#sc fi
magicspace114 · 1 year
New faces part 2
So... there was a demon passed out on your couch. Or alien.
Truthfully, all fear you had for this thing disappeared when it bleated like a goat and ran into a wall trying to escape you. You've determined the strange purple blood it leaked was not an acid that would eat your skin when it accidentally dripped onto your wrist past the gloves.
Now that you were close enough, you were starting to lean more to the alien option for this creature. It had some strange tech on it that you've never seen before.
For one, there was a stick attached to its leg that had strange buttons and lights on it. On pressing one, it gave you an electric shock so you assumed it was some kind of taser and put it somewhere this alien wouldn't reach it in case it tried to use it against you. Why it hadn't already, you were sure they were too in shock and concussed to try.
There was a small clip on its ear too that had a light green glow around the edge of it and bands around both its wrists made of some grey metal. There was a similar band around its neck that had a flashing yellow light on it.
"Is this how you spoke English earlier?"
The creature started to move but it didn't appear to be awake. It let out a small whine and its legs started pulling closer to its chest. It shivered too. You pulled the blanket from the back of the couch over the alien and tucked it around it. When that didn't appear to be enough, you pulled out a small electric heater and pointed it at the creature.
It sighed and relaxed, no longer shivering. It looked peaceful. You smiled at the creature. It looked rather cute and fluffy and if it weren't for the fact this was an unknown creature that was certainly terrified of you, you might have started cooing and fussing over it. You really needed a pet or something.
For now, you just decided to clean up while you waited for it to wake up. Your apartment wasn't messy but things had been knocked over when the creature ran away from you. You just had to straighten some things out and once that was done, you just sat down on a sofa across from the alien and waited, passing the time on your phone.
You didn't remember falling asleep but you certainly startled awake at the sound of rustling. The alien wasn't on the couch anymore but you heard noise from your kitchen. On getting there, you found it rooting through your cupboards desperately looking for something. You remembered the weapon you took off them.
"Uh, what are you doing?" You asked.
The creature bleated again and turned to you, eyes wide and startled. It blinked a couple times, breaths picking up before it reached for one of your kitchen knives. You immediately jumped in to stop them.
"No, no!" You said, pushing the block of knives further away from it and trapping its closest arm against the counter.
"Let me go! Let me go!" The creature yelped.
"Only if you don't try to attack me!"
"Please," the creature whined in such a heart breaking tone, "please don't hurt me." They shrunk down now, crouching to the ground.
You regretted pinning them but it was for your own safety. You let go of their arm, putting your knives away in a high cabinet before stepping away from the alien and giving them space.
"I'm not going to hurt you," you said calmly, "I was just trying to defend myself. You don't need to fight me." You held your hands out in a placating manner, hands open to show they were empty.
The alien looked at them then back at you, "what do you want from me?"
"Nothing," you said, "I just want to know what you were doing in my home. I've never seen someone like you before."
"I- I didn't mean to intrude," the creature said, panic rising again "I'm sorry, I didn't know this was your home. I- I promise- I-"
"Hey," you started, "just breathe. I'm not angry with you. I'm just confused. You're not in trouble. Just breathe."
The creature took in a few panicked breaths and didn't seem to believe you at all. They had curled themselves up into a tight ball, limbs pulled close to their body and head ducked down.
"How about we introduce each other?" You suggested, hoping that if you talked more, they'd unconsciously start slowing their breathing down. "I'll go first. Hi, I'm May. What's your name?"
"M-May?" The creature asked.
"Yup," you nodded with a smile, "do you have a name?"
"I- I'm uh-" the creature took a breath, deeper than their last few so you took it as a sign that the conversation was helping. "I'm Totobyc Maechislovic III."
You grimaced at the longer name but nodded. "Tot- To-" you winced more, "can I call you Toby?"
"Toby's not my name," the creature said.
"I know, it's just your name is very long and here, longer names tend to get shortened to help conversations flow. If you're not ok with the nickname, we can try another."
"Toby is fine," they nodded, seemingly relaxing now. "Was your name longer?"
"Well, a bit. Originally, my mother wanted to name me Mayflower but was thankfully talked out of it. I can't imagine all the bullying I would have got if I was actually called that." You let out a huff of breath.
Toby nodded slowly, careful to move at all. "Um, May? I had some things with me when I came here. Did you take them?"
"Well, I took your coat off so I could look for more injuries. There was also this long stick thing that gave me a shock. I was worried it was a weapon so I put it away."
Toby looked down at themselves, fiddling with the wrist bands on their arms. The bands looked rather tight on them, like they could cut off circulation but you didn't want to remove them in case they were some translator or even life support.
"Uh, Toby, are those bands part of your translator or something?" You pointed to them.
Toby flinched when you pointed and you quickly took your hand away. "Uh, n-no. They're uh... restraints."
"W-well, um..." Their shoulders tensed up again and their hands were waving around. They were panicking again.
"Easy," you said calmly, "if you don't want to talk about that now, it's ok. Just keep breathing. Stay calm."
"I can't stay calm!" Toby grabbed at his horns, "I'm stuck in an enclosed space with one of the deadliest creatures in the universe!"
"Deadliest creature in the universe? Me?" You chuckled in disbelief, "where did you get that from?"
"Thousands of years of history and research into your biology and social structures. There is talk that you once walked your prey to death!"
You rolled your eyes. You'd heard that one before. "Yeah, in the cavemen days, thousands of years ago. Many of us aren't even fit to walk a mile now, nevermind walk after a gazelle until it died."
"You've fought each other in huge global wars!"
"Yeah, that's a lot more recent," you muttered.
"And you're capable of surviving missing limbs and traumatic brain injuries!"
"I can't dispute with you there," you said, "but we also freak out over tiny, harmless insects, trip on air and enter a room only to forget why we went in there." You smiled when Toby just stared at you. They didn't seem so panicky now. They just blinked at you. "What you heard, we're capable of but it's not like we just do that on the regular. You're looking at extremes, not our mundane. We can be pretty clumsy sometimes." You chuckled.
Toby didn't say anything after that. They just watched you for a while, probably wondering if you were lying. They pulled their limbs close to them again but this time, it was less out of panic and more because they were shivering again.
"Stay there, I'll get you a blanket." You got up to leave. Toby stayed.
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bugbot · 6 months
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Metro Expressions
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dailymusemaniac · 6 months
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Ai art sexy robot babe
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helengie · 1 year
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(via Galaxy of ice and fire collection iPhone Skin by HelenGie)
You can find more products with this pattern in HelenGie's store on Redbubble.
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obitekolanko · 2 years
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animemotorcycleclub · 2 years
Zone 13
Mr. Y. Akerolik states, that on 14th May 1996, he his brothers and three of their sons took a boat to Nome to, set up their Summer camp, buy some supplies, and take his son, who had just turned 21, to a bar for the first time. The parties returned to the island approximately 70 hours after leaving. He says, they knew something was wrong from about two miles out. It looked like there was an unseasonably thick snow covering on top of the South West peak of the island. Several feet of white, piled on the western peak but no sign of any snow anywhere else. When they got closer they realised, all the other boats were gone, nobody was out collecting food, and they couldn’t see anyone moving in the village. The men reached School Teacher’s Pier to find a word scrawled on a boulder “Qupqugiaq”. Looking again at the top of the mountain Mr. Y. Akerolik says he could see that what he initially thought was snow was like a thick pile of wet fur. A stream of clear gluey liquid flowed from the underside of the fur to the ocean. Mr. Y. Akerolik and Mr. T. Akerolik had a search of the village, leaving the others with the boat. Once it was clear the village was completely abandoned, the men left for a prearranged muster point at the Port Clarence Coast Guard station.
FRC David Cross was dispatched to investigate the claims made by the King Island Inupiat. Once the attestations were corroborated, the US Navy was contacted. A determination was made by a Navy team as to the target’s organic nature, at which point the NOAA were brought in, and the Pacific nations were informed of the potential threat. Upon investigation NOAA discovered the creature sitting atop King’s Island was a hitherto unknown species of giant starfish, later named Asteroidea Qupqugiqae. The jelly-like substance leading into the sea was found to be a highly corrosive mix of reproductive, and digestive fluids. A vast number of coin, to palm sized starfish larva and gorging crabs have been washing ashore since the incident. The Army Corps of Engineers has been called in to assist with the clean up.
The cordon, blockade, perimeter, or whatever it is called in today’s itinerary cannot be maintained without more ships. Fishermen and crab boats have used the area for too long to be warded off by one cutter. We all know what happened to The Lorelei II. Those guys didn’t stand a chance, because we just don’t have the resources for both cleanup and protection.
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
also I can’t wait for the inevitable mermaid aus even I’m tempted to make a mermaid au. I can feel it. mermaid aus can become the next big fandom trend. I can FEEL IT.
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anonbeadraws · 1 year
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Some WIPS from Confluence, honestly feels so cool to build up all these weird and wonderful worlds, excited to show you all more!
All work here is mine, check more out on our twitter!
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magicspace114 · 1 year
Old shadows part 3
You grumbled as your brother pushed you forward. You weren't a baby, you could walk on your own... mostly. On making it to the elevator into the building, your fingers hit the wrong button and James just sighed, hitting the right one.
"Have I ever said how amazing you are?" You smiled back at your brother.
"Only when you want something," James replied.
Tillen was standing against the wall opposite you both, not liking the small space and Lovik was hiding on her shoulder. Lovik was nervous, not sure about James or what he was thinking.
"I didn't think my venom would have this effect," he said, "I've heard tale that it wasn't fatal to humans but it was enough to knock them out."
"Is that why there's blood on my sister's head?" James asked with a warning edge to his voice. The doors opened on the floor you originally pressed and you were about to exit when your brother pulled you back by the collar, closing the doors again.
"I fell and hit my head on the pavement," you mumbled, "so that's a yes."
"May, don't make excuses for the aliens that kidnapped you."
"Ok," you blinked tiredly as the doors opened on your floor. "You won't tell mum or dad that I'm high, will you?"
"No," James grumbled. He pushed you forward again, "just put one foot in front of the other."
"Wee," you giggled as your world spun for you again. Your brother held on to the back of your collar as you headed for your apartment.
On getting there, you couldn't even manage to use your own keys, coordination had gone right out the window. Your brother opened your door since it wasn't even locked.
"Oh." You said.
Inside, your dad was repairing the dent in the wall with Toby, the kid's short, fluffy tail wagging as your father talked to him about all sorts of DIY projects. Your mother was smiling from the couch, drinking some tea. She paused on seeing you, spotting your brother holding you up.
"May?" She asked.
"Hi mum," you smiled, "I found some people." You looked behind you and Tillen crept in, staying close to the door.
"Tillen?" Toby stood up now, recognising the alien through the heavy clothes.
"Totobyc," Tillen darted for the kid. Toby hugged her and she moved them away from everyone.
"We were so worried about you," Lovik said, peeking out from under Tillen's disguise.
"Lovik! You escaped! I thought you didn't make it out." Toby picked the smaller alien up and hugged him to his chest. Lovik chuckled, a forked tongue sneaking out and tickling the kid's ears.
"Good to see you too, kid."
"I'm not a kid," Toby huffed.
"It is now a confirmed fact, Toby is a child." You giggled.
"Adolescent," Toby shot back. You just smiled.
"May, are you alright?" Your mother asked, "where's that blood coming from?"
"She 'hit her head'" your brother said.
"You don't need to say it like that," you said, "it sounds like you don't believe it."
"Because I don't," James said, "they both admit to knocking you unconscious and interrogating you."
"Yeah, I got bit on the back of my neck," you said, "then fell flat on the pavement."
"Sit down," your mother sighed, heading towards the kitchen for the first aid kit. Of course, she had to walk past the aliens and Tillen snarled at her.
"Tillen," Toby elbowed her, "don't do that. She's nice."
"I don't trust that for a second," Tillen growled.
"Regardless, I need to get past you to get to the first aid kit," your mother said. Tillen stepped to the side, pulling Toby with her. The aliens watched as your mother took care of your injuries. You suddenly gasped. "What?" Your mother asked.
"I just realised we'll need to do another food shop," you grumbled, throwing your head back against the sofa.
Your mother had to hold your head still. "What are you talking about?"
"For Tillen and Lovik," you said, "I don't think they eat the same as Toby. Do you?"
"No, I eat bugs," Lovik said.
"Where do we get bugs?" You asked.
"Pet store," James shrugged, "you can get all kinds. Whatever you prefer. Worms? Flies?"
"Tillen eats meat too," Toby said.
"Raw or cooked?" James asked.
"Whatever," Tillen grumbled.
"She prefers cooked," Toby said.
"Totobyc," Tillen hissed at the kid. Still keeping him hidden behind her.
"James, check May's fridge for any meat. If there's not enough, you can get more while getting bugs for Lovik." Your mother said.
"What? Why am I the one to go shopping? She's the one that brought the aliens into her home." James gestured to you.
"May is going to bed now, you need to go get more food."
"I'm not going to bed," you said, sitting a little straighter.
"Honey, we know you're high on something, you're gonna sleep it off," your mother took your arm, leading you away as you groaned.
"While you're out, James, mind getting a paint match for this?" Your dad took a few chips from your wall.
"Sure, want anything else?" James asked, "bread? Milk? A pony?"
"Can I get a pony?" You asked, giggling as your brother gave you a scathing look.
"Look, son, while you're at the hardware store, you can look for something to help unlock Toby's restraints, right?"
James sighed, opening the fridge, "yeah. I can try."
"Love you brother," you called before your mother pushed you into your room to go sleep it off.
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bugbot · 1 year
Metro Ref Sheet Update
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sofia-curtis · 12 days
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Sofia Curtis in Every Episode [44/49] 7x19 ★ Big Shots
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moonshine-nightlight · 11 months
Snapped - Part 4
Mech’s not sure why the aftermath of this mission is hitting him so hard, but he’s doing his best to calm down when Gwen’s presence shatters his control. Now it’s a count down to see if he can figure out how to put a stop to the instincts and hormones that are running wild inside him—before he does something they’ll both regret.
Science fiction, alien romance, male alien x female human, (4 / 4)
Story Status: COMPLETE
AO3: Snapped Chapter 4
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] Part 4 - NSFW
“Who else could it be? There’s no one—” He shakes his head and glares at her, unable to help himself. “There’s only you. Always you.”
Her eyes are wide as she looks at him, genuine shock evident. “Mech…”
The silence that echoes through the room is deafening, even the vents seem subdued in the wake of Mech’s most recent confession. 
It’s only broken when the synthesizer machine beeps, signaling that the compound has been mixed and is ready for use. Mech darts over to it with speed. It’s not going to do enough, he already knows that based on the limited ingredients he has on hand, but it should stabilize the reaction and ideally shorten the duration. 
He refuses to think about anything but the chemistry as he dully loads the dose into a syringe. Shame and fear has crystallized into a shield against the lust raging through his blood that’s proving surprisingly effective. How could he have told her how much he—the sharp prick of the needle as it enters his skin cuts into his train of thought and he lets it. He immediately sets the machine to rigging up another dose. He won’t be able to take it for twelve hours, but hopefully G—hopefully, it can be brought to him wherever he’s isolated.
The diagnostic machine buzzes next and he dutifully walks back over to where it’s been compiling a list of least dangerous medical concoctions to simply knock him out cold. Given how today has gone, he shouldn’t be surprised that nothing has a particularly high chance of either success or safety. As much as he hates this situation, he’s not quite at the level of self-destructive to truly consider taking most of these. Even if he wishes for nothing more than to stop thinking since the ground hasn’t managed to swallow him up.
Movement out of the corner of his eyes causes him to turn sharply. Gwen’s been silent since she said his name in that quietly devastated tone in reaction to his confession. Now he sees she’s taken a step closer for some gods forsaken reason out of her self imposed corner.
“Stay back,” he hisses even as she walks even closer. And gods, is this dose even doing anything? He swears her scent is heavier, more enticing—richer and more appealing in every way. It reaches him with no trouble despite the vents still pulling air out and away from him and her downwind. She looks even more beautiful, her eyes dark and her blue skirt fluttering around her enticingly. “I told you.”
“Hush,” she chides gently. She walks even closer, with a look in her eyes he can’t fathom. Her hair dances in the breeze too, looking thick and touchable, her figure inviting him to see how soft her skin likely is, to imagine it yielding to–
Frantically, he reaches for outrage or worry or anything other than arousal in reaction to her approach. Where is her sense of self-preservation? He backs up, spines hitting the door behind him. “Do you want to leave?” he asks, grasping at straws. Why wouldn’t she say so? They could find some way to shift around the room while maintaining proper distance. He’s told her what state of his mind is. She can’t expect him to understand what she wants from him when his instincts have such a strong hand on the controls of his imagination. He doesn’t understand what’s happening. 
“Do you want me?” she asks, her eyes intent as she takes another step closer. “Without all this,” she gestures with her delicate hand in a circle as if to encompass the room or his heightened state, “do you want to be with me?”
There’s no point beating around the bush anymore, is there? Even if he thought he’d been plenty clear before, he supposes she wants to hear it outright. “Yes,” Mech admits, hanging his head because now she knows it's his fault his instincts picked her. If he hadn’t already thought of her like this, when she saw him only as a friend, then maybe this, this break wouldn’t have happened. “For…” He shakes his head, unable to remember when his feelings became something other than platonic. “I don’t know why today pushed me over the edge, but I promise I can get back under control.” He can’t lose her, not from something so abrupt and uncontrollable. “I can,” he insists desperately.
Her face softens and she must feel some sympathy for him. Gwen’s one of the most compassionate people he’s ever met, surely she can forgive him for this. “Oh, Mech, you silly alien.” She steps even closer and before he can react, her hand lands on his cheek. It feels electric, each point of contact. His worry and frustration and shame all war with his hormones with her so close. His claws dig back into the wall, venom pools in his mouth, every nerve and muscle in his body straining for her held in check only by sheer force of will. “I don’t want you to.”
“W-” Her lips on his silence whatever protest he was going to attempt to utter. His whole brain skitters to a halt, unable to do anything except stay perfectly still and process what’s happening with every sense. Her lips are warm and soft, pressed with perfect pressure against his half-open mouth. Was he saying something? Her wonderful, delicious scent envelops him completely until there isn’t anything except Gwen. Her hand on his cheek is the comfort of home and hearth. The little stroke of her thumb on his cheek is everything he’s ever wanted.
This perfect moment is all his raging hormones need to take over. Mech has Gwen pushed up against the door within a second. He splays one hand around her hip, holding tight as his other hand laces with her free hand to pin it to the wall. He sucks her lower lip into his mouth as he presses every inch of his body he can manage to keep her there. The ache of his cock finally has some friction to satiate it. His whole body sings with relief, the itch and pull and desperation blissfully satisfied with the contact with his mate. Or rather, his soon to be mate. 
With that thought in mind, he skillfully takes control of the kiss, needing to show her exactly why she should choose him. Why he deserves her regard. He shall prove his worth as a kisser and therefore a lover so she’ll have no doubt in her mind that he should be hers. He can’t resist a more substantial taste of her regardless. Mech slides his tongue carefully and deliberately between her lips to slide against her own. He loses himself in the kiss, in giving and taking in as equal measure as well as he can handle when confronted with the reality of her hot, inviting mouth.
Mech distantly remembers humans' more limited lung capacity and pulls back to trail kisses down her neck, questing for where it meets her shoulder. His jaw opens, fangs dripping and scraping along her heaving body. Gwen whines and pants as he touches her and he never wants to be anywhere else doing anything else ever again. He can only think as far into the future as to picture her with his marks on her and his blood boils with desire.
“Mech…” It’s his own naked wonder at hearing Gwen moan his name that breaks through the haze of lust and hormones and instinct to remind him of exactly what situation they’re in. How nothing he’s ever done with his life would have granted him such bliss.
He wrenches his mouth from hers with all the self-control he likes to pretend he has. Panting, breathing in lungfuls of her scent with her still pressed tight to him nearly undoes that, but he holds fast. He can’t get himself to break from her further, but he just needs her to tell him, needs her to reset the boundaries before he goes too far, before he ruins her and himself in the process. 
A puff of fresh air from the vent above allows him to latch back on to his more rational objections. “I don’t need your pity,” he practically spits, doing his best to find something that can force him to back off and salvage their relationship before he’s doomed it with his rash actions and clouded judgment. Luckily, it is an almost sobering thought—the idea of being with Gwen only to have her reveal she put up with his advances solely in an attempt to help him. That would destroy him.
Instead of helping him, Gwen’s eyes flash with incandescent, fierce anger. She shifts in his grip, not letting go or trying to escape his grasp as might be sensible, but to maneuver him where she wants him. She hitches herself up and then grinds down against his thigh now between her legs. She practically growls in relief as the thin skirt she wears and even the thicker fabric of his trousers do nothing to disguise the heat and wetness he feels against him.
“Gwen,” he gasps in true shock even as his body quickly angles his thigh to an even more advantageous position. His instincts are hyper-focused, straining to satisfy his mate in any way she wants him to.
“Does that feel like pity?” she demands, groaning as he moves and tightening her grip on him. “I want you,” she says plainly and everything in him comes to a halt for the second time in a minute. His eyes faintly glowing red ones frantically meet her own. They’re dilated, black swallowing up brown, but her sincerity, the raw honesty in them is crystal clear. “I want you bad. Have done for a while now.”
“Fuck, Gwen,” is all he can manage to almost whine as his mind frantically tries to make sense of the impossible.
She smirks in response, head ducking close to manage a nip at his lower lip and a lick to one of his fangs. Her eyelids flutter at the taste of his venom as she breathes, “Yes, exactly. I need you.” 
He can’t help but give her what she asks, what she needs. Why in the universe that's an ornery, suspicious, antisocial bastard like him, he doesn’t know. But he’s lost the will to keep fighting her. He chases after her mouth, his chest an iron wall against her own slighter, softer one. She doesn’t seem to mind being caged in by his hand, still pinned as his thigh has her hips. She just grinds closer, releasing hitching little breaths and moans as his venom mixes with her saliva. 
His silvery venom is primarily deadly only on his planet, but plenty of other species have reactions to it. Some it numbs, some it hurts, and others it heals. Humanity seems most varied in their reaction, but his understanding is that it tends to fizzle, to buzz. After all, theirs is a race that poisons itself recreationally, sought out toxic plants for the sting to add to their diet, and regularly ingests powerful drugs most races take in only the smallest of doses. However Gwen’s personal chemistry might feel about it, at least it's nothing terrible enough to break their kiss.
In fact, their kiss only breaks when she runs out of air and tips her head back to breathe. He lets go of her pinned hand, an absent minded extra push before he does to tell her to leave it there, and skims his hand down her flank, strokes across the swell of her stomach. She’s so plush and warm under his fingerpads especially through the cutouts of her dress. His claws snag in the material that does cover her. He can’t retract them. He resists the urge to cut through the fabric still keeping the rest of her lovely skin from him, resists the urge to dig his claws in enough to leave a lasting mark, showing any who might look upon her that she had allowed him the luxurious indulgence of touching her.
It reminds him he still might lose sight of his strength, of everything until it was too late. And Gwen doesn’t deserve this, rutting against the medbay wall while he’s out of his mind. She deserves to be courted and treated and to be laid down reverently in a bed of silk. He should be able to touch her without worrying his darker impulses will overtake him and hurt her. “Not in a sane state of mind to do this right,” he growls out in frustration. His head nuzzles into the crook of her shoulder as even in his irritation he can’t resist the allure of the comfort Gwen offers his soul so effortlessly.
“It's you and me,” Gwen replies, her voice sure, “‘course this is right.” She pulls his face out from where he’s hiding so she can meet his gaze. “You think I don’t know what I’m asking for?” her voice is cajoling and challenging, “I dreamed of you, pressed against me just, like, this.” She punctuates each word with a roll of her hips.
He tries to claw back a hold on his senses. He knows he should, knows no matter her words, Gwen doesn’t know. But she’s intent on wrecking him. “Need you to fuck me now, Mech.”
He snaps his teeth together, baring his fangs as his whole body tenses with the urge to do just that. “Gwen,” his voice is strangled. “For graviels, you don’t know what mating—”
“But I do,” she insists. 
“No,” he shakes his head. “You don’t.” He tries desperately to find the words to explain, but there’s only Gwen. His hands clench tighter in the fabric of her dress and he dares not look down for the tears that have to have accompanied the ripping sound. The fabric is no longer covering her well, but hopefully it’s still enough to keep his claws and venom away from her skin. His eyes track a bead of sweat that drips down her neck. He longs to stop it with his tongue. He longs to sink his teeth into where it pools on the curve of her shoulder.
“Yeah, I do.” Gwen finally sounds serious. “I looked it up.” His eyes snap to her own. She raises an eyebrow. “You think I’ve wanted you this long and not investigated what it would be like?” No, he hadn’t. He’d never even thought she might feel the same, might want this too. Had she really done so? He can almost picture her in her bunk, hair twirled around one finger as she scrolls through articles and stories about the rare couplings of human and graviel. He knows they’re out there because he checked too. “How compatible we might be? I want you and all you come with, no matter the scars. Want you so damn much.”
“Gwen.” There’s awe in his voice he can’t control. Even when humans aren’t put off by the venom and how it feels, many are at how it factors into graviel mating. How it seals over the scratches and bites and marks his kind like to leave on their mates, not too deep, but guaranteed to leave permanent marks. 
Her only reply is to grind against the thigh still between her legs. His tail winds itself up her leg to stroke her upper thigh before adjusting her to an even more advantageous position. There is a fearsome look on her face, as if she feels like she’s made more than enough allowances for his anxieties and fears. Like she’s done waiting. “Gonna fuck me, Mech?” Her smirk is wicked, the look in her eyes even more so. Her hair is spread in a messy halo around her head, her skin starting to sparkle with sweat, her body never ceasing its movement, its gentle undulation against his own. He’s never seen her eyes look so dark or so appealing. She looks edible. She arches with the motion of her grind  and one of her hands reaches blindly behind her, finds the doorpad. “Or do I need to find someone else to?”
Something inside him roars at her direct challenge. Maybe it was more than an internal roar because she shudders in response. There’s triumph in her eyes at his reaction. If she’s aware enough to provoke him… The last piece clicks into place and he finally takes her at her word, That she wants him. He’s got no resistance left. 
All he has is a need to make her his in any way he can. In every way he can. 
“Mine,” he growls as he takes her mouth in a ferocious kiss, hands already ripping her dress to shreds and stripping her of it. He barely notices her own hands scrambling at his shirt except that the feeling of her hand splayed over his stomach is nearly as euphoric as his hand closing around her breast. 
“Wanna mark you,” Mech warns. The urge to properly mark his mate as taken, as his is pure instinct. To leave physical evidence of everything boiling over inside him on her skin is overwhelming.
Gwen’s rucked his shirt up high enough that she can reach up, set her nails to his shoulder blades, and rake her nails down his back. The sharp pressure, the surprising sting of her nails, and lingering feeling of her touch send if possible even more blood rushing to his throbbing cock. He groans, arching into her claim. “Yes. Long as I can mark you too.”
“Perfect,” he says reverently into the skin of her neck where he presses a kiss and sucks a mark. “How are you so—”
Her moan of approval as he begins to knead to soft flesh of her breast under his hand is muffled by his lips back where they belong on hers. He grinds his palm down on her nipple and before long his eyes are fixed on where the claws of that hand just barely scrape against her skin. It becomes pink and sensitive as she squirms under his attention.
His claw finally breaks the skin right over where her heart pounds furiously. A short red scratch that he traces back over, venom running into it. She trembles in his arms with a whine as the cut seals shut, the line a subtle white against her skin. A glance in her eyes, fogged over in pleasure, is all the reassurance he needs. He latches onto her other breast with his mouth, allowing his venom to encase her nipple as he sucks. He twists his grip, claws scraping and healing as he does so around her other breat. Gwen practically screams her pleasure to the ceiling, to the whole damn ship if he’s lucky.
Mech wants everyone to know Gwen is getting the pleasure she deserves nearly as much as he wants them to know he’s the one giving it to her. He brings his fangs down to bear, gazing and abrading her soft soft skin. Gwen whimpers. He’d be concerned if the sound wasn’t also accompanied by the wet slick against his thigh increasing. 
Her hands scrabble at his back and her head thunks against the door as she arches, pressing her chest into him with another gasp of his name.
The sound galvanizes him. Somehow finally giving into his desires has helped the fog in his brain caused by this hormonal snap clear. The door isn’t going to let him ravish her the way he craves. He doesn’t want to be distracted by keeping her held up against it when there are far better things he could be focusing on.
He reluctantly lets go of her breast to grip at her hips again with both hands. She whines when he lets go of her tender nipple with his mouth to trail up to her shoulder. Her whole body tenses when the threat of his fangs are brought to bare, like she’s holding her breath. Still she doesn’t do anything more than whimper when he removes his damp thigh from between her legs, hanging pliantly in his firm hold. 
Gwen’s fingers wind their way into his hair, firm but not tugging in protest—yet. Before she can ask about the sudden stop to the way she’d been grinding herself to some sort of peek, he pulls her off the wall with a grunt. Lifting his head to remind himself of what exactly he’s working with in the medbay, he strides over to the bed in the center of the room where Gwen had been sitting only twenty minutes ago, distracting him while he tried in vain to solve this problem any other way than through.
He’ll bring her to his rooms once they’ve mated here, maybe more than once depending on their stamina and his hunger. This’ll do fine for now. She looks gorgeous, Mech thinks as he lays her out. He pulls the remaining scraps of her dress off. His eyes trace the goosebumps that spring up after he backs off with fascination as he methodically begins to strip himself. Gwen seems more than understanding and is eagerly removing the last of her clothing—her panties—with a quickness that betrays her own need. The scent that flows out of her is nearly enough to bring him to his knees. But there’ll be time for that later.
Gwen props herself up on her elbows to watch him with half-lidded, ravenous eyes. His eyes keep straying to her chest, already bearing the red and white marks from his fangs and his claws. He’s never been more proud of anything in his life than that she let him mark her as such. He’s never giving her up.
“I don’t share,” Mech says bluntly as he places a hand next to her hip. He isn’t arguing or retreating or trying to back out anymore. This is at worst a warning, at most a promise.  “This can’t be a one-time thing. I won’t change my mind, not about you. I’ll keep you all to myself.”
“Yes,” Gwen agrees easily. She lays back down while reaching for him, the invitation in the lines of her body obvious. Her fingers wrap around his forearm, the black spines that line it, and there’s no give to her hold. “Mine.”
He vaults onto the bed, over her, without thought and she welcomes him. Her hands map every inch of his skin she can reach, no fear at the way his black spines lining back and arms are standing at attention. Gwen’s touch starts off light as he arranges himself over her, but once he brings their lips together for another mind-melting kiss, she increases the pressure. Mech can feel each point of contact, each finger tip, as she digs them in and drags her nails connecting th black splotches that litter his red skin. 
Mech pictures his skin turning from red to pink, lightning from the force she’s exerting to try to mark him and he grows harder if at all possible. He ruts against her upper thigh with greater intent, getting impatient. All the relief from this much contact finally not enough to satiate his hunger for his mate. His Gwen.  
She must notice because she hums with smug satisfaction into the kiss and those same fingers start to migrate from his back to rest low on his hips. “Gwen,” he groans, pulling back from her lips just far enough to pant her name against her lips. 
Her fingers brush his cock in a deliberate tease, one he’s past having patience for. His hips chase those fingers for a more purposeful grip. Luckily, she seems unwilling to play this game any longer either. Her fingers wrap around him. “Yeah?” her voice is rough with desire and every nerve in his body sings at the sound, at her touch. She strokes down, from root to tip, seemingly not put off by the black ridges and bumps his red cock has that he knows humans don’t. She must really have done her—Mech’s thoughts scatter when she twists her fingers, lubricated by pre-cum the same silver as his venom which leaks from his erection. She grinds the palm of her hand against the sensitive head and he arches his back with a moan that feels like it's pulled straight from the depths of him.
“Fuck, Mech,” Gwen pants, eyes darting from his face to his cock and everywhere in between, clearly unable to decide where to look while Mech just tries to keep his eyes open so he doesn’t miss a second of his wildest dreams coming true right underneath him. “You’re gonna feel so good inside me, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” Mech hisses even as he presses down on her shoulder, moving up to position himself for just that. “Need to be inside you now.”
“Yeah,” Gwen agrees, lining him up with perfect precision. “Now, now, fuck, n—”
Her words are cut off when she moans as he sinks into her welcoming wet heat. She gasps as he pulls her legs open further with his tail, lifting her ass off the bed to angle his thrust home best. He can’t think about anything except how good she feels, how hot and snug and perfect she is. He thinks he babbles some of that aloud as he pushes in. “So wet, so soft. Fuck, Gwen.”
“Ye-es,” she replies back, eyes closed to better savor the feeling of him filling her in one long inexorable movement. She hooks her leg around his for better stability and he takes advantage immediately. Pushing that much further in, massaging her ass with the hand he has on it, letting his claws dig in to her yielding flesh. She groans at the pinpricks of sensation from his claws and venom, from him finally hilting deep within her.
There’s a split second where there’s nothing but the sound of their labored breathing and the whoosh of the vents. The calm before the storm. Everything outside of them ceases to exist as every hormone is his body cries out in triumph. Mech’s eyes meet hers and he ignites once more. He pulls out halfway, but he can’t seem to exist outside of her anymore and quickly thrusts back in, adding a grind to the end that makes Gwen moan deeply. Her hands land on his shoulders as she pushes against him, matching his movements with a synchronicity he never should have doubted she was capable of.
Her palms push on his own chest for leverage and he gasps at how it feels against his nipples. Gwen picks up on his reaction immediately, her focus zeroing in on her new target. Mech bows his head, overwhelmed by all the sensation his touch-starved body isn’t used to. That of course brings his mouth within range of her delectable neck, all that lovely skin and sweat and scent, all uniquely Gwen. He laves his tongue along her collarbone, fangs grazing and mouth sucking in a random, hazy, instinctual pattern that seems to drive her wild if the way she clenches around him is anything to go by.
“So close, so close, so close,” Gwen chants, her hands moving to his spines, holding on tight to ride out how roughly he’s fucking her with his pistoning cock. The ache of her grip is sweet enough his next thrust has an extra swivel of his hips behind it. “Mech! Mech, please. Please.”
He knows exactly what she’s begging for and he’d rather die than let her go unsatisfied. His tail finds and grinds against her clit with unerring accuracy despite the  desperate motion of their coupling. Her reaction nearly throws him over the edge, the throbbing of her walls around his cock exquisite in their increased intensity. Mech preserves through the sensation, determined to make Gwen come before he does.
Luckily, it only takes a few more strokes and making a calculated tug on her clit for her to call out, “Yes! Me-ch!” The final strands of his self-control snap and he comes on the next thrust, his cock and fangs buried deep in his claimed mate. The ensuing euphoria blanks his mind from anything other than pleasure and he slumps against Gwen, satisfaction flowing through his veins.
Mech eventually comes to and finds himself carefully lapping at the bite mark he made on her shoulder, his venom already having closed the wounds, but leaving them sensitive if Gwen’s hums and twitches of pleasure are any indication. Her hands are running absently up and down his arms and limp spines, sending ripples of residual pleasure through him.
He’s never felt this content before, wrapped around this wonderful woman, still buried in her. He can still feel the unusual lust swimming through his body, but it's more than manageable at the moment. All he wants to do is enjoy this culmination of everything he never thought he would get to have.
Of course, that gratification and laziness only lasts so long. Gwen starts to stir more coherently beneath him and that insatiable desire begins to make itself known once more. 
“Are you hard again?” Gwen’s voice breaks the stillness, bewildered and still sounding a little orgasm-drunk.
“Yes,” he acknowledges, pressing a sheepish kiss to her neck.
She shifts, muscles clenching and relaxing. Mech fights the urge to whimper as she asks, more curiously than anything, “Is that a graviel thing or a mating frenzy thing?”
“I can’t remember,” he admits as a few seconds contemplation where all he can think of is how good she feels and what other marks he wants to leave on her. “Might just be a sex-with-you thing.”
“Hm, good answer.” Gwen rolls her hips, mouth nipping at his neck with a promise that sends anticipatory shivers down his spines as they stand at attention once more. “You’ve got five seconds to roll us over so I don’t knock us to the floor. I wanna be on top this time.”
“Whatever you want, my mate.”
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