#sanders sides audio drama
syzygy-podfic-project · 8 months
Sanders Sides Audio Drama Auditions
Auditions for the Syzygy Audio Drama are now open! You can find the link to the audition information here!
Make sure to only submit the form once you are confident in your recording! Only the first submission will be accepted, so take your time and get the best take you can before submitting!
Tips for recording your audition:
Record in a small space that's insulated - a closet can work very well, as the clothes can minimize the echo and avoid too many outside sounds.
Make sure you are the proper distance from your microphone - this can take some testing and trial and error!
Have your microphone resting on a flat surface, don't attempt to move it while recording.
Don't be afraid to do multiple takes and only pick your favorite ones!
Audacity is a free audio recording software that is very intuitive for a beginner to use, if you're looking for a recording program.
Feel free to send an ask if you have any questions!
@tsseventhub @sanders-sides-events
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Sanders Sides is really annoying (affectionate?) to me bc when we talk about 'canon' most people in the conversation are all going to have different ideas of what 'canon' is from each other. For example, for me (and I'm making this post bc I wanted to clarify what I in particular am talking about when I talk about canon) canon is the mainline canon videos, asides (and videos that were previously asides) as well as other dedicated videos (such as the grwm) are supplementary but not canon, and nothing else is canon. But then there are people who take clarifying tweets as canon. And that's fine! It just makes it a little confusing when people are talking about 'canon' but everyone is talking about a different range of information.
Like I'll personally admit I'm a little snobby about what I consider canon. I'm the type if person that thinks if the creator wants something to be canon, it should be stated, implied, or possible to extrapolate from the canon work. For example with Dungeon Meshi, I don't take Daydream Hour as canon information, but rather supplementary. (Not that I need to bc Ryoko Kui does put everything you need to know into the manga, seriously if you haven't read it, I can't recommend it enough.) But there are some people who do. And that's ok! I also don't take her tweets or interviews as canon. This is a general rule I have in what I take as canon across all fandoms.
And I think I've not been clear enough about what I mean by 'supplementary' and I mean like, for example in Ace Attorney I am again, a total snob, and I only count canon as AA 1-4 and AAI 1&2 and this is not an incredibly unpopular opinion but it's still... y'know. Not considering 2 main line games canon. And there are loads of reasons for that which we don't have time for in this post bc we're not actually talking about Ace Attorney, so to get to my actual point. I don't consider the audio drama CDs to be 'canon' but you bet your ass Mikeko is showing up in my fics (a CD only pet cat for Apollo) and I also just stated I don't view AA5 as canon, or at least the same canon (it's complicated) but I love playing around with Clay's concept and several of the other characters from 5+6. I'm just not talking about them when I'm talking strictly about canon.
Idk if I explained that well enough (and if I didn't, please ask me to clarify). I just feel like everyone should have access to the information that I am a snob with unpopular opinions and I love you even if you're less of a snob than me. In fact that would probably be a plus. You DO NOT have to agree with me, I love when people have their own opinions, 'it takes all sorts' and all that, yeah? I just wanted to clarify what I'm talking about when I mention canon.
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bdifh-main · 3 years
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The Two Princes ↑
Roleslaying with Roman ↓
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guys, it has the same type of energy XD
The Two Princes is an audio drama on Spotify (basically film but without video, you hear talking, noises and a whole story ((much better than audiobooks))).
and who knows what Roleslaying With Roman will be? but it gave me a similar vibe.
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violetreereads · 4 years
Something I’ve wanted to do for a while and have put it off until now. 
I’ll keep making them though if ya’ll want me to. 
Original Story
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goodieghosty · 3 years
Me: Goddammit brain please you already have so many sanders sides aus you do not need to make another one just because of one audio-
Also me: owo modern gods au, all of the sides are gods
But uh ye
Please stop me but also don't because uh, 👀 I'm already imagining all the drama they all would have gone through and I love it.
Roman and Remus are both gods of the arts and are able to create anything so long as they can imagine it. Their creative differences are what split them apart until recent years, they're still in competition with each other, of course. Remus is absolutely responsible for every nightmare inducing creature on the planet
Patton is a fertility god, and is known as a protector of children. It's not easy to get on his bad side, unless, of course, that person is an abuser. Then he will make it his personal duty to make sure their crops suffer. But not many have crops nowadays, so their bad fortune will manifest in other ways. Impotence, for example. A demotion. Success will never come that person's way. He's very morals based, and back in the day if a farmer had bad crops if was often seen as them not being in Patton's favor. Basically if you had "good morals" you'd thrive, if you didn't, you'd suffer. He's a little lost now, as he's coming to terms with the fact that not everything is black and white.
Logan is a god of wisdom and innovation. Scholars would turn to him for insight and he would provide them through visions. He's always searching for bright minds to help further humanity, but often times they do not heed him, and that infuriates him to no end.
Janus is a god of deception and war. Do I really need to explain? Well I will anyways. He really, really liked playing both sides. Didn't matter which one paid him more tribute, he would only help whichever one would benefit himself in the long run. Many have tried to have his head for the betrayal, especially other gods, whose favorite cities were decimated by his actions. It's given him many a scar. Roman is the one who gave him the half snake appearance, after a particularly nasty war destroyed the city that revered him the most
Virgil is a god of darkness and nightmares. He thinks humanity never should have discovered fire, because they were better off being fearful of everything. He exists everywhere there is darkness. His proudest creation was the night sky. Nothing but pitch blackness as far as the eye could see-and then Roman created the stars as a gift for Logan and Yes he is still bitter about it.
I'm just saying as immortal beings they've all gotten around. Remus is the worst about it tho, he's like if Zeus and Loki became one being like-Remus is responsible for so many demigods and creatures. Bish literally once turned up with just a mass of tentacles all swaddled up and went "hey Roman come meet your nephew Cthulhu-" "idk what the hell that is but you can take it right tf back to the depths of the ocean" "aw ;n; "
They're gods and they're all gay and they can all shapeshift so having kids is just, p simple. Janus once tricked a king into marrying him by disguising himself as a beautiful woman, and then had a child who would later on betray the kingdom by killing said king. All because the king killed one of his snakes. Throughout the whole marriage and pregnancy Janus wore a veil-because he can't hide the snake part of his face-and warned the king that should he try to peer beneath it, terrible things would happen. Well the king did, and the rest was history
Roman falls in love too easily, especially with mortals. It's a tragedy really. He did once have something with Logan, but Logan didn't feel the same. Roman thinks if he keeps displaying these fantastic feats and giving these amazing gifts he'll get somewhere, but no. With mortals however-they eat that up.
Whenever Roman comes around with "I'm in love!" they're all over it-except Patton. Patton is just happy for him. Virgil however "you know, you throw that word around so much I don't think you understand what it means" and Roman is always so defensive "and what do you know about love?" "I know the difference between actually loving someone, and loving the attention. If you want attention so badly you should seek out your worshippers. A week from now you're going to get bored of them, just like all the others."
They just constantly butt heads. Until one day Patton has enough and puts them together for a task all "I am sick and tired of you two being at each other's throats, so you're going to work together and make something. Using both your abilities." And that's how storm clouds and thunderstorms came to be and Virgil finally saw how light and dark bring out the best in each other. And now he has a crush on Roman, but Roman is dense af and just keeps falling for mortals
Patton lost his cool one time. Once. And that was when his greatest patron turned out to be selling children into slavery. Logan helped plan it, Janus was the one who managed to get all those involved-patron included-all in one place. And then they just turned Patton loose like, yeah. He destroyed an entire villa and leveled it to the ground
Remus loves making oddball creatures and showing Logan because Logan always finds them interesting and he always gives him input
Now imagine all that, now imagine them all trying to fit in with modern society
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mythgirlimagines · 2 years
(After Sparkle took Purple to see a stage show...)
Sparkle: (entering the con building) SO, LITTLE PURPLE ONE, HOW WAS THE SHOW?
Purple: (sighing) Nary a clue. All theatrical performances are virtually identical to me.
Purple: (dramatically) Whether it is "The Lion King" or "The Wiz", you can consider me one of "Les Mis".
Purple: (bowing slightly) Much obliged.
Purple: (matter-of-factly) Iambic pentameter.
Sparkle: (growling under her breath) CLASSIC...
Source: Sanders Sides
(During a Hope's Peak-wide dodgeball game...)
Iris: (with an icepack on their face, after flopping their latest play) Sorry, Dream-senpai...
Dream: (encouraging) Hey! Don't worry, Riri!
Dream: (glaring at a certain someone in contempt) I'm glad SOMEONE is trying today!
Janon: (sleeping on the bleachers, having just woke up) Oh, sorry...
Janon: (sarcastically, going back to sleep) Woo-hoo! Way to throw those murder-balls! Go, team, go...
Dream: (sarcastically) Nice team spirit!
Source: Total Drama Island
Video Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krnouTvWefc)
(In Scar's clinic)
Scar: (holding up an inkblot illustration) Now, High Demon of Heart. It's time to take the inkblot test. Tell me, what does this remind you of?
Myth: (without hesitation) Boys.
Scar: (showing another inkblot illustration) What does this remind you of?
Myth: (without hesitation) Girls.
Scar: (showing yet another inkblot illustration, irritated) What does THIS remind you of?
Myth: (after a long "uhhh") Crushes.
Scar: (frustrated) GRRR! You are obsessed with your CRUSHES!
Myth: (sassily) Hey, YOU'RE the one showing me all the sexy pictures.
Source: Animaniacs
VIdeo Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmF51rUwuH8)
(Whenever Wyre and Nerd are alone in a room together...)
Nerd: (filled with contempt, to Wyre) You SUCK!
Wyre: (angrily) YOU SUCK MORE!
Wyre/Nerd: (metaphorical lightning between their eyes)
Curious: (sticking their head into the room) Myth-senpai and I made pancakes.
Wyre/Nerd: (walking to the dining room, bad moods instantly gone) Okay, coming...
Source: Unknown Audio
Fusion II (and to a lesser extent, the younger non-mom-friend Ultimates): (exists)
Fusion: (internally, confidently) I have got this! I can be a good father!
Fusion: (thinking back to all the "dad/mom friends" he kins) I've seen a lot of television!
Source: Resident Alien
Video Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lufWRq6AZQ)
Wet Sock: (spinning one of their knives around, casually) "They’ll never find the body" is a boring threat. Threaten that they’ll never STOP finding the body!
Egg: (polishing one of their pet eggs, equally as casual) They’ll be recovering pieces of you for at least THREE MONTHS. You’ll be alive for at least TWO of them.
Eldritch: (from the other side of the room) Y-Y'all are fricking t-TERRIFYING!
Source: Tumblr
Page Source: (3wyp4ajxhmg81.png)
(The Fancy One/Mastermind dealing with their first ever KG hostage...)
The Fancy One/Mastermind: (smirking as they look down on their tied up victim) I'm not going kill you. Not in the mood. What do you think that's about?~★
The Hostage: (feeling they actually have a chance) In mercy, does your power lie?
The Fancy One/Mastermind: (sneering disdainfully) No, brainless...in torture, death, and chaos does my power lie.~★
Source: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
As usual, I hope you like these quotes I've put out for all of you! And be sure to keep your eyes peeled for more content made by yours truly!
-Fusion Anon
Lol the TD one XD
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creativia10 · 3 years
Navigation/Master post
To help get my blog more organized
Original writing: Phone Call on the Run(show) audio drama,
Some of my current fanfic ideas I may write.
-post about a current TSS fanfic idea
Note: Please let me know if any of the links to fics on my list here aren't working. It can be through an ask. I'll redo them and see if that helps. (9/30/23)
General Prompt Guidelines (recent update)
-Owl House prompt guidelines (in addition to general guidelines)
For Beta reading:
*What I am willing to beta-read is similar to the prompt guidelines' I list
Beta Reader Inquiry (recent update as of 4/9/2023)
Polls: 1, 2
(My first one) Plushy Janus
Tuliptober (2022) Fics :
Endnote for End of Tuliptober
Saiki K:
(Ouran hs host club crossover) - Shared Annoyances
*From Request(s):
TSS- When Virgil Can Share His Spider Love
Owl House- A Witch Bean's First Birthday
Itty Bitty Storyteller (AO3)
Playing Pretend the Human Way
Titan Dream Talk
Chaotic Reunions
From Guest to Family
Bewere the Inner Otter
Becoming a Werecat
Luz Scare-Cams
What Howls Can Also Caw
(Toh Halloween Fics) Willow versus Fear
When Supermoons Bring Forth the Bat-Fox within (Raine x Eda)
Owl House:
Ghost Caleb and Hunter series-
An Unexpected Specter Watching Over
Hexside Starts and Locker Haunts (continued from 'An Unexpected Specter Watching Over')
Retaliation and Discovery
A Cozy Movie Night with Head Scratches
Looking out for Hunter
Hunter wants Bi culture
The Flowers Tradition
First Night in the Same Room
A Duet after all these years- (Owl House au with TS characters)
The Cartoon Therapist- Cartoon Therapy/Wednesday crossover
If Rainbow Colors Shown on Soulmates
Sushi can go with Honey Mint Coolers too- Wylde Flowers (video game) fic, a note about this fic
The Effects of Bakery Aromas- Wylde Flowers
(mainly) Sanders Sides:
Recursive Fics}
Emile in the Fae Garden
Laoft Fics
The Kindness of a Glow
Patton and the Remus Plushy
Janus doesn't need a Plushy
Patton Overthinks Plushy Courtesy
Cookies, A Big Cat, and Conversations
When Quitting is Hard
Effect of Roman being in a cult job series-
When Roman Gets Into a Job Cult (part of series)
The Next Day (sequel)
(From Loceit Week 2023)- The Merits of Scientist Lab coats
Another Way (Valentine's Day)
Others in Working Through Intrusive Thoughts
From Dukeceit Week 2022:
Tattoo Trade for Damage
Hunter Janus/ Creature Remus
From Dukeceit Week 2021:
House Rivals are Just Exciting
A siren of a Black Skirt (sfw vs)
My first drabble
Better Vampire (drabble)
Project Partners (drabble)
Janus on his cameo in RSWR (drabble)
A Dance of Thought (drabble)
Logan vs Sales (drabble)
About wips
First Wip: Dukeceit Vs
Wip 2 (Avatar lta au)
Wip 3
Wip 4 (Roman and Logan switch)
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ayellowcurtain · 5 years
Drunk! Robbe // Could you maybe do something about sander and robbe reunion // I would love to see how you picture robbe and sander reunion! //Sander and Robbe reunion 
His face is still there, painted in the intense colors that Sander promised him. Robbe can’t help but feel guilty for being so weak for Sander and whatever involves him. For the longest time, he looked up to Jens and how he seemed to take everything so lightly while Robbe was constantly feeling too much. That’s his main problem, he doesn’t know what’s like to not feel a thing. 
The music stops playing when Robbe gets a text and he touches the screen right away, hoping to see a reply from Sander, but it’s just Jens talking about going out to drink something later. It’s been over twenty-four hours and Sander hasn’t replied yet and Robbe can’t stop blaming himself for it. He made way too many mistakes and he pushed Sander right back into Britt’s arms. He’s still holding his phone, so he just opens the conversation, trying again. 
to Sander: I don’t understand anything anymore. 
to Sander: just tell what’s going on in your head and maybe I can help, Sander. 
Robbe starts typing a huge text, asking why Sander is back with Britt, but he deletes every character one by one, taking a photo of the mural and sending it to Sander. Robbe accepted that he won’t get an answer, so he turns his music up as he skates back home, telling Jens that he’s not feeling good so he’ll just go to bed early today. 
You’re so fucking dumb. How can someone fall in love so quickly? He’s back with Britt, what the fuck are you waiting for him to do? He’s just trying to be nice and not say it to your stupid face. 
Robbe pushes his pillow out of his face, throwing it on the floor. He screamed at it for long enough. And with the amount of vodka he drank tonight, if he screams one more time at the top of his lungs, he might make himself puke. 
There are no new messages. Robbe is holding his phone so he would know if he got a new text, but he checks anyway. He sent a bunch of audios to Sander over the last hour and he can’t remember what he said so he presses play in one of the messages. 
Sander...please...just answer me...
He pauses the audio right in the middle, there’s no way he’ll listen to the rest. He’s a drunk and whining mess and Sander must be running away from him right now. 
Everything is still slowly spinning around him, but Robbe manages to sit on his bed. He pushes the empty bottle to the side with his foot, watching as it rolls and stops against the wall. At least if he falls, he won’t hurt himself too badly. 
Very carefully, Robbe manages to get out of his bedroom. All the lights are off, so if he’s quiet enough, he can have the entire house to himself. He just needs a cold shower before he tries to fall asleep, forget about all the drunk messages he sent and that Sander never replied. 
It’s a struggle to take his hoodie and shirt off at once, as he’s trying to pull it out of his head, someone knocks on the door. Robbe stops what he’s doing, pulling his hoodie back down to make sure that he’s hearing right. 
Another knock on the door. Robbe looks behind him. 
Both Zoe’s and Milan’s doors are closed and Robbe is almost sure he saw his three flatmates earlier, so he’s sure everyone is home. If it’s Senne’s brother again, Robbe will deal with him by himself, neither Zoe nor Senne need to deal with his drama again. 
He unlocks the door and opens it abruptly, trying to look somewhat sober and scary. Just when Robbe sees Sander standing there that he realizes that his hoodie and shirt are still just wrapped around his neck. Sander notices it too, looking Robbe from his head to his toes. 
Robbe quickly put his clothes back on and Sander is still just standing there, looking at him, waiting. Robbe looks at his chest, not able to keep looking into Sander’s eyes when he knows he sent too many drunk messages and that Sander probably heard every single one or he wouldn’t be here now. 
“Are you still with Britt?” He’s almost sure he asked that during one of his audios, but he never got an answer. “Be honest, Sander.” 
“No. You can check my phone if you want.” Robbe watches as Sander grabs his phone inside the pocket of his black jean jacket, offering it to Robbe, but he shakes his head, there’s no way he’ll just go through Sander’s phone like some stalker. Even though it’s tempting. 
Why did you take so long? Robbe doesn’t have the courage to ask, but he thinks about it. Just now, looking at Sander in front of him that Robbe realizes how long they haven’t seen each other in person. Ignoring those five seconds at the coffee place, they haven’t seen each other in over a week. 
Sander looks even better than what Robbe imagined these last few days. His brain didn’t do a good job of memorizing how perfect Sander is. 
Robbe moves closer and Sander instantly does the same, they meet in the middle, inside the flat, crashing their lips together and Sander smiles in between the kiss when Robbe wraps both arms around his neck, walking back on his tiptoes while Sander closes the door behind him, taking Robbe to his bedroom, making sure to lock the second door behind him. 
It’s such a messy kiss, but Robbe doesn’t care, he’s too happy to care. Sander comes down when Robbe pulls him closer, pressing his fingertips against the small of Robbe’s back. His hands quietly go up, underneath Robbe’s shirt and hoodie and he makes it look so easy as he carefully takes both off at the same time, smiling as he manages to do it on the first try, dropping it on the floor, always looking at Robbe.
“Everyone is home...we have to be quiet...” Sander just nods his head, moving on to kiss Robbe’s neck already while quietly pushing his sweatpants down. 
“You’re so handsome, Robbe.” He whispers against his ear and Robbe holds him tighter around his neck, feeling the goosebumps run down every nerve of his naked body, completely exposed while Sander is still completely dressed. Sander rests his forehead against Robbe, panting. His hair is all messy from Robbe’s fingertips constantly touching the back of his neck, he has the cutest smile as he closes his eyes, slowly lowering his kisses from Robbe’s neck to his chest, keeping both hands at the small of Robbe’s back, a little too close to his ass. 
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latestageyouth · 5 years
Sanders sides youtubers au
Virgil alias Anx1ety
11.8 million subs
- Pretty much just Poppy
- It started off as a joke with their college friends in 2011 but then it grew larger and people started making conspiracy theories about their channel and they just...rolled with it.
- The first music video they made wasn’t even a video it was just audio (but a really disturbing one, think faceshopping by SOPHIE)
- The only difference between Virgil and Poppy is that Virgil didn’t start off their music by fairly normal music, they just went full-on Voicemail.
- They eventually got contacted by a record company in their rise in popularity, and with that, they could release even more music.
- They do a lot of streams on twitch
- also Virgil doesn’t go in public that much in the summer and spring, as they need to cover their face to not get constant harassment from their fans, and you can’t exactly do that without getting a heat stroke
Roman alias Prince-SingALot
3.2 million subs
- Started off as a cover channel that gained attention after he started covering Disney
- He eventually started making vlogs too, mostly storytimes but then just regular ones
- His subscribers then found his Instagram. He went from having 200 followers to having 2,000 to having 2,0000 in two days
- Can play like,,,,6 instruments at once
- Prank videos? Pranks videos...
- he doesn’t care about consistency, he just makes videos that he feels like doing
(Has a strict schedule tho-)
- does cosplay and cosplay tutorials. he had once dressed up as amethyst and all the fans thirsted for him.
- made a p!tad covER ONCE and the emos converted him (golden days specifically)
Logan alias LogicVsHollywood (Later changed to TeaSpilled)
4.2 million subs (roman is still mad about the million)
- started off being CinemaSins and ended up...uh... I don’t know he’s basically a meme
- started exactly 6 and a half trends and introduced 4 new slang terms
- He was just happy living his life pointing out inconsistencies in movies but then Roman just had a make a collab with him about Disney movies and had to ruin his image of a professional asshole.
- He reads all the comments. That’s how he noticed the slang terms, so, naturally, he started using them himself. That’s also the beginning of the meme king
- He eventually started making videos on youtube drama and discourse, calling these videos “Tea Analyzed”
- He doesn’t even realize what an icon he is among teenagers, I don’t even think he could comprehend it
Patton alias Patcake
70.7 k subs
- was originally a cooking channel (like he still is but like-)
- when he didn’t talk about the recipe, he talked about his day and stuff which led to him doing ask videos which led to him doing storytimes which led to him doing-
- you get the point.
- He is everyone’s dad. Everyone’s. Are you his fan? Adopted. Are you a kid that accidentally spilled his drink on him? Adopted. Are you a rabbit? Adopted.
- he is friends with Roman and Logan and talks about them a LOT
- he once made a reaction video collaborating with Logan about Anx1ety and was traumatized for a week.
- You will literally not expect him. He just rambles on and on about his day and then he just,,,,gets like really dark and depressing for a second and then turns back into his happy self. Patton what is going on. Who hurt you. PAtttOn tHe fanS ArrE COnceRNED-
Ethan (Deceit) alias blogmylife
1.0 million subs
(notmylife - 730.6 k subs)
- his channel is a web series like EverymanHYBRID or lonelygirl15. He’s been on youtube since 2009. He is eternal. He is what the god’s fear.
- Probably appeared as an extra in some of Anx1ety’s videos. 
- He has another channel named “notmylife” which is just his personal ooc channel. He uploads conspiracy theories in there, also his pet snake videos. Also his bf. Just his stuff.
- blogmylife is run by him and Remus, but Remus has his own channel too.
- I have not figured out what the series would be about, but I reckon it would be very psychological and eerie. It would have disturbing psychological elements (Remus) mixed with some sort of “society against me” concept (Ethan)
- blogmylife also has a twitter. It is very much in character and is mostly ran by Ethan
- Anx1ety is subscribed to him. It caused a lot of commotion and a lot of Anx1ety’s fans ended up watching the web series.
Remus alias Frick
971.9 k subs
-...that’s...that’s his username...he didn’t even fucking try....
- Prank videos? Prank videos! *horrified screeching*
- Lives with Roman, so he loves fucking with his brother. But not in the “confuse not abuse” way, half of his “pranks” aren’t even funny, he’s just an asshole. There’s always some drama going on with him (which Logan very appreciates-)
-When he’s not doing that he films videos about Ethan and his snakes, or his rats.
- oh yeah, he has 2 rats. Their names are Thumb and Brian because how could he skip out such a reference but also fuck expectations ema rite?
- Also does conspiracy theories but the nigahiga kind. He just takes the most ridiculous one and connects all the dots.
- also does a lot of “controversial opinion” videos with opinions he doesn’t even have just for shits and giggles.
????? alias Anne‘s Corner
89.4 k subs
- No one really knows anything about who runs this channel
- Anne has a hood up, a bandana over their mouth and sunglasses on their face
- They do let’s plays mostly
- when they don’t do let’s plays they talk about the lgbt+ community
- there are a lot of theories about who Anne is, but Anne has a video series debunking the theories
- They also did multiple videos telling people to stop guessing who they are as it makes them very uncomfortable and telling people that they hide their identity for a reason
- records videos in their closet
-Roman asked them to collab multiple times but was always rejected
- both Logan and Ethan did a video on them separately
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art-by-rozzai · 5 years
band au headcannons? more likely than u think
tbh i just love found family tropes and band tropes and platonic lamp is the shit
it’s the schools fault really. it starts as some stupid music theory project where virgil is forced to make friends once again, and do all of the work yet get none of the credit. the requirements seem simple enough-find three-four different instruments and write a song about something you all have felt before
when patton hart, the one of the only kids who’s ever made an attempt to talk to him, asks virgil to join his group of three, virgil decides he’s got nothing to lose and agrees.
virgil plays keyboard/piano and sings. his voice is really good, sounds a lot like tyler joseph from twenty øne piløts. (remember that lmao) his keyboard is his life-the only thing that’s able to help him through his anxiety is music. it’s a lifeline for him. virgil’s keyboard is plain black when the band starts, but when they start to become more mainstream, logan and roman buy virgil a purple piano and paint on a lightning theme. he loves it.
patton plays drums. he started playing because of his fidgeting-he was always tapping his fingers on something and decide to make the best of it!! his drums are a light blue set. (later, clouds are painted on them by roman and virge). playing music is one of his favorite things, but he wishes he had people to play with. his solo group is missing something-so, he starts by asking logan croft, straight a student, validictorian and the band’s best bassist. lo says he might as well, and types his number into patton’s phone before offering a small smile and heading to his next class. then, he talks to roman prince-an incredible gutairist and singer, the lead in almost ever school musical.
logan plays bass. (and cello, but that’s not as important for the story lmao) he likes bass because while it doesn’t stand out the most, it’s crucial to carrying the melody of the song. his bass is decorated completely in a space theme-stars and galaxies line up the sides and the strings have been replaced from black to white. roman and patton worked together to create it and gave it to him for his 15th birthday present. it’s the only gift he’s cried over receiving
roman plays gutair/uke. he also sings a lot, but doesn’t like it as much unless it’s for the school play, where he isn’t worrying about playing an instrument at the same time. the double tasking can screw up his playing a lot. he learned uke first, after obsessing over dodie clark videos. he plays a tenor uke that he decorated with disney stickers, usually on covers because it’s sounds really good with his voice. he plays acoustic and electric gutair, but he seriously prefers acoustic. he decorated his light wood gutair with hand drawn roses in different shades of red. it’s his prized possession.
so now these three friends and one acquaintance are partners! (yay!!) patton sends them all a text to meet at his house on friday, and bring instruments and a smile. virgil shows up ten minutes late (not enough to be rude but enough to not seem too excited) and carries in his keyboard. he takes a seat next to logan, who is sprawled across the couch scribbling into a notebook.
after a few games of never have i ever to get to know one and other more (patton insisted) the four began to work. they discuss topics to write about and suddenly find themselves having a really deep conversation about life and death and feeling meaningless
and they relaize that maybe they have more in common then they thought.
so they start writing. and playing. and writing. and playing. it takes three sessions before they write their first song-it’s called taxi cab. (listen to the tøp song bcuz it’s that but add in bass and a bit of uke)
when the project is turned in, they get an a, and virgil is surprisingly upset he won’t see these friends again. until patton starts inviting him to hang out with them more. and suddenly he feels like he didn’t have a life before patton, logan and roman. everything is going great-he gets to bake and laugh with patton, read and stargaze with logan and watch movies and complain about drama with roman. life is perfect.
until roman suggests they put the song on his yt channel and things start to get crazy. after much arguing, virgil agrees on one condition-they’re faces must be blocked out. romans cool with it, deciding to create a cool thumbnail and simply play the audio. they decide to name the band “sander’s sides” after their highschool, sanders high and the fact they’re all different sides that all come together in the end. the video goes viral overnight.
virgil is panicking. this was just supposed to be some easy project that was over immdiatly and now he’s on the trending page??? this is insane roman i swear to god-
virgil’s not the only one freaking out-logan is terrified. people have never seen him in this way-vunerable and showing a side of himself he doesn’t like that much. if anyone finds out one of the members is him-logan doesn’t know what he’d do. still, the comments are flooded with love for all four members. people are obsessed with this group.
so after some convincing from patton, the group starts writing together more often. they post frequently on youtube, constantly creating more and hanging out together. then they drop their first album, simply called “sander’s sides”, which the fans nickname “self titled”
the album gets insanely popular very quickly. part of the hype is the mystery of who the band mates were-only the friend’s family members and the schools band teacher know. it’s the middle of lunch when lo gets the call from his mother to turn on the radio and he nearly faints. they’re on the radio!!! people everywhere are listening to them!!!
everyone is talking about who the sides could be. fans have started to call themselves the “fanders”
patton lovesssss fan interaction-so he suggests they start responding to fanart/mail! they each are allowed to run one account-patt starts a band snapchat, logan takes twitter, roman creates a band insta and virgil sets up the tumblr account. they all enjoy responding to fan work, especially answering questions that the fans have.
most noteably-w h a t a r e u r n a m e s ?
but logan and virgil insist they dont tell anyone-what if people they know in real life find out that they’re in the secret famous band
that’s when fans decide to use nicknames-
whoever is running the tumblr account constantly makes self deprecating jokes and complains about mental health? anxiety!
the insta runner is very proud of his aesthetic and ability to create stunning pictures of each member without revealing their identity? creativity!
the snapchat runner is the biggest sweetheart ever and constantly send fans inspiring messages and reminders to drink water? morality! (most of the fanders end up just calling him dad tho.)
the twitter runner is the most responsible, is always up to date on politics and sends helpful advice to fanders who need help being adults? logic!!
i’m gonna finish this tmrw but enjoy for now lmao lmao
(check out that kinda similar band idea that idk the name of but can b found when u search “sanders sides lamp headcannons”)
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
News It’s ‘America vs. Socialism’ as the CPAC conference previews Trump’s reelection strategy - The Washington Post
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The Conservative Political Action Convention started on Ash Wednesday in a reelection year with a mute carrier on the shore of the Potomac River. Wearing Trump bumper stickers on their church hats or gold-colored “Trump 2020” pins on their collars, the devoted approached an altar branded with the logo of the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Middle. A priest dabbed their foreheads with the label of the outrageous and knowledgeable them to emulate Jesus. “Act like him, mediate like him, focus on like him.”
Two hours later, these few dozen of us joined the broader CPAC viewers in a cavernous ballroom, the build President Trump campaign adviser Katrina Pierson knowledgeable them to “lift home Donald J. Trump a accumulate in 2020.”
“The absolute top allotment about that,” she promised, “is we accumulate to take into story more liberal tears.”
Since a pre-presidential Ronald Reagan helped inaugurate the annual gathering half a century in the past, CPAC has become a form of political pilgrimage for conservatives, an nearly sacred match that has hosted just some of the motion’s crucial addresses and politicians. Since Trump’s election four years in the past, the convention has functioned in election years because the most predominant revving of the Republican engine, priming the messaging and activist networks that will quickly flood the country. And this year modified into once no varied, even supposing the enlighten messaging struck an apocalyptic point to.
As the self-described democratic socialist Bernie Sanders takes the lead in early Democratic primaries and caucuses, CPAC’s message for 2020 is “The us vs. Socialism.” The slogan modified into once written on posters across the Gaylord and absorbed in the fashions of attendees who lined up for hours open air the ballroom to register: college college students in “Kiss Me I’m a Capitalist” T-shirts, a lady in four-bound considerable particular person-spangled heels, males in fits and tennis sneakers, dogs in dinky pretend combat jackets.
And this approach guard for Trump’s reelection modified into once nothing if now not confident.
“Trump’s going to build up in a landslide,” stated Robert Rappaport, a 77-year-well-liked retired engineer from Naples, Fla., whose conservative philosophy modified into once rooted in the writings of Friedrich Hayek and the Bible, and expressed on his T-shirt: “Substandard Lives Matter.”
CPAC traditionally saves its easiest materials for closing, culminating on Saturday with a scheduled look by Trump. Nevertheless Rappaport and about 800 other of us confirmed up early and stayed gradual on the convention’s first day for “negate motion training,” a preview of the programs Republicans will want to build up surely one of essentially the most nationally unpopular presidents in stylish historical previous reelected.
The session’s titles once quickly promised more drama than the audio system delivered. “Weaponize Social Media” grew to become out to be a mosey-present tutorial on easy programs to half fundraising hyperlinks along with your folks. “The Destiny of Our Culture and Our Nation Hangs in the Balance” modified into once headlined by Accept. Dan Crenshaw (R-Tex.), who entertained the existence of “properly-intentioned liberals,” however stated they dwell up turning into socialists anyway.
“They’re pushing just a few of essentially the most radical insurance policies this country has ever seen,” Crenshaw stated. “How did we accumulate to a diploma the build Bernie Sanders is the belief chief of a predominant democratic Celebration?”
Grand TV shows entertained the gang between lessons, blasting Trump quotes and cable news clips at such volume that one attendee’s carrier canines began to bark in dread. As Wednesday evening anguish down, Mercedes Schlapp — a Trump campaign official who is married to Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union which runs CPAC — equipped this recommendation on recruiting undecided voters to the cause: “Account for them it's now not any longer your grandfather’s Democratic Celebration.”
When the attendees returned Thursday morning, they were greeted by a newly erected barricade of metal detectors and Secret Service officers. CPAC’s first most predominant speaker, Vice President Pence, would approach spherical noon.
Quite minor conservative celebrities floated across the camera-lined hallways in the in the meantime. Accept. Douglas A. Collins (R-Ga.), contemporary off his role defending Trump in opposition to impeachment costs, modified into once mobbed at practically each and every TV or radio gross sales enlighten he walked previous. Scott Jenkins, the 2nd-amendment-loving sheriff of Culpeper County, Va., paraded in uniform with a unparalleled smaller entourage.
Matt Schlapp paused so as to add his signature to a fan’s 10-year-well-liked touring T-shirt, which already bore the marks of Andrew Breitbart and Joe the Plumber. Ronald Solomon, proprietor of TheMAGAMall.com, schmoozed the gang and predicted an easy reelection for the president. “I’ve never equipped more hats," he famed.
An casual sampling of faculty Republicans, who had traveled here from colleges across the country, yielded a more sober evaluate of Trump’s probabilities.
“I mediate this will be tight,” stated Olivia Higgins, a freshman at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wis. “Hundreds of my guests, even most, are very liberal.”
Composed, she emerged beaming from the broad auditorium the build she and plenty of other thousand others watched Pence advise that the Democratic predominant contest will dwell when “a monster truck with a fats T on the hood drives into the infield and runs upright over them.”
The group inside of readily burst into applause and chants — particularly when a Trump impersonator in an outsized slither well with and copious face makeup tried to interrupt the speech, most effective to be marched open air and down the corridor by half a dozen security officers.
Within the equivalent hallway, a self-described anti-fascist demonstrator who had purchased a label modified into once arguing at the tip of his lungs with associates of far-upright social media personality Laura Loomer.
“Isn’t this attention-grabbing? It’s a microcosm!” marveled John Folsom as he watched the spectacle. A political “agnostic”, Folsom stated he had attain to CPAC to achieve outreach for a popular’s enhance community in Omaha. “That’s what I admire about The us,” he stated. "You’ve bought a free alternate of suggestions, you’ve bought two of us who obviously don’t accept as true with each and every other. It’s an argument, now not a dialogue.”
Interior the auditorium, the arguments tended to veer one-sided. Trump household Ivanka, Lara and Donald Jr. graced CPAC’s stage on Friday, praising their boss and patriarch’s administration as effusively as Trump will seemingly attain himself when he takes the stage this weekend.
“My father-in law modified into once presumably like so many contributors in his room, so frustrated by what he noticed going on to his country, and the wasteful spending," stated, Lara Trump, the president’s daughter-in-law and a campaign adviser. “I don’t know if any individual remembers the limited on the treadmill,” she added, referring to a federally funded glimpse on water quality that inflamed some conservatives in 2011.
In a panel on fats know-how, the president’s son Donald Trump Jr., a campaign surrogate, complained that Trump fundraising emails were going into his spam, which he instructed modified into once a draw by computer programmers to test out to come to a decision on the election.
“They are going to cheat. They are going to,” stated campaign manager Brad Parscale, echoing a an identical sentiment to Don however directing his ire at Democrats. “What it’s going to be is all of you standing up, doing one thing and combating. ... That’s what’s going to abet this motion alive, that’s what’s going to build up this president four more years.”
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Women's World Cup final: USA v Netherlands - can Dutch shock holders?
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/womens-world-cup-final-usa-v-netherlands-can-dutch-shock-holders/
Women's World Cup final: USA v Netherlands - can Dutch shock holders?
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Posted at 14:0814:08
Oranje faithful are loud and proud
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
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Tom Garry
BBC Sport in Lyon
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BBC SportCopyright: BBC Sport
Inside the ground, hundreds of the Netherlands fans have arrived early and they are unmissable, behind the goal away to our right.
I can only assume it is an unwritten law that you HAVE to wear orange when you’re at a Netherlands match. They always bring colour, passion and dance moves and today is no different.
Posted at 14:0714:07
Late Dutch magic settles tie
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
The Netherlands reached their first Women’s World Cup final after new Manchester United midfielder Jackie Groenen netted in extra-time to settle their cagey semi-final against Sweden.
The 48,452 fans inside the Stade de Lyon had looked set to endure a nervy penalty shootout, before Groenen’s crisp low shot sunk the Swedes’ hopes of reaching their second final.
Video content
Video caption: Dutch win dull semi – 120 minutes of tedium in 100 secondsDutch win dull semi – 120 minutes of tedium in 100 seconds
Posted at 14:0514:05
Post update
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
When Jackie Groenan gets a shout-out from her idol…
Posted at 14:0314:03
American domination in the stands again
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
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Tom Garry
BBC Sport in Lyon
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BBC SportCopyright: BBC Sport
As so often in this tournament, the USA fans are set to enjoy a large majority in the stands today. They are everywhere! They travel to these major competitions in immense numbers, and there must be close to 30,000 of them here.
Posted at 14:0214:02
USA break England hearts
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
The USA booked their place in the final with a thrilling victory over England in the last four.
They kept their record of scoring within the first 12 minutes when Christen Press and striker Alex Morgan scored with headers either side of Ellen White’s instinctive equaliser.
There was more drama to come in the second half as White had a second goal ruled out for offside before Steph Houghton’s 84th-minute penalty was saved by Alyssa Naeher.
Centre-back Millie Bright was then sent off for a second bookable offence, as the defending champions marched into the final for the third tournament in a row.
Video content
Video caption: Women’s World Cup: All the goals, drama & tears in the semi-final that had everythingWomen’s World Cup: All the goals, drama & tears in the semi-final that had everything
Posted at 14:0014:00
Post update
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
When your dreams come true. Allie Long watched the final in 1999 but this is her first time competing in one.
Posted at 13:5913:59
‘Default back five’
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
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Izzy Christiansen
England and Lyon midfielder on BBC Radio 5 Live
With the pace the Netherlands have, we could see the USA default to a back-five during the game, and that will be exciting for the neutrals.
Posted at 13:5813:58
Post update
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
The teams arrived a little earlier and there was a nice moment as the teams headed into the changing rooms. Dutch winger Shanice van de Sanden embraced her former Lyon teammate Morgan Brian, the USA midfielder who is now with Chicago Red Stars.
Posted at 13:5613:56
Full team news
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
USA make two changes to the team that defeated England in the semi-final. Megan Rapinoe, who is battling Alex Morgan for the golden boot, comes back into the first XI in place of Christen Press. In midfield, Sam Mewis is in for Lindsey Horan.
USA:Naeher, Dunn, Sauerbrunn, Dahlkemper, O’Hara, Mewis, Ertz, Lavelle, Rapinoe, Morgan, Heath.
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Netherlands make one change to the side that beat Sweden in the semi-final. Anouk Dekker starts in place of Merel van Dongen and lines up in the centre of defence with Dominique Bloodworth moving to left back.
Lieke Martens takes her place in the side despite being an injury doubt.
Netherlands:Van Veenedaal, Bloodworth, Dekker, Van der Gragt, van Lunteren. Spitse, Van de Donk, Groenen, Martens, Miedema, Beerensteyn
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Posted at 13:5513:55
All the key stats
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
Everything you need to know…
Video content
Video caption: Women’s World Cup 2019: The key stats you need ahead of USA v NetherlandsWomen’s World Cup 2019: The key stats you need ahead of USA v Netherlands
Posted at 13:5213:52
‘Dutch are revelling in underdog status’
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
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Anna Holligan
Reporter BBC News, The Hague
There’s no doubt the Dutch are the underdogs. Even the commentators here in the Netherlands don’t fancy their chances.
Actually the Orange Lionesses are revelling in that status. No-one expected them to get this far. So they have already surpassed expectations. In a sense that takes the pressure off and could have a liberating effect – they have nothing to lose.
This is only their second World Cup appearance. In 2017 they became European champions and here they are, in a World Cup final. It’s been a meteoric rise – and they have shown they know how to win in big games.
The Dutch have a fearless frontline and rock-solid defence that even the mighty US strikers might find it hard to penetrate.
Can they pull off what would be one of the biggest Women’s World Cup final shocks?
As coach Sarina Wiegman said: “It’s one match – anything could happen.”
taking it to Fifa over their scheduling.
The Copa America and Gold Cup finals are also on today and Rapinoe said it was “a terrible idea to put everything on the same day”.
“This is the World Cup final. This is like, cancel everything day,” said Rapinoe.
“The World Cup final is set so far in advance it is actually unbelievable.
“So no, I don’t think that we feel the same level of respect, certainly that Fifa has for the men and just in general.”
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Posted at 13:4513:45
Post update
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
Posted at 13:4413:44
Team news
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
USA forward Megan Rapinoe has recovered from the hamstring injury that kept her out of the semi-final win over England.
She replaces goalscorer Christen Press. Golden Boot leader Alex Morgan also starts.
Full team news to come.
Posted at 13:4213:42
A unique final
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
Today’s match marks the first time the reigning World Champions will take on the European Champions in the final.
It comes two years after the Netherlands’ success on home soil, while the United States are in a record fifth World Cup final.
The USA have won their last five matches against European opposition – including victories against France and England at this World Cup.
They have also scored more goals than anybody else, 13 more than the Netherlands, who are competing in just their second tournament.
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BBC SportCopyright: BBC Sport
Posted at 13:4113:41
Post update
Posted at 13:4013:40
Doing it for Europe
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
The Netherlands are the eighth different team to play in a Women’s World Cup final – the only European nations to win the trophy are Germany and Norway.
Can they become the third?
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BBC SportCopyright: BBC Sport
Posted at 13:3813:38
Team news
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
The Netherlands have already released their starting XI and it’s good news for the Dutch fans as Barcelona winger Lieke Martens, who was an injury doubt, is fit to play.
Lineth Beerensteyn gets the nod ahead of Shanice van de Sanden once again.
Full team news to come.
Posted at 13:3613:36
The atmosphere is building
USA v Netherlands (16:00 BST)
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Tom Garry
BBC Sport in Lyon
The atmosphere outside the ground is tremendous. There are smiling faces, flags and funny hats everywhere you look.
The sun is shining on Lyon today and hopefully the football can match this glorious weather.
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BBC SportCopyright: BBC Sport
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investmart007 · 6 years
OLYMPIA, Wash | Authorities probe how airline employee could steal plane
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/YUOOZk
OLYMPIA, Wash | Authorities probe how airline employee could steal plane
OLYMPIA, Wash.  — Investigators worked to find out how an airline employee stole an empty Horizon Air turboprop plane, took off from Sea-Tac International Airport and crashed into a small island in the Puget Sound after being chased by military jets that were quickly scrambled to intercept the aircraft.
The bizarre incident involving a worker authorities said was suicidal points to one of the biggest potential perils for commercial air travel — airline or airport employees causing mayhem.
“The greatest threat we have to aviation is the insider threat,” Erroll Southers, a former FBI agent and transportation security expert, told The Associated Press. “Here we have an employee who was vetted to the level to have access to the aircraft and had a skill set proficient enough to take off with that plane.”
The Friday night crash happened because the 29-year-old man was “doing stunts in air or lack of flying skills,” the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department said. The man, who was believed killed, wasn’t immediately identified.
There was no connection to terrorism, Ed Troyer, a spokesman for the sheriff’s department, said.
Video showed the Horizon Air Q400 doing large loops and other dangerous maneuvers as the sun set on Puget Sound. There were no passengers aboard.
Authorities initially said the man was a mechanic, but Alaska Airlines later said he was believed to be a ground service agent employed by Horizon. Those employees direct aircraft for takeoff and gate approach and de-ice planes.
Southers, the aviation security expert, said the man could have caused mass destruction. “If he had the skill set to do loops with a plane like this, he certainly had the capacity to fly it into a building and kill people on the ground.,” he said.
The plane was pursued by military aircraft before it crashed on tiny Ketron Island, southwest of Tacoma, Washington. Video showed fiery flames amid trees on the island, which is sparsely populated and only accessible by ferry. No structures on the ground were damaged, Alaska Airlines said.
Troyer said F-15 aircraft took off out of Portland, Oregon, were in the air “within a few minutes,” and the pilots kept “people on the ground safe.”
Sheriff’s department officials said they were working to conduct a background investigation on the Pierce County resident.
The aircraft was stolen about 8 p.m. Alaska Airlines said it was in a “maintenance position” and not scheduled for a passenger flight. Horizon Air is part of Alaska Air Group and flies shorter routes throughout the U.S. West. The Q400 is a turboprop aircraft with 76 seats.
Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor said the man “did something foolish and may well have paid with his life.”
The man could be heard on audio recordings telling air traffic controllers that he is “just a broken guy.” An air traffic controller called the man “Rich,” and tried to convince the man to land the airplane.
“There is a runway just off to your right side in about a mile,” the controller says, referring to an airfield at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. “Oh man. Those guys will rough me up if I try and land there,” the man responded, later adding “This is probably jail time for life, huh?”
Later the man said: “I’ve got a lot of people that care about me. It’s going to disappoint them to hear that I did this … Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose, I guess.”
Flights out of Sea-Tac, the largest commercial airport in the Pacific Northwest, were temporarily grounded during the drama.
The plane crashed in a heavily wooded area of thick underbrush on the island, according to Debra Eckrote, the Western Pacific regional chief for the National Transportation Safety Board. The crash sparked a 2-acre wilfire.
“It is highly fragmented,” she said of the plane. “The wings are off, the fuselage is, I think, kind of positioned upside down.”
The FBI is looking into the man’s background and try to determine his motive, she said. Investigators are trying to find how he got on the plane.
“He’s ground support so they have access to aircrafts,” she said of the man.
Investigators expect they will be able to recover both the cockpit voice recorder and the event data recorder from the plane.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Saturday morning that President Donald Trump is “monitoring the situation.”
Alaska Air Group CEO Brad Tilden said in a statement early Saturday morning that the airline was “working to find out everything we possibly can about what happened.”
The airline was coordinating with the Federal Aviation Administration, the FBI and the National Transportation Safety Board, he said.
Royal King told The Seattle Times he was photographing a wedding when he saw the low-flying turboprop being chased by two F-15s. He said he didn’t see the crash but saw smoke.
“It was unfathomable, it was something out of a movie,” he told the newspaper.
Gov. Jay Inslee thanked the Air National Guard from Washington and Oregon for scrambling jets and said in a statement “there are still a lot of unknowns surrounding tonight’s tragic incident.””
“The responding fighter pilots flew alongside the aircraft and were ready to do whatever was needed to protect us, but in the end the man flying the stolen plane crashed,” Inslee said.
By RACHEL LA CORTE and KEITH RIDLER , Associated Press
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marilynngmesalo · 6 years
‘Suicidal’ employee steals passenger plane, crashes off Seattle coast
‘Suicidal’ employee steals passenger plane, crashes off Seattle coast https://ift.tt/eA8V8J ‘Suicidal’ employee steals passenger plane, crashes off Seattle coast
SEATAC, Wash. — A “suicidal” airline employee stole an empty Horizon Air turboprop plane, took off from Sea-Tac International Airport and was chased by military jets before crashing into a small island in the Puget Sound on Friday night, officials said.
Preliminary information suggests the crash occurred because the 29-year-old man was “doing stunts in air or lack of flying skills,” the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department said.
Ed Troyer, a spokesman for the sheriff’s department, said on Twitter the man was suicidal and there was no connection to terrorism. The man’s condition after the crash wasn’t immediately known.
Video showed the Horizon Air Q400 doing large loops and other dangerous manoeuvres as the sun set on the Puget Sound. There were no passengers aboard.
Authorities initially said the man was a mechanic but Alaska Airlines later said he was believed to be a ground service agent employed by Horizon. Those employees direct aircraft for takeoff and gate approach and de-ice planes.
Follow this thread for official info. This is not a terrorist incident. Confirmed info .. this is a single suicide male. We know who he is. No others involved.
— Pierce Co Sheriff (@PierceSheriff) August 11, 2018
Witnesses reported seeing the plane being chased by military aircraft before it crashed on Ketron Island, southwest of Tacoma, Washington. Troyer said F-15 aircraft scrambled out of Portland, Oregon, and were in the air “within a few minutes” and the pilots kept “people on the ground safe.”
The sheriff’s department said they were working to conduct a background investigation on the Pierce County resident, whose name was not immediately released.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Saturday morning that President Donald Trump is “monitoring the situation.” He’s currently at his New Jersey golf club.
The aircraft was stolen about 8 p.m. Alaska Airlines said it was in a “maintenance position” and not scheduled for a passenger flight. Horizon Air is part of Alaska Air Group and flies shorter routes throughout the U.S. West. The Q400 is a turboprop aircraft with 76 seats.
Male is confirmed a suicidal male. Acted alone he is 29 year old Pierce county residence . We are working back ground on him now.
— Pierce Co Sheriff (@PierceSheriff) August 11, 2018
Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor said the man “did something foolish and may well have paid with his life.”
The man could be heard on audio recordings telling air traffic controllers that he is “just a broken guy.”
An air traffic controller called the man “Rich,” and tried to convince the man to land the airplane.
“There is a runway just off to your right side in about a mile,” the controller says, referring to an airfield at Joint Base Lewis-McChord.
“Oh man. Those guys will rough me up if I try and land there,” the man responded, later adding “This is probably jail time for life, huh?”
Later the man said: “I’ve got a lot of people that care about me. It’s going to disappoint them to hear that I did this…Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose, I guess.”
Stolen horizon airplane crashed into Ketron island. Preliminary info is that a mechanic from unknown airlines stole plane. Was doing stunts in air or lack of flying skills caused crash into Island
— Pierce Co Sheriff (@PierceSheriff) August 11, 2018
Flights out of Sea-Tac, the largest commercial airport in the Pacific Northwest, were temporarily grounded during the drama.
The U.S. Coast Guard sent a 45-foot (14-meter) vessel to the crash scene after witnesses reported seeing a large plume of smoke in the air, Petty Officer Ali Flockerzi said. Video showed fiery flames amidst trees on the island, which is sparsely populated and only accessible by ferry.
Alaska Airlines said no structures on the ground were damaged.
Royal King told The Seattle Times he was photographing a wedding when he saw the low-flying turboprop being chased by two F-15s. He said he didn’t see the crash but saw smoke.
“It was unfathomable, it was something out of a movie,” he told the newspaper. “The smoke lingered. You could still hear the F-15s, which were flying low.”
“Our hearts are with the family of the individual aboard, along with all of our Alaska Air and Horizon Air employees,” Horizon Air Chief Operating Officer Constance von Muehlen said in a video posted on Twitter.
Spokesmen for the Transportation Security Administration, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Aviation Administration directed inquiries to local authorities.
Gov. Jay Inslee thanked the Air National Guard from Washington and Oregon for scrambling jets and said in a statement “there are still a lot of unknowns surrounding tonight’s tragic incident.”
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