thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
I saw @fluffyprettykitty doing this and it looked fun so I’m doing it 😆
pumpkin spice or gingerbread // horror or supernatural // hocus pocus or halloweentown // painting pumpkins or carving jack-o-lanterns // vampires or zombies // beanies or scarves // oversized sweaters or favorite sweatshirt // orange or black // apple pie or sweet potato pie // corn maze or haunted house // apple picking or bobbing for apples  // trick or treating or staying in // diy costume or store bought costume  // cinnamon or nutmeg // hot cocoa or apple cider
No pressure tags to: @elektraking @funsized-loser @katatonicimpression @samcky @logicheartsoul @samothy-wilson
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omg-just-peachy · 3 years
just Steve being voted Best Hugger by all the avengers 🥰
he totally WOULD BE and tony would totally think he is the sole recipient of Steve Hugs and find out that this isn't true when they're on TV or something
"Most likely to eat your leftovers?" Jimmy's gaze lingers on Clint, and he cackles when everyone says "Tony" unanimously instead.
"Excuse you? Whose leftovers have I eaten?" Tony pretends to pout at the camera. "Clint is way worse than me... Bullseye over there has no scruples!"
"Ah ah, don't try and distract us with big words," Nat says, lifting an eyebrow and smirking at him from her seat three chairs away. "You're a menace after a night in the lab, nothing is safe."
Tony tries to catch Steve's eye, see if he'll come to his rescue, but he's laughing, too, his eyes crinkling up at the corners in that way they have when he's really having a good time. It's hard to even pretend to be mad when Steve's looking like that.
They're on Jimmy Fallon after saving slash destroying the city. Fury had decided they needed to redeem their image in the eyes of New York, which is how Tony came to have his character assassinated by his teammates on live TV.
Tony rolls his eyes. Know Your Avengers is the internet's favorite game, apparently, and Jimmy's team had collected hundreds of thousands of replies on Twitter all day in preparation.
"Oh, okay this is a good one. Who snores the loudest?"
This gives them pause, because after years of living together and falling asleep watching movies, they've all heard each other snore. Tony whirls around to face Thor, since his snoring is truly out of this world loud, but the group seems to be divided between Thor and Steve, making the audience laugh.
"I'll ask Jarvis to run the data when we get back," Tony promises.
"Aww, this is a nice one actually," Jimmy says, holding a card aloft and looking between them again. "From Maisie in Florida, who wants to know which Avenger gives the best hugs?"
Tony hears the name leave his mouth, which makes sense, since they're dating. But since when did the rest of the team go around hugging Steve?
"Unanimous! There you have it folks, Steve Rogers is the Avenger with the best hugs. The rest of us can only wish to be wrapped up in Captain America," Jimmy teases before they break.
Tony leans down and squeezes Steve's hand. "You get best hugger and I get biggest raccoon, how is that fair?"
Steve smiles at him, softer now but just as genuine. "You're a very cute raccoon."
Tony scowls. "Plus, since when are you giving out hugs?"
"Don't be jealous, Tony," Bruce says on his other side. "Steve's just a very calming presence."
"I know that, but—"
"I hug him all the time," Nat says, cutting in. "Not that we're going to talk about that on live TV," she adds.
"You?" Tony's pretty sure he'd be more likely to get a hug from an actual, venomous, Black Widow Spider than he would from the woman sitting in front of him, but what does he know.
"Steve is strong and very firm, but still somehow soft," Thor chimes in sagely. "The perfect ratio for hugs."
"God I didn't know there was a scientific equation for hugs," Tony huffs. He isn't jealous of his friends and teammates. He isn't.
Not that much, anyway.
"You're my favorite person to hug," Steve says, smiling over at Tony now. "Promise."
"Yeah, yeah," Tony says, though as silly as it is, he can't help but smile when Steve takes his hand in his and gives it a squeeze before they're live again.
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saryasy · 2 years
helloooooo dear 😘🦋 #5 💙💕
Bee, babe, thank you so much for the prompt AND the list!! sorry for taking so long my brain was not cooperating. Hope you enjoy 🧡
The prompts list.
5. Sickly/Sweet
Sam’s kisses are sweet, Bucky has come to realize.
Their first kiss tasted of cinnamon and honey. Though, Bucky is partially to blame for that one; the apple pie was his creation after all.
Their morning kisses tend to taste like that sickly sweet abomination Sam calls coffee, a wide contrast to Bucky’s black, but he can deal.
Good night kisses are a little minty like Sam’s favorite toothpaste.
At the office, kisses are always an anticipated surprise. They vary in taste depending on what type of gum Sam feels like chewing that day. Watermelon is Bucky’s favorite.
Some of them are tinged with blood from a busted lip, and full of adrenaline after a tough mission, but they still taste sweet underneath. They taste of Sam, and Sam’s kisses are always sweet.
The day they went cake tasting had an array of differently flavored kisses: chocolate, strawberry, hazelnut with a hint of dark chocolate. But they all had one thing in common, how sweat they were. Except for that citrus olive oil cake, Bucky doesn’t like to talk about that one.
Sometimes they’re a little salty, mixed with tears after they’ve had their first big argument. Or later, with sweat, as they make up for it.
Rarely do they ever feel sour, but sometimes they do. Like when they say goodbye before one of Sam’s solo missions.  
Morning kisses have been tasting of pancakes and maple syrup lately. Ava is the one to blame for those; she demands they have pancakes for breakfast every day.
Sam’s kisses are sweet, Bucky has come to realize.
But it’s okay,
He’s always had a sweet tooth anyway.
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bisamwilson · 2 years
Sam pressing his lil frozen nose to the back of Bucky’s neck
thank you for the ask as always @samothy-wilson! ily bee <3
(ao3 link if u prefer)
Bucky’s sitting on a stool at the kitchen island in their temporary hotel suite, sipping on his black instant coffee, and flipping through a physical newspaper when he feels Sam’s arms curl around his shoulders. 
He waits for the inevitable wisecracks about how he willingly drinks sludge in the morning or about his old man newspaper tendencies as he brings one hand up to hold Sam’s. When they don’t come, he goes to turn around to tease Sam about the break from tradition, but he stops when he feels something ice cold at the back of his neck. 
“‘s so cold outside,” Sam mumbles, smushing his nose even more against Bucky’s neck. 
They both know Sam could’ve waited a few more hours to run, that the temperature would’ve risen about twenty degrees given the nature of spring, but they also both know Sam thrives best on routine. Bucky just pulls out of his embrace instead of saying anything further, putting down his coffee and turning around to drag Sam into his lap when he grumbles. 
Sam immediately presses his face into the curve of Bucky’s neck instead, his nose still ice cold. “Why did I ever live in DC? Can we go back to Delacroix yet? It’s too fucking cold to be late April.”
Bucky laughs and just hugs Sam tighter, thinking about how much he also misses their little cottage, the shared spaces he and Sam had built together, and, most importantly, their cats, currently staying with their Aunt Sarah. “Less than three days, sweetheart,” he says. “I’ve been counting.”
“That eager to get home, baby?” Sam asks, sighing contentedly when Bucky drops a soft kiss to his forehead. 
“I miss our kids,” Bucky says, pausing just long enough for Sam to let out the little puff of air from his nose that he counts as a chuckle that always follows Bucky calling their cats their children. “Besides, Carlos asked me if I wanted to go fishing with him and Tommy right before we had to leave, and I was looking forward to maybe getting something bigger than the size of my palm this time.”
“You’re homesick because you want to go fishing? Damn, Buck, we’ll make a country boy out of you yet,” Sam says, nuzzling even further into Bucky’s embrace.
Bucky shakes his head. “Your love for country music will literally never make sense to me. I promise you will not be as crazy about my farmer’s tan as that Kenny Chesney song suggests.”
“Come on, Buck. You can’t go fishing without a little Kenny in the background.” Sam goes to grab his phone, and Bucky lightly moves it out of reach before he actually plays the goddamn song.
“Tommy, Carlos, and I would all disagree.” Bucky nudges Sam’s face up and presses a kiss to Sam’s nose, now comfortably warm. “Three against one, sweetheart. You’re outnumbered.”
“Can’t mix your love life with fishing,” Sam says, shaking his head. “Always ends in betrayal.”
“I’m saving you from yourself, angel,” Bucky promises, standing up and taking Sam with him, pausing to grab his own phone and throw on a playlist of their favorite slow jams instead. 
“Where are we going?” Sam asks, as if he didn’t already know from the slow jams.
Bucky crosses the threshold into their bedroom, gently laying Sam on the bed and covering his body with his own. “I’ve got an idea of how to warm you up, assuming you’re still cold and all.”
Sam grins and brings Bucky’s face down to kiss him. He hasn’t been cold for a while now.
“I’m fucking freezing, baby.”
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redwingsupportgroup · 2 years
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I think abt this specific frame a lot
me @ every single sam frame!
but yes, he's gorgeous, I love his little happy smile and that glowing skin and soulful eyes! this whole scene was perfect 😭
I want like a whole movie of just sam going around his house and living, wouldn't mine honestly 😂
I miss this show as hell
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avengerscompound · 3 years
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Alpine is mentioned by name in the comics 😌💕
Oh right! Lol I've actually made several edits from those pages. Wonder why I blanked on it. Oh well, I just woke up and I have covid so I'm blaming that.
Thank you!
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logicheartsoul · 2 years
Hi darlin’ ! 🧡🌈🍀🌻✨ what are your fav outfits in tfatws? or your fav settings to cap? Do you listen to music when you make edits?
Hey Bee!!! Sorry this took so long, I had to go through some of my screencaps to find some of my faves. Yes there's a ton of Sarah's outfits but that's coz 1) she has IMMACULATE style but also 2) it looks so good but SO COMFY and easy to put together which is my jam but also 3) colorful because I am not one of those people who could do a wardrobe that's just like... white/grey/black only. Not to mention her earring game like...I want to wear some of those too.
Also looking for these, I noticed Sam's not the only one with shoe tastes (Sarah has a range of sneakers as well in the series which look nice but I'm still reeling over Sam having over 6+ pairs of shoes in this entire series, shoephile!Sam anyone?). I am always forever loving Sam's leatherjacket and turtleneck look but Sharon's whole look including that green jacket? Bucky's classic peacoat? I want those outerwear SO BAD
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I dunno if I have any fave settings, I just...take screencaps if I think there's a detail there I want to highlight/remember (even if it's just something minor like Sam being a fry stealer lol and then he doesn't even FINISH the fry he tosses it into the water!!!) or stuck out to me or a shot just looks nice to me. (That last one is just the photographer in me lmao)
Though there are SO MANY fabulous locations in this show that it's just wonderful to screencap them. I could probably do an aesthetics/moodboard compilation just using images from the show LOL
As for music, sometimes I do but sometimes I don't! Just depends if I feel like it.
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lis-alis · 2 years
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an illustration to the wonderful fic "The Sound of Your Heart" which i made for @samothy-wilson few days ago❤
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
who could you call a friend between your mutuals? what do you think is sam's fav colour?
Ooh 🤔 Okay, I'll answer the Sam question first: I think it's red. He uses the color a lot in his costume and Redwing - it just makes sense.
As for friends between mutuals, lemme list some.
@samothy-wilson is a joy. Bee's a wonderful person and I always love talking with them, whether it's random animal posts, comic stuff, or sambucky absurdity. And I'm getting to that sequel to the Bone Man soon, I swear 😂 💜 💜 💜
@runzu fantastic! They're kind and great to talk with. They have made a lot of my fics better with a good beta and they just brighten my day.
@elektraking is always someone I love seeing around. I love talking to her whenever I get the opportunity and her posts always brighten my day.
@obsessivelymoody is always wonderful to chat with. She's always so kind and encouraging and I love seeing her on discord. She's a magnificent writer and just a good overall person.
@yammz is someone I honestly need to get back to talking to more because I love whenever I see Amy around. She's so fun to talk to and she's made fics I've written better through her beta. I still need to get back to you about that one idea, and I swear I will, it's just my life has been way busier than I expected 😭
@hot-chocolates-world is a magnificent human being who I've probably poked enough by making a tush collection out of a whole body of pictures she collected, but her posts are always an inspiration to see and while we don't have the most interaction together, I enjoy our small moments.
@cataroo was someone who was there for me at the very beginning and one of the first people I really interacted with in the beginning, if only through comments and when I started to get on discord. She's kind and so smart and I love that she was one of my first introductions to this fandom.
@jules-of-the-crown is someone I love talking to whenever we cross paths. I love her on discord, I love her on here. She's so sweet and a magnificent writer, whether it be stony or sambucky or sambuckyquin. Plus, she, Cat, and Elektra are all fans of a particularly wonderful hockey series I enjoy, so it's nice to know that there are other people I know who love those books.
@meidui is a joy. Hands down, one of the most wonderful people to talk to, even if we don't talk much. I still have that ask of yours that I'm working on! It's coming out eventually haha Life has been a little crazy but it's on the schedule 💜 But you create fantastic Stony work and your just so sweet and thank you for being you!
@samcky is someone I usually see on here, but sometimes she's around discord too. She's a beautiful artist when it comes to gifs and the work that she's made is astounding and amazing. We don't talk much, but I love seeing her around and every post she makes is a gem.
@bisamwilson is someone I've been talking more to on both here and discord, and while we don't always interact a lot, I love talking or adding to an idea on a discord prompt together. She's a beautiful human being who is just too kind and one of these days, you, me, and T are making that very southern SamBucky fic by Frankensteining our experiences 😂
@saryasy is so fantastic to see around. We don't talk always, but I love the moments we do interact. You're such a talented writer and you're just too sweet and I like our little moments together.
@itchytoaster isn't someone I interact with too much, but I see them on discord sometimes and here, and it's always nice seeing them.
@liminalmess is always wonderful to see too! I love seeing them around whenever I do, and I promise, I'll get back to you on that one fic, my life has just been so hectic 😭 But they've been so encouraging and wonderful whenever I see them on discord and I just love seeing them.
@logicheartsoul is someone I see all the time. We interact sometimes on here and it's always a joy to do so. A-chan's such a smart, thoughtful person and they're posts are fantastic. Its nice to know that they're around in the fandom.
@wenellyb is someone I don't talk to too much, but I see them around tumblr and they always have such insightful posts and they're always kind whenever we cross paths.
There's definitely a whole lot more out there who I would consider friends, but I can't remember their tumblr names on here or I'm not sure if they have tumblrs 🤔 But I've met so many wonderful people in this fandom and idk I just wanted to gush about them 🥰
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omg-just-peachy · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
ahhh honestly thank you for sending this because it made me go back through my ao3 and realize i do quite like my own writing sometimes, which tbh i think i needed 💖
here are some that i really like!
familiar, unbidden (stevetony) - honestly i used to think over time this would stop being my favorite but so far, not the case, i love steve and i love this one <3
Tony was a great friend, and an even better teammate, once they got past the ugliness of their first few weeks together. He didn’t want to mess it up. He didn’t want to fall for the first person who was kind to him, who looked at him like a person rather than a medical marvel or a tactical miracle, in his whole long life. How pathetic would that be? 
Or, after a near-kiss with Tony, Steve takes off on a cross-country road trip in the hopes of making peace with his past and his present.
double dare (sambucky) - this was so so so fun to write but i was so weirdly nervous to post it. it's definitely become the most popular thing i've written tho which makes me happy!
“Forget it,” Bucky grits out. “Forget I said anything. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Samuel, I’m sure I can get another train.”
“Oh no, don’t you 'Samuel' me. Come on, be my friend, Buck, I dare you. I double dare you,” Sam grins.
(Or, Bucky follows his therapist’s advice to cultivate friendship, Sam makes him work for it, and by the time he’s sure they’re friends, Bucky has an entirely new problem on his hands.)
same time next year (stevetony)- inspired by one of my favorite taylor swift songs and kind of breaking up and making up / fwb kind of thing over four christmas seeasons
“I forgot to ask. When’s your flight home?” Steve asks, draping his arm over Tony’s shoulder and settling in against him.
Tony ignores the knot that forms in his chest at the idea of it, leaving Steve again for his own impersonal apartment, his piles of books and projects and the nights without sleep.
“Day after tomorrow.”
Steve huffs a little sigh, then brings his lips to Tony’s neck. “Well, we’ll have to make the most of it, won’t we?”
scenes from an italian restaurant (stevetony) - just a short one that has everything i like: quiet domesticity, coming home to each other, italian food
Steve gets back from a mission, and they go to dinner.
like real people do (stevetony) - touch starved steeeeve
Steve isn’t sure when he realized how little people actually touch him now.
the chair (stevetony) - i just like to write dialogue/banter and that is the majority of this one!
“Excuse me, I think you’re in my seat.” 
Steve looks up from the beer he’s been nursing and blinks in the face of the man who’d spoken. He's fairly sure no one had been sitting here when he sat down. Normally, Steve would probably just apologize and slide down a seat, but he just… wasn’t in the mood for that tonight. Plus, the cocksure look on the man’s face makes him think he's up to something. 
Or, Tony Stark walks into a bar and turns Steve's whole night around.
Inspired by the George Strait song The Chair.
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saryasy · 2 years
just thinking abt Bucky getting stuck in a timeloop of the most mundane day at the Wilson’s house… drinking fresh lemonade. eating popcorn with Cass& AJ and throwing kernels to catch in their mouths. reading on the back porch with Sam… making dinner with Sam. despite the stress of being in a timeloop, Bucky is pretty happy this is the day he gets to repeat over and over. with Sam, in his home, talking to Sam and getting him to open up a little more each day. getting more comfortable throwing his arm around Sam’s shoulders. Bucky knowing how he felt abt Sam before but not saying anything, and this is how he realizes he has to tell Sam he loves him! Cause being with Sam on a day that should be ordinary- boring- makes Bucky so so happy. And he gets really excited to tell Sam he loves him, and then break the timeloop somehow and tell him again. and again. and again!
omg I love this so much!!!! too much actually that I wrote an entire fic for it!!
Thank you for such a great ask and prompt, bee 🧡🧡
Anyway, here's a snippet!!
He wakes up on the Wilsons' couch.
They flew in late last night for an impromptu visit. 
They flew in the night before last.
The kids had said they missed them, and how can Bucky say no to those adorable wide eyes?
A scream comes from upstairs. It’s Sam. Bucky has a nagging feeling in his bones as he runs to him.
“What happened?” 
“I stubbed my fucking toe.” 
Bucky can’t find it in himself to laugh.
Either he’s experiencing the worst case of deja-vu, or something weird is going on.
Or maybe it’s his age finally catching up with him.
He goes on with the rest of his day, and that feeling doesn’t leave him for one second.
It intensifies, as he hears Sam cursing because he forgot he was boiling pasta for dinner, or when he watches as Redwing plummets to his fate after he malfunctions.
“You can fix him, you know,” Bucky says.
“My child!” Sam wails as he falls to his knees on the ground next to the broken drone, because he’s dramatic like that.
Bucky can’t help feeling he’s lived this moment before.
He wakes up on the Wilsons' couch.
They flew in late last night for an impromptu visit. 
Sam stubs his toe.
Redwing falls to the ground.
They watch the sunset.
Sarah is home.
Sam burns the pasta.
The kids are fighting.
He wakes up on the Wil-
He’s stuck in a time loop, isn’t he?
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redwingsupportgroup · 2 years
Tiana lovey I would eat breakfast in a garden with you any day of the week 💖💖💖💖💖 how are you my dear?
aaah me moore, and honey gotta be the on the menu ❤️❤️❤️ I'm very fine, Ramadan started a few days ago, still adjusting to that! I MISS YOU! how are you doing 🍓💗💗💗💗
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jonkentt · 3 years
whothehellisbuckles >>> samothy-wilson
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tagging some mutuals 🥲💙
@bisamwilson @thatmexisaurusrex @saryasy @meidui @omg-just-peachy @smallkindofdisaster @warmachinesocks @patrick-stewart @margarethx​ @yammz @redwingsupportgroup @honeybunchesofbucky @blanket-burrito-bucky @spinachgarden​
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samcky · 2 years
can you please rec some sambucky blogs? i'm reentering by sambucky phase and there's not much activity in the tag
hi nonnie, sorry this is a little late, i was on a little break <3
here are probably all the sambucky blogs i follow:
@margarethx and @wenellyb (honestly backbones of this fanbase) @thatmexisaurusrex @logicheartsoul (amazing meta!) @samwontshare @capwilsons @sambuckygifs @jules-of-the-crown @samothy-wilson @dailysambucky @yavannie @spinachgarden @watergator @yammz @cataroo @glittercake @elwenyere @problematicturtle @bisamwilson @saryasy @sambambucky @blogland-total-landscaping @samsbarnes @
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jobean12-blog · 2 years
I'm probably not having kids but, hear me out; this, with Bucky's kids🥺 (I would do it for him!)
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I need to see it. And you know what if babies aren't your thing what about Bucky and Alpine and the other cats he rescues and they all wear little bear onesies or any kind that is super cute? AHHHHH
Am I going to add this to my WIPS? I should right? OMG so cute!
YAY thank you so much for sharing your lovely brain with me! This just has me smiling so much! Hope you're having a good day love! hugs and love my friend! ❤️❤️💕💕❤️❤️
Also I adore this art SO MUCH! Now I need to write Bucky doing yoga with Alpine ahhhhhh! @samothy-wilson is this your work love? It's amazing! 😍😍
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thecoloursdontshow · 2 years
#11 💙🍭
yayayayayayay hello @samothy-wilson thanks for the prompt!
Sam didn’t expect it to go so sideways. It was an abandoned warehouse, for god’s sake. It wasn’t supposed to go so wrong. Steve was on the other side of the world, chasing an empty lead, same as Sam.
Sam was sitting up against one of the last standing walls in the warehouse, trying to keep his breath steady, trying to pull himself together, feeling the blood ooze from his side. 
“Wilson?” Bucky croaked out, moving rumble out of the way as he made his way towards Sam. 
“Barnes?” If Sam was more level headed, he would think about how this was the first time Bucky had approached him. Right now, he's only focused on how much blood he's losing right now.
“Jesus, Wilson, you’re bleeding.”
“No shit.” Sam slurred, feeling the weight of his injuries heavy on his eyelids. Bucky stumbled next to Sam, kneeling beside Sam. 
“Keep your eyes open for me, Sam.” Bucky murmured. Sam found Bucky’s eyes to fixate on, the focus etched in the blue of his eyes. There was a comfort there, a comfort Sam didn't want to think about. Bucky tore Sam’s jacket and undershirt away, both ripped to practically shreds, finding the clothing stained with blood. “It’s bad, Sam.”
“Again, no shit.” Sam whispered. Bucky’s lips quirked up just, a bit, before tearing his own undershirt off, ripping a strip off to tie on Sam’s wound. 
“You got anywhere to go?” Bucky asked, his voice thick with a fading Russian accent.
“No.” Sam mumbled, shaking his head. 
“Okay, come with me then.”
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