#scale of lesbian OCs idk
loki-loving-lesbian · 8 months
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Tryna harness their energy
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lesbianamity · 2 years
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OC art (first two are older)
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okay so I know I said I’d have a post for Monday but stuff happened (nothing bad don’t worry) so this is late and also not what I had planned. but it’s something at least while I’m working on drawing and trying to actually finish a drawing for once in my life
anyways without further ado: more Voltron dragon prince AU shenanigans because that is still very much a thing that I want to do and am going to at least have some “official” art done for at some point in the year.
I only have an idea for Shiro’s design right now, but I have so much more to talk about in this post.
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Shiro doesn’t really have a direct parallel to anyone in the dragon prince, but he’s still important (obviously) and he still goes missing. I can’t really say too much about him because of story and plot reasons but there is gonna be Cool Stuff happening. I decided to make him a moon shadow elf because it makes the most sense, and also I just thought he would look cool as one. He’s still engaged to Adam, and he still goes missing with Sam and Matt Holt.
That’s all I can say about Shiro for now, but I still have other characters to talk about.
Adam is going to be playing an active role in this because I want him to and also he won’t fucking die because I think he should live. As a treat.
In this AU, Adam is human. A huge part of his whole deal is that he will be looking for a Shiro and Keith alone because they’re the two most important people in his life and he wants to find them.
Also, Adam and Shiro’s relationship is secret, only Keith knows that they’re together and that’s a huge motivation as to why Adam goes searching for them alone since he’s kinda trapped since he can’t exactly go out and get help finding Shiro and Keith. Anyways, that’s enough about those two, let’s get on to everyone else I’m talking about today
I’m just going to make a quick bullet point list of characters I don’t have much to say on in this post but I still wanna say what their deal is in the AU:
Coran is going to be Opeli (the like, advisor in TDP). He’s the royal adviser, but he also helped raised Lance and Allura. I don’t really have much to say about him other than he will still very much be himself and I love him
Matt is a scholar or something of that type along with his father, and they meet Shiro while doing research and end up befriending him (thank you Aeon for this suggestion your brain is great)
Romelle is going to be the equivalent of Ellis (the kid with the wolf). Also trans Romelle because I am a trans Romelle truther
Veronica is going to be this AUs Amaya but not going to be exactly like her (also, please let me know if you guys think that I should make Veronica deaf like Amaya since I would like having a deaf character in this but idk if it should be her or another side character that would most likely be an OC)
Krolia is going to be missing/MIA
The BoM are going to be the moonshadow elf assassins, but without the whole knowledge or death deal since. I just don’t want them to have that and it’s my AU I get to do what I want
Honerva is dead lol
Zarkon will be Viren
Ezor, Zethrid, Narti and Axca are still Lotor’s Lesbians and I have Several Ideas for them
I still have a lot that I wanna do, like learn how to draw dragons because Whoops I made an AU that has dragons and a lot of them but I don’t know how to draw them, and I have a lot to talk about when it comes to certain decisions I made for this, like Zarkon and Honerva and some things I have in mind for them. This is probably going to be a project that will take a long time to even officially get started because I don’t know how to write but I so desperately want to tell the story I have in mind and have it be enjoyable.
I’ll make another post soon with more in-depth descriptions and ideas for Zarkon, along with something I like to call the “kill-die scale” and also some ideas I am still struggling with
Also as always, thank you to @deuxaeonn for the help, your brain is so good and ik this hasn’t been worked on for a while but still lmao
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scipiosmith · 1 year
I wont lie. Its kinda a bummer to get as far into sapr as I have (volume 2 chapter 13) only to recently learn you're a rwde poster and seemingly think comphet is cool and fine based on how blacksun is in here. And maybe that will change later, and I will gladly apologize for being wrong in that count, if something happens where they realize they're not good for each other. Cuz despite my better judgement I will keep reading because I am unfortunately invested and in it for the long haul, unless some especially egregious opinions are expressed through the text.
You have a good writing style. And I do admire your commitment writing (and then re writing) so god damn much for this story. You're ability to integrate the MLP characters and what I assume is side lore into the story is very well done that sometimes I cant tell who is an OC, an mlp character( unless I already know of them) and who is from the comics I havent read.
But like. Idk. It's just kinda disappointing? That a talented writer and someone I thought was alright generally, turned out to be a little bit shitty.
But then that's the nature of people. To disagree on some fundamental things are natural.
I suppose I should thank you for not going the whole hog and calling me a homophobe, but on the comphet thing... I appreciate that this is the only work of mine that you've read. I appreciate that this fic has BlackSun in it, and I appreciate that at the point in the story that you are up to there aren't any queer ships.
But I have written a book with a lesbian lead whose girlfriend walks into the underworld to rescue her from the Furies.
I have written SunLight fic.
And eventually, and already in the un-rewritten version of this story, Sunset is going to get/has gotten together with Cinder:
So I would appreciate it if you didn't label me like that just because one story has a ship that you don't like or doesn't have the queer ship you wanted.
On the topic of RWDE then, yes, I am more guilty in that regard, although I wouldn't call myself a poster so much as a reblogger.
I suppose I can appreciate why that might bother you, but on the other hand if I wasn't RWDE inclined then this story wouldn't exist. If I didn't hate the death of Pyrrha then this story would not exist; the whole reason I started writing this story that has become as long as Jormungandr and has as many legs as a centipede is because I couldn't find any stories that didn't kill Pyrrha off at the end of Volume 3 and so I decided that I would have to write one myself.
For better or worse, this is a story that has its genesis in my dissatisfactions with the show; obviously you hadn't noticed it up until now and hopefully you won't notice it in the text subsequently to this, however... if you're expecting at some point the scales to fall from Rainbow Dash's eyes (or Blake's, for that matter) and for her to realise that General Ironwood is and always was a thoroughly despicable villain then I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.
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megarywrites · 4 months
Can I get every accessory question for Thala for the ask game? :3 – @coarsely
sorry this took me a while to get to @coarsely! got long so it's under the cut
bling | What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
she does wear some and it does have meaning, in a way. at the start, the jewelry she wears is brass. Minimal, because her family isn't wealthy, and what she does have has been passed down for years. Bangles, rings, earrings/cuffs, and the bands that they use to make the rope braids that are typical for the Green women with Thala's hair type (thick, curly, and long aka 3B) When she becomes a Stoli, the jewelry, while still minimal, is switched to gold (to honor their god of the sun, Isolios). The only time that they wear more jewelry is on holy days (when the sunlight catches on their jewelry it's seen as a blessing from Isolios) or when they are serving the Diamo for the day. The one piece of jewelry in the story that has the most meaning is her father's ring that he left with Mitapi (her mom) when he went on voyages. Eventually, it gets given to her.
hair | How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
it changes throughout the story. To start the story, she usually wears her hair in a banded rope braid (think what Jasmine's hair looks like in Aladdin, even if it's slightly different). To me, this symbolizes her keeping to the status quo and trying to stay on her best behavior. As the story progresses, she begins to wear her hair loose and free, which again, to me, symbolizes her allowing herself to go after what she wants in life (for the purposes of this story, revenge). it starts off very long, almost to the small of her back, but by the end it's cut to a little bit above shoulder length, but the reason for that is kinda spoiler-y lol
makeup | Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
nope! makeup isn't a thing in Grea (where Thala is from)
favorite | Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What’s the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
not really? however, my personal favorite outfit of hers is what Mitapi made for her birthday. It's a full, dark blue skirt that lands about mid-shin and a white gauzy, peasant-style top embroidered with a floral design with the same thread she used to sew the skirt. as accents, and as is traditional for the person (usually a girl/woman) with a birthday, little brass bells are sewn sporadically into the hem of the skirt and on special bangles and ankle bands (because of the dancing that usually accompanies birthday celebrations) It was just fun to think about her all giddy and dancing with her friends in that outfit lol
change | Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
lol...yes the aforementioned hair cut, but then...at the beginning of book two she realizes she's been turned into mermaid. The mermaids in Dracrie are different in that the longer they have been mermaids, the more fish-like they become (the process takes decades). She's still relatively fresh by the end of the story so we won't see that much of a change, but her mermaid form is sharklike. So she's got the sharper fins and the gills at her neck and the paler underbelly and the teeth-like scales that can draw blood if you touch them wrong as well as the multiple rows of shark teeth (her eyes probably get darker and bigger as well, but I haven't pictured that yet so idk lol)
alternate | What would your OC’s alternate universe look be? If they’re a fantasy character, what’s their modern look? If they’re sci-fi, what’s their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
hmmm. Well, I feel like she'd be more on the andro side of lesbian fashion. Probably pretty low-key and practical. I think she'd do something physical for a job (think mechanic or carpenter) and her fashion choices would reflect that
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dyklopces · 3 years
like I KNOW this isn't the most important part of turning red on a social scale but like. idk. there's never been like even an IDEA of a wlw ship I actively want to see happen like mei and miriam.. if only bc this is one of the only times I've seen female characters yk. Have a personality but I've literally never has this with anyone but my lesbian ocs. there has never rly been a time where I saw two girls in media and genuinely just. wanted to see it thru. idk if this makes sense but I liked ot
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y'all mind if I OC post for pride month? well i'm going to anyways!
This is Hana (tall, brunette) and Pearl (blue hair)! They're both trans lesbians and they are girlfriends
I have a million AUs of these two (and some other characters that i'll prolly draw later)
I'm also realizing this drawing is not to scale at all bc Hana's supposed to be like 6'4 and Pearl's only 4'11... maybe she's standing on a box idk
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
omg discussion groupI REALLY want to go back to these abandoned buildings on campus/this rock on the beach where u get a fantastic view of the sunset (golden hour has been SO good lately) I might treat myself to some spray paint or maybe a coffee next week <3 current Blorbo From My Brain is this little dude (gn) named board games. Idk how to send images so ill @ you in a sec, but its a little kid? dog? clown? in the same way hello kitty is a little girl :) :uno reverses ur ask:
oh fuck yess abandoned buildings. also rocks on the beach!!! those r always the best sunsets oh my god. the east coast SUCKS so bad because u cant watch the sun set on the sea.
oohoohooo spraypaint!! excellent plans :>
omg.... board games from your brain. i love it!! always a fan of a funny little guy (gn)
also for the uno reverse! real small scale w these answers theres a cafe downtown i wanna go to to study its very cute n has gluten free pastries sometimes my fave weather rn is HOT and SUNNY (bc it so isnt here) i just treated myself to a handful of chocolate chips and i think i might make tea later tonight :-) blorbo is either (also) a blorbo from my brain my half-named jedi oc (respect lesbians that fake their deaths) or its uh. kendall roy. (sorry)
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phoebestarks · 3 years
mean girls for the musical ask?
rosie mccallister as cady heron // rosie isn’t a homeschooled jungle freak per say but she’s absolutely cady material. she’s very socially challenged and falls for ej (who’s basically aaron samuels if u look at him point blank) also she just seems like she’d be coerced into this shit? idk
june cunningham as regina george // june at surface level is basically just a 80s regina but they are both secretly lesbians istg....also they both just have the same vibes in the best way possible <3 blonde lesbian powerful queens who i love <3
charity fletcher as janis ian // janis is so secretly in love w regina and that’s why she hates her and that’s basically half of charity and eleanor’s arc right there FSJDGFD also charity and june are like the opposite ends of the mean girl slytherin scale i feel like GSJSVD
maria watson as gretchen wieners // maria’s in fever dream and she’s an absolute angel!! (she’s a ballerina,,, i love her sm) she kind of starts out on the wrong foot w sam tho since she’s friends w mal (who’s honestly p similar to regina in a sense) but then eventually like,, becomes friends w sam and i feel like that’s pretty similar to cady and gretchen?
isabel hargreeves as karen smith // isabel, who’s my umbrella academy oc, is like, MEGA MEGA MEGA stupid lmfao she’s a sweetie tho and immediately thought of her when i needed someone to play karen sdhvdhd genuinely isabel’s really sweet she just....grew up w skewered aging and extreme isolation so??? karen w more trauma?
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send a musical and i’ll cast it with my ocs!
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dreamofyouandi · 5 years
rank the killjoys (as many as you want, including your ocs) in order from least to most gay.
Val Velocity - the only straight person in the zones! Naturally, he does not deserve rights
Cherri Cola - he likes men, sure. He's just kind of tired. He's like an old gay in the body of a 30 year old man. Completely and totally over it.
Dr. Death Defying - no time for romantic attraction when theres a radio show to be held
Vinyl - big man isnt that big a fan of dudes, but not really girls either. He loves a good smoothie tho
The Girl - "idk what love is but all people are pretty ig" -The Girl, probably
Jet Star - Jet likes men, yeah, but he's willing to date anyone who he finds cute. Asexual babey. His type is chubby people with a cute smile.
Fun Ghoul - Ghoul is a disaster gay, but he's more of a disaster than a gay. "Men are hot, so is the sun. Both of them can suck my dick." -Ghoul, probably
Kobra Kid - gayer than you'd think. Also ace, but a very big fan of any and all men. "The fact that there isnt a big strong hunk in my lap stroking my hair is absolute homophobia. This is so sad, can we get 15 likes." -Kobra, probably, likely said with a deadpan expression while Party loses it in the background
DJ Hot Chimp - Chimp is gay and xe knows it. Gender is... a thing that exists. Xem and xer girlfriend Newsie are about 16 inches height difference and it is about the most precious thing you'll ever see. 9 on the gay scale
NewsaGoGo - tiny lesbian. You might need a microscope to see her, but she's here and she's INCREDIBLY queer. She and Chimp are couple goals and everyone is jealous. 9 on the gay scale.
Vaya and Vamos - Including them together because they are both gay and both chaotic. Solid 9 on the Gay Scale.
Party Poison - Doesn't need that much of an explanation. Just read Some Things Called You and you'll get the gist. 11 on the gay scale.
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justyncase · 6 years
explaining oc’s with justyn
Vy Casey: So as we know from Vy’s info page, Vy has six month younger sister named Carter. My friend Mak ( @rougeoisie ) rp-ed as her on Tuesday. Carter is a Ravenclaw and probably in fifth year (same year as Vy and Puck). Vy is not out to Carter yet. But Carter does know that Vy is “friends” with Dessa and Puck. As well she knows that Dessa is a lesbian. However, does not know Vy is also a lesbian and very much in love with Dessa some how. She sees Puck as just another friend and potential love interest of Vy. Now Vy and Puck both know each other way to well for that. Puck is bi and deeply in love with Professor Longbottom (with maybe feelings for Remmy). They are just two very close best friends... so basically Mak and I. Literally Elliot and I have both agreed that everyone thinks their dating and whenever someone says something they burst out laughing. 
Liam Drebber: Liam is the OC I have created and released tonight. He is currently identifying as a transgender male and acearo or asexual and aromantic. However, he is demi or grayromantic. He just hasn’t gotten a crush on anyone but could (not that he knows though). As far as my creation of Liam has gone at the moment, he does not have parents or any siblings. When he get’s friends, he prizes them above all. This is due to not growing with a family. Part of the reason why I gave his autism is honestly because half the time I am stimming in my gifs and if this a character that is frequently stimming anyways i don’t have to act neurotypical :):) Giving him depression is different. This is something that I don’t deal with on a huge scale and when i do it’s tied into my anxiety or ocassionally autism. I felt that he would not know how to react to a lot of things and have sudden emotional flips. I want to have a close friendship between Liam and Eli ( @almosttheboywholived‘s OC) because I feel like they’d be able to level each other a bit. Cause Eli is almost always tired as hecc and just not very energetic where as Liam is a energy ball almost always. 
IDK... also if anyone wants to interact with either of these two please tell me. 
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majorkirastan · 7 years
i was tagged by @little-vulcan​ lmao
1. What is your dream starship crew? You can only take existing characters and put them in the roles they fill on their own starship.
i’d say...all ladies.  just all the trek ladies running the ship.  no men in space.  janeway as captain, kira as first officer, tasha as chief of ops, uhura has the conn, beverly is the cmo, jadzia is the science officer, etc. etc. etc.  the ship is called the uss lesbian smh
2. What species do you wish we could have seen more of or learnt more about?
uhh a lot of them tbh.  i’ll have to go with the trill on this one because they seem so damn interesting and i wish we could have seen more, jadzia is really the only important trill character and her species is very infrequently touched on.
3. What’s one episode that you would remove from canon if you could?
fhjgfhgjgh can i say all of them?  star trek culture is hating star trek smh.  (probably sacrifice of angels or something, just because it made me cry a lot and im upset about that, or else like one of the weird early episodes of tng)
4. Which captain would you be most excited to serve under?
dont make me choose between captains like this!  i love them all!  but in reality probably either sisko or janeway.  sisko’s a big sweetheart who genuinely adores his crew, janeway...is janeway, holy shit
5. If you could go back in time and stop one and only one event from happening in canon, what would it be?
smh all these questions with impossible choices... i’d have to say Jadzia Dying because i love her so much and also her death really weakened ds9 season 7, as much as i love ezri i can’t get past that
6. Rate your fan devotion on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being only watching the series, 10 being attending cons, buying merchandise and being invested in the extended universe, and a brief explanation.
i’d give it an eight.  i’m not *hardcore* obsessed but i’m quite invested in the franchise.  i have a poster of data hung in my room (as well as a signed picture of max grodenchik as rom) and several trek guides/novels, i own a ds9 shirt and a star trek onesie, etc.  plus, i genuinely spend a good portion of my life playing timelines/blogging about trek and i run 2 separate ds9 blogs so like.....there’s that.  i genuinely love the shows.  i’d go to cons but i’m broke.  i’m not 100% there but i’m fairly into it.
7. Rank the shows including Discovery from your favourite to least favourite.
ooh harsh.  ok so: 1. ds9.  i’m currently watching it and i love it so much it’s my favorite by far rn 2. tng.  it was my first trek and that kinda sticks with u. 3. tos.  i love it bc it’s so cheesy and great lmao 4. voy.  i love voyager too but i never actually finished it oops! 5. ent.  no judgement on enterprise, i havent watched it yet.  i’m sure i’ll love it when i do but i’m in the middle of rewatching ds9 and then i have to finish voyager and then i have t 6. dsc.  again, i havent actually gotten around to watching it but from what i’ve seen it’s very hectic and a lot of death which isn’t really my thing.
8. Which two characters from different series or timelines do you think would make the best friends?
i think kira and tasha would get along, also julian and geordi.  but secretly in my heart of hearts i want to say lal and ziyal.  love you gals.  im sorry the writers did yall like that
9. Do you have any Star Trek OCs? Tell us about them?
i do not i just have adaptations of the regular characters that i pretend are the actual characterizations when i dislike the writing jjhgkhjkgk
10. What character does everyone else seem to hate that you adore? Also, who is one fan favourite character who you personally can’t stand?
hmm idk i tend to agree with the fandom on most stuff.  although, i dont get people who like dukat and i ESPECIALLY just do. not. get. ppl who STAN him.  listen the man is so bad he’s such an asshole and i live vicariously thru kira every time she either insults, degrades, or assaults him
11. What is your favourite Star Trek quote?
hmm probably from the opening lines of the tos pilot thru the most recent line of the most recent disco episode lmao (in all seriousness it’s probably the ‘saint in paradise’ line)
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lavender-siren · 7 years
11, 14, 29, 39 oc ask
11.) Is there any OC if yours that you could describe as a 'sunshine'?I have NEVER lol, I'd probably say Kaiyo tho just because her personality is generally pretty content and warm.14.) Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory.Um, well I have a few that fits this description? But the one I have most of a concept for is Rakarnu. He's part of this demon looking clan and also the son of the chief for said clan so he's kinda like royalty but without being all 'polished' about it idk. ANYWAY, my dude Rakarnu is the middle child, he's got an older bro (still in the making) and his younger sis Ahanna (who's def. Lesbian but has no idea). So this particular species that he is is generally known for being untrustworthy mofos, a real shady bitch u know? But my son Rakarnu ain't really down with all that shit, my boi got a conscious unfitting for his position as a possible leader for his people. With that being said, his father is also tryna find him a nice wife from a potential Ally clan, but Rakarnu just ain't feeling it y'know? To makes things short, father's an asshole and disowns him on the spot, Rakarnu lived on his own in the forest until he got hella fucked up by a couple of dudes from his old clan and is saved by his now stunning boyfriend, Lunesta. 😭💞 29.) Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they're going?I actually have one OC I think would be curious enough to do this but I literally have no name for him yet.But Ragnu would totally do this but he'd brag about it before hand and would drag someone with him (probably Varina) to show off 39.) Introduce any character you want.Lemme throw some love at my boi Ragnu cause I always give him the most shit like his Nick name for me (and Lunesta) is Rag Nag. I haven't even drawn this dude in COLOR it's been almost 4 years since I made him 😭. Anyway he's a Naga, green brownish scales for the tail, and some flecks of green and gold scales on his face and torso. Short, kinda spikey red hair with two thin braids underneath which have a ribbon braided in. In his tribe, they have different colored ribbons that the warriors weave into their braids to represent their rank. If you have more lost battles than wins then your braids would be chopped off and that warrior would have to go through training again and essentially 'Restart' everything. He's a pretty loud dude, wants to be the center of attention like he's some damn Hercules. He low-key would love to fuck Lunesta if given the opportunity but that'll never happen lmao, plus I kinda have the potential for him to be shipped with Varina but I also have another OC who is canonically known as being his crush (she's a badass warrior) but then again 🤔🤔I'm done rambling.Thank you Mar bear 💝
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circuslollipop · 7 years
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hey heeeyy look it’s some despicable me ocs i’ve made
from left to right, we’ve got: Felicity Twist, June Gloom, and Blizz. these three are a badass trio of weather-themed villains who pose like vogue models in their spare time. no, they’re not models--they just pose
more info under the cut:
the three of them are in the science club at their school (high school or college, i haven’t decided), but they didn’t actually become close friends until they all accidentally ran into each other at a villaincon (at a booth selling scarlet merch--they’re all scarlet fangirls ahaha). but then they got to know each other, and all of their Tragic Backstories, and they decided to team up and do heists n stuff. i haven’t decided what their Grand Scheme will be...they probably haven’t, either. they’re super good friends who validate the shit outta each other, but that is the one thing they disagree on.
the little emblems on their shirts are what weather thing they represent. felicity is wind, blizz is snow, and june is lightning. they assigned those roles to themselves, and picked out their own names.
june gloom, the one in the middle, is the leader (and if you couldn’t tell from the name, she’s californian. they all are). out of the three of them, she’s the most obsessed with meteorology. weather puns? dear god, weather puns. “oh honey, you’ve got a big storm coming.” “why so gloomy? oh right, i’m here.” “time to rain on your parade!” yeah, she has a lot of fun. anyway, her weapon is this giant gun that’s about as long as she is tall and shoots lightning. fittingly, her personality is the most thunderous--she’s loud, and she likes to be heard. she’ll also be the one cackling a typical villain laugh while the other two pose all ‘SRS BSNS’ like.
felicity twist, the one on the left, is the only one who kept her first name. although, i did choose a name for her that sounded a bit like fujita, after the fujita scale that measures tornadoes. i went for a windswept look for her, hence her hair. also, i did picture her always chewing bubblegum, but now that dm3′s out i’ll say that she also happens to be an evil bratt fan. felicity is the inventor of the group (and looks up to herb as an inspiration), and engineers all of their tech, including june’s gun, blizz’s perfume belt, and her own weapon...which i’ll admit i still have to figure out, but it’s like a vacuum sorta device attached to the air canisters strapped to her back. this device can create tornadoes, as well as blow out gusts of wind, which can be adjusted from gentle breezes (who needs fans when you have felicity?) to hurricane-force winds. if the wind is powerful enough, she can actually use it to fly in short bursts. felicity, however, is the only one that can fly at all--the other two just use grappling hooks. in terms of personality, felicity is quieter and usually more serious than june. she also hates the weather puns, and isn’t afraid to make her opinion known about pretty much anything
blizz, the one on the right, is the one i’ll admit i have the least of a grasp on as far as personality goes. i gave her an overkill-esque face (maybe distant unknown relative of one of them? idk), and then she ended up looking kinda like blue pearl from su, haha whoops. but anyway, her shtick is snow/winter, yeah? her weapon is a tool belt with various perfume bottles on it. one shoots fog, another freezes stuff, another shoots little microscopic ice darts (ouch), and another is just chanel number 5. she’s super sneaky, and is usually the one the girls send for more stealth-based missions. also, those visors/goggles the girls wear? it’s so that they can see through blizz’s fog spray. blizz herself is somewhat of an enigma to the other two--she gets along just fine with them, but isn’t as close to them as they are to each other. one running joke between the trio is that she “changes her backstory every time she tells it to someone”, which...does have some truth to it. june and felicity sense that blizz has some reservations about sharing things about herself. but, like i said, gets along just fine. she’s pretty classy, and likes chemistry and fashion--in fact, she was the one who designed their outfits!
oh, and they’re all lgbt. june is a lesbian, and the other two...i haven’t decided
their group name, btw, is the cyclones
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taniushka12 · 8 years
i kinda wanna draw my ocs in the lesbian/bi butch-femme scale but like, i have lots of female ocs that fit and idk if i cant draw them all
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bekahdoesnerdshit · 4 years
for the 30 uncommon oc questions: 6, 7, 9, 12, 21, whatever bitches you want!!!!!
Went ahead and rolled for this; don’t tell anybody but I switched Brilliance and Cog just because I did already make everyone listen to Cog’s playlist. Which, by the way, this is now a promotional post for my upcoming series of character playlist posts! Get excited, because they kick a lot of ass 😤
6. If you were to pick one song – and only one song – to describe your character, what would it be and why? Brilliance: Get to cheat a little bit on this one because I do already have an Immaculate playlist curated for her, but if I had to pick just one that I heavily associate with her it would be Make it Holy by The Staves. It’s one of those character playlist songs where the Vibe is just there, and it’s such a pretty song, and she’s a paladin, and and and (Also not to pat myself on the back too much but if you’re a lesbian PLEASE brace yourself for when I post her full playlist!! It’s one I’m really really proud of, because it’s a) gay b) in love c) just cultivates such a Vibe you’re gonna love it)
7. How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral? Raini: Ahahahahahaha :)!
9. Does your character dream or are their nights filled with an empty blackness? Describe a dream they’ve had or a night they couldn’t sleep and what they did to preoccupy their time. Ryker: Ryker is the most boring heterosexual man to exist. He takes off his armor, lays down, closes his eyes for exactly eight hours of still, silent, dreamless sleep, then wakes up without an alarm to drink a protein shake and eat like idk scrambled eggs. Okay now bullying aside he’s overall a pretty light sleeper, so while I don’t think he dreams much I do think that the rare times he does he more often than not gets woken up in the middle of them. He also absolutely is one of those people who never remembers their dreams.
12. Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has. Ayen: My first and favorite!! Her flaw, which is “I have no concept of the limits of my own ability. If I want to do something, I see no reason why I wouldn’t be able to succeed.” That’s that -2 to wisdom hard at work, folks. Second! She loves change and variety. This is something I as a player cannot relate to in the slightest, but she gets bored as hell when things are just plunking along as normal. That’s part of why she changes her weapon out so often in between combat encounters! What fun is it to use a longsword all the time when you could...not do that? Third! Bro she’s got a potty mouth. Idk where she picked it up but just. The more I play her, the more I realize she swears up a storm. Is it because she’s a teenager and thinks it’s cool? Probably. You kiss your Shadow Mom with that mouth?? Fourth! She has no! Tolerance! For Bullshit! Like, fun lighthearted bullshit is okay and encouraged, but if you’re out here just being a Dick for the sake of it? You’re treating somebody badly just because you can and you think you can get away with it? Square up! She may not be able to end the fight, but by god is she gonna start it. If you’re throwing down with her, you’re not being a dick to anyone else. Fifth! I guess this is kinda cheating but I have one in mind that I kinda want to wait to see if it comes out in game, so! If it does, I will come back and add it here! And I guess honestly even if it doesn’t I’ll just add it...when the game ends?
21. Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why? Cog: Cog is very focused on the here and now. Like theoretically a lot more good could be done with a wish that’s on a larger scale, but I think she’d really struggle to come up with or put into words something she couldn’t immediately see the effects of. I also think she’d feel incredibly guilty for wishing for something as transparently selfish as “I want my mom back but before she was evil and crazy so maybe she’ll be cool to me again” because woof that’s a lot to unpack and like. Doesn’t really give the other person any autonomy! So. That being said: 1. I wish for a second chance to save my mom. Whether this means “bring mama back to life so I can patch things up” or “time shenanigans to get us back to before her death so I can stop it from happening” (side note: Cog is Not the type of person to work over the wording of a Wish to make sure she gets a specific outcome), she just wants to make things right. She’s grown enough now that she thinks she can do it! She’s more confident, more sure of herself, a much more powerful sorcerer, and she can brace herself for what to expect. It’ll be rough, but it would be worth it. 2. I wish for things in New Alexandria to go back to how they were before Master Kind’s assassination. Ace! Is! Stressed! He’s had to run the city for Master Kind’s daughter since his death because she’s been grieving, and apparently things are falling apart there, but things are falling apart other places too and Cog doesn’t think she can convince the party to go back to New Alexandria again and-- If things just go back to how they were, Master Kind will still be alive, everything will be running smoothly, and Ace can come adventure with them and help Cog keep everybody safe. Win win! 3. I wish that Valentine won’t be able to hurt anyone ever again. Very strong, very permanent language but. She does not like and is very afraid of this man. He asked for her blood! He’s trying to provoke a war between Cormir and New Alexandria! He probably killed that guy in the Crossroads and Master Kind! Or at least had a hand in it! He keeps talking about conquering the world in order to protect it! He’s helping Emperia build a fuck-off big robot to attack people with! He’s a freak! The party keeps joking about what Cog’s first crime is going to be, and fully it’s going to be to kill this man if she thinks she can manage it. If he were on fire, she wouldn’t pee on him to put him out. She fully, completely believes the world would be a better and safer place without him. She doesn’t care if this Wish kills him, so long as it keeps him from being able to hurt people or set into motion events that cause people to be hurt.
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