#samdean hurt/comfort
panicroomsammy · 6 months
for made up fic title: rough night
My first thoughts were crack fic ones, but I’ve been on such a dark fic kick when it comes to my own writing lately that I think I’d have to go with something angstier.
Um okay so I just spent almost an hour writing this ficlet???
Sam is past the point of feeling tired. His eyes just hurt, that gritty feeling that people describe as sandpaper, and sure, that’s not wrong, but it doesn’t feel strong enough in Sam’s opinion. Gravel, maybe. Not sandpaper. The feeling that used to be “tired” is now just a state of dissociation, a numbness that makes the world around him a little blurrier but that doesn’t really impact his ability to interact with it. He knows he wouldn’t be able to sleep right now if he tried - he’s had nights like this his whole life. High school - staying up late to finish home after training drills all afternoon he would start out angry and lose all ability to feel by midnight, and when he got that way he knew sleep would be impossible - even if his homework wasn’t either. College - all-nighters that he hadn’t meant to be all-nighters. He’d tried to go to sleep but his heart kept racing and his brain would convince him that the rattling AC was a ghost on instinct every time he’d almost drifted off. So he knew well enough by now that he could keep reading the lore book in front of him and in fact he really didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. This wasn’t a problem, really. His body sometimes went into a panic mode where it would stay awake and this had surely saved his life more than once; what it meant now was really just that he could get more done.
Under normal circumstances, Dean’s hand on his shoulder would have made him jump. He fully registered the touch, but right now he just barely turned his head, the dissociative numbness itself seeming to have calculated that Dean was not a threat.
“Hey,” Dean said, voice scratchy with disuse - they’d been reading for hours without saying a word. “Put that down for a moment.”
Sam turned more fully to look at Dean. He tried to speak and his voice caught on the first word. He cleared his throat.
“What time is it?”
“2:00 AM.”
Dean tugged Sam out of his chair to sit on the floor and followed him down, communicating with his touch rather than words. For things like this they barely needed words - they each knew when they other was having a rough night, among a million other things that were so intrinsic there wasn’t even a need to think about them - and right now neither of them felt all that much like talking.
Dean sat behind Sam, Dean’s back against the table leg - uncomfortable but it’s not like either of them have been paying attention to their own discomfort for the last several hours anyway - Sam in the V of Dean’s legs, and his own bent, hands clasped between them and head down, thumbs pressing into the bridge of his nose.
Dean’s hands stroked over Sam’s hair, gentle and soothing and familiar. Just the right balance of new sensation and not so foreign as to be immediately filtered out by the dissociation. Something Dean had done for him since they were kids. Dean’s big, calloused, strong hands that were so a part of his grown-up body doing this simple gesture from childhood. Something in Sam started to wake up. Dean was here with him. Dean had always been with him and he was here with him now. A glow of warmth started in his chest and a smile started to tug at his lips. He sat up from where he had been hunched over and then leaned back so that he was resting against Dean’s chest. He knocked his head against Dean’s jaw and Dean rubbed his face into Sam’s hair.
They sat there like that for a moment before Dean grunted and pulled them both so they were lying on the floor. It wasn’t comfortable but it was better than the table leg. They fell asleep like that, curled loosely around each other.
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shadystranger · 3 months
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dying over how when sam feels helpless he calls for dean
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vampzmeel · 6 months
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i love hurt sammy and big sis dean it's so good, hurt/comfort runs in my veins
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boywifesammy · 4 months
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trapped in the Garden | post-cage wincest
It's been a week since Sam got his soul back. When Dean slips into his bed, desperate for what they had before the Cage, Sam lets him have it. He thought it'd be easier to give him what he wants than to explain- and it was, until it all becomes too much and he shuts down during sex.
(gif by @/angel-e-v-a)
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the-gray-ghosty · 1 year
Dean holding hurt unconscious Sam against his chest after a hunt, tucking Sam's head under his chin and just holding him tight
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echollis · 1 year
Hello! I posted a comic on ao3 to recreate season 3 as if writer’s strike has never happened! Please take a look and let me know what you think of it!
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samofmine · 4 months
Chapters: 12/13 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jody Mills (Mentioned), Miracle the Dog (Supernatural) Additional Tags: Feelings Realization, Angst, Sam Winchester-centric, Religious Conflict, Priests, Churches & Cathedrals, Fluff, Slow Build, Hurt Sam Winchester, Guilt, Case Fic, Pining, this takes place before the finale, but can be read as a curtain fic, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, I'm Bad At Summaries, Minor Character Death, words per chapter may vary, Sam Winchester is Obsessed with Dean Winchester, Jealousy, Crucified Sam Winchester Summary:
“Eat up, Sammy.” Dean says with his mouth full, “We’re hitting the road later.”
Sam looks at him questioningly.
“Found us a case.”
Lately, they’ve been going on smaller cases. Ghosts, mostly, and nothing too far from home. And, usually, it’s Sam who approaches Dean with new cases, not the other way around.
“Where are we heading?”
- Or: Sam and Dean leave town after a long time and Sam has no idea why he's freaking out over sharing a room with Dean after so long.
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codependentfreaks · 2 years
prompt requested by @zxrocide :
how about an angst post-jess's-death ficlet?
author's notes: I'm not great at angst but I'll try! Also please remember english is not my first language but I'm trying my best with what I know.
Sam was lying on his bed again, taking a deep breath as he tried to dissipate the stress of the day. He couldn't help but think about what Dean had said when they parted ways again: "we made a hell of a team back there." And the did, Sam knew it. Him and Dean were always a great team, but also the worst possible one. Like a ticking time bomb ready to explode.
His thoughts about his conflicting feelings towards his brother were interrupted by a sudden drop of something wet on his forehead, one and then two times. He opened his eyes to check on it, just to be faced with the horrifying vision of his girlfriend bleeding on the ceiling. He screamed her name in horror as she started catching fire above him, stamping in his brain a imagine he would never get rid of. Sam kept screaming, watching in a masochistic way how Jessica burned, wanting nothing more than to burn with her, die with her.
"Sam..." she whispered and he felt the tears running down his face. "Why Sam?"
He frowned, still frozen in shock, unable to move.
"Why Sam? Sam..."
It was like her voice was floating in the room, sounding more and more distant as she repeated the words.
"Jess! I'm here... please!" he yelled, knowing it was useless. She was already dead... But why was she talking to him?
"Sam..." she repeated, but the sound coming from her mouth didn't sound like her. It was different, rougher.
That voice. That new voice sounded so familiar. It sounded like Dean.
And then, Sam opened his eyes.
"Sam!" Dean was hovering above him, sitting by his side on the motel bed. "Dude, are you okay? You were freaking me out!"
He wasn't okay. His body was soaking wet with cold sweat and his throat hurts, probably from screaming in his sleep.
"I'm fine" he lied, still trying to catch his breath. "Sorry for waking you up"
"Yeah, I'm gonna start asking for financial compensation" Dean tried to joke, but the concern in his eyes and voice were too obvious for Sam not to notice. "It was the same nightmare as always? I mean, about that night?"
Sam nodded, running a hand though his face as he let out a shaky breath.
"It's okay, Sammy. You're okay" Dean finally surrended to his big brother instincts, deciding to stop pretending he wasn't worried. He brushed back Sam's messy, sweaty hair and the younger one flinched.
When he opened his eyes, he saw Dean's confused and hurt expression. His green eyes were really easy to read, and Sam knew Dean was questioning why his baby brother would back off from his touch.
Sam always felt weird about Dean, things one brother shouldn't feel about the other. His confusing and utterly wrong feelings were part of the reason he needed to get out and go to Stanford. Of course dad and the hunting life were also a big part of it, but Sam really needed to get away from Dean before he noticed his deviance. Part of him felt guilty everyday, like he was using Jessica, sleeping by her side while dreaming about his brother every night and missing him like crazy. Sometimes he feared that, deep down, he wanted her to die, specially after spending time with Dean hunting the woman in white. Of course he loved Jess, but who knows? Maybe he was just a bad person and some obscure part he can't really access is happy she's dead.
He really wish he could access that because missing her was killing him as much as Dean's touches and the feelings they brought.
Dean didn't say anything, he just got up and went to get a beer from the mini fridge. "Here" he handed it to Sam, who just thanked him awkwardky, unable to say he preferred a glass of water.
The younger man drunk his beer silently while pretending not to notice his brother's concerned stare. He wanted to apologize, say he didn't mean to flinch and ask, beg his brother to touch him again. Not only his hair, but his face, his lips his body.
God, he was disgusting. Sick. Jess deserved so much better than a pityful man who thought about kissing his own brother while still grieving her.
He hadn't even noticed he had finished his beer when Dean took it from him and put it on the counter. "You should try going back to sleep. Are you calmer now?", he asked, walking back to Sam's bed. When his brother nodded, Dean mirrored the movement and started going to his own bed.
"Wait-" Sam asked and Dean stopped, turning to look at him. "Stay with me until I fall asleep... please?"
Dean took some time to answer and Sam thought for a moment he was going to make fun of him, but looking in Dean's eyes he noticed he was wrong. The oldest finally smiled.
"Sure Sammy"
Sam smiled back, lying down on his bed again. He felt the bed shift with his brother's weight as he seated next to his head and stayed there. He almost could feel Dean's hesitation about trying to touch him again, so he slightly moved closer. It was such a small movement Dean would only notice it if we was really paying attention, and he always was. That's why the next moment Sam felt Dean's fingers in his hair.
"Thank you, Dean" he mumbled softly.
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milliexx · 2 years
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Imagining Sam on the corner of the wall with his knees in his arms while seeing vision and Dean kneeling in front of him, putting his hand on Sam's shoulder and bent his head to look at Sam under his thin hair, when The night sky casts a dark blue light on Dean's glassy green eyes "Hey, everything's going to be okay, everything's going to be okay, you're okay, right?, I'm here."he whispers while he's looking for any response in sam's face,sam is folding his nose and taking short,quick breaths between his teeth until dean strokes his shoulders with his thumb,he takes deep breath and wips his nosebleed with his palm,opens his eyes and met dean's worried eyes and gives him half-smile
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according2thelore · 6 months
These ES/LS snippets are truly saving my need for more of your fics.
You very quickly became my favorite wincest author, hitting every one of my favorite tropes(hurt/comfort is my bread and butter too!) And I'm excitedly(and impatiently lol) waiting for your next fics to come out.
Your writing is SO GOOD and I find myself going back to your fics all the time. My first was your love potion fic and that's still one of my absolute favorite samdean fics out there.
This isn’t really an ask so much as it is an appreciation lol. Can't wait for your next fic!
(If this was an ask though, I'd love more thoughts on your ES/LS universe and even MORE hurt/comfort and jealousy lol)
BABE???? OH MY????
i don't even know what to say! this is the nicest compliment!!!!! you're so incredibly kind, and i'm so unbelievably honoured that my work is special to you!
EEP! i can't even express how much this ask means to me!!!! there are literally no words!!!! the love potion fic was meant as a fun little add-on to that month's challenge, but i've been blown away by how much folks have liked it--i live for a little melodrama and H/C, lol!
every writer dreams of getting asks like this one, and just ARGH! i'm kissing you on both cheeks!!!!!
as for upcoming things, my next fic will probably be my teen!chesters piece for the wayward sons zine (it will be HEFTY). charlotte and i were outlining this fic, and it ended up being about five pages of outline. so def a larger one!
because this ask was so incredible and lovely and kind (so kind?? holy shit?? my hand in marriage??) i wrote a little thing for you! i hope you like!
dean rubs his hands on the sides of his jeans, before he catches himself doing it. shit.
he crosses his arms, then realizes that he looks awkward and posed, so he uncrosses them again. he pushes his hair back from his face--but fuck, what if his hair looks weird now? dean checks frantically around for a reflective surface, but the only thing even close to him is a giant telescope, and--even though he briefly considers it--there's no way he'd be able to crawl back up it and down in time.
"what are you doing?" he mutters to himself, able to at least recognize that he's acting like a preteen about to meet one of the jonas brothers.
it's just sam.
just sam, kind of, dean's brain quietly corrects. it's just sam, but fucking huge.
it's just sam, but his ridiculous hair has grown and curls softly around his ears, brushes his jaw when he ducks his head. it's just sam, except his arms are bigger than dean's head. dean didn't miss the show the other day when sam came to look for something and lifted a fucking stuffed armchair with one arm.
(dean tried it later, and it took him both hands and two tries to get it off the ground. that thing must be reinforced with some crazy cold war steel or something. definitely.)
dean eyes the main room again. he should just sit at the big table. he eyes the big sword on one of the shelves. no--focus. sam went into "library annex 3" to find a book that he thought dean should absolutely take a look at, and left dean, dazzled, in his wake. so dean is going to sit here and wait, because he's been running out of excuses to see sammy lately.
dean slumps into one of the chairs, sighing. what is wrong with him?
he gets so...easily distracted whenever sammy--future-sam or whatever--starts talking to him. and most of it isn't even his fault, okay? sammy always puffs up whenever either 2006 winchester gets close, a dick-measuring if dean's ever seen one. as soon as sam got a single inch on dean in height, dean's never heard the end of it. but this sammy, older sammy, straightens up and his chest gets all big and--fuck--arms! big arms!!
dean keeps trying to find plausible excuses for sammy to take off his shirt because dean is convinced he has a six-pack under there, and it's his right to know!
"i found it!" a muffled voice from down the hallway, so deep that dean's brain goes a little sideways. and dean feels his whole body lock up, like he's just been thrown out of an airplane.
sam--sammy steps through the doorway, holding up a book triumphantly. his eyes are bright, and he's got little wrinkles at the corners, barely there. his grin is radiant, and dean feels absurdly like he's looking directly at one of those religious frescos with the yellow circles behind everyone's heads. sam would get a kick out of that.
dean whimpers. he straight up fucking whimpers, covering it quickly with a cleared throat.
"great!" he says, too bright. it's not his fault! it's not! dean barely resists the urge to bash his own head in.
so sue him! sam is suddenly huge and old and glad to see dean? he lights up whenever dean walks into a room, greeting him warmly. he seems to find dean adorable, which dean kind of resents, but it's hard to stay mad at sammy when he clearly finds so much delight in seeing him.
and 'sammy' isn't helping. 'sammy' had always been a dean word. it had been an 'us' word, a 'they don't know you like i know you, they can't understand you like i can' word. as soon as dean's own sam--2006 sam--had shrugged off the word, and older sam had donned it, dean knew he was screwed. wires crossed. you can only call so many men 'sammy' before you start to tease them and want to be around them and give them shit and look at their huge fucking tits--wait...no. shit. focus!
"so get this," sammy says, and he slides into the chair next to dean, smooth and graceful and so in touch with every muscle in his body that dean has to catch his breath a little. and his chest does something funny, because sam shows him the book and starts babbling.
he starts babbling. like a two year old sam and an eight year old sam and a twelve and a fifteen and an eighteen year old sam.
it seems impossible that this person--this man, all poise and purpose and focus, whose eyes can cut and soothe, whose stubble scratches when he rubs a hand across his jaw--is still dean's sam. dean's sammy.
and he knows it. and he likes it. this sammy brushes his shoulder and doesn't recoil like it burns. he looks to dean first when something is wrong. dean saw, the other day, how his older self comforted sam after a nightmare, how easily sam contorted himself to fit the shape of older dean's arms. sam likes being dean's. or at least this version of dean.
"anyways, i think that this is probably our most comprehensive record of vampires--their habits, their physiology, their weaknesses. if you wanted to give it a read, i think it'll really come in handy." sam says, still talking like dean cares at all for vampires and not the exact shape of sam's mouth.
dean aches. he feels inadequate. there is something clearly in this dean that is worthy, something that sam finds lovable. or necessary. dean wants to be necessary. dean needs to be necessary.
"yeah." dean says, suddenly, when he realizes that sammy's looking for a response. "that--uh--that sounds great."
"you didn't hear a thing i said, did you?" sammy asks, eyebrow raised, teasing and knowing and fuck--dean's chest collapses. sam knows him.
it's so strange to be known by this...this man. this man who blots out the sun with his shoulders, and has callused hands, and looks at dean like he's proud of him. this man knows him. this man is sammy, and that's all dean every really needs.
"naw." he says, scrubbing a hand in the close-shorn hair at the back of his head, abashed and feeling strange. "'m sorry."
"don't be." sammy rolls his eyes, but it's in good humour. sam--2006 sam, and it's weird that dean has already made that distinction--would genuinely be put out. he thinks dean doesn't take him seriously.
both sams are alien to dean. sam, because his burden is eating him alive. he's terrified of himself, of his powers. furious at what he's becoming and increasingly furious at dean for not taking his own safety seriously. like sam could ever hurt him.
and this sammy, of course, is different. he's physically very different, but also...softer? that's the wrong word. he's easier, maybe. his smiles are soft and he thinks through things before he says them. he doesn't hurt to hold in your hand like sam does, all spikes and hard edges like rock that resents you for holding it. sammy is a stone worn smooth by a river, and dean doesn't know if that makes him a bad brother.
he doesn't want to know, because he can't think about this being another way of failing sam. dean's been failing sam since that first over-long look in 1995.
this sam, at least, dean has a reason for not understanding completely. time has made a stranger of his brother, not circumstance, and time is easier to blame.
"what?" sammy asks, and dean snaps back to the present, abashed again. god. it's like his first fumbling date a fourteen all over again. but wait, no it's not--why did dean think that?
"nothing. sorry. you're just--" dean can't find the words. sammy seems delighted at this, eyes sparking with a challenge like they're both in on a joke.
"i'm..." he prompts, drawing it out. dean sputters. he and sam give each other shit all the time. it shouldn't feel different with this sam, but...it does.
dean jerks away, sitting up straight in his chair. sam stands in the doorway. he looks pissed. his hands are balled into fists at his sides, his jaw is set, and he's...not looking at dean.
dean looks to sammy, whose eyes widen. he seems surprised by something. proud of something.
"dean wants to know if we're ready for dinner. what are you doing?" sam asks, words loaded. dean's about to jump in, feeling weirdly guilty. they're just talking about a book, it's not like they were--
"just talking with my little brother." sam says, jostling dean's shoulder with his elbow, like this is all a big joke but what the fuck?? dean's spine melts and drips down his ribs. oh my fucking god.
little brother little brother little brother sam could pin dean down if he wanted to, dean looks down at sam's huge fucking hands oh my god, little brother--
"you--" sam starts, and sammy sits up straighter, tilting his head forward like he's coaching sam through something, but sam's eyes are suddenly on dean, and dean freezes.
he doesn't know what to do under sam's critical gaze. the weight in his stomach is definitely guilt, but dean doesn't know why. dean looks away first.
"we're just talking shop, sam." dean says to his hands. a pause. dean hears sam leave, his footsteps echoing down the corridor.
he better not be going to see that old geezer. dean doesn't like he way he looks at sam.
"we almost had him," sammy says, thoughtful. dean looks up, and sammy is looking down at him with an expression so fond that dean's throat closes. "next time."
dean's heart beats faster.
oh man. he is so fucked.
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incesthemes · 28 days
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For day 28 of @spnficrecfest's event! Episode Codas or Formats
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we didn't get it right, but love, we did our best by according2thelore
It’s been minutes but Dean’s been starving for him, deprived of the depth of feeling. “Hey, Sammy,” Dean says, weak to anything else, and watches the smile on Sam’s face, the way his face looks not contorted by grief like it had in the seconds before Dean had lost consciousness. “Dean,” Sam says, and isn’t that the goddamn thing? Dean can’t take it a second more, the buzzing under his skin is indomitable. He reaches forward, and Sam’s already pulling him into a hug. Or: Sam gets to Heaven, and now they might actually have to get their shit together...
SamDean // Explicit // No Warnings Apply // 34,853
Tags: Post-Episode: s15e20 Carry On, Post-Season/Series 15, Heaven, Mutual Pining, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Codependent Winchesters, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, First Kiss, Misunderstandings
My Notes: An unexpectedly amazing fic. The execution of the premise is incredibly well done, and the aesthetics of the imagery completely sucked me into Dean's headspace. Often I got so caught up in the prose that I felt like I could hardly breathe. Really stunning work that plays on Dean's insecurities and fears in a really believable and engaging way. The Dean POV was an excellent choice given the total mystery of Sam's life without him and really added a lot to the intrigue and drama.
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Just Like Heaven by redmyeyes
They both went to heaven. Dean came back wrong.
SamDean // Mature // CNtW // 6,806
Tags: Episode: s05e16 Dark Side of the Moon, Forced Proximity, Sam and Dean are Canon Soulmates, Soulmates But It Hurts
My Notes: I forgot to take notes when I first bookmarked this (oops), but I remember it being written really well, with a fantastic execution of a really interesting premise. I definitely don't think I've ever seen someone attempt a one-sided soulbond before; I find it super creative and a great twist on a fun trope.
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shadystranger · 3 months
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this is sam's only death (near) where he could get words out and dean was around. Every time at his time of dying sam wanted to tell dean how much he loves and is grateful for everything he does for him; dean putting no one above him no matter what is the one thing sam feels so strongly about it carries to his last breath
from his first moment on earth to his last he has been protected by dean and it's the only thing he ever knew that was true
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Guys... I was reading one of my own fanfics and uhm... I swear I am the type to add comedy to all my works but samdean won't let me write anything but excruciating hurt and comfort... Like, angst and fluff mixed in a very unique way. And it only happens with these two. I've never had to write about two characters who are so intricately connected and yet unhealthily obsessed with each other. I love it.
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spnfanficpond · 4 months
New Member Spotlight - May 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
Tumblr name:
Other handles:
AO3: Masoena, Discord: masoena5
Do you have an SPN OTP?
Wincest but I ship just about anything that is SPN I would say I'm a multishipper overall.
Are you in any other fandoms?
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
I'm looking to connect with other writers and artists and create amazing things together, lift each other up be that through brainstorming, feedback, advice or collaboration.
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics
Wincest, Sabriel, Arthur/Dean, Samwena, Destiel are my favourites and I do love triple ships to e.g. Dean/Sam/Donna or Wincestiel or pretty much anything in SPN
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Hurt/comfort, angst, A/B/O, smut, dom/sub, bdsm, angel kink or grooming, protective character saving other character(s) in peril, BAMF characters, meet-cute, animalmorph characters (not bestiality just humans with some physical animal traits e.g. Sam with cat ears), case-Fics, alternate Universes, creature fics (vampires, weres, etc.), crossover fics, enemies to lovers (sometimes) and anything from short one-shots to super long fics found its way into my bookmarks.
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? If yes, tell us who! (Please let us know if they are on Tumblr or AO3.)
There are a few who I keep going back to and love the works of: SamandDean76 - on both Tumblr/AO3 compo67 - on AO3 nyxocity - on AO3 (but believe they are no longer active) brokenlittleboy - on AO3
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
My works list is a mix ranging from drabbles, medium length to long fics. It really depends on the idea and inspiration. Some stories need 2k words to be told others need tens of thousands but I believe my sweet spot is around the 10-15k mark as I like to plan plot outline and majore milestones but also love just letting it flow however it wants to.
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
My most underappreciated fic is a drabble but most underappreciated fic that I was super excited about posting but which did not get a lot of attention was a choose your own adventure A/B/O fic that had a Wincestiel main pairing. And I wonder if I posted it in the best way or if there is a better way to do it. :)
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Why haven't you tried before? How can we help?
Moments like this happen as I take part in more bangs and reverse bangs where people put forward concepts and ideas that have never occurred to me and it is endlessly fascinating to try out new ideas and things. As of right now I can't think of anything that I want to but haven't tried yet.
Tumblr name:
Other handles:
Corpsexcquis for Tumblr / Hyobe or/And SonofEros for Ao3
Do you have an SPN OTP?
Are you in any other fandoms?
Haikyuu! / JJK / Twilight
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
I’d like to meet more people in the SPN fandom and get some help with writing.
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics?
Usually ships, rarely poly but with the right combination I’m open to anything
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Angst and dead dove mostly
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? If yes, tell us who! (Please let us know if they are on Tumblr or AO3.)
Dollylux is one of my favourites for SPN (they’re inactive on Ao3)
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
Usually long ones, Angsty, 90s/80s/70s dirty America, heavy with codependency and references. I never quite manage to finish them though hehe
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Why haven't you tried before? How can we help?
I think a story that is during the medieval era. I love it but I don’t know enough about that time period just yet ! Perhaps betaing ?
Tumblr names:
Other handles:
Do you have an SPN OTP?
Wincestiel & Destiel are a tie
Are you in any other fandoms?
I dabble in Good Omens
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
Seeking a beta reader and support to get back into writing SPN fan fiction,
Do you host any fandom events or podcasts, or do you have a shop where you sell things that we can boost for you?
I have an original novel coming out in August. Updates are on my writing twitter https://twitter.com/katrinamckee03
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics?
I like reading a bit of everything
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Whichever strikes my fancy for the day.
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
I like to dabble in a bit of everything
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
Tumblr name:
Other handles:
Same handle for Ao3, Threads, Discord, Live Journal/Dreamwidth and X, which I rarely visit. On Instagram I am candygramme1 and on Facebook I am Sue_Ashworth, but not really active.
Do you have an SPN OTP?
Are you in any other fandoms?
Yes. I have written in a few others - Highlander, Roswell (the original one), The X-Files and CW RPS.
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
I'm looking for friendship, inspiration, a chance to help new writers.
Do you host any fandom events or podcasts, or do you have a shop where you sell things that we can boost for you?
Not really. I occasionally art, but want to learn to vid if there's someone around to teach it.
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics?
Not Reader inserts, for sure. I like plot and longer fic myself, but pretty much anything between Gen and Explicit is great if its well written. It's all about nailing the character for me.
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Yes is the short answer! I love all of it, but tend to write crack although not always. I love angsty stuff, and casefic.
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? If yes, tell us who! (Please let us know if they are on Tumblr or AO3.)
felisblanco is on both. Roxymissrose is on Ao3 and deadlybride is on Tumblr (zmedia) and Ao3 too. There are others, but those are a good start.
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
Cracky, silly stuff, plotty casefic and occasionally PWP.
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Why haven't you tried before? How can we help?
So many things. I have countless wips sitting waiting for me to finish them. I just get stuck and don't get back to them.
Other handles:
Libby99HB(AO3), Materialgwooorl (Discord)
Are you in any other fandoms?
The Vampire Diaries
What are you looking for in the Pond? What can we do for you?
I haven't used Tumblr in years, so I'll be semi-new here. I'm looking to connect with people, find new things to read, get inspired, create, and maybe even make new friends through this community. It's a place to connect with others who love what I love and learn from them. 😊
What pairings do you like to read? Reader inserts? Ships? Poly fics?
Don't really ever like to read any fics with ships mostly OFC or Reader inserts
What genres do you like to read? Angst? Fluff? Smut? Crack? What are your favorite tropes?
Angst, Fluff, Everything 18+, Smut, and all AU's
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? If yes, tell us who! (Please let us know if they are on Tumblr or AO3.)
I have three AO3: @smolandgrumpy @Zeppelin_Skies ( on Tumblr @zepskies) @neganslucilletblr (Same @ on Tumblr)
What kinds of fics do you like to write?
The fics I like to write revolve around love.
Drop a link to your masterlist on Tumblr or Works list on AO3 so we can check out your writing!
Drop a link to your most underappreciated fic!
The only fic that I have up at the moment is a TVD one. Right now it's on a little break because I have three SPN fics that will be out sometime this summer.
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Why haven't you tried before? How can we help?
I'd like to try writing some one-shots. I have a hard time keeping things short and sweet, but hopefully, I'll be able to hop on a writer's challenge after connecting with others on here.
Tumblr media
That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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the-gray-ghosty · 1 year
Sam trauma fics please!!! Anything with hallucifer/lucifer/demon blood just anything lmao
Thank you bestie<3
I am SO sorry this took so long bestie!! @ghost-go-roasty-mctoasty
I have SO many sam trauma fics bookmarked, so I'm going to rec specifically some of the hallucifer/lucifer/demon blood ones for you!
Through the Devil Softly by siamesedreams, hallucifer/implied/referenced noncon (no smut), gencest samdean, dean taking care of Sam as he suffers through anxiety attacks and ptsd from hallucinations in s7
Convalescence by impravidus, post!cage sam through the eyes of outsiders. Hallucifer and very protective dean
My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand by ad_castra
"5 times dean comforts sam by holding his hand (and one time he doesnt). Sam detoxing from demon blood, hallucinations, trials of hell, this fic goes through different times of sam trauma and sam having mental health issues
Leaning out for love by angelshotgun
Sam's been detoxing for years, but his powers stayed. He hid them from dean for years, but when Sam is sick dean finds out.
Help is never far away by wolfcry22
Sam gets dosed with demon blood against his will and has to detox again, but he also has the flu. Protective dean and Bobby, and ofc sam angst and pain
Through the Devil Softly by siamesedreams
Hallucifer, where Sam can't tell whats real and what's not. Sam has panic attacks and ptsd, with protective Dean and WINCEST (but no sex, just cuddling and protectivness)
Catching my death (staring out an open window) by ad_castra
Hallucifer/post cage sam and castiel, with enochian speaking sam and castiel, protective castiel and dean and unstable hurt sam
Trialculosis Sam by fogsrollingin
This is one of my favorite fanfictions of all time. The trials of hell are pretty much killing sam, and dean is trying his best (most of the time) to do his best to help sam. This has queerplatonic samdean, with hugging and comfort and lots of tears and hurt sam!
Buried at Sea by shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod
With no leads on the darkness, sam and dean tour the queen Mary ship in long beach california. But when sam and dean are seperated, and a ghost locks sam inside an old cage elevator, post-cage hell trauma comes out. Poor sam! Lots of protective dean.
Hiraeth by inkandpaperqwerty
Season 4, when Sam and dean sre separated after dean finds out about the demon blood, sam overdoses on his antidepressants. Suicidal!Sam calls dean, and dean comes to his aid. Protective dean and very protective bobby, and a little bit anti castiel at the begining (he's kind of a jerk, but he does care about sam in his own way).
Let me know if any of the links dont work!! :)
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
Do you have any fic recs for Mary finding out about wincest/weirdcest or just Mary bashing fics? (Maybe you already made a list of fics like this and I just haven't seen it!!)
Your fic rec lists are always awesome :)
DUDE lol~ I didn't have one, but now I do!
I've been working on an outsider POV rec list, so I started there. This only overlaps a little bit with the other list.
Tbh, I prefer Mary POV or nuanced crit fic over straightup bashing fic, so I'm light on that front, but there are a couple here that might scratch the itch. (If anyone wants to add recs of that variety to this post, though, please feel free if it fits the scope of the ask!)
Mary Finds Out/Reacts to SamDean ~ a rec list
First check out this post from hathfrozen: hunters are tactile
Sons And Mothers by deanandsam
Rating: Mature | Words: 632 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Dean and Mary have a frank conversation which leaves the older Winchester heartbroken. Good job Sam's there to pick up the pieces.
My Note: short and dialogue-heavy, not Mary-positive
Oil in the Lungs by jribbing
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 3652 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Some say cruelty is an art. Some say it's an accident. Usually, it's both at the same time. Dean thought he wanted this. Dean thought he needed this.
My Note: Dean observes Mary's neglect of Sam when she leaves the bunker, and can't help comparing her to John. Mother's day Sam n Dean Emotional Hurt/Comfort. [podfic by the author available]
Let Her Leave, I've Got You by Anonymous
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 7190 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: AU Season 12 Episode 3 The Foundry
Mary's a bit more interested in Sam and Dean's past, Dean cares too much, and things quickly spiral out of control. But hey, Sam and Dean have each other to lean on when things get rough.
My Note: This fic contains abusive John and an unfavorable Mary. Dean POV.
More than a brother by Rajatarangini
Rating: Mature | Words: 2087 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: It is only now, when Sam has come back from the dead, that Mary finds out that her sons are more than just brothers to each other.
(Mary POV)
As Angels Watched by Ninni
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 449 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: It's the little things that makes Mary wary, at first.
something you love and understand by monsterq
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 7221 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: In heaven, Mary makes an unwelcome discovery about her sons’ relationship.
Mary Did You Know? by AnonDude
Rating: Explicit | Words: 5032 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Mary meets a witch who possesses neither the power nor the ingredients and know-how to open a portal to send Mary and Jack back home...but she can provide Mary a look between worlds. Just one chance to see her boys for a few minutes until they find a way to be reunited again. It's her most ardent wish, save for actually getting back home, and suddenly it's in her lap — an actual, possible reality. 
But you know what they say… You should be careful what you wish for.
Pick up the Pieces by Dyed_Red
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 18940 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Filling the gaps in their stories is slow work, but piece by piece, Mary learns about her sons and the world she left behind.
(A canon-compliant retelling of S12 through Mary’s eyes, with some implied relationships but only as speculation and hearsay)
a skeleton terribly restless by remy (iamremy)
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 20518 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Mary knows she doesn't fit right in this strange new world she's woken up in, with these grown men masquerading as her sons, but she tries her best. She really does. She closes her eyes to all the things she does not want to see, and she lies to herself until she's convinced.
Until she can't.
(One more look) and I forget everything by thewrongsideofmorality
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 1447 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: After rescuing Sam from the Men of Letters, Mary stumbles onto something she wishes she hadn't
grateful by whiskeycherrypie
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 3911 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: John says something to Mary. Sam and Dean pass out in bed together.
The timing couldn't be worse.
*Now with chapter 2. Mary asks questions. So does Sam.
Picks up from 14x13.
Reckoning With Herself by Amoreanonyname
Rating: Gen | Words: 550 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: Mary Winchester reflects on the real reasons she avoided Sam and Dean for so long.
Heat Waves in the Middle of June by Anonymous
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 1161 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: This, Mary realizes, is the life she’s condemned her boys to. Hot summer afternoons on the road in the middle of nowhere, with nothing to their names, with nothing but each other.
Illicit Affairs by Anonymous
Rating: Gen | Words: 1488 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: "So moms back..."
Mary is back from the dead and faced with Sam and Dean's relationship that goes beyond being brothers.
they were each other's toxic cure called codependency by nowhere_blake
Rating: Gen | Words: 2172 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Mary’s back, Dean is gone and Sam stops sleeping. She thought she understood how deep her boys' relationship goes, but when Michael takes over and Dean disappears, she needs to reevaluate just exactly how scarily codependent the two of them are.
Coda to 14x01 Stranger in a Strange Land.
Hope these satisfy, gray!
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