#scary thing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i did it n i am so glad !!!! i am so happy !!!
tamagotchikgs · 4 months
perhaps,,,, the,, trick 2 becoming comfortable n happy is 2 be vulnerable sometimes
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itsmewillful · 9 months
The Older Sibling-PART ONE
Main Masterlist
Character Masterlist
(Anakin Skywalker x GN!reader)
Word Count: 4377 words
Outline: Reader is desperate to find a job and lands one babysitting one of the richest kids in town. Excited to start, reader eventually meets the older brother of the kid they're babysitting, and finds out he's the biggest jerk (and most handsome) man in town
Warning(s): MATURE CONTENT: Swearing, kissing without consent, Anakin being a jerk for no reason, enemies to lovers trope ig
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Story below the cut
You were doing anything to get a job. All your debts from college were building up quicker than you liked and you were overwhelmed with the idea of being sent to jail for having too much money due. 
So you found yourself getting a job as a nanny. Yes, a nanny. You were to look after a young girl around the age of 7 all day and prepare all meals for her. The job was simple enough. Now being a graduate from University, you no longer have to worry about studying for things and getting good grades.
What made this job hard was you weren’t working for some random family that you found online that needed a job. You were working for the incredibly wealthy family that seemed to ‘rule’ the small town you lived in. The Skywalkers.
They owned just about every successful business. And, they were also related to the Mayor of the town. Which is quite a big deal.
So, when you pulled up to the Skywalker residence almost five minutes late, you were worried that you were going to get fired immediately. But, you still held your breath and prayed to the Maker that your day would go just fine and you wouldn't have to worry about job hunting for at least a few years now. 
When the door was opened, you were confused to see someone you didn’t even recognise. He was at least 6 feet, and he looked like he was about to just slam the door back into your face when he made eye contact with you. 
“Um. . .” You trailed off. 
“Who are you and what do you want?” The man asked you. 
“I-” You began but were interrupted when an older lady walked up behind and practically shoved him out of the way.
“Hello dear! You must be Y/N! I am so glad you came, I hope Mr. Windu didn’t frighten you off. He’s just our home's security guard since we have had a few break-ins over the years. He might look scary but I promise you he’s a big teddy bear (Mr. Windu huffed at that, to which the Lady smiled to) Well, nevermind that! Come in, come in! Ahsoka can’t wait to meet her new caretaker. And did I mention how grateful I am for your help? I can go on and on all day about it.” 
She waved you into the house and you followed in, the door being slammed behind you.
You smiled when you made eye-contact with the woman and immediately recognised her. Shmi Skywalker.
“Mother, who is this?” You heard a small voice call out from behind you. You turned around and noticed a small, young girl standing straight. She wore a pretty red dress that flowed off her waist elegantly and her hair was tied up into two french braids that went past her shoulders. She had bright blue eyes and she had small freckles dotting her face. You had to admit: She was one adorable little girl.
“Hello there,” You smiled. “You must be Ahsoka. I am your new caretaker, Y/N.”
The young girl grinned and ran up to you and gave you a tight hug. 
“Hi! I am so so happy you are finally here! My older brother left for work and I was gonna die of boredom.” 
You giggled at the young girl’s dramatic speech and grasped her hand firmly. 
“Why don’t you show me where you usually play?” You asked her with a twinkle of mischief in your voice. 
“I’m so glad to see you both are getting along just fine.” Shmi interrupts you with a happy tone of voice. You turned your head to meet her gaze and gave her a small smile.
“Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Mrs. Skywalker.” 
“Not a problem dear. Now I have some work to do. I won’t be back till at least 12 tonight. So feel free to take the spare room near Ahsoka’s room. Since I often am out late, you can expect to find yourself there quite often if you don’t mind.” 
“Not at all, Ma’am. I brought enough things for one night.” You politely replied.
“Splendid! Well, Ahsoka darling, I’ll see you tomorrow bright and early, hopefully.” 
Shmi opened her arms for a hug and Ahsoka broke from your grasp and ran to her mother. 
“Good-bye Mother! I love you.” Ahsoka whispered. Shmi gave her a small peck on her cheek before she rushed out the door. When the door closed behind her, you faced Ahsoka and gave her a small and cheeky smile.
“So, what do you want to do?” You asked her. 
“I want to dress up! And also, can we bake some cookies?” Ahsoka asked with puppy dog eyes. You giggled at her interesting combo of activities. 
“Sure, but you have to choose which one you want to do first.”
Ahsoka stood completely still for a moment before she grins.
“How about we dress up AND bake at the same time? We could pretend we are in the 1800’s and we sell baked goods for a living!” Ahsoka beamed over her idea and your heart just about melted. The way a child’s imagination works always fascinated you. You for one never had much of a childhood since you came from a poorer family and worked to help as long as you could remember. But you never let that stop you from supporting children who are fortunate to do what they want and when they wanted.
“Sure.” You grabbed Ahsoka’s hand before deciding to pick her up. “Now, how about you show me where your room is so we can get changed?”
About two hours later, you both were dressed in robes that Ahsoka found in her dress up closet and had completed a nice batch of chocolate-chip cookies. By the time lunch came around, Ahsoka had almost four cookies and was high from the sugar and was (literally) bouncing off of walls.
You then decided it was best for the both of you to go outside to the backyard and play out there for a while to get rid of some of her built up energy. Ahsoka was of course running around the whole time. It wasn’t until about an hour later that she was completely drained of sugar and with heavy feet walked back to where you had seated on the porch overlooking the large yard. 
“Hello Ahsoka, are you okay?” You asked when you noticed her attitude had changed from her usual cheery self. She nodded and sat beside you before she leant her head onto your shoulder.
“I am okay.I just miss my older brother, Y/N.” She whimpered as tears began to fill her eyes. You hugged her from the side and rested your chin on her small head.
“It’s alright, I’m pretty sure he misses you too.” 
“I don’t think so. He is an adult now and he’s never ever home to play with me.” Ahsoka said with a pout. “I believe that big brother has replaced me with his job and loves his job more than me.” 
“What’s your older brother's name?” You asked her with a gentle tone. Ahsoka’s facial expression changed from one of anger to one of joy within a few seconds. And from that observation, you realised that she seemed to love talking about her older brother.
“His name is Kinny. Or at least that’s what I call him. I don’t ever call him by his real name because he thinks it’s stupid. Also, some of his friends call him Vader. But I personally believe that name is dumber” Ahsoka shrugged. You hummed at the new information before you pulled out your phone to get an idea about the time. 
“Well, it’s around supper time now. Are you hungry for anything in particular?” You asked the young girl. Ahsoka nodded slowly before a familiar mischievous grin graced her features. 
“Can we have cookies for dinner?” 
You let out a small laugh at the response before you shook your head. 
“You have had way too many cookies for today, young one. I think we should save some for your older brother when he gets home.” 
Ahsoka seemed pleased with the arrangement and agreed. 
After about an hour or so you had Ahsoka go to bed. After she fell asleep, you decided to go downstairs to read a book that you brought with you to entertain yourself until you decided that it was your bedtime. You sighed quietly and continued to flip through the book, but your ears perked up when you heard the front door open. You sat up straight when you remembered that Mrs. Skywalker said she wouldn’t be home as early as 12, and it currently was around 9pm. You peered over the top of your book and noticed someone was standing in front of you.
“Um. . .hi?” you cringed at the question. The stranger, (being a young man of at least older than 20 years of age) gave you a questioning look. From the looks of it, he was at least 6 foot 2 and had an even scarier appearance than the guy you met this morning at the door. He had ocean blue eyes and a scar ran down the left side of his cheek. 
You gulped quietly when you noticed he began to walk over to you slowly.
“Who are you? And what are you doing in my house?” he asked you. That was when you realised who this man was. It was the other Skywalker; Ahsoka’s older brother. Kinny? Was that his name?
“I’m Y/N. Who are you?” You asked with the most confidence you could muster. The man raised a brow at the question.
“You don’t know who I am?” He asked you with amusement in his eyes. You nodded way too quickly for your own liking. But he was making you nervous and you didn’t exactly want to respond with words at the moment. You feared you would accidentally say something wrong and get kicked out of the house before your brain could even process it.
You made eye-contact with the stranger again and raised your brow this time. 
“Seriously what?”
“You really have no idea who I am?”
“No? Am I supposed to?” You sheepishly answered and nearly squealed when the stranger took another step closer to you. 
“I am Anakin Skywalker. How the heck do you not know that? I like-run multiple businesses that are scattered across this town. Including The Order? You know, the biggest arcade and restaurant in town?” 
You stood there dumb-found when you realised who he really was. Anakin Skywalker. The Anakin Skywalker. You had heard about him from your group of girl friends who all simp over him like love-sick animals. But you never paid much attention to those sorts of things. You didn’t even have any social media accounts since you used a crappy flip-phone. Even though the Skywalker’s were basically the rulers of the small town of Coruscant, you never cared much to find out who they really were and what they looked like.
“I wouldn’t know. I have never been to an arcade.” You told him with a shy smile when you saw his face go from one of curiosity to bewilderment.
“What?! What rock have you been hiding under?” he rudely replied to the new information.
You rolled your eyes at his response before you continued to read the book you sat down before the conversation began. It was quite obvious that this small action added fuel to the fire; and it took a second for you to realise that your book was snatched out of your hands and thrown onto the floor.
“Hey, why did you do that?” you calmly asked him. You weren’t someone who often looked for trouble, it went against all the things your beloved parents ever taught you.
“Why do you think?! I was talking to you and you decided to ignore me!” He shouted. In his fit of rage he brought his hand up to his hair and pulled on it. You watched the scene he was making unravel with a straight face. It was incredibly difficult seeing a grown man act like a five year old child.
“Umm for the record Mr. Skywalker, you were basically scrutinising how I live my life. I don’t care what you think, and I don’t do what every other person in this town does. So leave me be and get on with your evening. Good-night.” At those words, you stood up from where you were seated and walked to the book Anakin had earlier grabbed and thrown to the floor. But as you began to walk away, your arm was grabbed and you were pulled into the very strong chest of Anakin Skywalker.
“I wasn’t done talking to you.” Anakin said calmer than before. You tried to pull away from his grip but it was no use. He was incredibly strong. You sighed in frustration.
“I just wanted to say, I’m sorry you're such a Hobbit and don’t search for adventure.” Anakin grinned at his stupid joke. You however dryly laughed before you kicked him in the shins and began to walk to the room you were given.
“Why you fucking-I’LL TELL MY MOTHER!” He yelled before he practically bounded up the stairs to what you assume was his room and heard a door slam shut. 
“What a prick.” you said to yourself calmly before closing the doors to your own room. 
You woke up early the next morning and got dressed into comfortable clothing for the day. You wore a nice pair of jeans and a large sweater since it was a bit chilly outside. 
You decided to start up breakfast for Ahsoka since it was part of your job to do so. There was a small decision between pancakes and porridge. Eventually, you decided to make some pancakes and began to look around the kitchen for the ingredients.
After about ten minutes or so, you jumped at the sound of a coffee machine turning on. You looked up from what you were doing and noticed a very-much grumpy Anakin Skywalker. His arms were folded and his hair was matted to his face. You sheepishly smiled at him before turning around and continuing on with what you were doing before. 
“What are you doing?” you heard a groggy voice. You turned back around and noticed Anakin was standing directly behind you. 
“What are you doing?” You asked as you attempted to shove him back a ways. He smirked at your failure before he stepped up closer to you. He could feel him breathing down your neck and you shivered. You turned around and your face was mere millimetres away from his. You gulped and attempted to move away from him but found you were stuck between the counter and him.
“What do you mean? I’m just standing here.” He grinned when he realised he’s struck a tick that bothers you. 
“You're way too close to me. Can you move back a few steps? Actually, a few feet?” You once more attempted to push him back but he just stood his ground and didn’t even move a centimetre. You groaned aloud in annoyance and just turned around and attempted to ignore his presence.
Meanwhile, Anakin was having the thrill of his life. He wanted to watch what you were doing and wanted to be as close as possible. Y/N (and whatever your last name was) was interesting to him. He never met someone so young who lived in a way you did. You couldn’t have been much younger than he was, and he was about to turn 24 in a few months. He decided to test dangerous waters and stept even closer to you. His body pressed against your own; he let out a nervous breath when he noticed you continued to do what you were doing and completely ignored his existence.
Meanwhile, you were having a literal heart attack. Like what the actual fuck is this man doing? Isn’t this illegal?
Your head swarmed with many questions and before you realised it, the pancake batter was done. The only problem being Anakin standing literally behind you. 
“You may as well fuse with my body, Skywalker,” you told him when you realised he still wouldn’t let you move.
“I wouldn't mind that.” He said to himself.
“What?” You asked, confused on what he was mumbling about.
“You know,” he began, a smirk growing across his handsome face. “Instead of sitting on babies, maybe you should sit on my lap?” Anakin flirted.
 You just about froze at what you heard. Who does he think he is? Sitting on babies?
“Bloody hell? What are you on about?” you paled.
“You're my sister's babysitter are you not?” He asked.
“I-yes?” you were still confused. That was until you thought about the fact that he said ‘babysitter’. You sighed heavily when you realised you are practically gonna look after two children instead of just one that was already pretty mature for such a young age.
“Skywalker, I am trying to make breakfast. I would appreciate it if you would get out of my bloody way.” 
“Woah, chill out. I wasn’t trying to make you angry.” 
You just about tackled him to the ground when you heard that. You made eye contact with him and tried to look threatening. But to no avail, you found yourself immediately looking away. His face was angelic. His bright blue eyes, curly dirty-blonde hair; and the grin he sent you made him look even more handsome. 
You decided to just once again ignore him and began to cook the pancakes on the stove. You were glad when you didn’t feel him standing behind you anymore. But when you turned around to serve plates, you ran right into him once more.
You were about to yell at him when you felt him grab a hold of your waist and you felt lips connect with yours. It took you a few seconds to realise you were kissing him; and completely by accident. You didn’t kiss back as you were frozen in complete and utter shock. You looked up and noticed Anakin was looking at you with a look you couldn’t quite decipher. 
But one thing for sure you did know, was how pissed you were about the situation.
“Huh, that’s never happened to me before. And it took, what, only a few hours for you to try and make out with me?” Anakin said with a cocky tone of voice. Your head nearly blew up in rage when he said that. Make out with him? Mate, you must be mental. You took steady breaths to try and calm yourself down.
“You-” you paused when you got a hold of yourself. “You just stole my first kiss, you bastard.” 
Much to your surprise you watched Anakin smile at you.
“That makes it even better then, can I kiss you again? And what do you even mean by ‘steal’? You kissed me, not the other way around.” 
You could feel tears begin to settle in your eyes but you held them back.
“I didn’t even want to kiss you the first time, you sorry excuse of a human.” You said with a shaky voice. As your mother had always said, it’s usually the men that were incredibly handsome that caused a lot of anger and heartbreak. And she was right. You always thought it was a joke to protect you from doing dumb things, but now, you realised she wasn’t that wrong. Your first kiss was stolen, by a stuck up, rude prick.
Anakin looked taken aback at your statement.
“What do you mean you didn’t want to kiss me? Everyone wants to kiss me.” That was all it took for you to confirm that Anakin Skywalker was a hot-headed, self-centred, arrogant man.
You huffed at him and finished serving plates. After you made the last plate you saw a familiar face walk up to you in the large kitchen.
“Good-morning Ahsoka, did you sleep well?” you asked her with a cheery voice. Anakin raised his brow when he noticed your change in attitude.
Ahsoka nodded and walked up to stand next to you. She reached up to grab a plate for herself and you helped her. She giggled in thanks and ran towards the dinning room to eat her food.
“Little prick didn’t even say ‘hi’ to me.” you heard a very grumpy Anakin complain.
“Maybe if you were a ‘good big brother that spent time with her often,’ she’d say ‘hi’ to you.” You smirked before grabbing your own plate and walked to the dining room to find Ahsoka. 
Breakfast was over quickly and you began to clean up the mess from it. Anakin had left shortly after he snatched a couple of pancakes to do who knows what. You were quite glad he was no longer there to mope around and cause trouble. 
“Y/N! Can we go to the aquarium today? I want to see mermaids and fishes!” Ahsoka practically screamed when you finished putting the last plate into the dishwasher. 
“The aquarium? Which one? There are many here.” 
“Kamino Aquarium, obviously.” 
You gulped. Of course the young Skywalker has been to the most extravagant aquarium Coruscant had to offer. 
“How about we go somewhere else? Like the park or the public pool? It’s a far drive to Kamino and back.” 
Ahsoka hummed in thought. She made a face that uncannily looked like the one Anakin made when he was teasing you-wait, why are you thinking about Anakin?
You shook your head at your thoughts and looked back at Ahsoka who seemed to know what she wanted to do.
“Can we go to the Park? It’s close to where Kinny works and he might stop by and say hello.” 
Your smile dropped and you felt like frowning. Of course that insolent pup is going to be there. You brought your hand up to your face and pinched the bridge of your nose.
“Sure, ‘Soka, we can go to the park.” You sighed through your nose and began to head up to your temporary room to grab your things. Ahsoka jumped up and down in excitement and ran to her room to get herself ready.
“Y/n! Looky! Kinny is here!” Ahsoka shouted at the top of her lungs. You watched her jump off the swings she was on and bound towards the entrance of the small playground. You didn’t even turn around to acknowledge the presence of the other adult. Instead, you crossed your arms and legs and sat with gritted teeth on the small bench that overlooked the park.
“And hello to you too, Y/n/n.” you heard a familiar voice. You rolled your eyes and turned to face the culprit of all your troubles of the past 24 hours. 
“Y/n/n? Really? Already on nicknames?” you huffed in annoyance. 
“Yup. And you can call me anything you want as well.” 
“How about dumbarse?” You said through clenched teeth.
Anakin chuckled and shook his head.
“Careful, Y/n/n, we have a pair of young ears listening.” 
“Kinny, what is dumb arms?” Ahsoka asked innocently. Anakin snorted and you choked on the air you were breathing.
“Umm. . .he isn’t able to control his arms.” you said, hoping she would accept the answer. Anakin raised a brow at that, and was about to argue before Ahsoka bursted into a fit of giggles.
“Kinny, is that why you have people at your workshop help you? You can’t lift weights? I thought you were a strong person.” 
“Wha-? I am! Y/n doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” 
“Nuh uh, she went to adult school and you only went to teen school. She is, therefore, smarter than you.” Ahsoka stuck her tongue out at Anakin, before getting bored with the conversation and scurried off towards the play set where other kids her age were playing.
“Really? That was the best you could think of?” 
“Well, I’m so sorry, but you weren’t gonna talk so I did.”
“Now my sister thinks I am incapable of doing things.” 
“From what I’ve seen of you? You’re not totally incapable.” you said, suddenly interested in picking the skin around your nails. 
“Really? Like what?” You smirked at his reply. He was a compliment seeker. How convenient, time to hurt his pathetically large ego.
“You’re exceptionally good at making a terrible first impression. Your flirting skills are mediocre, and you throw more tantrums than a four year old.” 
You looked back up to see his reaction, and was confused to see him grinning ear-to-ear. 
“You don’t like the way I flirt? Tell me, what do you like then?” 
Your jaw dropped to the ground. What the heck is this man on? You basically just degraded him and he wasn’t even going to acknowledge it? You felt something touch your knee and noticed it was his hand. You didn’t even see him sit down next to you, that and the fact he’s basically trying to sit on you.
“S-Skywalker, can you please move? You're in my personal space.” You tried to push him back.
“What do you mean ‘why’? I already gave you a reason.” 
“No, not that.”
“Then what, Skywalker?” You groaned in annoyance. You felt his hand begin to move up to your thigh and your breath got caught in your throat. This was definitely illegal.
“Why do you hate me so much? Why don’t you like me?” He whispered.
“I don’t hate you. I just really despise you and how you act. You were rather rude to me last night, and you kissed me without my consent.” 
“I didn’t kiss you, you kissed me.” 
“Look, it doesn’t matter ‘who kissed who’, it still happened and you tried to make a joke out of it.” 
“I was just teasing you-”
“No, Anakin. You shouldn’t do that to people. It ninety-nine percent of the time rubs them the wrong way.” With that, you stood up from the bench and walked to where Ahsoka was playing.
“C’mon, let’s go home.”
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mykoreanlove · 9 months
Can I ask one where the reader and Taemin were a couple, broke up and then decided to be friends , but Tae realized he can’t, bc he developed feelings for her again… thanks
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“Tae, hurry up! I am starving!”
Your ex-boyfriend hurried up the stairs, your favorite take-out in his hands. “Jesus, y/n, you’re no fun when you’re hungry”, he mocked in a playful tone.
“Yeah, yeah”, you rolled your eyes and grabbed the bag of food.
It was a typical Friday night for you – after getting home from work, taking off your make up and switching into comfy PJs, you always ordered your favorite Chinese take out and ate it together with Taemin.
Years ago, this used to be normal since you were dating him. But now?
“Look at us. Who would have thought that we were better off as friends?”, you cheered happily.
He felt a punch to his stomach. Friends. Taemin was the one who broke your heart about a year ago because he couldn’t handle the intensity of your love anymore. It tore you apart while he seemed to be pretty chill about it. At least that’s what you had thought. He went on vacations, worked on new projects, and even dated around while you were crying your eyes out, ditching your friends and wondered if you could die from heartbreak.
You didn’t notice his changed saddened features and kept on explaining. “You know, back then when you broke up with me? That was the most horrific event in my life. I didn’t know how to be on my own anymore. We’ve been dating for so long, I just got used to being yours. And when you left me, it was hard. Oh, can you pass me the soy sauce?”
Taemin passed you the sauce without saying a word. He hated himself for what he did back then. He was immature and foolish and thought breaking up with you would be for the best. But it was not.
He was just as heartbroken and felt guilty for fucking up the best thing he had ever had in his life. Masking that feeling with vacations, work and other women only did so much.
“But”, you chewed contently on your spring roll, “I got over it and I managed to find a way to stay friends with you. I’m happy now.”
Happy. He was glad that you felt that way, after all he always wanted to see you succeed. But it tore him apart to be excluded from your happiness, at least in the romantical sense.
“Hey, I just read an article last night. It asked what you would do if you knew that you only had one year left to live. What would you do, y/n?”
This question caught you by surprise. That’s what you loved about him – you could goof around but talk about important, deep stuff as well. Taemin always wanted to know what you were thinking, what you liked and what made you, you.
“Can you pass me another beer while I think about it?”
He handed you another bottle and shied away at the touch of your fingers. Luckily, you didn’t notice his cheeks redden.
“Okay. I think I would quit my job and go on vacations for a while. You know all those places on my vision board from back then? I would take all my money and spend it on first class flights, luxurious hotels and once in a lifetime experiences. Oh, and I would take my friends and family with me, so I could share my joy with them.”
Taemin nodded contently. Typical, you always loved to travel, and you always cared for the people in your life.
“Oh, I would call all the people that did me wrong and I would tell them exactly what I think of them. Unhinged. Like the dick that blocked me after he fucked me? Or the mean girls in middle school that bullied me? Or my boss who scolded me for the mistakes of others? Yeah, I’d let them have a piece of my mind. For sure.”
You giggled happily, proud to finally get your vendetta. Taemin watched you and smiled. He always loved your savage side, but you rarely let it come out. He had no idea that all those experiences still lingered in your heart, but he was glad that you were ready to let go of them.
“And, if I only had one year left to live, I’d hope I’d be happy, you know? Knowing that you’re about to die is scary, so I wouldn’t want to ruminate over that. Instead, I would like to count my blessings and live each day as best as I could.”
You took another sip of your beer. Taemin’s eyes didn’t leave you once, he was glued to you. “Why are you looking at me like that? Tae?”
He snapped back to reality and apologized. “Sorry, y/n, I just got lost in my thoughts.”
You clanked your bottle with his and nodded approvingly. “I get it. It’s a tough question after all. So, tell me, what would you do?”
He took a deep breath before answering. Courage was all he needed right now, and he tried his best to gather all of it. Taemin scooched closer to you.
“I would do this”, he said and leaned in for a kiss.
His lips were still as soft as ever, even the touch of his kiss felt familiar. Your head was spinning, your body felt dizzy.
Taemin leaned back and spoke softly, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Y/N, if I had only one year left, I would tell you how I honestly feel about you. Or rather about us. I made the biggest mistake when I broke up with you back then. I hated myself for it, still do. The truth is, I am in love with you. Always have been, always will be.”
Taemin could hear your heart pounding heavily and hoped that was a good sign. You looked flustered, which he didn’t mind. In fact, you were always the most beautiful in his eyes. Your eyes were glistening, intensely focused on his. Was that a good sign? Was there still a chance left for your love?
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Next to me(Emmett Cullen)
Chapter 15: the cold ass Beach
Table of contents
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The beach was freezing today but Mike and Jessica were suiting up to go surfing. Me, Emmett, and Angela were all snuggled up in blankets and hoodies in Tyler's van. Bella on the other hand was setting up in the driver's seat of the van reading a book and tuning everyone out.
“So I keep thinking Eric's going to ask me to prom, but then he just doesn't,” Angela told me and Emmett. I looked over at her with a smile.. “You should ask him”
Angela got flustered as I continued to talk. “Take control, you're a strong independent woman” I said.
“Yeah, guys dig chicks that take control,” Emmett added.
“I am?” she asked us. Me and Emmett both nodded. It went silent for a while but then Jacob and Paul came over with Sam. They both had big smiles as they said hi to me and my cousin. Jacob smiled and nodded towards Emmett but Paul just ignored his presents
“Hey, n/n” Paul smiled, coming over to sit next to me in the van.
“What's up kid?" Sam said, leaning on the van.
“Not much” I smiled as I pulled my blanket around me tighter and rested my head on Emmett's shoulder.
“Hay Bella” Jacob smiled as my younger cousin crawled out from the front seat to see her friend.
“You surfin'?” Jacob asked us. I shook my head like he was crazy. “Definitely not, too cold”
“You're cold and yet you're cuddling a leach” Paul mumbled. I threw my empty Coke can at the back of his head as I glared at him.
Angela waved at the boys while Eric looked at them with a questioning look. I sighed and pointed the the boys.
“Guys this is my other cousin Sam and our buddies Paul and Jacob” I smiled and introduced the boys to my other friends.
“Keep Bella company, her date bailed on her" Jessica teased. “to be nice” Bella said but I ignored her.
“What dates?” Eric asked. “Bella invited Edward,” Jessica said to Eric.
“We tried to invite Emmett's siblings but they weren't up for it,” Angela said softly.
“Public gatherings aren't my family's thing,” Emmett said.
“well I'm glad you came, '' Angela said. Everyones looked at me kinda shocked but at the same time they all looked happy.
“Wait what?” Bella asked bitterly but she was ignored again. “I think it's nice they invited them, no one ever does” Tyler said softly.
“Because the Cullens are freaks,” Mike joked, totally forgetting Emmett was right there. Eric pushed his shoulder. “shut up, man”
I snapped my head towards the blond trying to fight the urge not to rip him to shreds
“sorry about him” Angela said to Emmett just brushed it off.
I looked over to Jacob and Sam and they both just shook their heads with a frown.
“You know them?” Bella asked the boys.
“The cullens don't come here… Well they're not supposed to, " Paul said bitterly.
Jacob just looked at him with a wary look. I looked up at Emmett as he shook his head.
--------( ....... )--------
"What did your friends mean by the Cullens don't come here?" Bella asked Jacob as we walked around the beach. Bella and Jacob were a couple of feet behind me, Emmett, and Paul. Me and Emmett walked hand in hand trying to ignore Paul's heated stair.
“Oops. you caught that huh?” Jacob asked. I chuckled. “Dude everyone did,” I said, moving closer to him with Emmett behind.
“But why doesn't your family come here?” Bella asked Emmett. Him not knowing what to say shrugged. Bella then turned to Jacob as he sighed and lowered his voice.
“I'm not supposed to say anything,” he told Bella. “me either” Emmett added.
“I can keep a secret,” Bella smiled. Jacob nervously chuckled and shrugged at her eagerness.
“It's just an old scary story” I said before Jake or Paul could let out any information Bella shouldn't know. Bella looked back at Jake and nodded for him to continue . He sighed but still had a slight smile showing he wasn't annoyed with her. Jake looked at me wanting me to continue. He knew I had the story down and knew it better than him.
“Okay, did you know the Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?” I asked. Bella nodded her head.
“Wait wolves?" Bella asked, moving closer to Jacob. “So what's your res's beef with the Cullens?" Bella asked Emmett and Jacob. Jacob sighed as their thoughts flooded my head.
'Jake and his big mouth,' Paul thought.
'It's just a story right? It's no big deal they know' Jacob thought.
“Well the Cullens are supposedly descended from this,” Jacob said in a spooky voice trying to scare bella. I Chuckled and playfully elbowed him. “They're supposedly from an enemy clan but they claimed to be different, so we made a treaty with them”
“Didn't you just move here?" Bella asked Emmett. He nodded. “yes we did”
Paul was quick to but in. “Or they just moved back,”
Emmett shot him a glare as Bella looked even more confused. “They just moved her from Alaska, back off,” I said
“So what is the treaty?” Bella asked.
“If they promised to stay off Quileute lands, we wouldn't expose what they really were” Jacob paused as Bella shivered. He was about to tell us but Angula and Eric raced past us screaming.
“Let's get out of here,” I mumbled to Emmett. I pulled him away but Bella stopped Jacob when he tried to follow.
“Wait...what were they really?” Bella asked. Emmett just shook his head. “Bella, it's just a story about our ancestors… Nothing more” Emmett stated as he started to get annoyed.
Bella looked at me with slight fear almost , maybe disturbed. I only nodded telling her it's okay. Something I haven't done in a long time.
<Next chapter>
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
A/N: bro i actually started to tear up at the end istg AH but I like this, I hope you do too 🙏
PAIRING: dabi x fem!reader
NOTES: friends to lovers, minor cussing, mentions of dabi’s burns, vague spoilers but not really? (about the origin of his burns), heavy topics, slight angst ends with a happy ending~
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Dabi glanced at your slumped figure, rolling his eyes as he tuned back in what your brother was talking about. You sat next to his side, slumped over with a sigh every so often as you watched tv.
Normally, you would have been on your phone, but your brother had the strict policy of ‘no phones’ when Dabi was over. Who knows why. Your brother always said it was because ‘Dabi is older so he deserves more respect’. He’s only older by 2 years.
You glanced at the taller man beside your brother, eyeing his shiny staples with curiosity. He had never gone into depth about exactly what had happened, though you had never expected to since it had seemed to have also been a rough memory.
You had known him since you were little, even going to the extent of calling eachother ‘bestfriends’. It never broke apart persay, but the closeness just…faded. Your brother came into the mix and took Dabi away from you even more, which still kinda pisses you off even to this day.
A small chuckle and a confused expression on your brother’s face pulled you out of your thoughts as a faint blush formed on your face, drawing your eyes away from Dabi’s smug face.
“Wha’cha lookin’ at?” he asks teasingly, grinning at the huff as you got up and walked to the kitchen. He always teased you like this!
You let out a small sigh as your gripped the corner of the countertop, calming your beating heart the best you could as you listened to the shuffling from the other room. Assuming nothing of it, you turned around and walked to the sink, playing with the cold water before washing your hands.
A familiar arm wrapped around your waist, pulling a yelp out of you as you whipped around.
“I’m not that scary, am I?” Dabi jokes as he brushes a stray hair behind your ear, nonchalantly letting go of you as he reached past you to grab a glass.
“No, you’re not. You just surprised me, that’s all.” you say sheepishly as he eyes you suspiciously, contemplating questioning you about your rosy cheeks before deciding not to, filling his glass with water before walking away silently.
What the hell was that? You ask yourself as you dry your hands, walking back to the living room in a bit of a daze as you sit back down next to your brother. You glance nervously at Dabi, only to meet his hazy ones, which had secretly already been on you since you had walked in the room again.
“You alright?” your brother asks momentarily as you shifted under his gaze, nodding before curling up again to watch tv. Though your eyes were beginning to become heavy from lack of sleep, you couldn’t bring yourself to be the first one to go to bed. But, sleep did the work for you and pulled you into a slumber right there on the couch instead.
“She normally like that?”
A deep voice brought you back to reality as you rubbed your eyes groggily. The sun was like fire against your skin as it poured through your window, waking you up much quicker than normal.
“It’s her thing, who knows.”
You groaned as a sharp pain shot up through your back, reminding you how bad it always was to sleep on the couch like that. You rubbed the spot momentarily before hopping up and walking into the kitchen, asuming it was your brother on the phone talking to someone since Dabi never stayed overnight.
Oh how wrong you were, because as you walked out in your Hello Kitty tanktop and (very short) shorts, his wandering eyes landed on your figure, a hint of surprise mixed with smugness clouding them over.
“Morning.” he says, his voice still raspy from the early morning as he got up and walked past you with a small smile. Your face turned beet red as you ran back to your room, shutting the door and cupping your face as you slid down the back of it with a squeal.
There was a while of muffled conversation on the other side of the door before a soft knock chimed through your room. You got up and opened the door awkwardly, coming face-to-face with Dabi himself.
”Time to go out, get ready.” he says blankly, staring past you into your room as his eyes darted around to take in everything.
“To where?” you ask, wandering off into your room to find better clothes than what you currently had on.
“ ‘Dunno.” he shrugs, walking into the room and sitting on the bed before laying back. You blink as you set your shoes to the side, deciding to go get ready in the bathroom instead of your bedroom.
“What happened with your face, dabi..?” you ask quietly, more of thinking out loud instead of directly asking him.
“I did it to myself, I guess.” he responds, catching you off guard as you peek around the frame of the door with a quizzical look.
“I’m going to assume that is a bluff to the real reason?” you ask, setting your stuff down before walking back into your bedroom, sitting down next to him on the bed with a small bounce.
“Not really. My quirk.. uhm.. I wasn’t the best with it previously.” he says, tracing the string lights around your room with a bored stare.
You just nodded, hesitantly asking “does it hurt? still?” as you lowered your hand with a frown.
“No.” he replies, turning his head to look at you. His eyes looked so… warm.. yet so cold at the same time.
You reached a hand up and traced over his cheek, giggling to yourself as he closed his eyes, a low purr-like sound coming from his throat. He is just like a cat.
“You used to be an ass, you know? When my brother came into your life, he brought all of his shitty friends.. it ruined you for a while, you know? But I’m glad you changed, and that you changed him. I’m just…” you sniffled a little bit, making Dabi open his eyes as he reached a hand up to cup your cheek, “I’m glad I met you.”
He offered a small grunt as he sat up, pressing a peck on your forehead as he pulled you into his lap, bear-hugging you with a smile.
”No, I’m glad I met you.”
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Specialty for @kelin-is-writing
(btw do ya want it in ur masterlist???)
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daddyy333 · 2 years
Interviews | Jamie Campbell Bower x y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
Word count: 0.9k
Warnings: pda?
summary: Jamie talks about you in interviews
“Hi, everyone we are here with Stranger things’ Jamie Campbell Bower who plays Vecna in Season 4 which just came out on May 27 on Netflix, how are you Jamie?” The interview said, looking over at him now. He smiled and said “I’m good, I’m good, I’m happy to be here, I’m glad everyone’s enjoying the show, how about you?”
“I’m glad to hear it, I’m good as well. So, you played a very scary character and reportedly had to spend lots of time in the makeup chair and that deep, scary voice was all your own. What was it like preparing for the role and playing this kind of character and figuring out the voice?” She asked and Jamie chuckled.
He sighed and said “it definitely was a bit stressful, but my wife helped a lot-” “wife?” The interviewer asked and Jamie’s eyes widened. He put his hand over his mouth, obviously having not meant to say that.
The interviewer laughed and he said “oh my- yes, yes my wife. God, I am a dead man when she gets here” “she’s coming” the interviewer asked and he sighed, shaking his head. “Yea, yea she’s uhm…she’s in the cast actually, she plays C/N”
“Oh my- Y/N Y/L/N is your wife?” The interviewer asked and Jamie blushed a little, thinking about you. He smiled and nodded. “actually, it’s Y/N bower, but yes she is my wife. We’ve been together a while, but never announced our marriage, did you do your homework?” He joked and the interviewer chuckled.
“Wow, well I already know you two are an amazing couple, you’re a very lucky man and she’s a very lucky woman. Anyways, back to the question, what was it like preparing for the role and playing this kind of character and figuring out the voice? You were talking about how y/n helped you…” she said and Jamie chuckled softly.
He nodded and said “yes, yes, she made sure I didn’t go too crazy preparing and would help me memorize my lines, and also visited me on set a lot and made it a bit easier with the long and stressful days of shooting. The voice took time to figure out, but it wasn’t too hard” “that’s good to hear. In addition, fans would like to know…” she continued, but stopped once she realized his eyes were on you as you had just arrived and she shook her head.
“Hey…” he said as you two finally caught up to each other on the carpet. You kissed his cheek and said “I heard you let it slip that we’re married” “I’m sorry” he said and you chuckled. You rubbed his back slightly and said “it’s okay, babe. We’ve kept the secret for a while anyways, now I can finally kiss your sexy face in public”
He blushed and looked away, chuckling. You smiled too, laughing a little with him. He pulled you in for a hug and you smiled, burying your head into his chest. He kissed your head and then realized you two were still posing for pictures and gasped.
“Baby, oh god there are still lots of cameras on us” he said and you chuckled, pulling away. He smoothed your hair back down for you and you looked at the camera men who were going insane at all the pda they just caught of you two.
“So, I heard you and a fellow cast member are married?” An interviewer on the Stranger things Brazil tour asked and Jamie blushed, thinking about you. He nodded and said “yes, yes we are”
“How long?” He asked and Jamie bit his lip softly, twisting the wedding ring around his finger. He sighed and said “well we’ve been together nearly 7 years now but we’ve only been married since 2019. We actually got married on Halloween, oh god it was lovely. We just ran down to the courthouse and got married and had the little ceremony and stuff about a week later. She looked absolutely beautiful, I mean seriously, that woman is a goddess, I’m telling you. She’s just- she’s perfect, and I’ve been dying to see her since the press tour started, we’ve haven’t had much time together and I feel like I just can’t function without her”
“My god, you’re obsessed” Joe said and Jamie blushed, covering his face as he realized how much he just said. The interviewer laughed and said “well at least we know it’s a happy marriage! Anyways…”
He saw you waiting in line for coffee from across the airport and smiled. He took a picture of you and sent it to you, with a message “look at this cute girl I just saw in the airport”. He saw you open it and your eyes widened, looking around. You recognized who he was immediately even with the disguise.
He smiled and walked over to you, quite fast, and picked you up in a tight hug as soon as you got to him. He kissed your head a million times and you giggled, wrapping your arms around him too. He sighed softly and pulled away enough to look at you.
He kissed you softly and you pulled away fast, burying your head in his chest. He smiled, chuckling. “Miss me?” He asked and you nodded. You giggled and said “I heard you missed me more. Joe told me you wouldn’t stop rambling about me in interviews” “shut up it’s not my fault I'm really freaking in love with you” he said and buried his head into your hair.
You laughed and said “it’s okay. If it makes you feel any better I did the same. I missed you too much!” “We are disgusting” he said, referring to how much pda you two showed all the time. You chuckled and said “so be it,” and kissed his soft lips.
As of now I’m writing for
Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn
Jamie Bower
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Maya Hawke
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and I’ll add you :)
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oleander-nin · 2 months
technically still on vacation but I’m stuck in the house for a bit until the storm totally passes. Don’t have much to do though since my consoles and puter are still back at my place. It’s honestly kinda funny, I’ve gotten four flash flood alerts on my phone within the past 24 hours. I am super glad you like both songs though sorry about the spotify thing I kinda overlooked that. I’m also happy you like being talked to because I sure do like to talk.
Anyway I said the next ask will be actually good and even if this is close behind I’ve got krang observations/facts!!
starting with the stuff I managed to gather off twitter
“What happened to the foot soldiers after they had been krangified in the movie, were they taken into custody or killed?
I think they just become Krang soldiers/slaves.”
Raph was real lucky he had his brothers, it sounds like the krang zombie thing is next to totally permanent
“I've mentioned this in a few other answers, but we would have learned the backstory that a Krang ship crashed into the back of the crying Titan and its fuel was the source of the ooze that energizes the yokai.”
This is really neat to me, since it does sorta explain why the krang were able to snatch their mystic powers at the start, at least to me. Plus just them being the origins of at least why yokai are as strong as they are is really cool.
Ok movie stuff yay, typing this as I watch so I definitely didn’t get everything and some of these may just be a tad obvious
Kinda stretching it to start, but the way you can hear genuine fear in Casey jr’s voice and general like mannerisms(?) at the krang starting to get summoned again does such a good job at showing how scary they are before we really see much of them(I know we kinda do but sh)
^ Adding on their intro is so cool?? Like the way I actually freaked when two(?) said it had been ages since she killed anything right after the insane beatdown from krang one, the fact they actually got one of the mcs is also just awesome like.
Moving past the fanboying(hopefully) and going back to the crying titan thing krang one points on that Raph isnt human so it is likely that the krang did cause yokai as a whole to show.
I had something here about the krang zombies but I realized it was wrong so pretend I said something else cool
Everything in the subway was horrifying
not a krang observation but I’m saying it anyway, April goes through it in this movie, obviously everyone does. But girl is human and early on she just gets tossed off her motorcycle and totally ignores any potential injuries
The way krangs two reacts to April melting a good chunk of her face makes me feel like the krang had never actually been injured
I said this in the headcanon yapping thing but now that I’m actually rewatching it, I’m pretty sure I was at least sorta right, the krang parasites goal was to get Leo to kill Raph. Krang one is obviously confident enough that he could kill Leo on his own, and it does generally align with how messed up they are. Right before Leo puts his swords away he does almost slash at Raph who just doesn’t move at all until he takes a step back because almost killed his brother. Probably not canon but it’s more emotionally destroying and therefore cool.
probably obvious but I’m saying it anyway, the reason Leo’s sacrifice came as such a shock was because of the lack of capability to form any sort of connections, the inability to even fathom why someone would act for anyone other then themself is what lead to their downfall
theres honestly not much for me to say here, this movie is awesome but I’m trying not to go “krang armor is sick :0” Because yes it is, but like we all know that. I can talk a *lot* about the turtles and probably April n Casey jr but I said krang and thats probably smarter because I’m stuck on my phone at the moment and typings just a bit more annoying.
ooooooooooooo I like these. Very interesting observations/headcanons.
"The way krangs two reacts to April melting a good chunk of her face makes me feel like the krang had never actually been injured" - That's a good point. i dunno what to say to this, but my brain has latched onto it.
There's not much I can add onto any of these(haven't seen the movie in a hot minute tbh), but goodness I love them. Trade brains with me pls
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hyun-xxe · 4 months
Did I Cross the Line? (JUNGKOOK X F!Reader)
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Summary: You and Jungkook are happy together and are deeply in love. However, no matter what you still have doubts. Did you cross the line?
*heavily inspired by Billie Eilish new song “WILDFLOWER”*
You hated the way onions made your eyes burn and water, but you push through and chop some up to place in a pot.
Usually on Fridays it was leftover night, but something in you wanted to make a special dinner because you saw something on Instagram.
Everything feels better when you felt your fiancés arms snake around your waist and give you small kisses on the back of your ear.
Smiling, you place down the knife and give him a smile, pecking his lips. 
“Hello my love.”  you whisper
His smile is wider and he leans in to kiss you on the lips a little longer, “Hello to you too, my Love.”
You see him turn around and grab something, “What do you have there?” you asked, trying to peer around his form.
He chuckles and whips out some Lilies that he bought, “For you.”
You eyed the flowers and grab it. In your heart, you knew you should be jumping for joy and giving him a kiss, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t do that because these weren’t your favorite flowers.
During the months of you guys dating, you’ve always had thoughts of a lot of things, and this just solidified it. You knew he didn’t mean it, but it just naturally happens. 
Lilies weren’t your favorite, they were your friends favorite.
1 year ago…
You remember the first time you met your best friends boyfriend. She decided to hold a dinner with some friends to introduce him.
When you arrived at the restaurant, she stood from her seat and wrapped her arms around you, squeezing the life out of you. 
“You made it!! I can’t believe THE Y/N made it!!” she laughed.
You hugged her back, laughing along, “Oh shut up Lydia!! I always make it.”
She grabbed your hand and dragged you to the table where you can only spot a strange man.
“Jungkook, this is my bestie Y/N! Y/N, this is my amazing boyfriend!”
You extend your hand to shake his, to which he takes and smiles, “Nice to meet you, Lydia talks highly of you a lot.”
A chuckle left your mouth as you sat down across from Jungkook, “I’m really glad! She talks highly of you too.” you then turn to your friend, “Where are the others?”
She sighed, “They had to cancel. They were all coming together from the same place and the subway is on lock down because of a threat.”
Your eyes widen, “Oh wow, that’s really scary.” 
Your friend immediately changed the topic so you can catch up and also get to know Jungkook.
After that night, Lydia called you all night to talk more about her new relationship and you didn’t mind one bit. After all, ever since she was little she always wanted a boyfriend and now that her dream was coming true, you were happy for her.
At work a few days later, you decided to take your break and explore a little to different stores. That’s where you met Jungkook again. 
He spotted you right away and walked up, “Hi Y/N! what a coincidence seeing you here!”
You looked at him surprise, “Jungkook, hi!! Yeah, that’s crazy, what are you doing here?” you ask.
He smiles and holds up an action figure, “I am a huge nerd for these things and love to collect them, I know it’s stupid.”
You shake your head, “Stupid? Not at all, I love collecting these too! Especially Marvek characters!”
A gasp leaves his lips as a huge smile overtakes his face, “Really? I’m glad you do, Lydia doesn’t so it’s hard getting her into it.”
“Yeah, I’ve been trying to get her into this, but it’s just not her thing.” you laugh, “but she’s still amazing.”
He checked his watch and widen his eyes, “Oh, speaking Lydia we have a date tonight, I should head home to get ready.” he walks toward the door but then turns to look back, “What flowers should a man show up with?”
You smile, “Lilies, those are her favorite.”
“Are you ok? Do you not like flowers?” he asked, taking a step back.
You shake your head and take the wrapping off the flowers, “Uhm, no these are pretty. Thank you.”
As you were putting water in a vase, he sees the expression on your face, “Well, it doesn’t seem like it.”
You sigh and hang your head down, “These aren’t my favorite flowers. You know that Jungkook.”
He tilts his head in confusion before realization hits him, “O-oh, i’m sorry Y/N, i don’t know how i forgot, I didn’t mean to.”
Nodding your head, you place the flowers in the vase, “Yeah, I know, it’s whatever.” 
Jungkook noticed the tears in your eyes and he felt bad, “No, it’s jot whatever. I’m sorry Y/N, I sincerely didn’t meant to.”
You start to cry and you grabbed a tissue to dry the tears, “It’s just so hard, so hard Jungkook.” you whisper.
“What’s hard? Is everything ok?”
You turn off the stove and shook your head again, “No, I just don’t wanna say. I don’t wanna ruin things between us.”
Jungkook tried grabbing your hands softly but you pulled away, “Please just talk to me.”
“Do you know how hard things have been? For a while now, I’ve been feeling so fucking guilty. So insanely guilty and terrible.”
“What happened? Is everything ok?” he kept questioning, panic laced in his voice.
“Do you see Lydia whenever you’re with me? Is she in the back of your mind? Because no matter what, she’s always in mind and I can’t help but feel so fucking guilty!” tears kept rolling down your cheek and wouldn’t stop.
“Please, calm down, it’s ok.” he tried reassuring you but you couldn’t calm down. Everything - all the memories of them and of you and him kept plaguing your mind.
“You just don’t get it.” you cry, “I’m a horrible friend.”
1 year ago…
You were in your kitchen cleaning up after you cooked yourself dinner. Tomorrow is your day off so you cooked yourself something nice and wanted to watch an old rom com.
However, a knock was heard on your door and it confused you. There was no one you were expecting, especially this late at night.
Before opening the door, you peeked through the hole and noticed your friend outside.
You quickly opened the door and that’s when you saw Lydia’s sad, tear stained face.
“Oh my gosh Lydia, what happened?!” you pulled her inside and locked the door, “Are you ok?”
She doesn’t say anything but pulls you into a hug and cries loudly.  “I hate it Y/N, I hate this feeling so much!!”
You hugged her back tightly and rubbed her back, “Lydia, what happened? What hurts?”
She pulls away and you dry away her tears, “We broke up.”
Things fall apart and time breaks your heart, I wasn’t there but I know
You both lay on the couch, and you listen to her every word.
She was your girl, you showed her the world 
You fell out of love and you both let go
Feeling her head in your shoulder, her tears soak your sleeve but you don’t mind. You only care about your friends feelings.
She was crying on my shoulder, all I could do was hold her
Only made us closer until July
The days after their breakup, she was still in despair and you allowed her to take time. After all, a broken heart was the worst feeling ever.
You got a text from Jungkook randomly one day and it confused you. However, there was no need to be mean when it was a mutual breakup between the two and Jungkook wasn’t a bad guy.
jungkook: Hi y/n, how are you?
you: Hi jungkook, i’m doing good lol just work and resting. hbu
jungkook: doing good too. how’s lydia holding up?
you: she’s doing much better, thanks for asking.
jungkook: i’m rlly glad! i was worried for her for a sec…
you: me too, but i’m glad she’s feeling much better
jungkook: me too. also, are you going this saturday to Lionel’s house?
you: yes, more than likely! why do you ask?
jungkook: no i was just wondering!
the convo went on but died off, which was natural between you two. There wasn’t much to touch base on since he was no longer with your best friend.
But even so, he still managed to text you here and there just to talk. It didn’t weird you out at all.
As days went on before your friends mini party, you started to feel sick which was rare for you. Ever since you were little, getting sick was a weird phobia of yours and you tried your very best to prevent it.
However, this sickness couldn’t be prevented and it left you bed rested. Your whole body was weak and your throat was hurting even worst.
You texted Lionel to tell him you couldn’t make it and that you were sorry, but you knew for sure your sickness wouldn’t be cure by then.
Since you were alone, you couldn’t wait for someone to bring you food, so you knew you had to get up and make it, but your body was just so weak.
jungkook: hey
you: hey jungkook
jungkook: i heard from lionel that you can’t make it. is everything ok?
you: yes it is! i’m just a little sick.
jungkook: are you ok? do you need anything?
you: no i’m good! thanks for asking though that means a lot :)
you turned your phone off and tried going back to sleep, but before you could fully sleep, your doorbell rang.
Groaning, you walked towards the door and opened it only to see Jungkook standing there with groceries.
“Jungkook? what are you doing here?” you open the door and usher him inside. “It’s freezing outside!”
He places the bags on your counter, “I brought some stuff to make you dinner.”
You tilt your head in confusion, “But why? I was going to.” you coughed a little.
Jungkook looked you up and down, “Not to be rude, but you look too sick to do this. Besides, I remember Lydia would tell me how stubborn you were when it came to asking people for help.”
He began making soup for you, cutting the veggies and adding them to the pot. He did it so effortlessly and with ease, making you stand there in awe. 
Noticing you standing there, he helps you to the couch and turns on the TV for you, “Please, just rest. It will be done in a little.”
A few minutes later, soup appeared in front of you and it made your mouth water and your sinus go away for a little. “Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me.”
He gave you some medicine and helped you with a lot of other things. 
That was when you started to notice him.
A few days later there was word that he was sick, so you decided to repay the favor and do the same for him.
This is how things started. It was the little things you both did for each other, the increase in conversations and visits to each other.
He seemed perfect in every way and you both shared so much in common, but there was one thing hindering you from making a move: Lydia.
The guilty feeling eats you away everytine you think of Jungkook and you hate it. So, you try pushing him away, but he wouldn’t let that happen.
“Y/N, I know you don’t want me to say this, but I like you, a lot.”
hearing that confession changed everything and in that moment you forgot about everything as you kissed him.
You wanted to push him away, but he was just intoxicating.
That’s when you both started to date under the radar and it was perfect, you loved it.
Now I know that you love me, you don’t need to remind me. I should put it all behind me, shouldn’t i?
However, you couldn’t help but compare your guys relationship with his and Lydia’s. no matter how much you try and get that out of your head, it would linger. 
Every date he took you on would make you question if he took Lydia here and if he wanted to come so he could be reminded of her.
Doubts began to grow but you tried throwing it out because you know Jungkook feelings for you were true.
But I see her, in the back of my mind all the time. Like a fever, like i’m burning alive
Like a sign
Did I cross the line?
When Lydia found out about you both, you expected her to get angry and never want to talk to you again, but she was cool about it. 
She tried reassuring you that it was ok and that they both broke things off so it was ok. 
Still, even her words of reassurance wasn’t enough. 
Well good things don’t last and life moves so much fast
I’d never asked who was better
Cause she couldn’t be more different than me 
happy and free in leather 
That was one thing that kept you up at night. You and Lydia were both different in a lot of ways, so you couldn’t help but think if he preferred her over you.
Did he prefer to do things with her and the things she liked? Did he liked doing that? Or did he prefer things with you?
You never voiced your thoughts to your boyfriend in fear that he would feel bad, so you kept quiet 
And I know that you love me
You don’t need to remind me
Wanna put it all behind me but baby
I see her in the back of my mind all the time
Feels like a fever like i’m burning alive 
Like a sign 
Did i cross the line?
After he proposed to you, it was your first valentines together as fiancés and you were excited. 
He took you to dinner, bought you some gifts and took you to the hotel room to make love to you.
Everything was perfect and you felt like you were in heaven. As he was sleeping, you stayed up a little later to admire the ring on your finger.
This was to signify that you both were going to have a future together and you couldn’t wait.
Looking at your fiancé, you noticed him heavily asleep and it made you squeal as he looked to cute.
You poked his nose for fun and loved seeing him sniffle as he tried swatting your hand away.
Laughing, you did it once more and he swat your hand away again.
“Lydia, not now please.”
That name made you freeze and your heart sank. 
All this time did he think of her? All your moment with him, even the intimate ones, did he think you as Lydia? 
Were you her replacement? Was this all a lie.
Tears started to fall and you got up to go to the bathroom. You didn’t want to wake him up and have him see you cry.
You say no one knows you so well
But everytine you touch me, I just wonder how she felt 
Valentine’s day, cryin in the hotel 
You cried yourself an hour before cleaning yourself up. Not wanting to bring this up and bury it deep, you just left it behind. 
This was just one incident, you knew he didn’t mean it and that it was just natural for him. After all, they were together for a while.
I know you didn’t mean to hurt me so I kept it to myself 
And I wonder
Do you see her in the back of your mind? In my eyes?
present day…
Hearing all of your doubts throughout your relationship, Jungkook couldn’t help but feel horrible.
Knowing that he accidentally said his ex name on Valentine’s day, a day that was meant for just you two, caused him to start crying out of guilt.
“Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you keep all of this to yourself?” he asked, holding you tightly.
“I was scared. I didn’t want you to start overthinking like I was and i just wanted things to be perfect.” you confessed.
Jungkook held your face softly in his hands, “Listen to me love, whatever you worry about, i worry about. Whatever you’re thinking, I want to think. Whatever hurts you, I want to know what or who is hurting you.
“When I asked you to marry me and you said yes, Y/N you have no idea how happy I was. You’re my everything and I am so obsess with you. Me and you are whole and whatever you go through, we go through together and make it out as one.”
Hearing those words made you smile and you leaned into his hands, “I’m really sorry, i thought keeping this to myself would make things better.”
He shakes his head, “everything would’ve been good for me since i would’ve thought that things were good. Please, tell me these things. Lydia was in the past, everything i felt for her is gone. You’re mine, I’m yours and goddamn am I happy to know that. I love you so much and I want you to know that whatever you’re feeling is valid.
“i’m sorry for that valentines night, you didn’t deserve that.”
You smile and kiss his lips, “It’s ok, i’m glad i let this all out because it feels so much better. I love you.”
He gives you a kiss and smiles, “I’m not gonna lie, Your hands smell like onions. You want some help?”
You both laugh as you both decided to continue cooking, the Lilies long gone and thrown in the trash
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shyanddreamy · 1 year
You can't save everyone
Happy Lowman x Reader | Part 3
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Being in Charming again was strange, but above all it was scary. You had been out of the city for about five weeks, and now you were afraid that they hadn’t missed you or that they didn’t want you back. But it was too late to back out.
“Are you ready?”, Creeper asked you, rubbing your back tenderly.
As you didn’t have a car, Neron had offered to drive you to Charming. He was wearing a jacket over his kutt because it wasn’t a good idea for a Mayan to be seen in SOA’s territory without giving them a call first. For this reason, he had stopped his bike a few blocks from the Teller-Morrow workshop.
“I am”, you answered. “Thanks for taking me here. And for everything else.”
“It’s been my pleasure.”
The reality was that you were going to miss him, which wasn’t appropriate to say out loud or it could lead to misunderstandings.
“May we meet again”, you added instead. “And call if you ever need a hand. Even if it’s just to talk.”
“I’ll do”, he nodded. “The same goes for you, love.”
“Okay. I’ll do it too.”
Creeper was the kind of man who always looked after his people. And even though it was a goodbye for now, you already were one of his own.
With nothing more to say, you gave him a heart-felt hug which he did not hesitate to reciprocate. No words were necessary, so after a last smile, he took his bike and drove back to Santo Padre. Once you were alone, you took a deep breath and started walking down the street with a clear destination.
It was getting dark by the time you arrived at the TM, which was already close. However, their bikes were there, so you assumed they´ll be inside the clubhouse. Your heart beat so fast you thought it would explode. And for better or worse, one of the Sons had already seen you as he was sitting outside on the wooden table.
“Look at who we have here!”, Tig exclaimed. Both of you walked towards each other until he was able to welcome you with an embrace. “When have you come back? Come in, boys will love to see you.”
You didn’t have time to talk or even think again about whether this was a good idea or not because Tig guided you directly to the entrance. And his arm was still around your shoulders when you crossed the door, so you couldn’t run away.
“I have found a lost bunny outside, brothers”, was Tig’s way of announcing your return. And while you were telling him not to call you that, the rest of the boys came to give you a warm welcome.
For a few minutes, it was all hugs, questions about how you were doing, and sentences assuring you that they had missed you and were glad you were back. The situation changed when you caught Happy’s eyes on you. Even his brothers understood they should give you some space, so they went to the bar counter to take some beers. Only then, Happy slowly walked towards you, leaving half a metre between the two of you.
“Hey”, you said.
“Hey”, he responded.
Suddenly, you felt the atmosphere colder and a stronger stomach ache due to nerves. Anyway, nothing could change the excitement you were feeling for seeing him again.
“I’ve missed you.”
Happy tensed his jaw and, for a moment, you thought he was going to kick you out. Instead, he put one arm around your back to keep you close and rested his head on your shoulder regardless of the height difference between you. He wasn’t hugging you, it was more like he was looking for some kind of comfort from you. Like a child who has been hurt.
“Cut the bullshit you two and came with us to celebrate Y/N is back home”, Chibs said, which was enough for Happy to give you back your personal space.
“You just want an excuse to get drunk”, you responded while following Happy’s steps to the bar counter.
“Don’t see the problem in there, love”, he added.
A few hours went by while you were drinking and catching up. They told you some anecdotes from these days that you missed out on, and you answered their questions and told them some things about Santo Padre, the city and his people. You tried not to mention Creeper’s name just in case as you focused on telling them more amusing stories. One of the few times you mentioned Mayans was to make fun of the fact that they thought at first you might be some kind of spy.
With the intention of breath some fresh air after the heat you had experienced in Santo Padre, you went outside to smoke a cigarette. However, the person who decided to join you at the wooden table kind of surprised you.
“Tired already?”, Chibs asked you while lighting his own cigarette.
“A little bit”, you responded. “It’s been a long day.”
“Will you go home?”
“Where else?”
“Just asking”, he added, shrugging his shoulders.
“I know you have noticed that something’s going on between Happy and me”, you said. “He has barely spoken to me. That makes it pretty obvious.”
“He has barely spoken, but he didn’t take his eyes off you for a single moment”, Chibs pointed out.
“Yeah, I know.”
He took a long drag on his cigarette and slowly released the smoke before continuing to speak:
“When you left, he lost his head, Y/N. He banged all the croweaters he could at first and started drinking more than usual.”
It wasn’t nice to hear the great number of chicks in which Happy had had his dick in, but you couldn’t reproach him for anything. Not after what you had done with Creeper adding the fact that you weren’t exclusive at all.
“But then everything got weirder”, he continued. “He pushed away every single hoe that tried to get into his pants. And he was in a bad mood most of the time. I mean, more than usual. He also started sleeping in the clubhouse some nights, alone, as if he didn’t want to go home.”
“What the fuck does it all mean?”, you asked him, slightly confused. After Chibs words, there were so many conjectures in your head that you needed someone to confirm or deny them.
“What the hell should I know? I’m not in his damn head, Y/N”, he answered back. “But I’m not blind or stupid. I understand why you left as well as I know how much Happy cares about you. So, put your shit together.”
“You are so rude, Pres, but I get your point.”
Chibs smirked and shook his head.
“I just want what’s best for y’all.”, he assured you before the door opening caught your attention. “I think is my time to go back inside.”
As Chibs walked towards the door, Happy walked towards you, so their paths crossed. You saw Chibs muttering something to Happy, but you couldn’t make out what it was. Moments later, it was just Happy and you out there looking at each other.
“I’m gonna go home”, he announced. “Wanna come?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
Happy just nodded in response, so you made your way to his bike. After he sat down on it, he offered his helmet to you.
“Thanks”, you muttered before taking a seat behind him. You had been away from him for so long that even this small distance made you nervous. In any case, you hugged him on the back, as you always did.
Your journey home was shorter than you expected. This could be because you would have liked to have more time before arriving at your destination, where you would have no excuse not to talk.
“I’ve never felt this way at home before”, you said due to both of you were in the middle of the living room looking at each other but without saying a single word.
“Want to go?”, he asked you.
“Want me to go?”
“No, of course not”, you assured him.
“So, what do you want?”
“Don't know. Talk, maybe?”, you suggested, slightly ironically.
“You should talk. You were the one who left.”
“But I left because you didn’t…”, you didn’t finish the sentence, but Happy frowned anyway.
“Because what?”, he growled.
It was time. If he wanted you to talk, you would tell him the raw truth.
“I left because I was hurt. Because seeing you banging randoms chicks under my nose was hurting me”, you said loud and clear. “I love you so fucking much that it hurts, Happy. But you have to tell me. You have to tell me that you don’t feel the same so I can move on.”
Your eyes were watery, but you didn’t shed a single tear. You have practiced this conversation in your head too many times and now you had to keep your composure. Crying would make nothing better.
“So, that’s why you’re here”, Happy pointed out. “You want to hear what you want and leave again.”
“It would be the most reasonable. But I want to move on, not to leave you.”, you acknowledged. “What I have realised is that being away from you is even more painful, Happy. And I would rather have a little of you than none at all, but I can’t keep waiting for something from you that will never come.”
After you stopped talking, Happy remained silent for a few minutes. You were thinking that he might be looking for the right words to reject you when he took something out of his kutt pocket and gave it to you. Frowning, you unfolded the folio to find something that made you frown even more.
“What’s this?”
“A hotel. Halfway between Santo Padre and Charming”, he briefly explained to you. “I booked a room. For us.”
“What? Why?”
“I told you. I thought the trip would be good for you. That some time alone would be good for us”, he added. “I didn’t expect you to stay at Santo Padre.”
“I had no fucking idea, Happy. How was I supposed to know? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You took your decision. I didn’t have to make up your mind for you.”
You were wordless. Of all the things you thought could happen, this wasn’t one of them. And for once in a long time, it was his turn to speak his truth.
“I’ve never had an Old Lady or any of that bullshit. I thought I'd never want it, but you are so fucking annoying”, he said, pretty mad. “You hurt me too abandoning me, but still all I could think was that I wish you were safe. And this house was so fucking lonely it sucked. So, I’m sorry if this’s not what you wanted to hear, but I fucking love you, Y/N. Call it how you want, I don’t care, but just don’t leave me again.”
Two tears had run down your cheeks at his confession. You had to take a deep breath before you could walk towards him, feeling your whole body shaking.
“I know I was wrong. It was wrong to try to push you away. To try to convince myself that it wasn’t something more”, he continued even though you were now inches away from him. “But I have no fucking idea what I’m doing. This is not like anything I’ve ever done before.”
You brought your hands to his face, gently cupping it as you gave him a soft smile.
“I’ve never thought I'd say that, but for once, stop talking, Happy.”
Happy pursed his lips, completely serious, and waited not knowing what for. Your heart ached again, but this time the reason was different. You left because you weren’t on the same page, when in fact you were.
“I didn’t have a fucking clue when I left Tacoma to come to Charming with you either. The only thing I did know was that I wanted to be with you”, you assured him. “That’s all that mattered then and that’s all that matter now.”
As soon as you finished the sentence, you kissed him, as you had wanted to do since you first saw him in the clubhouse. And when he felt your lips on his, he put his arms around you to reduce the distance between your bodies. The passion with which you kissed each other was high, but you both needed more.
You slipped your hands under his shirt and Happy quickly gave you a hand to get rid of his kutt and shirt. When you felt his warm skin under the palms of your hands, you bit his lower lip with desire.
“I’ve missed this so much”, you muttered, but the sound of your shirt being torn confused you for just a few seconds. “You had no need to do that!”
But all you could see was his mischievous smile.
“I do needed it. I’ve missed you too.”
From that moment onwards, you could no longer contain yourselves. Your clothes were scattered on the living room floor, and your lips would be swollen from so much passionate kissing. You had left wet kisses and bites all around Happy’s neck and his fingertips would probably be marked on your skin by then. You didn’t even waste time on going to a bedroom or, at least, to the sofa. Instead, Happy cornered you against the nearest wall and wrapped one of your legs around his waist. When he couldn’t wait any longer, he plunged himself down inside you and stayed like that for a few seconds.
“Shit. I’ve missed you so fucking much”, he panted.
As his movements became wilder, the only thing you could do was sink your nails in his back and his shoulders, moaning like you wanted the whole world to hear you. Happy knew everything about your body, but your body also reacted differently to him than to anyone else. Everything was better with him. And it wasn’t just your body, it was your mind and your heart too. Every single part of you was in sync with Happy. And in some moment, the three words you had never said before during sex escaped from your mouth.
“I love you.”
You had said those words to him many times. For instance, every time he went on a mission, because you cared so much about him and wanted him to be safe, but you’ve never said that when you were hooking up. It would have been out of place. But now, in that moment, those words meant all the things you couldn’t express any other way.
“Again. Say it again”, he growled.
“I love you. I love you so fucking much”, you repeated as it was a mantra while his thrusts got harder. “I love you more than my life. More than everything. And I’ll love you forever.”
With those words sounding close to his ear, accompanied by your moans, and burying his head on you neck, Happy got his release. You could tell by the way his muscles tensed and his fingers sank into your thigh and hip.
“Fuck. You’re gonna be the death of me.”
“It would be a sweet death at least”, you responded. “But now I really need to sit down. My legs are shaking so badly I don’t know if I’ll be able to stand on my own when you let me go.”
You went straight to the sofa and didn’t do a single thing except catch your breath. The only thing Happy moved from the sofa for was to get the packet of cigarettes out of his trouser pocket. And as he lit his, he did the same with yours.
“It’s been quicker than usual”, you pointed out.
“Fuck you. It’s been a while”, he defended himself. “Besides, I've all night to fuck you until you beg me to stop.”
“Sounds tempting”, you nodded while biting you lower lip. “But I'd like some timeout. Do you want a beer?”
You spent some time talking calmly about the last few weeks you had been apart. You spoke of trivial things, but also of cloying ones, such as the times when you had been on the verge of calling the other to talk for at least a few minutes. You had to mention that you had spent a few nights with one of the Mayans from Santo Padre, but without explicitly saying that you had been fucking. However, Happy wasn’t the right person to blame you for anything either. Instead, you told him that Creeper had helped you find a decent room in a considerably better motel, and that he had given you a couple of recommendations for nice places to go and places to avoid. After the talk, you went to Happy’s room this time, and once there you took your time to give each other a few more orgasms. Maybe with that pace you could make up for the lost weeks. Having finished such and intense and exhausting activity, you could easily have fallen asleep if it wasn’t for the fact that, odd as it may seem, Happy still wanted to talk.
“You know how this life is. The danger. Why do you still want to be with me?”
“During the years, I've learnt to understand your life. What the kutt means and everything that it involves”, you responded. “Dangerous or not, it’s your life. You chose it and I respect it. And I love your brothers. They are my family now too.”
“But I’m gonna die, Y/N. Someday. For my club”, he added.
“You don’t know that for sure.”
“It’s a possibility.”
“So, I could die too someday. You know that what I do to earn money isn’t safe either.”
“You won’t die as long as I’m here.”
“Maybe. But what if we die? Everybody dies. And I prefer to spend the time we have together. No matter what.”
“Sounds good”, he acknowledged. Anyway, he still had doubts. “But I’m fucked up. You can’t deny it.”
“Of course you are. You are as fucked up as I am.”
“It’s not the same.”
“I don’t give a shit about what differences you see”, you answered back. “I may be one of the people that knows you better, the good and the bad. And I still love you. You’ve never scared me. I see you, Happy, and I still love you with all my heart.”
“Thanks”, he muttered. “For loving me despite everything I am and everything I do.”
“Cut the bullshit”, you growled while hitting him with the right amount of force in the ribs. “You are talking like a crybaby.”
“Sorry”, he answered, this time with a slight smile on his face. “I just don’t want you to regret it.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
“Okey. Fine.”
Happy stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray on his bedside table and made himself comfortable on the bed, pulling you towards him so that your head rested on his chest.
“So, are you gonna be here, right?”, he asked you in a soft voice while his hand caressed your still naked body. “Tomorrow morning, I mean.”
“Yeah, I’ll be here”, you responded tenderly. “Tomorrow morning and every other morning. I’m not going anywhere anymore.”
“Sounds good.”
“Sounds perfect”, you pointed out.
←Part 2 // Part 4→
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Everything Happens to Me - Part 4
Hi flowers! Here we go with a new part to Everything happens to me, this is a bit sad I know, but I hope you'll like it anyway. Some angst is about to come. ❥ tw: angst, swearing, bullying, sad things and if you find more let me know.
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chapter 3
You never forget your first race
Despite of the rough start y/n and Charles kept going out, avoiding being too public for the moment because of the shitstorm that was engulfing the girl, but fortunately with Charles being most of the time abroad for the races it was easier to do. They would talk every single day, face timing, telling each others about their days and how much they missed each other. As much as y/n tried to avoid all the negativity it was not easy as she would receive hundreds of hate messages on her social medias and Charles knew it really well.
“I think we should bring her to a race, make it official. I would love to have her around in Monaco.” the situation was difficult enough to have meetings about it for Charles and his press team “I don’t know Charles, that could put her in a tough setting, but I guess since it’s bad already we could try. If she’s okay with it considering Charlotte will be there too.” at those words Charles felt like it was Christmas again, he was hoping to bring y/n to a race for the longest time now and he couldn’t wait anymore, hoping it to be the solution to their problem.
As soon as Charles eventually get back to Monaco he drives to y/n’s with flowers and an envelope, he could feel the pressure building up as he enter the elevator to reach her floor and even more as he found himself in front of her doorstep. “Amore” she smiled widely seeing the Monegasque in front of her with a bouquet of hydrangeas “These are my favorites, how did you know?” he giggles “I don’t kiss and tell.” they hug each other, with Charles leaving a small peak on her lips “You should open the envelope that comes with them” Charles says while they’re entering the flat and getting comfortable. Y/n sits on the sofa after putting her flowers in a vase filled with fresh water “Alright let’s open this one.” when she opens the letter, y/n finds a VIP pass for the Monaco grand prix and feels her heart rise in her throat realizing what it meant. “Are you sure Charles, is the team agreeing to this?” the worried tone replacing the smile that was just there on her face “Babe, yes. We have decided this together, if you feel like it.”. A lot of thing rushes through y/n’s head in just a few instants “I know it’s scary, you can think about it if you need to. I really would love to have you by my side and I won’t leave you alone.” says Charles trying to not look like he was wanting to convince her, but failing. At those words y/n smirks looking at him “I can’t say no now.” they giggle “I want to come, maybe it’s the better thing to do.” Charles throws himself at her at her answer “C-Charles! I won’t make it alive this way.” she tries to say as the Monegasque is on top of her hugging her tightly “I am just too happy.” she finds herself lost in his eyes as he smiles above her, before pulling him to kiss him for the first of many time that afternoon.
The first day of the grand prix arrived and with it the ensuing anxiety, for y/n was the first race and especially the first public and official appearance as Charles' girlfriend. As soon as they get to the paddock area, the crowd of photographers goes crazy to get a picture of them two, which doesn’t help y/n’s anxiety. “Mon ange, it’s alright.” he holds her hand tightly as they’re increasing their pace to get to the Ferrari hospitality. Once they get there everybody was already focusing on them “Alright guys, she’s y/n.” Charles spend some time introducing her to everybody from Mattia, to his engineer and eventually Carlos and his girlfriend Isa as well “I am so glad to finally meet you, Charles has talked so much about you.” says the Spanish girl introducing herself to y/n “I am glad to have some familiar faces here.” lets out y/n almost afraid to have said too much “Girl, I know it’s sadly way to common what is happening to you. I know it will pass soon.” Isa’s smile felt comforting to y/n that tried so hard to focus on the nice things she was hearing coming from the people around her. The rest of the morning before the race went on pretty smoothly as y/n decided not to check on any social media and also basically hiding with Isa around the paddock.
“Y/n, come with me, there’s someone I want you to meet.” said Charles grabbing her hand and pulling her through the crowd to get to a small area where some people were sitting at a table “Maman, she’s y/n.” at those words y/n eyes widened in surprise “I could have used an heads up.” she almost whispers to Charles “Nice to meet you y/n, I’m Pascale. These are Charles’ brothers Lorenzo and Arthur.” the girl introduces herself to everybody that warmly welcome her “Charles has told us so much about you, it’s nice to finally meet you.” jokes Lorenzo, making Charles vividly blush. “I hope he told you nice things.” as they were talking, people would pass by them and whisper thing that made y/n really uncomfortable and Pascale noticed it “Of course, and you are part of the family now dear. Come sit with us.” Charles encourages her to do so “I’ll leave you to them ange, because I have to go prepare now.” y/n shyly nods before Charles leans in to give her a small kiss.
After spending some time with Charles’ family, y/n decide that it’s time for her to go back to the terrace where she would watch the race with Isa, doing so during the path to get there many people start yelling at her the worst things. When she gets to the terrace she is visibly dazed after facing all the hate “Are you okay? It looks like you’ve seen a ghost.” asks Isa worried about her “I’m okay, don’t worry.” y/n put on a fake smile and decide to not give it importance, they didn’t deserve her sadness and she was there to support Charles and nothing more. The race was really fun to watch, but seeing Charles not able to succeed and win, was really heartbreaking knowing how much he cared about his home race. As soon as Charles ended the race he went back to the box and after his media duty immediately reached out for y/n “Hey” he said with a small pout on his face “You were brilliant, you know right? If it isn’t this time. It will absolutely be the next one.” said y/n reaching for his hand “Can we go home now?” he asked her, with her gladly accepting to leave this fun, but really hard day behind. “I’ve to speak to Mattia and another few things, but if you’d like, you could wait me at the car.” y/n nods at those words and after saying goodbye to Carlos and Isa as well she gets going.
On the way to the parking lot, many people start taking many pictures of her and some of them are even nice, thing that surprises her and heartens her a bit. Until a few meters away from the destination a group of fans of Charles block her at first asking for some pictures, then getting more and more menacing towards her “You better leave Charles alone, you didn’t even let Charlotte get near him.” “They’re endgame, you’re just a whore. It won’t last. You’re not even from Monaco.” All those words touched all y/n’s insecurities and even if she could have just left, she felt unable to. So she was standing there, speechless hearing those words stab her like sharp knives. “Mon ange?” Charles’ voice brings her back to reality “What the hell are you doing, leave her alone. No, I won’t sign anything to someone who’s this mean towards someone else. Goodbye.” Charles’ hand holds firmly y/n’s and pull her away from those people. “Babe. Are you fine? I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have brought you here.” the guilt was pervading Charles seeing his girlfriend so quiet and hurt by what just happened “It was too much, I am sorry.” “Charles, don’t. It’s not your fault. I’d do it one hundred times again. I am here to support you.” A small smiles appears on the Monegasque face at those words as they’re entering his car. In spite of it, Charles couldn’t stop thinking about that scene and how he felt it was all his fault. This was not good and it wasn’t going to stop any soon.
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Scene: “How Terry merged his Mundane Form Permanently”
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Mundane Terry cries out in pain after another muscle grow that rips his shirt into pieces and then breaks down in tears. He then looks at his old wedding dress and a flashback starts as he grows wide-eyed. The flashback on the day before his and Korvo’s wedding. Terry is shown walking out of the store with a dress for his wedding.
Terry: Thank you so much. Tomorrow is really important. Thanks for the help. Okay, bye.
But while walking out the store, he ends up remembering traumatic memories back on Shlorp and his whole life on Earth.
Terry: breathing in and out
Terry then starts coughing out blood and gasp, which made realize he had one thing… internal bleeding. Terry kept freaking out as he continue cough up blood while his visions starts fading as he falls down unconscious with blood down from his mouth. Then, he suddenly awakens in a midnight orange void with the blood from his mouth gone.
Terry: What in the...
Terry walks around and grows amazed by the sight of it. Suddenly, he saw something. It was a Mundane spirit, but it couldn’t talk. Just growl and whimper
Terry: Hey there, buddy.
The Mundane spirit approaches as it looks like it was gonna hurt him, as Terry gasp and falls down while backing away but. Then, he close his eyes fearing it’s gonna hurt him. But then... The Mundane spirit purr at Terry as it nuzzles him softy. Terry pets the Mundane spirit as he gasp and then sees a shining light.
Terry: Woah...
The Mundane spirit then grabs a hold of Terry as it flies him up to the light then it swirls all around his body as he gasp as the light combines with him and it fades to wait. Suddenly, as the light fades, it shows Terry back in his bedroom the next morning, with his pink wedding dress on surprisingly on the bed with Korvo, in his orange wedding dress looking over in concern
Korvo: Terry? Terry! Are you alright?
Terry groans. As Terry got up he then notice blood on his face as he gasp and Korvo cleans it up.
Korvo: Oh my God. What happened to you? Did you get hit in the face?
Terry: Yeah I think so
Korvo: Oh Terry...
Terry: I know. I know. crying I fucked thing up again and- and- starts having a panic attack
Korvo hugs Terry to calm him down.
Korvo: Hey hey hey! It’s okay! It’s our wedding day! You’re just feeling nervous! Tell me, honey what’s wrong
Terry then breaks down in tears because he is really scared about screwing things up after he and Korvo get married.
Terry: crying K-Korvy, I’m scared… I don’t what this whole new life is gonna bring… fuck… what if I screw things up… what if I make our marriage loveless, what if I-
Korvo hugs Terry as he starts sooth and comfort him by rubbing his back back-n-forth softly.
Korvo: I know it's scary. But I think we can make this work. You wanna know why?
Terry: Why?
Korvo: touched his face Because, I love you Terry. You changed my life and made it better. We may not have chosen each other, but I am so glad I found you Terry. You got me out the dark times, I am so happy that I got to meet you and I will always love you. No matter what.
Terry: Korvy...
Korvo: Yes my darling?
Terry: Make love to me.
Korvo: tears of joy Of course sweetheart…
The husbands make out as they moan. They received a schedule reminder notification .
Terry: So, you ready?
Korvo: Hell yeah!
The two newly weds then head out the door with Yumyulack, Jesse, Pupa and Phoebe waiting for them. The flashback ends as Mundane Terry continued sobbing over how he got it.
Mundane Terry: This is not fair…
He looks at his hands but then starts growling and roars as he began to lose sanity once Korvo comes in gasp upon seeing Terry transform again.
Korvo: T-Terry?!
Mundane Terry looks at Korvo while snarling but then gasp and backs away while whimpering upon seeing his husband.
Korvo: Oh, Terry...
Mundane Terry starts crying while Korvo comes up to him.
Korvo: It's okay. I'm here.
Korvo touches Mundane Terry’s face as he wipes away the tears but Mundane Terry is still whimpering. Korvo then whistles “Beautiful” to Mundane Terry as he smiles and hold his husband close. Mundane Terry weeps a little as Korvo kiss him on the cheek
Korvo: Feeling better?
Mundane Terry purrs as he turns back to his normal Terry self.
Terry: A little…
Korvo: Oh Terry, maybe it’s best if you stay here tonight?
Terry: Oh I can’t. I have to go that dinner party tonight. God, I just hope I got the beast in control
Korvo: Oh Terry… please promise me to not lose yourself again during that time, okay?
Terry: Of course I won’t.
Terry kiss Korvo as puts on his dinner party clothes and leaves. But then, Korvo grows suspicious once hears about the Windigo woman.
Korvo: Hm?
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im bored and kinda high so heres my opinion on all the reboot characters
caleb - is a character
axel - im just as gay for her as the next guy but there's no way in hell she's final two next season lol but i wanna hold hands w her
nichelle- yass girl give us nothing 🥰
scary girl - idc idc she was funny asf but i am glad she went early bc if she stayed any longer i wouldve hated her lol
damien - one of the best things to come from the reboot and yall are doing him a huge disservice shipping him w priya 🥴 that shit is so boring but honestly? there might be something there somebody's gotta make me a believer tho. CONVINCE ME
mk - as a bitter, annoying, sarcastic individual myself i could not stand this bitch omg 💀 her character has a ton going for it but all they did w her is make every single one of her lines sarcastic n shit and i was BORED
raj - dumb gay man i love him
wayne - dumb ace man i love him
ripper - bro just wasnt funy. i dont get why they make characters who just pride themselves in being nasty n shit kind of a waste of development idk
zee - we can all agree that he was great but he gives me early boot vibes for next season bc like if we're demanding development for all the first season early boots then he's just gonna be there ig. dumb can only get you so far yknow?
chase - him and emma both are such wasted potential like BREAK THE HETEROS UP OMG their relationship dragged the second half down so bad like chase is just bad for the sake of being bad. like he wasn't even funny either just a waste of space by the time he was gone 😭
emma - first i'll say im glad we got a plus sized girl w some fucking athletic ability beCause THEY EXIST yay happy but anyway she was so funy until she got back with chase and that whole shit w him throwing that challenge for pizza was so DUMB like she honestly thought he did that shit for her 💀 like she was CONVINCED bro the straight delusion was insane
julia - she was the bad bitch we all needed and deserved but i cannot sit here and let you mfs say that she played the game well bc she absolutely DID NOT. girlie had no actual strategy other than winning and thas not even a strategy. even her trying to "manipulate" chase that one time sucked too lmao. bro her goal was to get everyone to hate her and win out of spite that shit is so dumb but it's so her so idc we love her anyway
millie - there were so many times where i lowkey forget she existed lmfao i don't even dislike her it was just "oh yea she here too lol" but i gotta say it kinda feels like they used her as a scapegoat to make writing her outta the finale easier idk maybe it's just me. but her crying after bowie clowned her ass when she was eliminated was the funnies bit in the entire show i was giggling n shit bc she honestly did that to herself lmao rip
priya - people compare her to zoey and sky way too much honestly (its me, im people) but when you look at it we have a mary sue that was infuriating to watch , the same girl but olympic flavored whos existence i have to be reminded of every two months, and priya. priya is perfectly fine and she was a nice winner even if i knew she was gonna win the second she was onscreen lolZ but when she read millie's notebook and absolutely demolished her ego i was living. like girlie ate her up w absolutely no crumbs left idc
bowie (the real winner) - i was fully prepared and ready to hate this twink istg. like i was in my homophobic era and ready the second his name was called but omg i love him sm. he was the queen i never knew i needed in my life. and to all the mfs who say his gayness is his entire personally have never met an fem black man and it shows 💀 idc what anyone says he's the best writer character in the entire show 🤭 as much as i love him i cannot let his fit slide. the pearls can stay bc those were a serve but the pants??? THE FUCKING PANTS??? THOSE FUCKING FLOOD WARNING HIGH WATERS.?? why would they do him like that omg. fits like that are why we get hate crimed 😔
ok im done good luck to anyone who actually reads this lmao
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animeworldfanfics · 9 months
Just Each Other's
He was my boss. The Richest person in the whole company. The official shareholder of 53% of the Sanemi Corporation's shared. 
You'd think he had everything...Trust me, he didn't. He had no family, and he was 100% the MOST undesirable person for any girl.
a) He was short tempered  b) He was badly scarred  c) He was rude
So in all conclusions, Shinazugawa Sanemi at age 25 had nothing but his brilliance of mind to vouch for him. His parents died a peasant. He brought himself to match the royalty. He was practical, and business minded, and if someone only KNEW about this side of him, without having actually met him in person, they would surely fall for him. 
I was 23. A College Graduate, top of her class. I had amazing grades, and pretty good soft skills. What I did NOT have, was looks. I was not good looking one bit. At age 23, no one had confessed to me. I had ugly large spectacles, a freckled face, a....bad physique. Everything in me was particularly unwanted. 
But, I was happy the way I was. And the worst thing was that I still believed someone could want me as I was. 
When I joined Sanemi Corporations as a member of the PR team, I never imagined that I would have to work so closely with Shinazugawa sir. Someone from the PR team would always tag along with him to ALL the business deal and negotiations. 
Let me clarify the working out a bit.  The PR department, Public Relations that is, had the job of one-on-one interactions with customers, clients and other businessmen. And we were further divided into departments on the basis of our core degrees.  Some of the PR members were involved in sealing Finance deals, some in dealing with clients etc. etc. 
Finance team was particularly short-staffed. It was just me and a colleague - Jason. 
And we were the only ones who would accompany Shinazugawa sir everywhere. 
"Man! I am so, so glad you're finally here! It's scary to work with Mr. Sanemi all alone. Maybe you can take this burden off me." Jason had told me with a goofy smile. And I guess that was to be it. The next day, I was tasked with accompanying him, to get a first-hand working experience. 
"(y/n), can you please walk faster?" It was no plea. It was a short remark. Shinazugawa Sanemi was everything I had imagined him to be and yet nothing like him at all.  He was as curt and practical as I thought he would be, but he was breath-taking. Muscular, with a scarred face. And on top of that, he had very, very kind eyes. I fell for him, at first sight.  
I could feel, it was just a hunch, that he was not in reality this rude. He was just forcing himself to be. 
There were no strict restrictions around him. He just expected you to be at your best, would tolerate absolutely NO laxation and was particular about professionalism. 
On our first negotiation deal, I could do nothing but just sit there and listen. When we left, I came out with my head hung low. It was not just the fact that I was disappointed in myself, but also the fact that Sanemi was sure to scold me now! 
"What is it?" Sanemi asked. It was a demand. I absolutely HAD to tell him what was wrong. There were no options. 
"I just feel...so useless. Despite having a member of PR with you, you had to work on all the negotiations." I was ready to listen to a rant about how worthless I was, and how big of a mistake it was to hire me as member of PR. 
What I heard though, was a kind, soft voice, that said, "It was your first day. I never expect anything from freshers. On the 4rth negotiation you accompany me to, I'll start expecting you to perform ably." He told me. 
I was...stunned. Sanemi had forgiven me?! THE SHINAZUGAWA SANEMI infamous for his rude working style had actually not scolded me? 
This man was something else. 
And then, we continued walking to his car. We both sat on the backseat during the drive. And in that moment, I do not know what came over me. 
I turned to face my boss and spoke in a timid voice, "Sir, you're really kind, aren't you?" 
I saw his pupils widen, as if I had just cursed him, and he turned his face round. Had I offended him? Was I going to be fired? I did not say anything anymore. It was the best way to survive, I figured. 
Over the course of 4 weeks, I accompanied him to 2 other, normal negotiations. On the end of the third, he took me to a cafe. 
"Thanks You." He spoke after we had ordered. I was spacing out the whole time before, but this forced me to turn my full attention to him. I gave him a kind smile, silently coaxing him to continue. 
"No one found me kind ever since my parents died. Thank You, for looking past my cold exterior and saying it out loud." 
I was flabbergasted. So, what I had done back then, was not actually wrong! 
"You are really, really kind. You are the best boss any employee could expect. Someone who is supportive yet assertive. I have a lot to learn from you, sir." 
This time, he looked apathetic. 
But, I had more to say, "I...do not know what happened, but your eyes say that you are very lonely. Will you be my friend?" 
I brought a hand forward, asking him to shake it. He grasped it firmly and the both of us nodded to one another.
"And now, as a rule of friendship, you have 0 right to hide anything from your first ever friend. If you ever feel like smiling or crying or if you're mad or sad, just call me." My bubbly personality was resurfacing. This was what landed me a job in Sanemi Corp anyway. 
We drank our coffee, making small talk every now and then, and exchanged Instagram IDs. 
I texted him that night, once we had both reached home. 
(y/n):  Hi Sir!!
Why are you up? 
(y/n):  I am usually up at this time around. You? 
Couldn't sleep. 
(y/n):  Do you want me to sing to you, lol? 
No. Music only worsens my insomniac tendencies. 
(y/n): Are you on pills? 
(y/n):  Why not? 
Didn't wanna alter my body. 
(y/n):  Do you watch anime? 
It's a good time pass. 
And all night long, we kept talking about our favourite anime characters and former anime crushes and possible plots for what could happen. 
He didn't sleep that night, and nor did I. 
Gosh, how sleepy I was the whole day at my office. I kept on yawning and spacing out. Jason teased me badly about it, the whole day. What he teased about more was that any moment now, he would call Sanemi sir to the office to see my pathetic condition. 
I knew he wouldn't though. Jason was a good person. He was kind, and simple. Pretty humble, tbh. But, he was very, very fun! Jason could make anyone laugh within 5 minutes of being in his vicinity. It was something I COULD NOT do and hence envied him ever so slightly for. 
"Jason! Sanemi Sir is calling you urgently now." Came the voice of our head on the telecom. 
And off he went, rushing away. 
'How is Sanemi Sir? If this is my condition after 1 sleepless night, how would his be?' I was worrying over him the whole time. He was my friend after all. And also...my crush. When you fall for someone, you want to badly find the good parts of him. You just cannot live without finding all of them out.
That was the case with me too. I wanted to know all about Sanemi. And help him, if possible. I had no idea how I was still surviving as his friend when his slightest presence made my heart beat at the speed of light. 
There was nothing more to do that day, so I decided to go home early. However, before I could leave, Sanemi sir's car came at the entrance. He looked like...normal.... 
I guess these sleepless night were routine for him then. I greeted him a Good Evening, and was about to leave his presence, when he came up behind me, and fell into my step.
"Wanna go out for dinner?" He asked me. And who the hell am I to say no to my crush?! Oh what I wouldn't have give to have those words changed from dinner to date. 
We once again went in Sanemi's Black Buggati. This man was THE Rich Kid! 
Amidst the random conversations we were having about our general hobbies, and likes and dislikes, he piped an "I am sorry." 
"For what?" I asked.
To that he said, "For having kept your awake all night long, yesterday." 
"It was THE first all-nighter I pulled up." I informed him with a light giggle. "It was pretty fun." 
Sanemi looked shocked, and much, much less guiltier. But there was unspoken curiosity in his gaze that I was only gratified to satiate. 
"Growing up, I had no friends. I had acquaintances. There were people I knew, and even talked to, but no one to call a FRIEND. Like someone to rely on, someone to send messages to, Someone to openly be me with. So, I naturally had no all-nighters or night outs, or even day outs with people. There was always the group of the most popular, good looking girls. I was never the popular girl yknow. Never a guy's dream, never his crush. I never had anyone get jealous over me, or someone fall for me. I was always a best friend, a little sister, a fling even, but never someone's love." 
That was the darkest side of me. That was the most hidden, securely tucked away part of my existence. And I had just opened it up to my CRUSH! To the person who was always supposed to see me in a bright, beautiful light! 
And all that anxiety and nostalgia mixed in brought tears to my eyes. I was about to shed the first ever tears in a few months. But before I could do that, Sanemi spoke up. 
"My parents...died, with my brother in a Car Crash. I don't know WHY I survived. We were going to celebrate my birthday. The road was pretty rocky, and dad had asked me and my brother to stay quiet. But we were squabbling over who would get to sit on the left side of the car. And I pushed him to the right. The car jerked too. We fell to the base of a ditch, the car burst up in flames. My mom and dad died instantly on the spot. My brother too. I survived cuz I was on the LEFT! The side that was on the top, in regards to the position we fell in. 
I was admitted to a government hospital, and was comatose for a whole of 3 months. 3 months later when I woke up, I was the sole owner of the house my dad had left me, and the savings in our bank account, which were very, very little. 
We were anyway pretty poor. I did NOT want to survive, but, mom wanted to ride a buggati, and that was really the only reason I lived everyday. I only wanted to buy a buggati. But I also established Sanem Corp. 
It's of no use, anyway...I just live now, cuz I have no reason to die."
Sanemi was fighting back tears that were brimming on top of his eyelashes. I moved my chair to his right, and brought his face to the crook of my neck. 
I smoothened the back of his head, and whispered in his ears, "Cry it out." 
He let out a loud wail then, and started bawling out. I was sure that he cried for over 30 mins. The waiter had very politely deposited our food on the table and left. Everyone around us was also responsible to stay away. 
I could finally figure out why he had depressions and why he was an insomniac. He probably had dreams about them every night. 
We really did not know what to say to one another during dinner. It was a weird silence. It was almost as if, we feared if we spoke anything, we would lose the gravity of the situation. 
Sanemi looked cute with a tear stained face. 
He offered to drop me home at 10:00 p.m. in the night, and we promised to call each other that night. 
This night was the same as the previous one. Sanemi and I chatted away the whole night. Except this time, we could hear each other. And after a while, I could also hear him softly...snoring away. 
I dozed off too, along with him. 
The next morning, I accompanied him to a 4rth negotiation. As expected, he was pretty curt and formal while discussing papers with me. I did not want to let him down today. Today was the day he would start practically judging me. 
When the 3 hour long negotiations were over, and we were in the elevator, all alone, I looked up to meet his eye. We both said nothing. And finally, he broke the silence, "You're an able person to keep around." 
Was that a praise?! Did Sanemi just...praise me?! I was on cloud nine the whole time! I was smiling like the happiest person in the world! 
That night, I called him again. 
"What was that (y/n)? You were smiling so happily today morning as of someone had offered you a marriage proposal." 
And...he burst into laughter! 
I was overjoyed about that, and frankly, I could not help but laugh too! 
"Sanemi! Can I...ask you one thing....?" 
"Yes, of course." He was in a pretty light mood today, so I was afraid of asking him that. It was sure to ruin his mood instantly. 
"Are you....okay?" I asked
"Why do you ask that?" Was his short reply. I could tell, I had shaken him up. 
"You said that day that you had no reason to live. So....I just....don't want to see you smiling one day and dead the next!" 
"Tears are a powerful force, (y/n). Sharing your problems lessens them up. I finally slept properly after many years yesterday. And I...finally have a reason to live." 
He did not specify anything. But he had just summed up, that somehow, he was over his past now. 
For a few weeks, our friendship was a beautiful little thing. We knew each other like the back of our hands now. And as far as we both knew, Sanemi had a crush on no one, and I had a crush on....someone. 
Ever since I told him that I liked someone, he had been more talkative with me. We used to go out on more frequent dinners, in flashier cars than before, and he had started taking me around to more negotiations as well. 
However, he hardly ever let me speak in any of them. He was always the one in charge. 
Jason was pretty shocked about this behaviour too. It was the first time, he said, that he had heard of Sanemi sir being forceful about negotiations. He always let the members handle it  after the first few ones. 
Maybe....Sanemi did not trust me even now? Did he think of me as an incompetent employee and only kept me around for the sake of our friendship?  
October 8, 2023
He took both me and Jason to the negotiation we planned. Apparently, it was a deal that could change the very face of Sanemi Corp, and we both needed to be at our best. 
All throughout the car ride I was pretty nervous. Jason on the other hand, was super excited! He kept chirping in about how he hoped the other negotiator was a pretty lady and how I should promise to treat him to barbeque if it was successful! 
Slowly, I could feel my fears melt away too! Jason was an amusing, amazing person! When we stepped out of the car, Sanemi shook hands firmly with Jason to wish him luck, but he ignored me straight away.
Did I....do something wrong? Did he not want me to be relaxed about this negotiation? As it seemed, he did not trust me. I was determined to prove my worth to him by this deal. Acknowledgement was the first step to love they said! 
And Jason and I were an amazing combo! We, together, got it sealed within an hour. Sanemi did not have to say much anyway. 
"High Five! And as I promised! Barbeque today, at Barbeque Forever 7:00 p.m." I told Jason
He, in his excitement, couldn't help but hug me! And for the first time ever, that day, I heard Sanemi shout!
"Enough with the both of you!" HE was loud. and scary, and I was about to burst into tears.  "This is THE MOST unprofessional behaviour I have seen! Ever! Hugging one another publicly! You should be ashamed of yourself! Both of you." He was still seething, as he pulled my hand, and took me away from Jason and the public. I found myself in an unknown, narrow alley. I was not scared. Sanemi would NEVER hurt me. But it hurt to see that he was angry at ME! How did allow myself to get carried away.
Sanemi slapped a hand around my face to the wall on my left, and brought his face dangerously close to mine. Any closer and we could have kissed. I could smell his breath on my face as he spoke: "It's him, isn't it?" He was seething now. Gritting his teeth, in mad anger. He was barely holding himself together! 
"The one you have a crush on! It's Jason right? I am so, so much more richer than him! I can give you all the happiness in the world! I am the one you trust the most, but you crush on him! He is so very beneath me! I can fire him in 2 seconds, that's the power I hold! But your choice, is not me! It's that insect! 
I have shown you my wealth, my power, and even my negotiation skills, and you still choose someone else over me.
But, that's alright. I cannot change your feelings, but, I will not have you two hugging when I am around!" 
He was still angry, but underneath it, he was also sad....Though his tone was angry, it was seething, his eyes told a different story.
He was pleading me to change my mind. To just come to him. He did not want to cry before me and end up making me feel guilty, but he also wanted to bind me to him. The internal battle in him that he was trying so hard to hide was plainly visible to me.
"But, you said, you did not have a crush on anyone." I spoke in a meek timid voice. 
"I don't." Came his harsh reply. "I don't have a crush on you. (y/n) (m/n) (l/n), I LOVE you." 
I. Was. Shocked. Sanemi had just confessed to me. 
I couldn't help but, giggle only to get a harsh glare from him. Someone finally loved me! Someone was jealous FOR me! So all this while, he was trying to prove that he was superior to himself! It was not that he did not trust me. He did not trust HIMSELF.
I started laughing out loud, and I could tell I was only aggravating Sanemi's anger further. He again turned to me, and we were in the same position as before. Sanemi's glare was harsher and he looked even more hurt this time. It was almost as if I had broken the last of his trust, that he had placed in me. 
"From the first day. I have been crushing on you, Sanemi Shinazugawa since the first day. It's not Jason. Jason's just a friend. The one I have a crush on, my awkward guy with kind eyes, is you!" I could see his expressions morph into many different things until they finally settled on happiness. He pulled away from me and did a victory jump!
"Yes! (y/n) LOOOOOVVVVVESSSSSSSSSS MEEEE!!!!!" He was doing a stupid little dance, and I could tell he had forgotten about my presence altogether. 
I coughed lightly, to remind him that I was still there. He picked me up from the ground in a tight hug and spun me around! And I couldn't help but naturally giggle as well! 
I hugged him tighter, and his hold on me tightened as well.
"Gosh! You're such a jealous baby!" I whispered to him in his embrace.
He looked at me, straight in the face, as he said, "You. Are. Mine." And crashed his lips onto mine. 
They were soft, warm, and addictive. I felt him pull away. Maybe, he was once again, insecure about his actions. So, I chased them! I kissed him back with the same force that he had put into it, and found him smiling against my lips. 
He pushed me to the wall, and poured all the longing, jealousy, anger and happiness into that one kiss. 
It was awkward, but much needed. Who would have thought, that both of our first kiss would be this forceful. When we separated, our lips were swollen. I licked mine, and his pupils dilated. 
"Sanemi," I asked him on our walk back to the car, "Why me?" 
"Cuz you were the one who accepted me wholly. Listen, (y/n), I am very very jealous, and very possessive, and insecure, and I have frequent nightmares, and I don't have control over my temper. But, I love you! I would go to the ends of the Earth for you. And I want to date you with marriage in mind. So, will you go out with me? At your own risk, of course?" 
And who the hell was I to reject an offer so, so purely made? 
"I am not pretty, and no rich kid, and pretty much goofy. I'll never ever shut up! But, I am your if you want me?" I replied. 
Sanemi picked me up to spin me around once again, and replied with a simple, "Of Course I do! Love you princess." 
We walked together, with our hands entwined. 
As I saw Jason, I wanted to rush to apologise to him but our entwined hands held me in place. So I dragged Sanemi with me. 
He freed our hands, put an arm around my waist and pulled me flush to him from the side. He then glared strongly at Jason as he said, "Mine!" 
And I rushed to clarify the scenario out. 
"Who would have thought that THE GREAT SANEMI SIR would be jealous of me?!" Was the only thing he could reply with. 
The car ride, Sanemi made Jason sit in the front, and would not allow me to talk to anyone who wasn't him. Stealing kisses occasionally in there. 
He went as far as to ask me to shift my desk to his personal office, and Jason had to promise him that I was nothing more than a sister. 
Finally, Sanemi's mind was at ease. 
This was 5 years ago. As I write today, I can barely sit, all thanks to Sanemi, who's got me all round and swollen. I am about to be a mother in the next 2 months. 
All those past 5 years, Sanemi was the best boyfriend ANYONE could ask for. He was understanding, and comforting. The only risk, was asking anything of him. 
If you asked him for a necklace, he'd get you a diamond one. You joke around saying. "I wish I had the recent Iphone15." Congratulations, Home Delivered! I had to get used to it two years ago when he finally proposed. 
As I started sleeping in his embrace, his nightmares and my insecurities, reduced drastically. 
We had moved on from our pasts now. We were just each others. 
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maskedemerald · 11 months
15 Questions Tag Game
I'm finally getting to catching up on the tags I've gotten while I was ill. You'll be seeing a lot more of me now!
Tagged by @the-down-upside-finch and @taveren-writing because I got tagged twice I'll do this for my OCs from both my upcoming NaNoWriMo projects: Blue is A Curiosity Piqued's current and upcoming protagonists Aelfraed and Arnvalr. Red is Magic Act's protagonists Magician and Night. Sorry this is going to be a long one but hey you get some Fae shenanigans and some detective vs thief shenanigans.
Rules: Answer the 15 questions as your OC or yourself. Tag up to 15 people.
Tagging: @card-queen @pb-dot @thetruearchmagos @dogmomwrites @i-rove-rock-n-roll @stesierra @guessillcallitart @sparrow-orion-writes @ashwithapen @cat-esper @jasperygrace @sam-glade @alnaperera @amaiguri @akiwitch
I'm curious to learn more about you and your characters!
Are you named after anyone?
Aelfraed: I was named after my grandfather... though I was almost named after my father. Very glad that didn't happen its bad enough sharing a lastname. Arnvaldr: Dunno, never met my folks and never bothered to ask my sister Vigdis. Don't really care they were all probably shitty.
Magician: That's actually pretty hard to answer when I don't remember what it was. Night: Wouldn't you like to know human. You can't trick what is mine so easily. You are not that clever. Though the attempt is amusing.
When was the last time you cried?
Aelfraed: A couple of weeks ago now, its been a good thing to have gotten away from the university in the long run despite everything else that happened. Arnvaldr: pft, poor detective. Dunno the last time I did.
Magician: After Night threw me in the deep end. They left me to trick some fae into believing I wasn't human by myself, specifically one that I'm sure was planning to kill me. Night: I apologized for that Magician, you seemed to be fine at the time. You had them convinced. Magician: You called that an apology? Ugh you make absolutely no sense. Do fae even cry? You thought I was ill. Night: Correction, I thought you were ill because you kept sleeping for more time than you were awake. Fae do cry, I have cried. Magician: When? Night: I would rather not talk about it Magician.
Do you have kids?
Aelfraed: I've never really considered it. Arnvaldr: Never, nope. Not happening.
Do you use sarcasm?
Aelfraed: Its not really something I use, I would rather state things clearly. Arnvaldr: Figured you'd pick the boring answer Detective. Life's more fun with a good dose of sarcasm.
Night: Me? Never, I only ever say exactly what I mean. Magician: Uh-huh, sure you do Night. There has to be some sarcasm in all that cryptic stuff you end up saying. Wait... stop laughing its not my fault you manage to say that with a completely straight face!
What’s the first thing you notice about others?
Aelfraed: Their mood probably. The expression on their face. Arnvaldr: Really, doesn't the au... never mind. I guess we have something in common Detective, well sort of.
What’s your eye color?
Aelfraed: They're gray the same as my father's, not a nice kind. They always seem so cold and judging. Arnvaldr: Huh I thought they were darker than that, probably just the lighting. Running across rooftops at night isn't the best way to get a good look at someone. Mine are green in case you missed it. Aelfraed: Are you trying to make finding you easier? Arnvaldr: I'll say again, catch me if you can Detective.
Magician: Mine are a redish brown... Night? What did you do to my eyes! Why are they more red! Night: Pft, you didn't notice Magician? I thought you would have noticed before now. You didn't really think you'd fit in with such ordinary eyes, you've seen mine. I am sure humans do not have this shade of purple. Magician: I was a bit distracted with the ears. Also that's more than just purple.
Scary stories or happy endings?
Aelfraed: I would rather see a happy ending, life is bad enough without adding horror stories to it. Arnvaldr: Wuss, give me horror any day. Happy endings just aren't realistic.
Night: Horror, without a doubt. The more disturbing the better. Magician: That tracks, living with you is like being in a horror story and I've had enough of that. Happy endings please, hopefully I'll get one.
Any special talents?
Arnvaldr: Does thievery count, or maybe my nack for escaping. Aelfraed: I would say no. With what you steal I'm rather surprised you're still alive.
Magician: I'm pretty good with my magic tricks by this point, as long as I have my gear there is a lot I can pull off. Night's is probably being terrifying. Night: ah haha, funny. You are just easy to scare Magician.
Where were you born?
Aelfraed: A smaller town outside of Edinburgh. Arnvaldr: I don't really know, don't really care.
Magician: I was technically born in the city. Mum had to go to the hospital and we didn't have one nearer but I grew up in a small town that's practically countryside. Night: One of the many fae realm pockets. I believe the mirror to Magician's small town though according to Magician the two are quite different.
What are your hobbies?
Aelfraed: Reading, give me a good book and I'll be happy for hours. Even better if I'm learning something. Arnvaldr please don't say theft, please tell me you have something else to do. Arnvaldr: Oh come on, the theft is fun! But if you insist, running... specifically over rooftops.
Magician: Magic tricks, cycling and video games. Night: For me gardening, my blue roses are quite well kept. Though also the stars and my experiments. Magician: Don't give them any ideas, you don't want to be one of their experiments. Its a nightmare. Night: Shhh, you're scaring them away.
Do you have any pets?
Arnvaldr: Hmm I'd like one, not really able to look after one though. Don't tell the Detective I feed the strays when I can, I don't want him getting the wrong idea.
Night: I have Nyx, he's a crow I found near the lake portal. Magician: Wait so Nyx looks like a normal crow because he is?
What sports do you play/have played?
Magician: A little football with my friends, its fun but I'm not serious about it like some of them. Night: I would explain but we would be here for some time, I doubt humans have fae sports.
How tall are you?
Aelfraed: Quite tall, I think I got most of the height in the family. Only my father is taller and that's not by much. Arnvaldr: 5ft 3, less height really helps with the whole thief thing.
Night: You think I am constrained to a specific height? No, though I do prefer to remain on the taller end of things. Magician: A little jealous that you can just choose. I'm 5ft I'm hoping to get a bit more as I get older.
Favorite subject in school?
Aelfraed: Everything, I missed the variety of subjects once I started at University.
Magician: Science, it gave me so many ideas for tricks. Its not really school but I really like the theatre club at the community theatre across town too.
Dream job?
Aelfraed: I don't know right now, I've left university and haven't worked out what I want to do now. What about you Arnvaldr? If you didn't need to steal what would you do? Arnvaldr: Come on, I'd probably still pocket things. Maybe a Focus Engineer or Archeologist. Aelfraed: I didn't know you were interested in history. Arnvaldr: I'm not, but that's where the interesting treasures come from so where better to pocket them. Aelfraed: There's no changing you is there.
Magician: I want to be a magician but I think that's obvious, maybe a stage actor too.
Woooo! Thank you for reading to the end! If you're curious about the projects I'm going to be working on both during NaNoWriMo next month and will be posting more about them!
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luvdzu · 2 years
peace of mind
230101 - - - ♡ sua takes out eunseo from the hustle and bustle of the limelight, planning a vacation for her friend ahead the confirmation of eunseo's relationship
a/n: eunseo and seohyun friendship!!!! honestly they're so cute i'm in love with them 😭 they deserve the best also i'm glad i found the right time to reveal their relationship, sua truly is the best girl, they deserve the world :&lt;
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"Do you want to talk about it?" Seohyun whispers while watching Eunseo lock her phone and aggressively throwing it under her pillow.
Eunseo glances at her friend looking wary. Eunseo is well aware of the things that would come down tonight, and despite Seohyun's plans ahead to take her away from the city, her mind is full of worries.
Eunseo sighs, ultimately facing her friend, "As much as I want to ignore my worries and focus on our time here, if I'm being honest, I want to talk about it."
Seohyun nods her head, inching closer to Eunseo, "It's scary isn't it?", sympathizing from her previous experience of dating confirmations and rumors.
"How do you do it? How- What did you feel when it was you and Wonwoo?" Eunseo mumbles, feeling anxious and small at the what could haves and would haves in her relationship with Namjoon.
If things were different, would they even be together?
"You were there for me Eunseo, I think you know clearly what happened when things went downhill for me and Wonwoo. But I also don't want you to be afraid, this-"
"It will all pass. And I know you- how good you and Joon-oppa are together." Seohyun smiles to herself noticing the twitch on the sides of Eunseo's lips.
"They don't know anything about you two, who are they to even dare talk about your relationship with him. You told me before, not to care. Do it for yourself as well Eunseo."
Grabbing her arm, Seohyun wraps her arms around Eunseo giving her a comforting hug. "I'm sure they'll be nothing but supportive of you two, I know it."
Patting the younger's back Seohyun pulls Eunseo closer into a hug as tears have well formed on Eunseo's eyes as she cries silently on her shoulders.
"The members called me earlier- I already posted by letter to the fans." Eunseo spoke in between whimpers as she wipes the tears from her eyes.
Breaking away from the hug first, Eunseo gasps as Seohyun quickly wiping the few tears from her eyes, "Why are you crying? Unnie please don't cry."
Eunseo exclaims, laughing with tears falling down her face watching Seohyun cry.
"It's just- I'm happy for you! I've seen you two together and I know how you feel about Namjoon-oppa from the very beginning, seeing you happy with him, and seeing him happy with you."
Seohyun smiles to herself as she wipes the tears of Eunseo's eyes, "I'm glad you're together."
"I'm glad as well- gosh I love that man so much, I'm crying over him."
Peace of mind.
That's all Eunseo asks as the clock strikes to 12 AM. Beginning the year with a dating confirmation was the least she expected, but it had to be done.
Things will be easier out from here, it was no or never, this time she's moving on with a new chapter of her life, one with Namjoon in it. And now Eunseo has a new year to spend with Namjoon.
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Y'ALL SEB HAS RETURNED TO US :DDDD I'M SO HAPPY :DD 😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰!! I know he's not in every episode from here on out either but still :)). Anyway Y'ALL THE SEBLOS IS KILLING ME 😭😭😭💔💔💔. Gotta say though carlos's desperation is funny and also something I love and am very grateful for xD. But SIR WHY DID YOU DRINK THEM ALL LOL. Anyway I hated it but I LOVED their scenes they were so good <33. I still haven't stopped freaking out from all of it xD. Also Seb being confused by Carlos's outfit xD. Anyway I love them <33. I am stressed though, lol, and while I want the angst to last a whole, I also want happy Seblos, and I hope they make up soon :'((( xd <33.
GINAAAAAA girl you're slaying so hard :DD. And AWWW her and Ricky are so cute 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. I'm glad Ricky's actually communicating this time around :')). He's learning y'all 🥰🥰. The college stressors he's dealing with suck though :(. Also SLGKDHS Ricky getting kicked out of the scene xDD. He's just too in love with Gina lol. But to be fair she absolutely slayed the house down on that 🥰. Also her and Mack possibly fake dating ರ⁠_⁠ರ. No thank you please xdd. But "like a dog?" and that whole situation is funny lol xD.
MADDOX AND JET ARE HEREEE :DDD!! I love them and I've missed them so much 🥰🥰. Also YESS our Ricky Jet bestie-ism <33. We love to see it. And AWW I'm so happy that Maddox has friends :')). She has them <333. Also she's slaying as a PA xD. Ashlyn certainly thinks so anyway 👀
Speaking of, ASHLYNN my girl :DD! HONEY YOU ARE NOT SUBTLE. And she doesn't even know either xD. Now THAT'S impressive lol. Anyway I love her <33. Even if she's a queer idiot 🥰🥰. That sounds derogative but I just mean she's oblivious xD. Also she did slay goth to be fair lol. But yeah they're idiots and I love them <33. And I'm not ready for whatever happens next lol.
KOURTNEYYYY!!! Honeyyy DD:. My girl is going through it <3. She's slaying, and apparently writing perfect recommendations, but honey :(. I'm super glad she decided to go back to therapy <33. And her asking her mom to tell her what she's really like :'D. AND HER MOM SAYING SHE'S BEEN WAITING FOR HER TO ASK 😭❤️ :'D! Wait don't talk to me <33. Lowkey I would really love a Kourtney Mr. Mazzara mentorship :'D. Pass it on from EJ 👀. Also it would've killed me if he did that to me lol but it was good advice and I'm glad she got it <33.
And speaking of!! Mr. Mazzara's back :D!! I love him 🥰🥰. Poor guy's already suffering in the Miss Jenn regard though xd. Anyway, I hope he'll end up being a good mentor/counselor (as that is his job according to this nameplate lol) to our seniors :'DD. I mean, I hope he does it, I'm sure it'll be good lol. Anyway, his scenes with Ricky and Kourtney were really sweet 🥰. And LOL "yes" to who he's worried about xD, he's honestly so correct. The most correct person I've ever seen lol. But him offering to help Miss Jenn out was sweet :'). Like a sweet moment <3.
And a final speaking of, MISS JENN!! DO NOT INVITE DANI!!! At first I thought she was thinking movie somehow but MUSICAL GIRL?? N A H. And Dani asking Ricky 😭 girl stop. Not okay. Gosh dang it it's Lily all over again D:< xd. This is boutta be rough lol. I would love to see the cast give her dirty looks if she's a jerk though lol. Anyway! Besides that Miss Jenn's slaying - she's also worried about all of them, as she should be xD, and again that scene with Mr. Mazzara was cute :')). Also her during the rehearsal scene was HILARIOUS SDLFJDHKGS XD. Her trying to move things along and Ricky and Gina are just staring into each other's eyes like 😍😍. Also, there's coming in costume to an audition and there's coming with choreography to a read through LOL xD. Anyway, slaying. Oh also, a wonderful beginning of the read through song again XD. And SLFKGHDKGS the not reporting he to the union XD.
Also Emmy is still amazing and slightly scary xDD. I love her though <33. She's so wild and also funny lol. My girl 🥰🥰 <3.
I loved this episode so much!!!! I LOVE HAVING SEB AND MR. MAZZARA BACK :DDD!!!! And everyone slayed this episode 🥰🥰. Also the music was great :D. Now that I think about it, I think we only got the one song lol? Can I Have This Dance? Well it was SO ADORABLE and also it was wonderful 🥰🥰❤️. I love them so much :D.
Alright! This episode was amazing, and I'm SO excited for the next one :).
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