#sarah wilson fan art
fleurdelouve · 10 months
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By Artist Karina (artlordkarina on Twitter)
Here’s a Sarah & Bucky piece! My friend on Insta requested I sketch “Sarah & Bucky hug with Bucky’s face obscured” because she knows how hard it is to draw Bucky 😂 I liked the sketch enough to finish the drawing all the way. #SarahBucky #TFATWS #CAATWS #BuckyBarnes #SarahWilson
This is so cute!!!! 😍
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tllgrrl · 3 months
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7th Inning Stretch by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
Sarah Wilson/James “Bucky” Barnes | 5K Words | Ch 1: SFW Fade to Black. Ch 2: NSFW Spicy.
Summary: Sarah and Bucky enjoy their day off, beating the heat at home on the sofa, watching the ballgame.
Summer + Baseball + Waltzing + Ice(?) = Shenanigans!
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Chapter 1 - Take Me Out
Where: Southern Louisiana.
When: Summertime. Baseball Season.
Late afternoon at the Wilson-Barnes home. It’s not just hot and humid. It’s steamy, and rain is in the forecast. It hasn’t started yet, but it’s on its way.
Sam’s visiting for a few days, and to keep two bored tween boys from going stir crazy he offered to take his nephews to the movies, pizza, and then for a mini-shopping spree at Crescent City Comics in NOLA, so Sarah and Bucky, both in lightweight cotton shorts and tank tops, are lazing on the sofa, enjoying a quiet day off…and air conditioning.
Like in many older buildings and houses in Southern Louisiana, opening windows and/or doors and letting the air flow through was “air conditioning” in the generations-old Wilson house.
To make it more effective, some window units were installed in the living room and the bedrooms, including Bucky’s bedroom/office in the attic.
Having Stark Industries and WakandaTech available did have its perks. Low profile, high-efficiency and environmentally friendly A/C was one of them.
But sometimes, open windows and good screens were fine. Especially after sundown.
Bucky got the small ice chest out of the garage, filled it with ice, a couple of bottles of beer and 2 bottles of water. Sarah laid out some snacks, including a few of Bucky’s favorite granola bars, on the coffee table.
He’s watching the L.A. Dodgers (the “Brooklyn” Dodgers, as he sometimes calls them) play the New York Mets while he rubs her feet with his warm right hand.
She’s enjoying the hell out of the pampering, while reading the novelization of the Bridgerton spinoff, Queen Charlotte.
He knows about the popular TV series and enjoys the way she tries to keep a cool demeanor at what she and her friends call “the juicy parts” of the book.
He can hear her when she says under her breath, “Well, alright now…” or “Mmm-hmm…”
And he took particular note when she covered her mouth, whispered “Giiiiirl?! Yesss…” and her toes curled in his hand.
He planned to try and get her to read whatever that part was aloud to him later.
“It’s almost time,” he informs her, releasing her foot and rubbing his left hand, still cool from holding a cold beer, on her legs.
“Mmmm…that’s nice.” she sighs as she lightly kneads his thigh with her heels. “Time for what?”
“7th Inning Stretch…”
“…You know the song, right? Take me me out—“
“To the ball game? Everybody knows that song.”
“Yeah, the chorus part of it. Did you know there are verses?”
She laid the book down on the coffee table next to the bowl of roasted peanuts, snagged a little cube of ice and rubbed it on her wrists, her neck and her collarbone.
His eyes caught a drop of water from the ice making its way from the hollow at the base of her throat, down her chest, rolling into her cleavage.
For a second he considered going in after it. With his mouth and tongue. Instead, he gave her another piece of ice and popped one into his own mouth, crunched it, then taking her hand slowly kissed up her arm, from the pulse point of her wrist, watching her eyes slightly widen as she grins.
"Is that right..." she murmured, getting a little lost because it felt like every time his cold mouth landed on her warm skin, all of her attention, her focus, was drawn to that spot on her body.
And he saw her thighs press together just a little when he reached the inside of her elbow, kissed it and then rubbed his bearded cheek on it, making her hiss and pull away but just a little because the cold followed by the warmth made her want more.
“Verses? That song has verses? Lay it on me, Sinatra.”
“Okay, it goes something like,
Katie Casey was baseball mad,
had the fever and had it bad.
Just to root for the hometown crew,
Every sou—that’s a penny—Katie blew…”
“Really! That’s how it starts?”
“Yeah. Learned it from my Pa. There was another version later about a girl named Nellie Kelly.”
“Anyway," she ruffled his hair, and lightly raking her nails on his scalp, she watched his eyelids start to flutter. "I’ve never heard the intro before. My baseball knowledge isn’t very deep. Daddy’d sometimes watch depending on who was playing, and you know about Sam and his football. I’m into whatever the boys are into, but I don’t know a lot about baseball.”
“My Ma loved baseball. Prob’ly more’n Pa. She’d listen to games on the radio doin' housework, or makin’ dinner, and during the 7th Inning Stretch she’d grab me and Becca, turn the radio up, and we’d all three of us dance around in the living room. God, in the summertime it’d be so hot, but we didn’t care.
Sometimes if I had a little bit o’ money left from a job, when the ice wagon came around I’d run downstairs and get us snow cones.
Man, when that ice hit your mouth…it was like heaven. I’ll never forget…”
Sarah saw that soft smile and look of almost wonderment he sometimes gets when an old formerly-lost memory resurfaces.
‘Well, anyway,” he offered, rising from the couch, taking her hand and leading her to the middle of the room, “I’ll be more than happy to be your private baseball tutor.”
“Private tutor, huh?”
“Mmm-hmmm. May I?”
She nodded, he placed her right hand on his shoulder, took her left hand, and pulled her nearer.
“When you’re watching the boys’ team play, you want to be the parent who knows exactly what they’re yelling at the ump for.”
“Well, I thank you in advance, Professor Barnes.
So when do my lessons start?”
“Now. Do you waltz?”
“Waltz? A little. Not much occasion to, but I can waltz with a good partner.”
“You’re in good hands. Trust me. Okay…”
He raised the volume on the TV, tossed the remote onto the couch, and they began to dance as the announcer sings:
🎶Take me out to the ballgame,
Take me out to the crowd…🎶
“Say! Not bad, young whippersnapper!”
“Thank you!”
🎶Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack…🎶
“Who taught you?”
“Daddy. And mama taught Sam.”
“Sam? Your brother Sam? Sam Wilson can waltz?”
🎶Root, root, root for the home team,
If they don’t win it’s a shame…🎶
“Oh, yeah! Social Dancing was definitely part of our Home Training. But not Soul Train dancing. You learned popular dances from friends, and from the TV.
I mean Fox Trot, Swing, and Waltz. Like your Mama taught you, our Mama and Daddy taught us…just like you’re gonna teach Cass and AJ.”
“You want me to teach them.“
“Mmm-hmm. They're already learning baseball fundamentals from you. You can show them basic partner dancing steps, and they can practice leading with me.”
“I thought you wanted them to like me!”
“It’ll be fun! I promise.”
“Mind if I hold you to that?”
The song continues and the crowd on the TV sang as Sarah and Bucky find themselves slow dancing.
Whenever they dance past the AC unit, they linger, feeling the cool air as it hits the light veil of sweat that has settled on their skin.
It’s Southern Louisiana. In the Summer, it’s always there.
She grew up with it.
He’s gotten used to it and actually loves it because he’d had enough freezing in his life to never want to be cold again unless necessary.
She places her hand on the back of his neck and feels him inhale, rub his cheek on her temple, then he lightly kisses her there.
The back of his left hand slides down her shoulder, then his fingers slowly run from just behind her ear, down the side of her throat.
The sensors in that hand know her skin intimately now.
He remembers the first time she took his hand, the first time he touched her arm, her cheek, her bottom lip. Her...
He lightly kisses the side of her neck, her ear, while softly humming the song, pulling giggles from her.
Her hands roam up and down his back, gently kneading the muscles there, pulling another deep inhale and sigh from him.
🎶Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack…🎶
His mouth travels to her cheek, then to her mouth.
🎶I don’t care if I ever come back.🎶
They get lost in the kiss, and when they finally do come back…
“Well, now. Tell me, Professor Barnes, do they still call a kiss like that getting to First Base?”
“I believe they do, Ms. Wilson.”
“I wonder if you can make it to Home Plate.”
“Not if I can, sweetness, but how many times.”
“Oh, really now,” she huffs, pulling away before he can go in for another scorching kiss, and heading toward the stairs.
He watches her ascend and when she looks back at him over her shoulder, she sees that “got an idea” look he gets when he gets the kind of “ideas” that get her pulled into a hideaway someplace at least semi-private for some good old-fashioned grownup shenanigans.
“The truck windows are still down,” he grins. “I’ll be right up.“
As if on cue, the wind kicks up a bit, and then there’s the sound of rain beginning to fall.
They both glance over at his phone on the end table, then at each other, and she starts to prepare herself for the words that’ll mean he has to get dressed, grab that ever-ready Backpack and board a QuinJet that’s miraculously showed up in the front yard.
(Dammit. Here it comes: “HQ called—blah blah blah. The boys and I are headed back home. Wheels up in 2 hours—blah blah blah. Sorry Buck.”)
Bucky picks the phone up, reads the message, and breathes a sigh of relief.
“It’s from Sam. He says, raining cats and dogs up here...storm’s headed your way...boys are knocked out and so am I...crashing at safe house...see you guys in the morning. Don’t get distracted and forget to roll up windows on that old truck, White Panther? Distracted?!” Bucky says to his phone. “I don’t get distracted, Samuel!”
For a few seconds, Sarah watches with amusement as he fusses at the phone, then she turns and continues up the stairs.
“Don’t take too long rolling up those windows, Lover,” she teases. “It’s the top of the 7th.
Batter up.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 2: Rounding The Bases on AO3 (Rated E)
Originally published for the 2023 SarahBucky Summer event.
Thanks for reading! (Or re-reading!)
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fleurdelouvemonth · 11 months
Something that people may not think of when making Fleur De Louve comics, fanart, or the like: Sims!!
If you play the Sims games, you can always get skins and accessories to make them look like your favorite characters, then have the Sims interact however you would like. You can also take pictures (at various angles and perspectives too, not just screenshots) along the way!
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georgefairbrother · 10 months
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This is the fourth in our occasional series featuring luminaries of stage and screen with a strong personal and/or professional connection with Northeast England, inspired with thanks by @robbielewis. Previous profiles were of Jean Heywood, John Nightingale and Edward Wilson. This time, Sunderland born actor siblings Malcolm and Catherine Terris.
Malcolm Terris was born on January 11th, 1941, boarded at Barnard Castle School in County Durham, then worked as a cadet journalist at the Sunderland Echo before training as an actor.
He was active on British television from 1963, his style perfectly suited to larger than life characters, and is possibly best remembered for his role as Great War veteran and salt-of the-earth union leader, Matt Headley, in 34 episodes of the Tyneside interwar social-realism drama, When the Boat Comes In.
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As Matt Headley, with James Bolam (Jack Ford) in When the Boat Comes In.
His more than 120 recorded screen credits include a variety of British television programmes, including Fall of Eagles, Doctor Who (Horns of Nimon, 1979), Reilly: Ace of Spies, three separate roles in Coronation Street, Our Friends in the North, The Bill, and a regular role in Rockliffe’s Babies. His final appearance was in Midsomer Murders in 2011.
His big screen appearances include as ship’s surgeon, with Anthony Hopkins as Bligh and Mel Gibson as Fletcher Christian, in The Bounty (1984), with Ricky Tomlinson in Mike Bassett: England Manager, and in Dickie Attenborough’s Chaplin, which starred Robert Downey Jnr in the title role. He has also appeared on stage including in productions of Othello and in a Broadway production of Hamlet.
He passed away at the artistes residential care home, Denville Hall, on June 6th, 2020, aged 79.
Catherine Terris was born in 1948, and trained at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA). She has been active in British television since 1972, appearing with her brother in seven episodes of When the Boat Comes In. Her other television work includes Z Cars, two roles in Coronation Street, Anna Karenina, Inspector Morse, Dalziel and Pascoe, Heartbeat, George Gently, and a regular role (15 episodes) in William and Mary with Martin Clunes and Julie Graham. She also appeared in the hugely successful feature film, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.
According to her page on the Coronation Street fan site, Corriepedia:
"...On stage she has appeared in productions of Faustus, A Rite Kwik Metal Tata, Andy Capp, Tight at the Back, Rose, Tom Jones, Billy Liar, Queuing for Everest and Into the Blue..."
Her most recent television screen credit is In the Club (BBC 2014-16) and latest big screen appearance was in the 2021 feature film, Martyrs Lane.
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On stage with Sarah Gordy MBE (The A Word, Ralph and Katie) in the 2016 Arcola Theatre production of Into the Blue, written by Beverley Hancock and directed by Deborah Paige. Image from Sarah Gordy's official site.
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imaxmovies · 7 months
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Rikki Barnes Bucky and Anya Corazon Araña
By Novacomics
They're too obscure Marvel characters have been a fan of for a while. In the comics they're friends so I wanted a piece of fan art that would capture that.
Rikki Barnes Bucky
Rikki Barnes is the granddaughter of Bucky Barnes in the Heroes Reborn alternate Universe. after captain America returns to Modern Times she became his sidekick and took on the mantle of Bucky.
My version changed a little bit one changes that she is biracial in my version of her grandmother is Sarah Wilson is black. Also rikki is nickname for Rikkita instead of Rebecca like it was in the comics. Also for weapons I gave her some magnetic frisbees kind of like the ones gogo uses in the Big Hero 6 movie and TV show for her to use as weapons.
Anya Corazon Araña
Ayna Corazon / Arana grew as a young child in Mexico City. Her dad was a crime reporter for an important newspaper in the city. Her mom is eventually allegedly killed by Mexican gangster Jade for her dad's reporting. Ayna and her father moved to the United States city of New York. Where he got a job as a reporter at The Daily Bugle. Ayna was able to eventually pick up English but she still has a Mexican accent
When Ayna was 15 she was wounded in the cross fire between two secret societies. The spider society and the WASP Society, she was saved form her injury's by Miguel Legar a senior mage of the spider society whom believed Ayna was predestined to be a person of great importance to the spider society.
Miguel became a mentor and eventually partner to Ayna as she took up the role of ' The hunter', one of two magical enhanced protectors for the spider society and all good an innocent peoples against the insidious wasp society.
Through out her training and magical enhancement, Ayna gained most of the powers normally attributed to members of the spider family. Though her ability's were more mystical in nature such as manifesting 'spider armor' and using an grabbling hook instead of web shooters
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colferpics · 2 years
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chriscolfer: Happy Struck By Lightning Day!⚡️ Ten years ago, I wrote, produced, and starred in a little indie movie called “Struck By Lightning.” It was directed by the amazing Brian Dannelly and had an incredible cast and crew, including Allison Janney, Rebel Wilson, Christina Hendricks, Dermot Mulroney, Robbie Amell, Angela Kinsey, Sarah Hyland, Carter Jenkins, Roberto Aguire and my dear friend, the late Polly Bergen. (You should have seen me dancing around the production office when the cast was confirmed - I hope there isn’t video.) Making a movie about a teenager driven by ambition, instead of sex and popularity, was an enormous challenge. Also, a project starring a young openly gay actor was nearly impossible to sell back then. But it happened! More than a decade later, I still get stopped on the street by strangers who tell me how much the movie helped them while growing up. The letters, the tweets, the fan art, and the overall support the film has received since 2013 – not to mention the heated arguments many of you got into with critics - is the greatest gift a writer could get. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and remember, always wear rubber-soled shoes during a storm. Sincerely, A Boy Who Flew [posted to Instagram Jan 11, 2023 - bottom video via Instagram Story. tweet link]
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itsthemysterykids · 1 year
Clone High AU
Coraline- Clone of Amelia Earhart
Goes missing a lot
She’s always riding on someone’s shoulders
Hangs out on the roof
Wybie- Clone of Mansa Musa
Giving his money away, it comes right back to him
Student council treasurer
Surprisingly, not very popular
Norman- Clone of Nostradamus
He’s always making these wild predictions no one believes… Until they come true
Will tell you your astrological sign
Member of the weirdos club with Agatha
Neil- Clone of James Creighton
Trying to get the school to fund a hockey team
Until then, he’s cool playing in the halls
Always the butt of Canadian jokes
Dipper- Clone of Ivan T. Sanderson
Obsessed with all things cryptids
Suspicious of the school’s intentions for the students
But no one listens
Mabel- Clone of Coco Chanel
The school’s top trendsetter
Dramatic outfit change in the middle of the day
Raz- Clone of Jules Léotard
Wears a leotard under his clothes. You never know when a performance opportunity might come
Vent gremlin with Eggs
Sitting anywhere other than a chair
Lili- Clone of Margaret Mee
Will chain herself to a tree about to be cut down
Puts up fliers about deforestation, and they’re graphic
Can and will take control of a bulldozer and chase after people trying to cut down a tree
Kubo- Clone of Sanada Yukimura
Has different blades hidden somewhere on his person
Kinda emo
Gets along well with Agatha
Eggs- Clone of Floyd Collins
Vent gremlin
Always digging for something
Tracks in dirt
Winnie- Clone of Marie Antoinette
Has a lot of wigs
LOVES cake
Has a ton of fancy gowns
Agatha- Clone of Sarah Good
Terrified of fires and pilgrims
Not a fan of modern slang, but likes cellphones
That one loner girl
Kat- Clone of Harriet Wilson
Always writing in her black journal
Tunes people out with her studded headphones
Hangs out with Wybie and Raúl
Raúl- Clone of Wifredo Lam
Never leaves home without his spray paint and a gas mask
Creates angsty art on any wall he can find
Gets along well with Lili. He designs most of her posters
Stan: So, how’d the kids take it when you told them they’ve been frozen for twenty years?
Ford: Oh, I think they handled it well.
Ford: For anyone who thinks it is 2003… You are wrong!
Clone Kids: … *Freaking out*
Coraline: *Holding up a cellphone* WHAT IS THIS?! *Points to a laptop* WHAT IS THAT?! *Points to Ford’s sneakers* WHAT ARE THOOOOOSE?!
Ford: Ah, you’re catching on already.
Lili: This isn’t real! *Hits herself over the head with a chair*
Neil: Why is the world so warm?!
Norman: Guys! Guys!… Blockbuster is gone!
Raúl: NOOOOO!!
Wybie: There was a brother in office?!
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elcomfortador · 5 months
Daria Should Have Kissed Jane Instead of Tom
“Dye! Dye! My Darling!” (August 2, 2000)
Spend a little time in a Daria fan community and you’ll find folks who ship the title character with her best friend, Jane. The show actually never does a gay episode and only gets the slightest bit queer in the first movie, Is It Fall Yet?, which has Jane affirming her heterosexuality despite how very queer she might seem. In this episode, we’re discussing the nonetheless existent lesbian vibes between Daria and Jane — and who better to offer input on this than Talking Simpsons cohost Bob Mackey? Sure, he’s straight, but it turns out that straight men can relate to female characters too. (We were shocked!)
As it turns out, Bob and Henry’s What a Cartoon podcast covers not only the Daria episode that immediately precedes this one, “Fire!” and also “The Misery Chick,” which as we discuss is a crucial turning point in the development of Daria Morgandorfer.
This week, Glen and Drew are guests on Talking Simpsons, discussing "Three Gays of the Condo" and why it's not great! If you need more of our voices in your life, have a listen here.
Go shop at our TeePublic store!
Follow: GEE on Facebook • GEE’s Facebook Group • GEE on Twitter • GEE on Instagram • Drew on Twitter • Glen on Twitter
Listen: Apple Podcasts • Spotify • Google Podcasts • Himalaya • TuneIn
And yes, we do have an official website! We even have episode transcripts courtesy of Sarah Neal. Our logo was designed by Rob Wilson. This episode’s art was designed by Ian O’Phelan.
Listen now!
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dorothy16 · 2 years
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chriscolfer Happy Struck By Lightning Day!⚡️
Ten years ago, I wrote, produced, and starred in a little indie movie called “Struck By Lightning.” It was directed by the amazing Brian Dannelly and had an incredible cast and crew, including Allison Janney, Rebel Wilson, Christina Hendricks, Dermot Mulroney, Robbie Amell, Angela Kinsey, Sarah Hyland, Carter Jenkins, Roberto Aguire and my dear friend, the late Polly Bergen. (You should have seen me dancing around the production office when the cast was confirmed - I hope there isn’t video.)Making a movie about a teenager driven by ambition, instead of sex and popularity, was an enormous challenge. Also, a project starring a young openly gay actor was nearly impossible to sell back then. But it happened!More than a decade later, I still get stopped on the street by strangers who tell me how much the movie helped them while growing up. The letters, the tweets, the fan art, and the overall support the film has received since 2013 – not to mention the heated arguments many of you got into with critics - is the greatest gift a writer could get.Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and remember, always wear rubber-soled shoes during a storm.Sincerely,A Boy Who Flew
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nessietwihard02 · 2 years
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✨✨✨𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏+𝐈𝐍𝐓’𝐋 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘!✨✨✨⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ 𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅. 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒅. 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒅.⁣ ⁣ Hello, bookish friends!⁣⁣ ⁣ 𝐐𝐎𝐓𝐃: What did you read the most this year: standalones, duologies, trilogies, or series? Let’s throw in the anthologies, too!⁣ ⁣ 𝐀𝐎𝐓𝐃: I think I read a lot of series this year, I just haven’t finished some of them yet🤣⁣ ⁣ So thrilled to wrap up this tour with 𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐌 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 for 𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐚 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬’ “𝐀 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐥!” This is the second book of 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐓𝐎𝐋, an Epic Fantasy Romance, which is highly recommended to fans of Emma Hamm, Alisha Klapheke, Sarah K. L. Wilson. Check out the synopsis below in the comments section and the link in my bio and stories😉⁣ ⁣ 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐙𝐄:⁣ 📚 Hardcover of A Delicate Betrayal⁣ 📚 $20 Amazon Gift Card⁣ 📚 Bookish swag (bookmark, sticker, character art, signature plate)⁣ 
𝐓𝐎 𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑:⁣ -Must be following ME, @author_jessaca_willis and @bookofmatchesmedia
-Like, comment, save, and tag 1 bookish friend

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-Search #ADelicateBetrayalBOMMTour and enter the giveaway every day for 10 days for more chances to win!⁣ ⁣ 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒:
Giveaway will end on December 16, 2022 at midnight PST, open to US/INTL, not affiliated with IG, must be 16+ or have parental permission to enter, must be a public act to verify entries.⁣ ⁣ #TheBookwormPrincess👸🏻⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ #JessacaWillis #ADelicateBetrayal #TheCursedKingdomOfGrimtol #BOMMtours #BOMMIndieAuthors #BookOfMatchesMedia⁣ #bibliophile #bookstagram #books #readersofig #igreads #booklover #bookaholic #mybookfeatures #bookstagramcommunity #booklovers #PageTurnersPH #bookstagramfeaturesonly #booksbooksbooks⁣ #bookish #bookworm https://www.instagram.com/p/CmO6EFZyvAm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sukorakurai · 2 years
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I posted 19 times in 2022
4 posts created (21%)
15 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 10 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#loki x tony - 4 posts
#tony stark - 4 posts
#ironfrost - 3 posts
#loki - 3 posts
#thor - 3 posts
#tony x loki - 2 posts
#fanfic - 2 posts
#marvel mcu - 2 posts
#fanart - 2 posts
#celestial beings - 1 post
Longest Tag: 22 characters
#fanfiction from fanart
My Top Posts in 2022:
0 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
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Okay I ran out of room in my first tower so I made another one. Yup I'm a fan nerd. Hopefully soon I will get a large shelf so I can display my shawarma Avenger collection.
0 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, WandaVision (TV), Loki (TV 2021), X-Men - All Media Types, Hawkeye (TV 2021), Iron Man (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Jane Foster/Thor, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Christine Palmer/Stephen Strange, Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov/Melina Vostokoff, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Ralph Bohner/Agatha Harkness, Mobius M. Mobius/Sylvie (Loki TV) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Sylvie (Loki TV), Mobius M. Mobius, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Billy Maximoff (Wandavision), Tommy Maximoff (Wandavision), Pietro Maximoff, Agatha Harkness, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Yelena Belova, Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov, Melina Vostokoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Sarah Wilson (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Stephen Strange, Wong (Marvel), Christine Palmer, Logan (X-Men), Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Scott Lang, Thor (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), Odin (Marvel) Additional Tags: Finding Love, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family, Fluff, Romantic Comedy Summary:
Loki Friggason is the Keeper of the Lighthouse in Salt Rock Maine of Mar-vel County. He haws made a nice quite life free of the constant rejection by the adoptive father that never wanted him and the crushing break of past relationships. His last Love nearly broke him to where he closed of himself to new relationships. He is content to hide away in his village gathering the locals as family and friends who would never hurt him or his heart. That is until two Mysterious Brothers take to port and dock their boat called the Iron Man into the harbor. No one really knows why they settled here and opened up a crabbing business but it looks like they're here to stay. One of the brothers has taken a liking to the lighthouse keeper and could pose a threat to that peaceful life Loki has been living. On the other hand Loki see something in those brown eyes that speak of a guarded heart and painful past underneath the charm and smiles. Is it worth the risk for something more or will it lead to heart ache and despair
This a fiction written for Snarky_Ship(Pink_Wisteria) who does great doodles and often inspires me. This was inspired by her Lighthouse Loki and Fisherman Tony Doodles which can be found on Tumblr under @SnarkShip
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Lighthouse by the Sea art by @snarkyship​
Greetings on and All. My Plot Bunnies have taken over and have started a Fanfiction for Lighthouse Loki and Fisherman Tony drawn by @snarkyship​ the first chapter is up and Posted on AO3. here’s a little preview and I hope you’ll read more and Kudos are always welcome.
“Loki Darling did you hear? The New guy is pulling in quite the catch.” Agnes laughed.
“I’m afraid you have lost me Mrs. Harkness.”
“That new fisherman Tony, that moved here five months ago. He’s been drawing the attention of almost every woman and even some men in town. He is a handsome piece of eye candy.” The older woman winked causing Wanda to roll her eyes.
“Yes Agnes so you have said. We’ll see you later I need to talk to Loki about next farmers market, we’re in charge of the stall placements.” Wanda hooked her arm with the Raven and pulled him into the store.
1 note - Posted April 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Plot Bunnies at Work (WIP)
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A rough draft I did during the holidays but got too busy to finish. Eventually once I catch up on my chore on other projects. But for fun can you identify which plot bunny is who? Try not to cheat by reading the tags. LoL 😂
5 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
After years of helping their hubbies climb the ladder of success, three mid-life Manhattanites have been dumped for a newer, curvier model. But the trio is determined to turn their pain into gain. They come up with a cleverly devious plan to hit their exes where it really hurts – in the wallet! Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Elise Elliot Atchison: Goldie Hawn Brenda Morelli Cushman: Bette Midler Annie MacDuggan Paradis: Diane Keaton Gunilla Garson Goldberg: Maggie Smith Shelly Stewart: Sarah Jessica Parker Morton Cushman: Dan Hedaya Cynthia Swann Griffin: Stockard Channing Bill Atchison: Victor Garber Aaron Paradis: Stephen Collins Phoebe LaVelle: Elizabeth Berkley Dr. Leslie Rosen: Marcia Gay Harden Duarto Feliz: Bronson Pinchot Chris Paradis: Jennifer Dundas Catherine MacDuggan: Eileen Heckart Uncle Carmine Morelli: Philip Bosco Dr. Morris Packman: Rob Reiner Gill Griffin: James Naughton Jason Cushman: Ari Greenberg Ivana Trump: Ivana Trump Kathie Lee Gifford: Kathie Lee Gifford Gloria Steinem: Gloria Steinem Elise’s Fan: Lea DeLaria Jilted Lover: Debra Monk Woman in Bed: Kate Burton Brett Artounian: Timothy Olyphant Federal Marshall: J.K. Simmons Young Brenda: Michele Brilliant Young Elise: Dina Spybey-Waters Young Annie: Adria Tennor Young Cynthia: Juliehera DeStefano Miss Sullivan: J. Smith-Cameron Eric Loest: Mark Nelson Gil’s New Wife: Heather Locklear Security Guard: Richard Council Film Crew: Producer: Scott Rudin Set Decoration: Leslie E. Rollins Second Unit Director: Jack Gill Director of Photography: Donald E. Thorin Editor: John Bloom Associate Editor: Antonia Van Drimmelen Casting: Ilene Starger Costume Design: Theoni V. Aldredge Music Supervisor: Marc Shaiman Production Design: Peter S. Larkin Associate Producer: Craig Perry Production Manager: Ezra Swerdlow Makeup Artist: Angela Levin Director: Hugh Wilson Screenplay: Robert Harling Hairstylist: Alan D’Angerio Assistant Art Director: Ed Check Art Direction: Charley Beal Choreographer: Patricia Birch Executive Producer: Adam Schroeder Camera Operator: Rob Hahn Casting Assistant: Kim Miscia Post Production Supervisor: Tod Scott Brody Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Lee Dichter Production Coordinator: Ray Angelic Sound Editor: Richard P. Cirincione Hairstylist: Frances Mathias Storyboard Artist: Brick Mason Construction Coordinator: Ron Petagna Makeup Artist: Bernadette Mazur Sound Editor: Laura Civiello Boom Operator: John Fundus Sound Mixer: Peter F. Kurland Location Manager: Joseph E. Iberti Assistant Art Director: Paul D. Kelly Negative Cutter: Noëlle Penraat Costume Supervisor: Hartsell Taylor Music Editor: Nic Ratner Special Effects Coordinator: Matt Vogel Costume Supervisor: Michael Adkins Still Photographer: Andrew D. Schwartz ADR Editor: Kenton Jakub Sound Editor: Eytan Mirsky Supervising Sound Editor: Maurice Schell Chief Lighting Technician: Jerry DeBlau Hairstylist: Werner Sherer Makeup Artist: E. Thomas Case Hairstylist: Robert Ramos Foley Editor: Bruce Kitzmeyer First Assistant Director: Michael E. Steele Script Supervisor: Shari L. Carpenter Music Editor: Nicholas Meyers Unit Publicist: Eric Myers Music Programmer: Nick Vidar Second Assistant Director: Julie A. Bloom Art Department Coordinator: Julia G. Hickman Transportation Captain: Steven R. Hammond Stunt Double: Joni Avery Transportation Co-Captain: Tom Heilig Color Timer: Tom Salvatore Cableman: Tommy Louie Co-Producer: Thomas A. Imperato Novel: Olivia Goldsmith Associate Producer: Heather Neely Associate Producer: Noah Ackerman Property Master: Octavio Molina Storyboard Artist: Lorenzo Contessa Makeup Artist: Marilyn Carbone Assistant Costume Designer: Wallace G. Lane Jr. Assistant Sound Editor: Jay Kessel Foley Editor: Stuart Stanley Movie Reviews:
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tllgrrl · 5 months
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Winter Shortbread: a SarahBucky AU by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
Relationship: Sarah Wilson/James “Bucky” Barnes | Rating: SFW
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Sarah Wilson and James “Bucky” Barnes are both college professors.
He teaches Political Science and Labor Law on one side of the sprawling campus. On the other side, she teaches Mechanical Engineering and she’s also a Faculty Advisor for a study group in African-American Literature with an emphasis on Black Women authors.
People never guess the two of them are Professors because the misconception is that “Professor” means Old White Man.
Without fail, at the beginning of the school year, some undergrad who didn’t know would try to flirt, thinking maybe she was one of them, until they found out that she was actually one of their teachers.
“Well,” her friends would laugh, “you know what they say!”
“Yeah girl. Even we can’t tell how old we really are!”
Once she wore a head wrap, which sparked a rumor that she was West African royalty. A princess studying in America. Even when she was wearing an LSU t-shirt and jeans, many people believed it.
And as for him? Fellow members of the Law Faculty call him “Professor GQ”.
“How can someone who looks like that be serious?” one of them grumbles, watching him walk across the campus mall.
“Yeah! He’s just wearing jeans, a t-shirt, motorcycle boots and a sport jacket. A sport jacket! Who looks hot in a sport jacket?!”
“Professor Barnes. That’s who,” Professor Daniels drawled, then proceeded to drain her water bottle after he walked by.
(Gulping down his water, Dr. Trudeau agreed.)
Continued on AO3
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Shameless Self-Reblog Sunday! A SarahBucky College Professors/Coffeeshop AU blend, with a dash of meet cute.
And an idea for the coffeeshop logo. I thought of going with New Orleans colors, but text legibility is key for me, so I went with a brighter background, and the text in the same colour family but dark. It is a possible work-in-progress.
All that aside, Thank You for reading! (Or even re-visiting!)
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fleurdelouvemonth · 1 year
Announcement: 3rd Annual Fleur de Louve Month
Welcome back for another month-long celebration of Sarah Wilson and Bucky Barnes!
This year we decided to bring it back to the original format of providing prompts all month to encourage the greatest amount of participation.
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Each week has a collection of prompts to choose from. You don’t have to do the prompt on the day it is listed, they are just there for guidance through each week’s themes.
Remember: the point of this month is to have fun and put more Sarah/Bucky into the world, so as long as you’re doing that, you’re doing it right!
Please reach out to the mods with any questions. We're so excited to see what this fandom comes up with this year.
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Edit we forgot (I'm so sorry! 😨): You should be able to find it on AO3 here, or type in the name "FleurdeLouve_SarahBucky_Month_2023" when typing the collection you wish to submit to
Edit: Reminder ✨️: Not everything HAS to be fanfiction. Be as creative as you want! Here are a few ideas: fan art,manips, comics, 3D rendering, moodboards, aesthetics, snapshots of Sims you make as the characters, A.I. "art" renders (especially for others who can't draw but still want to try something 😅)
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theultimatefan · 5 months
Tomei, Christensen, ‘Vacation,’ ‘The Office’ Q&As Among Top Programming at FAN EXPO Philadelphia
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From celebrity Q&As to industry, cosplay, gaming, anime, and entertaining, informative sessions from all areas of pop culture, FAN EXPO Philadelphia presents its collection of nearly 200 programming panels and meetups during the event, Friday through Sunday, May 3-5 at Pennsylvania Convention Center. There’s truly something for every fan and every taste every hour of the show into the evening throughout all three days of the convention, right until Sunday’s 5 p.m. finish.
FAN EXPO Philadelphia celebrity guests such as the Academy Award winner Marisa Tomei (My Cousin Vinny, The Wrestler), Rosario Dawson (“Ahsoka,” Rent), Hayden Christensen (Star Wars) Chevy Chase (National Lampoon’s Vacation, Fletch), Danny Trejo (Machete, The Book of Boba Fett), Mark-Paul Gosselar (“Saved by the Bell,” “Pitch)”, Tom Cavanagh (“The Flash,” “Ed”), Chloe Bennet (“Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” “Nashville”),“The Office” foursome of Rainn Wilson, Kate Flannery, Creed Bratton and Oscar Nunez, Ethan Suplee (“My Name is Earl,” Remember the Titans,”) and many more are among those who will conduct individual and group interactive sessions with fans, headlining the slate.
There are dozens of informative, entertaining panels by superstar creators as well as cosplay, gaming, trivia, film, horror and other pop culture themed sessions. Fans can review the entire event schedule at http://fanexpohq.com/fanexpophiladelphia/schedule. Most panels are free with event admission. Just a few of the other highlights include:
Friday: • 4:45 p.m., Con Survival: How to Make the Most out of Cons, Workshops Room 125 • 5 p.m., Devil Hunters! Chainsaw Man Cast Q&A with Ryan Colt Levy and Sarah Wiedenheft, Theater #2 • 5 p.m., Evil Animated: The Top 10 Animated Movie Villains, Family Zone • 5:30 p.m., A Conversation with Ethan Suplee, Theater #6 • 5:45 p.m., Mythbusting with Adam Savage, Main Theater • 6 p.m., Let’s Talk About Loid: Spy x Family Q&A with Alex Organ, Theater #5 • 6:30 p.m., Three Point Perspective: Cartoonists and the Publishing World, with Jamar Nicholas, Pat Higgins and Brad Guigar, Theater #6 • 7 p.m., Pilot the Galzxy with Denis Lawson, Theater #2 • 7:30 p.m., LED Basics for Cosplay, Theater #3 • 7:30 p.m., Spotlight on Artist Jonathan Glapion, Creator Stage • 8 p.m., Sip ‘N Color, Aloft Hotel, 101 N. Broad St.
Saturday • 10:45 a.m., Charmed Ones: Spotlight on Holly Marie Combs and Rose McGowan, Main Theater • 11 a.m., A Fairly Odd Panel with Butch Hartman, Grey Delisle and Dee Bradley Baker, Theater #2 • 11:45 a.m., A Conversation with Cameron Monaghan, Main Theater • 11:45 a.m., Tales of the Jedi, scripted show featuring members of the Saber Guild, Theater #4 • Noon, More Marco Diaz! Star vs. the Forces of Evil’s Adam McArthur, Theater #5 • Noon, Rebel Moon’s Sofia Boutella, Theater #2 • 12:30 p.m., Using the Force to Create Great Star Wars Art, Creator Stage • 12:45 p.m., Saved by the Bell with Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Main Theater • 1 p.m., This is the Way with The Armorer Emily Swallow, Theater #2 • 1:45 p.m., Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Meet Chloe Bennet and Jeff Ward, Main Theater • 2 p.m., Padawan Training with the Jedi Sith Alliance, Family Zone • 2:15 p.m., K-pop Random Dance with Love Groove, Cosplay Red Carpet • 2:45 p.m., Philly’s Got Talent: FAN EXPO Edition, Theater #4 • 3 p.m., An Outlandishly Creative Discussion with Brandon Rogers, Theater #2 • 3:45 p.m., All the Voices of Alan Tudyk, Main Theater • 4 p.m., Women of Star Trek, with Star Trek: Voyager's Kate Mulgrew (Captain Kathryn Janeway) and Star Trek: Picard's Michelle Hurd (Raffi Musiker), Theater #2 • 4:45 p.m., A Return to Scranton: The Office Cast Reunion with Creed Bratton, Kate Flannery, Oscar Nunez and Rainn Wilson, Main Theater • 5 p.m., It’s A Me Charles Martinet “Mario,” Theater #2 • 5:15 p.m., Spotlight on Andy Kubert, Theater #6 • 5:30 p.m., Heroes in a Half Shell: 40 Years of TMNT, Theater #3 • 5:45 p.m., FAN EXPO Philadelphia Cosplay Championship Cup, Main Theater • 6 p.m., Into the Speed Force with Tom Cavanagh, Theater #2 • 6:15 p.m., Bootleg Safari with Aaron Reynolds, Theater #6 • 7:30 p.m., Hayden Christensen and Rosario Dawson: A Galactic Reunion, Main Theater • 9 p.m. - 2 a.m., Official FAN EXPO Dance Party, Concourse Dance Club, 1635 Market St.
Sunday • 10:45 a.m., Late Bloomers: Cosplay is for Older Fans, Too!, Workshops Room 125 • 10:45 a.m., Meet Aunt May: Spotlight on Marisa Tomei, Main Theater • 11 a.m., Geeking out with Felicia Day, Theater #2 • 11:30 a.m, Comics for Younger Readers, Creator Stage • 11:45 a.m., The Voices of Gaming, with Jen Taylor, Patricia Summersett, Roger Craig Smith and Neil Newbon, Main Theater • Noon, A Grim Adventure: Grey Delisle and Richard Horvitz, Theater #2 • 12:45 p.m., Mastering the Elements with the Cast of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Dallas Liu, Ian Ousley, Elizabeth Yu and Maria Zhang, Main Theater • 1 p.m., The History of Animation with Don Bluth, Theater #2 • 1 p.m., Slime Time with the Philadelphia Ghostbusters, Family Zone • 1:45 p.m., A Seasoned Warrior: Meet Gina Carano, Main Theater • 2 p.m., Jedi Games with Matt Lanter and James Arnold Taylor, Theater #2 • 2:30 p.m., Writing for Comics, with Heather Antos, Peter Tomasi and Rodney Barnes • 3:30 p.m., Comic Book Gurus Podcast Live!, Theater #6 • 3:45 p.m., National Lampoon’s Vacation Reunion with Chevy Chase, Randy Quaid, Beverly D’Angelo and Dana Barron, Main Theater • 4 p.m., The Man, the Myth, the Legend: Spotlight on Danny Trejo
Single-Day Tickets and Three-Day Passes for FAN EXPO Philadelphia are available now. Ultimate and VIP Packages have sold out. Philadelphia is the eighth event on the 2024 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'Andrew Scott is arguably one of the leading Irish actors in Hollywood, with his increasing movie and TV roles. Over the years, Scott has worked in theater, film, and television. Born into a family of five, Andrew Scott has an older and younger sister, Sarah Scott and Hannah Scott, respectively. Raised a Catholic (although no longer practicing), Scott’s mother taught art, while his father worked in a recruitment agency.
In 2024, the Dublin-born actor was cast as the title character in the Netflix psychological thriller Ripley. In the Steven Zaillian-created series, Andrew Scott plays Tom Ripley alongside Dakota Fanning, John Malkovich, and Johnny Flynn. If the Ripley Series actor looks familiar, here are 7 Andrew Scott movie and TV roles you probably remember him from.
Lennon Naked (2010)
Throughout his career, Andrew Scott has worked in the Irish, British, and American film industries. In 2010, he portrayed the multi-Grammy Award-winning English singer and musician Paul McCartney in the TV movie Lennon Naked. Scott co-starred with Christopher Eccleston, who played John Lennon. Lennon Naked is a biographical film about the life of legendary English singer and musician John Lennon. The 82-minute television film centered around Lennon’s life between 1967 and 1971.
Sherlock (2010-2017)
The British mystery crime drama Sherlock is one of Andrew Scott’s top movie and TV roles of his career. Sherlock’s success and the character Scott played was a career-defining role for the actor. Scott portrayed Sherlock Holmes’ archenemy, James “Jim” Moriarty, on the show from 2010 to 2017. With English actor Benedict Cumberbatch portraying the title character, Sherlock was a critical success. Scott appeared in 8 of Sherlock’s 13 episodes.
Spectre (2015)
Andrew Scott achieved a new career height with his starring role in a James Bond movie. Scott was cast in Spectre (2015) as Max Denbigh “C,” which audiences would remember as the head of the new joint intelligence service. As one of the film’s villains, C was a covert Spectre agent working for the advancement of the Nine Eyes Committee and Spectre’s world domination. Although Scott didn’t think he gave his best in the role, he was one of the movie’s memorable villains. With its $880.7 million Box Office earnings, Spectre quickly became Andrew Scott’s highest-grossing movie.
Victor Frankenstein (2015)
In his second feature film of 2015, Andrew Scott played the primary antagonist, Inspector Roderick Turpin, in the science fiction horror Victor Frankenstein. With James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe leading the cast, Scott’s Inspector Turpin is a supporting character hell-bent on stopping Victor Frankenstein’s blasphemous experiments. Although Victor Frankenstein was a Box Office bomb, it is one movie Ripley audiences might recognize Scott from, especially with his character’s quest for revenge.
Fleabag (2019)
Andrew Scott joined the British comedy-drama Fleabag in its second season. The 2-season series cast Scott as Hot Priest. Scott’s character is introduced in episode 1 of Fleabag season 2. Fleabag (Phoebe Waller-Bridge) becomes infatuated with The Hot Priest after first seeing him at the church. Although she confesses her affection for the priest, he does his best to resist the temptation. However, Scott’s priest character later succumbs to his mortal feelings. However, in the series finale, the priest breaks up with Fleabag, choosing his devotion to God instead. Both seasons of Fleabag hold a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
1917 (2019)
Andrew Scott showed his versatility as an actor with his performance in Sam Mendes’ 2019 British war movie 1917. Scott joined other top European actors to breathe life into Sam Mendes and Krysty Wilson-Cairns’ screenplay. Scott co-starred with George MacKay, Dean-Charles Chapman, Mark Strong, Richard Madden, Colin Firth, and Benedict Cumberbatch. In 1917, Scott played Lieutenant Leslie. While only a supporting character, Scott didn’t get much screen time. Despite only appearing in about 5 to 10 of the movie’s 119-minute runtime, Scott’s performance and character was enough to leave an impression on viewers. 1917 was a critical and commercial success.
All of Us Strangers (2023) In Andrew Haigh’s British romantic fantasy All of Us Strangers, Andrew Scott leads the cast as Adam. The character is introduced as a lonely television screenwriter who lives a secluded life in London. Scott co-starred with Paul Mescal, who played Harry, a romantic interest of Adam. All of Us Strangers premiered at the 50th Telluride Film Festival in August 2023. Unsurprisingly, the movie was a critical success. It is one of Andrew Scott’s most recent movie and TV roles...'
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