#scar's never done that on hc
angeart · 4 months
hhau rescue rambles - part II
>> part I here // hhau masterpost here <<
The hermits are here to take Scar home but Grian is gone and Scar can’t leave without him, even if the others would promise to look for him. (They won’t find him, they won’t, they won’t. Scar knows how vast these forests are. He knows how many hiding spots there are tucked away if one knows where to look.) (They don’t know where to look.)
They’re not listening to him. He’s half-feral and panicked and desperate, barely making any sense. He keeps saying he needs to find Grian, but he looks half-crazed, clothes stained by a huge amount of blood and—
If it looks, a little bit, like he’s just in frenzied denial of some grief? That maybe something happened and Grian isn’t here anymore? The world is permadeath, after all. The rescue party isn’t sure what to think.
Of course they promise to look for Grian. Of course they’ll try. But first, let’s get you somewhere safe, Scar.
Scar panics and backs away and says he isn’t going anywhere until they find Grian. He’s so so afraid they’ll take him away and he’ll never find him. (He keeps imagining that wretched scream he heard that very first day he found Grian, a year ago. How close of a call that was.) (He thinks of finding him after the mimic incident, barely surviving. Wounded and bloodied and ready to collapse.) (He thinks of Grian sobbing as he begs Scar to never leave him again.)
He can’t leave him behind. He can’t.
He won’t.
He’s done everything he can up to this point and if this is his last fight? Then damn it, he’s going to go out swinging. He is going to find Grian. Even if he has to fight his saviours. (They’re enemies if they’re trying to separate him and Grian—) 
He growls and lashes out and his vex magic comes through. The hermits are stunned and a little bit afraid and a whole lot confused. They’ve never seen him like this, hair white and claws ready to tear. (Cub, especially, is terrified of this development. Knowing that if Scar pushes himself too far in his vex form, he could die.) 
They try to placate him, calm him down, reassure him. They try to get the damn teleportation bracelet on him. They keep telling him they can take him home, it’s okay, Scar, it’s okay.
It’s not okay.
He isn’t leaving without Grian, and he isn’t trusting anyone else with this.
So he runs.
He runs from his friends—from people he loves with all his heart; people he thought he’ll never see again. Runs from the promise of home and safety and this hell being finally over. 
He runs, because he can’t take the salvation if he can’t share it with Grian.
Everything’s a bit of a blur as he rushes through the forest, looking for something to tell him where Grian is. He’s fully in his vex form, senses sharp and heart panicked, calling out, desperate for Grian to reply. 
There’s no answer.
Scar sees it, then: a handful of ripped-out feathers and blood.
His heart jumps into his throat, but he laser-focuses and starts following the trail. The world feels askew around him, his steps urgent, his breaths hovering near growls that want to threaten the whole forest if anything dares to hurt Grian more. (He hopes Grian’s still out there.) (He has to be. He has to be—) (Why is he not replying to Scar’s calls, then?)
Scar’s aware that if he can follow the trail of blood, so can others. He needs to be better than them. Faster. (He needs to be a better hunter than them.) He knows that if he’s following the trail now, maybe someone already followed it. (He tries not to let that thought in. That he might be too late.) 
He’s trailed by the hermit rescue party. They scramble in his wake, trying not to lose him. They lag behind, losing sight of him, but Cub staggers to follow his vex bond with Scar, like a tether, trying to hold down the swell of warning anxiety at the fact that Scar is in his vex form. Scar looks feral, he lashed out and ran from them, clothes stained by blood and hair white—
Them following just makes Scar feel hunted. His instincts go haywire and put him more on edge. 
He keeps going.
He keeps calling out, too. Uncaring that he’s attracting every hunter in the vicinity. He can take them. He will happily attract them to himself if that means they won’t go after Grian instead. (The fact that he’s searching for Grian gets a bit tangled up in him. The fact that if he succeeds, he’ll just be bringing the hunters to Grian fails to quite register. He’s not thinking very straight.)
Hermits hear those wails, echoing through the forest. He sounds like a wandering spirit. 
Grian is hurt. Hand pressed against the spot on his side that bleeds, he sits curled up, pressing himself into some bushes for a moment of reprieve—just a moment, just a little bit, please, please.
He hears Scar’s calls from far away. He hears them, and his heart tears itself to pieces.
He is terrified and hurting, and it feels dangerously close to a despair-filled memory.
 He tries to shield himself from it. There’s a reason he ran. There’s a reason why Scar should stay away from him. He can’t— He shouldn’t— He—
Scar draws closer. Grian can hear his sobbing and heaving. His pleading, so heartrendingly desperate. “Grian please. Grian answer me.”
Grian finds himself cautiously standing up, every muscle taut. His heart is rabbity fast, fear clogging his throat. 
He doesn’t mean to answer. He really, really doesn’t mean to. (He needs to keep Scar away.) Yet a distressed chirp slips through anyway, like a terrified call, begging for Scar.
The sound of it pitches something in Scar. His sobbing changes to panic and dwindling hopefulness. “Grian…?”
There’s a tinier chirp then. Scared. Still involuntary.
Grian is so so afraid and he should know better, but a part of him is desperate for Scar.
The moment he sees Scar, though, the futility rips through him. No. He isn’t meant to— Scar shouldn’t be near him. Because Grian’s been gone so shortly and yet the hunters have already found him. He’s already gotten hurt. He is a beacon.
He can’t stay near Scar. It’ll get Scar hurt. 
It’ll get Scar killed.
(Everything good that stays near Grian dies—)
He needs to get away from him.
He backs away. Tells Scar, in a wobbly voice, not to approach.
Scar doesn’t care. He needs to get to Grian. He needs to get to him, they can go home, this can all be over. 
Running on some faulty reasoning, Grian tries to get away. It’s useless, he is in no state to outrun Scar—he can’t bring himself to fly and he’s bleeding, dizzy on panic—but he feels like he needs to try, anyway. 
His feet feel heavy beneath him, the world unsteady. Scar is behind him and Grian’s heart begs him to stop, turn around, and burrow into his arms. (He can’t he can’t he can’t—)
It takes only a couple of steps for Grian to trip over some roots, the world as cruel to him as ever, sending him plummeting harshly down in a rough tumble of leaves and limbs and feathers. A pained, fearful yelp gets punched out of him on impact.
Scar’s next to him in an instant, kneeling down and gathering him in his arms. Crying as he buries Grian in a hug, terrified he might try to run again. Frantically telling him, “Grian, it’s over, it’s over, we can go home— Please—”
Grian’s sobbing against him, held in place, unable to understand what Scar is saying. He just wants Scar to get away from him and stay safe. (Grian can’t be safe. He’s been doomed from the start. He’s been doomed this whole time.) (He’ll end up like that bird. Dead, with wings ripped off—)
The words “it’s over” mean nothing to him. All he manages to choke out is, “There is no— There’s no home anymore.” They’ve had their safety ripped away from them over and over again. They’ve been showed that they can’t have a home anymore; this world will not allow it. Nowhere is safe. Nowhere is safe, as long as Grian’s wings are bright violet and attached to his spine. 
Scar insists, a series of reassurances, words tripping over each other as he tries to keep his hold on his voice. He says they’ll be okay. He says they don’t have to run anymore. Please, Grian, we can go home.
But it’s not a concept that exists anymore for Grian; it refuses to register in his mind, words sliding right off him, incoherent.
What he knows is this: he failed to protect Scar, and they don’t have a home to go back to, and Grian is sure the hunters are about to show up, any second. He’s so tired and terrified, and he needs Scar to be shielded from this fate. He needs him to be safe.
Scar isn’t letting go of him. His grip is firm as he continues to plead with Grian. He doesn’t want to be rough, he’s never been forceful with Grian, but he can’t let go now. Even as Grian paws at him and tries to push him away. 
Grian’s crying so hard; his efforts to get free are all frantic and urgent, yet half-hearted. (He wants to give in and bury himself in the protectiveness of Scar’s arms.) (He wants all of Scar’s promises to be true.)
And yet something tips askew.
Because Scar’s never been forceful with Grian.
He was always so gentle. He’d never grab him like this, with so much force. So much insistence.
Grian is hit with a dizzying, nauseating thought. Is this a trap? Is this a mimic?
Grian starts chirping. More of those distressed, scared noises as he can't get free of Scar's grip.
It’s the first time ever that Scar won’t heed Grian’s requests to be let go. Not even if Grian says it hurts. He won’t let go he won’t he won’t. He’ll drag him home if he has to.
Grian’s scared and confused, all his thoughts are jumbled, running on rampant trauma responses and unadulterated panic. He can’t deal with any of this. He keeps trying to wrangle free and push Scar away (is it even Scar???), begging him to let go, but it’s so horribly weak. It’s almost nothing. He just chokes on sobs and hyperventilates. (He feels caught.) (He feels like Scar will get killed because of him.) (He doesn’t know what’s happening.)
It’s awful. It’s wrong. It’s— It’s not what it’s meant to be. 
This should be easy. This should be the best day ever! They can go home! 
Instead, it’s like a panicked final showdown and Scar feels like it’s him against everyone. The hermits weren’t listening to him (Grian needs him, he needs him, he needs him), and now Grian isn’t listening to him either. (He can’t comprehend what Scar’s saying at all, and isn’t that so heartbreaking?) (Scar is desperate to get through to him. To calm him down enough so that this could be anything more than Scar forcefully holding him as Grian chokes on panic.) (The kind of panic he should never feel in Scar’s arms—)
Voice breaking, Scar pleads, over and over again. Please, Grian. Please. It’s okay. It’s okay, we can go home, we’ll be alright. It’s me. It’s me, I got you, we’re gonna be safe.
It’s the kiss he presses to Grian’s hair that tips the scales a little, just enough for Grian’s chirps to mute, his sobbing drifting off into softer cries. He goes limp under the affection, still terrified, still trembling and choking on air, but now he’s pressing himself against Scar instead of trying to get free. 
“G, do you understand what I’m saying?” Scar begs in a wavering voice, unbecoming of his feral appearance. He holds onto the magic prickling along his skin, alert for any sort of danger, anything that so much as tries to approach and hurt Grian. His hands are still clawed. His hair is still white. His veins are still stuffed with unending desperation. 
Nothing is over yet. 
It should be. It should be, but it isn’t.
Not yet, not yet.
 The hunters find them before the hermits do.
-- part III here
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pencilpat · 3 months
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In the spirit of the month, I really wanted to draw my fave transmasc headcanons for these characters! So here's these four dorks, welcome to the gun show.
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"Dude, Hamstrong... Ham- Hamland, Hamstand.. um.. ham... Hambuzz. What's his name again?"
Mr. Goodtimes himself regarding Neil Hamstrong, his permit police ride
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sanguineterrain · 10 months
in your hands | jason todd
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Summary: Jason thinks he's too big to be loved. You show him that that's impossible.
Pairing: Jason Todd x gn!reader 
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings/tags: bathing together, sad jason, brief dissociation, i hc jason to have body dysmorphia and i wanted to explore that, non sexual nudity, washing your partner, bruce angst, hopeful ending.
A/N: as always, if you like this fic, tell me through comments and reblogs :)
the divider
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Tonight, Jason comes home far away.
You clock it as soon as he walks in. He’s moving on autopilot: boots by the door, helmet on the shelf, gear in the closet. He washes his hands, hangs up his jacket, and then he stands at the doorway. And waits. 
You’re never quite sure what he’s waiting for. But you know that he’ll stay stuck in his head if you don’t step in. 
“Hey, baby,” you say, cupping his cheeks. “Hey. You wanna eat or clean up first?”
The change is instant. As soon as you touch him, Jason is there. You’ve never mentioned it to him. It frightens you too much to explore, knowing that you’re his tether. You don’t want to think about what that means, having the power to anchor a man who used to be dead.
He looks at you, meets your gaze head-on.
“Did I disappear?” he whispers.
“Little bit. It’s okay.”
You keep stroking his cheeks, avoiding his shaving cuts and the freshly split lip. There’s a bruise around his eye and on his temple. 
“Wanna wash up,” he finally says, but his hands cling to your waist. 
You pet the back of his neck. “Want me to go with you?” 
“Please?” He glances at the kitchen. “But if you’re in the middle ‘f something, then—”
“No, Jay. C’mon.”
You take him by the hand and lead him to the bathroom. Jason undresses while you draw a bath. Soon the bathroom starts to fog up with steam. You pour in some Epsom salts for his muscle aches—you know he should soak more than he does. 
You turn off the faucet. Jason is in his boxers, staring at himself in the mirror. He picks at his autopsy scar, presses the puckered white flesh until it turns red. 
“Jay,” you say gently. “C’mere, honey.”
His hands drop to his sides. Jason goes to the bath, pulls off his underwear, and sinks into the water. It’s a generously-sized tub. Jason had gotten his old tub replaced for a larger one after you’d mentioned that you liked baths. Soon enough, you’d introduced him to the wonders of hot baths for his sore muscles. 
Even with its size, Jason still has to bend his knees slightly to fit. He pushes himself up easily. A little water sloshes over and dampens the edge of your shirt. Jason curses.
“Sorry,” he says, shaking his head. 
“It’s okay, honey. You want me to come in?”
He nods. You pull off your shirt, then your pants and underwear. Jason folds in on himself to make room, but you stop him.
“I’ll just sit between your legs, Jay. No problem.”
You step into the bath. Jason holds your wrist so you can sit down without slipping. He stares at his hand on your arm after you’ve sat. 
You reach over for a washcloth and pour a lightly-scented soap. You lather it up first, then rub it over his shoulders, his chest, his stomach. Jason is perfectly still. 
“Can you lean over, baby? So I can get your back.”
Jason obediently leans over. You smile at him as he holds himself up with his core. You know Jason’s not just strong, that he’s agile too. He’s very good at wielding his body.
You wash his back. This close, you can see the contours of his muscles, how broad he is. 
When you’re done, you wring the soap out of the cloth and cup water in your palms to rinse the suds off of his skin. You catch his gaze in the mirror across the tub. Jason turns his head.
“God, look at me. How are you not afraid every time I come stompin’ around?”
You stop pouring water and rest your hands on Jason’s biceps. “What do you mean?”
He scoffs. “I’m like a huge, fuckin’... monster. Too big, too loud. I’m—” He swallows, bows his head. “How can you look at me?”
“Jay, honey. You’re not a monster.”
“Bruce thinks so,” he whispers, and straightens. “He can barely look at me. Every time he does, ‘s like he doesn’t even recognize me.”
His hand quietly swishes through the water to claw at his autopsy scar. 
“This is all I am. Just violence. ‘M too big for anything else.”
You squeeze your eyes shut and pull his head into your chest. Jason hugs you back. His shoulders begin to shake. 
“You’re more than your body,” you say. “You’re more than what the Pit made you. What you were.”
He shakes and cries into your neck. “I was small. People loved me when I was small.”
You pick up his head. Jason’s eyes are thick with tears. You lean in and kiss his Cupid’s bow.
“I love you.” You brush away his tears with your lips. “I love you so much, Jay. That’ll never change.”
“Too big for it,” he rasps.
You shake your head. “No, Jaybird. You’re never too big to be loved.”
“I’m s-scary.”
You kiss his temple, rub between his shoulder blades. Jason clings tighter.
“You don’t scare me. You never have.”
He pulls you closer, so you’re chest-to-chest. You straddle his stomach with your legs and hug Jason as tightly as you can. 
“I was good when I was small,” he says. “I don’t–I don’t know how to be good anymore. I wanna be good, I do. I don’t want Bruce to think I’m bad. I’m still good.”
You take a deep, shuddering breath. “Oh, Jay. Baby. You are good. You came back to make a change. You’ve always been good. You’ve got a good heart. Nothing’s going to change that. Bruce is stubborn and stuck in his head. But you’ll always be his son. And you’ll always have people who love you.”
“What if I’m not worth it?” he whispers. “What if I’m too lost?”
“Then I’ll go out and find you. And we’ll come home together,” you say. “You’ll always find your way back home.”
He smells like soap and Epsom salts. You kiss his autopsy scar. Jason shakes more. 
“Let me wash your hair, baby,” you say.
He nods, tears on his lashes. You wet his hair and pour shampoo. You rest your lips on his cheek as you lather the shampoo, detangling tiny knots with your fingers. Jason bends at the waist so you can rinse off the soap with the faucet.
You tap his hip and Jason sits up. He slips his arms around you again and tucks his chin into your neck.
“Don’t let go,” he says, suddenly desperate. “Don’t–don’t let me go.”
“I won’t, Jay. I’m right here.”
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
I hope this is ok
Could I request hcs of Jason Todd with a s/o who enjoys giving him compliments, even when they're asleep?
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Jason is soft, undoubtedly soft.
He couldn’t help the smile that grew across his face whenever you told him that he was the most handsome man you’ve ever met in your life.
It makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside that it becomes an addicting feeling that he never wants to go away.
He wasn’t use to someone showering him in adoration and unconditional love as you have done since your first date with him, sure it was something that he had to get use to as it wasn’t something he was willing to accept immediately, but after awhile Jason was practically hanging off of your every word that left your mouth like a fool in love.
You: your so perfect Jason you don’t even know it and it saddens me that you can’t see yourself how I see you because if you did then maybe you wouldn’t be so hard on yourself.’
Jason: 🥰🥺🫶
Day in, day out you would tell Jason exactly how you felt about him no matter what but when one night Jason heard you muttering under your breath, he becomes intrigued as to what you were saying and leant closer to you, only to hear you say;
‘You may think your broken but you are anything but my sweet Jaybirdie.’
‘you’re an art piece who’s true message has been misconstrued many times but that never took away from how beautiful you were.’
Needles to say Jason was this close to squeezing you tight in his arms because you were too good for him, way too good for him that made him want to keep you close to him all the more.
Jason didn’t like seeing his own refection in mirrors, it reminded him of how much of him had been taken away and never given back, but you gave him the courage to look himself in the reflective surface after your sweet words a about how you loved the way his face was structured, his jawline, his eyes, his lips, everything you admired about him you had made well known.
You give him the confidence he had been trying to cover up the lack of with sarcastic and witty comebacks and an uncaring attitude. You helped rebuilt him brick by brick to the point where Jason wasn’t ashamed of walking the apartment shitless, his scars boldly on display but he knew you’d give them nothing but love and affection; much Kim you did the rest of him.
You: your scars are just as much apart of you as your arms and legs were, they are just as deserving of love as the rest of you and there’s a lot of you left to love if you let me.
Jason: I’d let you love me for the rest of forever if you wanted sweetheart.
Jason would soon find himself staying up incredibly late just to hear you sleepily praise him with a dopey look upon his face as he brushes a knuckle across your cheek gingerly, knowing that this was the kind of love he had been looking for since he was a goin boy, a love so unconditional that you find yourself again through it; a real and pure love that would stand the rest of time.
And now he finally had it and he had you to thank for loving him for the mess that he was.
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jeansplaytoy · 9 months
detailed aot boy hc’s
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cursing , fluff , real life chronicles , proof read later .
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connie would most definitely be one of those boyfriends that when you would be like “bae, you wanna watch baddies east wit me?” he’ll be like “hell naw girl.” next minute you be watching it, his ass know everything, everybody. “rollie big ass pissin me off bruh.”
ony makes the jersey club remixes.
but eren and connie get tf down and make most of the jersey club dances.
armins obsessed with gypsy rose. don’t even ask.
connie and ony used to get tore tf up by them switches from outside. they moms have each other permission to whoop them. that’s how bad they was.
eren was a clumsy ass kid. he got scars from when he was a toddler.
armin got into so many secret bathroom fights that nobody knows about.
connie is not friendly fr. he friendly to people he know but he really mean asf to people he don’t know. and that goes for girls too. (only if they try to act all hard and shit.)
jeans teeth are highly sensitive to cold things. he lowkey hates cold water and can only eat ice cream really carefully.
connie used to have a head full of hair when he was little but his mom got tired of doing it was cut it off.
eren was (and lowkey still is) tender headed asf.
ony wasn’t able to watch dennis the menace, rarely able to watch home alone, or problem child because every time he did, he’d try to copy what they did.
armin rage quits a lot. like… a lot. so he always has a new set up or console every month.
jean bites his tongue every day on accident.
y’all know them knew scars them bad kids be having? yeah, connie got bout three of em.
armin cant keep a girlfriend 💀 the only girlfriend he could keep was you.
jean used to be scared of the cat in the hat live action.
eren greened out a LOT in highschool. nigga was a whole marijuana plant his self. he just calmed down after he graduated.
ony got chased by so many damn dogs when he was younger.
connie tried to fight the principal one time because he tried to suspend him because someone lied like connie got in a bathroom fight.
armin got the attitude of a divorced wife. when i tell you he gets mad so damn quick when people that ain’t his friends try to fuck wit him.
connie get smoked every time he eat freedos around the group because they his favorite chips and nobody knows why he like em.
eren got his door took off the frame one time.
jean tried to sneak out his parents window because they permanently locked his. he broke his arm that same night.
armin loves playing in your hair. like he really loves it.
ony got caught skipping school one day when he was in elementary 💀 that ass whoopin was one he’ll never forget.
eren talks so sweet to you but talks mean irl.
armin hates other girls for real, other than sasha and mikasa, and you of course.
connie dyed his happy trail grey.
y’all know them “play fights” boys be having and then they start hitting hard asf and then be breathing heavy asf when they done acting like nothing happened? connie and ony got into one of them in highschool. also armin and eren, and armin and connie.
eren used to have a bald spot from trying to cut his own hair with a razor.
last but not least, jean used to have that sad simpson pfp in middle school. 😭
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bbytamaki · 1 year
more random obey me headcanons >:)
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content: sfw headcanons, scars mentioned (from piercings), belphie has depression, all family love <3, not proofread >:((
note: i haven’t done any dateable hcs yet :(( might do some soon
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— lucifer can’t stand bananas. it’s just a thing. even the smell will have him pressing his handkerchief over his mouth like a sick victorian man. does satan use this to his advantage? possibly.
— has very feminine hands. he covers them with gloves so he doesn’t have to hear asmo’s jealous whining. if anyone brings it up he’s not above strangling them with his dainty, girlish fingers.
— flexible. like shockingly. it doesn’t really come to light that often but every once in a while lucifer follows single mom yoga videos on the weekends.
— mammon has the prettiest facial features ever. like his eyes and lips look so good in candid photos. his magazine covers are the bane of asmo’s existence.
— bird tendencies. like i mean squawking and jumping like 3 feet in the air when startled. in his demon form he’s just a big parrot. he does the head tilt thing when he’s confused.
— if anyone stands in front of him for longer than a minute he’s picking lint out of their hair and fixing their clothes. his brothers have gotten more than used to his “preening” and either avoid standing around him for too long or just take it. lucifer does this too and sometimes they’ll just stand and fix each other’s clothes for like 5 minutes straight while everyone else is like “???”
— levi is tall. very tall. he’s just so scrawny and lanky and his posture is awful so you wouldn’t even notice until he actually straightens up to his full height. this rarely ever happens unless he’s in his demon form. when it does he is scary.
— cosplays online. his cosplay friends are some of his favorite people. he already sews his own costumes (as we’ve seen), and he’s really good at makeup. one of his future plans is to meet up in the human world to go to a con with his friends.
— screams like a little girl. one time mammon accidentally walked into the bathroom when levi was showering and he shrieked. lucifer ran to see what the commotion was because “how did a human child find their way into the devildom??” levi has never felt more embarrassed.
— satan watches trashy reality tv in his private time. bad girls club, keeping up with the kardashians, you name it.
— can sing the whole periodic table song by tom lehrer forward and backward. i think satan is actual really good at science and it would be his best and favorite subject.
— he just likes animals in general. he has a thing for bunnies after visiting a human world petting zoo.
— asmo has an abnormally long tongue, like surpassing attractive and approaching freakish. he usually keeps it in his mouth but once every so often decides to creep solomon out just for fun.
— has soooo many stripper friends. if you’re wondering how his hair and makeup stay in place the whole day, he learned from the best.
— he definitely designed an entire line of lingerie but only made one of each design. they’re ultra rare collectibles in the devildom and worth more than you could imagine.
— beel can french braid and make friendship bracelets like he’s going to a girl scout camp. nobody can tell me he didn’t hand make the necklaces he wears.
— speaking of martha stewart beel, he can crochet and makes blankets and cute plushies for belphie all the time.
— luke is actually his little brother and no one can convince him otherwise lol they go back and forth over nothing all the time and stop talking to each other until one of them says “what do you want for dinner”
— belphie is the king of doing his own piercings at home because why pay $50 for something he already knows how to do? he ends up taking some of them out before they heal because he gets tired of them and ends up with a bunch of scars on his face and body.
— you and beel are his dream journal. he texts the attic club gc after every nap to tell you guys what his latest dream was about. (you’re the two people that show up in his dreams the most.)
— goes absolutely dormant during depressive episodes. the complete opposite of his twin brother (beel has to keep busy at all times to stay distracted). asmo carries him to his private bathroom and lets belphie pick his favorite soaps and lotions (he likes the ones that smell like sandalwood, they remind him of taking naps in his brothers’ rooms).
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rfxiii · 10 months
could I request hcs for franklin, trevor, and michael on how they would go about apologizing or making it up to you after they did something wrong (I feel like I'm not making sense lol 😆 but basically I'm asking how would they get back on your good side after messing up big time) if requests are close, I apologize!!
(This totally makes sense, no worries! And my requests are always open, so feel free to send an ask whenever you’d like- I’m just a little slow atm. Also, I’m sorry about the long wait, and I hope you like it ☺️)
Franklin, Trevor, and Michael making up with you after an argument:
Franklin Clinton:
Arguments with Franklin are fairly rare. He’s a pretty level headed, loyal partner. But, like every relationship, arguments do happen.
Despite being kind, loyal, and loving, Franklin is also stubborn. It can be the cause of several of your arguments. And can also lead to him refusing to admit he’s wrong right away.
But once he does realize he’s been wrong, and understands that he’s upset you, he’ll go to the ends of the earth to make it up to you.
He’ll come to you like a sad puppy- curling up beside and gently taking your hands in his. He’s had time to think about what went wrong, and what was done to start the argument to begin with. He wants to talk it over, wants to get to the root of the problem to make sure it never happens again. He’ll stay up all night talking with you, and apologizing, until he’s sure everything is resolved and that you’ve forgiven him.
He may buy you something small and sweet the day after the fight. A teddy bear or a bouquet of roses aren’t uncommon after the two of you have had a disagreement. And for a few days afterwards, he treats you especially gently. He hates hurting your feelings or making you mad. So, he wants to prove just how much he does love you. Even if you two do argue.
Trevor Philips:
Arguments with Trevor are fairly commonplace. He’s set in his insane ways, and always self assured that he’s right. He’s more apt to listen to reason when it comes to you. But his erratic, wild behavior, and bad, dangerous habits are normally the root of arguments between you two.
There are several ways things can go after you two argue. But more often than not, it’s a couple days of passive aggressive comments and the silent treatment, until he’s convinced that this is the fight that’s going to split you guys apart. And then comes the waterworks.
He comes, literally, crawling back to you on his hands and knees, sobbing and snot nosed as he begs you not to leave him. He’s usually fairly high when he breaks down like this, so talking to him is slightly difficult. But he babbles at you non stop- telling you how much he loves you, how sorry he is, how he’s “such a worthless shit”.
The true talking it out usually comes the next morning, or afternoon, depending on how fucked up he got. But after his tears dry up and he’s caught his breath from all the sobbing, his usual method of making up with you is desperate, clingy sex. He doesn’t have a very good grasp on such big emotions, so he shows them physically instead of verbally. And you can feel his love and remorse through every press of his lips and every touch of his rough, scarred hands.
Michael De Santa:
He has issues with loyalty and honesty. You knew that before you got with him. But it doesn’t make the arguments that ensure because of it any easier.
He’s stubborn, self assured, and hot headed. Getting Michael to admit he’s wrong is like pulling teeth. And getting him to apologize is harder than winning a one man war. Once you two start to fight, it can last for days. And because of his petty, passive aggressive attitude, he sometimes tends to make things twice as bad.
It’s almost never that you hear him actually say “I’m sorry”. But eventually, after a few days of fighting, he realizes he’s being a child and understands that he was wrong. Even if he won’t admit it. So, he shows it the best way he knows how. Through gifts.
You’ll come home to find expensive jewelry on your pillow, or a new outfit hung up for you in the closet. He’ll have your favorite dinner made, and he’ll buy the wine he knows you like the best. He won’t apologize to you. But over dinner, he’ll take your hand, tell you how beautiful you look, and say something like “Let’s not fight anymore, angel. You know I hate seeing you upset.”
You know he’s too prideful to apologize. So, usually it’s just easier to cut your losses and accept that, while he’ll never verbally apologize, this is his version of saying “I’m sorry”. You know he truly is apologetic, and you love him, so you both agree to let this go and move on. He’s a good man, he’s just a little emotionally immature at times.
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xoxochb · 3 months
highkey a rec for percy x daughter of zeus! headcanons too because it’s such an interesting dynamic
⋆·˚ ༘ * there is thunder in our hearts
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warnings: brief mentions of making out, but nothing besides that
pairing: percy jackson x daughter of zeus
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୨୧ water boy and his scary gf
୨୧ I know for a fact when he first met you he was intimidated
୨୧ but he thought it was attractive in the same way
୨୧ and one he got to know you he realized you weren’t as scary as he thought you were
୨୧. he couldn’t deny the fact that you were mortifying when angry though (he took a mental note never to anger you)
୨୧ anyways
୨୧ there’s this headcannon I saw once about children of zeus and how they have scars from the electricity that runs through them when they use their powers
୨୧ so imagine him tracing your scars 😫
୨୧ I’m literally folded over the thought of this
୨୧ he’d be so gentle, trying not to hurt you- oh my gods
୨୧ moving on…
୨୧ I feel like zeus kids kind of have this need to be above everyone else
୨୧ not in a ‘I’m better than everyone’ kind of way but more in a ‘I want to be a leader’ way
୨୧ so percy knows better than to try and act superior to you
୨୧ and imagine you say you want to do or change something that he doesn’t want to be done but he’s too scared to disagree
୨୧ he’s just like ‘yeah, okay, sounds good’ all smiles and nods
୨୧ moving on from the scary gf subject
୨୧ so we all know that zeus controls air right?
୨୧ so I feel like his offsprings can hold their breathe for long periods of time because of this, like oxygen is just always in them, they don’t necessarily need to breathe to live
୨୧ percy takes full advantage of this LMAO
୨୧ I may say this on every percy hcs, but underwater kisses! I know he loves them
୨୧ and since you can hold your breathe underwater longer than most (so can he) underwater kisses are a must!!
୨୧ another thing- you can hold your breath when your not underwater too
୨୧ but percy cannot hold his breathe unless it’s underwater
୨୧ anyways the point I’m getting to is that when you’re making out you forget that he can’t breathe
୨୧ so you’re just endlessly kissing him because you don’t need to pull away for a breath but he cannot breathe 😭
୨୧ you apologize profusely though
୨୧ regardless, he still loves his scary gf 🫶🏼
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artytaeh · 2 months
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for those who read a little of my panicking about how huge the original lorenzo berkshire headcanons post was— here it is: random hcs + lorenzo as your boyfriend.
this man is so carmen - lana del rey coded. i can't say if i love lorenzo berkshire or not, help.
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⭑ a big fan of herbology. to avoid some stupid comments, lorenzo insists that it's out of fascination for dangerous plants, like the devil's snare (enzo thinks that they're disgusting); in reality, lorenzo really likes to see different flora, being knowledgeable of the romantic language of flowers. one of his favorite plants are the ones meant to be pleasant and pretty.
⭑ so petty. if lorenzo has some nemesis or a rivalry, he would be try to mess up the guy's relationship, by convincing his girlfriend to cheat with enzo. prefers to punch someone emotionally rather than a physical scar.
⭑ if he has a rival that happens to be a girl, well, lorenzo finds it somewhat attractive to banter with someone. might be a one-sided rivalry, since the girl might genuinely mean those comments, while lorenzo is trying to flirt with her and get an angry make out session.
⭑ the biggest gossiper around school. as i've said before, lorenzo knows all versions of the story; might be the type of person who's a friend to all, friend to none (the slytherin boys are an exception). if you want to know something, you'll go to lorenzo berkshire. if he doesn't know, he'll know by the end of the afternoon.
⭑ became a prefect during his sixth year, because he hated umbridge with a burning passion— even though he put on a polite smile to keep himself away from umbridge's radar. even though he was offered the position of prefect at fifth year, and even had some slytherins trying to convince him to accept, lorenzo only took that place as soon as umbridge was gone.
⭑ the biggest fred and george weasley's fan. always had an eye out to testify their pranks, and gave side-eyes to draco whenever he was rude to the twins. their biggest defender, and a bit embarrassing whenever he tried to speak to those 'gryffindor legends', as he calls them.
⭑ became more of a fanboy during his fifth year, and didn't shut up about the twins until the end of the year, praising them for the chaos they created before running away from hogwarts. lorenzo is telling this story to his kids, i promise you that.
⭑ would genuinely try to become friends with his friends' girlfriends— if theodore brought his girlfriend to hang out with their group, lorenzo (and blaise) would be the first one to welcome her into the group. he sympathizes that new groups can be scary.
⭑ attends to every party, nevermind the house hosting it; as a slytherin he'll always claim that the snakes throw the best ones, even though he really likes hufflepuff's ambience. lorenzo stopped going to gryffindor parties as soon as the weasley twins left hogwarts; lorenzo tolerates any kind of music, but fuck, gryffindor makes his ears bleed out.
⭑ isn't that competitive with quidditch matches; if anything, lorenzo is the wise voice that keeps mattheo from hitting his bat straight to another player's skull. instead of being furious that slytherin lost, lorenzo has the tendency to blame himself.
⭑ could and would enter a fight if necessary. one of lorenzo's reasons to swallow his temper (in front of everyone, at least) is to keep his reputation; the other one is to keep his handsome face intact of cuts and bruises.
⭑ frequently excuses his worst actions by convincing himself that he'll change for the better, as soon as he meets the one. lorenzo would never hurt someone that badly — (maybe he's just as selfish as his mother, bellatrix lestrange, inheriting her tendency to abandon everything to pursue her own happiness. as soon as they she feels fulfilled, who cares if others get hurt?) — right? all of his bad habits, all of the things he's done; it will all be gone as soon as he's with her.
and since we're mentioning the one, lorenzo grows anxious in relationships; he contemplates whether this girl is his true match, and becomes paranoid that he's wasting his time on her, instead of the girl meant for him. to decide, lorenzo usually does a list of pros and cons about this recent fling— he'll decide to give it a week or longer than that, after considering what he wrote.
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⭑ criminally pretty. the slytherin boys made a scientific study about this infuriating talent of berkshire's heir: managing to look good in any. possible. photo. no matter if lorenzo tries to look silly— he ends up looking good. so unbothered if people take photos of him or keep silly ones; enzo knows that he looks good.
⭑ 'liquid smooth - mitski' vibes. lorenzo was born to be pretty— if he's no longer pretty, if he's not stunning, or not feeling like himself that day, he will have a breakdown and throw some things around the room. for all his masks, lorenzo wonders if the only genuinely good thing about him is his appearance— if he loses it too, what will be of him, with nothing else to love about lorenzo berkshire?
⭑ so unlucky with animals— care of magical creatures isn't the best subject for him, since they seem to smell lorenzo's bullshit miles away. there was this one ravenclaw's cat that almost clawed at his cheek, when he tried to kiss his owner... well. as much as lorenzo tries to win them over, cats give him a specially hard time.
⭑ that being said, lorenzo only has an owl as a pet, specifically to be able to send letters. even so, lorenzo makes sure that she (he named her artemis) is well groomed and taken care of. he always has treats for artemis back on his dorm room, to reward her hard work.
⭑ one of his hobbies is exploring muggle london, and other cities mainly occupied by muggles. lorenzo genuinely believes that the wizardy world is much more interesting, however, he likes to experience muggleborn's life as well— lorenzo is genuinely interested on their method of living.
⭑ his favorite places at hogsmeade are honeyduke's and zonko's; there is yet to be a hogsmeade trip where lorenzo doesn't bring some honeyduke's treats with him— he usually brings extra for his friends, if he notices that one of them is having a hard time.
⋯ ⋯ ﹒ 🪻 ’
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(n.) L. BERSKHIRE : as your boyfriend :
this man has experience and a big heart that wants to love, fueled by his (sometimes, extreme) expectations of falling in love.
gives gifts 'just because'; the berkshire family is wealthy, and lorenzo genuinely never had to look at a price tag before; he'll do it even less for the sake of your smile.
however, lorenzo finds more value in handmade gifts, perceiving them as having more emotional value and effort, than something bought at a store. in random days, he'll gift you something that reminded him of you— in special dates, like month anniversaries or your birthday, lorenzo will work on handmade gifts.
some examples are: love letters, bracelets that he got younger years teaching him how to make, photo albums of the two of you, etc.
would have matching plushies with you, though. lorenzo would try to find little outfits for them, specially wedding themed ones; if you happen to be upset with lorenzo, he'll take his plushie to your dorm, and put the two of them on top of your bed, ''kissing.''
not the type of guy that would yell and start a brawl, should someone flirt with you in front of him. lorenzo will open a smile, and say: 'i know, right? my girl is so attractive.' in a way that might leave the other guy embarrassed.
... the thing is, as soon as you're back to your dorm room, and lorenzo catches him alone— mysteriously, it seems like he was a bit unlucky. infirmary wing, unable to go to classes? lorenzo wonders what happened to him. specially because the guy wouldn't be an idiot to land lorenzo in detention, much less try his luck with you.
loud lover that feels no shame about his relationship with you. lorenzo is a romantic person, treating you how he seeks to receive the same treatment from you: he wants you to be a proud girlfriend, the same way he is, showing off his beloved, letting the whole school (and even scotland) know that you're his.
is very attentive about dates. lorenzo knows that life as student of hogwarts is never uneventful, and that your responsibilities grow with age. even so, lorenzo makes sure that you two have a full-on date, with dressing up + planned out activity, at least three times per month. it's a sacred rule to him, that allows your relationship to remain romantic and interesting for both of you.
some of the petnames that i see lorenzo using for his loved one are: sunshine, sweetheart, angel, pretty girl. only ever uses your name when it's a serious conversation or an argument.
heavy gossiper. so mean about it too— would laugh at other people's unfortunes then make a serious face and nod as soon as you reprimand him. he's still laughing inside. as soon as he gets new source of gossip, lorenzo is running to find you.
study dates don't work with the two of you. if he gets a glimpse of you, lorenzo gives up on reading whatever annotations to look at you with heart eyes.
if there's someone you don't like, lorenzo will probably find some bad stuff about that person— just in case, you know? if there's ever an argument between you and them, you already have ammunition to strike them with! lowkey loves badmouthing other people with you. it's his favorite thing to do.
has so many friends that are girls, however, doesn't give them any chance; lorenzo is aware of his reputation and that his many flings might leave you insecure. would genuinely distance himself from a girl for the sake of your relationship with him, or change his behavior near her.
gets nervous when you watch his quidditch practices; lorenzo finds it harder to focus on defending quaffles, knowing that you're there to watch him. will ask you what you thought about the practice— discreetly fishes for some praises here and there.
whenever there are slytherin matches that he plays as a keeper, lorenzo and you will match outfits; it doesn't matter if you're not a slytherin, you will wear slytherin's colors on that day, with lorenzo's jumper on your body and his surname, berkshire, written on your back.
speaking of matching outfits: loves to match with you, or at least wear the same palettes, at least whenever the two of you go for a date together. it's a simple yet cute way to show that hey! we're together! and a happy fashionable couple!
a really good person to go shopping with. not only does he cover any cost without looking at the price tag (lorenzo doesn't want you to spend your own money, since there's no reason to) but he's really good at giving opinions. as i said before, this man dresses so well, so he has a good sense of fashion and an instinct over what works, and doesn't work. what colors favor you, and others that don't you justice.
if you're cold, and it happens to be a chilly weather outside, instead of giving you his warm clothes for the rest of the date, lorenzo will temporarily give you his coat and seek for any clothing store to buy you something warm.
l : sunshine, are you cold? come on, let's buy you a pretty coat. warmer, preferably.
🗯️ : can i choose a scarf for you?
l : of course, sweetheart. let's see if we can find a scarf that matches this new coat of yours.
this becomes a fun game; if one of you buys something, then you'll get something matching for the other. not only does it had to your collection of couple-matching-clothes, but also feeds his large wardrobe. dating lorenzo berkshire comes with extra luggage to pack new clothes, i promise you.
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so patient when you're getting ready. lorenzo doesn't mind waiting longer until you're satisfied with your outfit— he knows the struggle, believe me. will help you and give you some opinions (if, and only if you ask.), not wanting you to stress over not feeling pretty enough. even if you had specific hours to leave the castle, enzo knows that any reservation can be postponed, so there's no stress on his part.
passive-aggressive. you know the term, right? unfortunately this is how conflict starts on your relationship; something deeply bothers lorenzo, he gatekeeps it to had some bitterness to his heart, then verbalizes that something is wrong by an unrelated comment.
has a hard time understanding when he's in the wrong, even though he will gladly apologize first to be in good terms with you — even if lorenzo isn't truly apologetic. he priorizes a good ambience in your relationship, than having the world knowing that he won a stupid argument.
kisses you silly. this man is so affectionate; sometimes you're just talking about whatever, and lorenzo will dissociate as he looks at you, cupping your face before peppering many kisses to you cheeks, nose, jaw, chin, lips— anywhere.
lorenzo prefers slow kisses, enjoying the moment without a rush, teasing you by giving you some glances and breaking off the kiss to smile, before tempting your lower lip. couldn't care less if it's in the middle of a hallway, or behind a tree in the courtyard— let people see that you're two teenagers in love!
speaking of physical contact: lorenzo is a bit picky over who touches his hair (he spends a stupid amount of time to make sure that it looks pretty), but loves it when you fix his hair for him. doesn't mind it if you twirl his hair between your fingers, he thinks that's sweet.
loves to hold hands, yet you'll find him walking around with his arm around your shoulders more frequently. also likes to have you sat on his lap, rests his chin on your shoulder and will have you there, even when he's spending time / chatting with his slytherin friends.
if someone's hostile with you, you have five counted seconds to defend yourself before lorenzo jumps to your defense. did someone point out an insecurity of yours? lorenzo is making a nonstop list of things that that person should be insecure about. won't apologize either— they're the one who started!
loves cliches. if you don't know how to dance, lorenzo will teach you during some sleepover to his dorm; helps you learn the steps by having your feet on top of his own, arm around your waist, hand caressing yours as you two giggle and tease each other for your clumsy first try.
would be so pouty and even pushy, if you don't feel like going to parties with him. lorenzo adores going to those— genuinely because he has fun, nevermind how chaotic it can get. besides, he wants to brag about his girlfriend! :( might suggest that you're embarrassed of him, and that is the reason why you'd rather stay in your dorm. (dramatic much, berkshire?)
walks you to classes, only failing to do so if he has classes with professors like snape, on the other end of the castle. this man is punctual, leaving slytherin's dorms early to walk you to the great hall, having breakfast together without a hurry, then walking to class while holding hands. genuinely gets better scores in assignments of classes that you don't have together— he gets distracted if you're there!
now that we're mentioning cliches, there was this one time in october, that you decided to spend the afternoon in the library to study, since it was raining outside. lorenzo came to your side, closed your books and gently took them from your grasp— then, he tugged you to follow him, lifting you by the waist to get the two of you under the rain.
lorenzo spins you on his arms; now that both are soaked with the cold rain, he makes a curtsy, asking you to dance, 'would you conceed me the honor of dancing with you, my lady?' only to kiss your hand, before tugging you closer to him, being that sickeningly sweet couple that brings jealousy to others.
not to your surprise, some other pairs did join you in the courtyard, dancing and jumping over the wet floor.
to mcgonagall's disapproval, she had way too many students skipping next day's classes for being sick.
⋯ ⋯ ﹒ 🪻 ’
౨ৎ the boys, the girls, they all like ▉, he laughs ♡ ͡
like god, his mind's like a diamond, he's still shining . . .
🪻 ; . . . fandom : harry potter.
— lorenzo berkshire is a topic that has been on my drafts during these last days. general headcanons of lorenzo were supposed to be posted first, but i'm still working on them </3 so i plan to post it tomorrow. 🗯️ tysm for reading. ♡
the headers + gifs + icons aren't mine. credits to the respective creators ! 🌷
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n0tamused · 2 months
Hello!! Can I request some hcs for Jiyan, Calcharo,Aalto and Scar with blind s/o?
A/n: Sorry for making you wait for so long, but I hope you like this! Did this as a bit of a warm up, hopefully I'll have more writing done soon <3
Contents: Jiyan/Calcharo/Aalto/Scar x gn reader (separate), fluff, Aalto and Scar are up to shenanigans
Blind s/o headcanons
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-As an absent lover, seeing how he is always at the front lines, he does think of you a lot. Even with the knowledge and memory that he has made your shared home a easily manageable environment for you, and with his mother not too far off paying you visits every now and then, he still worries. What if something breaks and you step on shattered pieces? What if you twist your ankle in some hole he forgot to patch up? What if something happens to you and no one is around?
-Jiyan has worked alongside you in making the home environment easy to remember and easy to maneuver, and he rarely ever changes the order of  things so you don’t accidentally hurt yourself. He does notify you if he does something like move the couch or some chair or  a vase.
-All the pots and jars and bottles are labeled in braille, so you can never miss one ingredient or liquid for another. Although when he is around he does try to do everything for you, no matter how small the act is.
-He has plenty on his mind as it is but he can never get his thoughts away from you. He looks forward to seeing you again, all the time
-When he is back home he is always nearby, you can practically feel him before you hear him coming close, his arms wrapping around your waist and his chest pressing against your back as he softly greets you, asking how you’re feeling
-At night, it has become a routine of sorts for you to just map his face with your fingers. The soft pads of your fingers finding the arch of his brows, sliding down his nose and over his soft cheeks, slowly finding their way down to his lips, his breath tickling your knuckles but he remains still and remains patient. He lets you do as you please, all while taking the same time to admire you and the way the lines of your face pull and tug as you take in his features
-Sometimes you scratch lightly at the scales on his cheek and he only tilts his head away, chuckling at you
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-Similarly to Jiyan, Caclharo isn’t often at home or around you, and even less so considering he is the individual he is. He’d not ever risk your safety just to squeeze in some “lovey dovey” time. He loves you, but not that much to disregard everything else
-With so many of his spies working for him that have made the one shell credit deal with him, he does take some aside and gives them the task to keep an eye on you. These people know better than to disobey this, not that they would in the first place considering Calcharo has helped them for the price most would consider cheap in this field of work.
-So you’d often get visitors introducing themselves as friends of your partner, or colleagues, or simply just as a mailman, bringing you food or gifts. You have come to befriend a particular food stall lady that lives only a few minutes of walking from your home. She brings you your favorite snack without a fail, always, no matter the weather or time. She tells you of the people she meets and serves, the children and even the birds and dogs that come sniffing around her stall
-She makes it a task to clean up too, so there’s not a lot of times where you have to do much
-This leaves for a lot of boredom, and however sweet this notion of being protected by these people was, you did not crave them, you felt like you didn’t need them either - you wanted your beloved.
-One night when he did return to visit you, he found all lights off, which wasn’t unusual but he had believed you went to sleep only to nearly go into fight mode when he found you only now preparing for bed. Light was not of significance to you, so you were just wandering in the darkness. That could be the only time you gave Calcharo a real fright
-He is very quiet himself, and for a man of his size and stature that can come off as quite the surprise when he suddenly appears at your side, asking you in that soft rasp of his to take the plate from you so he can scoop some food into it for you.
-To make up for his soft footing, he does try to talk more to you, or just make some more sound in general. Often you’ll hear soft grunts or huffs when you’re about to bump into something or when he’s around you when you’re walking about the home. 
-However odd it is, you found that his hand was always close by when you needed him. You only need to move your hand out in front of you, and almost instantly you’ll feel his warm fingers twinning between yours or taking your hand by the fingers gently to lead you to him. 
-It took some time for him to get used to have his face touched by you, and a lot of times he only allows it for a short amount of time as he gets uncomfortable if it stretches on, but slowly he began to melt into it. 
-He’d sit on the couch beside you and watch how you feel around with your hand, climbing into his lap to greet him as you take his face into your palms. And slowly you’d kiss his forehead and cheeks, having missed him far too much for your heart to handle another moment without him
-He sighs softly, and you don’t have to see to know how exhausted he is too. He is closing his eyes, tilting his head into one of your palms and nuzzling against it, his breath fanning across your skin as he sinks further into the couch 
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-He’s a tease. Aalto is a tease in most of his endeavors, but he is specific when it comes to you. Depending on how you lost your vision, be it natural or through some illness or even a freak accident, he does crack a few jokes to make light of it. He puts himself in your shoes, imagining he’s blind and he just can’t see anything good about it, so he does what he knows will make you smile
-He speaks a lot more softly to you and he is very descriptive when explaining anything. He loves the times when the two of you just sit down, your legs in his lap as he talks away about whatever interests you. He’d be massaging your legs or feet, finding that motion relaxing for himself as well, while being relaxing for you too. He also does try to make conversations engaging as well if he sees you have the energy for it, since he doesn’t like making your conversations just mere monologue on his end
-For a dangerous individual as himself, honestly he makes a lot of time for you. At one point you had to question whether he was ditching his job for you, but he assures you he is not neglecting his duty. On that topic, while he does often visit you, from time to time he is sent on longer missions that have him absent from your company for a week or two at most, depending on where they send him. 
-During this time, you find your side occupied by someone else. Aalto, however easy going he may seem, is just as worries as the other two on this list, and he does not come to trust people easy. His charming demeanor can often be a simple front put up to give strangers wrong impressions, which he can later use to his advantage. With that  said, he does leave the same person he trusts to be with you while he is away.
-Little Encore often visits too, sometimes alone and sometimes with this caregiver or Aalto. She brings Aalto’s letters and gifts to you, and reads the letters out. You are unsure why Aalto bothers so much with letters considering he can record and send a message to you, or even call you, but you guess it’s some technicality while he’s on the field, or he just wants to woo you again in this traditional style 
-Either way, you don’t mind, it is always heartwarming to feel someone’s love in different ways
-Sometimes he does change the order in your home just to get your reaction though and then asks you “How could you have not seen it?”
-Don’t worry though, it’s never something that would pose a health risk of any kind. Although he did once switch your sugar and salt-
-He took a sip of your drink to show his greatest sympathies for you, and you had to chuckle when you heard him sputter and curse the drink
-Doesn’t shut up when you trace his face or figure. He is a bit sensitive, so it is a shocker to him when you do put your hands on his waist or on his cheeks, but he doesn’t let it affect his tongue. He yaps okay.
-Loves it a lot though. If you happen to do it late into the night when he’s tired and there’s nothing else but the two of you, he’d become sappy as well, one warm palm settled on the side of your face as he describes what he sees and how lovely you are, how beautiful, how much you mean to him.
-Sometimes he claims these never happened just to poke fun at you “for dreaming about him”
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-If you think Aalto was bad in any regard, you haven’t seen this goat-
-For one he is a yapper. He does not shut up, so at the very least you will not have any trouble finding him around , unless he goes quiet on purpose just so you can’t find him. Two - he loves to tease and poke fun at you here and there, but in his own way, this is how he shows he cares. He really doesn’t pay much attention to people he doesn’t care for or doesn’t know, he only gives his attention to people and things he does want and care for
-So the fact he is at your side a lot, does speak of his own priorities
-He’d often come back to you, throwing his arms around you from behind and resting his had on your shoulder as he starts to talk about one thing or the other, his weight weighing on you as well, but it is the comfort of it that keeps you from shrugging it off
-Scar does love to watch you simply do things. As he is not blind, he can’t really relate to your struggle, he just knows he’d hate it if he lost his own sight. To him, it is some miracle how you are still going about as anyone else would, well..  as best as you can without seeing things. 
-You’d often ask him about ingredients in jars that you found a little too suspicious to taste yourself, and when it comes to that he is pretty honest. He replies too fast for a jab to make itself known in his mind. 
-If you’re out walking, Scar makes it a point to have his hand on your somehow, either holding your hand or keeping his hand on your shoulder or arm or back. If he lets go and goes quiet, you know he’s being playful and wants you to search for him
-However annoying he can be at times with jokes and games such as these, he still wouldn’t set you in the midst of danger. He doesn’t play where it is not safe. So you can rest assured you won’t be finding any tacet discords while looking for him.
-Lets you hold onto his clothes or those dangling bits on his outfit, and you can joke around that you’re walking him like a dog and he’d scoff, laugh or bark. He finds it just as amusing as you do 
-When he is tired he comes to you on his own and pulls your hands onto his face. He lays in your lap, reveling in the soft feel of your fingers over his face, feeling the subtle change in skin textures in places he has scars. You take it all in, and it doesn’t matter if it’s the first or the hundredth time you do this, you take it slowly all the time, feeling his head grow heavy in your lap.
-Sometimes, during the day or when he’s simply awake and full of energy, he’d take your hand or tell you to touch his face just so he can nip at your fingers
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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tomurawr44 · 2 months
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call me cringe but i live in my own world, okay? okay.
WARNING: spoilers, sex, OOC tomura
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General Hcs, (growing up, in general and etc,)
he stinks, like i know i like to get ushy gushy talking about him but i know this man stinks atleast a little, like your telling me his room isn't stinky too? c'mon guys. look me in the eye and say he smells like red roses right now, and prove to me he doesn't have G-Fuel, Monster and redbull or some shit or even ramune in those trashbags laying around his room!
he can't swim for the life of him, i noticed in bnha smash toga and the others mostly went swimming, i think dabi did too but eh— i know for a fact AFO didn't take him to any swim lessons or to beach trips so in my head he can barely doggy paddle.
i saw someone say this but i feel like he does enjoy rain and showers because water is one of the few things he quite literally can't destroy, which is why when he runs his fingers over his scarred body, he finally feels some sort of peace even if it's just by a little.
i feel like he goes on itch or steam to look for shit games cause they make him smile a little because of how bad or stupid they are, him and spinner have done this before :3
the iconic red shoes he wears is a gift from Kurogiri, he'll never admit it but he really likes them and holds them close, especially after Kurogiri was captured and sent to tartarus, when the MLA/PLA got him a new pair it didn't feel the same.
when he was a kid he constantly asked to see AFO, especially after All Might pummeled him, doing some basic math he was around 12-13 when it happened so poor Tomura, imagine hearing that your master's face was blown in half :< (i could not care less about AFO)
the music he likes is mostly game OSTs, or some breakcore stuff, i feel like he'd like it :3
Kurogiri was mostly the one that tutored him in basic education, and speaking of, he sees Kurogiri as more of a butler than a fatherfigure (yes i know we all feel it too), he more or so sees AFO filling that role.
he's never heard AFO or Kurogiri swear, EVER. and he's a rlly big brat, one time on his gamer diet he got sick so badly he was bed ridden with like 3 diseases that could've been avoided if he just ate what Kurogiri cooked him and not chips or whatever.
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—Ake 2024
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sandwitchstories · 2 months
I was listening to my music on shuffle yesterday while I work on a fic. A song came on that I know like the back of my hand. My dad played it pretty much my entire life. As I listened to the lyrics, it made me think of Sanemi.
So, thanks to "When you say nothing at all" done by Allison Krause, I gift you some Relationship/Romance headcannons about one of my favorite emotionally unhinged, very sexy maniacs. Song information and lyrics under the cut for anyone interested. I Divider by @strangergraphics-archive
CW: Implied Sex, no gender terms applie to Sanemi's beloved
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We all know that Sanemi SUCKS at dealing with and expressing his emotions. I strongly believe that would also carry over into his romantic relationships. But not in a bad way.
Sanemi is the type of man that shows his love rather than says it. His love language is 'Acts of Service.' With a dash of 'Physical Touch.' Sanemi needs someone who knows that he loves them, wants them, and will always be there for him even if he doesn't say the words out loud. It's right there in his beautiful lavendar eyes, plain as day. Sanemi needs someone who sees the smile that is reserved for them alone. Sanemi needs someone who knows that he is not a PDA type of person. He may hold their hand, but more often than not it will be gentle brushes of his fingers against their's, soft touches of his hand on thier back as they walk, standing closer than necessary so he can feel their warmth and give them his support. That being said, once Sanemi is with his partner at home or in private- he's like a 5'10, scarred up, sexy Koala. Holding, touching, and wrapped around his partner every chance he gets. Sanemi would absolutely love to wash his partner's hair when they take a shower together (Which is 90% of the time because Sanemi would never turn down and opportunity to see and touch his lover's body) Sanemi would absolutely watch his beloved sleep. He never takes a single moment with them for granted, and that includes moments like those, where he can sit there and just quietly take in their beauty and revel in fact that they love him the same way he loves them. Sanemi loves sex. Not just because it feels so damn amazing. Not just because one of his favorite hobbies is pleasing his partner to the point they are reduced to a babbling, trembling mess and crying out his name. He loves the intimacy that comes with it. The way everything else disappears. Both just lost in the moment and in eachother. Sanemi absolutely does know what 'making love' is, and if it's the slow, sensual, long kisses type of sex his partner is in the mood for he will deliver all night long. But Sanemi thinks a little bit differently - even a hard, filthy fuck is making love if it is done with love and with someone you love. (filthy fucking is a valid love language) Song information and lyrics under the cut for anyone interested. I hope you enjoy these HCs!
For anyone curious, this is the song and some of the lyrics. My dad loved both the Keith Whitley version and the Alison Krause & Union Station version. Alison Krause and Union Station "When You Say Nothing At All"
Link is to a lyric video for it on YouTube
It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
Try as I may, I can never explain What I hear when you don't say a thing
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best, when you say nothing at all
All day long, I can hear people talking out loud (ooh)
But when you hold me near (you hold me near) you drown out the crowd (out the crowd) Try as they may, they can never define What's being said between your heart and mine
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mimasroom2 · 2 months
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Bunny baby ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ♡
Ellie x reader w ptsd
I was inspired by @elliezlils11utt fic of Ellie x hypersexual reader and it reminded me I’ve always wanted to write some Ellie hcs that can help my ptsd :)
This is specifically with Jackson!ellie bc she’s my favorite :3
C/w: ptsd obviously. A bit of smut. Mostly fluff tho :3. Flashbacks. Intrusive memories. Triggers. MDNI 😒
W/c: ≈ 800
- It depends on how you guys met + how your relationship started,, but you’d definitely be super shy ab your trauma & ptsd and would avoid telling her as long as you can.
- When you finally tell her she’d be soooo sweet☹️. She’d sit you guys down on the couch and sit across from you criss cross applesauce style
- You wipe your tears away and laugh a little at how cute she is. Like why’d she have to go and sit like that ?!!
- You don’t feel nervous with her per se,,, but you feel kinda weird uncanny and naked (in a gross way) talking ab this, so most of the time when ur ranting you’ll focus on her eyebrow scar.
- You talk for as long as you want to and Ellie listens and nods and holds ur hand if u start crying ☹️☹️
- Surprisingly she doesn’t say anything like “whoever did this to you is gonna fuckin’ pay ‘mkay??” Because yknow….. she’s Ellie. She doesn’t want to rile you or herself up and make you uncomfortable >•<
- When you’re done explaining she’s gonna hug you and ask to kiss you. She’ll reassure you and say “Thank you for telling me baby. Now that I know I can try to help you in any way I can,, and I’ll stick by your side no matter what.” She giggles as she pulls you in closer :))))
- She’ll try to understand your triggers but sometimes it’s really hard for her to. “Fuck I’m so sorry princess.. was it what I said or like.. the way I said it?”
- The truth is she LOVESSS cuddling and if you’re ever upset she knows it’ll for sure calm you down.
- Even if ur trauma isn’t related to sex she’d still be careful and sweet with you. Like,,, you’d have to BEG her to degrade you.
- “Els please… I know what im asking for I literally think it’s so hot when you do it🙁”
- “Angel idk if it’s really a good idea bc you had all those intrusive memories today..”
- “Ellie if you don’t degrade me I literally don’t think I will cum.”
- And then she perks up and yelps “ON IT!” 😭😭😭
- During the middle of it she’d literally stop and ruin it😭 “Yeah? You fuckin’ like these fingers huh babe? God such a fuckin’ slut for me..” she whispers in your ear”… heyyy is this like… still okay or? I dunno just seemed weird.” As you were like MOANING AND WHIMPERING
- You playfully smack her face “YES ELLIE please just- you don’t have to hold back!”
- Aftercare would be hugeeee for the both of you. Just in general Ellie really needs it but especially for you.
- “Jus’ don’t wanna hurt my princess after I’m done fucking your cute pussy” she looks down at you and you squeal for her to stop and cover your face with your hands.
- She laughs and rubs your back and starts talking casually about what her plans are for tomorrow.
- Sometimes you feel guilty that you’re taking up most of the attention in the relationship bc of your ptsd but she immediately interrupts your rambling and reassures you ♡
- If you have nightmares she’d wake you up and cuddle + distract you until you were tired enough to fall asleep again.
- Maybe if you were in the mood she’d distract you by eating you out 🤭
- If you ever felt uncomfortable or had a panic attack or flashback in public she’d take you home immediately even if it was inconvenient.
- “No babe.. what the fuck no.. it was not your fault okay. Getting scared is never your fault.” She tilts your chin up (,,•o•,,) “Let’s just try to calm down, yeah? That’s my girl.”
- Ellie hears ab service animals for ptsd and since Jackson really only has horses she managed to find you a BUNNY
- “Ellie how the fuck WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU FIND THIS BUNNY?!!,??.!.”
- “Don’t be scared babbbbbeeee I just got it somewhere okay?” She smiles all mischievous and lifts the brown bunny up. Its nose twitches.
- “Who’d you have to trade? WHAT did you trade actually??” Your eyes grow wide.
- “Jus’ got it from Tommy baby,,, no big deal.” She sits down on her knees to put it in the cage she got. “Found this cage jus’ lyin’ there. Asked around and nobody needed it.”
- After a few hours of playing with your new bunny you kiss her cheek in bed and whisper “Really, Els. Where’d the damn bunny come from.”
- “Really I already told you! Got it from Tommy… I was uh.. askin’ about like what he thought would be good for ptsd and he told me about a time where people would have dogs and other animals trained to help people. I dunno I thought it was cool.” She smiles sheepishly.
- You think that is the sweetest thing EVER because you thought she just finally wanted a pet for the two of you (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡
I’m actually gonna melt why do ppl never write sweet Ellie 😞💘
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bbyangyl · 11 months
ʚ♡ɞ˚— a/n: these are some thoughts on what I believe izuku is like in the bedroom, what I believe he’s into, and the type of kinks he has.
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izuku is a freak bro- literally so fucking nasty.
will cum in your mouth and make out with you as he tastes his own cum.
his mouth is almost always attached to your pussy and ass. loves eating you out so much and will cum untouched at times where he’s too turned on from it.
any position where your pussy is on his mouth is his favorite. whether that be face sitting, 69, etc.
If you end up squirting, will literally burry his face in your cunt!
loves fingering your ass and pussy at the same time.
lowkey has a mommy and lactation kink. will often call you mommy while sucking your breast.
pull his hair- oh my god that definitely gets him going. he wants it so bad.
when he’s subbing, and you peg him?? spank him, pull his hair, choke him, he’ll come so hard.
loves when you ride him, the sound of your moans and your breast bouncing in his face will make him cum on the spot.
loves when you rim him from the back while jerking him off.
will say the nastiest shit ever. doesn’t matter how used to it you are, he will always have you blushing 😭
his dirty talk is so filthy, whether he’s submissive or dominate.
the textbook definition of a switch
when he’s submissive, he’s a whining and moaning mess. he makes sure to let you know how good you’re making him feel through his sweet noises.
when he’s dominant, he’ll be a soft dom, but sometimes he’ll be rough with you if he’s extremely pent up or if you ask him to be.
If you want him on his knees begging you to let him cum then that’s exactly what he’ll do. if you want him to fuck you so hard against the mattress that you forget your own name, that’s exactly what he’ll do. however, if he’s feeling one thing more than the other he’ll let you know so you both can compromise.
likes to fuck you in front of a mirror just so he can have a view of his cock going inside you
loves when you leave a ring of your arousal around his cock if he’s fucking you raw
would love to film you both someday, but he’s a little shy about that one. (funny enough)
he thinks mutual masturbation is one of the hottest things ever.
if you both are away from each other and he gets horny, he’ll steal one of you pairs of underwear, sniffing it as he fucks himself against his pillow.
toys are definitely welcomed. you both have a lot!
he loves fucking you and himself with a double ended dild o in both of your asses while he fucks you himself.
quirks are also used in the bedroom. has this fantasy of using black whip to move you up and down on his cock and use your pussy like a fleshlight.
If it’s too much for him he will unintentionally activate a tiny percentage of one for all and fuck you so hard you pass out.
praise kink, degrading kink go brrrr
edging kink, overstimulation kink go brrr
he also wants to give you a oil massage and get you off slowly. wants the same thing done to him.
he wants to be used so much he’s covered in love marks, cum, and back scratches, and wants you to be in the same state.
wants to go on for hours and hours. with him there’s never a dull moment.
and that’s why he’s such a fucking freak bro 😭
but don’t call him that cause he’ll get off to it 💀
however, he can also be extremely sweet and wholesome in the bedroom.
he loves you so much! sex is a very intimate act for him so he wants to show you how much he loves you.
he so soft, and sweet, will be so gentle with you and ask you if everything is okay.
body worship is one of his favorite things in the whole world. giving and receiving! please make him feel good with your words. tell him he’s beautiful while kissing every scar litering his body. he cries with love filled tears.
he also does the same to you. will spend hours kiss every inch of you body, commenting things like “you’re the most beautiful person in the world. I can’t believe you’re mine. I love you so much”
it’s very passionate and overwhelmingly emotional. If you’re not tearing up he is.
the amount of love he has for you cannot simply be described in words. It’s so much more than that
you’re his other half, his soulmate.
and despite his dirty mind, despite all of his sexual desires regarding you, he cannot help his infatuation with you.
so in love with you that sometimes he overwhelms himself with his own emotions, despite the two of you dating.
but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
so that’s why sex is such a roller coaster of emotions, passions, desires, intimacy, and fun!
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listofwhyyouloveher · 3 months
Happy 4th of July 🎆🎆 since its 4th of July can I request reader "accidentally" throwing a firework at the gang? Can you do it separately (hc) if it makes sense
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Summary: 'Accidentally' throwing a firework at the gang! Warnings: Fireworks Author's Note: You know I had to disregard all my other asks for this one!! Happy Lana Del Rey Day! PONYBOY CURTIS Took him a little convincing to even go out with fireworks. Yeah, his gang is rowdy but he's still just a kid! He doesn't really like the loud noises and the possibility of injury. So if you throw a firework at him he's screaming, like those full throated, horror movie final girl screams. It's probably louder than the firework. It doesn't harm him, you made sure it would but he's running for his life and you swear there are tears in his eyes when you catch up to him. He made Darry make you promise to never do it again. JOHNNY CADE Johnny likes fireworks but he doesn't absolutely love them, he'll keep his distance, watching the annual drive in firework show from the lot and will always leave before it ends. He's not afraid of fireworks, he's handled them once or twice because of Dallas but he's running like a track star if you throw some at him. He'll scream at first, but then his mind just zeros in on the fact that he's being chased by a FIREWORK and he just shuts up and runs as fast as he can. SODAPOP CURTIS Sodapop probably puts fireworks in his chocolate cake, like fully brings it outside, lights it, challenges Steve to see who can eat more of the cake before the firework explodes. More often than not, he ends up with singed hair or eyebrows. But because of these close calls he's never been afraid of fireworks and has some sort of 'immortality' ego. However, when you throw that firework at him, his life flashes before his eyes and he genuinely swears that he saw God. He's like a deer in headlights, unmoving, so you had to tackle him and tell him that he was supposed to run.STEVE RANDLE Steve is secretly very afraid of fireworks. He used to hide under the blankets with his childhood dog when there was a firework display. Safe to say, he doesn't really like them. The only reason he hangs out with Soda when it's the 4th is because he loves the chocolate cake and because he doesn't want to be seen as a pussy. When you throw the firework at him, he's screaming but he doesn't run, he falls to the ground and tries to cover himself. Thankfully, the firework goes above his head, but he's telling you that you owe him big time. DARRY CURTIS Darry really likes fireworks, his parents used to take him to watch them all the time, especially the ones at the drive in, so he's actually initiating the hangouts on the 4th
He doesn't allow anyone to play with the fireworks, he only brings everyone to watch it, but some how, Dallas gets ahold of some and hands them out. You throw it directly at Darry, which, to your suprise actually looks horrified. It doesn't bother him much because it flies right past him and explodes somewhere father away. But he's lecturing you so bad after that. DALLAS WINSTON This man has so many issues, fireworks is one of them. He used to play with fireworks when he was left alone as a kid. Sometimes Buck pitches it to him and he hits it with a bat and they all run as a game. Of course, he offers to play this 'game' with you too, and you're a hell of a good throw so you curveball that firework right at him so it'd miss his bat and head straight for his stomach. Eventually he realises what's going on and drops the bat and runs. he ends up tripping (out of your sight of course) and getting a nasty cut on his torso. He yells at you so much after, saying that he was done with your bullshit, but you just stuck your nose up and said that if he stuck around longer he would've seen the ball go far right and it would've never hit him. Now he says that the little scar on his torso is from a firework and not from tripping.
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