#scarlett johannsson x reader
wandafiction · 8 months
I'm Her Wife - Part 1
Warnings: Little bit of angst, maybe getting arrested (but only for like a second or two), fluff
Today was Scarlett's birthday, she had invited her friends around for a small celebration wanting some company because you had told her you weren't able to make it. You had been sent on a last minute business trip, and as hard as you tried your boss had told you 'you're the best one for the job'. So after telling Scarlett you would make it up to her, you quickly packed and left her and Rose to get to the airport. Apparently you were trying to convince new investors to, well, invest in your company and you had 2 or 3 meetings a week each week with a new company. There were 4 companies in total.
You left two weeks ago. 
You and her have called and messaged each other everyday, Rose was always there with her because she didn't want to go to bed without you telling her a good night story. It was sometimes difficult because you were in England for this job, your boss wanted to go international with his logistical company. 
 You felt terrible. 
Of course you did. 
This is why you're currently in an uber on the way to your house. How? So one of the companies had double booked and hadn't realised until you showed up at the front desk, that night your boss got a very angry phone call; and you can only expect the company who cancelled on you did too. The last company had said that they had already given their answer and emailed it over to the person who was dealing with getting these meetings set up, after you phoned them to set up the meetings for two week in the future. That person had left a few weeks ago and never forwarded any emails onto her replacement. 
So now you were jetlagged, angry and just wanted to get home to your wife and Rose. You also wanted to try and get home before her friends turned up because none of them apart from Lizzie, who had caught you two in a make out session in Scarlett's trailer, know you are her wife. They know she is with someone because she will mention the words 'my partner' every once in a while, but they are respectful enough to not ask questions. 
However, traffic is awful and as your uber pulls up outside your house you can see movement through the windows of a few people inside. 
"Thanks." You give your driver a tight lipped smile, as you get out of the car and grab your suitcase from the trunk. 
You walk up the steps of the townhouse, picking up the sound of the party on the inside. Soft music playing being muffled by the windows and doors. You lean your head against the door taking in a deep breath unsure if you should enter or wait for everyone to leave. You didn't want to cause issues for Scarlett by just appearing home in front of all her work friends, but the feeling of your legs and body about to collapse from being so tired wins you over.
"It's fine I will just sneak upstairs." You whisper to yourself as you put your key in the lock and slowly open the door. 
You push it open slowly, poking your head through the gap to make sure no one is going to spot you. As you open the door you step into the house, lifting up your suitcase so it doesn't make any noise and put it down just inside the door. You turn to close the door, hearing the tiny click of the lock you lean against the door and let out a breath. 
"Now just to get upstairs." You look up the stairs which are just past the door to the kitchen where you assume everyone is. 
You decided trying to get your suitcase upstairs was not an option because it was heavy and it would hit every step. You removed your shoes and took a couple of steps forwards to just before the open door frame. You take a breath before quickly tip-toeing past the door making it to the bottom step you think you've made until a voice behind you stops you. 
"Hey! What are you doing?" You roll your eyes at the voice bowing your head as you don't dare turn around. "Hey, I asked you a question."
"I'm just here to see Scarlett." You know he wouldn't believe you, but it was worth a try you thought. 
"Yeah, good joke. Now tell me the truth." You feel a hand on your shoulder turn your body around and push you against the wall, the face you're met with is an annoyed looking Chris Evans. 
“It is the truth. Get your hands off of me and let me go upstairs.” You try pushing him off but his other hand moves to hold onto your other shoulder, and you hear the music turn off and see people walking out of the kitchen. “Oh for fuck sake.”
“Chris, who is this?” Robert asks, causing Chris to roll his eyes.
“That's what I am trying to find out.”
“Well, ask them then.” Robert replies in a duh tone causing Chris to grumble.
“I have asked them and they didn’t answer.” You lean your head back, with a small bang it hits the wall and you close your eyes.
“Actually you asked what I was doing here and I answered that question. But my answer didn’t seem truthful to you. If you just call Scarlett out here everything will be sorted.” You hear a laugh and peek your eyes open to see Jeremy shaking his head walking up to you.
“You think we are going to believe that. The minute we turn our backs you're going to run.” Once again the back of your head makes contact with the wall. “And anyway, Scarlett isn’t here so that trick isn’t going to work.”
“Wait, where is she?” Your eyes shoot open as panic overtakes your being, all those small voices in the back of your head becoming very loud and telling you something bad has happened.
“Why would we tell you that information? So you can stalk her. Is that what you are? Some psycho stalker who’s managed to break into her house.” Jeremy scoffs a look of disgust painted on his face, and all you could think was of course she had invited some of the men around and she wasn’t here to defend you against them.
“Look, I'm not a stalker. I’m not breaking into this place, I live here. But I wont answer anything else because it's not my place.” The three men look between one another before Robert pulls out his phone.
“Yeah, I believe this bullshit. I'm calling Scarlett.” 
“Oh thank god.” You relax slightly, taking a small breath knowing that everything is going to be sorted but Chris gives your shoulders a gentle shove causing you to wince slightly at the force he is using to hold you against the wall.
“Hey Scarlett. Yeah, yeah everything's fine. Well no it's not. No, we havent burnt your house down. No, we haven't drunk all the alcohol. No, no Chris isn’t drunk out of his mind.” You chuckle to yourself at the one sided conversation you are hearing. “No nothing like that. Just, someone has turned up looking for you and none of us know who they are. Uhm, no they aren’t someone from the black widow set and they look too young to be someone from a previous film.”
“Damn right I'm young, I’m 25.” You whisper to yourself proud that he has at least got something right in his assumptions about you.
“What? Uhm, they are in sweatpants and a hoodie. That’s what I thought, who turns up to a birthday in sweatpants and a hoodie. No they are being pretty stubborn. Sure, no problem. See you soon.” He hangs up, turning to look at Jeremy.
“She isn’t expecting anyone else. Call the police so they can come and deal with this. Scarlett is going to be another half an hour.” You feel the color drain from your face and your heart stops beating for a few moments hearing the words leave his lips.
“On it.” Your eyes dart to watch as Jeremy uses his phone, walking into the other room to talk to the person on the other end while Robert moves to stand next to Chris.
“You’ve gone awfully quiet. Caught red handed and you don’t even have an alibi.” You bite at your lip wanting to shout that you're Scarlett’s wife but know that it probably won’t help and she isn’t technically out to her friends so you don’t want to do that to her either. 
“Where is she?” You ask quietly in hope that they would actually tell you. You know she is on her way and she is safe, but you just want to know where she is because she hadn’t told you of any plans she had apart from spending it at home with Rose. “Wait, where's Rose?” 
“Yeah, not happening. Fucking creep asking after a child and her mother even after she just told us she doesn’t know you.” Chris spits through his teeth, his grip not loosening. 
“I’m her wife.” You blurt out, your hand rushing to your mouth too late to stop yourself.
“Yeah and I’m the easter bunny.” Robert snarks back. Before you can reply Jeremy walks back into the hallway.
“Police are 5 minutes out.”
“Please come with me ma’am.” The officer pushes your hands into the small of your back, the chain of the handcuffs clinking together as you start walking. “My colleague will read you your rights while I gather statements.” 
He makes you sit down on the edge of the hood of the car, his colleague who looks nervous makes his way over to you and you can tell instantly that he was a rookie. He clicks his pen over and over as he mumbles a few words to himself as his eyes dart left to right looking at his notebook. You roll your eyes, grumbling to yourself knowing everything will take 10 times longer because the rookie would have to retake everyone's statements for training purposes. You huff out a small laugh as he finally looks up at you and makes his way over. 
“I'm Officer Stevenson. While my colleague gathers statements, I'm going to read you your rights and then we are going to put you in the car and take you to the station.” You roll your eyes at his quick ramblings as he blinks rapidly a few times. 
“Read that word for word, huh kid?” The rookies eyes flick up to yours and you see him swallow harshly giving you a quick nod,
“Protocol.” You hum with a small nod rolling your head around letting out a long sigh before looking back at the rookie,
“Okay, give it to me.” The rookies' brows scrunch at your words.
“Give you what?” You raise a brow in an ‘are you serious’ look.
“My rights, of course.” 
“Oh, right of course. Sorry.” You chuckle as he clicks his pen a few more times, closing his eyes for a second then opening them to look at you. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time.”
“Done?” You ask just wanting to get this day over and done with. You would get a phone call at the station where you could phone Scarlett and get everything sorted, the main thing on your mind was that you could have a nap in the holding cell while you waited. You were so tired. 
“Uh, yeah.” The rookie quickly puts away his pen and notebook moving to pull you off the hood. 
“Are you not going to get their statements?” The rookie quickly shakes his head. 
“No, my mentor does all that. Says I'm still too nervous to even ask the right questions.” You hum to yourself nodding in silent agreement to his question. 
“Right, so straight to the station then?”
“Yes ma’am.” 
“Please stop calling me ma’am I am only 25.”
“Sorry Miss.”
“Still bad but not as awful.” You see the rookie laugh a little before a glare from his colleague makes him clear his throat and start leading you to the side of the car where he opens the door. 
“Watch your head.” He places his hand on your head to protect it from hitting the top of the door as you slowly lower yourself in but a shriek causes everyone to stop and turn to look down the road.
“Mama!” You breathe a sigh of relief when you see Rose running towards you, with Scarlett and Lizzie following quickly behind.
“Mama?” All the men turn to look at you in complete shock as Rose makes it to the door of the police car looking up at the rookie.
“Why are you taking my mama away?” She asks with her bottom lip quivering, using her sleeve to wipe at a few tears. The rookie's mouth opens and closes a few times before turning to his colleague.
“Er what do I do now?” You let out a small laugh, his complete confusion being the thing that brings a smile to your face. 
“We wait to see if the woman can identify her and if they can, then we can let her go if there is no suspicious activity.” The rookie nods, giving you an apologetic smile as he helps you back out of the car. 
Before you can even react you feel a pair of arms wrap around you, the force making you stumble backwards a few steps feeling grateful that the rookie manages to keep you both standing up. You feel Scarlett mumbling against your neck as her arms move to wrap around your neck pulling your head down slightly as her hands play with your baby hairs. You shuffle on your feet a little trying to get comfortable since your hands are still handcuffed behind your back.
“Mommy, why is Mama being taken away.” Scarlett pulls away from you, a few tears in her eyes, to look at Rose who is hugging Lizzie’s leg; Lizzie running a hand soothingly through Rose’s hair as she looks down to her.
“They aren't honey. It is just one big misunderstanding.” Scarlett wipes her eyes turning to the rookie;s colleague who never gave his name. “She’s my wife. You can let her go.”
“Wife?!” The men all question at the same time looking between you and Scarlett. 
“Yes, wife. Hi Lizzie.” You turn your attention to Rose and her godmother who has lifted Rose up onto her hip allowing the girl to bury her head in her neck. 
“Hey Y/n. Good to see you still like surprising your wife with getting home early.” Lizzie smiles as she watches as the rookie starts to uncuff you. “I would say it’s an odd way to catch up but I seem to remember bailing you out before this too.” 
“It was one time. Are you really going to hold it over me the rest of my life?” Lizzie giggles with a nod.
“You attacked Santa, in the mall on christmas eve.” You quickly shake your head.
“Firstly it wasn’t Santa it was an elf. Secondly, thank you for bailing me out. Thirdly, the elf deserved it, he jumped at me out of nowhere and didn’t expect me to punch him square in the face.” Your arms fall to your side as they are finally released from the cuffs and you give the rookie a small smile in thanks.
“Silly elf.” You smile as Rose removes her head from Lizzie’s neck and Scarlett rolls her eyes at you all.
“That’s right. Silly elf. Now is your godmother going to put you down so I can cuddle you or am I going to have to chase her again.” Lizzie quickly kisses Rose's forehead and puts her back down on the ground.
“Sorry sweet girl, but your mama can be very scary when chasing after you.” Rose looks up at Lizzie who is keeping her eyes on you to make sure you don’t run after her.
“Excuse me children, I am still right here.” You take your eyes off Lizzie to look down to your wife with a wide smile.
“Surprise.” You say in a squeaky voice turning your body to try and avoid Scarlett's hand, but she is too quick and hits your shoulder before you can even react. “Ow! What did I do?”
“You got arrested.”
“Because your friends wouldn’t listen to me.” Scarlett looks to the man before quickly walking over to each of them and giving each of their shoulders a smack.
While Scarlet is dealing with the men, Rose runs over to you and you bend down to catch her in your arms, your hands lifting her closer to you by her armpits. Rose's arms wrap around your neck and you quickly stand up, her legs wrapping around your waist to keep her in place. You move your arms under her legs and butt to keep her up as she buries her head into your neck; her body shakes slightly against yours. 
"Honey what's wrong?" You start to bounce her up and down gently, swaying side to side when you feel a few tears drip onto your neck. 
"I thought I was never going to see you again mama.” Rose hiccups a few times as she tries to calm herself down as you wipe away a few tears with your thumb that are rolling down her cheek. “I thought the police were going to take you away.”
“Nothing will ever take me away from you sweet angel.” Rose removes her head from your neck holding out her pinky finger in front of your face.
“Pwomise?” Her bottom lip juts out into a pout as her still tear filled eyes look up to yours.
“I promise.” You link your pinky with hers and kiss the top of your thumb as Rose does the same. 
“Okay, okay. This is sweet and all, and I love you so much but what are you doing here?” Scarlett’s voice brings your attention to the other people around you as she stands on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on your cheek.
“Well I came to surprise you on your birthday. The trip was a bust so I had to leave early. I did try to get here before the party started so I could avoid….this.” You nod your head to the men who are still looking at you dumbfounded. “But traffic didn’t allow it, and me being me thought I could just sneak upstairs. I was wrong.”
“Well you’re home now and that is all that matters. Let's all head back inside and open a fresh bottle of wine, and enjoy the rest of the evening.” Scarlett rubs at her eyebrows, a sign you know means she is stressed or overwhelmed. 
“Of course my love.” You give her a quick peck on the lips before walking back up the steps to your house, Rose still clinging onto you. 
“Thank you officer and sorry for the inconvenience.” You chuckle to yourself when you hear Scarlett scolding the boys once more and seemingly ignoring their comments about how she said to phone them if there is a stranger in her house. 
You and Scarlett are curled up on the love seat, Scarlett sat sideways in your lap with her head resting on your shoulder. Her fingers tracing softly at your collarbone as she smiles to herself. You look down to her, pressing a small kiss to her forehead before looking over to Lizzie who has Rose in her lap. The young girl starts to fall asleep in her arms as Lizzie soothingly rugs her back up and down.
Lizzie gives you a small smile, once she sees Rose’s tired state, standing up from the couch, holding Rose on her right hip and making her way over to the two of you. She leans down so you and Scarlett can both kiss Rose goodnight, you move your hand to place a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“Goodnight sweet angel.” Rose rubs her eyes with the back of her hand as she smiles tiredly at you.
“Goodnight mama.” She barely manages to whisper out before looking at Scarlett. “Night mommy.”
“Goodnight honey, we will see you in the morning.” Scarlett places one last kiss on Rose's forehead before Lizzie stands back up straight. 
“Come one Rose bud, let's get you to bed.” Lizzie whispers softly rubbing her thumb over the tired girl's cheek.
“Can you read me a bedtime story?” Lizzie smiles brightly, nodding her head.
“Of course I can, honey.” Lizzie plants a small kiss on Rose’s forehead before walking out of the living room and heading upstairs, you turn to look at the man as they all sit up straighter now Rose is no longer present. 
 “Okay so explain everything because I thought you were dating that colin dude. And Rose calls you mama as well meaning you must have been together a while, because I know for a fact she is from when Scarlett was with Romain.” Chris scrunches his brows as you and Scarlett look at each other frowning at his statement.
“You thought I was dating Colin? And yes Romain is Rose’s dad, but Y/n has been a better parent to her than he ever will be and she chooses to call her mama; so that's the end of that conversion right now!” Scarlett looks at you then at Chris. 
“Well yeah there were all those articles last year of you out with Colin for months on end. I think it's amazing that she sees Y/n as a parent figure.” Robert points out before sending Chris a glare for even bringing up the whole mama thing.
“He was helping us with the wedding. He was my best man.” Scarlett easily explains as she looks up at you and gives the underside of your jaw a kiss; she always gets very sappy whenever you talk about your wedding. 
“He was her best man. Lizzie was my maid of honour.” You add on with a smirk as the men once again look between each other.
“Why did Lizzie get to know, and not us?” Jeremy complains as he takes a sip from his beer.
“Because Lizzie is family….. And she caught us kissing in my trailer and trying to make up an excuse wasn’t going to work but she promised not to say anything.” Scarlett turns her head slightly to look at the men who are all rubbing at their foreheads trying to wrap their heads around it.
“How long has she known for?” You attention once again back on Chris who seems to think he is Sherlock Holmes getting to the bottom of a murder mystery case with all the questions.
“Since we officially started dating basically.” You reply nonchalantly with a shrug.
“And when was that exactly?” 
“31st of October 2017.” Everyone's attention turns to Lizzie who is leaning against the doorframe. “At a halloween party I had organised. Had to sell the bed once I found out how they had made it official once I caught them in their trailer 2 weeks later.” 
“Lizzie!” You throw a cushion from the love seat at the woman, who is laughing as she takes in the faces of disgust from the men, hitting her square in the face but it only causes her to laugh more.
 “I’m joking but they did make it official at the party after seeing each other for most of the month.”
“I thought you were going to read Rose a bedtime story?” Scarlett mumbles quietly as she moves to bury her head in your neck, a telltale sign she is getting tired.
“She was out like a light before I could even put her into bed. I would have been reading to the spirits if I did.” You roll your eyes pulling Scarlett onto your lap more as Lizzie squeezes next to you on the love seat putting Scarlett’s legs on her lap. 
“What’s this?” Robert points between the three of you, you and Lizzie shrug at his question as Scarlett mumbles quietly. 
“She's like a third limb, can't get rid of her. She sticks around even though she can be a pain in the ass.” You laugh when Lizzie hits your shoulder in reply to your statement and you hit her thigh in retaliation.
"She loves me really, she just has a weird way of showing it." Lizzie pokes her tongue out at you before looking at Scarlett with a soft smile. 
"Right although I have enjoyed meeting you all, apart from the whole getting arrested part, I think we should call it a night. This one needs her beauty sleep otherwise she is a monster in the morning and my wife needs my cuddles." Once again Lizzie hits your shoulder with a look of fake hurt. 
"She is not lying Liz, you are a right monster if you don't get your 8 to 10." You stifle a laugh as Scarlett mumbles into your neck, looking to Lizzie to see if she goes to hit her but you scoff when Lizzie simply shrugs her shoulders.
"Yeah, yeah whatever. I will make sure the boys get their ubers but I'm staying the night." Lizzie lays her head on your shoulder and you move a hand to weave through her hair smiling when you feel her relax against you. 
"Of course. That's why you have your own room here you know." Lizzie giggles as you look back to the men who all still look very confused. 
"So is this like one of those throuple things that the kids are doing nowadays?" Robert deadpans and you and Lizzie look at each other, with scrunched nose and a slight look of disgust, before looking back at the boys. 
"You seriously don't know who she is?" Lizzie eyes look to the three men in front of her who all shake their heads, before looking back at you in silent question. 
"Might as well get all the secrets out." Lizzie’s eyes search yours as you give her a soft smile and a nod so she turns to look back at the boys. 
"She's my younger sister." You press your lips together trying to hold in a laugh as once again the men's jaws drop. 
"Wait, she's an olsen?" 
"Well I'm a Johansson now, but yes I'm an Olsen." 
"Okay, okay. One more question and we will leave you all alone." You nod at Jeremy for him to continue. "How did you two meet?" 
"All thanks to Lizzie. She invited me to set one day, and I was excited to see this side of her life. I tried my best to stay away from the Olsen name because I knew I wasn't ever going to go into acting so I didn't want any spotlight on me. Anyway, she was in Scotland doing that scene with Scarlett, Paul and Chris. I was over there for a work thing so it was the perfect opportunity. I was watching the whole scene in the train station go down and when they called cut Lizzie ran over to me all excited and rambling on about how fun it was to shoot. As we were making our way back to her trailer we bumped into Scarlett and the rest is history."
"Wait, how did I not spot you while we were in Scotland?" Chris rubs his hands down his face in slight frustration. 
"It kind of hurts you don't remember me Christopher." You put your hand to your chest in fake hurt and his eyes shoot to yours with a wide smile. 
"Holy shit you the food truck girl!" You smile with a nod, ignoring all the questioning looks as Chris chuckles to himself. 
"Baby I want to go to bed." You turn your attention to your wife who has turned her whole body so she is leaning against you completely and you send the boys an apologetic smile. 
"Okay. That's enough for tonight. We can do this again some other time but Scarlett is almost asleep and I'm exhausted from a day of travelling." You slowly stand up wrapping your arms underneath Scarlett's butt to keep her against you. "It's been lovely meeting you all. Good night."
A chorus of goodnights echo around the quiet living room as you make your way out. Scarlett's arms wrap around your neck a little more, her head buried in your neck and she takes a deep breath. You smile to yourself when you feel her place small gentle kisses across the skin of your neck, nothing sexual about the act just simply showing affection. 
"I love you." You feel it on your neck more than you hear her muffled voice but it makes you smile all the same as you start climbing the stairs. 
"I love you too cuddle bug." She giggles at the name, as she wiggles about in your hold trying to get closer to you. 
You make your way into the bedroom, the door already open, not even turning around as you kick it shut with the back of your foot. You make your way to the bed, bending down until Scarlett’s butt is on the mattress and you untangle yourself from her Koala like hold on you. You bite your lip to hide a giggle when Scarlett’s eyes flutter open and a pout makes its way onto her lips. 
“Why did you put me down? I was comfy.” Scarlett complains tiredly as she rubs at her eyes with the back of her hand as your hands move to rest on her knees.
“We need to get you changed. You can’t sleep in your jeans and blouse.” Scarlett only nods as she moves her arms above her head and you raise a brow at the action but don’t question it.
Instead, you stand up and undo the few buttons at the top of her blouse before moving your hands down to the hem of the item and slowly pull it up and over her head; chucking it on the floor to deal with later. You snake a hand around her back unclipping her bra with one hand as the other tilts her chin upwards so you can plant a few kisses on her forehead causing her to smile tiredly up at you. 
“Which shirt do you want?” Scarlett flops backwards onto the bed as you walk over to the chest of drawers opening up your drawer, when you don’t hear a reply you look over your shoulder to see Scarlett already looking at you. “What’s got you staring at my love?”
“Just you. I just love you so much. I’m sorry you had to meet my friends this way.” You smile softly as you shrug your shoulders.
“I love you too darling, and it’s okay we were planning on telling them soon anyway. Today was just very chaotic.” Scarlett hums with a nod, her eyes flicking from left to right as you hold up two of your button up shirts.
“The blue one.” You put the other shirt away and make your way back in front of Scarlett. 
You chuck the top over her face, a cute giggle passing her lips as her tired arms try to pry it off. You laugh as she struggles to pull it away from her face, the collar of the shirt stuck on her messy bun. Leaving her to struggle with the top, you unbutton her jeans and start pulling them off of her legs which she starts kicking out when the jeans get stuck on her ankles. You stumble backwards a few steps as the jeans suddenly become free from being trapped around her ankles and you are blinded at the same time as the top that was stuck on her head is now around yours not missing the laugh Scarlett lets out.
You drop the jeans onto the floor, and with ease remove the top from your head earning a middle finger from Scarlett. You roll your eyes as you take a few steps forward, ignoring the fact she just flipped you off, holding out your hand for Scarlett to grab onto. Once she lazily hits her hand into yours, you hoist her body back up so she is once again sitting up and you start to put her arms through the sleeve holes of the shirt. You crouch back down in front of her and start doing a few of the buttons up so it will stay on her in the night but not too many buttons that it feels like she cant move in it. 
“Knock, knock.” Lizzie’s voice is muffled through the door as she lightly taps on the wood, the fact she also says the words makes you and Scarlett giggle.
“Come in.” Scarlett replies as she starts to shuffle her body up to the top of the bed as Lizzie opens the door with a soft smile on her face.
“All the men are off in their uber’s so should be getting home safe. I just came to say goodnight to the two of you.” Lizzie shuffles over to you, wrapping her arms around your torso and pulling you into a small hug.
“Goodnight sis.” You  mumble quietly once she pulls away from the embrace , you make your way into the ensuite to get changed as Lizzie makes her way to the bed.
You quickly get changed out of your day clothes and into a baggy shirt knowing Scarlett will be craving the skin on skin contact. When you enter the bedroom you see Lizzie practically laying on top of Scarlett both of them falling into a light sleep. You roll your eyes making your way over to the bed hitting Lizzie’s foot with your hand causing her to jolt awake sending a scowl your way when Scarlett  groans and grumbles about being woken up….again. 
“Firstly, she is my wife, get your own Lizzie. Secondly, you need to clean your teeth my love. Thirdly, she is my wife so go cuddle someone else.” Lizzie rolls her eyes as she stands up from the bed, flipping you off before leaving the room and quietly shutting the door behind her, as Scarlett rolls out of bed so she can go into the ensuite and do her nightly routine. 
You climb into the bed while you wait for Scarlett to be done, almost falling asleep with how long she takes. Or it could be because you’re jetlagged and feel like you could sleep for the rest of your life. Either way you barely wake up when you feel the bed dip, before feeling Scarlett lay herself gently on top of you. 
Her legs tangle with yours as her head rests on your chest, one of her hands rests at the side of your torso while the other is placed on top of your collarbone; her finger tracing along the prominent bone. You smile when you feel her press a kiss onto your clothed chest before her body sinks into yours. Just before you can finally succumb to your sleep Scarlett’s soft voice fills your ears, your hand instinctively moving to the side of her abdomen at her words.
“When do you want to start telling people that Rose isn’t going to be an only child any more?”
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marvelatthisfanfic · 7 years
In Cold Blood (Loki x Reader)
prompt: Reader is captured by Hydra, and has been in captivity for a very long time. Hope begins to dwindle as the time passes by, until their rescuers come to their aid. 
a/n: I felt like improvising here. who doesn’t love a little angst, enjoy warnings: angst, blood 
word count: 2,088
You awoke with a gasp, trying desperately to shoot up from the leather restraints binding you to the cold, hard steel table. Thin layers of sweat and dirt covered your tanned skin from the amount of time you had been missing. How long has it been? Thoughts and memories of your friends and family flashed before your eyes as you tried to remember how long you’d been here.
            Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months until you finally lost any sense of time. Why me? What had I done that was so different than any other S.H.I.E.L.D agent? Oh yeah, that’s right. Hydra had captured you, didn’t they? That fact almost slipped your mind; almost. Your memory was dwindling as each day passed, and even then, you weren’t sure how long was a day.
           Shattering glass and clattering tools resonated from behind the locked room you were being held in. You silently started reciting prayers that torture was not in your plans for today. The thick metal door clanged open, revealing a woman clad in nurse’s attire holding a beaten-up aluminum tray with some sort of instruments.
           “Hello Mrs. (L/N),” she spoke up after clearing her throat, drawing you from your trance. “I’ll be performing some tests on you today per request of Dr. Zola.” The brunette nurse began setting up a table next to your table, and your mind started racing. Needles and tubes littered the tray, signaling that’d you’d be subject to giving a generous amount of blood today. As she began attaching the needle to the syringe, you immediately began trying to unfasten the bonds around your wrists.
           “Hold still now,” she snapped as you wriggled around, attempting to escape her grasp. Pain shot through your abused arms as she stuck you again. Bruises littered your skin in just about any place that was visible. You watched as the blood travelled through the tube into the glass container, making you woozy. Your hands were clammy, making it a bit easier to slide your hand from the leather strap.
           “W-what’s your name?” your throat ached from the dryness of it, reminding you of your thirst. The nurse eyed you warily before answering the simple question.
           “Katarina,” she huffed while replacing the blood-filled tube with an empty one. “Now shut up. You’re distract-” You swung your freed arm at her, cutting her sentence off. Her body flew backwards at the impact, and she began tripping over her own feet, and she collapsed on the concrete flooring. Hurriedly, you unstrapped your other wrist and rubbed it slowly. Your nerves were shot from lack of sleep, and your frantic movements were not helping. Shaky hands flew to your ankle restraints, attempting to un-restrain your legs.
           Buzzing alarms suddenly sounded throughout the building, making you look over at the woman on the ground. She had dragged herself to the wall, reached up, and pressed the red button. Your eyes started to water as you made the destined realization that you wouldn’t be getting out of here alive. The unnumbered days of your containment would eventually come to an end; right in this very facility. No more Avengers. Just as you hopped off the makeshift bed, the door flew open, revealing a team of HYDRA agents armed with semi-automatic weapons–all aimed at your weak figure. No more friends; no laughter and memories. Standing up so quickly made your head spin, but you had to try to get out, at any cost. No more Loki. Gripped within your hands was the syringes that had laid on the tray next to you table. No more life.
           “Ch ch ch,” a clicking sound came from one of the men at the door. “How foolish of you?” Dr. Zola’s short shadow grew larger as he walked through the men trained to kill you. His face looked worn and tired, lines passed over his forehead and dark circles colored his eyes. “Did you really think you would escape that easily?” His thick German accent tainted his words which were dripping with malice. Zola stepped closer to you, hands clasped behind his back. “No one will come to save you.” Screaming, you raised the tray above your head, running at him to knock him on his ass, too. Just as you stepped towards him, a piercing pain shot through your shoulder.
           “Sorry for the problem, doctor,” the nurse who had started this mess had injected you with some sort of sleeping drug. Your body collapsed to the floor, head hitting hard enough for you to see stars. She bowed before him before scurrying out of the room.
           “Nighty night, (Y/N),” his evil voice cackled. “Take her to the chamber.” He turned to walk out, and the armed men closed in on you. Their words and voices began to slur as the drug coursed through your veins, taking you under.
           Beeping sounds drew you from your induced slumber, making your heart race. Slowly, you opened your eyes, squinting when they were presented with a bright light.
           “Sincee you want to act like a child, I will be the one performing experiments on you,” Dr. Zola announced from above you. It took a moment, but you eventually spotted him walking on the balcony surrounding the testing room you were imprisoned in. Clanking of metal rang through the lab as he stomped down the stairs. Finally, he stood next to you, snapping a pair of rubber gloves over his hands. You turned your head, feeling a surging pain radiate from your neck, causing you to wince. Your eyes found torture instruments lying on yet another aluminum tray.
           “What the fuck is wrong with you?” You spat venom as you spoke, wishing he could feel all the suffering you did. Zola’s insane laughter filled the concrete chamber, as he picked up a scalpel.
           “Everything darling,” he smiled before cutting into your exposed abdomen. Blood curdling screams ripped from your chest as he dug deeper into sacred skin. Relentless tears dripped from your eyes as he reached from another sharp, prodding tool.
           “Just kill me!” You screamed in agony, feeling your throat clench from hoarseness. His laugh filled your ears again, making you want death more than anything. Just as he started to poke at you with the metal instrument, the doors flew open.
           “They’re here,” the agent shouted breathlessly. “They’re here for the girl.” Yelling and crashing sounded from the hallway leading to where you currently resided, causing hope to shoot through your mind.
           “The Avengers think they can save you,” he chortled, slamming the metal tools down. “How cute.” Loki was going to save you. You team was coming. Zola ripped you from your restraints, dragging you to your feet. He threw you in front of him, your hands slamming against the concrete harshly, the pain knocking the breath from you. The screams of HYDRA members subsided when gunshots came echoing down the halls. Natasha, kicking ass. How you were able to make a joke at this time amazed you, but you didn’t have enough functioning brain to think about it.
           The doors flew open yet again, revealing your friends. Tony was clad in his suit with Natasha and Steve behind him, ready to fight. Loki stepped out from behind them, his emerald cloak flowing behind him.
           “Let her go, Zola,” Steve snapped angrily from the doorway. His shield was held tightly in his hands as he stepped closer. A clicking noise snapped behind you, making you turn around slowly. The cocking of a gun, a noise you came to grow accustomed to.
           “I wouldn’t come any closer if I were you.” It’s aim on you felt like a hundred eyes, waiting and watching. You suddenly felt very hot, and shivers ran down your spine as death was a few inches behind you, hovering and waiting to pounce on you in an instant.
           “(Y/N),” Loki’s voice sounded like heaven after being surrounded by evil, German accents all day every day. “We’re going to get you out of this damned place.” His eyes darkened with rage as you watched him devise a plan in his head. His eyes shifted around the room, looking for any advantage, only to come up short.
           “(Y/N) has been here four months, and you all just now come to ze girl’s rescue,” Zola paced around behind you, making your uneasiness skyrocket to unknown levels.
           “We all know you aren’t getting out of this one,” Natasha growled, sighting her pistol in on the evil man. Tony walked closer, with his hands held out in defense.
           “Can’t we negotiate here?” Tony’s entrepreneurship skills came through like a freight train, making you laugh. Zola obviously didn’t find this funny, and he lodged his foot between your ribs, making you wheeze and cough up blood.
           “That’s enough,” he snapped. “This is over now.” The revolver exploded behind you, and everything started going in slow motion. Loki yelled out, lunging forward towards the evil, German doctor. Pain blossomed through your back as the bullet pierced through the half-exposed flesh.
           “(Y/N)!” Steve shouted, rushing forward to your limp body. Clashing of metal rang out as Tony and Loki slammed Zola into the medicinal cabinets surrounding the room. Your ears started ringing and your eyesight began to blur slightly.
           ”Come on, (Y/N),” Natasha soothed next to you. “You’ve got to stay awake.” You nodded lethargically, feeling like you were moving through molasses. Loki came rushing to your side, a sickening squelching noise occurring. Slowly, your eyes found the culprit of the noise; your blood pooling around you.
           “Oh (Y/N),” Loki sighed. “Please stay with me, love.” You tried moving towards him, only to feel lightheaded. “We’ve got to get her out of here.” Loki tried explaining desperately. The others looked on with sadness in their eyes as they, too, recognized your fate. You smiled sadly at him, reaching your hand up to caress his cheek.
           “I’m sorry, Loki,” you started coughing again, blood gracing your lips as you spoke. “I don’t think we’ll be ditching this joint together tonight.” His eyes frantically searched your face for some sort of sign that you were joking. His cold hand rested against yours, rubbing small circles.
           “Please don’t do this to me,” his blue eyes watering. “I can’t do this without you.” Your head began to pound harder now, letting you know that your unnumbered days, were soon going to be numbered. Natasha knelt at your side, placing her hand in yours. Her eyes, too, filled with tears as you laid in your own blood in the middle of a torture laboratory.
           “Send my regards to Fury,” you coughed out. “And to the rest of the team.” Steve stood above you, watching, side by side with Tony as you spoke.
           “We’re going to get you out of here,” Loki was pleading with you, trying to convince you. “I promise.” I smiled weakly at him.
           “I thought we promised not to lie to each other,” you sputtered as black dots filled your vision once more, not leaving this time. You closed your eyes, feeling as light as a feather. Euphoria came to you, and it was a strange feeling after so many months of pain and suffering.
           “Open your eyes, darling,” his hands brushed your hair from your paling face. But you couldn’t, a powerful force was keeping you from moving or doing anything. Death.
           “I love you, Loki,” you gasped out as Natasha tightened her grip on your hand, letting you know that she was still there, and that you weren’t alone. “Thank you for showing me who you truly were. It has been an honor to know you as you; not who people said you were.” A smile graced your face as you felt yourself slowly drifting away.
           You couldn’t understand what anyone was saying, but you heard the jumble of their words as they tried to speak to you, but it was too late. You had ascended to something greater than life, and there was no turning back. Memories flooded back to you like rushing water, sending a warmth through your soul. Images of you and Loki from your first date flashed by; snippets of you and the team on missions and hanging out after flourished by.
           Euphoria was the only way to describe how you felt as you drifted further away, your mind going blank. No more Avengers. No more friends; no laughter and memories. No more Loki.
No more life.
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avengerslover-yee · 3 years
The Interview
Sebastian Stan x Reader
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Summary: The reader is RDJ's daughter, and the reader and Seb have been dating for 5 months now. RDJ doesn't know... But Anthony Mackie, Chris Evans, and Scarlett Johannsson do... So what will happen when all 6 are doing an interview for Avengers Infinity War...
Warnings: Overprotective Dad, fluff, kissing lol, spelling mistakes most likely, and idk lol.
“Seb we gotta get going.” You yelled from the bedroom in your guys hotel room. “Ok I’ll be right out!” He called from the bathroom. You waited a few more minutes and he walked out. “Finally!” You called out. “I didn’t take that long. Your just being over dramatic.” He said walking up to you. “Maybe I am. What are you gonna do about it.” You said booping his nose. “I don’t know, let me think about it.’ He started to make the thinking face. ‘How about I do this!” He yelled and quickly picked you up and threw you on the bed ticking you.
“Seb! Seb! I-I cant!- Stop!” You said through laughter. He stopped and looked at you. Then he gave you a peck on the lips and helped you up. “We will finish this later.” He said. You looked at the time and quickly got up. You checked yourself in the mirror, and checked Sebastian to make sure he looked presentable. You wiped off some of your lipstick from his lips and you both headed out the door.
Everyone was staying at the same hotel, so everyone agreed to meet in the lobby. To make it not look suspicious, you took the elevator down first. You walked out and looked for everyone. You spotted them and walked over. “Finally! Now we just have to wait for Sebastian. Did you see him?” Chris said with a smirk. You glared are him. “No i didn’t.” You answered. You walked over to stand by your dad. “Hey baby. Are you excited?” He asked wrapping an arm around you. “Yeah a little, but I’m also really nervous.” You answered honestly. “Oh don’t be, you will be just fine, and I’ll be right there if you need me.” He said and gave me a smile. You smiled back at him.
Sebastian came down and you all got in the car. You so badly wanted to sit next to Sebastian. But then your dad will get suspicious. It’s not like you didn’t want your dad to know, but the last time I told him I was dating someone he had someone do a full background check on him, and even with that he didn’t leave us alone, like if we said we were going out to dinner he’d jump up and said he’d take us. And he was never nice to him, always giving him death glares. It got so bad that we both decided just not to be together. So you definitely did not want that to happen with Seb. Sebastian had been your friend since day one of your life in Marvel. And it also helped that you were his love interest. But being the love interest isn’t your whole part.
Your characters name was Thea Avery- aka Shadow. Your first movie was Captain America the First Avenger. You played as the best friend of Peggy Carter. And you would fall off the train with Bucky. Your character was supposed to die, but the fans loved you, so you signed the contract. Now your character is an Avenger, she managed to escape Hydra around the time Steve was found. She tried to get Bucky but he was to far gone. Your character never stopped looking for him, until Captain America the Winter Soldier. Eventually in Civil war she joined Steve’s team obviously. Helped Bucky escape, and helped him while he was in Wakanda. Where the two eventually fell in love. But now in Infinity war what the fans don’t know is Thea is going to have to live without Bucky and everyone else for 5 years.
They arrived at the studio and waited until they were called out. Seb made the mistake of looking at you for too long when your dad noticed him and furrowed his brows. Sebastian quickly made it look like he was looking at something else. They all got called on stage and there was people clapping like crazy. You greeted the host and waved to the crowd before sitting down. You sat in between Scarlett Johansson and your dad. With the three guys behind you. The interviewer started by congratulating us all with the movie, then he said that he was going to give a chance for the audience to ask some questions. The crowd went wild.
“Ok first question.” “Um. Hi! I’m a huge fan of all of you! Omg this is a dream come true. My question is for any of you, Who do you guys think is the most attractive cast member on set?” She asked and everyone clapped. Immediately without any hesitation, “Y/n!” Shouted Anthony. My dad looked back and glared at Anthony who just sat still. “Aww Thank you Mackie.” You said to him. I glanced at Seb and you could tell when he’s jealous and oh boy was he jealous. You smiled to yourself and waited for the next question. “Hi! My question is for Y/n, first off I just wanted to say that I am a huge fan, and you are my idol.’ Your heart melted at this what looked like teenage girl said.’ And now for my question, Can you explain more of what Shadows power is, and her relationship with Bucky?” She finished smiling. Everyone clapped. “Aww, I love you so much, And Shadows power is where she can manipulate the shadows like basically turning darkness into anything she wants, or she can manipulate anything with a shadow. And her relationship with Bucky is a little complicated, obviously they went through a lot together, and they still are, I can’t really say much, but there will be some Buckadow action in the new Movie.” You finished. You made sure not to give anything to big away. Everyone clapped and some people cat called.
The interview went on with question after question until the interviewer asked the wrong question. “So there have been some speculation, and this is just fans being fans, but some people have been saying that Y/n and Anthony are dating. Is that true, is there a secret relationship going on or no?” He asked. Your dad turned and looked you straight in the eyes as if that was his way of asking. But before I could say anything Anthony spoke up. “Me and Y/n? Psh no way. She’s way outa my league, but she isn’t for someone else.” He said smirking. “Oh so she’s not with you but she’s with another cast member?” The interviewer asked. “I- I um-.” I murmured out. “Guess what it’s someone in this group though, and it’s definitely not me or her dad.” Scarlett said. I looked at her with wide eyes telling her to stop. “Oh so it’s either Sebastian or Chris?” The interviewer said looking from me and the boys. Everyone in the audience was going nuts. Chris looked at Seb and Seb looked back at him pleadingly. Chris gave him and me a look saying sorry. “It ain’t me.” Chris said. And I immediately put my head in my hands and the crowd went nuts. “Oh my goodness, so Y/n Downey and Sebastian Stan are together.” Said the interviewer. You couldn’t blame the interviewer this was his job, who you could blame is someone named Anthony Mackie. You looked up and you dad looked at you. “Sorry?” You said to him. “Oh wait Robert you didn’t know?” Asked the interviewer. “Nope, not one bit.” You dad said. He then turned to look at Seb who’s eyes widened with fear. “If you hurt her, I. Will. End. You.” He said poking him in the chest punctuating every word. “I-I promise I won’t.” Seb said nervously.
“So how long have you been dating?” the interviewer asked. “Well since everyone knows now who cares. We have been dating for 5 months.” You answered. Your dad turned to you with wide eyes. “5 months!?” “Yes-.” You answered.
Part 2
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jewels2876 · 6 years
I Like Your Style
Pairings: Reader x Scarlett Johannsson, Reader x Elizabeth Olsen, Reader x Sebastian Stan
Word Count: 2421
Warnings: swearing, condom reference - but mostly FLUFF and shopping
A/N: Oh my god, the rewrites! I kept adding and deleting; I don’t think it’s one of my best but I wanted to keep writing – it’s good for my soul!
divider by @firefly-graphics​
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You had been a fan of Sebastian Stan the minute he stepped on screen in Captain America: The First Avenger. His beautiful blue eyes alone had been enough to draw you to him; that is until you saw Captain America: Winter Solider. The sheer virility on screen had you hot with desire; he only had one line and it still broke your heart every time you re-watched the movie. Since then you had indulged in every movie, show, video, ANYTHING you could get into your hands.
With the approaching Infinity War untitled movie, Marvel had thought it would be a great idea to set up contests for fans to meet their favorite Marvel heroes. Marvel was woefully naïve about the turnout they were expecting. Fans worldwide had crashed the Marvel site; the female contest numbers were through the roof and Marvel had to scrap the idea all together.
Or so they had led the world to believe – One of the contest sections, aside from the standard name, age, and email address, had been deceptively obtuse, asking the person to tell them who their favorite character was and why in 150 characters or less. Most of the entries had been underage teenagers telling emoji stories, while the vast majority of female entries had admitted vulgar suggestions for the actors involved.
You had chosen to answer honestly: I’ve been a huge Bucky fan – living in a world that never wanted to accept him, I could empathize – I learned my place was to help others, and I think he’s learned that as well. The only other question Marvel had put on the online form was a daytime phone number. So when your cell phone rang, showing a California number, you hesitated. You were on your lunch hour, what would one phone call hurt? Apparently, it could hurt an eardrum! You screamed louder and higher than normal when Marvel asked if you would be interested in walking their red carpet. Um, duh!
So here you were, at LAX, looking around for the car service. You spotted the sign “Y/l/n” with a sharp dressed man in sunglasses. You approached him with a smile. “Hi, you’re waiting for me.” He nodded without saying a word, which you thought was just a tad weird. But hey this is LA, right? They have weird people too.
You approached a large black town car, your luggage in tow. The driver put your luggage in the trunk, then opened the door for you. “Thank you,” you smiled again. He seemed unaffected as he moved around to the other side. You chuckled to yourself and shook your head. As you slid in you noticed the driver in the front seat already. The car started up quickly and in short time he dropped you off at your hotel. You thanked him again and left him a tip.
The hotel was standard by your experience. You weren’t expecting the royal treatment; the only thing you were really here for was the movie premiere! But as you emptied your luggage you realized the dress you brought didn’t seem nearly as special enough. You reached for your phone and dug around your emails. Marvel had said if you needed anything to call them, and what you needed now was directions to the nearest shopping mall and maybe a partner? Before you overthought it too much, someone answered your call and put you through to Marketing. The woman you spoke with didn’t even hesitate when you asked; she promised another car and a shopping partner in one hour. You thanked her and hung up to put away the rest of your stuff.
An hour later, the front desk called your room to let you know someone was here; you grabbed your purse and room key and headed down to the lobby. As the elevator deposited you on the lobby floor, you scanned the room. “Over here!” you heard someone yell. You did a double take at a blonde woman who was waving you over and the brunette beside her. You gave them both a polite smile. “Um, hi… Sc….”
“Shhh! We’re on a covert mission to get you a hot dress,” Scarlett Johansson deadpanned. “This is our deciding vote, Liz.” You giggled and extended your hand. “Y/n.”
“Enough with the introductions, let’s get out of here!” Scarlett ushered you out the door and into the other black town car they brought with them. The next hour flew by as you befriended the two actresses; even going so far to admit your huge crush on Sebastian. “Really?” Elizabeth smirked. “I’m pretty sure the guy’s single at the moment.” You blush hard. “Let’s not go there right now. I have a red carpet to get past, then I’ll let you set me up.” Elizabeth giggled. “Yes!”
The car finally came to a stop; Scarlett and Elizabeth got out first, you at their heels. When you step onto the sidewalk, your jaw drops slightly. “Um, I think we’re in the wrong place?” The two women smirked as you stared up and down Rodeo Drive. “No seriously, I’m not going to be able to afford anything here!”
Scarlett pulled out a card from her back pocket. “Who said you were paying?” You squealed in excitement. “OH MY GOD! Ok I have to chill, I know, but this is so NOT what I expected when I agreed to do this.” You stared again at the street full of stores, trying to put a game plan together.
“No way,” Elizabeth stated firmly. “We’re starting at Saks; if you can’t find something there this could be a lost cause.” You laughed and agreed to let the two pull you in tow. It didn’t take long for you to find a tasteful sheath dress, a standard little black dress. Scarlett gave you the once over in the fitting room. “I mean it’s nice, but it’s not… red carpet, wow, awesome. You need something… vibrant!” You liked your reflection in the mirror, but agreed to keep looking. Another hour and three dresses later, all of you were getting a little frustrated and punchy. You spied a bright blue dress, pulling it out to view. There were small cutout on the sides, but the back was nothing but straps and cords at the top. You hopped back into the dressing room again. Your eyes popped out a little and your jaw went a bit slack; you looked… hot! You stepped out of the dressing room and heard a few audible gasps.
“That’s the dress,” Elizabeth intoned. “I’ll say,” Scarlett concurred. With a satisfied fist pump, you went back into the fitting room and changed back into your clothes. Scarlett took the dress from you and went to be rung out; Elizabeth waited for you just outside the dressing room. “Well that was fun! You two are a riot!” you thanked them both in the car ride back to your hotel.
“Did you think this was over?” Scarlett asked. “We are taking you out; you cannot come to LA just for a lousy movie premier!” You stared at her in mock horror. “Did you just call the Infinity War (part 2) movie premier LOUSY?” The three of you all fell into a fit of laughter. “Seriously though, I have hair and nail appointments tomorrow; I’m glad I saw those silver strappy shoes on our way out or I would have needed another shopping trip! I’m tired.” To emphasize that point, you sank back into the car seat.
Elizabeth looked at you thoughtfully. “You know, you’re right. You’ve been flying all day; we kidnapped you to go shopping on Rodeo Drive. You get a good night’s rest; I think you’ll need it for tomorrow.” She grinned and winked at you. You groaned good-naturedly. “You guys are going to do something crazy to me aren’t you?” The car pulled up to your hotel lobby. You gave both women a hug goodnight. “You never know with us,” was Scarlett’s parting reply.
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You woke up with a start; the blackout curtains were open just a tad so you could see soft sunlight peeking in. You glanced at your watch on the bedside table and groaned inwardly. It was early enough that you had nothing to do but kill time until your hair appointment, but late enough that you should not consider lying in bed for much longer either. You decided to keep up the yoga stretches you had been doing to de-stress, so you hauled yourself out of bed. Thirty minutes later and several yoga poses later you felt more refreshed. You started into the bathroom when you heard a knock at your door; you cracked the door to see your new friends. “Come on in ladies,” you held the door open. “What brings you here this early?” Scarlett threw herself in the armchair while Elizabeth settled onto a corner of the bed. “We’re here to take you to your appointments; make sure you get to your destination in one piece.”
“Ok, entertain yourselves then! I’m going to jump in the shower,” you grabbed the plushy bathrobe. “Should I be expecting anyone else before I get out?” Elizabeth chuckled at the question. “No,” she answered, “but we all get a memo this morning about treating our ‘fan’ with lots of attention.” She gave you a side-glance. “If that dress is any indication, I may not have to play matchmaker!” You blushed and giggled, the bathroom door closing behind you.
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Four Hours Later
��Oh my god, this is fucking amazing!” A pair of strong hands was massaging your hands, as someone else finished your pedicure. You took off the cucumber slices and turned to the other women. “If this is the pampering you get for being an actor, I’ve been in the wrong business!” The nail tech declared your pedicure done. You admired the bright fuchsia polish on your toes and the French manicure on your fingernails. “This looks awesome! Thank you so much!” You shuffled off to pay for the services; Scarlett waved the black card around in the air. “Don’t even think about it y/n! Marvel is still footing the bill, I promise!”
“No way! I can afford a mani/pedi, along with the lunch and hair appointment,” you handed over your own debit card. “I came for a premiere, not for all of this.” You waved your hands around to make your point. “You ladies have been great friends; I think footing my bills is going a bit overboard.” Scarlett and Elizabeth snickered as their own pedicures were finished. Elizabeth confirmed everyone was done and you went with the two women to change.
Two and a half hours later, you emerged from the hotel all glammed up; your two pals gave you a once-over just to be sure there were no rips, tears, makeup stains, etc. “Damn y/n the guys are going to be drooling!” You smiled and clutched your purse a little tighter. It was holding the only things you needed that night: your phone, lip-gloss, and what Scarlett jokingly referred to as a “lucky charm,” a condom. You made your way down to the hotel lobby and escorted to a limousine. You slid in, followed by Elizabeth & Scarlett. The driver sped off; you used the time to calm the butterflies starting in your stomach. Elizabeth seemed to notice your distress. “Don’t worry; most people at a premiere are here to get us ‘big’ stars so you won’t have to worry about cameras being shoved in your face or being asked stupid fashion questions. Who are you wearing by the way?” You continued to stare out the window as you answered “Aidan Mattox dress, Jimmy Choo shoes.”
The limo came to stop; you started to get out, but Scarlett held you back. “Let me go first, then Elizabeth, then you. Let’s see what kind of trouble we can get you into.” You chuckled to yourself as you watched them get out. The bulbs were already flashing and the butterflies hadn’t left as much as multiplied. It was your turn, and already the lights had ebbed. You flashed a grin and stood tall for just a moment getting your bearings.
You heard a low whistle and turned to your right. The limos had been lining up, and right behind you had been none other than Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan. Your heart did a flip, and then flopped HARD. Sebastian’s hair was shorter, but the beard had been trimmed back to just scruff. His blue eyes were bright and shining, which seemed to match your dress. The two men approached you with friendly smiles. “Are you the fan we’re supposed to pay attention to?” Chris asked. You nodded, not trusting what might come out of your mouth. “I don’t think we’re going to have much trouble with that, are we Seb?”
“Nope, not at all,” Seb smiled and offered his right hand out. You glanced warily at him, not 100% sure of the intention, but took his hand. His other hand rested on the small of your back and he escorted you up the carpet. “I might give you all my attention,” he murmured low in your ear. Other parts of you were clenching in desire. Dear LORD, what that man’s voice was doing to you was sinful enough. You let him lead you a short way before the reporters started getting his attention. He let go of your hand, and whispered, “Don’t move” while he keeping a hand on your back and answered questions easily, with you by his side.
One reporter, whose microphone had the ET logo, asked how long the two of you had been dating. Without missing a beat, Seb answered “It’s new” with a smirk in your direction. You couldn’t help it; you rolled your eyes and laughed. He laughed with you, thanked the reporters, and continued further down the carpet. The process repeated a few more times, the last time one actually asked you about your outfit and you answered with a friendly smile.
Finally, you made it into the theater, trailing just behind Seb, taking the experience all in. “You ok babe?” he asked. “You seem awfully quiet.” You took his hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m just… happy, you know? This weekend has been awesome. The minute that movie is over, this is over for me. But meeting you, seeing this movie, I’m going to remember this.” He squeezed your hand back. “Who says you won’t see me again?”
Tag list: @sarahivi @lokiandbuckyaremine @pseudonymfox @puckerupplum @writing-for-a-chance @woodworthti666 @greenarrowhead @thejemersoninferno @marvelc00kie35 @lovely-dreamer19 @moondancewrites @ticklikeabomb @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @thenormreedus @lionhe04 @yafriendlyfangirl @lokilvrr
271 notes · View notes
wandafiction · 7 months
Rearview Mirror
Warnings: Angst, Cheating, Sad, No Happy Ending
It was the small things you started to take notice of first. They were so subtle you could have quite easily missed it, and at first you did. Or maybe you chose to simply ignore it, but now. No, now you knew something wasn’t right. The crushing feeling of longing and hurt mixed with confusion was enough to make you feel as if it was you in the wrong. 
Had you done something to cause these changes? Had you said something? Was it something you hadn’t done, maybe forgotten about? Were you too much? Too clingy? Too in love with her to see that maybe she didn’t love you anymore? Have you just blinded yourself with a false reality, a false sense of security, a false ideal of what the two of you have, who you are to one another? 
These are the questions that keep you up at night, staring at the ceiling with your hands resting on your stomach as the person who is meant to be next to you - in your bed - is not there. Her side of the bed is cold, untouched for a few days now. Has it been a week already, maybe it was two? 
The dent in her pillow, where she used to rest her head looking at you with that soft smile as you both fell asleep wrapped up in each other's arms. The way the weight of the duvet was all too real, without the body next to you to even out its use it feels like you are trapped under the weight of a thousand unsaid things. The way you would instinctively reach out to hold her as you finally allowed yourself to succumb to the tiredness that you not only felt in your body, but within yourself as a whole. 
Your mind working overtime to figure out where it’s going wrong? What did you do wrong? Or maybe did she do something wrong? Thinking of all the ways you could approach her and the subject without sounding clingy, childish and ungrateful. Calculating the best way to fix it all. Questioning if what you have is really worth fixing if she can’t even tell you what is happening and leaving you in the dark.
Leaving you to drown in your thoughts. 
The memories of the two of you together slowly become something that brings pain as you wonder where all that love you had for one another went. Did you ever have her love in the first place? A loud mind in a quiet room is very dangerous. Invokes that feeling of standing on the edge of the cliff and looking down, feeling your stomach drop through your ass as you see how high up you are. How long you have to fall for. And with each passing night you feel yourself leaning closer and closer, your toes slowly sneaking over the edge as you start to accept the fate that has been bestowed upon you. 
You love her, you want to fight for her. For you. For the life you have both promised one another. But as you feel yourself standing on your minds cliff edge you can’t help but get a feeling that instead of being at the bottom ready to catch you she is standing behind you ready to give you one final push from behind when you finally decide that maybe what is truly destroying you isn’t the possibility of losing her but knowing that you already have. 
You go over and over in your head every little thing, every little interaction, every word you have spoken to her within the weeks leading up to this. Yet you come up empty. Unable to find any reason she would do this. 
Once again as you start to fall asleep, letting the darkness of the bedroom and the emptiness of the bed surround you, you feel yourself moving closer and closer to the edge. 
It wasn’t always like this. That night as you feel asleep by yourself, once again, you made a promise to yourself that you have no other option to confront her. You didn’t care if it ended up with you getting hurt anymore, you were already hurting so much. 
But you decide that being hurt and having an explanation is better than being hurt while being left in the dark. 
She is your girlfriend and you be damned if you let her get away with treating you like you didn’t exist. 
Your closed fist hovers just shy of the wooden door, trembling slightly, as you go over one last time in your head what you want to say. What you want her to hear. What you hope she’ll tell you in return. You take one final breath trying to stop the build up of nerves that are starting to make you feel a little wheezy, and with new determination knock on the door. 
You were hoping she was here. When she is filming she sometimes comes back to this house because it is closer to filming and on late nights it's easier to drive here than the other side of LA where you both own your home together. She has friends and family stay at this house when she isn’t  here or she rents it out on Airbnb. You knew that wasn’t the case here, and even though her car wasn’t here you were really truly hoping she was.
And you wait. 
And you wait. 
And you wait. 
You try to tell yourself maybe she is upstairs and can’t hear you, or around in the garden where she likes to look after all her home grown veggies. They’re her children, that’s what she has always told you. You smile at the thought of how cute she is but that is quickly replaced with the foul feeling of disappointment. You knock again and again, maybe it’s desperate you staying there for nearly 20 minutes hoping something would change but at this point you really are. You just want answers. 
You scramble to get your phone out of your pocket hoping with every fibre of your being it is her but yet again disappointment rolls over you like an incoming tide, and you’re stuck in the deep sand. Sinking further down as the waves of pain gradually build, getting higher and higher, and knowing all too well that you will probably drown in it all if someone doesn’t pull you out. 
Seeing the name on your screen peaks your interest. ScarJo. It’s not like you two don’t message, but you also don’t constantly talk. You’re those types of friends who catch up every few months in person, maybe a text here or two when something in the other's life is happening and both make sure to offer support. 
ScarJo: Hey Hun just checking in. You’ve been less active on your social’s recently, especially insta and I mean you practically live on there. So I am just checking in with you.
Y/n: Hey bestie, yeah I’m chilling. Taking a break from the social’s this week. Just need to take some much needed time to myself and pretend that I am not in the spotlight all the fucking time.
ScarJo: There’s more.
You sigh, scratching at your brows, at how easily she can read you. You love it and you hate it, because she knows when to question further to get whatever you are feeling off your chest but you hate it because you can never truly hide how you are feeling from her. It makes sense though, as you two have known each other since you were 17 and starred in Iron Man 2. You were only meant to be a small part in the film, which you were, but when fans loved the way it seemed Natasha and your character had a mother/daughter type of relationship they demanded more. So of course marvel gave them just that. That was 13 years ago. Now 30 and she acts just like a mother both on and off the screen.
Y/n: I think I messed up.
ScarJo: How?
Y/n: I haven’t really heard from Lizzie this past week and I don’t actually think she has been home. 
ScarJo: Did she say why? 
Y/n: Scar she has only messaged me like once these past i don’t even know how many days and that was about how she was staying on set a little later and would be home soon. I know she is okay and alive though because none of the Marvel folk have asked me about her meaning she is turning up to filming.
ScarJo: You should get her to talk and explain herself. This isn’t okay.
Y/n: Did you not read the last bit, Scar? She hasn’t messaged me, even though I have been blowing up her phone with voicemails and messages. 
ScarJo: No, I mean talk to her in person. She is on set with Paul filming right?
Y/n: Yeah
ScarJo: Then message him and ask him when they are filming so you can confront her. You don’t have to tell him the reason, just say something like you want to surprise her on set because she has been so busy we haven’t had time to ourselves or some shit like that. I mean you could probably tell him what you told me and he would help and not tell Lizzie. They may be friends but he is also your friend and I am sure he would keep to himself and out of your business.
Y/n: I just don’t know what I did wrong for her to completely ignore me.
ScarJo: Who said you did anything wrong. From the sounds of it she is the one who has something to hide and you are the one who should be mad at her. Just confront her and corner her Y/n, she won’t be able to escape it and I will be here whatever happens.
Y/n: Promise you’ll be there?
ScarJo: Always.
Y/n: Thank you.
ScarJo: Good now go confront her! 
Y/n: Okay, okay. I am texting Paul as we speak.
ScarJo: Good. Bye, love ya, bitch.
Y/n: yeah, yeah. Love you too whore!
You chuckle at the interaction before looking at the most recent reply from Paul.
Paul: We are on set for another hour. I will try and hold her here until you get here. See you soon.
Y/n: Thank you so much Paul, you don’t know how much these means.
Paul: Always do what I can for my favourite power couple. 
You swallow the lump in your throat at his words. It is true, all the Hollywood gossip magazines have deemed you the power couple of the celebrity world. It is probably due to you both being from the Marvel franchise, and women, the Hollywood world and fans seem to love the fact you guys got together. Of course there have been rumours and fake news made through the 5 years you guys have been officially out to the world. You smile at the memory of all the upset Lizzie fans that she was officially off the market, but they were also happy to see she was with a woman. Funny things her fans are. 
You shake your head to bring you back to the present. You go to the rock by the plant pot picking it up to grab the spare key and let yourself into the house. She said you could if she didn’t answer the door and well she didn’t so here you are. The sound of the eerie quiet confirms nowhere is here and you turn around quicker than anything, locking it back up and making your way back to your car. 
On your way to set you stop at Lizzie’s favourite food place  so you could keep up the way you were bringing her an on set dinner: that was what you had told Paul. You walk away from Lizzie's front door and get straight into your car, wincing at the way the door slams.
Your hands tighten on the steering wheel as you get closer and closer to the film set. Your breath becomes shaky as you recall reels over all the outcomes and before you can spiral anymore a message from Scarlett is all you need to push every thought to the back of your mind and concentrate on getting to Lizzie in one piece and confronting her.
ScarJo: You deserve better than what you are getting right now.
“Hey Y/n.” Paul greets you with his charming smile and you swear he sounds more British each and every time you see him.
“Hey. I would love to catch up but I would like to catch Lizzie before she leaves the set. It would be hard to explain why I am not home when she gets there.” You smile through the pain knowing she hasn’t been home for a while as Paul chuckles. 
“She is in her trailer.” He gives your shoulder a squeeze before you both walk in opposite directions. 
You make a beeline to her trailer, no plan on what you are going to do or say when you get there but you are hoping that you won’t need to say anything and lizzie will just bring you inside and explain everything. You want her to tell you that filming has been so busy she has been staying in her trailer so she doesn’t have to travel between home and the set and only get a few hours sleep. Of course it would have been nice for her to message you and tell you that and actually message you daily but you were so desperate for the answer to be something like that, that you are sure that the whole not messaging thing would be addressed another day. 
You hop up the two small steps of the trailer as soon as you are at the door knocking 3 times, rather harshly, as your heart rate starts to rise as you go over and over in your head how you want to start this. Maybe you should get right into it? Just jump down her throat. You know you are probably going to cry because you have been deprived of her for over a week, deprived from cuddling her at any given moment and laying your head in her lap. For someone who loves language is touch , you are feeling very touch deprived from the one person who is usually so good at making sure some part of you is touching, even if it's just your knees or fingers brushing against the others as you watch movies on the couch. 
“Y/n” Lost in your own thoughts you don’t see the door open let alone lizzie’s surprised look when she sees who is standing in front of her. “What are you doing here?”
“We need to talk.” Oh so this is the route you're taking. You nod to yourself as you agree with your own mind that direct is the best way. 
“Oh, uhm, yeah come in.” She moves to the side ushering you inside and you do so without a second to waste your eyes quickly scanning around the trailer looking for something that you don’t want to find. When you don’t see anything you let out a breath and let yourself relax slightly. Only slightly. 
“Would you like a drink baby?” You turn to look at Lizzie who is standing looking at you curiously, you’re not quite sure how the pet name makes you feel.
“No, I’m okay.” Lizzie’s brow furrows slightly, her head tilting as her eyes look you up and down once before looking at your eyes and you can’t help but look at your feet: not missing the look of hurt as you do. 
You swallow the lump in your throat as you look back up at her. She is slowly making her way over to you and you don’t move. You don’t want to move, what you really want to do is talk but you’re not sure where you want to start. You jump slightly when Lizzie’s hands end up on your biceps and she gives them a gentle squeeze, her frown only deepening at your reaction. 
“Sweetie what’s wrong?” 
“What’s wrong?” You can’t help but scoff at her question, the feeling of anger and sadness bubbling up. “What’s wrong is how you’ve been ignoring me for over a week now! What’s wrong is how I haven’t heard a single thing off of you since you got to work the week before last! It is now getting ridiculous and I have had to come to your place of work just to see you. You haven’t been home! Not once. Not one time have you been home this week. I haven’t heard from you, I haven’t seen you. How do you think that makes me feel Liz! I am your girlfriend. You don’t just fucking ghost me like I don’t exist!” 
You pull away from her touch, her hands on your arms feel wrong as you get more and more upset and angry at the situation. You have never been one to blow up like this with Lizzie and you can tell by the way her mouth drops open in shock and she brings her hands back in front of her, fiddling with the few rings that adorn her fingers. Her eyes don’t leave yours as you bite the corner of your lip to stop it from trembling as you feel the corner of your eyes start to sting with the tears.
“Baby.” Lizzie’s voice is soft and usually it’s enough to get you to look back at her, listen, let her explain; which ultimately you want her to do but at the same time you shake your head as you glare at her.
“Don’t.” Lizzie stops the step she was taking, her eyes widening slightly at your still harsh tone. “Don’t call me baby when I don’t feel like it. Lizzie, you have made me question everything that I did leading up to this. I doubted myself, I thought I did something wrong and I really am hoping this is where you tell me what I did and I apologise and you come home. But do not call me baby when you, my so-called girlfriend, feels nothing more than someone I don’t know.” 
“Ba-Y/n.” You clench your jaw at her sweet voice fighting every natural instinct in your body to move to her, you are really craving her touch even when you are this mad but you fight the want over the need to get her to admit that something is wrong. 
“Elizabeth, I am not up for playing fucking games right now. Why the fuck have I not heard from you for the past 10 days. Not even a good morning text. You just disappeared off the face of the earth and left me behind. What did I do wrong?” 
You turn around not wanting Lizzie to see you cry over this, sure she has seen you cry before and she was there to comfort you but that’s not what you want. So you make sure you’re not facing her as you harshly wipe at the tears that have escaped, a ragged breath in and out as you try to calm yourself down so you can look at her without becoming a complete mess. Just as you’re about to turn around to face her again your eyes catch something just inside the door of the bedroom, the door slightly ajar and you feel your stomach drop and bile rise up your throat. 
“Y/n.” She calls your name gently once again, a quick glance over your shoulder and you know she knows you’ve seen them as her eyes dart between you and them. “Y/n, baby.”
You ignore her as you take a few steps towards the bedroom swiping, what you hoped it wasn’t, someone else’s underwear off the ground. You know they are not Lizzie's as she doesn’t like to wear boxers, and they are definitely not yours because - well these boxers are definitely for a man - and with a new anger you turn around and hold them tightly in your hand.
“Who?” Just one word and it's enough for tears to start to fill Lizzie’s eyes as her mouth opens and closes to try and come up with some explanation, some answer to the question know one ever wants to have answered. “Stop looking at me like a fish out of fucking water and tell me who the fuck you have been sleeping with!”
“I never meant for it to happen.” Is the first thing she says and you laugh dryly as you take a few steps forward holding what in your hand between the two of you. “It was a mistake.”
“Never meant to happen! It was a mistake?! No, no a mistake is when you buy whole milk instead of semi-skimmed. A mistake is when you accidentally burn the dinner. A mistake is when you forget to charge your phone the night before and wake up to low battery. A mistake is not having someone else in bed with you. A mistake is not having someone mans dick inside you when you have a fucking girlfriend waiting for you, worried at home. A mistake can be fixed, we fix mistakes, we forgive mistakes. But this Elizabeth. This was not just a mistake. This was you destroying something.” 
“Don’t say that. We can fix this.” You glare at her as she pleads, her lip trembling at your words. “What can I do to fix this?” 
“Fix this? There is nothing left to fix Elizabeth. This, this.” You throw the boxers at her and she flinches as they hit her body and drop to the floor; the tears now rolling down both of your cheeks. “ There is no fixing what you have broken. There is no going back on what you’ve done. There is no us to fix.” 
“Y/n please. There has to be something. This can’t be it. This can’t be the end. We are so good together, I love you.” 
“If you loved me the way you say you do, you wouldn’t have slept with someone else.” Another thought pops into your mind as you say that and you wipe at your tears, looking at her as you take a shaky breath. “How many times Elizabeth?” 
“What?” Her voice quivers as you wipe the last of your tears, your face showing no signs of how you are truly feeling and it scares her. She has never seen you this angry before, and it's never been aimed at her.
“You heard me. It's been over a week so I am perfectly in the right mind to assume you have had sex with someone else more than once. So how many times did you fuck someone else?” She goes to say something, but stops herself as she releases a sigh and looks down at her shoes mumbling. “I’m sorry, speak up.” 
“2 months.” You feel your heart drop, and completely shatter and you don’t say a word as you push past Elizabeth but not before she grabs your forearm turning you around to face her as she lets out a sob. “I’m sorry. Please don’t leave.” 
Your eyes flick left in right as you stare at her, her eyes brimming with tears, full of anger and what she can only assume is hate. You lean closer to her, not taking your eyes off hers as you’re now inches apart. 
“Fuck you.” You spit venomously as you yank your arm out of her hold and storm out of the trailer ignoring the calls of your name. 
“What happened?” Scarlett asks from the passenger seat of your car. 
You decided you needed someone's help and Scarlett was of course the only person you could go to. The look on your face when she opened her front door, one can only describe as broken, was all she needed to see before she was pulling you into her arms and you were breaking down. You hadn’t even told her what had happened when you were dragging her to your car and driving away, definitely breaking some speed laws as you headed in the direction of yours and Lizzie’s.
“Y/n.” Her hand on your thigh breaks you out of your trance and you take a quick glance at her, her worried expression making you release a sigh as you look back to the road. 
“She’s been sleeping with someone else for 2 months. 2 months Scarlett! And she had the audacity to ask me not to leave! Fuck her and fuck this. I am done. We are going to mine, well hers now I guess I am packing up my shit and I am getting the hell out of there.” 
“Where are you going to stay?” You could tell Scarlett was angry with the strain in her voice, but your heart kinda melts at the way she is always so caring. 
“Well I was hoping to stay with my favourite Person.” You smile cheekily as you quickly glance at her. 
“Aw I’m your favourite person.” You chuckle, shaking your head.
“I was on about Rose but sure.” You hear Scarlett gasp as she gently smacks your arm. 
“Whatever.” She grumbles momentarily before taking your free hand that's on the centre console and giving it a gentle squeeze. “You are always welcome. For as long as you need.” 
“Thank you.” The soft moment is interrupted when you pull into Lizzie’s driveway. “Fuck.”
“Oh hell to the fucking no.” Scarlett sees Lizzie running out the front door as you stop the car and she is out the door quicker then you have ever seen her move before and you are quick to follow her when her hand makes contact with Lizzie’s face. 
“What the fuck!” You hear Lizzie shout as her hand rests on her now very red cheek as Scarlett glares at her.
“Fuck you. I told you, I fucking told you not to hurt her that first night I introduced you two and look where we are. Y/n go inside and start packing. I will be there in a minute.” You don’t fight her as you have learnt she can be very scary when she is angry so you make you easy past Elizabeth who looks at you with pleading eyes but you look to the ground ignoring the way it hurts to ignore her this way. 
“Y/n baby please. I am so sorry. Please. What can I do?” You stop in your tracks as you look back to Elizabeth who has followed you as you stop at the front door and Scarlett is next you the next moment.
“What you can do is stay the fuck out of my way as I pack my shit.” You continue to walk into the house and hear footsteps close behind making you roll your eyes.
“Y/n please don’t do this. Please don’t leave me. I promise it will never happen again. I’ll do better, I will be better. Just please don’t leave.” 
“Don’t even start Elizabeth. I am packing my bags and I am getting as far away as you as possible. You don’t get to ask me to stay after you whored yourself to some man behind my back. You don’t get to ask me not to leave when you are the one who has destroyed everything we ever were. You don’t get to ask me not to leave when I can’t even look at you right now, let alone see a future with you anymore. Everything we have ever talked about, our future, the life we wanted. It’s gone. I can no longer see our future. And I no longer want to. You have destroyed everything.” 
You are saying all of this as you quickly pack a bag, luckily having your suitcases in the walk-in closet really saved you the time searching for a few bags. You list off everything as you stuff as much as you can in your suitcase and backpack, making sure you have all of your essentials including your laptop and all your chargers. You go through your bedside table putting a few things in there before your hand comes into contact with something that makes you laugh humourlessly. 
“What’s so funny?” Both the women question at the same time, and it's only now you see Scarlett blocking the doorway not letting Lizzie in, as you shake your head pulling out what you find. 
“Nothing really, it really not funny.” You chuckle and you know you are only laughing because this whole situation is so ridiculous it is the only way you can cope in the moment. “Its just. I had it all planned out you know, and now none of it even fucking matters. My dad was so excited you know, with how sick he is. He never thought he would make it to that day and I made a promise to do my best that he would but now I have broken that promise. And it's all because of you.” 
You see the realisation cross Scarlett’s face as you sling the backpack over one shoulder, grabbing your suitcase with one hand and keeping the object behind your back with the other. You take one last look around the room before walking slowly towards the two women. Lizzie looks distraught, not that you care. You’re really not sure if she is or if she is just acting to try and make you stay. You stop just next to Scarlett as you look straight into Elizabeth's eyes and she swallows harshly at the emptiness she sees in yours.
“You made me break the one promise I never wanted to break.” You shove the item in your hand against her chest, her hands instinctively  moving to grab it as you pull your hand out from between hers. “Have a nice life Elizabeth.”
You barge past her and Scarlett follows as you make your way back out to the house. Scarlett jogs ahead to open the boot of the car for you and you place your bags straight into it. You pull the keys out of your pocket but Scarlett snatches them from your hand and you raise a brow as she makes her way towards the driver's side. 
“You are not driving in your state. We can go to McDonalds and pick up dinner for us all and have a nice girls night on the couch with Rose.” 
“What about Colin?” Scarlett laughs as she opens the car door.
“He is one of us at this point. He is an honorary girl at girls' night.” You hum as you close the boot and the sight of Lizzie running up to the car makes you sigh.
“You were going to propose?” You raise your brow as she holds the small velvet box in her hand tightly. 
“No, I just bought a ring because I thought it was a funny joke. Of course I was going to propose Elizabeth! We have been together for so long and we had talked about our future for so long. We were going to start a family. I don’t care what you do with it Elizabeth, pawn it for all I care it doesn’t mean anything anymore.” 
“Y/n please. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to do this. I’m sorry.”
“You're sorry?” You raise your brows at the half-assed apology. “Are you sorry it happened or sorry you got caught?” 
When she doesn’t say anything you shake your head opening the door not caring that it opens into Lizzie making her stubble back slightly, ignoring the tears that are streaming down her face as her finger traces the ring in the now open box. She looks at you with desperation and a mix of guilt but clench your jaw closed not allowing yourself to go to her and tell her everything is going to be alright. You can’t let yourself. So you do the only thing you know which will stop you from doing so and that is to slam the door shut and look ahead at the house. 
The door opens again and you glare at Lizzie who is wiping her tears and her face crunches in frustration.
“This is just as much your fault as it is mine. Relationships take two people! This is not all on me.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” A new found anger in you boils away as you climb back out the car pushing your finger accusingly into Lizzie’s chest as she lets out a scoff and shakes her head.
“Like you don’t know what the fuck I am talking about.” You raise your brows, holding your hands up in utter confusion. 
“Please enlighten me with what I am meant to have done to deserve this. What the fuck did I do where you thought cheating on me was the only fucking option you have because I promise you cheating is never the right fucking option in any given situation Elizabeth!”
“For someone who loves physical touch so much you sure as fuck didn’t want to touch me. Or let me touch you.” 
“Are you serious? Are you fucking serious!?” You shout at her as she looks at you with deadly seriousness. “You slept with someone else because a few times you wanted to sleep with me I wasn’t in the right mood to want to have sex!”
“You have never denied me so many times. It was humiliating. I felt like you didn’t want me anymore. I felt like you were disgusted with me, of my body. It felt horrible for you not to want me. I made so many advances and you rejected every single time.” 
“Are you hearing yourself right now Elizabeth? You think that is a good reason to cheat! Why didn’t you just fucking talk to me? Like a normal fucking person.”
“I tried talking to you!”
“When? When did you ever start a conversation about it? Never once did you ask me to talk, never once did you tell me you had something to talk about. Never once did you come to me. Because if you had, you would have the answer to that exact question and then none of this would be fucking happening. None of this is on me, it is all on you. All you had to do was come to me.” 
You are ever thankful that Scarlett knows when to intervene and when not too but it must be a little awkward for her just sitting in the car watching you two having a shouting match, you laugh internally at the thought that she will definitely say she should have brought popcorn with her.
“Oh yeah and what good fucking excuse would you have given me?” She asks you with an accusing tone. 
“I am pregnant Elizabeth. That’s my fucking excuse. The IVF fucking worked and I have been feeling the effects of morning sickness and all the shit that comes along with being pregnant. So there is your fucking excuse. Now look at what you have actually destroyed.”
“What?” Her voice breaks and you internally curse your heart when you feel it break at how she just found out the news but you hide it well as you just continue to glare at Lizzie whose eyes are darting left and right as she comes to terms with the news. “How far along are you?”
“Not that you deserve to know but 4 months. Not that it matters to you anymore.” Her eyes turn glassy once more as they flick up to look in your eyes.
“Elizabeth, you gave up the right to be this child's mother when you cheated on me. So yeah when I say you destroyed everything I mean everything. We were going to be married and have a child in less than a year and here you are standing outside what once was our home begging for forgiveness after your infidelity for 2 months. Fuck you.”
With that you get back into the car slamming the door once more, this time locking it from the inside so Lizzie can’t open it and hold in all the tears that are starting to build. You can’t cry in front of her. You won’t let yourself. Once you are at Scarlett’s in the privacy of a room that is when you will yourself to break down completely. But not now.
Not now.
You feel your lip tremble at all the memories that you are leaving behind, all the empty promises and plans for the future. Everything you two ever were destroyed in one afternoon. You suck in a harsh breath as Scarlett starts to reverse the car and Lizzie walks in front of your eye line as she follows the car to the end of the drive. You are looking at her but you aren’t seeing her, lizzie knows this, it's like you are looking right through her. 
As the car turns onto the road you lean your head against the window, your eyes glancing in the rearview mirror as Lizzie collapses to the floor. It's the last thing you see as Scarlett makes a left turn. The last memory you have of the person you thought you would be with the rest of your life, the love of your life, the mother of your child, the one you had deemed a soulmate. 
The last memory you have of her is in the rearview mirror of the car. 
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