#marius x bianca
queerquaintrelle · 19 days
Marius de Romanus appreciation week 2024: Experience is the teacher of all things
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Experience is the teacher of all things on ao3.
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toriangeli · 2 months
Re-obsessed with this song. Perfect for 98% of the couples in TVC/IWTV. Messy bastards.
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bubblegum-blackwood · 2 years
Tournament: Best Marius ship
Vote for who you ship Marius de Romanus with the most!
If you blanket-statement hate him then this tournament isn't made for you, so please don't negatively interact with it. This is purely for fandom fun and my own curiosity.
Also I scoured AO3 to find enough ships for the tournament and was vaguely surprised by some of the results I got lmao. Y'all freaks
Day 1 (13 Feb 10:00 PST):
Armand vs Louis, Daniel vs David, Mael vs Avicus, Bianca vs Akasha, Pandora vs Benedict, Botticelli vs Zenobia, Eudoxia vs Lestat, Raymond Gallant vs Thorne
Day 2 (14 Feb): Armand vs Daniel, Mael vs Bianca, Pandora vs Botticelli, Lestat vs Gallant
Day 3 (15 Feb): Armand vs Mael, Pandora vs Lestat
Day 4 (16 Feb): Armand vs Pandora
Winner: Armand
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ofblccdetgxld · 19 days
Experience is the teacher of all things
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No place for grief <- bonus context for this drabble.
Read here, read the full story here.
Night Island, Present Day
Marius had observed Pandora and Bianca kissing before and it slowly struck him, the weakness of jealousy. He supposed Pandora made the right call, she deserved far better than him, and so did Bianca. That did not make the wound sting less. Even so, hadn’t he done worse to Armand? Hadn’t he used Bianca as a means to an end (to an extent)? Of course, he had. So rather than judge, Marius de Romanus, Marius the patient scholar and painter, Marius… of all vampires puts his pride aside and bites his tongue and smiles through his pain and loneliness. They were never his to lose after all. 
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faerywhimsy · 2 years
📖 & 📚 & 📕
Ahhh, this is gonna be long my friend ^.^
📖 Favourite book and why... okay this part is maybe not so long. This is The Vampire Armand, because of course it is. The playfulness of Armand as he comes to Marius, the sweetness he allows himself to share with Bianca, the character of BIANCA HERSELF.
Even in misery, Armand is so completely mesmerising. It's when he drops some of his most devastating descriptions of the ones he loves and, honestly, what's more relatable than that?!
📚 Memnoch the Devil wins this dubious award of least favourite. To answer the third question early, I definitely did not read these books in order, and only read Memnoch for the first time last year. I was disappointed.
Honestly, I wasn't brought up with religion, so it's possible that so much of what doesn't make sense to me narratively is due to that. And if that was the case, I would put this book down as not for me and not pick it up again. Because I came to it late and it's easily forgettable.
Except, it has some of the best content between Lestat and Armand in it. Chronologically, I think it's the first time we see Lestat say 'I love you' to Armand? (The shared 'I love you', but it's easy to forget about David honestly.) It's a book that's instrumental in understanding Lestat's mental state from here all the way to Prince Lestat which came almost 10 years later both in real- and book time. If those things aren't enough, it gains new relevance in the final trilogy when we also find out that the aftermath of Memnoch is when Lestat first started hearing Amel.
Whatever one thinks of Memnoch, it's pretty much a cornerstone to the present day happenings across the Coven of the Articulate, not least because Lestat is our main protagonist throughout. Maybe Anne just needed to find a way to put Lestat out of the way in order to focus on the others' (Armand, Louis, Marius) books. But these things keep Memnoch alive and present in my head and I sometimes wish it were otherwise 😅
📕 Coming back to my first introduction to VC, I read The Vampire Lestat first, after having watched the 1994 Interview with the Vampire maybe late-1997?
This is actually a (bad?) habit I've continued through the years - there are far too many books, and if someone has gone to the effort of making a faithful movie or a TV show of something on my TBR pile, I will use that for an alternative because it takes less time to watch a movie than read a book. It's just economics!
Actually, I still don't think I've read the whole of Interview of the Vampire in order, so much as reading passages and parts of the story as the mood takes me.
Amusingly, I did get to Queen of the Damned before the 2001 movie, and all I can say is THANK GOD. I'm sure it would have filtered down even without Tumblr that that was NOT a faithful movie, though I appreciate that would have been a DIFFICULT book to convert.
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vkylociferart · 2 years
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Inktober522022 prompt 27_"Flag" Here is our fav couple Louistat under the bisexual and polyamorous flag And since I'm a bi-mess and can't help myself I also made Marius Pandora, Bianca and my oc Mel under the two poly flags too 😂
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sailorgoth · 1 year
"Sometimes you two cry too much, I don't like that, wash your face, you're stained with blood." — She scolded us in her childish voice and went to her room saying she got new crayons and was going to paint a flower on the wall. She did this from time to time.
I remember continuing to hug Lestat, I asked him to sing something for me and he sang a song in French so archaic that I barely understood it, but I fell asleep for a while until I woke up with him saying that the day was already over to be born."
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thoseyoulove · 5 days
Hello,Can you rank your Armand favorite relationshipw and why ? (I just love reading opinions , nothing serious)
Fistly, thank you for the question! I get sometimes sending messages can be uncomfortable and you may not receive the nicest answers, but you don't need to explain yourself. Whether is a fun or serious question, asking my opinion or sharing your own: I LOVE talking about this universe and always welcome it.
Anyway, now to ranking!
P.S. This is long and contain spoilers. These opinions are based on the sequence from The Vampire Lestat to The Vampire Armand and aren't necessarily permanent.
Lesmand / Armandstat
Favorite relationship on the books as a whole for basically three reasons: it's always interesting (even on its smallest moments), they are deeply mirrored so it provides a compelling dynamic and is often intense. They are two sides of the same coin and parallel one another so much in terms of personalities and experiences. From their first interaction, it already seemed that they knew each other their whole lives because they could read one another like an open book. There is this mix of unconscious, but immediate recognition, understanding, curiosity, care, attraction, insecurity, fear, anger and frustration because they're the only ones that fully get each other. It's one thing to know someone for what they share or you observe, but you only fully comprehend somebody when you have a lot in common like they do. Still, that's terrifying because you're completely bare, vulnerable and forced to confront stuff you want to run away from. They have a lot of sharp dialogue and arguments where they throw the hardest truths on the other's face and they know how to push each other's buttons from day one. Yet, the fascination, affection and protection are still there and they always stay somewhat close. And that results in a lot of first class tension: what brings both together also pulls them apart and they're often fighting so many conflicting emotions (as a duo and individuals) because they keep going back and forth. Obviously, they're far from perfect and have both tremendously hurt one another verbally, physically and with Claudia's death (which Armand's is responsible for). But even then, they were never enemies or rivals. I get why people would use such words, but I think they would need to hate or wish bad things for each other to be classified as such and that's never happened. Even if they did something to give that impression, it wasn't genuine and they made themselves suffer in the process too. There was definitely hate for words said and things done, but for the person it was always love. Through the good, the bad, the ugly and the complicated. This dynamic defies definitions and there aren't enough words in any language I know to fully and precisely categorize or desxribe even it. For better or worse, they're on a league of their own and I've never seen anything like it on books, movies or TV shows.
2. Armand x Bianca
I love Bianca. She's been such a great addition and it's a breath of fresh air whenever she appears. It was so satisfying to see them being friends, connecting and Armand having something that was entirely his own without Marius being involved (though considering the pattern of this book, it will probably change). I also enjoy the fact they met and bonded as humans, you know? There's something lovely and unique about it since most pairings had one or both parties already being a vampire on their first encounter. And another sweet thing is that even centuries later Armand still emphasizes how he'll never forget her. They have become really special to me.
3. Armand & Riccardo
Usually relationships where one is a small or Marius is somewhat involved don't work for me, but that's an exception. Riccardo isn't as developed as Armand and part of this (creepy) palazzo where Marius keeps several teenagers/children in, but you do know enough to grow attached to him. Actually, given the situation these boys are in, I ended up caring about the ones who don't even have a name. And despite the proximity Marius has to them, the kids have friendships of their own. Obviously, this isn't the healthiest environment and they all deserved better, but I'm so glad they had each other and a sense of family (specially because some of them don't even remember their own relatives well anymore). That brings me some kind of comfort. There are these moments when Armand gets emotional thinking about how much he loves them all and would die for them and when he almost does and they're all (with Bianca) crying and Armand is surprised by their reactions because they loved him so much... It really moved me So, I adore them.
4. Armandiel
The Devil's Minion chapter is one of my top favorite pieces of The Queen of the Damned. Its best aspect is seeing Armand on his self-discovery journey and how Daniel was just patient and supportive. And that's so important, because a big part of Armand's characterization is how he has no sense of identity. He's gone through so much trauma since early and formative years and always adapted to please others or even make out alive. This made him lose key parts of his memory and every sense of self and he definitely needed that. So, to see Daniel not tell him what to do, but instead let him try new stuff, see what he loved or not, on his own terms and pace and Daniel just going along with him... It was wonderful. The only downsides is that I believe Daniel deserved more individual development and it was rushed. Twelve years deserved more chapters, probably books plural. That said, I bet the show will take its strong points and only elevate their story. And I can't wait because I've already lost my mind with them on season 2 (they have my favorite scene on the show, by the way).
Honorable mentions:
Armand & Benji + Sybelle
Haven't seen a lot of them, but Armand opened his book saying he was full of love and excitedly talking about these children he took in. There's also this moment he asked David if he liked his kids and he just sounded like a proud dad. It was adorable. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of them.
Armand & his family
There's been very little of them and I doubt there will be more, so I can't talk about their relationship per se, but the chapter they say goodbye is devastating and beautiful. Those recent posts of me losing my mind were because of it. I've never cried so much with art and rarely cried like that even in real life. It was an experience I'd never had before and an emotion I didn't know was humanly possible. I was mentally, emotionally and spiritually touched to the point of exhaustion. It's been the best part of The Vampire Armand, if not of the whole chronicles. And it will stick with me forever.
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apoptoses · 1 year
i have not read the back half of the vampire chronicles but randomly saw a comment on reddit regarding marius and pandora that said "there's a throwaway line in Blood Communion that hints at them ending up in a poly relationship style of thing with Bianca and Armand."
i had never seen this mentioned in fandom -- the throwaway line re: armand that i'm aware of is him and daniel getting back together (and daniel leaving marius). so i was just curious if you knew what this referred to? iirc daniel isn't in blood communion, so is this the "final word" on who armand "ends up" with?
so I ended up asking multiple people what this line could possibly be and none of us could figure it out (and one is a big marius fan who would KNOW). So this is...an interesting take on reddit's part lol
To be completely honest there really is nothing that tells us what relationships were set in stone at the end of the series, except for Louis and Lestat. Even as much as I love Armand/Daniel I would still admit that the lines we got about them were to the effect that they went hunting together and then Daniel had moved in at Trinity Gate. And many of us would interpret that as a romantic thing but it's still not totally conclusive since we didn't get any actual scenes with them.
So anyone who tells you 'X/Y is endgame canon' needs to relax because Anne gave us nothing but crumbs to go off for 99% of her characters (and lbr if she'd written another book she'd have added yet another OC and broken up half the existing relationships and reshuffled them anyways). There is no final word, go forth and be creative with who you have in relationships with who and if someone tells you you're wrong well
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queerquaintrelle · 19 days
Marius de Romanus appreciation week 2024: Spring
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Spring on ao3.
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greenfinchwriter · 1 month
For Armand - 22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like? (IF YOU DONT READ FICS YOU CAN ANSWER THIS BACKUP QUESTION but please answer both if you want to!)
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Thank you so much for the asks!!!! Can't believe anyone actually wants to hear my silly thoughts lol
YES!! Armand,my beloved ginger gremlin cherub,I love him!!! So I'm genuinely excited to talk about our axe-wielding,blender loving little coven master lol
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
You betcha,I'm a fic reader😅 I like when authors allow him to be vulnerable,emotional(ly honest),I enjoy when he is allowed to laugh, and smile,just as much as when he is allowed to be genuinely introspective,and angsty. I like when authors don't restrict him to narrow roles - not the villain,not the victim - just let him be his own person. I like when he isn't reduced to his quirks either. I love when he is paired up with Daniel, with Marius,or both. I love when he is permitted emotionally catharsis,and I love seeing him grow as a character - there is this great fic that has Benedict kind of trying to teach him that not all submission is weakness,and accept his own needs without judgement etc, and I liked that quite a bit, it was so sweet to see Armand allow himself the release of being Amadeo again in a way. I love seeing him interacting with Lestat,Louis,Benji, Sybelle,Thorne,and others,just the Court/Prince Lestat era in general.
On a less wholesome and more horny note - I am unhealthily attached to ye olde smut - I could read Marius x Amadeo, Armand x Daniel x Marius, Armand x Daniel, and Court orgies/moresomes including Lestat,Louis,Armand,Daniel,Marius,and sometimes David, and/or Benedict etc, as well as Marius x Amadeo x Bianca, all day (I don't mind Pandora either or anything) - I'm terrible,and I wish I were sorry but the SS Horny has sailed a long time ago and it's probably not coming back to harbor ever,it's partying down in Atlantis with aliens or something😅😬🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
There are so many fantastic fanartists out there that have drawn stunning art of Armand including agatha,sheepskeleton-art,killer laurent,vampire4bats etc.
I'm trying to insert links so I don't repost but I'm not having a lot of success but I could reblog some of their posts that I love separately?
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monstersinthecosmos · 3 months
for the ship bingo! marius x bianca and marius x pandora x armand 🥰
Marius x Bianca
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Listen I'm a simple man with simple needs, I love them. The best. Wonderful. Beautiful. She brings out the best in him. 100/10.
Marius x Pandora x Armand
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THIS FEELS LIKE A PORN THING TO ME OR A COUPLES THERAPY TO ME BUT NOT A TRUE OT3 FOR ME IN CANON. but goddanm do I love them together! Pandora is the perfect person to cut through the bullshit and advocate for Armand because she knows Marius better than he does and she's not gonna tolerate his arrogant master gimmick!!!!!!! Armand gets to see Marius cut down and put in his place wow wow thinks are being awakened
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ofblccdetgxld · 19 days
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Read here, read the full story here.
It was a horrible scene, Bianca crying to him. He didn’t like it, it unseated the gentleman in him and awakened the beast. “What would you have me do?” de Romanus asked Bianca, voice trying not to quake. Constantinople had just fallen and Venice was ill at ease, everyone, including Bianca, thought that they were next. 
“Keep him safe,” Bianca said, regarding Armand. “I love him, and you do too, though we express it very differently,” Solderini observed, initially Marius was taken back a bit by the assertion, though naturally, she was right.   
“Of course,” Marius said. “I will.”
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cinnamonclove · 3 months
marius x armand x bianca for the ship game 💐
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Yes I ship the three of them 🫶 The Venice era is one of my favourite parts of the series and I’ve reread it too many times 🫠 I wish we got to see these three interacting more in the later books.
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xplainthexmen · 1 year
In which the St. Croix family is constructed largely of retcons; Generation X adjusts surprisingly quickly to a massive status quo shift; Psi-War is coming soon to a podcast near you; Snow White – I mean, Bianca LaNeige – has an intriguing but exceptionally minimal backstory; and if you die in this podcast episode, you die in real life.
Hellfire Club history
Generation X #40-43
Mercy General Hospital vs Our Mother of Mercy Hospital
Ambiguous psionic overlap
Nicole & Claudette & Monet & Marius St. Croix
The Downtown Stomp
Synch, agreeable and bland (for now)
Vincent Adultman
The nature of Penance
A glacial but effective pace
Bianca LaNeige, evil Snow White from space
Warpy, Stinky, Spiky, Windy, Greasy, Brainy, and Blurry
The Enchanted Forest of Oregon
Claremont:Body Swaps::Hama:Getting Stuck In Other Dimensions
Jay vs. Accents
Terminal Dream Syndrome
A surprisingly gruesome fill-in
An underrated era for Emma Frost
Betty & Veronica, presenting like mandrills
Zak the Neutrino
Albert & Elsie-Dee (briefly)
The Dodsons vs Mike Allred
Dr. Bronner’s uncredited Marvel career
Our coverage of Ultimate X-Men (or lack thereof)
Dr. Phil Zimbardo’s xplainthexmen study
NEXT EPISODE: Queering Wolverine with Dr. Christopher Michael Roman!
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sailorgoth · 1 year
Lestat abriu um sorriso, naquela época jamais havia o visto sorrir com tamanha doçura. E eu sorri de volta para ele, então ele beijou-me nos lábios e eu voltei a chorar, ele ainda mantinha as mãos nas minhas e, mesmo na tristeza de meu coração, sentia o amor arder dentro do meu peito. “Se eu olhar para o meu passado e ver como ele me trouxe até você, também não me arrependo Louis, o amo imensamente.”
Hoje em dia, sabendo todo o seu passado, essa memória me é ainda mais preciosa. Então fomos embora, andando pelas ruas escuras de Nova Orleans, de braços dados como eternos estudantes que parecíamos ser. Ele vez ou outra me olhava ternamente e sorria e eu encostava a cabeça sob o seu ombro. Naquela noite, ao voltarmos Claudia não estava em casa, por muitas vezes saía sozinha para suas caçadas e artimanhas. Sentei-me ao lado de Lestat na banqueta do piano e pedi para que ele me tocasse algo feliz. E ele o fez enquanto murmurava uma canção em francês que parecia muito antiga, a sua voz tão bonita inundava os meus ouvidos e eu até arrisquei tocar algumas notas com ele, estragando a melodia o que nos fez rir por algum tempo.
Leia mais aqui!
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