#same shit different fandom indeed
semisolidmind · 11 months
Feels like it's the same old cycle all over again but in a different fandom. I feel like I kinda know what it might be about, but don't wanna make you feel like you have to explain yourself. There's nothing to explain about. It's just...art. Sorry you're going through this again.
thanks, egg. i don't mind explaining it, really, it's just...the insanity of it all. truly horrendous.
i imagine it's just some highly opinionated kids who are mad that i don't enjoy their majority-rule toxic yaoi ship.
same old, same old.
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david-talks-sw · 20 days
Hello. You and GFFA are probably the two most reliable blogs I know when it comes to what GL actually intended with star wars and also have the most on point finger on the pulse of fandom and such without letting the discourse get to you. So I just have to ask. Where does the idea of the jedi being space cops come from in canon? Especially in more left leaning circles. Haven't they seen that there are indeed actual cops in SW? And who are portrayed like how leftists view cops?
Hey there!
Firstly, it's always an honor when someone puts me and Lumi in the same sentence 😃 been a while since I reminded people, but my blog started because I read hers (and a few others) and I was like "oh shit she makes great points!" and started doing the research on my own.
I mostly attribute my rediscovering my childhood love for the Jedi to her early meta posts. Like, you think I'm good, wait til she gets started again! So thank you, for that!
Onto the subject itself: I've seen the notion pop up in all circles. And it's not exactly wrong, it's just not entirely accurate.
You can find a large collection of George Lucas quotes here, about the Jedi's place in the Republic.
You will see that he uses varying terminology and that's what I think partially muddies the waters.
For example, early on, Lucas describes them as "police officers", but years later he says "they're not cops, they're Marshalls of the Old West" but actually "they're mafia dons" or "intergalactic therapists."
But the one that explains it best, for me, is the following:
"They're not like [the kind of] cops who catch murderers. They're warrior-monks who keep peace in the universe without resorting to violence. The Trade Federation is in dispute with Naboo, so the Jedi are ambassadors who talk both sides and convince them to resolve their differences and not go to war. If they do have to use violence, they will, but they are diplomats at the highest level. They've got the power to send the whole force of the Republic, which is 100,000 systems, so if you don't behave they can bring you up in front of the Senate. They'll cut you off at the knees, politically. They're like peace officers. As the situation develops in the Clone Wars they are recruited into the army, and they become generals. They're not generals. They don't kill people. They don't fight. They're supposed to be ambassadors." - The Star Wars Archives: 1999-2005, 2020
Bottom line: yes, they're authority figures. But they're not "beat cops" chasing after robbers and criminals.
They're, first and foremost, ambassadors/negotiators/diplomats. They're police for planets and their governments, not the people of the Republic. Again:
They're peace officers.
Now, they can investigate and take more active "police-like" roles during their mandate, but they're not gonna be called upon to investigate a murder (unless that murder is very strange and local authorities are unable to make sense of it).
It's why, when Anakin is talking about "we'll search for the killer, Padmé" Obi-Wan is like "uuuuh... no we won't?"
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utilitycaster · 4 months
no d20 spoilers here since i know you know the gist of the drama but the fact that both kipperlilly (and the ratgrinders as a whole) and laudna are sending the their respective fandoms into meltdowns is FASCINATING to me!!! Especially happening at roughly the same time
I am now officially caught up and. not to brag but, called it re: the Rat Grinders, huh, except it's even more stupid. Like. The "but they're literally minors?" argument sort of falls apart given that they're the same age as the Bad Kids, and are actively trying to kill them, the "but redemption" argument doesn't mean shit since at no point did they make any forays towards redemption and indeed sicced a bunch of dragons on the Bad Kids, and so we're left with nothing but an impotent desire to not have a sick-ass battle in the finale of a D20 Campaign. And, perhaps, an uncomfortable realization that they are not unlike the Rat Grinders and the narrative said "lmao yeah you suck".
Laudna's shit? not that different actually. Like there's a lot of reasons why the arguments defending her are bullshit but the biggest one is that the "Laudna has never done anything wrong ever in her life and Imogen is her tether" crowd have painted themselves into a delightfully tiny little corner and they can't hide it anymore. Like, okay, so, is Laudna in control of her actions? Because if so she just attacked Orym in the middle of the night. Is she not? Because if so why hasn't she made the efforts that Chetney and FCG and Imogen (at least sometimes) did to address that? If the issue is trauma why is hers more valid than that of others? If it's abuse tell me how you feel about Caleb, Fjord, Beau, and Percy? Why is Orym shutting down the conversation when he says the Vanguard killed his family but Laudna's not doing the same when she tells Ashton not to speak to her of loneliness and Chetney not to speak to her of loss when she doesn't have a monopoly on either?
Why is it Bells Hells' job to endlessly accomodate Laudna and why are so many people suddenly talking about Bells Hells as an abstract 7-headed entity that didn't deal with Laudna's problems when those same people (if they were around at the time of the gnarlrock airing, and many of them weren't) were like "NO THEY SHOULD MAKE UP AS FAST AS POSSIBLE AND IMOGEN IS A BITCH BECAUSE LAUDNA DIDN'T MEAN IT." Why wasn't it an issue for them when Laudna's ranting about her time in Issylra and how hard it was got shut down by Imogen kissing her because that's why it didn't stay in the spotlight. Why wasn't it an issue for them when Imogen said "if you need her, that's my answer"? Why is it Orym or "Bells Hells" in the abstract who never spent time on Laudna's trauma after months if not years of throwing a fit any time someone (often me) (not always though) pointed out how much Imogen and Laudna were shoving under the rug and not dealing with? What does it say that you can't even expect Laudna's partner to be the one supporting her through this- it has to be Orym? Why doesn't Laudna have any responsibility here? At minimum she could have spoken up about the sword at at least two if not three junctures and she didn't.
There's a lot of things I hold in contempt, and after the obvious things like bigotry, two I really detest are hypocrisy and dereliction of responsibility. It's been extremely telling with both the D20 and CR discourse that people do not like seeing the story and the fandom say "hey actually you need to take responsibility for your actions, you only get redemption if you work for it, and if you leave a room hoping someone will follow you without saying that's what you want? Don't be surprised if no one does." The reason everyone was preparing to stop Laudna was because she was, in every action and decision, showing herself to be a person in need of being stopped. Can you describe this perfect balance of gentleness in which she's never pushed too hard but she does talk about her trauma and work through it and in doing so leaves Delilah? Have you demanded any other member of Bells Hells be granted that same gentleness and patience and kindness or do you think Orym should get over his grief because it's inconvenient to your arguments.
Just as the Rat Grinders show the narrative saying "being an entitled, resentful, jealous person who hurts others from jealousy makes you an easy tool to be manipulated into cruelty and you need to deal with that," I think Laudna shows the narrative (and certainly the fandom) saying "you do have an obligation to deal with your trauma, especially if it causes you to hurt others, and you can ask for help but you can't just sit on your ass waiting for someone else to initiate the process for you" as well as "if you do hurt people because of your trauma they may be angry with you, this may shape how they see you, and they are justified in that because you hurt them" and I think people in both fandoms hate being told that because I think a lot of the people sparking the discourse really do think that you can shield yourself from criticism over your hurtful actions by claiming trauma or neurodivergence or mental illness or whatever and it's like, no, you do still suck, you just also had sucky things happen to you as well.
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detshin · 6 months
uhm, how exactly will gosho develop the cousin thing in the manga.
I mean, I wouldn't know, honestly. What goes on in the mind of that man only he knows (and sometimes I doubt even that).
My opinion under the
Personally, I've already stated many times that it's a trope I've liked and headcanoned for a long while now, and it's not like it's COMPLETELY out of the blue. The whole "they look the same" is a big factor, there have been references to them having some sort of "ancestor" in common, the Toichi and Yusaku tease was already there in the childhood case of Shinichi (where Toichi appeared and called Shinichi big bro btw 👀) and there was a time long ago that Gosho said something about it in an interview and that it was going to be talked about.
Anyway, point is, I could see this going in different ways. I would LOVE to see this being explored and dealt with nicely and seriously, but my hopes for that are low. He'll either just have it mentioned and never more explored or talked about (like with akemi and akai), or maybe in the mk manga now to talk about Toichi, I don't know?
Because honestly, I feel like people are getting hung up on the cousins thing and are forgetting about the confirmation of what we all have been fearing and it's that Toichi is indeed alive and both of Kaito's parents suck ass. And what scares me is the possibility of it being comedic or Kaito being okay with it or something when he deserves to have that be explored. He became a criminal because of it! And his parents know and aren't doing ANYTHING!
I've said this before, MK is not as shits and giggles as it seems. Story is pretty darn dark if you think about it. Kaito is one of if not THE most solitary (lonely) character of the dcmk universe. He is not as the fandom tends to represent him sometimes. That's not Kaito. The over the top, flirty, pompous one is Kid. It's a mask. A facade. Kaito is not like that, he is just a teen who is struggling to make real connections with people and who is terrified of being found out as a criminal and cannot for the life of him let people IN because they'll see right through him and whose "dead" dad taught him NOT TO SHOW HIS EMOTIONS.
Kaito NEEDS some support. Jii alone is not enough. His own parents have lied to him his entire life and he's constantly alone, grieving for something that is not real. He has Aoko, but he CAN'T let her in completely for obvious reasons. Hakuba's there, but same thing. And I'm sorry but Akako I don't really think counts either, he actively seems not to really even like her or whatever...
MY POINT IS. If Kaito can get some new family members that could support him... Why refuse it, no? I'm not talking about Yusaku because he's also been keeping him in the dark and all and hasn't really seemed to do anything about it. But Yukiko (yes I'm choosing to believe she's also oblivious to Kaito being put in that situation) and Shinichi? Oh, those two could do wonders for someone like Kaito, in my opinion. Because Yukiko is Yukiko (she was born to be the cool aunt), and Shinichi is... Well... Shinichi. He could understand Kaito and actively show him support and help. They COULD be amazing as family.
Now it's all just a matter of... Does Gosho WANT to go that deep into this? Or is he going to continue to disregard Kaito's suffering and not give him anyone to lean on?
Anyway, cousins Kaito and Shinichi rule!
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neylo · 4 months
Becoming Marshal of France - Part one: The annoying but necessary shit
@cadmusfly is a bad influence and a terrible temptation. I want you to know that you have succeeded.
Since I was a kid, I loved the feathered hats, the colourful shiny uniforms and the overall vibe of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. Apparently, it wasn't a phase.
I am a cosplayer and I love myself a good challenge. And now here it is. I am to make the ultimate entry for the Napoleonic fandom of Tumblr and make my own marshal uniform. I cordially invite you all to join my journey and perhaps, get inspired!
Let's start with the tunic.
Disclaimer: Reenactors, chill, I am not a millionaire - I can't, unfortunately, afford the expensive replicas of the buttons etc. I do not intend to participate in any kind of reenactment activity, and therefore I can't promise 100% historical accuracy. I would love to. But right now I can't.
Note: I use the metric system. It is nice, it is logical, and you should implement that too, Americans!
Before you start:
Step one: find the appropriate fabrics. Are you looking for dark blue? Great start. Now, it's time for some research. Napoleon's Marshals book by Osprey Publishing has done a great job describing the details. You can basically choose your own preferred material: Silk, velvet or linen. Congrats! For a whole-ass marshal tunic, you will need 2-3 metres of fabric depending on your size.
You will also need lining. I recommend linen lining and viscose lining for the sleeves.
Step two: Assess your insanity. There are multiple uniform patterns, each for a different occasion (source):
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If you have three years of free time and unlimited supplies of goldwork threads, you can do the grande tenue - the first picture. I would advise you not to. But if you want, there is actually an extant one you can draw your inspiration from. It belonged to Ney. If you are going for this, you will indeed be the bravest of the brave.
Petite tenue is more subtle with less embroidery. Still, difficult as hell.
Tenue de campagne is the one I am going for. I don't like commitments. You will only need to embroider the collar and the cuffs + some stuff on the back. That is doable. That is what I am doing.
Step three: The pattern. The thing is, the patterns of the era were almost the same. I simply butchered my civilian coat pattern and changed it for a single-breasted one with a standing collar. Do you want help? I will share the pattern with you.
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This is how my thing looks at the moment.
Step four: Embroidery. What is this shiny thing on the Marshals' uniforms? This is a kind of embroidery called "goldwork" and you need special metallic threads for it. They are not exactly easy to find, but Etsy is your friend. There are multiple US shops, and there is also EmbroideryMaterial shipping worldwide from India. They have a great selection and very agreeable prices.
For the Marshal tunic you shall need two kinds of threads:
The French wire (lol, it is really called like that!)
The Japanese thread (a thread wrapped in a thin gold plate)
You will also need small gold sequins.
I will show you the embroidery progress when my threads arrive. Before that happens, we need to design the embroidery. No worries, someone did it for you. That someone was actually me:
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That's it for today.
Stay tuned for more posts.
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decepti-thots · 9 months
hello !! wish you a good day !
if you don't mind, I would like to know your thoughts about ratchet's and drift's age. I'm feeling hyperfixated on age in general, but these two keep me extremely confused. I like the concept that drift is waaaay younger than ratchet, but does it just come from fanfiction ? some places tell me that they're the same age, and some say that drift is actually elder than ratchet ! so, what do you have to say about this ? thank you ((:
That is indeed a fanon idea, and one that doesn't really work with what we know of canon! We don't have specifics on their ages in relation to each other, but we know that Drift and Ratchet were contemporaries, because of the fact that they ran into each other well before the war, with both of them clearly having been around for a while already. While there's no reason we couldn't assume, with what we know, that Ratchet is overall older- there's not really a way to make him much older relatively speaking. He's clearly not like, Cyclonus' contemporary, or anything like that, which would probably be what would be needed for him and Drift to have a meaningful gap in age or experience.
I do seem to recall there being confirmation Drift is older that Megatron in the canon- so yeah, he's not super young.
I believe the idea that Drift is actually the older of the two is something Roberts tweeted when asked, IIRC. He seemed to think there was something in MTMTE/LL itself which did make this canon (rather than word-of-god) but I don't believe anyone could ever work out what he seemed to be referring to? Regardless, if you see people say that Drift is older, they're probably referring to this word-of-god statement. (Unless there's something which proves Ratchet is not older than Megatron..? God, I can't keep this shit straight, they're all vaguely contemporaries, it doesn't matter as much given how long they live who is a few hundred years older, lmao.)
As to why fanon casually assumed Drift was so much younger for ages... combo of 'Ratchet calls Drift 'kid' as a nickname' (which is probably Ratchet acting creakier than he really is as usual and being mildly condescending, lmao) and 'fandom tropes just Assume ships with their dynamic are old guy/young guy' stuff.
EDIT: aha! I misremembered slightly; got myself mixed up. The word of god confirmation was for Drift and Megatron, apologies anon. Here's the thread:
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I am... not sure if there is an actual way to 100% infer this from the text tbh, I'm not quite sure what he means now I think about it, but it's in line with everything else we see so I'm not inclined to quibble. Drift's older than Megs and Rodimus (who are of course around of an age with each other, as per EC), which I think probably just puts him around Ratchet's contemporary if you look at the other context clues there. No big difference of note, either way.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
The thing that strikes me about how antis police M/M representation in fic is they claim pros are “fetishizing” and “not listening to gay men,” but antis themselves make it so obvious how they themselves are completely disconnected from the lives of real gay and bi men. If your issue is actually that M/M reflect the lives of real queer men (and I don’t think that is necessary per se, but that’s what antis think), pretty much every objectionable thing they whine about is a thing that is present in actual queer men’s lives and relationships. There are a lot of tops who are also masculine and bottoms who are also feminine. There are SO many age disparities in gay relationships, both gay male and lesbian, partly because the dating pool is smaller but also some people are into that. The people in Star Trek DS9 fandom, for example, who want a “progressive” excuse to whine about Garashir’s popularity compared to their random rare pairs will freak out about the age difference and I’m just like… I’ve personally known multiple gay and bisexual men Bashir’s age who were in LTRs with men even older than Garak. If I were to count the ones who’d just had flings, that number would explode. Fandom getting freaked out about large age differences between adults in same-gender relationships is just so funny when you hang out with actual gay people because it’s just the MOST “this is someone with zero gay friends” shit ever
And again: I don’t think slash HAS to reflect “real life gay men” or whatever. But if that is what you think: maybe talking to and befriending some gay and bi men IRL would help! It’s so clear that they have never done that. And indeed every time I’ve met someone offline who was an “anti” they were completely isolated from any real world LGBTQ community and getting their ideas about this stuff entirely from Tumblr discourse.
I think the age gap thing is also exacerbated by how many queer people can't rely on their families (in addition to general societal and legal bullshit). If you're young and in a tenuous position, a more settled partner might look pretty good. If you remained in a tenuous position for longer than your straight peers, you may be settling down for the first time at an older age.
I know so many gay couples with a big age gap. So many.
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yosajaeofficial · 3 months
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Last time, I remember saying it’ll be different and things will spice up, and I am indeed gonna provide more stuff piled into these updates because the debut comic is taking so long. I wanna make sure you all get full when consuming these updates instead of being like “oh, nothing happened lol”. I have a good chunk of shit to talk about that’s outside of the comic itself, but it’s like behind the scene stuff about it :3
With that out of the way, let’s finally get started!
The Comic
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The comic is slowly making progress, the first thing that’s changing is me showing progress of the comic itself and giving ya’ll w.i.ps in order for me to give you guys content to look over, and because I just want ya’ll to see it yk? The honest truth is that it’s moving slow because of burnout. It was huge and made me wanna give up on the comic and leave the fandom, I was struggling for a good while but my best friend told me it was best to take a break and recharge instead of pushing further. They told me to do something else so I can regain my motivation and passion for the project, and she was right, because I’ve been having fun hanging out, watching her play Stardew Valley, and letting loose without the pressure for the debut comic to come out. I have to prioritize my health and well-being before anything else, and I know the comic will be done!
Also for you all to know, the team I had disbanded, and right now I don’t have a full official one to help with the debut. I have amazing friends that have helped look over the script, one did some sketch compositions, one helped fix up grammar in the script. They helped me greatly and I’m so grateful for them and their loving support even through all of the rough patches. For the most part, I’ve been doing everything on my own, and it can get stressful easily because of how much I’ve had to change my plans and shuffle around when the team disbanded. I’ve been the one doing the scripting, sketches, lineart, color, management, and just everything. Even if I try to act like things are fine behind the scenes, I definitely got more anxious and depressed after events occurred, so this break (not hiatus) has helped me recharge after going through a bit for this comic. To end this section on a good note, I’m feeling so much better and I’m recharging absolutely greatly, I even renewed my love for Donnie after a friend drew him 🦐 Sooooo…The JMC is still in good hands.
Bonus Content: The Villain
YosaJae, what is this? This is the section that’s hella new, the place where I show you guys some cool concept art, ideas, and plots that show the origins of the JMC or even scrapped/cut content. Today we’re gonna talk about the villain of Arc 1. Fun fact, two were created at the same time but one of them was finalized to be the primary villain for Arc 1!
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(First ever concept art of Archie Gomez)
Here he is! The cat himself, ✨Archie✨ I needed some variety and needed an anthropomorphic character since Rise has lots of their mutants and yokai. Archie was a character that was a lot more serious and hella threatening but he was toned down after more arcs were created. For some reason, I included freckles because I originally thought, “Ginger people…..” then included the freckles to make him more recognizable. Let’s just say that they weren’t as rememberable as I thought because I forgot them after a while-
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Fun fact, Archie was originally gonna be a native Spanish speaker but not be able to speak English. The actual conflict was gonna be about the turtles and Archie fighting due to language miscommunication, but it was later scrapped because of the issue with translating each of his sentences and being truly accurate with his dialogue. He also at first was a one off character that would never return, but he was popular that he became the reoccurring bad for Arc 1.
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(Archie Gomez Evolution 2022-2024)
Archie had went through a good bit of design changes over the years and I changed him to be more easier to draw by giving him a more unique silhouette by drawing his head as a pentagon instead of a circle. The transition was at first a circle to triangle, but then the shape was too complicated to recreate so I had to go with a pentagon (as an accident at first too). That changed him A LOT but I was hella happy with the way he turned out because he started to look more unique and iconic. Pretty cool, eh~?
Aaaand that’s it! Thank you all for stopping by and coming in to read this update! I hope it was fun to go through and very refreshing. I wanna make my updates more like this instead of what was said above. Especially because this is taking so long, I wanna be able to go over behind the scenes with you all since ya’ll at least deserve that; I can’t keep being mysterious about the comic since it is taking years for it to be made, but it’s trial and error so I gotta do this in order for it to be worth the progress. I’m strong, I can do this! Hopefully your day/night is amazing, and take care until next time 😋🫶💜
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princesscolumbia · 2 months
What does that mean to you?
So I once again have found myself checking out someone's pinned post to look for other sites they may be on (this usually happens when I notice an art piece or writing snippet that they mention that seems to reference a larger work that I'm not familiar with), and they had the usual DNI list and I saw on that list, once again, the following:
"Pro-shippers DNI"
Which, okay, fine, I'm not going to yuck anybody's yum, but I couldn't help but look back up at their blog header image that showed some of their own art...and it was a sapphic ship.
Of two teenage girls.
I started following their blog because one of their art pieces came up that features the same sapphic ship that they featured in their header and I am a huge advocate of that particular ship.
But then they put in "pro-shippers DNI".
On a blog where the person declaring that they don't want shipping happening anywhere around them are actively doing the thing they're saying they don't want in their sphere.
And I keep seeing shit like this!
Like, you don't like shippers, okay, fine...so why are you shipping characters from a fiction piece?! When you do a thing that makes you a doer of the thing, so if you ship two characters that means you're a shipper.
And here I am, staunch proponent of free-speech, pro-sex worker, sex-positive, ready to defend this person's right to ship whomever they damn well please because that's their right and there's no such thing as "a little censorship"...
All I can think is there's some sort of lingual schism that's happened at some point, along the lines of "rubber" being an English word with two completely different meaning depending on which side of the Atlantic you were born on.
The pro/anti ship debates/arguments/flamewars that I've experienced are about whether or not it's appropriate/ethical to ship anyone unless they're specifically a canon item, period.
As you can guess (if you've read, like, any of my content), I have no problem putting blorbos in situations where shipping does, indeed, occur. According to my understanding of the terms "pro-shipper" and "anti-shipper" that lands me solidly on the "pro-shipper" side, a stance that I've had to defend against some extremely toxic anti-shippers who not only show an appalling lack of understanding of the concept of "fanfiction" and "fandom" and "shipping," but also seem to struggle with "fiction is not reality" and "free will." As in, they're trying to subjugate my free will to their desire to not have shipping exist, anywhere, in any context.
...(and I'm wondering if this may be somehow generational?)...
...I keep seeing accounts that are for people who ARE ACTIVELY PROMOTING SHIPPING OF CHARACTERS that have "Pro-shippers DNI" in their profile or on their pinned posts!
Either this is classic, "It's okay for me, but not for thee," behavior or they have a fundamentally different definition of "pro-shipper" than I do.
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The Austin Butler reddit page, I have to vent for a second. Someone posted the article about Austin out growing his relationship. Which in the past talking about the relationship never bolds well in that subreddit. The shippers will gang up on people and run people off the subreddit. Anyone who doesn't talk positively about the relationship gets run off the page. They preach about difference in opinions, as long as it fits their narrative.
A lot of people in the thread were having a discussion and agreed the relationship was most likely ending. In come the shippers who down vote anyone saying it. Apparently, L&S is not reliable...because the shippers don't like what they are reporting.
The shippers are the most toxic part of the fandom. All someone did was point how out how PR teams work and such. It's only believable info, if it comes from Austin and Kaia's mouths. Which it never will. That is why celebs have PR teams.
See this is why these bitches get the heat that they do. No one in the discussion of this raggedy ass, tired ass , no chemistry looking ass relationship has clarified an actual break up.We have all admitted we could be wrong. There is always the possibility. We are just speculating.
Just like they can live in Delusionalville and talk about the weird , shallow ways they think this couple is solid and do it in PEACE might I add , they should do the same for us. Stop trying to run shit. Neither Kaia nor Ausitn is about to thank you for that.Stop going into spaces you know you will have a disagreement with and keep it moving. Why cause drama and stress for people when you can just idk..stay in your lane ?
Funny how Life and Style is not reliable but I bet if it said Austin and Kaia went somewhere to elope I bet they would believe that shit. They didn’t even believe that rumor DM posted once about them being seen arguing somewhere . Granted that woman is full of shit half the time but they only didn’t believe because apparently couples can’t argue. They were worried it meant trouble in paradise. As if being in a relationship doesn’t come with disagreements. Even for the most solid couples.
I feel like the main reason people want this relationship over is because of them. They can’t ship a relationship without being snooty and bullying others. The fact that they feel like it’s a “win” whenever we get a pap walk or any validation Kaia and Austin are still together should tell you how immature they are.These are Austin’s feelings and heart we are speaking on and these bitches wanna act like they won a game of fantasy football whenever we get some kind of damage control after a break up speculation.
If K&A are indeed done, then they better hope no one gives them the same energy they been giving for the last 2-3 years. I won’t be doing that. I am above such behavior , they aren’t worth it.Majority of them didn’t even like Kaia at first anyway but got the AUDACITY to be acting as if shipping the relationship is a deal breaker to be in the fandom. It is not. If they want to that’s fine, but leave people alone who may not want to. Just shut the entire fuck up and let people have their opinions in peace please sheesh.
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vind3miat0r · 6 months
Hush EA Spoilers.
OKAY. okay. a LOT to unpack here holy shit
first off, loving the soft Hush and Doc interactions at the beginning, the babygirl is learning! i love them ahsgajdh and Hush asking Doc to hold his hand :(((
it sounds like Hush only pulled together the parts of Vega from before the Cacophony ended. he has a better(?) view of humans, and he doesnt seem so vindictive of them as of yet
one thing that caught my attention is that Vega said "I am the first-formed of Gravity." he's one of the first demons. i even theorized as much in my last tinfoil hat post (therefore it is my legal right to say "HAH! called it!") that makes the Sovereign's cruelness towards demons even more sad, cuz he knew what they were like before they were evil n shit
another thing that Vega said was that he was the "Anacrusis of his (D'Deridahn's) Phrase." (this is referring to when he's repeating his whole name). again, we already know that "anacrusis" means "one or more unstressed syllables at the beginning of a verse."
i said in an earlier theory that the term "Anacruses" might be a fancy title for old demons. Vega said he's the "Anacrusis of [D'Deridahn's] Phrase." so, i think in some aspects, i was right, but "Anacruses" is more specific: it refers to the first demon created by a Sovereign; the "Phrase" in question being the line of demons created by that Sovereign, and the Anacrusis of that phrase being the first demon. do you see where im going with this?
speaking of lines, Vega said "When you made the Well. When you formed the line."
now, the obvious jump we can make with this is that Hush is the one who created the Elision Well in Aria. we already know from previous audios that Hush was someone else before he was Hush. he maintains that he was created (recently) by the Sovereigns, but Vega calling him "Egregore of the Sovereigns" clearly says that Hush indeed was someone else beforehand
whats interesting is that Vega doesnt say that Hush (or Egregore) is a Sovereign; he says "of the Sovereigns," which is funny because Egregore sounds like a very Sovereign-esque name, not a star's name like a demon's. looks like Egregore is a creation of the Sovereigns too, but what is he? is he the same as Hush, the silence in the spellsong? or is he something completely different, like a lesser Sovereign, or the first demon? could the naming conventions have been different back then? or maybe, its the opposite direction, with Egregore being an angel-type character?
and what is the "line" that Vega refers to? i assume that it has to do with the Well, considering that he says, "When you made the Well. When you formed the line." maybe its the line of yet-to-be-formed demons, lying in wait just beyond perceptibility?? we dont know why demons have kept forming in the Well after the Sovereigns were chained to Death, Avior said as much im sure; and granted, we dont even know how or why the Well was formed in the first place, but we do now know that Hush/Egregore was responsible for it
wrapping this up with YIPPEE THEYRE GONNA GO FIND WARDEN!! THEYRE GONNA GO LOOK FOR MY BABYGIRL!!!! i love Warden sm, they have a special place in my heart augh. cant wait for Hush to show up with their presumed dead situationship and be like "can you fix him 🥺🥺🥺" and for Warden to be like "WHAT THE FUCK??!" need to see them get angry on god frfr
in conclusion, Hush reforms Vega, Vega drops some Hush lore while also being an amnesiac, and sends all the theorizers of the fandom into a tail-spin trying to figure the meaning of the cryptic titles he keeps spitting out. uhhh damn thats crazy. anyways, thank you for coming to my ted talk, and remember: its just a theory (a game theory–)
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utilitycaster · 7 months
@notstinglesstoo replied to your post “The thing is, and I haven't gotten a chance to...”:
I saw someone not long ago say cr has always felt like a product to them vs D20 feeling organic and I protected my peace but I did want to ask them if they were brain dead
​Oh man I wanted to address this at length because I feel this. My posts have been centered, again, specifically on published journalists picking Daggerheart aprt critically and applauding themselves for doing so despite it being within a couple of hours of its release and therefore any analysis is necessarily going to be based on at best, a skim, when they just as frequently will claim D20 seasons/Kollok are flawless works of genius based on only a partial read, but man D20's got a fandom problem too. (and all of the following comes with the caveat of "I really enjoy D20, and Dropout, and while we're at it WBN and NADDPod which both are half D20 Intrepid Heroes cast, and think Brennan is a particularly brilliant GM, and also it's obvious that the D20 and CR casts are on great terms, and wish the fandom for D20 were more welcoming and enjoyable because I feel it wasn't like this when I first started watching, as a CR fan, in late 2019 and has since curdled into something really weird and bad.")
The first point is the obvious one: technically speaking these are both products. These are performers doing an art form; it is also a portion of how they make their money with which they can buy goods and services. Believing that art is inauthentic when the artist gets paid and acknowledges that is a thing that happens is a fucking libertarian position at best. Like cool, you think only people who are independently wealthy by other means can make art, because it's not real labor, my kid could paint that, etc etc.
The second point is also pretty obvious. I have pushed back pretty hard on the "uwu CR is just watching friends! it's like we're in their living room" mentality among the fandom, which has decreased, thankfully, but like...it did in fact start organically as a private home game, and they decided, when invited, to make it A Show For An Audience. D20 was created on purpose as a show for an audience. This doesn't make it bad or fake - reread the previous paragraph - but in terms of "this is an group of people who really played D&D in this world together even before the cameras were rolling," Critical Role literally is that, and D20 is not.
I think beyond that...my biggest issues with the D20 fandom are first, the level of discourse is abominable. The tag is almost always just shrieking praise and the most surface-level readings possible. I keep bringing up the "Capitalism is the BBEG" mug but it genuinely sums up so much of how I feel; people who want their existing beliefs fed to them as surface-level no-nuance takes. I mean capitalism is fucking terrible but I do not need every work I watch to have a character turn to the camera and say "capitalism is bad" to enjoy myself, and indeed it makes it harder due to the lack of subtlety and grace. For all D20 fans complain about how unhealthily parasocial CR fans can be (and some can be), I find that a lot of the most unhealthily parasocial "how dare they BETRAY my TRUST by having a ship I don't like or not speaking up about every single societal ill" ex-CR fans move over to D20 and then pull the exact same shit; it simply doesn't get called out. Every time D20 fans are like "we don't want to become the CR fandom" it's like "your toxic positivity and unhealthy parasocial behavior exceeds the HEIGHT of what I've seen in CR; the main difference is that CR started in 2015 when D&D was still shaking off the raging bigot dudebros and so in the early days it acquired more of those fans, whereas by the time D20 came around the landscape of who played D&D and watched Actual Play had shifted wildly, and you need to judge September 2018 D20 fans in parallel to September 2018 CR fans, not September 2015 CR fans."
I also feel, and I alluded to this in the post about journalism, and other people have said this better than I have, but the pedestal people have put D20 on does feel like a single...not even misstep, but just, difficult choice that doesn't capitulate to the loudest fans will bring a good chunk of that fandom crashing to the ground. And that includes the journalists. For all the fans of CR can still be obsessed with the cast to an unhealthy degree? The cast and company have put up pretty strong boundaries and have not budged. D20 hasn't, and I think the second they do - and I think it will be for their benefit as a company and a channel - a big chunk of their most vitriolic CR-hating portion of the fandom will viciously turn on them.
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reflectionlike · 1 month
This shit pisses me off. HYBE knows exactly what they're doing here. They wrote this in a way that makes anyone who doesn't know any better think that Jungkook was the first k-pop soloist to get a #1 on the Hot100, but also in a way where they can excuse it and say they actually meant he was the first to get a #1 on those three charts simultaneously. But if that's what they meant they should've actually used the word 'simultaneously', as they know that without that word the sentence gives readers the wrong idea. Because if he had actually been the first one to get those three #1s individually, how would that be written? Exactly the way they wrote it here. So their technically right information instead of being written in a more clear way is instead written the exact same way the wrong information would've been written, and therefore it makes unaware people more likely to come to the wrong conclusion than the right one. And they know that very well. ARMYs know it too, but they're all gonna act obtuse and let HYBE get away with it, like they always do. And you know ARMYs would've acted differently if this was another group doing this against BTS. ARMYs are all smart and capable of recognizing obvious manipulation when it come to other groups, but when it's about the members, and specially when it's 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 specific member, they're suddenly all naive and wanna give everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume everything is always a innocent mistake. But when HYBE (and Geffen too) has at this point a history of doing this sort of thing, when the way they acted towards Jimin's historical #1 was dismissive at best and downright shady at worst, only to afterwards act like Jungkook's #1 was the most incredible achievement they've ever seen in their lives, when they clearly wanted that 'first' record to go to Jungkook and have been trying their best to erase the fact that Jimin was the one to get it instead, then you can't pretend that these repeated 'mistakes' have all been innocent and accidental instead of being obliviously deliberate.
And this is is why, when it comes to being fans of Jimin, PJMs are always going to be superior to ARMYs. Because just like ARMYs have BTS as their number one priority and are unwilling to compromise when it comes to them, PJMs do the same for Jimin. ARMYs are (mostly) willing to stand up for Jimin if it's against people they don't like, but if it's against BTS or their incredibly biased company that ARMYs for some reason still insist on defending in spite of all the many reasons they've been given not to do that this year alone, then ARMYs will simply let Jimin hanging. But PJMs won't. Because Jimin is 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 number one priority. Not BTS, not HYBE, but Jimin. And ARMYs can keep screaming all they want that PJMs are 'not real Jimin fans', or that 'ARMYs are Jimin's only fandom', but saying all that doesn't change the reality of which fandom exactly has done a better job of supporting and defending Jimin.
I get your point, and I get is annoying, but if something can be explained as word play or as a confusing message, it’s better to leave it. We can be angry but armys have all the reasons to defend the other member because that’s what they are supposed to do.
It’s not news the media play and that Jimin’s #1 was treated poorly because we were there, but that just tell us that we are not crazy and that something was (and is) indeed happening at the company.
I agree that having a fandom that focuses only on him is a tremendous advantage. We just need to keep working to improve and grow 🩵
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mla0 · 1 month
i hate when people portray michael and/or patrick as some kind of master manipulator who was terrible to shaun and stormy. like, in the past, michael sometimes got portrayed with little autonomy, or as childish and overly innocent in a weird way. that in itself is an issue with the treatment of mentally ill characters (infantilization), but the solution isn't to argue that he's actually a monster who only wanted to hurt and mislead people. the same goes for patrick. i don't enjoy the "goofy flirty mass murderer" interpretation for very similar reasons, because in the canon patrick did indeed do some wild shit but i think it's a stretch to say it was out of malice, except maybe towards eric lol
obviously there will be different views of these characters and this isn't meant to be gatekeep-y or anything, i'm just concerned with how certain portrayals can quickly slide into negative biases towards mental illness. i think if you're going on this route you might want to ask yourself why, and consider how it could make the mentally ill people within the fandom feel when they see their own symptoms portrayed by their peers as synonymous with being dishonest or manipulative
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Liv, meu anjo, I come here asking for some very niche shit, but I believe only you can help me. I'm atm weirdly obsessed/craving to read some drarry + Draco kissing/eating out women in the same fic. Do you have any bisexual Draco recs for me? I'm open to any kinds of open/infidelity/groupsex/whatevah fics. 😎 Love u xuxu
The way I gasped in delight seeing this ask! We are indeed taste twins, I love bi Drarry with all of my heart and imho we deserve more group sex/triad/threesome fics with ladies in this fandom 🌝 I think I’ve read more but in the interest of keeping this list Explicit I chose to highlight the fics below. I’ll do some extra digging and come back to update this list if I find more!
Most fics have Harry and Draco together in the sex scene, but a few feature Draco/female character on his own. I’ll also link Lipstick by @kbrick which doesn’t exactly fit the ask but it’s gonna be right up your alley: Harry/Ginny & Pansy/Draco becoming Ginsy and Drarry 😏 Enjoy my love!
Sharing by Alisanne (3.5k) - Harry/Draco/Pansy, endgame Drarry
Harry is tense, and his houseguests help him to relax.
Hermione Granger and the Day Ron Weasley Called her a Slut by ellebesea (4k) - Drarry, Harry/Draco/Hermione
To be honest, Harry had also found Hermione’s determined mingling with the Slytherins to be odd, but he knew better than to actually confront her about it. Besides, he isn’t exactly one to talk, is he? Not when one considers his newfound urge to show his dick off to Malfoy, anyway.
Flatmates by @unmistakablyoatmeal (5.5k) - Drarry + Romione, foursome
Hermione is just as bossy inside the bedroom as she is out of it. The reason Draco knows this is because Harry's walls are too thin.
Better Than by marguerite_26 (11k) - Hinny + Draco, triad
Ginny offers Harry something a little different for their anniversary.
The Waiting by @oknowkiss, art by @babooshkart (43k) - established Drarry in a foursome 😈
It’s been almost ten years since Draco Malfoy disappeared during a routine Curse Breaker training exercise. Harry, his partner in more ways than one, is determined to figure out why. As the past resurfaces and the present fades into confusion, Harry discovers the only thing more unreliable than memory is love.
Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish (81k) - Draco/OFC, endgame Drarry
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
Eagles in Truro (Alt: That filthy one that snuck in a plot.) by @vukovich (284k) - Drarry & multiple ships
Hermione Granger just wants to get laid and maybe someday become Supreme Mugwump. Ronald Weasley just wants to build a dubiously-criminal empire and hug everybody. Harry Potter just wants... he's not sure, but it might be Malfoy. Draco Malfoy just wants to survive the post-war world. And snuggles.
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Once again (just like with every morally grey character I think) there's a war between "she's a monster" and "she's an angel". Six, as a character, is very cool because there's no dialogue or anything in the Little Nightmares games, and a lot of things that are just not showed. The whole point is everyone can have their own interpretations and theories. But Six is just so disrespected by the fandom ! On one side, it's "she's a monster, we hate her, she's selfish and uses people to get what she wants !" On the other side it's "she's a kid and my favorite character so by default she can't be a bad person, she's actually a sweet and pure angel !" None of them are right. For the first ones... Six isn't that much of a monster. And I'm gonna say it : yes, she is a literal kid. That doesn't mean she can't be bad, but she thinks like a kid. She probably cared for Mono before she betrayed him – we can see her trying to help him when he was in the TVs. She probably has a reason why she betrayed him. There's a lot of different theories on that and none of them is more valid than the others because again you're meant to have your own interpretation, so I won't tell any of the popular theories here. You can think she did it for selfish reasons. That doesn't mean she's a literal monster, and that doesn't mean the people who don't think it was selfish are mischaracterizing her. For the second ones... I don't even know what to tell you. If there's one CLEAR thing in these games, it's that Six is morally grey and could do something scary at any moment. As the player you're literally MEANT to be scared of her and what she could do. In the first game you are meant to slowly realize her hunger isn't human. You can also see how she doesn't try to help any of the kids trapped here, she's just helping herself. In the second one she does scary thing all along the game to keep you scared that she could kill and eat Mono at any time, only for her to betray him in the worst way possible at the end. We don't know her reasons but she still did it. Six is a morally grey character. She's just a kid trying to survive in a world full of monsters. She's also full of darkness, acts like a creep and eats literal people. You can't say she's "just a monster", the same way you can't say she's "a little angel who did nothing wrong".
The whole thing with Little Nightmares is that the world is terrifying and horrible. It is eat or be eaten in the most literal sense. Six does what she has to to survive. Has she done some bad things? Yes. Was it her fault? …Debatable. But the fandom treats this CHILD like she’s the worst person to ever exist. Like, she’s not even ten years old. She’s a survivor. Mono did plenty of questionable things too, but I’ve never seen anyone hate on him.
Daisy Tonner
A lot of people just. Write her character off, especially in the earlier seasons, as acab. She did bad things as a cop while she was being taken over by an evil eldritch entity, but everyone just kinda focuses more on the do part than yk. Evil eldritch entity. Now I ain’t gonna justify her actions, she was indeed kinda a bitch, but she was also under the influence of the Hunt, and been for I think decades at the point where we first meet her. Afterwards she ofc got her redemption arc, but everyone (both in canon, but also fandom) treated her like shit even after that, when she was trying to be better. Idk, maybe I’m a daisy simp, maybe IM the one viewing the character wrong, idk. I’m just mad at everyone writing everything off as her being a cop when it was also A PRIMORDIAL GOD OF FEAR THAT WAS PRACTICALLY POSSESSING HER
Girl is a brutal cop who murders people. She is also someone who resisted the absolute pull of the Fears in TMA and didn’t hunt anyone for multiple weeks, something the main character couldn’t even do. She’s incredible bc she is literally like. Grey grey. She’s a fascinating character and cannot be good nor bad depending on how you interpret end actions vs intent.
She did try to slit the main character's throat, and she did do a ton of police brutality- BUT she got a redemtion arc. She tried to better herself. She gave herself over to a evil fear god in order to protect her friends. Her arc is about how it's never too late to try to be better, and about how you can accidently drag others down with you and about how sometimes we become monsters when we want to be better. And I swear- everyone either thinks she's evil or she's good. No inbetween.
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