#nbc grimm fanfiction
Ace of Clubs: Chapter X
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Canon violence (if any).
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, the best thing would to have never been born at all.
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I slumped back into the seat of my car with a frustrated sigh, combing my hair back. I had spent the last several days hunting down apartments to look at, but to no avail. There were none located in safer places of town, and so I couldn't find one that Renard would be remotely approving of.
What was I thinking? Why did I care if he approved of it or not? He didn't even have to know where I lived. I shook my head at my train of thought, turning the key to the ignition and heading for the precinct. 
Nick looked up as I walked into the cafe, a slight limp still in my step. I sat in the booth beside Hank, making myself comfortable.
"How's the apartment hunting going?" Hank asked.
"Amazing." I answered sarcastically.
"How are you and Juliet doing?" I asked Nick. I hadn't met her yet– for concern of confusing her while she recovered her memory– but Nick had explained the whole situation to me.
"It's getting better." He answered shortly. I didn't pry.
"So," I started, changing the subject. "What's on your plate for today?" 
"Not much.Writing up the forms for a couple cases."
"So you don't need me, then. Damn." I joked.
"Get out of here." Hank bantered back. 
"I can help from the office!" I retorted lightheartedly. 
"Yeah I-" Nick started to answer. Gunshots suddenly sounded from across the street, and my head shot up, my eyes darting to the two detectives I was sitting with.
"Stay here. Both of you." He added with a glance in my direction, before jogging out of the cafe. 
"I'll call it in." I looked to Hank, hesitantly standing out of the seat.
"Sorry." I apologized, following in Nick's footsteps at a quick, limping pace.
By the time I had made it to the bookstore, only the dead body of an author was to be found. I glanced at him quickly, before jogging out to an outdoor staircase. I found Nick running to look over the railing as a sleek, brown-furred creature dove off and splashed into the river. He turned as I approached, frowning at me but saying nothing.
"What was that??" 
"I don't know." The grimm's frown deepened. 
"A bird?" I questioned, falling into step beside him as he walked slowly back to the bookstore, processing what happened.
"A fish? Frog?" He shook his head.
"It had fur, right? I caught that." He nodded, still silent.
My brain suddenly clicked. "An otter?" He stopped in his tracks.
"Maybe..Maybe." He muttered.
By the time we made it back to the crime scene, Hank was there, questioning a Khloe Sedgwick; A witness, apparently. She looked up at Nick as we approached the two of them. Hank introduced us.
"Did you know the victim?" He questioned her.
"He's my boyfriend." She said nervously, even though she had a charming, almost alluring aura to her. 
"Anton, my ex, he's the one who killed him." She paused, something about her suddenly changing as she stepped closer to Nick.
"That's all we need for now, thank you."
 "You saved me, thank you." She took his hand in hers, raising it to her lips and touched a kiss to his knuckles. As she turned away, Nick made a face. 
"Interesting." I followed the two detectives out of the building.
"To say the least." Hank added. "So we're thinking jealous ex?"
"He was wesen." 
"That doesn't change anything."
"Was she wesen?" Hank intercepted.
"Not that I could see. She didn't woge." Nick looked to me, and I shook my head in agreement.
"Shit." I suddenly looked to my phone, checking the time. "I have another place to look at today, sorry." 
"Have fun." Nick said. I rolled my eyes.
"There's two bedrooms and a bath, and this lovely little living area." The landlady gave me the details of the apartment. I nodded along politely, shoving my hands in the pockets of my trench coat. Something felt way off, but I couldn't figure out what. I shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, following her into the next room–the kitchen–and she gestured around to everything in it. 
"The previous tenant left in such a hurry, so most of everything you need to get started should be in here." She explained. I nodded again. I just wanted to get out of here without being too rude. I followed her back into the living room, a picture by the TV catching my eye. I picked it up carefully.
The old woman appeared behind me, quickly snatching the photo out of my hand with a strained smile. I narrowed my eyes at her suspiciously as I noticed her begin to woge. "Is that the previous tenant?" 
"It is. As I said, he did leave in a hurry." 
"And why was that?" I began to interrogate her, edging towards the door. The knot in my stomach grew.
"I don't know." She shrugged apologetically. "He just up and left. I didn't even realize until I came to collect the rent that was due, and he didn't answer."
"What are you?" I asked her.
"What?" She asked innocently.
"I said, what are you?" She woged, cocking her head to the side. "An alpe." I hissed at her.
"I'm not afraid of a grimm." She growled, tackling me. I would never get used to how much stronger old people were in their wesen form, as if their age didn't even matter once they woged. 
"Fuck off, parasite." I rolled on top of her, straddling her with my knife pressed to her throat. She returned to her human form, once again an old lady. I narrowed my eyes at her show of weakness, knowing how quickly she could turn again. 
"I'll be keeping an eye on you." I hissed, climbing unsteadily to my feet and limping out of the battered apartment. I slumped into the seat of my car with a sigh. I wasn't in the mood to kill anyone today, I just wanted to find somewhere to live.
 Walking into the precinct and glancing around,  I didn't see Nick or Hank. It wasn't unusual; it was getting late, and people were heading home, but usually the two of them were still there.  I headed into the Captain's office, where he was just finished up a phone call.
"Sorry." I smiled apologetically. 
"You're fine. What's going on?" 
"Where's Nick? And Hank?"
"They're looking into that case from this morning." He suddenly frowned, his eyes scanning my face. 
"What's that?" He asked, gesturing to his own forehead.
"What?" I touched my hand to my forehead, and it came back with quite a bit of blood on it. I looked at it in surprise, quickly glancing at my reflection in the window. Blood trickled down the side of my face and matted to a small portion of my hairline. 
"What happened? Don't tell me you've been getting involved with cases again." 
"Not purposely, no. " I frowned, turning back to him. "I was just looking at apartments." He raised an eyebrow at me, skeptical.
"What can I say, trouble finds me wherever I go." I shrugged, trying to lighten the mood. 
"I can't argue with that." He sighed. "Find any places?" 
"Not really. Sorry, I just..I want to find somewhere safer this time. I really didn't mean to intrude this long, it's already been three weeks now." I apologized quickly. "I'm really overstaying my welcome, aren't I?" I asked, more to myself than him.
"No, take your time. If you can't find somewhere that you're sure is safe, I don't want you to be in danger just because you think you're intruding. You're not. I don't mind having you around." He admitted. 
"I know, you keep telling me that. It's just been kind of tough. I'm not used to relying on someone. I mean- I keep saying that too, I guess." I laughed nervously. 
"You have people now." He told me, resting his hands on my shoulders. "You've got plenty of people to rely on. I'll keep reminding you of that as long as it takes." 
I leaned into him unconsciously before he pulled me into a hug. It took me a moment to return it, but I did, wrapping my arms around him tightly. When he pulled away, his eyes were soft. He gave me a nod, and I offered him a small smile in return. 
"I'm going to look at what they have filed down really quick." I said.
"I don't think there's much, but go ahead."
"There's another case I want to look at, too. An old one."  He nodded, glancing back to his paperwork. 
I went to Nick's desk, rifling through the papers he had on top. Renard was right, there wasn't much down about the case, but there was a drawing of a wesen that looked like an otter, as I had suggested to him before. A sketch of a woman caught my eye, torn from the notepad and tucked between the case files. I picked it up curiously, recognizing the witness from this morning. 
A strange weight settled in my chest. I quickly dialed Nick's number, bouncing my leg impatiently as I waited for him to answer. Nothing. I called Hank, finally receiving an answer.
"Is Nick with you?" I asked urgently.
"No, why?"
"When was the last time you saw him?" 
"We went to the victim's apartment with Wu, found a bunch of weird drawings. He's supposed to be having dinner with Juliet. What's going on?" That let put my mind at ease, just the slightest bit, even though the brick in my chest was still heavy.
"He's not picking up- look, I just got this weird feeling. You know the witness from the crime scene this morning? The one that you questioned?"
"Yeah, what about her?"
"That's it, I don't know. Something just feels off about it. You know what? I'm sure it's nothing. Sorry." I hung up quickly, trying to brush it off. I didn't want to stress Hank out when he was supposed to be healing his leg.
His words did little to put me at ease, but I tried
to dismiss the feeling. My hands itched to check in with Monroe, but I didn't want to make a big deal out of what was probably just paranoia on my part. I did my best to focus on the paperwork in front of me as I shuffled through more of the documents. 
I was curious as to what the detectives had put down for the other wesen cases, especially the ones where Nick had used things only a grimm–or someone who knew about wesen, at the very least–could find. The way he juggled the whole grimm thing, along with his detective job, and still managed to combine the two was impressive.
I blinked hard, suddenly finding my eyes much heavier than they were…some time ago. I glanced up at the clock, then at the book I had pulled out of my bag at some point.. I sighed tiredly at the time.
"Just one more." I mumbled, turning the page. I blinked several times again, my eyes fighting to focus. I read the page about the musai with a tired curiosity. Some of it oddly reminded me of something, or someone, but I just couldn't quite place my tired finger on it. My finger twitched as I tried to turn the page.
"Ace." I groaned in complaint at the hand on my shoulder, curling my arms around my face. The hand shook me gently and I suddenly awoke with a start, my head snapping up to the source of the voice.
"What?" I sat up, quickly blinking the sleep from my eyes and hastily getting to my feet. I wobbled slightly as I gathered the book into my bag.
"Nothing, it's late, that's all." He said softly, eyeing me in concern. 
"I didn't mean to- I didn't realize." I cut myself off. 
"It's fine. I'm heading out. I can wait for you if you want." He told me. 
"I'll be right behind you." I called after him.
 As I walked back to my car, I squinted, noticing a small paper tucked under the windshield wipers, the whiteness of the paper almost glowing eerily beneath the streetlight.
"A parking ticket, at the precinct of all places…" I muttered under my breath, snagging the paper and beginning to crumple it into a ball, when I noticed it was a sticky note. I flattened it out again, revealing a drawing of a scythe in black marker.
"Not again."
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mikaela-granger · 12 hours
The Long Wait - Chapter 4 – Making Friends
Fandom: Grimm
Pairing: Sean Renard/OFC
Lorelei and Monroe finally meet.
The Long Wait - First Three Chapters
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Over the next few weeks Lorelei adjusted to life in Portland. She got to know her way around the college campus and the surrounding area; got to know her professors and fellow classmates; and started her new job was working in a hospital’s public health department. She kept true to her word and was at Nick and Juliette’s every Sunday to do her laundry and have lunch with them. Well, mainly Juliette as Nick was frequently working. Lorelei was enjoying getting to the woman her brother wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Living on opposite sides of the country had made it hard to bond with her, but they were able to spend more time together and got along well.
Although he tried to keep her out of it, he did keep Lorelei up to date on the different wesen he had come across due to his work as a detective. He also mentioned how much help Monroe had continued to be. Nick filled Lorelei in more about what had happened with Aunt Marie and the hexenbiest who played a role in her death. He showed her the key Aunt Marie had given him, as well as where he had moved the trailer to.
One afternoon, Nick called and asked if she wanted to meet Monroe. Lorelei jumped at the chance to meet the man who had been helping her brother. And honestly, she was looking forward to meeting someone who was aware of Wesen. The sun was setting as Lorelei pulled up in front of the small house where Monroe lived.
She walked up to the front door and just as she was about to knock, the door opened, and Lorelei found herself face to face with Nick.
“Hey!” she said.
“Hey.” Nick replied, as his pulled on his jacket. “I’m sorry I have to go. Work. This is Monroe” he gestured to the man standing just inside the entrance. “Monroe, this is my sister. Gotta go.” He stopped to give Lorelei a kiss of the cheek. “Love you. Bye”
And he was gone, leaving Lorelei and Monroe watching him as he disappeared. Lorelei turned to face Monroe and gave him a smile. “Pizza?” she asked, holding up the box she was holding. “No meat, Nick mentioned you were vegetarian.”
Monroe returned her smile. “Yeah, I could go for pizza. Come on in.”
Lorelei stepped inside and closed the door. “I’m Lorelei by the way.” She introduced, reaching to shake his hand.
“Monroe. Come on, kitchen is this way.” He walked off into the house and Lorelei followed him. “I’m liking you more than Nick already. He never brings food.”
Lorelei laughed. “How rude. He’s coming to you for help, he should at least feed you.”
Monroe laughed as well. When he reached the kitchen, he realised Lorelei was no longer following him. He looked back and found her staring around his living room, a look of awe on her face. “Wow, this looks amazing.” She said, referring the Christmas decorations. She gasped. “Is that a train?”
Joining her by the tracks, Monroe watched as her eyes followed the train’s journey around his living room. As it approached where they were standing, Lorelei leaned down to look at it closer. “Is it an antique?” she asked, turning her gaze to Monroe.
“Uh, yeah, it is.” He said. “Its been in my family for a while.”
“That’s cool.” Lorelei said, her gaze returning to the train before she surveyed the living room again. “I love the decorations. We never really did anything like this when I was a kid.”
“Really?” Monroe asked. Lorelei shook her head.
“Nope. I’ve actually been meaning to put some decorations up in my dorm room. Just haven’t got around to it.” She answered, before glancing down at the pizza. “We better eat this pizza before it gets too cold.”
They moved into the kitchen. Monroe gestured for Lorelei to put the pizza on the table, while he grabbed some plates and napkins. “Did you want something to drink?” he asked. “I don’t really drink alcohol, but I do have some homemade kombucha.”
“Kombucha is fine. I’m too young to drink alcohol anyway.” Lorelei said, finally slipping  her jacket off and placing it over the back of a chair.
Monroe looked at her in surprise as he placed the plates and cups down. “How old are you? Nick mentioned you had started grad school.”
“I turned 18 over the summer.” Lorelei told him. “And I did start grad school. I’m kinda gifted. Started college when I was 13.”
“Oh wow, that’s impressive. What are you studying?”
“Public health, with a focus on epidemiology and health promotion.” Lorelei advised him. “I am also working part time at Treeview Hospital in their public health unit.”
Monroe was impressed. He placed kombucha on the table and sat down, grabbing a couple of slices of pizza. “Sounds like you’re keeping busy.” He commented. “How are you liking Portland?”
“Its not bad. Definitely colder than Maryland though.” Lorelei replied before taking a bite of pizza.
Monroe gave a laugh as he ate some of his own pizza. They ate in a comfortable silence for a while. Once Lorelei was finished, she turned to Monroe. “So, Monroe, what do you do when my brother isn’t dragging you into police business?”
“So, Monroe, tell me about yourself.”
He let out a breath. “Ah, well, what has Nick told you?”
Lorelei made a face. “Honestly, not a lot. You’re a blutbad, vegetarian, you work with clocks, and you seem like a good guy.”
Monroe nodded. “Yeah, Nick’s usually all business.” He commented. “All he told me about you was that you’re his little sister, you moved here and started grad school, and that you have been a Grimm a little longer than him.”
Lorelei smiled. “I suppose that sums it up pretty well. Obviously, there is more to me than that. Just like there is no doubt more to you.” Monroe nodded in agreement. “So, what interests do you have?”
The two spend the next couple of hours talking. They found out they had some common interests including classical music and history. Monroe was surprised to find out that Lorelei spoke fluent German, French, Spanish, and was learning Latin. Eventually, Lorelei realised it was getting late. They exchange numbers and Monroe walked Lorelei to her car.
“Thanks for having me, Monroe. I don’t really know many people in Portland.” Lorelei commented. “And I find it hard to interact with people on a social level sometimes. Even more so, since finding out I was a Grimm.”
“You’re welcome and thanks for the pizza.” Monroe replied. Lorelei smiled. “And hey, if you ever want to hang out. Give me a call.”
“Will do.” Lorelei said. “Thanks again Monroe.”
“Drive safe. Let me know when you get home.”
They bid each other goodbye; both feeling as if they had made a new friend.
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shananiga · 1 month
I love writing Nick as a protagonist because he's just so malleable. He has so much sexual tension with every character. You could ship him with just about anyone and I'd be like "Yeah, I could see that." Even for the ships I'm not fond of, I can understand the appeal.
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starwalker03 · 8 months
I'm rewatching grimm. The fanfiction is coming but I gotta finish the show first. And then I'm going to ruin this man's life.
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green5quirrel · 7 months
I don't want whatever is "trending", ya pretentious little misspelled website.
I want my goofy little niche tags that have 5 people on them to be updated with my favorite characters being whumped and LOVED.
Who do I have to reblog to make this happen?
Is Satan on here?
I will reblog Satan if I have to.
Or, like, God too, I guess.
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jellysmudge · 11 months
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WIP Wednesday motherFUCKER. This fic is almost done im hoping to get it done soon lol
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sloanescasebook · 4 months
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Alright! Finally got this chapter done! This will be a quick rewrite/summation of Seven Year Itch, Breakfast in Bed, Blind Love and The Son Also Rises. (And a very brief mention of El Cuegle but I'm not a huge fan of that episode so it happened off screen, we'll say).
This will also be the last chapter based on canon episodes. Like I said before, there's still plenty I want to do so we'll be going for a while longer!
Out of the canon episodes though, the only ones I didn't do were: Season 1, most of season 2 up till I started rewriting at Volcanalis when Sloane showed up, kind of glossed over Endangered, never figured out where to insert Hibernaculum, didn't really feel like The Believer, glossed over El Cuegle, and now I'm just going to toss Tree People out. That's still a lot I did! Some faster than others, yes, but I did most of them.
There's a couple of reasons I'm not doing Tree people though. 1) while i love the creepiness and effects on the Jubokko and Kinoshimobe...the weeby Folklore lover was a bit irked because I didn't understand how it came to be there! These things grow where there's a lot of blood shed! What the hell happened in that forest??? it also felt a little preachy in some places about the enviroment--which I agree is important but it was a little obvious.
2) This chapter was already packed and long and I liked leaving it off .
3) The next chapter, an original idea/adaptation as all will be from now on, will also be centered on plants and plant wesen. So I think skipping over a chapter I'm not super enthused about for one I think will be more fun to write.
I also did include the diary from an older Grimm using the bone to sort of explain why trying to bring Patrick back wouldn't be good after what happened to Ketterling. I mean, after getting shot and messed up it seems like a bad idea anyway, but...I feel bad for him, I admit.
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wheeeeboiiii · 9 months
I have just finished Grimm and I am both super hyped and super confused over that ending.
But also..
Either way, it still on my top 10 shows list.
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acefanficwriter1797 · 3 months
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
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Juliette the Midnight Vet
Juliette Silverton is a perfectly ordinary small animal vet by day. But by night, she serves as a private veterinarian to the wealthy, influential, and secretive Renard family and their collection of strange and exotic pets.
Then one night one of the "pets" changes in front of her, and Juliette realizes she's been an unwitting participant in the unthinkable. Now that she knows the truth, she must decide what one small animal vet can do against one of the most powerful families in the world.
This fic is an active WIP. Chapter 9 is now up!
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grimmswan · 1 year
Unexpected part 10
Unexpected Gifts
Grimm: Nick/Adalind
Massive Canon Divergence. Does not follow the timeline of the show. Nick Burkhardt is dealing with a broken heart after his girlfriend leaves him without word or warning. Adalind Schade is dealing with a broken heart after finding out the man she loved had been sleeping with her mother on the same day her mother was killed. When Adalind discovers she is pregnant, Nick volunteers to be there for her through everything. Together, they discover how the unexpected might not be such a bad thing.
Finally feeling like he could move on with his life, Nick threw himself into creating a new one with Adalind.
And with the time off that they both were given, he and Adalind had plenty of time to do that.
Nick and Adalind took full advantage of their time off.
Thanks to Adalind’s legal help, Nick had a large sum of money in his bank account. And as lovely as the hexenbiest made her home look, it wasn’t really a good size for a growing family.
Since he had the time, he started looking online at houses for sale.
One day after making an appointment with a realtor, a dozen eisbiber showed up at Adalind’s home, eager to create the perfect house for them.
"I thought you said the realtor was a hexenbiest?" Nick looked at Adalind and asked, curious as to why there was a group of eisbiber looking at him and smiling eagerly. 
"She is. But she has three eisbiber on her staff." Adalind explained. "I really should have suspected this would happen."
It was made clear that Adalind would not need to lift a finger. All she would have to do was say what she wanted, and the rest of the group would give it to her.
Nick was particularly protective of her. Refusing to even allow her to carry her purse to and from the car when they ran errands or visited people.
Nick would have preferred it if Adalind stayed in bed and allowed him to tend to her, but she turned that idea down immediately.
“I would go crazy with nothing to do but read or watch tv. There will be plenty of time for me to be housebound when the baby comes. So until then, I need to be out and about while I can.”
Though most of her out and about consisted of being at the spice shop, enjoying a cup of herbal tea and talking with Freddie and Rosalee.
With the time off that he had been given, Nick was taking the opportunity to learn about wesen, their various traits, and the cultural behaviors they tended to have. And all of his new wesen friends, and wesen girlfriend, were more than happy to help in his research. And it was just more convenient to do said research at the spice shop.
Monroe would stop by for a couple of hours each day. Usually to have lunch with the group and talk about his ancestors' side of whatever the topic of the day consisted of.
One particular day, the topic was family gatherings, and what was expected of each member.
Nick was especially curious, because he would be adopting Adalind’s, and his friend’s, customs for future holidays and events.
There were no significant family traditions that he could remember growing up.
And after his parents died and his Aunt Marie became his guardian, there was never anything special that they did during any holiday or occasion.
He had been more than happy to adopt Juliette's traditions as his own, when they were together. But now that life was in the past, and he certainly was not going to bring those traditions in his new one.
A new beginning meant new ways of celebrating special occasions.
After the heartbreak her mother had put her through, Adalind expressed a strong interest in creating whole new traditions. Ones that had no connection to her family. Especially her mother.
Luckily for both Nick and Adalind, their wesen friends had plenty of traditions and were more than happy to share.
And of course, they expected to create their own special traditions just for their own unique family.
A large step toward that goal was finding the right house and creating a home.
Their friends were also more than happy to help with that as well.
The estate and financial law expertise of the hexenbiests, combined with an army of determined eisbiber, accomplished in a few days what would normally take weeks, or even months.
Nick and Adalind were moved into their perfect home. A beautiful house just outside of the city. With a huge yard all around it. Five bedrooms, four and a half bathrooms. And most importantly, a large enough garage to hold a trailer full of Grimm journals.
Using the excuse that Nick liked to build and restore things, such as classic cars, and boats, Adalind had told her friend that Nick needed a large work shed.
When the hexenbiest realtor found the perfect house with everything but the large work shed, the eisbiber built one in an impressively short amount of time.
“It’s going to take us longer to find furniture for the house than it did to find the house.” Nick joked.
“We’ll deal with interior design after the baby is born.” Adalind sighed. She wanted to create a space that reflected both hers and Nick’s style and interests. But she was in no shape to be going to furniture stores and looking at couches, so her things would just have to do.
Though they did look really sparse in the much bigger space.
But sooner than expected, a tiny bundle was also filling a space.
It was the dead of night. The moon was full, high, and bright in the sky.
Adalind was woken with a surging pain. At first, she tried to remain silent. She was certain that the cramps were a false alarm.
It was common for many to experience false labor.
But the pain of the cramps increased. And got closer together.
“Honey, I’m pretty sure you’re in labor.” Nick observed from his spot beside her on the bed.
“I thought it might have been Braxton Hicks.” Adalind shook her head.
The liquid that rushed out of her indicated that she was, in fact, experiencing real labor contractions. And that her daughter was on the way.
There was no way they were going to make it to the hospital on time. And Adalind didn’t want an ambulance.
“If the paramedics are wesen, they might have a bad reaction to you being a grimm. If they aren’t wesen and I woge, they could have a bad reaction to me. I’m not taking any chances.”
So Nick did the next best thing, and called Elizabeth, and Rosalee, and put them on speaker.
“I’m on my way.” Elizabeth said, putting a bluetooth bud in her ear as she gathered what might be needed to help her first grandchild, and the mother of that child.
Rosalee promised the same, after first stopping at the spice shop to gather everything that could possibly come in handy.
A spell suddenly occurred to Adalind. It was a guaranteed way of ensuring no harm would come to her baby.
But for it to work, she needed to be outside.
She tried to get out of the bed, but Nick stopped her.
“Adalind, you’re about to drop this baby any minute. You need to stay in bed.”
“I need to go to the garden. The flowers growing there will aid in a protection spell. But I have to give birth among them for it to work.”
Giving a heavy sigh at the strangeness his life had become, Nick scooped Adalind up and carried her to the garden.
There among the flowers, with the full moon overhead, Adalind gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
It would be Nick who would touch the baby first, in order to place her in her mother’s arms.
Rosalee and Elizabeth would arrive shortly after, confirming the baby was in fact, healthy. And would witness the love and admiration in Nick’s eyes as he looked at Adalind and the baby.
Elizabeth would call her son and inform him that his daughter had been born. Sean Renard would thank his mother for letting him know, showing concern and asking if the child and mother were alright, but other than that gave little reaction to the matter.
Rosalee would inform her brother Freddie, and her boyfriend Monroe about the baby’s birth in the morning.
By that time mother and child would be in the hospital, getting checked out by the doctors. Who would conform that nothing had gone wrong.
The two men would express excitement, offer congratulations, and each show up at the hospital room with large arrangements of flowers.
But there was a moment, when it was just Nick, Adalind, and the baby, that a strange stillness seemed to surround the trio. It was as if everything was centered around that time, that place, those three beating hearts.
And an understanding came over Adalind. She looked at the full moon. Then she looked at her baby cradled in her arms, “Diana. Her name is Diana.”
 She looked at Nick with a loving smile. “After the goddess of the moon, and of the hunt.”
The implication was clear. The name would have a connection to the man who was a father to the child in every way that mattered.
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Update on Ace of Clubs
There’s only a couple of people following it I think, but I thought I’d give the ones interested an update on the status of Ace of Clubs: 
The past couple months of chapters were the chapters I had already written that were hadn’t been posted, so I haven’t written for it in probably a good three months. I’m not too invested in it anymore, or in Grimm, but I will try to keep writing for it since there isn’t much content out there for this show like, at all. The updates will most definitely be a lot slower (think a chapter or two a month), and no promises, but I will definitely try my best! I hate unfinished fics as much as the next person; so if I do find myself getting really tired of it, I’ll at least try my best to give it a decent ending.
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mikaela-granger · 1 day
The Long Wait - Chapter 3 - The Family Business
Fandom: Grimm
Pairing: Sean Renard/OFC
Grimm Fanfiction Masterlist
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
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“Lore, did Aunt Marie ever tell you about our family’s history?” Nick asked.
Lorelei paused. She had been wondering if Aunt Marie had time to talk to Nick before she had died. Lorelei knew that Aunt Marie had been attacked not long after she arrived in Portland and was in hospital for a few days before she died. Or was murdered, to be more precise. Nick hadn’t provided her much information, but he was honest about that.
Looking up, Lorelei found her brother staring at her intently. She let out a breath and placed her burger down. Not sure what to say, she decided on as much honesty as she could. “She filled me on some aspects of it.” Lorelei replied, returning her gaze to her plate briefly before looking back up at Nick. “How much did she tell you?”
Nick took a sip of drink. “She said that we can see things, that others can’t.” he stated, staring intently at his sister, as though trying to read her mind.
Lorelei started back at him, just as intently, before concluding that Aunt Marie had told him the truth. She couldn’t determine if he was a Grimm as well, so decided to stop beating around the bush. “I can see things, the true faces of some people. Can you Nicky?”
A look of recognition flashed across Nick’s face and then it was as if he relaxed, like a weight was lifted off his chest. “Yeah, I can. It started last week, just before Aunt Marie arrived.” He said. “When did it start for you?”
Lorelei picked up her burger and took a bit. She wasn’t sure how Nick would feel knowing that she had been a Grimm longer than him, wasn’t sure how he would feel knowing that there had been a few occasions where she had to fight for her life to survive Wesen attacks.
Lorelei held up her hand, indicating he should wait. After swallowing, she answered “It’s been couple of years.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Nick asked, looking hurt. “I thought you told me everything.”
Lorelei stared at him. “Seriously? Firstly, I am a teenager. I do not tell you everything. Secondly, Aunt Marie told me not to tell you. And thirdly, would you have believed me even if I did tell you.”
Nick bit his lip, contemplating what she had just said. “I probably would have suggested Aunt Marie have you see a therapist.” He admitted begrudgingly. He straightened up a bit. “I wonder why she didn’t tell me earlier.”
Lorelei shrugged. “Who knows. Maybe she thought you might not be a Grimm.”
“Maybe.” Nick agreed.
They sat in silence for a while, finishing off their lunch. A thought crossed Lorelei’s mind. “Hey, where is Aunt Marie’s trailer?”
“It’s somewhere safe.” Nick replied. Lorelei nodded. That trailer contained centuries of knowledge, weapons and artifacts. It could not fall into the wrong hands. “That reminds me. What are you doing about a car? Aunt Marie’s utility works fine.”
Lorelei looked up as she placed her plate to the side. “If you don’t mind me using it, that would be great. I was planning on using public transport, but my own car would be awesome.”
Nick smiled. “I’ve got my truck. You take the utility.” He insisted.
The pair left the diner and drove off. Nick headed off in the direction of the university as the two discussed their first wesen encounters and Nick told her about Monroe, a blutbad he had met. “He seems like a good guy. I will have to introduce you to him.”
“That’d be cool. It would be nice to hear about wesen from someone beside Grimms, who in my opinion, seemed to kill indiscriminately.” Lorelei said, as Nick hummed in agreement.
They pulled up out the front of Lorelei’s dorm and she turned to look at Nick. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay with me and Juliette?” Nick asked again.
Lorelei gave him a look. “Nicky, I appreciate the offer, but I am 18 and it is time for me to fly the nest.” She smiled and leaned over to hug him. “But I will probably visit weekly to do my laundry.”
Nick laughed. “Not a problem. We can even feed you as well.”
“That’s all I ask.” Lorelei laughed. She got out the car and closed the door.
“One last thing.”
“Be careful. There seem to be a lot of wesen in Portland. And as Grimms, we are their number one enemy.”
Lorelei smiled at his concern. “I know. I’ve been doing this a little longer than you, remember? You don’t need to worry about me. Besides, you’re a cop, if anyone should be worrying, its me.”
“I’m your big brother, I will always worry about you.” Nick told her seriously.
“Love you big bro.”
“Love you too little sis.”
Lorelei waved and walked towards her dorm. Just as she reached the door, she turned around and saw Nick still parked there, clearly waiting for her to enter before leaving. She gave a final wave and walked inside.
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shananiga · 1 month
Just posted another Grimm fic. It's a standalone, not part of my Alexanick Adventures series. It's my first ever Hanahaki fic, and I'm very pleased with it! Give it a read if you enjoy angst and mild body horror! 💖
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starwalker03 · 4 months
I need to finish Grimm, among other things that I need to do of course, but I am currently obsessed with the idea of a Grimm fanfic where Nic does get kidnapped by the crazy plot with the pufferfish man and goes through a whole lot of emotional manipulation and essentially brain washing and the whole gang gets together to save him (including his mother showing up like WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SON) but they don't manage to get him until he is irreparably changed.
And then it ends in Nick/Renard and takes a long journey to healing.
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green5quirrel · 5 months
Back to my old fanfiction shit.
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