#scham kinda writes
scham-wcan · 10 months
Prompt: V10 or V11 after Cinder is surrenders and Winter has to be the main guard on duty to watch her. One of the first moments you can tell Cinder is switching sides to be one of the good guys.
Still one of my favourite potential scenes which in my head I’ve written 100s of times, hope this one is half way decent!
It got very too much long sorry!
It had been weeks at this point since Cinder had, well for lack of better terminology, come into Team Remnant’s possession. She had been cast out by Salem following some sort of internal schism, they had no real way of telling the specifics of it but they knew Cinder was on the losing side.
Her Grimm arm had burned itself and a fair amount of tissue it touched on Cinder away. Deepening scars and chasms in the woman’s skin which already laid thick with recovering fibre. When RWBY had brought her back to Vacuo, Winter cursed at the Fallen Maiden first; though quietly gasped at the imagined pain such a severance package would entail.
It was easily decided that while others could assist her, Winter was to be the primary warden for the Maiden. Without her Grimm form they were worried Ruby’s silver eyes would no longer hurt her, so the only way they could counter a Maiden was with another Maiden. Winter quickly stole herself to the task, expecting long hours of cat and mouse, venomous barbs and snarling at the bars as it were.
But that was so far from the truth.
The first week Winter spent watching over a sleeping, well she imagined that’s what it was, and recovering Cinder. Her body lined with gauze and films of medical tape, all of her form made Winter’s mind take flight. She knew she should be spitefully proud, this was one of the people responsible for her home’s destruction, Cinder had so much pain caused in her file that it could fill a leger. But all Winter could hear was the lengthened wheeze-like breathing Cinder had for those long dark nights, no fires or ash or glass, just pained huffs and wheezes.
“Come on.” Winter remembered vividly on their second week of Cinder being properly awake. One hand held a bowl of brown stew while the other had a spoon. “You need to eat.” Her tone sharp and aggressive, biting through her teeth as she pressed the bowl forward. Forward onto the huddled form of Cinder, black clothing tattered, one arm clutching around her knees as she sat against a stone wall.
Silence replied to the Schnee, far from the burning hisses the Maiden had hurled at her in their last dual. Even her golden eye refused to meet Winter’s, staring downward at the floor where Winter crouched instead.
“I’m not hungry.” Cinder’s voice cracked. Blinking long and slow.
It only made Winter sigh, lowering the bowl and utensil with a clutter. “You’re just being a brat now you know that?” Winter scowled, not quite caring if she was being too hostile. Grabbing at the empty cup beside them both now, with a pointed finger she sprayed a gust of icy wind into its form, filling it with cold water fast.
“You haven’t eaten in four days, and even then all you ate last was a chunk of meat.” Winter admonished, placing the water cup down beside Cinder’s right side. Sighing lengthy through her nose then, Winter inspected the battle damaged Cinder. “If you intend to martyr yourself in a hole for your god you have to know we’re quicker to sedate you, right?”
“You won’t.” Cinder smirked for the first time in a long while. A cracking chuckle lowly flicking from her as her eye turned upward to the Schnee. “Then you won’t have your little victory parade with me daily, Specialist~.”
Winter’s scowl deepened as she pressed herself from her haunches, dusting herself off calmly before her hands folded behind her back.
“You don’t think I don’t know why you’re here everyday? Aww it’s cute, I admit.” Cinder lulled quietly still. “Though if you want to truly savour a win, distance makes the heart grow fonder, Schnee Scum.”
Winter rolled her eyes, grand, now the things she had been hearing beyond this cell from the other survivors were inching their way into it as well.
“I do not find any glory in this, Clod.” Cinder looked taken aback by the comment, if only for a moment. Then the Maiden watched as Winter wandered around her to her right side and fell down against the wall as well.
Letting her white hair ease against the wall behind her, Winter swallowed evenly. “Honestly, if anything I thought you’d put up more of a fight.” She feigned to glance at Cinder, though she could guess by the shifting sounds her vision turned from her. “Especially when you’re probably more interested in getting back to your kind of villains than sitting out the end of days in a hole.”
A growling snarl parted from Cinder, Winter supposed some of it was intended to be something like a spit. “I have no interest being with that traitorous, lying, machiavellian witch.” Cinder dragged her form tighter with her one arm, the action seemed to only steepen that anger more. “There is nothing for me there anymore…” A moment took hold where Winter momentarily glanced at the Fall Maiden. “Now, I’m just your toy captive. I suppose.”
“What an ugly title.” Winter sighed out, letting some military wit needle its way through, as she leaned her head back on the wall. “Well, actually, you did call me an Atlas Elite which was hurtful plenty.”
“And Ironwood’s lapdog.” Cinder heaved.
Winter’s expression soured. “Well we both served ungrateful bastards, didn’t we?” Pausing for a moment. “At least I got to finish mine off.” Her eyes flicked for a moment, watching as Cinder uncoiled herself from her knees. It looked painful, but the Fall Maiden slowly leaned backward into the wall like the Winter Maiden. Staring up into the ceiling as Winter had.
Sighing for a long while, Cinder eventually nodded. “I want to kill my bastard too.” Her golden eye flicking with the first remembrance of full fiery gold for the first time in a long while, glancing over to Winter.
“I think we can start getting you on that track.” Winter nodded, then pointed between the pair of them. “But you should eat the soup, I think I made it correctly this time.”
“I fucking doubt it.”
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powertaco · 2 years
Writing is weird...
I remember always enjoying writing even as a kid. I’d write the dumbest stories complete with stick figures and just be so proud of them. The oldest one I could find was a bunch of townsfolk fighting off pirates from when I was a wee lad in 3rd grade or something.
I was just as bad at describing clothes then as now so it’s nice to know some things never change.
I recall stopping in fifth grade because my teacher rather told me bluntly it was garbage and well I kind of gave up.
Fast forward to now and here I am writing every day and loving it and only wishing I’d never stopped.
The downside is that writing just makes me want to write more and more. My characters, the themes, the ships, (I am shipper trash), and all that.
It’s neat seeing my shall we say habits or phrases I keep defaulting back to or reusing. Still, being a big one I noticed.
It’s also amusing to see my same weaknesses remain such as a need to rush things and not take my time resulting in errors. I kinda wish I could stop that but I feel this push to keep going and just writing as long as it’s good enough you know?
Cause I can’t be writing some story without the idea for a half  dozen more hitting me that I get invested in but I started this story first and there are people that like to actually read it so I owe it to them, myself, and the characters to finish.
Of course that just makes me sad in that I’ll never get to tell all the stories I want. I’ll just get upset at work because well I could be writing but instead I’m doing some job I don’t care about so I can barely make ends meet and not do something I actually want to do.
That all being said the idea for this week is to get Sound finished cause @amelia-yap​ has been waiting far too long for that. Also @scham-wcan​.
Then I’d like to get Pages done for @xx-whiterose​ cause they’ve been doing me an awesome favor I’m trying to repay that you might see at some point.
BtS for @it-me-butts​ and the other fans like redspotted toad and @trialbystory​ who is working on their own awesome FS project atm.
I feel like I need to hyper work to clear some WIP’s before I get moving on to other things.
Still I can’t imagine doing anything else other than writing and if you’ve still made it this far here’s some cute DWR. Because I love them and have issues.
I have no idea why I made this post.
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seichana-chan · 6 years
So, I had to write a poem for school, and I’m kinda proud of how it turned out, so I decided to translate it into English as good as possible and post it here. (Spoiler alert: it’s gay)
I hope you like it!
Here’s the original:
Auf der Straße sehe ich einen Mann mit einem Regenbogen
Und meine Mutter zieht mich weg und sagt,
Halte dich fern von diesen Leuten.
Im Fernsehen sehe ich zwei küssende Frauen
Und mein Vater schaltet weg und sagt,
Denkt denn niemand an die Kinder,
Diese Leute haben keinen Anstand.
Und mit Verachtung sehe ich auf den Regenbogen
 Meine Freunde zeigen auf ein Mädchen
Und fragen, ist sie nicht heiß?
Aber ich schweige
Und meine Gedanken wandern
Zu dem Sänger mit den schwarzen Locken.
Ich denke an die Worte meiner Eltern
Und voll Scham verstecke ich den Regenbogen
 Dann sehe ich dich,
Warme Augen, zerzauste Haare,
Und dein Lächeln lässt mein Herz schneller schlagen.
Du kommst auf mich zu
Und sagst, während ich erröte,
„Ich mag deine Stiefel.“
Auf deinem T-Shirt stehen deine Pronomen
Und mit Stolz trägst du den Regenbogen
 Wir laufen Seite an Seite, Hand in Hand
Zum ersten Mal ohne Angst.
Die Welt um uns ist ein Meer aus Farben,
Eine Straße voll Menschen wie uns.
Ich küsse den Glitzer von deiner Wange,
Lachend küsst du ihn von meinen Lippen.
Und stolz erheben wir unsere Flaggen,
Stolz tragen wir den Regenbogen.
And the translation:
 In the street I see a man wearing a rainbow
And my mother pulls me away and says
Stay away from those people.
On TV I see two women kissing
And my father changes the channel and says
Think about the children
Those people have no decency.
And with disgust I look at the rainbow
 My friends point at a girl and say
Isn’t she hot?
But I am silent.
My mind wanders
To the singer with the dark curls.
I think about my parents’ words
And full of shame I hide the rainbow
 Then I see you
Warm eyes, messy hair
And your smile makes my heart beat faster.
You come to me
And say, as I blush,
“I like your boots”
On your shirt I read your pronouns
And proudly you wear the rainbow
 We walk side by side, hand in hand
For the first time without fear.
The world around us is a sea of color
A street full of people like us.
I kiss the glitter from your cheek
Laughingly, you kiss it from my lips.
And proudly we raise our flags
Proudly we wear the rainbow
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scham-wcan · 10 months
their hearts stopping when they hear someone's camera click (a friend catching them in the act ?)
Being caught by writers choice. Perhaps goobers, perhaps Willow. Could be anyone you want!
Oh this is fun!
Got a little long!
Winter stared incredulously at her laptop, the fine revelry of one of the Schnee Manor's sunset lit drawing rooms did little to assist her as she only stressed herself more. Pages and pages of statistics presented themselves as blurring lines got closer and closer into forming one monstrous mass of blackened lines. The only thing which drew her from her tired staring was the warmth of a hand falling upon her naked nape.
A low groan of a hum brought Winter to close her eyes as Cinder's voice lulled in her ear. "Are you finished yet, Snowflake?" A hand at Winter's neck quickly became the lounging form of Cinder lingering over Winter's shoulders, draping her arms over her as the quiet motor of her prosthetic kindly grounded Winter's head.
"I am now." Winter sighed, humming warmly in return as one hand slipped over Cinder's arms and the other quickly closed her computer. Turning the chair as best as she could and allowed herself to recline. Waiting with a satisfied smile as Cinder rounded the chair, lowering herself into Winter's lap as she melted into Winter's form. "I missed you." She murmured into Cinder's form, feeling the warmth of Cinder's lips bless her brow.
"I can tell." Cinder whispered as she brought herself away from Winter's face, momentarily however, as they craned their foreheads together. Though, even as Cinder opened her mouth to speak, the warm oak and ash taste of her breath washing over Winter as she did so, the pair froze as the loud noise of scroll's camera clicking spat into the room.
The pair flung themselves apart, though still very much holding one another into the positions they had been reclining, and threw their sights on the door. There standing in a neat and excited row, were Winter's mother and sister, and the damnable Red.
Willow's hands lowered the scroll so she and her accomplices could better see their newfound black mail--though they would call it something more like scrapbooking material. "Oh, you two are just adorable." Willow mused with a hand craned on her own cheek, swooning gently as she viewed the photo.
"I never thought I would see my sister going all soft and mushy, surprising work, Winter." Weiss chuckled to herself, snarking raising her hand to her mouth as she did so.
Ruby, all the while, was positively bouncing as she beamed at the older pair. "Aw, you two look just like Weiss and I! You're so made for one another!"
Every reaction in the pair of Cinder and Winter wanted to lunge for the pair of younger huntresses, though as long as Willow presided over their interaction, they were stuck into the chair. At the least they had one another's forms still clutched tightly in one another's arms; blushing in their own great manners as the torture of doting continued.
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scham-wcan · 10 months
Takes out the angst-bat to hit you with.
17. Winter holding Cinder's hand in the ambulance on their way to the hospital from the race track.
(Probably one of their last real intimate moments together before their relationship ended as it did)
Or just Winter holding Cinder's hand to comfort her, you do whatever XD
Ah F1 au, always coming back to haunt me~
She could feel her heart banging against her ears, warping her throat, pressure pooling at the back of her eyes, none of it compared however to the total weakness Winter had in her as those doors slammed at the back of the truck.
Fighting her way through the crowd of techs and engineers until she was onboard, she had such a huge storage of adrenaline fighting to get her to just this spot. Sitting to the side of the ambulance now, though, looking down through watery eyes, Winter couldn’t peal herself away from the blasted sight before her.
Her hands tightened around her pants, tearing the white cloth in some places of her team uniform. Winter watched as Cinder’s uniform was similarly torn and shredded, though in her stead by the paramedics as they cut and sliced through the garments.
Char and burned corners dropped from Cinder with each slice as bandaging was thrown and securing with every possible precaution around the injured woman.
It had happened so fast, Winter had not meant to take the corner as fast as she had, neither did she mean to send both of them into the rock. But when she had gotten out of her car, she watched the plume of smoke and fire already kick up around her rival’s head. What was seconds of response time was more like hours in her mind as everything seemed to stop. It had just been hours ago when they had shared a good luck rendezvous away from the cameras and reporters.
Now she was here, they were here. Cinder’s form moved with every artificial motion of a respirator and the medics doing their best. Even still, her right hand lingered there hanging off of the bed. Blackened from ash and dirt, Winter did little to fight herself when she made to reach for it. Breathless and needing, needing her to be okay, to start the day over, she should have been in that state and not-.
Winter’s hand never made it to Cinder’s before the doors were thrown open and the gurney was throw by the medics into the building beyond. Leaving Winter there for a time to haunt the rear of the ambulance before she stumbled out onto the cold concrete. Now completely and utterly alone.
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scham-wcan · 10 months
Combo 6+16 for cinwin as they're your giiirls.
Winter and Cinder fighting and Winter knowing she's in the wrong, but she sees Cinder still doing a chore she knows Winter hates because damn it she loves her, and so Winter does...whatever it is you think is correct.
My favourite tragic couple doing their doomed yaoi things while being married for years and devout to one another
Stomping feet filled the small corridor of their apartment in double, one chasing the other with righteous passion.
“But why would you even move it?!” Winter hollered, half her voice an incredulous hiss as a thick scowl cursed over her. She was barely out of her work outfit, a tie and collar messily hanging around her neck as her blazer fell down over her arm. “We do the same thing for a year and all of a sudden you change things without telling anyone?”
The other set of steps, which rushed ahead of the billowing Winter, were owned by a moderately well dressed-casual Cinder. In her arms she carried a fat wicker basket of used laundry while also letting a dry cleaning bag lay swung over her back.
“I don’t understand why you’re making such a big deal out of it.” Cinder said with an excuse for a scoff. “Maybe you should pay more attention to your bags in the morning.” Sending a sideward glare over her shoulder toward the still angered Winter.
The glare forced a long hissing breath through Winter, her hands finding themselves tightly crossed. “I wouldn’t need to if you had done the decency of telling me the food you prepared was still refrigerated.”
“So in doing the kindness of making you good food to have for lunch instead of eating out every day.” Cinder began with a snarking laugh which held the inkling of turning sour, dropping the dry cleaning bag near their front door in the process. “I also need to tell you that sometimes it isn’t always going to be in your bag because it will spoil?” Turning more in full to Winter as she carried on toward their laundry room. “I thought you were adult enough to know that things don’t always stay good enough to eat.”
The Schnee only continued to glare at Cinder for another moment before she marched after her partner again, though this time definitely slower and more embittered. “You know I am not in my right mind in the mornings, help would have been appreciated.” Her tone too had dropped the passionate anger she had seemingly wielded before.
Only rolling her eye still as the basket hit the floor in front of the laundry room, Cinder turned on Winter abruptly. Her hands plastering onto her hips as she found the Schnee stopping fast an inch or so away from her.
“Why are you being so petulant about this?” Cinder’s vision narrowed on her partner. Holding her gaze for a moment as Winter’s scowl shrunk to a weak pout, her eyes twisting away for a moment as she said nothing. “What did you end up eating today if you-?” Though before Cinder finished her inquisition a small gurgling noise splayed out from the Schnee’s middle; making Winter’s face turn slightly pink. “Oh, that would make sense.”
“I didn’t want to cheat on your cooking so I didn’t eat anything, okay?” Winter spat, her arms tightening around her. “Now I’m mad cause I came home hungry and you were doing the chores I have been putting off and I got more mad.” Sighing as she knowingly sounded more petulant and belligerent.
Cinder could only continue to sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose. With a swift kick, Cinder pressed the basket further into the room and shut the door. “So you’re saying we need to have an actual dinner then.”
“I can have the food you made for my lunch.” Winter winced quickly, her brows raising as she watched Cinder shake her head and march around her.
“No, that won’t be enough to make you less bitchy.” Cinder called from down the hall with a knowingly cross smirk. “Come on, you can whine and curse me out more for not seeing your lunch from the kitchen table.” Adding a small flick of her hand for Winter to follow her, which the Schnee begrudgingly and blushingly complied with.
It didn’t take long, featured with clunks and bonks of utensils and pots alongside ingredients, for Winter to lose her former anger and hunch over herself at the counter while Cinder cooked.
“I’m sorry for being so terse to you.” She called out abruptly in the midst of retelling how her lunch break was spent continuing to work. “I was being a clod.”
Chuckling shortly, Cinder spoke over top of the bubbling and stirring sounds of her work. “Indeed you were, but maybe tomorrow you’ll remember that we own a fridge for a reason and not everything can just sit in your workbag?”
An agreeing grunt left Winter as she glowed a soft red, dragging from Cinder a curt chuckle. Setting her spoon aside for a moment, Cinder crossed the threshold of their kitchen and allowed herself to fall over Winter’s shoulders in a hug. Winter’s hand gripping weakly onto the secured arms.
“Thank you for doing the laundry.” Winter hummed as she pressed her cheek into Cinder’s hold. “I know it was my turn to do so.”
“Well when you came home glaring and hissing I thought it would be simpler to make sure the clothing survived the experience.” Cinder lulled into Winter’s ear. “Less you tear something in your fit.”
Earning an agreeing hum from Winter, “Sorry I’m hard to love when bitter.”
“Pff,” Cinder snickered quickly. “If you’re hard to love what in Tartarus am I?” Before pressing a burning kiss against the side of Winter’s temple, making the Schnee smile as a weight dropped from her shoulders.
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scham-wcan · 10 months
Having full blown conversations and debate with their wasted s/o.
Because I can't imagine drunk Winter being anything but even more argumentative than normal, and then somehow roping WR into the debates as moderators as Winter demands Cinder stand 3 feet to the left because she's too drunk to point at her properly. Or something idk you're the expert.
The uhh thing got a little too long for here so have this I guess??
I apologize
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scham-wcan · 3 months
For the kiss ask:
Whiterose for "where it does hurt"
Aye aye, Captain!
The noise of Crescent Rose’s metal smashing downward into the training floor’s rubber was quickly followed by the clunking mess of Ruby’s form. Limbs were thrown over one another as the mist of used Dust washed through the air; and more importantly across Ruby’s chest where she had been struck.
“Owww.” Ruby groaned from her now face down and prone position. “I thought you said we were going easy?” Her words came out in betrothed lengths which only made her sparring partner scoff.
Clicking her tongue with a brief spit of venom, Weiss overturned her rapier in hand. “I did, and then you started swiping at my knees.” Huffing gently as the blade found its place at her side. “I told you I dislike that.” Before beginning something of a speedy walk toward her partner.
Watching as Ruby’s Aura fended off the Dust’s gaseous form with relative ease, Weiss internally sulked in guilt while Ruby got to hand and knee.
“Yeah, but-.” Her attempt to defend herself quashed itself mid word. “Ouch..” Hissing in quieted pain, Ruby flicked her hand to her cheek.
A fresh streak of smoke rose from Ruby’s face in a jagged line, “Oh-. No, no, no-..” Weiss gasped upon spotting it and hurried herself even more. Skinning her knees without mention as she all but slid upon them to bring her and Ruby close.
The red-black haired huntress found her face held gently on both sides as Weiss turned it over. “I- I didn’t think it through at all.” Ruby’s chest sank as she watched her partner fret.
“It’s not that bad, Weiss.” The slight gag for breath from the pain of Weiss touching the burn did little to dissuade her however. Watching as the Schnee’s crystalline eyes took to rampancy with every moment, Ruby quickly brought her hands to Weiss’ shoulders. “Hey, hey. It’s not that bad! Just needs some good old fashioned remedies.”
“Now is not the time, where does it hurt? I can have Klein-.” Though before she could leap to her next solution, Ruby’s lips were upon her own. The sudden nature of the movement forced the Schnee to squeak and buck backward further, though the Rose only followed her without separating their lips.
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scham-wcan · 3 months
10. …desperately.
for cinwin *bats eyelashes*
You got it!
The day had been long, deplorably so, between the voracity at which she trained and the cosmic levels of solitude she felt during the lit hours, Cinder was ready to collapse in on herself. Even the books she made active use of devouring line by line and page by page were escaping their intrigue today as she laid back in one of the mighty seats of their apartment.
Dog-earring a red cover bound book and tossing it aside, its form clumping into the folds and leather of the couch beside her, Cinder turned away towards the main room’s window. Although it was midday, it was difficult to tell, a mighty snowstorm which blackened the skies in sheets of white and ice barrelling down against the buildings. Harsh sounds of whipping cold sounded like a whip cracking against the thickened windows and structure, that alone would have Cinder curling up upon herself as she was now. Knees to chest and arms, prosthetic and not, clutching tightly at them for just an ounce of security though even that proved faulty.
However when another racket joined the grave whips of snow, Cinder spun around to their door, as the noise of lock and key turning brought heat to her chest.
Groaning was the next thing she heard, alongside the lumber of thick soled boots, “Urgh!” Rang out in terrible annoyance. “The roads are a nightmare, forget it, I will be working from here today.” Winter did her best voice work when she tried sounding venomous, but in this moment she sounded all too tired to be more than annoyed and exhausted.
“Is the coffee still warm?” Winter called out as she turned her back for their hook, not noticing the somewhat rampant noises of house shoes on hardwood behind her. “I do not care what the programs say that chill is as bad as the snow-!”
Her voice caught in her throat just as she managed to hang her coat, caused by the hands and arms of growing warmth which currently ensnared her middle. Blossoming hot air near blistered her frigid nape as Cinder’s lips precisely found the corner of her jawline; it forced a gasp through Winter all the same.
Stinging hot as her lips left, Cinder could only smirk at the corner of Winter’s surprised eye. “Was that truly necessary? I feel like my heart is going to bound from my chest, Cinder.” Turning within the rather tight hold enough to put them front to front, Winter’s red hued glare did little to dissuade the touch of excitement within that golden eye.
“It was desperately needed, Fräulein.” her voice curling into a lull as she inched herself closer to Winter.
Blustering slightly at the title, Winter rolled her eyes with force. “At least lock the door before you make me miss my morning events?” A stray low kick sent the door quickly to close as a soundtrack of throat drawling laughs inched onto frozen skin once more.
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scham-wcan · 9 months
you have been visited by the rare Smiling Winter Schnee, she only appears to people once every 137 years
write a 100 word drabble or be cursed with winter-less-ness for the next 137 years
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Oh my lord the sight is one of the Ark of the Covenant she is so pretty. Very well you shall have your Drabble.
“I don’t understand what you think you’re going to accomplish.” Winter hissed, hoisting herself from the seat of her vehicle and entering the chilled air of her office’s parking garage. Though that chill lasted little as a breath of heat dragged from the passenger’s door.
Pressing herself to stand and stretch in a manner which Winter typically would be inspired to blush at, had she not been so disgruntled from their morning discussion which had led them to this point, Cinder choked out a small yawn. “If you’re so perturbed by your coworkers consistent inability to do their duties to the point of it ruining our evening plans-.”
Biting quickly, Winter stomped her booted foot for a moment as she rounded the vehicle. “What ruined the evening was your petulant interest in what I was working on that was forcing me to scowl.” Though her scowl turned to a fast roll of her eyes as she already predicted what her partner would berate about.
“Precisely. Anything that gets you to snap like that so soon into the evening and is not me clearly is someone competing for you.” Cinder smirked, wandering blissfully alongside her partner towards the proper entrance to the office. “And maybe I can set them straight, nothing like an impartial review, right, Snowflake?”
“Please, you are anything but impartial.” Winter growled, “Gods, I need coffee for this.” She shrilly cursed herself for not stopping on the way, having been to distracted by the presence of her passenger for any coherent thought. “Did you have to dress so… regally?” Cursing a glance to Cinder as she did so, taking in the blacks and golds with a sheepish anger.
Nodding quickly, Cinder scoffed. “Oh anything to make my presence well known and what it means for your people.” Placing a hand to her chest as she smiled that villainous dastardly smile with which Winter always found a flutter take hold of her chest. “Now, in which corner of this hive of paper and bureaucracy can I find the ruiner of my so few hours of time with my partner in power?”
Holding the watch of that golden eye for a moment, Winter felt the rigid nature in her form melt as she whipped out a quiet lengthy sigh. Eventually allowing it turn to a soft smile as she let their arms connect with a small playful butt against one another. “You are insufferable, you know that?”
“Believe me,” Cinder responded plenty bluntly. “I have been informed of that quality about me rather consistently, now does your office have any locks?”
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scham-wcan · 11 months
Some Cinwin:
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I forgot about this so here we go~
"Babe?" Winter stifled out, "I need a hand." The eldest Schnee daughter was in some form of duress due to her dress, a zipper lingering at the lowest part of her back exposed the naked form of her hind. Winter was furiously attempting to swipe at the flimsy small thing, stopping only when she heard the incoming steps of her partner; offering Cinder a meagre coy smile as she did so.
Cinder, sans her prosthetic, offered a snide smirk and scoff as she approached. "I do always enjoy your poor timing, now what's your problem?" Cinder's outfit had blessed her with a far more simple wearability, which as she had chosen their outfits for the evening made Winter think that some part of this was expected. "Have you tried sucking in?" Her golden flickered with humour as Winter groaned in response.
"Just get the damn zipper." She sniped, turning her form gingerly for Cinder to see the situation she had been enthralled with better. "Before I rip this thing off and just go to this gala in my fatigues again.
"Firstly, you don't wear fatigues anymore those are suits." Cinder clicked her tongue quickly, then pursed her lips tightly with a low lull of a hum. Winter made something akin to a surprised eep as Cinder's hand laid onto the naked space betwixed her open back. "Second, I much prefer the view when this is open. Are you sure we can't just go like this?"
A further noise and red hue took hold of Winter as Cinder's warm hand added a lower pat to her form. Scowling as she pictured the roaring grin Cinder was likely now wearing, Cinder turned her face down as she let loose a lengthy sigh. "Just get the zipper before I replace your hand with both of mine to return the favour." Wincing as she felt the folds of the dress form together. Turning then onto her partner as she grabbed Cinder by her lapels and tugged her into a closer glare.
"Entertained?" Cinder smirked, watching as Winter's scowl turned to another embarrassed sigh as she pulled the Maiden into a kiss.
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scham-wcan · 1 year
First of that October prompt list I reblogged a little while ago, hope I do it some service with some CinWin!
Crunchy Leaves
The unwieldy chill of morning had quickly set in about them even as the pair had let the swing of their apartment door shut behind them. It was early, far too early for a weekend nonetheless, and yes here Winter found herself being towed down the hall towards the elevator. The warmth of Cinder’s prosthetic’s glove the only real comfort she was deriving from the world in that moment.
There was a welcomed change of wardrobe for the pair this time of year, and of course it had come at the discretion of Cinder and Weiss. A fine light brown coat which bore down her frame and cut off around her upper thigh covered a white shirt and ample fine blue scarf.
A garment which Winter had to admit scratched at her ever so gently, reminding her constantly of its presence. Tugging at it once they entered the lift, the movement and slight ire jostled Cinder from her momentary fixation on dragging Winter about.
“Did I tie it too tightly?” A mixture of sass and concern belted from Cinder as she glanced over her partner. “I could redo it if you wish?” Her smirk only growing, knowing well the answer she were to receive.
Cinder similarly had a small change in wardrobe, a more robust black buttoned coat folded over her front, though her wash of ashen hair reduced the need for a scarf—small white crystalline jewelry instead took the place of an accessory, highlighting her otherwise darkened aesthetic.
A small scoff parted from Winter. “Its fine, though I believe you should stick to sewing and hemming more extraordinary things.” Glancing sideward at Cinder as she did so. “Perhaps leave the sewing of these to someone more than soft in nature, Ruby perhaps?”
“Like she knows how to sew.” Cinder sniped curtly as the doors before them pinged open and like a flash they were off again. The lobby around them barely featured more than a blink in their eyes before they were at the entrance.
It was this peculiar time of year which had seemingly charged Cinder as such this time of day—and dragged Winter along with her. Atlas’ streets before them, having been long since refurbished and remade to feel less cold and sterile, now sported all sorts of flora. Such plants, flowers, trees, and all forms of greenery were ruthlessly maintained throughout the year—but this time of year the work slowed.
Winter felt her breath slightly skip a beat, she had hated to admit falling for the greenery amongst the otherwise blue and white city, but this new glow was something else entirely. Rich golds, hearth like reds, and glowing yellows painted trees up and down their avenue, bathing the white city canvas around them in the hallmarks of autumn.
Cinder chuckled softly as she released Winter’s hand and walked forth into the street. “When I was back in Vale a long while ago, I remember their campus and city looking much like this.” Parading almost up to one of the trees and taking a small handful of the warm coloured flecks from its branch. “Ruby reminded me that with all the changes here in Atlas with these things, something as pretty as those may prop up again here.”
“I presume Weiss is getting much the same treatment then?” Winter asked halfheartedly, though the light flecks of awe still hummed in her throat.
“I suppose, though I think you’re still far more fair and pretty than these can be.” Cinder smirked, placing a snide kiss against Winter’s lips before quickly retreating, watching as red burned across Winter’s cheeks in the moment. “And you could use more warm colours on you as well.”
Cinder continued to smile as Winter quickly threw her hand to her cheek, trying to tell if some of Cinder’s lipstick or otherwise had been left on her. “Cinder Fall!” She gasped, then fighting in equal measure to regain her volume.
“Would a coffee make up for me waking you up so early for a cheesy line?” Offering her arm then in a crook for Winter, the Schnee glared at her partner before taking hold of it; allowing her head to idly fall onto Cinder’s shoulder.
“You suck you know that?” Winter hummed.
Curtly, Cinder sighed, “If I have to wear white you have to wear embarrassment, not my fault you wear it so well.”
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scham-wcan · 8 months
Prompt: CinWin’s first “I love you.”
It doesn’t necessarily have to be the utterance of the three words because that means they’d have to talk about their feelings, but it could also be an “a ha” moment when one realizes that they are finally loved and cared for for the first time in a really long time, if ever.
Thank you for this because I have wanted to say this for a while-
Winter’s form burned, slamming into the harsh Vacuo sand as it burned exposed Aura follicles alongside the shockwave which washed through her.
Tyrian’s might was strong, though not stronger than she had believed it to be, to the point where even her Maiden power had thought it assured her victory would approach.
Though it pained her, Winter could hear the thundering quakes of Tyrian doing battle with the others. She cursed at the noise of the blades of the monster’s own, fighting to drag herself forward before a blackened hand stabbed at her collar.
It felt like she had been snatched by an automaton, rigid, focussed. However, Winter heaved for breath as she was forced with a hand to the side of her chin to find the single golden eye of her rescuer.
“YOU WANT TO KEEP FIGHTING??” Cinder’s voice fit into Winter’s more like a gasp for breath, “YOU??”
It took a moment of Cinder settling for breath for Winter to the floor before Winter could find the breath to fight Winter off of her.
“Heaving- VINDICATOR- LEAVE ME BE, Cinder heaved as red bloomed upon her sand dusted steps, heart corroding her inner chest. “T-TYRANT!”
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