blessed1neha · 2 years
Benefits of Maha Mritunajaya mantra and it is chanted to appease which God?
As per Shaivism, it is Shri Shiva, who is the devata of the Maha-Mrityunjaya mantra and the Shatarudriya.
From a Vaishnava point of view, it’s Him:
This is because the Vaishnava Aagamas say:
सन्कर्षणो नृसिंहेन अन्तर्यामि शिवस्यतु ।
Sankarshana, as Narsimha, is the antaryaami (indweller) of Shiva.
-Shri Prakasha Samhita
There are four forms of Shri Vishnu, known as ‘Vyuhas’, who are Vaasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. Sankarshana is the indweller, or antaryami, of both Shri Aadi Shesha and Shri Shiva. He resides in their hearts and therefore, the prayers for either of them, ultimately reach Bhagavaan Narasimha. This is also supported by the Bhagavata Purana:
भवानीनाथै: स्त्रीगणार्बुदसहस्रैरवरुध्यमानो भगवतश्चतुर्मूर्तेर्महापुरुषस्य तुरीयां तामसीं मूर्तिं प्रकृतिमात्मन: सङ्कर्षणसंज्ञामात्मसमाधिरूपेण सन्निधाप्यैतदभिगृणन् भव उप-धावति ॥ १६ ॥
In Ilāvṛta-varṣa, Lord Śiva is always encircled by ten billion maidservants of Goddess Durgā, who minister to him. The quadruple expansion of the Supreme Lord is composed of Vāsudeva, Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Saṅkarṣaṇa. Saṅkarṣaṇa, the fourth expansion, is certainly transcendental, but because His activities of destruction in the material world are in the mode of ignorance, He is known as tāmasī, the Lord’s form in the mode of ignorance. Lord Śiva knows that Saṅkarṣaṇa is the original cause of his own existence, and thus he always meditates upon Him in trance by chanting the following mantra.
-Bhagavata Purana, Khanda 5, Adhyaaya 17, Mantra 16
Objection: The Shatarudriya states that Rudra is:
Pinaakin (bearer of the Pinaaka bow)
Neela-Lohita (blue-necked)
These are the names of Shri Shiva. How can Shri Narasimha be the devata of the Shatarudriya?
Response: First of all, one must know that as per Vaishnavism, Shri Vishnu alone is Brahman. The names of all devatas, ultimately belong to Him and they are obtained from Him. Shripaada Madhvacharya quoted two pramaanas in his Brahma Sutra Bhaashya:
‘नामानि विश्वाऽभि न सन्ति लोके यदाविरासीदनृतस्य सर्वम् । नामानि सर्वाणि यमाविशन्ति तं वै विष्णुं परममुदाहरन्ति’ इति भाल्लवेयश्रुतिः ॥
The names of everything in the universe and the Lokas are derived from him and all names cannot denote (the various entities and devatas in) the universe. All names that exist in the universe, therefore, explain Vishnu.
-Bhaallaveya Shruti (quoted by Shripada Madhvacharya, in his Brahma Sutra Bhashya, Adhyaaya 1, Paada 1, Sutra 1)
यो न॑: पि॒ता ज॑नि॒ता यो वि॑धा॒ता धामा॑नि॒ वेद॒ भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ । यो दे॒वानां॑ नाम॒धा एक॑ ए॒व तं स॑म्प्र॒श्नं भुव॑ना यन्त्य॒न्या ॥
“He who is our preserver, our parent, the creator (of all), who knows our abodes (and knows) all beings, who is the name-giver of the devas — he is one; other beings come to him to inquire.”
तमिद्गर्भं॑ प्रथ॒मं द॑ध्र॒ आपो॒ यत्र॑ दे॒वाः स॒मग॑च्छन्त॒ विश्वे॑ । अ॒जस्य॒ नाभा॒वध्येक॒मर्पि॑तं॒ यस्मि॒न्विश्वा॑नि॒ भुव॑नानि त॒स्थुः ॥
“The waters verily first retained the garbha (embryo) in which all the gods were aggregated, single deposited on the navel of the unborn (creator), in which all beings abide.”
-Rigveda, Mandala 10, Sukta 82, Mantras 3 and 6
These mantras show that it is Shri Vishnu who is the namer of all devatas. The following pramaana states that Shri Narasimha is Trayambaka (three-eyed).
vivṛtāsyaṁ tri-nayanaṁ śarad-indu-sama-prabham
His mouth is wide open, He has three eyes, and He is as radiant as the autumn moon.
-Brahmanda Purana
Importantly, the Narasimha-Taapaneeya Upanishad itself calls Shri Narasimha as ‘Umapati’ (one accompanied by fame or glory), ‘Pinaakin’, ‘Neela Lohita’ and several other names commonly associated with Shiva. Here, the typical meanings of these names should not be considered, but they are interpreted in a manner that they suit Vishnu.
This should not be surprising, since it is natural even in the Vedas, for a devata and his antaryaami to be identified with similar names and characteristics. For example, Indra’s antaryaami is glorified in the Vedas as the eliminator of Vrtra, though Indra himself is also known so.
There is an instance in the Skanda Puraana, where Narasimha Mantras are used for the worship of Shri Shiva.
There you shall install Maheshvara, In the form of Bhairava With the body of Andhaka pierced With the tip of the Trident and raised up in His arms. Then O King, worship it uttering the Narasimha mantra, offering red flower, incense and Red unguents. Then after attaining virility and becoming equipped with Refulgence and Heroism, undoubtedly, thanks to his favour, you shall kill all the enemies. The Lord should be worshipped by you with great purity, otherwise you will meet with obstacles. It is the truth that is uttered by me. On hearing his words the King hurriedly Went to the holy place and installed Lord Bhairava. Then reciting the Narasimha mantra with devotion,he maintained purity and celibacy and worshipped the Lord. When the mantra had been repeated ten thousand times, Bhairava became pleased with him.
-Skanda Puraana, Khanda 6 (Nagara Khanda), Adhyaaya 151, Shlokas 50–57
Not just this, but in the Garuda Puraana, there is an instance of prayers very similar to the Sharadudriya, being used to worship Shri Vishnu.
Obviously, for Shaivas, it implies that Shiva is the indweller of Narasimha and as per Vaishnavism, it is one of the proofs why Narasimha is the antaryaami of Shiva, as said in the Prakaasha Samhita.
In conclusion, the devata of certain mantras depends on one’s sampradaaya and its views.
Benefits of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra:
It helps in protecting the loved ones in your family from mental, emotional, and physical.
It helps in enhancing Long Life
It brings Happiness and Prosperity to devotee’s life
Rejuvenating and Nurturing Health and eliminating every type of sickness from the body
It is rightly said that Lord Shiva is pleased very easily
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra will help you to conquer fear.
It will help you to have an undisturbed sleep.
It will always render protection to you.
It will Help you to overcome illness.
It will keep your health fine.
It will creates a shield that protects you from sudden death and other health problems.
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vedicwaves · 5 months
Dharma is for Humanity
–Adiguru Prakriti Dharma is a ‘set of values’ or ‘universal principles’ that sustains all life in this Universe. These values are not imposed on Conscious Beings or humans by some higher power or authority but are woven into the fabric of microcosmic and macrocosmic existence. Dharma encompasses the fundamental order and harmony, guiding all life towards its inherent purpose and fulfilment.…
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suchananewsblog · 11 months
Gandhigram’s ready-to-wear khadi brand Samhita’s first collection brings over 25 styles of apparel at The Folly, Amethyst
Designs from Samhita’s first collection  | Photo Credit: Special arrangement Woven intricately with the history of India’s freedom movement, khadi’s prominence in the fashion and textile industry has been both, evolutionary and revolutionary. Over the years, khadi’s visibility has transcended from the runways, with fashion designers like Divyam Mehta, Suket Dhir and Shruti Sancheti exhibiting…
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Department of Samhita and Siddhanta successfully Celebrated SANSKRIT SAPTAH MAHOTSAVA to spread awareness about our mother language and the importance of this holy language.
The celebration consisted Quiz Competition, Shloka Recitation Competition Shloka writting, Skit and followed by felicitation of students and Cultural programmes.
The event was graced by the presence of Honourble Director Mam, Mrs Sonali Sharma, Principal Mam, and all faculties.
Visit our Website: https://gsayurvedamedicalcollege.com/
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krsnaradhika · 8 months
I know I'm gonna attract a lot of speeches and stuff with this statement but I'll tell you something-
Both Arjuna and Kanha are incarnations of Shri Narayana so shipping them with each other romantically is not fun y'all (they are also the twin sages Nara and Narayana so that makes it more yikes? Twincest bro? Why?)
It's weird, and while I do fully support the lgtbq+ (bhai I'm demisexual myself), please don't insert it in itihāsa scriptures where it's not. Yes, I know about Sudyumna and Ila and how King Bhagiratha was born. Even Khajuraho has homoerotic sculptures and yes the community deserves respect just as any heterosexual personality does. Yes hinduism embraces homosexuality openly and there's nothing to be ashamed of it. But jahan hai vahan hai, jahan nahi don't put it there. Imagine labeling a person with wrong pronouns and wrong sexuality, not respectful right? Why do it with divine people? I know Kanha's everybody's buddy here and I'm nobody to tell people how they should worship him and what bhāva should they harbour, but like? It's not canon? Don't do it? People can be platonically very affectionate with each other and we should normalise it? And not term them as someone they're not? Fandom nahi hai bro, culture hai, dharma hai. Jise dhaaran kiya jaye, vahi dharma hai. Our ethics, morals and principles are our dharma. We have evidences of the Mahabharata and Ramayana. So it's not like they're fictional, are they? I know Tumblr pe we're all having fun and aisa hota hai yahan, I myself adore #ParAv very much but seriously writing smut on them? Making sexual jokes? Painting them as some people they're not? Why? Just because a large number of people are doing it, doesn't make it right.
(If somebody's posting hate comments or any stuff they're getting blocked.)
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themotherofrevelation · 7 months
The divine yoni is as brilliant as tens of millions of suns and as cool as tens of millions of moons.
Shiva Samhita
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lilavatilikeslemons · 3 months
having a resemblance in appearance, character, or quantity, without being identical.
TW: Mentions of fire
Reminder: This is a work made from my own imagination, with inspiration from the actual itihasa, and not meant to hurt anyone's sentiments.
Thank you.
Unedited: you've been warned.
The sons of Draupadi were always told they looked like their fathers- but they weren't identical. They had their own traits, but they greatly reflected their fathers.
That's why they were called the UpaPandavas, after all.
It had been a source of pride for them, to hear that they were like shadows of their fathers- some of the greatest warriors to walk on earth.
It had been a source of comfort for them, growing up, to see similarities between them and their fathers in the mirror in their absence.
They'd got countless remarks on that. Perhaps, accompanied by a pat on the back, a hand ruffling their hair, or an arm swung around their shoulders, along with gentle chuckles, teasing giggles or roaring laughter.
Their fathers had always doted on them- and how similar their sons were to them- yet still had a charm-
Whenever their mother would see them, she'd always pout and remark how they barely got any of her traits, but in the end would always end up showering them in affection.
But for the first time, it is a source of pure agony for everyone, as their tent is being engulfed in fierce flames.
For the first time, they wondered, why did their have to be so similar to their fathers.
जय सीतारामलक्ष्मण की!
Hello!!!! :D
I hope y'all liked this piece- it's my first one to do with the Mahabharata!!
I had a particularly hard time figuring out the title for this one, but I am quite satisfied :D
I've been having extreme brainrot for the past few days, and I saw some content on the Upapandavas and *whoosh*- would you look at that, an idea :D
I think I can improve on it- so I may come back to edit it sooner or later but we'll have to see ToT
I hope y'all enjoyed this piece- and as always, constructive feedback, criticism and comments are always appreciated and they mean a lot to me! <3
Its fairly short, I know, but I swear I'm making longer stuff which is coming up TvT
Stay safe, healthy and hydrated<3
hope y'all have a good day/evening/night!
Have a good one, folks!
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the-final-sentence · 8 months
And so I told it.
Samhita Mukhopadhyay, from “Knowing Better”
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eaux-fortes · 1 month
Success comes to a person of faith and self-confidence, but there is no success for others. Hence practice hard.
The first sign of success is confidence that [one's efforts] will bear fruit. The second is being firm in that faith; the third is worship of the guru;
The fourth is equanimity (samata-bhava); the fifth control over the senses; the sixth is moderate eating; there is no seventh.
— Shiva-Samhita (3.16, 18-19)
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Gandhigram Trust’s Samhita products on sale 
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