#school is being an ass ಥ‿ಥ
comfortzonelol · 2 years
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Let's go do something unholy 🖤
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cringe-y-gumi · 7 months
Forget school, embrace the dreamnoblade. For this we must imagine:
Techno being the one they put in prision, the server decided that he is the biggest threat, without him dream couldn't have blown up lmanburg, quackity would have his two eyes, tubbo won't be scarred and everyone would have their home. So they take Phil again, they used ranboo against him as much as it hurt Tommy to use his friend like this.
Techno is unsurprised but disappointed nonetheless. He spends the few first weeks trying to grow potatoes in the cauldron because Sam doesn't give him enough for his half piglin side. But one day quackity arrives.
He just wants atonement from what happened in the butcher army,but even tough he is decked out techno still manages to trow him into the lava so next time he comes back with potion, and they work a little too well in making the piglin weak.
It gets to the point even the sigth of a regen potion makes Techno pale.
This goes on only for two months.
Dream decides that Techno is worth more alive than dead (and he may or may have not missed his rival) So with the knowledge he has of the prison he gets him out nobody the wiser, Phil is still on the artic trying to make a plan with ranboo and Nikki.
Cue cottage core arc where Dream is very sweet and caring to Techno while he is very emotionally constipated. Dream gets the rest of the syndicate when Techno heals up and makes the rest of the server go boom boom.
I do not regret writing this long ass ask.
Oh gosh, I almost let this one slip out of my mind.
I'm so tireeeed... But tbh, seeing some people still enjoying the things I also like— like Dreamnoblade of course, I'm all good
I may be biased, but the potential, the subtexts of some of the fics I read are OH SO THERE! Sometimes I wonder if some of them wanted to actually write dnb but due to its reputation, didn't.
Or maybe I'm projecting...
Anyway, I'm getting side tracked.
I would LOVE to read this one!!! But also add this:
When Dream broke Techno out of the prison, the Syndicate never knew. So when they were executing a prison-escape— one that was a little after Dream broke Techno out, they met a barren, empty cell.
Syndicate be panicking, while Dream and Techno be enjoying their cottagecore era.
Of course, Techno needs to heal— both physically and mentally but mostly it's emotionally.
After spending 2 months in that cell with Quackity taunting the fuck out of him, his Rival/friend acting all soft and domestic is the last thing he would want to deal with. But he doesn't have a choice.
Because the thing is... Not even Dream knew why.
"Techno is a powerful ally so he needs to get on his good side" is what Dream tells himself. You see, no business partners would wake up early to make sure the other eats. No business partners would learn the way the other likes their bath (temperature) or their coffee.
When Dream first noticed himself, he found out he likes what he's feeling and is he started to do them more.
When Techno finally noticed, he found out he wasn't opposed to the feeling and so he also started doing the same.
But remember the Syndicate?
Just when things starts to become better, the Syndicate managed to accomplish their goal: To find and rescue Technoblade who they all assumed was kidnapped and kept somewhere.
So with that, they managed to catch the two off-guard— successfully getting Techno, and capturing Dream.
Techno doesn't accept it. No one is listening to him. Dream— being used to this treatment, isn't even speaking
AHHH I want hurt comfort, more when I finally get some sleep...
Also I appreciate such long ask! I like Reading them!
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darkmulti · 3 years
Nainaaaa these days i cannot stop thinking about mafia boss taehyung having an unhealthy obsession with you, bribing you with gifts, stalking you, and just always having his way with you whenever he has the chance even if it means following you to a restroom and screwing you there asjdhjskalxm 😭😭😭 ಥ‿ಥ
This was a anonymous ask but my stupid ass accidentally posted it instead of saving it to my drafts so I had to delete it.
-> sorry for any mistakes
You knew that Taehyung had a big crush on you
He asked you every day but you denied and said that you’re not interested in dating yet
He made you promise that you’ll date him first when you’re ready
After that promise, you guys continued to be good friends
He was deeply in love with you
He would buy you gifts everyday, pay for your meal, text you and call you multiple times in a day
Even though you guys weren’t in a relationship, it sure seemed like it
Taehyung was loaded with money
He wasn’t buying you cheap gifts
He was buying you luxurious brands
He would try to bribe you to date him but you weren’t like that
Which made Taehyung fall in love with you more
You were sweet, cute, innocent and not a gold digger
He thought about making you his sugar baby
Taehyung knew you were struggling financially
You had work right after school so you can pay your bills
You’re usually exhausted by the end of each day and fall behind on school work
You’re probably wondering how Taehyung knows all this
That’s because he watches you all day and night
He spams you with messages
Visits you at work and home to make sure no other boy has came over
He has put cameras in your apartment, in your work place, in your locker and in the main classes you attend so he can watch you
One day he asked you to hang out with him
This was the day he was going to ask you to be his sugar baby
He had a two back up plans just in case you say no
1. He’ll kidnap you
2. Blackmail you with all the camera footage
He’s a yandere🤷‍♀️ it’s his job
You were wearing a short skirt and crop top which turned Taehyung on to the maxxxxx
He was somewhat angry as well because all these people can see your beautiful, smooth skin
If only it was covered in his marks so every knew you were taken
You guys went to a carnival until you had to use the washroom so you excuse yourself
Taehyung watched you go inside the restroom but soon gathered some confidence and followed you
His boner was visible
It was painful keeping it packed up
It was throbbing and twitching
He needed to release
You opened the door of the bathroom stall but someone quickly pushed you back in
You looked up and saw Taehyung
“Taehyung, what’re you doing here?”
“I need your help.”
He placed your hand on his bulge and your eyes widen
“You caused this, you fix it.”
He turned you around and pulled your skirt up
He pulled your panties down and released his throbbing cock
“Ready baby?”
You nodded as he held onto your waist and pushed himself in
You whimper softly, turning him on even more
He couldn’t resist the urge of pounding the hell out of you
His long fingers made its way into your mouth
You moan softly around it and roll your eyes back
The skin slapping was so loud, it was obvious that someone was fucking
But neither of you cared
You were needy as hell and Taehyung had been waiting for this moment for years
“You love it when I fuck your little cunt, right?”
You nodded and clenched around him, showing him how much you love it
Taehyung groaned when you clenched around him
He pulled you up against his chest and started nibbling on your ear
“You wanna be daddy’s babygirl now? Daddy has already seen all of you. No more hiding from him. You’re all his now.”
“I’m all daddy’s.” Moan out, not being able to control yourself anymore.
“That’s my good princess.”
Sorry for any mistakes. I’m half asleep again. ALSO DADDY TAETAE😩🥵
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blessednereid · 3 years
Love and Monopoly
 Love and Monopoly
Milton Greasley x Reader, 
Fandom: TVDU/Legacies 
Dialogue Prompts: “Try focusing more on your life and less on mine!” and "You make me feel like I'm not good enough."
Fun Take on Angsty Prompts
Warning: Cursing, Drinking, Kissing, Necking, Mentions of food, brief mentions of blood (bunny blood for vamps), Monopoly
A/N: Someone please open my messages and give me a crash course on how to write a makeout scene I can’t do it, OMFH ಥ‿ಥ
Word Count: 2760
You and Milton Greasley had been dating for 5 years. 
You met during your shared time together at Salvatore Boarding School. You were a witch who helped MG calm down whenever he went into a ripper mode. You had used spells to lower his bloodlust. You even made the bunny blood that the school had fed vampires taste as close to human blood as you could without triggering a negative response. 
 After you all graduated, The Super Squad all rented a house in Mystic Falls, and you were all roommates. The house had 5 bedrooms, one for you and MG, one for Lizzie, one for Josie, one for Hope, and one for Kaleb. However, since Josie and Hope began dating, they had moved into the tribrid's room, so now the empty space was more of a game room. There were board games and consoles in the closet, a pool table, and a regular round glass table surrounded by armchairs where you all could sit and play games. 
Tonight was your bi-weekly game night, and you all had decided to play monopoly. Though it was a unanimous decision, you knew it could take days to finish. You were all very competitive, and none of you would go down without a fight. This is why, to finish faster, you decided to have a team game of monopoly.
On the day of, everyone had started going shopping for the concessions for the event. Trays of assorted cookies, hors-doeuvres, sandwich platters, as well as multiple different fruit juices were bought and set on a foldable table in the game room. 
As you were setting and arranging everything on the table, your wonderful boyfriend came around to help you. 
"Don't worry, love, I got it," you chuckled. "I am much capable of setting a party table on my own."
"C'mon, you make me feel like I'm not good enough to do simple things, babe," he laughed with you, though his words triggered something in your brain.
"Oh yeah?" you quipped. "These are some pictures from the last time you set the table for dinner…"
In the photo, the table linen was frowned up, the forks were out of place, some placements didn't even have certain utensils. The plates were pushed to the center, chairs closer to the edge than the food was.
"Oh..." he giggled lifelessly.
"Now you see why you don't use super speed to set up something like that?"
"I mean, I don't think it's the super speed, darling. I was simply being blinded by your beauty that day."
 Your laugh thundered in the room. "Go away MG, I'm not letting you win today!"
"Aw dammit! Alright, love, I'll let you get back to your project," he stated before he walked out of the room.
"Yeah, Hope?"
The Saltzman twin had been brushing her hair in the mirror, getting ready for the game night later.
"You look gorgeous, so stop taking out every strand of your hair with this damn brush," Hope stated before yanking the brush out of the younger girls' hand. 
Josie embraced Hope in a warm hug. "Thanks, Hope."
"Alright, everyone. Welcome to 'The Super Squad Bi-Weekly Game Night.' I'm your host, Y/N L/N, and you're watching Disney Channel." All of the friends burst out laughing. "Tough crowd, I see I see. Well, let's move on with the game, shall we?"
"First up introducing, He's the founder, he's the mediator, He is… MILTON GREASLEY!!"
They all clapped and cheered for MG before you moved on.
"Next up, She's the brain, she's the brawn. She is the tribrid, and she's got it going on, Hope Mikaelson!!"
Whoops and cheers echoed throughout the room. 
You continued through all of your friends.
"The realistic, the cynic, the man with raps for days… Kaleb Hawkins!!"
"The sweet, the kind, but she can fuck up your mind, Josie Salvatore!!" 
"She's sarcastic, totally bombastic, Lizzie Saltzman everybody!!"
"And ME! Could you tell I was trying to sound like those game show hosts everybody? No? Well, I was. Anyways young ones-" You wore a giant grin to emphasize the corniness of what you were saying before continuing.
"Alright, I'm dropping the act. It's too hard, jeez!" They all laughed at your antics. "I hope you guys are laughing with me and not at me."
You explained the rules for the game of teams.
“Here’s the way it goes, each player has the same amount of money they would have in a regular game of monopoly. However, every team only has one token, teams must make agreements on all purchases, trades, and decisions. Teams must take turns rolling the dice, and one team member must always be present at the board.” 
“Sounds easy”
“Let’s play!”
You stared at them dumbfounded. “I memorized and recited all that without stumbling on my words, and all I get is ‘sounds easy’?”
MG stood to comfort you. 
“It’s alright, love,” he said, rubbing your shoulders lightly before pulling away. You scoffed.
“Alright then, let’s play. In this hat, I have slips of paper with all of your names, but first, in this bucket are sticks with numbers that will determine the order of selection. Step forward.”
They all stepped forward and grasped the popsicle sticks prior to stepping away from the bucket. 
"Who has number 1?"
"Oh, I do!" Lizzie stepped forward and drew a slip of paper from the hat.
She and Kaleb sat back down at the table. 
"Number 2?" 
Hope stepped forward. 
They also went to go sit down beside Lizzie and Kaleb.
"That leaves me and you, Jo," you stated happily. Jo and yourself had one of the best team duos. In school, you two would be partnered up for projects often. With that experience of communication, you were sure to win. 
You joined the rest of your friends at the table. Lizzie and Kaleb named their team, Team Siphon Vamp. Hope and MG had been Team 3 in 2, and you and Josie were the 'Twitches from two different misuses.' 
"Alright, before the token selection, I must announce the prize of the game.
"The winners of the game will receive a dish duty pass for the rest of the week." Cheers louder than before erupted in the room.
"Lettuce commence!" The silence in the room was lethally quiet, and you could quite literally hear crickets. "Get it? Because lettuce sounds like let us?"
"It's ok, babe, let's just play," MG said before pulling you down. You grumped before deciding with Josie on the Penguin. Hope and MG had picked the dog, and Lizzie and Kaleb had chosen the dinosaur. 
You, acting as the banker, dished out the money to all the players, and you commenced the game. 
Lizzie and Kaleb went first. Lizzie rolled the dice, rolled 7, and landed on a chance card, which told her to advance to the nearest railroad, and they bought it. Hope and MG went next.
MG rolled a 5 and landed directly on Team Siphon Vamp's freshly purchased railroad, M100 out of their pocket already.
"Ooooh… MG…. Honey, you're losing money faster than you did when that PS5 came out, babe."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, ok! I'm still gonna kick your ass!"
You were taunting him. "You sure about that, love?"
"You didn't even try to "kick my ass" last night, darling," you smirked.
Oohs erupted from your friends, and it was evident you knocked his ego down a peg.
At last, it was your team's turn. You and Josie each took one die in your hands and rolled it. You had landed a 6 and a 4, which landed you a visit to jail.
"Look who's losing now! You're literally in jail, babe," Hope teased Josie. 
"Oh, whatever. Focus more on your lives-"
"-And less on ours!" your duo quipped. 
Lizzie protested to this. "Hey hey hey!! That is my twin! Only I get to finish her sentences!"
You all laughed at this but continued your game.
Almost 15 rounds later, and everyone had a fair standing in the game. 
Team Siphon Vamp had had 2 monopolies, on the railroads and on the pink properties. 
Hope and MG had 3 already, the dark blue properties, the brown, and utilities. They also had 2 greens cards, the other being in the hands of you and Josie, as well as 1 red card that was being aimed for by you and Josie, who had the other 2 properties. 
You guys also had monopolies on the yellow and orange properties. If you got the red card of Kentucky Avenue, you would be unstoppable. 
 "Baby," you called out. 
"Yes, love?"
"I'll give you the other green for the red," you and Josie smiled.
"That's not fair babe, you'll own the corner," he protested.
"But the green is worth more. Please?" you pleaded, giving him puppy dog eyes.
Before he could utter another word, Josie spoke. 
"We'll give you M100, and your first landing on any one of our properties will be free of rent."
Hope spoke up. "Sounds good to me!"
"Hell no! You're gonna have to do something way better than that before you fool this genius."
You whined.
"Fine, I'll give you one of my signatures back walks," you leveraged, knowing full well he couldn't resist. "C'mon, baby, I know how much your back has been hurting."
He agreed reluctantly. "Fine, but it better be worth it!"
Team Twitches cheered. 
"Wait, what about us! We'll be demolished, you selfish weirdos." This was true. Lizzie and Kaleb were low on cash, they had rushed too fast to place houses, and now they were paying the price.
"Tough luck!" Hope and Josie chorused.
 Soon, it had been as you all thought.  Kaleb and Lizzie were in debt to Hope and MG. They had landed on Boardwalk Avenue, and it had 3 hotels on it, so they owed them M6000, M6000 they did not have.
Soon, they ended up relinquishing all their properties back to the bank for auction to pay off Hope and MG, gave them the rest of their money, and had to leave the game.
 With 2 full monopolies from Lizzie and Kaleb, along with the last green property they needed, they had successfully turned the game around. Now it was Josie and you who were losing. 
You all decided at this point to split the teams. Each team dividing both the cash and the monopolies equally, and two more pieces were added to the board, on the same spots as their former teammates, and you resumed.
Josie was soon knocked out due to MG within 5 rounds, and Hope was quick to crumble under your might, two turn-loops after that. They joined Lizzie and Kaleb at the pool table. They were now drinking beers since they no longer needed to be sober.
Soon it was just you and MG left in the game. 
MG leaned forward closer to you while you were deciding what to do with your turn.
"You know what you could do, darling?" He whispered provocatively in your ear. "Give in."
You pushed him away. You were not going to lose to MG and his self-righteous ego that night. 
"Shut up."
"Give in, baby. I know you want to."
"Shut up, Milton."
"Hey, Hey, Hey!" He yelled. "No need to get hostile!"
You decided you hadn't wanted to place any more houses, well, you couldn't at the moment. You rolled the dice but were in for a bitter-sweet realization.
You had been ready to pay an M100 luxury tax fee before you realized you landed on Boardwalk, one of the monopolies Hope had let MG keep in the split. MG had only since put 2 more hotels on it, and the price was now M10,000
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"
Soon, your friends rushed over to where you two sat and began cackling, all except Josie, who was still hoping her former teammate would avenge her.
You began selling your hotels and houses back to the bank, but it still wasn't enough. You sold your properties and gave the rest of your money to MG, but you still owed a few hundred Monopoly dollars. 
 He kissed your cheek, much to your dismay, and happily accepted his victory. 
It had been almost 2 weeks, and you were still giving MG the silent treatment. He had been gloating about his win for the entire night, and you were livid.
You knew he didn't deserve it, but you didn't think you deserved to lose either. 
You were staring at the ceiling. You had just woken up, and MG wasn't beside you. 
You had hated those moments. No matter how mad you were at MG,  you hated when you woke up, and he wasn't beside you. 
After all, you guys had been through so much, and you were always worried that he would die abruptly and leave you. Even after the threat was over, you still felt this way.
After a few minutes, MG had come into the room, Kaleb at his side. Kaleb looked bored, and his face said all you needed to know... he didn't want to be there. 
He was carrying a pot of pink hydrangeas in one hand and a pot of coffee in the other. He placed both on the nightstand beside you, disappearing for a short while, before coming back with a giant fruit bouquet in his hands. He set it on the nightstand as well before exiting the room and closing the door.
MG had carried a platter of all your favorite foods. Eggs, just the way you liked them, pancakes, hash browns, and your favorite flavor of yogurt. He had also gone ahead and made a smoothie bowl with your favorite fruits. Berries and banana chips littered the surface of it. 
He placed the platter on the portable desk you had in your room for breakfast and bed and set it down, just above your lap. He then went to the mini-fridge in your room and got all the ingredients he needed to make your coffee just the way you liked it as well as a glass to pour it in.
"I'm sorry for bragging," he apologized. "I know how much you like to win, and it was very insensitive of me." He looked like he wanted to laugh at how ridiculous the reason he was apologizing for was. You turned your eyes away from him and the delicious breakfast he made.
"But baby, I miss you."
He walked over to you. "Please talk to me!"
He started trailing kisses on your forehead, down to your neck, resisting the urge to sink his teeth inside, something you had taught him. He knew exactly how to make you forgive him, and he was using every technique he had learned over the years.
"Please?" He whined, and you could see his pouty eyes without looking. 
He sucked on your collarbone for a while and left a dark mark. Then he moved to the sensitive spot under your ear. 
You moaned slightly, but he could hear it, even without his vampire hearing. 
He pulled away, causing you to frown and whine. 
"MG…" you complained. "That's not fair."
"So you're talking to me now?"
You looked away, you had slipped up, but you told yourself that would be the last time.
You simply ignored him and started to eat your breakfast.
He walked back towards you and began nibbling on your ear.  You threw your head back in pleasure. 
"Look at me, darling." 
He reached his nimble fingers out to your face and trapped your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
"I said I'm sorry, and I really, really miss my girlfriend. I made you a nice breakfast, and I've let you pick the movie every night since monopoly. What more do you want?"
You moved the tray of food to the side of you and stared at him indignantly. 
"I wanted my boyfriend to not be an egotistical asshole. I thought I was dating MG the vampire, not Jed the werewolf."
"I'm sorry... What can I do to make it up to you, love?"
"Let me out of that back walk favor?"
He scrunched up his face in horror. "That was part of our deal."
"Technically, you're not even supposed to be able to make outside game deals in monopoly, so you could let me out if you wanted to."
"Yay! Those hurt. They're so energy draining."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, you can," you smiled.
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Sorry if my previous message was a bit too mean ;-; I'm not sure if it is, but if it is, I'm really sorry
Please remember that we all love you and that I also love you 🥺
And don't be too hard on yourself, okay? I know it doesn't stop right away but at least try to say some nice things to yourself every now and then, at least once a day maybe?
Api I love you and I hope that someday you will love yourself too, you deserve so much love you have no idea
Take care of yourself okay? :> 💕💕
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Wait no you cutiepie I don't think you were mean at all! (I honestly have no idea of what message you're talking about but from the ones I've seen you aren't mean at all! You are super caring and adorable and I love that so much about you :3)
And thank you for the encouraging words! Today I am thankfully feeling a bit more confident than usual, so we're good on that hehe! But I will now keep this message for whenever I'm down, thank you, it really really helps ಥ‿ಥ
Everyday I feel like I'm at least getting a bit better (from the mess that I was last year and the year before, that was full on crying in school and having panick attacks and shit ajsjsjs) but now I'm at least in a better environment, with friends (both in tumblr and in real life!) And well, I'm getting along with my family although that has never really changed ajsbsbs
I just need to work on being a bit more productive!
anyway you absolute sweetheart, thank you very much for being so kind and amazing, i love you a lot aight? And you better take care of yourself too before I come over there and woop your ass with my chancla (I'm only joking ahshshs but DO TAKE CSRE OF YOURSELF!!!)
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Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Chapter 19: Mitsuba (Part 2)
Previously: we started a new arc! We shifted the focus to Kou and his new ghost friend, Mitsuba. He’s a new-ish ghost and not at all what I expected (but I’m honestly kinda living for it). Together they’re trying to work out what Mitsuba’s unfinished business is so he can move on. They seem to work well together (in a very chaotic type of way). It started out very cute and then it got real angsty real fast, and I suspect it’s only gonna get worse this chapter :)) I can’t wait :)))
Now onto the next chapter!
You know when you say you’re gonna upload more regularly but then life happens and you get sick (AGAIN)........yeah, don’t know what that’s like or anything……..sigh
Anyway, time to finally keep going with the feels train from last chapter. And omfg
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Only the first page and I’m already feeling all the feelings ;n; Look at them!! They were so precious! I know it’s not rare for people to stop being friends when they change classes but still :C
He’s saying that he tried to reach out to everyone he considered a friend but none of them recognized him. I know I said it last chapter but god, this is so heartbreaking, this poor child. Kou looks speechless, and I can’t say I blame him, it’s a lot to unpack.
Awwww baby he was bullied in elementary school for “looking like a girl” and being “cocky” :( I know not everyone is like that, but people like these are the reason I was so glad to be over with high school (not elementary school because I went to school with basically the same people since I was five). Kids can be so unnecessarily mean :/
Ah, okay. So when he started middle school, he decided to change things up.
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Oh, sweetheart ;; He tried, he tried so hard because he just wanted to have friends and be happy but it backfired. I can’t even imagine how that must have felt. Like, what was the point of locking away his true self if no one cared about him either way? “A boring guy who barely stands out from the background” I really resonate with this line (and I’m sure a lot of people do as well). I’m quite shy nowadays but I was extremely shy when I was younger; I only really had two close friends in class (they’re thankfully two of my best friends to this day) and I knew everyone else didn’t particularly cared about me unless they needed something. I didn’t really get bullied but I was made fun of a few times because I was a bit overweight, and that, inaddition to my anxiety, really dealt a blow to my self-esteem. I only started to really open up during my second year of college when I met a lot of people who had interests and personalities similar to mine. What I’m trying to say with all this is that it can take a really long time for you to be comfortable in your own skin and to be comfortable sharing who you are and what you enjoy; hell, I still have a hard time doing it. But it gets better, even if it doesn’t seem like it will, it does, and it breaks my heart to see that Mitsuba didn’t get the chance to experience that, that he didn’t get the chance to find friends that loved him for who he was when he was still alive.... Oof, okay, that got sad fast. Let’s keep reading.
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In his own clumsy way, I think he’s trying to lift Mitsuba’s spirits. Since he’s one of the people who forgot about him, he probably feels guilty, so this is his way of saying “I didn’t remember the fake you, but I will do my damn best to remember the real you and I’ll let the others know as well”. And yeah, it’s brash, but I like it, I see it as a way of preserving Mitsuba’s actual memory, who he really was and not the persona that just made him unhappy.
Ah, good, he apologized for not remembering him and he also explains that the reason he didn’t recognize him was because he was so different from when they first met. Fair tbh, there’s quite a gap between the seemingly soft spoken boy and Mitsuba’s actual teasing nature and colorful vocabulary.
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Kou is such a good kid. Like, I know Mitsuba is already dead but I’m so glad someone told him this. And hey, it could help him move on as well. OH! HANG ON. Okay, so, Mitsuba said that he thinks his regret has something to do with taking a picture he couldn’t when he was alive, right? If we take into consideration what we’ve learned so far, it seems like Mitsuba’s biggest regret centers around the fact that he couldn’t form long-lasting friendships. So like, is the picture he wanted to take one with his friends?? Because that’s- that’s so sad but also so sweet I think I could cry. Kou, in his own way, tells him that he’s a pretty alright guy and Mitsuba says “a lot of good that does me now” but hey, it actually does, because I think he really needed to hear that.
Ahhhhhh Mitsuba asks him if they could have been friends if he were still alive. Of course you could have, sweetie! Come on, Kou, tell him!
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ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ
He’s taking a picture of Kou!!!!!!!
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(TдT)(TдT)(TдT) my heart oh my god I love them so much look at these babies.
Kou is being oblivious but Mitsuba tells him not to worry about it and that he thinks that once they develop the pictures, he’ll be able to move on ;; (Or at least I think that’s what he means.) 
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(⚆.⚆) (⚆.⚆)
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(;;⚆_⚆) Oh…………..there he is……..oh dear
But ALSO, hello?? do they know each other?? how? when??? (also imo the stylistic choice of making that speech bubble black is incredibly effective because you can just feel the malice behind it)
Oh, I’m so glad that Kou realized so fast that he isn’t Hanako. Like, yeah, the clothes are a big help but I feel like this boy’s aura is so different from Hanako’s (well, from regular Hanako, since he does have some moments when he smiles creepily).
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Σ(゚Д゚|||)  (゚д゚;)  Σ(゚Д゚|||) HOLY FUCKING SHIT W H A T
What is he doing???? what??? did he like, kill him off, like, for good??? wha   t????
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Σ(゚Д゚|||) Σ(゚Д゚|||) Σ(゚Д゚|||) OH GOD, IT KEEPS GETTING WORSE
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………………….oh? So he does work as a “Hanako-kun” like Amane? That’s interesting because when I first came up with that I thought it would be possible if “Hanako-kun” was one spirit that split itself depending on who summoned him. But now that I know that he’s actually Amane’s twin, I have to wonder how and why did this happen. Like, why is it that both of them ended up with this role? Is it because they are twins and since they look the same the rumors then would consider them to be just one entity?
Mitsuba’s wish was “I want to stay in everyone’s memories” and I just ;;;;;;;;
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(゚д゚;) (゚д゚;) (゚д゚;)
First: please let the child go omfg. Second: that’s not your decision to make. If Mitsuba thinks that having Kou remember him is enough, then that’s it, there’s nothing more to argue. And I repeat: ple a se let go of the child. Why is he trying to interfere? Like, yes, Hanako helped Yashiro as much as he could when she made her wish(es), but he only kept interfering because she still wasn’t happy with the outcome. Mitsuba seems to be okay with it, so he shouldn’t have a reason to meddle.
“Don’t you lay a hand on my friend!!” I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Kou is such a good kid, we don’t deserve him. But also he’s being reckless and it fills me with worry ;;
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Ohhhhhhh okay. I didn’t consider that before. Whether Hanako could only grant wishes to living people or not, I mean. I assumed he did, so it’s interesting to know that there’s someone who can grant the wishes of the dead. That brings up a couple of questions, though. Like, what are the limits of his powers? What does he take in exchange? Are the wishes of the dead similar to Mitsuba’s or do they have a bigger range? Is any spirit able to summon him or are there restrictions like in Amane’s case (even if we still don’t know what the conditions for summoning him are yet)? Also, again, it seems like he’s more “pushy” than Amane is in regard to his wish granting.
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…...oh, oh no. they’re gonna forcefully change his rumor so that his wish comes true (even though Mitsuba was happy before and ghost boy here doesn’t like to listen to other opinions, apparently)
[also now I feel really bad about the crooked man joke I made last chapter. I didn’t think it would come back to bite me in the ass like this;;]
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Oh god, that’s some horrifying imagery. There’s nothing gruesome but the way that it’s drawn conveys the despair he’s feeling so well.
“If you can’t tell him his name then he’ll break your neck to make you look like him” jfc that’s just cruel ;; to turn his sincere and desperate wish into a weapon, to turn him into a mindless weapon (because we know that he’s gonna have to do it unless Yashiro is able to change it or unless Hanako takes matters into his own hands). Also it just hit me that Mitsuba is not dead dead so like, why the fuck did Hanako n°2 put a hole in his chest???? what was the point?? just to be a piece of shit?
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Yes. that, same. Wh-what the fuck
OH! Haku-joudai went to report to Hanako what happened! Oh boy, oh dear. He looked shocked and slightly afraid and I’m :)) terrified :)))
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So, he’s on the side of chaos, basically. Like, he clearly does whatever the fuck he wants, and he wants complete and total freedom to do so, without a care about how that might affect others. Lovely :))))
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5am-raining · 5 years
6,7,9,14,18,25,32,35,50 📚🎓 😊
6: Career goals?I don’t have an exact specific goal, but I know I want to work with people (especially children and adolescents) dealing with trauma. Specifically I’d like to work with people who were exposed to some kind of violent or criminally related trauma. I’ve always wanted to work in forensics, but specifically with the victims of crime (not necessarily the perpetrators, although that would also be fascinating). I love helping out in extreme situations, I work well in a crisis, and I have a lot of different interests and passions that kind of go together. But I’m still figuring out how to make that all work with a master’s in clinical mental health counseling. If anyone has any ideas/suggestions, hmu! ;)
7: Do you think your goals are realistic?I think so. I am pretty flexible in terms of what I would be actually in doing, and I’ve always worked grunt work jobs, so I’m not scared off by doing some of the work a lot of people would avoid. Like for example, community mental health sounds super appealing to me, but a lot of people act like it’s horrible work. Idk. I’m sure once I’ve had the experience I’ll have a clearer sense of what I really want, but right now I’m more so interested in working with a specific population. The actual career goal is a little more up in the air atm.
9: Favorite class out of everything you’ve ever taken and why?Forensic Anthropology. I freaking LOVED THAT CLASS SO MUCH. I wish I could still be taking it now, and take it forever until I learned ALL THE STUFF. I really enjoyed my professors teaching style, and the content, I could just read about it forever. I’ve even considered changing my life plan multiple times because I loved that subject so much. :) There’s not a lot of grad programs that offer it though, and the job is competitive because there’s not a big need for forensic anthropologists… :(14: Favorite humanities subject?Psychology! Of course. :) I also love English Literature.18: Have you ever tried study drugs?Yeah, I took Adderall with my roommate when I was in community college at like 18 or 19. It was literally the dumbest thing, it just made me antsy and anxious and unable to actually do a good job on my work. The only thing I really remember about the experience was walking down to the drag (in Austin) to get a smoothie with a bunch of vitamin C and energy boosters, and staying up all night doing a really awful job at whatever I was working on, and then going to class looking like shit probably freaking out my professors bc I was obviously a mess, and then taking a long nap when I got home. It didn’t do me any favors and I’m pretty sure I ended up failing out of a class that semester, lol. Don’t do drugs to study. Just do your best and if you feel like you need drugs in order to get through your classes (like, assuming you don’t have a valid prescription and reason for them), you’re most likely taking on too much and you just need to chill out or take a break from school. When you get older and realize how much MONEY you wasted being in school when you weren’t ready for it, you’ll feel like such a dumb ass! School is freaking expensive. Take it seriously and take however much time you need in order to do your best with it. Don’t let anyone peer pressure you into taking on more than you should.(-д-;)25: Are you procrastinating right now?Yes, lol. I have a paper to write, due tomorrow.ಥ‿ಥ32: Describe your favorite teacher/professor and why you like them.The teacher I have in mind (out of the ones I’ve had in grad school so far) is really kind and patient, professional, very concise and articulate. I love her! She always gives really clear instructions, and when she messes up or says something confusing she laughs about it and rephrases better. She’s very empathetic and can take a joke, but also takes her work very seriously. I really like her personality, and how organized she is. :))) I took a class with her last quarter, and now I’m taking two more with her this quarter! lol.(〃▽〃)35: Most profound thing ever said to you by a teacher/professor?Jeez, Idk. I would have to think about that. I really got a lot out of my critical thinking class, and my research work. But I can’t think of a specific thing that someone said to me personally that really hit me. I’m sure there has been some stuff though! I’m not good with quotes… 50: What’s something more important to you than school?My husband, my pets, living a happy life, my family. A lot of things are! School is a privilege and a gift to be able to pursue. It doesn’t come before the other things in my life that are more important though. I can ALWAYS take a break and go back to school if that ever needs to happen. I take school very seriously though, I see it as something I have to earn with hard work and dedication! I don’t like to take it for granted.(☆`・ω・´)
Studyblr Asks: Feel free to ask me more! Or reblog this post for your own asks. 🏫☕📚
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pet-diary · 6 years
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【#GradblrChallenge & 100 Days of Productivity】
■ 08.19.18 // (day 019/100) ————————————————
My last #gradblrchallenge post was on Thursday. I’ve been really bad about posting the past few days because I’ve just felt like I didn’t have much to say... I also just haven’t felt very productive school-wise, since I don’t even start until October and there’s only so much pre-planning I can write about before I start to feel like a broken record. I sort of feel silly posting about grad school when I have zero experience with grad school so far (other than interviews), and I haven’t even started my program. I know that will change very soon, so it does matter. It’s also interesting to go through the pre-grad school process, where you’re worried about all the wrong things, learning about everything for the first time, etc. But I feel a little silly posting about it because I feel like I’m just clogging up the real grad student’s posts. Lol, I know I’m being ridiculous. I’ll try to just get back to posting, and hopefully I have something interesting to offer regardless of where I’m at right now. If anyone in grad school for psych or social work or something is reading this, I would love to chat with you about it! I’ve talked to a few people so far about their programs, and it’s been helpful to hear how things work, what they like and don’t like, what they’re going through. I want to have a better understanding of what I’m getting myself into.
Some things I’ve done recently:
spent a lot of time online window shopping (when you “shop” all day but don’t end up buying any of the stuff you added to your cart),
researching new phones (both online and at the phone store),
waiting for my maintenance guy to come and then dealing with all that (clogged sink and bath, clean up),
taught Trev how to play Skyrim,
went out to eat once, and to a coffee shop once,
cooked some yummy meals,
bought some notebooks I didn’t need on Amazon,
took Trev to the theosophical society library,
and generally just being kinda lazy...
Yesterday, we ordered some new phones... Ours were getting old and worn out (battery life, general use, camera failing, etc), so we decided to just bite the bullet and get some new ones. Since phones are RIDICULOUSLY PRICED, it ended up being a better deal to get a brand new Note 9 for me, and an S9 for Trev, because they had a BOGO deal going where you get one phone free and a free pair of headphones and stuff like that. I had to change my phone number though to be eligible, so that’s going to be a pain in the ass to go through and update on every form and account I own..........
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Oh well though. I’m super psyched about the S pen!! It’s a Wacom pen and it’s active, meaning it’s pressure sensitive, meaning I will be able to draw on my phone like it’s an actual Wacom tablet. How cool is that???? I currently own a Jot Pro, which I love, but it’s passive. There’s no pressure sensitivity, it’s not as detailed. It’s great for doodling, but it isn’t very practical for trying to seriously draw something. I know at the end of the day, it’s still a little tiny phone screen and I’m not going to spend my days training to join Clamp, but maybe I can get in enough practice to finally feel comfortable moving forward with my web manga idea! (。・ω・。) It’ll be nice to have a properly working camera again, too. I’d like to start filming videos for YouTube again, and currently my camera crashes even on the lowest quality option... The phone isn’t out yet but once it’s out they’ll ship it and hopefully it’ll be in my hands and working soon! It’ll be kind of sad to say goodbye to my 512 Austin area code number... I felt like it gave me some cred...... But I’ll have a new Seattle number, so I guess I’ll have Seattle cred... It makes me a little sad though. I’ve had that number for YEARS. Plus now I won’t match Trev’s number...
Today my school emailed the orientation schedule, so I’ll be posting about that soon. I’m hoping to go out and buy a few things I need for school (mainly, a decent binder for this loose leaf textbook I just dropped $100 on ಥ‿ಥ ). Hopefully my next gradblrchallenge post will be a little more relevant to gradschool...
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