#school assingment
tiniest-headcrab-art · 7 months
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2 bears high fiving
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idk this was part of an english assingment i had? i doodled them in ms paint, ik the joke from fallout NV but the inkblot example looks different fom the NV version lol
these guys have cones on their heads idk anyways
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1uner4 · 1 year
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La pieta 🪽
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amarawisbey · 1 month
I am literally procrastinating so much guys !!! I have my science assignment due in 2 days and I haven't started !!
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Kinda feel like I'm going to cry
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b-0-ngripper · 8 months
The classism of that last post makes me so mad
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ur-local-weird-person · 11 months
me five seconds after watching any sort of anime:
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sraksha · 2 years
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Drawing my boys instead of doing a school assignment i could get done in like half an hour or so. And knowing me, im gonna forget about it until i go to school on monday and have to come up with a better excuse than "Sorry, i was playing video games and drawing. I started sewing a plushie tho!" :)
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Sucks that kenobi released during the summer and Andor is releasing in the fall cause I could watch kenobi when it dropped and keep but now I have a mountain of homework and 9am classes and haven’t been watching anything
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hanmegumi · 2 years
tumblr user kajebrandman just changed her theme again 😳
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Don't you just hate it when you have so many tasks and you just know that once you start the load will seem so much smaller but you can't make yourself stop procrastinating and get to work so you just sit there, doing nothing, while stressed
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literatureisdying · 2 months
youre in high school, right? I'm starting eighth grade this year and I'm really nervous, is there any advice you have for eighth grade and high school?
i am!! i’ll be a senior in high school this upcoming year and i can for sure say there are definitely some things i wish someone would’ve told me when i was going into eighth grade and later high school.
1) make sure to keep a planner. as classes get busier and harder it can be SO easy to lose track of assingments and things you need to study for, so make sure to keep a planner or a calendar, whether it be physically on paper or digitally on your phone, it’ll help!!
2) your friends and friend group will change and that’s okay!! high school is really when you start to see who your real friends are and you begin to see those who you need to cut out of your life. if someone is causing you stress, drama, and making you feel bad about yourself, they’re not a real friend and it’s better to end the relationship you have with them. it can be hard to make new friends but don’t be afraid to branch out!! chances are that most people are just as nervous or scared about making friends as you are
3) not to sound rude but just don’t be a bitch. it’s better to be nice and show everyone around you kindness than to be judgy and mean to other people while trying to “fit in” or impress people.
4) actually pay attention in your classes and take!!!! notes!!!!! you don’t realize how much information you’re actually given during class until you have to recite it back or take a test. don’t goof off every single class (though a little fooling around is definitely encouraged)
5) it’s okay to change the things you like, the people you like, and activities you like. it’s hard to be a teenager trying to figure out who you are while also having loads of schoolwork and extracurricular activities piled on top. just know that it’s okay to experiment and it’s okay to not like certain things. don’t let anyone tell you and try to make you into someone you’re not
i wish you luck for eighth grade and for high school!!! :))
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aspenfutturman · 1 month
school is burning me out so bad it’s only a week and a half into it and it’s just HOME WORK HOME WORK ASSIGNMENTS ASSINGMENTS STUDY STUDY TESTS TESTS like oKAYYY I GET IT this is a school for smart people but GIVE ME A DANG BREAK PLEASE
i really wanna just draw jhutch without stressing😄😆
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betterbooktitles · 4 months
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On looking older than I am:
By the time I was a teenager, I’d fully accepted my early adulthood. When I wasn’t playing a sport or acting in a play, my number one hobby was taking a John Updike book (sorry) to a coffee shop. I frequented a place within walking distance of my house in Cleveland called Talkies. I sat at the front bar with my book and ate a second lunch at 3 PM. I talked to random people sipping coffee and smoking cigarettes inside. One was a researcher at Case Western who studied molecular biology. He seemed to know no one in Cleveland except me and the baristas. Another guy was a white dude with dreadlocks, a gifted actor who bussed tables at the fancy restaurant next door. Every barista was a 20-something woman who told me about their various trysts in graphic detail. Multiple times the men offered me cigarettes or to split a joint outside. No wonder it took me years to finish one of the Rabbit novels. I was soaking up more than enough adult content in my real life than any book could offer.
The oddest encounter occurred at a hotel in Annapolis, Maryland when I was 15. I attended a boys’ catholic prep school and because my parents and I were taking a few college campus tours during our family trip, and you never know who you might bump into, I chose to wear the tie and khakis I would normally wear in class. I had chosen an aqua shirt with a bright textured gold tie that morning and was still wearing it when I approached the front desk that evening. I promised my English teacher I would have a late assingment on his desk Monday morning despite my travel schedule. I had finished writing it on my mom’s laptop and put it on a flash drive. 
“Is there an office in the hotel with a printer?” I asked the woman at the front desk. I deepened my voice. “My boss needs this report ASAP.”
The woman behind the desk wore a maroon and beige polo shirt with the name of the hotel embroidered on one side and a fat plastic name tag that read “Jess” on the other. She kept her curly brown hair tied back behind her head and looked like she was ready to take a nap rather than help one more jerk fix his malfunctioning room key or find the hotel’s office. She smiled though and led the way. We walked through a large banquet hall that looked like it was hosting a wedding or prom. Pink uplighting and one of those whirling balls with differently colored light filters spun around and painted the room. I watched fat white men in suits sip cocktails out of plastic cups and flirt with young women half their size and age. A number of them wore saris. 
“What is this?” I said aloud. 
“It’s a party for the IMF.” the woman said. “You’re not with them?”
“No, I’m on a different kind of work trip.” I said.
She kept walking until we found a door on the side of the room. Bright tube lighting poured into the mock nightclub when she opened it. I hurried in so as to not disturb the party atmosphere too long, and to my surprise, she shut the door behind us and stayed to watch me use the office. 
Computers in 2002, especially out-of-date communal ones used by everyone in a hotel, were not very fast. The fat glass monitor was already on, and when I opened the browser, I had a good two minutes to chat, which the hotel employee seemed keen on doing.
“So where are you headed?” She asked.
“Well, it’s here tonight, then New York, then upstate somewhere, back to Cleveland.”
“Busy weekend.” 
“Yes, we’re- I’m trying to squeeze in a lot.” 
We talked about my work. I vaguely said I was on a deadline for a writing assignment which made me sound like a journalist or someone with an entry-level publishing job. At some point, she said she was glad I wasn’t with the loud bankers because I seemed too nice and cute to work with them. 
Was this happening?
I found my little essay about Chaucer and clicked print. As a printer the size of a Fiat whirred to life and started pumping out the pages, the woman said: 
“I’m actually off the clock now if you want to have a drink with me.”
“I’d love that,” I said.
I put the essay in a folder (not a professional manila folder, a high school-ass, bright glossy blue folder with my school’s logo on it) and followed her to the hotel bar.
I ordered a beer in the annoying fake way people do in movies: the actor walks up to the bar and instead of checking what’s on tap or thinking of their brand of choice like ‘Bud’ or ‘Stella’ or even naming a type like ‘stout’ or ‘pilsner’ the actor confidently says “I’ll have a beer” and the extra playing the bartender wordlessly gets to pouring.
“I’ll have a beer!” I said to the bartender who squinted his eyes at me and cocked his head. 
“OK…” he pointed at Jess, who still had her uniform and name tag on. 
“Jack and Coke, Ben.” 
I sipped the beer slowly. We drank and talked about work and if Jess was going to bite the bullet and go to grad school. She asked if I wanted, when we finished our drinks, to go with her to a house party up the street.
“We can smoke a bowl, listen to my friend play some music. It’ll be fun.” she assure me.
“I really shouldn’t,” I said, “We’re- I’m… I have an early morning.”
“Ah,” she said, looking down at her drink.
I now realize that every coy excuse I made sounded like I had a girlfriend or wife at home and I maybe had a problem with drugs and alcohol that might make me do something I regretted. I was playing an adult better than I ever had in my life.
“So, someone is with you in your room, then?” Jess asked nervously.
“Yeah. There are people in my room.” 
And here, dear reader, I’m sorry (or happy) to tell you that I fessed up.
“I’m staying with my parents.” I said.
“Oh. That’s sweet. Are they meeting up with you on this trip? Where are they from?”
“We drove here together from Cleveland, actually.”
“Oh, OK.” She said, looking confused.
“I- You see. I’m not on a work trip. I’m seeing schools.” I looked at the bartender who was pretending not to listen on the other side of the empty bar.
“Grad schools?”
“No. Listen. Sorry. I’m in high school.”
“Wait- how old are you?”
“I’m 15.”
“Jesus. Uuughh!” She leaned her torso over the bar as if she was fainting, and looked up at me with one eye over her glass. “Oh, boy. I know how to pick ‘em.”
“I look older,” I said, consolingly. 
“Yes. You do. Oh, God. Wow. OK. Ummm.” She sat up and did a little drum roll with her hands on the bar.
I chugged the rest of my beer. 
Read the rest of the essay here.
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beansmack2021 · 1 year
Marauders Era w/ Prompt 19
Disclaimer: This is gonna be Sirius x Reader angst, so I'm sorry to all of the Wolfstar fans (Follows the events of the prank)
Reader is close to the Marauders, essentially a Marauder herself. She knows about Remus's lycanthropy and about the others being Animagus. She knows that the others are all good people. Or at least she thought she did.
"Don't touch me!"
Y/N L/N was on high alert. Every one of the Marauders was. Remus had been experiencing extreme discomfort for at least the past two days, and it was the time of month that the five of them had always dreaded. She knew that Sirius, James and Peter could transform into a dog, deer, and rat respectively, and that they were safe as animals, but that didn't do much to ease her anxiety.
Remus would come back from the Shrieking Shack, which was desolate and abandoned, with new cuts and scratches that'd surely scar later. The shack was the perfect place for a werewolf to hunker down in to avoid causing harm to the general public while still keeping his secret. There wasn't much else the others could do besides lead him there, keep him company (and try to keep him from digging at himself with his claws, which is what typically caused the eventual scars), and carry him back to Hogwarts for a bit of healing and rest when he finally returns to his human form.
It pained Y/N to see him so uncomfortable, but she knew there was no cure for lycanthropy and that the others did their best to help him during the time surrounding the full moon.
She kept a close eye on her friend throughout the school day and tried to get him to eat something during dinner, but he was more focused on doing the homework he'd surely miss while he's transformed. James didn't really care about getting his done and Peter did his right after classes were finished for the day. Usually, Sirius doesn't care either, so Y/N was surprised when he came into the common room a little while after dinner and asked if they could work on the written assignment for Potions together.
Of course, by working, Sirius had meant doing a few questions and then goofing around, but he seemed to be enjoying himself. Truth be told Y/N was, too. Eventually, he'd started asking random questions to try to confuse her or make her laugh. The assingment was tossed away entirely.
"If you were a type of flower, what would you be?"
"I guess I'd be a daisy. They're my favorites." Y/N yawned and stretched a bit. They'd been talking for almost an hour. She knew he'd have to leave with the others soon, so she'd have time after to work on the Potions paper and wouldn't have to worry about not finishing it. She just wasn't sure she'd be able to focus after spending so much of her time just talking with Sirius. She felt so at ease with him, and sure she always had with her boys, but this was different. This was something more.
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Remus, James, and Peter came down from their dorm an hour or so before the sun was going to set, trying to make it to the Shrieking Shack before Remus's transformation to avoid taking any risks.
Y/N stood to give each of the boys a hug, squeezing Remus the tightest and for the longest and backed away to get a good look at the four of them. "Be safe." She felt like a mother telling her boys to stay out of trouble. While she wasn't their mother, they were definitely her boys, and she didn't want anything happening to any of them.
"We will, Mum." James always seemed to read her mind. She tousled his hair a bit, and he kissed her cheek before they threw James's cloak over themselves. Y/N could no longer see the four of them, but she could hear their feet shuffling and Peter's quiet "Ow!" when one of the others stepped on his foot. The portrait doorway opened and closed after a few moments, and Y/N sat down on the sofa once more, picking up her quill and trying to think about her Potions assingment and not a certain dark-haired boy.
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Y/N was furious, for lack of a better word. She was furious and she was hurt. So very hurt. Of course, it had to be her best friend. Her very best friend in the entire world, other than possibly James, who she'd spent hours talking to just the night before, turned out to be a monster.
She knew that he'd had been through a lot as a child, and she thought that he was better than the rest of his family, but he'd unfortunately proven her wrong. Angry tears, hot and thick, rolled down her face. She wiped at them furiously, holding her books tightly to her chest and nearly running through the corridor.
She doubted that Sirius knew that she knew what he'd done. He'd find out very quickly, though, reaching out to tap her shoulder and being met with firey rage. "Don't touch me!"
"Y/N?" He suddenly seemed less thrilled to see her, his smile slowly tilting downward in confusion and concern.
"I thought you were different, Sirius. I thought you were better than them. But you're just as bad as the rest of your family. Maybe worse."
Sirius was hurt and still very confused, and then something seemed to click and he tried to explain himself. "Wait, Y/N, this is about last night, right? It was just supposed to be a joke, a prank!"
"A prank? You think sending Severus to the shack was just some harmless practical joke? He could've died! You could've killed him! What the hell is wrong with you?" Y/N was starting to feel less like a hole in her side was leaking air and more like she'd be sent to Professor Dumbledore's office in the next few moments if someone didn't intervene.
"I didn't think he'd be stupid enough to actually go!" Sirius was getting frustrated, deflecting. He was trying to make it seem as though he wasn't completely at fault, that Severus had to take some blame for his near-death experience.
"I didn't think you were so horrible as to betray your best friend." Y/N suddenly felt very cold. It was a dreadful feeling. "I didn't think you would ever hurt someone the way you've always worried that you would."
"Y/N, please, can't we just talk about this?" Sirius was desperate. Remus, James and Peter already hated him, he couldn't lose her, too.
"You and I have talked enough. Tell me, did you try to send Snape to his death before or after asking me about flowers?"
Sirius's mouth was slightly agape, and he blinked for a moment before closing it.
"Daisies, Sirius. My favorite flowers are daisies. Yours are bleeding hearts."
Sirius swallowed and nodded. He'd had hope that maybe she was trying to show him that she still cared enough about him to forgive him.
"I think I loved you, Sirius. God, I loved you."
Sirius was taken aback, but still had hope. "I love you, too. I love you so much, Y/N."
"Loved, Sirius. Loved." There it was. There was the hope that he had for them, crushed before him like a flower under a heavy boot. A tear rolled down her cheek, and he wanted nothing more than to reach out to her, to wipe it away and pull her into his arms and tell her over and over again that he loved her and wanted to be with her. He knew that she couldn't stand the sight of him at the moment, but maybe she could learn to forgive him. She turned her back to him and walked away. Sirius knew, in that exact moment, that there would be no 'maybes'. She left. She loved him...
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insomniacchamomile · 4 months
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So like, I'm doing a lucifer with watercolors as a school assingment and it's hella big!
I'm having lots of fun with it :D
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squigglyoctosquigglez · 8 months
assinging each cpds member a milgram song (except Undercover. no one is Es here. except maybe Lucy. yeah Lucy is Es now she gives the verdicts for each of their murders-)
for those who don't know, milgram is a fictional music project that involves a prison that hold 10 prisoners, each had been the sole cause of someones death (not just murder) and the only real clues to their "sin" is through songs !! there's also es they're the prison warden
i got this idea at like 10 pm today in my timezone, i say random ass shit here too please dont judge im tired
chris - Throw Down (uhh reading the lyrics chris is the kind to like really care but hes just done with everyone), Triage (he does not want to be deemed INNOCENT [he's still getting voted innocent])
dennis - After Pain ("“I’m sorry” won’t reach anyone (I hope it will someday) " dennis seems like the kind of kid to be bullied in school), Magic (dennis is at heart, childish. and also probably had shit parents. nothing wrong with the first one, everything wrong with the second one), The Purge March (eh hes probably not in a cult but like still he follows orders a bit too much to order idk how to explain it he remembers everything exactly except his own lines so like)
robert - half (kazui literally starts preforming an opera in the mv for this, anyways uhhh denise), It's Not My Fault (its literally in the name), Cat ("Love (plus) Destiny = Crap, smash it, shatter it, bye-bye / That sticky-sweet sequence: Dinner + Camouflage + You-Know-What / Loving Affection (minus) Love, it’s tacky, this two-way deceit / Victim and Perpetrator, let’s keep it simple" continuing half "Phew, oh wow I’m drunk, Hey, so what if I said I liked-liked you, what would you do?" this song is so painfully robert its insane idk why also kazui (prisoner singing the song) eats a fucking dove in the mv btw do with that info what you want idk)
sandra - MeMe (i have no actual reason for this just take my word for this one), It's Not My Fault (datte datte warekurai mon-), I Love You / Daisuki (see max's description) (im sorry there's still like 1 trial left, idk there's only like 20 songs)
max - This is how to be in love with you (title speaks for itself, max is a very loving person! sometimes too loving… like mahiru (prisoner singing the song) i think they would get along actually), I Love You / Daisuki (this song goes too hard to have that title, anyways Mon-mon-monstrously in love in love / Mon-mon-monstrous, cuz I love you so much / Mon-mon-monstrously in love in love / A monstrous dilemma!!!) (someone protect him)
johnathan - Weakness (idfk "ahHaHA, Please notice me. ahHaHA, Someone please notice me."), All-Knowing And All-Agony (probaby was neglected as a child or something idk now he indirectly relys on robert please dont listen to me im jsut spouting random shit atp im tired its 11 pmg now)
vanessa - Umbilical (i actually have no good reason for this), Tear Drop (i dont think she wants to be voted innocent for her murder [news flash, shes still getting voted innocent]), Double (or not innocent! idk man shes not mikoto (prisoner singing the song) but i gotta give his songs to someone and she kinda fits)
annie - HARROW (annie and trevor are similar in goals, to take down sin and make them pay for what they've done. however they do it in two different ways. idk those two different ways probably direct death threats (trevor) and an indirect slow death (annie). i have no fucking clue what im talking about actually), Deep Cover ("Don’t you dare stop now I want a reason for judgment execution, I want it" idk what kotoko (prisoner singing the song) ment by this but uhh do what you want with that)
trevor - Bring It On (see HARROW), Backdraft (LISTEN TO THE SONG ITS A FUCKING BANGER- anyways i have no reason for this than this connects with bring it on Burn, burn! An ever-victorious FIRE, burn so high till it becomes ash / Burn, burn! Deliciously scorched, till your mouth waters / Flames closing in, can’t douse this FIRE)
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