THE HIDEOUT by Annabelle & M Via Flickr: The woods, a place from another dimension; in my subconscious mind, the dream-like forest has come to life in my landscape. A wood beyond the world. A hiding place to seek refuge, a sanctuary amongst old friends where one little bird can call his safe place. Sorry for the bad photo. Will retake later. The Hideout ~ Anna 2024
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larkinarting · 5 months
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Ha Nguyen and the octopus having a special moment while Evrim tears up and Altansetseg grinds her teeth and grips her knife.
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ephemeral-lace · 2 years
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A blue outfit inspired by the night sky matches with a Pegasus pattern dress☆ Every day we introduce stylish ladies who gather at the "Shining Celestial Holy Maiden Tea Party"!
JOY (From China, living in Tokyo) 24 years old, student, 156cm Today's fashion theme ☆ Luminous Sanctuary Head dress, dress ☆ Angelic Pretty Tights ☆ MIHO MATSUDA Shoes ☆ BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT Twitter, Instagram @nicolejyyy
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sticktopia · 10 months
Welcome to the Garden (Sanctuary AU)
The Garden. A pocket dimension that sits on the line between life and death. This little world is designed to house and heal broken souls. Those who have died under tragic circumstances, or have many regrets are called to this realm. Once they let go of their trauma and regrets, the soul can pass on to its next life. That is the role of The Garden.
Gold (Chapter 1)
“Darling, Gold… You're dead.” Gold stared at Dandi. She didn’t seem to fully understand what Dandi meant.
“D-dead…?” Gold stuttered. Dandi sighed and hugged Gold.
“You are no longer part of the living world. Your physical body has been erased from that existence. You're dead Gold.” Gold processed the word. Dead. She knows she’s heard it before. But she couldn't remember where. Then it hit her.
“Y-you mean…” Gold choked as Dandi’s words finally dawned on her. Dead, no longer alive, gone. The ten year old’s head began to spin as she finally understood.
“N-No!!! I can't be!!! I promised dad that I'd be with him forever!!! I can't be dead!!!” Gold screamed, pushing away from Dandi. Dandi allowed the child to step away. But once Gold lost the physical support of the older stick, she fell to the floor in despair. She broke her promise. She was gone. Just like her mom. Dandi watched with pained eyes as Gold had a panic attack.
“I don't wanna be dead!!! I wanna go home!!! I want my dad!!! Dad!! Daddy!!!!” Gold wailed loudly. Dandi embraced the child and held her tightly. Gold weakly fought the older stick, she was confused, scared, and wanted to go home. Dandi held the little girl close and stroked her hair.
“Ssssshhhhh, it’s ok darling.” Dandi softly said as she pulled the girl into her lap. Dandi rocked her gently. Once Gold had calmed down enough, she spoke again.
“Why did I have to die…? I didn't want to die….” Gold tearily asked. Dandi sighed and looked down at the young stick in her arms.
“Sometimes, life’s unfair, and it hurts really good people.” Dandi said as she and Gold stood. Dandi held Gold’s hand, keeping the child steady on her feet.
“How did I die…?” Gold suddenly asked. Dandi paused.
“When your after death amnesia wears off, you will remember your death.” Dandi said as she began to lead the child to a big house. Gold gasped as she saw the house. Temporarily forgetting her despair, she became curious about the palace-like house.
“Whoa. Is this where you live, Miss Dandi?” Gold asked with wonder. Dandi let out a breathy chuckle.
“Yes, I do live here. And so do a few others.” As if on cue, the door to the house opened, revealing a massive living room filled with sticks of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Gold gasped in awe.
“There’s so many!” Gold gasped as she held onto Dandi’s hand a little tighter. Gold’s little hands trembled. She was nervous, but also excited to meet everyone there. Dandi walked into the house, leading Gold through the many other sticks. Some stopped and watched as she and Gold passed by, making gold nervous. Dandi then went to the front of the living room, pulling on a rope. As she did, a bell then rang. The whole room went quiet as their attention was on Dandi.
“Good evening everyone! I hope you all are doing well tonight. I know that this is very sudden, but we got a new arrival just a few minutes ago!” Dandi loudly announced to the room. The room cheered, asking many questions about the new arrival. Dani put her hand up and the crowd slowly calmed down.
“Now, our newest edition is on the younger side. So please, I want you all to be careful with her.” Dandi then carefully ushered Gold in front of her. Dandi bent down and whispered in Gold’s ear.
“Introduce yourself babes.” Gold looked up at Dandi with an unsure look. Dandi smiled softly and nodded, gently squeezing the child’s shoulders for comfort. Gold took in a breath and stared out at the expectant crowd.
“U-um, my name is Gold. I-I’m ten and uh… I hope that we can all get along…?” She stuttered.
“Hi gold! Welcome to our home!” The crowd called gold jumped a bit. The sudden wave of voices scared her, but she was also excited and happy to know that these people welcomed her with open arms.
“Thank you for Welcoming me!” Gold suddenly said with glee. The crowd giggled and awed before slowly going back to what they were doing. Dandi chuckled and led Gold into another room.
“You feeling ok Goldie?” Dandi softly asked the ten year old. Gold nodded a bit.
“Y-yeah. I think I'm ok. That was scary though.” Gold said with a lopsided smile. Dandi giggled and ruffled her hair.
“Don't worry babes. You’ll get used to it eventually.” Gold giggled and moved Dandi’s hand off her head.
“Alright, now that you've been introduced, I can-”
“Miss Dandi! Miss Dandi!” A voice suddenly shouted. Dandi and Gold turned to see a green stick child behind them. He seemed to be Gold’s age. Maybe a little bit older.
“Yeah, what is it Sage?” Dandi asked the excited boy.
“Can we show Gold to her room?! Please?! We promise not to be rough with her!” Sage excitedly asked.
“We?” Gold asked out loud. She then glanced behind the boy to see about three other stick kids peeking out from behind the wall. Dandi chuckled.
“Well, that’s a question for our new friend here. Do you want to go with them Gold?” Dandi asked. Gold looked up at Dandi and then back at the boy before her. She smiled and looked back up at dandi.
“Yeah! I wanna go with them! “ Gold said, bouncing on her toes. Dandi chuckled and pat Gold’s shoulders.
“Alright then. Off you all go then.”
“Yes!!!” Sage cheered as he grabbed Gold’s hand and ran off with the other kids.
“Dinner’s at nine!” Dandi called as she leaned against the entrance.
“You're letting them take her?” A dark pink stick asked, standing behind Dandi. Dandi chuckled and shrugged a bit.
“The kid’s still shaken by the realization. What she needs are kids her age to help her out.
The group of kids led the newcomer up and down some halls and up some stairs before making it to a hallway full of doors. Gold panted as they finally stopped.
“You guys are too fast!” She gasped, catching her breath. The orange stick next to her giggled.
“Sorry. It’s not every day we get a new friend!” They said excitedly.
“Yeah! It’s usually adults that come by. But this time we got another kid!” A purple stick cheered.
“We’re excited to meet you! “ Another red stick said excitedly.
“Oh look! This is your room!” Sage said as the group of kids pulled up next to a door. Gold looked up to see her name in big letters on the door.
“Whoa! When was this made?” Gold asked.
“It was made when you entered the house!” The red stick explained.
“Whoa! So is it magic?!” Gold asked excitedly.
“It kinda is! Go on! Open the door!” The lavender stick said. Gold nodded and took hold of the handle. Gold then pulled the handle down and entered the room.
WHOA!!!” Gold gasped as she saw the room that was created for her. Her bed looked like it was made for a princess. She also had a closet full of clothes just for her. Gold then ran over to the window and excitedly climbed onto the window seat. She pressed her face against the glass and looked outside. What she saw was a beautiful field of flowers.
“Your room is so pretty!!!” The red stick said as she hopped into Gold’s bed.
“Thanks uh-” Gold paused as she sat on the cushioned seat. “Did I ever get your name?”
The four stick kids froze as Gold asked that. Sage then turned to the other three.
“You guys didn't introduce yourselves! Quick!’ Sage said as he and the other three got in line one behind the other. Gold sat on the windowsill in confusion. Before she could ask what they were doing, Sage bowed dramatically.
“Sage at your service!” He said before stepping away.
“Ember reporting for duty!” Ember said with their chest puffed out. They then did a salute before marching away.
“Iris on sight!” Iris said as she jumped forward. She then cartwheeled away, leaving the last stick to introduce herself.
“Scarlet’s the name! And never forget it!” Scarlet said as she twirled away. Gold hopped off the window seat and followed her new friends.
“You guys are so cool!!!” Gold said excitedly. The four stick kids bowed as gold clapped for them.
“Thank you thank you!” Scarlet said, blowing kisses to an invisible crowd. The other giggled as she did so.
“You're so dramatic Scarlet.” Sage said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and ruffled her hair.
“Hey! Hey, stop that!” Scarlet huffed as she escaped his grasp and fixed her hair.
“Can't help that it’s built into my very code! I was born for the stage!” Scarlet said as she checked herself in the mirror.
“Is that what you did before coming here?” Gold asked curiously.
“Yep! I was a child prodigy! And I would have been famous if that stupid wannabe didn't shove me into the road.” Scarlet scoffed.
“Wannabe?” Gold asked. Scarlet turned to gold, an almost mischievous look in her eyes.
“Oh no! She’s gonna do it again!” Iris gasped.
“Run Gold! Before it’s too late!” Ember said. But it was indeed, too late. The next thing Gold knew, she was sitting in a chair and it was dark.
“Um-” Suddenly, there was a spotlight pointing at her bed. Scarlet stood there in a dramatic pose. Gold was about to ask what she was doing before Scarlet began talking.
“It starts with a tale as old as time. A young girl with dreams of being a star! She had the looks and the talents! She would have made the perfect star!” As Scarlet told her story, she gave a very dramatic dance. At least, that’s what gold thought it was.
“But of course, every story needs its villain. Enter my mortal enemy; Xenon! They also aspired to be like me! A star! We competed for years! I used to believe it was a friendly competition! But, I was betrayed!” Suddenly, the light faded. Gold sat patiently, she was slightly confused, but understood the jist of Scarlet’s story. Suddenly, the light came back on and Scarlet was in a whole new set of clothing.
“On that fateful day, we were to compete once more. Compete for the main role in the biggest play of the century! Just as I make my way to the theater, I run into my mortal enemy! We spoke for a bit! And right before I turn to leave, they push me into the street! Right in front of an oncoming truck!” Gold gasped as the lights suddenly snapped off. When they came back on, Scarlet was in tattered clothing. Gold wondered where all these clothes came from. She’d have to ask Scarlet after the performance.
“Unfortunately for me, the impact didn't kill me on sight. But instead, it put me in a coma. I was trapped within my body for months, slowly withering away while my parents gave everything they had to keep me alive. But alas, my injuries were too great, and I soon succumbed to the cold hands of death.” The spotlight faded out again. Once the room lights came on, gold clapped for Scarlet. Scarlet bowed gracefully.
“Thank you, thank you! You're too kind!” The crimson stick giggled.
“Are we done yet?” Ember sighed as they sat at the foot of Gold’s bed. Scarlet scoffed and sat down.
“Oh come on! That was a great performance!” She huffed.
“It was nice the first time. But after the fifth it just gets boring.” Ember murmured.
“Rude.” Scarlet said as she climbed off of Gold’s bed. God stood from her seat and joined the rest of the group.
“I had fun. Was that whole story true?” Gold asked. Scarlet nodded.
“Yeah. That’s how I died. Slow and painful.” She said as she leaned against the wall. Gold noticed that Scarlet’s normally fiery personality faltered. So gold walked up to scarlet and hugged her.
“Hey! What are you doing?!” Scarlet yelped in surprise.
“I'm hugging you.” Gold said, looking up at the older girl. Scarlet’s face became darker as she looked away.
“W-well obviously! But what I'm asking is why!” Scarlet demanded. Gold looked at Scarlet innocently.
“You looked sad. My dad hugged me whenever I was sad. So, I thought I should hug you too.” Gold said, resting her head on Scarlet’s shoulder.
“AAAWWWWEEEEEE!!!!!” Iris, Sage, and Ember cooed at the two. Scarlet sputtered.
“Wh-what the heck was that?!” Scarlet flusteredly demanded. Gold looked up at Scarlet.
“Do you not like hugs?” She timidly asked. Gold was about to let go of Scarlet when Scarlet’s arms quickly wrapped around Gold.
“N-no! I-I like hugs! Y-You just caught me off guard!” Scarlet said with a huff. The whole room was suddenly full of laughter from the five little sticks.
The friends were lying on the floor in the middle of Gold’s room. They lay face up, staring at the fake stars on the ceiling.
“You know,” Gold started, getting everyone’s attention. “I think I’m starting to get used to it here.”
“Really?” Ember asked, turning to face the new recruit. Gold nodded.
“Yeah. I think with you guys here, I’ll be able to get through anything.” Gold said with a smile. Gold expected her friends to reply back to her. But they didn’t. In fact, the entire atmosphere of the room changed. Gold turned onto her stomach and looked at the other stick kids in the room.
“G-guys…?” Gold stuttered. Her friends all looked away from her.
“D-did I say something wrong? I’m sorry-“
“No, gold. It wasn’t you.” Sage said as he sat up. He wore a sad smile, trying to comfort the younger girl. But it didn’t work.
“Then why are you guys so sad?” Gold asked. The other three sat up and looked at gold. All sharing the same sad look.
“Gold, you don’t remember your death yet right?” Sage asked. Gold shook her head.
“No not yet… why?”
“Gold, when someone remembers their death, It can cause them to change….” Ember said.
“What do you mean by change?”
“Well, before I died, I was a servant in training. One of the things we had to do was test food for poison.” Sage said. He scoffed and crossed his arms.
“Turns out there was poison in the food I ate. I puked myself to death.” Gold’s eyes widened in horror. Iris hugged Sage as she shook.
“When I remembered my death, I just couldn't eat anymore. I was so afraid of feeling that pain again, if I wasn't already dead, I probably would have starved myself to death!” Sage dryly chuckled.
“S-so you don't eat anymore…?” Gold carefully asked.
“Sage eats now. But it takes a bit of encouragement for him to even finish.” Scarlet said, moving a loose strand of hair out of her face.
“Not only does remembering death change you mentally, it also changes you physically.” Iris said as she stood.
“See, I was raised in a circus. I did trapeze with my brother.” Iris said as she showed off her flexibility.
“We were performing one day when my rope snapped. I fell to my death.” Iris said as she stood upright again.
“The fall broke all my bones. That’s why I'm so flexible.” Iris explained as she suddenly contorted her body into an unnatural position. Gold cringed as Iris did.
“Ok ok! Stop doing that!” Gold said as she covered her eyes.
“Sorry.” Iris said as she turned her body back to normal. Gold uncovered her eyes and sniffled.
“If you guys’ death changed you guys so horribly, iIm afraid of my death.” Gold said as she hugged herself. Sage, Iris, Scarlet, and Ember embraced the little girl, trying to make her feel better.
“It’s ok Gold. When you do remember your death, we’ll be there to support and help you.” Ember said. There was suddenly a knock at the door.
“Gold, are you in there?” An unfamiliar voice asked.
“Who’s that?” Gold whispered.
“Oh, that’s Mr Bel. He works for Miss Dandi.” Iris said as she backflipped her way to the door. Once there, she opened the door and smiled.
“Hi Mr Bel! What are you doing here?” The youngest stick asked excitedly. Bel glanced down at iris before scanning Gold’s room. He then cleared his throat.
“Dinner is ready. Everyone is waiting for you five.” Bel explained. The stick kids hopped to their feet.
“Yeah! Dinner!!!” The younger members cheered. Sage just sat awkwardly.
“You think I can sit this one out?” He sheepishly asked.
“Oh come on Sage! You need to eat more anyway!” Scarlet huffed, pulling Sage along with her.
“But I ate lunch! I don't have to eat dinner too!!” Sage yelped as Scarlet dragged him out of the room. Iris giggled as she took Gold’s hand.
“Come on! We gotta go before the others get all the good food!” Iris said excitedly
“Yeah! Let's go!!” The two girls then followed their friends out of the room and down to the dining room.
Prologue-(Chapter 1)-Chapter 2
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theflyingravenbird · 2 years
Sure, Tingle's weird, but you know who's weirder? The guy from Spirit Tracks who left his wife to build a sanctuary for rabbits that he did not have because they're roaming around New Hyrule completely fine.
You know who's even weirder than that guy? His wife, who, after being basically abandoned, saw the sanctuary and went "sure, whatever, I'll stay here" after about five minutes of thinking about it.
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linguario · 11 months
#god #of #war #ragnarok #ps5 #full #game #level #17 #chapter #05 #the #lost #sanctuary #1080p #60fps #sharpen
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star2fishmeg · 28 days
wait imagine getting 43 tattooed and luke kissing it before going down on you im sick
now these are the thoughts im talking about!! HELL YEAH I THINK ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME. was not expecting others to feel the same when i posted that thot
i swear to god this is so hot i want luke to eat my face off
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he'd get so hard at it too, seeing it peek out your bikini bottoms one summer, lustful pride shooting straight through him as the ink reminds everyone of who you belong to. and he would brag about it too, "oh thats cute. but does your girl have your number tatted on her pussy? didnt think so."
if someone mistakens you for quinn's 43, oh luke's hands will be all over you, gluing you to his hip, wet and sloppy kisses to your neck, yappin about how lucky he is just to send the message.
giving it a kiss before burying his face in your cunt, tongue lapping through sopping, tender folds desperately. Nose bumping your swollen clit with deep, gutteral moans vibrating through his chest and into you, drinking your dry as he ravenously ruts his hips into the mattress to tend to the cries of his aching cock. bc yeah, you're luke hughes 43's person, his lover, his sancuary.
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littlesparklight · 6 months
Some general thoughts on the gods on Troy's side, and why they might be:
Aphrodite: Presumably out of affection for her son, Anchises, and Paris. Very potentially, wanting to assure the gift she's given Paris lasts as long as possible? But if this is a factor, hardly something she is beholden to in any way; it'd probably be more about her own pride in that case. But, given that she also helps protect Hektor's corpse, when he, at least, is no longer able to pay her back for such aid, her affection/aid to the Trojans aren't just for or because of those three.
Apollo: Thetis' warning/prophecy to her son that killing Tennes/a son of Apollo would mean Apollo would kill him (Plutarch, Quaest. Graec. 28, Bibliotethe, Epitome 3.26), then we have Achilles killing Troilus in his sancuary, which would be reason enough on its own but Troilus can also be Apollo's son. There's Apollo so ardently protecting Hektor throughout the war, even/maybe especially after his death (Hektor is also in several sources Apollo's son). Also his relationship with Hecuba and how in Stesichorus he rescues her. (Could also put Kassandra and Helenos here.)
Part of his defense of Troy might be about "fate" and when it's the "proper time" for Troy to fall, but Apollo's ties to Troy/individuals attached to Troy are more deep-set than that. He is the one to punish Neoptolemos' sacrilege of killing Priam at Zeus' altar. Apollo is also rarely present during vase art scenes around the Judgment, potentially connecting to; Apollo specifically being the one to aid Paris (or in some variants, using Paris' shape) to kill Achilles. Real-world wise, the possibility of connecting Apaliuna(s)/Appaluwa as Wilusa/Troy's patron god to Apollo.
Ares: Unstable ally. Hard to say how consistently he is on either side; Athena says he "only yesterday" on the first day of fighting in the Iliad was loudly pledging to Hera and Athena that he'd help the Achaeans.
Perhaps he's been aiding the Trojans more or less secretly/openly throughout the war, as much because he supports whatever side he wishes on a whim as that Aphrodite (and Apollo?) has asked him to. Either way, certainly not as consistent nor out of any particular affection or feeling of protectiveness for the Trojans.
Artemis: "For, in her pity, holy Artemis is angry at the winged hounds of her father, for they sacrifice a wretched timorous thing, together with her young, before she has brought them forth. An abomination to her is the eagles' feast." (Agamemnon, Aeschylus, line 135) ; this is about the eagles and hare omen, which replaces (or in addition to, as this seems to have happened in Mycenae) the snake and sparrows one. Artemis is put forth as unhappy with Troy's (future) fall/the war.
And, it's of course very easy to see the demand for Iphigenia in reparation for Agamemnon's hubris in a similar way, that if he/the army, wants to go off and kill/enslave innocents elsewhere, he/they has to start at home. She may also be helping her brother, and there is the Skamandrios, son of Strophios, who she herself taught to hunt in the Iliad. She has independent connections to Troy, and could be one of the more focused on Trojan deities along with her brother and their mother.
Leto: We have nothing, aside from the fact that she is on the Trojan side with her children in Book 21. But real-world-wise, there's also that Leto was an important goddess on the coast, and in Lycia connected to a Lycian mother goddess. So one could probably make inference for the in-universe reason being as much her siding with her children as that Troy is honouring her (maybe particularly so), along with the rest of the countries on the coast.
Xanthos: intimately woven together with Troy's royal family, as he's married a couple daughters into the line and his (only?) son's daughter married Dardanos.
Zeus: He's technically/actually neutral, a driving force to keep the war going as it "needs to". He's therefore on Troy's side more through the sentiment(s) he expresses or is assigned to him rather than in action.
Particularly so if one turns to the "he planned the war" variants - but these are never about Troy, or Paris, but rather about something much larger than any fault any individual Trojan or Troy has a whole as made themselves guilty of. [Though individual mortals in the Iliad, and in later sources, both tragedies and lyric, will imply that it's Zeus as god of xenia that ensures his working towards Troy's destruction, rather than any plan that has little to do with Troy.]
For his connections to and being for Troy, have Proclus' summary of the Kypria for example, where the plan mentioned at the end is to "relieve the Trojans" specifically, and that phrasing turns Achilles' anger and Zeus acting to fulfil his demands not about Achilles' honour, but about aiding Troy. In Pindar's Paean 6 (fragmentary), Zeus is said to "not dare to change fate [the destruction of Troy]", easily to implicate that he otherwise might, because he would wish to. More important, perhaps, is his statement that Troy is his most favoured city, and how Hera offers up three of her favoured cities for Zeus' one, how he wishes to save Hektor, and the description in the Iliad (by Poseidon) that Dardanos was the/one of the sons [by mortal women, though Elektra couldn't have been that] that he loves the most.
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ineffablejaymee · 8 months
they made him so funky i love him
too late hes my special boy now
i love his silly little outfit
and the little 'huh??'
'i seldom kahoot' 💀💀
he doesnt want anything to do with zeus' bulshit and hes so real for that
he offered to protect percy and his loved ones (mom and best friend) BECAUSE HE WAS IN DANGER BECAUSE KRONOS TARGETTED HIM
trying to keep a mother and her kid(s) safe from a war reminds me of someone right nic-
and he believed them??? he didnt say nuh uh stoopid child? he listened and offered to help
yeah i know he wanted the bolt to protect himself but he made a fair offer to percy
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that-mangy-mutt · 3 months
SaveAFox has been hacked
a channel of a fax sancuary who rescues foxes from fur farms that have been taken down was hacked, im unsure of exactly what’s happening
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twyla19 · 4 months
Happy Pride Month!
It's June 9th, and we are just iver a week into this amazing month.
Some reminders:
Trans men are men
Trans women are women
Non binary individuals are non binary
This also doesn't define them if these individuals look, dress, or have interested that don't "align" with their gender.
Men can wear skirts and like dolls
Women can be mechanics and like trucks
Non binary people don't owe people androgyny nor being masc or femme to "fit in" a box.
There is no pride in genocide, yes i am bringing this up cause theres a bunch of pink washing and general rainbow washing that makes certain countries look "better" to prove that the genocide they are commiting is "okay"
No matter who you are, in Gaza, Sudan, Congo, and the many other places that are currently suffering from genocide, the oppressor wants them all dead.
They do deserve life and live freely. They deserve love, compassion, and to be able live on THEIR land without worries of being killed for it.
Im not gonna be a hypocrite either. This goes for Indigenous people, indigenous Hawai'ians, and all the other territories the US has power over. They deserve to be independent, thriving nations without the worry of a money hungry billionaire country stepping in the way.
Hell billionaires shouldn't even exist. Housing is a necessity. Food is a human right, and so is water. Education should be free. Healthcare is a human right and deserves to be given to everyone that needs it.
The US needs to bud out of other peoples business and focus on what is going on here. But nope, they dont care cause of capitalism. Where workers basically work until they die or die while working. And if you fit outside their standards (like myself being disabled), they dont want you to live anyways nor be happy.
Pride events need to be accessible FOR ALL, meaning spaces need to be wheelchair and accommodative to disabled queer people.
Intersectionality needs to be a part of everything we do and especially for activism.
So for some hopeful stuff.
Some states have been working on becoming state sancuaries for queer and trans people.
There have been many resources that i have reblogged about Gaza and helping palestinians get funds to get out of Gasa and to safety. If not, OperationOliveBranch on Instagram and Tiktok also have a great linktree resource of how to help.
Finally, love will win and conquer over everything else. This post may seem hopeless or doom posting, but that is the reality. It's not even half of what my brain goes through a cycle of hope and despair. I am hopeful things will change and get better, that we all will stop worrying about our differences and fight against the people who actually want us to fight while they play astronauts and water divers.
If you made it this far into this post, share an emoji in the comments or reblog this.
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aaronpurr-sirr · 6 months
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Attempted to draw roscoe from old friends senior dog sancuary :]
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khihi · 8 months
Imagine you're high with Jure and Jan, you already stole a raccoon from a random dumpster, committed tax fraud with Jan's high maths, and now are going to an animal sanctuary in a shopping cart to meet nace
IDEAL DAY, take me to this parallel reality please i want to live there
we'd try to steal a capybara or something from the sancuary to be a friend for the raccoon <3 nace notices absolutely nothing different in jan and jure's behaviour <3
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elvenfforestydd · 1 year
Give me a whump in places of safety: Maybe someone violated the sancuary, and transformed it into one of danger. Or maybe, the harsh pain of healing has seeped into the space.
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raven-nerd4life · 1 month
reasons my room is off limits to creatures
My dog might eat something unedible
My dog gets on counters and tips things over a lot
When people touch my stuff they don't put it back right where it was
People use MY stuff without asking
I haven't had the time to clean it up, act like it's constantly clean, and pretend I'm better than you
Dog hair
It smells like a decaying body
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I needed to rant
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satureja13 · 2 years
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Mr Ito: “The Council considers - under certain conditions - to pardon you and Ms Ngyen. If you agree to provide any relevant information about the vampire Vladimir Tepesz and what happened at Winter Solstice at the temple. You could work for the Council again, my son.”
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Kiyoshi: “Your son is dead, Mr Ito.”
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Scary Sister: “You really shouldn’t befriend those creatures, Kiyoshi.” Kiyoshi: “I am one of those creatures.”
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Kiyoshi really had other things to deal with. His fated mate - Jack... He studied werewolves for almost two years now and his strategy to dominate Jack and become his Alpha eventually has not been as successful as he had hoped.
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Even though Saiwa is a vampire, he is kind of Jack’s Alpha, and Jack trusts him and obeys him. So it is possible for a demon like him to become Jack’s Alpha. He needs to gather more information and try harder to make Jack trust - and love him!
(I’m not so sure if you can force this, Kiyoshi...) It’s really hard for Kiyoshi, because he is no ‘natural’ leader, but Jack is a omega through and through, so Kiyoshi must take on the Alpha role in their relationship, if he wants it oder not (My thoughts on this are -> here) or Jack will leave him in the end for a stronger Alpha. Well, that’s at least what Kiyoshi thinks... and maybe he's even right. It's hard for non-werewolves to understand how a pack works. *sigh*
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It hit Kiyoshi hard that Jack doesn’t seem to love him enough to trust him. Jack was broken when he saw that Kiyoshi is a demon. And a few days before that, Jack broke up with him in the sancuary because Kiyoshi was not ready to tell him the truth. Kiyoshi really wished he could have made their relationship more ‘durable’ before he tells Jack about the Laboratory. But he was too afraid that Jack would leave him.
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