#saw this scene again today and it just hit me in a lot of personal ways for some reason fhsnjdksd
deusluxuria · 10 months
anyway does it still count as a jjba meme if it's really sad
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(image description: HUGE SPOILERS:
scene from golden wind anime of abbacchio's death. narancia is facedown crying on the ground while everyone else is standing around silently. text pointing to narancia says "me after i had to put my cat to sleep who was the most important part of my life and we had spent our entire lives together." and text on the other characters says "everyone else in the vet's office.")
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candiehearts · 1 month
“He’s My Person.”
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Paring: Hugh Jackman x Actor F!Reader
Summary: You and your co-star Hugh Jackman are in the eye of the public. Your fans always loving the dynamic between the two of you. However no one knew if you would be anything more than friends, not even you.
- oneshot, Hugh Jackman M.List, Navigation — other works!
Warnings: None!
Taglist: Just ask to be added.
I walked past the camera set crew, and smiled when I saw Hugh sitting in one of the chairs. The Aussie immediately stood up, and gave me a hug.
Today was the first, of many interviews for the press tour of X-Men Origins Wolverine. I had been so lucky to get a part in this film, and I loved filming every second of it.
The lights dimmed a little, and focused on us and the cameras started to roll.
“Welcome, welcome you too.” I smiled at her and did a little wave to the camera. “First I would like to say congratulations on your achievement in making this film.”
“Thank you, that’s really sweet.” I could feel red lightly forming on my cheeks at the praise while Hugh — like the professional he is, take the compliment like a champ. “Thank you, much appreciated.”
“Now we have a bit of a game set up for us to do, but first some questions.”
Oh gosh, I could feel slightly nervous, but Hugh placed his palm on my knee and slightly rubbed it with his thumb. Calming my nerves.
“Now Hugh, you’ve done X-Men for quite some time now, but Y/N this is your first time in the Marvel franchise.”
Hugh squeezed my knee slightly, and gave me a proud smile while he rested his chin on his other hand.
“Yes well it’s such an honor.” I couldn’t help but feel a tiny nostalgic when I remembered how I started my career and where I’m at now. “I had done some small films before, but nothing like this. It was truly a one of a kind experience.”
I was expecting for another question, but Hugh spoke up as well. “Not to mention Y/N is such an amazing actor — and she’s always fun to work with. She’s a very good sport when things don’t go right the first time.”
I couldn’t help the laugh that sounded like a giggle leaving my lip, a smile brightening my face.
“Careful Hugh I might think you’re flirting with me.” I wouldn’t mind that, and this teasing, flirting thing we do is something we’ve always done since we first met each other.
“You two are adorable.” The interviewer — Annie — commented. “What was your favorite thing to film.”
Oh god, this is a trap. The movie hasn’t hit theaters, and there’s only so much we can say before it comes out.
I slapped my hand over Hugh’s, “kissing Hugh Jackman.” That little bit was in the trailer — so it’s the safest thing to say, if not the honest.
Hugh didn’t his cute little laugh, a snort breaking free, before he regained his composure.
“I won’t lie, I 100% messed that scene up so I could just kiss the wonderful Y/N again. So I’ll have to agree with her there.”
My face started to warm in embarrassment while I hid inside my hands, all while Hugh laughed — his hand never leaving my knee.
“Do either of you have a date to the premier? If yes, then do you mind saying?”
My response came so quick out of my mouth I didn’t have a moment to process what I was saying, though that’s how I am a lot of the time. “Hey, Hugh, wanna be my date?” 
Hugh looked at you, and despite his smile, and the humor in his voice — his eyes were laced in seriousness. “It would be the greatest honor of my life, to walk down that carpet on your arm like eye candy.”
I blew him a kiss, teasing him before looking right back at the camera. “I might look fine right now, but trust me girls I’m screaming on the inside.”
The whole camera crew started to laugh, while I silently laughed as well.
“In ten or words less describe each-other’s character.” I gestured for Hugh to go first to which he took a moment to think, using his fingers.
“Badass solider that always completes a mission no matter what.”
Fuck. Alright.
“A military solider that can’t die, infused with metal.” Fuck I need another word. “Handsome.”
“Aweeeee.” Hugh leaned over and kissed my cheek.
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The sound of cheering was the only thing I could hear as I grabbed a hold of Hugh’s arm and made our way onto the carpet.
“God, what if I fall on my face?” I stopped just before my heel could meet with the carpet. Too nervous to go on.
“Y/N, you’re going to be okay. I won’t let you fall.” He laced his fingers with mine and walked us down the carpet, giving me the push I needed to get out of my own head.
The paparazzi photos started to flash immediately, blinding me but I had been used to this by now — so I just kept my focus.
Hugh leaned down to my ear, whispering a joke about how a photographer back would hurt tomorrow in that position, causing me to laugh.
The lights went crazy as he hugged laughed with me, “you look very beautiful tonight.”
“I might have to make you my date to every premier Mr. Jackman.”
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We made our way to the first reporter of the night, sticking close together.
“Good evening.” She was a pretty decidedly young girl, and you could see how nervous she was. “Hi/G’day.” Me and Hugh responded.
“So you two are each other’s date, any special chemistry going on.” The Aussie wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him, while I held his shoulder with my left arm. This position was suggestive, but it was teasing.
Unfortunately, to my disappointment we weren’t seeing each other.
“One day.”
One day.
You couldn’t help but give him a smile, and he returned it with the same exact emotion in his eyes. Care, and love.
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Over the next few years, you and Hugh had worked on a few projects together, but even if you weren’t, you and him always were close and kept in touch.
You would grab dinner together often, or sometimes when one of you were free and the other was busy on a set, it wasn’t strange that one of you would fly out to the other.
Everyone believed that one of you were together, especially after a video leaked of you and Hugh slow dancing at a house party together.
But whenever asked about it, you two would always either say, “not yet,” or “one day.”
You were having a premier coming up, and it was the only time that there was a chance that Hugh couldn’t make it. So everyone was wondering if you would bring anyone else. It was well known you didn’t like going places without someone close to you.
You sat with one of your co-stars and smiled at the interviewer that was asking the question on everyone’s mind.
“Are you sure you and Hugh Jackman are not dating.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the phrasing of her words.
“Hugh Jackman? Never heard of him.” The crew and your Co-Star started laughing, but you did answer the question. “No we’re not dating.” It was the first time the two of you were direct with it, and not being vague.
Overtime you grew to love Hugh, and to be honest you didn’t know if you could keep telling yourself ‘one day.’ Because in your head you two weren’t only giving fans false hope, but you were giving it to yourself.
“Hugh is away filming, you always take him to events, since he won’t be here will you take someone else.”
You were quiet for a moment, thinking through your answer.
“To be honest, even if I wanted to take someone else I don’t think I could.” You looked down to your lap before continuing. “Hugh is such a major part of my life. Really he’s my pillar. He will always be the one a I take, and if I can’t take him then I wouldn’t go with anyone else.”
“It sounds like you deeply care for him. Are you sure there’s no feelings?” She didn’t ask if you were dating, but if you had feelings.
“Hugh Jackman is so many things. He’s a great dancer, actor, singer. Full of so many talents — and I always love the fact that I am apart of his life. Because most of all He’s my person.”
You finally looked back up to the interviewer.
“If something were to ever happen between us, then it would have already.”
Sure you fans would be sad, and even you, but it was time to finally put the rumors to rest.
You were a little quieter through the rest of the interview, but still kept it fun.
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Hugh downed his drink. He was on a plane, flying back to you. He wore a tux so he could be on the ready to go so when he lands, he can confess, then they can make their way to the premier — where he can make it known to the world.
He was watching your interview, and when you put said that you two weren’t happening, he felt panic.
He cursed himself for waiting too long. But the truth was he felt like with his career going the way it was that maybe he wasn’t ready for a relationship. He was an idiot.
He felt terrible for leading you on so long, but he would make it right — and hope maybe you still liked him.
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By the time he finally landed you had just walked onto the carpet, alone. So he paid the driver extra to just step on the gas.
Once he was let in — the crowd started going wild. He was on the carpet, and he didn’t stop to take photos, or talk to people.
He set his sights on you and immediately started to hurry to you. And ironically it was like something from a movie.
The cameras all the sudden started going crazy, and you looked to your right to see what was going on, but was met with a Hugh Jackman out of breath, and grabbing your face.
“Hugh? When did—“ You were cut off by his lips pressing into yours. His hands gently leaving your cheeks, and resting on your neck while he pulled you closer.
You parted just a little, so he could whisper his confession to you.
“You’re my person too. I’m sorry for being an idiot, but I’m an idiot in love with you.”
A smile took over your face, finally your one day was today. “Just kiss me again, you bloody fool.” You didn’t need to tell him twice — and the camera was absolutely going crazy.
The rest of the premier, Hugh had a few lipstick stains on his face that he didn’t even bother to wipe away.
He was took focus on the smile that was on your face, the same smile that matched his.
The next day Hugh found a photo of you two kissing, with Ryan Reynolds shocked, smiling face, he immediately posted it, letting your fans know that your finally got together with the caption, “my person.”
You two also made that your locks screen and every time either of you are asked about your friendship with Ryan, you immediately talk about it.
© CandieHearts
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
The brainrot is hitting hard today…
On the topic of the Drakes, I usually prefer the unconventional but loving parent type (Bruce x the Drakes is my favorite rarepair) but the idea of a de-aged Toddler Tim having no idea what to do when Jason or another Bat does the “ur a baby I’m gonna pick you up” move because his parents stopped picking him up once he started walking is so heartbreakingly wonderful to me.
even with de-aged Tim fics in general, i prefer when he’s a feral raccoon, but just that specific scene is so addicting.
a whole fic exploring the personality of a three-year-old Tim with limited parental context and his dynamics with Jason in particular is mwah.
and then a week later, he’s deaged again but as a 6-year-old and the family has to deal with a brat with too much time on his hands and too little supervision.
3-year-old tim as a victim of neglectful, bordering abusive, parenting
6-year-old tim as a consequence of neglectful, bordering abusive, parenting
also, bonus if 3 y/o Tim just cam saw the graysons fall and only recognizes Dick after Nightwing does something flippy. “Flippy Dick” being his first words since deaging (i think i saw the nickname in a good parents!drakes post ironically)
Yes! I do adore the angst of the Drakes loving Tim, wanting the world for him, and failing. The black and white "Drakes are bad parents" is great for healing and comfort, but the grey area is where I feel a lot of people are with their own parents. The Drakes trying but never being enough is so intoxicating to read. There's usually only bad parents and good parents for the Drakes.
I also love when the Drakes and Bruce share parenting Tim while the kid fights that at every turn. It's hilarious.
For Kid Tim fics, I can't really stand when he's turned into a "so cute but so sad" version. That child is a gremlin. Therefore, I love when authors hint at angst/abuse, but Tim doesn't realize that something is wrong. For him, that's normal. Why would he know the difference?
The nickname "Flippy Dick/Dickie" is cute and I adore a chaotic 6 year old Tim. A lack of supervision for children (who have issues with impulse control due to their brain development) equates to Tim doing whatever the fuck he wants and not respecting authority. He gets to make decisions for himself because that's how it's always been.
On the same note, fics that have Bruce noticing Tim's lack of supervision and then forcing restrictions on Tim freak me out. Yes, a child should not be making such decisions and should not be alone at such ages. However, Tim, in these AUs, has years of experience doing so. Forcing him to follow Bruce's rules without choice disrespects the systems Tim has built up to protect himself. He should have continued autonomy. The goal is to support him. They should allow Tim to slowly integrate himself into the Wayne family as someone ensures he's getting food regularly, has an adult to rely on, and has all his needs met (however Tim chooses to meet them).
If Tim chooses to relinquish his control over every aspect in his life for some help and relief, then absolutely. Despite this, Tim will need to be treated as closer to an equal than a child due to his experiences. He is still a child, but he's been making choices for himself for a while. He should have the respect and autonomy to continue making decisions in regard to his own being.
I guess I got on a rant, lmao. Anyways, de-aging fics that highlight Tim not being able to hide his chaotic nature as well are amazing
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s-sturn · 6 months
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summary: Matt ends up reuniting with his ex-girlfriend, making some feelings come back to the surface, but he was already dating Y/N.
warnings: cheating, kissing, sad, crying, ANGSTT!, there’s no happy ending, cursing, threats!!
part 2 (coming soon…)
Matt walked the streets of Boston, taking Trevor for a walk.
He hummed small songs, until he bumped into someone very recognisable, Leah, his ex-girlfriend.
The brunette was in a relationship, but the feelings his heart felt when he hit his eyes on the blonde-haired girl was an emotion he never felt with Y/N.
The two started talking a lot, exchanged numbers and scheduled to leave to see each other again. As the week Y/N went by, he realized that Matt was on his phone a lot, laughing, and ended up forgetting his own girlfriend.
The brunette felt upset during the days she saw seeing Matt, who practically didn't care about Y/N. As the weeks went by, Matt started to leave the house a lot, something that was not normal for the boy, after all he hated to leave the house.
The light-eyed boy never let Y/N, who was his own girlfriend touch his phone again, which made the girl very suspicious of it, after all, Matt was never like that.
This weekend, Y/N would go again to the house of the triplets, at this time the brunette and Chris were extremely close, and this was good for the girl who overnight stopped receiving attention from her boyfriend, who before wiped her tears and today is the cause of them.
Matt had invited Leah to go to the boy’s house, which was dangerous, but the two did the same way.
The blonde entered hidden inside the triplet house, the fact was that Matt forgot that Y/N would also be there. As always, Y/N went up the stairs going to greet her boyfriend, if she could call him that. But when he opens the door he is faced with the scene that broke his heart, Matt kissed his ex-girlfriend on his bed.
━━ What the fuck is that? ━━ Y/N's voice came out crying, while the girl looked disappointed at the boy, as well as his brothers.
━━ Y/N! Fuck! I can explain! ━━ Matt quickly walked away from Leah running after Y/N but his brothers tried to stop him
━━ Explain what? That you were kissing your ex? I've already seen that! ━━ Y/N's eyes teared as she tried her best to hold back the tears that threatened to fall.
━━ Slut, didn't you see that you got in the way of my moment with my future boyfriend? ━━ The girl with blonde hair mocked.
━━ Bitch, go fuck yourself and shut up your rotten mouth. ━━ Nick told Leah totally angry with her and Matt.
I leave the house quickly, hiding the tears that finally fell, Matt ran after me calling me, I just ignored him going away to never look him in the face again.
A few weeks after the breakup, Matt and Leah finally took over the return of their relationship, which broke my heart.
Soon I get a message from Chris, asking if I would like to go to the ice cream parlor with him, which I am afraid of, but I end up accepting.
We spent the day having fun, and I ended up being distracted for a few moments about everything that was happening.
A few minutes after I arrive at my apartment, I see the publication of a gossip page, saying that after Matt takes over his relationship with Leah, Chris appears in an ice cream parlor next to me.
I opened the comments of the publication coming across several people cursing me as a slut, whore and even home destroyer, saying that Matt separated from Leah because of me and that now Chris and Matt have moved away because of me too.
I opened my dm, coming at threats from several people, calling me a traitor, without me having done anything.
That killed me once and for all, that I'm literally being hated, for having liked a boy.
tell me who I am, guess I don’t have a choice
all because I liked a boy.
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answer this post if u want to be in my taglist!
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jerseyshoresy · 8 months
How About a Glass of Punch!
Shoresy and reader go on their first date—or do they?
Shoresy x gn!reader
Warnings: cussing, mentions of physical fighting and bruising/bleeding
You were pissed. You just had to get punched in the face today? Today of all days?
On the day of your first date with Shoresy?
That reminded you never to go to bars in the daytime. Normally you abided by that rule, but you were nervous and you were stressed and sitting around at home by yourself was doing nothing to calm your nerves so of course you would go hang out with your friend in downtown Sudbury for a few hours.
“You don’t think we’re making a mistake going on this date, right Miig?” you asked the girl sitting in the barstool next to you.
“Y/n! Not at all. You’ve liked Shoresy for a long time and he’s liked you for the same amount, if not longer. Besides, friends that date usually stay together longer. It’s science.”
You shot her a look. “That’s science? I must’ve slept through that part of class.” Miigwan rolled her eyes and playful pushed your shoulder.
“You’re freaking out for no reason. It’s Shoresy we’re talking about. He’s definitely not hot enough to be stressing you like this. Besides, he’s just a slut. It’s not like he’s gonna be husband material anyway.”
“Oh Miig, if only I was as wise as you,” you started sarcastically, “dating a coach is so much better than a player. Tell Sanguinet to call me, maybe we can go to Wasaga Beach.”
“Fuck you y/n,” she said, both of you laughing. Once you two finished up your drinks, you were ready to go back home and get ready for your date. Miigwan really helped you calm down and you were now actually excited to see Shoresy tonight. As you reached for the door handle to leave the bar, someone grabbed your arm.
“You’re brave for showing your face around here.”
You turned around. Bad idea. Before you could say anything, a fist collided with your face and you were down. As you scrambled to get up, you felt the same person grab the front of your shirt. Getting a good look at them, you had no idea who this dude was, but you knew he was super drunk and you had to get out of there before you got hit again. You brought your knee up into his groin area and struck the bottom of your palm into his nose. Thankfully he released your shirt and, cradling your face, you ran to your car as fast as you could, jamming the key into the ignition and peeling out of the parking lot. Your apartment was only 5 minutes away and once you got inside your door, locking it as fast as humanly possible, you finally allowed yourself to feel the pain caused by the blow. You got hit on your high right cheekbone next to your eye. You were so afraid to look in the mirror because you really didn’t want to deal with a bruise right now. Taking a deep breath, you prepared yourself for the worst. What you saw upset you greatly—you were sporting a very aggressive black eye and bruised cheek. It was a sickly purple and blue nightmare swirled around your face and you held in sob. You didn’t get into fights, that wasn’t your scene. You didn’t even know who that person was that attacked you! You were just glad Miigwan had left a minute prior and missed it because if she had gotten hit… you thought of the swift revenge that would come from Ziigwan and you shuddered. Turning your attention back to the problem at hand, you began to brainstorm how to cover the ugly, throbbing mark before your date. You tried to apply concealer but every dab on the bruise made you shed many tears. Softly crying at the events of the day, you decided you had to cancel the date.
“I’m so sorry Shoresy,” you whispered, hitting send on the text and throwing your phone down. You knew Shoresy was no stranger to fights and bad injuries, but you were nervous. Taking a step from friendship into dating territory was scary and it would be even scarier if you showed up looking like your face got hit by a bus. You wanted this day to be perfect and it was the biggest mess you had ever gotten yourself into. You put your pajamas on and grabbed an ice pack, settling in for the afternoon. When you looked at your phone again, you had 3 unread texts and 7 unanswered calls from Miigwan and 5 unread texts and 4 unanswered calls from Shoresy.
Miigwan: was that you I saw in the parking lot???
Miigwan: y/n answer me, did you stumble out the door of the bar??
Miigwan: if you’re not okay I’m coming over.
And then Shoresy:
Shoresy: totally fine y/n, we can always plan for another day :) hope you feel better soon!
(You told him you were sick)
Shoresy: okay I got a call from Miig and I’m not thinking you’re sick.
Shoresy: did you run out of the bar and then drive home??
Shoresy: y/n please answer
Shoresy: I’m coming over.
You were freaking out internally. You didn’t want anyone to see you like this. You frantically texted them back, assuring them you were okay and it was all one big misunderstanding, but it didn’t matter; the moment you hit send on your message, you heard a knock at the door.
“Y/n? It’s me. Shoresy. Your friend. Your, uh, date for tonight? Whatever, you know who it is. We’re worried about you.”
“Y/n, open this door or I’ll knock it off its hinges with Shoresy’s thick head.”
Of course Miigwan’s here too.
Even though you were scared to reveal to them what really happened, you were glad your friends showed up for you. You opened the door to find Miigwan and Shoresy quietly bickering, most likely over her earlier comment about his head. When they caught sight your injury, they immediately fell silent.
“Oh my god,” exclaimed Miigwan, while Shoresy went for the more explosive “What the actual fuck happened to your face?” You almost started crying again but you were determined to stay strong. Inviting them inside, you threw yourself down on the couch, Shoresy sitting next to you and Miig in the chair across from you.
“So, after you left, Miig, I went to leave too and some dude mistook me for someone else and now here we are.”
You had never seen Shoresy so angry in his life.
“Are you fucking serious? A random dude just starting swinging on ya? What’s he look like, I’ll take him down in no time and have him crying on your doorstep and begging for forgiveness like you’re the fuckin’ Godfather. Jesus Christ.”
“No, Shoresy, it’s okay. He was hella drunk and to be honest, I’m really shaken up still so could we please drop it for now? I made it home safe and that’s all I can ask for.”
“Okay. Well, as long as you’re good, I think Shoresy is gonna stay and I’ll head back home. I’m glad you’re alright but I can’t wait to see Shore put that guy’s head on a stick. Feel better and call if you need anything.” Miig gave you a hug and left.
“I’m sorry I canceled our date. I really wanted to go, I just… didn’t want anyone to see me like this.”
Shoresy, who just brought you a fresh ice pack from the freezer, sat close to you while holding the pack to your face. You didn’t know if you were shivering from the cold or the fact that an attractive man was that close to you.
“Are you serious? You wouldn’t show a shiner like this to the world? People would be missing out on seeing a true masterpiece. This sucker’s the real deal right here. Hockey players would kill for a badge of honor like this.”
You giggled a bit.
“Oh stop, you’re flattering me.”
“No, flattering you would be telling you I’ve never seen a more beautiful person than the one sitting in front of me right now, in their pajamas, allowing me to take care of them in their time of need.”
You felt your whole face flush.
“Okay, that’s very flattering. I’m not as good with words as you are but I noticed you’re not wearing your fake tooth and you look supremely handsome without it.”
Now it was Shoresy’s turn to blush.
“You really think so? I was in such a hurry to get over here when Miig told me what happened that I forgot to put it in.”
“Well I’m glad you didn’t. You look great as is.”
“We’re just a real pair, aren’t we? Busted faces, missing teeth. We’d be that power couple to watch out for if we hit the town right now.”
You laughed.
“Yeah, right. Hey, thanks again for your concern and coming over, I really appreciate you. Also, thanks for doing this.” You gestured to the ice pack he was still holding to your face.
“Anytime, y/n. I wish I was there to protect you. I would do anything for you, as long as you’d let me.” Shoresy let his finger give the slightest touch over an uncovered part of your injured cheekbone. His lips were dangerously close to yours, and you desperately wanted to lean in.
“Anything?” you practically whispered.
He nodded his head silently.
“Then kiss me,” you said, and without hesitation, Shoresy pulled you in with a gentle but steady grip. When your lips met, you felt a jolt of energy spread through you like a firecracker. You’ve never been kissed like that before, with such passion and fervor, yet appreciated restraint, and you hoped you’d never have to find someone else to compare him to. When you two eventually pulled apart, you both had giddy smiles.
“Wow. What a way to start a first date, huh?” you asked, trying to catch your breath.
“That’s just the preview for the rest of the evening,” replied Shoresy, wearing a cheeky look, and you couldn’t wait to see what he meant by that. On the couch, as you snuggled into his side, you were beyond grateful for such a loyal and caring friend-turned-boyfriend.
A few days after a successful first date, you hear a few knocks at your door. Answering it, you were shocked to see Shoresy, arms folded, standing next to a man on his knees, nose cracked and bleeding freely, holding a bouquet of flowers.
“Y/n, is-is it? I’m s-so extremely sorry for punching you the other day. I am a complete and total idiot. I promise to never get that drunk again and never throw punches. I’m sorry for having to sit on your doorstep like the trash I am. Please, have these flowers as a sign of my sorry.” He thrusted them toward you, trying hard to not meet your gaze. Shoresy then spoke up.
“Alright. You’re free to go. If I hear you’re making trouble again, you won’t be able to walk up these flights of stairs when I’m done with ya. Got it?”
The man whimpered and scurried away while Shoresy beamed at you.
“Told ya I’d get ‘em.”
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depressedhatakekakashi · 10 months
Kakashi's death with Pain seems to me to be a chapter that shows Kakashi's evolution and it also shows what a great character he is, since he gave his life for someone and also thanks to the talk he had with his father, Sakumo can rest in peace knowing that his son forgave him and that he's no longer the same person who loved to follow the rules. Well..I thought that what I said above was common sense but today I was surprised to see that someone said that Kakashi's death was "silly and meaningless", some people watched Naruto with their eyes closed..
Honestly i think people who say this only think a death is ‘meaningful’ if a person stays dead
We see how meaningful Kakashi’s death is to himself, his story, and the people around him. We get a glimps at two people who clearly care deeply about him when he dies.
Tsunade, who cries and destroys a pillar of the Hokage mansion when she gets the news, signifying the destruction of a pillar of Konoha
Gai, who’s on a mission and surrounded by his students but stops in his tracks because he feels Kakashi’s death. We don’t know if he truely understands what happens, but it’s exactly like the scene where Naruto feels Jiraiya’s death. Something is gone. Someone important to him is no longer there and his soul just called out to tell him this. He’s not even in the village and he’s already preparing himself for terrible news because he knows something terrible has happened.
Naruto’s reaction is a lot more toned down but you can hear it. He asks about Kakashi specifically and gets really quiet when Tsunade can’t answer him. He can’t lash out or cry because Pein is there and he has to protect the village, but he came home and immediately recognized that his Sensei’s chakra wasn’t there and had to ask even though (as said in his own words) it was very possible Kakashi was just away on a mission.
Choji’s reaction is more open with crying, but it makes sense because at the end of the day Kakashi gave his life saving Choji’s and that has to hurt. And when Kakashi wakes up alive again he’s so overwhelmed with relief that he cries more.
And then you go to Kakashi’s story. Kakashi, who we don’t know a lot about but have just started to learn a bit about, and we finally get to meet his father. The man Chiyo mistook him as when she first saw him, and who clearly has a reputation
And for the first time since we meet him, Kakashi is soft. Not just for a second, but the entire time. He’s open and relaxed and happy. For the first time in his life he can let down his guards and just relax completely because there is no more danger.
Then you have his connection with his father and thise sweet words of forgiveness. How Sakumo looks so surprised and then happy because he was so regretful over his death that he waited for his son for YEARS to apologize to him, only to have Kakashi tell him
‘I was mad. I hated you at one time and what you had done, but i’ve learned and i forgive you, but most importantly i am PROUD if you’ and that scene hits so hard cuz till this point we don’t see Kakashi openly say he’s proud of someone. He restricts himself, but after this point he’s more open of his pride. We know when he’s proud but he doesn’t really say it out loud until after he comes back to life. It was like he couldn’t say it out loud until he said it to his father, and instead he said it in weird and awkward ways (telling Naruto ‘i’m finally starting to like you’ while he was working on creating the rasenshuriken, which i think is anime only but still sort of highlights how Kakashi never outright says ‘i’m proud of you’ even to himself)
Kakashi’s death was so meaningful, but because he comes back to life people assume it means nothing.
It takes away Naruto’s ‘losing his sensei’ (which we see with Jiraiya but ok) or it was just ‘pointless’. It’s just complainers being complainers tbh. Nothing is ever good enough for them
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no I keep thinking about how insanely ridiculous it is that isaac was apparently ignoring and avoiding colin for THREE WEEKS like I just refuse to believe it because it just makes some of 3x09 seem unsatisfactory and not make sense idk…do the writers even realise how long that is like TWENTY ONE DAYS of ignoring and avoiding someone you see and have to work and train alongside probably every day or most days during the season (training days & match days)???? that is MADNESS
if it really was three weeks how come nobody noticed anything was going on between colin and isaac until isaac yelled at colin on the pitch?? why didn’t we see any of the team or coaches going up to isaac or colin like “hey what’s going on with you guys you’re acting weird around each other”?? isaac was blatantly ignoring him to his face IN PUBLIC, like he refused to touch his hand TWICE in the locker room while SURROUNDED by their coaches and teammates, and you’re telling me not one of them saw that and thought “huh that’s weird”??? well maybe they did think it but again no one seems to notice in the scenes, like we don’t see any of them looking over at colin and isaac and seeming confused or something, and none of them say anything…I could understand them shrugging it off as “oh well maybe Isaac’s just in a mood today, maybe they just had an argument about something silly” if this behaviour hadn’t apparently been going on for three weeks like surely they must’ve noticed a pattern?? surely they must’ve realised something was seriously wrong once it went on longer than a week???? and side note, isaac not touching colin’s hand just seems stupid and excessive as well if his issue is not with colin being gay but with the fact that he thinks colin didn’t trust him enough to tell him or whatever but anyway
if it was three weeks why didn’t trent notice if his whole job in s3 was him observing the team every day, he’s been watching the team interact and play and train together for months at this point so surely he’d notice if the dynamic of two players who are usually close friends was off?? and why did colin wait THREE WEEKS to tell him, I would’ve told him after like 2 days of being ignored…and if it was three weeks then trent’s answer of “just give him time” really seems inadequate, I’m sorry trent I love you but he gave him THREE WEEKS already, how much more time can he possibly need????
also, if it was three weeks, I just feel like colin should’ve been angrier. he should’ve yelled at isaac. i love isaac ok he’s my best boy and I love their friendship but cmon…I guess colin isn’t a very angry/confrontational/aggressive person and he doesn’t hold grudges and maybe he didn’t yell at isaac when he came to apologise bc he was just happy to have his best friend back and he didn’t wanna fight, but?? THREE WEEKS???? i would’ve been FUMING. and anyway colin yelling at isaac would’ve hit harder especially if it happened in front of everyone, like imagine everyone just staring aghast like oh my god what is going on colin NEVER gets mad at anyone least of all ISAAC???? and personally if it had really been three weeks then isaac’s apology should’ve been a lot longer than just “sorry bruv” and he should’ve had a longer explanation of why he acted like that for THREE WEEKS 😭
so yeah I just…had to get that off my chest because I have been unable to stop thinking about it ever since I heard billy harris say that it was three weeks between 3x08 and 3x09 lmao but I refuse to believe it I just don’t think it makes sense for multiple reasons and it’s too sad for me to contemplate
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milfgyuu · 2 years
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Heart & Seoul | Ch. 14 [M] END
❥ Pairing(s): Jeon Wonwoo x Fem!Reader
❥ Series Tags: Series, Exes to Lovers!AU, Fluff, Mild Angst, Mutual Pining, Humor, Romance, Smut.
❥ Chapter Warnings: [8.5k words] Explicit Sexual Content 18+, smut scenes are short and not super detailed, oral (f) implied, unprotected sex (mxf) implied, language, medical things, lots of tooth rotting sweetness, that should cover it!
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❥ Check out the Series Master List here! ~ banners made by @beaniegyu
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❥ Summary: Your first love hit hard & fast but it was all swept away in the blink of an eye when your boyfriend is sent away to a Korean University after your high school graduation. Seven years later, work lands you in the heart of Seoul and never in your wildest dreams did you imagine running into the one person who’d left with your heart years ago.
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The nurse politely clears her throat to get your attention and smiles at the two of you. “Your test results should be ready so I’ll grab the doctor and we’ll be right in with you, okay?”
You both nod politely though Wonwoo still hasn’t a clue what’s going on and she sees herself out, closing the door behind her with a soft click. “What’s going on, babe? Is there something wrong? I can call Cheol and-”
“Cheol,” you swallow unevenly, “Cheol referred me here. When I was in the hospital, my lab results had shown some elevations that indicate that I could-”
There is a knock on the door and your heart stops. 
Moment of truth.
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Wonwoo could count all the times his heart had stopped beating on one hand. 
Once when you’d first kissed under the bleachers outside the school. Another when you told him you loved him for the first time. The day he ran into you outside the coffee shop. When you were laying in the hospital and he thought he lost you for good. 
And, finally, the moment the doctor explained why you where there. 
Each time he was met with a different feeling. The first time it was shock and awe that the two of you could be so bold; two kids who hardly knew one another but saw something within that no one else had bothered to notice. Twin flames who sparked recognition in each other’s eyes and comfort in vulnerable, shaking hands.
 When you confessed he was overwhelmed with joy. The skin of his cheeks pinched, stinging with how insistent his smile had been the moment your words hit home.
The universe bringing you back together left him with hope blossoming in his chest; like a hardy flower coiled tightly, protected within the cage of his heart against a long, cold winter had finally felt the sun upon it’s petals again and begin to open back up, ready to show the world all it’s glory once more.
Watching you lay broken and motionless in the hospital had devastated him. He’d run through every second of your lives together; every touch, every kiss, every petty argument and the love and laughter that had followed. He begged for your return, for you to open your eyes and tell him it’s all okay so you could have a million more little moments to remember together.
Finding out that you were here because there was a possibility your health was in jeopardy made his legs weak, his feet numb. 
Not now…not when you still had so much to look forward to. 
“...now if you look at your values here,” the doctor points to numbers on her computer screen, “...and you compare them with today’s values,” she shifts her finger over toward a different number, “...you’ll see that there is a significant difference in the two and that is exactly what we were hoping for. Seungcheol was absolutely validated in his concern because the numbers on his work-up’s are far out of range for a woman your age but those can be heavily influenced when you’re dealing with a trauma case.”
“So,” your voice is so quiet, merely more than a whisper of hope, “Does this mean I’m…okay?”
“A little more than just ‘OK’,” she grins as she makes a note in your record, “I’d like to repeat lab work in three months but I’m very happy with these results.”
You can feel Wonwoo’s posture slump at your side as you let out a long breath that feels like it’s been waiting to be released for weeks. He must be so angry with you for withholding something this important when you’d not long ago made him promise to never do the same to you again. It makes you feel too ashamed to meet his eyes. 
He doesn’t allow the silence to hold though and when he speaks, his deep voice is soothing. There isn’t an ounce of betrayal or anger or disappointment. 
He sounds relieved and you realize how dreadful the last hour or so must have been for him; getting an urgent call, being rushed to a medical facility, having no clue if you were okay or not. 
“I’m so sorry,” falls from his lips first, fingers curling around your cold hand. “All this time you’ve been dealing with this on your own - I didn’t know…why-,” his brows furrow in that familiar way they always do when he’s thinking before he focuses on your face again, “-why wouldn’t Cheol tell me that something might be wrong?”
Biting your lips, you squeeze his hand. “I asked him not to,” you admit with a guilty whisper, “I didn’t want you to worry anymore than you already were and it wasn’t even a sure thing to begin with…I should have just told you instead of all…this.”
Wonwoo kisses your knuckles, your hand cupped carefully between his. “As long as everything is okay,” he reassures you, “That’s all that matters.”
You wish for nothing more than to cage yourself in his arms and allow his simple presence to soothe the ache in your chest but there is a knock at the door and the doctor cracks it open and a nurse speaks quietly with her for a moment before disappearing. 
“Apologies for the interruption,” she turns and smiles kindly, “I’ll be just a moment if you don’t mind.”
“Of course,” you and Wonwoo both speak at the same time and you dip your head politely, “Take your time.”
Her nose scrunches in a personable sort of a fashion and she slips out the door with your chart in hand. The soft click of the door shutting releases another bout of tension in your shoulders. Wonwoo comes around to stand in front of you and he cups both cheeks, eyes darting over every inch of your face. 
“I know I’m being a bit of a hypocrite here but promise me,” he stresses the word, pleading with you to not argue, “Promise me you’ll lean on me for things like this.”
You pucker your lips and he sighs, leaning down to kiss you. “I promise.”
He finally smiles and it’s instantly contagious. He chuckles at the little wink you throw in. “For better or for worse…right?”
Your heartbeat stumbles in your chest. “We haven’t made those sort of vows yet.”
He purses his lips. “I think we should.”
Another knock at the door shelves that conversation and the doctor pops back in just as Wonwoo’s phone buzzes for the umpteenth time and he quickly tugs it out with an apology. “Ah, I’m sorry,” he glances over the long list of messages and missed calls, “Big family…lots of worriers.”
You run a hand over his arm with a small smile, “I know you had to run out of the office. Why don’t you head back and we’ll catch up over dinner when you get home?”
He seems hesitant to leave and when he looks up the doctor just smiles.
“Honey, it’s okay,” you reassure him once again with a soft smile. “Mingyu can drive me home when I’m done. Let everyone know I’m fine, okay?”
Another moment of hesitance and then his phone buzzes, yet again, and he sighs. “I am so close to tossing this thing in the river,” he jokes, rolling his eyes in exasperation before turning to the doctor, “Thank you so much for everything and apologies again for my arrival…and my exit.”
She chuckles heartily, your chart clutched against her chest as she bows her head. “No need to apologize,” she says, and then nods in your direction, “It’s lovely to see all the love and support you have here.”
Wonwoo shoots you a wink on his way out and you can’t help thinking about that comment he made only a few minutes before. Talking about vows and such - as if your heart hadn’t been working in overtime already.
You’ll attempt to get something out of him soon but for now - you’ve got far too much on your plate to worry about nuptials anyhow.
Planning, packing, moving - it’s constant and time seems to move in hyper-speed as of late. The best you can do is hang on tight and take life as it comes at you.
It’s no surprise that the next two weeks pass by faster than the blink of an eye. 
You start each day by coaxing Wonwoo out of bed with bribery in the form of sweet kisses and then trying not to trip over Gureum as you’re walking around the house to prepare for the day, talking and purring as he weaves through your moving legs. There had been so much to do that it filled each and every hour of the day until you were nearly crashing into bed come nightfall.
As a result, time slipped by seemingly unannounced because you can hardly believe that you’re already bouncing anxiously in an airport terminal waiting for Sam and JJ’s flight to land. Wonwoo’s hand falls softly to your thigh to still your constant motion but you only stop for a moment before the bouncing picks up again.
“You’re going to bounce right off the bench,” he snickers quietly. 
Trying your best to relax, you stretch your limbs and settle deeper into the padded airport seating. “I just can’t believe she’s finally going to be here. It feels like a dream.”
Wonwoo smirks. “Your brother is coming too you know…”
You flop your hand dismissively. Of course you’re happy JJ is here but Sam is the other half of your whole. She’s also the one person in the world who can take your crazy busy life and break it down into sections, organize it, color code it, and declutter your mind. You had happily handed over the reigns for your big move when she’d offered. 
When the plane’s arrival is announced you jump up from your seat as if she’d just magically pop out of the boarding gate right away. Wonwoo’s hand is steady on the back of your thigh as he sits a bit longer, using your distraction to quickly check his messages, firing off a few quick responses before pocketing it and standing at your side. His hand automatically finds a home against your back and he smiles when you sink into his touch. 
He simply watches you for a few minutes, eyes glued to your side profile as your own search the first few passengers that begin to filter out. His heart aches with how full it feels just seeing you this happy and he hopes to capture many more moments like this in the coming days. 
“Can you see them?” you stand on your toes as the crowd of passengers and the loved ones receiving them begin to crowd the terminal. 
Wonwoo cranes his neck and catches a glimpse of your brother’s hair but before he has a chance to mention it you’re tearing away from him at record speed. He almost has a hard time following your trail but he can hear you. 
...And Sam still gives the best hugs. 
The kind that wrap you in warmth and affection even if you are struggling a bit for air and you feel your back and shoulder crack in two different places it doesn’t matter because your best friend is actually here. The two of you are quietly gossiping and giggling as Wonwoo and your brother share a very casual hug and look of amusement at the two of you practically melting together. 
Sam pulls back and cups your cheeks like an old grandma, squishing them together with an adoring pout. “Your face,” she coos, “It’s real and not inside my phone screen!”
“I know!” you reach up and pinch her cheek too, “Look at your face! You look amazing!”
“Shut up! No, look at you,” she steps back far enough to look you up and down, “You’re glowing! I told you this was the best decision you’ve ever made and it shows. Your cheeks are full, your hair is shining, skin so clear you should be in magazines - tell me, who was right? Let me hear it.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “You were right,” you look over at Wonwoo softly, “Best decision I’ve ever made.”
Sam catches the motion and winks at Wonwoo. “You’re welcome.”
“Oh my god! Wait,” you reach for her arm, ”Let me see it! Let me see it!”
Sam giggles and sticks out her left hand, wiggling her fingers to show off her gorgeous engagement ring. You fall into whispers about the ring and the proposal and wedding talk and then there is a loud, obvious, cough to your left.
“I am also here…in case you forgot.” You look over at your brother in surprise, as if you’re honestly just remembering he’s there. 
You grin and slink over to wrap your arms around him, swaying him side to side and chuckling over his feigned disinterest. “Not my fault you decided to fall in love and marry my best friend,” you sing before he wiggles out of your grip, “You will always be second place.”
At first, you’re too busy bickering and taunting your brother to notice Wonwoo and Sam speaking very, very quietly a few feet away but ever aware, Sam catches you approaching and wraps her arm around your own as if nothing happened.
“Why don’t you show us that fancy new house I get to decorate?”
She pulls you along toward baggage claim and you snort at her desire to jump right into the hard work. Well hard work in your opinion. It’s like Christmas to Sam. 
“You literally just landed and we’re moving in two days - don’t you want to just relax? Aren’t you supposed to be…engagement…honeymooning?”
Sam shakes her head. “Oh, no, I want to see what I’m working with in person so I can make alterations to the furniture Hannie and I ordered in case they’re not going to work.”
“Should have known you and Jeonghan would get along famously.”
“He’s a freaking gem,” she exclaims in a hushed voice, “Wonwoo better watch out before I steal his handler and take him back to the states in my carry on.”
Wonwoo’s voice rumbles from behind you where he’s walking and chatting with your brother. “Keep your mits off my man, Samantha.”
“Fine, fine,” she waves her hand over her shoulder, “Your girl is mine though…” she teases, tugging you closer, “Even when you put a ring on it.”
Wonwoo almost trips over his own foot but he manages to catch himself and not sweat through his clothes because yeah, he get’s sweaty when he’s nervous, ok? 
Thankfully, Sam and JJ will be keeping you occupied well enough for him to finish finalizing surprise party plans without you catching on. 
He survives the next forty-eight hours which he had thought might never end with the constant driving around, phone calls from work, texts from vendors and almost everyone else he knows pinging his phone at all hours, and the wretched quality of sleep he’s been getting. He’s exhausted but he reminds himself of the payoff and tries not to grumble too much when you try to wake him this morning.
Unfortunately, moving day begins with a headache in his temples and ice-cold monster in his hand despite your best efforts to gently rouse him. 
Thankfully, the weather isn’t too warm nor too cold, a light breeze pushing through the trees around your new home to cool the sweat from hauling boxes and furniture inside. He could easily afford to have the entire process handled by the moving company but you and Sam both insisted it was better to be a part of the process and so, here he is. 
Part of the process.
He’s a little envious of Gureum who’s cooped up in your former, and Chan’s current, apartment - lazing about, waiting for the hard work to be completed.
Thankfully, the movers cared for the brunt of the work with Mingyu sneaking in alongside them to help, as if they weren’t a professional moving company, but of course Mingyu makes friends everywhere he goes and they don’t seem to mind the extra muscle. You’re sure he’s invited them all to his restaurant for a meal. 
Jeonghan and Sam are a formidable team, as expected, and make sure everything gets put in the right place - even if that means they need to be moved around a time or two until it’s perfect. They’re almost a bit scary when they’re in the zone of organizing and directing so you mostly stay out of the way, especially when they make Mingyu and Wonwoo shift the dining room furniture twice after the movers left. 
Chan lucked out for the simple fact that you banned him from carrying anything and your brother lucked out when Sam sent the two of them on some errands. They disappeared pretty quickly after that and hadn’t returned since. You were sure they were taking their sweet time and would probably blame their pace on Chan’s foot.
Wonwoo slinks away the moment the design team seems satisfied with the table placement and start talking about linens, Sam’s favorite, and he looks through the still unfamiliar halls, searching for your comfort. You’re not in the bedroom, nor the office, so he wanders back out into the living area and your soft laughter floats out from the kitchen. 
He stops when he sees you and leans in the doorway, choosing to observe for a moment without interrupting. You’ve got Yeojin on the kitchen counter, one arm wrapped around her little legs as you stand behind her and let her help put the dishes away in the cabinet. She can only hold one thing at a time with her small hands but you’re so incredibly patient, smiling as you watch her concentrate on aligning the glasses to perfection.
When Mingyu asked if it would be okay to bring Yeojin he’d hardly squeezed the question out before you told him to stop asking and to just start bringing her along. You loved having the little girl around and Wonwoo…he was quite fond as well. Especially when he watches you together.
He waits a few more minutes before intruding. 
“You girls look awfully busy,” Wonwoo murmurs gently, a wry smile on his face when you turn to him in surprise. 
Yeojin grins delightedly as Wonwoo walks over, wrapping an arm around you from behind and stretching one finger out to poke the little girl’s side, eliciting a trilling giggle. “Auntie Daisy said I could help.”
A little puff of amusement escapes from your nose at the nickname. 
“You’re doing a wonderful job,” Wonwoo compliments her, passing another plate into her tiny hands. He makes sure she’s got a good grip on it before he let’s go and you both watch her very carefully place it upon the stack she’s already created. 
When she’s done, he hands her another.
It’s almost like a borrowed moment in time and he wishes for more and more of them as the days go by. He wishes for a little girl with round cheeks and too-mature vocabulary that he didn’t have to say goodbye to at the end of the day. One with your eyes and his smile. It didn’t even have to be a girl. It could be -
Wonwoo’s thoughts are swiftly interrupted by a saccharine voice that haunts him day and night. Jeonghan smirks, peering over Wonwoo’s shoulder. “What a pretty picture,” he whispers just loud enough for you both to hear before turning his attention upwards, “Jinnie! What a beautiful job you’ve done! I’ve never seen such nicely organized cabinets.”
Yeojin beams down at him and doesn’t hesitate to leap into Jeonghan’s outstretched arms, though the dare devil action makes the breath catch in both yours and Wonwoo’s throat. Jeonghan ignores your disapproving glares and bounces with glee. “Let’s leave the rest of this to the adults, hm? I have a much more important task for you.”
Yeojin’s eyes widen and the frowns melt right off your faces at the sight of her excitement. “I want to help!” 
Jeonghan makes a goofy face like he’s silently cheering and lifts her little arm. “To the back yard!” he shouts and then takes off with Yeojin bouncing and giggling all the way.
You laugh quietly, the sound echoing in the grand, empty room. You drop your head against Wonwoo’s shoulder and his hands slide across your stomach, his thumb rubbing right above your navel. He kisses the side of your face and you smile, humming contentedly. 
His question is simple. It holds no teasing nor flirtation. He’s genuinely curious. 
He allows you the space to turn in his arms until you're able to face him and bring your arms around his shoulders. He presses you into the counter and looks into your eyes. 
“Happy,” you respond, your breath tickling his lips. “I’m...elated, grateful, exhausted,” you share a laugh, the sound intermingling, “I love our home…and our family,” he understands whom you’re referring to and you kiss him softly before meeting his eyes again, “I love you and honestly…” you glance around the room, “I love this fucking kitchen.”
Wonwoo laughs but he easily receives you when you lean into him and capture his lips. He wastes no time in licking along the seam of yours and bringing his hand up to cup the side of your neck, his thumb tipping your jaw upwards. The granite counter digs into your back, even as Wonwoo tries to lessen the pressure by securing his arm around you. 
“If we were alone,” he says against your lips, “I’d give you reasons to love it even more.”
You giggle in delight - making out with Wonwoo in your new home, all sorts of wicked promises being whispered in your ear, between your lips, and against your throat is something you’d dreamed about once or twice.   
Mingyu walks in only a minute later and stumbles backwards at the sight of you tangled up in one another. “Oh shit! My bad!” he spins around to leave but then turns back, “Wait…where’s Jinnie?”
You cover your mouth, embarrassed at having been caught. “Sorry,” you laugh, “We’re done. Promise.”
“Says you,” Wonwoo mumbles before smirking at his friend. “I don’t give a shit if he stays.”
Mingyu tuts in disapproval. “I’m a chef - fucking in the kitchen is against the rules.”
Wonwoo narrows his eyes with a retort, “You’re full of shi-”
You transfer your hand to his mouth and stop him. “Yeojin was kidnapped by Jeonghan for who knows what,” you redirect back to Mingyu’s original question, smiling at the way his hair is sticking up, slick with sweat. “Damn. Sam’s putting you guys to work, huh?”
Wonwoo snorts, dropping his hand to rest on your hip. Slightly more appropriate than before.
“She’s bossier than Seungkwan and Jeonghan put together,” Mingyu rests against the arched entry and then nearly shrieks when Samantha ducks under his arm, swatting him right in the stomach.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she scoffs, swiftly moving past him into the open kitchen, “The view from here is amazing,” she leans against the double sink and peers out the windows and into the backyard where Jeonghan is animatedly waving his hands around in front of Yeojin. “You can watch the kids from here - kind of like your mom did when we were growing up.”
“Remember your eighth birthday,” she reminisces to the pretty glass window, “We spied through the kitchen windows and waited until your mom left to run in and steal a piece of ca-”
Your sniffle makes Sam slowly spin toward you. Wonwoo glances at you curiously, Mingyu straightens in the doorway because…you’re…crying?
“What’s wrong?”
Wonwoo hugs you a little closer and you look at the three of them in confusion before realizing your face is wet. You hastily wipe your cheeks, laughing it off. 
“Don’t mind me,” you chuckle wistfully, “I just…get a little homesick sometimes. I love my life here, obviously, I just miss our big family. I miss you guys and being able to hang out whenever we want. It’s hard being so far away.”
“Oh, honey,” Sam pouts, walking toward you with open arms. 
You tuck your chin over her shoulder and hug her back as she swings you side to side. It’s true - you’ve been missing your family a lot lately. Growing up you we’re used to being surrounded by your siblings and watching your parents work together to try and make sure everyone was fed, bathed, clothed, loved. There were times you felt lost in such a busy household but you miss it - especially when you’re with your Seoul family.
And maybe a tiny part of you pictured kids playing in the backyard while you made their birthday cake. You mentally note to video chat with your mom, again. You’d be on with her every few nights before Sam and JJ arrived and you were already missing her.
The sweet moment is interrupted when Mingyu joins your hug, squeezing the two of you in his long, bulky, and disturbingly sweaty arms. You and Sam whine in protest and he squeezes harder. “The atmosphere went from horny, to sad, to sentimental so fast in here but man I love you guys!”
“Mingyu!” you grunt, “My face is in your armpit!”
“Did you say horny?!” Sam gags at the feeling of his sticky skin. “Oh my god! Gross! Let go!”
Mingyu doesn’t elaborate. He grins and reaches for Wonwoo but Sam uses the opportunity to slip free which gives Wonwoo the chance to reach back toward Mingyu and pinche his nipple until he let’s you go. You’re snickering at the way Mingyu screeches and he’s about to say something largely inappropriate but a tiny giggle in the doorway makes him stop in his tracks. 
Jeonghan, Seungkwan, and Yeojin look up at him from the entry, the adults waiting with a raised brow for him to continue whilst the littlest one in the middle anticipates an opportunity to collect more coins for her swear jar. Mingyu settles back against the counter and grumbles instead, rubbing his chest with a glare in Wonwoo’s direction. 
If Yeojin could read lips, he’d still owe her. 
Miraculously, JJ and Chan make it back just in time to dig into the to-go bags Seungkwan had come to deliver before running back to the restaurant. Sam shooed the two of them away until the people who had actually done the hard work made their plates - which meant Yeojin was served first - before they were allowed to join in.
A bit worn down, you sit back in your chair at the dining table, quietly smiling to yourself when Wonwoo takes your hand, pulling it to his lips. Meeting his gaze, he winks and you mouth back ‘I love you’. Everyone else notices but they don’t say a word, content to let the two of you share the moment in peace.
“So, Miss Daisy,” Jeonghan grins from across the table, “Your birthday is next weekend. Any big plans?”
Your lips close around your spoon the same time your eyes pop open in surprise. You hadn’t actually thought about it. Everything had been such a whirlwind of change lately that you forgot your own birthday.
Sam reads you so quickly. “You forgot, didn’t you?”
“Honestly, it’s been so busy that I don’t know if I’m coming or going anymore.”
Yeojin quirks her head to the side. “Why don’t you know where you’re going?”
The adults giggle and Mingyu pats her hand explaining it’s just an expression. She still seems a little concerned but continues eating and Wonwoo wipes his mouth. “I actually booked appointments for you and Sam at the spa on your birthday and I thought we could have dinner at the house together that night.”
You’re glad he didn’t suggest going out for dinner, drinks, and karaoke. Going to the spa with your best friend and having a quiet dinner with your friends is exactly the way you’d like to spend your day. You smile at him. “You read my mind, baby.”
Yeojin makes another face. “He’s a grown up,” she points out, “Auntie, did you bump your head?”
JJ snorts loudly which causes Chan to cackle, then Jeonghan nearly chokes on his mouthful, and sweet Yeojin just sits there not understanding why all the grown ups laugh until they’re falling over like she said a really funny joke and their belly hurts from laughing so hard.
Yeojin just smiles to herself. Adults are so silly sometimes.
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Your birthday starts off with a bang, literally, because when you wake up with Wonwoo’s head between your thighs, dragging an orgasm from your body before you’ve even opened your eyes, there is nothing stopping you from putting your lover on his back and riding him until the sun sits high in the morning sky. 
It’s a memory you both carry throughout the morning - even as you sit across the table from each other in a fancy breakfast spot. Being in public is probably a good thing because had you been alone at home he would have had you right on the kitchen counter as promised but as it stands, you have guests and he also needs to keep you out of the house for a few hours. So, he sits patiently, settling for sending you heated gazes over your breakfast plates and taking long, calming sips of his hot coffee. 
When he delivers you to the front doors of the day spa, Sam is already waiting for you so you can’t exactly tell Wonwoo to take you home instead. Once everyone is back home and you have another quiet weekend to yourselves you’ll talk him into staying in bed with you all day. For now, you kiss him goodbye - one, two, or three times too many until he’s grinning and gently pushing you into Sam’s awaiting grasp. 
He’ll get his hands on you later. For now - there is a ton of work to do.
Speaking of hands on you…
By the time you’re leaving the spa you feel like a buttered up cup of jello, for lack of better words. After facials, massages, manicures, pedicures, the works, your limbs are loose, your back and shoulders are tender but knot free, and your skin is smooth and moisturized. You expect to go right home but instead Hansol shows up to chauffeur you to another location. 
Sam’s gift apparently. 
Hansol drops you off at a nearby salon where you both spend another hour or so getting your hair and makeup done which is as wonderful as it is suspicious because why all the extra effort for a small dinner in the comfort of your own home? Sam evades all your poking questions and tells you to sit back and relax - enjoy your day.
Instead of Hansol, this time it’s Jeonghan who picks you up. His sporty silver BMW greeting you right at the front door where he rolls down the window and lowers his sunglasses, “Hop in ladies, we’ve got an appointment to make by four-thirty.”
You look at the time on your cell phone. “Han, that’s in fifteen minutes.”
“And it’s twenty minutes away,” he revs his engine and smirks, “So, get your gorgeous behinds in the car so we’re not late.”
Jeonghan’s gift, other than his pretty face, was shopping but not your average trip to the mall. Oh, no. In Jeonghan’s world apparently you’re greeted at the front door by name and there’s a private fitting room with a rack of clothing personally hand-picked and waiting for your approval. 
He hadn’t stuck around to find out what you chose - not that it mattered since he’d already arranged to have everything sent to the house after your fitting anyway. Jeonghan was confident that every piece he selected was something you’d choose for yourself. You know, if you didn’t have a budget to take into account. 
Jeonghan is not bound by such limitations. 
The clothing he chose was gorgeous and again…suspiciously too fancy for this small gathering that supposed to take place this evening but perhaps Wonwoo changed his mind about dinner at the house and made reservations somewhere else.
Sam doesn’t seem to know the answer to that when she shrugs and points to an outfit she’d already pre-approved for herself hanging over another dressing room door. She claims to have been given minimal information which again, triggers a little alarm in the back of your head. 
Sam isn’t a ‘minimal information’ kind of girl. 
However, when you squint at her, she squints back which is an indication that even if she knows, she’s not telling. 
You’re four dresses in when your next chauffeur arrives. 
Like something straight out of a k-drama, Mingyu walks into the store and is immediately flocked by woman offering their assistance, their phone numbers, their dignity. 
He shoots them all a million dollar smile and assures them he’s all taken care of before making a beeline for you at the back of the store. Those long, model-esque legs carrying him easily through the crowd of employees and gawking women who’ve abandoned their purchases to catch a glimpse. 
He’s in crisp, fitted grey slacks and an equally tight pressed button down - half the buttons hanging open - and he sends you a wolfish grin that makes you wonder how on earth the idiot is still single. He’s goofball but a very handsome one. “Ladies.”
Sam chuckles at the stupid spin he does to show off his outfit. “Oh, he cleans up! I thought you were just a sweaty meathead who likes to cook. Must say I’m impressed.”
“I am a sweaty meathead who likes to cook but I also know how to follow dress code.”
You snort at their exchange. “And pray-tell,” you peer back at your side profile - still unsure which outfit to choose, “What exactly is the dress code?”
Mingyu gestures to his clothes again like that’s all you need to know.
“Sexy,” he actually explains aloud, “Obviously.” 
He tilts his head in consideration when you show him the dress you currently have on. It’s pretty but you’re not sold on the color, especially when you behold Mingyu and again consider the dress Sam has set aside - it doesn’t seem to be a match. He’s quirking a brow at you in question. “Help yourself,” you chuckle.
If he wants to play dress up, you’re more than willing to let him. 
When his hand lands on the hanger of the champagne colored silk dress, Sam lights up and you realize that even if she had told you a hundred times over the choice was yours, she’d definitely had a favorite in mind. She takes the hanger from Mingyu and runs her fingers along the fabric with a smile. “You’re going to look fricking amazing in this dress,” she grins as she hands it over to you, “Wonwoo isn’t going to know what to do with himself when he sees you.”
You snort, closing the door to change outfits. “Why exactly are we dressing so nicely again?”
Mingyu plops down in a chair, crossing one leg over his knee. “It’s a special occasion,” he answers, seemingly distracted, probably on his phone you think.
“It’s just my birthday.” Even as you say it, the silk glides over your skin and you glance in the mirror, gawking at your own reflection. You feel every bit as stunning as you look. 
“Maybe we just want to celebrate all the wonderful things that have happened since your last birthday,” Sam hollers back from her own dressing room, “Maybe you should just get dressed and hush, birthday girl!”
Mingyu huffs out a laugh at the quiet grumbling coming from behind your door and then you emerge and he blinks one too many times. “Damn,” he coughs, “That looks even better than I thought.”
You roll your eyes though you’re beaming inside because you look and feel really good. 
Sam comes out a moment later and she whistles at you, as if she doesn’t look like a whole smoke show herself. “Um, this dress was made for you,” she circles you, adjusting material at the top with her prettily manicured fingers. “You fill this out like a Greek goddess.”
“Please,” you groan, “Are you saying i’m ancient?”
Mingyu kisses his teeth and offers a half-smirk. “She’s saying you belong in a gallery.”
“I’m saying what ever you’re doing - keep doing it. You look incredible.”
You don’t have a response for that but it’s not necessary because Mingyu is standing and extending an arm out to each of you. “As much as I’d love to sit here and admire the view a bit longer, we’re expected at our final location soon.”
“And that location is?” you attempt, hands around his arm as you bat your lashes up at him.
He winks right back and Sam snorts. “Nice try.”
After all the secrets and surprises and one noticeable loop around the block, you’re confused when you pull up in front of your home, as planned. It’s quiet and nothing is out of the ordinary when you walk up to the front door with Mingyu and Sam a step behind and nothing jumps out when you push through the door and into the entry hall. 
You spin halfway to ask what’s going on when a tiny familiar voice comes hauling through the house toward you. You turn around just in time to catch Yeojin as she throws herself into your arms to give you a hug. “Happy birthday Auntie!”
You squeeze her tight and pull back to look at her. “Oh, Jinnie! You’re dress is so pretty!”
“Thank you,” she smiles bashfully, “Mommy bought it for me!”
Mingyu clears his throat. “Don’t you have something to show Auntie Daisy?”
Boy does she. 
Her little eyes light up with anticipation and she grabs your hand, pulling you through your quiet house until a light flicks on in your living room and it erupts with noise and excitement. Yeojin drops your hand and runs to her parents who are there along with all your other friends; Hoshi, Jun, Seungkwan, Hansol, Jeonghan, Seungcheol, Yeri. 
Your parents. Your siblings. Your nieces and nephews. 
Your mom pushes toward you the second you lock eyes and your arms come around her so quickly and so tightly a choked laugh spills from your lips. Your dad wraps his arms around both of you and it goes on like this for several minutes - hugging and laughing and crying because your family is here and you’ve missed them so much your chest feels like it could burst any moment. 
Wonwoo sits back and watches you - patient as ever as you greet your family and friends. The light in your eyes is dazzling and watching you whirl around the room in disbelief is something he’s been dreaming about ever since he’d began planning for this. All the time and effort that went into getting everyone together like this was worth it just to see that look in your eyes. 
You can hardly believe what you’re experiencing in the moment - that your family is actually here and you’re able to hug them and hold them. Your older and younger sisters take turns fawning over you. You’re able to pinch your big brother’s cheek and wrap your arms around his children. What it must have taken to get everyone here together for this moment…
You look around the room and find Wonwoo hanging back with Chan. His eyes are already on you as if he’s been waiting for you to greet everyone else before interrupting but the moment he smiles at you, you’re moving across the room. 
“Happy birthday,” he grins, hands pulling from his pockets slowly. 
You don’t wait for him to reach out to you before your grabbing his face and kissing him. 
The attention garnered doesn’t derail him from kissing you back, nor does it keep him from dipping you backwards to make a show of it. He grins against your lips at the whooping and hollering. “I can’t believe you did all this for me.”
Wonwoo’s hand glides over the silk material at your back. “You’ve given me everything,” he says quietly, “This is the least I could do. Also had some help.”
He smirks and you meet Sam, Mingyu, and Jeonghan’s eyes. 
It feels so incredibly warm and frankly overwhelming to be so…loved. 
All throughout the night, you bounce from family to friend happily catching up, laughing, talking, eating. Even more so, you love watching your two worlds come together. 
Mingyu spends most his time proudly explaining his dishes to your father and brother. Yeri, Sam, Jeonghan and his handsome friend Joshua all connect over the home decor and some design theory you’re all too happy to let them dish about without you. Seungkwan argues with Soonyoung about something that happened in their youth while Jun and Hansol happily monitor just in case the conversation gets too heated. 
Little groups intermingle and get to know each other - even through language barriers - and all the children play together, their giggles echoing through the halls.
In the midst of conversation with your mother and Mingyu’s sister about the school, the distinct sound of silverware clinking against glass quiets everyone and turns the attention to Samantha near the kitchen. 
“Thank you so much for being here tonight to celebrate with us,” she smiles and you can hear whispered translations as she pauses and looks toward you and Wonwoo, “And special thank you to the man who brought us all together. Wonwoo, I think the floor is yours, if you’re ready.”
Everyone is clapping and cheering and you’re not sure why it sounds like they’re gearing for a big emotional speech when your man is one of very few words but Wonwoo turns toward you with an incredibly soft smile. 
“You know I’m not particularly great at this sort of thing,” he chuckles nervously.
Chan raises his glass. “We believe in you, brother!”
Another round of whooping shakes the edge off Wonwoo’s nerves and he laughs it off. 
“Thank you for that,” he huffs out bemusedly before focusing on you again. “Obviously, I wanted to bring everyone together for your birthday, but I was also hoping to use this opportunity…” he reaches into his pocket and procures a black velvet box, “...to ask you something.”
Tears immediately well in your eyes and you meet Sam’s gaze over his shoulder. She’s smiling back at you, tears streaming down her cheeks, clinging to your brother.
Wonwoo opens the box to reveal a stunning ring, it’s heavy oval shaped stone shining up at you. His hands tremble and he takes a deep breath only finding the courage he needed when you meet his eyes - all the love in the universe staring back at him and he moves his lips, praying the words will come out. 
“I’ve practiced this so many times I was sure I could get through it without messing up but proposing to Mingyu in the gym, or Jeonghan in the office, or Hoshi in the lair is way different than proposing to you right now,” he says and there are watery laughs, “You’re so much prettier.”
Another laugh escapes you, tears rolling down your cheeks. “What the hell is the lair?”
Wonwoo huffs out a short laugh. Of course you’d snag on that detail. “I’ll explain later.”
“Anyways - whatever I practiced is useless because I’m still that socially inept kid who fell in love with you in high school and I can’t form a single coherent thought when you look at me like that.”
Your lip quivers. “Like what?”
“Like I’m really worth something,” he answers softly and then he lowers himself down to one knee and looks up at you with such reverent affection and you brace yourself as he says your name. “I love you in ways I’ll never be able to fully express in words but I’ll spend every day for the rest of our lives showing you, if you’ll let me.”
Your heart swells and your legs feel weak and then he says it. 
“Will you marry me?”
You’re not sure if he fully finishes the question before you answer and then he’s on his feet, holding you and kissing you as everyone celebrates. The rush of emotion when he slips that ring onto your finger hits you square in the chest and you fall against him, face buried in the crook of his neck with your arms wound tightly around his neck. 
Your lover, your person, your soulmate, your future husband. 
The reality of all the hardships you’ve faced to come together again fall from your shoulders. The crushing weight of years lost just evaporate because you’re here now and that’s all that matters. His hand rubs up and down your back, his lips pressing into your hair over and over again as the people who love and care for you both share congratulatory hugs and heartfelt sentiments. 
You only part from your fiance when you hear your mother’s voice. She kisses Wonwoo’s cheek and you bring her into another crushing hug - incredibly grateful to have your family here more now than ever and suddenly, the thought strikes you that this sort of opportunity is going to be few and far in between.
You meet Mingyu’s eyes from across the room and his widen - making sure you’re absolutely certain of what you’re asking from him. Nodding, he slinks off just as you clear your throat, catching everyone’s attention. 
“Please pretend my makeup isn’t ruined,” you chuckle wiping under your eyes, “I really can’t believe any of this is happening but I am so happy you all are here and Wonwoo,” you hold your hand out to him and he takes it, squeezing your fingers, “I…I can’t even begin to say how grateful I am to have you and to share a life together with someone so kind and genuine…gentle and patient.”
You choke on the last few words, and Mingyu reappears at your side with two boxes. 
Taking one into your hands, Wonwoo looks at you curiously - as does everyone else aside from the one person you trusted to keep your secret until you were ready.
You supposed now was as good a time as any.
“I know it’s my birthday,” you smile, gesturing for Wonwoo to take the gift into his hands, “But I have a present for you too.”
Wonwoo cocks his head in confusion but you just smile, urging him to lift the lid.
Everyone watches as he gives you another curious grin but he lifts the lid and peers inside before letting it fall closed, his eyes darting up to your own. “You’re serious?”
“What is it?”
“What’s in the box?”
Everyone is murmuring questions in anticipation and Wonwoo peels back the lid completely, pulling a tiny gray singlet from it’s tissue paper nest. He holds it in his hands, marveling at how tiny and precious and - 
Sam’s voice cuts clear across the room and Wonwoo pinches the shoulders of the onesie, showing it to everyone in the room. Sam practically weeps in JJ’s arms and your sisters nearly get bowled over by your mother. 
“I should have known when you wouldn’t touch that mimosa this morning!” Sam shouts, pointing her finger at you in accusation.
Your laughter is met with Mingyu’s reminder of the second box and you quickly grab it, offering it to Wonwoo who is still so struck with the first gift he can’t imagine what else you could possibly give him. He’s got everything he could ever need. 
“What is this?”
You beam at him, hands shaking. “It’s sort of a package deal…”
He falters, eyes growing wide. “You’re joking…”
“Is that a second box?!
“Open the box before we do!” 
Soonyoung and Jun are practically hanging off each other waiting for the reveal. 
Wonwoo removes the lid and dips his hand inside. When he pulls out a yellow singlet - identical size and pattern with the first - the excitement is near deafening and you drop the box as Wonwoo wraps his arms around you. 
“Twins?” he breathes in astonishment, “That’s what this means right?”
You nod fervently, so relieved to be able to share your secret with him at last. “I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out but we had so much going on and I wanted it to be special but with everyone here…I just wanted to share one more thing to be thankful for...well two things I suppose.”
Wonwoo runs his thumb over your cheek and kisses you again, soft and slow. 
The sound of overwhelming love and joy filling the room around you, and he lifts you off your feet but you already feel weightless, like you’re floating and Wonwoo is the rock that tethers you securely to the earth. 
Years and years down the road, when you’re looking back at the photos from this very night, the ones from your wedding, the birth of your twins, and so on, you’ll always remember the way you felt in the moment because with Wonwoo that feeling never wavers. The love, support, acceptance, gratitude - he makes sure you feel it every single day, just as he promised. 
Perhaps the universe was cruel - separating you when you were young and so in love but as time goes on, you learn to have a little faith in that old saying about things happening for a reason and making the heart grow fonder. 
When you take a look around at all the people you’ve grown to love and cherish along the way, you can’t find it in yourself to wish for your life to have gone any other way. 
Not when you sit back and watch your children play with Sam’s in the backyard. Or when Soonyoung and Seungkwan bicker over the logistics and rules of a card game while, as usual, Jun and Hansol tune them out to talk about something too deep to jump into mid-conversation. 
Not when you watch Mingyu’s wife shoo him away from the grill as Yeojin, tall and beautiful, teases her uncle for pouting and getting bossed around. Or Chan, who stops long enough to settle down - marrying his physical therapist after three years of travel and whirlwind romance. Certainly not when you get to watch Jeonghan finally give up and ask Joshua out - even if he still adamantly denies having a long standing crush.. 
You absolutely regret nothing when you watch your husband crawl out from beneath a happy, laughing dog-pile of children just to limp back over and offer you a tired smile and a kiss…
You know without a doubt had you the chance to do it all over again, you’d follow your heart to Seoul every single time. 
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ducknewtonscoolhat · 1 year
No daily duck art today, working on some suggestions as well as another thing (All Duck related LMAO) but I will share my thoughts this evening! I had a few more thoughts about Aubrey and Duck, and their wonderful sibling relationship. I was planning on having a uhhh- a post about this whole idea but I decided to talk about it a little bit here just about Aubrey and Duck because they make me smile more than I realized. It's very likely that their sibling relationship very much stirs from the fact that Justin and Travis are brothers, but yk. Anyways, I was looking at Taz tiktoks and I saw a cosplay of Duck / some art of the scene were Aubrey asks Duck if she can have the last waffle and he tells her they a'int vegan, it is one of the funniest things in my personal and professional opinion. The idea that even though they've known each other like. I dont remember how long it is, I'm gonna bet like around 2 years at this point and Duck just assumes she's vegan and she's just like, "duck... what????" and is like so confused about it. That is the most sibling thing ever, "I swear to all that's holy you said you were Vegan at SOME point." "Duck, I never said that." And (if you haven't read my other posts this might not make a bunch of sense but yk) the years between the end of Amnesty and when they head to the Amazon, I think Aubrey and Duck spend a LOT of time together. Be it the just hang out with one another, sleep over kinda style, or even going on double dates with Dani and Minerva. I think that they helped each other cope through the grief of Ned passing, and, while it was most definitely hard on Aubrey, I can imagine she took it real fucking hard especially after reading her letter from Ned and realizing that everything wasn't the way she thought it was and also the whole thing with seeing Ned's death? Yeah I'm sure she had a lot in her head, but also I think Duck took a pretty big hit too. We read in the letter that Ned and Duck are old friends and I really believe that losing Ned hurt a lot for Duck. Aubrey was there to help him heal, and even if Ned was gone he had Aubrey, and of course the rest of the lodge, but Aubrey meant and means a lot to him as his family. Again I think she reminds him a lot of his sister and some day he ends up introducing them and they hit it off as besties. But like when he goes to the Amazon, I think he misses Aubrey the absolute most. He misses Mama and Indrid and the rest of the lodge, but being away from Aubrey after all those years is probably a really difficult change for him. I think he gets through it just fine, especially externally, but internally I think he thinks about her a lot. That's all I'm saying.
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mrawkweird · 1 year
Today is the 30th anniversary of Power Rangers! What are some of your favorite teams, characters, theme songs, moments and/or zords from the show?⚡️⚡️⚡️
This moment is always going to tickle the fuck out of me.
When it comes to favorites Zack was my dude and the entire universe had love for Kimberly. Like, I would have Hip Hop Kido'd my ass through all of Rita's forces to save her too. Part of me wanted to throw hands with Tommy solely over her but as time went on I really couldn't even try to deny that he was an MVP.
I'm also going to always be a mark for this scene. When it comes to this movie I absolutely love their version of the theme and above all else the suits they used in this film.
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That's my favorite versions of the suits ever. I also really liked the ninja variations they get towards the end of the movie. Costume design to me was just A-fucking-1 for this film
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and I mean that.
I saw some other series here and there like Lightspeed Rescue, Lost Galaxy, Dino Thunder and the Turbo movie but Mighty Morphin was always going to be the one for me at the end of the day.
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Once & Always really hit home in a lot of ways with getting to go back to that world and acknowledging the losses in the series and in life.
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Also, while the suits can be debated from now until the end of time I really was a fan of the 2017 film. That movie not being given a chance for more is always going to be a crime in my eyes. Especially considering how well that cast worked on and off screen. Studios left a lot of chemistry on the table.
And you better believe one of my personal favorite moments was when they teamed up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
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I'mma also use his moment to say SOMEBODY needs to do Venus again. Like, I fucking dare them. Next Mutation was an era; it happened and I refuse to forget it.
Also, just gonna leave the Lost Galaxy theme right here to bask in its glory.
And of course this is a moment that you just can't not bring up as a franchise highlight. Power Rangers is eternal spanning several generations and Jason David Frank was there for damn near all of them. He truly was the living, breathing legacy of Power Rangers.
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urthalia · 6 months
Ryota and Mitsui's friendship
i don't think we talk about these two enough when i think they have the most dynamic and complex relationship in slam dunk.
when ryota is playing basketball in the new place and strange basketball court by himself, he meets mitsui who was the mvp of Junior High championship, eventho ryota did not know about this fact , mitsui does show off his 3-pointer shoot 3 times in front of ryota
ryota show his awe in mitsui's skills but never complimented him, in fact, he is a little bit angry when mitsui mistook him as a middle school boy. well because ryota is short boy, it would not be so hard to mistake his age.
there's nobody ever invite ryota for 1 vs 1 in basketball until he met mitsui and that's why mitsui reminds him of sota. during that time, ryota is still in the denial phase of grief thus he gave up on 1 vs 1 and mitsui told him to have 1 vs 1 next time and i guess they never had 1 vs 1 until today (sobbing).
they met again in high school but both of them have changed so much. mitsui who became a delinquent boy and no longer play basketball due to knees injury and ryota who did not became a starter for the shohoku's basketball team finds that he might not play basketball anymore.
ryota was bumped into mitsui and he apolgized later recognized that it was mitsui despite him having a long hair while mitsui did not recognize ryota but finds ryota is annoying because he is short but play basketball.
ryota invited mitsui for 1 vs 1 (i believe 2 years after their first met) but instead of 1 vs 1 in basketball, they fought each other until both are badly injured (sobbing again).
"if you lose, you must cut your hair and become bald", "i hate your long hair, it is very annoying" is the only insult came from ryota to mitsui and i believe there is disappointment of ryota to mitsui who became a whole new brand person. i mean the person who reminds you of your brother just ends up became a deliquent boy?? a boy who even challenged you in 1 vs 1 became like that??
ryota who got bullied since junior high school and never fought back, finally hit mitsui with his head, despite being scared until his hand was shaken, the feeling of disappointment and angry built up in ryota and it gotten bigger when he saw mitsui kicked his basketball shoes (i believe it is the most precious thing to basketball player AND IT IS MITSUI WHO DID THAT TO HIM AMONG ALL PEOPLE)
ryota who went back home after got into fight with mitsui and his gang felt so hopeless until put his basketball shoes in a box to show he is giving up on playing basketball and run away from home with his bike and everything went downhill in his life at this moment and he actually got into accident and very lucky for survived that.
ryota came back school after several months and found new hope and motivation to playing basketball again and what shock him the most that it is not only him but mitsui too, they chose basketball again and they became a teammate.
during match with sannoh, we can see that ryota asked mitsui if he can run and mitsui said he can barely lift his hand and ryota answered, "nice, i will pass the ball to you". i love this scene.
mitsui who already worn out told ryota to pass the ball to him and ryota did. ryota was shocked with mitsui's 3 pointer shoot despite already worn out. mitsui looked at ryota after did the 3 pointer shoot as if telling ryota, "i will do it, all 3-pointer" and ryota looked at mitsui as if he felt that, "this is the boy that i knew 2 years ago"
i believe that if the writer changed the way they met again , these two will be having their 1 vs 1 and will be super close and motivate each other all the way.
mitsui never said "good job, ryota" and it hurts me but mitsui does said to ryota "don't listen to them" when ryota in 1 vs 1 with the best point guard player in japan and it means a lot.
nobody ever got them as how they did towards each other.
i'm glad they became a teammate instead of rival.
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dozyrogue · 6 months
Again I firmly believe that qsmp should have been closed for longer than just the week that it was. Cuz there's multiple content creaters that are admiting the whole reason I enjoyed going on the server was because I got to interact with people but now nobody comes on.
Like I just saw the clip of pac being like yeah I really enjoyed Playing but now there's only like ever 2 to 3 people on and I enjoy being on the server but there's times where almost nobody is on and it's like what's the point of being on the server.
Tubbo is also distancing himself from the server even if its untentional like he plays for a little bit but then he gets bored and he moves on. He enjoys being on Minecraft servers where he gets to interact with people especially if it's like the eggs or other players. Like it took him up to today to actually verbal say hes gonna push back qsmp things cuz hes basically been playing by himself for a month.
I saw that Baghera said she's most likely not going to come back because of what it's happening and that sucks even more. Badboyhalo, another person who was constantly on the server is also finally branching out to other games which is good. But it sucks that something so cool is having this like horrendous downfall.
And yeah I get it the server was open for the Korean players and then the German players for new introductions buuuut,,, I feel like after you let them play for a week they should have closed it
Like as time moves on and we get the actual content creators that are actively on the server or who really like the server saying yeah like what's the point of joining and playing anymore because no one else is on. Me personally I'm locking that shit down and fixing it. Like believe me the fan base would still be there even if they took a couple months to actually focus on the problems.
I also don't like the merch is a limited I feel like it be better if it was on pre-order to see how many people are willing to buy it instead of limited like oh we only have this much so buy as you can. Because if it was pre-order it was open for a long time I would be more influenced to actually buy it instead of like oh you have 2 weeks to buy this good luck. This part is just more than me thing but still something that I saw and I was like okay that doesn't make any sense. We've seen the fan base say yeah we will pay for Merch we will pay for cool behind the scenes but it just doesn't hit.
I don't know man I just think qsmp should go on a longer break than the week that it had. It needs time to fix its problems, find a more efficient way to gain money to keep the server open pay the admins, and a system in place and how to properly care for the admins.
I just personally don't understand why it hasn't been closed yet. Like it's very hard for me to get into Minecraft servers because I don't think a lot of them have cool ideas or things that would interest me. But qsmp is something that I really like!! I speak two languages I'm working on my third!!!
Then u add content creators who speak different languages and, from different cultures and you put them all together and I thought that was amazing! And to see it slowly Fall Apart is very heartbreaking I hope it does get fixed.
But it just isn't looking good for lack of a better term
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The Guardians Shall Rise
A world in which Hunter instead of Luz is sent to summer camp by his 16 older brothers and learns what it means to have friends while also getting a new mentor figure. And there's the Empress who despises humans for some reasons, but he'll be fine. Based on @sergeantsporks Guardian Family AU
Warnings: Mentions of (Parental) Death and Belos being creepy
Chapter 1
Finally, the bell rang and they were dismissed. Rapidly he packed his stuff to get out into the hallway before the flood of students could set in. 
Almost tripping over himself, he ran to his locker. Hunter exhaled a sigh of relief as he arrived with no other soul in sight. That's when he threw his backpack off his shoulders, only for it to land onto the floor. 
“Damnit!” Promptly he kneeled to pick it up, but a foot from his left kicked it away. “Hey, watch out, man!” he exclaimed. 
“And why should I? Will you send one of your brothers after me?” Brian said with a smile, a stupid classmate who has a new target every other day. Today that seemed to be him. 
In the blink of an eye, Hunter got up again, balling his hands into fists. “Give it back!” Out of the blue, another classmate, Rich, came to his aid by taking the bag from the bully. “Come on, don't be mean. Here,” he threw it back at Hunter, who wrapped his arms around said item and shielded it protectively. 
He turned away to inspect if any damage had been done to one of its contents. Luckily, it seemed to be intact. A chuckle escaped from the other student, “Besides, it's probably infested with rabies anyway.” 
All remaining calm was swept away in an instant. With one quick move, he saw that self-righteous smirk. Cautiously, he secured the backpack in the locker before moving on with pure instincts. Hot rage blurred his vision as he threw himself onto him. 
A few shrieks were heard from the crowd that had gathered around them. He didn’t hear what was said, all he focused on was getting a few hits. Rich was pushing Hunter’s face away with his hand, but growing up with brothers gave him the advantage. 
Out of a sudden, someone grabbed his shoulders, trying to tear him away. Hunter punched whoever it was, not done yet with his current target, who still used his flat hands to defend himself. The person he just hit didn’t stop. 
“You’re so crazy!” “You’re crazy!” “Boys, stop immediately!” “Ow! Did you just bite me?!” “That’s enough!” Another teacher had arrived at the scene and the both of them were finally able to get Hunter off of Rich. “You are going to the principal’s office!”, one of the P.E. teachers said as he guided Hunter the way. 
Around him, the students looked at him with fear, anger and annoyance. As if he had personally wronged them. The whispering ensued and he knew that this would be the gossip for the weekend. 
Not everything was understood but here and there it was just clear enough. Some didn’t even try to hide their comments at all. “That’s what happens when you get raised by your siblings.” “Yeah, I think he finally snapped.” “I heard the last set was full of troublemakers.” “Seems to run in the family, then.” 
Nothing he hadn’t heard but that didn’t make his urge to free himself and go on a second round any less apparent. “Jay-eh, Finn- Wittebane, stay still and let’s get this over with. What is up with you today?!”, the teacher said. Hunter couldn’t suppress the grunt, “My name is Hunter.”
And that's how he got himself landed in the principal's office. One might say he overreacted. He, however, thought that his reaction was totally justified in this case. What was he supposed to do, not doing anything?
“Mr. Wittebane, why did you bite Richard Lewis?”
Hunter sat closer to the edge of his seat, “He insulted my family! He-”
“Mr. Wittebane, I am asking you to calm down. This conversation could go a lot smoother if-”
“If what? I had just gone away like nothing happened? That’s what you want, right?!”
The principal sighed and rubbed his temples. He was obviously used to this situation and losing his last bits of energy. With a defeated expression, not even looking up from the ground, he suggested, “Let’s just wait until your brother arrives, Mr. Wittebane.” And leaned back in his chair.
The teenager with overcrossed arms grumbled before leaning back. In an effort to distance himself from the adult, he took the chair and brought it awfully close to the door. The angry glare he shot at the principal went unnoticed and instead asked him another question, “Do you regret your action even in the slightest?”
“No!”, he spouted, “The only thing I regret is not biting hard enough.”
The principal raised an eyebrow, “Is everything okay at home?”
Hunter had to grip both of his chair arms, so he wouldn't fall out of it as he leaned forward. The audacity of that question left his mouth open. “Of course! Why wouldn't it be?!”
The other gave him a sympathetic smile, looking kind of sad. “Grief comes in different forms. I knew your brothers and how they acted-”
“Well, Mr. Shepherd, I am not my brothers.”
Hunter wasn't set on answering another question. Not until Jasper would arrive at least. He avoided each and every one. 
School was long over when the door finally opened, hitting the back of Hunter's chair. “Jasper, thank God, you're finally here!”
Hunter stood up to move his chair, but when he looked up, it wasn't Jasper's face he saw. It was Caleb's. 
That's when he knew: He fucked up.
“Caleb Wittebane! Pleasure to see you again, I wished we had better reasons to meet but it can't be helped”, the principal said with a grin, “Usually I have a lot of positive stuff to say about Hunter. However, today he was involved in a fight that he initiated. He refuses to answer me, the only thing I know is that I was very surprised when I first heard it.”
Caleb kept a neutral expression and hadn't even looked at Hunter once the whole time. The ride home would be unpleasant for sure. 
The teacher looked at him pitifully. “As you know, I don't allow violence at my school. For nobody. That's why Hunter will be suspended for the next three school days.”
Hunter felt like he got hit right in the gut. The silence which followed after was awfully loud. “No, please! Don't suspend me!”
“I am sorry, but-” “No, give me janitor work or detention for I don't care how long, just please!”
He must have looked absolutely pathetic. Begging with wide-opened eyes to not be suspended for three days. He couldn't help it. 
Hunter would have continued his rant if not for Caleb, who put a hand on his shoulder, still not looking at him.
The principal took a breath before explaining himself more, “Hunter, you fought a student over a comment. You punched a teacher. When I asked you why, you refused to answer. What's more, you only feel bad now because it affects you negatively. I am sorry, but your actions have consequences, Hunter.”
He had been robbed of all words and was too stunned to speak. It didn't quite feel real. The walk to his locker to retrieve his bag seemed like a distant dream. Getting into the car happened without him even noticing, as if he was just a spectator in a video game.
A few minutes ago, he thought this would be the worst moment of it. But he had been quickly proven to be wrong. 
The oldest brother turned on the engine and began to speak shortly after, “You know, if you were being bullied, you could have just told us. We would have taken care of it without you getting in trouble.”
Hunter got a feeling that he wouldn't like the truth. “It's not just me. It's not even primarily me. Most of the time, I am not even visible to them. They just took my bag, which annoyed me and then they insulted our family.”
“This again?!”, he sounded clearly upset. “I have to talk with the others about this.”
“You mean with the First Council?”, Hunter said apathetically while looking out of the window.
That seemed to bring the driver over the edge, “Hunter, quit joking, this is a serious matter!”
Hunter had known the lecture would come but the suddenness of it still was unexpected. At least Caleb had the manners to look apologetic. “I know you care about our family. I do too, that's why I am trying to keep it together but we all have to work together for that. Hey, Hunter. Look at me.”
His head shot up and he finally made eye contact through the rearview mirror for a few seconds. He had that stern gaze he used when he was going to say something important. “Uncle Philip tricked the new police officer already. That guy totally trusts him.” 
How anyone could fall for that was beyond Hunter's understanding. But hey, maybe he only knows that it's all a facade because he had people telling him about it for as long as he could remember. 
“You remember when your brothers acted out?” Hunter pretended to be brooding, “Which ones?” 
Caleb didn't say anything but his head movement exposed his eye-rolling. “You know which ones. The ones who destroyed school property and some people complained and said we should have our custody removed because 'children can't raise children'.”
The air seemed to thicken. He was still rather young when that happened but he could still remember the hectic atmosphere and bustle that went around the house. Nobody told him what was going on at that time, of course, but it still had an impression on him. 
“I assume that's a yes,” Caleb said. He continued, “He has a big advantage now. If he does it right and acts like he is a reliable adult who just wants the best for his 'poor nephew', he could actually have a chance this time.”
Something about that gave him chills. He never thought of this possibility because their uncle was universally shunned by the town as being kind of weird and creepy, but looking back on it, he did try his best to improve his image in the last few years. Sometimes he still thought it's Uncle Philip he saw in the bushes he passed. That man knew how to spike up paranoia and fear while also making his targets feel completely helpless. 
None of them knew why he wanted custody of them. It's not like he ever cared about them in particular, he often avoided going to their house even before their parents' death. 
It was bad to think about their death in the very vehicle they died in. Not the same, but still a car. But he had already started to think about them and Uncle and what did he do, he ruined everything, he is going to-
“Hunter? Hunter? We'll be home soon, okay? Should I pull over?” Caleb's voice said, the sternness all gone and replaced by gentleness. 
Rapidly he shook his head. He knew how to calm himself down. They all did. Just take deep breaths, hold, exhale, repeat. Simple, really. 
Not long after, Caleb emerged again, “I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you so worried. We will figure something out, okay?” The remorse was thick. 
Evening set in and Caleb left Hunter alone for the rest of the day. But what was even more strange was that no one else had come to check on Hunter. The only thing unusual at dinner time was some glances that were exchanged between the brothers during dinner time, thinking they were stealthy. 
When Hunter was finished, he tried to sneak back to their room. Emphasis on tried. He was stopped before he could even go through the doorway by Liam. The firefighter had his arms crossed and had a questioning look on his face. “Where do you think you’re going?”
He tried to squeeze past him, but of course, his scheme was hindered before he could have tried. “Ahem,” Caleb cleared his throat, “I think we need to talk.” 
All eyes were on him. What would follow would come with mixed feelings, as some looked nervous, like Monty and Nathan. Others just looked defeated. The rest seemed totally self-assured. 
He has never felt this exposed when surrounded by his brothers. To be frank, interrogations like these were uncommon, especially for Hunter. But it still was enough for his shoulders to tense. 
“Hunter, take a seat. Don’t worry, we aren't angry at you” Caleb ordered. “Liam, no reason to play bouncer.”
Hyper-aware of every movement, Hunter made his way to the couch and sat down. Caleb took a few seconds to collect his thoughts, but Adam forestalled him, “First off, we want you to know that we love you, and we always will.”
These words weren’t encouraging. At all.
“Secondly, you probably won’t understand our actions or reasoning, but we have been thinking about it for some time and we will explain our side,” Adam continued. 
A bad feeling overcame Hunter as he stared at the floor, taking a deep breath. They all seemed to have something planned out and he didn't like that.  
“What is it, then?” He blurted out. 
Instead of responding, the oldest set, or the First Council as they like to call them, looked at each other, before Caleb finally pulled out what looked like a pamphlet and gave it to Hunter.
Cautiously, he eyed it, as if just the bare touch could hurt him. Upon taking it, he noticed the smiling children, assumingly having fun, on the cover, the headline being “The Great Gatherer Summer Camp”.
“What…What’s this?” he asked full of confusion, despite the title being pretty obvious. The looks on the siblings' faces showed visible uncomfortableness, but they were still determined to continue. “A Summer Camp. To which you will go to.”
It hit differently when spoken aloud. He still didn't understand why they would do this. “But… summer is one of the only times we are all together.”
“And you can make up all that time during Fall and Winter Break,” Caleb said with little emotion. 
Thoughts were rushing through his head but no correct sentence could be formed. He wanted to say 'Why don't you understand that it's not the same', wanted to say 'Why are you doing this to me', wanted to say 'Why are you hurting me this way'. He wanted to say so many things. But he said nothing.
Instead, he jumped up and ran to his - their room, with Liam now out of the way and nobody expecting his sudden reaction. They would be even more mad now probably, as their calls and footsteps were already shaking the house. But surely he could not sink deeper than this. 
Hunter moped to his bed and embraced the cushion that he fell onto. Oh, what he would give so that he could rot here for all eternity. 
The noises outside the door became louder but Hunter had no intent to open it. Their fault if they want to send him away. 
However, it did move his focus toward his school bag, which gave him the motivation to get up after all. When he unzipped it, the item already greeted him with its sight. Carefully he held it in his hands to sit on his bed again.
It was a wooden carving of a cardinal with a scar across its left eye, beautifully painted and still shining bright after decades of being in family possession. He couldn't look long at it before he became nostalgic but in a good and familiar way. 
Instinctively, he opened the drawer of his nightstand to pull out a drawing of said cardinal. Next to it was written “From Dad + Mom, For Hunter”, all of it in pencil, except the '+ Mom', which was written in red. 
The memory of the making of this picture has gone blurry over the years, but he could still remember their smiles as Dad drew the sketch and Mom colored it. And the birds were chirping. They loved birds. They loved birds so much, so much that a lot of decoration in their house is bird themed and they have like five different bird houses. 
His hands were shaking as he finally turned the picture around to read the words “Love you, Little Prince”. 
When he first read this after it happened, he was sobbing on the floor for the rest of the day, mourning to be hugged one last time. Now it's like balm for the soul. The wish to be held by them remained. 
The end of the school year and with it the start of summer break came. This year, however, he wasn't excited about it. Because instead of goofing around with his siblings, he was supposed to go kayaking and group hiking with people he didn't know. Why couldn't he have done this with his family?
The days leading up to it were filled with encouragement and promises that felt shallow. Nobody seemed to listen to him and his complaints of not wanting to go were ignored or downplayed. What's worse, Hunter was sure that they think what they are doing is the right thing. They did a good job raising him until now, why did they suddenly change their stance? 
“You know that we love you?” Jasper asked, who stepped into his room and sat down next to Hunter on his bed. 
Hunter stared at his shoes as he grumbled, “Doesn't feel like it.” 
The silence between them stretched on until Jasper laid an arm around his shoulder. “We do. You might not understand it, but we are just looking out for you.”
“Then why are you pushing me away?!” Hunter shot back, now looking directly at the older brother, who had the means of looking sympathetic.
“It's not our intention, it's just a result to keep you close to us, okay? This is not your fault, it's ours. We did what we could do with our parenting skills but now we need a little extra help and there is nothing wrong with it," he said. 
Hot, bubbling rage filled up inside Hunter's very being as he lashed out. “Do you know what you sound like?! It sounds like-” 
'I am a burden on you which you now shove to someone else', he wanted to say. But he chose not to and instead stormed out of his room with his backpack. 
Outside, his suitcase was already waiting, with Adam and William standing next to it. The two of them were engaging in conversation. Upon joining them, they stopped and resorted to smiling at him, as that would make this situation any better. 
They didn't even stay and instead excused themselves by saying that they had to have a word with Caleb. 
So here he was, waiting for the bus that will take him to the worst three months in quite some time, completely alone. If not for the feeling of being watched, despite the streets being completely empty. Hunter looked back at the house and nope - nobody was standing at the window. He looked to his left, then his right, until his eyes caught something. He has to blink multiple times to make sure it was truly the person he believed it to be. But there he was.
Philip Wittebane aka. his uncle. Not 20 feet away from him, standing next to a street pole. The man smiled, but the kindness did not reflect in his eyes, nor did the small wave. A shiver ran down his spine and without thinking twice, he dashed inside to find someone. 
The oldest set was standing right in the kitchen. “Guys, guys, you must look! There's Uncle Philip outside!” Hunter said as he tried to catch his breath. His brothers looked at each other with puzzling looks, both eyebrows raised. Hesitantly William stepped forward and placed a hand on Hunter's shoulder to guide him outside. 
William stretched his neck to search the area. “Hunter, I don't want to be mean but there is no one.”
He was right because the street pole was just as lonely as the rest of the neighborhood. “But-But he was right there! He must still be around!”
William's right corner of his mouth dropped. “Look, I know summer camp is against your plans but you don't have to lie to us.”
Hunter froze.
“Besides, Uncle hasn't shown up in months, why would he come back now? He doesn't know about the summer camp.”
Hunter stayed silent and hoped his brother would pick up on his wide-opened eyes and struggle to say anything. 
But he continued, “It's scary, but you'll have fun, just you see. You're so smart and intuitive. Wait here.”
Hunter watched as William walked back to the house, baffled by the course of their conversation that just took place. 
“Hello, Hunter,” a voice behind him said, causing Hunter to turn around and jump back. 
“Haha, you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm your uncle,” Philip said with a smirk, standing ominously just a few inches afar. 
Hunter clenched his jaw. “There is nothing to discuss.”
“Oh, but there is,” his uncle continued, “you seem troubled. But who wouldn't be upset in your position? They don't understand you and don't know what to do. And their best solution is sending you away.”
The boy's brows furrowed further. “You don't know what you're talking about.”
The smile didn't vanish, but his stare switched from Hunter to the other side of the street. “It's such a shame that your dad isn't here. He was a truly kind and gentle man. I bet he wouldn't approve of this.”
Hunter took a step back, which the adult ignored and continued on. “You look so much like him. Every time I look at you, all these memories about your father come back.” 
Another step back. He looked back at Hunter with his grin growing larger. “I'll make you an offer. You stay with me for the summer and I'll tell you everything I know about him. Of course, you can return whenever you want and I'll take full responsibility. But something tells me that you'll see how great you would have it if you lived with me instead of your brothers.”
The man's arm rose, aiming to land on his nephew's shoulder. 
Hunter bolted straight into the forest. The trees rushed by at light speed but he knew he was not fast enough, he had to run faster and faster if he wanted to get away. He finally dared to open his eyes again when he heard a breaking twig and knew he had to hide. 
The trees were pretty thick in this part, so it wasn't a hard decision to make. He tried to control his breathing so that his panting wouldn't rat him out. But panic shot up when he realized that his bag felt much lighter. He hoped that it wasn't the thing he thinks it was that he lost. However, as he looked inside, his wooden cardinal was nowhere to find. 
“There you are.”
This must be a nightmare.
Uncle Philip sneaked around the tree into Hunter's field of view. “Stop following me!” Hunter screamed, feeling unwell at how close the man had gotten. 
“Oh, but I am only looking out for you. Who knows what you could have gotten yourself into? You could have tripped and broken a leg without anyone noticing,” the relative responded with the same smirk. 
Hunter closed his eyes. “Stop lying to me! I don't want to see you!” 
“I am just worried about my poor nephew,” he said, voice coming closer and closer, “I wouldn't send you away.”
He could feel the man's breath near his ear, which caused him to open his eyes again. And he was staring directly at the man's face. 
“They are getting rid of you.”
His heart skipped a beat. He tried to look anywhere but at his uncle. That's when he noticed a white bird hopping on the ground with a bag in its beak. And he could have sworn that a carved object was sticking out.
He pushed his uncle aside, ran off, and screamed over his shoulder, “No, they aren't!” while following the strange raven into the deserted house it was headed to.
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let’s Talk Whump No.4
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community. I’m Malice and I’ll be your host. 
Today we have  @whump-in-the-closet to tell us all about his experience with whump!
So good to have you here! Do you want to start with a fun fact or two?
The name’s Troy, I will be an adult and attending uni in just a few months. I love the colour green, and I really love making fictional people suffer beyond measure! Besides that, I like to read and procrastinate on my homework. I’m a huge Voltron nerd by the way. Will talk for hours about Lance! 
Ok! Let’s start with the obvious, what does whump mean to you?
People in any sort of pain. Psychological, emotional, physical, doesn’t matter as long as they’re in some sort of misery!
How did you find the whump community? What made you want to join? 
Scrolling through the whump tag on tumblr, I would use various prompts in my personal writing. Then I found a whump story that got me entirely hooked and I made an account so I could get updated when it posted.
That’s really neat! Has anything changed about the way you view whump since that first story?
Hmm…well whenever I first started scrolling through the whump side of tumblr, I saw a lot of posts saying something along the lines of “no lady whump and no minor whump” so I kind of made my account with the mindset I wasn’t supposed to write about that kind of stuff. Good news is that I came across some blogs which showed me that not liking lady and minor whump is personal taste only. And so I’ve found that I personally enjoy reading and writing lady/ minor whump in the same way any other character would be whumped. 
Yeah, it can feel like we all write the same things but there really are no rules! Do you have some specific favourite whump tropes? 
Nonhuman whumpee! Dehumanization! Voice cracking from disuse! Stoic whumpee finally breaking down! Magic used as a torture method! Violence!! Breaking bones are also *chefs kiss*!
And a favourite piece you've written? 
For Raising Chaos, I really like this piece I wrote it recently and not only is it a crucial plot point, but there’s a lot of despair and emotional knife-work. Fun! 
Outside of that series, I really like this because I really like white room torture! And again there’s a lot of dependence on the characters slipping grasp of reality to get the point across and I’m kind of proud of how it turned out.
These are so awesome! Who doesn’t love some emotional knife work? Do you have a regular or specific writing routine?
I like having a cup of tea or coffee with me when I write, but I don’t really have a writing schedule. Whenever I get hit with an idea (an image, an emotion, a scrap of dialogue) I’m running to the laptop to type it out before I forget. Usually it’s only a paragraph or so, but if I have the aforementioned tea, I can sometimes get out a page or two before my brain dies.
Do you find your writing strengths vary?
Writing what a character is feeling rather than what they’re physically going through is something that I enjoy writing. The words flow better for me, especially if the character is in pain— writing how the thoughts break off, the internal panic, etc. I get to use italics and it’s great. 
On the other side of the aisle, I hate writing descriptions in the physical sense. Descriptions of people? Can’t do it. Descriptions of terrains and settings? Really can’t do it. 
So in summary, I Iike writing emotions and internal dialogue, and I find writing setting and other physical aspects boring.
Nice! Is there anything specific you’re currently working on?
I have a fantasy WIP I’m supposedly working on, but right now I am more interested in finding all of my main characters’ breaking points. I’ve written like three or four scenes in the past few days that probably won’t be posted on my blog or anything, but they have been amazingly whumpy!
From what you’ve told us, it sounds like you really know your stuff! Is there any advice you’d like to share?
Don’t compare your writing to other people! Mates, one of the biggest things I’ve learned in my short years is that writing isn’t a competition. You don’t need to be better than the next guy. And sure, maybe in a few years or even a few weeks, you’ll look back and wonder what possessed you to write what you did, but look at how much you’ve accomplished! You wrote that 50k story no one’s going to read except your closest friends, and you had a blast doing it! Your friends enjoyed it! Someone’s life was momentarily cheered up because of your writing. And yeah, that someone can be you.
Finally, spread a bit of love! Let’s shout out some whump blogs!
There are so many awesome people on here! I’m sure I'm missing a couple names but here goes… 
@kira-the-whump-enthusiast (villain whump, cannibalism, gore, absolutely awesome ocs!) 
@another-whump-sideblog (pet whump, dehumanization, masterful 2nd person pov) 
@verkja (fantasy whump, has a series I binge read in like two days, in awe of his writing skills) 
@whump-queen (number one whump demon, his writing prompts give me so much inspiration, so much emotional whump)
Any parting words?
Don’t be afraid to have fun mates!
Thanks for stopping by, @whump-in-the-closet!
And to all you folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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theaudacitytowrite · 2 years
Josh x Fem!Reader
A/N: This was supposed to be part of my ‘The Weight of Dreams” series but it didn’t fit in anymore once I outlined it. But since I’m a sucker for the ‘only one bed’ trope, you’ll get it nonetheless:D 
Summary: You accompany your childhood friend on tour for their last shows during summer. Thanks to a booking issue you end up sharing a room with Josh who is known for being a cuddlebug.
No warnings. Just lots of banter and cuddles:) Might be a bit corny
word count: 1.961
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With your suitcases in tow, you stumbled into the air-conditioned entry hall of the hotel, sighing in relief when the cool air hit your skin. The summer sun had been shining down onto the tour bus relentlessly today, the AC giving up after not even half of the journey to the next city. All you wanted to do now, was to take a shower and fall into your bed to get a good night’s sleep to be ready for tomorrow's endeavours.
The boys had invited you to join them on the road for the last couple of shows before the summer break. You were always excited whenever you had the opportunity to accompany them, to experience the behind-the-scenes every night and see them perform. It was always the highlight of the night to see them up on stage playing their music for thousands of fans that sang loudly along to their songs. You had goosebumps every time you watched them and saw the genuine gratefulness overwhelm them as they gazed over the crowds in front of them. 
Josh and Jake had been your close friends ever since you had met them in grade school. To see how far they had come made your heart swell and you were more than happy to be able to share such meaningful moments with them. Tour life surely was a unique experience, and you were willing to deal with every facet of it. Even if it meant driving in a car that was slowly boiling you through. 
Together you approached the front desk, each one of you just as exhausted as the next person. Only Josh seemed to be still chipper and ready for nonsense as always. Sometimes you wondered from where he took all that energy. No matter how straining the weeks had been, he always had a smile on his lips and the most awful dad joke on his tongue.
“We booked on Kiszka.” Sam drummed on the counter with his fingers as he patiently waited for the desk clerk to access the information. 
“Kiszka…” he hummed, “Here we have it. Oh. Erm, it appears that we have a slight problem with two of your room reservations.”
“As in?” Jake asked concerned. He had specifically booked a double room for him and Jita and he already saw their quality time disappear in thin air.
“The AC on the 8th floor has stopped working, and because of that, we had to re-assign some rooms. Unfortunately, yours as well. We managed to reserve three double rooms for you instead. One room with a king-sized bed and two rooms with two twin-sized beds each. Is that ok?”
“That’s perfect.” Josh chimed in while Jake agreed with a relieved sigh.
“Wonderful.” The clerk smiled, “Then here are your keys. Again, I’m so sorry for the inconvenience.”
“All good,” Sam reassured him with a polite smile.
The desk clerk handed over key cards for the rooms to Sam, who quickly signed the confirmation papers. Jake was quick to snatch a set of key cards from his brothers’ hand.
“See ya.” he bowed out while leading Jita to the elevators, who was only able to quickly wave goodbye.
“Rude.” Danny chuckled, “So I guess Sammy and I share a room?”
“If that’s ok with our lady?” Josh grinned at you.
“And who’ll ask if that’s ok with me?” Sammy interjected jokingly.
“As long as I get an undisturbed night, I’ll be fine with everything.” you yawned while you tried to keep your eyes open.
“Then it’s settled.” Josh hummed satisfied. 
Before Sammy could protest Josh grabbed onto your luggage and headed towards the elevators as well.
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“Are you ok, mama?” Josh chuckled as the two of you walked down the hallway towards your room, “You’re swaying a bit.”
“I’m just exhausted.” you huffed, “All I want to do is lay down.”
“In a minute, darling.” he gently pulled you against his side, supporting you.
He quickly unlocked the door when you finally reached it, stumbling into the room with the luggage.
“Oh,” he exclaimed.
“What?” you squeezed around him.”
“I think Jake took the wrong keys.” you sighed deeply at Josh’s words as you looked at the king-sized bed in the room.
“Did you see what room he’s in.” you scratched your brow.
“Nope…” Josh grimaced clueless. 
“Fuck it.” you groaned, “I’m too tired to go on a hunt for them. They probably push their beds together, they’ll be fine.”
“Wise words.” Josh agreed, closing the door behind himself.
“I call dibs on the shower!” you seized the opportunity and stormed into the bathroom.
“Jokes on you! I get to choose the most comfortable side of the bed.” Josh called after you.
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The cold shower had eased the feeling of overheating, washing away all the sticky sweat. You knew you were more than exhausted but as you stepped outside the shower your legs felt like you had run a marathon, the weariness had seeped deep into your bones. With a last effort, you dragged yourself into the room in your pj’s, letting yourself flop face first onto the unoccupied side of the bed.
“I was worried you might have been flushed down the drain.” Josh teased as he looked up from his phone to poke your side, “I hope you left some water in the pipes for me.”
“There should be a few droplets left,” you mumbled against the sheets.
“Too generous.” he snickered as he jumped from the bed and vanished into the bathroom.
You heard the shower running again, the soft trickle of the water droplets lulling you to sleep quickly. You didn’t know for how long you had drifted off when the bathroom door opened again. You turned your head towards Josh who shuffled back into the room, only clad in his boxers. His skin was still damp, his lean chest glistening in the light of the bedside table lamp. The flutter in your stomach made you ever so aware of the still-lasting crush you had been harbouring for Josh since the first day of grade school that had brought you together in the first place.
“What’s that for?” his words shook you out of your trance. His eyes were trained on the wall of pillows that were arranged down the middle of the bed.
“It’s a safety precaution.” you shakily breathed out, hoping he wouldn’t notice your red cheeks.
“Precaution for what?” the mattress dipped under Josh’s weight as he put his knees onto it.
“For your little grabbers.” Josh scoffed offended at your explanation.
“Don’t act all offended. Everyone knows that you’re a stage five clinger awake. Your hands are always everywhere. Poking and hugging and twirling. And I for sure know you’re even worse when you’re asleep.”
“You never complained before.” Josh pouted at you pitifully.
“It’s not that I’m against hugs or cuddles… just not in this climate.” you tried to clarify which was actually true for the most part. But at the same time, you wanted to spare yourself the heartbreak. You knew Josh wasn’t on the lookout for a relationship and even if he was, you weren’t sure if he would ever be interested in you. His casual touches and hugs, something he did with everyone he met, were more than dangerous for your silly little love-drunk heart.
“I will be able to contain myself for one night.” Josh feigned hurt as he slipped under the covers, “We don’t need a wall between us.”
“I’d rather be overcautious.” you mustered him suspiciously, “For all I know, I’ll fall asleep next to you and the next thing I know is that you’re clinging to me.”
“Even if that were true, that little border wouldn’t help.” he snapped back playfully. 
“Is that a threat?” you gasped.
“Take it as you please.” he shrugged, “Besides, who says that I would want to cuddle in this heat anyway.”
You raised your eyebrow at him tellingly. “We both know the answer to that.”
“Ah, just sleep in your secluded little area and let me sleep.” he stuck out his tongue, earning a chuckle from you.
“Good night, Josh.”
“Good night, darling.” he hummed sweetly, turning off the lights.
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The first sunbeams snuck past the curtains, shining into your face. You slowly stirred awake, groaning when you remembered that you had forgotten to close the blinds last night. The next thing you noticed was the unpleasant sensation of heat as someone’s chest was pressed against your back while his arm was wrapped around your waist, restraining you. Josh’s nose nuzzled at the crook of your neck, his soft breaths hitting your skin. Suddenly the unpleasant warmth became an unendurable heat.
“Good morning.” Josh suddenly rasped into your ear, eliciting goosebumps to erupt all over your body which was your last straw.
“Josh!” you whined groggily as you continued to struggle against his grip, “That’s exactly what I predicted!”
“Good morning to you too, mama.” he hummed still half-asleep, “Just give me five more minutes… to an hour.”
“You’re too hot!” you tried to get away from him desperately.
“Thank you.” he grinned against your skin.
“You know what I mean.” you stressed, tugging on his arms, “I knew you wouldn’t endure an entire night without any physical contact.”
“Hey now.” Josh pouted, “Let’s just notice on which side we are right now.”
You scrunched your eyebrows together, as you took in your surroundings. A few inches away were the pillows you had put up, suspiciously flattened while your side of the bed remained empty. Your eyes widened as you realised that Josh did in fact have the high ground this time.
“And I think it’s only fair that I get my cuddles after you slapped me across the face when you turned onto your back and then started to grope my chest when you rolled over your border.” he taunted, “I just made the best out of it. Sue me.” 
“I don’t believe you.” you tried to keep in the snort at the mental image of you slapping Josh across the face and how bewildered he must’ve looked, “For all we know, you could’ve just pulled me over to your side. Because after your narrative I would be facing you right now, wouldn’t I?”
“Y/N, you were violently tossing yourself around. When I had the chance to restrain you in one spot, so you couldn’t assault me anymore, I took it.” he dryly remarked, “If that makes me the guilty one, I can live with it.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his dry delivery. You turned in his arms just enough to be able to look over your shoulder and catch his gaze.
“Did I really hit you?” you bit your lip full of guilt.
“Right in the money maker.” he nodded.
“I’m sorry.” you pouted and softly caressed his cheek with your thumb, getting lost in his half-lidded eyes that warmly glanced back at you.
“I’ll forgive you-“ he dramatically sighed, “if you let me have another hour of cuddles.”
“A full hour?” you gulped.
“Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it secretly.” he raised his eyebrow, and you could feel your cheeks warm up again.
“Only if the covers go.” you bargained with him. How could one more cuddle session hurt, after all, you already were in his arms you argued with yourself.
“Done.” Josh swiftly discarded the duvet with a precise kick. You carefully turned around in his arms to not accidentally slap him again.
“I promise, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t. Deal?” Josh hummed with closed eyes.
“Deal.” You huffed, snuggling into his chest. Josh softly pressed a kiss on your forehead before he nuzzled his nose into your hair, a sigh of contentment leaving his lips.
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Hope you liked it:)
Divider by  @delishlydelightfuldividers​
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braidedriver24 · 4 months
Temple of Doom - 40th anniversary
no way Temple of Doom (1984) has it's 40th anniversary today. it's obviously the most problematic film in the indiana jones franchise but i still love this film with all my heart. it was the first indy film i ever watched and i was deeply disturbed after watching several human sacrifices. but this film was which got me into this franchise when i was 8 years old. so here are some of my personal thoughts:
this film is just peak 80's action. where do i begin.. the opening scene in shanghai, the plane crash, the mine car chase.. it's so over the top and still kinda slapstick humour, i simply love it, no wonder they won the oscar for best visual effects, and john williams' score is as always chef's kiss especially short round's theme
-> peak 80's action and beautiful soundtrack
i loved the character of short round because i could relate to him so much. he was clever, cool and funny and as a primary school child i imagined myself going on adventures like him. he is an iconic character and i wished we would have seen him again in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull or Dial of Destiny these films are shit so good for him he was not part of them many people hate willy. i love her for being an iconic queen sry but i like her even more than marion
-> iconic characters
Temple of Doom is extremely problematic with it's racist stereotypes, that's not tolerable even for the 1980's and i will not defend this film in this topic, the white saviour trope is so fucking terrible in this film, even as a child i noticed this shit ( i always saw the indy films kinda as a parody or even satire films for these old adventure films from the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's, all indy films have problems with this but Temple of Doom hits the hardest in your face)
-> nonetheless i think when you are aware of these problems and question these elements of Temple of Doom you can still enjoy this film
last but not least this film cemented my huge crush on harrison ford. 8 year old me thought: yeah i want to marry this man! he is clever, he is cool, he is good looking the outfit with his glasses awakened something in me, he helps people, he knows a lot about history i was in my ancient egypt phase, he knows how to fight, simply perfect besides he's the embodiment of toxic masculinity and a white saviour hetero cis man as i later realized
-> as i grew older i realized i need to become this archaeology coded person myself and considered studying this discipline but i didn't want to get unemployed haha and i started studying geography (mainly because of the desert landscapes of Wadi Rum which are shown in Last Crusade (1989)). i choose some archaeology lectures as optional subjects and of course i realized it's nothing like in the indy films. however geoarchaeology is today one of my main interests in my major
i still love these films so much because they kinda changed my life in a certain way and also because they are super nostalgic for me . Temple of Doom is still after Last Crusade my second favourite film in the indy franchise. i'm glad that after 40 years this is still one of the best adventure action films ever made even though this film is far from flawless
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[thx for reading, please consider that english is not my first language (typos, etc.) the struggle is real -> this is one of my first longer tumblr text posts]
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