#brings me some extra joy in sharing it with you
totem-but-shark · 1 day
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On the fourth day of Rust kingdoms I tuned into hJune's stream for the last hour or so and as he was ending he climbed up to the highest point in Rusty Bones and simply sat, looking over the kingdom listening to music. And whilst there's something to be said about it being the perfect representation of his character with r!june almost being some kind of guardian angel for Rusty Bones watching over and guiding them, in that moment I was hit with the strongest sense of nostalgia. Which is crazy considering at that point the server wasn't even ending, still had multiple days left and the server had only existed for a few days prior and yet I found myself moved.
Maybe it was a shared understanding with june, he wasn't saying much but I got the sense he might've been feeling something similar. Just sitting back and appreciating the moment, reflecting on the days past, and this special little server. I think there's something beautiful to the love we hold for media, or more precisely the stories told within it and the feeling of experiencing and loving something. Following a narrative with all of its twists and turns finding yourself wholly invested and endeared by its world and characters, to me this is made especially potent in real time improvised RP as you watch this whole world develop one step at a time before your very eyes. Getting to know characters as they get to know themselves, going on their journey right beside them. Following along within community, on twitter, in chats, just listening to the players discuss how much of a good time they're having, shared love and passion for something. It might just be me but that kinda thing always makes me emotional.
The medium of improvised live RP really is unique in this sense, it's hardly been a week but my heart has been stolen by the Rusty Bones cast regardless. Becoming so invested so quickly. Every character interaction building upon the last, every random throwaway line of backstory and lore slowly painting a clearer and clearer picture. Theorising and chatting with peers online and hopping between streams to see every pov. It's been beyond fun and I have to give my thanks to every single Rusty bones player for the atmosphere and community they created, they're the heart of these streams and each one played their part to perfection whether that be through in character roleplay, putting hours of time and care into contributing to the kingdom allowing everyone to play the game and enjoy it as they have or just being a good sport and bringing good vibes for a good time! Extra special thanks to Tina, Foolish, Trausi, hJune, Enevun and Dakkin who really made my pov of this event what it was.
June looking over the castle i've come to be so familiar with and hold so dear in such a short period of time it almost feels like home, for this week Rusty Bones has been my home. Somewhere comforting I could come back to reliably at the end of every day and be greeted by the kingdoms familiar faces. And though we're saying goodbye soon, even if it's a little silly I can't help but feel thankful this little week was part of my life and the joy it brought whilst it lasted.
The song June was listening to:
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alicentsgf · 1 year
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Alicent Higtower & Revelation 12:1-6, 13-18 'The Woman of the Apocalypse'
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malfoyscoffee · 6 months
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call me theo ౨ৎ theodore nott
pairing theodore nott x fem!slytherin!reader about fluff, angst | 1.7k words | exes to lovers warnings mentions of time skip, use of y/n, and a dumb theo
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That marked the end of your two-year relationship with Theodore. As he said his final word, you turned away, walking down the winding steps of the Astronomy Tower, holding back the emotions until you returned to your dormitory.
The night blurred into a haze of tears, finding comfort in Pansy’s shoulder as both of you nestled on the dorm floor. Hours passed in a cocoon of sadness before Blaise, Mattheo, Lorenzo, and even Draco appeared with snacks and muggle movies, trying to lift your spirits.
Wrapped up in your distress, you didn't think to ask how they found out about your breakup. Unbeknownst to you, amidst his own pain, Theodore asked his friends to comfort you instead of him.
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Three weeks had gone by since the breakup. As promised, you and Theodore went back to being friends, just like before, merely two friends within the same tight-knit circle. But beneath the surface of friendliness, your friends noticed the underlying tension between you and Theodore, silently wishing for a reunion.
It was a random morning in the Great Hall when you announced to your friends that you would be occupied before dinner to take on the extra credit assignment for Herbology. Your friends looked at you strangely, the assignment was unnecessary for someone with such high marks, but inside you wanted a distraction from everything. 
Back in the common room, the attention shifted to Theodore, the elephant in the room finally about to be addressed. 
“So, what led to the breakup?” Blaise relaxed in his chair while Theodore sighed, looking at the ceiling. 
“She didn’t say why, but she mentioned that you initiated the breakup,” Draco said casually, trying to hide his interest in the situation.
“I told her she deserved better.”
Suddenly, Lorenzo burst into laughter.
“Salazar, Enzo,” Pansy stood, disregarding Lorenzo's reaction. “So, let me get this straight,” she pointed her finger at Theodore, “You're saying the reason the group has been down is because you decided she deserved someone better?”
Mattheo set aside his cigarette, “Didn’t expect you to be so naive, mate.”
Blaise nodded, “Thinking that's an explanation. Y/n adores you, where will you find a girl better than her?”
Theodore’s face paled, “She’ll find someone better and eventually leave me. I couldn’t handle that.”
Draco stayed composed, “So you ended it first. Well done, Theo.”
Theodore buried his face in his hands, letting out an exasperated groan. “You all know she has a promising future after graduation. Why should she stay with me and be held back?”
“Did you talk to her about this, or did your insecurities make the call?” Lorenzo’s words made Theodore freeze, lost in thought.
Pansy packed up, checking the time. “Dinner’s soon. Let’s go.”
The boys followed Pansy, leaving Theodore alone, contemplating if his decision was right for your relationship.
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"I got the job!"
Strolling around Hogsmeade with Blaise and Pansy, you stumbled upon a new place—a wizarding coffee shop. Your liking for muggle coffeehouses sparked your curiosity, pushing you to ask about potential employment.
Excitement bubbled as you shared the news with your friends in the Great Hall.
“We’ve got a place to visit now.” Lorenzo grinned, aware it might bring some joy after a while.
Pansy nudged Draco, "Let’s study there. OWLS are coming up and some muggle coffee might help."
Draco glanced at Theodore, who sat in silence, unsure of what to say. “That sounds like a plan. I could use some muggle coffee.”
They all knew Draco was convincing Theodore to join.
"When do you start?" Mattheo asked between sips of hot chocolate.
You remembered your upcoming schedule, “Next week, Wednesdays and Saturdays? Once I’m trained, next Saturday, I’ll treat you all to some amazing muggle coffee."
The group agreed, planning to meet at your workplace next Saturday.
“Five cups of regular iced coffee, please.” You operated the muggle machine, engrossed in fulfilling the order.
“Oh, hey, Theodore. Are the others here?” You looked around, causing Theodore’s shoulders to slump slightly.
“They're at the big corner table. Enzo insisted the natural sunlight would help with studying…”
A soft chuckle escaped, “You can go back, I’ll bring the drinks over when ready.” Theodore nodded, returning to the café’s corner.
Blaise grabbed the first cup but stopped when Pansy teased him. “Don’t hog! Share!”
“How does it taste?” you asked, turning to your friends.
“Y/n, muggle coffee is amazing.” Mattheo praised, soon followed by Blaise signaling he finished his drink.
“I should tell my father about this place,” Draco chimed in, and before you knew it, all the cups were empty.
“I should get back to work, see you at dinner.”
“What time do you finish?” Theodore's sudden interest surprised everyone.
"I'm done around six," You said while feeling a bit overwhelmed inside.
Theodore nodded, indicating your return to work.
Numerous customers kept you busy. Though you didn’t need money, the experience was enriching.
While your friends left at five, Theodore stayed. He moved to a quiet spot facing the counter where you worked.
Ignoring his shift, you focused on the new customers who walked in.
“Y/n, it's six, you can leave,” your boss said, offering a pastry.
“Thanks,” grabbing your coat, you started to leave the kitchen.
“Are you done?” Theodore was poised by the counter, waiting for your response.
“Theodore, did you wait?”
Signaling to walk together, he said, “I had a few assignments that I wanted to finish early so I stayed longer.” His nervous fidgeting gave away his lie, his habit you remembered from your past relationship. 
You hummed, touched by his waiting. 
“I might visit often. I didn't mention earlier, but the coffee’s great.”
Walking back to Hogwarts, feelings for Theodore surfaced since the breakup.
How could you move on when he acted this way?
For two months, Theodore kept his promise, visiting the café every Wednesday and Saturday, bringing schoolwork, and leaving with you.
You felt the emotions returning but you were scared to get hurt. After all, he initiated the breakup, right?
Your friends noticed Theodore’s absence on your workdays, understanding where Theodore was without verbal explanation. 
“One large iced coffee, please.” You prepared a cup, “And your name?”
“Oh,” You looked up at Theodore. “One large iced coffee for Theodore.” You repeated his order and placed the cup down. 
“Why don’t you call me Theo anymore?” His disappointment was evident.
Meeting his gaze, you explained, “Because we’re just friends.”
Theodore observed the cup, then you.
“You know what, I think I forgot something at my dorm. I’m going to go.” His tone was sharper than he meant, leaving the café abruptly.
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“Now you're the clueless one. Salazar, why do I have two of them?” Lorenzo dramatized, earning an eye roll from you.
Theodore disappeared after the café meeting. Unaware of his whereabouts, your friends gathered in the common room, waiting for his return.
“I mean, Y/n, Enzo's right,” Pansy said, sipping the muggle coffee you brewed for the group.
“He ended things months ago. I don’t see why you're all on his side.” Frowning, you didn’t grasp their empathy toward Theodore.
“Y/n, listen,” Blaise interrupted, “Regardless of who initiated the breakup, Theodore has come to your café twice a week for months, just to spend time with you.”
Draco echoed Blaise’s sentiments. “OWLS were done a month ago, yet he still visits. Give Theo credit for trying.”
You sighed, “I care for him, but I don’t want to be hurt again. He should just tell me. His actions are misleading if he doesn’t want to reconcile.”
Lost in thought, the warmth of the common room enveloped you, the crackling fire providing a soothing ambiance.
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As evening approached, your thoughts circled Theodore’s sudden exit from the café, leaving you unsettled, your mind in disarray.
Unnoticed, the common room door creaked open. Theodore entered, visibly anxious. His eyes met yours, a blend of hesitation and resolve painting his expression.
The room fell silent as Theodore approached you, a mix of emotions playing across his face. Without a word, you got up and led him out of the common room.
The two of you reached the Blake Lake, facing each other, as the tension filled the air. Theodore struggled with his thoughts, torn between holding back and speaking up.
“I’m sorry for earlier,” he started, a hint of regret in his tone. “I didn’t mean to leave abruptly. I've been struggling, Y/n.”
“Struggling? With what, Theodore?”
Gathering his thoughts, he spoke earnestly. “With everything between us. The breakup wasn't about not caring about you. I was scared.”
“Scared?” Your voice softened, understanding blooming within.
Theodore nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. “I was scared that you would realize I was holding you back and leave me. So I thought if I let you go, you would be better off.”
Your heart ached, his honesty striking a chord with your own doubts. “But, Theodore, you never gave me a chance to choose. You made that decision for me.”
“I know, and I regret it every day.” Remorse filled his words, and his vulnerability was evident. “I visited the café because I wanted to be near you. But I understand if it’s been confusing for you.”
Silence hung, emotions swirling like a storm.
“I never stopped loving you,” you whispered, emotions stirring within.
He met your gaze, “I don't want to lose you again, Y/n. I want us to start over, I'll do everything to make things right.”
“Let's take it slow, Theodore. Start over and let's see where it takes us.”
A soft smile appeared on his face, relief in his eyes. “I promise, I'll do everything.”
"I've missed this," Theodore confessed softly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions.
You gently squeezed his hand, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Me too. I think we both needed this time to figure things out."
Theodore stopped walking, turning to face you with resolve. "I want us to try again, to be together, properly this time.”
Your heart skipped a beat, warmth spreading through you at his words. You looked into his eyes, seeing a depth of sincerity that reassured you more than any words could. "I want that too, Theodore. Let's give us another chance."
With that shared agreement, a sense of relief and joy washed over both of you. Walking hand in hand, Theodore smiled for the first time in months.
“Now, will you call me Theo?”
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heliosundercover · 15 days
Batboys and
how they talk about you
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Bonus fic as a thank you for allowing my jason fic to do well 💋
Dick Grayson-
, who talks about you like a goddess walking the earth, loves you more than words. The type to talk about you so much that people doubt your real
“My girlfriend is so sweet, guys. Today we went to that one library I like. Guys, have I told you even her favorite book is adorable?”
It doesn’t help that he tends to get caught up in certain details, completely ignoring other ones. No one knew your name until a week into dating.
Jason: “If you asked me before, I would’ve never believed him; weve all gone a little insane, but now that Ive seen proof, I'm happy for him. He gets to be well-dick, and she gets to smile and nod, but I swear she enjoys it. They’re weird together.”
Tim: “We love Dick. A lot, but we were looking at a wonderful facility that has an in-patient gym in the beginning. But the way he looks at her, I wouldn’t be surprised if she actually did miracles.” 
Damian: “At least I believed him at the start. He was smitten and absolutely whipped. I thought it was just like Dick. I don’t know why I, of all people, was the only one that caught it.
Bruce: Yeah, I knew she was real. Why would I ruin everyone’s fun? I mean, Dick is a bit. Aloof sometimes… I'm not exactly surprised; he’s not exactly amazing socially sometimes, but with her, he’s extra awkward, and I watched him flirt with men and women. But look, as long as he’s happy, we’re happy for him.”
Dick is a completely drunken idiot, with so much training thrown out the window. 
(Can you tell I'm not a fan of a playboy dick😞 im sorry i love a good love stuck man)
Jason Todd-
, who is extremely protective of his peace, sometimes acts as if you’re fragile. He was the type to invite you to a family game night where he called a family meeting an hour beforehand, forcing everyone to be on their best behavior. Needless to say, it was awkward, but one uno round later, he realized you fit in just fine. 
“I knew my girl would win. She's a gangster.”
boast when you absolutely dominate everyone playing in the game. You never quite beat the cheating allegations.
Dick: "I don’t know how he did it, but he found someone who brings out a side of him I haven’t seen in years. No one is that good at uno; naturally, at least, I think she’s a meta. I'm not saying that non-metas aren’t good at uno.”
Tim: "You know how in movies the girl animals just have lashes, and how the boy is always darker and the girl will be like a lighter color? It's like she was made for him. I'm glad he found his anamorphic girl, Wolf. But, can I be honest? I think Alfred was telling her our cards.”
Damian: "I'm glad Jaybird is happy. He’s definitely earned it. Even if she cheats at UNO, they’re perfect for each other. Hell, the cheating is what makes them perfect for each other.”
Bruce: "I'm glad to see Jason happy. The sparkling in his eyes, the boyish smile, is the same joy I saw after he hit me with a car iron and ran off, giggling. I like her.”
Bruce Wayne-
is proud to show you off publicly. He’s not one to spoil someone, but sometimes he can’t help but pick up trinkets for you. Sometimes you’d wake up to keychains, jewelry, or even clothes somewhere in your shared room. 
He tried so hard to be there for you and protect you from his line of work. Some nights, he wouldn’t come to bed at all to avoid waking you. Some nights, if you worried too much, he would send Dick out in the Batman costume so he could be by your side. 
"Shh, baby, its ok... Tonight, I'm staying with you, okay? I love you; do you know that? And I know sometimes the risk scares you, but I’ll always be here for you.”
Dick: "It's nice knowing Bruce isn’t constantly brooding about it. Well, I knew that fact already, but this is different. I only see a light in his eyes when he’s doing stuff he absolutely loves. Like when he talks to his parents tombs and we pretend we don’t see him.”
Jason: "i think that man would come back from the dead more dramatically than I did for this woman. And I waged like 3 wars.”
Tim: “Sometimes I see them sitting in the library together in silence. All they do is enjoy each other’s presence. Its adorable”
Damian: “Dads earned it. And when I say he’s earned it, I mean he’s earned it!”
Bruce isn’t the easiest to be with, but he always makes up for it.
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pathetic-life-form · 11 months
With comments, it can sometimes be hard to know what to say, but as an author who adores every comment I’ve ever received, I can confirm how much it means to writers, and I’m so happy @justleaveacommentfest is encouraging people to write even more of them! If you still feel lost, here are some things to try:
A string of emojis. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ is a perfectly valid comment!
"AO3 wont let me leave more kudos so here are more: ❤️❤️❤️❤️"
(incoherent excited screaming)
Pick the part of the story that made you feel the strongest emotions. Let them know how absolutely adorable it was to see the characters holding hands, or how you nearly burst into tears on public transport while reading their fic and are thankful for it
"Reread!" comments! Let them know this is the second, third, fourth, or millionth time you've come back to reread their fic! It brings an extra level of joy to authors to know that their fics are worth reading not once, but twice, or even more!
Quote a favorite line and tell them how it made you laugh/cry/stare at your screen in awe and then reread the same line three times on account of its brilliance.
Literally any other compliment you can think of
Any combination of or all of the above!
So yes. Smash your face into the keyboard, highlight a favorite moment, or tell them it's 4 am in your timezone but you absolutely could not stop reading because it was so good. It means the world to hear positive feedback from readers, and it's encouragement for authors to share more works in the future!
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psychedelic-ink · 2 months
ㅤㅤjoel miller x plus size!f!reader
genre: romance, flowershop au, jackson era, minors dni
word count: 7k
summary: you own a small flower shop in Jackson, when Ellie comes to visit, your life inevitably becomes tangled with the man who cares for her; joel miller.
warnings: age gap, piv in the middle of a flower field, no one sees, praise kink, some angst because joel, oral (fem receiving)
a/n: hello everyone! it's been a while and honestly, life has been kicking me in the gut lately with everything its got.
This originally was a commission, reader had a name and I've been working at it for months but sadly the person who commissioned be backed out last second saying they weren't interested anymore meaning I'm not getting paid for this work. Again, it's on me. Admittedly I've been slow on commissions due to my living situation and work and I should've taken half the payment upfront but trusting it was a joel fic I didn't really take extra precautions.
I decided to share it anyway, and the person who commissioned me said that I could. Any kind of writing has been hard for me to do lately and I really like how this one turned out. But since now I'm not getting paid for this work I decided to take out readers name and make some changes to the overall plot that I was given.
Sadly, I can't take any more commissions at the moment before finishing the ones I have left, but I'd be grateful for any kind of support you guys can give. I need to move out this summer (if I don't, I don't have a shadow of a doubt that my aunts will tell me to leave anyway) and I've been trying to save up as much as I can. Everything just has been a lot lately and I'm feeling anxious about my decisions and lost.
Again, any kind of support is greatly appreciated even tho I know I don't deserve it at this time:
my kofi
**dividers by @saradika-graphics 💜
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You unlock the door to your quaint flower shop, the antique bell that you found and Tommy fixed chiming softly in greeting. Stepping outside, you're immediately embraced by the warmth of the morning sun, its golden rays dancing playfully on your skin. The air carries the unmistakable scent of spring, a delicate blend of fresh blossoms and earthy notes that fills your lungs with every inhale.
Dressed in a flowing dress, you feel perfectly in tune with the season as you begin arranging the colorful array of flowers on display outside your shop. The fabric of your dress sways gently in the breeze, a soft symphony of movement that mirrors the graceful dance of the petals.
Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes and tilt your face towards the sky, basking in the gentle caress of the sun's rays. Above you, the cerulean expanse is dotted with fluffy white clouds, their shapes shifting and morphing with each passing moment.
With practiced hands, you arrange the blooms with care, each stem finding its place in the intricate tapestry of colors and textures. The vibrant hues of the flowers contrast beautifully against the backdrop of the weathered brick walls of your shop, creating a scene that's both inviting and enchanting.
As you work, you can't help but smile at the thought of the joy these flowers will bring to those who pass by. It’s been hard adopting to a new and broken world, but ironically, you have found your passion. Something to make you eager to get up in the morning. Of course your heart still ached for those you had lost, the suffering, but working on flowers, something living and growing and adapting just like you managed to lighten the weight on your heart. Whether it's a simple bouquet to brighten someone's day or a thoughtful arrangement for a special occasion, your creations have a way of spreading happiness and light wherever they go.
With the last of the flowers arranged to perfection, you step back to admire your handiwork, a sense of pride swelling within you. With a contented sigh, you turn to head back inside, ready to greet the day with open arms and a heart full of gratitude.
That is, until, you hear a surprised gasp. 
“Holy shit—” 
Turning around at the sound, you're met with the sight of a familiar face. A young girl you've seen around town quite frequently. You haven’t officially met her yet, but you know her name: Ellie. 
Realizing that the young girl has never visited your flower shop before, you understand the source of her surprise. With a warm smile, you approach her and greet her by name. "You're Ellie, right? Tommy's niece?"
Ellie nods enthusiastically, her eyes bright with excitement. "Yeah, that's me! Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I've just never been here before. The flowers are... fucking amazing—"
She suddenly claps a hand over her mouth, looking towards you apologetically. The gesture makes you laugh.
"I'm glad you like them," you reply, feeling a sense of satisfaction at her reaction. "Feel free to take a closer look if you'd like."
Her eyes light up at the invitation, and she eagerly follows you inside the cozy flower shop. The atmosphere inside is warm and inviting, with shelves lined with potted plants and bouquets of flowers in various stages of bloom. Sunlight filters through the windows, casting a soft glow over the space and illuminating the vibrant colors of the blooms.
As you lead Ellie further into the shop, you can't help but notice the curious glances she casts around, taking in every detail with a sense of wonder. The air is filled with the subtle fragrance of flowers, a delicate scent that lingers in the air and adds to the charm of the space.
"So, Ellie," you begin, breaking the comfortable silence as you approach a display of freshly cut flowers, "Anything you like? I’d be more than happy to gift you some."
Ellie's eyes sparkle with excitement as she looks around the shop. "Really? But there’s so many, how can I even choose?"
"Well, you're in luck," you reply, gesturing towards the colorful blooms around you. "I can just make you a bouquet of everything. Just pick out your favorites."
Ellie's gaze drifts over the display, her expression thoughtful as she considers your question. "Hmm, that's a tough one, they all look so fucking cool," she muses, her brows furrowing slightly in concentration. "How about sunflowers and. . . daisies? There's just something about them that feels... I don't know, hopeful, I guess."
You nod in understanding, a fond smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Sunflowers are a wonderful choice. They symbolize warmth, happiness, and positivity. Definitely a fitting choice for someone as vibrant as you, Ellie."
She grins at the compliment, "Thanks,. So, what about you? Do you have a favorite flower?"
“That’s a tough one, but I’d had to say daffodils. They just make me feel right at home. . . even though home has become a difficult word.” 
She doesn’t answer you, at least not in a way that you would expect. She nods and says,
"Let's add some daffodils to the mix too. If that’s okay.”
“If course it is. I said any flower didn’t I?”
With Ellie's choices in mind, you set to work gathering the blooms she selected, expertly arranging them into a vibrant bouquet. Your hands move with practiced precision, the gentle rustle of petals and stems filling the air as you weave the different flowers together.
Each blossom is a work of art in its own right, vibrant hues mingling together in a harmonious dance of colors and textures. Sunflowers, with their golden petals reaching towards the sky, stand tall and proud at the center of the bouquet, symbolizing warmth and happiness. Daisies, with their delicate white petals and cheerful yellow centers, add a touch of innocence and purity to the mix. And finally, the daffodils.
Beside you, Ellie watches with rapt attention, her eyes shining, "It's so pretty," she remarks, her voice filled with awe.
You smile at her words, feeling a sense of pride swell within you at the sight of her delight. "Flowers have a way of bringing joy and beauty into our lives," you reply, your voice soft with reverence. "They remind us to appreciate the simple things and to find beauty in the world around us."
Finally, the bouquet is complete, a stunning masterpiece that radiates warmth and joy. You present it to Ellie with a flourish, a sense of satisfaction washing over you at the sight of her delighted expression.
"It's perfect," Ellie exclaims, her eyes shining with excitement as she admires the bouquet in her hands. "Thank you so much. This is amazing."
"It was my pleasure," you reply, your heart swelling with happiness at her words. "I'm glad you like it. And remember, if you ever want to learn more about flowers or need some help with anything, you know where to find me."
Ellie nods eagerly, her enthusiasm infectious. "Definitely. Thanks again. This means a lot."
As Ellie turns to leave, a sudden thought seems to strike her. She pauses, her hand on the door, before turning back to face you with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Hey," she begins, a playful smile dancing on her lips, "do you need a flower assistant? I mean, I’d be nice to work here, and you seem really cool."
"Well, Ellie," you reply with a teasing grin, "If you're serious about helping out around here, I'd be more than happy to have you on board."
Ellie's eyes widen,. "Wait, really?" she asks, her voice tinged with disbelief. "You mean it?"
You nod, your smile genuine as you reassure her. "Of course. I could use all the help I can get, especially during busy times. And besides, it'll be fun having you around. Consider yourself officially hired as my flower assistant, Ellie."
A grin spreads across Ellie's face, her eyes sparkling with excitement at the prospect of working alongside you in the flower shop. "Wow, I don't even know what to say," she admits, her voice filled with genuine gratitude. 
"No need to say anything," you grin. "Just don’t be late."
As Ellie nods, a sense of anticipation fills the air, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in both of your lives. With a shared sense of excitement and determination, you and Ellie set to work, ready to take on whatever challenges and adventures the future may hold for your blossoming partnership.
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The next day unfolds with a golden hue, promising another beautiful day in Jackson. As you prepare for the day ahead, a sense of excitement tingles in the air knowing that you'll be mentoring Ellie, your newfound flower assistant. Ellie arrives earlier than you expected, her eyes oozing with sleep.
"Good morning, Ellie," you greet her with a warm smile, gesturing for her to come closer. "Ready for your first day?"
Ellie grins back, nodding enthusiastically. "Absolutely. I’m just not used to waking up so early."
With a chuckle, you lead her to the work table, where several potted plants await repotting. However, before diving into the day's tasks, Ellie's curiosity gets the better of her.
"How do you find all these flowers?" she asks. "I mean, with the infected and everything, it must be hard."
"I have a few spots outside of Jackson where I like to go to collect flowers. There's a field not too far from here that's brimming with all sorts of blooms."
Ellie's eyes widen and you can tell she's intrigued by the idea of venturing beyond the safety of the town's walls. "That sounds amazing," she breathes, her voice filled with wonder. "Do you go there often?"
You nod, a fond smile playing on your lips as you recall the countless trips you've taken to the flower field. "Yes, whenever I need to restock or find something special," you reply. "But I've also started growing some flowers myself. It's a work in progress, but it's been rewarding to see them bloom."
"That's so cool," she exclaims. "I'd love to see the field sometime, if you're up for it."
With a grin, you nod, "I'd be happy to take you," you reply. "But for now, let's focus on getting these plants repotted. We'll save the field trip for another day."
As if on cue, the shop door swings open, and a customer steps inside, a worn backpack slung over their shoulder. They approach the counter with a friendly smile, their eyes scanning the colorful array of blooms on display.
"Good morning," you greet them with a smile, your attention shifting to the customer. "How can I help you today?"
The customer returns your smile, reaching into their backpack to retrieve a small item wrapped in cloth. "I have something to trade," they explain, placing the item on the counter before you.
You unwrap the cloth to reveal a delicate piece of jewelry, a handmade necklace adorned with intricate beads and charms. It's a beautiful piece, clearly crafted with care and attention to detail.
Ellie watches with interest as you examine the necklace, her curiosity piqued by the exchange taking place before her eyes. "What are you trading for?" she asks, her voice filled with curiosity.
You glance at Ellie with a smile, impressed by her keen observation. "Well, Ellie, sometimes customers trade items in exchange for flowers," you explain, turning back to the customer. "It's a way for them to get something they need while also supporting the shop. As for how I decide what the flowers are worth, it's based on a few factors—like the rarity of the flowers, the time and effort it took to grow them, and of course, their beauty."
With a nod, you accept the necklace, carefully placing it aside before selecting a beautiful bouquet of flowers to offer in exchange. As the customer leaves the shop, their smile brighter than before, you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that you've made another person's day a little bit brighter.
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“Ellie, I’m not sure me bargin’ into your new workplace is the best introduction,” Joel says.
“You’ll be fine,” she says, dragging Joel by the arm. “Besides, weren’t you the one grumbling about not liking me spending all my time with a stranger? What else was I fucking supposed to do?”
Joel lets out an elongated sigh. “Language.”
He can’t see it, but he knows she’s rolling her eyes at him. The tiny, rundown flower shop soon comes into view and Joel can’t help but think of all the improvements he could make: the crooked step, the splintered door, the moss growing from the bottom of the woody exterior—
This shop won’t last next winter, he thinks with furrowed brows. And even though he’s been skeptical about Ellie spending all of her time here, he’s seen the improvement in her mood. Things just haven’t been the same since their return from the hospital, he couldn’t shake the distant feeling between him and her no matter how hard he tried. It had become something even he couldn’t fix.
But then, one day, she’d come home with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers he’d ever seen, with a wide smile plastered across her young face. Then she mentioned the keeper of the shop. Ever since then, his interest had been piqued.
Approaching the shop, he notices a figure outside arranging flowers, your silhouette bathed in the warm morning sun. You appear younger than he anticipated, your beauty catching him off guard. The way your dress contours your curves adds to your allure, a sight unexpected yet captivating. A gentle breeze tousles your hair as you work, momentarily leaving him speechless.
Contrasting his hesitation, you bound up to the shop with your usual cheerfulness. "Hey there!" Ellie calls out. The woman turns at her greeting, a genuine smile gracing her lips as she sets down the flowers. "Good morning!" 
He hangs back, observing as Ellie effortlessly initiates a conversation with you. Your interaction flows with ease, suggesting a familiarity beyond your brief acquaintance.
While you chat, an unsettling feeling settles within him. There's an inexplicable pull towards the shop owner, despite his attempts to resist. Watching Ellie interact with you stirs a strange longing within him, leaving him more unsettled than before.
Before he can dwell on his thoughts further, Ellie snaps him out of it. "Joel, don’t be a stranger! Introduce yourself, she's the one I've been telling you about."
With a sigh, he steps forward, his approach cautious. As your eyes meet, a peculiar sense of recognition passes between you, as if you've crossed paths in another life.
"Hi," he manages to say, his voice gruff yet not devoid of warmth. "I'm Joel."
As he clasps your hand, a spark ignites between you, a connection unfurling with each passing moment.
“Joel?” you say slowly, as if tasting his name in your mouth. “Joel as in Tommy Miller’s brother?”
Your hand feels soft and delicate as it clasps his own, and he can't help but notice the subtle tremor in your fingers. It's a small detail, but it speaks volumes, hinting at a vulnerability that he hadn't expected from this beautiful stranger.
"Yeah, that's me," he responds with a nod, offering a friendly smile in return. "Tommy's my brother."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Joel. Ellie speaks very highly of you."
As you exchange pleasantries, he finds himself drawn to the warmth in your gaze, a warmth that seems to seep into his very soul. There's an openness about you, a genuineness that he finds both refreshing and disarming.
While you talk, he can't help but be captivated by the way your lips move, the gentle cadence of your voice. It's a strange sensation, this sudden fascination with a woman he's just met, but he finds himself unable to look away.
Your conversation is interrupted by Ellie's playful interruption, and he reluctantly tears his gaze away from you, feeling a pang of disappointment at the thought of leaving your side. But as they follow Ellie into the shop, he can't shake the feeling that meeting you has stirred something within him, something that he can't quite articulate.
Entering the shop, he can't help but notice even more things wrong– the creaky floorboards, the peeling paint, the flickering lights overhead. It's evident that the place is in dire need of renovations.
Despite the less-than-ideal surroundings, Ellie's excitement is contagious, and he finds himself getting swept up in the moment. She points out various flowers, their vibrant hues and delicate petals bringing a welcome burst of color to the dreary environment.
"These lilies are my absolute favorite," Ellie exclaims, thrusting a handful of flowers towards him with a mischievous grin.
He can't suppress a surprised sneeze as the pollen tickles his nose, and they both dissolve into laughter,and momentarily, all his concerns seem to fade away.
But just as they're catching their breath, you enter the room, your presence once again capturing his attention. There's something about you that intrigues him, a warmth and kindness that draws him in effortlessly.
A sheepish smile spreads across his face as your eyes meet. You return the smile, your gaze gentle and understanding, and for a fleeting moment, it feels as though you're the only two people in the room.
“Who helped you fix the place up?” Joel asks you as Ellie runs off to change the water of the vases. “
"Tommy actually," you explain. "He's been a tremendous help, especially with all the repairs."
Joel’s brows knit together and he ignores the way your smile falters as he speaks, “Well, leave it to my brother to do a shit job. This shop won’t last next winter.”
“O–Oh. . .” you hug yourself, thumbs moving along the contours of your arms. His heart sinks in, leave it to him to make someone feel bad.
“Not to say it can’t be fixed,” he continues abruptly. “I can help you out. Wouldn’t want Ellie’s new favorite spot to get buried under the snow.”
“Really?” you gasp, smile returning. “You would do that?”
“‘Course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“I just. . . I just wasn’t expecting such an offer thank you. It means the world to me.”
Suddenly Joel feels stiff from how deeply you stare at him, and then he realizes how close they are, only a breath away between their lips. He turns his head, grunting, “Don’t mention it,” a stuttered breath leaves him. “Really. Don’t.”
Your growing smile surprises him, as does your not backing away.
“You got it, Mr. Miller.”
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Watching Joel work on fixing the roof of the shop, you can't help but feel a flutter of warmth stir within you. His muscles ripple with each movement, his arms bulging with strength as he lifts heavy beams and hammers nails into place. Beads of sweat glisten on his forehead, catching the sunlight and creating a halo of light around him.
You find yourself mesmerized by the sight, unable to tear your gaze away from the sight of him. His white tank top clings to his chest, damp with sweat, and the short-sleeved flannel he wears hangs open, exposing the tank top underneath. Every movement sends a shiver down your spine, and you can't help but feel a flush of heat rise to your cheeks.
The sound of his grunts fills the air, low and guttural, and it sends a thrill through you that you can't quite explain. There's something primal about the way he works, a raw energy that draws you in and leaves you feeling breathless.
You watch as he reaches up to adjust a beam, his muscles flexing with the effort, and you can't help but imagine what it would feel like to run your hands over his warm, sweaty skin. The thought sends a shudder coursing through you, and you quickly look away, feeling flustered and embarrassed by the intensity of your thoughts.
But no matter how hard you try to focus on something else, your gaze keeps drifting back to Joel, drawn to him like a moth to a flame. And as you watch him work, you can't help but feel a strange sense of longing stir within.
But for now, all you can do is watch and admire from afar, content to bask in the warmth of Joel's presence as he works tirelessly to repair the roof of the shop. And as you watch him, you can't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over you.
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself with determination as you clutch the bowl of freshly picked black mulberries and raspberries in your hands. With a quick glance up at Joel, who is perched precariously on the ladder, you gather your courage and make your way outside.
"Hey, Joel!" you call out, your voice tinged with nervousness as you approach the ladder. "I brought you some fruit and iced tea. Thought you could use a break."
Joel looks down at you with a grateful smile, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. "Thanks. That sounds great."
As he descends the ladder, you can't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with nervousness. With each step he takes, you steal glances at him, unable to tear your gaze away from the sight of him.
But it's when he reaches the bottom of the ladder and stretches upwards to take the bowl of fruit from your hands that you feel your breath catch in your throat. The movement causes his tank top to ride up slightly, revealing a sliver of his stomach, and you swallow thickly at the sight.
As Joel settles down to enjoy the fruit and iced tea, you find yourself drawn to the empty spot next to him on the porch. With a nervous glance in his direction, you take a seat beside him.
The warmth of the wooden porch beneath you contrasts with the cool breeze that sweeps through, and you can't help but feel a sense of calm settle over you as you sit beside Joel. The silence between you is comfortable, broken only by the occasional sound of birds chirping in the distance.
“Lovely day, ain’t it,” Joel takes a bite of the freshly picked black mulberries, the deep purple juice stains his lips, a stark contrast against the ruggedness of his features, and you find yourself mesmerized by the sight.
The juice glistens in the fading sunlight, tracing a vivid trail along his lips as he savors the sweetness of the fruit. Each movement of his jaw seems deliberate, each bite a study in pleasure as he indulges in the simple pleasure of the moment.
A soft breeze rustles through the trees, lifting strands of his hair and sending them dancing in the golden light. But your gaze remains fixed on his lips.
The silence and sight makes you light-headed and eager to say anything, no matter how idiotic it might be. 
“Aren't you a little old to be doing this much heavy lifting?” 
“Aren't you a little too young to be lookin’ at me like that?” 
Your shoulders rise, blood rushing to your head as you look down. Your heart thuds loudly in your chest. Butterflies flutter madly within you, the wings tickling the insides of your stomach. You only swallow. “Your lips are stained from the mulberry.” 
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.” 
He takes another one, biting down with his lips, he finds your gaze. You watch a tiny drop go down his chin. The two of you are close. So incredibly close. It’s been like this since he started working on the shop. A pull that is too hard to ignore. 
“Well,” he breaks the silence. “Better finish up before the sun sets.” 
Joel stands and your heart breaks a little. You blink from where you’re sat, staring at him, yearning for him. 
“Yeah. Wouldn’t want you trying to find your way home in the dark.” 
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“You know, I could’ve come here on my own. I always do.” 
“I know. Just wanted to make sure you have someone lookin’ after you.” 
“For someone to be known as a grump, you’re quite a softie.” 
“I’m leavin’.” 
Your fingers close around his arm, the warmth of his skin sending a shiver down your spine. For a moment, you find yourself frozen in place, your pulse quickening as you realize just how close you are to him.
Joel's gaze meets yours, and you can see a flicker of something in his eyes, something that makes your heart race even faster. His eyes drop to your lips, lingering there for a moment before snapping back up to meet your gaze. You notice the hints of a fading smile, “You were joking,” you say slowly, letting go of him. 
“That I was, wildflower,” he doesn’t move away and neither do you. Your breath catches within your throat, the moment stretching between your two like rubber. Before you can say anything Joel’s eyes flicker to something behind you and he smiles. “I think we’re here.” 
As you turn around, your heart skips a beat. The field of flowers stretches out endlessly, a sea of color and beauty that seems to go on forever. The grass has grown taller since the last time you were here, swaying gently in the breeze and creating a soft, rhythmic rustle that fills the air.
The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm golden light over the landscape and setting the flowers ablaze with color. Reds and yellows, blues and purples, a riot of hues that dance and swirl in the gentle breeze.
You take a step forward, the grass crunching beneath your feet as you walk further into the field. The scent of poppies and blue hyacinths fills your nostrils, sweet and intoxicating, and you can't help but close your eyes and breathe it in.
The wind sweeps across the field, sending waves of grass rippling in its wake. The sound is soothing, a gentle whisper that seems to carry you away on a tide of tranquility.
For a moment, you forget about everything else – the worries and the doubts, the uncertainties and the fears. All that matters is the beauty of this moment, the beauty of this place, and the beauty of being here with Joel. 
With a rush of emotion swirling within you, you turn to Joel, your heart pounding in your chest as you meet his gaze. He's still standing close, his eyes locked on yours with an intensity that takes your breath away.
Without thinking, without hesitating, you lean forward and press your lips to his. At first, Joel is taken aback, his body stiffening in surprise. But then, he caves, his lips moving against yours in a slow, tender rhythm.
His hands come up to cradle your face, his touch gentle yet firm, as if he's afraid you'll disappear if he lets go. You feel his tongue on your bottom lip and open up for him eagerly, the taste of him feels like electricity shooting through you. Heat pools between your legs, Your breasts tingle with the mere thought of having his hands on them, nipples aching and hard. 
Joel breaks away briefly, then closes the distance again. Small hisses against your swollen lips over and over until neither of you can breathe. He hungers for it almost. And so do you. “Joel,” you whisper, eyes cloudy. “Please.” 
“Is that what you want, wildflower?” he drags his nose down the side of your cheek, facial hair scratching delightfully against the sensitive skin of your neck. “For me to fuck you here? Right out in the open?” his voice trembles. “Like animals?” 
“God, yes—” your insides clench. “I would want nothing more. Been thinking about you since the day I met you, your hands, your mouth, you as a whole.” 
His hands drop to your ass and he gives the tender flesh a strong squeeze, “You want me?” 
“I do.” 
You suddenly find yourself on the ground, the grass tickling your exposed legs and arms, the skirt of your dress rolled up to your waist. Joel’s weight is a welcoming comfort on top of you, another gust of warm wind blows. With a groan, he pulls down the sweetheart neckline of your dress, exposing both your breasts. While holding one, he kisses the other, drawing the stiff nipple into his mouth. He sucks harshly, your body jolting with pleasure. The soaking mess between your legs grows. 
“Joel,” you moan, back arching. “Fuck—” 
He swirls the tip of his tongue around the nipple and grazes his teeth against it. Calloused fingers play with the other. Your mind is swimming in pleasure. He brings the skirt of your dress further up and traces his lips down the fabric, when you look down, you see him between your legs, his eyes darker than normal as he stares into your soul. The tips of his fingers dance along the elastic of your panties, asking for permission. 
You breathe out a yes, barely audible, but he nods and tugs the fabric down. When he latches his mouth on to you, the world stops. His mouth feels divine. His tongue delves between your folds, the bridge of his nose rubbing against your clit. You shudder against him and he moans into you. The reverberations of the sound force a gasp out of you and you swear you feel him smiling. 
His fingers trace patterns along your thighs, teasing and stroking as his mouth works wonders between your legs. You're on the edge, the pleasure building up with each flick of his tongue. You reach down and bury your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer, guiding him where you need him the most.
Joel picks up the pace, his tongue moving faster, his fingers slipping inside of you. You can feel your body starting to tighten, the coil in your stomach about to unravel. You grip onto him tighter, your hips bucking against his mouth, and with one final flick of his tongue, you come undone.
You cry out his name, your body shaking with the force of your orgasm. Joel continues to lightly lick and suck, drawing out your pleasure until you're completely spent. He makes his way back up to your lips, kissing you deeply as you both catch your breath.
“That was…” you trail off, unable to find the right words for the mind-blowing experience you just had.
“Amazin’,” Joel finishes for you.
You nod, still a little breathless. You wrap your arms around him, pressing your body against his. Joel's hands roam over your back, his touch sending shivers down your spine. You can feel his erection against your thigh, and you know that he needs release just as much as you do.
“Been so long since I’ve tasted somethin’ this sweet,” he rasps. “Thank you.” 
You hear the blood rushing in your ears, “You’re the sweet one,” you mumble, tenderly touching the scratchy surface of his cheek. “So sweet.” 
He smiles and as he kisses the curve of your palm, shuffles above you, starting to get up. A deep frown forms between your brows. “And where are you going?” you pout, wrapping your arms around him. You feel the outline of his length as he lowers himself once more, the tips of your noses brushing against one another.
“I thought you wanted to gather some flowers.” 
“Not yet,” you murmur, eyes glazed. “At least, not before feeling you inside me.” 
“Fuck, darlin’,” he lets out a whimpering breath, grinding himself against your bare cunt. “You really know how to get a man goin’.” 
“Prove it.” 
His eyes flicker with an emotion you can’t quite describe. His breath stutters, then, without even looking, he unbuckles himself, never breaking eye contact. Joel’s hair ruffles with the wind, yet he doesn’t even blink. The head of his cock catches against your clit, ripping a moan from your throat. He fills you with one sloppy thrust, the length of him stretching you enough to have your eyes rolling to the back of your skull. 
“Joel—Oh my god—” 
“That’s it, good girl, takin’ my cock so well. Feels good?” 
Slack-jawed, you nod. He goes deeper. “Want you to feel me for weeks, wildflower. And I want you to think of me every time you come to this god—” thrust. “—damn” thrust. “—field.” 
You can only moan at his words, his hands grip your lovehandles, squeezing and pulling you closer to him every time he rocks forward. His head falls into the crook of your neck, sinking his teeth into the sensitive skin, he sucks. Your body convulses, shaking against him. 
Sparks ricochet through every limb of your body as you feel the heat pooling in your core. Joel moves his hand from your lower back to cup your breast, his fingers teasing and plucking at your nipple. The pleasure ricochets through your body, making you feel like you're on fire.
“Come for me, darlin’.” Joel growls into your ear, his voice rough and primal. “Come on my cock.”
His words send you over the edge, your body shaking and convulsing beneath him as he continues to thrust into you relentlessly. The world blurs around you, all your senses consumed by the feeling of Joel's body against yours.
"Joel—" you moan, your voice lost in the wind as you reach your peak. 
He groans in response, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he chases his own release. After one final, deep thrust, he pulls out and spills over your stomach, his body shaking against yours. You both ride out the waves of pleasure until finally, you collapse against each other, panting and spent.
You lay in the flower field, a tangled mess of limbs and sweaty bodies. Joel's arms are still wrapped tightly around you, his face buried in your neck as he tries to catch his breath. You run your fingers through his hair, feeling the warmth of his body.
"I've never felt anything like this before," you say quietly, almost to yourself.
Joel lifts his head to look at you, his eyes softening. "Me neither, wildflower. Me neither."
As the sun begins to set, you both lay there, entwined in each other's arms. The field has become a symbol of something more than beauty. And as long as those flowers bloom, you know your love for each other will continue to grow.
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A week. 
A week without hearing from him, seeing him, touching him. 
A painful week. 
It’s almost as if he never existed. As if the moment in your favorite field was nothing but your imagination. The only reason why you know it's real is because Ellie still comes by every day, and despite knowing it’s impossible, you still feel him deep inside. It only heightens whenever you have to travel back to the field to gather flowers for the shop. 
You watch as Ellie places more daisies into a vase. She’s been her usual self, joking around, telling you about all the details of her life. It’s hard not to ask her about Joel and how he’s been. 
Some nasty part of your mind whispers words of discouragement, telling you he only wanted you for your body, for your charm, and got what he wanted. Your heart clenches. It might be true. You were young after all, emotional, broken. He’d already gone through all that, killed to stay alive, for loved ones, gone through grief—why would he want to take on another’s problems as well? 
“Hey, Ellie?” 
She turns to you, eyes slightly wide due to the rasp of your voice, “Yeah boss?” 
“Can you watch the shop for a second, I have something I need to do that I forgot about.” 
You don't wait for her nod as you exit the shop. You know he’s home. He has to be. 
Luckily it doesn’t take you long to reach their house, your knock is loud and swift. You know you’ve taken him by surprise by the expression when he opens the door. His mouth is slightly ajar, his brows knit together. 
“What are you—” 
“I came to talk,” you brush past him, heading inside. Joel lingers at the door but soon after follows you inside anyway. 
He sighs, “What do you want to talk about?” 
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for what's to come. "Us," you reply, your voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside you. "I need to know what happened, Joel. Why you've been avoiding me."
Joel's jaw clenches at your words, his gaze flickering away for a moment before returning to meet yours. "I ain't good for you," he says, his voice rough with emotion. "You deserve better than someone like me."
You feel a surge of anger rising within you at his words, frustration bubbling up to the surface. "That's for me to decide, Joel," you say, your voice tinged with defiance. "I'm not some fragile flower that needs to be protected. I can make my own choices, and right now, I choose you."
Joel's expression softens slightly at your words, but there's still a hint of sadness in his eyes. "You don't know what you're saying," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm a mess, a broken man with too much blood on his hands. You deserve someone who can give you the world, not someone who can barely keep himself together. You’re young. You still have so much ahead of you—"
“No! That’s not what I want. I want you, you’re the only person who’s made me feel like. . . like myself. . .before. And wanted.” 
Your voice begins to shake, you see the hesitation within his body, hod his hand slightly moves forward to hold you, to touch you, but he doesn’t. 
“I can’t do this to you,” his hands slide into his pockets, he gestures to the door. “Get out.” 
The blood freezes in your veins, your eyes grow wide, your chest constricts, “What?” 
“I said to get out,” he repeats, a little louder this time. “Get out, please.” 
And you do. 
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“You need to get your shit together.” 
“Language, Ellie, dammit.” 
She glares at him from across the table. It’s an early morning, earlier than he’d liked. He’s been feeling hallowed out ever since your visit. He could see the hurt in your eyes, the betrayal. He knew that he’d broken something when avoiding you, something tender and not so easily fixable. 
But what was he supposed to do? You were young, he didn’t want to trap you, didn’t want you to throw the best years of your life for an old man like him. 
Briefly, he squeezes his eyes shut. His head hurts. All he can think about is you, your body, how eager it was to take him, the delectable curves he couldn’t get enough of. 
He misses your taste on his tongue. 
“She’s miserable too, you know.” 
Joel’s eye snap wide open. “Who?” 
“You know who,” she shakes her head. “I don’t know what happened between you two, but she’s definitely upset and so are you—Just fix it. Don’t be an asshole” 
He let’s out a sigh, she’s right. He needs to fix this somehow. Joel stares at Ellie, her words hitting him harder than he expected. He hadn't realized just how much his actions had affected not only you but also Ellie. The weight of his own guilt settles heavily on his shoulders, a constant reminder of the mess he's made.
"Yeah," he mutters, his voice rough with emotion. "I know."
He runs a hand through his hair, the tension in his muscles making every movement feel heavy and strained. He knows he needs to make things right, to somehow find a way to mend the rift he's created between you and him.
But how? How could he possibly make things right after everything that's happened?
"I'll talk to her," he says finally, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll fix it."
Ellie nods in approval, her expression softening slightly as she looks at him. "Good," she says, her tone gentle. "Because I don't want to see either of you hurting anymore."
She was right and he knew it. 
“The shop’s closed today,” Ellie says as he grabbed his jacket. “I don’t know where she is.” 
But he did. He knew exactly where you would be. The place he tasted you, the place he felt your body against him. 
Joel's heart sinks as he approaches the flower field and sees you sitting there, your shoulders hunched over as you hug your knees to your chest. He can hear your sobs from a distance, the sound echoing through the quiet morning air.
For a moment, he hesitates, unsure of what to do or say. But then, with a heavy sigh, he pushes aside his doubts and makes his way towards you.
As he draws closer, he can see your whole body trembling with the force of your emotions. His heart aches at the sight, knowing that he's the cause of your pain. He kneels infront of you, gently touching your wrists.
"Hey," he says softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's me, Joel."
You startle at the sound of his voice, lifting your head to look at him with tear-streaked eyes. For a moment, there's a flicker of surprise in your gaze, followed by a wave of raw emotion.
"Joel?" you choke out, your voice thick with tears. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to find you," he says, his voice filled with regret. "I couldn't stand the thought of you hurtin’ like this."
"I thought... I thought you didn't care," You sniffle, wiping away the tears with the back of your hand. 
Joel reaches out to gently brush a strand of hair away from your face, his touch light and tender. "I care more than you know," he says. "I made a mistake, a big one, and I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just didn’t want you to. .  .I didn’t think I deserved someone like you."
"I missed you," you admit softly, tears still streaming down your cheeks.
Joel's heart clenches at your words, a rush of emotion flooding through him. Without hesitation, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you close as you bury your face against his chest.
"I missed you too, wildflower," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. "And I promise, I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy."
He hears the smile in your voice. 
“You already do.” 
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sebscore · 9 months
Can you write something with Kimi in his Alfa Romeo seasons and driver!reader? I miss him so much :(
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pairings: raikkonen family x driver!reader
author's note: is this inspired by that cute antonio and kimi moment in abu dhabi '21? Yes. i miss him too :((
• • • • • • •
''You want to swap helmets later?'' Kimi asked her, the sound of screaming and applauding fans surrounding them as they stood on the moving bus. 
Her eyes widened as the question left his lips, surprised that the Alfa Romeo driver would want to do the tradition with her. ''Uh, yeah, sure. I would love to.'' Her slightly open mouth turned into a bright smile. 
''Rianna has been asking for you the entire week so you can see her then as well.'' The Finn grinned. The female driver had been Kimi's daughter's favourite driver since the girl had started attending the F1 races. 
Y/N chuckled at his words. ''I'll bring some merch for her and Ace.'' 
''Really? That's very sweet, they'll like it a lot.'' Kimi appreciated all the time she would spend with his kids, knowing the joy it brought to them. 
''I love spoiling my fans,'' she smiled, ''as long as I get like a cool helmet from you, though! I'm very particular about my collection.'' 
The young woman was known for all the helmets of other drivers she had received over the years. She had proudly shown them off in a livestream after someone asked about the drivers she had swapped helmets with, even admitting she had to buy several extra shelves to store all of them. 
''I was told, I'll do my best.'' Kimi laughed, recalling someone from the Alfa Romeo team telling him about the driver's special collection as soon as he informed them about his desire to swap helmets with her. 
The Iceman didn't disappoint, gifting her one of his more unique helmet designs of the season with a short, but sentimental message written on the side: ''You've proven them wrong. Keep going. Stay smiling.'' His signature penned under it. 
Y/N had written a longer goodbye: ''Thank you for all the great races you have given us. It was an honour to share the track with you these last years. Good luck with your ice cubes, Iceman :)'' 
They mumbled a ''thank you'' towards each other as they handed one another their helmets, reading the messages with soft smiles on their faces. The pair posed for a picture together, their own respective team's photographers and Kimi's wife, Minttu, snapping a photo of them. 
''I'm gonna miss your silence.'' Y/N chuckled, causing others to do so as well. 
''I will miss your loudness.'' Kimi retorted, having everyone laugh even harder at his blunt and witty response. 
The Finn reached out to her with his free arm, initiating a hug with the young woman. She was caught off guard. The man had never offered her an embrace before- their physical interactions only going as far as a fistbump. 
She accepted, wrapping her own free arm briefly around him and resting her hand on his back. Kimi patted her own back a few times. 
The pair pulled back, satisfied smiles on both their faces. The Alfa Romeo driver crouched down next to his daughter. ''We will see her soon, okay?'' He reassured Rianna, who didn't take her eyes off the female driver as she absentmindedly nodded to what her father was saying. 
''You can visit me and we can eat a lot of food together.'' Y/N told the small girl. Rianna smiled brightly at her words, nodding her head. 
''Say bye bye to Y/N.'' Kimi whispered to her. 
Rianna stepped out of her father's arms. ''Bye bye, Y/N.'' The little girl skipped over to her, jumping into the older woman's embrace. ''Bye bye.'' Y/N kissed the side of Rianna's head, touched by the youngest Raikkonen's love. 
As the girls pulled apart, Kimi picked his daughter up- facing his, now, former competitor. ''Have a safe trip home, okay?'' 
Y/N nodded, appreciating his concern. ''You guys too.'' 
Minttu stepped forward, also offering the woman a hug. ''We wish you the best next season. We'll continue to root for you.'' She smiled, stating her support for the female driver. 
''Thank you so much, and have a nice Christmas together.'' Y/N said to her, appreciating that their family would continue rooting for her. She also high-fived a shy looking Robin who clinged to his mother. 
''We'll call, okay?'' Kimi mimicked a phone with his hand, looking at her. She nodded her head, delighted the man wanted to continue having contact with her. 
''We will.'' 
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eevees-hobbies · 7 days
How the Hashira sleep with you and your 9-month-old between you
Author's Note: I was up at 2 AM last night writing in my notes app because this idea struck me. This is my first time writing headcanons, but as always, I’m inspired by some of the fantastic ideas of other content creators!
Content Warning: You have a child with your partner, and they sleep in bed with you. There is also a brief mention of breastfeeding. This will not be for you if you’re sensitive to those things. This is pure fluff.
How the Hashira sleep with you and your 9-month-old between you
Contains: Rengoku, Uzui, Iguro, Shinazugawa & Tomioka 
Kyojuro Rengoku 
Kyo was meant for this. There’s no reality in which Kyojuro doesn’t want to be a father to as many kids as you’re willing to give him. His arm is always wrapped around you both—having you and the baby in the same room as you all sleep, being able to provide comfort, body heat, and a sense of protection, brings him so much joy. 
Kyojuro wakes up periodically during the night to look at you both as you sleep. He will also pay extra attention to checking on your child, placing a large hand on their small frame and feeling the rise and fall of their chest; he’ll smile to himself—his child is happy, healthy, and safe. 
Rengoku is also great at soothing the baby when they wake up: “Shhh, little one. Let’s let mommy sleep.” 
Nine times out of ten, he’ll be able to put your baby back down to sleep. The one time he can’t, the child will need to be fed, and Rengoku swells with pride as he watches you nurse them.
Once you’re done nursing, he’ll quickly run to get you some water and a small snack because he knows it takes a lot of energy to breastfeed. 
“You’re a good mother,” he says as he strokes your hair, looking over your shoulder at your milk-drunk child. “I can’t wait to do this again and again.”
Tengen Uzui
Tengen is annoyed when you place the child next to you—you didn’t even ask him! You explain that it’s easier for night feedings, and the baby sleeps better between you both. He admits it’s true, and the change drastically improved his own sleep. 
But Tengen HATES giving up the level of intimacy he had with you and many times ponders if kicking the baby out would be the obvious solution. With venom in your tone, you assure him there’s no need to bother his pretty little head with such ridiculous thoughts. He is aghast, but admittedly, he likes that you’re protective of their child, even against him.
Eventually, the child moves to their room, and Tengen has you all back to himself during the night! And, oh, has he missed it.
Obanai Iguro
Obanai really wishes he could get his bed back and is grumpy at first as despite his small stature, he takes up a LOT of space when sleeping. 
But his heart melts as your child always curls up against him, seeking his father’s warmth and comfort. He’ll stare down at them, still unable to believe he contributed to something so beautiful and perfect. 
He’ll plant a kiss on his child’s small tuft of black hair and then on the crown of your head, his arm snaking around his child, and holding your hand while you sleep quietly. So yeah, he’ll start off annoyed, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
When you suggest moving the child out of your shared room, Obanai is taken aback.
“Let’s not be too hasty! They sleep so well with us.”
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Sanemi grew up sleeping in the same room as his family, so he isn’t surprised or put out that the baby sleeps between you both. 
He’d never admit it, but he feels a lot less anxiety at the thought of something happening to you and your child when you’re all sleeping together. 
Sure, sometimes he’ll wake up with a baby foot in his mouth or get woken up by a sleepy yet firm baby smack to his face, but he’ll grumble lovingly and drift back off to sleep, finding comfort in the fact that his family is safe and sound. 
Sometimes, Sanemi has to pull the baby off you at night when it spreads its limbs over your face. 
“Hey, get back here!”
Giyu Tomioka
Giyu is not a fan of a baby sleeping in his bed and will likely never be. He misses cuddling with you, holding your hand as you sleep, and waking up as the little or big spoon to your duo.
It’s hard to be a spoon in a trio—he feels more like a fork.
He’s an amazing father, though, and leads the nighttime routine of bath time, bedtime stories, and gently rocking the small baby in his arms. 
Eventually, he’ll rearrange the futons so that you’re between the baby and himself, which is his way of getting to spoon you again. Clever!
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redheadspark · 4 months
This Little Life
Summary - You are settling into your new life as a new mother to Alec, and Azriel helps you along the way
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Warnings - some angst but mostly fluff
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“Ah, let’s take a look at these wings, shall we?”
You and Azriel watched Madja examine your 2-month-old son, who was wiggling in her hold as she chuckled and looked at the small pair of bat wings against his backside.  He was too occupied with the small toy he was gumming in his mouth to feel Madja run her fingers along the delicate wings for a reflex test.  Although you knew he was healthy, you were still on edge with him as Azriel's eyes were trained on his son at every moment.
The first two months with Alec in your life were filled with bliss and milestones.  You never knew you could be this happy, not until Alec came into your life and turned it upside down in the best way.  He was an easy babe to handle, from nursing to sleeping Alec never once gave you trouble.  He adored being held by either you or Azriel, finding peace in the arms of his parents when he was fussy or when he couldn’t sleep.  Especially with his father, who would always rock him to sleep when he could.  Alec was the blessing you both needed, and you both cherished every single moment you had with him.
But you still had moments of not doing a good enough job, which perhaps was a normal feeling for new mothers to endure.  No matter that Alec was an easy baby to care for, that he lit up your day with his smile or his bright eyes.  Those small flickers of doubt crept in when you eat expected it, nestled in the back of your mind to take over for a few solid moments.  Wondering if he was eating or sleeping enough, pondering if you were holding him to touch or not enough.  
Azriel, sensing it and feeling it through the bond, would pull you out of the darkness with a pull of his hands and a hush of his voice.  He saw it in your eyes as you were zoned out for a long moment, reassuring you with his words and in his gentle touches.  You loved him for that, knowing that your mate was devoted to you and your well-being.  Especially since It involved you being the best mother to his son.
“Those doubts in your mind are lies, my love,” he hummed against your forehead as you cried into his chest one night, your son sleeping in his bassinet not too far away and you were telling Azriel all that was festering in your mind.  He knew you never had to say it or tell him, he felt it through the bond and how you were feeling lower than low.  Yet Azriel simply held you, his embrace was both possessive and gentle while you were crying and molding yourself against him.
“You are an exceptional mother, our son is lucky to have you as his mom, and I am lucky to have you as my mate and share our son with you.  Alec knows you would move the moon for him, as do I,” he said into your skin like a seal as you were clinging onto him, “Lean on me when it’s heavy and I will carry you, tell me when those lies come back again and I will snuff them out with my shadows.  I will always, always, keep you on your feet and bring you happiness and love, always,” 
Since then, Azriel always kept an extra eye on you and made sure you felt extra loved and adored.  Not that he didn’t do that before, but he was always attentive to you and made you feel like the luckiest being in all of Night Court and beyond.  But now it magnified, fresh flowers in a vase by your bedside, making you dinners that were both hearty and delicious, taking you on walks when you two had downtime.  When it came to Alec, Azriel did not mind taking the helm in some of the busy work.  Changing Alec, rocking him to sleep when he was fussy, even helping bathe Alec and his wings which made his day and brought some joy to the pair of you.  
But no matter the sleepless nights, the constant fatigue, and never-ending worries, Alec was the light of your life.  You loved hearing his laugh, anything and everything amused Alec and made him giggle or shriek.  He also was ever curious about everything around him, his eyes were a rare blue scanning everything in his sight and you knew he got that from his father.  He even almost had the same scowl as his father, which was amusing, to say the least.  
Alec was equally loved by the Inner Circle, especially by Nesta and Cassian.  You knew they were thinking about having children of their own, though they were willing to wait a bit more because of Nesta’s hesitance on Motherhood.  But you knew Cassian would wait for however long it took since he loved his mate so deeply.  Yet when they would hold Alec, seeing his face light up as he would babble at Nesta or attempt to grab Cassian’s hair, it was evident in their smiles and eyes.
They were ready for their own little family.  
“His wings are coming along,” Madja explained as her trained eyes were looking along each wing, touching the delicate bones that were under the membrane skin and Alec squirming in her hold, “When he gets bigger you should start stretching his wings out to be strong enough to fly.”
“Fly?” You asked tentatively, Azriel squeezing your shoulder in reassurance.  You couldn’t wrap your head around the notion of your son flying, and although he was still a newborn, the day he would fly was not too far away.  Flying was an Illryian right of passage so to speak, an ancient and important passage that every Illyrian being would have to partake in for the first time in one’s life.  It was mostly meant for the male though, female Illryians had their wings clipped instantly when they were of age.  You, of course, were able to dodge that burden thanks to Rhysand and his mother.  The horror stories you heard about females and their wings being stripped from them in such a brutal way, it made you paranoid for yourself when you grew up.
Luckily for you, Azriel swore to you that he would never let anyone strip your wings, seeing you as his equal in every way.  
“I wouldn’t worry now,” Madja hummed as you, then grinning as she propped Alec on her hip as he was still gnawing at the small toy in his mouth with ease.  She walked him over to you, Alec gaining at the sight of you and he reached out with grabby hands and a shriek on his lips, “He’s in good health and one of the happiest babes I’ve ever worked with.  You should be proud,”
You nuzzled your son in his arms, breathing in his baby scent with ease as Azriel pressed a kiss into Alec’s raven hair.  You smiled at Madja as she was packing up her bag, “Thank you, Madja.”
“Pleasure is mine, and I enjoy your little one compared to the other Illryain babes I’ve handled in the past.  He’s an easy one, must have gotten it from his father,” Madja joked, you snorted from her comment of Azriel while he felt a bit flushed.  
Madja walked out of the house, leaving the three of you together in your cramped but cozy living room.  Although your little cottage was well put away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Velaris, the soft sounds of the city being lively floated into your open front door to hover over the soft silence of the meadow. 
Your little house was the perfect mixture of yourself and Azriel that you added over the centuries.  It used to belong to a farmer, who went to Rhysand for assistance some time ago in need of finding new land for his crops.  He mentioned to Rhysand that he was selling the home, to which Rhysand mentioned it to Azriel since Rhysand knew Azriel was looking for a home for you two to settle in as new Mates.   
So Azriel bought the home and gifted you as a Mating gift. 
“Look at you being a healthy little one,” Azriel cooed at Alec, who was smiling widely with a toothless grin.  Azriel chuckled at the sight, “I think we should celebrate,”
“What do you have in mind?” You asked him, seeing him look out the small windows for a brief moment.  Your eyes went in the same direction, seeing the large view of the mountain range that was tucked away behind Velaris.  
“How about we go to the mountains?” He suggested to you, you keeping your eyes on the massive mountain peaks as he spoke again, “It’s perfect weather for some time in the mountain, especially near the lake by Rhysand’s family cabin.”
You grinned at the thought of being able to get out of the city for a few hours.  The mountains were a good safe haven for the pair of you, plenty of weekends together when either one of you were too stressed or too wound tight.  The crisp air in the morning, the calming sounds of the riverbanks and lake, even the distinct scent of the high pines and the fresh dirt.  You knew it brought Azriel some peace compared to being in the craziness of Velaris, and you loved it just the same.  Now that you had Alec, it would be the perfect time to take your son to the mountains and to have that family time with both your mate and son.
“I think that’s perfect,” You hummed, seeing Azriel grin widely at you since you were willing to take a few hours away with himself and Alec.
“I’ll let Rhysand know that we’ll use his second cabin for the day, and maybe for the night too,” Azriel said to you as you raised an eyebrow at him.
“You’re not going to ask?” You questioned him, though he simply smirked at you as he shrugged.
“If I mention Alec, he won’t mind,” he smoothly answered.  You had to give it to him, he knew that Rhysand was a sucker for your son.  
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“You wanna feel the water?  It’s so nice,” You said to Alec as he was eyeing the lake in front of him with wide eyes.  He was perched in your lap, the pair of you at the end of the small pier with your legs already in the water.  Alec huffed, kicking his legs in your lap as you reached down to gather some water in your hand to have Alec splat his fingers in.  You had to laugh, seeing Alec’s bright blue eyes go big from the touch of cool water.  
“Should have known you would be a water babe,” You joked as you scooped some more water, Alec once again splashing the water in your palm and laughing as he did.  You never minded that you were getting water droplets on your shorts, or even in your hair that was in two Dutch braids down your back, all you were thinking about was how happy Alec was.
True to Azriel’s assumption, Rhysand let you use his cabin.  This was not his first cabin, which was in the middle of the Illyrian mountains.  This newer cabin with modern finishes was a gift from Feyre to Rhysand, an anniversary present that was a bit bigger to hold more than two beings in the home.  It had amazing view of the surrounding mountains and a massive lake in the front of the cabin that was enchanted to only be seen by those staying at the cabin.  Magic was laced in the cabin itself, almost like the magic of the townhouse transferred into the cabin itself.  
Rhysand was more than willing when Azriel contacted him and told him about wanting to have time with you and Alec away from Velaris.  Rhysand understood, he too knew what it was like to want more family time when Nyx was younger and his family was freshly formed.  You were grateful that Rhsyand and Feyre knew what it was like to have the newborn, both the blessings and hardships that came with it.  Feyre was beyond helpful when you were feeling uneasy and insecure about being a mother, letting you know that it was beyond normal to feel such a way and that you were doing an amazing job.  
You were grateful to have the High Lord and High Lady in your corner.  
The cabin was in great shape when you two arrived, bringing along some snacks to munch on throughout the day and perhaps staying for the night.  Opening the large windows to let the mountain breeze come in, the lake was rippling and inviting.  So you decided to take Alec onto the little pier while Azriel went to unpack your bags.  
“What are you two up to?” You heard behind you, a pair of feet walking up the pair in your direction as you looked over your shoulder.  Azriel, wearing his own pair of shorts and a midnight blue tank top was grinning at the sight.  
“Showing your son the lake, and I think he’s a fan,” You explained, Azriel chuckled as he sat down next to you, reaching over to Alec who was attempting to reach down to the water and wiggle out of your hold, “Come here, bub.  No need to get too wet,”
Alec was happily perched in his father’s lap, looking at the rippling water below with the reflection dancing along his face.  You leaned back on your hands, soaking in the warmth of the sun along your skin and the cool breeze soaring in.  It was nice to not hear about the constantly busy city, and although you loved Velaris and all the blessings it gave you over the years, being out in nature was another element that was therapeutic for you.  
“What did Rhysand say?” You asked Azriel as you had your eyes closed, soaking in the sun on your skin.
“He told us to stay for however long we wanted, or for however long Alec wanted,” He informed you, to which you cracked a grin, “I told you Rhysand would do anything for him,”
“Our son has the High Lord of Night Court wrapped around his finger,” You teased, “I’m not surprised when it comes to my Cousin.”
The soft sound of splashing was heard, making you open your eyes to look over at the source of the sound.  Azriel’s feet were kicking in the water, though Alec was nestled in his arms and slowly fell asleep from the small rocking from Azriel.  His eyes were getting droopy, his hands opening and closing absentmindedly, yet he looked comfortable in his father’s arms.  It instantly warmed your heart, tilting your head as Azriel watched the lake.  
“How is it that he can fall asleep in your arms?” You asked him, Azriel looking down at Alec, seeing how his eyes were lazily blinking and looking up at the sky while trying to stay awake.  
“I don’t know,” He answered with a small shrug, not wishing to jostle Alec who was losing the will to stay awake as his eyes were now drifting closed faintly, “He was always this way since he was born.  Though I don’t mind,”
Leaning your arm against his own, you perched your head on his shoulder and watched your son who was now fast asleep, seeing his hair flowing a bit in the wind while his head was perched right on Azriel’s chest.  Azriel’s fingers lightly rubbed Alec’s arms, a soothing rhythm back and forth along his son’s soft skin.
“How are you, my love?” Azriel asked you gently, his voice so soft and yet hinted with some concern as you grinned, pressing a kiss against his shoulder.
“I’m well,” You answered, “Better these days thanks to you.”
“You look well,” He hummed, you blushing as he kept his hazel eyes on you, “And I can feel it in our bond too.  I feel bad that I’ve been away more than I should be when I should be here with you and Alec—“
“No no,” You gently interrupted, looking at Azriel with love in your eyes as you wrapped your arm around his lower waist, your other hand moving his inky black hair from his eyes, “You are taking care of us and doing an amazing job at being his father,”
Azriel grinned, looking back at your sleeping son who curled into Azriel’s hold and was softly snoring.  Azriel was also a person of doubt from time to time, wondering if he was providing enough for his little family or not enough.  He loved you and Alec, far more than he loved himself, and he would be devastated if his world was rocked.  He hated leaving for missions, not that he loved doing missions before.  But now he would rather stay at home with you and Alec, even doing pain-staking paperwork if it meant he was there with you both.
“I don’t want any other life, Az.” You reassured him, seeing him look back at you with new warmth in his eyes, “This life is what I want and one I’ll ever need.  I’ll take the good and the bad days because I know you’ll be with me every step of the way,”
No matter how many centuries came and went being together, you always had an intense love for Azriel like you did when you two first fell for each other.  From being young teenagers with baggage and burden, to now new parents with a bright future ahead, you would take Azriel and Alec over anything else in this world.  
Azriel kissed you under the sun, Alec nestled between you two as you framed his face and kissed him back just as sweetly.
The End
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
yandere mw2 characters with a reader who tries running away? (price, ghost, and alejandro)
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Warning: punishments and angry boys.
A/N: hope you enjoy :]!
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Captain “Price” John:
Less pleased about the incident. Cursing out, throwing out his cigar before checking your location.
He's immediately right behind you, yelling your name while catching up to you; immediately grasping your shirt, pulling you onto his shoulder, and taking you back home from the long journey that you started.
Once at home, Price is staying calm, a type of unnerving calm that's extremely uncomfortable. He's sent you to your room, like a child, and doesn't come in till he calms down to talk to you.
— "Why can't you see that I need to protect you?" He asked sternly, arms crossed against his chest as he looks at you sitting on the bed.
You stayed silent — like you always did. You heard him sigh before feeling the weight next to you deepen, signaling he was right next to you. "I just want to protect you. This is for your greater good. I don't want to do the extra mile with you, but if I have to. I will."
His reaction is very... dad like. While he does forgive you, he will not let you get away with it without consequences.
The 'extra mile' is stripping your privacy and removing your social life, completely.
That means that you won't be able to contact any of your friends, family, or simply anyone you enjoy time with. As well as for privacy, you won't be allowed to be alone for more than 2 minutes; having him constantly following you like some type of guard dog.
Need to make yourself breakfast? Let him do it. He's better at cooking; plus, you might hurt youself. Want to watch TV? Sure, just let him sit beside you. Want to head out and do a run? Maybe, depends on the weather. Even then, he's coming along.
While Price is easy to forgive, it doesn't mean he forgets. If the two of you get into a fight, he will bring it back up and threaten you with it. Possibly, add that he should've done more.
Although, the worse he will do is chain you to the bed. Possibly take away any electronics and things that bring you joy (ex: reading books, sleeping with stuffed animals, eating sweets, etc.)
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Simon “Ghost” Riley:
Expected it. Already thought it through, he's already ahead of you, chasing you down with his swift moves. He's efficient to know exactly where you are. The minute you think he's away, he's right behind you, a strong hand against your lower back as he carries you back to the shared home.
At first, he's angry — upset that you would thrash and run off when he has to protect you. But, after realizing that yelling was not doing so well; he was forced to put himself in your shoes.
I mean... waking up in a random bed, in the middle of nowhere, and somebody you thought you could trust; it's a big deal to process.
That being said, he will leave you alone, then come back with dinner an hour later. Sitting down in the bedroom with you and looking at you with a intense look.
— "Look, you don't have to speak. That's fine. Just let me talk." He stated, grabbing a chair and scooting it closer to the bed, sitting on it with a sigh and a few pops coming from his knees:
"I understand you're upset. But I need you to understand I'm doing this to protect you. For this reason, because of what happened today, I'll need to some change things."
His reaction is more... stricter after this incident.
The 'change' around the house consists of him being too over your shoulder; stripping your privacy by 90%.
Being in the bathroom for more than 5 minutes? He's knocking on the door, asking if things are fine. Want to go outside? Sure, but he has to be with you. Showering alone? Yeah, no. He's either joining you (with consent) or staying the in bedroom to watch you.
All the windows and doors are placed under severe locks, and some of them are insanely protected to the point its almost bolted shut.
At night, his grip around you is much tighter. He's always staying up later, watching you as you read books in bed or TV, whichever one you prefer. He'll try to strike up a conversation, watching your body language and skills.
While he is mad, he won't hold it up against you. Ghost would rather forget about it and move on. That doesn't mean he forgets. If this does happen again, the consequences are not lighter, rather semi-harsher.
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Alejandro “Colonel” Vargas:
Stunned and displeased. At first, he was shocked; he thought you didn't have the guts. But, what did he know?
Much like the others, he's completely onto you. A trained soldier who's much faster than you. He's catching up with you, like a game of cat and mouse that's about to end.
In a second, you're caught in his hold, and quickly pulls you into a forced hug. him insisting that you need to calm down.
Sure, he's angry — you could've gotten hurt. Or worse. But, he hides it; doesn't show it to scare you or make the situation worse than it is.
Immediately, he's giving you space. He's going outside, leaving you alone in the house to think it through before approaching you with your favorite food and drink.
— "I understand you're scared, I know you're confused, mi amor. I do." He stated, crouching in front of you with his hands surrendering in a 'peace offering'.
He looked at you, watching your lip tremble with uncertainty. He reached over and grasped your hand, watching your body language before continuing to talk.
"But you don't have to be. I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? What you did today, isn't your fault."
While he does blame the two of you, he mostly blames himself. Much like Ghost, he forced himself into your shoes; witnessing your confusion and uncertainty about the situation.
His reaction is guilty, and anger. They're both portrayed as him, he's upset at himself for not showing you he's not capable of protecting and loving you. While his reaction is more different from the others, he's more concerned about your opinion of him.
Though, he will do extra things to make this doesn't happen again. He'll have Rudy come over more, and have cameras set outside. Specifically in the entry and exit areas.
Certain windows and doors are bolted shut. The doors he and Rudy come in have certain locks and passcodes.
Just like the others, he will be more observant and coddled around you. If you decide to cook, he has to be in the same room or participate in it. Wanna head outside and shop? Sure, just don't shove his hands around your lower waist or back. Let it stay where he wants to put it.
During the night, he makes sure to hold your hand and cover you more. Kissing you and showing you he's not a threat. Buying you things and spoiling you more than he should. But, you deserve it.
Although, he will give hints that the next time you do this, he will make sure everything will be a bit more difficult.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking. Stay well!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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madameminor · 2 months
In More Ways Than One, Part 10 - Bad Batch x F!Reader - Crossed
Summary: You just want to restock the ship - but Crosshair has other plans.
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Tags: (the series is) 18+ smutty mcsmutterson, porn with plot, basically, all the good stuff
Warnings: P in V sex, 'ownership' mentioned, rough sex (hand on throat, some throwing around), squirting, sensual sex, use of pet names. Top! then soft Crosshair.
Notes: I hope you all enjoy :). People have been asking after this chapter for awhile, which brings me SO MUCH HAPPY! Please share the happy by reblogging. (For real, if you love it enough to ask for more, my dears, please reblog. It brings me such joy - don't you want to bring me joy?? 😭)
Word Count:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 3.5 Part 4 Part 4.5 Part 5 Part 5.5 Part 6 Part 6.5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 8.5 Part 9 Part 9.5 Part 10
“That didn’t count!!!”
Crosshair smirks around his toothpick. “A pin is a pin, Wrecker,” he drawls, continuing down the corridor with you and the big guy in tow.
“But she was WIGGLING.” Wrecker pouts as he follows, wiping some of the sweat from his brow. You smile mischievously, a little extra flounce in your step as you walk.
“You heard him, babe, a pin is a pin. And I’ve been holding back that tactic for ages.”
Wrecker shoots you a look before looking forward again, moving to avoid two oncoming troopers. “Well that’s not fair.”
You laugh. “I’m really just doing you a favor. What if some sexy clanker has you pinned and starts doing the same thing? You'll be so unprepared!”
Wrecker’s eyes open in surprise. “Do they make those??”
“You never know, those Seppies are sly.” You raise your eyebrows suggestively. He goes back to pouting, realizing you're joking.
You laugh, circling your arms behind his neck and kissing him on the nose. "Sorry, honey," you coo, not bothering to hide your enjoyment. "I won't do it again."
"Hm. You better not," he grumbles as you slide back down.
"Speak for yourself," Crosshair says quietly to himself. You wink at him, then stretch your arms over your head with a contented sigh.
“Oof that shower is going to feel good,” you breathe, rolling your neck. “I think I'll head to the ship, use the fresher there."
Crosshair's eyes dart to yours, irritated.
“What for?” Wrecker asks, equally let down.
"Because three of us need a shower- and I actually need to get clean.” You smile at Wrecker’s crestfallen face. “Besides, I need to take stock of our supplies - since now I know where ALL THAT GAUZE WENT.” Wrecker grins, recovered in light of their combined mischief. Crosshair just smirks. You playfully turn on your heal, starting to head down the corridor towards the ship with a wave. “Don't miss me too much, ok?”
"We'll try!" Wrecker calls after you. He starts back to their barracks - then stops, realizing that Crosshair isn’t following him. 
“You comin’?” 
Crosshair turns his body, eyes staring for a moment at your receding form before fully turning to follow his brother, a glint in his eye.
“I’m showering first.”
Wrecker looks over at him, confused. “Why, you got somewhere to be?”
“No.” Crosshair smirks, approaching the door to their quarters. “I have something to do.”
Wrecker's brow furrows as the barrack door opens before him. “What?”
Crosshair looks at him out of the corner of his eye as he enters, making his way towards the fresher.
“Let's call it some… unfinished business.”
You sigh contentedly as you step under the hot water for a last rinse. the final suds disappearing down the drain. Clean. Well and truly clean, even for just five minutes.
These moments are sacred. Peace, calm, relaxation. It can happen so rarely as a soldier - especially surrounded by a bunch of large, smelly boys. And battle. And sex.
...and then your brain pulls you to the chore waiting outside the fresher walls.
Dammit. Moment over.
Well, the sooner it's done, the sooner you can stop worrying about it. You turn off the water, dry and wrap yourself in a towel, then head to the medical supplies storage unit, already reviewing the list in your head.
You sift through your stores methodically. Hm.
You needed more adhesive spray (dammit, Tech was CONSTANTLY stealing yours!!!! That fucking...)
Good on grav press bandage cuffs…
Good on Medical bandage patch…
Need plenty more Bacta patches - need more glue stat…
Laser suture- where the heck was the laser suture? Did kriffing Tech take the fucking LASER SUTURE???? (You were going to KILL HIM! SADISTICALLY! FOR SCIENCE!!)
And gauze. Lots and lots of gauze. Fucking Hunter. These boys. What were you going to do with these boys getting into your damn med supplies?! Give them a hefty helping of Queenly whoop ass, that's for damn sure-
You hear the hatch start to open behind you, crankily curious to see who was coming aboard… maybe Tech had heard about what you were doing and was coming to give back the fucking laser suture, hoping you would spare his fucking life-
You see Crosshair's silver hair before you see the rest of him, dressed in his armor, but freshly washed. He closes the hatch, tossing his helmet onto a cockpit chair as he makes his way to you. 
You turn, fists on your hips and a scowl on your lips. “You had better be coming to give me some life or death information right n-"
He bends and lifts you by the back of your legs, slamming you against the bulkhead, your towel falling to the floor. Arousal spikes through your shock - god you love when he manhandles you. (He knows you like it, too- dammit, why did you ever tell him that?) His eyes glue you in place with their amusement, his slithering voice wrapping around you like a coil.
"Hello, princess."
You feel your breath catch at the sudden pulse in your pussy. Fuck, that smirk looks dangerous...
"You owe me.”
Wait, what?
“The hell I do! You remember I'm here to replace gauze, don't you?”
“No," he drawls. Damn that smug glint of satisfaction making you wet. Jerk. "You started something the last time we were on this ship.”  Oh, his voice is caressing your skin, possessive and inarguable. "its time you learn to finish what you start."
Crap, more coming back to haunt you. You sputter, trying to find the words to save you. “Cross, that was DAYS ago-”
“I have a long memory.”
“-and, it was only to tease you, which I already paid for-”
You hear the click of his codpiece before it falls to the floor. 
“W-wait, Cross-” you mean to protest, but the words come out as a breathy moan.
“A promise is a promise, Princess.” He purrs, freeing himself from his under armor, eyes hungry and dangerous. You lose yourself to shivers as you feel his cock hard against your back. “And I’m tired of waiting.”
His voice darkens, sending the shivers lower, tightening the possessive coil it holds over you. "And since this is the second time you've riled me up on this ship, I'm going to take you the way I want to. Do you understand, Princess?"
You whine a greedy ascent as he lines himself up with your entrance.
He leans in, purring in your ear. “Safeword?”
“Meiloorun,” you whine, giving in, desperate for him. “Green.”
“Good girl.”
You gasp a cry as he slams into you, sheathing himself in one lengthy stroke. His head falls back as he sighs a grunt, letting himself enjoy the tightness of your slick, unprepared walls.
“FUCK.” He swears before lifting his head, a smug glint in his eye. “That’s better.”
You feel his grip tighten on your ass cheeks as he leans in close to your ear. ‘Hold on tight, princess.’
You whimper, arms wrapping around his shoulders, surrendering, already on the verge of begging him to take you like this-
He pulls out and slams into you so hard you swear you feel the ship rock. 
You cry out with near-painful pleasure, hoping that somehow they don’t hear you outside of this ship - you can’t imagine the looks from the hanger clones if they hear Crosshair forcing his pleasure into you, ripping your begging cries for mercy yet for more from your lips while he grunts his pleasured staccato in your ear. 
“Too big, Crosshair, you’re too b-big for me right now!”
“You can take it Princess. I - FUCK - I know you can.” His breath quickens, nose buried behind your ear, short groans announcing his oncoming orgasm.
"KARKing hell, so tight, I'm already going to-"
Without warning, he groans a growl as he cums, pulling out to spill on the bulkhead behind you. You feel his thrusts, his cock sheathing between your ass cheeks to help him ride it out. You catch your breath as he pants into your neck, until he lifts his head with smug satisfaction. You look at him with your best pitiful eyes, hoping to lessen your sentence, praying that it doesn't.
He smirks through his panting. “Hm. That was just to take the edge off.”
He turns, still holding you up, before benching you onto his bunk and ripping off his armor. He pulls himself up behind you, crowding you against the bulkhead that serves as a headboard, pinning you there with a hot, hungry kiss. 
Dammit all to hell, all of this is making you so wet, and he must know it. 
With no finesse, no patience, he slides down your body, diving into your pussy like he hasn’t had a drink in weeks, laying waste to every curve and fold. He is RAVENOUS, like he would win the fucking war if he could just make you cum. Its completely overwhelming. You cry out in huffs, you can’t help it, brain barely catching up to the pleasure being sucked through you. “Crosshair, c-crosshair, holy fuck oh GOD.”
It almost hurts with his insistence, but his ferocity only makes you wetter, his ownership of everything you have to give like a fire in your cunt.
Two fingers slide inside of you, pulsing in and out of you at a rapid pace, rubbing against your G spot like he’s trying to beat a record, the lewd sound of your slick as he fucks you making you croon. His mouth sucks your clit hard enough to send your eyes back into your head, hands tangling in his hair. 
“Uh, uh, NNCrosshair! I’m- its too much- its going to make me-”
Its like you’ve lost all control - he’s going so fast that you can’t keep up, your body completely at his whim, so hot, so high; your mind can only lay scattered while your body reaches its peak.
“Ah, aH, Cross, Crosshair!” 
Your cum with an unabashed scream, letting go of any control of your pleasure - and you feel more wet than you’re used to squirt out onto the sheets, soaking your thighs with sticky wet warmth.
“OH shit oh god, Crosshair, I-I think you made me-”
“Kriffing right I did.” His eyes glint with that smug, hungry look again. He pulls your hips towards him, leaning over you to prop himself against the bulkhead, lining himself up with your entrance. “That pleasure belongs to me.”
He pushes into your sopping hole, making you cry out with overwhelm and need, still sensitive from your orgasm, but desperate for another one.
His hand clasps around your throat, tightening slightly as he starts to thrust. You whimper as you look up into his eyes, dazed, subdued, submissive, just for him. He’s panting, eyes boring down into yours. 
“That’s right, Princess, I’m taking what's mine. Your pleasure belongs to me.”
He grits his teeth as he sets a relentless pace, fucking you like it would save his life. You can only lay back, full with sensation, boneless, euphoric, feeling your breasts bouncing to the rhythm of his skin slapping against yours. 
Your voice comes out as a whimper. “Yes, Cross, yes, god you’re so big, please don’t stop, please let me squirt all over your cock.”
OH his GROWL as his hand tightens around your throat, not to choke you, just to make you blurry, remind you who’s mercy you’re at. 
“That’s right, my little cockwhore. You love me taking you like this, taking your pleasure all for my own, don’t you?”
You squeak from beneath his hand, his words sending you towards your climax, walls squeezing around him.
He pinches your clit, making you cry out and look back up at him.
His eyes are serious, daring you to disobey. “I didn’t tell you to cum yet. You’ll do it when I tell you. I’m in control here, not you.”
“Y-yes sir. I- AH!” He changes his angle, making you cry out as he thrusts deeper. His breath is more labored. Kriff he’s getting close, so close to giving you all his cum. You want to be so good for him… his good little cockwhore.
“Are you ready to take my cum, Princess?” He demands, already knowing your answer as he speeds up, his thumb finding your clit.
“Y-yes sir, all of it, please, dump all of it in me!” You whimper, your mind lost, spewing whatever comes to mind, whatever he wants to hear, so long as he keeps making you feel like this…
You both cum together with a cry, his a growl, yours a shriek. He grunts with each thrust as he empties himself into you, pushing inside you as far as he goes. He lets you ride out your wave on his cock, his hands flying to either side of your head to prop himself up as he pants in release. He eventually slows, looking down at you, satisfied, approving.
"That's my good girl. Taking my cock so well," he purrs, the thumb around your neck tracing your jaw line as he leans in to kiss you.
"Anything for you, Crosshair" you breathe, unthinking- and meaning it.
Everything seems to slow around you, the two of you breathing together while you come down from your play. He...something in his eyes changes while he pants down at you. Your words... he's taking in your words. You see... that openness from when he let himself cum down your throat, that... click.
You feel the energy change between you.
And slowly, so slowly, he leans in and kisses you.
Its totally different from how he was before. His kiss is slow, possessive, tender - the hand around your neck comes up to cradle your cheek. He lowers his body to yours, propped up by his elbow, bringing him skin to heated skin.
An ember glows in your belly, his kiss slowly feeding it as it glows hotter, and hotter. Your tongue flicks against his lips. He opens them to meet you, his tongue pushing in to dance with yours in his own. Fuck. You can taste his desire, his yearning, as it feeds your burning ember into a flame, flaring with yearning, hunger, need. Your hands find your way into his hair, eager to be close, to touch him more, more, to meld with him, join with him like only lovers can. And you NEED it.
You feel him firming up inside you again as he starts thrusting, as if he can’t help himself. You moan under him, growing desperate, frantic for more of him. You can't pull your lips away, getting swept up in the need to be close, to be closer than close, to have him inside of you as far as he'll go.
“Princess…” he breathes, barely pulling away, his thumb tracing your cheek bone while he moves in you. “Missed this pussy. Missed having you cum all over my face. Missed…” He pulls you into a kiss again, his lips saying what his words can’t.
Your fingers tighten in his hair to pull him closer, and he groans into your mouth.
His hips move, but he’s not aiming for the finish line anymore. He pulls away from your lips to look down at where he’s entering you with long strokes, taking his time, his breath ragged. You both watch where he thrusts into you, joins with you, makes sweet fucking love to you the way he wants to. You both moan at the sight. Then he looks up, his forehead back to yours.
“Crosshair…” Your voice is breathy, so full of this feeling he’s bringing to you, sensually taking you one stroke at a time.
His own voice is quiet, caressing you like the hand on your face. “Kriff. So good, Princess. You always feel so damn good. You taste so sweet, I'm so hungry for you all the damn time...”
He buries his face in your shoulder, breath touching sound as he pants his pleasure. His pelvis rubs along your clit, his body so close to yours, your arms clutching him, nails digging into his back while he continues thrusting you into the mattress with long, hard thrusts, pushing cry after cry from your lips. His breathy moans make you clench around him, trying to take him in farther, just a little bit farther.
You feel your crest approaching, slow, but steady - and overwhelming.
"Cross, I’m so close." You could cry with how good it feels.
"Fuck, mesh’la, yes." His own voice is breathy, lost in sensation, desperate with desire. "Need to feel you cum on my cock again. Cum around me, just for me."
"Cross, Cross, Cross," you pant, tears falling back into your hair.
"That’s right, cum with me, precious. Cum with me again. Don't stop, don't hold back. Let me watch you cum for me."
He’s up, forehead to yours, rocking and grinding you right where you need it to send you over. 
You breathe, moan together for a few more moments, connected, devoted, while you both soar up and over the edge.
He kisses you as you cum together, the two of you swallowing each others desperate moans as your lips meet again and again, bodies convulsing against each other as he releases into you, your walls squeezing him for every last drop he has to give.
You kiss until you’re both starving for breath, and only barely manage to pull away. You meet his eyes. They're open, assured, sincere, speaking volumes without saying anything, before his head falls to your neck, slowly kissing his way to your shoulder and resting his head on your collarbone, panting out his exertion. 
Then, amid his panting, quieter than a pin drop, so quiet you almost miss it, you hear him breathe out:
“Ah, cyar’ika. My cyar'ika."
“...Hmm?” You turn, nuzzling into his hair, hoping beyond hope he'll repeat it.
“…nothing, Princess.” He leans up and kisses your forehead slowly, tenderly. He slowly pulls out with a combined groan from each of you. He lays beside you, pulling you close to him, his face nuzzling into the top of your head. You hold him tight, nuzzling in turn against his chest with a secret, sated smile.
You understand. You know what he said with his kisses, his body, but it's not ready to be said aloud, not ready to become a part of your relationship. And that's alright. You drift off to sleep, breathing in his scent as your body molds to his.
Its not time yet.
And you can wait.
You wake up slowly, unsure if its been hours or minutes, but still swimming in the bliss of your earlier experience. You slowly look up to find Crosshair still asleep, deep breathing guiding the unguarded moment.
He's beautiful.
Peace looks so good on him. You gently brush your fingers along his cheek, taking in this unguarded moment that so few get to see. But you do. Because he's yours. Your Crosshair, your sniper, who craves the touch and comfort you give him, even if he's too proud - or is it unsure? - to ask for it by name.
For now.
You smile to yourself, eyes tracing along his unknit brows. He's yours. And you vow then and there - you'll take good care of this trust he's given to no one else but you.
Jeez, were you going to get more sappy than this?-
-The quiet of the ship is interrupted by your com's insistent beeping. Crosshair’s eyes open quickly, peace falling from his face as he’s instantly alert. You sigh to yourself, rolling over to jump off of the bunk - the outside world calls. You check the transmission before answering with a smile.
"Yes Tech darling?"
“Have you been locked inside the Marauder? Do you need rescuing?” His matter-of-fact-yet-irritated voice makes your smile wider.
“No, just… fulfilling a promise.” You chuckle, glancing up at Crosshair. He rolls his eyes and falls back onto the bunk.
“I see," Tech admonishes. You can practically see him adjusting his goggles. "Need I remind you that it is also time for your next inoculation? They are asking for you at the med bay.”
Ah, shoot. You had forgotten that, and you were the damn medic. You hit your forehead, hand sliding down your face with embarrassment. Ok yeah, that one is on you.
"Also," Tech continues, still a hint of lecture in his voice, "the Commander has been looking for you. He is hoping that you will join him for the next meal. I would quickly compose yourself and seek him out. You wouldn't want him believing the... rumors going around, would you?”
"Alright, alright, I understand." Your head falls back with a sigh. You glance over at your unfinished storage count, wondering if you should take the time to finish your checkli-
Wait just a damn minute.
He wanted to play 'you did this wrong'?
Alright. You'll play.
"Oh!" You start brightly, as if remembering something. "By the way, Technically Jangoson," you continue into the com, words dripping with honeyed venom. "I have a small teensy, tiny question just for you."
A throat cleared at the other end. "...Yes, my queen?" The full name. Oh, he knows he's in trouble.
Your voice turns harsh, your tone angry, and your Queenly control is fully back in place.
Is my laser suture?!?!"
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I just made myself a cup of a new tea, one from a set that a friend sent me. I was super curious to try it with and without milk in it, so after I take a sip without, I'm going to add milk to my tea.
That may seem like such an inane little story to post on a blog, unless you have an eating disorder. I'm sure many of you know what a big deal milk in tea can be, and what an important act of self-love it is.
It was poured into many of our ears, approaching teenhood in the mid-2000's, not to "drink our calories." For those of us whose restriction was weight-based, many of us practiced filling ourselves with water, with our coffee black and unsweetened whether that was how we liked it or not, and with tea that never contained milk.
Like many people who've struggled with binge eating and with restriction, I struggle with creating anxiety-inducing rules about when is okay to eat, especially if I'm between meals and worrying if I should allow myself a snack, or if it's okay to quench my thirst with anything other than water. This is especially true between meals. For some reason my brain has accepted the "extra" caloric intake as part of a meal, but still balks at the idea of introducing these things independently into non-meal parts of the day. I would like to note that my chronic illness and my body's reaction to food has also influenced this weird relationship between me and my favorite treats, such as a piece of candy, or a beverage that might happen to contain a greater-than-zero calorie count.
But tonight, before bed, I want to try this tea. And it sounds like one that'd be super tasty with milk, as it has cocoa powder and vanilla in the blend. So I let my tea cool in the room with me as I type this, telling myself that I can get up and go back for milk after I taste it.
Now I have gone to the kitchen.
Now I have poured in a splash of milk and tasted. It's soy milk, as regular milk sometimes hurts my stomach and I don't want my sleep to be disrupted. Due to my chronic illness, this is still something I have to think about, and I'll be honest, I hate it. Things like this make it so hard to tell myself I can let go of my food fears, because my brain knows that some of my food fears will turn out to have validity, and so what if they all do?
Now I have poured in another splash. Tasted.
Now I have poured in a third, much larger splash. Tasted.
Oh, this is it. This tea tastes like a warm dessert. But now it's too cool, so I need to microwave it back to its best heat. I used to not want to microwave my food. As a teen I heard a hippie say that microwaves destroy the nutrients in your food because the radiation breaks down their molecular structure. This is absolutely false. In fact, it's been disproven that microwaves break down nutrients any more than other methods of heating food, but for a long time I believed it. And even after I learned the truth, I still found it hard to convince myself it was okay to use microwaves for a very long time.
I have just finished my tea in my room. I took the time to identify that I wanted it. I took the time to truly taste it in several different ways, consider how I felt I wanted it and bring it to those specifications. It wasn't planned for any specific time or day, but I agreed to give myself this the way I wanted it anyway. I've been drinking my coffee with milk every morning, too. I actually like black coffee, but I like it better with milk. And I give myself things throughout the day that I enjoy, to enhance my experience of my existence. Life is hard, and it's okay to allow yourself, to the fullest extent you can, the small joys that bring you through the day.
I wanted to share this with you. I hope you don't feel the crushing weight of morality when staring at a bottle of regular soda and the sugar-free, when you wake up with your morning coffee, when your self-care regimen includes a cup of tea. I hope you practice actively giving yourself the love you need this week. And I hope you give it to yourself exactly the way you need it.
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tokkishouse · 1 year
from one bestie to another
could you gimme the most hair twirling, leg kicking, downright teeth rotting tighnari fluff with a sprinkle of mutual pining a girlie could ask for? pretty please and thank you 😗👉👈💕
I GOTCHU BESTIE!! Im getting a truck of sugar rn among other ingredients
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(Sfw) Buy Your Time
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Characters: Tighnari x GN!Reader
Warnings: fluffluffluff, mutual pining, Tighnari gets jealous
WC: ~1.4k words
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"Alright I've got bandages, medicinal herbs, slime concentrate-- anything else I can get for you 'nari?" you ask, glancing up from the pile of supplies on your counter. Tighnari shakes his head, offering you a small smile. Hearing your nickname for him made his chest bloom with warmth and he could feel his tail curl up, mirroring the joy he was feeling.
"That's it this week. Thanks again." You smile and start calculating the price.
"Let me get that total for you and I'll send you off!"
This was Tighnari's weekly routine. He'd travel to Sumeru City weekly for supplies and stop by your shop. You had popped up not too long ago and were much smaller than the other stalls selling medicinal supplies. He had approached yours in curiosity. He was your first customer for the week, and you were practically vomiting up words in an attempt to convince him to buy from you.
He appreciated your honesty and integrity, only selling your supplies just above their raw value. The surprise on your face and tears bubbling in your eyes at the large first order left the fox with a warm feeling in his chest.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Your joy was immeasurable, and you sent him home with extra products he didn't even pay for. Thus began your relationship as merchant and buyer. You knew that at 10am sharp, Tighnari would appear ready to restock his stash, and maybe tell you about some new species he found or the latest expedition.
"Being a forest ranger sure sounds dangerous, 'Nari. You don't get very hurt, do you?" The man wants to curl up under his tail in pure guilt when he sees your concerned expression. He doesn't have the heart to tell you that he's had quite a few close calls in his life, including the time he was struck by lightning. Instead, he chooses to assuage your fears, assuring you that he's quite careful, which isn't a lie necessarily.
He doesn't know when he started falling for you-- was it when you took time out of your day to visit Gandharva Ville and check on Colleii's recovery? Or the other day you came and visited to help him tend to injured rangers? Maybe it was the way your whole body physically seemed to come alive every time he visited your shop. Sure, you were friendly with all your customers, radiating joy like a ball of sunshine. But he wasn't blind-- he notices the way your eyes light up and how your speech speeds up when talking to him. The attention you gave to him was special. He lived to see it.
The growing fondness was not isolated to just Tighnari-- you would never admit this aloud, but you had also grown fond of the forest ranger. He had shot up on your list of favored people months ago when he approached your stall with genuine interest. Every time he'd visit, he'd bring something more valuable than mora-- his time.
No matter how busy he seemed, or irrelevant the topic was, Tighnari always hung around your stall, sharing his stories or even just his feelings at the time. His attention was only on you, ears pointed towards you and eyes piercing, begging for you to go on for longer about whatever mundane daily happenings you experienced.
It was sickening. Maybe it was because he interacted with all sorts of flowers (you could always spot the softest dusting of pollen on his clothes), but Tighnari was intoxicating. You found yourself drawn to him and counting down the days to his next visit. You wanted to be near him constantly.
Any outsider who looked at you two for more than two seconds could tell that you both were head over heels for each other. You both were like school children, shifting and dancing around the reality of your feelings. Onlookers could only hope you two would realize the truth quickly and confess.
"Hey, Tighnari, what kind of flowers does y/n like?"
Tighnari nearly snaps his pencil in half, ears perking up at attention. He feels his blood run cold, a barely audible growl rumbling through his chest.
"What was that?" he just barely manages to hiss out, slowly turning his gaze towards Amir, his fellow forest watcher. The man has a sheepish smile on his face, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's a bit cliche to fall for a healer, but I can't help it-- y/n is just beautiful! And they're so caring," he continues, then lets out an embarrassed laugh. "I want to take them out on a date! Or at least get to know them."
Tighnari's expression is unreadable as he stares at Amir. His mind races as he tries to process what he's just heard. Of course, I wouldn't be the only one to fall for them. But Amir? Does he really think he has a chance? Tighnari sneers mentally, and he can feel his tail straighten out in agitation, tugging at his lower back.
"You hang out with them a lot! Help me out Tighnari!" Amir pleads, clasping his hands together. The fox raises an eyebrow, unimpressed by his fellow ranger's desperation. Perhaps, a white lie wouldn't hurt. If it keeps Amir from acting stupid.
"I can't help you," Tighnari answers, and Amir looks up flabbergasted at his superior's denial of his request.
"If you want to court someone, you have to do the work yourself. It won't mean as much if I just tell you what y/n likes. Why not get to know them yourself?" The dog trainer stands there dumbfounded, but he takes Tighnari's words into consideration. There was some merit to it after all. And a person like you deserves to have full efforts made towards romancing you.
"I suppose you're right. Well, tha-" Amir begins, but he's cut off by a bone-chilling glare from Tighnari.
"Besides, I'm already courting y/n. Choose someone else."
The next time Tighnari visits your shop, he's not greeted with a warm smile or a cheery "Welcome back 'nari!" Instead, he receives an unimpressed stare and crossed arms from you. He offers a weird smile, taking in your body language.
"What's got your roots tangled up, y/n? Did I not return on time?" He jokes, standing in front of your stall. You snort and lean forward, resting your hands on the counter, careful not to knock down the supplies you prepared.
"Did you tell Amir that we were dating?" you ask cooly, and Tighnari can feel his nerves burn like a wildfire. That blabbermouth. I should've known he'd run off and confirm that information himself. Tighnari clears his through and fixes his smile.
"Technically, I said I was courting you. He came up with dating on his own!" You roll your eyes and turn away to dig through your other supplies, not giving him an answer.
Tighnari swallows thickly, watching your figure, desperately trying to pick apart your body language. Did I overstep my boundaries? Are they pissed off? They didn't blow up in my face but they didn't seem too pleased either. Why are they-
"You know, if you wanted to take me out on a date, you could've just asked me out," you muse, slamming down a giant pouch of mistflower stamens. The archer blinks at you owlishly, and you can see the cogs in his brain turning as he processes what you say. When it clicks, his cheeks turn a dusty rose, and he suddenly can't make eye contact with you. His tail was a dead giveaway though, curling and twisting in excitement.
"I take it you like me back then?"
"You sure know a ton about plant life but not about reading obvious signs, huh?" He turns to look at you in shock, opening his mouth to counter your statement. You cut him off with a quick peck to his cheek, pressing the supplies into his hands.
"I'll be ready in 3 nights, 6 o'clock sharp." You poke his nose gently, and he sneezes instinctively. "Don't be late, or I'll make the hunter the hunted~"
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@cosmi1k Tighnari content ❤️
Requests (both sfw and nsfw) are open~!
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dreamlifebunny · 11 months
bunny's ✨digital detox✨ + manifestation challenge!
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hi friends! i've decided to do a little "dopamine detox" so that i can become more present in my day-to-day, connect with myself and my passions, and apply the law. instead of leaving you without any posts, i thought i would turn this short absence of mine into a challenge so that you can join me if you're interested! this is going to be a very simple challenge that mostly focuses on regaining joy in your life, but i hope it can bring you inspiration and peace.
purpose of challenge: to help your brain enjoy simple things again and fill your life with more joy, to get off of social media and apply the law, and to manifest anything you desire. as you can see, this is mostly a challenge to reconnect with ourselves and what brings us joy, but manifestation is the added bonus of this challenge!
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step one:
delete or hide apps on your phone or laptop that involve mindless stimulation. for me, this includes tumblr, social media, checking things that give me notifications like my email, etc. normally, tumblr wouldn't be included in this because i use it for learning about the law, but part of this challenge is about getting offline and actually applying the law, so for now i will be deleting it.
step two:
make a list of activities that bring you joy that don't involve mindless stimulation. here are some ideas of things that i like to do if you're having trouble coming up with your own list:
scripting my dream life and coming up with cute scenarios in my head
writing a letter to a friend and decorating it with my own art or stickers
reading a fiction book and getting lost in the story
reading a non-fiction book to learn things about my passions and interests
singing and playing instruments
journaling or filling out writing prompts
going for bike rides or long walks with music
playing fun video games, but not for hours on end like i normally would heh
step three:
decide what you are going to manifest and choose your favourite methods to fulfill yourself! remember, this challenge is about connecting with yourself and what you love, so pick the methods that make you smile. i really enjoy daydreaming about my desires and feeling every emotion in my body that comes up and knowing that my desire is real.
REMEMBER: this challenge is primarily about doing a digital detox to give our brains more happiness. the main goal isn't to manifest, but it is SO much easier to manifest when our brains aren't constantly stimulated and consuming information. our desires manifesting is an added bonus for this challenge!
step four:
as you engage with your life and connect with awareness (who you are at your core) and as you enjoy activities that bring you joy, remind yourself in whatever way feels best to you that you have all of your desires, and that this extra space you're giving your brain is allowing more space for your lovely desires to show up in your life
step five:
report back during the end of any three-day period from when you start this challenge with your results! results could include how you feel, what you learned about yourself, what you manifested or realized about your manifestation, how your days looked without constantly stimulation, or anything you wish to share!
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important note:
detoxing from constant stimulation is a HARD THING TO DO! they design apps to make us addicted, and your need for constant stimulation is not your fault. if at any point this challenge brings up feelings of shame or struggle due to the addiction of constant stimulation, make sure you are compassionate and loving to yourself; you're doing a wonderful thing as a gift to yourself and are a good person who is doing something very tricky, and you should be proud that you are even giving it a try. you are strong and badass and deserve the world and all of your desires! if at any point you need to dip out of this challenge, make sure to pat yourself on the back and thank yourself for trying it and know that you can always do it again in the future if you want to c:
love you friends! i am so excited to see the results of this challenge. i am proud of you, i am inspired by you, and i can't wait to see you all soon! 🥰
lots of love, bunny 💕
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Wanted: Bonus Ending
Warnings: Fluff, fluff, more fluff! Implication of Smut, Implication of Pregnancy, Ghost can't Cook :-( (but we love him for it), Polyamorous Relationship), etc.
Original Fic
You woke up beside König and Ghost the next morning, exhausted and bruised. Ghost looked down at you, mask absent, his face lifting in a warm smile.
“Morning, Sweetie,” he said, voice gravelly from the night’s activities. König shifted beside you, squinting as he became conscious. You smiled up at Ghost and landed a kiss on his lips, sweet and soft.
“Morning, my love.” König stretched next to you, spine popping. He groaned.
“Don’t think I’ve got another one of those in me,” he jested, leaning back on his elbows, taking in your disheveled appearance. You laughed, Ghost gave a chuckle. All was well. Until you tried to rise from the bed.
“Well, I’d better go and make some breakfas–”
“Oh no, you’re staying right here,” Ghost said, getting out of bed, stretching his arm across his chest. “You need to rest; you’re not lifting a finger.”
“I second that,” came König, rubbing the back of his neck. He’d also abandoned his veil, having discarded it sometime after you fell asleep.
Your muscles ached, everything sore. It didn’t take much for you to relent.
“Alright,” you said, rolling your eyes. “Fine.”
You looked around the room. “I like the new apartment, by the way. Very roomy.”
“Exactly what I said,” Ghost said, throwing on a shirt and his boxers. He amde for the hallway, calling back: “Took us long enough to find it!”
König leaned over and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “We thought you’d like it. It’s got enough space for the four of us.” König looked down at your stomach, his eyes crinkling in a smile. You took his hand in yours and squeezed it, hoping he could feel even a fraction of the warmth - the love - you felt now. You remained in each other’s gaze until Simon called König from the kitchen, at which the taller rolled his eyes, playful.
“I must go; my boyfriend needs me!”
You pouted. “But I need you!” König bit back a laugh.
“Maybe, but you’re not a walking disaster when it comes to cooking, though, are you?”
“Give me enough time; anything can happen.”
You shared a laugh before he alighted and took to the kitchen, grabbing his favourite robe on the way. He rounded the corner, and you eased yourself into the pillows. König popped his head back round the doorframe.
“Oh, before I forget, if you move even a muscle, I’ll be forced to put extra bubbles in your bath.”
“Oooh, is that a threat?”
König smiled, his nose crinkling. “No, it’s a promise!”
Neither Ghost, nor König let you do any work for the rest of the week, tending to your every need and whim, ensuring that you felt every inch of their love as they snuggled with you on the sofa, watching your favourite film for the tenth time that week. And, as you belted out the opening theme song, they couldn’t help the smiles that crossed their faces, your shared future flashing in their minds’ eye, feeling all the joy it would bring.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously :-)
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ryuryuryuyurboat · 5 months
'tis the season
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synopsis: got the chills? no worries, pull your hand close to the fire!
genre: fluff
characters: kazuha, neuvillette, wanderer, wriothesley, xiao x gn! reader (separately)
warnings: reader referred to in 2nd person, implied romantic rs but can be read platonically
a/n: hihi @dernier-mystere!! i'm your backup secret santa for @2023gisecretsanta's secret santa event! it is way past christmas, so take this as a new year's gift instead! may this year bring you much joy, and hopefully this gift brings you some warmth in this winter :)) || likes, reblogs and comments highly appreciated!!
©2024 ryuryuryuyurboat. do not repost, translate, plagiarise, or modify in any way, shape or form.
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ah, yes. winter, the notorious hit-or-miss season. while there may be those who love the cold weather, the harsh bite of the blizzards and howling winds in the snowstorms may prove to be too daunting for even the most seasoned warriors in the icy cold. in times like this, what better way is there to wait out the piercing tempest than spending some time holed up with your favourite people?
kazuha smiles a kind smile at you, offering a hand to you. my dove, he calls, won’t you join me by the window? the cold has fogged up the glass of the windowpane, yet you still sit together on the edge of the bed– he gently nudges your head to rest on his shoulder as you listen to the pitter-patter of the snow outside, its gentle rhythm lulling you to sleep. what beautiful scenery, you hear him whisper, but his gaze is fixed on you all the while. “i love when it snows. the world falls completely silent, and we can sleep undisturbed.”
neuvillette, completely absorbed in his paperwork, doesn’t even realise it’s snowing till he shivers when he feels your icy touch on both sides of his neck. the nerve. well, guess it’s a sign for him to take a break! he lets you drag him into the kitchen, where it’s warmer, and watches as you put the pots on the stove. what’re you doing? he asks, and nearly falters at your excited grin as you tell him you’d been wanting to make hot cocoa and share it with him. maybe those documents can wait, he thinks, as he opens his mouth to give the only suggestion on his mind. “snow, in fact, is one of water’s natural self-cleansing mechanisms. but human activity tends to reduce snow’s purity, so do not consume it.”
never tell the wanderer you feel cold. the only reply you’ll get is “well, damn, y/n, i can’t control the weather!” quite the royal treatment. but when you turn away to rub your hands together for some warmth, your nose red from the cold, you feel a comforting weight rest on your shoulders as he grumbles something about “not wanting to deal with a coughing and sneezing you”, and he offers you his wide hat as extra protection from the chilling wind. “i have no need for warmth. save me the trouble and take care of yourself, will you?”
winter with wriothesley, simply put, is warm. it’s homely. with him, it doesn’t matter whether you’re in the comfort of your own home, or if you’re far from your usual lodging — all it takes is the shrill whistling of a kettle a certain someone set on the stove, followed by the gurgling of the water as it’s poured into two patiently waiting mugs, and finally, he pushes a warm mug into your trembling hands. how he managed to find and brew tea that smells exactly like a chocolatey beverage you’re all too familiar with is beyond you. any questions that may have reached your lips are quickly washed away as he clinks his mug with yours and you fight the temptation to down the still-steaming liquid in one go. “cheers, and may the biting frost be melted away by this drink.”
cuddling with xiao? the demon conqueror? the karmic debt-ridden guardian yaksha? why, perish that thought at once! …although, if it keeps you warm, maybe he’ll make an exception. just this once. maybe he’ll entertain your suggestion of building a blanket fort, and maybe he’ll grab the thickest one to drape over you both as you share a bowl of hot soup. the howling wind rattles the windows– he looks out, at the snow falling onto the ground, then back at you. “maybe we can go out soon. the snow looks thick enough to eat.”
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taglist: @yinyinggie @lynyluvr @kazemiya @meidnightrain @https-furina (send ask to be added to taglist!)
if you liked this, do consider dropping me a follow for more :>
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