#same thing for ultra magnus
i think heatwave’s favorite member of team prime is ultra magnus. and i know that the way i post might make it seem like he would prefer wheeljack or something but no, he is absolutely sold on ultra magnus and getting his approval. the sole reason for this is because ultra magnus actually has like a real job and has real work experience and parameters. heatwave might be chaotic but he does respect authority figures (to an extent). magnus is strong as hell and has very precise plans, even when it’s sometimes hard to puzzle out his goal, which heatwave respects the hell out of (hes the same). they’re both fiercely loyal, not necessarily to a specific sentiment but to a specific bot (optimus prime for both of them). also ultra magnus is in charge of a small but chaotic highly specialized team of bots and heatwave relates!! they have so much to talk about!! heatwave follows ultra magnus around with stars in his eyes bc look at his goddamn hammer thats so sick.
surprisingly, ultra magnus actually feels the same way. i mean his job description is “make sure these adults dont like light themselves on fire” so meeting a little dude who is just as crazy but actually responsible as well is SUCH a refreshing experience for him. like hes so used to weird guys that heatwave does not bother him at all but heatwave being a trained first responder with credentials and field experience is so soothing. he can hang out with this guy who is so similar to him but also a nice foil, bc heatwave may have a reputation for being impulsive but he still knows how to safely manage himself and others, and ultra magnus has a reputation for being very uptight but still participates in very dangerous activities. he just sort of accidentally becomes another father figure for him before he even realizes it. (optimus is SO jealous but doesnt want to say anything bc both of them are actually happy and comfortable for the first time in primus knows how long).
idk they both have similar personalities, they just express themselves differently. heatwave will do anything to get ultra magnus’ approval and mags will kill and die for heatwave. they deserve to have fun and meet people in different age ranges with similar world views and goals and thought processes!!
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howgalling · 2 months
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PART SIX!! it's great colour practice, transformers have so many deranged shapes. very fun
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
i always wonder why in tfa optimus prime and sentinel prime aren't treated like primes? and why thier named primes if nonen of them had the matrix? it feels like just names dose anyone knows why, that have been in my head for a long time.
Okay I feel like I've got an answer to why the tfa system has multiple primes that rank lower than the Magnus, and I very much feel like it's connected to the war or at least circumstances from before it (SOMETHING had to occur for the matrix to get lost and for the position of Magnus to surpass Prime, and I suspect it is linked to some of the more unsavory primes of the past that we see in other continuities? That's just a theory though)
But no yeah in transformers animated we see several primes (Optimus, Sentinel, Rodimus, Longarm, there are others mentioned I cannot remember right now) who don't have the matrix as it seems to be primarily a rank. Specifically, the rank just under Magnus and the council/Senate members! We know from the boot camp episode that the rank under it is Minor, and we know from s3 that a prime can become a Magnus (Sentinel Magnus stepping in when UM is injured pretty badly)
I'm unsure whether there is some formality in why Optimus Prime kept his rank / still earned his rank as a prime even though he was ejected from the academy, I mean I saw in a fic where he said something like "he's not even a prime anymore" to Megs to brag extra about handing his aft to him. And I like that. I like the idea that while on paper he's not a prime anymore, tfa Optimus kept the title because nobody could stop him.
Also the idea that after Shockwave was captured and after Blurr³ was reconstructed Blurr became a prime. I love that too.
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I woke up and chose angsty violence on everyone.
What if Optimus survived the events of Predacon Rising? Sometime after everyone left, he crawled up from the Well but was no longer the same person he was. Housing the Allspark inside himself had destroyed his mind than just the Matrix of Leadership and what's left is a very feral bot that looks like Optimus.
No one finds out until reports from refugees come in about a strange Cybertronian running amuck in the wastes that attacks anyone who gets too close. Optimus' former team would absolutely be split on what to do about him. Leave him alone in nature under protection, try to snap him out of it or put their once leader down?
They can't ignore the problem as someone will recognize Optimus at some point.
You. You my good individual are evil. I adore your twisted little mind (affectionate).
━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙ ━━━━━━━━━━━━
There were... reports. Quite a few of them in fact.
Each and every one of them claimed that there was a feral mech living out in the wastes, the land that was formerly Iacon's great forest before the war razed it to the ground. No one knew what to think of it, but then they saw the pictures. And those pictures changed everything.
"Ratchet, he can't seriously still be alive? Can he?" Bumblebee's voice was filled with disbelief as Ratchet looked over the image projected on the holodisk. The rest of the table seemed to share Bumblebee's thoughts as they watched. It was a quick series of pictures put on a slideshow. They were grainy, but the blue and red was unmistakable. The exposed Matrix even more so.
"It seems that we were wrong to label Prime as out for the count." Bulkhead added his two shanix, earning him a murmur of agreement from an equally uncertain Wheeljack.
"If he's feral, do you think we can bring back?" Arcee spoke up as well, earning a series of comments from the team. Bumblebee seemed hopeful, as did Smokescreen. Even Ultra Magnus seemed marginally interested in a potential plan to help Optimus if he really was out there.
Ratchet was not so optimistic.
"I will go and assess the situation personally. For all we know, it might not be him. We can't get our hopes up." Standing up, Ratchet collected the holodisk with a purposefully blank expression. The team regarded him with various expression of surprise, but they didn't stop him.
Good. They didn't need to see what was going to come next.
"Ratchet, if it is him, you'll let us know." Ultra Magnus put a servo on his shoulder, a knowing expression plastered all over the Commander's face. Ratchet gave no confirmation, instead tightening his grip on the holodisk as he made his way out.
Ratchet couldn't explain it, but when he saw the photo, he couldn't help the feeling of wrongness that filled his very spark. The team wouldn't understand. They hadn't known Orion. All they saw was their Prime's face. They didn't see the vacancy in his optics or the way he hunched in the picture like he was struggling just to stand. The mech they once knew was not himself. He was hardly alive.
Ratchet refused to let his friend's legacy be destroyed by a cruel twist of fate.
"I'm sorry." He murmured into the early morning light as he gathered his things quietly, taking great care with his most important tool as he began the trip out into the wastes. It was not a long trip, not terribly so at any rate. A few joors into his journey, he found himself wandering the wastes in silence, his optics set on any crevice where the husk of his friend could have possibly been hiding. He didn't bother calling out. It was a useless endeavor.
One joor. Two joors. And then, he found what he was looking for.
"Hello, Orion. Its been a while, hasn't it?" A lanky figure pulled itself out of a small cave. Cycled down optics met his, curiosity registering somewhere in their empty stare. Ratchet didn't dare move as the husk pulled itself out of its hiding place, its helm tilted ever so slightly in confusion, or perhaps interest.
"I had hoped that you'd made it out alright. But I don't think that's the case." His words were faint as the husk finally stood. It was thin, gangly from what was likely months of less than sufficient energon. Its armor was cracked and broken, the jetpack that Optimus had once enjoyed now all but ripped off. The husk's face was covered in gashes and marks, the rest of its frame not much better. It looked... pitiful. But above all else, the shining Matrix in its chassis made Ratchet frown.
"No normal mech should be able to survive these wounds." He practically whispered as he took a step forward, holding out a servo in a friendly manner. The husk froze, almost looking ready to scuttle back into its hiding place. But Ratchet remained firm, standing still and speaking quietly.
"That thing... it won't let you die, will it?" He received no verbal answer, but the glowing white of the husk's optics told him everything he needed to know.
White was the color of divinity, but also of sickness. A mech with white optics was said to be doomed to die. Ratchet was not normally a mech to care about superstitions. But that one... he could get behind.
"It must hurt." He couldn't disguise the faint shakiness of his voice as the husk finally inched closer, looming over Ratchet with height that had once been comforting. The husk's optics cycled down and then went wide. A wide and almost sparkling like smile spread across its face as it dropped to all fours, crawling nearer on just about Ratchet's level.
It hesitated a moment, and then pressed its face up against Ratchet's servo like a hound would. Ratchet almost winced, but seeing the husk's genuine affection, he couldn't bring himself to do anything more than sigh and run his free servo along the crest of its helm. So similar to his Prime, and yet so very different.
"The others want to bring you home. They want to fix you." The husk's engine rumbled in delight, pleased as Ratchet caressed broken finials with light touches. The husk looked so very happy as it came closer, seating itself at Ratchet's pedes to lean into every place his digits touched. So unlike Optimus. This thing was a mere echo, a sad and painful echo.
"I don't think you want to be fixed, if that is even possible." His venting hitched as he cupped the husk's face, sensing the animalistic instinct in it. The husk didn't fight back as Ratchet pressed the crest of his helm to the husk's, enjoying the momentary interaction.
"I wanted to hope... I wanted to think that maybe you'd evaded death yet again." He could feel coolant threatening to gather in his optics as he quietly reached to his satchel, pulling out an injector. The yellow liquid within glowed faintly in the dying light of the evening, but Ratchet paid it little mind as he memorized the faint sounds of the husk's engine and the giddy smile upon its face. It hadn't even noticed Ratchet's tool.
"I prayed for your return. But I think that may have been a mistake." Blazing white optics gazed up at him, innocent and yet vacant. It hurt more than it should have.
Why? Why did it have to look so alive and yet so dead?
"Perhaps it would have been kinder if death had finally taken you." Pressing a kiss to the husk's helm crest, Ratchet enjoyed the warmth of a living, venting mech for a moment longer. His spark spun in agony, but now was not the time to stop. This... this was a mercy.
"Rest Orion. Return to Codexa, to Alpha Trion. Go to those who love you... and know that one cycle I will join you there." In one swift motion, Ratchet dug the injector into the husk's neck. Its optics blew wide, its vocalizer spitting static as it stared up at him in sheer terror.
"Shh... it's alright. It will be over soon." The husk went limp, falling into Ratchet's arms. He knelt quietly, letting it rest against his chassis as its frame began to seize. The Matrix flared, sending shocks through the husk to try and keep it active. The husk wailed in response, its shattered vocalizer producing pained cries that could have caused the dead to quake. Ratchet held firm, keeping the husk held against him as the Matrix's shocks ran their course, eventually ceasing.
"I'll tell the others you were dead upon my arrival. Don't worry. They won't see you like this... I promise." The husk spasmed a moment longer, its optics momentarily returning to a bright and healthy blue. For a half klik, Ratchet could have sworn he saw understanding in those optics.
And gratitude.
"I'm sorry, Old Friend." The term of endearment slipped past his derma before he could stop it. In response, Optimus smiled and then fell still, his optics going dark and his frame losing all life.
Ratchet held what remained of his oldest friend for a long while, not speaking or moving.
It was done.
Now Optimus could rest.
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
How would the tfp react to the sparkling beans
I have another work that has the TFP Cons reaction to the sparklings you can visit. Now its time for these beans to meet up with the Autobots.
Hope you enjoy!
Autobots reacting to finding a pod full of sparklings
SFW, familial, platonic, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
For the sake of this writing, the pod crash landed outside their base after a meteor shower. Optimus and Ultra Magnus go out to retrieve the pod. Bulkhead has his wrecking ball out just in case it was another scraplet trap. No one is expecting this pod to be filled with sparklings.
Optimus Prime
Confused sparkling noises
“My children.”--Optimus
“Optimus they all can’t—”--Ratchet
“My. Children.”--Optimus
Oh, he is not expecting this. But this is a pleasant surprise. He is in love with all these little beans. He helps them out of the pod with the help of the other to make sure they are okay in the med bay. Optimus is hypervigilant of each sparkling while Ratchet is checking up on them.
Due to the amount of sparklings, and his lack of more servos, he came up with a new guardian system for the team to use for the beans.
No one is going to say no to this idea.
Prime has a habit whenever he is in the base to pick up a sparkling or two and keep them around while he does work. That doesn’t mean that work is the only thing he does around the sparklings. He finds himself telling them stories he remembers from his days as Orion Pax in the halls of Iacon.
Has given the beans a ride in his alt-mode from time to time.
Giggling sparkling noises.
Mother hen mode activated.
Oh, his stress levels have skyrocketed.
Not only does he have to worry about his team doing dumb things and getting hurt, now he has to worry about a bunch of literal sparklings. He needs a break, but not now, he has sparklings now.
He checks up on every single sparkling making note that they were all right and healthy. Since he spends the most time at the base, he naturally spends more time with the sparklings.
He is thankful for anyone who stays with him at the base to help with the sparklings. His back kibble sub space is usually filled with the beans. It’s easier to make sure to know where they are. Ratchet endless patience with the sparklings.
Has taken some of the sparklings around on ambulance rides when he picks up Raf when Bumblebee can’t .
Beeping sparkling noises
Mimicking same beeping noises
He isn’t the youngest anymore!
He is enamored with the sparklings. He is often found cooing at them and picking them up.
Protective of his little friends. Bumblebee is the first to introduce the sparklings to the kids when they come back. Which was a story all on its own.
He takes his job as guardian seriously with the sparklings, especially if Raf is around too. It makes him one of the best babysitters on the team.
Has taken some around on rides on his alt-mode, does speed up from time to time but usually sticks to the speed limit and smooth driving.
Sparkling noises
“…Oh Primus…”
She is having a time.
Is mentally stressing about the sparklings safety. The war is still going on and the base can only be safe if they keep it that way. Doesn’t even want to think about the sparklings getting hurt.
She isn’t the best at comfort.
But she does her best in keeping the kiddos in check and safe.
Gets Jack to help her with them. Jack is just happy to help, because he is sure that Arcee might have a mental breakdown if one of them got a tiny scrap on their knee.
Due to her vehicle mode not beginning the safest for sparkling travel, she makes up for it doing piggyback rides.
Sparkling noises
“Oh, thank Primus it’s not scraplets…”
He is so relief they are not scraplets.
He wants to be around the sparklings but at the same time wants to keep his distance. Bulkhead has a track record of accidents that happen due to him being a klutz.
Thanks to Miko’s help he does find a way to keep an optic on the sparklings and still being safe around them.
The first on is that he has to sit down with his backside against the wall and have the sparklings around his lap. That way he can tell stories and act as a jungle gym at the same time.
The other option is having them inside his alt-mode while driving.
He takes caution with the sparklings inside, meaning no dune bashing.
Sparkling noises
“I want this one.”--Wheeljack
“Meet Jackie jr.”--Wheeljack
He likes sparklings.
Might have come as a surprise to the others but it wasn’t at the same time. Wheeljack has had experience with kids in the past and he is a good babysitter. One of the best in the entire team.
Reason 1, he knows his strengths and won’t accidentally step on one of them. He gets a lot of ‘uppises’ requests.
Reason 2, he can entertain the sparklings for hours with fun harmless science experiments. They have to be runned by the Doc first. The last time he didn’t do that he ended up with wrench marks at his helm as he was teaching the youngsters how to make a grenade.
Reason 3, he has plenty of stories to share, while keeping them all G rated. He is not dumb enough to tell them what actually happened, he still wouldn’t tell them even if they were older.
Wheeljack has been known to steal certain sparklings and take them out on trips in the Jackhammer or in his alt-mode.
“Hi there little guy!”--Smokescreen
“Smokescreen you’re holding them upside down!”—Ratchet
He is too excited to see the sparklings.
He had never seen a sparkling before, so this was a special moment. Smokescreen is always the first to volunteer to take care the sparklings.
Loves the feeling of being looked up to and lives for it. He wants to be a good role model for them and tries his best.
He does sometimes forget where he might have put a sparkling here and there but that usually happens when he takes too many sparklings that he can handle. Thankfully for the most part he does remember in the end where he put them, or Bumblebee finds them before he can.
Why is it always Bumblebee who finds them, not even he knows why.
He is banned from taking the sparklings out in his alt-mode after speeding too much.
Ultra magnus
Sparkling noises
“I am going to read the entire Autobot code to them when its bedtime.”—Ultra Magnus
He has done this. Wheeljack walked in on him doing this and claimed to the others that he was torturing them with cruel and unusual punishment.
Magnus is not amused.
He is one of the best babysitters on the team besides Wheeljack and Bumblebee. Magnus knows how to be gentle and careful with smaller beings. After all he has had a lot of practice due to his tall stature on Cybertron and on Earth.
He can get the little beans to sleep faster than anyone else. Does not matter if they had a tiring day or are still full of energy, he can make them fall asleep in record time.
He likes to talk to them as if they were fully grown Cybertronians and has held interesting conversations with them. Secretly has a data pad full of the things the sparklings like and dislike.
He has taken a few sparklings out of the base at night and driven around the base to help them sleep better.
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bad-tf-fic-ideas · 5 months
(226) The matrix chooses Megatron, not Orion Pax. This changes things. The civil war still explodes into world-ending violence, but this time, Orion Pax and Megatron are on the same side.
On the other hand, not all their enemies are unfamiliar. The oppressive status quo is now championed by familiar faces — mostly committed proponents of law and order like Prowl and Ultra Magnus.
Unfortunately for his alt-timeline companions and occasional old friends, Orion Pax takes his role as a member of the Autocon high command very, very seriously.
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 10 months
How would the tfa and elite guard and cons react to the sparkling beans who are tiny to be hold by human hands entirely
-On Cybertron, in autobot society, sparklings are kinda seen as something to be flaunted around. Small, defenseless and time consuming, having one is almost a status symbol, a show of how much free time and resources one has to be able to have a sparkling. Going on a walk with ones sparkling is more for ones own pride than anything.
-Meanwhile, in decepticon culture, it's kind of the opposite. Since sparklings are so frail, they are kept far away from others, not hidden but not seen by anyone other than the parents or really close and trusted friends.
-For these headcanons, the sparkling is not any of the bot's, it's just one they found.
The autobots:
-Optimus is incredibly awkward around sparklings since he's never really been around them before. At the same time he's hovering around them, having a hard time putting them down once he's holding them since he's so concerned about their safety. Every time a bird flies overhead he ends up shielding them because he worried the animal will mistake them for pray and make a dive for them.
-Now, Ratchet has some experience with sparklings, despite not being a pediatrician. As such he knows how to take care of them and he's very confident with how he handles them. Thinks it's ridiculous the way Cybertron flaunts around sparklings, they aren't decorations after all.
-Bumblebee sees the sparklings more like a novelty than actual living beings, mainly because of how they are treated and seen back on Cybertron. He tries to show off how good he is at taking care of them but quickly realizes how out of his depth he is when one starts crying. Ends up begging Ratchet for help. Tries juggling them once but got promptly reprimanded for it.
-Oh, poor Bulkhead, he is really stressed out. Those sparklings are so small and he's so very big and clumsy and he doesn't dare to get close to them out of fear that he will accidentally hurt them. Finds them absolutely adorable though and will coo at them from a distance.
-Tries to act cool and in the know but Prowl has no idea how to take care of these small things. Ends up resorting to things he's seen humans do with their young and this ends up working pretty well. Fake it till you make it and all that. But because he appears so well versed with taking care of sparklings, a lot of the baby sitting duties land on him. He feels completely at a loss at what to do.
-Ultra Magnus, while he's never had one of his own, has met many sparklings in his life, mostly the spoiled young of Cybertron's elite. That's why he doesn't really raise much of a fuss when he sees one. A good temporary caretaker though, always very careful and gentle with them.
-Yeah, Sentinel is totally out of his depth here. He acts like taking care of sparklings is super easy and that he can do it no problem but the moment the sparkling so much as whimpers he dumps it on somebody else. Will take all the credit for their care though.
-While he's seen some sparklings, actually being so close to one is a totally new experience for Jazz. He finds them super cute but is also kinda stressed out by how small they are. Very protective and will use his ninja skills to keep them out of harms way.
-Oh boy, Jetfire and Jetstorm won't stop poking and prodding at the poor thing. They've never been so close to a sparkling and they are so much smaller in real life! Kinda treats it like a pet before realizing that hey, that's an actual cybertronian, maybe we should treat it like one.
The decepticons:
-Megatron doesn't dislike sparklings but he feels no particular attachment to them either. That being said, he feels the need to place them somewhere safe, somewhere secluded. It will take a while for them to grow up but he trusts that one day they will become a fine decepticon.
-Immediately, Starscream snatches them up and puts them in his cockpit. The sparkling is vulnerable out here in the open after all. Don't want to take care of them but doesn't trust anyone else to do it right so he ends up doing it.
-Depending on the personality, Blitzwing may or may not be allowed near the sparkling. Icy is given a go since he is careful enough to properly care for something so small. Hothead is allowed to watch other the sparkling but not hold them since he's too, well, hotheaded and might do something without thinking. Random is banned from even being in the same room as the little one ever since he 'joked' about them being so cute he could just gobble them up.
-Lugnut is not allowed to hold the sparkling, no matter how longingly he looks at it. He's dreamt of having a sparkling together with Strika for a long time now and he sees this as a perfect opportunity to adopt. Please, he'll be careful, let him hold it!
-As he's worked undercover on Cybertron for some time now, Shockwave knows about the autobot customs regarding sparklings and is repulsed by it. He instinctively wants to tuck it away, put it somewhere safe and locked up but knows that he can't because he needs to keep up appearances. At least his ability to shapeshift into his smaller Longarm form is good for handling small sparklings.
-As much as she tries to pretend otherwise, Blackarachnia is completely enamored with the little one. When no one is looking, she coos at is, wiggling her fingers at it. Makes a baby sling out of web and carries them around, showing them off.
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earthstellar · 1 year
Earth Music on the Lost Light: Human Music That Cybertronians Like
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we know for a fact that the Lost Light has access to human media, primarily movies, TV shows, and music-- and we know they generally seem to fucking love most of it, or at least find it interesting
but what would everyone's tastes be, in regards to Earth music?
time to talk about music for a long time!!! strap in, enjoy some tunes
we already know Cyclonus has impeccable taste and enjoys some of the best jams the 80s had to offer.
I can't help but imagine Rodimus being given a media archive of Earth tunes to approve for the Earth Dance would only result in chaos
(it's not like he would say no to anything, he absolutely blanket signed it all, it's just an obligatory thing-- or Ultra Magnus tells him it is, solely to keep him away from Important Captain Things that he would rather handle himself or hand off to Megatron, lmao. the shit that really needs to get done)
and this is how Rodimus discovers the somewhat questionable yet amazing genre of "mid-90s underground techno rave mix tapes"
(somewhat related, I still think Testarossa might as well be Rodimus' theme song, although it's not a 90s track and has more of an 80s synth vibe)
Rodimus would love that "computers are the future, fuck yeah let's make Digital Cool Future Music" mid-90s shit, there is no way he would not. it has the exact energy level that appeals to him and is also cheesy and weird and chaotic. and has like 500 different sub-genres, so his selection is endless, lmao.
he would probably find it cute that this is what humans imagined to be the peak of "digital sound" at the time. like lmao this was the best humans could do when asked to create music that sounds like it was made by robots or other mechanical space future cyber lifeforms--high concept!!! he would probably find it interesting and endearing. this is what organics think non-organic music is like!!
anyone acting as DJ at Swerve's on any given night would be so, so mad that Rodimus keeps requesting shit like "DJ MASSIMO ITALO DISCO BEST RAVE TUNES LIVE FROM LONDON 1995" or "DJ ARMPIT SLUDGE FEST HOUSE-RAVE-DRUMS N BASS SET 1996" for them to play, lmao
not individual tracks. the whole album. entire mix tapes of random, somewhat questionable mid-90s techno house rave bullshit.
that having been said, that good ass early 90s trance techno might send him into a spiral depending on his mood at the time, lmao (it's been known to happen)
but at the same time I can imagine him sharing tracks like Solar Quest - Space Pirates with Drift and they'd both just sit there and jam out, but quietly, thinking about shit while sitting in a port window next to each other (this was peak sleepover party techno, Back in My Day-- many deep conversations were had while listening to stuff like this, lol)
Drift would probably find some of Rodmus' recommended stuff to be pretty good for meditation-- although once he finds out about the human drug culture involved and certain concepts of experimental consciousness etc. that surrounded techno/rave and other related genres, it might cause him to pull back a little bit
(until he finds out about kandi culture, in which case, Drift would love the idea of hand-made unique bracelets and sentimental trinkets being made and exchanged at warehouse shows purely out of Good Vibes and Love for Fellow Beings and it turns out actually he fucking loves this shit, a chill vibes based "expand your mind" kind of music subculture appeals to his Spectralist sensibilities and he likes sharing tunes with Rodimus in return)
Drift picking tracks on his own would likely lead him down more of a classic rock road, but more of the chill side of things, more of the folksy type of classic rock -- I can see Drift really enjoying Spirit in the Sky - Norman Greenbaum or California Dreamin' - The Mamas and the Papas. or like, Incense and Peppermints - Strawberry Alarm Clock.
I mean, Drift might even go Full Earth Hippie and end up liking Green Tambourine - Lemon Pipers, lmao. in fact I am fairly certain of this.
I can see Drift loving Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In - The 5th Dimension. the whole vibe would probably appeal to him.
he'd quite possibly also like I Need a Dollar - Aloe Blacc, but it hits him in a place that still hurts to think about. so it's in rare rotation.
meanwhile Ratchet would probably be fine with classic rock too, like the good Dad Rock shit, just a lot of tracks from the 70s/80s -- a couple tracks he and Drift could probably agree on would likely lean more into the experimental/psychedelic rock side of things, like White Room - Cream or something like Wheel in the Sky - Journey
Rodimus tries to troll Ratchet by recommending Old Time Rock n Roll - Bob Seger, but joke's on him because it turns out Ratchet loves it, lmao
Swerve would go all out on classic bar jams for the evening playlist. Chill, good shit like Do It Again - Steely Dan.
Megatron would love Sinnerman - Nina Simone; He'd send it to Drift in a command crew level secured data packet, and they would both feel the hell out of this song. They don't need to talk about why. They never mention it to each other.
Megs would also probably love These Old Bones by Dolly Parton (mostly due to the lyrics, rather than the upbeat tune, but he would find it relatively relaxing), as well as 9 to 5 (of course), and similar music. Country from back in the day when country music was more about the struggle of poverty and the working life of rural people. Country music from back when songs told all the untold stories. He can respect that.
He'd listen to You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive by Patty Loveless and it would get him right in the fucking spark. Megatron is the Cybertronian equivalent of an Appalachian miner, god dammit. He understands.
Megatron would also like Johnny Cash; He would overthink Ghost Riders in the Sky and it would depress him, partly because it reminds him of Seekers... sigh.
I think he'd also like Cold War - Janelle Monae. He'd be way into good lyrics; What's being said in a song matters most to him. "This is a cold war, you better know what you're fighting for..." Indeed.
anyway I like thinking about what jams Cybertronians might like from their available selection of Earth tunes
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yoayoaa · 7 months
Hi nice to meet you can I ask the transformers prime bots and cons react to finding in a pod an bunch of sparkling beans I imagine them to be small enough to be hold by human arms and soft and squishy like alike mashmellows until they grown giant size
Prompt: Tfp Autobots and Decepticons reacting to a pod full of small sparklings
Warnings: no warnings, this is sfw
Notes: THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I'd want to hold one or two tbh 😔😔
-well this is unexpected-
-the team found a stasis pod before bringing it back- although with a bit of hesitation due to some previous experiences...
-ANYWHO the last thing they'd be expecting for the pod to be FULL OF SPARKLINGS
-Ratchet is worrying his aft off about their health, he's old give him a break 😭
-Optimus and Bumblebee are worried for the sparklings, how long have they been in that stasis pod
-Arcee, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack is confused onto why are there a bunch of sparklings in a pod, sent to Earth
-i feel like Smokescreen would have been worried yet confused at the same time, he has no idea whats going on 💀
-Ultra magnus...well i think he'd be worried about the team's availability but also minding the fact that the sparklings also need someone (somebot-) to watch over them
-the bots would be more aware of their surroundings with how small and squishy and sparklings are
-more so when Miko was able to hold them 😭
-Thankfully Ratchet deduced that the sparklings would grow much larger than their current size...now to think of where to house them-
-well well well what do we have here, a soon to be deceptico-
-im kidding 😭 (or not? Depends on said cons-)
-again they thought there was a relic in the pod, AND NOT A BUNCH OF SMALL SPARKLINGS IN IT
-bet most of the cons were to baffled to speak until Megatron tells someone to take care of this 'problem'
-Starscream would have the thought of making said decepticon army from sparklings, but probably forgot how hard it is to teach sparklings
-Soundwave would entertain some of them with his visor (the smiley faces, using his tentacle(?) thing by tickling the little sparklings)
-Knockout would check on the sparklings, probably let out a horrendous gasp or two from how dinged up the sparklings' paint job are
-Breakdown (lets assume he's still alive for the sake of this-) would help Knockout in the med bay
-We do not talk about Airachnid because we know she wont give a damn about those sparklings 💀
-Dreadwing would be confused on how to handle them, i feel like he'd be the type to stiffen up when a sparkling was handed to him
-Shockwave wouldn't really think much or spend much time with them, probably considered it "illogical"
-WE CANT FORGET ABOUT THE VEHICONS. BET THEY ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE SPARKLINGS. A bunch of light to the dark and gloomy lifes of said Vehicons
-Again both Knockout and Shockwave probably reassure Megatron that the sparklings would grow larger than their current size
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weenwrites · 1 year
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Little Quirks About Them
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[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He doesn't like "dog-earring" pages on books (it's when you fold the corner down to mark the page). Especially if it's on a book that doesn't belong to you, or if the book belongs to a library or is being borrowed. And don't even get him started on highlighting or underlining things in books. As a former archivist, it was his duty to take good care of manuscripts and whatnot, so he has a tendency to take good care of datapads, books, etc.., and he generally encourages others to do the same. Unless someone's dog-earing, highlighting, or writing in a book that isn't their's, he won't bother them too much about it.
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He tends to listen to people around him a whole lot more than people think. He doesn't understand most of the kid's chatter about human things, but now he knows about them. While he usually stays quiet whenever he listens to someone else, he sometimes chuckles to himself if he hears something he finds funny, or he mutters to himself about something he heard someone else say.
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Ultra Magnus
He sometimes spends his time decluttering the base and cleaning up after other people, and whenever he does, he always organizes everyone else's things according to how they like it organized, (if he doesn't know, their preferences, then he'll just go with whatever seems fit.) He's also very strict on keeping a nice and clean workspace and encourages everyone else (specifically the kids) to clean up after themselves.
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robby-bobby-tommy · 1 year
It's once again a nighttime and I'm once again here with scene/character analysis.
As it's prominent from the last few post I'm a quite Ultra Magnus enjoyer, and I'm very upset at how people see him as heartless nerd. I see him as a person very damaged by the war. So here's some of my thoughts.
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Ultra Magnus has a great problems with fitting in, because he forgot how to be in this kind of relationship and it's just depressing. For at least a century he has been in a war that took all his time for friends and especially family. And part of me thinks it is because Ultra Magnus is used to communication with orders. In "Evolution" we can see how he really tries to start a conversation, but all he knows now is orders and missions. And the next problem with him is he doesn't belong. He doesn't know what a family is, Wheeljack sends very clear messages that he is not welcomed to the Wreckers. Magnus felt completely isolated and this inability to make deeper connections than commander-soldier doesn't let him comprehend familial relationships. And I have some proofs.
The most important one is this line.
"The members of team prime are not cogs in a machine."
Why would Optimus use this particular line? It felt very meaningful and even as a non-english speaker, I felt it was very important for Ultra Magnus' character. So I went to Internet for the answer and I found this..
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This one line opened a lot abt my boy. UM considers himself and team Prime through this war prism. "You are important,but we know how war is. Everyone can't survive. Sometimes you have to sacrifice something for a better outcome. Magnus doesn't think he's better than the rest of Team Prime, quite contrary, he holds himself by the same standards. I think Ultra Magnus sees himself as this metaphorical cog in a machine. He is important now, but if he isn't important in great scheme of things. This sounds like a very army type of mentality. He's prepared to die for a mission and sees little value in himself apart from weaponry and missions. So when Predaking had him and Wheeljack cornered he accepted it fairly quickly, yet was saddened with a thought of joining the allspark, especially with Wheeljack, whom he is to protect as his subordinate.
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After Ultra Magnus wakes up, he's met with a lot of pleasant developments. Now he is fully accepted, Team Prime is by his side, and even Wheeljack drops this very meaningful line "Magnus fought like a wrecker"(=you're accepted in our group). And after finally asking OP about what was a Team Prime, he found out about a new concept, that basically breaks all his perceptions.
It isn't the army, or the elite guard where you are easily replaceable and aren't important. Now Ultra Magnus is family. And, forgive me for cliché, but you can't replace a family. They all are accepting each other and won't willingy leave someone behind for a brighter future.
I think if Ultra Magnus had more screen time his arc would be about relearning to care/connect in a deeper way and finding your own and others' importance, showcasing hardships of a soldier, trying to become more relaxed and closer to a people he knows and loves.
Or mb I just overanalyze one line¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(Also UM and OP have this so sweet bond. Former is, being as socially awkward as he is, still being honest about his feelings and asking smt he doesn't understand. And Optimus completely trusts his lieutenant with the team family and is able to see when the other's uncomfortable/sad. I dunno, they're so brothers/friends. They're very close without having much interactions on screen.)
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tinydefector · 1 month
If you're still taking requests, I would love to hear any and all headcanons for Minimus with his human please? Sfw, nsfw whatever you wanna write. I love him so much, and there's not enough about him.
Minimus HC's SFW and NSFW
I'm still sick AF but did some of this. I probably won't be working on fics yet, but I decided to work on this over the past two days. Had alot of fun doing this so I hope you like it!.
-Minimus is an extremely gentle and careful lover. As Magnus he's so large that he would worry constantly about accidentally hurting his smaller partner. Lots of delicate handling and making sure not to apply too much pressure in any way when interacting with them.
- Protective to a fault. If anyone so much as tries to hurt his lover most times it's Rodimus with his silly stunts and he gets the full Magnus glare. But he's also conscious of seeming intimidating and tries to moderate it for his lover's sake, and tries not to show how much he worries. 
- Self-conscious about his true size, but finds it much nicer with a human lover outside of the Magnus armour, he's able to hold his lover's hands, walk about the same pace as them and actually cuddle them properly. 
 - Excellent communicator. Wants to make sure his partner is fully comfortable, cared for. Checks in frequently about plans to make sure everything is alright and tries to make sure his lover gives input so they can make it a decent outing.  
- Loves human affections like kissing. Finding the tender gestures sweet and rewarding in a way that is just so different from Helm holds.
- Cuddling. As Ultra Magnus his size makes intimacy tricky, but Minimus would love nothing more than curling up in a quiet corner with his lover in his lap, holding them gently as they read or chat. Very cuddly when in private. Loves holding his partner close against his plating. He adores how warm their skin is compared to his servo. 
- Loves learning about human culture. He finds Earth fascinating and enjoys it when his lover teaches him new things about music, movies, history, popular culture etc. He's always asking questions.
- adores physical affection. As a minibot he doesn't get many opportunities for hugs and cuddles. He loves holding his lover close and pressing his faceplate against theirs, kisses, or having them sit in his lap while he nuzzles them. 
-a small collection of pet names he has for his lover: 
"My shining solace"
" pesky pest" 
"My scraplet"
"My spark" 
"My shining star"
"Dear spark"
"Core of my world" 
"Light of my world" 
His favourite date ideas depending on if you're on cybertron, Earth, or the Lost light:
- A trip to the civic archives or museum, where he could provide fascinating historical context as they learn about their city/planet's cultural heritage, this one works for both cybertron and Earth, it gives him the chance to share his history with his lover and to also learn the history of earth. Not the most flashy date but it is a very educational One. 
- Stargazing at a remote locale away from light pollution or from the Observation deck of the ship. where he could point out constellations and share astronomical knowledge. It turns into making shapes from the stars. 
- Cooking/baking class, allowing him to be creative while learning new skills, but so he can make human foods for his lover. He wants to be able to make beautiful meals, desserts even if he himself can't eat human foods. 
- A romantic picnic in the botanical/ Crystal gardens, where they can both just lay there and admire the plant life, pointing out plants they like.  
-but most of all he loves quiet nights with you in his quarters just enjoying each other's company, from watching holos, working or just laying beside each other.   
Kink Soft Fabrics: 
bondage : he loves being able to tie you up with ribbons or silk, he's not much for rope or anything that could hurt you but he loves wrapping you up in fine fabrics, watching the way it pulls your skin, but most of all his favourite part is unwrapping it, pulling you closer as he kisses you. 
Blindfolks: blinds folds also fit into the soft fabric Kink he has, he loves watching your face even with your eyes out of the picture. Watching the way you shutter and whine as he lightly brushes his digits across your skin, or the way he sinks into you before leaning into your ear. He loves the idea of having trust in him.  
Underwear: he loves, Loves seeing you in different sets of Underwear, it doesn't matter if they are frilly, lace little things or even boxers, this mech loves the way they morph to your skin, he loves running his servos over the soft fabric lightly pulling it and letting it snapback, enjoying the way you yelp or Squeal before you try to playfully slap him. 
Uniforms: we all know this Mech has a thing for uniforms and the moment he gets you in your uniform he's admiring. Gently touching and praising the way it fits your form, he also loves slowly undressing you, taking his time to drink in every little detail ask your lain bare Before his optics. 
Body kinks and fetishes: 
Breath play: there is something so fascinating to him about humans breathing, he loves watching the vapour clouds. While holding you close, watching each shaky breath you take as he thrust into you, loving the way it turns to moisture on his plating. But he also loves just laying beside you, admiring the way your body moves with each deep breath you take while you sleep. 
Hair fetish: this Mech has a thing for anything alien when it comes to his lover and Hair is one of them, he loves the way it feels in his servos, loves how it looks just normally, he tries not to pull it out of fear of it getting caught in the joins Of his digits. But he also adores how it looks spread out as a hallo When you're under him. 
Hand fetish: he has a thing for Your hands, loves the way they trace across his plating, they are so soft and warm and he loves just pressing his face into the palm of your hand, kissing your wrist and pinning them above your head as your legs are wrapped around his hips and he takes you.  
Interrogation Play: it's not one he partakes in a lot but he will if you are the one to bring it up first, it becomes very much a game of who's willing to break first, but other times it turns into desk sex where at the end of it he's kissing every inch of skin he can.  
Mirror play: mirrors just bring such a beautiful touch to interfacing for Minimus,  he loves being able to make you watch how your body reacts to him, he himself loves being able to stare into the mirror and watch the way your eyes never leave his, he loves pairing mirror play with ribbon/ bondage. 
Xenophilia: this mech despite how much he would try to deny it is very much a Xenophile due to humans and a few other humanoid species, but you took the cake by making him fall head over pede for you. The amount of study and work he put into trying to figure out if he could court you, interface. He spends a lot of time and he doesn't think he'd ever want a Cybertronian lover after you. 
Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
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ppnuggie · 9 months
      MTMTE x gn reader
    『 rodimus ,, ultra magnus ,, chromedome ,, rewind ,, megatron ,, whirl ,, tailgate ,, swerve ,, cyclonus ,, first aid ,, ratchet ,, drift ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> christmas on the lost light
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — sorry i havent been uploading as much 😭💔 ive been busy with work and school ,, but im on christmas break so hopefully ill be able to get through the few requests i have sitting in my inbox rn and reopen requests :(( ima try to start uploading more now as much as i can ❤️ heres a little something for christmas though ! hope you all enjoy christmas this year <3
• it was natural for the bots aboard to be interested in human customs ,, having lived in a war most their life . death and violence were something they were quite used to experiencing ,, never really having the time to experience anything outside of the horrors of war itself .
• swerve was one of the few main bots that pestered you often about human holidays . cybertronians didn't celebrate much ,, unless they were a group of autobots who just gave some decepticons a what-for .
• then again ,, swerve usually asked many questions regarding things on earth and what humans do . sometimes you humored him ,, sometimes you told little lies ,, like if you clapped three times in a mall it would be a sign that a tiger was loose . it was quite fun to put silly nonsense in that processor of his at times .
• though when it came to christmas he would not leave you alone . whether you celebrated it or not ,, you still explained the custom in general to him . how old saint nicholas would mosey on down the chimney ,, eat the cookies and drink the milk left out for him ,, and leave presents under the tree lit well and adorned with ornaments .
• you even pulled up the santa tracker for swerve ,, showing him where santa would go and be ,, how on christmas eve he would be flying around with his reindeer and leave presents
• hearing all of this intrigued chromedome and rewind ,, as well as tailgate and whirl . cyclonus didn't understand the hype and belief of having an old random man leave gifts in your house and eat your food even if left out specifically him . tailgate was thrilled though ,, a funny little old man leaving him gifts seemed so heavenly to him . chromedome and rewind ,, however ,, had different opinions . rewind was interested in this human holiday ,, whilst chromedome shared the same opinion as cyclonus . how were you sure this 'santa' guy wasnt gonna rob you ? and when you were sleeping nonetheless .
• rodimus already knew of this tradition ,, as did ratchet and ultra magnus . rodimus was quite ecstatic at the idea of having a christmas party ,, watching christmas movies and sipping on energon . maybe he could even have you sit on his lap ,, all cozy in those soft blankets and sippin on your own mug of hot chocolate .
• ratchet couldnt care less ,, grumbling something about how 'you humans and your holidays and customs' . though he definitely didnt deny the offer of going to this christmas party ,, it was nice to spend some time that didn't involve life threatening situations for once .
• ultra magnus ,, on the other hand ,, was quite picky about how the christmas party should be set up . he even tried to ban home alone ,, saying he didnt want rodimus to get any ideas from the traps in the movie . the last thing he needed was to end up in one the next day . though ,, the many outweigh the few ,, and so home alone was allowed in the movie marathon .
• now when you told him about the grinch ,, he wasnt sure if you were mocking him by saying it was an actual movie or if he should be concerned for what this dr.seuss guy was drawing . i mean ,, have you seen how hairy the grinch is ? or how the whos in whoville are shaped ? pointy noses and all ,, it was quite new to magnus .
• megatron ,, who overheard everything ,, already knew he wasnt going to be wanted at the party . it made sense ,, his past and everything he's done to earth and its people . though when you asked him to come ,, that you personally wanted him there ,, he swore he felt his spark stop for a second . he only gave a nod ,, whilst ravage bickered to him that night in his habsuite .
• whirl ,, to say the least ,, was prepared to fight santa . he was watching the santa tracker ,, waiting for the jolly fellow to pop up so whirl could fly down and bring out the big guns ( that brainstorm recently made ,, not yet tested out or put through a test trial so lord knows what may go wrong) . magnus almost had to throw him in the brig if he couldnt contain his sudden rage and fury for the old man .
• first aid was somewhat interested ,, never having celebrated a holiday before . it would be nice ,, getting together and doing nothing but watching movies all day . he hadnt seen movies from earth that much either ,, besides a few fast n furious ones here and there . needless to say ,, he was somewhat concerned for humans need to trash cars . he cringed a little on the inside ,, watching those perfectly good cars blow up . it was like a horror movie but for cybertronians .
• during the movie marathon ,, whirl tried to sneak violent night and black christmas in ,, saying they were also christmas movies and that they should watch them . magnus ended up throwing them out ,, saying no one really felt like seeing dying people during this one time of peace .
• drift enjoyed the nightmare before christmas ,, the claymation alone was enough to captivate him . then the designs of the characters ,, the music and songs ,, even jack's childlike wonder for christmas matched his own (in a few ways) . during that movie you sat with him ,, sharing a few facts about the movie itself . how long it took to make and how hard it is to do claymation movies .
• during the polar express you stayed with rewind and chromedome ,, snuggling in between the two and sippin on your hot chocolate . rewind enjoyed watching the train on the ice whilst chromedome puffed about how he coulda easily done that himself and saved everyone . you only rolled your eyes ,, muttering out a sure as you fought back a smile .
• during a break in between the movies you noticed megatron ,, standing awkwardly in the corner with his own cube of fools energon in servo . you smiled at the bot ,, walking up to him and having a small conversation with him . you didnt honestly think he’d show up ,, but youre glad he did . he let you sit with him during one of the movies ,, bonding well with the giant bot .
• he was quite warm ,, heat coming from off his body as you huddled close to him . he tucked his servo around you ,, worried you may fall off . for a few moments during the movie you swore you saw him smile at some of the corniest parts ,, or chuckle softly at some of the dumbest jokes .
• you took turns ,, switching between bots during different movies . you would sit in their laps ,, explain little things you liked about the movie playing and share a few things of your own childhood during this time of the year .
• it was nice ,, to say the least . having time to the bots ,, doing things that reminded you of home . it wasnt the same ,, but it was the thought that counted . spending time with them peacefully was more than enough for you ,, and definitely more than you could ask for this christmas .
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
TF Surge: So, Megatron ended up being the Decepticon high command's token allistic.
I have to come up with some autistic Autobots too or this could look bad, even though Surge is pretty morally grey.
The problem is that i don't really know or care about very many Autobots. So i can't think of anybody except Perceptor whose G1 bio is very autistic-coded but didn't give him personality besides being nice, perhaps First Aid because G1 First Aid's bio maies it sound like he has hyperempathy, maybe Prowl but he's morally dubious and might be outright a war criminal....
Okay mood on knowing less about the autobots than decepticons, but I've seen headcanons regarding a few different versions of Optimus (I've seen it for G1 at least once I think?) being autistic so there's that!
I've also seen suggestions regarding Ultra Magnus / Minimus Ambus in IDW and OCD, which would make sense considering how I interpreted his character
Dunno if Rodimus / Hot Rod is involved here but I know for a fact I'm not the only one who thinks he's got ADHD in IDW, and I've seen other versions of Hot Rod can be interpreted as that too
I do admit I'm still unfamiliar with Marvel g1 and I don't remember much of the g1 cartoon because to me it all kind of blended together for me
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
i love it when people apply the whole “humans are space orcs” idea to transformer humans.
jack, miko and raf just doing regular, average day things that make the bots both extremely worried and unsettled gives me so much brainrot.
I got you here. I love this kind of lore/reaction ask.
Each of the children have a particular habit that bothers the team more than anything else. Can it be explained? Not really. All humans do the things they do. But for the bots, it is strange and out of sorts all the same.
Miko always carries around a bottle of sparkling water. She adores the stuff. The team, despite knowing it is not what the name implies, are still horrified with her drinking habits. Not to mention, they can't help but wonder where all the liquid goes. She drinks up to three whole bottles of water a day. In her own words "Hydrate or die." That in it of itself is concerning since the team, while well aware that humans need water, do not know how much they need exactly. The team are down right terrified of her ability to down water like a dry sponge. How can such a small fleshy even consume that much? They aren't entirely sure. Not only that, but if she drinks that much, then are Jack and Rafael getting enough? They can't be.
Not only does Miko down water like a bone dry houseplant, she also drinks just about anything else too. The team have seen her chug sodas which contain Primus knows how many strange chemicals and compounds. They've observed her willingly drink things that no other would on bets, including food that has been blended and watered down just because Jack wanted to see if it was possible for her to down hotdog cafeteria milk cheeto apple slurry.
Yes the team are terrified of humans and their ability to put anything inside themselves and walk it off. But more than any other, they fear Miko. Who knows what she's consumed.
All the kids do it, but Jack is the most notable since when he needs to go to the restroom, he makes it loud and clear mainly so that someone knows to keep an eye on Miko. The team are aware that organics have a need to manually handle removing waste since their systems are rather inefficient, however there is a certain level of mysteriousness surrounding the restrooms. The bots don't want to watch or even know HOW the humans get rid of waste, but they do know that THINGS happen in the restroom that seem to either be painful, emotional, refreshing, or aggravating. No one can really be sure what reaction will follow those who enter the space. Sometimes Jack or one of the other kids will go in there seemingly to just be alone.
It is a strange and almost sacred location where strange happenings occur. Miko went in once with bloody clothes and emerged with a fresh set before Ratchet could figure out what was wrong in the first place. Jack went in once and came out an hour later looking like he'd gone to war after he convinced Arcee to let him stop and get takeout the night before. Rafael took his charger and computer in there and hogged the space for a while to get away from the others once. The team does not know what happens in there, but it is mildly concerning since it either repairs or breaks a person.
Bulkhead theorizes that its a pocket dimension like the shadow zone. Ratchet refuses to think about it. Optimus will say nothing about whatever he knows. Arcee and Bee assume its a safe haven or sorts and Wheeljack is almost certain they keep weapons in there. Ultra Magnus and Smokescreen both agree that the restroom is simply a quiet space where a human can deal with personal issues in peace.
No bot is willing to try and confirm anything since humans flip out at any attempts to view the supposedly sacred ground.
Rafael is generally pretty good about flying under the radar most of the time, but he has a habit that has caught the team's attention. Humans have been noted doing what they can to clean themselves on their own. Its rather ineffective to clean one's own venting openings with digits considering the sheer amount of germs involved, but it is not out of the question to do so when a cleaning cloth is not available. Rafael occasionally and quietly trying to clean his nose is not what bothers the team.
No what horrifies them is the goop that he pulls out after his attempt at cleaning. What Ratchet has studied states that the goop is referred to by a number names, but is commonly called snot. Its the natural germ catcher humans have, but it still unsettles the team whenever Rafael quietly blows a few or when one of the others grabs a tissue and makes a rather disgusting sound as they try to clear their airways.
The goop reminds the team of any number of horrible things. But the sheer amount of GROSS within a small amount of the stuff has left the team all gagging whenever they find the stuff around base. Rafael is usually good about being clean, but sometimes he gets lazy and will use his chair to hide his cleaning attempts. Bumblebee has almost purged a few times seeing the marks on the chair from where Rafael may or may not have wiped his fingers.
Is he twelve? Yes. Is he fully mature? No. That much is evident just by looking at his chair.
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Human Buddy from TFP Universe meeting MTMTE Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus
SFW, Platonic, slight angst, comfort, mention of Cliffjumper, Human reader
Buddy in the TFP universe was Ultra Magnus’s charge.
Buddy had known the Autobots a bit longer than the kids, having accidentally stumbled on Cliffjumper stretching in the middle of an empty ravine at 11:40 pm. It was a year before Cliffjumper’s death.
“…Ratchet is not going to like this…”--Cliffjumper
Cliffjumper had originally been Buddy’s guardian.
The pair had truly made a wonderful team showcasing the beautiful nature between Bot and Human.
Buddy had been waiting for him back at the base on that day. He promised Buddy to take them out for some takeout then get back for a movie night in his habsuite.
Cliff even managed to rope in most of the team to watch it with them. They had been waiting patiently for everyone to come back.
Buddy spots Arcee coming back and runs up to the railing with a big smile on their face.
“Arcee! Arcee!”--Buddy
“Hey what took you guys so long? I already have the movie set up and… where’s Cliff?”--Buddy
“Buddy… Cliff… Cliff’s not coming back.”—Arcee
Buddy’s smile drops.
“What do you mean ‘not coming back’?”—Buddy
The team looks sadly at Buddy.
“No… no… no… please. Please tell me he is just running late! He is just running the scenic route! No, he got caught with the boot again!”--Buddy
“Buddy he’s gone… I’m sorry… I need to go.”—Arcee
Arcee transforms and wheels out of the base.
“Wait! Arcee! Acree!”--Buddy
Beep. Beeeep. (I’ll keep an optic on her Buddy.)—Bumblebee
Bumblebee follows the blue motorcycle.
“I’ll make sure those two make it back.”--Bulkhead
“Wait--” –Buddy
Buddy’s eyes follow Bulkhead’s form leaving the base.
Optimus carefully approaches Buddy shaking form.
Buddy jumps the railing straight into the Prime’s chassis.
Optimus quickly holds Buddy form as they rake up a sob.
Optimus and Ratchet are helpless in trying to soothe Buddy’s crying.
After meeting Jack, Miko, and Raf, Buddy never really had a permeant guardian.
They honestly were a bit grateful for that. The wound was still too fresh. Instead, they opted to do rotations in guardians.
Somedays they would be with Arcee.
Somedays they would hang out with Bumblebee.
Somedays they would hang out with Bulkhead.
Rare days they would have Optimus, Ratchet or Wheeljack.
“Arcee? What are you doing here?”--Bulkhead
“I could be asking the same to you too Bulkhead. It’s your turn to pick up Buddy.”--Arcee
“No, it’s your day.”--Bulkhead
“Beeep. Bep. (I thought it was Wheeljack’s turn)”—Bumblebee
“Nope. Its Sunshine’s turn today.”--Wheeljack
“Very funny Wheeljack. Don’t call me that. Anyways today its Optimus’s turn.”--Ratchet
“…I thought it was Bumblebee’s turn today…”--Optimus
“…”—All the Autobots
“Did anyone pick up Buddy today!?”--Ratchet
Buddy at the library looking down the empty street.
“I think they forgot again…”--Buddy
Even after time mostly healed the wounds, Buddy didn’t have a guardian assigned to them. When Smokescreen arrived, they volunteered to be his charge. That didn’t last too long though.
“Smokescreen! Slow down!”--Buddy
“Why? You scared of a bit of speed?”--Smokescreen
“No I’m afraid of the ravine up ahead!”--Buddy
“What rev—AHHHHHHH!”--Smokescreen
Smokescreen was ecstatic to have a human charge, but it was soon found out that he wouldn’t be much fit as a guardian.
Buddy was back to the rotation with Smokescreen added in the mix. It looked like that was how things were going to stay in the meantime.
Then Ultra Magnus came in.
Buddy had offered their help to get the Second in Command up to speed. It took some getting used to for both parties.
“Those humans are breaking the law.”—Ultra Magnus
“What? Oh no, those kids are just crossing the street.”--Buddy
“Without a crosswalk.”—Ultra Magnus
“Magnus no.”--Buddy
“That’s Ultra Magnus sir.”—Ultra Magnus
Buddy had to get used to Magnus being so by the book and strict behavior.
Magnus had to get used to the whole new culture around him and the responsibility of taking care of another member of the team.
But the two slowly began bonding over considering themselves as outsiders within the team.
“Buddy is starting to become a mini-Magnus.”--Wheeljack
“What makes you say that?”--Bulkhead
“Watch. Hey Magnus!”--Wheeljack
“It’s Ultra Magnus sir.”—Buddy and Ultra Magnus
“Oh Primus…”--Bulkhead
“It’s getting worse.”--Wheeljack
“Hey!”—Buddy and Ultra Magnus
“Run before it spreads!”--Miko
After a couple more patrols, Ultra Magnus officially asked Buddy and Optimus to be Buddy’s full-time guardian.
Buddy said yes and the rest was history.
Now Buddy is Magnus’s problem.
“Has anyone seen Buddy? I thought they were in the other room, but they are not there.”—Ultra Magnus
“Nope can’t say I have.”--Wheeljack
“Hey now that I think about it, I haven’t heard Miko in a couple of minutes.”--Bulkhead
“…”—All the Wreckers
Wreckers sprinting out the door.
Buddy is fiercely protective of their kind but strict guardian. Buddy hid along with Miko inside Wheeljack on their way to deal with the Predacons.
 Magnus nearly had a spark attack seeing Buddy sheepishly come out of the compartment.
“Hi Magnus…”--Buddy
“… I expected this from Miko! Not you!”—Ultra Magnus
“Wrecker charges solidarity Magnus.”--Miko
Buddy did not leave Magnus’s side in the medbay after he had gotten his servo crushed by Predaking.
Absolutely refused to leave.
They made sure to help Magnus out in any way they could as he healed from his injuries.
Buddy does open up to Magnus about the loss of their first guardian and does not want him to going anywhere.
What is he crying?
No, no he is not.
The others are glad that Buddy finally has a guardian and happy that Magnus has loosened up a bit. Maybe things were finally looking up for the pair.
Now in the present...
The team had recently discovered a new relic from patrol.
Ratchet and Wheeljack are inspecting the new relic, trying to see what it could do.
Optimus was trying to decode its scripture meanwhile Ultra Magnus watched from Ratchet’s side.
Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Smokescreen are watching with some distance between them and the kids. They were all playing a game of catch near the groundbrigdes entrance.
Wheeljack touches one of the wires and Ratchet grazes over the machine.
The machine begins to light up and float.
“You can say that again Doc-bot.”—Wheeljack
“Don’t call me—WOAH!”
Ratchet ducks as the relic flies over his helm.
The relic zoomed over past the team and kids towards the bridge stopping shortly after the arc entrance and turned off and dropped on the floor.
Buddy ran over to it despite the Autobots protest to get the machine for them.
“Don’t worry I got it!”--Buddy
“Buddy, I don’t—”—Ultra Magnus
“Wait, I want to see how far they try and carry it.”--Wheeljack
“Wheeljack—”—Ultra Magnus
“I bet a couple of feet.”--Bulkhead
“10 inches max.”--Smokescreen
“Smokescreen!”--Ultra Magnus
Magnus sighed a bit as he walked over to Buddy with the relic. Buddy managed to prop the machine up when it started glowing.
They just looked at the beautiful colors, completely oblivious to what was going to happen.
The next thing they remember was the swirling colors of the groundbrigde turning on and seeing Magnus’s servo brush their legs before blacking out.
The machine as it turned out had somehow activated the groundbridge remotely. The team was running towards the bridge, Magnus being the closest tried to reach out to grab Buddy.
He failed and fell flat on the concrete beneath him with no Buddy or machine to be seen.
Meanwhile on the Lost Light…
Rodimus, Magnus, and Megatron in a meeting discussing the latest reports.
A whirling portal suddenly shows up.
“What is that thing?!”--Rodimus
“How am I supposed to know?!”--Megatron
“If Brainstorm is doing another unauthorized experiment—”—Ultra Magnus
In a flash of green light, a small human and broken-looking machine fell rather ungracefully onto the table. Rodimus and Magnus immediately look at the human while Megatron comm in Ratchet to bring the med kit just in case.
“Which one is hurt this time?”--Ratchet
“Well… it’s not one of us exactly…”--Megatron
“Then who—”--Ratchet
“It’s a human.”--Megatron
“… what?”--Ratchet
Heavy footsteps get louder.
Buddy groans feeling a slight poke on their side and opens their eyes slowly.
They come face to face with a red, blue, and grey set of robots.
The grey one looked familiar, but Buddy couldn’t put their finger where they had seen him before.
The red one gave off Smokescreen and Bumblebee vibes for some reason.
But the Blue one...
Buddy only knew one Autobot with shoulder pads that tall.
“Umm… yes? How do you know my designation?”—Ultra Magnus
“… Oh, Magnus is going to kill me.”--Buddy
“Wait why would I do that?!”—Ultra Magnus
“No, not you, My Magnus. I think I’m in some other dimension or I finally snapped and I’m hallucinating everything now...”—Buddy
“I assure you everything here is real.”—Ultra Magnus
“Hey better question. Who are you?”
“I’m Buddy. Apparently, I’m from another dimension. And you guys are…”--Buddy
“I’m Rodimus! You somehow know Magnus here and that’s Megatron.”--Rodimus
“…No offense but why hasn’t he—Is he wearing an Autobot badge?!”--Buddy
“Yes, it was given to me by Bumblebee.”—Megatron
“…I need to sit down…”—Buddy
When Ratchet opens the door, he nearly walks out.
Rodimus was trying to talk to a small human on the desk, Magnus was looking for any injuries while glancing at the strange machine while Megatron was inching his way further and further from the human.
Then the Human looked at him with wide eyes before fainting on the spot.
“Ratchet I think you killed them.”--Rodimus
“They’re not dead.”--Ratchet
“Maybe it was the stress of them being in another dimension.”—Ultra Magnus
“They’re from a what now?”--Ratchet
Ratchet sighs a bit and begins his inspection on them. They do wake up within a minute.
“Let me guess I’m from your dimension.”--Ratchet
“Yeah… it’s a good thing some things don’t change.”--Buddy
Buddy was scared. Not only had they managed to travel to an entirely different dimension, any bot they knew before didn’t even know who they were.
They had to befriend practically everyone they knew all over again. What was up with Buddy meeting new Cybertronians in weird ways?
The news about a human on board catches on to everyone like wildfire. Especially Brainstorm, Nautica and Perceptor.
After a bit of analyzing the remains of the relic, Brainstorm finally concludes that it would take some time to get something like the relic to work.
Buddy is fine with the arrangements if they do get back. They are worried for their family back home, especially for their Ultra Magnus.
Buddy stays by a hand full of bots after stopping to get their basic needs. They tend to be closer to Ratchet and Ultra Magnus, especially with Magnus.
“So, tell me who else is on your team?”--Rodimus
“Well we have Optimus.”--Buddy
“Hush. Continue Buddy.”--Magnus
“We have Ratchet, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Arcee, Ultra Magnus, Bumblebee, and Smokescreen.”--Buddy
“And what? That’s the entire team.”--Buddy
“There’s no way—”—Skids
“Do you know if anyone else—”--Megatron
“I don’t know anyone else!”--Buddy
Which led to a funny moment when they found out about Minimus Ambus.
Buddy was taking a nap in his office after he said it was okay.
He had completely forgotten that Buddy was still in the room when he came out of the armor. That’s when he heard a shriek from Buddy.
“What! What is it!?”—Minimus
“Who are you! What have you done to Ultra Magnus?!”--Buddy
“What are—Woah! Buddy put down the sword—wait where did you get--”—Minimus
Buddy missed another swing with their new sword, complimentary of Brainstorm, and held it high.
“All right shorty Pringle man, I’m only going to ask you one more time. What. Did. You. Do. To. Ultra Magnus?”—Buddy
It takes a bit for Minimus to explain his whole situation.
They do calm down after a while and want to get to know him better.
Minimus isn’t crying. What’s crying anyways?
Buddy does eventually befriend with more bots on board but is never too far from Minimus or Magnus.
Buddy becomes a temporary mascot at Swerve’s.
“Swerve, have you seen Buddy?”--Magnus
Swerve pointing across the room.
Buddy is on top of Ten with a speaker next to Whirl’s holoform.
“You know what to do Buddy!”--Whirl
Buddy nods and plays the speaker.
“WE DON’T NEED NO EDUCATION!—”—Buddy and Whirl
Eventually the day comes for Buddy to return.
Buddy has a tearful set of goodbyes to all their friends.
They give the biggest hug to Minimus as they race to the portal.
Minimus now has a subspace filled with photos of him and Buddy with their mini adventures on the Lost Light.
Meanwhile in TFP universe…
Everyone is on edge.
The team had even gone and infiltrated the Nemesis multiple times trying to see if Buddy was on board.
The kids are just worried about their friend.
Ratchet and Optimus keep searching through radar and trying to decode some encrypted information via Decepticon radio.
Arcee would come to the roof more to talk with Cliffjumper grave about Buddy trying to cope.
Bumblebee and Smokescreen try extending their patrols to search for Buddy.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack taking the Jackhammer out to widen the search a bit.
Magnus tried to keep himself busy as much as he could and tried to figure out where Buddy could have gone to.
He knows the grim possibility of Buddy’s survival after a few days of the search, but is in denial, he knows Buddy is out there and wants to bring them home.
Later that day…
Buddy gets flung into the hard floor of the base, nearly sticking the landing if they didn’t trip on their own foot.
They slowly got up and looked around realizing they were finally back on the base.
They were so happy that they began to run to the main room.
Miko is the first to see Buddy and scrambles out of her seat alerting Jack and Raf.
Miko throws herself at Buddy knocking the two of them to the floor.
The boys join in hugging Buddy.
Hearing the kids’ sudden movements and squeals Ratchet turns from his screen and nearly passes out gripping the railings.
Buddy was here.
Buddy was alive.
He is quick to get to Buddy picking them up and rushing to the medbay.
He is just focused on checking for any injuries.
Once he is satisfied, Ratchet will give Buddy a light scolding and hug.
Bumblebee then commed in for Ratchet to open the groundbridge.
He opens it leading Bumblebee, Smokescreen and Arcee into the base.
Bumblebee whirls in excitement seeing Buddy.
Smokescreen pauses with Arcee seeing Buddy but snaps out of it quick and races to Buddy with Bumblebee and Arcee hot on his tailpipe.
At the same time Bulkhead and Wheeljack had entered the base from their latest expedition on the Jackhammer.
They look over to see Buddy being nuzzled by Bumblebee and also go over to see how they are.
Wheeljack makes sure to at least ask Buddy a question only Buddy would know.
It wouldn’t have been the first time a member of team Prime was subjugated to mimics.
“Tell me something only the real Buddy would know.”--Wheeljack
“I know that Miko was the one who stole Jack’s last soda he was saving for finals.”--Buddy
“Wait that was you!?”—Jack
“I think we are not seeing the fact that this is the real Buddy!”--Bulkhead
“Yeah that’s great, awesome, but Miko—”--Jack
“Bloodshed later, Buddy hugs now.”--Miko
Finally, Optimus and Magnus enter the room.
They both freeze seeing Buddy.
Optimus is the first to welcome Buddy back.
Magnus was still in the same place.
Buddy walking to Magnus.
“Mags? You, okay?”--Buddy
Magnus drops to his knees in front of Buddy and scoops them in a hug close to his chassis.
Buddy does their best to hug back.
“I’m fine Mags. I’m here.”--Buddy
“…You’re here… you’re here…”--Magnus
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