#same for daniel x louis x armand
claudiaeparvier · 2 years
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ObSESSED with this shot
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macaulaytwins · 1 year
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pov you’re trying to fuck that old man
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transldpdl · 6 months
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Louis de Pointe Du Lac 'In Throes of Increasing Wonder'
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allyriadayne · 4 months
it's so crazy how this is the first time louis live editing of his story is so blatant. daniel found and inconsistency and unraveled the whole thing. putting words in claudia's mouth, making her hesitate, almost saying what louis could never do, that she loved lestat
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this aided by louis or armand cutting the pages out of her diary so louis can tell a neater story. what happened to claudia out there with killer? if louis is implying bruce raped her why not let HER tell the story anyway? or just plain don't imply anything in the first place. daniel saying in this episode that claudia seemed like she hated louis' guts and he couldn't abide that, just like he couldn't when she left too and wouldn't listen to him calling her in one of the s2 promo videos, daniel again mentions claudia was hating paris and it's implied louis didn't. i wonder if there are cut pages there too relating to armand or a more acute and specific unhappiness with louis that drives her to seek madeleine.
it's like in louis' mind claudia's troubles and unhappiness are all related to lestat, just like his. so they leave, louis "choses" her. but claudia is not happy because it wasn't all lestat, it was louis, it was her birth, it's her. louis can't find love again when she's unhappy. so he will try to tell a story where nothing went wrong and she was happy and he was happy and in love and where he didn't find guilty as he left her behind for armand. and that's not getting into the weird dynamic where he says claudia "let" him explore and find himself in paris!!
anyway it's a good sign in s2 louis seems to be more aware of claudia as a person rather than as words in a diary and that he's trying (?) to give back the pages and her missing life for a let's say....objective retelling of her story too
it's just UGH. the editing of claudia's life drives me so crazy sometimes. i mean, there is always going to be a subjective retelling of anyone featured in louis' narration, that is memory, how we perceive others is never how they perceive themselves or how they just are but there's a double editing in claudia because you've got louis and you've got her OWN diary, part of her self, that louis (or/and armand) ALSO cuts and pastes as he sees fit because he wants to "protect" her from.....WHAT? a fictional exploitation of her character that he is giving himself anyway by telling the story anyway? just hide the diaries. he wants to tell the truth. but only in his way. what does claudia has that louis finds so unpalatable? so miserable? a mirror of his own unhappiness etched in a little girl's face?
and i mean, it's not only that this is done, it's that claudia from the beginning is a character that is robbed of her agency. she's a child with a death mother, she should die, but then is stolen for louis to make a daughter out of her, so she becomes an eternal child. and it's worse when claudia is made to be 14 and in the cusp of womanhood! it's crueler! a 5 yo claudia doesn't know what it is to be a person, but 14 yo claudia does but never will. the point of her character is that she's constantly desperately seeking agency and freedomm to be able to make decisions on her own. and she never will, not even after death because louis is still part of her cage and decides how she will be, like her mean aunt did in life and lestat and louis did in her undead one
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toriangeli · 2 months
Re-obsessed with this song. Perfect for 98% of the couples in TVC/IWTV. Messy bastards.
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Okay time for another small (I hope) analysis on IWTV, mainly the way it's written and its place on current television. I'll try my best to format this so it's not ramblings all over, I promise.
IWTV and plot points
I watched a good amount of television in my time, and one thing I noticed here is the fact that it doesn't hold your hand. It doesn't tell you "hey, this thing x is important, now we will tell again why x is important, now here see x being used, the important thing we talked about so far, did you remember, audience?".
Let's take as an example the "don't drink the blood of the living" thing. It's said to a young Louis (telling also to the audience in the 2nd episode how vampirism in this setting works) and then every time it's brought up it's indirectly (Lestat spitting out the sick man's blood, we see Claudia buying Laudanum and we know what it will be used for, but they don't tell us "Hey, Claudia is planning to poison someone so that Lestat drinks it, because remember audience, dead blood kills them"). Sometimes not only it doesn't hold your hand, but shoves you in a different direction, especially in S2. It contradicts himself, backtracks and then it's up to you to spot it.
For example, attentive viewers may have noticed that Sam was in 2 places at once in the trial, one episode before the actual reveal. It isn't a gotcha they came up with in the finale to give more gravitas to the revelation. When they tell us Lestat mass manipulated the audience, it makes sense for the storyline too because we already saw him do that with the soldiers, we have a previous example to refer to, Armand never used that particular power.
In a time where we see so many social media adopt the "short videos" gimmick, like reels and shorts etc, having a piece of media that references back in this way is super refreshing.
2. Character complexity
Complex characters are the backbone of this show. It's easy to place a character in a box and leave them there. You see it with the stereotype of the villain, the best friend, the hero. Some tv shows may have the character shift into a different box, but it's almost never permanent (think of the times where a hero gets corrupted by the Evil Power, but then reverts back to their hero status after Defeating the Evil Power because they remembered the Power of Friendship).
We have Louis, well meaning vampire who is capable of horrible deeds when pushed to the brink. Lestat, who feels so much to the point it hurts the people around him. Armand, whose trauma and fear bring out the need to control, but at the same time he needs to do that without actually controlling. They are all these things at the same time, and it's impossible to see them in a black and white perspective.
3. Details
A line almost always has its parallels to another line in the show, gazes always mean something, props are detailed and shown (I made a post looking at Daniel's notes in 2x05, which were shown for a second only, but you can also think about Claudia's diaries, all handwritten, or the astonishing amount of folders that were in Daniels computer from the Talamasca. That is all prop work done to be shown for a few seconds at most).
4. Analysis
This is more of a fandom thing than the show itself, but I was suprised by the amount of deep analysis that people here on Tumblr did (but also on other social media). Long essays on the meaning of a scene, or on the many many topics the show brings to light (the fallacy of memory, the impact of trauma, the meaning of free will and agency).
Similarly lots of people said that the show brought them back the urge to start creating, whether it's gifs, video essays, edits, fanart, fics, what have you. I started going back to Tumblr after years (last time I was here was during S4 of Sherlock).
And I feel like this is only possible if you give your audience something to work with, something to talk about and to dissect, rather than simple "entertainment".
5. Final thoughts
Of course, this isn't to say IWTV is error free, all perfect, without flaws. Nor is it the only one that has had this amount of labor and impact. But it's still miles ahead from most media we have available at the moment in my opinion, and I really hope its success brings other showrunners or directors to want to try and dare, to trust in their audience, to avoid shortcuts and to pour love in their creation.
If you got this far, I just want to thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings again! Have a cute Louis as a reward, and see you next time :)
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murfpersonalblog · 23 days
IWTV S2 Ep8 Musings - The Ep8 Script (Pt2)
Thanks to slitwrstsavior sharing the script and @memorian for digitizing it! <3
Had to do Pt1 in chunks, cuz of Tumblr's 30-pic limit.
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DANGIT. So this was INTENTIONALLY vague, not just some weird choppiness or cut footage.
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Ohhhh.... They added just a tiny extra line--
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But it's a SPICY line, cuz it implies that Les wasn't fully cooperating/on board with the rehearsal. BUT! Like I said, there's no effing mention/emphasis/indication that he was INJURED, either, which is an L.
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They changed it--Louis looks UP, into the middle distance.
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I'm fine with it either way--this scene had me and my bff SCREECHING.
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Pet peeve, but the crew really should've been spritzing these vampires with a spray bottle of red blood, so we'd SEE the BLOOD SWEAT. (I was thinking about this when that post was circulating about vampire sex in IWTV fanfiction, like, AMC didn't show visual vampiric cues like Blood Sweat or blood (ejaculate) stains on the coffin lining--Les' was WHITE, and we KNOW Loustat was going at it in the coffins, so were they just reupholstering CONSTANTLY?) The books mention Blood Sweat all the time, all over their clothes, but the show just focused on Blood Tears (and ofc Les' ear hemorrhages).
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OOOOOOOO.....!!! 👀 That highlighted bit was cut out! "You have grown warm again, filled with the love which you first came to Paris with." WUUUUT!?! So Armand's mind-wipe gaslighting BS against Louis was in the exact same vein as Claudia "finding her childlike wonder again"--which was IMPOSSIBLE, since ARMAND was the one that beat it out of her, Mr. 500 Performances, Mr. Sleep In Your Costume; Mr. They Gave Me A Choice; Mr. I Will Not Harm You.
I seriously suspect that every time Louis had an "outburst" like he said in 1x2, or "acted out," Armand would be like "Go back to your first night in Paris--forget all the bad stuff, just be warm & happy [with me];" but then Lou would FIGHT it (or rather: Daniel's constant prodding would PUSH Louis to fight it), and Armand would have to do it all over again. (My question's why didn't he just kill Daniel? Arrogance, I reckon--he severely underestimated just how good Daniel was; and "You can get lazy," like Lou said, cuz Armand didn't even bother to read Dan's thoughts to learn that the Talamasca was feeding Daniel all this extra information).
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They cut that line, too--was Louis parroting him (fighting hypnosis), asking him (for clarification), or challenging him (indignant)?
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That might also explain the new couches, LOL, if he wrecked them from the impact or bled on them or something.
(We already know Jacob improvised shaking Eric's hand.)
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MLS = LePere Schloop?
Too bad we didn't get this--I wanted to see the main door/lobby of the penthouse (certainly not for my The Sims Dubai penthouse layout, no sir~!) .
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They added extra lines about the hurricane being pre-July.
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Uhhh.... This might imply certain things. Cuz I've been saying that the post-Paris timeline makes no effing sense (X X), and now we have confirmation(?) that Louis' had an Amex membership since 1951.... Even though Amex credit cards were only started in 1958, as a competitor for the Diner's Card that started in 1950 -- so was Louis an INVESTOR who helped launch the Amex credit card!? XD STFU, AMC! I thought y'all said No Forrest Gumpness!? XD
Also: HOW does Louis qualify for all these credit cards? (We saw he had a regular Amex Green Card in 1973 SanFran). According to Amex application qualifications, you need a US SSN or ITIN; OR a foreign credit card to apply.
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And France isn't listed. (Unless anyone's French and has an Amex card who can correct me?)
SSNs have been issued since FDR (1936), so Louis SHOULD have one...but it would be from 1936-40 (pre-Mardi Gras), or after Paris () . Meaning on paper he'd be in his 80s in 2022, so I don't imagine he'd be a Black Card carrier for too much longer, unless he's got someone on the inside cooking the books for him.
Omfg AMC I hate y'all. got me out here overthinking effing PROPS.
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They added a few lines about the green "pearly gates" of 1132:
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And took out a few lines:
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And took out an interesting bit of tea:
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So the people of ~1940s NOLA thought Claudia was Louis' daughter (Claudia DPDL confirmed???) but the grapevine ALSO rumored that she was his child bride--OOF! 💀 (Which tracks with the AR pedo/incest stuff. Thank goodness they DON'T remember his name!)
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Rolin keeps mentioning this smashed piano, but I HAVE LOOKED, but I also have crap eyesight (curse you, midnight gaming sessions), and I just don't frikkin see any smashed piano. HELP.
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DEFINITELY not the Mayfair mansion though! XD DANG, I wish they'd included a few frames of gangs tryna rob the Garden District homes, coming up on the Mayfair house, and IMMEDIATELY booking past it like they'd seen a ghost. CROSSOVER, AMC, COME ONNNN.
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Drats, I wanted to see Millennial Fledgling try to square up against Lou, and get one of Lou's patented condescending smirks. XD
And Les looked dirty, but he didn't look malnourished, sadly; which I'm still mad about.
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In the FLOORBOARDS? OK, come through, BRUCE--I been saying this about Lestat, yet people wanna call me names!
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New rule, AMC: NEVER remove Loustat lines. We need ALL the angst. Les out here like: ain't no way a baddie like Lou is SINGLE! XD
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S3 BETTER show us Les watching the most vapid ish on Youtube, omg.
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Drats--it might have been cool to see him with those huge pupils he gets when he's mad/hungry, but ah well; he still looked like a gorgeous BAMF.
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nightcolorz · 2 months
more on dissociative armand- some songs that i feel fit him & this headcanon very well because i cant not relate him to songs (my armand playlist is something like 17 hours long at this point, not including 3 separate ones that are also for him)
- Christine by Siouxsie and The Banshees
“she tries not to shatter, kaleidoscope style, personality changes behind her red smile, every new problem brings a stranger inside, helplessly forcing one more new disguise”
Now, this song is actually about a woman named Christine with DID, but with this headcanon the songs, and particularly these opening lyrics match up with Armand very well, both with his disconnect between Armand, Amadeo and Arun and with his intense masking to hide his abnormalities and discomforts.
- Valley of the Dolls by Marina (and the Diamonds)
“Born with a void, hard to destroy with love or hope, built with a heart, broken from the start”
“Living with identities that do not belong to me”
“Pick a personality for free, when you feel like nobody”
This song has a whole lot of thing that feel very Armand so i’ll go in order of the lyrics.
The first set of these lyrics definitely reminds me of Armand thinking and talking about his own past and what little he remembers of it. When he is talking to Daniel in 1973 he uses the metaphor of a black hole to talk about the absence of a meaningful self or life, which he projects onto Daniel even as it relates to himself a lot more. Armand is always a character that is sort of “doomed from the start”, his narrative of horrors and dehumanisation beginning at such a young age (even with things like “not made from human hands”) that he doesn’t really know anything else. He doesn’t have any sense of self than a void, and his heart really is broken from the start, never really being able to love someone or understand love at all. (“would he recognise love, if he were to experience it?”)
The second set of lyrics add onto this and the HC of dissociative disorders/ his identities really being separate. The identities of Amadeo and Armand never did belong to him, they were given to him, assigned to him by Marius and Allessandra respectively. Then there is Arun, who he doesn’t remember. He doesn’t know if that was his true name at all and all he does remember is when that life and identity was taken from him. It doesn’t come back up until his relationship with Louis, and when it starts to be used in their unhealthy Dom/Sub relationship, it again doesn’t belong to him, but to Louis.
The third set of lyrics really is an add on to the second, Armand doesn’t really feel like anyone, he has no fixed identity, so he keeps choosing different parts to play to please or serve whoever he’s around and what they want, be it Lestat, the theatre coven, Louis or Daniel. These come so easily and freely because it’s all he knows, it’s not putting a mask over a real person, its becoming another phantom of a person that he has always been.
- Another Marina song, Fear and Loathing
“I’ve lived a lot of different lives, been different people many times, I lived my life in bitterness, and fill my heart with emptiness”
“Got different people inside my head, I wonder which one that they like best, I’m done with trying to have it all, and ending up with not much at all”
I don’t really have anything to say here that wouldn’t be repeating what I said for Valley of the Dolls as it’s very much the same thing, but these lyrics are too fitting not to also mention, and this song is So Very Armand both in lyrics and sonically, it has that perfect dreamy-gentle yet heartbreaking tone.
Last but not least Identity by X-Ray Spex gives me a very similar vibe even if the tone is very different (a classic punk song). I can’t really say much about the lyrics as they are quite repetitive (“Identity is the crisis can’t you see”) but it’s very Armand nonetheless and gives me the impression of Old man no nonsense Daniel confronting him about his lack of self
YESSSS UR SO RIGHT THESE R PERFECT!!!! Every time I get sent Armand songs I get ten more years on my life
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loustat-0 · 4 months
Just saw a tweet on X about Louis and Daniel forming alliance against Armand . Yes I want them to reveal his lying ass 😈
Yes I just saw that tweet on discord 🤭 . But I knew it was gonna happen because Jacob and Eric kinda mentioned it in one of the earliest interviews . I don't have the X right now so I don't have that interview . But I'm sure about it .
And yes I think they should do that . Both of them need to ask him the same question and pressure him to see what he answers and then compare it so the truth would be out . 👀😈
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mybelladonicbeauty · 3 months
The moment in the cafe is simultaneously so sweet and uncomfortable imho. Louis' behaviour adds some tension to the scene I think for him it's strange watching Claudia so grown up after he has been able to put her in the role of his child, his sister her always being a burden to her as he mentions "can you imagine me without the burden of her" of course that line is mostly to manipulate Armand but there is likely some truth in it. He is watching Claudia so happy and free, genuinely satisfied with Madeleine and he is happy for her but at the same time she is so different like he comments on how she is always looking for the next x on the map and here she has found it it must be strange for him that he isnt the person that knows her best a moment of realisation that he doesn't necessarily know her as well as he thought he did and that is hard. Additionally Madeleine adds a bit of tension to his dynamic with Armand with her comment that Louis loves him but doesn't want him to know "why don't you want him to know how much you love him" - Louis jokingly claims he gets enough affection which we do see but we also see Louis' power over him and their dynamic - I rewatched *that scene* following reading discussion of it on here and Armand does hesitate definitely
she opens up a question of the love in Loumand's relationship which I think they feel for each other - but it is also complicated for Louis that level of vulnerability is what he felt with Lestat I think and with Armand he perhaps takes on this more obvious Dominant role in order to avoid that level of vulnerability (thats not the only reason I just thought that) he carries Lestat with him so while he loves armand his previous relationship still overshadows and maybe Louis is afraid to be that open and vulnerable with his love for armand following the trauma with lestat so he sets the relationship on a particular level so as to not have to unpack those feelings anyway I think jacob is intentionally acting Louis as being tense and hesitant in this scene - he cracks jokes to deal with this but to me it's clear especially in opposition to Claudia's contentment
Or maybe the tension is influenced by Louis telling the story to Daniel because Dubai Louis knows what happens next and he also is feeling complicated emotions following the revelation that he asked for his memories to be blocked I don't know
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
This is in response to the anon who said they went through Sam's interviews and saw that he'd said Lestat wouldn't like that Louis x Armand have been together all these years, though the books say otherwise:
I think it has been shown throughout the series that Lestat is in fact the jealous type "I HEARD YOUR HEARTS DANCING" so regardless of what happens in the books, the Lestat that we know is a bit different. And not everything that is in the books will happen in the show, or will happen in the same way. I mean, look at book Louis vs TV Louis lol
Yes, but remember it was/is a tale told for an effect… we have already seen that the tale broke, several times now. Jealousy was used to shape Lestat’s image. And Louis’. AND we have statements by cast and crew that Armand‘s version of his and Lestat‘s time was a little fanfic (for example). AND we know Armand has been tinkering. Also for an effect.
I don’t think we can judge (in a final way) until s2 has run - because I think the last episode(s) will upend/adapt/change/clear up (whatever you want to call it) a lot of the narrative.
And re book vs show Louis… Jacob said they’re actually not that different, and I agree. Show Louis is more. He is not quite as passive. But he’s still the same character. And, when it all comes down I bet that will be true for Armand, Daniel and Lestat as well.
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hekateinhell · 8 months
thinking of that one line in TDM where daniel remembers "that in the language of an ancient people the word for flowers was the same as the word for blood", and i'm curious if anyone ever dug around for what specific language (or subset of languages) he might have been referring to... do you have any leads?
They stood beneath the dead tree twined full of airy purple wisteria blossoms. And the blossoms stroked his face, the clusters of waxy petals. Something came back to him, something he had known long ago-that in the language of an ancient people the word for flowers was the same as the word for blood.
Okay, I love both flower symbolism (as you can see here and here) and languages, so this quote rattles around in my brain every so often and for some reason I never dove into it but I did today! 
Apparently, according to some sources the word for blossom/flower and blood share a common Proto-Indo-European (PIE) root *bhel-(3).
[Bhel-(3)] forms all or part of: blade; bleed; bless; blood; blow (v.2) "to bloom, blossom;" bloom (n.1) "blossom of a plant;" bloom (n.2)
That is really all I could find online and I compared words in Ancient Greek, Old Arabic, and Latin — PIE is said to predate these other languages by at least a few thousand years, so those that spoke it would have truly been "an ancient people" that lived during the Late Neolithic Period.
Anne got her Masters in Creative Writing; she was even a PhD candidate at one point, so I think it's very probable that she might have come across something to do with linguistics in her research and all the time she spent in university libraries! Or maybe she just thought it sounded romantic and fanciful and she lucked out on the etymology angle (this is something I would do tbh).
But in-universe, from Daniel's POV, he likely heard it at college or from one of the many people he interviewed before meeting Louis and it flashed into his mind in the midst of the beautiful garden illusion Armand created for him during his turning.
And now I am once again emotional.
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allegra-writes · 1 year
"The Aftermath" Part III
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Armand x Daniel Molloy
Warnings: Rough sex, dirty talk, a tiny crumb of daddy kink. Idk, this turned out cleaner and more angsty than expected
Disclaimer: I don't own any recognizable character, and for legal reasons I won't be accepting tips for this story or any story set in Anne Rice's Immortal Universe. Thank you!
Previously Next
“What the fu- GET OFF ME”
“I will not!” Armand had both of Daniel’s wrists gripped tightly, using the full weight of his body to pin Daniel’s to the floor, effectively trapping him, “If I have to physically restrain you to stop you from leaving me, so be it”
"You can't keep me here against my will!" Even as he said it, he wondered if, maybe, he could. Vampiric strength and all, he couldn't seem to make Armand budge. The more his maker pressed down on his wrists, the more Daniel understood just how much Armand had contained himself around him, the force he was using on Daniel would have shattered his bones to dust had he still been human.
"Then choose to stay!" Armand demanded, childlike and petulant, as if he truly couldn’t grasp why it had to be more complicated than that.
“It doesn’t work like that!”
“Then tell me how to make you want to stay! I’d do anything” He begged, and Daniel was able to hear the catch in his voice, feel the last thread of self-control Armand was desperately trying to hold onto. Daniel himself was feeling his own control slip. For all the power he could feel in his newly undead body, having the vampire -the other vampire, he was a fucking vampire too- so close, seeing the slow, faint pulse of blood pumping inside the bulging vein of his neck, was making him dizzy. Startled, Daniel realized he was hungry. “Anything you want me to do, I’ll do it. Anything you want me to say, I’ll say it”
Daniel shook his head in an attempt to clear it, to focus on what Armand was saying, but he took it as a refusal.
“You want me to apologize, for what little it would do? Fine, I will, even as it will not change anything. I am sorry. I am sorry for refusing to turn you when you asked me to, I am sorry for taking your memories of me and forcing you to live on. I am sorry for indulging Louis in his little schemes simply because the prospect of seeing you, of having you near again was too tempting to pass, I am sorry for not letting you die. I am sorry" Armand was practically screaming now, bloody tears streaming down his face, the mask of composure stripped away, "And the worst part is, I am not sorry at all. If I had the chance to turn back time, I would do it exactly the same, because I simply can't bear to even imagine a world where you don't exist anymore!"
Daniel cursed internally as he felt the words warm something up inside of him, melting his resolve, his righteous anger, away. Some forgotten, protective instinct inside himself, like a dormant agent that only Armand’s tears could activate. He had never been able to resist those tears, the bastard probably knew that. Even at his worst, at the height of his junky days and his mercurial, violent behavior, Daniel had always stopped short in his warpath of destruction to kiss those tears away. Armand, the puppet master, the play director, had to remember that.
Damned him. Damned the consummated actor, damn the manipulative bastard, damned the controlling freak. Damned his boyish face, so heart-rendering as it twisted in suffering. Damned his love. Damned the tears Daniel knew to be sincere.
“Damn you, Armand!” Daniel cursed, out loud this time, before crashing his mouth to his.
Damned himself. He had just damned himself, he could tell. There was no way an addict like him could get a taste of that and not become immediately hooked on it. The way Armand’s searing, silky lips felt against his own -hot with his blood- it was as if the link between their minds was there again, he could feel the kiss on his brain, the electric clarity of a thought, that's how pure it felt.
And then, Armand started kissing back, coaxing Daniel’s lips open with his own, his scorching, sultry tongue slipping inside his mouth, just a little bit, just enough for the tip to lick at the unbelievably sensitive interior surface of his upper lip, only to withdraw again, as Armand drew back, ending the kiss too soon, way too soon.
“Daniel,” There was concern in Armand’s voice, “you’re trembling”
“Feels good” Daniel mumbled. Understatement of the fucking century, but words were a little beyond his capacity at the moment. Something shifted in Armand’s eyes, the briefest spark of lust, pride, greediness, before settling on mischief.
“My firstborn… brand new and tender, a neonate” He whispered, almost in awe, before the mischievous look returned, “Everything must feel so different and overwhelming”
Daniel had no warning before Armand’s hand slid into his pants, making him cry out.
“Fuck, you’re evil!” There was probably a crack in the marble after Daniel threw his head back against it, but Armand didn’t mind, all of his attention on the newly fanged vampire as he closed his fingers around his length.
“And you, my beautiful boy, are mine” He whispered hot against Daniel’s neck, making shivers explode over his entire body, rippling and multiplying like the quiet waters of a fountain when a penny was dropped in it, “as you were always meant to be”
Before he could protest, say something inane and stupid that they both knew to be a lie, like how Daniel wasn’t his, the hand around his dick started moving, pumping slowly, the pressure carefully measured, barely there at all, but enough for Daniel to feel it, enough for speech to be an impossible feat for his mouth, busy as it was moaning.
“Do you like it, Daniel?” Armand’s devilish mouth was nipping at Daniel’s jaw, sucking at his earlobe, murmuring dirtily at his ear, “How even the smallest of frictions feels so intense on your cock? And that’s just my hand… imagine how my mouth would feel” He punctuated with a long, filthy lick at Daniel’s now hypersensitive neck, “How my cock would feel inside you… How yours would feel inside of me… I’ll never again feel cold to you, did you know that? Even if I don’t feed, you and I will be the same temperature. Can you imagine that? All that heat, all that exquisite pressure… we are so strong, Daniel, we have muscles humans don’t even realize they have, I could squeeze you just right, ride you until you came, and then just keep ridding you until you cried… You always did like it when I made you cry in bed, remember now, my Daniel?”
He did remember. Fuck, he remembered it all: The intricate patterns Armand would draw on his body with black ropes, tying him up tight and pretty just so he could spend hours torturing him, edging him with his hands and his tongue and his toys to the very brink of insanity, and then making him come over and over again until tears came to his eyes and he begged for mercy.
The devious vampire stopped the movement of his hand until Daniel opened his eyes to look at him in question, never once breaking eye contact as he licked his palm wet and sloppy, before wrapping the slick hand once again around Daniel’s cock, grip firmer this time, even as he kept the milking movements slow and measured.
“Do you want that, Daniel?” His personal devil asked, low and seductive, “Because I want it. I want to feel you inside me…”
Not fifteen minutes ago, Daniel had bragged about his self-control, the stoic discipline born out of a lifetime of self-denial, but there was only so much an ex-addict could take. It was one thing to wave a bottle of whiskey in the face of an alcoholic, it was a very different one to wet his lips with a few drops of Macallan 1926 and expect him to remain composed. And Armand was a fucking bottle of Isabella’s Islay. With a feral, animal snarl, he snapped, stunning Armand beyond reaction as he turned them around so he would be the one hovering over the older vampire. Daniel wasted no time with niceties, one hand holding Armand by the neck while the other frenziedly tore at shirts and pants and gloves until not a stitch of offending fabric was left to obscure the view of bronze skin and taut muscle. All the while, Armand smiled up at him beatifically, basking in Daniel’s fury, in the urgency and violence of his moves, parting his legs to make room for his crazed fledgling.
Daniel touched the pads of his index and middle finger to Armand’s plump bottom lip, slipping them inside the warm cavern of his mouth when he opened for him, pressing down on his tongue, letting him choke a little in his eagerness for sucking them, to taste them, to welcome any part of himself Daniel was willing to give into his body, whining as Daniel made to withdraw them before demanding,
He obeyed, eyes rolling back at the taste, but Daniel didn’t allow him to enjoy it for too long, quickly taking his fingers out of Armand’s mouth to briefly tease at his rim before shoving them inside, as deep as they would go, making his maker cry out.
There was little in the way of preparation, Daniel only managing to thrust and scissor his fingers inside Armand’s unholy, silky heat a couple of times before the demanding brat started begging,
“Now, Daniel, I want you now. I want to feel it, I want you to make it hurt!”
Daniel didn’t have to be told twice, letting go of Armand to lower his jeans and underwear just enough to free his dick and used his bloody hand to slick himself up before guiding his cock with Armand’s entrance and pushing in.
It was so immediately, devastatingly overwhelming that Daniel’s arms almost buckled, making him almost lose his balance. He managed to keep it together but barely, needing to hide his face in the crook of his maker’s neck to center himself again. Meanwhile Armand, as desperate and disheveled as Daniel had ever seen him, tried to wrap his legs around Daniel to push him down, to undulate his hips, anything to force more of Daniel inside himself, but one of Daniel’s strong hands splayed right below his navel was enough to pin him in place.
It was a power trip like no other. Of course they had switched before, inverting their usual roles of dominant and dominated, hardly anything could be found that they hadn’t tried in the heyday of their psychosexual games together. But it had always been make-believe, nothing but the flimsies illusion of control until Armand got impatient and flipped them over to ride Daniel as hard and as fast as he could without breaking his fragile human bones. Daniel had never held any real power over Armand… until now. Being able to keep his demonic lover in place with just one hand, forcing him to wait patiently, to take only what Daniel gave him, inch by agonizingly slow, unescapable inch, carving a place for himself inside this ancient, almost almighty monster that had haunted his dreams and nightmares for so long was exhilarating, to say the least.
By the time Daniel’s balls hit the supernaturally smooth skin of Armand’s buttcheeks, he was a sobbing, quivering mess under Daniel’s heavy, dead weight.
“Danny… Danny, please… I need… I need…”
“What do you need, baby? Tell Daddy what you need…” Daniel murmured, tone not-quite mocking. Armand whimpered, hands shaking as he clutched at Daniel’s wool-clad biceps, his shoulders, his hair, anywhere he could reach. Daniel kissed his blood-sweat damp curls, soothing.
“Don’t worry, baby, daddy’s gonna fuck you just the way you need it” Daniel rocked his hips a couple of times testing the give of Armand’s hole, splayed so snug around his cock, as much as his own resistance. He was acutely aware of every single one of his senses as they fired stimulus after stimulus at the speed of light. The only thing he could compare to how everything felt was that party down in Brooklyn so many years ago where he had tripped on LSD and ended up getting pounded within an inch of his life on the rooftop under a maroon sky. Both experiences had Armand at the center as his Polaris, the bright north star guiding him home, making sure he didn’t get lost in the whirlwind of sensation.
Proud of himself and sure he would not shoot his load as soon as he moved, Daniel pulled out. Not a couple of inches, not until just the tip remained inside, he pulled all the way out, just so he could slam right back in, muffling Armand’s cry with his kiss. Finding his purchase on Armand’s thick, athletic thigh, he hoisted it higher around his waist to deepen the angle of penetration and laid it in, setting a punishing, merciless rhythm that had Armand clawing at the back of his sweater, ripping the fabric to shreds.
“Daniel… My Daniel!”
“Yes, say my name baby… wanna hear you scream it… Fuck! You feel so fucking good…” Daniel almost asked, would have if he had found the words to do it, if it would always feel like that, every nerve on his body aflame, all of his newfound, insurmountable brainpower focused on one single point, the place his body sank into Armand’s over and over again. He could feel himself becoming this wild creature, this tameless animal with no higher reasoning, no other purpose but to have and take and possess the being under him, vampire instinct screaming at him, the voice of a revenant inside his own skull, telling him to mark his maker as his, to complete the ritual, to finish what Armand had started half a century before. Daniel felt his fangs descend, the drag of the dry bone almost sensual against his gums.
“Yes! My beloved, my fledgling, my Daniel… do it!” Armand clamored for it, exposing the enticing, endless curve of his neck, a lure impossible to resist. Daniel bit down.
Love. Cherishing, worshipful, all-encompassing love hit Daniel like a train as soon as Armand’s blood touched his tongue. He knew what it felt like, to have Armand inside his head, but that had never been a two-way street, even as the vampire had been more forthcoming inside the privacy of Daniel’s mind, his secrets had never been laid bare in front of Daniel like that.
Can you taste it, Daniel? Do you feel the sweet caress of the blood as it floods your insides? That searing, luxuriant gush of warmth as it flows incandescent from my veins to yours? I promise you, is just as orgasmic every time. There is nothing more intimate than holding a life between your arms and drink it up, no greater pleasure to our kind. Is it always going to be like this, you ask? Well, lover mine, my precious newborn, blood of my blood, sin of my sin, it won’t. In this big, wide earth, in this savage garden, no blood will ever taste as sweet, nothing will ever feel as good to you as I do. I am your maker, Daniel, nothing will ever satisfy you as I will.
A part of Daniel wanted to rebel, to protest, to push Armand away but it was useless. After all, he doubted any of his theatrics would be convincing, not after he came so hard at Armand’s words he could feel it overflowing his maker’s slight frame, leaking down his shaft, dripping on his balls. He parted from Armand’s neck, throwing his head back, overwhelmed by his very first swoon. And Armand, ruthless monster that he was, took advantage of his momentary helplessness to flip them over, straddling Daniel’s thighs so he could not escape.
“You did not think I was done with you so soon, did you, beloved?” He asked, the very image of depravity as he lazily stroked his leaking cock.
No. Daniel didn’t even dream of it…
To be continued...
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effyrosemary · 6 months
Armand - 18. Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both? 13. If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character? Quinn - 16. Have you ever cried when thinking about this character? Genuinely? 12. If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character?
For Armand
Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both?
Peace & comfort!!!! Armand is the only character who I personally do not like to see/read suffering or being angsty. I have a special place in my heart for Armand and he has been through enough :c I don't like it when he's being put through more stuff, I want him to experience peace and happiness and comfort always every day forever for the rest of my life
If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character?
I would love to draw him as Amadeo in Venice, walking the Piazza San Marco, I also would love to draw him in his coven days, being A Dusty Creature. I would draw Devil's Minion Armand on a speedboat being iconic, I would draw Armand sitting on the airplane the night he makes Daniel, when he's wearing sleek black wool and has his hair clipped short. I would draw him as a beautiful Botticelli angel, and I would paint Marius' "The Temptation of Amadeo" There are so many things!
For Quinn
Have you ever cried when thinking about this character? Genuinely?
Yes, I recently listened to the audiobook of Blackwood Farm, and while reading the scene of his turning hit me, but not that hard. But oh man when I listened to it, it was so vivid and the narrator was also very good, so when I got to the part of him being turned against his will, and then eventually returning to his family, desperate for the same life he was living, yes I did feel a few tears rolling down my cheeks then.
If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character?
I answered this ask about him already, funnily enough so I'll just copy my answer here :)
I would write about him meeting the rest of the group, him being one of them, him meeting Louis HIM MEETING ARMAND, ARMAND WOULD BE SO MEAN TO HIM I JUST know Armand will be like why are you so good-natured, what is wrong with you aaaaa I would love to write it all. Everything Anne never gave him, unfortunately. Also all a lot of Lestat x Quinn smut
Thank you for the ask Kacy :3 <3
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apoptoses · 6 months
👓 aside from daniel's glasses and long-hair louis, what's something you forget is fanon and not actual canon?
Gosh this is hard because like, VC fandom doesn't really have fanon in the same way other fandoms do? Like in other fandoms fanon is like 'X has a sweet tooth' but in VC fandom fanon is often just someone's random projection onto a character that they then wanna have fisticuffs over lmao
I guess mine would be that as someone on the Armand-side of the fandom, sometimes I forget that post-canon all the vampires technically live at court in France and not at Trinity Gate 😂 Loustat fans write all this stuff about their faves at court, but Armand-fuckers zero in on Trinity Gate as the home base, and that makes it easy to forget that oh, fic could be set in Auvergne and a bunch of stuff actually happened there, not NYC.
Also that Daniel was a drunk but technically never used drugs in QotD lol Oops!! He's just so fun to have high on things other than blood.
But idk I enjoy some benign fanon so long as it's not overblown and nobody goes around bitching others out about their personal fanon vs canon 🤷‍♀️
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thoseyoulove · 2 months
@probablynottola thank you for tagging me! I love this games and also love Ted Lasso! I almost used it here, but thought the answers would be too repetitive so went with something different hehe.
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
@black-market-wd4o, @voiddusk, @kaokhss, @ellavrena, @jaypentaghast, @andy4yippee, @unhinged-nonsense, @gayboymolloy, @hearfrost, @waterghoulcalamity
P.S. As I edited this on my drafts, some of the blogs I'd successfully tagged got unmarked and I don't know why? So I'm keeping it anyway in case it does show up on the notifications or people see it on their dash and want to play. No pressure tho. ^^ x
I choose:
Interview With the Vampire.
Stranger Things.
Shadow and Bone (going with the books because I'm not caught up on the show, but I did love season 1!).
The first character you loved:
Lestat, but things shifted pretty quickly to Louis, Claudia, Armand, Louis again and so on... But I guess he was the first because I wish I had his confidence.
The character you relate to most:
I relate to a lot of things with all of them, the least would be Daniel, but I still have one or two things in common with him. It's hard to say, but I think Claudia is a safe choice. She's definitely one of them and could definitely be the very first.
It depends, but Alina or Genya.
The character you'd slap:
ALL OF THEM except Claudia.
Lonnie. Would happily kill him with my bare hands.
The Darkling. Would happily give him the slowest, loneliest and most painful death in the world tbh.
Three favorite characters in order of preference:
Like I said, at this point it really depends on the episode. Sometimes I don't know who to choose even on one scene with just two people. Things are that balanced for me, which is a testimony of how mind-blowing the acting and writing are on this show. It's so satisfying to not be able to choose because all the options are amazing, I hope that never changes.
Will, El, Mike.
Alina = Mal, Genya.
A character you liked at first but don't like anymore:
Santiago. I hate him as a person, love him as a character, cheered when he died and applaud Ben Daniels for his amazing work. All reactions can and do coexist in me.
The only one I can think about is One? I mean, he is supposed to be the character you root against because of spoilery reasons, but I did like him at first. And I did see that plot twist coming from miles away. And it was still one of my favorite scenes from all time anyway because it was that powerful to see. Emmy material. And while I root against him, I still love him as a character. Wow. Such an upgrade in that category of specific type of characters. I love it.
I don't think there's one? Now that I'm thinking about it, I believe this story actually didn't have any traitors or characters that frustrated me? I started and finished the books loving/hating the same people, the only ones that I changed my opinion about grew on me after their development, never the other way around. Unless I'm forgetting something.
A character you did not like at first but now do:
Armand. It was more of a neutral opinion than dislike or hate. There wasn't much to know about him on season 1, but now... I'm obsessed. Assad is a wonderful actor, he stole the scene several times and gave me some of my favorite moments in the history of television.
Steve. I think the writers didn't know what to do with him at first, so he behaved in bad ways that really don't make sense with the person he turned out to be. It wasn't even like "wow, what a great character development", because he has absolute no signs of that guy anymore. It just feels like a totally different character at this point, but in a good way. He's my favorite among the teenage characters.
Three OTPs:
So I don't have OTPs that easily, it depends a lot on the writing, chemistry and the characters having a good amount of screen time for a pairing to get on OTP level for me. But here we go:
SHIP that has potential to become otp depending on future development
Ship I like and I root for, but some things are still missing for me OR there's probably not enough time left for it to become a full otp at this point
LOUSTAT? Okay, these two I'm not sure if they are a ship or straight-up OTP to me, I'm still figuring it out, but they're my favorite so far. Also, the church scene and the hug are my top 3 of favorite scenes on the show and some of my favorite on anything I've ever watched. I think Loustat will go down in history not only as one of the biggest pairings on TV shows, but also as the only one that fully explored all the depths of a relationship and even the depths of existence for the characters as individuals. The good, the bad, the ugly, the complicated. There's nothing else out there with that caliber of writing, chemistry, details and layers. At least not so far. And I'm in for it. ARMANDIEL, I need more time, but I'm invested. I haven't read the books, but everything I hear about Devil Minion sounds so compelling. And that scene with young Daniel is the other scene from my IWTV top 3. It's one of my favorite scenes ever as well. The chemistry was out-of-this-world and I hope they develop their dynamic on both timelines. LESMAND, I need more and I'm incredibly invested too. Everything about them on the books just sounds so insane. That scene they had alone, the chemistry was fantastic and so hypnotizing... They could be as explosive as Loustat, but in a totally different way if the writers want. I'll probably still root for the endgame ships, because that's what they'll spend more time with anyway, but I could accept any, each and everything they give me because the chemistry between all the duos is that incredible. Even Loumand, that sank pretty fast in the narrative, I loved their flirty and courtship phase so much. I'd also accept a large polyamorous ship if they gave me, but we know those vampires would kill each other and themselves because they can't really share lol. But I'm just enjoying the ride and having a great time.
BYLER, Jancy, Elmax.
MALINA, Genya x David, Nadia x Tamar (tbh that's the only other ship I remember/think that exists on the books and I'm neutral, but Nadia is AWESOME and I love her).
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