#sample sound review deals
krazetv · 2 years
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sampleaudiodeals · 2 years
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Get DEALS Here: http://bit.ly/audioplugins
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lullabyes22-blog · 7 months
Snippet - Sachertorte - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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The crew get a reporter intoxicated on more than Zaun's neon lights...
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
Dustin, blithely self-medicated on Janna-knew-what, was proof positive.
"Want some?" He proffered his joint. "They're passing 'em out at the Expo."
Through pursed lips, Dustin blew out a misshapen ring. "Brightleaf, y'know. Free samples. It's a new strain. Supposed to keep the chest clear, make the lungs less congested. The benefits are pullomo—plomo—"
"Pulmonary?" you supplied.
"That's it! So what's your poison? Brightleaf? Z-Zap? Puffcap?"
"Thank you. But I'll pass."
"Just pass."
It wasn't that you did not appreciate a good toke. You were a child of Piltover's golden age: the days of opium dens and cannabis clubs. But Zaun was not a place to be off one's head. Their tobacco was infamous for its potency. Also, you weren't sure you wanted to swap saliva with your unsavory-looking guide. You'd not had your shots, and you'd prefer not to catch an exotic strain of flu.
Not when the interview was less than twelve hours away. 
"Your loss." Dustin threw a rubberband arm around your shoulders, and gave a squeeze. "Say, have you tried the sweets yet?"
"The sweet-shops at the Promenade. We've got a couple: Cray-Cray, Lollypop's, Mango-Splash. Best in town. The Li'l Miss goes to Lollypop's sometimes, after her gigs."
"The Li'l Miss?"
"You know. Jinx."
"Oh. Oh." You were relieved. For a moment, you'd feared being strongarmed into reviewing a strip-club. "I am told Zaun's patisseries are second-to-none."
"You can say that again!" A high-pitched cackle. "Hey, why don't we swing by a few? There's still time before the Expo. And Mister S, he won't mind. He wants you to take in the sights."
"Is the First Chancellor a fan of sweets, as well?"
"He's a fan of a lot of things. Sweet nothings. Sweet deals. Sweet cheeks." A wink. "Hey, have you tried our Sachertorte yet?"
"I—I cannot say I have."
"Wha-a-a-a-at? Lock, Ran, are you hearin' this?"
Lock was busy scraping the dregs from his bowl. Ran's reply was a laconic shrug. Their natural aptitude for indolence was beginning to strike you as the side-effect of a daily exposure to Dustin's ceaseless chatter.  You wondered at the circumstances that had thrust these individuals—each a walking stereotype of Zaunite vice—into the Chancellor's inner circle. 
Then again, you suspected their skillsets were far more specialized than the vices they seemed to represent.
"That's a shame," Dustin was saying, shaking his head. "That's a damn shame. Hey, why don't we drop by some shops? The Rack's got the best Sachertorte in town."
"Pssssh." Lock wiped his mouth. "The Rack's for the kids. All sugar. No kick."
"Well, what about the Honeypot? Punchiest opera cakes in the business."
"Too punchy," Ran hummed. "Takes a week to come down."
"Then how about the Laughing Coffin? I'm tellin' ya. They've got the meanest rum-baba."
"Bossman gave it a thumbs-down. He said, and I quote, 'Ich würde meinen größten Feind nicht an dieses Dessert verfüttern.'"
"Damn. Guess there's a reason they're going out of business."
"I say we hit the Piglet's Squeal," Lock said. "They do a decent macaroon."
Dustin grimaced. "No way, man. Too frilly. You'll catch a dose of cooties before rush hour."
"How about the Sugarplum Fairy? Eclairs to die for. Even the Bit of Ghostberry goes nuts for ‘em."
"Eh. Maybe. Hey, what do you think, Goodie?"
You'd been listening dizzily to their debate, hoping for an interlude to extricate yourself.  Zaun's gastronomic scene was an entirely untapped market. Half the names dropped sounded, to your ears, like the opening lines of a particularly bawdy tavern song. The other half, however, were clearly establishments of repute.
Perhaps you could, in good faith, venture off-script to sample a few. After all, a journalist, if they wished to report the truth, must also live the truth.
In this case, you would eat it—and your own naivety—soon enough.
The Sugarplum Fairy was a glossy establishment, complete with a wrought-iron trellis of chem-nourished wisteria and an awning of glittering pink neon. As soon as you walked in, you were treated to a sensory assault: the aromatic waft of spun sugar, gingerbread baking, and a rich, fruity tang of liqueurs. The staff were a troupe of rainbow-aproned cuties. They wore striped stockings and frou-frou skirts. Their heads were topped by tiny chef's hats; their faces painted like dolls. They were all dimpling smiles, and spoke a Zaunite dialect so rapid it might have been the language of the pixies themselves.
Their shop was, you were told, a favorite haunt of Jinx. You could imagine the blue-haired firecracker skipping in, then sauntering out, leaving a trail of candy hearts and sugar-spun dreams in her wake.
You were also told that the First Chancellor patronized the shop once a year.
"It's true," a server gushed, her cheeks fetchingly a-glow. "Jinx enlisted our services to bake his fortieth birthday cake! He had a slice—oh, it was such an honor—and so the tradition began!"
"Every year, on the Day of Ash, he orders a special cake!"
"What kind of cake?"
"Plain bundt. No decoration. No icing. No candles."
"Whatever for?"
"Who can say?" She giggled. "Some say he's paying his respects to the fallen. Some say he's commemorating the days of rationing, when flour was as precious as gold. Some say he's simply a plain-Jane fellow at heart. Whatever the case, we're honored to be his purveyors. He tips very well."
Curiousor and curiouser, you thought.
The larger-than-life persona you'd collated from reports clashed with glimpses of this quieter, more private man.  Perhaps his proclivity for austerity was the legacy of a childhood spent in the Sumps? Perhaps his taste for the simpler things reflected a deeper sense of humility? Perhaps it was a reminder of his roots, and a pledge to never forget them?
Or, perhaps, he simply enjoyed a good bundt cake.
The Sugarplum Fairy were as generous as their reputed patron. Each sampling was on the house. Their confectionary creations were a symphony of sugar and spice. Piltover has always prided itself on its sophisticated palate. Our desserts are inspired by the classics: soufflés, angelcakes, jam tarts. Zaun, conversely, was an untamed frontier: every flavor from the far-flung corners of Runeterra was distilled into a pot of bubbling sugar and set to simmer. The result was an extravaganza of culinary hybrids: Nazumah honey drizzled over Zhyunian strawberries; Bilgewater rum soaked into Bahrl's black-bean cakes; Demacian almond paste blended with spongy, melt-in-the-mouth Noxian pears.
Each mouthful was a journey across Zaun's variegated landscape. Some melted like liquid bliss on the tongue. Others exploded across the palate in a joyous expletive. By the end, your senses were reeling.
Then came the coup-de-grace.
The servers brought in four slices of decadently-rich double chocolate cake. The first layer was a dark fudgy delight; the second a velvety-smooth ganache; the third, a creamy milk chocolate mousse. The base was a hazelnut praline with a sprinkling of chopped pecans. Topped off with a swirl of vanilla cream and a dusting of icing sugar, the cake was as gorgeous as it was sinful. 
"On the house," the servers cooed.
Ran's eyes lit up like an excited child. Lock rubbed his massive hands together. Dustin danced from foot to foot. Their effusive glee was contagious. In retrospect, you ought to have realized: there were a few too many winks and nudges. A pitch too high, a skip too fast, in their voices. A sense of something secret, something scandalous, afoot.
But you, babe in the woods, were too entranced by the sugar-coated charm. Too dazzled by the culinary wizardry.
Too stupid to spot the trap.
Four golden forks were presented. You each drove one into a glistening chocolate wedge and stuffed it in your mouths. Ran's eyes were closed. Dustin's head swayed back and forth on a gyre of glee. Lock grinned from ear-to-ear as he chewed.  Like them, you could only marvel at the skill that had gone into making the perfect bite: the smoothness of the chocolate, the light crunch of the nuts, the airiness of the whipped cream.
This cake slid down your gullet with a sensation that made your shiver. It felt nearly lubricious. It felt—wicked.
"Merciful Janna," you sighed. "What is this?"
"The Sachertorte," they chorused.
"I've never tasted anything like it."
"You wouldn't." The server tittered. "It's a secret recipe. Passed down for generations. All I can say is: it's got a little bit of this and a little bit of that."
"This, and that, what?"
"Oh, you know." She batted her eyelashes. "A pinch of sugar, a dollop of honey, a dash of spice..."
She put a finger to her lips. "And everything that makes Zaun oh-so-nice."
The edges of the shop began to ripple. Your head grew light. Butterflies—silky soft butterflies—danced in the pit of your belly. The sensation spread, in slow-motion, through every extremity, down to the tips of your fingers, up to the roots of your hair. You couldn't help but giggle. This was the feeling. The one you'd been chasing. The one you'd been after, since the days of youth, when you'd snuck your first taste of illicit fruit.
The euphoria. The bliss. The freedom.
In another minute, the body-stone was in full effect.
A word of advice, fair reader. Zaun's desserts are as deadly as its dead-ends.
To requote their favorite aphorism:
"Look out for yourself."
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corundumb · 8 months
Credit goes to @head-in-the-icloud for the au and characters. Nova is my own character. I hope you guys like it 😁
The Royal Jesters Fanfic- Seamstress Nova
The castle is magical, as are the residents. Well, not ALL of them at least. But in Novas mind they all are, each one is nothing she’s seen before. Even the ones that seem like clones visually have such personalities. In place of flesh there’s metal and what she assumes is magic, visually unique it was crazy.
But now it’s her new normal. Having spent a few years of her life here, she’s come to know them relatively well. The Princes love to expend their energy and stress by playing as Fools, playing pranks on each other and those around them. As much as they can be annoying it’s endearing. She thought something was up when Prince Sun spent more time in her workshop, suddenly finding some fabrics and accessories very interesting. Spending a day or so flipping through sample books she’s collected throughout her professional travels. Asking when she'll head out again.
Nova kept them categorized by region, shop, and then by colors, textures, and patterns. These books are more like mini suitcases with canvas as pages in place of paper, samples of previous fabrics she’s purchased in the past. Nova took pride in her collection, even if just to look at they’re wonderful reminders of previous designs.
Her bells collection, however, she felt it almost necessary to ban him from. The constant jingling to test which ones sounded perfect got on her nerves a little, but save for that one exception it was entertaining to watch him select the fabrics and ask her so many questions. When she asked him of his sudden interest in fabric, he was being uncharacteristically vague and dismissive. She guessed it was two things, something gold and shades of reddish orange, something azure and indigo. Veeery sneaky, Prince Sun.
She recognized the fabrics immediately as they donned their new apparel. They were almost unrecognizable with the masks, the Princes looked great as Jesters! Their antics made her laugh more, even when she became a target for a little while. The number of times one or both of her braids were now ‘mustaches’ for themselves or on her was a fast way to pull her attention from work. Under normal circumstances touching her hair would be off limits but she gave them permission if their hands were clean. Despite it not being her place, she saw them as family. This doesn't mean she enjoys EVERY prank or joke, she could do without the pies in her face.
When she first met Gaiya, she was more intimidated than she was by Eclipse. Purely from height and status, and staring into her soul spooked her for sure with those big eyes. But the initial fear did not stop her from admiring the grace she carried, and instantly knew she would be hardest to design for but thrilled with the challenges. When the Queen had time to review designs and fabrics she wanted she enjoyed the most, many varieties of snacks and teas available each time.
Nova respected Neptune a great deal, a powerful wizard in his own level. Having to maintain and upkeep the knowledge required takes a lot of time. She's spoken with him only a few times, primarily for basic defense spells and the benefits of enchanting threads and fabrics for certain occasions.
During her travels to retrieve orders of fabrics, jewelry, and shop on her own accord for other necessities for her job she took guarding the goods and the money she traveled with extremely seriously. To the point where in between her travels, and main job as a tailor, she kept up her abilities by training with Eclipse when possible, or basic defense spells with Neptune. She has very little in magical capability and is only so strong physically. But what most don't know about her is why she keeps her gloves on 90% of the time.
From her fingertips thin but very strong wires of light move from her control. It's very dangerous mid to close range, and she has used it for mobility. Those who don't notice the light reflecting parts of the wires may believe she's floating or flying. But most fights she partakes in end up with body parts strewn about, the ground and herself covered in blood. It's very messy. Considering the wires can cut chunks out of wagons and armored personnel with relative ease, she's comfortable traveling on her own. But this does not mean she enjoys any bloodshed, she merely wishes to not be a burden in a kingdom of animatronics as a human.
The wires do have their benefits outside of battle, she's able to move heavy rolls of fabrics with ease on her own. But she must remain mindful of their sharpness. She'll regularly use them on herself to work on tailoring for the Queen directly, or to Eclipse when she's had enough making him more cloaks than he can burn through and gives him a piece of her mind face to face. His enjoyment of this just angers her more.
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jetstarred · 7 months
what i listened to in february 2024!
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total: 10 albums top three albums: scrapyard (quadeca), gloom division (idkhow), kid a (radiohead) click read more for full reviews ^-^
i let it in and it took everything - loathe (2020) - fav song: is it really you? - this album is a very nice melding of grungegaze and more hardcore screamo. the melodies and fuzz drew me in and made me really enjoy the hardcore parts, which usually i'm not the biggest fan of. i definitely preferred the more melodic parts of the album, but i can see the heavier parts growing on me with more listens. i think bands like loathe and narrow head are the perfect bridge from grungegaze into heavier music for someone like me and i look forward to listening to newer releases from loathe. - rating: 8/10
wolf - tyler, the creator (2013) - fav song: domo23 - this album is like a slightly more mature version of goblin in terms of how it's produced. it's still largely the same offensive content that i disliked in goblin but there's some parts that are a little more enjoyable to me. for the most part it's really similar to goblin so i don't feel like i have much to say. i did like the more melodic features, especially erykah badu's feature - rating: 5/10
armed to the teeth l.m.o.m.m. - kill alters (2022) - fav song: cesspit - this was a really good industrial rock album with digital hardcore elements. i love bonnie baxter's vocals and the audio samples (while i don't recognize them) add to the slightly unsettling nature of this album. there are some very short tracks that serve more as transitions between songs which makes this the kinda album you should listen to front to back instead of listening to songs individually. - rating: 7/10
cherry bomb - tyler, the creator (2015) - fav song: cherry bomb - from the first second i was vibing with this album and i stayed really enjoying it the entire time. the production is amazing by my casual listener standards. there's a lot of electronic noises that i love especially the twinkly synths and heavy bass. the lyrics are evolving past the vulgar content in tyler's first two albums, especially thanks to some of the features on the album. i got very excited over the kali uchis features and i'm sure it was a big deal for tyler to get lil wayne and kanye features on the same song. for me this is a massive step up from the previous two albums. - rating: 8/10
by the time i get to phoenix - injury reserve (2021) - fav song: postpostpartum - this album has an atmosphere that's really unsettling and kept me on edge the entire time. some tracks made me feel like i was having a panic attack almost, but in a good way? the production is really good at creating a tense vibe that feels like you're constantly looking over your shoulder or being suffocated by fog. the lyrics vary from song to song, but are largely pretty good. this is a great experimental hip hop album and i hope it got some hip hop fans to explore more noisy music. - rating: 9/10
scrapyard - quadeca (2024) - fav song: easier - this album is a beautiful evolution of the sound explored in idmthy. it's freed from the concept of the previous album, allowed to explore different topics and sounds. i love how grand and full this album sounds, like i'm being surrounded by every song. many of the songs sound bright in a way that makes me think of sunlight and water and light breeze. but there's still some heaviness and electronic elements that add a complexity to this album. while it's more disjointed than the very tight idmthy, this is such a good follow up and i can see myself growing to love this album in a very fond way. and shout out to u tried that thing where ur human for making me cry. - rating: 9/10
wallsocket - underscores (2023) - fav song: johnny johnny johnny - i like how reflective this album is in a way that's very synonymous with being a young adult and thinking back to how you acted when you were even younger. the album as a whole is more melodic and slower than i expected but it fits nicely with the vibe i think is trying to be conveyed. the electronic and more hyperpop reminiscent parts are my favorites. i just really like it! - rating: 7/10
kid a - radiohead (2000) - fav song: idioteque - i love the atmosphere this album creates. i feel like i'm floating through space but it's like water and the stars are like pixels. it's a little unsettling but mostly makes me feel like i'm phasing out of my body. i love how electronic certain sections get and abstract other sections get. i see why it's a lot of peoples favorite radiohead album. - rating: 9/10
gloom division - i dont know how but they found me (2024) - fav song: what love? - WOAH is this a step up from razzmatazz. the exploration of genres in this album is so cool and sprawling, but stays connected by dallon's vocals and many of the whimsical and analog elements that have become idkhow's signature style. i stayed grooving the entire time. - rating: 9/10
flower boy - tyler, the creator (2017) - fav song: see you again - this album is on par with cherry bomb BUT finally tyler's outgrown the offensive lyrics that i really disliked. on the music side it's more poppy than cherry bomb but still on a similar level of quality. i do quite like the different elements in this album. one thing that really stuck out to me on this album was the synths which i really enjoyed - rating: 8/10
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bigshotspambot · 2 years
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I posted Sneo 1,223 times in 2022 and drew him like 350 times idk
That's 1,112 more posts than 2021!
670 posts created (55%)
553 posts reblogged (45%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,210 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#spamton neo - 794 posts
#spamton - 702 posts
#wow that’’s some [good %2$s%!] - 325 posts
#🎨art tag - 314 posts
#❓ask to your [beating heart’s] content - 311 posts
#spamton neo x reader - 232 posts
#spamton x reader - 184 posts
#all alone on a ? - 141 posts
#💛i love you with all my [heartshapedobject] - 138 posts
#👤up close and [personnel] - 135 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#and the animation is so smooth and your sneos design is so cool and scary and perfect i just 💖💖💜💜💜❤️💜💜❤️💚💜💞
My Top Posts in 2022:
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514 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
detailed shaded sneo x absolutely MOLECULAR y/n
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568 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
Horror audio of Spamton NEO searching for you in the back alleys of Cyber City.
You manage to hide behind an old metal Bigshot Autos billboard... but for how long?
2:15 in length, but content heavy
⚠️ONLY listen if you're okay with horror/suspense/intense scenes. If that kind of stuff makes you panic, then I'd advise you to skip this one!
Headphones recommended, lots of bass (Gets loud at points, so be mindful of the volume)
Has a few custom voice clips done by @arcademoss and me! Not to be confused with the distorted infomercials coming from his speaker...
Spotlights emit from his eyes, which light up the dark alley. Steam also occasionally escapes from his armor/mouth
Hope you can run...
(google drive link)
Sneo dialogue transcript below the cut
"YOU CAN'T RUN [From These Sweet Deals!] FOREVER..." (voiced by arcademoss)
"YOU'RE MINE...! " (voiced by me)
580 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
Extended (and slightly more polished) version of this
POV audio of the listener resting on Spamton NEO’s chest.
this is the Superior version tho. 7:21 in length instead of 0:59. also some added reverb
(headphones recommended if you choose to listen. THERE IS BASS. If you don't wanna listen, that is very ok because it isn't for everyone)
Includes !??!?!?
breathing, heartbeat
purring/growling (but more subtle and better samples)
computer humming (and also steam hissing at one point but its quiet)
Again, I hope its relaxing and not too creepy lol :) 💜💛
UPDATE: mp3 download link (It's also 9 mins cuz file size can be bigger over on drive)
622 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I love this
819 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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utau-bowl · 2 years
Rose ~CORDATA~ and Orchid ~INVICTUS~ Review
Today’s review is special! I got a request from Theverrine themselves, the creators of an UTAU i reviewed before...! This has happened a few times with characters I regularly talk about on the blog, but it always feels nice every time. I felt it only right to review these two together since they’re a package deal. If you don’t know already, the pink one is Rose and the blue one is Orchid. 💮
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Hear a Sample of Rose and Orchid
Height: 5'3 (160 cm) Weight: 109 lbs (49kg)
「Orchid, or Maeko Enomoto, is an idol in an idol group duo called CROSS, known for her energetic stage presence and advanced idol experience. She is dating Rose, the only other member of CROSS. If anyone ever met Orchid personally, they should be aware of her two-faced nature, as she can come happy with spark at one moment, but become cold and serious in the other.」
Likes: Rose, Scratch and Sniff Stickers, Okonomiyaki, Jogs Dislikes: Laziness, Paradise, Slow Music, Pickles
Height: 5'3 (161 cm) Weight: 108 lbs (49 kg)
「 Rose, or Ayaka Tomi, is an idol in an idol group duo called CROSS, known for her mature aura and deep voice. She is dating Orchid, the only other member of CROSS. Despite looking prim and proper in public, she is actually a crybaby klutz who loves to draw horror related images. She used to work as a shrine maiden before she became an idol.」
Likes: Orchid, Candles, Dorayaki, Naps Dislikes: Competition, Ill-mannered songs (will scream in rebellion one way or another), Meat, Stairs
Official Site
The Primus UTAUs finally have a website on Neocities. Downloads are in the respective links on the CHARACTERS page.
INVICTUS is 650 MB and CORDATA is 450 MB after unzipping. Each comes with fully generated frqs. Orchid has some .llsms left over, which I think is causing the higher file size.
First Impressions
Rose and Orchid are two rich and fully featured feminine voicebanks. The UTAU engine noise doesn’t really do them favors, but it gives them some extra energy. Rose is gentler, softer, and more natural sounding. Orchid has a higher, more exaggerated and character-like tone. Both fill a different niche within general feminine UTAU character types while being voiced by the same person.
Orchid is recorded at A#3 / C4 / F4 / A#4 / C5 and Rose is recorded at  E3 / G3 / C4 / E4 / C5. Rose’s C5 pitch is labelled as a falsetto. Both also have breathless vowel endings, end and beginning breaths, glottal stops, vocal fry, and English R/L sounds.
Their otos are mostly copy and paste between each pitch with slight adjustments made for the CVVC to work, so nothing crazy going on there. Rose uses 1:3 ratios, while Orchid uses 1:2. It’s important to keep their consonant velocity high with how large the overlap is.
Orchid sounds stranger in lower range while Rose can be pushed pretty far below E3 and still sound good. Orchid I feel is most suitable for Hiiragi-kirai type songs that utaite like to flex their singing skills on.
My recommended flags:  Y0H0F0D10 [Orchid]    b30Y90H0g3 [Rose]
My recommended resamplers: doppeltler, f2resamp, EFB-BS
Final Thoughts
Rose and Orchid are solid additions to your UTAU library. They’re really well made and I will rotate them in my mind often
Got any other UTAUs you want me to review? Send an ask!  
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krazetv · 11 months
AFTERMATH by All About Trailer Music | Review & Playthrough
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sampleaudiodeals · 2 years
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Get Deal Here: http://bit.ly/vstdeal
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floatingcatacombs · 2 years
annual music post.
12 Days of Aniblogging 2022, Day 6
I am sick.
No, it’s not covid. My immune system and I have been doing a remarkably good job of dodging covid, all things considered. Nor is it any of the other 8 respiratory infections going around this winter. It’s something in my gut, and I’ve been dealing with it for quite some time now.
Back in October of last year, my acid reflux meds stopped working, leaving me with soreness and the lingering sensation of something in the back of my throat. My gastroenterologist wasn’t able to help and by January I was dealing with the new terrible symptoms of generalized abdominal pain and constant burping.
After months of delays due to the medical system collapsing from covid, I finally got some important tests done in May. They confirmed that the problems were real and esophageal in nature, but ultimately did not help one bit with trying to figure out how to treat them.
As this year has gone on, things have gotten slowly worse. The stomach pain has gradually intensified, as has the belching. More and more foods started giving me indigestion until finally it’s just every meal, no matter what. Some grosser symptoms which I don’t want to write out crept up on me. It’s no good, and while I’ve gotten my shit together and am much better at working with doctors, I’m no closer to being well.
If I hadn’t lucked out in being able to work from home, I would definitely be out of job and money by now. How am I supposed to be professional when I belch for hours after every meal? Or when I need to lie down for hours a day in pain? It’s as embarrassing as it is life-ruining.
When you’re in hell, and want to listen to music, there are two different routes you can go down:
Seek out the most downcast, most abrasive stuff you can handle and wallow in it.
Immerse yourself in fluffy, happy, relaxing, or otherwise escapist songs.
I’m really good at the former! If my previous music writeups and Spotify years-in-review are any indication, my taste leans strongly towards the negative emotions. But there’s only so much despair you can take, and sometimes you need a change of pace. So this year, I’ll be writing about the musical niche I carved out: Japanese musicians with English-language releases, most of which are a significant tonal shift from my usual.
Flipper’s Guitar
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This is Keigo Oyamada’s band from before his work as Shibuya-kei legend Cornelius, and I feel like a lot of people gloss over them for that exact reason. But Flipper’s Guitar is a real delight throughout their quick 3-album run. Their first album is sung entirely in English, owing to its inspirations in 60’s American music and 80’s British jangle pop. It’s straightforward and cheerful stuff executed perfectly, and the second album is a solid rerun of these ideas but with more of it sung in Japanese. It’s their final album which is the most interesting, as it’s an eclectic mix with more of a psychedelic dance-pop sound that seems to have directly led to the development of Shibuya-kei. There’s even a shoegaze song for good measure! This album isn’t on streaming services, probably because of its extensive sampling, so the easiest way to listen to it was a Youtube upload by now-terminated channel Asian Shoegaze. The thing is, they fucked up and accidentally uploaded the tracks in alphabetical order. After listening through both this and the original track listing, I’m actually of the opinion that the alphabetical version flows better. Life is funny like that.
Poison Girl Friend
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You know how the Spotify algorithm will occasionally propel an obscure musician into millions of streams? That’s how most people discovered Poison Girl Friend this year, similar to how Youtube turned Plastic Love into a decades-late international hit a few years back. But I, being a weirdo, knew about Poison Girl Friend years ago, from her being inspired by pervert pop artist Momus (her stage name is a reference to the second Momus album!). Her debut album, all self-produced, has a spacey trip-hop sound to it, right on the dial for 1992. The breathy vocals and relaxed tempos lead to an excellent atmosphere, with THOSE WERE THE DAYS getting stuck in my head the most.
In what should be a success story, Poison Girl Friend successfully caught the attention of Momus, who went on to produce her second album. The thing is, compared to her own work, his production here is dogshit! Never meet your heroes, I guess, especially when they’re Nick Currie.
Coaltar of the Deepers
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not their best album, but easily the one with the best art
Oh man, these guys are legit. If my description of the final Flipper’s Guitar album made it come off as an eclectic genre mashup, then this band is downright overwhelming. We’ve got band members who are really into noise rock and abrasive metal. Others are clearly here for the shoegaze. And finally, there’s the one guy on synths who does electronica that sound like it’s destined for Ape Escape. Their early works jump between all of these from track to track at a breakneck pace, but they finally release a more coherently organized album with 2007’s Yukari Telepath. It starts off with some of the most aggressive metal you’ve ever heard, which gradually softens into shoegaze as the album goes on, with some spectacular dreamy electronica in the middle. When the breaks in Aquarian Age come on, or the jaw-dropping xylophone solos later on, you will understand.
Coaltar of the Deepers have a bunch of side projects with different lineups, and as expected they lean into the strengths of the members working on them. There’s the hardcore BP, glitchy electronica Watchman, and more atmospheric Sadesper Record. The CotD extended universe been one hell of a rabbit-hole to fall down, but they’ve kept me very busy.
Honorable Mention: Shonen Knife
Yellow Loveless is mostly a wash, but Shonen Knife’s cover of When You Sleep is better than the original.
I’ve spent most of this past year miserable. My physical health has decimated my mental health, and it’s bad enough that I couldn’t ignore the problems even if I wanted to. I’ve shied away from considering myself chronically ill so far, but when I write it all out and reflect on just how much all of this lowers my quality of life, it gets a bit more imaginable as a way to understand myself as I currently am.
One silver lining to all this trying meds and running tests and failing to be diagnosed is that we’ve eliminated a lot of the scariest possibilities. No cancer, no allergies, nothing that would show up on an abdominal CT scan, and my lungs are powerful and sexy and not the source of my intermittent breathing problems I forgot to mention earlier. I’m not going anywhere. But at the same time, it’s hard for me to even conceptualize a future where I continue to feel like this every day, for years or decades on end. I have to get better. In the words of Sufjan Stevens, I want to be well.
Hopefully next year’s music post comes with good news alongside the good tunes.
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surroundedmedia · 16 days
18 Questions to Ask Your Videographer Before Hiring Them
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Keep poorly shot or embarrassing video footage from ruining the memory of your event. Knowing the questions to ask before hiring your videographer will ensure that you receive the wedding, corporate event, or marketing campaign coverage you want (the way you want it).
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surroundedmedia.com gathered 18 questions to ask your videographer before hiring them. Asking the following questions will help you vet your videographer and get the best quality video for your investment. Consider the following:
1. What is your videography style?
Understanding the videographer's style will help determine if it aligns with your vision. Whether cinematic, documentary, or journalistic, ensure the videographer's style matches your preferences.
Watch this video to see how different videography styles can be seamlessly blended.
2. Can I see samples of your previous work?
Reviewing their portfolio will give you insight into their work, storytelling abilities, and technical expertise.
Note: Professional or seasoned videographers should have extensive examples of their work.
3. What equipment do you use?
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Knowing the type of cameras, lenses, and other equipment they use will give you an idea of the production quality you can expect.
4. Do you have experience filming in similar settings?
When planning an outdoor wedding or event (in a large venue), the videographer should have experience working in such environments.
5. How do you handle audio recording?
Clear audio is as important as high-quality visuals. Ask about their microphone setup and how they ensure crisp and clear sound in various environments.
6. Do you offer drone footage services?
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Drone footage can add a unique perspective to your video. If aerial shots are crucial to you, inquire whether the videographer offers drone services and if they are licensed to operate drones legally.
Watch this short video to see powerful images captured using drone equipment.
7. Will you be the one filming my event?
Ensure the person interviewed will be behind the camera on your big day. Sometimes, larger companies may send alternate videographers than the ones you initially meet.
8. What is your approach to storytelling?
A skilled videographer should be able to craft a narrative that resonates with your audience. Ask about your videographer's approach to storytelling and how they intend to capture the essence of your event or project.
Tip: When hiring a videographer, provide a detailed event timeline for them to develop a storyline for the final video product.
9. How do you handle unexpected challenges during filming?
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Adaptability is fundamental in videography. Ask about your videographer's experience dealing with unforeseen circumstances like bad weather or technical glitches and how they ensure the smooth continuation of filming.
10. What is your turnaround time for delivering the final video?
Understanding the timeline for post-production and delivery of the final video is essential, especially if you have specific deadlines or events where you plan to showcase the footage.
11. Do you offer customizable packages?
Every project is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach may not suit your needs. Inquire whether the videographer offers customizable packages tailored to your requirements and budget.
12. What are your payment terms and cancellation policies?
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Clarify payment schedules, deposit requirements, and cancellation policies upfront to avoid any future misunderstandings.
13. Are you familiar with our venue/location?
Familiarity with the venue can be advantageous for the videographer. Your videographer may already know the best vantage points for capturing key moments and be aware of any logistical challenges.
14. Do you have backup equipment?
Technical failures can happen, but a prepared videographer will have backup equipment to ensure uninterrupted filming.
15. Will you collaborate with other vendors, like photographers?
Coordination between different vendors, such as videographers and photographers, is crucial for ensuring a seamless experience on the day of your event.
16. Do you have liability insurance?
Liability insurance protects you and the videographer in case of accidents or damages during filming.
17. Can we request specific shots or styles?
If you have particular shots or styles in mind, discuss them with the videographer to ensure they can accommodate your requests.
18. How do you handle revisions after the final video is delivered?
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After viewing the final video, you may want to request revisions or edits. Clarify the videographer's policy regarding revisions and any associated fees.
Bonus Question - Will I Have Access to the Raw Footage?
If you believe you might use the raw (unedited) footage from the video project sometime in the future, discuss how you can acquire the footage after the project is complete.
Some videographers will put raw video footage on an external hard drive or ask you to purchase a hard drive in advance so they may transfer the footage to it for you. Let the videographer know upfront if you need footage immediately after an event.
Event Videography Questions
In this article, you discovered crucial questions to ask when vetting your event videographer and their skills.
Knowing what questions to ask when vetting videographers will help secure the best quality, highly skilled, and most reasonably priced video footage of your event, stock footage, or promotional material.
Failing to adequately vet your videographer can leave you paying exorbitant prices for mediocre quality and embarrassing video footage.
Sources: luc.edu/umc/resources/hiringfreelancers columbia.edu/~sko2002/web-pages/videography.htm
Surrounded Media LLC
177 Fairway Drive Newnan, GA30265 (770) 727-1577
To see the original version of this article, visit https://www.surroundedmedia.com/blog/18-questions-to-ask-your-videographer-before-hiring-them
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anyahansley · 18 days
Kanye West Net Worth Analysis: Music to Business Ventures
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Kanye West, now legally known as Ye, is one of the most influential figures in modern entertainment and business. His journey from a groundbreaking music producer to a cultural icon and billionaire is a testament to his innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit. This blog explores how Kanye West net worth. Diving deep into his music career, Fashion Empire, business ventures, and investments contributing to his substantial net worth.
Kanye West's Rise to Stardom: The Foundation of His Wealth
Kanye's Early Life and Music Career Beginnings
Kanye West was exposed to a wide range of musical influences during his upbringing in Chicago, Illinois, after being born in Atlanta, Georgia. Early on, Kanye was captivated to hip-hop and started making beats for local musicians. Eventually, his unique sound began to garner attention. His big break came in 2001 when he produced songs for Jay-Z's highly regarded album, The Blueprint.
Kanye's talent as a producer was undeniable, but he aspired to be more than just a behind-the-scenes figure. His debut album, The College Dropout (2004), marked the beginning of his rap career, blending soul samples with socially conscious lyrics. This album catapulted him into the limelight, laying the foundation for Kanye West's net worth to grow significantly.
Kanye's Success in Music and Grammy Wins
Kanye West has put out a number of highly regarded albums throughout the years, including Graduation (2007), 808s & Heartbreak (2008), Late Registration (2005), and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (2010). His artistic development was evident on each album, which pushed hip-hop's limits and had an impact on the music business. His capacity to creatively reinvent himself was essential to his continued success both commercially and critically.
Kanye West is one of the most distinguished performers in the business as of 2024, having received 24 Grammy Awards. These honors increased Kanye West's marketability and the demand for his music, which raised his profile and greatly increased his net worth.
Expanding Beyond Music: Kanye West's Business Ventures
The Birth of Yeezy: Kanye's Fashion Empire
While music was the initial driving force behind Kanye West's net worth, his ventures in the fashion industry propelled him to billionaire status. In 2009, Kanye collaborated with Nike to launch the Air Yeezy sneaker, quickly becoming a cultural phenomenon. However, Kanye had bigger ambitions. Dissatisfied with his deal at Nike, he boldly partnered with Adidas in 2013 to create the now-iconic Yeezy brand.
Yeezy sneakers became an instant hit, and they are known for their unique design and exclusivity. The Yeezy Boost 350, 500, and 700 models sold out within minutes of release, creating massive demand in the resale market. Kanye's partnership with Adidas proved to be a financial goldmine, with the Yeezy brand reportedly generating over $1 billion in annual revenue.
In 2020, Kanye West's net worth surged dramatically when he was officially declared a billionaire by Forbes, mainly due to the valuation of the Yeezy brand. Kanye holds full ownership of the brand, while Adidas handles the production and distribution, making it one of the most lucrative deals in fashion history.
Expanding into Apparel: Yeezy Clothing Line
Beyond sneakers, Kanye West expanded Yeezy into apparel, launching collections that include high-end streetwear, jackets, and accessories. While the Yeezy clothing line has received mixed reviews from fashion critics, it has maintained a strong presence in the industry, further contributing to Kanye West's net worth.
Kanye West's Partnership with Gap
In 2020, Kanye took another bold step by announcing a 10-year partnership with Gap to make Yeezy more accessible to the masses. The Yeezy Gap line, which includes hoodies, jackets, and other essentials, was expected to generate billions in revenue.
This collaboration significantly expanded Kanye West's influence in the fashion industry, further diversifying his income streams and elevating Kanye West's net worth.
Kanye West's Investments and Business Ventures
Real Estate Holdings
Kanye West has also invested heavily in real estate, further boosting his financial portfolio. His real estate empire includes multiple properties across the United States, from his sprawling Wyoming ranches to his luxurious homes in California.
In 2020, Kanye purchased two massive ranches in Wyoming, spanning thousands of acres, where he has expressed plans to create his community and creative hub.
These investments in land and property have added a significant layer to Kanye West's net worth 2024, as real estate typically appreciates over time. Additionally, his ranches serve as a retreat for his creative projects, allowing him to experiment with new music and fashion ideas away from the public eye.
Kanye's Foray into Technology: DONDA
Kanye West's entrepreneurial spirit extends beyond fashion and music. He founded DONDA, a creative content company named after his late mother, Donda West.
Initially envisioned as a design firm, DONDA has worked on various projects; including album cover designs, concert visuals, and fashion. The company has been involved in some of Kanye West's most iconic visual work, solidifying his position as a cultural influence.
While DONDA has not been a primary driver of Kanye West's net worth, it represents his dedication to innovation and creativity. Through DONDA, Kanye has collaborated with renowned artists, designers, and brands, further establishing himself as a visionary in multiple industries.
Kanye's Involvement in Politics and Philanthropy
Apart from his commercial endeavors, Kanye West has also experimented with politics and philanthropy. He entered the 2020 presidential election, but his candidacy was mostly symbolic and failed to garner any support. But his political ambitions show that he wants to have an effect on society that goes beyond design and music.
On the philanthropic side, Kanye has been involved in various charitable efforts, particularly in his hometown of Chicago. He has donated to education, mental health, and social justice organizations. While these efforts are not directly linked to Kanye West's net worth, they highlight his commitment to giving back to the community.
Kanye West's journey from a young producer in Chicago to a billionaire mogul is a remarkable story of perseverance, creativity, and business acumen. His ability to reinvent himself musically and in the business world has allowed him to build a diverse and robust financial portfolio.
Kanye's ventures into fashion, real estate, and technology have expanded his influence beyond the music industry, making him one of modern entertainment's most iconic and wealthy figures.
1. How did Kanye West become a billionaire?
Kanye West became a billionaire primarily through his fashion empire, particularly his Yeezy brand in partnership with Adidas. The Yeezy sneakers generated billions in revenue, contributing significantly to Kanye West's net worth.
2. What is Kanye West's most successful business venture?
Kanye West's most successful business venture is the Yeezy brand, which includes footwear and apparel. His collaboration with Adidas has been a significant financial success, making Yeezy one of the most valuable brands in the fashion industry.
3. How much is Kanye West's music catalog worth?
Kanye West's music catalog is estimated to be worth around $200 million. This includes his albums, production work, and songwriting credits, which continue to generate revenue through streaming and sales.
4. What role did Kanye West's marriage to Kim Kardashian play in his net worth?
While Kanye West's marriage to Kim Kardashian attracted significant media attention, it did not directly impact his net worth. Both Kanye and Kim are independently wealthy, and their divorce did not involve major financial disputes.
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weaversweek · 20 days
My year in mix 1997 (part 1 of 12)
Inspired by something going down over on Bluesky, this is My Year in Mix.
My year is 1997, and twelve posts will cover all the important aspects of popular music from this year. 60 videos, some songs that will be familiar even if you weren't a glint in your mother's eye, some that passed everyone by at the time.
Part one: The Evening Session
Radio 1's essential guide to new music, enthusiastically hosted by Steve Lamacq and Jo Whiley. The fizzing and cracking sounds of youth culture, none of the old farts who prop up daytimes.
"In your car" - Kenickie. Start the year as we mean to go on. Smell the glitter! Wear the PVC!
Go out, have fun, be reckless, wake up with a massive hangover.
Even when your band's gig is cancelled by a fire alarm and you're tipped out into the street, we'll have a time.
"The Spice Girls with guitars" said Kavana in a Smash Hits review.
"Your woman" - White Town. You won't find Jyoti Mishra at the club. He stayed in, recorded the song in his bedroom. Ambiguous lyric meets early-80s chiptune and 1930s sample.
Promoted by late evening presenters Mark and Lard, and the most unlikely chart-topper ever. Anyone can get to the top!
Gave Jyoti a lot more fame than he could deal with, so he rather pulled back from promotion. Even more than the song, that is his greatest legacy: the idea of "as much fame as you're comfortable with".
Bonus! Jyoti of White Town rarely gave interviews, then or now. He spoke to KEXP in 2022.
"Mum's gone to iceland" - Bennet. Very much an Evening Session band: quirky but not too outlandish, different and familiar at the same time. Their best work was "Someone always gets there first", but that's from 1996 and Too Darned Old.
Became an albatross around the band's neck, people expected them to be this witty and funny all the time. They're not Philip Pope, they're what Blur could have been if "Popscene" was their template.
"Drop dead gorgeous" - Republica. Second time was the charm for this all-out blaster. Drive down the highway, have this blasting out the windows.
Every note, every chord, every word counts. And just hear the venom in her voice.
Re-released in time for the Westminster election: public to John Major, "drop dead".
"Susan's house" - Eels.
Los Angeles was a tough-minded but generous muse. It offered Everett odd jobs, casual contacts, failed love affairs, deep depression and a crumbling sense of self-worth. For Everett, these were all reasons to sing. His support and refuge was the four-track, which he used to compile his early years in California into melodic diaries. Although the narrative's starting point, as always in Everett's music, was in the man's own life, the narrative's focus was outside the experiencer. In Susan's House, Everett was narrating the city itself, not himself in the city. Along his walks, Everett painted apish views from the edge of Los Angeles County; bushy, piquant details merged with gritty, sharp observations of the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Along the route, ambulance men stripped a boy shot to death, a demented woman who lost her home in a fire smashed bottles on cement, a young girl pushing a baby carriage walked by. They, together with the street scenes that surrounded them, were the real stars of the song.
Translated from this page.
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jetstarred · 7 months
what i listened to in january 2024!
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total: 9 albums top three: i didn't mean to haunt you (quadeca), good kid, m.a.a.d. city (kendrick lamar), colourmeinkindness (basement)
click below to see full reviews ^-^
colourmeinkindness - basement (2012) - fav song: covet - this is a really solid early emo revival album. it captures the emotion that was extremely prevalent in emo music and kinda lost in the mainstream emo that had dominated before this album came out. the vocals are great at conveying the lyrics, sometimes feeling vulnerable in a really relatable way. the guitar is solid and very fun to listen to. easily one of my favorite emo albums from this era. - rating: 8/10
everyone everywhere - everyone everywhere (2012) - fav song: the future - this album clearly takes a lot of inspiration from 90s emo, especially midwest emo. some guitar riffs sound really similar to american football riffs. the singers voice is very lovely and i love the use of trumpets in some of the songs. the lyrics are also perfectly nostalgic and almost whimsical, like someone wondering about their surroundings and future. it almost makes me wish this band had stuck around longer and had been able to evolve their sound more. - rating: 7/10
feels like you - whirr (2019) - fav song: wavelength - this album is very dreamy, with the noise a pleasant hum rather than loud and intrusive. every song blends into the next track seamlessly, there were multiple times where i didn't realize a new song had started. the album largely sounds the same, with all the songs being difficult to distinguish from one another. this is good if you like this kind of music (which i do) but it makes it hard for any of the songs to be real stand outs. - rating: 5/10
hatemail - in lieu (2019) - fave song: pin up - i didn't really vibe with most of this album. its exciting to hear more female vocals in the post-grunge and more noisy punk space. there's definitely potential here and id be interested to listen to their more recent releases. - rating: 4/10
good kid, m.a.a.d. city - kendrick lamar (2012) - fav song: money trees - this album immediately put me in the exact setting that must've inspired it. it makes me feel nostalgic for the black american experience i never had, even with all the ugly parts. besides that, i love the through-line of the voicemails and phone calls, some of which introduce the following song. the samples are really beautiful and i want to go listen to the original songs. i can't imagine how exciting it must've been when this album came out to see the beginning of one of the greatest rappers of this generation. - rating: 9/10
i didn't mean to haunt you - quadeca (2022) - fav song: don't mind me - i listened to this album on repeat for a week after my first listen. it's really refreshing to listen to a concept album that actually fully follows through with the concept. this album being about a ghost and his experience with dying and having to watch how his family deals with his death is so interesting and lends to a lot of very heart wrenching introspection. also sonically this is such a beautiful album with the choral voices, static, with a good balance of heavy and dreamy parts. shout out to picking up hands and fantasyworld for making me cry. - rating: 10/10
goblin - tyler, the creator (2011) - fav song: radicals - i like the concept of the album being tyler having a “therapy session” with his own consciousness. but a lot of the content in the songs is very offensive, gross out, shock humor that i don't really vibe with. i know that that type of rapping was what was commonplace and popular at the time but it's really aged poorly imo. the beats and flows are pretty decent and i could vibe with them more if it wasn't for the lyrics. also tyler baby stop saying a bunch of slurs! - rating: 4/10
from me to you - quadeca (2021) - fav song: candles on fire! - this album is a great transition between quadeca's earlier youtube rap inspired music and his newer more atmospheric and melodic music. the production is grand and electronic in a way that's really enjoyable. while i'm not a great judge for rap, i think this is a step up from his earlier stuff and much more accessible to me as a more casual rap fan. honestly it's difficult to judge this album as anything other than a transition from rap to more artistically driven music that still keeps rap elements and influence. - rating: 7/10
my back is killing me baby - car seat headrest (2011) - fav song: no passion - this album is half rough versions of songs that would be redone in later albums, half songs that weren't revisited. it's very rough and full of the diy sound that was more prevalent in cshr's earlier stuff. i like it more for background noise than something i can strongly focus on. - rating: 5/10
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First Impressions: Post Malone - F-1 Trillion
If you’re a music fan, and most of you reading this are, you have your own methods on how you find music, as well as consume it. We all consume music in our ways, and you bet I’ve got mine, especially for when I review something. I use the same methods for listening to stuff, too, but when I listen to new music, I’ve got a bit of series of steps that I follow. Typically I’ll “sample” something first, and if it catches my attention, I’ll spend more time with it, or at least, listen to the whole thing. If not, however, I forget about it, and go on about my day. I had an idea to do something a bit different: write about my first impressions. This isn’t a standard review, especially if this is just my first impression, so it’s going to be a lot more informal compared to a standard review, but at the end, we’ll beg the question of whether or not I’d want to come back to it, so I could give it a full review.
In the meantime, though, let’s talk about this new Post Malone album, F-1 Trillion. Post Malone has been around for the last decade or so, but his career has gone under an interesting transformation. He started off in rap, making pop-trap, and I remember the discourse he immediately had about being a “culture vulture” that was taking a style of music made predominantly by Black artists and profiting off of it while being privileged enough to not have to deal with ramifications of being a Black artist.
Apparently that really affected him, and he even had to go to rehab for a bit to get him clean from a drinking problem, but he eventually moved into pop music for awhile, and now he’s in his country era. He said something along the lines of him becoming a country singer at 30, and while he’s 29 now, he got there early. It’s hard to tell if this was planned or a strange coincidence, because I don’t know if you know, but country music has been having a moment the last few years. Zach Bryan, Luke Combs, Morgan Wallen, and loads more artists have been doing numbers, regardless of quality, but a lot of artists have been following suit. Bilmuri dropped a country metalcore-ish album, and Yung Gravy just dropped a country album, but now Post Malone is.
I’ve also got some reservations with this album, namely that Beyoncé released a country album earlier this year, and when it came out, typical country fans lambasted her for not being a “real country artist,” despite how she didn’t claim to be, and the album was more or less adjacent to country. Why is it that those fans immediately embrace Post Malone, an artist who started in hip-hop, and only became a country artist in the last year, not even that long? On top of that, this record is full of guests that are prominent Nashville artists, and while Beyoncé’s Cowboy Carter featured some influential musicians (Posty himself makes an appearance, for the record), Nashville itself kind of ignored it. It only took backlash that country radio stations got for not playing some singles to get the genre to recognize the album.
I don’t know, it just feels weird to me that a white man who started off as a R&B singer / rapper makes a country album, and no one bats an eye, but a Black woman who started off in the same genre(s) gets flack for even daring to make a country album. I don’t doubt that Post loves country music, but there’s a reason why I haven’t talked about the music on this album — there’s nothing to talk about. My first impressions of this album are relatively simple, because this is an hour-long 90s-influenced country album that’s stacked full of guests and admittedly has a few good hooks, but it also is one of the most bland and uninteresting albums I’ve heard all year. The guests can’t save how bland and homogenous this album sounds. Just imagine a generic country album and there you go.
The performances are fine, including Posty himself, but the songwriting just isn’t there. He sounds like he’s having fun, but even the guests can’t save this. There just isn’t anything here to latch onto, and especially when this album is way too long, as well as relies too much on guests. Only three songs are solo cuts, but he did drop a deluxe edition with a bonus disc that has around eight more solo songs, so maybe those are better, but I could do without a lot of the guests. Sure, they were fine, but do you need the validation of Nashville that badly? Most mainstream country fans should like this, for better or worse, but this is a whole lot of nothing, and I don’t know if I want to go back to this, because there’s nothing to go back to. It just feels empty, and it’s unfortunate, because I was looking forward to this.
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hillsheat · 2 months
Tips for Finding Reliable Wholesale Redgum Firewood Suppliers
When looking for wholesale redgum firewood suppliers, it is essential to focus on several key factors to ensure that you are dealing with reliable and reputable sources. Redgum firewood is known for its high density, long burn time, and efficiency, making it a popular choice for various uses, including heating and cooking. To find the best wholesale suppliers, consider the following tips, which will guide you through the process of selecting a trustworthy provider.
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Research and Verification
Begin by conducting thorough research to identify potential wholesale redgum firewood suppliers. Utilize online resources, such as industry directories and business listings, to find suppliers in your area or region. Look for suppliers with a solid online presence, including a professional website and customer reviews.
Verify the legitimacy of potential suppliers by checking their business credentials and certifications. Reliable suppliers should have proper licensing and adhere to industry regulations. Contact industry associations or organizations for recommendations and to confirm the legitimacy of the suppliers you are considering.
Quality of Firewood
One of the most critical factors to consider is the quality of the firewood. Redgum firewood should be well-seasoned, meaning it has been dried to an appropriate moisture level to ensure efficient burning. Well-seasoned firewood burns cleaner and more efficiently, producing less smoke and creosote buildup.
Request samples or detailed information about the firewood's quality before committing to a purchase. Inspect the samples to ensure that they are dry, free from mold or rot, and cut to appropriate sizes. High-quality firewood will have a dry, cracking sound when struck together and will produce minimal smoke when burned.
Pricing and Terms
Pricing is a crucial aspect of any wholesale purchase. Compare prices from different suppliers to gauge the average market rate for redgum firewood. Be wary of prices that seem unusually low, as this may indicate lower quality or potential issues with the wood.
Understand the pricing structure and any additional costs that may be involved. Wholesale purchases often involve bulk quantities, so ensure that you are aware of the cost per unit, delivery fees, and any applicable taxes. Request a detailed quotation and clarify the terms of payment, including any discounts for large orders or regular purchases.
Delivery and Logistics
Effective delivery and logistics are vital for ensuring that you receive your firewood in a timely manner and in good condition. Discuss the delivery options with potential suppliers, including delivery schedules, transportation methods, and associated costs. Confirm the delivery timeframe and ensure that it aligns with your needs.
Check the supplier's delivery policy, including how they handle delays or issues with transportation. Reliable suppliers should have a track record of punctual deliveries and should be transparent about their logistics processes.
Customer Service and Support
Assess the level of customer service and support provided by potential suppliers. A reliable supplier should be responsive to inquiries, provide clear communication, and offer support throughout the purchasing process. Good customer service is essential for addressing any concerns or issues that may arise.
Evaluate the supplier's willingness to answer your questions, provide information about their sourcing and processing methods, and assist with any special requirements you may have. Positive interactions and helpful support are indicators of a reliable and customer-focused supplier.
Sustainability and Sourcing Practices
Consider the sustainability and sourcing practices of potential suppliers. Ethical sourcing and sustainable practices are important for ensuring that the firewood is harvested responsibly and does not contribute to environmental degradation.
Inquire about the supplier's sourcing methods and whether they adhere to sustainable forestry practices. Reliable suppliers should be able to provide information about where the firewood is sourced from and how they ensure that their operations are environmentally friendly.
References and Reviews
Seek references and reviews from other customers who have purchased from the suppliers you are considering. Positive feedback from previous buyers can provide insights into the supplier's reliability, quality of firewood, and overall service.
Contact other businesses or individuals who have worked with the supplier and ask about their experiences. Online reviews and testimonials can also offer valuable information about the supplier's reputation and customer satisfaction.
Contract and Agreement
Before finalizing a wholesale purchase, review and understand the terms of the contract or agreement with the supplier. Ensure that all aspects of the purchase, including pricing, delivery, quality, and payment terms, are clearly outlined in the contract.
Negotiate terms if necessary to align with your specific needs and requirements. A well-defined contract helps prevent misunderstandings and provides a basis for resolving any issues that may arise during the transaction.
Long-Term Relationships
Building a long-term relationship with a reliable supplier can offer several benefits, including consistent quality, better pricing, and improved service. Look for suppliers who are willing to establish a mutually beneficial partnership and demonstrate a commitment to meeting your needs over time.
Regular communication and feedback with your supplier can help foster a positive relationship and ensure that any issues are addressed promptly. A strong partnership can lead to more favorable terms and a more reliable supply of redgum firewood.
Finding reliable wholesale redgum firewood suppliers involves careful consideration of several key factors, including quality, pricing, delivery, customer service, and sustainability. By conducting thorough research, verifying credentials, and assessing the supplier's practices, you can make an informed decision and ensure that you receive high-quality firewood that meets your needs.
Pay attention to the quality of the firewood, understand the pricing structure, and evaluate the supplier's delivery and logistics capabilities. Consider the level of customer service and support, and seek references and reviews from other customers. Finally, review and negotiate the contract terms to ensure a clear and fair agreement.
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