#one of the main things that got them started on bonding is their shared confusion over like social norms and expectations
i think heatwave’s favorite member of team prime is ultra magnus. and i know that the way i post might make it seem like he would prefer wheeljack or something but no, he is absolutely sold on ultra magnus and getting his approval. the sole reason for this is because ultra magnus actually has like a real job and has real work experience and parameters. heatwave might be chaotic but he does respect authority figures (to an extent). magnus is strong as hell and has very precise plans, even when it’s sometimes hard to puzzle out his goal, which heatwave respects the hell out of (hes the same). they’re both fiercely loyal, not necessarily to a specific sentiment but to a specific bot (optimus prime for both of them). also ultra magnus is in charge of a small but chaotic highly specialized team of bots and heatwave relates!! they have so much to talk about!! heatwave follows ultra magnus around with stars in his eyes bc look at his goddamn hammer thats so sick.
surprisingly, ultra magnus actually feels the same way. i mean his job description is “make sure these adults dont like light themselves on fire” so meeting a little dude who is just as crazy but actually responsible as well is SUCH a refreshing experience for him. like hes so used to weird guys that heatwave does not bother him at all but heatwave being a trained first responder with credentials and field experience is so soothing. he can hang out with this guy who is so similar to him but also a nice foil, bc heatwave may have a reputation for being impulsive but he still knows how to safely manage himself and others, and ultra magnus has a reputation for being very uptight but still participates in very dangerous activities. he just sort of accidentally becomes another father figure for him before he even realizes it. (optimus is SO jealous but doesnt want to say anything bc both of them are actually happy and comfortable for the first time in primus knows how long).
idk they both have similar personalities, they just express themselves differently. heatwave will do anything to get ultra magnus’ approval and mags will kill and die for heatwave. they deserve to have fun and meet people in different age ranges with similar world views and goals and thought processes!!
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bibibbon · 9 months
MHA characters with wasted potential : ochako Uraraka (rant)
Ps : this is my opinion!!!
Ochako is one of those characters that I tend to just have a love/hate relationship with. In my opinion she had potential to be a great character but a lot of that was ruined due to stuff that horikoshi did and how the narrative did her character arc. As I have stated I have a lot of problems with her but my main ones are:
HER MIXED SIGNALS/MESSAGES?!?!. What I mean by this is that ochako is very flimsy a great example of her hypocrisy is when she asks izuku if he is going to fight quirkless but then she realises that she relays way too much in her quirk and then does some quirkless hand to hand combat with gunhead. There are more examples of her doing this like when she goes to tell toga that she deserves whatever bad thing comes to her but then is like I wanna be your blood bank?
THE WHOLE IZUKU ORDEAL. Don't even get me started on this one like why is it that the her plot has to focus on izuku and literally izuku bashing for no reason??!?! I understand her admiring izuku and her inspiring her to be better and all of that. However, I don't understand the whole I need to focus on my career that's why I need to hide my crush on izuku thing. It doesn't make sense at all!!!! Like?!?!?! And then she goes on to like toga and wants to be togas blood bank or something?!?! Also why is it such a pathetic excuse like you're only a first year you still have time before becoming a pro hero. Look I see her being Izuku's best friend and them forming a close platonic bond. However, hori does her a huge disservice and makes her character have to revolve around either izuku or toga.
HER INCONSISTENCY. Iam pretty certain that I can talk about the inconsistncy of every character in MHA because they all contradict themselves with reasons that make no sense. Ochako is a character with a huge ton of inconsistncy as we see it in my first post of her inconsistency making her come off as a hypocrite and it ruins other aspects of her character like her friendship or character interactions. There is also a lot of inconsistncy in her goals of becoming a hero. At first she wants to become a hero to provide for her family and then like 3/4 of the way hori ditches that and is like no she wants to be a hero that sees others smile and saves other heros which could of been a good point but in my opinion was introduced way too late.
HER CHARACTER INTERACTIONS. As I have said before this is a very reoccurring thing with the characters horikoshi writes it the fact that the characters actions don't match up and they tend to be inconsistent. I, myself have a lot of questions about ochako like what happend to the I wanna provide for my parents plot point or what is going on with her and izuku because she still carries that all might charm around her it's literally what unites both toga and ochako which is horrible. There are questions like what happend to her friendship with tenya and at this point who really are her friends because Iam a bit confused since she never sticks to them a lot and the only time she has screen time she has to SHARE it with toga.
HER MOTIVATION? I have touched on this subject before but her motivation for being a hero just goes all over the place. At first she wants to be a hero who wants to help her parents financially which is a good motivation and could be built upon. She then wants to be a hero who wants to see others smile and protect their smile which is very similar to all might and izuku; you can say that she was inspired by both of them ( especially izuku) but it falls flat when you notice that she doesn't have that much screen time for it. Lastly, she goes on to say that she wants to be a hero who helps and saves other and other heros which in canon it's only implied that she got to this conclusion from seeing izuku all beat up and in his horrible state in the dark deku arc. However, I think that she might of started thinking of this from the time she had to hold nighteyes dying body but oh well canon never focuses on that and how it affected her🤷‍♀️.
In my opinion it's pretty easy to change her character and rewrite her in a way that wouldn't change her purpose in canon which are :
Cut the whole shipping with Izuku. From the beginning you can easily tell that she was supposed to be the lone interest which is ok but horikoshi changed his mind halfway through and made her have a horrible reason for not confessing and distancing herself away from izuku (who at the time was her best friend). The whole reason of I wanna focus on my career doesn't work especially cos she is only a first year and I don't understand how her being in a relationship would affect her hero work. My solution is to cut that out completely and just have them develop a deep platonic bond (I love platonic soulmates) something similar to Nobara and yuji. By having this she can have more screen time and we sort out the whole mixed messages and signals part of her character that I get from her.
Give her and toga more Parallels or make twice ochako's villain. Honestly, ever since I saw @doodlegirl1998 post about twice being a better villain I have been obsessed with the idea of twice becoming ochakos villain and it makes it easier for twice to have a redemption because he is the most redeemable villain in the league. However, ochako and toga can also work if they met both as civilians (before the attack) and had more Parallels with eachother.
Give her more screen time. One of the reasons why ochakos character arc kind of lacks impact and is lacking overall is because of her lack of screen time and whenever she gets screen time it's shared about toga or toga appears which is kind of bad in my opinion. Ochako and toga is one aspect to their characters but they should both definitely have major interactions and scenes without the other being present or mentioned so both of their characters develop. Iam still very salty about the fact that ochako doesn't get much screen time or an arc where she defeats a villain with Izuku (just like iida and todoroki did).
Give her a mentor. The main characters all have their own mentors and even some of the support cast have their own mentors that we see together from time to time. However, ochako the main female lead doesn't have a mentor at all? I liked gun head and he could of been a good mentor for her but we didn't see much of them and Iam more into the idea of ochako having pro hero thirteen as her mentor. Either way my point stands is that she should have a mentor someone she is close to and can talk to. She can tell this mentor her thoughts and ambitions and so many other stuff. It would of been fun to see ochako and a mentor like thirteen or gunhead.
Have her reflect on her morals and why she wants to be a hero etc. We can consistently see her reflect on her morals and why she wants to be a hero and we see a build up and what causes her to make the decisions she makes. This can be seen from the multitude if screen time she will get that will have scenes with 1A, her main villain, her mentor and just her doing hero work. In my opinion, I really like the idea of ochako wanting to be a hero to only help her parents and then as she goes further into the industry she realises how many people actually need help and comes to the conclusion that as much as she wants to help her parents she also wants to be a hero for both heros and villains
Make her an actual supportive friend. This is probably very controversial but due to the lack of ochako screen time with her friends I don't get the feeling that they're close and the whole "izuku may have OFA but he is just a boy" speech that she had was very anti-climatic to me because of the lack of screen time and whatever the hell their relationship became as the series went on. I also miss her interactions with iida and wish we got more of her hanging out with the dekusquad considering that she is one of the main members.
Make her blunt. This is a 50/50 for me. As I have previously stated I sometimes get mixed signals from ochako where in my opinion she can come of as a bit passive aggressive or say things that are so uncalled for Iam not sure if that's the word? A lot of the time these insistences if altered a bit could be seen as her being cheerfully blunt or curious if done well this can be seen as an interesting idea for her and may make her dynamic with izuku a whole lot more interesting.
Overall, on paper I was a fan of ochako's character arc but I think it definitely could of been executed a whole lot better. I think that she could of been a character who was exposed to a lot of stuff a young kid shouldn't of have especially considering family issues with finance and you could of had her living somewhere near the red district (not sure if that's a canon thing in MHA) however, I think she could of seen this and tired to just help her parents overcome the struggles but she slowly realises how many people actually need help and are overlooked like heros and villains and she becomes a hero who wants to be a hero that helps heros and villains while also valuing family and helping them.
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darkstarofchaos · 4 months
Yet more EarthSpark S2 spoilers.
And now for some general thoughts about the season itself.
Where was Nightshade during all this? They are a main character, why did they not have so much as a subplot in another character's focus episode? People talk about Thrash getting sidelined, but he had a whole episode plus a paired episode with Twitch. Nightshade is barely there, and when they are, it's either a battle scene or sharing the scientific spotlight with Wheeljack.
Speaking of Thrash, I liked his episode. I would like to think finding a random Quintesson on earth and then shooting it into space will have repercussions later in the season, especially with the Quint lore in the final episode. But now that the Decepticons are just flat and evil, I might not even watch that far.
Why are the Decepticons interchangeable now? Starscream and Shockwave are the only ones allowed a personality beyond "smash stuff". And yes, I'm counting Breakdown in that, because he's a shadow of his former self, and the whole thing with him being a parent to Aftermath got dropped after five minutes. And you know, I might be giving Shockwave too much credit, because disagreeing with your leader on one course of action isn't a personality trait. And Starscream's ultimate goal is apparently just smash stuff. So you know what, I'll amend that, why do none of the Decepticons have a personality beyond smash stuff?
Like. Twitch ends up in the Decepticon base in the guise of Spitfire, and we don't get a single characterization moment. I guess the Cons all just stand and snarl at each other when they aren't on missions.
On the other hand, I don't understand why so many people were confused that the Decepticons were following Starscream, because why wouldn't they? He seems to have been doing a fine job, judging by the number of Emberstone shards the Cons had. I get that most Starscreams can't get support to save their lives (often through no fault of their own), but the Decepticons here seem to have no reason not to follow him.
Moving on from the Decepticons, I'd have to call the trailer episode and the carnival episode the worst of the lot. The whole subplot with Robbie having a crush was the most uncomfortable thing I've had to sit through in a while, and I would not voluntarily watch it again. And the trailer episode was just tedious. I get having something more relaxed in between the Spitfire two-parter and the finale, but couldn't they have found any other plot for it? People rag on the bear episode, but at least that had a nice little lesson about not messing with people's prostheses rolled in. This episode was just. Nothing. But it did come with a distinct lack of squicky "feeling your brother's crush through your psychic bond" stuff, so I'll give it that it's rewatchable.
Okay, this was a problem with S1 too, but that psychic bond has to go. It's creepy and invasive, and it's only going to get more so as the humans get older and start exploring adult relationships. At least give them some way to close it or otherwise shield themselves from it (it's also a constant plot hole, because characters often end up in danger that the others somehow don't notice. Like, is there a range on this psychic thing? How far apart do they have to be before they can't feel each other anymore? This thing is not explained well enough, and I don't see why it even needs to exist).
Assorted episode nitpicks:
That is not how you dispose of hard drives. Why did you not wipe them before recycling.
No food ever touches the plates on the dinner table in the Quintesson episode. I am unreasonably bothered by this.
How did none of the adults think to address Spitfire's insistence on being part of the mission by pointing out that Twitch is older and more experienced than her? Like, yeah, Spitfire probably wouldn't have cared, but someone should still have put their foot down and said she can't go on a mission until she's had some training.
Megatron, you are the only non-participant who can fly and the final stretch of that obstacle course was over a ravine. Why were you not in a position where you could quickly help out if someone fell? Twitch wouldn't have had to go back to save Alex herself and the whole thing with Spitfire being mad because she crossed the finish line first wouldn't have happened if you had positioned yourself more strategically.
Actually, Megatron proposed the race, Megatron wasn't close enough to be helpful during the race, and Megatron said they needed to let Twitch and Spitfire sort things out themselves, which resulted in Twitch getting bodyswapped. Every problem in this episode was Megatron's fault. Optimus, why are you not vetoing any of this? Why are you just standing there and letting Megatron pit kids against each other? You're a leader, do some leading!
On the other hand, Megatron wanting to resolve everything by letting the arguing parties fight it out is on brand for him, so like. Kudos for characterization, now get an adult in here.
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manawari · 6 months
Thinking about this Maze Runner AU and I'm thinking about extending it (and change a few things, as well as following the original series), maybe?
Of course, Sung Jin-woo obviously is in Thomas' place as the main character and the person (Greenie) who showed up in The Box. He's incredibly confused and freaks out the moment he sees a person. He then remembers his name, which shocks the guys around him since usually, a Glader won't remember one's name within a daylight. Everyone becomes suspicious of him, yet a kind Glader named Yoo Jin-ho shows him around and teaches Jin-woo about the ways in the Glade and how he must survive.
Hwang Dong-suk (Ben) attacks Jin-woo after he had been stung by a Griever during his run in the Maze. He chases Jin-woo until they're in the center of the Glade where the Gladers find the chaos and rush to stop Hwang Dong-suk. Lim Tae-gyu soon comes to a decision to banish Hwang Dong-suk, though Hwang Dong-soo (bear in mind that nobody else here remembers their memories so we can say Dong-soo and Dong-suk are friends, not knowing they are brothers), disapproves it and argues that Jin-woo is the one who must be punished. Lim Tae-gyu has to uphold his role as a leader in this and threatens to slit his throat when it's clear that Hwang Dong-suk is no longer human; this can spice things up as Dong-soo holds a burning grudge against Jin-woo and his future actions will eventually lead him to his death by the time the Gladers have escaped the Maze.
In the fic, Cha Hae-in came before Jin-woo, but if we're gonna follow what happened in the original story, then Cha Hae-in would come a day after Jin-woo. Then again, the Glade is shook and everyone believes W.I.C.K.E.D is fooling them and disrupting their peace. In the book, Teresa and Thomas were telepathic and had formed a bond while in the Slammer, realizing they have known each other before The Maze; I'm thinking about inserting this plot-point on Jin-woo and Hae-in. They'll share telepathy! And in the movie, which is on the funny side, Cha Hae-in chooses violence and starts throwing rocks at everyone from the top of the Homestead; Jin-woo has to be the one who calms her down and gently takes the knife Jin-ho has likely given her. And like Jin-woo, Hae-in has fragments of her memories and has brought along two syringes in her pocket, which came in handy when Lim Tae-gyu gets stung later in the story when the Grievers wrecked the Glade.
First-in-command (Leader) — Lim Tae-gyu
Second-in-command — Choi Jong-in
Runners — Lim Tae-gyu, Cha Hae-in, & Sung Jin-woo [Hwang Dong-suk, former]
Builders — Baek Yoon-ho & Hwang Dong-soo
Cook — Yoo Jin-ho
Med-jack — Min Byung-gyu
Track-hoe — Yoo Jin-ho
Blood-houser — Kang Tae-shik
Gardeners — Yoo Jin-ho & Cha Hae-in
Slopper — Sung Jin-woo
Bricknick — Hwang Dong-soo
Bagger — Go Kyuh-wan
Map-makers — Choi Jong-in & Lim Tae-gyu
As for Group B, I'd say it includes the rest of the female characters in Solo Leveling. Park Hee-jin will be the first-in-command of the group while Eun-seok will likely be in Aris' place.
In hindsight, Woo Jin-chul was supposed to be part of W.I.C.K.E.D, but I decided against it and made him part of the Right Arm, which will probably make sense since they're the good guys™ and Song Chi-yul will be the leader. Go Gun-hee will be the one who's part of W.I.C.K.E.D and his role is the good version of A.D. Janson. But the actual A.D. Janson still exists.
Other thoughts:
— Teresa is labeled as a Traitor, right? And who's in her place? CHA HAE-IN. However, this can be debatable since the two female characters are different, but. . . What if? What if Cha Hae-in did it for the sake of her friends? What if she was manipulated into thinking it was for the better good? What if all she wanted was to get her memories back? What if she got threatened that Jin-woo would be dead if she won't betray him?
— what if Jin-ah is alive all along?
— what if Min Byung-gyu is not an immune?
— Sung Il-hwan is alive too. He's part of the Right Arm, though he's not revealing himself to Jin-woo. Kyung-hye is the one who died and Jin-ah became an experiment or an employee in W.I.C.K.E.D whom Hae-in later met.
— if we push through Hae-in becoming the "traitor" then Jin-woo will resent and hate her and Hae-in won't apologize for doing what she thought was right. JINHAE ANGST!
— Tae-gyu and Yoon-ho are the ones who use Glader slangs the most.
— Jin-woo treating Jin-ho like a brother; similarly to how he should've treated Jin-ah if he remembers her.
— Cha Hae-in is the one who solved the Maze.
— Choi Jong-in and Baek Yoon-ho tend to argue a lot. This plotline will never change.
— Eun-seok remembers Byung-gyu, though he's hesitant of telling the truth, thinking Byung-gyu might not believe that he was his childhood friend whom he got separated from due to The Flare.
— before their memories being wiped out, young Yoon-ho, Jong-in, Tae-gyu, Byung-gyu became friends with Hae-in and Jin-woo. The six of them would often sneak out.
— young!Yoon-ho being heavily traumatized as young!Minho in The Fever Code and that includes fighting the nurses and getting tied to a chair where a Griever almost kills him, sent by a scientist for his attempts of escaping.
— Lee Ju-hee having a telepathic link to Eun-seok, Jin-woo, and Hae-in too, which she hasn't realized until the four of them are gathered into one place. That's when her memories flush in. She's also the only one (besides Eun-seok, though he needed some time to understand) who doesn't resent Cha Hae-in.
— Lee Ju-hee secretly leaves the group in the middle of the night to join W.I.C.K.E.D in hopes to develop a cure. She may or may not left a note.
— Woo Jin-chul leading both groups the best way he can, as well as protecting the ones who are not Immunes. He's also not an Immune, yet manages to survive throughout everything.
— Woo Jin-chul formerly working for W.I.C.K.E.D and used to have a hard time gaining Song Chi-yul's trust until he revealed all secrets he knew from the organization.
— the ones who successfully escaped the Maze are the S-Ranks + Yoo Jin-ho. The rest are obviously dead or killed.
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The Art of Getting to Know · Pt 2
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· Pairing: Spencer Reid/OC
· Category: Fluff
· Warning: None
· Words: 5098
· Parts: Pt 1 · Pt 3 · Pt 4
· Summary : Eli, a psychology expert and old friend of Luke's, joins the UAC as a consultant and quickly bonds with Spencer Reid. As they delve into a complex case, Eli and Spencer find themselves drawn to each other on a deeper level.
· Note about Eli: Her neurodivergence is implied but it's never really said.
· Spanish on Wattpad. English isn't my first language, be kind!
· Masterlist
The case we were working on kept progressing, and with it, the pace at the BAU was becoming increasingly hectic. They had been intense days, but the truth is, I was starting to feel more comfortable within the team. And amidst all the pressure and workload, Spencer and I had begun sharing small gestures that, though seemingly insignificant, were starting to mean a lot to me.
· P O V E L I ·
That morning, I arrived at the building earlier than usual. I hadn’t slept well, my mind restless from the case and how it was affecting my daily life. I walked into the office with a desperate need for caffeine. "Ugh… My God… I’m wiped out, I need like 18 coffees…"
When I entered the bullpen, I dropped my backpack and a couple of books I was carrying onto my desk with a bit of a sigh, but when I looked up, I noticed something: a black coffee waiting for me with a small note that read, "For a great start to your day – S."
I had to make an effort to contain my smile, knowing exactly who the thoughtful gesture was from. "Okay… Relax, it’s just a coffee." Spencer and I had been working late the night before, and at some point, we had started taking turns bringing coffee or snacks for each other. What began as a practical, casual gesture had become something more meaningful, at least for me, though maybe I was just imagining things…
As soon as I finished reading the note, Spencer appeared at the door, with his usual calm stride and a book in hand.
—Good morning —he said in a relaxed tone.
—Hey… thanks for the coffee. —I replied, raising the cup in a gesture of gratitude.
—It’s nothing —he shrugged casually. —I figured after the night we had, you’d need it as much as I do.
—You guessed right —I said, taking a sip and raising my eyebrows. —You remembered how I like it.
—Remembering things is kind of my thing. —he joked —You taught me how you like it, so I just remembered —as if he needed to clarify that, maybe it was a joke, I’m not sure.
—I guess… Yeah —I responded, acknowledging the obvious. —How are you? Looks like you’ve been here since before dawn.
—Actually… I never left, I couldn’t stop thinking about some inconsistencies we found yesterday —he explained, slightly shaking the cup in his hand.
—Really? I could’ve stayed… "I definitely would’ve stayed" Did you find anything interesting? —I asked, leaning in a bit to take a look at the documents spread out on the desk.
Spencer nodded, pointing to a couple of notes scribbled in the margins of one of the sheets.
—Look at this, I was reviewing the witness statements and noticed there are discrepancies in the timelines. Two of them, who claimed to have seen the suspect at the same time, described completely different things.
I leaned against the edge of the desk, taking a sip of my own coffee as I processed the information.
—Oh… Yeah, I see. It could mean we have more than one suspect, or that the main one is manipulating events in some way to confuse us.
—Exactly —Spencer said, and I could see that gleam in his eyes, the one that always appeared when a theory started to take shape in his mind. I hadn’t been at the BAU long, but I felt like I’d known him for ages. —Let’s not rule out the possibility of an accomplice.
—I think I’ll see if I can find any similarities in past crimes, I’ve got a few ideas swirling around in my head —I suggested, feeling the satisfaction that I might actually be onto something with this and could contribute. —Maybe there’s a connection we can follow.
Spencer nodded again, his attention returning to the documents, but not before giving me another one of those small smiles that I was starting to crave seeing and, dangerously, made me feel warm inside. "Damn it, Eli, enough, get it together."
—That would be great, Eli. Thanks for your help, I think I’m a bit overwhelmed lately… and you… well, just, thanks.
My blush was completely unavoidable.
—It’s… teamwork, right? —I replied, ignoring the fact that my face probably looked like a tomato in the sun. At least I didn’t stutter. I didn’t, did I…?
The next few hours passed in comfortable concentration. Every now and then, our eyes would meet from across the room, sharing small, knowing glances that no one else seemed to notice. Although we remained focused on the work, the atmosphere between us felt different. There was a pleasant undercurrent, something that was starting to grow within those small gestures that seemed insignificant but, in reality, were becoming more and more meaningful.
My phone started ringing; it was García, asking me to join her to review some notes I had made on the profiles. I assured her I’d be there in a moment, but before I could hang up, Spencer stood up and took a step forward. I felt my throat go dry, and I had to swallow when I sensed his gaze on me.
—"Would you… like to have lunch together today?" —he asked, with a slight hesitation in his voice. —"I'd like to talk to you about an article I read on the relationship between psychopathy and impulsivity; I think it could give us some clues for, for the case."
—"Sure, I'd love to." —I replied, trying not to sound too excited ”YES, I WANT” —"Shall we meet in a bit?"
After that last brief but intense interaction, "she's always so dramatic", I headed to García’s office. I was starting to realize that things were changing; I was no longer just interested in coming to work for the challenge of solving a criminal case… The small acts of kindness and the conversations we shared had begun to build a bridge between our seemingly different yet so complementary personalities.
I went to see García, not wanting to keep her waiting. She was, as always, surrounded by screens, with her mechanical keyboard producing a soft click as her fingers moved at lightning speed.
—"Ah, Eli!" —she exclaimed when she saw me walk in. —"Come here, little genius in the making. How’s everything going?"
—"Oh, well, I’m managing better, I’m getting the hang of it, thanks for asking ‘Penélope is so nice’." —I replied, placing some reports on her desk.
—"I’m so glad! You’re adjusting quickly, aren’t you?" —García looked at me with a mix of interest and a hint of mischief.
—"Yeah… I think so. Honestly, I’m more comfortable than I thought I’d be."
—"I see…" —she said, letting her comment hang in the air while her eyes sparkled with amusement. —"And how’s it going with Doctor Genius? Still all work and no play?"
—"With… Doctor Genius…?" —I wasn’t liking the direction this conversation was taking, to be honest. —"What’s that about? We work well together, that’s all. ‘Oh my god… Am I that obvious?’"
—"Uh-huh, sure, sure," —García replied, smiling like she knew something I didn’t. —"Well, whatever it is, I’m glad you’re fitting in well. Spencer isn’t easy to impress, unless you’re me, of course. I’m a genius too, maybe even more than him."
—"Oh… uh… Thanks, I guess, Penélope. But really, we’re just working together, although I have to admit, it’s a pleasure to work with him. He’s incredibly brilliant, well, you are too, but you know what I mean. ‘A pleasure? Damn it, don’t say that! Well, it is, actually… What’s wrong with that…?’"
—"It sure is a pleasure…" —García nodded with a little grin.
· P O V S P E N C E R ·
The day went on, and as lunchtime approached, I found myself thinking about how to start a conversation with Eli. I wanted to get to know her better, but I wasn’t sure under what pretext that didn’t involve work. When we finally met in the cafeteria, I felt a bit more relaxed.
—"I hope you’re hungry," —I said as we sat down at a table by the window. —"I brought some of my favorite books on the topic I mentioned earlier."
Eli smiled, taking one of the books I offered her.
—"I thought it was an article," —she replied with a soft smile as she flipped through the book. —"Not that I’m complaining, I actually like it, always prepared."
—"Well," —I said, feeling a bit awkward with the compliment. —"Yes, here’s the article, these books expand on the information, these are related, and these... Well, these just seemed interesting." —I couldn’t help but laugh, I think I can be a bit intense sometimes.
Eli looked at me with curiosity, as if she was evaluating me, then glanced at all the material. After a moment, she smiled like she genuinely appreciated that I had brought all of it, not in a way to make me feel better, but because she was truly interested.
—"You know?" —she said, looking up from the book. —"I never thought I’d get along so well with you. At first, I thought you’d be... I don’t know..."
—"Hard to deal with?" —I asked with a self-deprecating smile.
—"Something like that," —she admitted with a soft laugh. —"Well, we all have our prejudices."
I couldn’t help but laugh too, surprised at how easy it was to talk to her.
—"I’m not the best at socializing," —I confessed, fiddling with a napkin. —"I feel more comfortable with books and data than with people, but... I don’t know, with you it’s different. It’s easier."
I could swear my comment made her a little embarrassed, that half-smile she sometimes had, which I loved, appeared.
—"Data provides security, I get it, I also find refuge in it, but..." —she said, pausing as if reflecting on her own statement. —"They’re just collections of information made by people, and people make mistakes... sometimes data, statistics, books... can be wrong, or the information evolves with society, there are advancements... etc. Maybe I’m rambling, I don’t know where I was going with this, really. I meant to say that... Well, I don’t know, I don’t remember, sorry." —She let out a small laugh as if laughing at herself.
Her brief reflection made me smile. Every little interaction we had helped me get to know her a bit more in detail, to understand how she worked, and I liked that.
—"No, no, that makes sense," —I said, looking her directly in the eyes for the first time in what seemed like a while. —"I liked your reflection, it makes me feel uneasy, but I enjoyed hearing it."
We continued talking about the case, about books, and about our personal experiences. Before I knew it, it was time to head back to the office. Eli stayed behind, reviewing some data.
The day went on, and I had an unsettling feeling in my stomach or maybe in my throat, like a knot. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. There was something about the way she worked, her willingness to help without expecting anything in return, her kindness… But there was something more, something I couldn’t quite identify.
I decided to step out for a moment to clear my head. As I walked down the hallway, I ran into Luke, who was reviewing some reports near the coffee machine.
—"Hey, Reid," —Luke greeted me when he saw me. —"How’s it going?"
—"Uh… Fine, fine," —I responded, though I knew my tone wasn’t entirely convincing.
Luke raised an eyebrow, clearly noticing that something was bothering me.
—"Alright, Reid, something’s spinning at full speed in that head of yours, and it’s already smoking. Is it about the case? We’re making good progress, honestly I’m glad Emily thought it was a good idea for Eli to collaborate, she’s being helpful."
—"Yeah, well, it was definitely the right call, she... she’s incredible." —Maybe I was being too obvious.
Luke smiled, a gesture that indicated he already knew where this was going.
—"She is... pretty incredible," —he said, nodding with a satisfied smile.
I shrugged, feeling a mix of discomfort and relief at the same time.
—"I’m not sure what’s going on, it’s just that... I’ve noticed there’s something different about the way we work together. And I don’t just mean her professional skill, which is impressive. It’s more... personal."
Luke listened silently, letting the words flow as I tried to organize my thoughts.
—"Wow, you really needed to talk..." —He said in a teasing but friendly tone, leaning against the wall to show he was ready to listen. —"Don’t worry, whatever you say stays between us."
I took a deep breath before continuing, knowing it was time to confront what I had been feeling.
—"I guess… It’s hard to explain," —I began, choosing my words carefully. —"Eli is... different. I don’t know if it’s because of the way she sees things, or because she has a way of connecting with people that makes me feel more... " —I paused, searching for the right word. —"Comfortable. It’s like, for the first time in a long time, working with someone doesn’t feel like an obligation, but like something I actually enjoy. I’ve been so... I don’t know, but with her..."
Luke nodded, as if he understood perfectly what I was trying to say.
—"So, you like spending time with her," —he concluded, without judgment. —"And that... scares you?"
—"Yeah, maybe, I’m not used to feeling this way at work. Really, anywhere. I’ve always kept a certain distance, but with Eli... it’s like that barrier just doesn’t exist. And I’m not sure if it’s something I should be worried about, or if I should embrace it."
Luke crossed his arms, thinking for a moment before responding.
—"Man, connecting with someone like that is amazing, it’s not something that happens every day, it can be a bit scary, but on the other hand, if you push it away, you might miss out on something great. You don’t have to decide anything right now. Just let things take their course. If you enjoy her company, keep going and see what happens. Although..."
His words gave me a certain sense of calm. Maybe Luke was right, maybe I didn’t need to have all the answers right away. I could let things evolve naturally, without pressure.
—"Although..." —That made me nervous.
—"She’s like a sister to me, a pain in the ass sometimes, but like a sister, so I’m warning you, if you hurt her... She can take care of herself, she’s worryingly strong and sometimes scary, so run. Especially if she looks you directly in the eyes, intensely, like... seriously, you know?"
—"Thanks… For the… warning?" —I said, feeling a bit more... concerned. Though I think I was laughing at the way he explained the intense look —"Well, aside from the danger of death... I’ll try to just, I don’t know, not overthink things, I think, if I’m even capable of that. Thanks for listening."
—"Always, man," —Luke replied with a little laugh. —"We’re here to support you. Anything you need, you know where to find me, but never tell her I told you that, okay? Eli can be a bit... well, just don’t tell her."
After our chat, I went back to the office feeling more centered but also a little confused about whether Eli might actually end my life. I reminded myself that I didn’t have to analyze every detail, something I often struggled to accept. Sometimes, things just happen, and that’s okay. Although it’s really easy to say, making it happen…
When I returned to my desk, I found Eli still working, her focus entirely on the screen. I realized there was something calming about her presence, something that made the chaos that often surrounded our work seem more manageable. I approached and sat down next to her.
—"How’s the investigation going?"
Eli looked up and smiled at me, a smile that seemed to light up the entire room.
—"I think I’ve found some patterns that could be useful," —she responded, turning the screen to show me what she had been analyzing. —"I was going through old cases, and there’s a series of crimes where the suspects used disguises or altered their appearance to confuse witnesses. Nothing exactly the same, but there are similarities that could help us understand how our unsub thinks."
I leaned forward, examining the information she had gathered. Her analysis was detailed and precise, and I could see the effort she had put into it.
—"Oh… This is really helpful, Eli," —I said, admiring her work. —"This might be what helps us move to the next step."
She nodded, satisfied with my approval.
—"I’m happy to help. Working with you has been great; I’m learning so much in such a short time. It’s like an intensive internship or something," —she joked.
I felt a warm sense of pride hearing her words. Knowing that my presence and support were helping her grow professionally made me feel like we were building something important together.
—"It’s a pleasure working with you too," —I tried to be sincere.
Eli looked at me for a moment, and suddenly I remembered what Luke had said—maybe he was right. Maybe it wasn’t just professional admiration I was feeling, and maybe I didn’t have to resist it.
When the workday finally ended, I realized I didn’t want our interaction to stop there. We had spent so many hours focused on the case that we barely had time to talk about other things, to get to know each other better outside the office environment. I decided to take a risk. Now or never.
—"Hey, Eli," —I began, trying to sound casual. —"I was thinking… I’ve been wanting to go to an exhibition at the Contemporary Art Museum that ends this weekend. I was… thinking of going, and I wondered if… if you’d like to join me…" —I could feel my confidence waning as I spoke.
Eli seemed surprised by the invitation, but her smile let me know she didn’t dislike the idea at all. Yes, it was that smile I liked. And her reaction… Well, I didn’t expect it, to be honest.
· P O V E L I ·
At the end of the day, as we were getting ready to leave the office, Spencer approached my desk. He seemed a bit nervous, which made me want to smile. "He’s adorable when he makes that face…"
—"Hey, Eli," —I think he was trying to sound casual. —"I was thinking… I’ve been wanting to go to an exhibition at the Contemporary Art Museum that ends this weekend. I was… thinking of going, and I wondered if… if you’d like to join me…" —His nervousness was becoming more and more evident.
I stayed silent for a second, surprised by the invitation. It was such a spontaneous offer that it caught me off guard, but at the same time… The truth is, I was really excited.
"Sure, sounds great" —No, that’s not what I responded, although I would have loved to sound that calm and mature for my age, let’s not forget I’m 29. What actually happened was:
—"REALLY??" —I got way more excited than I thought when he asked if I wanted to go to the museum; I’d been wanting to go for weeks and hadn’t found the time. I wasn’t really aware of my excitement, it’s hard for me to control my intensity sometimes, and I found myself in front of him, touching his arm. —"Of course, I want to go! I didn’t realize it was the deadline already, I’ve been wanting to go for weeks!"
Spencer’s smile widened slightly, his eyebrows raised, and his expression was more like disbelief. "Way to go, Eli, he invites you out, and you act like a ten-year-old with a lollipop, ugh… stop, stop being yourself for a moment and act… act normal, damn it…"
—"I’ll pick you up on Saturday at… ten, maybe?" —He had one eyebrow raised and a slightly amused smile, as if my reaction entertained him.
—"Sounds perfect," —I replied, this time containing my absurd excitement.
We said our goodbyes, and as I walked to my car, I couldn’t help but smile. "AHHHHHHH" —I got into the car, and when I grabbed the steering wheel, I think I screamed a little, I probably looked like a teenager. Even after acting like an idiot, he kept the invitation, I couldn’t believe it.
Saturday took an eternity to arrive, but we both seemed eager for it. He sent me related articles, and we talked about the subject during meals. When Saturday finally came and Spencer arrived to pick me up, the initial awkwardness quickly disappeared. The museum was fascinating, full of pieces that sparked interesting debates between us. We talked about the meaning behind the works but also veered into more personal topics at times.
—"I’ve always found contemporary art hard to understand…" —Spencer admitted while we observed an abstract sculpture. —"It’s like it’s designed to confuse rather than communicate something concrete." —He said with a confused expression.
I smiled at his comment. “I love it when he makes that face… Aww” —"That’s what I like about it. It forces you to think outside the box, to question what you see and feel. Abstract art was born to oppose established norms. The birth of photography was a huge revolution; when it was no longer necessary to faithfully represent pompous society… Artists could be free to challenge social conventions."
He looked at me with an intensity that made me feel a little nervous. But since he didn’t interrupt me, I let myself go.
—"Sometimes art… the beauty of it, is letting yourself be carried away by its forms and colors, assuming that you can’t control it and that what it tells you might not be what you perceive because your sociocultural and emotional context isn’t the same as the artist’s. I mean… I’m talking too much, but y-you get my point, right? “You don’t even understand it yourself, how is someone else going to understand it…” I wasn’t sure if what I was saying was convincing him or boring him. I usually held back when I liked a topic; I always had the feeling that I bored people when I talked, so I got used to that, to being quiet more than talking. I don’t know why I felt so comfortable with him. “Of course you’re talking too much… shh”
—"You mean that maybe I need to learn to stop trying to find a concrete meaning in everything, a reason, and just enjoy it."
—"Yeah, I guess so, that sounds good." —I laughed. —"When I talk, it sounds much more… chaotic."
We continued exploring the museum, but as we went on, the atmosphere between us became increasingly relaxed and comfortable. There was something about the way our conversations flowed that made everything seem natural, as if we had always been friends.
When we finally left the museum, we decided to continue the afternoon in a small nearby bookstore. Spencer and I shared a fascination for books, and spending time in a bookstore was the perfect ending to an already special day.
· P O V S P E N C E R ·
The walk after leaving the museum was pleasant, full of conversations about topics that had nothing to do with work. In fact, work was the one thing we didn’t talk about all day. We discussed books, music, places we wanted to visit someday. I was surprised by how easy it was to talk with Eli, without any effort.
—"Do you have a favorite book?" —I asked as we walked leisurely, without any particular direction.
—"Yes, I do," —she responded quickly, smiling at the question. —"The End of Eternity by Asimov."
I don’t know why it surprised me that she liked Isaac Asimov.
—"It’s not one of his most highly regarded books."
—"Are you surprised, or is it just me? That book is amazing, it has everything, it’s… perfect."
I couldn’t help but be completely captivated, always so enthusiastic about everything she likes, you can’t help but feel infected by it. —"It’s a great book, that’s true."
The sun was starting to set, tinting the sky with shades of orange and pink as we continued walking peacefully.
—"Thank you for inviting me today, Spencer," —we were heading towards the subway station. —"I really needed this. Starting at the BAU has been intense, and this… I needed it."
—"I cleared my throat, looking away for a second, feeling a warmth in my chest that I hadn’t experienced in a long time. —"I needed it too. Sometimes it’s… easy to forget that there’s a world outside of work."
We stayed silent for a moment, walking side by side, and I couldn’t help but think that there was something more in this silence, something that didn’t need to be said but that we both felt. It was a connection that was beginning to take shape, but we didn’t dare express it in words.
When we reached the station, Eli and I stopped, realizing that our routes diverged here. However, neither of us seemed ready to say goodbye just yet.
—"Spencer," —Eli said, breaking the silence. —"Um… I wanted to tell you something…"
—"You can tell me anything," —I replied softly, leaning slightly toward her to show that I was ready to listen.
Eli seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if searching for the right words. Finally, she took a deep breath and spoke.
—"Well, it’s nothing special, just…" —she said, nervously —"Since I joined the team, I’ve felt a bit out of place, and I… sometimes feel like I have to prove something. But with you, it’s been different. I feel comfortable, like I don’t have to try so hard to be accepted."
The sincerity of her words touched me more than I expected. I knew how difficult it could be to fit into a team like ours, where the pressure was constant and the expectations high. I felt a wave of empathy for her and a need to let her know that she wasn’t alone.
—"I understand how you feel. But from day one, you’ve proven to be a valuable part of the team."
Eli smiled, but it was a shy smile, as if she wasn’t used to receiving that kind of praise.
—"Oh, okay, well… Thank you," —she said quietly. —"…For making it easy for me…"
—"I haven’t had to make it easy, it’s been easy." —I admitted, my voice barely a whisper. —"It’s not common for me to feel comfortable with someone. Usually, I’m pretty… reserved," —I added with a conspiratorial smile, scratching my neck. Eli laughed softly, nodding.
—"Yes, I’ve noticed," —she said in a playful tone. —"But I like that part of you. There’s something comforting in knowing that you don’t have to talk all the time for things to make sense. Silence with you never feels awkward."
We stood there, at the entrance of the station, while the flow of people came and went around us. It seemed like the whole world was in motion, but the two of us were in a bubble, a moment suspended in time.
Finally, I broke the silence, finding the courage to go further.
—"Maybe we could do this more often," —I suggested, hoping I didn’t sound too eager. —"Go out and talk about things that aren’t related to work, I mean… It doesn’t have to be anything formal, just… more of… well, this."
Eli looked at me, and I could have sworn there was a small smile on her lips.
—"I’d like that," —she replied, her voice soft, almost shy.
I nodded, and I think I held back a sigh of relief and joy. I had the feeling that in just a few hours, something had changed between us. Something that, though still subtle, was taking shape with every small gesture, with every word shared.
We said goodbye with a smile, knowing that what we had started today wouldn’t stop there. There was a mutual understanding.
As I headed home, I couldn’t stop thinking about Eli, about how easy it had been to open up to her, about how much I wanted to spend more time together. For the first time in a long while, I felt like I was on the right track, not just in my career but also in my personal life. Although it might be that I was getting ahead of myself, at that moment, that’s how I felt.
· P O V E L I ·
On Monday, when I arrived at the office, I found a small note on my desk next to a coffee. The handwriting was Spencer’s, and as I read it, I couldn’t help but smile, biting my lip. As if that would somehow contain the redness of my cheeks.
"Thank you for Saturday, it was amazing. Here’s a little gift, something I thought you’d like. - S"
Next to the note was a book, carefully wrapped. I unwrapped it with curiosity and found a beautiful edition of my favorite book, "The End of Eternity" by Isaac Asimov. I think my heart was beating so fast that I almost had a heart attack. “Oh my god… I’m dying…” Not only had he listened to what I said, but he had also made an effort to let me know that he was willing to share something that was important to me.
“…He’s adorable.”
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tgammsideblog · 1 year
June Chen redemption arc prediction
Some time ago i answered an ask about June's arc in this season. Having in mind that plenty of episodes have aired since then and we have gotten more information about the Chens' role in the upcoming episodes, i think it would be a good idea to write a follow up to that June post i posted all those weeks ago.
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First of all, one thing that can be highlighted about June as ghosthunter is that she is more aggressive when it comes to dealing with ghosts. A good example of this is how in ¨Frightmares On Main Street¨ she changes the type of shot from the ghost gun to ¨extreme dealy¨. She hesitates a lot less than Ollie when it comes to hunting ghosts. In contrast Ollie only was seen tracking ghosts and trapping Scratch in the same episode. He never appeared to have intentions of hurting Scratch, only interrogate him, probably because he was confused by how Molly was hanging out with him.
This more direct approach to dealing with ghosts could make June a bit harder to persuade and show her that ghosts aren't evil. She seems to be more ¨shoot first, ask questions later¨, so she could turn out to be a lot more stubborn that Ollie was in ¨Frightmares On Main Street¨. She may even impose a bigger threat for Molly and Scratch if they try talking her down.
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However, June isn't totally unreasonable as she did listen to Ollie when he asked her to not shoot Scratch when he was trapped in the goo. She was suspicious for a few seconds but later let Scratch be and went to help Esther and Ruben who were trying to capture other ghosts outside.
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In the same episode June noticed how the frightmares ghosts got trapped inside the ghost canister (thanks to Scratch's chairman powers), something that shouldn't have worked as she told Ruben that the gadget was only a prototype. Based on her expressions of wondering how the ghost canister worked, it is clear that this is a plot point that is going to become important for her character. It could make her trying to learn more about the true nature of ghosts and thus start changing her mind about them.
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Having in mind that it has been confirmed that we are going to see scenes exploring June and Ollie's relationship, it is very likely that Ollie is going to play an important role in trying to change June's view on ghosts. It makes sense, since June isn't seen hanging out with Molly that much and June could be more willing to listen to someone who was raised with the same ideas as her. Not to mention that Ollie may know a way to her sister to understand the situation better than Molly and Scratch would.
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Another character that has been hinted that is going to play a role in her arc is Darryl. The episode ¨The New (Para) Normal¨ established their dynamic as something important, they instantly clicked by finding things they had in common while having different personalities. It has been confirmed that that they are going to have a ¨big episode¨ titled ¨The Grand Gesture¨, which was confirmed by Bob Roth on his twitter account. Again, Darryl has been hinted to have a closer bond than Molly shares with June. They both are troublemakers in different ways and have an unique way of viewing the world that their family does. Darryl could bring up that ghosts are misunderstood by humans the same way him and June are sometimes misunderstood by their peers and adults to persuade June into changing her mind. That itself could also be a good opportunity to explore a different side of her character too.
As how her arc could go, i think it could happen in two ways or a mix of them: One, she is more stubborn and agressive when it comes to trying to understand ghosts and it could be harder for her to get what the other characters are trying to explain to her. Two, she doesn't take that long to change her views in contrast to Ollie since she could be able to relate to way ghosts feel misunderstood by humans, thus taking less time for her to join the ¨Ghost Friends¨ team.
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The last ¨step¨ of her arc would involve her and Ollie trying to change Ruben and Esther's minds in the final conflict. Both of them standing up against her parents and calling them out for these harmful ideas that were taught to them, showing them that they were wrong about it.
Whatever direction her arc takes, i'm looking forward to see how it differs from Ollie's and how June's growth is going to be. From what it has been hinted so far by both the series and the crew, she is going to have an important involvement in the story during the upcoming episodes and a crucial role in the conclusion to the Chens family arc in this season.
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i feel like opening up about something that happened.. kinda ranty, pretty queer.
i'm following a course at uni called 'psychology for intercultural communication' and the main focus is prejudice studies (the irony of it all). my professor - she's not queer, she's cis and hetero - asked how come gen Z in particular feels the need to use and create so many different labels for their identity, especially queer people. she didn't use a judging or mocking tone, she had genuinely curiosity, more the spirit of a scholar who wants to understand a certain thing, you know? so that felt a bit reassuring.
no one responded in the beginning (we were like 50/60 people in total in that room). then a girl opened up about being poly - she's cis hetero though - and how she partecipated on a podcast with a queer friend and they talked about asexuality, something she didn't know existed. other people started to mumble, the professor and her assistant asked what it meant. they didn't know what asexual was, let alone aromantic or other more "obscure" identities.
as queer myself - currently identifying as demiromantic bisexual - my mind had instinctively started to form an answer to give from my point of view.. but then i got incredibly anxious to talk because, not only i have anxiety and even though i push myself to intervene when i feel the need to - not doing it and regretting it later feels worse most of the time - it's still hard, but how the situation got made me feel so alone.
even though i wasn't going to come out to the entire class - i'm a very private and reserved person in general, i prefer to keep these things to myself and my inner circle.. i also experienced bullying as a kid and as a teenager so there's trauma fear that comes with that as well - exposing myself got even scarier.
in my daily real life i'm very alone in my queer identity. i don't really know many queer people, i'm surrounded by people with a conforming identity, and those few queer i know i don't have a close enough bond with. sure, i have my group of close friends that are really accepting... but i don't have an explicitly queer safe net for my queer identity to run to and talk to about my feelings and experiences as a queer person that talks with other queer people who can understand and sympathise with me. i dream of that. of an heartstopper kind of thing.
i also realised how much i actually consume and live on the internet. for me all the words and definitions and labels felt so familiar and natural because of how used i am to come in contact with them daily through the internet, but it's not the same for the majority of people even of my own generation. it was kind of alienating realising of how much i've been living inside my own bubble.
if it wasn't for the internet, it very much probably would have take me a longer time to find out that my feelings, behaviour and experiences meant, in fact, being attracted to girls the same way i am to boys, and it wasn't just "how female friendships are". i was so confused and lonely in my feelings, but then internet showed me that it's something that's real and has a name, and that people like me exist out there.
in that class maybe there is someone like me, queer and with an answer to give but too scared to do it, who knows. and maybe one of us should have courageously opened up for us to find eachother. maybe it was a missed opportunity.
i'm writing this here and not only in my journal because i think i'm hoping for more queer people to answer and share their experiences, if they feel like it of course. i'm in need of feeling less alone i guess, even if it's through the internet again, but it's the only outlet i have for it atm.
(i should probably add that i live in a town in the countryside in italy, and currently it's not very easy for me to often reach bigger cities, so it's easier to get lonely)
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First time posting and I've decided to make it my headcannons surrounding Dave Miller from the Silver Eyes since there's barely anything for this man. Just as a warning this isn't proofread or anything, it's kinda long and this is my first time writing headcannons so expect it to be cringe. Constructive criticism is appreciated!
•    I won't lie, this man absolutely despised you at first. He had always prefered to work alone as if there was any 'unwanted attention' from people who didn't know not to stick their nose into things they didn't understand, he could take care of them without much fuss. So when he heard that he'll be having someone else to work with, he was... agitated to say the very least.
•    First time actually meeting him he was grumpy and gave either one worded answers or snide remarks, to which both confused yet annoyed you. It was only when you brought up Freddy's did he show any interest in talking to you.
•    He gave you the usual tale he told anyone, with how several kids disappeared, nobody wanting to rent out any of the stores around it due to bad vibes, all that jazz. Though what really compelled him to go further into detail was the fascinated look you gave him as you listened. Reguardless of if you believe in the supernatural or not, stories about it always piqued your interest and that was something Dave could relate to.
•    Eventually your conversation branches off to other stories you both heard, and before you two knew it you guys were bonding over scary ghost stories. Of course all good things had to come to an end as 7am rolled around and the two of you headed out of the abandoned mall and back home. Dave flopped on his couch and thought about his conversation with you, wondering if working with you might not be so bad after all.
•    You guys became good friends after that and even started sharing more personal stories with each other, though Dave was always careful not to reveal too much about himself that might hint at his real identity. He simply told you that he used to work at Fredbear's Diner as a technician there and that was as close as he dared got to the truth. Over all you both greatly enjoyed each other's company... then feelings started appearing.
•    Dave was always horrible with feelings so it took him a while to realize that what he felt was more then just a close friendship then you and he looked like he got dunked in cold water when he did. It's even worse if you're amab due to the sheer amount of internal homophobia this man has, and he'll even actively try to distance himself from you though that does nothing to get rid of his feelings.
•    Either way it'll take Dave a while to confess as he wants to make sure you feel the same way he does. Though even when he's confident you are and tells you that he wants to be more then friends with you, he'll still be a little overwhelmed when you say you like him and will ask again just to make sure you actually want this. If you end up confessing first though congradualations! You've successfully caused his brain to cease all function and it'll take a hot minute for him to come back, to which he'll just ask you to repeat what you said. Best if you don't tell him while he's holding something unless you want him to drop it on his foot.
•    Now at the beginning of your relationship it'll take him a little bit to get used to it all but you guys get into the groove of things after about two or three weeks of awkward touches and hesitant I love yous. After all that one of you sitting down on the office chair while the other sits on their lap looking at the cameras, doing rounds around the mall holding hands and staying over at each other's place is quite common with you two.
•    Dave's main love languages are surprisingly touch and words of affirmation. He loves cuddling and playing with your hair while he mutters sweet nothings to you as you both lay in bed, not wanting to get up just quite yet. He also enjoys quality time, where he shows you some of the stuff he worked on as a 'engineer' or just read something while chilling on the couch with you.
•    Dates normally consist of going out in the woods, screwing around in Freddy's or a quiet cafe where barely anyone goes to. He hates going out in public incase of the little chance someone recognizes him, though he'll just tell you that he doesn't like people which isn't really a lie, so you guys tend to stick to the much less busy areas of town. If you're amab he'll refrain from any pda or even pet names as he doesn't want to draw any unwanted attention, even if you are capable of defending yourself.
•    He'll start opening up more at the same rate you do, as he sees it only fair that he tells you things about himself as much as you tell him about you. Hell give him a few months and he might even tell you about Elizabeth, though he'll only be refering to her as Lizzy and say that she just went missing one day while he was working. Just be careful not to pry too much as it's still a sensitive spot for him, and he's not fond of talking about it even to someone he trusts dearly.
•    He always makes sure to only let you know about things he wants you to know, and knows how to hide the things he doesn't want you to know well. Dave will never fully shake the fear of you finding out who he is and what he's done. If you ever do he isn't going to force you to stay with him and will even move out of Hurricane with the money he's saved up over the years, and if you decide to stay he'll just think you're too scared to break up with him. But if you somehow not bothered by everything, maybe even intrigued by what he's discovered... he might just show you all the things remnant's truly capable of.
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grumpy-nyks · 1 year
The Fernweh Saga by @lacunafiction - Agnes edition
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Who would have thought? 🤭
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Agnes "Nes" Sigrún 🌑RO: James Corvin
Personality: sincerity // cautious // friendly // merciful Traits: heart // compliance // believer Past affinity: writing [horror stories] Primary ability: empathetic impressions Past susceptibility: receptive
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☀️Fernweh: She never really thought about leaving Fernweh… It was her place, near her family and friend(s). She felt good there and assumed she’s gonna spend her whole life happily in this little town. Even if Fernweh brings back devastating memories, she’s curious about what’s happening in Fernweh now, in her true home. It’s always been her dream to work in Turn The Page, and during her ‘short’ stay in Fernweh, she started thinking about it again. Why not stay for longer…? She would love to carry on her grandfather’s work and bring his legacy justice. 
☀️Grandpa Jóhann: When she was young, she had an amazing relationship with her grandpa. They were completely honest with each other, and she loved him wholeheartedly. Some people thought that making her grandpa proud was her main hobby. She used to tell him all about her dreams that she had, which were always wild... and also about the nightmares… It took her by surprise when her grandpa, one of the most important people in her life, started being less involved. She was hurt and began to wonder if she had done something to cause the distance between them. His decision to move her out of Fernweh so quickly after this tragic event made a huge impact on her mental state. She needed time to cope and be with her closest ones, especially her grandpa...but after all she didn't blame him. She often heard that she looked exactly like her mother…like her grandpa's daughter... She assumed he could not look at her, without thinking about her... And she could not blame him for wanting to escape that pain. Agnes knew it was the best thing that her grandpa could do for him, and she accepted it, too eagerly. She always too eagerly took the blame for everything.
☀️Beckett Warrick: After what happened in Fernweh after James she had even more trouble interacting with other people and making new friends… However, Beckett was an exception. He was the first person who got to truly know her after the events in Fernweh. When she got the letter about her Grandpa, she considered hiding the truth from him, because she knew deep down that he would be there for her if she needed him… even if he would not particularly enjoy it. It's a good thing she’s such a bad liar… Her main concern is about Beckett’s well-being. She noticed that this 'little' trip made a huge impact on him. He wasn’t supposed to be here, and it’s because of her that he–... She needs to make sure that nothing happens to her friend. And she will somehow manage to bring him back to his home.
☀️Reese Verner: They had an unconventional relationship. Reese saw her as a rival, while Agnes thought of him as a friend. She was confused about why Verner, someone of great importance, would even look at her see her as a rival. She knew there were better candidates for his games. She had only one question on her mind - “why?”. Despite Verner's playful teasing, Agnes always remained polite and friendly towards him, even when he attempted to push her boundaries. Girl knew how to keep her true feelings behind a warm smile she still does. If I can be completely honest… Agnes was rather shocked that Reese still remembered her… and was actually looking for her, which sounded so unbelievably. His concern for Milton's well-being made her see him in a slightly different light. Of course, she already knew Reese had a good heart, but his behaviour really touched her. Additionally, Agnes noticed that Reese and James’ relationship became stronger and deeper… It’s for the best. James deserves someone as dependable as Reese. He will always be there for James. 
☀️Sofia Dorran: Their bond was formed over a shared admiration for books and... the color blue. It may sound funny now, but these things became central to their lives and deepened their friendship. Sofia was the first person Agnes entrusted with her writing, and valued her honest feedback, knowing that Sofia would not make her feel bad if something needed improvement. They frequently borrowed books from each other's collections. Agnes yearned for the days when she and Sofia had reading sessions together, sipping on their favorite beverage. The only issue back then was when the book ended poorly or their library didn't have any new positions for them to read. She's willing to know how Sofia's taste toward books shifted (if shifted) and how she changed as a person. She's also extremely grateful because her grandfather received constant care from Sofia and her mother.
🌑James Corvin: …Do I really need to tell you that James was her first crush? And that she never found the courage to tell him so? maybe now will be the time? Agnes and James were always together, wherever one went the other followed. They were inseparable. Agnes even used to bake oatmeal cookies for James with her mother's help. They dreamed of their idyllic life together. As friends, obviously. Seeing him again after all those years was much harder than she anticipated. Agnes felt overwhelmed with stress from the moment she stepped out of her car. Every time she heard his surname, she unknowingly flinched. Her mind was full of questions about his well-being, life, and changes. She couldn't help but wonder if he would be happy to see her. …she did manage to hold his hand for a moment, I can consider it as a success
☀️Alex Corvin: Agnes has always looked up to Alex for their adventurous spirit and their willingness to embrace life to the fullest. She has always wanted to adopt a bit of Alex' wild side. Whenever they are around, boredom and dullness seem to disappear. They both share similar values and support each other's life goals. If I would say which person Agnes was the most willing to meet during her stay in Fernweh that would be Alex. She was confident in their friendliness towards everybody and was sure that their kindness had not wavered. Agnes was touched when she heard that Alex was looking after her grandfather's bookstore… It appears that Beckett has a new admirer, which Agnes wholeheartedly approves of.
☀️Mal: Agnes has a sense that Mal might be suspicious, but she is quite naive and doesn't believe that he could mean trouble. Although she is wary of him and finds him a little untrustworthy, Agnes believes in being kind to everyone, and she is willing to give Mal a chance, not judging him by her own impressions of him.
☀️Goldie: Agnes is grateful that her grandfather had a furry companion like Goldie, who probably managed to brighten his spirits. She fondly recalls how her grandfather would tell her stories when he once had a dog, when he was younger and how his eyes would light up with joy as he shared his story. Agnes is committed to taking excellent care of Goldie and ensuring her safety.
#don't get me started how she is BLAMING herself for the situation Beckett is rn. she needs to go back for her theraphy sesions right away#that's why she went with him into the woods looking for Milton and not James even so she wanted to spent every single second with him :sob:#she's conflicted. being with James is something that she dreamed of but in her opinion he deserves someone better //obviously//#...that's why she's cheering for James and Reese lol. Look she just wants James and Reese to be happy and she can see how those two care of#-each other. She's happy : )#she's an idiot 🙂#is there a potential happy ending for the three of them..? maybeeee. we'll see what the story will bring 👀#im totally confident that Sofia and Agnes had their own shared little library#Agnes wrote a poem for James when she was young but it wasn't really her forte. that's why she showed it to Sofia because she knew she will#-help her. //Agnes didn't want to tell for who it was but Sofia figured it out anyway. they both knew that the other knew but weren't-#-talking about it out loud. XD it was hilarious -- for me and I assume Sofia but Agnes was terrified. XDD//#....cough James never saw this poem anyway cough...#I have this headcanon that Agnes made up amazing horror stories that James was willing to hear (for a bunch of oatmeal cookies) when-#-they had a sleepover //those stories were from her nightmares but she never said that to James knowing he would only worry about her//#btw her parents called her 'little star' and James must have heard it and (maybe?) asked Sofia to make a necklace... Sun and Moon.#did you know that Agnes had her piece of the Sun as her necklace for the WHOLE TIME. but she hid it away under shirt... x"D she was looking#-if James had his Moon somewhere... but she did not see it. anyway she wears it always.#omg i finally made it. there's also one in my drafts nearly finished and three more to go. XD#sooo curious about book two <3#fernweh saga#my art?#Spotify#oc: agnes sigrun
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marshallpupfan · 1 year
Is it just me, but doesn't it feel a bit strange that in the mighty movie, Skye and Chase have an "integral" friendship when they weren't even close when the show began.
Chase's best friend is Marshall, but I feel like they're trying to change the show's history by making Skye and Chase close when they weren't even that close in season 1.
It doesn't feel right to me 😕
Sadly, this isn't the only instance of the writers ignoring things in recent years. Rubble not having a family and then a really big one suddenly pops up for the spinoff, Skye's out-of-nowhere lack of confidence because of her size, Aqua Pups ignoring nearly every Merpup rule established in earlier seasons, etc..
But Spin Master disregarding Chase and Marshall's strong friendship and pretending it's actually been Chase and Skye is, to me, one of their biggest offenders. It's a change that, as silly as it may sound, does nothing but tarnish the love I once had for this franchise.
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It's not like this is some fan-theory or anything. Even Nick Jr. has made videos showcasing their strong bond. Fans fully acknowledge it, and even Chase x Skye proponents have reacted to this news in utter confusion.
So... what gives? Well, I think I might have an answer. This may be a bit of a touchy subject, but what the heck, I'll talk about it anyway.
If there's one thing I've noticed over the years, it's that people have been demanding (sometimes angrily) for more female protagonists in movies, games, TV shows, etc.. Companies have complied to this, and Spin Master is no exception. Unfortunately, when they created PAW Patrol, they only made one of the main six pups a girl - a detail that displeased many viewers from the very beginning. Sure, they've created more female members since then, but the cartoon has been getting lazier about using any of their part timers now (I think Everest only appeared three times each in season 8 and 9).
Their solution? Give Skye more screen time, of course. Unfortunately, either by accident or on purpose, we now have a pup who gets called in during nearly every single mission. This is not an exaggeration; in season 9, she was used more than Chase, the main character and face of the franchise. Of course, it's not enough that they call her in a lot; they also wanted to give her an edge over the other four... something to make her "special" to stand out.
How did they go about doing this? Well, I think we know, given how this post got started in the first place.
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Thus, our favorite Dalmatian got booted out of his position as Chase's best friend. Now, it's Skye who has an "integral" friendship with the shepherd. They're all "friends", but it's suddenly nothing compared to what these two share... apparently. I suppose it wasn't enough for them to shove Marshall to the side during missions so they could call Skye in more... they had to take that from him, too.
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And for the life of me, I've no idea what the Spin Master president is talking about. Sure, Chase and Skye get called in together during missions a lot, but they hardly interact at all. It's not much different outside of missions, either. And if it was "acknowledged" in the first theatrical film, I certainly don't remember it. Chase and Marshall, on the other hand? Although brief, we still get hints of it every now and then, even as recent as season 9. It's clearly there, but I guess Spin Master, and possibly the movie director/writers, have other ideas.
There's no denying their priorities have changed. Sadly, I don't expect things to go back to the way they were anytime soon, especially if this leaked document is any indication.
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As you can see, Spin Master is adopting a new strategy that promises to focus more on female-driven marketing and stories. Don't get me wrong, I don't oppose the idea at all (in fact, I'm thrilled they're giving Everest a 44-minute mini-movie... I absolutely want her to get more screen time), but in the long run, it shouldn't come at the expense of the male characters. Sadly, due to how much they overuse Skye now, I feel that's exactly what's happening... especially to Marshall. It's one of the reasons why I've started losing interest in the TV series, and why I'm sorry to admit I have little interest in The Mighty Movie. Skye will continue getting preferential treatment to compensate for their lack of foresight, while characters like Marshall will likely continue getting the short end of the stick as a result. I really hope I'm wrong, but the evidence seems all too clear.
I apologize for the length of this post, and if any of it comes off as sounding like a rant. And if anyone takes offense to something I've said here, I swear to you, that was never my intention. In truth, as many of you have seen, I have a lot of passion for both Marshall and the PAW Patrol franchise, which has lead me to become frustrated by some of its changes and the direction it's going in. And I know I'm not alone on this, as even most fans nowadays cheer when Chase and Marshall are finally given the chance to team up again... the rare times it happens, anyway. I suppose it's telling how excited we get for such morsels, but...it's often all we've got now.
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marypsue · 8 months
Ooh, I know quite a few of these but I am most intrigued by relativity falls but it's stranger things. I am very curious as to what that looks like
[from this meme]
Ah yes, the Stranger Things ageswap AU! Also known by its working title, that same small town in each of us. This one got its document title from its premise, which comes from Gravity Falls fandom, where an AU that swaps the ages of the two main groups of characters (called Relativity Falls) is huge. I was a little baffled, when I first started dabbling in Stranger Things fandom, by how much the two shows had in common and how much overlap there was between the fandoms, but how this concept hadn't seemed to turn up in Stranger Things fandom at all.
The basic concept is season one of Stranger Things, except the kids are the teens, the teens are the adults, and the adults are the kids. So Hawkins, Indiana Chief of Police Nancy Wheeler is investigating the mysterious disappearance of twelve-year-old Joyce Byers, her old high school flame Jonathan Byers' youngest child. Joyce's best friends, Jim Hopper and Nancy's daughter Karen Harrington, are also looking for Joyce - and find a monster instead. And sixteen-year-old Mike Harrington's bonding with Jonathan's son Will over searching for Will's missing sister - and helping hide the tattooed psychic punk they found badly injured in the woods from the United States government. Also, Nancy's ex-husband Steve Harrington is just trying to parent his estranged children and stop seeing monsters that definitely can't be there coming out of the walls.
I am stuck, badly, in the middle bit, and desperately trying to figure out how to get from there to the big third-act reveal that I've got up my sleeve (noticing a pattern, here?). Also, I'm painfully in love with Extremely Divorced police chief Nancy.
In that vein, have a sample:
Nancy’s woken by a hammering on the inside of her skull. It takes her a moment to regain her bearings and work out that it’s also coming from the front door of her trailer.
She squeezes her eyes shut and then opens them again, sits up on the couch and then immediately wishes she hadn’t. The morning light is searingly bright. It feels like somebody poured sand under her eyelids while she was out. Her stomach is threatening mutiny. Her limbs all seem to belong to somebody else – a much clumsier somebody else. The room reels.
And that relentless hammering hasn’t let up.
“All right,” Nancy groans, pressing a hand over her eyes and leaning into the relative cool of her palm gratefully until the angle makes her precarious stomach lurch. Did something crawl into her mouth and die while she was out? It tastes suspiciously plausible. “All right, I’m coming!”
It takes her two tries to get up off the couch. She bangs her shin, hard, against the coffee table as she makes her way across the living room, and barely keeps from faceplanting into the carpet. There’s a glassy rattle as the bottle and her mug wobble against the table’s surface, and Nancy just manages to catch the bottle before it topples over and pours the last half-inch or so of whiskey all over the papers still scattered across the tabletop.
The hammering starts up again while Nancy’s in the middle of this delicate operation, and she swears under her breath before bracing herself to risk a yell. “I said I’m coming!”
When she swings the door open, blinking into the blinding glare, Jonathan Byers takes a startled step back.
“You look like shit,” he says.
“I feel like shit,” Nancy answers. “What is it?” Fear settles like a stone through the turmoil in her stomach. There’s a lurch as her brain finally, finally engages and kicks into gear. “Not Joyce?”
Jonathan frowns at her, but Nancy’s pretty sure it’s confused, not angry. “No. You called me. Last night? You said you had new information you wanted to share with me?”
Nancy doesn’t remember doing anything of the sort. “Um.”
Jonathan’s eyes narrow a little farther. He doesn’t sound surprised, just disappointed. “You’ve been drinking.”
Nancy makes a token effort to straighten up, shaking out the mess she knows her hair must be and smoothing down the front of her hopelessly wrinkled, obviously-slept-in tee shirt. Too late, she realises she’s wearing her pyjamas – which is to say, one of Barb’s tee shirts with the café logo splashed across the chest, and a pair of boxers she’s pretty sure she stole from Steve. How very professional. “What I do when I’m off duty is none of your business.”
Jonathan’s frown doesn’t change. “It is while my daughter’s still missing.”
Nancy lets her eyes sink shut.
“Ally told me I might find you here,” Jonathan says, out of the darkness of the inside of Nancy’s eyelids. There’s a begrudging sympathy in it as he adds, “She said she wasn’t really expecting you in today. That Barbara had died.”
Nancy doesn’t open her eyes. The breath that escapes her sounds suspiciously like a sigh.
“You should come in,” she says, making up her mind.
She knows even as she says it that it’s a bad idea. That she shouldn’t be sharing this kind of information with a civilian, especially not this early in the investigation, especially not one who’s so closely involved in the case – but. It’s Jonathan. Whatever the stupid rumours about him had been back in high school, he’s about as likely to have had anything to do with his own daughter’s disappearance as he is to grow wings and fly.
And if she really had called him last night, Nancy knows why. Their exposé for the school paper on lunchroom dessert-hoarding had gotten them both that summer internship at the Post the year they graduated. Nancy Wheeler is not someone who needs people, but even she has to admit, when it comes to this kind of stuff, she works better with Jonathan than with anyone else.
And, it might be smart to get a second set of eyes on her theory, before she tries to put it in front of Erica Sinclair.
Jonathan hesitates on the step, face screwing up in a grimace, and Nancy sighs, again. Of course, she should have considered the possibility that he’d take her invitation the wrong way. “Strictly platonic. I’ll show you what I’ve got.”
Nancy’s a little surprised when Jonathan actually follows her though the door into the living room. She tries not to take the way he looks around as an insult. “I haven’t had a chance to clean up,” she says, grabbing dirty dishes off the coffee table and sweeping unopened mail back into the basket by the door that was supposed to hold it. “Wasn’t expecting visitors.”
“You called me,” Jonathan reminds her, with a twist of a wry smile. And then his eyes settle on the wall behind the couch, and the smile is replaced with confusion. “What is that?”
Nancy’s already on her way over to the kitchenette, dumping her armload of dishes into the little sink. She has to pause for a long moment, leaning over the sink, shutting her eyes and taking careful breaths. Neither her head or her stomach are thanking her for the sudden burst of movement.
Nancy holds up a hand behind her, one finger raised, for Jonathan to wait a moment. She breathes in, breathes out, and then straightens up, sweeping a handful of stray curls out of her face. God, she needs a shower. She shouldn’t have let Jonathan in here. Shouldn’t have let him see her like this.
She’s aware of movement behind her, and then the quiet clatter of opening and closing cabinet doors. “What are you doing?”
Jonathan looks back over his shoulder in the middle of opening the cabinet over the stove. “Making coffee. Where do you keep it?”
Nancy points. Jonathan opens the cabinet she’s pointing to, pulls out the tin of instant coffee, and then grabs the kettle off the stove. He looks up at her for the first time, obviously realising he’ll have to get by her to the sink to fill it, and falters. “You, uh, look like you need it.”
Nancy manages a rueful smile, and holds out a hand for the kettle. Jonathan passes it over, and she sticks it under the faucet. “You don’t have to mother me.”
Jonathan just shrugs, taking the full kettle back from her and turning his back to put it on the stove. “Seems like maybe somebody should. Mugs?”
He doesn’t stop at coffee, either. While Nancy’s pouring boiling water over instant coffee in a pair of mugs and trying not to gag at the almost overwhelming smell rising off them as she stirs, Jonathan finds a new loaf of bread somewhere – Nancy has no idea where, maybe her freezer? – and throws two slices into the toaster. It’s not exactly an enormous culinary effort, but it’s definitely all that she can handle right now, so Nancy’s willing to give him all the credit she would for a four-course dinner.
“Put something in you,” Jonathan says, handing Nancy the plate as she settles into her armchair, “and then explain what you’ve done to your wall.”
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wiltingxrose · 1 year
Daylight Always Comes
It was another court function and she was there to basically be supportive. She hadn’t minded the last one she went to, to watch Nesta slip back into the tigress she was on the dance floor. How to have people eat out of her palm and be how she needed them.
 She knew the main priority of this event was for Feyre and Rhysand to figure out who was on their side and who wasn’t. But she hadn’t understood why they invited people they already knew the sides too, but she soon learned they invited everyone, even Tamlin, as a show of good faith.
 Her brown eyes gazed around the room and felt a little bit of disappointment and relief. Lucien wasn’t here, like he wasn’t at the last one. Or so she thought, she caught a sight of flaming red hair and his scent.
She was confused as to why he was going into that part of the neutral palace they had found and decided to use skills that her friends, Nuala and Cerridwen, were teaching her how to move with the shadows. Feyre at one point mentioned something about putting a bell on her after startling her a few times with how quiet she was walking.
 Entering into the room she looked around, hugging the walls, but bumped into someone, turning her head she was expecting Lucien, but instead it was one of his brothers, not Eris, but another one. One she knew she shouldn’t really be around. Pulling back she headed for the door, but a blast of heat and flame surrounded it.
 Keeping herself calm she turned and looked at him as he spoke, " Hm so you are my brother’s mate. You are technically of higher class than the other one, but you know you were human once “
 Elain saw his sneer as he said human and she took account of things. She had promised to never be preyed on again, but he had those powers and she hadn’t brought a weapon with her. Without saying anything she went for the door, but his hand grabbed her. She felt as it started to warm, but a bright light shone behind her and her captor’s eyes widened some.
Turning she said, “Lucien…,”  but then shook her head, it was Lucien it was Helion. “Lord Helion.”
Helion smiled and stepped into the room putting a hand on her elbow, “I’m glad one of Feyre’s sister’s remembers me. Speaking of the High Lady, she was just asking about you. Perhaps I should guide you back to the party?” 
“That..that would be lovely.” 
Helion turned a gaze to the Autumn prince that was there, "You best remember the rules of this event and remember whom you hunt.”
Helion turned and escorted Elain out, “And how did a fawn like yourself get ensnared there?”
Elian flushed a little, “I…I thought I saw Lucien and I don’t know. I guess It as a trap because I smelt his scent as well.” 
She saw Helion smirk and she shook her head, “No it’s nothing like that.” 
The High Lord chuckled, “Of course it isn’t.” His voice held a hint of amusement. “I do know you have a mating bond attached and out of all the autumn children he is the catch of them all and he has his mother’s passion for love itself.” 
Elian tilted her head to the side, “Oh?”
Helion nodded, “Yes, his love was murdered in front of his own eyes by his brothers and father due to her low stature and I don’t know all of the details but somehow he got exiled to the spring Court and healed some what.”
She was quiet for a moment, “At least they loved each other no matter what. What was supposed to be a true match for me ended up not being a love match. He didn’t want me after being turned and Lucien’s..well you just talked about that tragedy.” 
Helion paused for a moment and she noticed he looked toward the Lady of the Autumn Court and frowned for a bit. He hadn’t asked her why she had called him Luicen, but she had been convinced that she had seen Lucien’s face coming through the door, but it was Helion. She hadn’t noticed that they shared a few features.
She slowly was putting a few things together as he started talking again. Leading her through the crowd. “Love, true love, should be explored at least once in life. The other things are fun, but love that is your true match, not the one you had, that bastard is luckily no one from your court has killed him yet, but a love that makes you pure happy and shines a light on is worth taking a jump for. Taking that step you think about taking. That word you want to say but don’t.” 
Elain blinked up at him, did he know she had done those things? Wanted to tell Lucien to be careful to not go and stay safe but didn’t?
She was about to ask but he continued to talk,  “And I know mating bonds are new to you and there are some good ones and bad ones in our history, but the good ones can make you enhance the good in yourself like the High Lord and Lady of the Night. Or i can destroy you, but yours, I have a feeling isn’t a bad one to at least explore. No one says you can’t get to know your mate first and then lock it in.” </font> He chuckled, “Grant it I'm more of the lock it in and then accept type of man myself.” 
Elain pondered what he said and bit her lower lip, “I get what you are saying and I believe he is trying. He helped get my father here. He, oh god he talked to my father to get him to come here. I don’t even know what my father thought of him.” 
She sighed as she thought of the gifts that Lucien got her, the perfect gifts that she didn’t want because it wasn’t her choice. “I just don’t like how it’s already picked for me. And I’m still healing from everything and my power…”
He squeezed her arms some, “Let’s not talk freely about that. Not sure how many here are aware.” 
Elain nodded, “What if you see an ending, a life ending event if you do accept it and don’t know if you can change that outcome?” her voice barely a whisper.
Helion paused their walk about the room and turned and looked at her, seeing the tears along her face before he wiped one away, “Then I think it’s more so to open up. Shadows can’t be whisked away in more shadow, only light. And it’ll help the heart.” 
“Helion! Elain.” Feyre said in a little confused tone as she walked over to them.
“Lady Feyre, I found her like you asked and wanted to make sure she made it to you safe,” was all Helion said. “Let’s just say you might want to talk to a little wanna be High Lord about his family’s choice of amusement.”
Elain watched as her sister had a moment of confusion cover her eyes before some realization before linking her arm with Elain’s. “I appreciate you finding her and getting her back to me. I hope you are enjoying the party.”
“Oh much so. I am going to find your other sister and her mate. See if I can convince them to have some fun tonight.”  He gave them both a wink before he turned and walked around. The demeanor changing so swiftly that she wondered if it was all High Lord’s powers to do so since she had seen Rhysand shift his own temperament with people.
“Elain are you okay?”  Feyre asked her as she examined her.
Elain just nodded, her mind and heart a little lighter with some possibilities that she thought weren’t there. “I am. Do you know when Lucien will be returning?” 
Feyre noted the light that was back in Elain’s face versus the lingering shadows that had been there and she walked her over to the rest of the court, asking her own questions.
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
Hi. I just got an idea for a gamer au. Not sure if you know but some fics play with the concept of game for Izu. "What if Izu has a quirk that allows him to see life as a literal game?"
My take: Izu has this quirk waken in him when he was 8 years old (bk is a PoS and calls him deku) now the difference here is how...the quirk does interact with Izu and people can see it. My main gripe with this trope is how ...no one ever touched how sus would for Izu to "obey" quirk that only talks to him and no one can see it.
So...in this au, the quirk has the form of a green bunny (of course!) And her first priority is to protect Izu and she acess the situation. Aldera is not the best place for him and Inko is not...a great parent.
She bestow Izu with a quirk, a beginer one. Izu can control the perception of light one see.
Everyone is jaw drop. Quirkless Izu is no longer quirkless! Then everyone move on. Bk continues to be a PoS (his issue is with Izu, not the fact he is QUIRKLESS)
Bunny level up with him saying Izu to open his others quirks needs more stats and time "but this one will do"
We see them bond ad Bunny is now the mom of Izu. Inko? She doesnt change much she is relieved her son has a quirk but never asks about the bruises he got.
Bunny second mission is to elevate Izu's self love. She even hears Izu's rambles on how to defeat BK. "Cold water will do" bunny is pleased.
Here the thing...foreshadow for Bunny being a lovecraftian THING. Smth even Dark Shadow is wary and cowering.
Izu's life changes...not bc he has a quirk but bc he has someone on his side.
Izu meets AM who is impressed at Izu (and confused at bk as why he is being so rude to Izu "he saved him...there's smth wrong here") and wants to give him ofa - bunny has talked about afo and how he is a joke among the gods, oh yeah in this the outer gods messed up humans 200 years ago and the results are quirks- and Izu declines. Bunny chews AM out and drops Nana's name.
AM is shocked.
Bunny:😒 do I look human to you?
Nana is also shocked. But curious. They all are curious.
UA invasion begins and Izu saves Aizawa from Shig...and starts to belittling him and Shig is not having it. "He saved you! Show some gratitude!" Bunny is scheming.
Aizawa is a PoS. Bk is not at ua but he tries to appeal, only Aizawa hears him. The staff hates him for that.
The mall date begins and...well, bunny is very pleased to see Shig did take him to a nice cafe while he is bitch talking about his boss and stain. See in this version Shig wants to kill afo and accepted the mission of invade ua bc he thought afo would share some potential weakness to him.
Izu:🤨my dude. Afo is a moron.
Shig:🙄tell me about it.
Is bunny plotting for Izu to take down afo? Maybe. She is a ride or die here. If Izu wants to conquer the world...she is on his side.
Bonus: people get a bit unnerved by bunny, especially if she just stare at you- is she seeing your soul? Your future? Your death?- but Shig is strangely cool with that.
Bunny is scheming.
Oh bonus 2
Ochako confessed to Izu - right the time he gets a big intership🤨- and tells how he is plain but she likes him anyway.
Izu...turns her down.
Izu:🤨you called me plain! I think you are plain too so maybe we shouldnt hang out
Izu left
(Not to insinuante Ocha is a gold digger but I cant really see her a love interest nor his friend anymore. Kudos for those who can)
Bunny is scheming! Izu is plotting too.
Hi @mikeellee 👋,
I certainly don't remember seeing this trope done before for Izuku but it certainly sounds like an interesting concept. An Izuku that sees life as a game, very cool!
Also I love your green bunny guide for Izuku that even makes Dark Shadow wary. Ooo! Perhaps Izu and Tokoyami could have a close bond in this considering the other worldly nature of their quirks? I do like the explanation you gave for quirks in this AU too.
It's so sweet that Shig and Izu have a respect and fondness of each other in this version of events and that Aizawa gets called out and Bakugou never makes it into U.A lol.
I do like how in the Bonus 2 omake Izu shows respect for himself by calling out Ocha calling him plain but still asking him out. It's strange how Hori treated Ocha and Izu - she's meant to be his endgame love interest yet Hori gives their friendship hardly any focus, they don't spend time together much at all or are shown / referenced to speak to each other and has her do things like calling him "Deku" all the time and "plain" which undermine the ship.
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ravenkinnie · 1 year
i think jinx still has the inner ambition inside to destroy piltover. its already implanted in her by both vi and silco, just in their own words (1. "one day, this city will respect us" 2. "we'll show them. we'll show them all). even when vi joins the enforcers, i think jinx will see vi as blinded by caitlyn and it'll futher fuel her piltover bloodthirst, out of hatred but also thinking that she will win vi back again if she makes her childhood vow to make piltover 'respect' zaun come true.
there is this one post that explains how in jinx's mind, there are forces more powerful than love and that is ambitions/ideals/dreams/etc. people can abandon their loved ones for a dream or an ideal and jinx internalized this first from her parents who could've been alive if only they chose to stay with their daughters but left them for war.
i think jinx believes vi will abandon cait no matter how much she loves her if only jinx achieves what she believes vi still desires since childhood.
and if anyone told jinx that vi may no longer has the same ambition anymore, she'll turn a blind ear and spit. because the shared dream she has with vi they vowed together on the rooftop is the one last link she shares with her sister that she's got left.
(also yes jinx at the end symbolically severs her ties with vi but lets be real she is still very much emotionally attached to her sister bcs jinx is doomed to always want what she cant have)
I do think her main drive will be to cause chaos and wreckage, whether as an emotional response or some delusional form of commemoration. I do think that this feels like an incomplete motivation though like the centre of her character HAS shifted, she's not searching for acceptance anymore and there's no one she would be seeking it out from, this aspect of her relationship with vi has already been severed and if they went back on it it would just feel redundant from a storytelling perspective. I don't think she will want to 'win vi back' or sth like that has already been the story, her desire for reconciliation and now that desire has been replaced by belief that its not possible
it's clear that it makes sense that jinxs drive will shift in the second season but what exactly it will shift to is very up in the air, like I personally don't like what you laid out here because I think that's an extremely weak drive for her character that would just keep repeating over and over themes that were already laid out and engaged with and now after a turnover of the finale it should instead push it in a new direction instead of going over the same things. christian linke said about s2 even that now that they laid out who these characters are they can start dismantling it and THATS so interesting to me, to think about how jinxs character can be dismantled
my ideal for jinx is to become a more calculated terrorist HDHDHDH she is an extremely emotionally reactive person, she internalised ideals from vi or vander or silco (probs not her parents, I think she was too young to know them like that, as people more than caregivers and what she knows of them is probably what has been passed on from vi. but in a way this id secondhand grief and their experiences of parental loss are completely different but thats a whole other thing) but it's clear these are completely secondary to her inner emotional reality - using her weapon against piltover wasn't even the main point of the dinner spectacle, her confusion about the emotional bonds in her life was. she clearly did not have a larger goal in mind for the outcome of it and she would have ran off with vi and said fuck all yall zaunites if she believed it meant vi would be forever tied to her unconditionally - but she didn't. I think moving from purely emotional landscape of her actions and motivations to one motivated by more overarching goals or beliefs too is a realistic goal and also goes beyond a mid redemption arc or going in circles over the same relationship dynamics - and it means jinx could become an actually potentially dangerous and powerful player in the power vacuum of zaun beyond just her penchant for violence - and it doesn't mean those ties she started to sever at the end of s1 are completely done because they will be running in circles in some way but if you want it to be narratively satisfying she can't be going over the same things the whole season so there will have to be progress there somewhere and I think it will end up somewhere halfway between estrangement and dependency. they will never be free from each other but they will have their own stories running parallel. I think how little jinx actually cares about the ideals she's been surrounded by will be a part of that dismantling, the reality of what a volatile substance in zauns ecosystem she is but also maybe how what she internalised more than beliefs is the notion of power
(alternatively, vi can say fuck it and let being attached to jinx forever ruin her and that's sexy too but I just don't think arcane is a story that would choose this but remember!! tragedy is always a great narrative)
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princesseevee06 · 1 year
YTR KAIDORI????? OMG SAY MORE??? (not forcing u im just excited cuz i love kaidori and ytr)
I LOVE KAIDORI TOO!!!! they are the ultimate hurt/comfort pairing to me. and omg you are not forcing me in the least i have so many thoughts about them in this au and it’s always a joy to share <3
my main idea is that they grew up in asunaro together and that because their parents had their own fair share of business meetings, the satous and the hiyoris interacted quite often. kai and sou ended up being an unlikely duo, finding themselves together frequently (or maybe it was just sou going out of his way to bug kai) and for better or for worse they became friends. i imagine them having a chaotic childhood dynamic, with kai being more polite and civil and sou being….well, sou. basically the emotional equivalent of a worried owner having to prevent their puppy from accidentally running into traffic every five seconds.
as they grew up, they only got closer, confiding in each other about nearly everything from the mundane to the gravely important. i feel like they’d very much be able to bond over the burdens placed upon them by the organization, as well as by their mother and father respectively.
and of course things start getting waaay more messy when teenage feelings start getting involved. basically, they both end up developing massive crushes on each other (and while they both think they’re doing a great job of hiding it both of them are miserably failing at hiding it). maybe they ended up dating in their highschool years, i’m still a little hazy on the details for what i’d like to do with them at this point, but tbh my preferred interpretation is actually that it was a very “almost” situation (i.e. they were too scared to act on their feelings and as such nothing really came of it).
what matters the most though is that they care a great deal about each other, and so it hurts them really badly when they eventually grow apart. basically, they both get a lot more involved with their duties in asunaro, kai being tasked to watch over the chidouins and sou being tasked with the recruitment of participants for the death game. they’re also developing a lot more unhealthy behaviors, largely as a result of their parents’ own unhealthy behaviors: kai becomes a lot more closed-off and sou acts more openly cruel and just generally worrying. as such, it’s fairly easy for them to put on the facade of not caring about one another, and whatever interactions do remain between them become terse and formal, until they cease entirely.
…that is, until they meet again in the death game. (what a hell of a way to reunite with your estranged childhood best friend, huh?) at this point, they have much different priorities on their mind (with kai trying to protect sara, and sou trying to protect shin) so the thought of seeing each other again doesn’t even cross their minds until suddenly there they are, with a mountain of unresolved, unwanted emotions between them.
their dynamic would definitely start off tense and shaky, with kai actually being incredibly suspicious of sou because he realizes that sou still has ties to asunaro, and was likely never intended to participate in the game. and yet in that same line of logic, because sou was likely never intended to participate, the fact that he IS participating likely means he went directly against asunaro’s orders. so kai is very very confused as to what sou’s motives are.
sou on the other hand is trying to completely ignore kai’s existence, because he is Not equipped to deal with all the feelings he has been continually pushing down for years on end, so he copes with them the best way he knows how: running away from them.
around when the events of chapter 2 would occur, though, they’re forced to interact a lot more and things start getting a lot more wacky. a lot more tension, a lot more hurt/comfort bonding over “hey, asunaro really screwed us over huh,” a lot more angst and yearning for things to go back to the way they were, a lot more “oh. i’m actually still a little bit in love with him huh.” basically, the answer to the question of “what happens if you put two emotionally repressed men in a room with each other???” i imagine both ryoko and shin can tell there is Something between these two, but whenever they try to ask about it they are just met with dead silence LMAO.
i really just wanted to focus on the aspect of “falling apart to fall back together,” and even though this is a really awful situation for both of them, i think the direness of the situation is what grants them the courage to be more open with each other about how they really feel. it’s an odd dynamic shdjdjskskksc but i adore it
if you’ll allow me to indulge in a bit more cringe…i don’t know if you’re a vocaloid fan, anon, but there are a couple songs where i listen to it and i’m like “THIS IS SO THEM!!!!” so i’ll link them here.
JubyPhonic’s english cover of Reboot by JimmyThumb-P: specifically this cover because I think the translyrics just hit the vibe I’m going for. although i would like to specify just the lyrics and not the video. a girl does get hit by a truck in this video so watch out </3 but uh yeah this song imo very much captures the heartbreak of losing a friend, and yet it also shows that it doesn’t have to be the end and you can reconnect :)
nATALIE by Lemm: this one is sooooo much a kai POV kaidori song. the lyrics very much feel like finding comfort in someone else even throughout the worst situations, and wishing you could just escape with them. it is so. gwah. gah
(god i really hope these links work. lmk if they dont because i have no idea what im doing on this site half the time)
anyways uhh thank you so much for the ask and for letting me rant about the blorbos i love kaidori <3
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sunny-m00n · 7 months
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I think I mentioned this but I was redesigning my digital assistant characters when I found Kinito, so here’s one of them.
Fern is a funky little computer program attached to a search engine. They were made to help users find things as well as be a companion to users who were short on friends. They had a short period of use were users that had the software reported liking it and getting attached to the little mascot, before tragedy struck the company that made it, Stitchleaf, and all copies were destroyed… except for one copy labeled as a beta, but had the final program attached.
story for those who are curious under the cut (tw for death, fires, and suicide)
(I didn’t re-read this since I’m in a little rush now so sorry for any typos or confusing grammar!)
So some might remember Buddy, my other lil guy. Well he was originally a digital assistant made to introduce adults, but mainly kids, to how computers work and how to safely surf the web. He was made by Stitchleaf, a company founded by Ryan Ari and confounded by Rick Avien, who bonded in college over their shared interests in computers and shared name abbreviations. The company used the success from Buddy the Cat to make another digital assistant to teach people how to code and to help troubleshoot named Callo the Raccoon. Both of them gain massive popularity, but fans started to realize how lifelike the programs acted, being able to answer questions and have human-like conversations. The suspension and theories turned to controversy as the creators released their new and final virtual assistant, Fern the Fox. Fern was less of a success, especially with the founder, Ryan Ari, finding something horrific in their code that drove him insane. Everyone could tell something was wrong but they only found out what when he said he was scared of something in Fern’s code, that everyone who helped make it was “contained”. Then the next day, he didn’t take his medication and went to work, where he stole and broke all the fire extinguishers, locked every door with his own padlocks, and hit the main servers with an axe, causing a fire. Firefighters couldn’t get to the people inside and there were no survivors… except for the two founders. In rage the public took their copies of Stitchleaf software and burnt them in a mass burning, wiping out every copy of Fern and leaving few, useless copies of the other two. Rick A. had the only left beta copy of Fern, which the final design was developed on. He got curious of what Ryan saw, and regretted it instantly. He was found to have broken his own neck and the copy was given to a small tech shop nearby where it sat for many years… until someone found the rare disk and decided to uncover their nostalgia.
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