#samara honey WHY
lesbianfakir · 6 months
See my thing with vengeful spirit/entity revenge horror is I just… don’t get why they can’t be friends?? I always feel really bad for the monsters like wow I’m sorry you had a horrific life and death that really sucks. And I get that they’re angry and want revenge but it’s always on innocent people. Why is it never enough to find someone who empathizes with their pain and tries to help them/lay them to rest? WHY DO WE HAVE TO MURDER THE NICE PEOPLE???
Anyways I would die in a horror movie because I would be like I’m gonna befriend the creepy haunted murder doll and this will horrifically backfire on me
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liaarxse · 1 year
how would the tr boys react when their s/o is the funniest person ever? like they could crack anyone up with just saying something and their humor is peak humor?
This is unbelievable...
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Characters: Haruki (Pah-chin) Hayashida, Keisuke Baji, Shinichiro Sano
Warnings: None, crack if you lack cocaine
A/n: My type of humor frfr. I had a blast writing this HAHAHA
Also, can I add how insane some TR fangirls are? Like, I love my man too, but chill out, he is a fictional character, he doesn't belong to anyone. It's all fun and games until they become toxic
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— Haruki (Pah-chin) Hayashida
If you don't like Pah-chin, leave
It's literally one of my top favorite characters
Y'all were out, roaming around the city while Pah Is walking his dog, Pochi
Pochi >>>>
You were just blabbering about all kinds of shit
Toman shit, school shit, hobby shit
Shit shit
When, all of a sudden, a pregnant couple walked out of a store just a few feet away from you
Pah didn't think anything about it, probably didn't even notice them
But you?
You noticed A LOT more
"Y'know..." You started. "There is something about my unholy mind that when I see a guy and a girl walking by and they're a couple, and the girl is pregnant, I'm like... was it good?"
You? You were laughing your ass of on the middle of the side walk
Both Pah and Pochi looked at you like-
This bitch good?
"Y/n sto–"
"You've been RIDING IT" "MHMMM"
Pah elbowed you right in the stomach
And you just continued LAUGHING
Thank God the couple didn't hear you
Sweet potatoes and honey pie
This bitch mental
But you know who else is mental?
This mf in front of you, who out of nowhere starting wheezing
Are y'all not?
You just started wheezing and screaming into thin air
Nobody, but you knows why
Like, even the dog is embarrassed
Pochi had enough of your shenanigans that when Pah's hold on the leash weakend, Pochi made a RUN FOR IT
Boy just ZOOMED into space
And when I tell you
That dog is fast as a motherfucker
You and Pah? Your asses are dragging on the fucking floor
You couldn't catch Pochi even if you wanted to
Thank GOD Baji appeared from thin air and caught Pochi and you got him back
Y'all seeing ghosts now?
— Keisuke Baji
Samara entered the chat
Somebody call ghost busters
Kidding, kidding
It was like, 2am and Baji was, obviously, sleeping
Sleep is for the weak
So you called your sleeping boy to say something important
"Y/n. It's 2 fucking am—"
"Babe if I was a bee do you know what sound I'd make?"
"I wouldn't make a 'bzzzing' sound, I'd make a 'puhtk, puhtk, puhtk.'
Y/n what the fuck
You mental ass
But you could hear his muffled laughing
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Like. Bzz is boring, ya know? Puhtk-ing is wayyyy better. Like, imagine if I flew over your head. You wouldn't hear bz bz bz, but like, puhtk, puhtk, puhtk. Like a small horse with wings."
He burst out laughing
It ain't even funny
Maybe he was too sleep drunk to comprehend the situation
And you were too drunk to realize what you was saying
"Don't laugh! It's a perfectly reasonable theory that if I were to become a bee, I'd be 'tuguduking' like a horse."
Suddenly the other line went quiet
Dead quiet
He suffocated
Great job, Y/n
You ass
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— Shinichiro Sano
Y'all smell that?
Smells like reincarnation to me
You were out with Shinichiro
It was raining but who cares?
What's her snapchat?
You were just talking to Shinichiro when all of a sudden
"What's the feeling of being named after a bone, Shin?"
"Don't say that."
"Why, Shinbony?"
Shinbony-kuuuuun 🤪
"Or like, SHINaningans."
"Y/n I swear to GOD."
"Don't, you'll go back again."
Yo ass went silent
For like
2 minutes
Writer Lia here, it was 2.69 seconds, my mistake
"Shini, shini yay, shini yay, shini yam-"
"Are you fucking joking?"
Y/n what kind of cocaine did your ass inhale?
And from where
The nose, the mouth, she bellybutton, yo fucking BOOTYHOLE ??
Cuz your ass cannot COMPETE with the shit that is coming out of YO MOUTH
I'm hilarious
I mean, Shin thinks you're hilarious, not me !!!
(Fangirls don't kill me)
You both got home after like, 10 minutes
The bitch dropped the second y'all entered the house
That's because he didn't accept pneumonias snapchat friend request
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kousaka-ayumu · 7 months
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Adira Amy
Warning: this may contain mature subjects such as bullying,mental health problems, rape, stalking, and abuse and depression.
Nickmakes: Adira(All), UglyBear(Yuzu), Adira-chan(Sonomi), Adira-shi(Idia), Amy-san(Ortho), Princesse des roses(Rook).
Twisted from: Bobby BearHug(Poppy Playtime), Cherry Blossom Cookie(Cookie Run), Honami(Project Sekai)
Voice claim: Fukagawa Ruka
Height: 166cm
DOB: 2/14
Species: Bear beastwoman
Homeland: Queendom of Roses(Former)
Dorm: Heartslabyul
Class: 1-C(No.3)
Club: Chess and gardening
Hobby: Taking photos of flowers, designing clothes.
Likes: Hugs, anything cute, photography, watering plants, romance books.
Dislikes: Plants getting trampled, people getting hurt, Yuzu.
Favorite food: Pies, anything related to honey
Least favorite food: Burned food.
Favorite drink: Tea.
Pet peeve: People think love is a disgusting and weak emotion.
"A second year at Heartslabyul, she's a very loving and caring girl, and the unofficial therapist, if anyone suffer from any mental health problem, please talk to her at her personal office."
Adira is a tall girl with long brown hair tied to a ponytail with a red ribbon and deep blue eyes.
Adira is the daughter of a psychiatric and a nurse in Queendom of Roses, unfortunately due to her being a bear beastwoman, she is stereotype of being a terrifying and a horrible girl due to many of her peers, causing her to get bullied by many kids.
This led to her being depressed as nobody stand up for her as well as being isolated and left out by the other kids, gradually she and her parents ended up moved to Sagewillow in order to keep her safe, but unfortunately it only led to her feeling guilt as her mom have quit her job at the Hospital and her dad quit being a psychiatric.
And now she didn't want anyone to go through the same thing she did, that's why she have her own personal office at the dorm.
Adira is very loving, kind and caring girl as she tries to help anyone and everyone with their problems as well as giving them a reason to live, unfortunately this led to her being called a people pleaser by the NRC NPCs but she tried to hide it with a smile.
Unique Magic: Calm Rose
It allows her to create silhouette rose vines, it help reduce a person's stress and lower the heart rate, however doing it too much led her to exhaustion.
Her family and the Rosehearts knew each other.
Seh was put to sleep by Samara once while overworking herself and being too hard on herself.
She had a close relationship with Riddle, due to his problems with his mother he would often talk to her about, making them have a close relationship causing the other Heartslabyul students to mistaken them for a couple, making both of them denying it.
She likes having tea parties with her dolls and other stuffed animals.
Would go mama bear on anyone.
She almost overblot once but was stopped by Kalpana.
She knew about Carter's real self.
Adira loves romance books, movies, anime, manga and manhwa but doesn't like it when it involves @bu$ed, sta@lk1ng, and r@p3.
She didn't understand that she can't help everyone.
What do you guys think about her?
@zexal-club @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna
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meowsgirldrawing · 1 year
Mass Effect-New Escort- Chapter 1
Signal Start
Word Count- 1,866
AO3- Link
Shepard walks out from the elevator, stifling a yawn as she makes her way to her terminal. With still tired eyes, she runs through her emails, marking the long ones to read back at her cabin while the shorter ones she takes care of now. Considering how early it is, most of the crew isn’t present, still sleeping away. Even Kelly hasn’t shown up yet. Shepard doesn’t know if she is happy or neutral about it, considering how baggy her eyes almost drag at the moment.
Two arms wrap around her waist, startling her at first- before she relaxes at the fluttering of mandibles against the side of her head. “Garrus, what are you doing up?”
“I should be asking you that.”
She rolls her eyes, a smile tugging on her lips, “I am the Commander, so I have to at least be one of the early ones.”
“Not what you said yesterday morning.” He hums.
“Do as I say, not as I do..”
He chuckles, causing her smile to fill out more. Mornings like these are ones she savors the most. Just a calm, genuine one. No hurry, no deadline, a chance to ignore the threat of the Reapers just for one second, a chance to feel somewhat normal.
Well, as normal as they can get in between downtime on the search for stopping the Reapers. They’ve been acting more like freelancers as of lately, taking care of jobs the Alliance sends out such as rescue, escort, and more treacherous ones that need the Normandy SR2 crew to take on. All beginning after the Suicide Mission that turned so not as the name suggest, everyone coming out safe and accounted for, save for the short lingering injuries.
Now Shepard is just hoping the next one is rather calmer than the last, given the fact she, Garrus, and Samara almost got blown up at a mining facility that pirates tried taking from the Alliance. Her muscles still ache slightly from all the running, nothing she isn’t used to of course, just gets annoying after a while. However, with the warm body pressed against her softly, it does distract her enough.
“Why haven’t you got coffee then? Don’t need you snapping at the crew like a wild varren.” Garrus suggests, nudging her head gently.
She simply shrugs, “You did say they looked cute.”
He laughs lightly, “Alright, you MUST be exhausted out of your mind, because I never ever have even said anything like that before. You’re probably mistaking me for Jack. First time I’ve seen her genuinely happy about something that didn’t involve killing or hurting someone.”
“Someone said it, I honestly can’t remember who.” She blinks then rubs her eyes. “Fuck, that last mission screwed with me.”
Garrus goes silent, staring at the monitor. His face was devoid of emotion for a few moments.
“Garrus?” Shepard asks. When she receives no response, she gets worried. “Garrus, honey.”
“Do you want me to take over emails for a moment?” His murmur is close to quiet. That prompts her to quickly look over.
“Oh c’mon…” She glares. A new email has popped up, labeled important from Admiral Hacket. Garrus leans back, resting his palms on her hips as she sighs and straightens up, ready for whatever new assignment. Well, maybe not completely ready. Her body feels a tired wince as she forces the sleep out at last.
Opening it up, she reads it through carefully as she does with every other one. To sum it up, there is a mysterious signal that the Alliance’s posts haven’t seen before. They have gotten the location, bits of the message uncoded, and every other thing done, but something about it has specifically needed Shepard’s attention. She almost scoffed at his words, only to stop short when she opened the file he sent as well.
“There’s no Shep0-1-0-1-0-1-0-” A few, unreadable inscriptions follow after it.
Her mutter is soft, “What the….”
Garrus, who has been reading over her shoulder, squints at it. “Is that…your name? Or at least part of it?”
“I guess so..” She swiftly starts writing a response to the Admiral, letting him know that she’s on it. Her sleepiness leaves no trace as she calls out to EDI, “EDI, do me a favor and clear this message up?”
“Of course, Shepard. It might take a few moments.”
“No prob, bob. Garrus, can you see if Miranda is up? She might want to look at this.”
“You got it.” He nods, but before he leaves, he presses his mouth plates against her head once more then goes. Switching from caring boyfriend to business.
“It’s where?” Jacob asks, looking at the data map with raised brows as EDI narrows down the location.
“Therum, a planet known in the Knossos System.”
“That place hasn’t been touched in years.” Thane comments. Zaeed glances over, “Didn't take you for a materials bug.”
“I’m not. Some of my assignments have been in similar places before.” He blinks, sitting straighter in his chair.
Zaeed shrugs.
“Hey- wait, isn’t that the place we found Liara in?” Garrus asks.
“Yep,” Shepard nods, smirking at the memory of her other best friend. She’s grown a lot from being a damsel in distress. “So much nostalgia, don’t you agree, Tali?”
Tali sighs, “Don’t remind me, I never thought I would get thrown by a krogan that fast or hard before.”
“How’s that message coming along, EDI?” Miranda asks. She has her arms crossed next to Shepard. Second in command as usual.
“One moment. The message is heavily encrypted, it’s coding suggests it was customly made from scratch.”
“Isn’t all messages like that though?” Grunt asks, confused.
“Yes. But this one has no initial address of where it’s actually from. What I have gathered shows no indication that it was made anywhere in the galaxy.”
“Wait.” Shepard pauses, raising a brow. “So what you’re saying is, the signal just randomly popped out of nowhere, with it’s only purpose being to send out a direct message. And where it was made is just..gone, out of existence?”
“I..haven’t heard of that before. Even some of the most top-secret signals or messages have their own initial location or person. After some digging of course.” Miranda presses hand to her chin, furrowing her brow. What is this…thing?
“So we’re fucking dealing with someone or something that obviously knows how to cover it’s tracks. Great, just great.” The scoff from Jack has Shepard glancing over to her seat.
EDI’s voice continues over the comms. “In addition, I have successfully made the message readable….” She trails off. Shepard and some others look up.
“EDI?” Tali asks tentatively, “Is something wrong?”
“Besides the goddamn mystery fuck we’re dealing with? What else?” Zaeed rolls his two toned eyes.
EDI finally responds, “Apologies. Shepard, We had suspicion the message was directed personally towards you. However, the message suggests more.”
“What? The hell do you mean?”
“Sending message to visual.”
The message pops up on the hologram, floating innocently above the table. As if it’s words don’t mean to cause both their Commander and sniping Turian to tense up in astonishment and confusion.
There’s No Shepard Without Vakarian
“What the fuck is this? Some little catchphrase for the two of ya?” The real freelancer sits up straighter, staring a whole into the visual like everyone else.
Not a sound comes from even Jack and Grunt as they attempt to figure out why it’s directed at the two specifically. The krogan only tilts his head while Jack squints at it.
“...No? I..I don’t think I’ve seen this before or heard it.” Garrus stands up, leaning against the table, like getting closer will clear up the obvious.``Shepard?” He glances at her, who in return shakes her head without looking at him.
Pinching her brow, Shepard calls back out to EDI, “EDI, tell Joker to plot a course to Therum. If this…whatever it is, is asking for us directly then we need to get to it quickly.”
“Right away, Shepard.”
“Thank you.”
“Are you sure this is a wise idea, Commander?” Samara finally has her say, “Clearly you and Garrus are their intended target, will this not just be giving them what they want?” She keeps a level gaze with Shepard.
“I agree” Thane has his hands folded together as he sits on the other side of the two. “Are we sure this isn’t the Reapers? Or maybe even some fooling attempt from the Illusive Man?”
“Scans give no sign or Reapers or the Illusive Man.” It’s Legion that answers the questions now, the plates surrounding the light on his head flicking calmly.
Jack leans back in her chair, nodding towards the geth, “Besides, the fuck does that bastard know about Shep’s and chicken legs’,” Garrus deadpans at her. “Relationship thing? At that point he’ll just be looking like some sad, butt-hurt puppy grasping at straws.”
“And I doubt the Reaper’s give a damn about it. The only thing they care about is death and destruction.” Jacob shakes his head.
“So!” Shepard claps her hands, grabbing everyone’s attention once more. ( Much to the relief of Garrus )She gives a sarcastic grin, “Are we all in agreement then?”
Zaeed shrugs, “Might as well. We didn’t survive that godforsaken collector mission just to run away from shit like these. It’s been boring with all the fucking escorts.” Jack’s chuckle is clear; she agrees as Grunt growls lowly, both ready for something more challenging than the so-called bullshit they’ve been doing. With how they agree on things, Shepard thinks they would be the best of friends. Sadly no.
The others do their response of a nod or acceptance.
Kasumi appears next to Shepard, omni-tool out and ready with an excited grin, “In the meantime- I’m going to crack the code on finding out this beauty’s making location..Seeya!” She blips out after scanning the message.
“Who are you going to have for the groundsteam, Shepard?” Miranda asks, turning to her.
“Garrus is obviously going- if you’re cool with that?” She looks down at her boyfriend, he makes a turian noise equivalent to a snort, “Oh yeah, of course, always wanted to go check out a mysterious place that called me by name.”
Tali cuts in with what sounds like a smirk in her voice, “You do remember that you joined Shepard and I last time we went down there, right? So it isn’t that mysterious.”
Mordin’s omni-tool flashes as he brings up the planet, “Also same weather and atmosphere as records stated before. Old outposts, but still. Normal for planet standards.”
“See! Just as we left it!”
“Does that mean you wanna go down there too, Tali?” Garrus teases.
She looks down at her omni-tool, “Oh dear, I see an update I have to take care of for my suit- I don’t think I can help.”
“That’s what I thought.” He hums, leaning back with his arms now folded.
The hooded woman appears next to Jacob. He jerks back slightly, before sighing. “I’m game!” She replies.
“Good. The rest of you, I’ll assign when we see our destination more clearly on the planet surface. In the meantime, dismissed.” She says with a nod.
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charmixpower · 2 years
Speaking of Erendor and Samara being assholes, do you think they'd get on Sky's case for one of his best friends being Riven who is like, poor?
Oh my god absolutely
Sky, they're precious little political tool, is in a group with a violent little bastard with less than nothing to his name?? Can't you see how this would reflect badly on their power and status? You can't really imagine that the prince of the richest empire and relm should be associating with these types! Sky, honey, dearest, won't you please think of your social standing? Eraklyon Royalty is the best of the best. Your time and companionship is ment to be exclusive. Why are you being so horrible to your dear parents by not keeping high standards for your friend group?
That's practically what Sky hears from his mother every time she remembers that Sky's squad is not exclusively made up of blue blooded royals, high ranking nobles, or children of prominent families
It stops after s3, mostly because Erendor and Samara are unable to contact Sky (their in Light Rock Monastery, or some prison) and he fucks off and changes his phone number so none of his parents supporters can't bother him either
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cbjustmusic · 2 years
The Grammy’s Best New Artist Samara Joy performing “Honeysuckle Rose” at the Louis Armstrong House Museum. _____________________ Honeysuckle Rose Music by Fats Waller; Lyrics by Andy Razaf
Every honeybee fills with jealousy When they see you out with me I don't blame them goodness knows Honeysuckle rose
When you're passin' by flowers drop and sigh And I know the reason why You're much sweeter goodness knows Honeysuckle rose
Don't buy sugar you just have to touch my cup You're my sugar it's so sweet when you stir it up
When I'm taking sips from your tasty lips Seems the honey fairly drips You're confection goodness knows Honeysuckle rose.
Don't buy sugar you just have to touch my cup You're my sugar it's so sweet when you stir it up
When I'm taking sips from your tasty lips Seems the honey fairly drips You're confection goodness knows Honeysuckle rose
I said you're confection goodness knows Honeysuckle rose
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spookyvalentine · 2 years
10, 12, 25, 32 (off your third shepard ama questions list) if you’re taking asks! 👀♥️
AHH YES I WILL!! and yes I'll do it off the fourth list ;) also im gonna to include truce too since I’m finishing this so so late I hope that’s ok!!
10. Favorite drinking buddy and why:
Mercy never met a homebrew they wouldn’t sample. like, oh shit you made it? yeah I’ll take a sip of that. They don’t drink much (that was their teen years), but they do want to taste something locally made. And mercy loves being someone’s drinking buddy. hell yes, sit next to me, gimme the DL. can always rely on them to be the dd and cover the bill. Didn’t get drunk on the sr1. On the occasions they do get close to shitfaced—well. mercy’s alone shut away somewhere. The ones that have a pass to drop by are Kasumi, Thane, Edi, Jack n Vega. (crime lord: wrex, kasumi. sports coach: vega, nihlus. white collar: samara, edi)
Stellan doesn’t want just a drinking buddy—they want a whole party! as many people as possible. On Mindoir, Stellan was raised in an artists farming commune that had large gatherings to celebrate a harvest and the gifts of the season—sharing fresh cheeses and bread, vegetables on the grill and fruit for smoking later, jars of jam and pickles and butter, honey wine and fruit beer. eating under the big tree. dancing and music around a bonfire, watching the sun (and for some, the moon, too) sink down into the lake. that being said they have a wine night or two doing some board games/group activity. oh you know their citadel party was just. spectacular. joyful
As for Truce? hmmm. Well since I’m still figuring them out their answers are gonna be shorter than mercy n stellans. First instinct? Joker. The two of em have a lot of shared history, even before me1
12. Where do their thoughts linger? The past, present, or future?
Mercy’s solidly in the present. the here and now. what counts is the time between each breath and what they’re gonna do with it. kasumi’s grandmama taught them and mercy’s kept up a regular yoga practice since akuze
Stellan is always looking to the future. thoughts skipping ahead, strategizing, making predictions… what is the next move? How to get there? there’s a reason Stellan was known as a galactic kepesh-yakshi talent first
Truce is hunted by their past in a way mercy n stellan’ve never had to suffer with. A legacy. fuck, a lineage. There’s a ghost already haunting their next footstep
25. Does Shepard dream of the starchild, or does it take a different form?
OKAY so I’m stupid and was a uhhhhh lil high when I wrote this list of questions, so I’m gonna articulate it a bit better n split it into two and maybe go edit the list: Who are they chasing after in their nightmares? Does the starchild/reaper take this form for the final confrontation?
So in Mercy’s nightmares, it starts out as strangers, acquaintances then loved ones revealed to be indoctrinated and consumed by reaper tech until barely recognizable. And inspired by @angstyastro’s big brained Isani idea that gripped me by the throat and hadn’t let up, is the starchild takes mercy’s image, flickering randomly between ages, from younger than they remember to older than they’ll ever be
Stellan’s first dream has the kid, Anderson and the alliance room they were in blasted to bits. They start having nightmares about the mindoir raid (they hadn’t had one in nearly seven years). And the starchild flits between all their siblings, many parents, grandparents and cousins. It hurts, makes them angry at first, but with the slurry of pain, concussion and adrenaline, it’s not too bad seeing their faces again
Ahhh I can’t come up with anything for Truce yet, I gotta rotate them some more
32. What kind of drunk is Shepard? Affectionate, weepy, belligerent…?
Mercy is… honest. They have opinions—in a way that others belatedly realize that until that moment, Shepard’s been holding them at arms length. And for all that mercy knows just every detail and decision that shaped their lives, and like, even after saving the entire galaxy together (twice!!!!), mercy rarely talks about themself. when they’re drugged with a psychedelic (a self-indulgent tropey abduction fic I’ll finish some some day), they are deeply affectionate and weepy
Stellan is a flirt. It’s so unexpected because hoo boy. The commander does not have game. after a pina colada though? Smooth criminal. Fetching blush all across the cheeks, their nose and ears pinking. Big velvet pupils, white teeth biting down on reddened lips. Clever timing, a charming laugh. Leans all up into your space. And with Shiala! Positively handsy. It’s a sight to behold for sure, of spritely little Stellan Shepard leaving tall beefy Shiala with a dropped jaw and a hot stare. Big dancer
Truce, I can’t decide if they go quiet or go out pickin fights
fifty (last) questions for commander shepard
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heart-of-flames · 3 years
If you don’t mind me asking, how would the RO react if the MC died or was severely injured
Aeleanor/Aeson: Death was an old friend. It had to be with beings that have lived as long as he had. It was an inevitable end to even the strongest of souls... but why did it have to be you? Why did it have to be the one person that meant more than breathing to him? Why did his old friend betray him in such a way? An old friend becoming an enemy that he would never not hold a grudge against. 
Elaria/Ezra: Choked sobs threatened to escape her throat. The pained gasps being the only thing that abated them. Tears flowing down her fair cheeks like twin rivers. Her mind couldn’t comprehend that you were gone. That she wouldn’t see you again. That the feeling of warmth and safety that always wrapped around her was gone. That it would never return. All she had were the memories and her tears. 
Catherine/Caleb: His face was buried in his hands. His body quaking with suppressed grief as images of you flash through his mind. He didn’t understand how you were gone. How you were there one moment and gone the next. Couldn’t understand that he would never see your smile or hear your laugh again. He didn’t understand how the world could be so cruel to tear you away from him.
Lydia/Luca: Silent tears fell from deep blue eyes. Rolling down her fair cheeks in an endless stream. Not a sound escaping her full lips as she stared at the nothingness before her. What had once been filled with memories of you both, now lay shattered on the ground. The remnants of her surroundings reminding her of her heart. The jagged edges of the glass would never be able to piece themselves back together. Nor would she.
Samara/Silas: “It has to be a joke,” he chokes out as he rocks himself back and forth. His hands buried in his hair as he cradled his face. Tears flowing from his eyes like a river. A normally jovial face stricken with grief and anguish. His darkened honey-brown eyes staring up towards the ceiling. A broken voice escaping from normally smiling lips. “I wouldn’t even be mad if it was a joke. I wouldn’t laugh but I wouldn’t be mad.” He lowers his head into his hands once more. “Please. Let it be a joke.”
Milena/Maven: A stony silence settles over her world as she stares at the wall in front of her. Silver eyes shining like steel daggers as they cut through the darkness. The slightly-ajar window blowing a soft breeze through the wind. Causing the scarf on the back of her chair to flutter. Her gaze zeroing in on it-- memories of her giving it to you flashing through her mind. Her mouth pressing itself into a thin line. Her entire being trying to stop the tidal wave of grief that was threatening to drown her. The faint smell of you that flowed with the breeze undid it all. Her tears and sobs escaping her just as you had. As silent and unobtainable as the wind rustling throughout the room. 
Natalia/Nikolas: Pale fingers run through raven-black locks. Trembling with the force of his breathing. Silent tears from his eyes as he stares at the ground. “My beautiful songbird,” he murmurs brokenly-- aware of the crushing silence that surrounded him. “How can this be? How can I be in a world without your beautiful songs? Without your beautiful smile to keep me going? How can I be in a world without you?”
Lauren: The words of the documents spread out across her desk start to blur. Clear, concise notes becoming muddled as her tears return to her. Pain flaring through her chest as she flung herself back. The whiskey brown of her eyes shimmering in the dim light of her office. A choked sob erupting from her throat as she turned away from her report. Trembling hands rising up to her mouth to stem the oncoming sounds of her anguish. She had to complete her work. No one but her could do it. She wouldn’t allow anyone else to do it. She had to say goodbye to you one last time. 
Faolan: A mournful howl erupted from Faolan’s lips. His crimson gaze locked with the moon. Tears running down his face as he stared at the sight that you used to fill him with such joy. “How could you take them away?” He cried with agony interlaced within his tone. “How could you take my moon away? How could you leave me in a world without their light? Why?”
Aidan: His jaw clenches as he tries to control the trembling of his body. Sharp breaths escaping from his noses as he does so. He could feel the tears that were already starting to form. His entire resolve to stay composed failing as yet another memory of your surfaces within his mind. Your smiling face causing his heart to break in two. “Why did you have to be such a dumbass?”
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the-melting-world · 3 years
Strength | Side B: "Samara"
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Art by @ ligiawrites
~ In which a secretive barhand extends an invitation to their club…
The Trio Appearances: Kipling | Khleo | Ozy
Arcana LI appearances: Asra | Nadia | Lucio | Valdemar
Track Origins: “Samara” by Blanco White
Not sure if this is the right track? The full album can be found here: Strength
Khleo is Non-binary and uses she/they pronouns interchangeably Poetry credit: “Der Asra” von Heinrich Heine
cw: mentions of blood, plague stuff
~ 3.2k words
Hefe lay among the flowers with her front paws crossed one over the other. Her watchful amber gaze followed Khleo while she stretched her legs. A tall woman stood far away in the deepest part of the valley, her red toga catching the late afternoon sun and shimmering like soft rubies.
“Do you want to rest your legs, sweet leo?” She gestured to the ornate golden throne at her elbow. Despite the distance between them, Khleo could hear the woman just fine.
“No,” the barhand politely declined. With a soft grunt, she broke into a run, setting her sights on the steepest hill. Khleo pumped her legs as hard as she could and engaged her arms to help with her momentum.
“You just got here and you’re already running? Aren’t you tired?”
The woman’s voice refused to fade despite the fact that she was getting farther and farther away. Khleo continued to work her way uphill, fighting gravity and crushing the glistening daisies underfoot.
“I’m not tired,” she lied.
The hill sloped in a way that made them adjust their form. Her breaths became shallow as she tucked her chin and dug deep for that grit she needed – whatever shred of raw determination she could capture in order to deepen the bend in her knees and bring them high enough to free her from everything that wanted to pull her back.
Drive. Drive. Drive!
During her zig-zag up the hill, Khleo’s heels cut into the earth and kicked the wildflowers into the air. They floated lazily in her wake, some catching onto her curls or the stitching in her suspenders. The muscles in Khleo’s legs burned. In fact, she burned all over. The top of that hill – all blanketed in yellow and orange and golden fire – was never close enough for them. The peak was always just outside of their vision.
“You could run faster, hit harder, go longer if you would only rest now, leo.”
But Khleo didn’t hear the tall woman in red pleading with them this time. Nor did they see how she pulled her golden scarf over her radiant, voluminous curls and used the edges of the scarf to dab tears away from her honey-toned skin.
“It’s your turn, Basil.”
The mixologist turned to the smirking Samira.
“I don’t think so,” he snorted.
Gwendolyn stepped up, threw her arm around Samira’s shoulders, and aimed a finger gun in Basil’s direction. “She’s right. When’s the last time you were the one to get Khlee to rise up from the dead?”
Basil looked helplessly at the other barhands. When his eyes settled on Gabe, he was met with a steely expression. “You know it’s your turn. Plus we’ve got that moron outside that won’t go away. So get your ass down there and wake up Khlee.”
Basil grumbled and elbowed his way past the others. Gabe was right. Only Khleo could deal with the very heavy, very dangerous headache that wouldn’t leave the benches at the entrance of the tavern. If Otto, the owner of the Chandrian, showed up before the vagrant was taken care of, he wouldn’t hesitate to take a cut out of everyone’s checks for the day.
“So uh, Mira. Why didn’t you come out to bring in the new year with us the other night?” Gwendolyn asked as she straightened up and went back to stacking glasses.
Samira’s response was uncharastically shy and too quiet for Basil to catch what she said. He was already halfway to the other side of the tavern hall.
It didn’t surprise Basil one bit when he descended the stairs and spotted a couple of half-dressed patrons slipping out the back door of the basement. He kept his descent slow and easy, just in case Khleo needed the extra time to get dressed. But after blinking enough for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, Basil wasn’t able to spot the barhand anywhere.
After a few moments of silence, he was able to hear some breathing. An uneasy sensation traveled down Basil’s spine as he wandered towards the only place Khleo could be. He came to a stop at the hearth, its depths mostly concealed by a thin homemade curtain.
The breaths were deep and extended. Basil hoped that him standing there would be enough without him having to actually exchange words, but when he heard no movement, he finally gave in.
A tuft of hair attached to a pale, slender appendage swept out from the darkness.
Basil swallowed as he took in the sight of the lion’s tail. This was exactly what he was afraid of. What if Khleo wasn’t around and he was talking to their neither-here-nor-there lion familiar? If that was the case, Basil wasn’t looking forward to the spell of disorientation that often resulted from making direct eye contact with Hefe.
The edges of the curtain fluttered with another deep, sleepy breath.
“What do you want?”
Basil breathed easier at the sound of Khleo’s usual agitated rasp.
“Get up, Khlee. You have a job, remember?”
Khleo grumbled something about how the bar wasn’t even open yet.
“Look,” Basil absently dragged his hand through his hair. “I didn’t want to tell you this until later, but we’ve got a customer who won’t go away. He’s got some magic that puts out a shock whenever one of us tries to touch him.”
That got Khleo stirring. They pulled the curtain back. For a moment, Basil wasn’t sure what he was looking at. He saw muscle flexing, some of it rippling under a layer of fur and sometimes it looked more like Khleo’s freckled skin.
The breaths that were once deep and slow were replaced by a rumbling yawn. Saber-sharp teeth winked at him from the sooty darkness.
“I’m up. I’m up.”
Khleo emerged from the fireplace quite suddenly. Basil did his best to hide his reaction. Khleo cocked a dark eyebrow at him as she shrugged her suspenders back onto her shoulders.
“Where’s the ghost, Baz?”
Basil turned his head while she fixed her clothes. “It’s nothing. You know your lion just freaks me out sometimes.”
“Lion?” Khlee repeated innocently. “What lion?”
Basil looked to see Khleo propping her leg against the brick while she laced her boots back up. The hearth, for some reason, did not appear as dark as before. Save for the lump of quilts, it was empty.
“Come on, Baz. Show me where this customer is.”
Basil shook off the confusion and doubt before following Khleo up the stairs. The two of them stopped by the bar to get some details on the stranger outside. Once Khleo had everything she needed, she decided to confront him alone.
The barhand pushed the tavern doors open and immediately saw the problem. They didn’t really take the time to check out the bum curled up on the bench before approaching.
At the sound of Khleo nearing towards them, the customer threw out a rusty metal arm and mumbled, “Pull yourself together, Monty.”
Khleo stopped right at the bench where she sensed an invisible, but magical electric cloud clinging to the air around the patron.
“You’ll never be a strong leader if you can get your shit right.” The man-shaped lump shuddered and answered himself in a meeker voice. “I know that, M-mother.”
“Hey.” Khleo said, loud enough to draw the customer from his sleep.
A blond, scruffy head poked out from under a dirty, spotted cape. “What the hell–”
“You’ve been electrocuting my friends?”
He turned a cold silver eye on her and glared. “I told them to leave me alone and if you don’t, you’re going to get the same–”
Khleo ignored his threat and helped herself until she was sitting with her legs folded butterfly style on the patron’s back. Meanwhile, she soaked up all the sporadic electric shocks that seemed to be coming directly from his gauntleted arm.
After taking the last of the damage, Khleo crossed her arms and looked down at the patron.
“That tickles,” she deadpanned.
The customer made an attempt to thrash about. “Get off of me! What did I ever do to you? I just wanted to take a nap and all I get is harassed by a bunch of fucking bartenders!”
“You seem like you got a lot of steam you need to let off. I’ve got room for you in my club if you’re interested.” Khleo hopped off the patron and offered her hand. “But for now, you’ve got to get the hell out of here. Lying on our benches isn’t good for business. Come back tonight after the bar’s closed.”
The patron didn’t look like he wanted to get up, so Khleo took matters into her own hands, hooking her arms under his and hauling him to his feet.
“How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?” His voice came out angry and nasally, but he didn’t try to shock her this time. Once he was on his feet, Khleo tried to adjust his cape and fix his hair.
“If you leave now, Monty, you can reserve a bed for yourself at any one of the community centers in the Temple District. It’s not far from here.”
The patron clutched at his sagging layers and stared wide-eyed at the barhand. “W-what did you just call me?”
Khleo took a step back and crossed her arms. “Monty. I heard you muttering that in your sleep. That’s your name, isn’t it?”
He swallowed. “Yes… Montag.” His pale gray eyes flickered from left to right. “These centers… do you know if they serve food without, uh… charge?”
Khleo’s jaw worked as her arms came undone. “Sometimes they do. It depends on the day. But if you come back here after hours, you can snag a hot meal.”
“At your little club meeting I’m guessing?”
Khleo’s expression brightened as they started making their way back towards the doors of the tavern. “First club rule, Monty. You don’t talk about it. Second rule.” They opened the door and looked back at him. “You don’t talk about it. See you tonight.”
“Hey, hold on.” Montag whined. “What is this club even for?”
(Lucio’s POV)
The barhand closed the door on Lucio without answering his question. He stood there in the chill of the morning on wobbly legs because he was still hungry and still drained from the blood transfusion from a few hours ago.
Then he grunted, tugging his sagging layers about his shoulders before wandering in the direction of the Temple District. Thankfully, he came upon a community center very soon after crossing one of the bridges out of Center City. Like the barhand promised, the building was open with volunteers helping people queue up in an orderly fashion. Based on the tense and eager looks on the visitors’ faces, he figured this was a first come, first serve situation.
Lucio found a spot just in time before the volunteers waved at the rest of the people on the street and announced that they were full. Whatever pity Lucio had for the late arrivals was forgotten when he heard the distant clanging of ladles against metal kitchenware.
Lucio licked his lips. As much as he had wanted to back at the tavern, he wouldn’t be stupid enough to ask for a handout there. He had whined and begged for enough things. As much as he hated it, he would rummage through the trash, even take handouts, but from now on, he would never beg for things.
At least, Lucio grimaced, thinking back on his more desperate moments with the Quaestor, I’ll do my best not to.
A younger Lucio would have been disgusted with himself for being so careless as to wind up in a scenario like this. But on this day Lucio didn’t care what that old version of himself would have thought. He would rather be pressed up against the disenfranchised and desperate of his own city, waiting in line for some hot gruel and a tick-infested bed than the alternative. Anything would have been better than having to stay locked up under the Lazaret with nothing to look forward to but another humiliating blood-letting session with the city’s most attentive plague demon doctor.
The gruel turned out to be soup instead. It was pretty nasty by Lucio’s standards, but that didn’t stop him from going back to the bowl again and again with the same fervor as the people crowded at his elbow. Later, he found that the beds were crowded too, every mattress nearly touching. The bunk beds had been rendered to hold up three frames, which made sleeping in the middle look like some kind of claustrophobic nightmare.
Thankfully, Lucio found himself on the very top, where he could at least not breath in so much of the other people in the dormitory. He could also lift his arm over his head and study it. He often did now that it was dull, technically still made of gold, but hardly golden anymore.
The claws on his fingertips had dulled to harmless slopes as well as the sharp curve at his elbow. The entire alchemical arm hadn’t stopped working. The arm was still his as much as it always had been. All the change had been cosmetic and Lucio knew exactly why. The Alnazars.
Aisha and Salim designed it that way, he had no doubt. They knew he was too shallow to tolerate an ugly arm, no matter how functional it was. They knew he would need it to always glisten and shimmer. To outshine everything that he felt he lacked inside. All his doubts. Like… had his ex-wife ever truly loved him? Had he ever, even at the most peaceful turns of their relationship, been deserving of her love? And what of his other lover, Valerius? Had Lucio deserved him and all his quiet, understated resolve to hold on, to stand firm even when everything around him was set to fall? Lucio thought back to Valerius’s own colleagues succumbing to monsterfication while Lucio himself dissolved into another gruesome stain left over by the plague. It was a time of darkness and of failure.
The brown gold and blunted edges of his arm were a better reflection of all of that. When he was still Count, Lucio would return to the Alnazars, demanding that they set his arm right. And he would have to listen to all of the pleading, the attempts at negotiating.
Our child. Please Dear Count... if you could just let us see him one more time. If we could only hold him again–
Back then Lucio could barely understand why the court magician’s parents ached so much to return to a child that could have only outgrown them by now. Or forgotten them. Or hated them for thinking that they left him at the mercy of the streets. Lucio only had himself and his own relationship with Morga by which to compare.
But Salim and Aisha risked all that when they engaged in their tiny rebellion, weaving in the magic that made Lucio’s arm rust without dysfunctioning. Their unique planned obsolescence was designed to keep the Count coming back so that they could work up and test their appeals, so they could keep fighting to get back to their Asra.
While Lucio’s own mother on the other hand… all she ever fought for were more chances to break him down.
It was no wonder that the depth of the Alnazar’s love for Asra had bewildered him for so many years. It was a love that never felt real to him, but rather familiar in a way that fairy tales were.
“Und mein Stamm sind jene Asra,” Lucio whispered, bringing himself back to a childhood of cold tundras, cooking fires, and war drums, “welche sterben, wenn sie lieben.”
And my tribe, they are the Asra… who die, when they love.
They were the last lines of an old Scourge song, nothing more. One of many that his people had stolen from the hundreds of territories they had blazed through. The Alnazars always reminded him of it. He could easily imagine them dying in the name of love. Especially that Asra. Giving up his own damn heart like that. What the hell.
No… I don’t think I’ll ever understand any of them.
Lucio lowered his arm back to his chest and closed his eyes.
He slept late into the evening. A volunteer had to wake him up and tell him that the center was closing soon. He would have to find somewhere else to sleep that night.
Recharged and surprisingly alert, Lucio lowered himself from the bunk and began retracing his steps back to the tavern hall. He followed the curly-haired barhand’s instructions and went around back to where the cobbled streets sloped and leveled off at a back door.
On his way, he passed a cluster of crates. A dark-haired woman with garnet eyes and brown skin was perched on top of the crates with one leg dangling off. The other was folded in the lap of another, who had tight, dark curls and round, friendly features.
“They swelled up pretty bad today, huh Mir?”
Lucio slowed down and glanced at the man digging his thumbs into the pads of the woman’s feet. She pushed up her glasses a little, not answering right away. “It’s not as bad as last week!”
Even from the other side of the alley, Lucio could see the tightness in her face despite her bright expression.
“Thanks, Basil. Your hands are like magic. I owe you one.” The woman pulled her foot back and began to put on her socks.
“No problem,” Basil hesitated. “Are you sure there’s nothing else I can do for you? You seem a little more beat than usual these days.”
“I… um.”
Samira withdrew a bit more, uncertainty clouding her garnet eyes. Amidst the silence and darting glances, the two of them both noticed Lucio lurking against the wall.
“Hey,” Basil barked. “If you’re here for the club meeting, it doesn’t start for another two hours. We’re not closed yet.”
The woman hopped down from the crate. “It’s all right, Basil. Khleo told me what to do if he came back around.” Then she skipped over to Lucio and offered her arm. “I’m Samira. If you don’t mind waiting out back, there’s some leftovers from the kitchen Khleo saved for you.”
Lucio gingerly slipped his gauntleted arm through Samira’s. As he fell into step with her brisk pace, he muttered, “If you were one of the ones I shocked this morning, I apologize. I didn’t mean – well, I did mean to, but I shouldn’t have done it.”
Samira giggled. “Nope. I wasn’t one of the lucky ones that time. But I’ll let the others know that you apologized.”
Lucio breathed a little easier. “Thank you.”
Soon he was sitting alone on a heap of crates with a deep bowl packed with meat and potatoes. He ate it fast under the stars and wiped the rest of the fat and butter off the sides with his bread roll.
He was content to wait out the two hours in the back alley, head tilted towards the sky. Lucio watched smoke from the chimney etch ghostly shapes against the foggy street-lit air. He wasn’t sleepy, but he let his eyes drift closed anyway.
Something purred close by his ear.
< Count Lucio. >
He opened his eyes and slowly turned his head to gaze upon the great lioness from that morning.
< How well can you fight? >
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legendofsim · 4 years
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Samara had recalled the moment she had truly lost all hope for ever getting to leave Van's clutches. He stood on stage, addressing a crowd of hundreds, at least half of them reporters- with one arm tightly wound around her waist and the other over Hanson's shoulder. "Thank you guys for having me today at Hidden Springs Art Expo." He spoke on and on about how thankful he was to be given this opportunity. Then, finally, as if forgetting his grip on his newfound family, he stepped back and instructed them to introduce themselves.
Samara stood, silenced by the lull of the crowd and the impossible nature of her situation. Until she had seen a familiar face in the crowd. The one that Nathan had told her to look out for. Shawn Gray, the cop from Bridgeport. She swallowed hard and waved to the audience. Some waved back, others even cheered. But one thing was the same- they all wanted to know who she was and why she stood tall next to someone as illustrious as Van Dyer. "My name is Samara Jude and I'm...Van's fiancé."
"No need to be modest honey," Van had said quickly, raising her arm up to the crowd so they could all gasp in awe at the size of the ring he had put on her finger. "We're officially married. Signed the paperwork and everything. And this little guy is our son, Hanson."
Samara wondered if the kid's actual parents would surface after seeing him with a man as wealthy as Van. But perhaps he'd pay them off. It seemed that Van had always gotten what he wanted, no matter what the cost. Hanson waved at the crowd and said something cute that Van had instructed him to. The crowd cheered, but as they roared Samara had lost sight of the brown haired male. If Nathan was right, he was her ticket out of here. She had to apologize to him for being so cruel. She couldn't let Van suspect anything. This was a dangerous game they were playing. Van droned on and on about the importance of art and fashion, but eventually his talk was over and they were allowed to leave the stage, not before being rushed by fans wanting an autograph and photo op with Van who denied them (as politely as she had seen him be in her whole life).
"What do you say, we go and spend some time out on the roof?" The glamorous man asked once he was out of earshot of the large crowd of mostly females. "I could use some time away from the lights, and I want to ask you something."
"I don't really have a say in these things anymore, do I?" Samara asked, recalling the last few hours of being paraded as Van's trophy as they walked the convention floor. "Now that we're married, you own me, right?"
"It's not like that," Van replied, leaning in to place a tender kiss on her neck. The sensation disgusted her, but recoiling and reviling it would cause more problems than her agency was worth. "Let me make it up to you, my love." She nodded her head, taking everything in her not to shout at the man or grab Hanson's hand and run.
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everythingnerdyxoxo · 3 years
'Seven days'
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'No offense, ma'am, but what the hell does that mean?'
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'Before you die, you see the ring'
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'No, we set her free'
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'He watched the tape'
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'She wanted that child more than anything in the world. How could she have done that? She just wanted to be heard. Sometimes children yell, or cry…or draw pictures…'
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'Honey, the house you drew for me.. Where did you see it? Did you see it in your head? Is that why you drew it?'
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'What did you do to her? She was your daughter! You killed Samara, didn't you? You killed her and when your wife found out…'
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'Well, like you said, he's not the talkative type'
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'Listen, I appreciate your concern, but my son lost his best friend three nights ago and he's just trying to deal with it'
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{Rachel Keller Appreciation}
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ruca-bear · 4 years
Through the Years
Year 1: The Year They Meet
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Brandon’s awe mounted as he entered each newsroom of the Eraklyon Royal Palace, but the throne room was the only one that took his breath away. Or maybe it was just the prince.
“Sky,” the king gruffly announced, “this is your new squire Brandon.”
The blonde boy sitting at his father’s feet looked up at Brandon’s breath caught in his throat.
“Oh, uh, hello,” Sky said, not seeming very interested but still polite. His blue eyes were bright and breathtaking.
With a bit of a stutter, Brandon swept into a low bow, wondering why he was so affected by the young prince. Maybe that was just how it feels to be near royalty.
A shrill voice said, “You’re doing it wrong.”
Brandon looked up from where his nose was nearly touching the floor and saw a girl, just a pretty as the prince with a sour look on her face. He guessed she was a princess by the tiara on his head and the entitlement in her honey-colored eyes.
“Isn’t he supposed to be trained already?” she harped.
“I like the way he bows,” Prince Sky said.
“Of course, Your Highness,” Diaspro agreed, batting her eyelids obnoxiously.
The king and queen laughed at the little girl’s antics and began to reminisce back to the early days of their own betrothal. As King Erendor and Queen Samara shared a kiss as they reminisced about days long gone by, the three kids cringed and the young prince and princess wandered over to the new squire.
“So…” Sky began tentatively, scratching at his chin, “you’re supposed to protect me? But you’re just a kid.”
“W-we’ll grow together, Your Highness,” came Brandon’s rehearsed reply as a blush began to steadily creep up his tanned neck.
The princess arched a blonde brow and said, “I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of you then.”
“Come on, Diaspro. Let’s see if we can outrun him,” Sky said with a playful smile.
He took off through the doors Brandon had just come through, leaving his squire behind with his princess. When Diaspro looked over her shoulder, her curls bounced and she stuck her red tongue out at him before running after the prince.
Brandon smiled and followed, unprepared for the years of frustration and strife that the pretty princess would put him through.
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Yeah, so I wrote this for amino a while back. The idea of Brandon, Sky, and Diaspro growing up together is one to good not to explore.
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Lux & Dash
Lux: Good pilgrim, praytell Lux: is your hair just like that or do you have a routine Lux: I must know Dash: what's yours naturally trying to hang like? I'll hit you with what's outta this world 🐤 Lux: full samara, senpai Lux: turn off the tube QUICK 🙄 Dash: 🤣 bummer Dash: 🥥 oil is far out on all hair types even 🔪🔪🔪 Dash: aloe vera will make her 💪 Dash: lemme 🤔🤔.... Dash: do you fuck with 🐣?? Lux 🙇 down at your feet, oh lord is the most high place! 🙌 Lux: the chooks here lay too many for us non-strict-vegans to get through Lux: save my hair AND cut down on our foodwaste? Lux: I will be ♕ and you will be ♚ Dash: 2 🥄 🥑 oil, same of 🥥 & aloe vera gel Dash: 2 raw 🥚 Dash: heat it & leave that baby on for time Dash: 30 mins ++++ Dash: 🚿 with whoever Lux: the CP of my hair is gonna rival Rapunzels Lux: 💃💃💃 Lux: I promise to never ever clock you with a 🍳 Dash: 💛👼👑 Dash: you'd be choice with her 🌺🌺🌺  look Lux: 😘 plant 🌱 for every 🌺 and compliment you gimme then we can talk about april showers coming earlier than anticipated☔️ Dash: right on Lux: Is your full name Dashiell/ can I call you that anyway Lux: because its really fitting and if you care to know I shall tell you for why Dash: it's not but if you're down I can be down too Lux: SO; here was my thought 🚄 climb aboard and ride the rails with me for a sec here Lux: Dash ➼ Dashiell ➼ meaning page boy ➼ page boy = ring bearer ➼ ring bearers of the One Ring ➼ Samwise Gamgee = you AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT Dash: 🤯🤯👍 Lux: I know, allow me to scoop up the remainder your 🧠 from the ceiling and put it into a handwoven jute tote for you to take home Lux: I been knew you love food as much as him, its like 1845-49 up in here after you've come around 🥔💀 Dash: tight gestures like those 👐 gotta keep you in the groove here 🥰 Dash: trust you to pick up on a royal appetite Lux: I'm the holy daughter returned, boy Lux: only eating manna from heaven, though if anyone in this place could make a 😋 cake like back home, I'd let them eat it Dash: set to call you that when I fall in with my 🎺 but do you go by anything shorter on top? Lux: Hebrews 13:2!!! Lux: so that explains where you come from Lux: more in a cloud of smoke than holy light but they could only get so many details dead on in the good book Lux: I'm Lux, of course, X if the mood takes you but I can't make it any easier for you Dash: here to make us 👀 the light, yeah? righteous 👼 Lux: The mission of making my parents proud of me again is not one I am currently embarked upon but service to God and all his creations was always their jam Lux: supposedly Lux: but if you're here to get me to renounce my sex, along with the devil and all his works (duh), oh angelic messenger, I still have to decline Dash: aere perennius is the vibe I'm picking up from you, Lux Dash: it'd be a heavy mission Lux: You owe the world a forest for that one because words like that evoke so many cardinal sins within me Dash: do you know about 🎋? Lux: Tell me Dash: it's a tanabata tree, for wishes Dash: they set the bamboo afloat on the river or on 🔥 after the festival Lux: We must participate here Lux: and one day I will go to where the festival is meant to be and you must come because you introduced me to the magic Dash: we can go to Japan, Sao Paolo or LA, they all have 'em Lux: Of course Lux: I seem to have traveled in the wrong direction Lux: to the wrong coast and onwards Dash: at least you ain't separated from your lover by a 🌌 Dash: that's the legend that goes with the festival Lux: oh Lux: how heartbreakingly beautiful Dash: but they are allowed to meet once a year on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month Dash: it's not a total downer Lux: so young Dashiell believes it is better to taste heaven but the once than to never know it at all Lux: good Lux: I like you Dash: I try & get my kicks tasting as much as I can as often as I can Dash: though yeah, once over never Lux: can't take on the 🌌 Lux: though perhaps you can, with a name like a superhero Dash: no sweat 💪 Dash: if I don't ✂ my hair off 😏 Lux: 😱 Lux: I do have weak ankles! Lux: you avoid barbers and I'll avoid heels that are taller than... Lux: five Lux: no six inches Dash: 👌👌 Dash: if you avoid any heel I'll be able to reach you way out though Dash: no 🛹 jumps 💫 Lux: YET Lux: until you remember where you parked your chariot of fire, you give me reason to kick off my heels, and I'll happily do it Dash: 💃? Lux: Both in worn levis, both in torn T-shirts Lux: of course, that's the only way Dash: there's a tanabata song, I could sing it for you Dash: the translation at least Lux: 😻🙏 Dash: it'll be a blast Lux: 🚀🌠 Dash: have you 👀🎸? Dash: mine's MIA Lux: you can borrow my girl Lux: for one song Dash: I won't hog her like a flake, digging the trust too much Lux: you can abuse my trust just go easy on Dolores Lux: she's a folksy kinda gal, if you kick it punk rock she'll 😳😩 Dash: she'll stay 🍒💖 I'm about a gentle touch Dash: what kind are you? the words are the festival's but I don't know the 🎶 Dash: I'll make it yours, like Lux: as angelic as you look Lux: a sinner can only but hope not Lux: how about you sing it for me but play it like its yours Dash: cool with me Lux: then the song can be ours Dash: I think you're unreal Dash: the most Lux: Oh, because I am Lux: and you are perfect because you know that's a compliment Dash: this fly by of yours is gonna last some time, yeah? Lux: though not compelled by God or a power higher than my own Lux: this is where I'm meant to be Dash: me too Lux: I know Lux: I divined you out of 🌟✨☀️🌌 Dash: we planting that forest to grow together or on opposite sides? Lux: one 🌎 one 💓 Dash: roots are gonna get tangled if you keep laying down your 💓 next to mine Lux: I can grow anywhere Lux: you don't need to worry about me Dash: 🌻 Dash: you're gonna make this place better, I feel it Lux: you have family here? Lux: in the commune Dash: yeah Lux: do you like it here Dash: I love it Lux: I do too Lux: its Lux: loving Dash: when did you come through? have you met every 🐤 & 🐈? cos you should meet everyone Dash: feel all the love Lux: I've been in Dublin about... a month, two Lux: feels like forever Lux: but here I'm a total 🍒 Lux: I met Hazel completely by fate at a women's health drop-in she was running a few weeks ago, told her my story and here I am Dash: farm tour 1st 🍀 tour 2nd Lux: Coming Lux: 🎸 in tow Dash: safe Lux: and sound Lux: I'm just tryna catch a mirror moment Lux: not enough, if I had any complaints but 🤫 Dash: which room's yours? I'll make space to hang another one near Dash: then the 🌙 Lux: we'll end the tour there Lux: my contribution Dash: now that's sound Lux: Do you know about me? Dash: what about you? Lux: That I don't have girl parts Lux: I won't be accused of that kind of trickery Dash: I won't accuse you of any Lux: ☺ Dash: you set the pace, I'm in it Lux: You're keeping up spectacularly Lux: now, where does my tour start? Dash: orchard Lux: 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍇🍈🍒🍑🥭 Dash: there's the best 🍏🍎 tree, easy to climb whatever shoes you're wearing Dash: you can see the whole farm from the top Lux: [Show up honey] Dash: [😍 at her we all know] Lux: [dressed hyper-femme as always and way more dressy than most here we know, doing a curtsey like 🤭] Dash: [holds out a 🍎 like he's the 🐍 & she's Eve, looking cute and tempting] Lux: [obviously taking it and taking a sassy bite] Dash: [into it obviously hand holding through this orchard tour for Winnie's sake] Lux: [gonna climb this tree] Dash: [do it kids] Lux: [gonna have to help her even though she's left the heels behind] Dash: [thankfully he's not that much of a dick that he won't, imagine just like byeeee] Lux: [😂 no one needs anyone falling out of a tree rn] Dash: [we aren't killing either of you off so just enjoy the view] Lux: ['it looks so big from up here, when you're in it, it feels...close'] Dash: ['it's big but the fam's bigger' gives her a look like you'll see, genuinely buzzing cos does love it here] Lux: [the biggest smile 'why don't you live here?'] Dash: ['my mum & dad don't, & that's their biggest drag, they ain't hip but they ain't real hassle' casually don't mention that Cosmo exists okay then] Lux: [nods 'everyone should get as much family as they can'] Dash: ['you can meet 'em too, it's cool'] Lux: [excited puppy look like really?!] Dash: ['my mum used to be a rad skater & now she sits around bench racing at her own bone yard, it's a good space to hang loose'] Lux: [just listening like no way! 'what about your dad?'] Dash: ['he's more easily bugged, we don't always vibe, but shit stays chill'] Lux: ['yeah but what did he used to be? before he got old and boring too'] Dash: ['he played football' with a shrug cos so uninterested we know] Lux: ['ooh, was he famous?'] Dash: ['not really'] Lux: ['bummer'] Dash: ['you wanna be famous?'] Lux: [is thinking like hmm 'I don't NOT want it but its not my number one all-time dream...not even top ten'] Dash: ['what is?'] Lux: [puts her index fingers to the corners of his mouth to make him smile] Dash: [laughs] Lux: ['you?'] Dash: ['I'm thinking we should start a band' shout out to Ali your lowkey grandma] Lux: [a look like um yes, how have you not and putting three fingers up to let him know its made the list] Dash: [starts to climb down like come on, so much to see] Lux: ['don't ditch me!' and running after him] Dash: [takes her all around the vegetable patches next, introducing her to any peeps they come across] Lux: [living laughing loving honestly we can skip] Dash: [imagine all the cute animals they would have, I hope none of them die in the fire I'll cry] Lux: [lmao animals usually bolt when fire so they should be fine, unless they then get hit by cars or some shit] Dash: [I'm saying they are all A okay bitch] Dash: [post tour skip] Dash: gotta hit home Dash: later? Lux: Undoubtedly 😊 Dash: we'll jam Dash: 🤔 band names Lux: I'll throw it out there Lux: I wonder if anyone can drum drum Lux: not just drum circle Lux: I'll ask that too Dash: I'm jazzed Lux: 🎺 Dash: you play the harp 👼? Lux: ☺😋💕 Lux: If only Lux: there are bass' and banjos and plenty of acoustics Lux: I'll go thrifting and see if I can find one Dash: wait for me Lux: we should see how many wild instruments we can find Lux: one for everyone Dash: your 🧠⚙️ is far out Lux: but not far enough you can't reach me Dash: 🌌 can't stop me, yeah? Lux: nope Lux: not as long as you got that hair Dash: [selfie like it's still there] Lux: Thank God Lux: don't need to 😢 today Dash: you don't need to cry any day baby Lux: Keep me smiling Dash: I've got you Dash: we all have Lux: 💕 Lux: I really thought I knew family and community before this, you know Lux: but I was wrong then and this is better Dash: right on Lux: You're adorable Dash: I've got 👀 for you too Lux: I know Lux: your 👀 are like Lux: coffee Dash: 🧠⚙💖 Dash: yours are like jumping into a river Dash: they get bluer the deeper you go Lux: oh Lux: I think I want you back here now Lux: where did you go again Dash: 🛹🗲 Dash: my parents place Dash: you wanna meet me there? Lux: I'm not in the mood to meet your parents right this second, forgive me Lux: but by the time I've finished dinner here and 🚲 over Lux: sounds good Dash: idk if they're there cos I'm not yet Lux: so we can be alone alone Lux: that'd be novel Dash: yeah Dash: it feels like so much empty space Dash: for the number of bodies who live in it Lux: do you feel lonely there Dash: nah, it's got a good feel Dash: I grew up in it Lux: That's a feel you can't buy Dash: I'll show you my 👶📸 Dash: they're wild Lux: you musta been so cute Lux: your face is still 👶 now Dash: no ✂ then either Lux: so mowgli Dash: oh no, is this a trippy topic for you? Dash: I didn't think Lux: it's okay, I like hearing about happy kids Lux: its a sin to be envious of or covet other people's happiness Dash: Lux Lux: 😊? Dash: I don't think I believe in sin Dash: so if you wanna harsh on my good vibes, you know, I won't be 😡 Lux: Oh, sin is very real, its just whether you believe you'll be punished for the sins that are written about Lux: I appreciate you but I've got nothing to be 😡 about either Lux: 🤞 Dash: you can hit me with a shut up any time Dash: I'll still dig you Lux: I enjoy our conversations Dash: yeah? Lux: absolutely Lux: you're a beautiful 🐺 boy Dash: you're the most beautiful 🦊 Lux: never stone cold Dash: nah, the hottest Lux: I feel it Dash: 👍 it's the mood you gotta stay in Lux: with you around, that shouldn't be a problem Dash: we'll keep vibing Lux: did you like it Dash: you want me to say what I know you could tell Dash: I'll write you a 🎶 Lux: First hit for the band? Lux: I'll be famous after-all Dash: I've been listening Dash: I understand what you want Lux: and you're gonna give it to me Dash: that's my action for sure Lux: roll 20 please Dash: come be alone with me Lux: dash dash dash Lux: you're so pretty and fun and cool and I want you again Dash: [sends her the deets to where his house is] Lux: so far Lux: I must like you huh 😏 Dash: yeah it's a drag where I live Dash: but it's new heights that you like me Dash: 🚀💕 Lux: why wouldn't I? Dash: idk Dash: do you know about me? Lux: I know enough to like you Lux: what do you think would make me unlike you Lux: let's compare Dash: it's not all laid back the shit that other girls say Lux: you're a 💔 Dash: I'm not out here making a game of it like that Dash: but it's happened for real Lux: Oh dear Dashiell Lux: my heart was broken long before I got here Lux: and I've had to severe and untangle roots so much deeper than yours could ever be Lux: I told you, there's no need to worry about me, you can't hurt me Dash: that's fucked up Lux: Perhaps Dash: can I make it any better? Lux: no Lux: but that's okay Lux: now is better, there's no need to fix what's been Dash: I wasn't being plastic before, you're home now Lux: I feel it Lux: I have no choice but to give up my old definition but I'm less scared and 😢 at the prospect of the redefinition now, forced though it was Dash: it'll be okay Dash: we'll make it happen that it's only that Dash: or like better Lux: you're not a bad person Lux: I can tell Dash: if I'm someone you like, I'm cool with it Lux: good Lux: I need people right now, you know Dash: everyone at the farm, they'll be what you need Dash: they are for me Lux: what do you need them for? Dash: a blast Dash: my other fam want me to change some shit I do Lux: 🚀👌 Lux: I get that Lux: is it stuff you can't change or don't wanna Dash: idk if I recognise the difference Lux: sounds like a can't, then Dash: stepping into new 👟 feels like a bad scene Dash: I fuck with the ones I've worn in Lux: That's up to you Lux: I like new shoes Lux: maybe they're just worried your feet are getting all scrunched outta place Dash: yours are groovy though Dash: not handed down Dash: they fit you Lux: I had to steal 'em though Lux: and when my dad found 'em they sent me away Dash: a 🦊 like I said Lux: have you seen the fox and the hound? Dash: nah Dash: it's disney yeah? Lux: Yep Lux: I'm gonna make you watch it Dash: I'm about netflix & chill Lux: We'll chill first Lux: its real sad Lux: 😭 Dash: I be trying to chill with you nonstop though Dash: how bad do you want me to 👀 at things other than you Lux: 🤭 Lux: maybe your cinematic education can wait Lux: if we're truly to make the most of alone alone time Dash: lay it on me that I'm an ugly crier another day Dash: we're making beautiful things happen Lux: you're Lux: just like Lux: seraphic Dash: around you, I gotta be Lux: nu-uh Lux: I can't tell Lux: I fell out of God's favour like a long time ago Dash: you can tell Dash: you're still 👼 Dash: the fallen ones were the most beautiful anyway, yeah? Dash: god's a jealous 🐈 Lux: All angels are beautifulc Lux: and genderless actually, like God Lux: beyond our limited understanding, better Dash: cool Lux: for them Lux: its self-idolatry if you want it for yourself Lux: 🚫 Dash: if I want you for myself, what sin is that? Lux: you actually wanna know? 'cos I've always thought this particular subset of sins sounds unintentionally hot Dash: I'm listening intently Lux: peccata clamantia Lux: The sins that cry to Heaven for Vengeance 🤤 Lux: they're the ones that God will deliver his justice upon, lots of people only know about the seven deadly Lux: but they're the least serious, actually Dash: shit Lux: guess that's why it feels so good Lux: shall we? Dash: 🌌 & god trying to stop us but I'm 💪 Lux: you want me Dash: yeah Lux: then you can have me Dash: show up Lux: I am Lux: ⏲ Dash: right now though Lux: if only my bike had wings Dash: that can be your festival wish Dash: mine too cos I've waited fucked up amounts of time for you Lux: 💡 Lux: your mind, boy Lux: though patience is evidently not your virtue, I'm not mad about it Lux: at all Dash: idc about virtues if you're a sin Lux: you're making me all pink Dash: it's a beautiful colour for you Lux: you're the loveliest 🐺 I've ever known Dash: I wanna be Lux: you are baby Dash: you're like a song I can't get out of my head Dash: & it's the most Dash: I'm so connected to every word Lux: You make me feel really...high but it that warm, soft focus way where there's no bad thoughts or feelings at all, no doubt or regret or shame creeping in, just the good washing over you again and again, like that split-second after you cum but Lux: prolonged Lux: its crazy, you're crazy Dash: we can live in it Lux: lets Dash: I'm in Lux: 🎡🎢🎠 Dash: 🎪🤹 Lux: 🤡 Dash: 🦁🐯 Lux: 🐘 Dash: 🍿 Lux: 🥜 Dash: 🐿️ Lux: 😱 Lux: how could you Mr Squirell Dash: he's gotta eat Lux: He could've just asked Dash: he don't know you like that Dash: thought you'd say nah Dash: I tried to persuade him he wasn't right on & you're 👍 but I must not 🗨🐿 Lux: 😂 Lux: he's more than likely from my homeland, I'll speak to him Lux: can't understand your accent Dash: gabh mo leithscéal Lux: 🤗 what did you say?! Dash: pardon me Dash: is 🗨🍀 on your list? Lux: I've always wanted to Lux: no one at my father's church really spoke it Lux: or would teach me if they did Lux: will you? Dash: my mum taught me Dash: hers never spoke it either Dash: your turn to bring me an 🍎 Dash: but yeah Lux: 😣 damn Lux: someone else here might, I've heard loads of languages flying about Dash: eu também sei português Dash: also from that side of the fam Lux: I 👀 that Dash: Arlo & his brother & sisters are my cousins Lux: Ahh Lux: that's cool Lux: they're so cute Dash: there's many more but they don't live at the farm Dash: you have to catch 'em when they fly by Lux: I'll be sure to do that Lux: do they all have lots of kids, how are there so many Lux: no offense Dash: started with 11 Dash: & most of 'em had 👶s Lux: ELEVEN Lux: 🤔💡 Lux: are you mormons? Dash: 🌼 children ☮ Dash: it was a big-ish fam before that though 👵 had 8 Dash: & she's no hippie Lux: why are you an only-child? Dash: I'm not Dash: I've got an older brother Lux: oh, me too! Lux: he's 13 years older Lux: I was a miracle mistake baby Lux: where's yours Dash: at ⚽ training I think Dash: that's his bag Lux: oh he's not 👴 Lux: you didn't mention him before Dash: he's 18 months + on me Dash: but we're in different 🌌 Lux: I feel you Lux: it musta been nice when you were kids though Lux: I loved when there were kids in the congregation but people always moved on, from God or physically Dash: nah, it's been hassle from the jump Dash: he's 🏆🥇💪 Dash: I'm 💫🚀👀 Lux: you don't like him huh Dash: he's a drag Dash: we're usually jiving 🥊 there's no ☮ & 💓 Dash: messes with my equilibrium Lux: You gotta protect yourself Lux: I get it Dash: I knew you would Lux: 'course Lux: its the same with my brother and my mom Lux: they still 💓 me but they can't see me Dash: do you 💓 'em? Lux: oh of course Lux: they're my family Dash: do you wish you could see 'em? Lux: I wish I still lived with them Lux: but I understand why I can't Dash: do you get to 🗨? Lux: no Dash: can't you? if your dad didn't find out? Lux: No Lux: not unless I'm going to make efforts, make changes Lux: and I can't and that's two eternal sins Lux: at least Lux: could make a case for 3 Lux: so they have to turn away, you see Lux: they all love me but there's nothing they can do until I do Dash: I'm sorry Dash: that everything's so heavy for you Lux: you don't need to be sorry Lux: not your transgressions Dash: but I don't want you to change Dash: & idc if it's a sin Lux: you're sweet Lux: they just want to save me from hell Dash: we're gonna have to live forever Dash: to save you Lux: We better find the philosopher's stone Lux: or the fountain of youth Dash: the 🐿 will help Dash: he digs you now Lux: he's a wizard Lux: knew it 😏 Dash: most animals have magic Lux: true facts Dash: 🦊s who are unreal 👼s especially Lux: you're such a flirt Lux: 😋 Dash: yeah 😏 Dash: that's my magic 😍💖 Lux: I can't disagree Dash: 💭😘 Lux: you can dream 'til I get there Dash: I'm 👀 for your 🚲 Lux: I'm meant to be up on the balcony, not you Lux: love some role reversal Dash: yo don't be on the rebound, Romeo 💔 Lux: awh you jealous Dash: 🤣 Dash: of someone you forget at the start of the play as soon as you 🕰 me? nah baby Dash: but it's salty to the other 💘 Lux: It saves her life Lux: she's fine, honestly, thriving Dash: okay then yeah, I am jealous Dash: of her thrive Lux: poor boy Dash: it's no bummer, like Dash: she ain't gonna be immortal, that's me & you Dash: our fam Lux: there's only so much magic to go around Dash: however much there is, we gotta use it right Lux: 🎺 that's holy decree Dash: & royal 👑 Lux: okay sweet prince Lux: 🤭 Dash: if I go solo from the band, there's an outta sight name Lux: you could do so many covers 💜 Dash: it'd be groovy Dash: but I ain't leaving the group Lux: not before its started Lux: have some loyalty, boy Dash: yo not ever Lux: we gonna do a blood oath Dash: use your hair as a 🔪 before the 🥑 & 🥥 hits Dash: or the ✂ I don't Lux: 😂 you're horrible Lux: and its far too limp for that Dash: nah your hair is 💣 Lux: ☺ Lux: really Dash: yeah Lux: it grew quite fast Dash: 🔮✨ Lux: I'm gonna grow it as long as I can Dash: there might be a better recipe Dash: I'll 🗨 to every 🐤 on the farm Lux: I wish I had curls like them too Lux: most of them Lux: alas Dash: you can borrow mine Lux: you're the bestest friend in the whole 🌌 Dash: 🤞🤝👐 Lux: let down your long hair then Lux: I think I've arrived Dash: [let her in and give her a house tour boy] Lux: [we clearly need Cosmo to come back like Dash did in that convo jussayin] Dash: [payback tbh so yeah we do] Lux: [she'd just be chatting up a storm, awks] Dash: [casually steer her to your room as fast as you can like] Lux: [just being like wanna come watch fox and the hound lmao] Dash: [she's so cute bye] Lux: [at least Cosmo won't be rude to you, even if he is like umm] Dash: [just thinks she's high probably] Lux: [most likely] Dash: [rude but fair] Lux: [when is your brother not as far as you're concerned] Dash: [exactly dr phil] Lux: [anything else we wanna though?] Dash: [we know what's up I think we can post it]
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hercrazyreviews · 5 years
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*Note: Please click on the images above. Tumblr likes being stupid and making them look of a lower quality then what they are.*
TITLE: Ready or Not
RELEASE DATE: August 21st, 2019
GENRE: Horror | Mystery | Suspense
MOVIE RATING: Rated R - Violence, Bloody Images, Language, Drug Use
DESCRIPTION: Ready Or Not follows a young bride (Samara Weaving) as she joins her new husband’s (Mark O'Brien) rich, eccentric family (Adam Brody, Henry Czerny, Andie MacDowell) in a time-honored tradition that turns into a lethal game with everyone fighting for their survival.
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First off, I have seen this trailer quite a few times and every time I thought the bride was Margot Robbie and only found out it wasn’t when I looked up the description. It’s crazy how similar the two actresses look! Anyway, overall I thought the trailer was really good and it looks like a movie I would watch. What surprised me the most though is that this seems not only like a horror movie but a dark comedy as well. There were definitely a few times I laughed while watching the trailer so it seems like the horror and comedy blend well.
One prediction I do wanna make though is that maybe the main character (the bride) might end up going slightly crazy in the course of her fighting for her life. Near the end of the trailer, we get a brief shot of her covered in blood and laughing so I think it is a possibility that while killing to stay alive she goes a little mad as well.
Things I Want To Know:
How often do they perform the ritual? - It just seems like some of them haven’t had that much practice as they keep killing maids and whatnot.
Why did the new husband not go “hey honey, maybe we shouldn’t get married” or “darling, there is something you might need to know before the wedding day”? Like, wtf, dude!
How would the other games have gone? - In the trailer we see the bride pull out a card that says ‘Hide and Seek’ so out of curiosity if she pulled a different card how would that have gone? I for one would have loved to see how something like ‘Go Fish’ would have gone.
The “ritual” has to be performed before dawn, but why? What happens if they do/don’t perform it?
So, do they usually try and marry people only to lure them in to kill them? - I just wanna know how they normally get their victims.
Also, how is the husband able to get away with helping his bride? - We don’t see any shots of him pretending to help his family so wouldn’t they find that suspicious?
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spookyvalentine · 3 years
28, 50, 51, 67, 77, 96, and 99 for mercy?
28. Describe their morning routine.
they wake up early, before most people. they’ll do some yoga--kasumi’s grandmother taught the two of them when they were obnoxiously overenergized sixteen year olds, and they never fell out of practice again, after akuze--and sometimes is joined by samara or kasumi (and eventually thane) which starts slow and gentle and usually ends in acroyoga. then they’ll fix some breakfast, usually good thick yogurt with a lot of fruit, granola and honey, read the news as they drink their tea (or coffee, if someone’s already made it). once fully awake, they catch up on emails and correspondences. 
50. Why would they be a good partner for a road trip?
they make for a very capable navigation buddy, with a great sense of direction, and stays attentive. curates an impeccable playlist, and stays awake for conversation
51. Why would they be a BAD partner for a road trip?
the detours, it’ll take forever to get to the final destination because they want to see what’s on the way and explore the weird abandoned dinosaur theme park or the waterfalls and hidden springs or they’ve heard about a you-cant-miss-it local’s hole-in-the-wall restaurant from one of the numerous people they’ve helped in the past
67. What’s an outrageous story about them nobody believes?
kasumi said they’ve bitten off a man’s fingers. the thief is always exaggerating--right?
77. What’s their music taste like?
extremely eclectic. they’ll listen to anything, because the fact that someone has created it is extraordinary, and the fact that they can basically like, have a sample of someone’s soul is too enchanting to pass up. they cry at live music performances. mercy’s got a lot of old earth artists, but has been voraciously consuming music from other human colonies and aliens since enlisting 
96. What’s their sense of humour like? (Dad jokes, morbid humour, basic knock-knock jokes, stand up comedy, etc)
definitely some gallows humor, i feel like that’s inevitable. they also very much enjoy puns, and is deft with memes
99. What would they wear to a formal event? Describe their outfit!
dress blues, for alliance-related things, just because it’s easy. sometimes sharp, monochrome outfits, or billowy shirts tucked into pants. they very, very rarely wear a dress
this is what they wear for kasumi's mission (that kas picked out!) minus the cape
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heart-of-flames · 4 years
ROs thoughts on an MC with a weakness for sweets
Aeleanor/Aeson: A small huff leaves her lips as she sees you pick up another sweet roll. Her golden eyes rolling with a natural fondness that softens the look. “Darling if you eat any more you won’t have any room for the main course.” She leans forward and plucks the pastry from your grasp. “You can have these later, alright?”
Elaria/Ezra: “I’m surprised you haven’t fainted yet,” he muses, a small smile quirking his lips. His shoulder bumping against you in a natural way that elicits a grin from you. Causing his own to appear because of it. “What with being around all this chocolate. Though, I suppose, it’s a good thing.” He chuckles while shaking his head fondly. “We wouldn’t want to get kicked out for eating their entire stock. Two times is more than enough for me.”
Catherine/Caleb: A worried frown pulls at her brow as she watches you stuff your face with cream puffs. Your cheeks puffing out like a chipmunks during the winter season. She observes, horrified, as your hand moves to grab another one. Deciding her next course of action she snatches the plate before you could react. Settling the platter in front of her while meeting your glare with one of her own. “That’s enough sweetheart.” She grimaces as she sees you try to speak. “I will let you have a few more when you actually swallow the rest.”
Lydia/Luca: Dark blue eyes watch your movements in amusement. He had never known someone to eat an entire tray of brownies before-- and he had been around his mother when she was pregnant with the twins. His eyes trace over your arms to your hands as you pick up the chocolate sauce. His brow quirking in confusion at the action for their was nothing left on the table that went with it. A thought that had to be voiced once it appeared. “Darling what are you going to pair that with? There’s nothing else that goes with it.” He frowns before a different thought pops into his mind. Causing a smirk to appear on his face as his eyes darkened. “Unless you want to have a more hands on approach?”
Samara/Silas: Honey brown eyes were narrowed in concentration as she watched you. Her gaze unwavering from your face as you ate the pie in front of you with all the concentration in the world. Watching as you sat back with a satisfied smile once you were done. Pouting, she sits back on her own chair and crosses her arms. “No fair,” she whines. “I always win at pie eating contests.” She glares at the empty dishes in front of her like they had scorned her. Though her grin soon appears once more as she looks back up at you. “Best two out of three?” 
Milena/Maven: An astonished look was painted across a normally stoic face. Silver eyes widening as he watched you consume the cake in front of you. His brow furrowing as he watches you reach for even more. A nimble hand coming to rest on top of your own-- his head already shaking at your silent request. “You’ll get sick, my sparrow, I don’t wish that upon you. Nor do I wish it upon myself when I am going to be the one taking care of you in the middle of the night.”
Natalia/Nikolas: “Songbird maybe you should slow down,” she frets, watching as you pick up another piece of fudge. Emerald green eyes sparkling with worry as she glances at all the empty wrappers already in front of you. “I do not wish for my beautiful bird to get sick when I could have stopped it. So please, for me, put that fudge down.” 
Lauren: All her self restraint vanished as she watched you pick up another cookie. Her hand coming out, like a snake, to slap it out of your grasp. Ignoring your indignant look at the action as she stood. Her own grasp finding your hands and pulling you up. Whiskey brown eyes staring into your own as she glared at you. “That is enough, my dear, I don’t even want to begin to tell you the health risks you have just put yourself through while consuming the amount that you have, but I will tell you this.” She smiles and leans closer to you. “You eat another cookie, or anything else that’s not good for you, I will make sure your next checkup is not pleasant for you.”
Faolan: A hearty laugh falls from his lips as he noticed that you had taken another tart from one of the many dishes in front of you both. “My moon has quite the appetite,” he says, a large grin taking over his face-- showing off his sharpened canines. Crimson red eyes glowing with adoration. “That’s good. It means you’re strong and healthy.” His grins widen even further. “Just like a shifter.”
Aidan: Seeing you take another éclair causes a huff to escape his mouth and his hand to swat at your arm. Blue-green eyes glowing with adoration mixed with annoyance. “Dumbass don’t you know you’ll get sick if you eat that much?” He shakes his head with a fond smile quirking his lips. “Why don’t you slow down and have some water, or anything else, instead?” 
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