway before taking a photo and texting someone after.
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Hallway Between Concrete Buildings by Megan (Markham) Bucknall
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Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5.5 Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 7.5 Chapter 8 Chapter 8.5 Chapter 9 (Chapter 9.5 Coming Soon)
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Stay in my mentions crew: @daddy-jareau @lummaland @screechcat @stickydefendorstudent @stickydefendorpersona @werewolfbansheelove @fanboy7794 @grandpatrolnutt @alphawolfstabs @rainbowmess823 @womenofmarvellover @inactivecabbage @msboules @bowergirlwitch
Scream 6 : A Love so Understanding Playlist
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Sorry for the long wait guys, as some of you may know I had to put down my dog last month so I've been on a hiatus to grieve, even before that, it was due to what was going on with my dog. Since then I've been trying to take each day at a time and hopefully, I can get back into the swing of things again.
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teenagedirt · 10 months
More Johhnie stuff?? I loved your recent
The night we met.
Johnnie guilbert X gender neutral reader.
Loosely based on "the night we met"
Your pov.
I stare him in the eyes, they were guilty, they welled up in tears, all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around him, but I can't, and I won't. "Johnnie...." I whisper, looking at the floor, my own eyes filling with tears, "Please...tell me your joking, tell me this is a sick joke, this a prank, you had jake hide a camera, Please don't be serious" I spew out, my words blurring together. Wanting to believe anything except this.
He shakes his head, "I wish I could, y/n I'm sorry, we just aren't meant to be together." He says, a tear slips from his eye.
My sadness turns to anger. "What do you mean" I say, my eyes narrow, if looks could kill, he'd be dead no doubt about it. "We aren't meant to be together? Johnnie, THINK WHO WAS THERE FOR YOU, WHEN YOU SWORE YOU WERE ALONE, WHO STAYED UP WITH YOU FOR NIGHTS ON END WHEN THINGS GOT BAD" I yell, letting my emotions controle me, not caring who hears, whether it be jake, scuff, or even the neighbors. "I WAS, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU JOHNNIE" I scream, reality hits me, as I back up into the near by wall, he steps towards me. "Why don't you love me? I know that I'm not good enough for you, but all I ever did was love you." I say just above a whisper, tears running down my face as my body shakes with every heavy sob.
"Y/n....we are different points in life, I need to figure myself out" he speaks, placing a hand on my shoulder, I shrug it off.
"I wish I could just go back to that night. The night we met. Tell myself what to do. Not to waste my time. I thought you were the one. Guess it is true. Love is a lie, the last years have been a lie." He say, sniffling and only silently letting tears fall from my eyes.
"Y/n don't say that, this wasn't a waste, it was wonderful while it lasted" he says, his blue eyes meeting mine.
"Oh do you think I'm stupid johnnie, you don't think I haven't noticed your shift in your behavior, I had all of you. Then it shifted, most of you. Now, none of you" I speak, "goodbye johnnie." I say, I place a last kiss on his cheek, I walknout of the house.
I came back a few days later to get my stuff, I cried throughout the entire process. Having to remove your things from a home you jsed to share with the love of your life, knowing they are going to easily move on, hurts like hell. Jake and all our other friends were shocked at the news of our split. I moved into a LA apartment, it felt empty. I was numb. Nothing matters to me, I still did YouTube, mostly music, but it was all fake. I never held a true smile, like my life had turned gray, with no way of turning it colorful again.
Until today, I was staring at the wall like usual, wen a knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts, I groan and get the door. "Johnnie....what the hell" I say, confused of why he was here. "How do you know where I live?" I ask, still standing in he doorway.
"Stop asking questions and kiss me" and with that comment, my world lit up.
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TY everyone for requests, I'm working on another johnnie oneshot rn! 🖤
Feel free to give constructive criticism!!
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shelbgrey · 11 months
Next to me(Emmett Cullen)
Chapter 20: Testosterone and Truck repairs
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Tags: @itsmytimetoodream @f-1-maniac @purplesiren @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads
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“that would never happen” Paul said as he stuffed his face with Doritos, it was Saturday and Paul decided to stay in a watch Bones while Emmett was out hunting. Paul still hated the idea, so we just decided to never discuss it.
“good morning” bella said coming into the living. My head shot up confused, she never really spoke in such a bright tone in the mornings “what's that supposed to mean?”
“nothing...good morning” she repeated as Owen came shuffling into the living room, he plopped on to Charlie's favorite arm chair looking like he just woke up.
“mornin' sunshine” Paul joked, Owen looked at the TV and flipped Paul off while he watched his favorite character Angela do her thing on the show.
I rolled my eyes and continued to watch the TV show. Bella quitely sat down on the arm of the couch with me and took a sip of her drink. She cleared her throat and looked at me and Paul, we ignored her as i tried to finish the episode we were watching. “you look nice today... You too paul”
“I always look nice” Paul smirked, I rolled my eyes and hit his chest.
“What do you want?” I sighed, looking down at the sleep clothes I had yet to change out of, it was one of Emmett's black t-shirts and underwear, his shirts looked like a dress on me so there was no reason to wear pants.
Bella looked shocked. “What? I can't compliment my cousin?” As Bella failed to be suck up I sighed, she was always overly nice when she wanted something.
“suck up” Owen mumbled, Bella shot him a glare as he looked at the TV and not her.
“What do you want?” I said.
“m-my truck won't start... Could you guys look at if for me?” she asked, I signed and nodded. Paul who didn't look up from the TV slightly nodded. “after this, I need to see Booth and Bones catch the killer”
“they always do” I said, smiling.
Bella immediately jumped out of her seat. “t-thanks!” she's stopped and took a double take. “I'll be outside washing it while I wait for you”
The three of us nodded not taking our eyes off the TV. We didn't really notice she left until Owen spoke up and we gave him out undivided attention. “ya know, you certainly have a type sis”
I raised an eyebrow. “what's that mean?”
“you've been in love with David Boreanaz since the show Angel, he was indeed a big buff vampire with dark hair and in Bones he the same way just bigger and goofyer and minus the vampire” Owen explained.
“Buffy the vampire slayer was better... And had good tips” Paul added, I gave him a side eye. “sorry” he mumbled.
“I don't really have a type” I said with a nervous chuckle. “big, goofy buff dude” Owen pushed. “Seeley Booth and Emmett cullen are the basically the same thing, your fictional and real boy friend are very similar”
“why are we even talking about this?” I asked getting up and shutting the TV off. “I'm gonna change and we'll go help little miss. Main character” I said stretching.
After I got and old t-shirt and jeans on, I went out side while Paul and Owen got Uncle Charlie's tools. Paul sighed and droped the metal box on the ground as Owen climed into the bed with one of his my Stephen King books.
“put SpongeBob down and give it a crank” Paul said to Bella as he opened the hood. Bella climed into the squeaky vehicle and tuned the key. The truck made a sickly noise as Paul rummaged around. He sighed and wiped the grease off his hands onto his shorts.
“you got a battery?” he asked. I shook my head no. “we used it on the Impala were working on, remember?”
“let's try and jump start it then” he said as Owen handed him the jumper cables that lived in the bed of the truck.
Paul hooked one side to Charlie's Cruiser, as he hooked it to the truck battery the truck rocked suddenly. I looked up and saw Emmett on the roof.
“can you act human, we have Neighbors” I chuckled, he jumped down as Edward rolled up in his fancy-pants Volvo.
“what's wrong with the truck?” Emmett asked.
“its not starting”
“none of your business” Paul said over me. Emmett's gold eyes looked towrds Paul with hate. I rolled my eyes.
“it might be the spark plug” Emmett said, examining the engine. “I can bring one over later tonight” he said shutting the hood.
“thanks” bella said quickly and turned back to Edward. “there's still a dent though” Emmett said, grabbing the red metel and popping it back into place.
“now, that's hot” I said nudging Paul, He scoffed. “I could do that”
Emmett chuckled while Paul gave him a death glare.
“gald Enzo Ferrari could be of service” Paul said rolling his eyes, Emmett ignored him and turned to me.
“you wanna come over tomorrow?” he smiled leaning against the truck. “Sure, I want Owen to come too. He doesn't like to be left alone anymore”
“Sure, Carlisle and Esme want to meet him” he smiled, our conversation was cut short when Billy and Jacob rolled up in his new truck.
“peace was made, what's the problem?” Emmett asked when he saw my face drop. I shrugged. “I don't know... I just feel like I've been walking on eggshells since the meeting”
“well if they really care about you they wouldn't make you feel that way” Emmett said loud enough for Paul to hear.
Paul and Jacob are the only two that had been acting normal since the meeting. Paul didn't care, I mean he hated the Cullens but he was one of my closest friends and he wasn't gonna ruin it. Jacob just didn't know anything about the supernatural world yet so he was completely clueless.
He actually liked Emmett, Jacob came over to the house the other day to help me and Emmett on my Impala, they got along great. Jacob couldn't figure out what the packs problem was, he even asked and I couldn't give him a real awnser.
“we should go” Edward said coming up to us. Emmett shrugged. “you can... I don't have to”
My best friend rolled his eyes and gave me hug before racing off in his Volvo. “What was that about?” Bella asked.
“I'm sure you'll crack that case too Sherlock” I mumbled as we watched Jacob hop out of the silver truck.
“Hey, Emmett” Jacob smiled as he pulled out Billy's wheelchair. Honestly, Billy got over the whole thing. I think he was just galde Emmett was respectful towards me and and wasn't a killing machine.
Jacob and Emmett did some kinda bro fist bump which was bizzar in itself, I worry what Jake will think when he knows the truth about it all. Would him and Emmett still be friends? Would he look past all the wolf and vampire drama?
“you here for the game?” he asked Emmett, he looked over at me and just prayed he'll say no. I hate sports.
“I'll be upstairs with y/n” he said as Charlie walked outside with a smile. He greeted his best friend and Jacob then turned to Emmett.
“your welcome to join us if you want Emmett”
Emmett nodded with a smile. “I appreciate the offer sir, but I promise y/n we'd watch a couple of movies together”
As we walked towrds the house Billy spoke up. “any luck on the Waylon case?”
“well, I don't think it was an animal that killed him” Charlie awnsered as he pushed Billy's wheelchair up the small stairs.
Jacob and Bella looked at me and Emmett while they spoke about the murder. Emmett gulped and took my hand while we followed the group into the house.
“so spread the word out at the rez, huh? Keep the kids out” Charlie asked. “will do, we don't want anyone eles getting hurt” Billy said looking directly at me and Emmett.
As the sports watcher filed into the living room, I pulled Emmett towrds the stairs. He jokingly stoped and looked at the TV. “ya sure you don't want to watch the game?”
“we can watch it if you really want to” I smiled. I quickly shook his head no. “na, let's go to your room”
As we walked up the stairs Uncle Charlie called out to us. “better keep that bedroom door open!”
“okay!” I said rolling my eyes knowing he couldn't see me.
When we got my room Emmett plopped on to my bed as I looked for a movie to watch. He rolled over onto his stomach and reached for the book that was on my nightstand. It was Christine by Stephen King.
“what do you want to watch?” I asked, Emmett shrugged flipping through the small book. “I don't care, as long as your cuddling me... I don't care”
I chuckled and looked over my shoulder at him. His eye brows were knitted together as he concentrated on the book. “you can read it if you want, it's not like the movie but it's good”
“yeah... I might give it a try” he said as tossed him a padd of red sticky notes, he pealed one off for a book mark. “now... Movie, what are we watching?”
“Pult Fiction or Bill and Ted's excellent adventure?” I asked, Emmett looked up, thinking for a moment. “Bill and Ted” he smiled.
I nodded a put the movie in before crawling into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around me while I rested my head on his chest. I smiled feeling immediate comfort. “your like a big teddy bear” I said wrapping my arm around his waist, scooting closer to him. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head.
The rest of the day we stayed in bed, Owen came in about two hours later and watched Lethal weapon 3 with us. When 6 'o'clock hit Emmett got a call from Alice to come home, He promised to help get supplies for tomorrow. He said his goodbyes and kissed my goodbye before going outside to his jeep.
A/n: man, sorry this took so long, hopefully I'll post more regularly with this story. I'm so happy you all enjoy this story and want to read more.
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taissabelle · 1 year
Listen, i have this idea, and maybe it's stupid, but I'm gonna share it anyway.
In Scream 1, Billy wanted to frame Sidney father for all the killings because her mom died, and he just went crazy.
In Scream 5, Richie wanted to frame Sam because her father is Billy Loomis.
In Scream 2, Billy's mom wanted revenge for her son
In Scream 6, Richie's family wanted revenge.
So in Scream 3, Sidney brother wanted revenge for live that was taken from him
What if in Scream 7, Tara finally gonna have enough and snap. Cause Jenna gonna look good is a killer. Plus, the look on her face when she killed Ethan... or imagine if Stu survived and had a child. And in the final scene,his child said to Sam: "Uncle Billy would be so disappointed in you.". If I could, I would've written a funfiction about it.
Basically, 1 and 5 reason is blame because of family members. 2 and 6 revenge for a son. So, for me, it's pretty logical that 7 may be revenge by family member for live that were taken away
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