marvelatthisfanfic · 6 years
Through Ash and Dust
a/n: soooo infinity war fucked my life up and i just had to do a little fic placed in the time frame of infinity war. so even though angst is my calling, i’m gonna start off with some super hella fluff and how it SHOULD have ended to help my crippling depression (‘: fear not, the angsty infinity war fics will arrive shortly after (;
prompt: After defeating Thanos, Thor finally realizes that he must not take anything for granted. Especially you.
word count: 1,202
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“Peter, don’t,” Tony’s voice wavered slightly as he was exerting a great deal of energy. Mantis’ mind powers had Thanos locked in a trance-like state, leaving him open to give any information with a simple question.
“Where the hell is Gamora?” Quill shouted, his hands tightened into fists at his sides. Thanos’ eyes were overtaken by the misty, fogged over look caused by the mind manipulation.
“She’s gone.” Nebula snaps, anger and sadness coursing through her all, at once. Peter Parker was perched on the purple brute’s arm, trying his hardest to rip the gauntlet from his hand.
Quill began to march closer to Thanos, anger pulsing in his mind. As soon as he raised a hand to hit him, Doctor Strange came flying towards him, barely stopping him from ripping Thanos from his unaware state. 
“She’s dead! And it’s all your fault!” Star-Lord cried hysterically. “How could you? She was your daughter! I loved her!” 
“Mr. Stark! It’s almost off!” Peter called out to anyone listening. “I need a little help here!” Tony came dashing over, pulling even harder until the metal glove flew out of Thanos’ grasp. 
“When do you want me to wake him? Mantis asked, confusion crossing her face. Doctor Strange chuckled at her complete misunderstanding of the situation.
“Knock him out, for as long as you can.” She nodded swiftly, making quick movements with her hands, Thanos falling to the ground soon after.
“I’ll kill that stupid bitch!” Peter Quill exclaimed, running towards the unconscious alien on the rocky surface if whatever planet they were currently on.
“(Y/N), have you gotten in contact with anyone from Earth at this point?” Stephen Strange called calmly from your left. 
“I’ve gotten in contact with Fury about the gauntlet and Steve and the gang.” You answered, hesitation in your voice. “They’re in Wakanda right now.” 
“Why do I sense that you are very uneasy,” Nebula squinted at you as if you had done something wrong.
“Well, Shuri’s whole mainframe is down,” you sighed, rubbing your temple. “The Black Order, well what was left of them, invaded Wakanda. There has been many casualties.” Tony began pacing, his side still bleeding out.
“Mr. Stark! You need to sit down, you’re bleeding!” Peter cried frantically, shooting over towards his father figure. Wincing at the sudden movement, Tony was brought to sit down beside you.
“So how the hell are we supposed to get back?” Quill remarked for the first time since his break down. “I don’t want to be stuck looking at this ugly motherfucker for much longer.” His eyes glazed over with anger and hatred as he glared at Thanos’ unconscious body.
“Easy there, Quill,” Strange warned from his sitting place on the boulder where he checked all possible outcomes for this war. “We don’t want to fuck up what Mantis put him under.” 
“Why don’t you contact Thor and Loki?” Peter questioned. “They can get us home, right?” You grinned at the spider suit clad boy. 
“What a marvelous idea that would have been even better and hour ago,” Strange mocked, agitation clear in his voice. You chuckled at his sarcastic ways before closing your eyes and concentrating on reaching the Asgardians. Vivid images of death and destruction clashed in your mind, causing a gasp to come from you.
You pushed through, trying to get in touch with the God of Lightning. You felt a little fuzzy before establishing a connection. We need help. On an unknown planet. Thanos is done for. As you waited for a response, a feeling of uneasiness settled over you, sending chills down your spine.
“What is it?” Strange asked quietly from beside you. “(Y/N), what’s wrong?” You grimaced, eyes squeezed tightly to try and focus your energy towards the uneasy feelings. Asgardians on a ship. Thanos. Death and destruction. It all clicked immediately, your eyes shooting open. 
“Loki is dead,” you rasped out, getting dizzier by the second. Shocked looks covered everyone’s face at your statement. 
“What do you mean  Loki is dead?” Quill questioned. “He is a God. The God of Trickery!”
“I don’t know, okay?” you gasped in a frenzy, trying to calm down. A feeling of security rushed through your body, and suddenly, you were falling. The last thing you saw was the oddly colored sky above you.
“Where is she?” Thor came rushing down the infirmary wing in the Avengers Tower; electricity was buzzing at his fingertips, demonstrating his sheer anxiety and anger.
“Follow me bud, she’s this way,” Tony soothed gently, trying not to provoke the man before him. Thor rushed behind the genius, making quick work of the floor below them. He had to see (Y/N). Right now. “She’s in there; be careful.”
The blonde man slid the door open gently, closing it swiftly behind him. His breath was gone the instant he laid eyes on you. Your body lay absolutely still besides the rising and falling of your chest as you breathed.
“Thank the Heavens, you’re okay,” Thor whispered, stepping next to you, brushing your hair from your face. A groan left your lips as you began to open your eyes. Smiling gently, Thor grasped your face, pressing his lips to yours in a chaste kiss. You felt the pure, raw emotions in it, and your heart began to thump faster.
“Thor..” you gasped, breathless from the kiss. He sat at the edge of the bed, grasping your hand between his.
“I will never leave your side, ever again, (Y/N).” His eyes, clear as the ocean, pierced yours as he spoke. “I will never take you for granted, and I will cherish you, forever.” You smiled, laughing a little.
“Is this your way of proposing to me?” A small smile graced his lips as he leaned to kiss you again, slow and sweet.
“Promise. Promise that you’ll never leave me, or scare me like that again,” the man before you begged desperately. You smiled sadly.
“Thor, you know I can’t promise you that.” His face fell slightly as you spoke words of truth. “But I will promise that I will do everything in my power to never leave or scare you again. Unless it’s a prank.” You winked, trying to lighten the mood.
“Such a trickster,” he chuckled. “You would think you were Loki.” Your heart stopped for a moment at the mention of his brother.
“I’m sorry,” you bit your lip, glancing to look into his eyes. “Loki- he’s gone.” Thor nodded tersely.
“I know, dear (Y/N).” His eyes looked stormy as he got lost in thought. “I was there when he was taken away.”
You hugged him tightly to your chest, never wanting to let go.
“That is why I must never lose you,” he choked. “Because if I lose you, there is no one left I love.” Tears dripped down the sides of your face as he hugged you, his words going straight to your aching heart.
“I love you, and I don’t ever want you to go,” you nodded into his chest, lost for words after everything that happened today.
“I love you too, you big sap.” Your soft smile was enough to take Thor into his own world. He would never let you go, and he would protect you, through ash and dust.
perm tag list;
@thecrazyoneshavetakenover @ailynalonso15
234 notes · View notes
marvelatthisfanfic · 6 years
Do you reblog other people's works? Or do you only post your own work?
nope; the only things i post on this blog are my own work!
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marvelatthisfanfic · 6 years
Ruin The Friendship (6)
a/n: hey guys! sorry it’s been so long since i updated this! i have been VERY emotionally stressed bc Infinity War got me fucked up. but alas, here i am with chapter 6! enjoy (;
warnings: swearing
word count: 1,243
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“Do not scare me like that, colonizer,” Shuri exclaimed as Bucky crept up behind her, examining all the tools and weapons lying on the table.
“Shuri, be nicer to our guests,” T’Challa smiled, his thick accent doing things to you. “Bucky, good to see you.” The Wakandan man shook the soldier’s hand firmly before walking towards you. “(Y/N,” he grinned while kissing your hand. “It is always a pleasure.” His sly smile made your knees weak, and you immediately began cursing whatever Gods created the ABO cycle.
“Thank you for such hospitality, T’Challa,” you did a little curtsey towards him. “All of your technology is amazing.” You were in awe at how far ahead they were with any technological advancement.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” Bucky grunted from behind you, making you roll your eyes.
“Don’t be mad just because your technological advancements are subpar to ours,”Shuri smirked at him, testing out the three prototypes of what look like T’Challa’s suit. She tossed a throwing knife directly at the black suit, causing it to turn a fluorescent purple color.
“If you see here,” Shuri started while pointing towards the color change. “It absorbs any energy from any impact, large or small, and it can deflect it right back at a target.” Your eyes lit up with amazement at this, and T’Challa laughed heartily.
“The suit is yours you know,” he chuckled. Your face blanked. “Oh, did Shuri not tell you that we had suits made for you both?” He gave her a scolding look, and she brushed it off, like usual.
“T’Challa, how can I ever repay you for this?” you gasped, going around the suit a full 360.
“You could let me take you to dinner before you leave after your mission,” he smiled, searching your eyes for approval.
This would be the perfect time to get revenge on Bucky. You had told yourself no sidetracking, but turning down a dinner with the King would just be plain rude, wouldn’t it? A smirk plastered itself of your face.
“I would love to go to dinner with you,” you smiled at him. “The mission should be over with by tonight if everything goes as planned. So how about tomorrow night?”
“That sounds perfect.” You suddenly couldn’t stop smiling, and you felt like you had one permanently etched into your face.
Bucky didn’t seem pleased with your answer as he grunted beside you, a scowl plastered across his face.
“Alright brother,” Shuri grinned. “Stop harassing the lady.” Everyone broke out into laughter, besides Bucky of course.
“Follow me this way, I’ll introduce you to your new gear.” We made our way through the enormous laboratory, gaping in awe at the intricate designs of the walls.
“This is your earpiece,” T’Challa explained while Shuri demonstrated how to put it in. “Once placed in your ear, it becomes invisible to everyone but yourself, making it a little easier to blend in.”
“Bucky,” Shuri motioned for him to follow her. “If you’d like, we could get you an upgrade on that arm.” His eyes brightened at the mention of his arm in a positive way. Maybe now he would finally stop acting like an asshole.
An arm wrapped around my waist. drawing me from my daze.
“Are you alright?” T’Challa looked concerned at the spacey look on my face.
“Just tired; mainly mentally,” you chuckled sadly, unconsciously leaning into his shoulder. His hand rubbed your back soothingly, making you want you lay in bed and relax. Today was supposed to be a relaxed day where you could take time to familiarize yourselves with your weapons and gear. But someone had to be a bitch baby.
“Everything will work out with your boyfriend,” T’Challa chuckled, parting your shoulder.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you answered quickly, not wanting him to continue making assumptions.
“I can feel your heart racing, (Y/N),” he grinned. “You can’t lie to yourself.” You felt your strong walls begin to break down, piece by piece.
“Look, T’Challa,” you sighed, rubbing your shoulder anxiously. “I just don’t think I should stop my life for a boyfriend.” His chuckle resonated around the high-tech room, jolting you from your subdued state.
“My love,” he smiled tenderly. “He is clearly infatuated with you. I only asked you to dinner to show you his true emotions.” You pondered his statement for a moment before he continued. “Who said you had to put your life on hold? Having someone to support and love you through thick and thin is not going to hold you back, (Y/N), it will only push you further.” His smile fell slightly. “I know you’re scared because of your past, but I think you should give him a chance.”
“Maybe you’re right,” you smiled softly, thinking back to last night, a blush coating your cheeks.
“Ah, so you are like a couple, in more ways than one,” T’Challa winked. You groaned in embarrassment before going off to find Bucky.
“Bye, King,” you smirked at his irritated face. He hated being called that by his close friends and family.
“You white men and your egos,” Shuri snorted. “Why don’t you just prove to her that you are worthy?” She cocked an eyebrow at him.
“I, uh, have a history of being a playboy,” Bucky rubbed the hand of his new arm on the back of his neck.
“Ah, and it all comes out now.” Shuri glared at him disapprovingly.
“I really do care for her,” he sighed sadly. “She keeps retracting from me.”
“You can’t give up on her if you truly care, you idiot! You chase after her, don’t let her push you away!” The tech whiz exclaimed. “Get out of my sight and fix your mess before I beat you with your own arm.”
You walked along the balcony, looking out into the starry night sky. It was clear; no clouds in sight. Thoughts of the previous night with Bucky flashed through your mind, causing a blush to appear on your cheeks. You groaned, frustrated that you’re still thinking about him.
“Whatcha upset about?” Bucky called from behind you. Whipping around, you were face to face with the man who you’d made out with just twenty four hours ago. He was chest to chest with you, and you could feel your heart beating out of your chest.
“I want you to listen,” he began. “And don’t talk until I’m done.” You nodded obediently, cursing your heat.
“(Y/N), I can’t tell you how much you mean to me. I know your past is dark, and you never had a good relationship, but I want to change that. You’ve been there for me on my good and bad days, and not even Steve could do that. I’m not giving you up, or backing down, and I’m gonna do whatever it takes to win you over.” Your eyes searched his frantically, your emotions overwhelming you.
Suddenly, after a moment of silence,
Bucky stepped forward, crushing his lips against yours. His hands cupped your face, bringing you as close as possible as you let out a soft moan. His lips were so soft, and your resolve to not have any romantic feelings toward Bucky dissipated.
He pulled away, cheeks flushed, and looked you in the eyes.
“Well, that sure was a hell of a way to fix that,” Shuri whistled from afar. You laughed, the corners of your eyes crinkling. Maybe, just maybe, T’Challa was right.
Masterlist | Part 7
ruin the friendship tag list;
@slender--spirit @eclecticvisions @haven-in-writing @loki7ms @dugan365 @chamongangae @amor67figment-love @thisislifesipitup @goldenstateof @spazzysparkles @superwholockian5ever @ktrivia @n7siha @sarcasticvodka @lowkeysebby @lovely-geek @chuflisworld @lxdyred @liz-a-bell @debbielovesbucky @space-caramel-girl @sweetmockingbird @fandomlover03 @photography-to-all @deadpoolgirl23 @maggyme13 @leaningtowerof-not-pisa @koizorahana @theinsomniacsblog @2017booklover @part-time-patronus @sunigyrl @rachelmc97 @nerdywitch
perm tag list;
@thecrazyoneshavetakenover @ailynalonso15
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marvelatthisfanfic · 7 years
Ignorance Is Bliss
prompt: Tony and the reader are extremely close friends, that is until Wanda decides to give Tony a little talk about her. Awkward avoidance between them becomes annoying and confrontation ensues.
a/n: hello there! i finally got around to answering and writing these prompts that people had asked me about! here’s a fluffy lil’ piece i did with the one and only tony stark! enjoy (;
warnings: fluff, a lil’ steamy scene, probably swearing?
word count: 1,026
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“Why can’t you just see how she feels about you?” Wanda exclaimed angrily, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. “Can’t you take your head out of your ass for more than two seconds!”
Tony stood before the Scarlet Witch in shock and a little but of terror as she scolded him, in his own lab, too.
“What the hell are you even talking about?” the technological genius retorted, slightly hiding behind his suit he was working on.
“(Y/N)!” Her eyes began to glow an ominous red color, sending shivers down his spine. “Do not play dumb with me right now, Stark. That is my best friend, and if you continue to be oblivious and hurt her, I will hurt you.”
Wanda turned quickly on her heel, slamming the lab door closed behind her, leaving Tony alone, to think about what the fuck just happened.
“You didn’t happen to fuck with Tony again, did you?” you narrowed your eyes at Bucky accusingly, seeing that the philanthropist had avoided you all day.
“For the tenth time, (Y/N),” Bucky growled back in annoyance. “I haven’t even talked to him in the past two days. I just got home from my mission.” Sighing, you agreed with him, resting your head on your hand. You felt utterly defeated; one of your best friends had been ignoring you, and you couldn’t figure out why.
Just as you began to get lost in your thoughts, Tony waltzed into the gathering room, plopping down in the chair across from the sliding glass door.
“We haven’t had a party in a while, Stark,” Sam grinned wickedly. “I’m beginning to get a little disappointed in you.” Tony only rolled his eyes, staring out into the gloomy city. The weather had been absolute shit for the past week, and today didn’t break the streak.
“I’ve been really busy with work calls,” he answered from his trance. You felt your heart plummet at his words, because his “work calls” usually meant a girl.
“Natasha texted,” Clint spoke up happily from the island bar just a few feet from where we were sitting. “We’re going out tonight!” Clint whooped excitedly. He hadn’t see her in almost two months since her mission was all the way in China.
“Isn’t that cute?” Sam cooed mockingly, taunting the archer. Clint simply rolled his eyes, hopping off the barstool and heading down the hall.
“Well, if Tony isn’t throwing a party, I guess I’ll go out for drinks tonight,” Same feigned hurt.
“Me and Buck will come with you,” Steve smiled from next to you. His smile was so contagious, you couldn’t help but smile too.
“That leaves these two mopey assholes to be depressed,” Sam quipped, booking it out of there before he got his ass handed to him on a silver platter by you.
After the room cleared out, you glanced at Tony, wondering who was going to speak first. Frantic eyes darted back and forth, trying not to make awkward eye contact.
“Why have you been ignoring me?” you asked harshly, getting over small pleasantries and sticking to the point. His eyes drifted up to yours, and he honestly looked completely defeated.
“Let’s just say Wanda gave me a little talk,” he hesitated for a moment before continuing. “I didn’t know you felt that way.”
You were taken aback, a look of shock plastered across your face, and you didn’t exactly know where to start or what to say.
“W-what did she say?” you questioned, eyes squinting slightly as if you were analyzing him, which you were.
“She just told me not to hurt you and all that jazz,” he rubbed his hand along the back of his neck awkwardly, not really sure where the conversation was going. You let out a puff of air you didn’t know you were holding and stood up, walking over to where Tony was sitting.
“Where does this leave us?” he asked you from his sitting position on the couch, looking up to your slightly taller figure. Your hands pushed his shoulders back as you straddled his lap, looking directly into his eyes.
“I’m tired of playing cat and mouse, Stark.” His mouth gaped, and he struggled to find words, but you found a simple solution to that. You leaned forward, closing the gap between you two, feeling his soft lips against yours.
After a few moments, Tony went from sitting idle to hands all over. His arm wrapped around you, pulling you into him while his free hand was cupping your cheek. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, nipping lightly, causing a moan to rumble from your chest. He chuckled darkly, pulling away to look at you, breathless and writhing in his arms.
“That was a good answer,” he quipped with a smirk across his face. You rolled your eyes at his cockiness, pecking his lips before rolling to sit next to him.
“Well that sure was a hell of a way to tell him,” Wanda’s accent called from the kitchen. A light flicked on and you looked towards it, finding her sitting at a barstool along the island.
“Were you just sitting there?” you exclaimed. “In the dark kitchen?!” Her eyes crinkled as she let out a deep laugh, finding pure amusement in your embarrassment. Tony joined in on the laughter and you scowled.
“Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart,” Tony cooed mockingly from beside you. You narrowed your eyes at Wanda evilly before letting your gaze rest on Tony.
“Tony Stark,” you growled at him. His arm snaked its way around your side before he continued.
“Ignorance is bliss,” he smiled at you.
“If you mock me one more time, you’re gonna get it.” His eyes widened at your threat before a smirk made it’s way back onto his lips.
“And what exactly will I be getting?” It took you a moment before you realized his sexual innuendo.
“ANTHONY!” His laugh rang around the room as he darted away from you, avoiding your punches. As the rest of the Avengers watched you chase each other around, you smiled a little, happy to be exactly where you were in this very moment.
perm tag list;
@ailynalonso15 @thecrazyoneshavetakenover
190 notes · View notes
marvelatthisfanfic · 7 years
Ruin the Friendship (5)
a/n: sorry that this chapter is so shitty and delayed, i’ve been going through some stressful college related matters, but fear not! i will be back to posting more often! and there might even be a new story being put up sometimes this weekend (;
warnings: none
word count: 1,257
“Bucky, what are you-“ your frantic words were cut off by him pressing his lips against yours again. Your breath was ragged and you were a moaning mess in his arms as he had his way with you. A gentle push made you flop backwards on the bed, him hovering above you. You could feel the slick between your legs as you took in the image of him above you, about to ravish you. His eyes were glazed with lust as he leaned down, kissing your neck, your hands intertwined in his hair, spurring him on.
“Buck,” you gasped as he found your sweet spot right underneath your jaw bone; his lips smirked against your skin and his hands roved under your shirt, rubbing lightly against your quivering stomach.
Suddenly, the image of the blond woman he brought home flashed before your eyes and made you feel sick to your stomach. Was he just using your heat and vulnerability against you?
“Stop,” your voice was weak as you pushed against Bucky’s chest, trying to overcome your insatiable want to be fucked into next week. His lips continued down your neck to your chest, making it hard for you to contain your noises of pleasure.
“No Bucky, stop, seriously,” you whined desperately. His eyes shot to yours immediately, a possessiveness about them.
“Are you okay?” his voice wavered, and he seemed nervous. “Did I do something wrong?” He was gentle, his fingers running through your fine hair.
“This is just too much,” you sighed, rubbing a hand across your face swiftly. “I- you just had that girl in the compound two days ago, I’m not here to get my heart broken, Bucky. I’m not a quick fuck.” The warmth of his body on yours left, leaving you lying on the bed, looking up at him. Sitting up, you fixed your shirt, watching and waiting for him to answer.
“I get that,” he started, clearing his throat. “What’s it gonna take for you to believe me, doll?” You smiled at his genuineness, and his twiddling hands. He always did that when he was nervous.
“Let’s just slow down, okay?” He nodded feverishly before you held up your hand, indicating you had more to say. “We’re on a mission right now, so no funny business when we officially start the reconnaissance.”
“I only brought her home to make you jealous,” Bucky blurted out randomly, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“I wanted you to want to be with me instead of all the other alphas who lusted after you,” he growled at the mention of this, his alpha side coming out. “Even if you were to come out as an alpha, you’d have them swarming, doll. You always do.” He stepped towards you, wrapping you in a huge hug. “Your smell is intoxicating.” A blush made its way across your cheeks at his rant and comments.
“Men and their egos,” you chortled, hugging him tightly, pulling him into the bed, cuddling into his chest. “You could’ve just asked me on a date you idiot,” you scolded, slapping the older man’s chest lightly. His contagious laugh rang out into the dimly lit room causing a smile to grace your face.
“Well, doll,” he grinned wolfishly. “Would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?”
“If you don’t fuck up again,” you smirked at him, flicking him in the forehead harshly.
“(Y/N), that hurt,” he feigned a hurt look on his face before poking you in the side with a smile on his face.
“It’s already 11,” you cried sadly. “We should get some rest after our trip.” Turning to the bedside table, you pulled the chain to turn out the lamp, successfully darkening the room; the only light that remained was from the open window looking out onto the city.
Bucky draped an arm over your abdomen, pulling you flush against him. Your face heated up again at the thought of what just happened minutes ago.
“Goodnight, doll,” his lips were pressed against your neck as he spoke. “Sleep tight.” You sighed contently, wishing that the night would never end.
As the sun peaked over the horizon on the still busy city, you turned over, groaning as the beam of light shined over your face. Shifting your foot over to the other side of the bed, you felt the warmth of Bucky’s legs, sighing happily as you pressed your cold feet against him.
He jolted up, whining at the chilly sensation on his warm body.
“(Y/N),” his voice was low and gravelly, sending chills down your spine. “Stop that.” His metal arm tightened around your waist, pulling your back against him, just like you had fallen asleep.
His other hand gena playing with your hair, making you sigh and close your eyes, relaxing into his body. As he continued, you let out a soft moan, feeling him come to a complete stop.
“I like those noises,” his morning voice made that butterfly feeling come back into your stomach as well as the slick between your legs. His metal hand slid down your waist, toying with the band of your underwear.
“Buck,” you gasped as he became more and more daring with his scandalous movements, not that you were complaining. As he kissed down your neck, you could feel him smirk at how much he was affecting you.
“Should I just keep teasing you like this?” He wondered sarcastically. “Hm, what to do.” After being thoroughly agitated, you turned the tables, straddling his waist, feeling him hard against you.
“Who’s going to be doing the teasing now, hm?” you grinned down at his seemingly helpless figure. Just as you were about to lift his shirt, you were on your back—again.
“Not you, doll.” His smirk made you melt at he continued kissing down your body. “You forget that I am the alpha here. No one takes charge of me that easily.” At this point, you were gasping, both from exhaustion from fighting back and forth and arousal.
Suddenly, a phone rang out from somewhere in the room, causing you to groan in dissatisfaction as he rose from the bed.You were going yo kill whoever was calling.
“Hello?” Bucky’s voice was a little scratchy from just waking up. “Oh, yeah. We’ll be there soon. Thanks T’Challa.”
“What’s going on?” you questioned, getting up and going to your duffel bag, searching for an outfit.
“T’Challa has some gear for us, well Shuri does. He wants us to come take a look around today,” he smiled, walking towards you. His hands found the small of your waist and pulled you close. His lips ghosted over yours, not fully touching yours.
“Such a tease,” you whined, grateful that you were still on heat suppressants. He chuckled, spinning you around, pushing you lightly towards the bathroom.
“Get dressed, I’ll change in here,” he said before turning towards his bag. After grabbing your suit that Tony had made you just weeks ago, you made your way to the bathroom. As you slipped it over your form, you felt at ease; familiar material sliding over your exposed body.
When you began your descent in the elevator with Bucky, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander back to the woman he brought back the other night. As much as you felt he was sincere, it could always be your heat making you see fake facades. You just needed to focus on the mission. And that means no side stops. For anyone or anything.
Masterlist | Part 6
Ruin the Friendship tag list:
@slender–spirit @eclecticvisions @haven-in-writing @loki7ms @dugan365 @chamongangae @amor67figment-love @thisislifesipitup @goldenstateof @spazzysparkles @superwholockian5ever @ktrivia @n7sihagaming-blog @sarcasticvodka @lowkeysebby @lovely-geek @chuflisworld @lxdyred @liz-a-bell @debbielovesbucky @space-caramel @sweetmockingbird @fandomlover03 @photography-to-all @deadpoolgirl23 @maggyme13 @leaningtowerof-not-pisa @koizorahana
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marvelatthisfanfic · 7 years
Ruin the Friendship (4)
a/n: here is chapter four! finally there’s some action going on if you know what i mean (; i hope y’all enjoy !
warnings: swearing, tension, sexual tension
word count: 1,980
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Quiet whirring noises echoed from the landing pad outside of the common room, drawing you into a trance. Your duffel bag sat next to your foot on the wood floor, only the essentials packed.
“There should be folders in the aircraft,” Tony’s figure appeared from the shadows. It was currently 12:07 am, and all of the lights were shut off, allowing the rest of the team to get some sleep while you and Bucky were being whisked away to N’yufaria to help out a good friend T’Challa.
“Anything else we should know?” Bucky’s gravelly voice called from beside you. He was dressed in simple, casual attire; a black, long sleeved shirt with a pair of sweatpants. Man, he looked good. You couldn’t help but eye him as he stood confidently next to you, duffel bag slung over his shoulder, arms crossed.
“That should be it,” the philanthropist answered quickly, scanning over what you assumed was a checklist on his phone. “I’ll see you both in a week, hopefully.”
“Ha ha, very funny Stark,” you growled at his morbid joke of hoping that you’d both be coming back safely. His famous smirk was plastered across his face as you made your way outside, Bucky in tow behind you.
You were greeted with a huge, black aircraft that you had never seen before. A dropdown door was lowered to allow you access into the ship, revealing a dimly lit cargo area with flashing purple and blue lights. Seats were lined along the metal walls of the craft, making you sigh in relief. After boarding the high-tech aircraft, the hatch began to close, leaving you sotting across from Bucky. Just you two. Alone.
Distracting yourself was only going to get more complicated, seeing as you could only read over the same material so many times. The mission was simple enough: a quick look into N’yufaria’s advanced capital.
“Estimated arrival time will be in one hour,” a voice called from the piloting seats in the front.
“Looks like we’ll be staying in a nice hotel,” Bucky grinned at you, seeming as if nothing had happened to cause tension between you two.
You mustered a smile, acknowledging him without speaking.
“You’ve been so quiet lately,” he muttered, twiddling his hands in his lap. “Something going on?” A scoff left your mouth as you rolled your eyes.
“Nope. Not at all, everything is fine,” you answered bitterly. His eyes met yours in an intense stare, and your legs felt like jelly. You weren’t even standing for Christ’s sake! How did he have this much affect on you?
“I know you’re just jealous, (Y/N),” he smirked triumphantly as you gaped, unable to find words. “I know how much you wish it was you in my room last night.” His words were dripping with pride, making your stomach turn, because he was right.
“Just because I walked into whatever the hell you were doing doesn’t mean I wanted to be the one in there,” you remarked, trying to hide your emotions behind a mask. “Stop jumping to conclusions. I can get laid just as easily as you do; I just like to choose decent people, unlike you.”
“You don’t have to act like a bitch just because you know I’m right,” his hands slammed down onto the seats on either side of him.
“Whatever Buck,” you scowled, crossing you arms. “Don’t be mad because I don’t just melt into your arms like every other chick you bring home.” His metal hand gripped the edge of the seat harshly and his arms tensed, most likely at your bitter comment.
You sat in tense silence for a moment before you finally broke it.
“Look, I’m sorry,” you apologized. “We can’t be treating each other like this. Especially not now since we’re on a mission together.” He nodded, watching you carefully as you continued. “When we get back to the Tower, you ca go back yo hating me or whatever it is you feel about me, but right now, we need to focus on helping T’Challa out.”
“Arriving at the forcefield surrounding N’yufaria. Sit tight, there will be some turbulence,” the mechanical voice cut through the air, leaving your statement open. Sure enough, the craft began to quake and shift as you passed through the magnetic field.
“N’yufaria has some sort of illusion set up to look like a regular village or jungle area, but inside is one of the most advanced technological city,” you explained to no one in particular. You were reciting what you had read in the file, reminding yourself of this little fact.
“Just like Wakanda,” Bucky replied, looking out of the small windows on his side of the ship. Tall, modern skyscrapers whizzed by as you made your descent into a secure landing spot where you could get off and not be noticed.
“You have the location of the hotel?” you inquired, grabbing your duffel bag by the strap, swinging it across your body.
“Five minutes from our arrival point,” he replied, pulling up a map on his phone. A thud sounded, and the craft jolted to a stop, signaling that you had finally made a landing. The door began to lower, and you both made your way off, stopping to make sure the craft’s door closed without anyone getting on.
“Lead the way, Sergeant,” you mock saluted him, hearing him chuckle in from of you. You both made your way out onto the bust streets from a dark alley, sneaking in unnoticed. Bustling people filled the street, colorful vendors lining the sides, selling all sorts of goodies. It looked like something similar to a flea market, and you were suddenly forgetful of the fact that you had a job to do.
As you neared closer to where you and Bucky would be staying, the noise of the people and street dwindled down to nothing but crickets and bugs chirping in the brush lining the sidewalks.
“Looks like Tony had a reservation made for us already,” Bucky spoke up as you walked through the lobby to the front desk. “Reservation for Bucky Barnes.” The woman at the desk checked her computer and then handed a key, smiling at you both happily.
“Enjoy your stay!” you thanked her politely before heading towards the elevator, pressing the corresponding number that was on the key card.
“The 23rd floor?” you sighed tiredly, leaning against the cool metal of the elevator that felt lovely on your heated skin. The ride up was surprisingly peasant with the comfortable silence, the elevator dinging when you arrived on your floor. Bucky walked out first, leading the way to your room.
Once he located where you’d be staying, he slid the key card into the slot causing a clicking sound to occur, signaling that the door was now unlocked. You stepped inside, relishing in the atmosphere of the room. Bucky locked up the door as you set your bag on the bed. The only bed.
“Is this right?” Bucky asked the question on your mind. “Shouldn’t there be two beds?” This thought flashed through your mind, allowing the image of you and Bucky sharing a bed to pass through right after. A shiver made it’s way theough your body as you imagined it. Lying next to his warm body, his arm draped over your bare waist. Wait. What the hell were you thinking?
“Well, looks like Tony’s getting his ass kicked when we get back,” you grumbled while rummaging through your bag for some pajamas. Bucky chuckled at your comment before flopping onto the bed, moaning in pleasure at it’s comfort level.
“You can hop in real quick,” you offered, seeing how his tired form relaxed easily into the mattress. “Plus, you’re not getting under those sheets until you’re clean.” You wrinkled your nose at that thought of either of you being dirty in the clean bed.
“Alright Mrs. OCD,” he laughed at your antics and face. “I’ll be quick.” He stood, grabbing his clothes and toothbrush, carrying it into the bathroom with him. The door closed and the water started to run, leaving a calming aura to flood the room.
Cream colored curtain adorned the huge window along the wall, revealing a view of the techno city below you. People were still crowding the market streets, looking at different vendors’ items. You smiled to yourself as you watched everyone bustle around, as if they had somewhere to be at that very moment. It made you extremely thankful for the few days you had to recuperate before the mission.
The bathroom door swung open, drawing your attention from the city to Bucky’s figure. His chiseled abs had water dripping down them; the towel slung low around his hips revealed the v-lines on either side. You felt your face heat up as he stood before you, smirking.
“I’ll get in now,” you said hurriedly, not wanting to make any conversation right now. You moved quickly, grabbing your clothes and sliding past him i to the bathroom. You locked the door and let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
You felt your heart pounding in your chest as your mind wandered to images of a shirtless and dripping wet Bucky. Shaking your head, you turned the knobs, letting the warm water flow from the faucet. You pulled the tab, shifting the water from the faucet to the shower head. Undressing quickly was simple enough, and you stepped under the stream of water, sighing contently.
After a moment of basking in the comforting water, you began to scrub yourself clean. The shampoo had been rinsed from your head and the conditioner was soaking in as you lathered your body with soap. Successfully cleaning yourself, you rinsed off, turning the water off soon after. The fresh towel hung on the rack, and you grabbed it, wrapping it around your wet body.
You wiped the foggy mirror, allowing yourself a glance at yourself before wetting your toothbrush and putting a good amount of toothpaste on it. You switched between slipping on panties and yoga pants and brushing your teeth, finally getting both done. You slipped on a spirts bra after towel drying your hair and went to open the bathroom door.
The door swung open, revealing Bucky in boxers holding his towel in one hand. You grabbed the towels, tossing them onto the floor behind you. Bucky watched as you retreated to your side of the bed, pulling down the comforter and sheets.
An arm swiftly wrapped around your waist, making you yelp in surprise.
“Bucky!” you exclaimed, startled. “What the-“ His lips met yours in a slow, chaste kiss. Your wide eyes slowly drifted closed as his other hand cupped your cheek softly. Your arms wound around his neck as he deepened the kiss, tongues clashing together. Heat pooled between your legs as you slowly melted into him, moaning quietly against his lips. You broke away for air, gasping at his sudden actions.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now,” he grinned sheepishly as your stood there, shocked, angry, and slightly turned on.
“How can you just kiss me after bringing back that whore the other night!” you yelled, throwing your hands in the air. “You’re such an ass! Playing with my emotions the way you do! Especially now with my heat about to start!” You threw your hands against his chest and he caught them, making sure you couldn’t move. His eyes locked onto yours as you waited for an answer. When you didn’t get one you, you grunted.
“How typical of you, just ignore the issue like-“ he cut you off with another kiss—this one more intense than the last. He pulled away, smirking at your smaller figure.
“Let me make it up to you,” he grinned, pulling your arm towards the bed.
Masterlist | Part 5
ruin the friendship tag list;
@slender--spirit @eclecticvisions @haven-in-writing @loki7ms @dugan365 @chamongangae @amor67figment-love @thisislifesipitup @goldenstateof @spazzysparkles @superwholockian5ever @ktrivia @n7sihagaming-blog @sarcasticvodka @lowkeysebby @lovely-geek @chuflisworld @lxdyred @liz-a-bell @debbielovesbucky @space-caramel @sweetmockingbird @fandomlover03 @photography-to-all
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marvelatthisfanfic · 7 years
Ruin the Friendship (3)
a/n: so sorry that i am just now posting! i wanted to on thursday, but i got a cold and didn’t feel up to it. so here is the belated chapter three! enjoy (;
warnings: swearing, tension
word count: 1,918
“I’m giving you three seconds to pick your dejected, drunken ass off this nasty couch before I kick your ass,” Natasha barked at you sitting alone at the table. Seeing you weren’t going to budge on your own, she grabbed your arm, dragging you away from your half empty drink.
“Natttt, I just wanna go home,” you whined, feeling dizzy as she pulled you to your feet. “Why are there three of you?” Your eyes widened at the multiple Natashas standing before you started laughing so hard you began to stumble.
“Okay, let’s wrap it up here,” Tony strolled towards you, figuring that it was time to drag you to bed. “How many drinks have you had?”
“Oh gee, what kind of questions is that?” You exclaimed loudly, drawing attention from a few people sitting at a table nearby. “You should never ask a lady that!” You broke into another fit of laughter as Tony helped the redhead haul you to a car waiting out front.
“I’ll take her home, Tony,” she explained. “Thanks for the help.”
“AND THE DRINKS!” You shouted as she placed you in the car, rolling her eyes. Tony snorted at your drunken state before making his way back into the club. Typical Stark.
“Where to, Miss Romanoff?” The driver and the ex assassin spoke few words before the vehicle’s engine rumbled to life, starting towards the destination.
“That was a dumb question,” you remarked sourly, your mood shifting dramatically. “Where else would she be taking an Avenger.” She chuckled at your comment, telling you to be quiet and close your eyes. Grunting in disproval, you kept your eyes wide open.
“We’ll be home soon,” she placated quietly, minding your throbbing headache. “There isn’t too much traffic.” Regret of your drinking choices slowly started to flood your foggy mind, making you cringe inwardly.
Riding through New York while drunk off your ass was definitely not how you wanted to be spending your Saturday night, but hey, you were the one who decided to take ten shots. The bright, flashing signs on every corner made you wince and squint your eyes, praying that you’d magically appear in your bed.
Sure enough, the black Escalade rolled to a stop in front of the tower. Natasha opened the door, grabbing your arm to help you out. As soon as the cool air hit your face, you sighed contently, glad to be out of that stuffy club downtown.
“Come on (Y/N), let’s get you inside,” Nat smiled softly at you, hoping she could get you upstairs before you passed out from either exhaustion or alcohol poisoning. Quite frankly, neither of you were sure which it’d be.
The elevator ride was smooth and quick, and before you knew it, Nat had you dressed in pajamas and in your heavenly bed.
“Night (Y/N),” she whispered as your eyes drifted closed. The door clicking shut didn’t even bother you as you fell into a dreamless sleep.
“Oh my God!”
You jolted out of bed, sitting upright at the loud noise that woke you. Groaning, you rubbed your bleary eyes, trying to focus them on the clock with a surprisingly slightly less pounding head.
2:35 am.
“What the fuck,” you mumbled, reaching for the water sitting on your bedside table.
“Bucky!” the feminine voice yelled again, clearly enjoying herself. You choked on the cool water going down your throat at her desperate cries. “That feels so good!” Her moans quickly travelled through your shared bedroom wall, making you want to smash your head against it.
Relentless banging of the headboard on the wall and a moaning girl were not going to help you sleep; so, begrudgingly, you swung your legs over the edge of your bed, willing yourself to get up.
Slamming your door open and marching over to Bucky’s room was a piece of cake. It was the action of opening his door that you stumbled over. You closed your eyes tightly, hand resting on the cool doorknob. Finding strength, you shoved the door open, successfully stopping the noises.
As your eyes adjusted to the dim light, you took in the scene before you, a wetness pooling between your legs. His muscles rippled as he held himself above the blonde girl beneath him, a sheen of sweat coating his upper body deliciously. His abs twinging in exertion and the cloudy look over his face made you want to fall to your knees.
His eyes looked frantic, animalistic almost, as you stood there not saying anything as your stomach began to turn. Your eyes were lingering far too long in places that you shouldn’t be looking at.
“I’d appreciate it if you two could keep it down,” you said quietly, taking a calm, submissive approach to the situation, not that you wanted to. This fucking heat wouldn’t allow you to be dominant after seeing that.
They looked at you in bewilderment, as if you were a ghost. Clearing your throat, you awkwardly mumbled a thanks before turning and leaving, clicking the door closed behind you.
You zoomed back to your room, jerking the door closed behind you, falling down the door immediately after. You were breathless and a little turned on, which pissed you off even more.
Groaning, you threw your head back against the wooden door. Why did he do that to you? You didn’t want anything to do with him anymore, and he clearly felt the same.
Thankfully, they kept the noise down, and you were able to take a shower in peace, enjoying the warm water cascading down your tired body. Dirt and grime from last night’s clubbing washed down the drain as you scrubbed yourself clean. The shampoo made your head feel refreshed, and the conditioner did the same. After rinsing, you shut off the water, stepping onto the matt to dry off with the fluffiest towel you could find.
Once you were dry, you wrapped yourself in your plush, white robe and tossed your exhausted body into bed
3:02 am.
Maybe now you’d be able to get some sleep to rid yourself of your throbbing headache.
Rustling curtains sounded from across your room, causing your eyes to crack open slightly. You stretched your arms up, yawning as you did so, and felt your back crack satisfyingly.
“Hey,” Bucky called from the end of your bed. At this minute, you completely ignored the fact that he was in your room. “Sorry for last night.”
“No big deal,” you yawned again, sitting up. “Everyone has one night stands, maybe not as many as you, but you know.” Your answer was bitter and harsh, but you didn’t care. You couldn’t let him see how he got to you. As far as he knew, you were done with his bullshit.
“We have a meeting in an hour, just thought I’d wake you,” he sighed, rubbing his hand against his shoulder. You looked at him, adjusting your robe so it covered you sufficiently, his eyes lingering a little too long on your movements.
“Yeah, thanks.” You looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to walk out of your room so you could get dressed and find some Advil to kill the rest of your headache. He stood there for a moment, as if he was going to say something, before walking towards the exit. As soon as the door shut, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding before standing up, stretching yet again.
Rummaging around through your closet made you realize just how little clothing you had, but nonetheless, you put on a pair of black workout pants and a grey coast guard shirt that your cousin had given you many years ago.
While making your way to the meeting room, you realized how you hadn’t eaten in almost a day, and you were hungry as hell. But there was no time now seeing that you were almost late. Walking through the glass door caused everyone to look towards you.
“Nice of you to join us (Y/N)!” Tony snorted sarcastically. Taking a seat without a comment seemed like the best option here.
“What are we here for Mr. Stark?” Thor boomed from the corner chair, arms crossed tightly over his armor.
“Well, that’s what I’m about to get to,” he started solemnly. “I just got word from T’Challa, and it seems that our mission will be pushed forward a few days, meaning instead of it being Wednesday. it’s going to be Monday.”
“You’re fully aware that means Monday, right?” Sam questioned. A simple nod from Tony made him clearly dissatisfied with his answer.
“What exactly will we be doing?” Steve called out from beside you, making you wonder the same thing.
“America’s Golden Boy is asking the real questions here,” Clint laughed tersely, gaining a chuckle or two from around the conference table.
“Wakanda is currently under attack from a surrounding country.” A hologram screen shot up from the center of the table, revealing footage of tribes at war with one another. “He would like our assistance in hostile reconnaissance.”
“Since the mission was moved days earlier, this also means that the task has changed as you were just told.” He swiped his hand, switching the screen to an animated image of what seemed like a snowy, desolate mountain.
“We are no longer going for war purposes, which means we are all not necessary to this mission.”
“So, you’re saying only a few of us will be going?” Natasha asked blankly, seeming a little agitated.
“Precisely,” Stark smirked. “There will only be a need for two of you, so that leads to my next topic of who is going to travel to lovely N’yufaria.”
“(Y/N) is a clear choice for this,” Natasha boldly answered. “Her expertise is in reconnaissance.” She nodded to you in confirmation. “Confirmed Stealth kills surpassing four digits, all past successful missions, ability to put aside personal wishes and feelings, need I say more?”
“Well, that’s settled.” Sam leaned back, whistling at your statistics presented to everyone. “Who’s gonna be the lucky one to tag along?”
“Bucky.” Your eyes shot to Steve, giving him the darkest glare you could manage. “His experience in Russia and with Hydra has weathered him to deal with the cold. And let’s be honest, he’s one of the strongest and most efficient.”
Inside your head, you were screaming at Steve and throwing him against the window.
“Sounds good to me,” Bucky finally spoke up, his voice gravelly after not speaking. “When do we leave?”
“T’Challa is sending his method of transportation tonight. Says his tech is better than mine,” Tony scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Anyway, you’ll be departing tonight. F.R.I.D.A.Y will make sure you’re fully equipped with weapons as well as a file with information.”
“Meeting adjourned.” Everyone stood, making their way to file out of the door. You stood after mostly everyone had left, leaving you and Tony.
“I really hope Nat was right about being able to put personal matters aside, (Y/N),” he gathered his paperwork into his arms. “This mission has to be a success. You can’t let T’Challa down after what he’s done for us.”
You didn’t acknowledge him and turned to leave, thinking about what was to come in the next week. T’Challa was a good man, and when he rarely asked for help, he really needed it. You wouldn’t let him or the team down. You would set aside your own emotions, like you always did.
Could Bucky do the same?
Masterlist | Part 4
Ruin the Friendship tag list;
@slender–spirit @eclecticvisions @haven-in-writing @loki7ms @dugan365 @chamongangae @amor67figment-love @thisislifesipitup @goldenstateof @spazzysparkles @superwholockian5ever @ktrivia @n7sihagaming-blog @sarcasticvodka @lowkeysebby @lovely-geek @chuflisworld @lxdyred
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marvelatthisfanfic · 7 years
Ruin the Friendship (2)
a/n: i am honestly shocked that y’all liked the first part so much, but here’s the second chapter! expect to see another one this week since i’m off for break until Thursday! hope y’all enjoy (; 
warnings: swearing, per usual
word count: 2,053
“Come on!” Natasha yelled as you hit the bag hanging from the ceiling of the gym. “You can hit harder than that!” Her taunts only spurred you on further, making you want to knock the leather bag off the chain it was hooked to. “Did I wear you out from that little bit of sparring? Is little (Y/N) getting tired? Is her heat messing with her?”
Suddenly, all you saw was red, and you let loose on the practice bag, screaming as you roundhouse kicked it flying across the room, landing with a thud in front of the weight machines.
“That’s what I’m talking about,” the redhead smirked as she walked toward me, hands on her hips. “Really nice work today, (Y/N).” Wiping the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand, you smiled at her.
“Thanks Nat,” you gasped out, reaching for your water bottle resting on the ground by your shoes. “I really need to work out channeling some sort of energy like that all times.” You squirted some Gatorade, waiting for her response.
“It’d definitely get your cardio up, that’s for sure,” she smirked at you. You punched her shoulder, laughing at her snarky comment. “I’m just joking,” she laughed while grabbing her duffel bag of workout materials as you grabbed your shoes in your free hand. “But all in all, if you can out that kind of energy into every mission, you might be able to unlock some more of your abilities.”
“You know, that’s actually true.” You both looked up to see Wanda standing in front of you, wrapping her hands in boxing tape. “It took me a while to fully gain control of all my powers, although they are in my mind, I believe it would work the same way for you, as well.”
“Considering the fact that I am just starting to fully gain control and potential, I think you’re right,” you considered. Wanda patted you on your shoulder before passing by you. “Working on some hand to hand combat today?” You smirked at her.
“(Y/N), you should know me by now,” she tsked at you playfully. “I’m helping Steve with some training, sestra.”
“Bucky isn’t?” Natasha asked her, a puzzled look appearing on her face. Wanda shrugged her shoulders, making her way towards the glass door enclosing the gym. “He always does.”
“C’mon,” you nudged her from her thoughts. “Let’s go get cleaned up. Maybe get some lunch somewhere after?” You offered, trying to bring her attention from what seemed to be Bucky.
“Ah, maybe some other time? I forgot Tony needed me to test out a new suit he made for me last week,” she groaned at her remembrance, gaining a chuckle from you. You shook your head at her forgetfulness.
“No worries; we’ll make plans next week,” you reassured her, waving as you headed towards your room. “See you around, Nat.” She turned hurriedly in the opposite direction, causing some type of anxiety to flare up in your chest. What was so urgent that she couldn’t get lunch with me? Immersed in deep thought, you aimlessly wandered the halls towards your room, not paying attention to who was walking in front of you.
“Shit!” You exclaimed after barging into a hardened body. “Sorry Sam,” you rubbed your head sheepishly. “Didn’t see ya there.”
“(Y/N) not paying attention? That’s a first!” he exclaimed in mock shock. “Everything good with you?” He reached out a hand to help you off the floor. “You seemed to be a bit off this morning when I saw you and Nat training.” After getting up, you dusted yourself off, picking up your shoes and bottle.
“I really don’t even know what’s going on to be completely honest with you,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. “Took me longer than usual to get into training today. Nat really had to dig into some insults to get me going.” His eyes softened at your aggravated tone.
“Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself.” His hand rested on your shoulder now, lightly pushing you to start waling next to him. “You’re undergoing some crazy ass bodily changes with your heat approaching.” You scowled at the mention of what felt like your demise, gaining a small chuckle from the man next to you. “It’s okay to feel a little misguided and frustrated right now. We all went through it.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right, you sighed, defeatedly when suddenly a question came to mind. “Hey, do you know what’s up with Natasha?” He gave you a confused face before you continued. “She seemed a bit off when Wanda said she was helping Steve with training.” He came to a sudden stop beside you, jerking your attention to him.
“I, uh-“ he rubbed the back of his head, making you squint at him questioningly. “Bucky isn’t training with him?” You crossed your arms, blocking the exit, just in case he decided to try to escape.
“Nope,” you popped. “Anything super suspicious about that to you?” Patience was not your virtue, and Sam’s evasion of your question was beginning to aggravate you.
“Not really?” he tried, his voice jumping an octave. Rolling your eyes, you stalked towards him, pushing him to the common room that was no more than ten feet away from where you were currently standing.
“Sit.” You demanded, shoving him towards the couch, not giving this up.
“Fine, it’s just Bucky hasn’t exactly been himself lately,” he fidgeted with his hands, seldom making eye contact with you. “You know how sometimes he doesn’t want to bother Steve with how much he’s depended on him since he’s gotten back from Hydra’s grasp.” Your mind started reeling at this.
“And so, Natasha is his backup?” You questioned, getting closer to him. He held his hands up in defense.
“Look, (Y/N),” he started. “I know you guys have been best friends from the start, I don’t know what he and Natasha had before, but maybe there was something there? Maybe she feels obligated to help him out? I really don’t know.” Annoyed and frustrated, you paced in front of the fireplace, wondering why Bucky wouldn’t just come to you instead.
“Thanks Sam,” you huffed, starting off towards your room again. You stepped into the elevator at the end of the floor, pressing the number 52, watching it light up. The heavy, metal doors slid closed, leaving you to sit through ten flights of moving up. The bell dinged, signaling you had arrived on your floor; the door slid open and you stepped off, making your way around the corner to your door. After stepping inside, you sighed tiredly, finally going to wash the dirt and sweat off from your workout session.
“I really don’t know what’s going on,” Bucky sighed from next to the redheaded assassin. His eyes were closed as he rubbed his face tiredly.
“Me either, that’s why I’m asking you what your deal is,” she said pointedly. “You’ve been really acting weird, and I’m not sure what’s going on, but you need to figure it out. Missing training with Steve? What’s up with that?” her eyes scanned his, waiting for a response, and when none came, she groaned.
“Is it (Y/N)?” Bucky tensed beside her, letting her know that she’d struck a nerve. “Is it her heat that’s got your panties in a twist?” He shrugged his shoulders, trying to seem nonchalant. “I know you like her, Buck. You can’t hide that from me as much as you seem to want to.”
“You don’t know anything,” he snapped angrily at her accusation. Natasha rolled her eyes at his façade, not letting it go.
“You and I both know that these omegas and betas you’ve been bringing back every heat aren’t satisfying you,” she said, quitter this time. “Why don’t you actually try something out with her? It might work out, Buck.”
“Just because you found your mate that easily doesn’t mean I will,” Bucky grunted, shifting away from her on the couch. “You know I don’t do relationships.” She sighed exasperatedly, tired of trying at this point.
“You’re not fooling yourself any longer, and you’re sure as hell not fooling me,” Natasha stood from the couch, leaving him by himself. “Whenever you’re ready to wake up and face reality, I’ll be here to help, just like Steve.”
Fresh clothes adorned your fit figure as you lounged on your bed reading a romance novel. A knock on your door startled you slightly, making you look up for a second before yelling for whoever it was to come in. The door slid open, revealing an ecstatic Peter.
“Hey Pete,” you said while your eyes scanned over the next page. “What can I do for you?” He came to sit on the end of your bed, causing a dip.
“Well, the gang was talking about going out tonight!” his eyes lit up at the mention of going out. “Everyone thought it’d be a good idea to go out for drinks before our mission next week, you know, to just chill out a little bit.” After dog-earing your page, you set down the paperback book, grinning at the man.
“That sounds like a really good idea,” you sat up, looking at his attire. A grey button-down shirt and some jeans dressed his figure, making you wonder how soon these plans were.
“So, you’re in?” he smiled at you, almost begging you to say yes. You chuckled at him, standing to ruffle his hair.
“Sure, I’ll tag along.” Your answer seemed to please him as he shot up and darted from the room.
“We’re leaving in thirty!” He yelled from the hallway excitedly. Thirty minutes?! You made your way to the door, kicking it closed, before searching through your closet for an outfit. Your eyes settled on a little, black, bodycon dress that you’d been dying to wear out somewhere.
“Mama’s gonna look good tonight,” you grinned at yourself before finding a pair of black heels to match. After closing your closet, you immediately began to get dressed for the night of fun that waited for you.
“Who’s ready for a fuckin’ awesome night!” Tony yelped as he ascended the stairs from his lab. Hoots and hollers filled the room as we all gathered together, preparing for departure.
“Guess who’s gonna get shitfaced tonight,” Clint whooped next to you, making you roll your eyes and laugh and his childlike excitement.
“Well don’t you look sexy?” Wanda whistled while walking up behind you. “Finally get to wear that dress you bought.” She smirked at you.
“I can say the same to you, sestra,” you remarked, using the nickname she taught you. She smiled at you, coming to stand next to you and Clint.
“Who else are we waiting on?” Thor boomed from the open kitchen across from the common room.
“Just Steve and Bucky, go figure,” Tony grunted, crossing his arms impatiently. His actions caused a round of laughter to fill the room. Just as he finished pouting, Steve and Bucky came strolling down the stairs, laughing at something one of them had said.
“Sorry for being late; we’re ready now.” Steve smiled at everyone. Your eyes were drawn to Bucky, dressed in a black shirt that showed off his rippling muscles and a pair of washed out jeans. Your glance turned into a full-on stare as you gave him a good look. Your eyes finally met his, and he looked away, a vacant look in his eyes.
“What’s up with the tin can?” Tony snorted from beside you and Wanda, walking towards the elevator to lead everyone downstairs where the car waited. You shrugged it off, not really wanting to answer. Not like you had one anyway. Wanda noticed your shift in mood and poked your side playfully.
“Do not let him ruin our night, sestra.” Her tone was disapproving yet friendly at the same time. “We don’t need to have one of our best Avengers stressed on our mission.” Nodding your head, you realized she was right. You weren’t going to let Bucky’s moodiness, or your heat bother you. Not tonight.
“The first round is on me!” Tony shouted from the bar, gaining a round of applause from us. You, Sam, Wanda, and Natasha engaged in small talk about what each of them had been doing recently while waiting for Stark to reappear with drinks.
“Yeah, I found a way to tweak the tech on my wings, makes them more aerodynamic,” she stated proudly. Wanda smiled at him, before pointing out that the drinks were being brought over by a clearly overwhelmed waiter.
“ANOTHER!” Thor yelled after downing his shot, mocking himself at his foolishness from many years ago. Laughter bubbled in your chest as you remember the story, just as it had been told many times before. Sam grabbed all of you a shot, counting down. Your head tilted back, feeling the burn of the alcohol sliding down your throat.
“Let’s go dance!” Sam exclaimed, dragging you off to the dancefloor. Your head spun as you were jerked from your chair, your hands grabbing onto whoever was closest. Natasha laughed loudly as she watched you drag Wanda with you. When you came to a stop, you took a minute to focus your eyes before dancing next to the two Avengers with you. Suddenly, the DJ announced that it’d be throwback hour, gaining a whoop from the rest of the Avengers coming to join you all.
Club Can’t Handle Me started playing and everyone started yelling happily. Your hips started moving to the beat, and Natasha came to dance next to you, making Wanda and Sam wave at her.
“Come on, dance!” You yelled at Wanda, slightly tipsy. Everyone was dancing and having a good time, rocking out to all the old music that played throughout the club. After a good bit of sweating, you decided to go take a break and have another drink.
“I’m gonna go sit out for a little bit!” You tried to say to the group over the blasting music. Deciding they couldn’t hear you, you motioned to the table where everyone had been sitting. Pushing your way through the sweating bodies took a minute, but you finally reached the table, finding yourself pleased with the round of shots waiting.
Just as you picked one up, you noticed Bucky standing at the bar, engaged in conversation with a blonde woman. She laughed at something he said, putting her hand on his chest provocatively. Downing the vodka didn’t seem to help the anger bubbling in your gut. Why were you even mad?
He linked his metal arm with hers, dragging her from her spot at the bar. You watched as they walked away, leaving you with a bitter taste in your mouth. Your mind drifted back to what Wanda had said earlier,“Do not let him ruin our night, sestra.”
And so, you downed your what felt like your fiftieth shot.
Masterlist | Part 3
ruin the friendship tag list;
@eclecticvisions @chamongangae @loki7ms @amor67figment-love @dugan365 @haven-in-writing @goldenstateof @thisislifesipitup @superwholockian5ever @ktrivia @slender--spirit
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marvelatthisfanfic · 7 years
Ruin the Friendship Masterlist
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Summary; The A/B/O cycle has been around for the last million years; You have yet to experience your first heat, and everyone at the Avengers’ tower has bets on when you will and what you will come out to be.
Warnings; swearing, sexual situations, angst, fluff
the Ruin the Friendship story tag list is OPEN!
my permanent tag list is also OPEN!
just send me an ask telling me which tag list you would like to be added to, here!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven    coming soon
Part Eight      coming soon
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marvelatthisfanfic · 7 years
Ruin the Friendship (Bucky x Reader)
prompt; The A/B/O cycle has been around for the last million years; You have yet to experience your first heat, and everyone at the Avengers’ tower has bets on when you will and what you will come out to be.
a/n; hey guys! i finally got some inspiration to write something that i usually don’t! i have a little hunch that this one might just turn into a series (; warnings; swearing
word count; 1,358
“I’m puttin’ 100 on her as a beta,” Tony smirked while pushing some crisp bills into the center of the kitchen island. Snickers went around the room as the philanthropist tossed in more money as the bets went on.
“I say beta,” Clint smirked, gaining a few interested stares from the rest of the Avengers. “Oh come on; with that cold, hard exterior? She’s gotta be a submissive girl at heart.”
“I’m pretty offended at the fact that you’re all betting on me,” you feigned hurt while grabbing a water from the fridge.
“Heeeyyyy (Y/N),” Sam grimaced as you walked towards them. You glanced around at the lot before you, making notes on all of their faces. Tony looked smug; Clint looked just the same. Steve looked awkward as hell, rubbing the back of his neck, and Peter looked scared as hell.
“Well, I’m just gonna skedaddle in that direction,” Stark pointed towards his lab, backing away slowly. Right into Bucky.
“What the hell did I just walk into?” he grunted, eyeing the massive amount of money on the table. You and Bucky had clicked from the very first few weeks he’d been at the tower. He was a bit closed off at first, but you became close friends, and it hasn’t changed since; but lately, he’s been ignoring you, and you weren’t sure why.
“We’re- THEY were betting on what (Y/N) is going to come out to be,” Steve explained, turning red at his admission of betting. You gave him a look of annoyance before Bucky continued.
“Hah, how interesting,” he snorted, glancing towards you leaning against the marble countertop.
“Soooo, how about we all just go back to whatever we were doing before you started all this?” Tony clasped his hands together, speaking to the others.
“Hey now big man,” Clint interrupted. “I believe it was you who called us all in here.”
Your head whipped towards Tony, angry glare on your face.
“Well, would ya look at that? My Dr. Banner is calling me!”
“You’re such an ass, Stark,” you rolled your eyes as he jetted from the kitchen. As everyone seemed to go back to their regular schedule, you started towards the balcony, feeling the cool October breeze blowing on your face as you stepped out.
“Why are they so interested in what I’ll be anyway,” you muttered to yourself, picking at the vibranium railing. Footsteps sounded behind you, causing you to peer over your shoulder.
“I would say because it is an extremely intriguing topic,” Thor grinned from behind you. “These mid-guardian traditions are very interesting to witness if I must say.”
“Not interesting to be a part of,” you scowled at the water bottle in your hand. “It’s not such a big deal. Alpha or not, I’m still going to be who I am.” Thor chuckled at your stubbornness.
“Well, regardless, at least you’ll be able to choose from many fine Alphas to help you through your heat.” You felt your face flush at his ease of speaking of such an obscene topic.
“Thanks,” you blanched, suddenly feeling a wave of exhaustion hit you. You grabbed the railing to steady yourself.
“Are you alright Lady (Y/N)?” Thor came to your side, holding onto your arm, just in case you decided to topple over.
“I’m not feeling so good,” you groaned, closing your eyes for a second. “I think I’m just going to go inside and lay down.”
“Let me help you inside,” he insisted, taking your bottle and arm, leading you to the sliding glass door.
“Where’d you two lovebirds run off to?” Natasha grinned, punching Bucky in the shoulder at you as you stepped inside, Thor’s arm around your waist now. You glanced up, noticing Bucky’s gaze on you, following your every move intently.
“Lady (Y/N) isn’t feeling well. I told her that I would help her to her room.” Thor smiled that heart-stopping grin. You smiled, feeling an odd sensation hit you. Oh please, please, please don’t let this be my heat. You began praying to whatever gods existed as you made your way to your room, Natasha and Bucky’s eyes trained on your retreating figure.
Thor opened the door for you, bringing you to sit on your plush, king-sized bed. He closed the door behind him, coming to sit next to you. He gave you a lopsided look as you took off your sweatshirt, leaving you in workout pants and a long-sleeved shirt.
“What’s with the face?” you grinned, flicking his forehead before flopping backwards.
“You smell different,” he insisted, leaning towards you. “I believe you are going to be starting your heat soon, Lady (Y/N).” Your face heated up, yet again, as he brought up the same topic.
“I thought you weren’t part of the cycle?” you questioned, genuinely curious.
“I’m not, but Jane is, and I can smell when she is about to go into heat.” He explained, standing and stretching lightly. “Although I am not involved in this cycle, the hormones are noticeable to anyone.” You nodded in understanding, wishing that you were as lucky as Thor was in this situation.
“I wish I was an Asgardian,” you grumbled, tossing your hands behind your head.
“Just be sure to choose your mate wisely, (Y/N).” Thor warned, his hand resting on the door handle. “You want to be pleased emotionally, not just physically.”
“Thor!” you squeaked, throwing a pillow at him as he left, his thundering laugh echoing down the hall. The wooden door clicked closed behind him, leaving you alone with your raging thoughts.
Sighing, you rolled to your side, staring out of the huge window along the wall. You let your eyes droop closed, slowly letting sleep take over.
When you awoke, sounds of tense voices were echoing from the living room. You yawned, rubbing your eyes, and slowly stood up, walking towards the noise.
“You’ve gotta let it go, Clint!” Natasha yelled exasperatedly. You stepped around the corner, seeing Clint, Natasha, Steve, and Bucky all standing by one another.
“What, the fact that he’s acting like a bitch because someone’s going into heat?” He answered angrily.
“It’s not his fault, Clint, and you know it,” Steve chastised. “Don’t you remember when you were a single alpha?” Clint crossed his arms and grunted, clearly backing down.
“Just stay away from her, got it?” Bucky growled, making your knees weak. Your groaning at the symptoms of your approaching heat caused the four of them to snap their heads to you.
“Uh, hi?” you smiled awkwardly, hoping to still catch on to some of the information.
“Just the girl I was looking for!” Natasha yelled, walking towards you. “Let’s go workout,” she suggested. You moaned tiredly as she hinted towards any type of gym activities. “We can spar.” Your eyes sparkled at this, seeing how no one wanted to be your sparring partner. You were insanely good at hand to hand combat, making you one of the deadliest on the team.
“Good thing I already have my workout pants on,” you chuckled, feeling an intense stare trained on you. Glancing up, you met Bucky’s stare, facing his awed look.
“Good thing, huh Buck?” Steve teased him.
“Yeah, really good thing,” he smiled at you, leaning against the counter as you looked away quickly.
“Gym?” Natasha reminded quickly, pulling you from your thoughts and his stare. You shook your head, focusing on the task at hand.
“Ready to get taken down?” you grinned excitedly at the redhead as she laughed. You two went on your way to the training facility, but you just couldn’t stop thinking about Bucky. The way he looked at you made you want to do anything for him. And that’s when it hit you. Bucky wasn’t avoiding you because he was mad—he was affected by your oncoming heat.
You spaced out, feeling a little faint at your epiphany.
“You good there (Y/N)?” Natasha questioned, quirking her eyebrow at you.
“My heat’s just fuckin’ with me,” you quipped back, rubbing your head.
“Yeah, and a certain someone,” she snickered as you gasped. “Oh come on, don’t act like you didn’t know he liked you this whole time!” The gears started turning as you pieced it all together.
“So you’re telling me the playful flirting was actually real flirting?” She laughed, walking in front of you, confirming your statement.
“Where the shit have I been?”
Masterlist | Part 2
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marvelatthisfanfic · 7 years
In Cold Blood (Loki x Reader)
prompt: Reader is captured by Hydra, and has been in captivity for a very long time. Hope begins to dwindle as the time passes by, until their rescuers come to their aid. 
a/n: I felt like improvising here. who doesn’t love a little angst, enjoy warnings: angst, blood 
word count: 2,088
You awoke with a gasp, trying desperately to shoot up from the leather restraints binding you to the cold, hard steel table. Thin layers of sweat and dirt covered your tanned skin from the amount of time you had been missing. How long has it been? Thoughts and memories of your friends and family flashed before your eyes as you tried to remember how long you’d been here.
            Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months until you finally lost any sense of time. Why me? What had I done that was so different than any other S.H.I.E.L.D agent? Oh yeah, that’s right. Hydra had captured you, didn’t they? That fact almost slipped your mind; almost. Your memory was dwindling as each day passed, and even then, you weren’t sure how long was a day.
           Shattering glass and clattering tools resonated from behind the locked room you were being held in. You silently started reciting prayers that torture was not in your plans for today. The thick metal door clanged open, revealing a woman clad in nurse’s attire holding a beaten-up aluminum tray with some sort of instruments.
           “Hello Mrs. (L/N),” she spoke up after clearing her throat, drawing you from your trance. “I’ll be performing some tests on you today per request of Dr. Zola.” The brunette nurse began setting up a table next to your table, and your mind started racing. Needles and tubes littered the tray, signaling that’d you’d be subject to giving a generous amount of blood today. As she began attaching the needle to the syringe, you immediately began trying to unfasten the bonds around your wrists.
           “Hold still now,” she snapped as you wriggled around, attempting to escape her grasp. Pain shot through your abused arms as she stuck you again. Bruises littered your skin in just about any place that was visible. You watched as the blood travelled through the tube into the glass container, making you woozy. Your hands were clammy, making it a bit easier to slide your hand from the leather strap.
           “W-what’s your name?” your throat ached from the dryness of it, reminding you of your thirst. The nurse eyed you warily before answering the simple question.
           “Katarina,” she huffed while replacing the blood-filled tube with an empty one. “Now shut up. You’re distract-” You swung your freed arm at her, cutting her sentence off. Her body flew backwards at the impact, and she began tripping over her own feet, and she collapsed on the concrete flooring. Hurriedly, you unstrapped your other wrist and rubbed it slowly. Your nerves were shot from lack of sleep, and your frantic movements were not helping. Shaky hands flew to your ankle restraints, attempting to un-restrain your legs.
           Buzzing alarms suddenly sounded throughout the building, making you look over at the woman on the ground. She had dragged herself to the wall, reached up, and pressed the red button. Your eyes started to water as you made the destined realization that you wouldn’t be getting out of here alive. The unnumbered days of your containment would eventually come to an end; right in this very facility. No more Avengers. Just as you hopped off the makeshift bed, the door flew open, revealing a team of HYDRA agents armed with semi-automatic weapons–all aimed at your weak figure. No more friends; no laughter and memories. Standing up so quickly made your head spin, but you had to try to get out, at any cost. No more Loki. Gripped within your hands was the syringes that had laid on the tray next to you table. No more life.
           “Ch ch ch,” a clicking sound came from one of the men at the door. “How foolish of you?” Dr. Zola’s short shadow grew larger as he walked through the men trained to kill you. His face looked worn and tired, lines passed over his forehead and dark circles colored his eyes. “Did you really think you would escape that easily?” His thick German accent tainted his words which were dripping with malice. Zola stepped closer to you, hands clasped behind his back. “No one will come to save you.” Screaming, you raised the tray above your head, running at him to knock him on his ass, too. Just as you stepped towards him, a piercing pain shot through your shoulder.
           “Sorry for the problem, doctor,” the nurse who had started this mess had injected you with some sort of sleeping drug. Your body collapsed to the floor, head hitting hard enough for you to see stars. She bowed before him before scurrying out of the room.
           “Nighty night, (Y/N),” his evil voice cackled. “Take her to the chamber.” He turned to walk out, and the armed men closed in on you. Their words and voices began to slur as the drug coursed through your veins, taking you under.
           Beeping sounds drew you from your induced slumber, making your heart race. Slowly, you opened your eyes, squinting when they were presented with a bright light.
           “Sincee you want to act like a child, I will be the one performing experiments on you,” Dr. Zola announced from above you. It took a moment, but you eventually spotted him walking on the balcony surrounding the testing room you were imprisoned in. Clanking of metal rang through the lab as he stomped down the stairs. Finally, he stood next to you, snapping a pair of rubber gloves over his hands. You turned your head, feeling a surging pain radiate from your neck, causing you to wince. Your eyes found torture instruments lying on yet another aluminum tray.
           “What the fuck is wrong with you?” You spat venom as you spoke, wishing he could feel all the suffering you did. Zola’s insane laughter filled the concrete chamber, as he picked up a scalpel.
           “Everything darling,” he smiled before cutting into your exposed abdomen. Blood curdling screams ripped from your chest as he dug deeper into sacred skin. Relentless tears dripped from your eyes as he reached from another sharp, prodding tool.
           “Just kill me!” You screamed in agony, feeling your throat clench from hoarseness. His laugh filled your ears again, making you want death more than anything. Just as he started to poke at you with the metal instrument, the doors flew open.
           “They’re here,” the agent shouted breathlessly. “They’re here for the girl.” Yelling and crashing sounded from the hallway leading to where you currently resided, causing hope to shoot through your mind.
           “The Avengers think they can save you,” he chortled, slamming the metal tools down. “How cute.” Loki was going to save you. You team was coming. Zola ripped you from your restraints, dragging you to your feet. He threw you in front of him, your hands slamming against the concrete harshly, the pain knocking the breath from you. The screams of HYDRA members subsided when gunshots came echoing down the halls. Natasha, kicking ass. How you were able to make a joke at this time amazed you, but you didn’t have enough functioning brain to think about it.
           The doors flew open yet again, revealing your friends. Tony was clad in his suit with Natasha and Steve behind him, ready to fight. Loki stepped out from behind them, his emerald cloak flowing behind him.
           “Let her go, Zola,” Steve snapped angrily from the doorway. His shield was held tightly in his hands as he stepped closer. A clicking noise snapped behind you, making you turn around slowly. The cocking of a gun, a noise you came to grow accustomed to.
           “I wouldn’t come any closer if I were you.” It’s aim on you felt like a hundred eyes, waiting and watching. You suddenly felt very hot, and shivers ran down your spine as death was a few inches behind you, hovering and waiting to pounce on you in an instant.
           “(Y/N),” Loki’s voice sounded like heaven after being surrounded by evil, German accents all day every day. “We’re going to get you out of this damned place.” His eyes darkened with rage as you watched him devise a plan in his head. His eyes shifted around the room, looking for any advantage, only to come up short.
           “(Y/N) has been here four months, and you all just now come to ze girl’s rescue,” Zola paced around behind you, making your uneasiness skyrocket to unknown levels.
           “We all know you aren’t getting out of this one,” Natasha growled, sighting her pistol in on the evil man. Tony walked closer, with his hands held out in defense.
           “Can’t we negotiate here?” Tony’s entrepreneurship skills came through like a freight train, making you laugh. Zola obviously didn’t find this funny, and he lodged his foot between your ribs, making you wheeze and cough up blood.
           “That’s enough,” he snapped. “This is over now.” The revolver exploded behind you, and everything started going in slow motion. Loki yelled out, lunging forward towards the evil, German doctor. Pain blossomed through your back as the bullet pierced through the half-exposed flesh.
           “(Y/N)!” Steve shouted, rushing forward to your limp body. Clashing of metal rang out as Tony and Loki slammed Zola into the medicinal cabinets surrounding the room. Your ears started ringing and your eyesight began to blur slightly.
           ”Come on, (Y/N),” Natasha soothed next to you. “You’ve got to stay awake.” You nodded lethargically, feeling like you were moving through molasses. Loki came rushing to your side, a sickening squelching noise occurring. Slowly, your eyes found the culprit of the noise; your blood pooling around you.
           “Oh (Y/N),” Loki sighed. “Please stay with me, love.” You tried moving towards him, only to feel lightheaded. “We’ve got to get her out of here.” Loki tried explaining desperately. The others looked on with sadness in their eyes as they, too, recognized your fate. You smiled sadly at him, reaching your hand up to caress his cheek.
           “I’m sorry, Loki,” you started coughing again, blood gracing your lips as you spoke. “I don’t think we’ll be ditching this joint together tonight.” His eyes frantically searched your face for some sort of sign that you were joking. His cold hand rested against yours, rubbing small circles.
           “Please don’t do this to me,” his blue eyes watering. “I can’t do this without you.” Your head began to pound harder now, letting you know that your unnumbered days, were soon going to be numbered. Natasha knelt at your side, placing her hand in yours. Her eyes, too, filled with tears as you laid in your own blood in the middle of a torture laboratory.
           “Send my regards to Fury,” you coughed out. “And to the rest of the team.” Steve stood above you, watching, side by side with Tony as you spoke.
           “We’re going to get you out of here,” Loki was pleading with you, trying to convince you. “I promise.” I smiled weakly at him.
           “I thought we promised not to lie to each other,” you sputtered as black dots filled your vision once more, not leaving this time. You closed your eyes, feeling as light as a feather. Euphoria came to you, and it was a strange feeling after so many months of pain and suffering.
           “Open your eyes, darling,” his hands brushed your hair from your paling face. But you couldn’t, a powerful force was keeping you from moving or doing anything. Death.
           “I love you, Loki,” you gasped out as Natasha tightened her grip on your hand, letting you know that she was still there, and that you weren’t alone. “Thank you for showing me who you truly were. It has been an honor to know you as you; not who people said you were.” A smile graced your face as you felt yourself slowly drifting away.
           You couldn’t understand what anyone was saying, but you heard the jumble of their words as they tried to speak to you, but it was too late. You had ascended to something greater than life, and there was no turning back. Memories flooded back to you like rushing water, sending a warmth through your soul. Images of you and Loki from your first date flashed by; snippets of you and the team on missions and hanging out after flourished by.
           Euphoria was the only way to describe how you felt as you drifted further away, your mind going blank. No more Avengers. No more friends; no laughter and memories. No more Loki.
No more life.
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