#satin's pin is a seven pointed star
i had to
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can someone please share this with the post owner of this tweet i couldnt find their(idk pronouns) tumblr -edit: NVM I FOUND HER (and her pronouns too) @elenyaart (but you guys let her know anyway, please)
also here are the sketch and the base color
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caffeineivore · 5 years
Commission #1
For @ellorgast
Prompt: A Very Spirited Wedding
Ships: Usagi/Mamoru, Senshi/Shitennou
Rating: PG
Get your own commissions from me here or check out other people offering commissions here!
Something Old…
Her dress is spotless white satin glimmering with seed pearls and a flowing overlay of chiffon embroidered with rosebuds. Angela has just finished dressing, and makeup, and had kicked out the well-meaning army of her mother and future mother-in-law and bridesmaids and photographer after the requisite pictures and champagne, just to take a moment for herself. The woman in the mirror glows with excitement and the flush of love, but there’s always a hint of nerves, of the finality of tying oneself to another person for the rest of one’s life. She knows, more than most, anything can happen. Countless tragedies spring from a single blink-of-the-eye catastrophe, or one bad decision. 
A knock, a harmonious, familiar voice at the other side of the door. “It’s Jay. Are you decent?”
He looks exceedingly handsome and somehow a bit stately, dressed in pale grey linen with a sprig of sage and ivy— silvery and lush green— pinned to his lapel. It’s not a typical choice for a suit or boutonniere, but it suits more than black-tie would, and he’s holding something in his hands— gleaming silver. 
It’s a delicate tiara, wrought branches of metal so intricately worked as to look like the slender stems of living flowers and vines twisted together. Drops of clear crystal like dew glitter against the silver, along with fantastical flowers carved out of jewels— blue irises, pink rosebuds, yellow daisies and red poppies— an effect which should’ve been crass, but when he places it on her head, over the filmy lace veil, she looks like a fairy princess. The metal feels slightly warm and almost alive against her hair, and she smiles up at this surrogate brother, this forever friend. “How did you know I’d looked in every single boutique in this city and couldn’t find anything?”
He grins, and the stately, somewhat remote look vanishes. “Well. For one thing, this is super old. But I am firmly of the belief that it will bring you good luck, you little ball of sunshine. I brought it out of storage.”
She thinks art nouveau, circa 1920’s, perhaps out of a safety deposit box somewhere in a bank. He knows, but doesn’t say, that it had been wrought by the masterful hands of his clan’s greatest artisans, in moonlit smithies high up in mist-shrouded mountains back before the first ships had ever even crossed the ocean, blessed by starshine and magic and centuries’ worth of romantic hopes and dreams. She just knows that it fits perfectly, and her eyes shine a bit brighter in the reflection, and she reaches up, impulsively, to give him a hug. “Something old, right? Thank you.”
“I wish you all the best and brightest of this world’s blessings, my friend.” He presses a brief, grave kiss to her forehead, right under where the metal meets skin, and it feels like the strangest of benedictions, almost solemn and formal. But then he steps back, and he’s Jay again, and he makes a cheeky comment about how beautiful she looks and how Adam is going to swallow his tongue when he sees her, and he leaves as quickly as he’d come on quick and silent feet.
Something New…
The blind date with Jareth’s friend had gone surprisingly well. Zhen, with his indolent green eyes and roguish smile, is well-spoken and courteous, with an almost-dangerous way of looking and listening to a woman as though he’d been waiting all his life for what she had to say at any given moment. Raina considers herself immune to such foolishness for the most part, but that Jareth considers him a friend is a point in his favour. It’s unspoken, but not unknown, that she and Jareth are both a bit out of the realm of the ordinary mortals who surround them.
When she’d mentioned the wedding, he’d cheerfully agreed to go as her date. “I love weddings. Such an optimistic sort of atmosphere, no? Whatever storms the happy couple may face in the future, for today they are deeply in love, heads and hearts full of rose-coloured dreams and hopes. And then they almost always have fabulous food and delicious cake. That cannot be overstated.”
She’s not as optimistic, perhaps, about the concept of marriage. But she rather likes Adam King, out of her colleagues at the hospital. He’s intelligent and capable, as is expected for his profession and academic record, but furthermore, there’s a soul-deep, untarnished light of compassion and empathy in the blue of his eyes. He had not become a healer because it was his birthright, like her, but because he genuinely, in his quiet, mortal way, felt and wanted to heal the pain of his fellow humans. It stirs a long-dormant feeling of fond protectiveness in her, and when she and her date go to wish the happy couple well at the start of the reception, she means it genuinely.
Zhen looks keenly interested in the proceedings, and though she’s quite sure that neither the bride nor groom had ever met him before, he greets them both with the cordiality of a socially-adroit man intent on befriending them both. He had not brought a gift-- (she had picked a popular programmable coffee and espresso machine out of the online registry, knowing Adam’s fondness for mochas)-- but he’d brought a card, and tucked in a scratch-off lottery ticket. He hands it to Adam, in person, rather than adding it to a pile left somewhere, and the groom opens it, reads the message aloud.
“Best of luck with your love and your lives together. Blessings upon you both.” It’s a nice enough message, and written in exuberant flourishes of looping script. Good-humouredly, Adam claps Zhen on the shoulder, and scratches off the silver wax on the lottery ticket, then his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline as he scans the ticket again.
“Did you win something?” Zhen inquires pleasantly, his lazy smile playing across his lips.
“Three matched sevens across, and then these two numbers mean…” Adam furrows his brow, and glances around before lowering his voice. “I’m not much for playing the lottery. But if I’m reading this correctly, did I just win $5000?!”
“Well, well.” Zhen’s voice is low and pleased as an animal’s purr. “How lucky for you, my friend. I do think that is a fantastic beginning to your new life together, wouldn’t you say?”
Raina hears pleasure and something close to triumph in her companion’s voice, but not even a little bit of surprise. This man, with his scintillating gaze and effortless charm, is much more than he seemed. She’d have to keep an eye on him.
Something Borrowed…
Linden Thorne does not often work in the role of caterer, but on impulse, she had accepted to provide both the cake and food for this wedding, and she had found herself pleasantly surprised at how much she’d enjoyed it. 
The bride and groom were perhaps two of the most pure-hearted, genuinely good mortals that she had ever come across. A doctor and a social worker, both working tirelessly to help and heal the physical and emotional damage of any of their fellows that crossed their paths-- and humans are a fragile lot, indeed. They had been pleasant, easygoing, not at all demanding, and so deeply in love that both of them all but glowed with it. The bride especially, with her boundless energy and equally irrepressible sweet tooth, took particularly well to any and every thing that Linden had her sample.
So, she’s not entirely surprised when Angela-- who had been Angela King for all of perhaps an hour-- peeks into the kitchen area where the wedding reception is taking place. Linden has a half-dozen sous chefs and assistants putting together delicate canapés with the efficiency of a battalion following the directives of their commanding officer: a lanky young man is on top of a step-stool putting the finishing touches on the top tier of the wedding cake-- translucently thin slivers of gold leaf, velvety rosebuds in shell pink and scarlet, a woman with a severely pinned bun is garnishing exquisite smoked salmon toast rounds with glossy black caviar and eyelash-thin fronds of fresh dill. The bride, still in her gown though sans veil, grins at her with a good-humoured yet half-embarrassed look that Linden interprets in an instant.
“You’re starving, aren’t you?”
“A bit, yeah. I had a salad last night for dinner. Then it was my fault this morning because I was too excited to eat. But now I’m shamelessly begging in here like I have no sense. You can totally tell me to buzz off.”
Linden finds herself laughing, unoffended. “It’s your wedding, so it would not make much sense for me to tell you to buzz off, wouldn’t you agree?”
“But you’re busy, and this is probably rude of me, so…”
“I will forgive it this time.” Linden steps away from the buzz of activity, digs through the pantry and fridge. The bride is a silly, bright-eyed slip of a girl, sweet and pure as vanilla buttercream, and if the world has yet to break her spirit, who was Linden to take that onerous task into her hands. She cuts two slices of rye bread, then adds Dijon mustard, peppery arugula leaves, generous slices of red tomatoes and sharp cheddar and cold chicken breast. A sandwich is probably the least glamorous meal that she could have put together in that moment, but the girl’s eyes light up like stars nonetheless. 
Linden, with an indulgent smile, slips her own chef’s apron off of her neck, and carefully ties it over the bride’s flowing white gown. “Okay. Eat up.”
“Oh, God, this is the best thing I’ve ever had, and I know I’ll be saying that again like twenty times tonight after everything else you’ve made, too,” Angela says in between bites, looking like a mischievous fairy princess who’d snuck down to the palace kitchens in that borrowed apron. She finishes the sandwich with rather unladylike haste, but then gets up, with her usual endless energy, and reaches up to give Linden a hug. It’s such a human gesture-- warm and impulsive and sweet and unexpected, and Linden pauses awkwardly before returning it.
“Feel better now?”
“Oh yes. Thanks for the apron. And the sandwich. And everything.” Angela slips the apron off, mussing her hair just the faintest bit, then beams up at Linden again. “I really hope that you’re as happy as I am today. Forever. Does that sound silly?”
Forever is a long time, far beyond the scope of what this silly mortal bride could fathom, but Linden knows that the bright-eyed, perhaps foolish girl means it with every beat of her kind and affectionate heart. And so she lets the genuine goodwill of the wish warm her spirit, like a borrowed candle shining valiantly on a dark night, far after the party is over and the bride is well on her way to her honeymoon. 
Something Blue…
The late September breeze filters through the tall, slim boles of a tall aspen decked in autumnal gold outside on the grounds of a Manhattan church, the sound soft and gentle as whispered prayers. Inside, a wedding ceremony is taking place, a young man and woman exchanging their vows to their God and each other to live the rest of their lives together in love and unity and devotion. 
Contrary to popular belief, Kafziel does not spend the majority of his time on the premises of churches in the city. But this morning finds him on the rooftop of this particular building, a stalwart sentinel visible only in the fleeting, ever-changing reflections of the panes of the intricate rose window in the facade of the building. Of course, there is no one around to see him-- all the visitors to the church are well enough inside to watch the happy couple getting married. 
Kafziel knows, of course, the history of the bride and groom, as he knows the history of every other man, woman and child currently living in that great city, and even by his exacting standards, both of them live decent, upstanding lives above reproach. Neither of them were born here; indeed, the young man in particular had been the product of a most unpromising beginning. And yet, they had found their way here, and to each other, and flourished in love and light and goodness despite everything which might conspire to tarnish the kindness of two such spotless souls.
The pane of leaded glass reflects, at that moment, a face of stark, stern beauty and foreboding. “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” The words are familiar and easy, but Kafziel knows, more than any, of the way great darkness follows great light with dogged, demoniacal tenacity. There is a chill in the air; winter is coming, and with the frost portents sharp strife, perhaps even great trouble. Those who would engender all which he abhors would feed, frenzied, upon the darkest, basest impulses and sins and actions. The happy couple who are even now enjoying their first kiss as man and wife have no idea that their union portends any number of potential catastrophes of a dark and sinful world rebelling against their very radiance. Kafziel’s reflection squares its shoulders, firms its grip on the mighty, fire-tipped sword that throws jewel-like beams of light through the stained glass into the building. 
But even as he braces himself for what must inevitably come-- perhaps a day, or a month, or a decade from now-- he feels the presence of others crowding in, like a ragtag bunch of plucky soldiers summoned to a war they might have no call to fight and yet taken on with every bit of courage as such a troop might muster. The chaotic whimsy of a shifter. The primeval fire-and-wildwoods magic of a nature goddess. The calm, steadfast wisdom of a healer and the tireless, graceful agility of a brace of wandering Ælf-kine. Others, too, all gathered here, converging by luck or fate. Kafziel pauses, and allows himself a faint, almost-hopeful smile, and overhead, the sunlight breaks through the clouds as the sky turns a brilliant blue. 
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memescomicswriting · 5 years
In the Pursuit of Happiness Ch. 5
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Reader x Bucky, Reader x Steve
Warnings/genre: Very Angsty Chapter, a few bad words
Summary: Singer!Avenger. Raised by Sheild since the age of ten, Y/N grew up without everyday examples. She only saw how to be an agent. Though as a grown woman she has surpassed that mindset, she still faces challenges from her upbringing- like how to handle feelings, unrequited love, and interpersonal challenges. Set after similar plot points in Civil War, Y/N must face returning home after leaving during an uncomfortable time in her life and facing the consequences
A/N: This is my first series in the Marvel fandom. I hope you enjoy it. I always welcome feedback. It is appreciated. This story does not follow the traditional Marvel timeline. I mess with it to make the story work, so roll with me.
Y’all I wrote most of this chapter to Youngblood by 5 Seconds of Summer and Pompeii by Bastille. You’ve been warned.
Story Masterlist
You woke up incredibly early. To be fair, seven am wasn't early to most of the adult world, but for you it was. Yet you didn't feel tired. You had a strange, almost giddy and childish energy to you. Today, Steve was more than your friend, possibly best friend. He was simply more. After harassing Peter into an early morning workout with you, you were off to start the day. Peter, the cute mess he is, was not ready for sparring. Even extremely holding back, you kicked his little spider butt. You made up for it with the promise of chocolate chip pancakes.
"But can't we skip the green juice this morning?" Peter whined as you made your way to the common kitchen. "Uh, I promised Tony I'd care for you, and if he caught me feeding you junk twenty-four-seven he'd kill me and then proceed to helicopter parent you to his grave." You retorted. You pushed the swing door to the kitchen open and held it for Peter. "Besides, this morning proved to me that you need more of a natural energy boost." "Like you-" Peter stopped mid comeback, freezing, and rebooting like one of his inventions. "Good morning Mr. Captain Sir, and Mr. Bucky." He was flustered but continued to an open seat far away from the buddied grown men. "Hey, guys." You walked in with a collected air to you, despite your internal giddiness. You continued to the cupboards. "I was about to make some pancakes for Peter and I. Want some?" "No thank you-" Steve. "I'd love some-" Bucky. You whipped around to curiously glance between the two. Normally, taking food orders like this held nothing over you, but their estranged looks towards each other threw you for a loop. "Sorry, Yes." Steve. "Nevermind I guess." Bucky. You raised a brow at them both. They looked at each other in frustration. Normally, you could read Steve like a book, but with Bucky back he was acting strange. You had no into their century's worth of intricacies, inside jokes, understandings. It was weird and you didn't like it, but you'd get used to it. Maybe one day you'd be apart of it. "I'll just make a lot and whoever wants them can take them..." The caution in your voice caught their attention. However, you ignored them and made quick work of developing a pancake batter. Peter was engrossed with his phone, Steve with the Journal, and Bucky with the circuits of his arm. You cleared your throat and all three men perked up. "Peter wants chocolate chips. I planned on adding pecans and peaches to mine. Either of you want something else?" "Blueberries!" Bucky happily chirped. The excitement was evident in his voice. "Steve and I can't cook worth a damn. Hate to say it, but this is the first homecooked breakfast I've had in decades." You found his easy confession odd. Apparently, so did Steve. From your understanding, Bucky was the last to share due to his guarded nature. Steve told you that. Yet, Bucky readily shared with you last night. Maybe your closeness to Steve eased his reserve. "Then I'll have to make it extra special." You picked up the conversation before it became an awkward starring match. "Eggs, bacon, potatoes, sausage, the works." Before Bucky could protest, Peter spoke up for you and Steve. "I wouldn't if I were you." Then he went back to his phone. "When she sets her mind to something Buck, you can't change it." That was Steve, settling the debate. You shot him a bold smile. It was the first time you'd directed your gaze solely to him this morning. He squirmed under it which you found disheartening. "Did you want anything different?" You asked with a soft, hurt voice. His voice was soft. "No, what you're making is fine." There was something behind his eyes that you couldn't quite place. You were so confused. After months of pining, you'd said yes to him. Shouldn't he have the same electric energy as you? Breakfast passed quickly. It'd been a while since you cooked in this kitchen. Even longer since you cooked this much. Your other teammates came and went, taking the food that enticed them into the kitchen. Eventually, Bucky left and Peter followed after eyeing up Steve. Despite Peter's fear and intimidation, he cared more for you more than he worried what Steve thought of him. You promised him you hadn't forgotten to call your director friend at MIT, as a reminder that Peter and Ned were coming for their all-access tour. You had connections. Steve stood up to make his exit but your voice commanded him to stop. "Steve?" It was gentle but powerful. You could make yourself heard when you wanted to. He turned to face you, maybe nervous. He was the opposite of how you left him the previous night. "Y/N." Maybe it was the nerves or hurt that quickly flashed in a blaze of emotions over your face, but Steve turned to fully face you. He even took a step towards you. "Yes?" "Did- did something happen? Or are you upset at something? Maybe I'm overreading things, but I can tell when you're off..." You trailed off, refusing to look at him. If you had, you would've seen the hurt that crossed his face like it had traveled from you to him. "No, not at all!" It was a hasty correction. "Guess I'm just nervous." You looked up to find him sporting a fragile smile and he shrugged. Relief instantly pooled through you. "Oh." You returned his smile. "Um, so what time are we going out tonight, and what should I wear?" Steve opened his mouth to answer your question. At least that's what you thought. Then he quickly pressed his lips together and ticked his jaw. "Eight." He replied firmly. "And dress nice." You reached out and took his hand. You hoped it was simple nerves that overtook him. His stern voice reminded you of the Captain. You'd seen him switch into that role when he was uncomfortable. Steve froze, unresponsive. You placed his hand on your waist and stepped into him. He shifted, softened. "I do want this to work." You kissed his cheek and then walked passed him. He was left dumbfounded by your actions. -- Despite Peter's attempts to drag you with him to MIT, out of obvious disapproval, you managed to pass the afternoon with peaceful work and some much-needed rest before your date with Steve. After an hour of primping, worrying, scrubbing with soaps scented by lavender and bayberry, and everything else you moved on to makeup. You chose a simple look tonight, elegant and beautiful. You only enhanced your natural features. Steve always commented on how beautiful you looked when you did your makeup that way. You followed his directions and dressed nice. You picked out a caesious colored satin cocktail dress. It sinched your upper body like a corset but skirted below your waist. It stopped at your knee. It was the perfect combination of drawl and grace to match your subtle sexiness. Your hair was placed into gentle waves, with one side pinned back across your shoulder like a drape. You knew you looked stunning. Steve knocked on your door at exactly eight like you knew he would. You swung the door open to reveal yourself to him. You were closer to his height in your suede heels. Steve made an audible gasp. You'd heard it before, but tonight you were sure it was directed at you. He was in a tailored pair of blue slacks and a blazer. Under it, he had a patterned button-up shirt, but no tie. You looked stunning together. If you hadn't taken Steve's hand in yours and led him down the hallway you might have stood there with a dumbstruck Steve the entire night. Halfway down the elevator ride, he regained some of his composure. "You look gorgeous." He mumbled softly. You grinned. "So do you." The drive into the city was long and silent despite your efforts. Fifteen minutes into the thirty-minute drive you gave up on attempts to make conversation. When you arrived at your destination- a fancy restaurant called Sage, it was no different. You tried for conversation and you received polite but short replies. You tried to hide your disappoint the entire night, but you knew it slipped. You could see it when Steve reacted in defeat. You kissed his cheek as you said goodnight. He dropped you off at your door. Silent dismay lingered between you two. Yet, you told him that you had a great time and couldn't wait to do it again. You both knew if the date had gone well you would've continued it by changing into comfortable clothes and watching a movie together. Every 'friend outing' before ended that way. This date didn't. The next day awkward glances and silence followed you two everywhere you ran into each other. You both tried to prevent that from happening. Whenever someone asked how your date went, you lied and gushed over the fantasy you hoped it would have been. You were lying to all your teammates, even Peter. You did it so well everyone believed you. You were trained by Sheild to be a top spy, of course, your acting skills were great enough to trick even earth's mightiest. Days passed and you questioned Steve about your next date. He seemed startled by your question. That hurt you. He informed you about a flyer he'd seen for a hotel's five-course dinner for two. You said it sounded nice. He said he'd pick you up at eight again. That date went as well as the first. It became harder to hide your disappointment from your teammates with every failed date. Five failed dates passed. You planned on being head over heals by date five. You expected butterflies and nervous kisses that lingered into needy makeout sessions. You expected your friend Steve Rogers with the heat of your past flings. Instead, you received a dull, impersonal, and distant companion. Something was wrong. He was wrong. This was wrong. His reluctance was wrong. You wanted to know why. You stormed into his room, a month after he first asked you out. It was a rare occurrence where neither Peter nor Bucky lingered around your wing of the compound. You took the opportunity. "We need to talk." You declared. Steve jumped from his work desk where he'd been reviewing papers on the recent uptick in organized global crime. "Y/N." He wasn't angry but slightly startled and maybe nervous. "What about?" "The elephant in the room." You stated bluntly. When he continued to blankly stare at you with no recognition behind his eyes you clarified for him. "Our five failed dates." He couldn't have deniability now. His demeanor shifted with acceptance and disappointment. "Yeah, I know..." He tried to hide his eyes from you, looking away, turning his head but you refused to allow him to escape. You gripped his jaw and made him face you. "You wanted this. I tried. I gave you everything I could and you- your acting like a whole different man from the night you asked me. What the hell did I do to deserve this? I can't live with this storm cloud over you and me." Steve's eyes set on you and they shifted from wandering in dispute to fixated and darkening. Yet he held himself back, like always. You hated that quality in him. It was harder to take him halfheartedly than fully with the good and the bad. "I did want this." He retorted. 'Did' rang through your mind. 'Did' was past tense. It was in the past. "Maybe you didn't know me as you thought." His voice was monotone but he might as well have spat it at you. It hurt in that way. You needed to be strong. "What does that mean?"  Yet you were caving like an ill-supported wall. Steve never talked to you in this way and it made you crumble. "It's like you said." He continued. "You tried by giving everything you could. I guess it wasn't enough." What was this? Why was he being this mean and cold? You clenched your fists. He wouldn't see you break here if that's what he wanted. You'd fight for your clarity, so you'd know you did everything you could. "That's bullshit and you know it." You loomed over him, aggressive. Agitation was written across his face as you neared a line you rarely crossed. "That night, my bare minimum was more than enough for you and you were enough for me. Your lack of effort is what's not enough." Electricity danced behind you. Your energy was rising, but so was his. He shot up and a twinge of panic coursed through you. You crossed that line and you didn't know what would happen next. But it needed to be done. His frame blocked out the light coming from the window. His shadow swallowed you. "Months of waiting for a girl who doesn't want you, to come around isn't a lack of effort. It's more than what's deserved." Your heart broke with his words. It was strangled between his harsh tone and what he meant. He deserved more than what you gave. All the fears you tried to overcome in those three months battered you. "I left because I knew I couldn't be what you deserved." You were meek now. You'd abandoned your previous strength and determination for the hurt you felt. You refused to look at Steve. Maybe he softened as his tone suggested. Maybe he was simply quieter, but what he said next wasn't pointed. "You just didn't know how to love me as more than a friend." "What?" Your head shot up. Those words were too familiar. They were your words, and it clicked. Bucky. That night when Steve kissed you and didn't return; he and Bucky were discussing you, not some nightmare. "Oh, Steve..." You began, but he waved you off. "I get it. You tried for my sake, but this isn't what you wanted. Being with you in this way isn't what I wanted." He walked over to his door and opened it for you. Reluctantly, you followed. "There's no bad blood between us, Y/N, but it can't go back to how it was. It never could. You need someone who can make you happy and I need to get over you." You stared in disbelief, open-mouthed. "Steve..." His pleading eyes silenced you. "Let me go, Y/N. Do that for me. Let me go." He slowly closed the door and you didn't protest. Mysteriously, your feet moved with a mind of their own, taking you back to your room. Your body shifted into autopilot as your brain began its inward collapse. Once inside your bedroom, you shut and locked your door. Silent tears slipped down your checks as you slid down your door. You sat there until the light pouring into your room changed from the sun's rays to the moon's glow. You curled your legs to your chest, head buried in your lap until you could cry no more. Then you got up and went to bed.
A/N: Chapter 5! Y’all. this one was a heartbreak to write but it concludes phase one of the story! Let me know what you think about this fic so far. My asks and messages are open!
Reblog if you liked it!!!
What did you think of Y/N’s words being used against her like that? Should she or Steve fought harder for the relationship? What doors will open with this one closing? Are they done forever?
Also, let me know if you think I should share the songs I use to write my chapters!
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tessahqs · 5 years
˗ˏˋ ✧ park chaeyoung • twenty-two • cisfemale . look ! it’s tessa chu from apartment 2C ! apparently , she moved into moreau apartments six months ago and is a nail tech . rumor has it, they can be quite reticent — good thing they’re also perspicacious , hey ? i hear they’re known as the fallen angel .
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cancer and car accident/death tw below the cut!
💕 hi hello! my name is sammie, i’m 25 and i live in the EST timezone! i have a shopping addiction. i read a lot of young adult books (currently in the middle of the wicked king by holly black). i can’t go a day without listening to little mix & blackpink because they are my girls. i have two kitty cats (sirius and lupin) and a pitbull (nox). if you ever wanna see cute pictures hit me up i got so many of my babies. my discord is joe keery is ruining my life#7229and i’m always on so please shoot me a message! this is tessa.
faceclaim: park chaeyoung.
age: twenty two
sexuality: bisexual.
home town: portland, oregon
birthday: october 29th 1996
favorite color: heather grey.
favorite movie: pride and pride and prejudice.
favorite food: banana cream pie.
celebrity crush: charlie hunnam & margot robbie.
tessa chu was born on october 29th 1996 to jinwoo and helena chu in portland oregon. her parents were decently wealthy, her father having inherited a chain of nail salons in the midwest. her parents ended up taking over the portland location after her grand father passed. tessa grew up in the salon, and regulars could always find her behind the counter coloring.
when tessa was seven, her mother became pregnant with her younger sister, tiffany. tessa had always wanted a sibling. she felt like she was always meant to be an older sister, and she was very protective of her little sister.
growing up tessa’s parents kept putting her in after school activities. rather it was piano, panting or gymnastics she was very active (even if she was horrible at the piano). she was always running around, and gymnastics seemed to be her favorite. 
when she turned eight her parents started noticing her lack of appetite and she was always feeling sluggish. when she started to rapidly loosing weight and coming down with a fever often, her parents brought her in to the doctor. after some tests she was diagnosed with lukemia. from that point on, tessa spent a lot of her childhood at the hospital. at the age of ten, she went into remission.
when tessa turned nineteen, well into her remission, she started attending University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. her parents had always wanted her to have a better life, and they were very proud when she took their advice and went for pre law.
during her second year of college, her parents and little sister drove to the campus to attend a football game. after the game, tessa and her family decided to out to dinner. on their way to a restaurant downtown, a car struck her parents car and tessa’s parents and little sister were killed upon impact. tessa was the only survivor. 
four months later tessa woke up in a hospital room. when she learned about the accident, she broke down. she quit school, no longer wanting to be a lawyer if her parents weren’t there to be proud of her. she inherited a pretty penny, and quickly sold her childhood home, and left the resturant business to a few of her cousins.
it didn’t take tessa long to want to leave the country. she had no ties there anymore. no friends or family in portland, and even the thought of michigan left her with a pain in her heart that just didn’t seem to ease up.
so she moved to vancouver. for a while she hopped from hotel to hotel, until she started to once again lose weight. she knew deep down what it was. the cancer was back. so she knew she had to settle down.
 moreau was a blessing, and with all of her experience with nails, she started to see clients in her apartment. she still has plenty of money from her inheritance, and she’s doing pretty well for herself.
during her most recent relapse, tessa has since decided not to go through chemo for a second time. 
little smarty pants. tessa is extremely smart, but she’s not a dick about it. she doesn’t feel the need to be loud about it. unless you try to make her look stupid. it’s really not a good idea.
she’s! so! sarcastic! oh my god, she always has a sarcastic comment on the tip of her tongue, and sometimes her mouth moves faster then her brain. but i mean, don’t expect her to apologize if you were being a moron. 
gurl is perpetually stoned. rather its recreational, or to help with the pain. there is always a steady stream of smoke coming from her apartment, and shes pretty chill when it comes to sharing.
tessa takes loyalty very very seriously. if you gain her trust, and you break it? you’re done.  if not? you have a friend for life. tessa is willing to do whatever it takes to protect the ones she loves, because she couldn’t do the same for her parents and sister.
wanted connections!
give this bitch her ride or die! her platonic soulmate! she needs one! someone she can always go to, someone she can share her secrets with. and ya know, someone to hold her hair back when the nausea is really bad.
an ex! female or male. good terms or bad. maybe they still have feeling’s for each other? who knows!
 a crush! someone she has a crush on, or someone who has a crush on her!
enemies. oh yeah. bring the drama.
late night confidant. someone she can talk to about everything, even stuff she can’t with her close friends. she knows they will never judge her.
a hook up! or fwb.
an older sibling type relationship. tessa has always been the big sister, but sometimes she needs a big sibling herself.
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laurasinele · 7 years
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Thanks, Taika of my dreams
Couple of nights ago I had a weird dream. I am on four different psycoactive meds and my dreams have always been colourful to begin with, so weird dreams are not something extraordinary in this household of ours and our mornings usually begin like: “hey, husband, I had this crazy dream today in which Vlad Putin was an aquatic monster and we were seventies cops with horrible staches and fur coats and he tried to kill us by a river and we shot him but he didn’t died so I panicked and just switched to another tv channel and there was a riot in a fancy old theatre on our kitchen table because Jennifer Lawrence and David Tennant had stopped performing a live episode of Doctor Who to elope and live to the fullest their secret romance” (I actually dreamt that and I don’t even watch Dr. Who). But this dream I am talking about now was awfully dull. Yeah weird, but dull. Until...
Before I get to the details of my dream let me introduce you to the man on this picture. This is Taika “I do whatever the fuck I want because I don’t need your validation to know I am cool as fudge” Waititi, better known lately for directing the last instalment to Thor’s plot arch in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the colourful joy and delight full of flag waving and redemption that is Thor: Ragnarok. We, my husband and I, love Taika Waititi since we first met him a couple of years ago in What We Do In The Shadows, co directed with Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords (and they both star in the movie with hilarious results). What?! You haven’t seen it?! One of the greatest fantasy comedies of our times?! Go now, I’ll wait.  
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(Now that you’ve seen the movie you now that’s Taika in it as Viago, waiting for you to fulfil your task) No, but seriously, we love him. If we were tu bump into him on the street we would invite him home and feed him and make sure he is all warm and cozy and tell him what a talented, lovable huge dork he is and that we love almost anything he does. Proof is, I only got interest in Ragnarok because of him because i hated so much the other two that I couldn’t finish them and that is not something that happens to me easily, not being able to finish a movie. AND I LAUGHED MY ASS OF AND I HAD THE GREATEST TIME WATCHING THOR: RAGNAROK EVEN ON HEAVY MEDS AND WITH A DEPRESSION. Because this man knows his shit when it comes to comedy and that ain’t easy.
Well, you are now acquainted with one of the most charismatic directors, writers and actors, with one of the most original and unapologetic public personas of this days. You’re welcome. 
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Look at that, a happy family with the mischievous son conveniently locked away LOL
Back to my dream!
I was at the cinema and my husband and I had set up one of my friends for a date without her knowing. It was weird because the three of us were sitting apart in little clusters of movie theatre seats, four seats for each, and from where we were sitting none of use could see the screen at all but somehow (dream logic) we still were catching every detail of the movie. All the lights were on and people was talking, it was kind of a special event in which you were welcome to bring your own food and sit wherever you pleased. We were bored and my friend wanted to finish the food and leave because the movie was stressing us out. Apparently, it was about kidnapping children but I didn’t know that until that moment (the me on my dream seemed to know, though). Then, Haley Joel Osment does his entrance in a nerdy outfit and produces a blanket and a picnic basket from a backpack. Yeah, I know, dream logic, ok? Haley Joel Osment was the guy me and my husband had set my friend up with. 
So by then, the me inside the dream is ok with everything, it’s her plan after all, but the dreaming me is done with this shit and is bored af. So I decide I’m leaving and I accidentally end up inside the movie I DON’T KNOW HOW. 
And there’s my husband and my friend and Haley Joel Osment and they’re all like “this movie is bad karma we out” and suddenly I’m alone and poor Naomi Watts tells me she’s done making the freaked out mom and she begs for me to take her role so she can be the evil mom that wants my kid because her daughter died. I don’t even have kids irl life and I don’t belong in the movie and now I want to know whats happens with my friend and HJO because against all odds it looked like they liked each other?? But Naomi is so beautiful and talented and she looks so done that I say ok and I do the freaked out mom followed around the big ass suburb house full of broken toys by the evil mom aka Naomi Watts. And I was really terrified and exhausted but every now and thens we would stop and OOC chat for a while and she would compliment me on my performance, thank me for the chance or complain about sandwiches in the catering today  and I would say “But Nay, I’m only here because some psycomagical shit I didn’t event get to see the set” and she would apologise so much as if she had been unwillingly racist or something. And the we’d resume the chasing.  So, apparently, the plot of the movie was that Naomi and her husband had lost a daughter and now wanted mine (that wasn’t there at all), but during the chasing around the house two things were discovered: a skeletal child that ran away from us, thankfully, and a live one, a seven-year-old boy, naked, locked in a closet. I took the boy in my arms an resumed my race around the house but this time I was pissed because why did they wanted to steal a child if they already had one that they were neglecting? I was so pissed that I forgot to run and started walking. I heard I siren downstairs and thought it was the cops but it was an ambulance toy. it was broken and I was afraid it would catch fire, so I picked it up and switched it off, all the while carrying a sobbing, naked kid. But then the sirens resumed and there were blue and red colour in the entrance hall so I ran there and the door stormed opened and there were the Andes fro Hot Fuzz in SWAT gear and... MOTHER FLIPPIN TAIKA WAITITI IN A SIXTIES SPY POSE POINTING WITH HIS HANDS TOGETHER AND NO GUN AT ALL
He is sporting a black suit with satin lapels that looks very expensive, but he wears white tennis slippers, a black cotton t-shirt and an ugly felt pin of a flower over his chest pocket, with ridiculously small deep blue petals. I am staring at the pin when he breaks his ridiculous pose and says IN HIS VIAGO VOICE: 
“I’m the Goldblum’s daughter godfather, what happened?” (yeah, the dreaming me was also like whaaaaaaat lolololol)
“They tried to steal my daughter. I found him in a closet. The other is dead”
He took the boy while saying “I always suspected them” and he hugged him while whispering “It’s ok now” to his ear. Still in his Viago voice. Then he looked at me and he realised I’d been through hell and (dream logic) he hugged me simultaneously and told me everything was going to be alright. And I woke up. 
Now hear me out, babies, hear me out. I’ve been through a lot for this past few years and when I had that dream, I was on all day in bed 5 day streak after a faint hint of recovery that lasted barely a week and was preceded of months and months of oversleeping and only showering once in two months, medication with undesirable side effects, and well... your average depressive state. 
When I woke up from that dream after running up and down the stairs of a house full of broken but never discarded toys, protecting a daughter that wasn’t there, in a role that wasn’t mine, in a place I had no idea how I had ended up in, after saving a naked, terrified kid, after seeing another one go, Taika hugged me and told me it was alright. The very personification of Comedy and Humor came to save me and held me and told me that it was all over now. And I felt such relief when I woke up...
Thanks, Taika of my dreams. Thank you for telling me that things are starting to work like they are supposed to inside my head because I couldn’t tell. 
Also, this is very important, if someone could please draw Taika in The Pose from the end? That would be the greatest service ever done for the human race. It’s not personal. Thanks. 
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts - 35+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/how-to-style-short-pixie-haircuts/ - How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, are getting increasingly mainstream among ladies. On a fundamental level, short hair is reasonable for practically any face shape. We show two short haircuts that will suit numerous ladies. Buzz trim short hairdos short haircuts are absolutely the most extreme ones. The intricate style falls into the buzz cut. Hair dries very quick and is additionally brought into shape. The Buzz cut is positively the most steady cut. Short hairdos have an undercarriage variation of short haircuts. How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, The top stays long. This difference looks extremely cool and restless with short hair. Blow-dry impact to the side utilizing a little round brush, to feminize an adolescent pixie cut as wright Robin. "Wearing blasts delicate and side-clearing can help limit a square jaw. And make an alternate route look less serious," says Tim Rogers, a beautician at Sally Hershberger Salon in New York. On the off chance that the blast is short, pieciness can accomplish that, as well. How to Style A Pixie Cut in Under 5 Minutes How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, For an inconspicuous impact, separate the face in the encircling areas, at that point with your tousle and fingers. The Pixies are having a pivotal turning point, and we can perceive any reason why: when all around structured, restless, fun, female and cool-and after what felt like long stretches of widespread hair expansions in. Are pixie cuts in for 2020? How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, Here, six master stunts to style the pixie cut. You need to look like Charlize Theron? (Aren't we as a whole?) The way to keeping hair present day and young is utilizing items that include strength and surface. How do I get a messy pixie look? It implies picking light candles or greases and discarding anything you partner with artfulness, for example, gel or frizz warriors, Rogers said. "I love the Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5-in-1 style treatment since it functions admirably on all hair types and includes sparkle without giving up surface," says Marilee Albin, a beautician at Salon Chris McMillan in Los Angeles. Watch out for those shaking a pixie hair style: let it be realized that having short hair doesn't mean you're trimmed short in style decisions. How do you style a short pixie haircut? Regardless of whether you need to flavor things up for a customary day grinding away or need to jump out for a major occasion, there are various approaches to make special and sharp hair looks from huge amounts of short strands. To help fabricate some motivation and innovativeness, we've assembled a rundown of ten distinctive style alternatives you can attempt at home or bring to your beautician on your next date. Spiky says simply "cool young lady" right now spiky haircut. How do you style a long pixie haircut? Don't hesitate to leave your strands your regular hair shading, however consider styling your hair upwards for a smooth, rocker look. Since you will require a solid item to keep your hair straight, Redken Rough glue gives 12 working materials surface to your hair with a solid, sculptural grasp. How to style my short pixie haircut Make your hair star look by cutting back the edges of your hair with periphery silver clasps. It keeps hair off your face while offering a sweet and simple style. In the event that your hair isn't long enough for a full plait, there's nothing amiss with mirroring it until you do. Pixie Haircuts: What You (And Your Clients) Need To Know As you can't keep the mesh together with a pin, make certain to put resources into a super-solid hairspray, for example, L'oréal Paris Elnett Satin Strong Hold Hairspray. Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Beyoncé numerous VIPs nowadays do large slashes and trim their hair into super-short pixie hair styles. Pixie Cuts We Love for 2020 Also, everything looks exceptionally pleasant. Doesn't it simply give you the tingle to trim your hair somewhat more? The inquiry is, Will you have the option to style your pixie hair style once it's gone to length? The appropriate response is truly, says Cody Alain, a hair and cosmetics craftsman for Page 1 administration in Toronto. How to style a short pixie haircut I love the amazing way flexible this hair can be," she says. "Likewise the lady wearing a pixie slice isn't hesitant to say something. It truly opens up your face permitting highlights to be highlighted."Ready to take the plunge(or have it as of now)? Here are pixie's hair style tips. Display: famous people shaking a pixie hair style" a pixie can work energizing and simple as long as you have the correct trimmed for your hair surface, " clarifies Alain. "This is the first run through, particularly before you have an interview with the beautician. How to style very short pixie haircut You may decide to concur with your beautician to go somewhat more or return for a touch in seven days relying upon how your hair reacts."4 approaches to style a pixie hair style 1. Think smooth Jennifer Lawrence during her ongoing Hunger Games special visit when she fixed her secures in a reflexive coif. How do you style a pixie cut? Even if the hair is soggy or wet, apply some smoothing or styling creams, for example, Tresemme Smooth and Silky Anti-Frizz Secret Crème, " says Alain. "Ensure the item is equally appropriated all through the hair, so the completion is the equivalent all over the place. How do you style a short messy pixie? At that point make a sensational side area utilizing the eyebrow belt as your beginning stage. Brush or brush hair to get a sparkly look. Brushes will make surface while brushes will leave a sleeker surface."3 more approaches to style a pixie hair style on the following page ... 0-0-0-style-a-pixie-hair style 2.jpg 2. Jennifer Hudson simply did best this style at the latest individuals' Choice Awards turn around, with a delicate fleecy look to her hair as it was cleared back from her face. Tips for Styling Your Pixie Cut Alain recommends playing with various surfaces (think smooth and smooth, similar to. The wet look on the tracks, or progressively feathery and increasingly common). Depending on the ideal surface, apply either a styling cream. For a slicker surface or a light froth like Aveda Phomolient (for volume and surface) to saturate the hair says Alain. Hair can be twisted back either with your fingers or with a. Wide tooth brush and left to modify, or you can include extra dispersed tissue utilizing a blow dryer. Get done with a light grasp hairspray."
0 notes
fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The Ultimate Guide To The Bomber Jacket
The Ultimate Guide To The Bomber Jacket
A ‘bomber’ has become an umbrella term for a jacket practically every man has in his wardrobe these days: short, zip or button-up, cropped hems, knitted cuffs, a little attitude and a lot of versatility. However, there are many variations of the bomber jacket and this broad, undefined brushstroke it’s been painted with belies its original functionality and purpose; which was to serve pilots in the military.
But the bomber jacket – in all its mutations – has become much more than a relic of time-gone-by; it’s shed its war-time skin and become one of the most popular outerwear pieces of all time. It has featured in numerous classic films, been adopted on and off-screen by everyone from Marlon Brando to Ryan Gosling, and played a part in the uniforms of countless subcultures and style tribes. In short: never in the field of menswear has so much been owed by so many.
“The [bomber jacket’s] silhouette is universally flattering,” Alexandre Mattiussi, founder of young Parisian label Ami, tells FashionBeans. “It’s cinched in at the waist while keeping a broad shoulder, and it’s also immensely practical. It’s perfect as a mid-season piece – not as heavy as a coat and can be layered, so it’s versatile.”
The History Of The Bomber Jacket
The bomber jacket is just one of many menswear pieces with a heritage entrenched within the armed forces. Similar to the peacoat, trench coat and parka, the bomber has a timeless appeal that transcends seasons and trends; it was born out of military means and has adapted to form part of popular culture.
The first iteration of this endlessly cool jacket can be traced back to the 1920s. Before this, airmen wore longer, heavyweight shearling jackets that kept them warm – cockpits were open-air at this point – but were largely impractical. The hem needed to be shortened to allow increased movement when piloting, cuffs needed to be knitted to restrict airflow up the arms, and large pockets needed to be added for essential airborne items.
America’s answer was the US Army Type A-1, which was first issued in 1927. From then on, the basic bomber recipe was set. In the successive years, the A-1 was altered and reinvigorated in various forms, from the A-2 that followed in 1931 with its zip, button snaps and leather collar, to the nylon MA-1 introduced in the 1950s.
The bomber’s popularity with civilians is not surprising, especially when you consider the cultural icons pictured in one. Think Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire, Steve McQueen in The Great Escape or Tom Cruise in Top Gun. These films placed the bomber jacket in starring roles.
The bomber has also long been associated with skinheads, from the 1980s-era subculture itself to Ewan McGregor’s Mark Renton wearing a khaki version in the opening scene of Trainspotting. More recently, style icons from Ryan Gosling to Kanye West to David Beckham have worn it, the jacket if your look is preppy, hip-hop, Scandi, sports luxe or streetwear.
Key Bomber Jacket Designs
The A-1 was the first mass-produced flight jacket to be issued to the US Army in 1927. Early pieces were made from tough sheep leather and lined with cotton, with later models being cut from goatskin or horsehide. Uniquely, the jacket featured a button-up front, a characteristic much less common today. A knitted collar, cuffs and waistband were also integral to the jacket’s flyboy cool, as were the two large flap pockets at the hip.
Headwind MFG Co USAAC A-1 Flying Jacket
Irvin Flying Jacket
The ‘Irvin’ RAF Flying Jacket was Britain’s answer to the US bomber and the first iteration of the shearling pilot jacket that would keep thousands of pilots warm during the Second World War. First produced in 1931, the Irvin was fully lined and featured a wider fit to accommodate heavy knitwear underneath. Despite being close to a century old, its belted waist, zip-up cuffs and large collar continue to inspire designers today.
Imperial War Museum RAF Irvin Flying Jacket
The successor to the A-1 bomber, the A-2 differed by boasting a zip front as opposed to buttons, a leather collar as opposed to knitted, and shoulder epaulettes. It remains one of the most recognisable bomber jacket styles, though more modern takes have removed the epaulettes on the shoulders and simplified the pocket designs, giving the jacket a neater silhouette and more contemporary feel.
Cockpit USA 40th Anniversary A-2 Flight Jacket
Based on the M422A model that came before it, the G-1 jacket of the 1940s looks similar to the A-1, with the most notable departure being the addition of a sheepskin collar. Another classic bomber style that has been replicated numerous times in the decades that followed it, the G-1 was utilised in the military even up until the Korean War in the 1950s. Menswear doesn’t get much more masculine than this.
Cockpit USA U.S. Navy Issue Mil Spec G-1 Jacket
First taking flight in 1950, the MA-1 re-wrote the bomber rulebook. A consequence of cost-saving measures and the rise of jet air travel, the MA-1 was made from lightweight nylon and featured a distinctive bright orange lining to allow stranded pilots a way to become more visible to allies. Characterised by a simple zip front, slanted flap pockets and a zip arm pocket, the MA-1 is the most recognisable bomber style and its subtle swagger has seen it widely adopted in fashion and streetwear.
Alpha Industries MA-1 Flight Jacket
College/Varsity Jackets
While collegiate jackets shouldn’t technically fall on this list, it could be argued that early bombers heavily influenced the design and, certainly today, they fall under the category according to many designers. Varsity-style jackets boast a similar silhouette to the bomber, worn as a badge of honour by mid-century American students sporting their university’s colours, often with the first letter of the institution pinned to the chest. The style has since graduated to the worlds of hip-hop and streetwear with full menswear honours.
Harvard Varsity Jacket
The Modern Bomber Jacket
Unless you’ve been taking cover under a soundproof rock, you won’t have failed to notice the bomber jacket flying high in recent years. Where other trends run out of fuel after a few seasons, designers continue to pull on the jacket’s practical appeal years after their reintroduction to the masses.
According to Karen Hall, head of design at contemporary menswear label FoR, it’s the bomber’s timeless nature that has ensured it remains a permanent fixture. “It’s probably the most versatile jacket style, which is another reason why it has stood the test of time,” she says. “It’s an iconic menswear piece that over the decades has remained a key jacket in every man’s wardrobe.”
One of the most influential modern designers when it comes to bomber jackets is Kim Jones. During his seven-year stint as the men’s artistic director of Louis Vuitton, Jones propelled the bomber into the limelight, showcasing everything from an orange silk version for spring/summer 2015 to metallic and nylon styles for his final autumn/winter 2018 show.
Other high-end labels, including Burberry, Lanvin and Valentino, started to back the bomber from around 2011, while a second wave of bombers came when cult brands like Vetements and Balenciaga showcased oversized versions of the MA-1 that have since become a staple streetwear silhouette.
Alongside runway appearances, the style has continued to steal scenes on the big screen. Even 007 got on board, with Daniel Craig sporting an Armani bomber jacket for his debut Bond film, 2006’s Casino Royale, while Ryan Gosling became a poster boy for the style when in Drive he threw on that now-infamous silver zip-up jacket with the embroidered scorpion on the back.
Depending on the iteration you go for, it’s possible to authentically reference the jacket’s air force history. But with a slew of designers from high-end to high street interpreting the bomber season after season, it can be worn in whichever way you choose; from formal looks with a shirt and tie to minimalist ensembles.
“Over the past few seasons, [the bomber] has gone through somewhat of a transformation with [styles] now available oversized, fitted, hooded, streetwise or smart,” says Mr Porter style director Olie Arnold.
Ryan Gosling wearing a bomber jacket in Drive (2011)
Ultimately, the bomber jacket is what you make of it. Regardless of your style, there’ll be one to suit your look, especially given that it’s also available in an increasingly broad selection of fabrics, from velvet and satin to soft moleskin.
The Weeknd perhaps summed it up best, when he told Billboard in 2017, “For my generation, the bomber jacket is like a replacement for the suit jacket. It’s a piece that men wear every day, and it’s something that I would wear for any occasion, whether it’s on the street or going to an awards ceremony. For me, bomber jackets are smart, but they are also street and have a lot of attitude.”
Bomber Jacket Style Tips
Stick To The Classics
The proportions of the bomber jacket shift subtly from season to season according to trends but, as Ami’s Mattiussi says, a classically shaped bomber in a timeless fabric is always going to last. “Layered with a roll neck, or over an untucked shirt is how I imagine they’re worn by the cool kids.”
If In Doubt, Go Minimal
While details such as zipper pull rings and map linings once served an essential purpose, some of the best modern takes on the bomber jacket have such additions stripped away. The primary benefit of skewing minimal with your jacket is that it becomes even easier and more versatile to wear, especially if you’re attempting to make it smart.
Watch Out Below
Owing to the neat lines of the bomber’s cropped body, it’s a jacket that can serve as the perfect co-pilot to a range of trouser fits. However, arguably it looks best when balanced out with slim-fitting and cropped styles, either in a tonal or contrasting shade.
Experiment With Tailoring
With traditional suits falling out of favour in recent years thanks to menswear’s new relaxed direction, the bomber jacket has stepped up and established itself as a viable alternative to full tailoring. Try using one in place of a blazer, pair with a T-shirt or lightweight knit and finish with sneakers.
5 Key Bomber Jacket Styles
Navy Minimal MA-1
Undoubtedly the easiest form of bomber to wear, a pared-back version of the MA-1 jacket in navy should be at the top of your list. With a slimmer body and no zip pocket on the upper arm, this minimal take can be worn with selvedge denim, tailored trousers, tracksuit bottoms, wide-leg chinos – the choice is yours.
A leather jacket might seem like an obvious choice, but care should still be taken when choosing to invest. It’s easy to get it wrong with leather, so aim for a quality hide that will get better with age, in a fit that is slim but not restricting.
Suede has never really been unpopular when it comes to outerwear, but it’s never been particularly convenient either. Don’t let constant fears of sudden downpours put you off though – few jackets are cooler than a suede bomber. This is also your chance to play with colour because the dull lustre of the fabric somewhat mutes brighter tones.
College/Varsity Jacket
The college or varsity jacket is an easy way to inject a youthful edge to any look – simply throw one on over a pair of jeans and trainers, and you’re good to go. This style has had something of a renaissance in recent years, with numerous brands taking the classic template and making it their own.
Outerwear always offers a good chance to make a statement, and the bomber jacket is no different. Whether you opt for an embroidered souvenir jacket or go oversized, just remember to keep the rest of your outfit clean and simple to avoid flying into comedy territory.
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts - 35+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/how-to-style-short-pixie-haircuts/ - How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, are getting increasingly mainstream among ladies. On a fundamental level, short hair is reasonable for practically any face shape. We show two short haircuts that will suit numerous ladies. Buzz trim short hairdos short haircuts are absolutely the most extreme ones. The intricate style falls into the buzz cut. Hair dries very quick and is additionally brought into shape. The Buzz cut is positively the most steady cut. Short hairdos have an undercarriage variation of short haircuts. How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, The top stays long. This difference looks extremely cool and restless with short hair. Blow-dry impact to the side utilizing a little round brush, to feminize an adolescent pixie cut as wright Robin. "Wearing blasts delicate and side-clearing can help limit a square jaw. And make an alternate route look less serious," says Tim Rogers, a beautician at Sally Hershberger Salon in New York. On the off chance that the blast is short, pieciness can accomplish that, as well. How to Style A Pixie Cut in Under 5 Minutes How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, For an inconspicuous impact, separate the face in the encircling areas, at that point with your tousle and fingers. The Pixies are having a pivotal turning point, and we can perceive any reason why: when all around structured, restless, fun, female and cool-and after what felt like long stretches of widespread hair expansions in. Are pixie cuts in for 2020? How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, Here, six master stunts to style the pixie cut. You need to look like Charlize Theron? (Aren't we as a whole?) The way to keeping hair present day and young is utilizing items that include strength and surface. How do I get a messy pixie look? It implies picking light candles or greases and discarding anything you partner with artfulness, for example, gel or frizz warriors, Rogers said. "I love the Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5-in-1 style treatment since it functions admirably on all hair types and includes sparkle without giving up surface," says Marilee Albin, a beautician at Salon Chris McMillan in Los Angeles. Watch out for those shaking a pixie hair style: let it be realized that having short hair doesn't mean you're trimmed short in style decisions. How do you style a short pixie haircut? Regardless of whether you need to flavor things up for a customary day grinding away or need to jump out for a major occasion, there are various approaches to make special and sharp hair looks from huge amounts of short strands. To help fabricate some motivation and innovativeness, we've assembled a rundown of ten distinctive style alternatives you can attempt at home or bring to your beautician on your next date. Spiky says simply "cool young lady" right now spiky haircut. How do you style a long pixie haircut? Don't hesitate to leave your strands your regular hair shading, however consider styling your hair upwards for a smooth, rocker look. Since you will require a solid item to keep your hair straight, Redken Rough glue gives 12 working materials surface to your hair with a solid, sculptural grasp. How to style my short pixie haircut Make your hair star look by cutting back the edges of your hair with periphery silver clasps. It keeps hair off your face while offering a sweet and simple style. In the event that your hair isn't long enough for a full plait, there's nothing amiss with mirroring it until you do. Pixie Haircuts: What You (And Your Clients) Need To Know As you can't keep the mesh together with a pin, make certain to put resources into a super-solid hairspray, for example, L'oréal Paris Elnett Satin Strong Hold Hairspray. Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Beyoncé numerous VIPs nowadays do large slashes and trim their hair into super-short pixie hair styles. Pixie Cuts We Love for 2020 Also, everything looks exceptionally pleasant. Doesn't it simply give you the tingle to trim your hair somewhat more? The inquiry is, Will you have the option to style your pixie hair style once it's gone to length? The appropriate response is truly, says Cody Alain, a hair and cosmetics craftsman for Page 1 administration in Toronto. How to style a short pixie haircut I love the amazing way flexible this hair can be," she says. "Likewise the lady wearing a pixie slice isn't hesitant to say something. It truly opens up your face permitting highlights to be highlighted."Ready to take the plunge(or have it as of now)? Here are pixie's hair style tips. Display: famous people shaking a pixie hair style" a pixie can work energizing and simple as long as you have the correct trimmed for your hair surface, " clarifies Alain. "This is the first run through, particularly before you have an interview with the beautician. How to style very short pixie haircut You may decide to concur with your beautician to go somewhat more or return for a touch in seven days relying upon how your hair reacts."4 approaches to style a pixie hair style 1. Think smooth Jennifer Lawrence during her ongoing Hunger Games special visit when she fixed her secures in a reflexive coif. How do you style a pixie cut? Even if the hair is soggy or wet, apply some smoothing or styling creams, for example, Tresemme Smooth and Silky Anti-Frizz Secret Crème, " says Alain. "Ensure the item is equally appropriated all through the hair, so the completion is the equivalent all over the place. How do you style a short messy pixie? At that point make a sensational side area utilizing the eyebrow belt as your beginning stage. Brush or brush hair to get a sparkly look. Brushes will make surface while brushes will leave a sleeker surface."3 more approaches to style a pixie hair style on the following page ... 0-0-0-style-a-pixie-hair style 2.jpg 2. Jennifer Hudson simply did best this style at the latest individuals' Choice Awards turn around, with a delicate fleecy look to her hair as it was cleared back from her face. Tips for Styling Your Pixie Cut Alain recommends playing with various surfaces (think smooth and smooth, similar to. The wet look on the tracks, or progressively feathery and increasingly common). Depending on the ideal surface, apply either a styling cream. For a slicker surface or a light froth like Aveda Phomolient (for volume and surface) to saturate the hair says Alain. Hair can be twisted back either with your fingers or with a. Wide tooth brush and left to modify, or you can include extra dispersed tissue utilizing a blow dryer. Get done with a light grasp hairspray."
0 notes
shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts - 35+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/how-to-style-short-pixie-haircuts-35/ - How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, are getting increasingly mainstream among ladies. On a fundamental level, short hair is reasonable for practically any face shape. We show two short haircuts that will suit numerous ladies. Buzz trim short hairdos short haircuts are absolutely the most extreme ones. The intricate style falls into the buzz cut. Hair dries very quick and is additionally brought into shape. The Buzz cut is positively the most steady cut. Short hairdos have an undercarriage variation of short haircuts. How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, The top stays long. This difference looks extremely cool and restless with short hair. Blow-dry impact to the side utilizing a little round brush, to feminize an adolescent pixie cut as wright Robin. "Wearing blasts delicate and side-clearing can help limit a square jaw. And make an alternate route look less serious," says Tim Rogers, a beautician at Sally Hershberger Salon in New York. On the off chance that the blast is short, pieciness can accomplish that, as well. How to Style A Pixie Cut in Under 5 Minutes How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, For an inconspicuous impact, separate the face in the encircling areas, at that point with your tousle and fingers. The Pixies are having a pivotal turning point, and we can perceive any reason why: when all around structured, restless, fun, female and cool-and after what felt like long stretches of widespread hair expansions in. Are pixie cuts in for 2020? How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, Here, six master stunts to style the pixie cut. You need to look like Charlize Theron? (Aren't we as a whole?) The way to keeping hair present day and young is utilizing items that include strength and surface. How do I get a messy pixie look? It implies picking light candles or greases and discarding anything you partner with artfulness, for example, gel or frizz warriors, Rogers said. "I love the Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5-in-1 style treatment since it functions admirably on all hair types and includes sparkle without giving up surface," says Marilee Albin, a beautician at Salon Chris McMillan in Los Angeles. Watch out for those shaking a pixie hair style: let it be realized that having short hair doesn't mean you're trimmed short in style decisions. How do you style a short pixie haircut? Regardless of whether you need to flavor things up for a customary day grinding away or need to jump out for a major occasion, there are various approaches to make special and sharp hair looks from huge amounts of short strands. To help fabricate some motivation and innovativeness, we've assembled a rundown of ten distinctive style alternatives you can attempt at home or bring to your beautician on your next date. Spiky says simply "cool young lady" right now spiky haircut. How do you style a long pixie haircut? Don't hesitate to leave your strands your regular hair shading, however consider styling your hair upwards for a smooth, rocker look. Since you will require a solid item to keep your hair straight, Redken Rough glue gives 12 working materials surface to your hair with a solid, sculptural grasp. How to style my short pixie haircut Make your hair star look by cutting back the edges of your hair with periphery silver clasps. It keeps hair off your face while offering a sweet and simple style. In the event that your hair isn't long enough for a full plait, there's nothing amiss with mirroring it until you do. Pixie Haircuts: What You (And Your Clients) Need To Know As you can't keep the mesh together with a pin, make certain to put resources into a super-solid hairspray, for example, L'oréal Paris Elnett Satin Strong Hold Hairspray. Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Beyoncé numerous VIPs nowadays do large slashes and trim their hair into super-short pixie hair styles. Pixie Cuts We Love for 2020 Also, everything looks exceptionally pleasant. Doesn't it simply give you the tingle to trim your hair somewhat more? The inquiry is, Will you have the option to style your pixie hair style once it's gone to length? The appropriate response is truly, says Cody Alain, a hair and cosmetics craftsman for Page 1 administration in Toronto. How to style a short pixie haircut I love the amazing way flexible this hair can be," she says. "Likewise the lady wearing a pixie slice isn't hesitant to say something. It truly opens up your face permitting highlights to be highlighted."Ready to take the plunge(or have it as of now)? Here are pixie's hair style tips. Display: famous people shaking a pixie hair style" a pixie can work energizing and simple as long as you have the correct trimmed for your hair surface, " clarifies Alain. "This is the first run through, particularly before you have an interview with the beautician. How to style very short pixie haircut You may decide to concur with your beautician to go somewhat more or return for a touch in seven days relying upon how your hair reacts."4 approaches to style a pixie hair style 1. Think smooth Jennifer Lawrence during her ongoing Hunger Games special visit when she fixed her secures in a reflexive coif. How do you style a pixie cut? Even if the hair is soggy or wet, apply some smoothing or styling creams, for example, Tresemme Smooth and Silky Anti-Frizz Secret Crème, " says Alain. "Ensure the item is equally appropriated all through the hair, so the completion is the equivalent all over the place. How do you style a short messy pixie? At that point make a sensational side area utilizing the eyebrow belt as your beginning stage. Brush or brush hair to get a sparkly look. Brushes will make surface while brushes will leave a sleeker surface."3 more approaches to style a pixie hair style on the following page ... 0-0-0-style-a-pixie-hair style 2.jpg 2. Jennifer Hudson simply did best this style at the latest individuals' Choice Awards turn around, with a delicate fleecy look to her hair as it was cleared back from her face. Tips for Styling Your Pixie Cut Alain recommends playing with various surfaces (think smooth and smooth, similar to. The wet look on the tracks, or progressively feathery and increasingly common). Depending on the ideal surface, apply either a styling cream. For a slicker surface or a light froth like Aveda Phomolient (for volume and surface) to saturate the hair says Alain. Hair can be twisted back either with your fingers or with a. Wide tooth brush and left to modify, or you can include extra dispersed tissue utilizing a blow dryer. Get done with a light grasp hairspray."
0 notes
shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts - 35+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/how-to-style-short-pixie-haircuts/ - How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, are getting increasingly mainstream among ladies. On a fundamental level, short hair is reasonable for practically any face shape. We show two short haircuts that will suit numerous ladies. Buzz trim short hairdos short haircuts are absolutely the most extreme ones. The intricate style falls into the buzz cut. Hair dries very quick and is additionally brought into shape. The Buzz cut is positively the most steady cut. Short hairdos have an undercarriage variation of short haircuts. How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, The top stays long. This difference looks extremely cool and restless with short hair. Blow-dry impact to the side utilizing a little round brush, to feminize an adolescent pixie cut as wright Robin. "Wearing blasts delicate and side-clearing can help limit a square jaw. And make an alternate route look less serious," says Tim Rogers, a beautician at Sally Hershberger Salon in New York. On the off chance that the blast is short, pieciness can accomplish that, as well. How to Style A Pixie Cut in Under 5 Minutes How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, For an inconspicuous impact, separate the face in the encircling areas, at that point with your tousle and fingers. The Pixies are having a pivotal turning point, and we can perceive any reason why: when all around structured, restless, fun, female and cool-and after what felt like long stretches of widespread hair expansions in. Are pixie cuts in for 2020? How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, Here, six master stunts to style the pixie cut. You need to look like Charlize Theron? (Aren't we as a whole?) The way to keeping hair present day and young is utilizing items that include strength and surface. How do I get a messy pixie look? It implies picking light candles or greases and discarding anything you partner with artfulness, for example, gel or frizz warriors, Rogers said. "I love the Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5-in-1 style treatment since it functions admirably on all hair types and includes sparkle without giving up surface," says Marilee Albin, a beautician at Salon Chris McMillan in Los Angeles. Watch out for those shaking a pixie hair style: let it be realized that having short hair doesn't mean you're trimmed short in style decisions. How do you style a short pixie haircut? Regardless of whether you need to flavor things up for a customary day grinding away or need to jump out for a major occasion, there are various approaches to make special and sharp hair looks from huge amounts of short strands. To help fabricate some motivation and innovativeness, we've assembled a rundown of ten distinctive style alternatives you can attempt at home or bring to your beautician on your next date. Spiky says simply "cool young lady" right now spiky haircut. How do you style a long pixie haircut? Don't hesitate to leave your strands your regular hair shading, however consider styling your hair upwards for a smooth, rocker look. Since you will require a solid item to keep your hair straight, Redken Rough glue gives 12 working materials surface to your hair with a solid, sculptural grasp. How to style my short pixie haircut Make your hair star look by cutting back the edges of your hair with periphery silver clasps. It keeps hair off your face while offering a sweet and simple style. In the event that your hair isn't long enough for a full plait, there's nothing amiss with mirroring it until you do. Pixie Haircuts: What You (And Your Clients) Need To Know As you can't keep the mesh together with a pin, make certain to put resources into a super-solid hairspray, for example, L'oréal Paris Elnett Satin Strong Hold Hairspray. Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Beyoncé numerous VIPs nowadays do large slashes and trim their hair into super-short pixie hair styles. Pixie Cuts We Love for 2020 Also, everything looks exceptionally pleasant. Doesn't it simply give you the tingle to trim your hair somewhat more? The inquiry is, Will you have the option to style your pixie hair style once it's gone to length? The appropriate response is truly, says Cody Alain, a hair and cosmetics craftsman for Page 1 administration in Toronto. How to style a short pixie haircut I love the amazing way flexible this hair can be," she says. "Likewise the lady wearing a pixie slice isn't hesitant to say something. It truly opens up your face permitting highlights to be highlighted."Ready to take the plunge(or have it as of now)? Here are pixie's hair style tips. Display: famous people shaking a pixie hair style" a pixie can work energizing and simple as long as you have the correct trimmed for your hair surface, " clarifies Alain. "This is the first run through, particularly before you have an interview with the beautician. How to style very short pixie haircut You may decide to concur with your beautician to go somewhat more or return for a touch in seven days relying upon how your hair reacts."4 approaches to style a pixie hair style 1. Think smooth Jennifer Lawrence during her ongoing Hunger Games special visit when she fixed her secures in a reflexive coif. How do you style a pixie cut? Even if the hair is soggy or wet, apply some smoothing or styling creams, for example, Tresemme Smooth and Silky Anti-Frizz Secret Crème, " says Alain. "Ensure the item is equally appropriated all through the hair, so the completion is the equivalent all over the place. How do you style a short messy pixie? At that point make a sensational side area utilizing the eyebrow belt as your beginning stage. Brush or brush hair to get a sparkly look. Brushes will make surface while brushes will leave a sleeker surface."3 more approaches to style a pixie hair style on the following page ... 0-0-0-style-a-pixie-hair style 2.jpg 2. Jennifer Hudson simply did best this style at the latest individuals' Choice Awards turn around, with a delicate fleecy look to her hair as it was cleared back from her face. Tips for Styling Your Pixie Cut Alain recommends playing with various surfaces (think smooth and smooth, similar to. The wet look on the tracks, or progressively feathery and increasingly common). Depending on the ideal surface, apply either a styling cream. For a slicker surface or a light froth like Aveda Phomolient (for volume and surface) to saturate the hair says Alain. Hair can be twisted back either with your fingers or with a. Wide tooth brush and left to modify, or you can include extra dispersed tissue utilizing a blow dryer. Get done with a light grasp hairspray."
0 notes
shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts - 35+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/how-to-style-short-pixie-haircuts/ - How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, are getting increasingly mainstream among ladies. On a fundamental level, short hair is reasonable for practically any face shape. We show two short haircuts that will suit numerous ladies. Buzz trim short hairdos short haircuts are absolutely the most extreme ones. The intricate style falls into the buzz cut. Hair dries very quick and is additionally brought into shape. The Buzz cut is positively the most steady cut. Short hairdos have an undercarriage variation of short haircuts. How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, The top stays long. This difference looks extremely cool and restless with short hair. Blow-dry impact to the side utilizing a little round brush, to feminize an adolescent pixie cut as wright Robin. "Wearing blasts delicate and side-clearing can help limit a square jaw. And make an alternate route look less serious," says Tim Rogers, a beautician at Sally Hershberger Salon in New York. On the off chance that the blast is short, pieciness can accomplish that, as well. How to Style A Pixie Cut in Under 5 Minutes How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, For an inconspicuous impact, separate the face in the encircling areas, at that point with your tousle and fingers. The Pixies are having a pivotal turning point, and we can perceive any reason why: when all around structured, restless, fun, female and cool-and after what felt like long stretches of widespread hair expansions in. Are pixie cuts in for 2020? How to Style Short Pixie Haircuts, Here, six master stunts to style the pixie cut. You need to look like Charlize Theron? (Aren't we as a whole?) The way to keeping hair present day and young is utilizing items that include strength and surface. How do I get a messy pixie look? It implies picking light candles or greases and discarding anything you partner with artfulness, for example, gel or frizz warriors, Rogers said. "I love the Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5-in-1 style treatment since it functions admirably on all hair types and includes sparkle without giving up surface," says Marilee Albin, a beautician at Salon Chris McMillan in Los Angeles. Watch out for those shaking a pixie hair style: let it be realized that having short hair doesn't mean you're trimmed short in style decisions. How do you style a short pixie haircut? Regardless of whether you need to flavor things up for a customary day grinding away or need to jump out for a major occasion, there are various approaches to make special and sharp hair looks from huge amounts of short strands. To help fabricate some motivation and innovativeness, we've assembled a rundown of ten distinctive style alternatives you can attempt at home or bring to your beautician on your next date. Spiky says simply "cool young lady" right now spiky haircut. How do you style a long pixie haircut? Don't hesitate to leave your strands your regular hair shading, however consider styling your hair upwards for a smooth, rocker look. Since you will require a solid item to keep your hair straight, Redken Rough glue gives 12 working materials surface to your hair with a solid, sculptural grasp. How to style my short pixie haircut Make your hair star look by cutting back the edges of your hair with periphery silver clasps. It keeps hair off your face while offering a sweet and simple style. In the event that your hair isn't long enough for a full plait, there's nothing amiss with mirroring it until you do. Pixie Haircuts: What You (And Your Clients) Need To Know As you can't keep the mesh together with a pin, make certain to put resources into a super-solid hairspray, for example, L'oréal Paris Elnett Satin Strong Hold Hairspray. Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Beyoncé numerous VIPs nowadays do large slashes and trim their hair into super-short pixie hair styles. Pixie Cuts We Love for 2020 Also, everything looks exceptionally pleasant. Doesn't it simply give you the tingle to trim your hair somewhat more? The inquiry is, Will you have the option to style your pixie hair style once it's gone to length? The appropriate response is truly, says Cody Alain, a hair and cosmetics craftsman for Page 1 administration in Toronto. How to style a short pixie haircut I love the amazing way flexible this hair can be," she says. "Likewise the lady wearing a pixie slice isn't hesitant to say something. It truly opens up your face permitting highlights to be highlighted."Ready to take the plunge(or have it as of now)? Here are pixie's hair style tips. Display: famous people shaking a pixie hair style" a pixie can work energizing and simple as long as you have the correct trimmed for your hair surface, " clarifies Alain. "This is the first run through, particularly before you have an interview with the beautician. How to style very short pixie haircut You may decide to concur with your beautician to go somewhat more or return for a touch in seven days relying upon how your hair reacts."4 approaches to style a pixie hair style 1. Think smooth Jennifer Lawrence during her ongoing Hunger Games special visit when she fixed her secures in a reflexive coif. How do you style a pixie cut? Even if the hair is soggy or wet, apply some smoothing or styling creams, for example, Tresemme Smooth and Silky Anti-Frizz Secret Crème, " says Alain. "Ensure the item is equally appropriated all through the hair, so the completion is the equivalent all over the place. How do you style a short messy pixie? At that point make a sensational side area utilizing the eyebrow belt as your beginning stage. Brush or brush hair to get a sparkly look. Brushes will make surface while brushes will leave a sleeker surface."3 more approaches to style a pixie hair style on the following page ... 0-0-0-style-a-pixie-hair style 2.jpg 2. Jennifer Hudson simply did best this style at the latest individuals' Choice Awards turn around, with a delicate fleecy look to her hair as it was cleared back from her face. Tips for Styling Your Pixie Cut Alain recommends playing with various surfaces (think smooth and smooth, similar to. The wet look on the tracks, or progressively feathery and increasingly common). Depending on the ideal surface, apply either a styling cream. For a slicker surface or a light froth like Aveda Phomolient (for volume and surface) to saturate the hair says Alain. Hair can be twisted back either with your fingers or with a. Wide tooth brush and left to modify, or you can include extra dispersed tissue utilizing a blow dryer. Get done with a light grasp hairspray."
0 notes