#sasha roiz imagines
make-me-imagine · 1 year
Headcanons: Being best friends and in a relationship with Lou
Headcanons: Being best friends and in a relationship with Lou Ransone (+ pre-relationship friendship)
Pairing: Lou Ransone x Gn!Reader
Requested By: @will-grammer
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Pre-Relationship Friendship:
Neither you or Lou really remember when or how you became friends.
You just remember always getting along since you met, and somewhere along the way you became best-friends.
No one could compete with the other, you didn't really question it, you just became each others "better-half."
You know everything about each other.
What perfumes/colognes the other wears, their favorite snacks, foods, drinks.
You have said food/drinks always stocked at your houses for each other.
You have traditions for holidays, and birthdays.
Whether it be eating out at the same spot every year, or getting each other specific gifts that only mean something to you.
So many inside jokes it drives everyone else crazy.
You are partners at work, and you make a great team.
You always eat lunch and dinner together.
And often spend long nights working on cases together.
You take turns bringing each other coffee/tea and pastries in the mornings.
Sometimes you forget whose day it is so both of you end up bringing stuff, so you end up with four drinks and way too many pastries. Lucky for others in the office.
A lot of the time, people assume you are already dating.
At first you thought it was just funny, but slowly as each of you started to develop feelings for each other, the thought would make you blush.
You accepted that it was just you and that nothing would happen between you, but surprise! He felt the same.
During Relationship:
When the two of you finally started dating, literally no one was surprised lol.
There was a betting pool going around the precinct about how long it would take.
Athena won.
Nothing really changed with your friendship, except the fact that you got more comfortable with touch, as it had a bit more meaning to it now.
When walking together, he will link his pinkie finger around yours, or take your hand in his completely.
He absentmindedly reaches or you if you stray too far away.
So you often feel his hand gently against your back or shoulder, and you naturally step closer to him.
Your offices at work are littered with pieces of each other.
He has a geode on his desk you got him for his birthday. He uses it as a paperweight.
You have an hourglass he got you for Christmas, that may or may not have been a friendly dig at you always getting distracted with work and overworking.
You also have a bunch of pens you have slowly stolen from his office. He knows they're there, but he wants to wait to see how many you accumulate before giving them back.
Most of the time, you are in each others offices, you might as well just share one at this point.
If someone goes into your office, you'll be in your chair, Lou will be sitting on the edge of your desk.
Go into Lou's office, you will either be sitting on his desk, or lounging on the couch in his office (that he added because you insisted).
Even though most people know you are in a relationship, you keep it "professional" at work. (Apart from the teasing, jokes, and occasional prank)
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @rexit-mo, @imaginesfire, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry, @onuen
911/Lou Taglist: @spuffyfan394, @webreathfandoms, @locke-writes, @persephonesportal, @pockyandme, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @iinmysights, @that-marvel-simp, @gatefleet, @merlin-dahlia, @will-grammer, @aliceinwondwonderland,
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0ciestiel0 · 3 months
In my Grimm obsession and my Renhardt obsession I’ve made my first Renhardt edit with an unintentional emphasis on Sean Renard. I stand by Grimm underused him and cheated him by not making him full Zauberbiest but that’s a separate post. Anyway I hope there’s some fellow Renhardt enthusiasts out there! I just think they would have been such a good couple.
(Fav canon is Monroe/Rosalee. No one was more adorable than those two.)
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Ace of Clubs: Chapter X
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Canon violence (if any).
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, the best thing would to have never been born at all.
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I slumped back into the seat of my car with a frustrated sigh, combing my hair back. I had spent the last several days hunting down apartments to look at, but to no avail. There were none located in safer places of town, and so I couldn't find one that Renard would be remotely approving of.
What was I thinking? Why did I care if he approved of it or not? He didn't even have to know where I lived. I shook my head at my train of thought, turning the key to the ignition and heading for the precinct. 
Nick looked up as I walked into the cafe, a slight limp still in my step. I sat in the booth beside Hank, making myself comfortable.
"How's the apartment hunting going?" Hank asked.
"Amazing." I answered sarcastically.
"How are you and Juliet doing?" I asked Nick. I hadn't met her yet– for concern of confusing her while she recovered her memory– but Nick had explained the whole situation to me.
"It's getting better." He answered shortly. I didn't pry.
"So," I started, changing the subject. "What's on your plate for today?" 
"Not much.Writing up the forms for a couple cases."
"So you don't need me, then. Damn." I joked.
"Get out of here." Hank bantered back. 
"I can help from the office!" I retorted lightheartedly. 
"Yeah I-" Nick started to answer. Gunshots suddenly sounded from across the street, and my head shot up, my eyes darting to the two detectives I was sitting with.
"Stay here. Both of you." He added with a glance in my direction, before jogging out of the cafe. 
"I'll call it in." I looked to Hank, hesitantly standing out of the seat.
"Sorry." I apologized, following in Nick's footsteps at a quick, limping pace.
By the time I had made it to the bookstore, only the dead body of an author was to be found. I glanced at him quickly, before jogging out to an outdoor staircase. I found Nick running to look over the railing as a sleek, brown-furred creature dove off and splashed into the river. He turned as I approached, frowning at me but saying nothing.
"What was that??" 
"I don't know." The grimm's frown deepened. 
"A bird?" I questioned, falling into step beside him as he walked slowly back to the bookstore, processing what happened.
"A fish? Frog?" He shook his head.
"It had fur, right? I caught that." He nodded, still silent.
My brain suddenly clicked. "An otter?" He stopped in his tracks.
"Maybe..Maybe." He muttered.
By the time we made it back to the crime scene, Hank was there, questioning a Khloe Sedgwick; A witness, apparently. She looked up at Nick as we approached the two of them. Hank introduced us.
"Did you know the victim?" He questioned her.
"He's my boyfriend." She said nervously, even though she had a charming, almost alluring aura to her. 
"Anton, my ex, he's the one who killed him." She paused, something about her suddenly changing as she stepped closer to Nick.
"That's all we need for now, thank you."
 "You saved me, thank you." She took his hand in hers, raising it to her lips and touched a kiss to his knuckles. As she turned away, Nick made a face. 
"Interesting." I followed the two detectives out of the building.
"To say the least." Hank added. "So we're thinking jealous ex?"
"He was wesen." 
"That doesn't change anything."
"Was she wesen?" Hank intercepted.
"Not that I could see. She didn't woge." Nick looked to me, and I shook my head in agreement.
"Shit." I suddenly looked to my phone, checking the time. "I have another place to look at today, sorry." 
"Have fun." Nick said. I rolled my eyes.
"There's two bedrooms and a bath, and this lovely little living area." The landlady gave me the details of the apartment. I nodded along politely, shoving my hands in the pockets of my trench coat. Something felt way off, but I couldn't figure out what. I shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, following her into the next room–the kitchen–and she gestured around to everything in it. 
"The previous tenant left in such a hurry, so most of everything you need to get started should be in here." She explained. I nodded again. I just wanted to get out of here without being too rude. I followed her back into the living room, a picture by the TV catching my eye. I picked it up carefully.
The old woman appeared behind me, quickly snatching the photo out of my hand with a strained smile. I narrowed my eyes at her suspiciously as I noticed her begin to woge. "Is that the previous tenant?" 
"It is. As I said, he did leave in a hurry." 
"And why was that?" I began to interrogate her, edging towards the door. The knot in my stomach grew.
"I don't know." She shrugged apologetically. "He just up and left. I didn't even realize until I came to collect the rent that was due, and he didn't answer."
"What are you?" I asked her.
"What?" She asked innocently.
"I said, what are you?" She woged, cocking her head to the side. "An alpe." I hissed at her.
"I'm not afraid of a grimm." She growled, tackling me. I would never get used to how much stronger old people were in their wesen form, as if their age didn't even matter once they woged. 
"Fuck off, parasite." I rolled on top of her, straddling her with my knife pressed to her throat. She returned to her human form, once again an old lady. I narrowed my eyes at her show of weakness, knowing how quickly she could turn again. 
"I'll be keeping an eye on you." I hissed, climbing unsteadily to my feet and limping out of the battered apartment. I slumped into the seat of my car with a sigh. I wasn't in the mood to kill anyone today, I just wanted to find somewhere to live.
 Walking into the precinct and glancing around,  I didn't see Nick or Hank. It wasn't unusual; it was getting late, and people were heading home, but usually the two of them were still there.  I headed into the Captain's office, where he was just finished up a phone call.
"Sorry." I smiled apologetically. 
"You're fine. What's going on?" 
"Where's Nick? And Hank?"
"They're looking into that case from this morning." He suddenly frowned, his eyes scanning my face. 
"What's that?" He asked, gesturing to his own forehead.
"What?" I touched my hand to my forehead, and it came back with quite a bit of blood on it. I looked at it in surprise, quickly glancing at my reflection in the window. Blood trickled down the side of my face and matted to a small portion of my hairline. 
"What happened? Don't tell me you've been getting involved with cases again." 
"Not purposely, no. " I frowned, turning back to him. "I was just looking at apartments." He raised an eyebrow at me, skeptical.
"What can I say, trouble finds me wherever I go." I shrugged, trying to lighten the mood. 
"I can't argue with that." He sighed. "Find any places?" 
"Not really. Sorry, I just..I want to find somewhere safer this time. I really didn't mean to intrude this long, it's already been three weeks now." I apologized quickly. "I'm really overstaying my welcome, aren't I?" I asked, more to myself than him.
"No, take your time. If you can't find somewhere that you're sure is safe, I don't want you to be in danger just because you think you're intruding. You're not. I don't mind having you around." He admitted. 
"I know, you keep telling me that. It's just been kind of tough. I'm not used to relying on someone. I mean- I keep saying that too, I guess." I laughed nervously. 
"You have people now." He told me, resting his hands on my shoulders. "You've got plenty of people to rely on. I'll keep reminding you of that as long as it takes." 
I leaned into him unconsciously before he pulled me into a hug. It took me a moment to return it, but I did, wrapping my arms around him tightly. When he pulled away, his eyes were soft. He gave me a nod, and I offered him a small smile in return. 
"I'm going to look at what they have filed down really quick." I said.
"I don't think there's much, but go ahead."
"There's another case I want to look at, too. An old one."  He nodded, glancing back to his paperwork. 
I went to Nick's desk, rifling through the papers he had on top. Renard was right, there wasn't much down about the case, but there was a drawing of a wesen that looked like an otter, as I had suggested to him before. A sketch of a woman caught my eye, torn from the notepad and tucked between the case files. I picked it up curiously, recognizing the witness from this morning. 
A strange weight settled in my chest. I quickly dialed Nick's number, bouncing my leg impatiently as I waited for him to answer. Nothing. I called Hank, finally receiving an answer.
"Is Nick with you?" I asked urgently.
"No, why?"
"When was the last time you saw him?" 
"We went to the victim's apartment with Wu, found a bunch of weird drawings. He's supposed to be having dinner with Juliet. What's going on?" That let put my mind at ease, just the slightest bit, even though the brick in my chest was still heavy.
"He's not picking up- look, I just got this weird feeling. You know the witness from the crime scene this morning? The one that you questioned?"
"Yeah, what about her?"
"That's it, I don't know. Something just feels off about it. You know what? I'm sure it's nothing. Sorry." I hung up quickly, trying to brush it off. I didn't want to stress Hank out when he was supposed to be healing his leg.
His words did little to put me at ease, but I tried
to dismiss the feeling. My hands itched to check in with Monroe, but I didn't want to make a big deal out of what was probably just paranoia on my part. I did my best to focus on the paperwork in front of me as I shuffled through more of the documents. 
I was curious as to what the detectives had put down for the other wesen cases, especially the ones where Nick had used things only a grimm–or someone who knew about wesen, at the very least–could find. The way he juggled the whole grimm thing, along with his detective job, and still managed to combine the two was impressive.
I blinked hard, suddenly finding my eyes much heavier than they were…some time ago. I glanced up at the clock, then at the book I had pulled out of my bag at some point.. I sighed tiredly at the time.
"Just one more." I mumbled, turning the page. I blinked several times again, my eyes fighting to focus. I read the page about the musai with a tired curiosity. Some of it oddly reminded me of something, or someone, but I just couldn't quite place my tired finger on it. My finger twitched as I tried to turn the page.
"Ace." I groaned in complaint at the hand on my shoulder, curling my arms around my face. The hand shook me gently and I suddenly awoke with a start, my head snapping up to the source of the voice.
"What?" I sat up, quickly blinking the sleep from my eyes and hastily getting to my feet. I wobbled slightly as I gathered the book into my bag.
"Nothing, it's late, that's all." He said softly, eyeing me in concern. 
"I didn't mean to- I didn't realize." I cut myself off. 
"It's fine. I'm heading out. I can wait for you if you want." He told me. 
"I'll be right behind you." I called after him.
 As I walked back to my car, I squinted, noticing a small paper tucked under the windshield wipers, the whiteness of the paper almost glowing eerily beneath the streetlight.
"A parking ticket, at the precinct of all places…" I muttered under my breath, snagging the paper and beginning to crumple it into a ball, when I noticed it was a sticky note. I flattened it out again, revealing a drawing of a scythe in black marker.
"Not again."
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malfoysgifs · 2 years
sasha roiz in suits
please do not use my gif packs to rp as minors, real life people/celebrities, or in any taboo situations! if any clarification is needed, please feel free to ask!
you’re welcome to use in crackships, crop into gif icons or add to gif hunts as long as you give me credit by tagging me.
please do not use my gifs in any imagine posts.
if you’re a fan of my work and have a few dollars to spare, please consider buying me a coffee!
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jaifkncourtney · 5 years
Sasha Roiz (Grimm) Gif PACK
Made for the lobster of my life, @midnightmaraxder​!!
Gif Count: 282
Sasha Roiz from his role as Sean Renard in Grimm (Season 2). All gifs were made by me for rp purposes only. Please do not repost in any way, or use in a bio or crackship, or use in imagines, and do not edit for gif icons.
WARNING: Flashing Lights, Guns
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jo-marvel-grimm · 5 years
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Sasha Roiz
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queenbamon · 2 years
911 thoughts
Well, I finished all the seasons of the 911. I needed only 1.5 weeks for it cause I couldn’t stop watching! But I should day that it was the third time I tried to start this show but only now I realised how incredible it is.
How I have already said Bobby and Athena are my everything. I love them so much. True parents, true family. I really enjoyed watching their relationships development during this show, how Bobby was becoming the part of this family, how he found connection with the kids, how both Athena and Bobby was fighting their own demons. My two babies, can’t imagine this show without them.
And can’t believe Angela Bassett is 63! Just whaaat?! This lady is the queen of the whole show, I’m serious! Hope she won’t leave the project.
I’m in love the the first 4 seasons but I need to say that the fifth season was idk strange?
Yeah Bobby and Athena are still the best but others..
Chimney/Maddie storyline was so unnatural written. I know that Jennifer Love Hewitt needed maternity leave but the writers could do it better, I’m sure
The same thing with Eddie. I understand that they wanted do show the character’s development, however, I can’t see him in such a way. Maybe because his psychological problems were very suddenly brought to the fore, idk..
I do miss Michael so much :(
Really happy that May is going to the college! She needs it so so much! Yeah she’s a talented operator but she wants more and we saw it. So, good luck girl, you can do it!
Buck/Taylor. I know that a lot of people here hate her but in my opinion, she’s in interesting character. There’s no black and white in this show and I’m happy about it. The same thing with Taylor. I believe she loved Buck and he felt the same but they are different and they both have their own ideals and today they put their jobs on the first place. It’s absolutely okay so please let them be good friends who helped each other during the darkest period of their lives.
I NEED a spin off with Taylor and Detective Lou Ransone. I’m in love with Sasha Roiz since the Grimm and he’s character deserves more in this show. Absolutely loved his interaction with Taylor during the crime investigation so give me mooore! What can be better than one smart detective and one ambitious journalist in the same project? Btw, I saw a wonderful chemistry between them! So please!!!
I know Arielle Kebbel since the vampire diaries and I was surprised to see her in the show but still don’t know what I fee about her character right now. We don’t know her well yet, so show me more and I’ll tell you
One thing I loved during all the seasons is a feeling of the family when we’re talking about the 118 lafd. They’re so close, they support each other so badly, they all have difficult past and every character is fighting his own demons but they all are still together. Always and forever. I do need such people in my life..
Thanks for reading. Couldn’t imagine that this post is going to be so long, sorry
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myhamartiaishubris · 3 years
Grimm Fix-It Idea
Because I've been thinking about Grimm lately and I didn't really like the last couple seasons so I thought, hey, why not get a little self-indulgent. It will become very apparent that I am a Nick/Juliette stan. If Nadalind is your cup of tea, that's great. I don't have anything against it, I just never got really invested in it since the show spent a good four seasons building the most badass power couple ever and I'm maybe a little bitter about that.
Also I haven't watched the show in a while and the last two seasons are a little hazy, so (jager)bear with me. Shut up that was a hilarious pun
Spoilers, obviously.
Let's keep everything up until Juliette becomes a hexenbiest. But, uh, instead of going evil because it's "in her nature" she just. Idk, becomes really ruthless. Like, take her regular Juliette traits—loyalty, defensiveness, etc—and dial them up to 11. I mean the finale already gives us a Grimm/hexenbiest power couple, so why can't it be Nick and Juliette? (And while that episode where everyone was in love with everyone else and Hank was really into himself was hilarious, I kept getting pulled out of it because I was just so much more invested in Nick/Juliette than I was in Nick/Adalind.)
Maybe Nick and Juliette still try to get rid of it, but Juliette quickly grows attached to her powers. This would be a great moment for a character beat. Nick could be trying to convince Juliette to turn back human, and Juliette says, "You hated it when you lost your powers, even though I thought it might be good for us. How can you ask me to give up my powers, now that I have them?" It could be a great moment to confront Nick's ego and how he takes Juliette's support for granted. It would also be a really organic way to pivot into Nick supporting his scary hexenbiest girlfriend in her morally dubious endeavours.
I also like the idea of Adalind joining the team, but instead of being totally good maybe she could transition into a Renard-adjacent role. (Speaking of Renard... let's come back to him later.) She's mostly with the gang but is still self-serving enough to be a loose cannon. What made her great was how self-serving and unpredictable she was, so it would make more sense for her to be mostly-good rogue rather than totally good. This would also give space for Renard, whose role Adalind now takes, to transition into a complete good guy. (Sorry, I want Renard to be good, sue me.) Part of what I loved about Adalind's character was how selfish she was, and how that part of her character clashed with her circumstances as a mother. I want to see her struggle between self-preservation and her love for Diana and Kelly.
On that note, maybe Kelly is the reason why she joins the gang in this scenario. In this universe she's not helping them turn Juliette back, but I'd love for them to have a face-off where maybe Juliette warns her not to put Nick in danger or something. I don't know, Bitsie Tulloch hot and deserves to be intimidating. This then serves as a pivot for Adalind to effectively switch sides, maybe realizing that Rosalee is willing to keep her and the baby safe. I really like the idea of naming the baby Kelly, so maybe at this point Adalind isn't sure what to name him and Nick and Juliette are willing to help raise the baby, so they name him Kelly.
Now, Renard. I know he's supposed to be self-serving and very morally dubious, and towards the end he becomes almost an antagonist. I know that. I know. But Sasha Roiz is just so dang charismatic and I can never forget that moment at the end of season 3 (?) where he's desperately putting together the antidote for Nick and trying to get it to him. That was the best Renard and I want him back. If I remember correctly in the later seasons he's sort of working for the royals (not exactly, but something similar that wanted Diana?). Well, what if in this universe he's actually a double agent. In fact, and I just had this idea as I was typing, imagine this: an episode where it seems like Juliette and Renard are working together for the bad guys. This is right after Juliette has revealed herself as a hexenbiest and we're not sure if she's willing to stop. We don't know what's going on, we're wondering if Juliette's turned evil, and in fact she's being referred to as Eve? Curious, very curious. And then at the end of the episode Juliette goes home to Nick, and we realize it's because she's pretending to be Renard's new hexenbiest companion under the alias of Eve (if we want to keep Adalind losing her powers, we can say it's because she's carrying a baby Grimm).
Monroe and Rosalee... can stay. They're perfect and I love them. Let them have their triplets. But I demand onscreen adult triplets in the epilogue alongside Kelly and Diana. It's what we deserve and we were robbed.
We can still have the Black Claw/Hadrian's Wall business, just with no Eve. They still have Trubel, and Nick and Juliette can help out on occasion. If I'm honest I don't really remember how this went in the show, but I feel like it wouldn't change much.
The entire finale... Yeah I'm not even going to touch that.
tldr I want my Nick/Juliette endgame and, more specifically, I want Grimm!Nick x Hexenbiest!Juliette endgame
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fourteendaysinaweek · 4 years
Show Recommendations
Platform: Amazon Prime
Official overview: Portland detective Nick Burkhardt, descended from a long line of warriors known as Grimms, defends his city from magical creatures known as Wesen, which are part human and part animal. Fighting alongside his partner, Hank, colleague Sergeant Wu and friends Monroe and Rosalee, Nick faces off against internal and external forces, including his police captain, Sean Renard.
My overview: Portland detective Nick Burkhardt thinks he's going insane when he randomly starts seeing monsters at the time his aunt goes into a coma. Turns out he's not, in fact, going crazy. He deals with shit trying to kill him and his girlfriend and friends CONSTANTLY and in reality all he wants to do his keep his city safe, and he accidentally saves the world in the process.
Thoughts on the show: I love it, it does have a habit of setting up for recurring characters and then never mentioning them again, so that's annoying. There are 6 seasons. There are some great romances in the show, and also some iffy ones, but the iffy ones are definitely regarded as such in the show, and eventually either develop past the weird stage or die before anymore harm can be done. Aired from 2011 to 2017
Thoughts on the fandom: Wayyyy too small, I know of 0 people around my age who like it, and 90% of the fan base is obsessed with Sasha Roiz who plays Sean Renard (not that I'm judging). Definitely not enough fics out there, and the ones that I've found seem to be poorly written or basically just pwp.
Warehouse 13
Platform: Amazon Prime
Official overview: Following an abrupt transfer, Secret Service agents Pete Lattimer and Myka Bering find themselves in the middle of South Dakota at a massive, top-secret storage warehouse that holds every strange artifact, mysterious relic, out-of-this-world object and supernatural souvenir ever found by the U.S. government. Lattimer and Bering's new task, as directed by the warehouse's caretaker, longtime agent Artie Nielsen, is to investigate reports of unexplainable and paranormal activity in an effort to secure more peculiar and dangerous objects, and to help Artie manage the warehouse itself.
My overview: imagine the TARDIS except it's a warehouse and not a police box (bigger on the inside) and it's full of cursed objects to be kept there so it doesn't destroy the world.
Thoughts on the show: I love it. It accurately depicts trauma and has decent representation such as a black woman everyone is intimidated by because she's the boss, a gay man who isn't sexualized and has development and a personality other than "gay". There is even an incredibly homoerotic friendship between two women that the actress of said women played up because they wanted their characters together, even if one turned out to be not-so-good. The show deals with sexism and victims of neglect. You'll learn a lot of random history while watching the show as all of the artifacts tend to be historically based (the guillotine blade that cut of Marie Antoinette's head, for instance). There are 5 seasons and I'm s3 or 4. Apparently the show does something weird with Pete and Myka at the end, which probably means they get together. Ran 2009 to 2014.
Thoughts on the fandom: again, way too small, although a lot bigger than Grimm. There are quite a few fics out there, mainly for the two women which I ship with my whole heart. There might be some controversy with Eddie McClintock (Pete Lattimer) but I'm not very well-versed in it. I wish Grimm's fandom was as big as W13's.
The Umbrella Academy
Platform: Netflix
Official overview: On one day in 1989, 43 infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy the day before. Seven are adopted by billionaire industrialist Sir Reginald Hargreeves, who creates the Umbrella Academy and prepares his "children" to save the world. In their teenage years, though, the family fractures and the team disbands. Fast forward to the present time, when the six surviving members of the clan reunite upon the news of Hargreeves' passing. They work together to solve a mystery surrounding their father's death, but divergent personalities and abilities again pull the estranged family apart, and a global apocalypse is another imminent threat. The series is based on a collection of comics and graphic novels created and written by My Chemical Romance lead singer Gerard Way.
My overview: adult survivors of abuse with increasingly weird/out-there superpowers due to the weird circumstances of their birth come together to celebrate *cough* I mean mourn the passing of their "father" And accidentally cause the apocalypse.
Thoughts on the show: I love it. I've finished season 2,currenfly there are only 2 seasons, it's still in progress, I love it. I'm sure most of you have already watched it because what is the supernatural fandom if not emo? Also a good one for representation. Mexican man with a stutter, black woman with a daughter she is in a custody battle for, gay druggie veteran, Ellen Page, Asian ghost boy, 58 year old man in a 13 year old's body, and a half-chimp man.
Thoughts on the fandom: big. Big big big. Haven't found any fics that cater to my specific wants in a fic, but there are fics. Some of them have weird pairings, but since the show made two (adopted) siblings canon, I can't exactly blame them.
Lost Girl
Platform: I actually have no idea
Official overview: Bo is a small-town girl on the run after a disastrous sexual encounter with her boyfriend ends with his death. Bo learns that she is not human, but a succubus, who feeds on the sexual energy of humans. She and her kind are members of the Fae, creatures of legend, who walk among humans and feed off them in different ways. As she searches for the truth about her origins and runs from her inhuman urges, she vows to help those she meets along the way -- human or Fae -- who need to right a wrong.
My overview: bisexual woman finds out she's a succubus and she has to choose to be either good Fae or bad Fae (I think it's light vs dark but it's been a Hot Minute) she has a thing with a werewolf and also a thing with a Fae doctor who is human and a woman.
Thoughts on the show: it's good, 5 seasons, don't think I've finished the first season. Back when I started watching it it was on Netflix and has since been removed. It's on Vudo but it costs money which is bullshit. It's a little weird at first, but I like it. Ran 2010 to 2015.
Thoughts on the fandom: have not interacted with the fandom for fear of spoilers. I'd imagine this show's fandom is about the size of Grimm.
Being Human (USA version)
Platform: again, I don't know.
Official overview: "Being Human," based on a BBC series of the same name, features three 20-something roommates who each try to keep a secret from the rest of the world -- one is a ghost, another is a vampire and the third is a werewolf. The three roomies try to help one another navigate the complexities of living double lives.
My overview: again, weird starts off in almost the middle of the story. It deals with abuse, death, fighting urges, dealing with past sins, and, well, being human. The characters are Sally (Ghost) Aidan (vampire) and Josh (werewolf). The three of them are trying to live like normal, Aidan and Josh as workers at the local hospital as Sally works to deal with her death.
Thoughts on the show: I love it I just wish I could find it on a reliable site, again, it's on Vudo but it costs money. It definitely had the set up for a good mlm relationship but from what I've gathered they end up forcing heterosexuality.
Thoughts on the fandom: again, too small, roughly the size of Grimm. I have seen 0 fics.
The Librarians
Platform: Hulu I do so believe
Official overview: Cued by TNT's popular 'The Librarian' trilogy, this series introduces new members of an ancient group protecting mystical artefacts. Hidden below the Metropolitan Public Library, the secret society's longtime leader is Flynn Carsen, whose job has become very complicated. To help, the Library recruits Eve, a counterterrorism agent responsible for organizational security; Jacob, who has encyclopedic knowledge of art, architecture and history; Cassandra, who links auditory/sensory hallucinations to memory; and Ezekiel, a skilled thief and master technician. Overseeing them is Jenkins, the reclusive caretaker of the Library's sleepy little outpost in Oregon. Noah Wyle executive produces and recurs as Flynn, the role he played in the movie series.
My overview: very similar to W13. This time imagine the Bunker, and the Warehouse, and boom, you've got the Library.
Thoughts on the show: good! I love it, I just found out it was on Hulu and am going to be binging it as soon as I finish Grimm and Warehouse. I'd love to see a crossover between W13 and The Librarians I feel like they'd have a feud.
Thoughts on the fandom: probably the same size as W13 if not bigger as the series came from movies. Again, haven't finished the series so I haven't interacted with the fandom.
Platform: Amazon Prime
Official overview: In the years since World War II, the U.S. government has been relocating the world's geniuses (and their families) to the Pacific Northwest town of Eureka. Daily life there shifts between amazing innovation and total chaos. U.S. Marshal Jack Carter learns this first-hand when his car breaks down in Eureka, stranding him among the town's eccentric citizens. When they unleash a scientific creation still unknown to the outside world, it's up to Carter to restore order. Subsequently, he's let in on one of America's best-kept secrets.
My overview: a small town but make every person a genius. Has some crossover with Warehouse 13, they exist in the same universe.
Thoughts on the show: I love it so far. Just the kind of weird shit I enjoy.
Thoughts on the fandom: I'd imagine about the size of Warehouse 13's but I've yet to interact considering I'm still in season 1.
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Camera Roll with Lou Ransone
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Camera Roll: Being Lou's partner and best-friend outside of work
Requested by: @will-grammer
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
911/Lou Taglist: @spuffyfan394, @webreathfandoms, @locke-writes, @persephonesportal, @pockyandme, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @iinmysights, @that-marvel-simp, @gatefleet, @merlin-dahlia, @will-grammer, @aliceinwondwonderland
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dccomicsnews · 5 years
Directed by: Sam Liu
Written by: J.M. DeMatteis
Starring:  Jason Isaacs, Amy Acker, Diedrich Bader, Roger Craig Smith, Vanessa Marshall
Review by: Eric Joseph
Following the success of Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, it was really only a matter of time before another “Elseworlds” story found itself adapted for animation. This time, it’s the beloved Superman: Red Son getting the treatment, thereby bringing the work of writer Mark Millar and artist Dave Johnson to brilliant life.
If you don’t know the basics, here’s all you really need to learn going in: instead of baby Kal-El’s ship landing in Smallville, Kansas, it touched down in Soviet Russia. As such, the Comrade of Steel (Jason Isaacs) grows up to serve the state, and we meet alternate takes on iconic characters such as Batman (Roger Craig Smith), Wonder Woman (Vanessa Marshall), Green Lantern (Sasha Roiz), Lex Luthor (Diedrich Bader) and Lois Lane-Luthor (Amy Acker) in the process. And no, you weren’t reading that wrong – Lex and Lois are married!
Much like its predecessor in Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, Superman: Red Son succeeds in pretty much every respect. The plot is intriguing and the voice cast knocks it out of the park as per usual. It’d been quite a long time since I read the source material, yet I still found myself riveted by the story as it unfolded. And similar to how the adventures of a Victorian Dark Knight didn’t mirror what had been found on the printed page, neither does this. Rest assured that the DNA of Millar and Johnson’s work remains, but there’s quite a bit in the way of fresh content as well. This flick falls in the middle of “adaptation” and “inspired by”; it’s not as literal as, say, The Dark Knight Returns, but it’s not as far off as The Death of Superman, either.
What will likely enthrall viewers most is seeing that “nature versus nurture” aspect at play. Despite being brought up under a much different system of values, Supes is still a guy who wants to accomplish things for the greater good, deep down. However, power can corrupt, especially when you’re someone who can fly and shoot lasers from their eyes. Still, he’s not the tyrant his Injustice counterpart was, so expect his moral tapestry to be as grey as the costume he dons.
In my view, allowing for the story to span over the course of decades really shows how both Superman and his political opponents evolve. His rivalry with Luthor is intrinsically what you may expect, yet even that fella is more than your usual villain wearing the proverbial black hat. In fact, some of you watching this may find yourself wondering which guy to root for.
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Another major positive in this package comes in the form of its bonus content and, believe me, this Blu-ray release is pretty rich in that department. The DC Showcase: Phantom Stranger short is every bit as good as the feature presentation itself, and is my favorite of the latest round that kicked off last year.
Elsewhere, there’s an excerpt from the Superman: Red Son motion comic, a featurette dubbed “Cold Red War,” and a must-see first look at Justice League Dark: Apokolips War that lets us know way more about the plot than the trailer did. And if that weren’t enough, the two-part Justice League classic that was “A Better World” is thrown in for good measure.
You know, there isn’t really much I can say about this film that’s bad, other than that maybe it dragged a little during the third act. Seriously, that’s it. This may not be something I revisit a million times as I have with Under the Red Hood or Mask of the Phantasm, but it left me quite impressed.
But if I’m to look at this very objectively, I imagine that the staunch purists will complain about how it’s not a carbon copy of the comic book – but were most of you really expecting it to be? If anything, a percentage of the audience may have a hard time digesting an interpretation of Batman who’s an outright terrorist, but just keep in mind they call it “Elseworlds” for a reason.
If Superman: Red Son is to be any indication of what’s to come, then 2020 will be a very good year for DC animation. The bar has been set, and we can only hope the next offerings are every bit as enjoyable. And like I said moments ago, the bonus content was enough to satisfy this critic, so pick up a copy as soon as you can.
Blu-Ray Review: Superman: Red Son Directed by: Sam Liu Written by: J.M. DeMatteis Starring:  Jason Isaacs, Amy Acker, Diedrich Bader, Roger Craig Smith, Vanessa Marshall…
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Ace of Clubs: Chapter VI
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
Word Count: 2.4k Warnings: Canon violence (if any).
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"It's okay. I'll be here." He comforted me, his free hand ghosting over my cheekbone. I sighed, finally allowing myself to relax and drift off.
I raised my head, looking around the room with foggy and half lidded eyes. Something felt wrong. After a few moments, I remembered what had happened. My eyes darted over to the side of the bed, and I let myself relax back into the pillows when I saw Renard's sleeping form in the chair. An involuntary sigh of relief left my lungs. 
He stirred with a groan, stretching out his long limbs and eyeing me. "You're awake." He said. "How do you feel?"
"Like I want to go home." I rasped out, my voice hoarse. He reached for something on the table beside him. I realized it was a paper cup of water when he held it up to me. I struggled to prop myself up and retrieve the cup from him at the same time. With a wince, I gave up and reluctantly let him tilt the cup up to my lips. I drank the cool water down quickly, relishing in the soothing feeling it provided for my throat. Once I had emptied the cup, he pulled it away, setting it back down on the table. He folded his hands together in his lap, and I suddenly noticed clothes that didn't look like his folded over the arm of the chair. 
"I don't think that's going to be possible." He told me, picking the clothes up and shifting in his seat. "We can talk about this once you're in your own clothes." He smiled tautly, handing me the bundle of material. I gave him a confused glance as he stood up and made to leave the room. I recognized the baggy turtleneck and jeans as my own.
"You left while I was asleep?" I asked suddenly. I knew I couldn't blame him, but I had trusted him too.
"I did. Nick came to check on you." He said quickly. "I had him stay. I figured you might want clean clothes to leave in." 
"I..Thank you." I smiled at him appreciatively, a bit surprised. He nodded, turning and leaving, shutting the door behind him.
I dressed as quickly as I could, given my injuries. I inhaled sharply as I tugged my shirt on, the movement causing my ribs to shift, and the stitches on my side to pull. It was loose and soft though, and I silently appreciated the thought he had held while selecting what to bring. The material didn't cling to my bruised skin, and it didn't snag on my bandages. The jeans were the comfiest I owned, fitting more like a pair of leggings than actual jeans and making them easier to put on. It was still a painful struggle, but eventually I managed.  I looked around the room for the clothes I had come in, and found nothing. I assumed he had taken them when he went to my apartment.
"What did you mean?" I asked when I exited the room, finding him leaning against the doorframe, his head just about level with the top of it. Seeing me, he began to walk down the hall at a brisk pace and I followed as fast as I could. 
"You know exactly what I meant." He said seriously. 
"I do. I don't see why I can't go back." I argued. I knew exactly why I couldn't, but it wasn't like I had anywhere else to go.
"Don't you? They broke in, and they've obviously been in before without even having to do that, from what Nick has told me. They've been all over your apartment, Ace." He stopped just outside the automatic doors of the hospital. He reached for my back, guiding me away from the traffic by the door. We came to a stop a ways away from the busy entrance. I leaned against the cool concrete wall for support, exhausted. He turned to me, eyeing my hunched frame.
"Fuck." I sighed out in realization. Of course they wouldn't stop just because I had killed a couple of them. They wouldn't stop until I was dead, especially not now that I was becoming a bigger threat to them. "Why can't I just go back?" I mumbled under my breath. I reached up to comb my hand through my hair, but immediately winced and returned it to my side. 
I felt lost and unsure. 
"So I need to move." I half laughed out at the ridiculousness of the situation. "Not like that's going to help at this point, not if I stay in Portland."
"You're not leaving." He said sternly. 
"I can't just keep moving around Portland, it's no use." I gestured with my hands dramatically, ignoring the painful jabs as my body protested. "This is so stupid. I can't believe I thought this would work.." I trailed off, mostly talking to myself now as I stared at the sidewalk. A pained laugh left my throat, halfway turning into a sob.
"Hey. Look at me." He suddenly said, his hands on my shaking shoulders. I looked up at him with a pained expression. "You're not leaving, not if you don't want to. You have people on your side now, and we'll fight for you." He reassured me. 
"I can't ask that of you. This is my problem." I argued.
"Not anymore." His voice and eyes were sincere, stern. I couldn't help but to believe him. I wasn't alone. I didn't have to do this on my own.
I nodded slightly, slowly coming to terms with my situation. I broke eye contact with him, breathing out a sigh I hadn't realized I was holding in. He stepped away, putting a platonic amount of distance between us.
"I need to get back." I started quietly. "I just need to get a few things, I won't be spending the night there or anything." I was quick to reassure him.
"I'm coming with you." He said, leaving no room for argument. I didn't want to either; the idea of going back there alone was daunting. It made anxiety rise in my chest. I may have been through this several times already, but that never made it any easier. Each time the trauma of it had stuck with me, clinging to my brain. It had built up into the night terrors I now suffered from nightly, and the constant anxiety and panic in my throat.
I followed him to his SUV. He walked slower this time, allowing me to walk by his side. I suddenly stumbled, one of my legs giving out. He was quick to react, catching me before I could near the ground. He supported me as I groaned in pain, helping me to continue staggering towards his car. When we neared it, he reached into his pocket for his keys with his free hand and unlocked the car. He helped me into the passenger side, slamming the door shut and rounding the front into the driver's side. I had slumped into the seat, pain overwhelming me. 
"Maybe you should get some rest first." He suggested, eyeing me. I shook my head tiredly, my hand pressed to my ribs, supporting them to ease some of the pain.
"I need to get my things. Then..then I'll find a hotel or something, I guess." I mumbled, leaning my forehead against the cool window.
"I'm not letting you stay alone." He frowned. "We don't know if they've been keeping track of you still. They may jump at the opportunity to finish you off." 
"Well, it's not like I have anywhere else to go. Don't worry." 
"You can stay at my place." He offered. 
"Not happening." 
"It's safe. Secure. I'll be there to keep an eye out." He went on, trying to convince me.
"We've been out on one real date, it's a little early to be moving in with each other." I deadpanned, pulling away from the window and meeting his eyes. He was dead serious.
"Artemis. I'm serious." 
"As am I. No." 
"Look," He said, scrubbing his face. "This is concerning your safety. I care about you." 
"I don't want to intrude like that. I'm not helpless." I frowned.
"I know you're not."
"I'm going to get another apartment, this isn't permanent. I'm just going to stay low until I do."
"Good, I'm glad you agr-"
"Then you won't be intruding." I glared at him. The way he stayed serious throughout this entire conversation was infuriating.
His serious look softened though. "I really do care about you Ace. I don't want you getting hurt." His hand reached over to me, covering my own on the armrest.
I caved. "Fine." I agreed begrudgingly. "I'll be out as soon as I can, though." 
He smiled wryly. "I'm sure you will." 
"Did you get my phone?" I suddenly asked as we pulled up to my apartment.
"I did." He said, reaching for it on the dash. He handed it to me and I took it, unbuckling my seatbelt and exiting the car with a wince. I leaned against the side for a moment, steadying myself on my feet. 
"I need to text Nick really quick." I told him. I needed a place to store all my books, and I figured the trailer would be a perfect place. Sean rounded the car to stand by before I looked up from my phone with a nod, tucking it into my pocket. I walked up the stairs, a slight limp to my step, with the captain right behind me. I reached to unlock the door out of habit, and found it was already unlocked. Of course.
"I'll go in first." Renard said firmly, moving to stand in front of me. I didn't argue, backing up a step as he pushed the door open, a hand resting on his gun. I followed behind him, my eyes quickly darting around the room. He gave me a nod before vanishing into the other room to scope it out. He returned a minute later. "It's clear." He said finally. I nodded, still looking around the room and surveying the damage. The look on my face must have said it all, because he stood beside me, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. I leaned into his touch gratefully.
"Sorry. Right." I mumbled after several heartbeats. I crouched down, tenderly picking up one of my books and looking at it with a broken expression. The pages had been torn out and strewn around the room. I heaved a shaky sigh, gathering the pages and placing them in between what was left of the book. One of my favourites. I stood up slowly, stumbling and grabbing onto the wall for stability. I hissed in pain, the stab wounds in my side burning horribly.
After I recollected myself, I set the book down on the dining table. I collected all the ruined books, along with my binding supplies, and placed them in a backpack. I carefully made my way into my bedroom, pulling clothes out of the dresser and stuffing them into a duffle bag. I suddenly leaned forward, resting my forehead on the tabletop of the dresser and letting out a sigh.
"God," I mumbled under my breath. "I should have never even unpacked." I laughed humorlessly.
"How are you doing?" Renard appeared in the doorway, startling me. I jerked my head up, flinching at action.
"I'm almost done. Sorry about taking so long." I half-smiled apologetically. I blinked hard to clear the water in my eyes, turning away from him and stuffing things in my bag again.
I never usually reacted this way when I had to move on. I'd move and be done with it; simple as that. I never had time to dwell on my lifestyle. Now, though, there were so many more things at risk. Before, I had never understood what I heard about people afraid to risk the people around them. The people they cared about. I had never understood why they would do things against their morals to avoid the people around them from being hurt. I never understood their reasoning because I had never stuck around long enough to form connections with people. Now that I did, it was simultaneously the biggest mistake of my life and the best decision I had made. I never realized how much I had craved something as simple as friendship. 
I didn't want to get them involved with my way of life. I had always been an extremely private person, but it wasn't just that. I didn't want them to put themselves in the line of fire for me. This was my problem, and mine alone. Renard had already gotten involved though, and Nick too. I couldn't afford to risk any of them. 
My vision grew blurry through my tears as I kept blindly stuffing clothes into the bag. 
It would be safest if I just left, safest for all of them, but I was selfish. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Not now that I knew what it was like. I don't think I could go back to a life on the run. Not after a taste of this.
I inhaled shakily, the tears that had been gathering in my eyes falling onto my bag. I ignored my ribs' protests, squeezing my eyes shut, attempting to steady my breaths. I couldn't lose this. 
"Artemis." Renard's gentle voice startled me. I looked up. He had crept into the room, and he was now standing halfway between the bed and the door. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." My voice cracked. I clenched my jaw, turning to stuff more things into my now full duffel. I zipped it up forcefully, blinking repeatedly. I started to heave the bag over my shoulder, entirely forgetting about my injuries. I hissed in pain, dropping the bag to the floor and pressing an arm to my side. Renard immediately came to my aid, supporting me and guiding me over to the bed. "I'm fine." I repeated, my voice betraying me once again. 
"Just sit down." He ordered softly. "I think you might've pulled your stitches." 
"I don't know." I said shakily. 
"It's okay." He soothed me, sensing I was talking about more than just the stitches. He sat down beside me and gently placed a hand on my back. "We'll figure this out. For now, you need to rest up and heal." 
"Yeah." I agreed hesitantly. "Yeah, I guess so. Okay." I took as deep of a breath as my ribs would allow me, reining in the hurricane of emotions running through me. I didn't miss how he said 'we' and not 'you'.
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saltyluminaryvoid · 5 years
Hi there. So after scrolling through the internet and to my utter disappointment I have discovered the lack of Sean Renard fanfiction. Now after watching Grimm and falling in love with Sasha Roiz, I have decided to try my hand at Grimm Fanfic which specifically focuses on over favourite tv police captain Sean. I had this idea of making a series crossover imagines with my two favorite fandoms. Grimm and The Originals. Or if you guys like any of the mentioned below.
Night Manager
Van Helsing
Grimm ( O/C)
Doctor Who
Game of thrones
Teen Wolf
The Vampire Diaries
The Originals
Harry Potter
The walking dead
Leave a comment or ideas on what crossovers you would love to see. Even if it doesnt involve Grimm. And as always pls feel free to drop asks, suggestions and criticism. ❤👍
PS. Original Characters can be invented to fit into any fandoms of your choice.✌
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The 32nd Creative Crackships Contest!
The 32nd Creative Crackships Contest!
We want your submissions!
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What does this mean:  We take 7 suggestions from our followers!
Crackships-  The top 7, as submitted by you, the voters, are:
Couple: Sebastian Stan and Gal Gadot
Any:   Sasha Roiz and Yusuf Gatewood
Couple: Shemar Moore and Paget Brewster (Magical or just not muggle)
Any:   Priyanka Chopra and Summer Bishil
3s & 4s: Joanne Kelly and Eddie McClintock with young or baby twins (boy and girl)
Manip This!:  Ioan Gruffudd as a wizard, mage, or alchemist
Manip This!:  Felicia Day as a book nerd or  magical book nerd
Submissions: Pick one of the above options, & show us your art! Submit As Many As You Want.  There’s no rating, so you can let your imagination run wild. For any of the options, you can make manips, drawings, gifs, aesthetics, or even a video! The contribution can be new or old. As long as you made it, and it fits the contest, you can enter it! Deadline: You have until July 4th to finish submissions! Prizes: Check the Convince Me Initiative for info.   You can still win, even if you don’t enter! Get 3 people to enter (this can include yourself), and you’ll get a prize!   Ask questions, if you’ve got ‘em.  Enter often.  Have fun! This contest needs reblogs and entries, to keep going. Share us! :D  WE NEED YOUR SUBMISSIONS!
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jo-marvel-grimm · 5 years
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Sasha Roiz
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Peacock: NBC Streaming Service Release Date, Shows, Price, and News
The streaming service field is becoming more fractured, as more and more media companies break from Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu in favor of creating their own streaming services. NBCUniversal—the Comcast Corp. division that owns NBC, MSNBC, USA, and the Universal Pictures movie studio—is next up with new streaming service Peacock.
Peacock will feature content from NBC, Bravo, USA Network, SYFY, Oxygen, E!, CNBC, MSNBC, NBCSN, Golf Channel, Universal Kids, A&E, ABC, CBS, The CW, FOX, HISTORY, Nickelodeon, Showtime, Universal Pictures, DreamWorks, Focus Features, Illumination, ViacomCBS, Paramount, Lionsgate, Warner Bros., and Blumhouse.
Here’s what we know:
Peacock Release Date
Peacock was made available to Comcast’s Xfinity X1 platform subscribers on April 15, 2020. The service will officially roll out to the rest of the country on July 15, 2020. NBCUniversal has plans for an international release of the service but no timeframe has been announced yet.
Peacock Price
What is Peacock going to cost? Well…that’s complicated. NBC is deviating from WarnerMedia, Disney, and Apple by incorporating pricing tiers into its service at launch. Peacock has three potential pricing options: free, $4.99, and $9.99. Here is what you’ll get at each price point:
Peacock Free includes 13,000 hours of NBCUniversal content, including still-airing series a week after they premiere. It will also feature advertisements.
Peacock Premium (with ads) is the $4.99 option and will include everything that the streaming service has to offer (over 20,000 hours of content) including Peacock originals and next-day availability of current TV shows…but also dumb old commercials. 
Peacock Premium (without ads) is $4.99 for Comcast subscribers and $9.99 for everyone else. It will include the full spectrum of Peacock content with no ads. 
Peacock Platforms
Peacock is available to be streamed on the following platforms:
Apple devices including iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV 4K and Apple TV HD.
Google platforms and devices including Android, Android TV devices, Chromecast and Chromecast built-in devices.
Microsoft’s Xbox One family of devices, including Xbox One S and Xbox One X; and VIZIO SmartCast™ TVs and LG Smart TVs. 
Comcast Xfinity X1 and Flex users, as well as eligible Cox Contour customers, can use Peacock Premium included with their service at no additional cost.
Starting the week of July 20, Peacock will be available Sony PlayStation 4 andPlayStation 4 Pro. 
Notable absences on this list include two of the most popular streaming device providers in Roku and Amazon Fire. Just as WarnerMedia was unable to cut deals with either company for HBO Max, so too was NBCUniversal unable to do so with Peacock.
Peacock Originals
NBCUniversal has revealed the first batch of original programming coming to the service:
Available July 15
Psych 2: Lassie Come Home
“Santa Barbara Police Chief Carlton Lassiter is ambushed on the job and left for dead. In a vintage Psych-style Hitchcockian nod, he begins to see impossible happenings around his recovery clinic. Shawn and Gus return to Lassie’s side in Santa Barbara and are forced to navigate the personal, the professional, and possibly the supernatural. Separated from their new lives in San Francisco, our heroes find themselves unwelcome in their old stomping grounds as they secretly untangle a twisted case without the benefit of the police, their loved ones, or the quality sourdough bakeries of the Bay Area. What they uncover will change the course of their relationships forever.” – Read more about Psych 2: Lassie Come Home here.
Brave New World
“Based on Aldous Huxley’s groundbreaking 1932 novel, Brave New World imagines a utopian society that has achieved peace and stability through the prohibition of monogamy, privacy, money, family, and history itself.” Read more about Brave New World here.
Available August 6
Best friends Jamie (Mel Giedroyc) and Fran (Sue Perkins) are trying to make their way in the world with only each other to rely on. They also just happen to kill people for a living. Fueled by their antics and frivolous bickering, each job inevitably gets derailed, leading them into bizarre misadventures, full of oddball characters and unexpected dilemmas.
Available August 13
Five Bedrooms
Five singles meet at, of all places, the singles’ table at a wedding. After several bottles of champagne, they decide to pitch in and buy a house together. Five singles buy a house together – what could go right?  It’s a grand social experiment with one glaring problem: they’ll have to actually live with each other.  All while journeying together through disasters, life-turning crises, and  moments of love, joy and heartbreak. The series stars Kat Stewart (Offspring), Stephen Peacocke (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot), Doris Younane (Frayed), Katie Robertson (Rosehaven), Roy Joseph (Halim), Kate Jenkinson (Wentworth) and Hugh Sheridan (Packed to the Rafters).
Available September 3
A.P. Bio (Season 3)
“When disgraced Harvard philosophy professor Jack Griffin loses out on his dream job, he is forced to return to Toledo, Ohio, and work as a high school Advanced Placement biology teacher. As he comes crashing in to Whitlock High School, Jack makes it absolutely clear he will not be teaching any biology. Realizing he has a room full of honor roll students at his disposal, Jack decides instead to use the kids for his own benefit. Eager to prove that he is still king of the castle, Principal Durbin struggles to control the force of nature that is Jack Griffin.” Read more about A.P. Bio season 3 here.
Available September 17
Passenger plane Flight 716 shockingly vanishes, and brilliant investigator Kendra Malley (Archie Panjabi, The Good Wife), alongside her mentor Howard Lawson (Christopher Plummer, Knives Out) are brought on to lead the investigation. When battling forces threaten to undermine their work, Kendra must find the truth and stop it from happening again. The series also stars Kris Holden-Reid (Umbrella Academy), Rebecca Liddiard (Run This Town), Tamara Duarte (Longmire), Mark Rendall (Versailles), Peter Mensah (Midnight, Texas) and Sasha Roiz (Suits).
Available TBD
The Adventure Zone 
“Based on the McElroy Family’s wildly popular Dungeons & Dragons podcast and No. 1 New York Times best-selling graphic novel series, The Adventure Zone is a side-splitting and heart-filled fantasy animated comedy series that follows an unlikely, poorly equipped trio and their beleaguered Dungeon Master as they reluctantly embark on a quest to save their world.” – Per THR.
Angelyne (limited series)
“Limited series based on The Hollywood Reporter feature that explored the identity of L.A.’s mysterious billboard bombshell.”
Battlestar Galactica
“Battlestar Galactica returns to television with Sam Esmail producing.” Read more about this reboot here.
Clean Slate
“Old-school car wash owner, Henry (George Wallace), is thrilled that his estranged child is returning to Alabama after 17 years. However, Henry has a lot of soul searching to do when the child he thought was a son returns as the determined, proud, trans woman, Desiree (Laverne Cox).” – Per THR.
Division One
“Division One is a coming-of-age comedy about an underdog women’s collegiate soccer team that gets a new female coach — a former professional soccer player who’s fallen from grace — and must decide whether or not they’re going to take the risk of trying to be great.” The show will be produced by Amy Poehler and soccer star Abby Wambach. – Per THR.
Dr. Death
“Based on Wonderly’s hit podcast, Dr. Death tells the terrifying true story of Dr. Christopher Duntsch (Jamie Dornan), a rising star in the Dallas medical community. Young, charismatic and ostensibly brilliant, Dr. Duntsch was building a flourishing neurosurgery practice when everything suddenly changed. Patients entered his operating room for complex but routine spinal surgeries and left permanently maimed or dead. As victims piled up, two fellow physicians, neurosurgeon Robert Henderson (Alec Baldwin) and vascular surgeon Randall Kirby (Christian Slater), set out to stop him. Dr. Death explores the twisted mind of a sociopath and the gross negligence of the system designed to protect the most defenseless among us.”
“Ellie, a fiercely independent but perpetually single music manager, has always wanted a family but never found a man worthy of the role of ‘father.’ That is, until her 39th birthday, when she decides to ask her gay best friend and co-worker, Jonathan, if he’ll be her sperm donor. When Jonathan surprises himself by saying ‘yes,’ it sets off a chain of events that turn Ellie and Jonathan’s personal and professional lives upside down as they try to turn their ‘chosen family’ into a biological family. Mindy Kaling will executive produce.” – Per THR.
Hatching Twitter
“Through exclusive access and exhaustive investigative reporting, New York Times best-selling author Nick Bilton draws on hundreds of sources, documents and internal e-mails to tell intimate true stories of companies behaving badly and technology gone awry. The first installment of this anthology series will be based on Bilton’s acclaimed book Hatching Twitter, a tale of betrayed friendships and high-stakes power struggles that accompanied the meteoric rise of the infamous tech company. 140 characters and a few lines of code changed the world, disrupting the very fabric of the way people communicate. This series will explore the real masterminds behind it all, how it was done, and the colossal ramifications the technology will have on our future.” – Per THR.
After rotting in prison for over a decade, America’s ultimate hero and uber patriot MacGruber is finally released. His mission: to take down a mysterious villain from his past — Brigadier Commander Enos Queeth. With the entire world in the crosshairs, MacGruber (Will Forte), Vicki and Piper must race against time to defeat the forces of evil. Only to find that evil … may be lurking within. – Read more about MacGruber here.
One of Us Is Lying (pilot)
“Based on Karen M. McManus’s best-selling novel, One of Us Is Lying is the story of what happens when five strangers walk into detention and only four walk out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.”
Punky Brewster (pilot)
“In this multicamera/hybrid continuation of the iconic ’80s sitcom about a bright young girl raised by a foster dad, Punky is now a single mother of three trying to get her life back on track when she meets a young girl who reminds her a lot of her younger self.”
Rutherford Falls
“Ed Helms portrays Nathan Rutherford, the eponymous denizen of a small New England town, who is having difficulty facing the inevitable changes to his way of life.”
Saved by the Bell (reboot)
“When California governor Zack Morris gets into hot water for closing too many low-income high schools, he proposes they send the affected students to the highest performing schools in the state – including Bayside High. The influx of new students gives the over privileged Bayside kids a much needed and hilarious dose of reality.” – Read more about the Saved by the Bell reboot here.
Straight Talk
“Straight Talk examines what happens when two opposing ideologies are forced into an odd coupling. The main characters will be challenged by one another, making the moral lines at which they once stood harder to define.”
Peacock Library
Peacock has been designed to mimic the experience of flipping through channels on a terrestrial television. To that end, both the free and premium tiers are launching with curated channels of NBC-themed content. These include channels that contain the best moments from shows such as The Office (“Office Shorts”), Saturday Night Live (“SNL Vault”), The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (“Fallon Tonight”), Late Night With Seth Meyers (“Seth Meyers Now”).
There are also exclusive genre channels like CNBC Make It, TODAY All Day, CNBC Ka-Ching, American Greed, 80s Mixtape, True Crime, Kiss Me Deadly, Peacock Reality, Out of This World, Caso Cerrado and I Love Jenni.
The free tier will include current NBC TV shows one week after they air. It will also include select episodes of Peacock originals. Most importantly it will include the following library content at launch:
30 Rock
Parks and Recreation
Saturday Night Live
Saved by the Bell
Punky Brewster
The Johnny Carson Show
The Carol Burnett Show
Real Husbands of Hollywood
Everybody Hates Chris
Friday Night Lights
Downton Abbey
The Game
Sacred Lies
Royal Pains
Battlestar Galactica
The Rockford Files
21 Jump Street
Leave It To Beaver
Murder She Wrote
Below Deck
Southern Charm
Chrisley Knows Best
Flipping Out
Million Dollar Listing New York
Pawn Stars
Storage Wars
Real Housewives of Dallas
Jay Leno’s Garage
Shahs of Sunset
Undercover Boss
Top Chef Masters
Hell’s Kitchen
Hollywood Game Night
American Ninja Warrior Jr.
Kong, The Animated Series
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures
Fievel’s American Tails andWoody Woodpecker
Betty en NY
I Love Jenni
Reina De Corazones
The Riveras
Preso No. 1, Caso Cerrado
El Baron
El Chema
Perro Amo
Mi Familia Perfecta
Quien es Quien
Donde Esta Elisa.
Added library shows for the premium tier include:
Two and a Half Men
Everybody Loves Raymond
George Lopez
Jeff Foxworthy Show
King of Queens
The Affair
Law & Order
Law & Order: SVU
Ray Donovan
Swedish Dicks
American Ninja Warrior
DreamWorks Dragons: Riders of Berk
Care Bears
Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot.
Future Peacock TV library titles feature:
The Office
Chicago P.D.
Chicago Fire
Chicago Med
3rd Rock from the Sun
Bates Motel
 Brooklyn Nine-Nine
 Real Housewives of Atlanta
Real Housewives of New York,
Real Housewives of New Jersey
Real Housewives of Orange County
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
Vanderpump Rules
Millionaire Matchmaker
Top Chef
Married with Children
Curse of Oak Island
 First 48
 American Picker
 Ancient Aliens
Cold Case Files
The free tier of Peacock movies available at launch includes:
The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Supremacy
The Bourne Ultimatum
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park III
Phantom Thread
The Interprete
American Psycho
The Matrix
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
The Blair Witch Project
The Mummy
Fletch Lives
The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury
Do the Right Thing
Howard the Duck
Billy Elliot
The Birds
Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
The Last House On The Left
I Am Ali
In The Name of the Father
Lone Ranger
The Hitcher
Law Abiding Citizen
The Sting
What Dreams May Come
Fried Green Tomatoes
One True Thing
Gosford Park
The premium tier adds:
Lone Survivor
Identity Thief
Children of Men
Charlie Wilson’s War
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Kicking and Screaming
Larry Crowne
You, Me & Dupree.
The following films are expected to arrive on Peacock sometime after launch:
Trolls World Tour
You Should Have Left
Croods 2
Boss Baby 2
Won’t You Be My Neighbor
The Purge
Ride Along
American Gangster
Fast & Furious
Fast 5
Fast & Furious 6
Field of Dreams
The Express
Knocked Up
National Lampoon’s Vacation
National Lampoon’s European Vacation
Evan Almighty
The Conjuring
Dawn of the Dead
The Dark Knight
The Big Lebowski
Scent of a Woman
3:10 to Yuma
Lost In Translation
Brokeback Mountain
Pitch Black
The Graduate
Police Academy
The Great Outdoors
The Bone Collector
Robin Hood
The Hurt Locker
The Break Up
Open Water
It Follows
Carlito’s Way
Peacock Sports
Peacock is notable in its offering of live sporting events, something that only ViacomCBS’s CBS All Access can compete with among the major OTT streaming services.
Live sports available to free tier users include:
Four exclusive English Premier League soccer matchers on July 15.
Coverage of the U.S. Men and Women’s Open Championships in golf.
An NFL Wild Card Playoff game.
Select events from the now-delayed Tokyo and Beijing Olympics
Premium tier highlights include:
175 exclusive EPL matchups for the 2020-21 season.
Cycling events like the Tour du France.
More than 100 hours of WWE content arriving in August including series like WWE Untold, and Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions. And compilations like John Cena’s Best WrestleMania Matches.
The post Peacock: NBC Streaming Service Release Date, Shows, Price, and News appeared first on Den of Geek.
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