#samantha fair
sfair2004 · 1 year
Meet Onyx Cole!
Meet Onyx Cole, the lead singer of the rock band, BloodBarron. If you enjoy a rockstar who is a lover and a fighter, a little moody, flawed, and talented, he’s your man. This is the 1st book in the BloodBarron series as you will meet his bandmates throughout the year. Blurb: Onyx Cole. World’s famous lead singer of BloodBarron. Virtual unstoppable until it lands him in rehab. Fiona Danvers.…
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ivy-pendragon · 5 months
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So he is basically saying his chances on winning the tournament are none, cause this man never tells the truth and he would never spoil the final like that. Thank u FOR NOTHING.
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 5 months
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"You know how many people I've seen die fighting this idiotic drug war?"
Almost Paradise S01E01 Finding Mabuhay.
Requested by @laser-tripwires
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kitsunetsuki · 1 year
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Alexis Waldeck - Samantha Jones Wearing Lingerie by Vanity Fair (Vogue 1969)
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cfcreative · 7 months
Absolutly losing my mind because this finally arrived today! It’s quite possibly my favorite art of Karlach (by @ribbonentrails!!) signed by Sam Béart.
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It’s gonna go in a place of HONOR on my art wall; I just have to re-negotiate where my signed Dimension 20: Fantasy High Live art is placed.
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tea-kettlezz · 7 months
I did NOT just see someone complain that Cold War Samantha is completely different than she was as a child 💀
She's not a little kid anymore. She's an adult now. Ppl change when they get older. Even putting that aside, she has no recollection of her past previous to the orphanage. Of course, she's completely different
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icestory-is · 5 months
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rinsilverstar223 · 3 months
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Just finished a big art piece for Those Eyes Book 3. I won't go into detail too much, though.
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quicksilverdaisyday · 2 years
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congrats to grover on the transition and career change /j
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The Tory Prom Parable: A Fix-It Fic in Polls: Part 3
Part 1: link
Part 2: link
And the winner is:
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You walk out of the prom dress rental depot wearing this bombshell. Complete with a big scandalous slit in the side, just because you can! You have never felt more absolutely kickass in your entire life, not even when you nearly stabbed Samantha LaRusso to death with a spike bracelet that one time. Or tried to beat the crap out of her with nunchucks. Those are hard to top, but...well, this is a different kind of kickass. You sort of want to murder someone with poison lipstick tonight. How do the femme fatales in movies do it?
Robby is waiting for you in Sensei Silver's nice-ass rental car. God, this man has resources. Whatever the hell he was up to after the war, he made bank. But hey--who are you to complain? It's nice to get a taste of the good life now and again, even if you'd rather not know where all that cold hard cash is coming from.
Sensei Silver wouldn't like. Blackmail you something to do with your mom's dialysis, right? No, of course not. Sensei Kreese is a good guy. Really got you out of a fix. Any friend of his is also a good guy deep down, right?
As you strut over, Robby wolf whistles at you. He's just messing around, but you decide to play along a bit. This whole night is about pretending to be a dumb bougie rich kid who actually cares about shit like prom, so you might as well commit to the bit.
You do a dramatic spin, and show off some different angles:
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Robby jokingly says you're a knockout. You jokingly ask if he brought any condoms. He jokingly says he did. You jokingly wonder how much you're actually joking.
Congrats--you have successfully made it to the prom! You park in an illegal spot because fuck the police. You link arms with Robby Keene and walk into the vapid, B.O.-scented high school dance in the power stance of the century. Maybe it's your egotism speaking, but you're pretty sure everyone turns to look at the both of you.
And there are fucking Miguel Diaz and Sam LaRusso, dancing all around the dance floor like they own the place. Having far too good a time. Fucken show offs. Ugh. Almost like they came here to participate in the popular teenage ritual of dressing up, drinking punch, and grooving to pop music! What losers.
But when you walk in and demand everyone else's attention...what choice do they have but to join in?
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Oh nice!!! You already pissed them off!!! Well, that was easy. Should be all smooth sailing from here.
You decide to take a gander at the dance floor and get the lay of the land. Kyler, Piper, and some other Cobras came in a group. That's good--you can hit them up if Prince Traitor Boy and Princess LaRusso decide to start anything. Hawk is sulking in the corner with that lame-ass nerd kid he ditched y'all for. Hell yeah! He looks like he's already having a bad time, along with that Demetri loser. Karma for inconveniencing you, one of (if not the) most important people in the Valley. (Or at least you will be after you win the AVT.) Hawk's ex is also here, partying with a gaggle of girls. Good for her, honestly--she could do better than Hawk's backstabbing ass. Bitches with no dojo loyalty get no bitches.
Some generic Top 40s dance hit comes on. Robby offers you his hand, and you take the floor. Time to be the most obnoxious pair at the West Valley High Junior Prom!
And...damn. This kid can groove. He spins you like it's second nature. He waltzes to and fro with almost perfect rhythm. When you follow his lead, you manage to move in perfect sync, despite having practiced dancing maybe twice in your life and also wearing high heels longer than Hawk's d*ck.
You put your leg around him and yank him toward you, showing off your fine specimen of a leg to the dance floor. Damn right, everyone wishes they had legs like yours!
And--oh, shit! Now he's lifting you clean off the floor! This kid is stronger than he looks, damn. And now he's dipping you like he's been practicing dipping women every night for his entire life???
Okay, that was kinda hot.
No, no, bad Tory. This is a fake date meant to prove a point and aggravate Sam LaRusso and Miguel Diaz. You're doing evil petty revenge--the last thing you need to do is catch feelings for your partner in crime.
Remember what happened last time you caught feelings for a boy??? That's right--he got kicked off a balcony!
By...the same dude who is now your prom date, actually.
Huh. Now that is the height of irony.
Speaking of Miguel, though! It's around this time you decide to check up on what him and his snooty girlfriend are doing. Surely still watching your dance routine in aghast horror, disgusted but unable to look away, right?
Wait, where'd they go?
You notice Robby also scanning the room with a furrowed brow, apparently experiencing the same confusion. He looks at you for answers, but all you can do is give him an agitated shrug.
"Let's check the punch table," he says. Right, yeah. They're probably stuffing their faces with free snacks. How lame. People as rich as Moneybags LaRusso should never be allowed free snacks!
Off to the punch table you go! But alas, no sign of your least favorite couple of all time. You and Robby begin a thorough search and inspection of the prom venue, leaving no hallway unchecked, no storage closet unopened, and no tablecloth unlifted.
People really gotta learn it's useless to hide from you. LaRusso sure tried at the arcade, and how did that turn out for her?
Maybe if you can get that Demetri kid alone, you could totally team up with Robby and break his arm again. He'd just be the Broken Arm Kid forever and no one would ever hire him! Bonus points if you do it in front of Hawk like "hey, remember when you did this that one time? Good times, right?"
How those two boys swept all that shit under the rug is beyond you. If someone broke your arm, you'd probably just kill them as soon as you got better. Eh, you avoided juvie once--you can do it again.
"What are you smiling about?" Robby asks. A little teasing, but genuinely curious.
It suddenly occurs to you that fantasizing about re-breaking a kid's arm is probably...not a great look. Whoops.
Like Robby is down for evil prom revenge and all, but he might draw the line somewhere. Who knows.
"Oh, I'm just reveling in the fact we scared them into a corner somewhere," you tell Robby.
But you double-check and triple-check and quadruple-check every last corner, and...no sign of Cheater Diaz and Princess LaRusso.
It appears they bounced!!! Unfortunately, since this is a fix-it fic, other characters besides you will also be acting in-character and not like they were replaced by cheap imitation doppelgangers who behave completely fucking differently. Which means, of course, that when Sam and Miguel see the people who attempted murder on them twice and paralyzed and nearly killed them, respectively, they're going to want to haul ass out of there as quickly as possible. Since, you know, a panic response would realistically take over and overpower any desire Sam and Miguel have to "show you up."
Uh oh. You definitely forgot to account for the fact that your targets could just fucking leave. And now you're at a dumb high school dance with no one to harass. This is awkward.
But what can I say? Did you really think they were going to just stand around and glare at you all night, without even moving to the other side of the dance floor to try and avoid you? That wouldn't make any sense.
Well...if you want to know where they went, exactly, Hawk and Demetri might know. Except the one problem with asking them is that they both fucking hate you. And Robby. So that's not going to work.
You could try asking Hawk's ex, it's just be uh. Really fucking awkward, because Moon is friends with Sam and probably remembers the whole spike-bracelet-and-nunchucks ordeal. So it's doubtful she'll want to help you out either. But you've got a better chance with her than with Hawk and Demetri, that's for sure.
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death-rebirth-senshi · 7 months
*Giggling and kicking my feet* yeah it is such a bad idea to hook up with your shuttle pilot...
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anonymous-witness777 · 10 months
you grew up the moment you stopped seeing "mean kid" characters in TV shows as scary bullies and starting seeing them as traumatized kiddos who need a hug.
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
I can understand why it upset Miguel that Sam was embarrassed to tell people/her family that they were dating though
Oh absolutely! Like I said, Sam should’ve told her parents about him. The only reason she doesn’t is because of her dad…and tbh, her mom could’ve helped smooth things over if Daniel flew off the handle.
However, Miguel should’ve been upfront about how this made him feel. I don’t remember if he said he liked or didn’t like the idea, but…he clearly knows that Sam loves her parents a lot, so it probably makes him insecure that she isn’t telling them about him. Okay…so say that!
I forget if Sam told Miguel why she wasn’t telling her parents…but if she did, Miguel could say smth like “listen, I understand why you’re not telling your dad about me, and I don’t want to push you. But maybe we could at least tell your mom? I respect your decisions, Sam, but I gotta be honest, it hurts to think I might not be good enough for them. Even if we don’t tell them directly now…maybe you can drop some hints to them or something? Or do you think your mom might be receptive to it?”
Like…in a relationship, it is very important to have open communication. You don’t want to push your partner, but you also don’t want to sacrifice yourself for them. Two-way street.
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yourgirlsarchived · 1 year
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i posted this on the ag subreddit earlier but i think i’m gonna post it here too. anyways i found one of my white whales at a local consignment shop yesterday! the funny thing is apparently a family friend of ours saw it there over a month ago and texted my mom asking her if she thought it’d be something i’d want, since she knows i like collecting ag. my mom said no because of how big it is, plus she didn’t realize what it was (though the wait meant i got it for 50% because it had sat out for so long!). i’m surprised they had it at all - this store usually doesn’t get ag stuff
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when the fair is in town
[ID: the omg hi meme; first panel is a stick figure surrounded and covered by black scribbles with a door in the background. second panel, a clip art image of a carnival fair is in the doorway and the stick figure is no longer scribbled over, instead is facing the door with a blush on its cheeks with the words "omg the fair is in town hi!!!"]
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