chiro-asuta-vulpes · 2 years
Stress and Mental Well-Being Check.. (◡﹏◡✿) (つ﹏<。)(⋟﹏⋞)"
hey guys---my apology for not posting anything also not giving out updates of my OCS, about their stories, and not yet able to finish some requests as well bc due to my INSOMNIA, STRESS at College, MULTIPLE FLOODED activities to be finished, AND THE BIGGG WHOOP Finals is coming on NEXT WEEK--...I'm tired of taking these pills all over and over again messing with my sleep schedule. Whenever I wake up I still feel drowsy---and unmotivated to get up and I always feel weak---whenever I work on my paperwork, school projects, activities, etc. heck even my google classroom is flooded with freaking activities and work to be done---....yea I have night shift class instead of day shift---....which is overwhelming and frustrating during the day and noon is my free time, although tons of work to be done and after I'm done with them I fell asleep-----....and during the night I'm wide awake---...because of my nightshift class starting at 4:00pm up to 9:30pm and during after classes I have no motivation to sleep--..rather stay up all night up till 5am and either around 9 or 10am I fell asleep again---.....is it just me or is my night shift class is the cause of my wonky messed up sleep schedule----maybe I don't know, I have been having multiple headaches all over whenever I wake up, just to attend my nightshift class plus I always got yelled at by my FREAKING Professor and call me IRRESPONSIBLE---and WEAK MINDED---... -sighs- .....I DID MY FUCKING BEST TO KEEP UP IN CLASS and this how you see me?! -sighs- oh well----
... I guess that's what life is huh? you struggle to suffer from multiple challenges, trials, tests, and sacrifice both your mental and physical wellness just to pass----fear of failing, I still remember faintly when I was a high school on my senior I nearly failed, all my classmates treat me a SOMEBODY only whenever I help and aid them on school activities and projects PRETENDING THEY EVEN CARE! WHAT?! because I'm too nice doesn't mean you HAVE TO TOY WITH MY MENTAL WELLBEING! and I cried a lot lock myself in my room for 3-4 days not coming out at all after being yelled at and lectured by my parents and family irl I'm being EMOTIONALLY WEAK and EASILY GET STRESSED yea! I get it IM BEING A BURDEN! and you think thats EASY TO FORGET?! ......and move on -sighs and crying-
it maybe goes this way but----....its okay, I'm not sure if this is temporary or permanent---...but I always let out a smile each every end of the night and start of the day I may be very exhausted but I'm not afraid to always LET OUT A SMILE, BE MY TRUE SELF and lastly TRYING MY VERY BEST TO SURVIVE---and keep my MENTAL WELL BEING balanced and in check--....
thats all for now dear ones---...my apology for ranting i just want this out of my chest because im kinda feeling bad at the moment----....because i just got home---...from submitting a few projects personally, right now im at home sitting on my bedside with my laptop thinking---....sooo yea
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taiyejeremiah · 4 months
When I looked foolish in front of people🤔🤔🤔
#foolish #school #admission #college #work #believe #faith #miracle #breakthrough #believesoyoucanreceive #howbaddoyouwantit #faithpleasesGod #keepthefaith #pastmiracles #people #student #admissionofficers #university #gainingadmission #schoolissues #admissionissues #Godincontrol #believeGod #trustGod #nodoubt #doubt #Godusesfoolishthings #miracleworkingGod #Godofmiracles #powerfulGod
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malaimurasu · 3 years
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robdi12 · 5 years
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #venus #schoolissue #abercrombiekids: https://posh.mk/e8vG8tSKQX
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zonedtine · 5 years
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @worldpickerone #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #stevemadden #lamb #schoolissue: https://bnc.lt/focc/EQ83s7O1UP
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clinomaniac9 · 5 years
So, if you’re questioning yourself what this blog is about let me introduce myself: I’m a 17 year old girl who lives in Southern Germany. Currently I’m a highschool student and will graduate next year. Hopefully, after that I will either study romance languages or fashion journalism in Stuttgart. My purpose is to write about the life as a student here and I want take you guys with me how my process through apply at a college etc. will look like. Especially for those of you who is curious about studying in Germany.  I hope you will enjoy!
Feel free to ask me (personal) questions.
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lazylemon · 5 years
So some kid in my environmental class was touching my ass and...... he and I don’t usually get along so I’m very confused and freaked out
Advice side of tumblr what should I do?
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oddlygone · 6 years
As kids we are told not to talk to strangers. Right? Well once we get to school kids are scared to make friends for the reason being that we grew up being told not to talk to strangers, so it’s difficult for us to make friends because as young kids we do not want to disappoint our parents. Once we get older its still as hard even though we do not really care because we grew up with the people around us, but the reason its hard it because of the judgement and the bullying. Am i right or Am i wrong?
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Kind of time sensitive but I know you guys are busy so if you can't get to this, no problem. I have to take a stats class in university next year and I'm really freaking out because I'm not good at all at math and I know that the average grade for this class is usually really low but I don't want to do poorly and I absolutely have to take this class..
Hey there, 
I hope this gets to you on time dear. We all have subjects that we may not be the best at and that’s okay. The thing is, you just have to work extra hard at this subject during the year, make sure you are practicing questions weekly, make sure you are seeking help from your peers, your professor. Don’t leave anything that you don’t understand to the last minute or to your finals, because that’s when you’re going to start to regret it. 
It’s all about the effort that you put in, and trust me, you’ll feel happy at the end of it all when you look back and see how far you’ve come. 
Good luck love, 
Chloe x
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ace-iszeplace · 6 years
Okay, so
At my school we recently got a digital bell system installed for our period changes. It was cool and all, less annoying, but then the school was like "here let's have the STUDENTS vote for a bell!!"
To sum it up, our school bell is now called the HC (My schools initials) roast bell.
It's an airhorn.
It's exactly the airhorn you think it is.
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engwebsites · 7 years
Effective Ways to Deal with a Child who Resists Homeschooling https://t.co/tPBDxlnwZB #issues #schoolissues #play #game #homeschool
Effective Ways to Deal with a Child who Resists Homeschooling https://t.co/tPBDxlnwZB #issues #schoolissues #play #game #homeschool
— AllEnglishWebs (@AllEnglishWebs) February 1, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/AllEnglishWebs February 02, 2017 at 02:16AM via IFTTT
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securitynewswire · 6 years
Work and schoolissued Apple products had serial number flaw researchers say
SNNX.com : http://dlvr.it/QlYKyb
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securitynewswire · 6 years
Apple Valley police probe of husbandwife educators involves schoolissued phone iPad TwinCities. comPioneer Press
SNPX.com : http://dlvr.it/QBvDl1
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engwebsites · 7 years
Effective Ways to Deal with a Child who Resists Homeschooling https://t.co/tPBDxlnwZB #issues #schoolissues #play #game #homeschool
Effective Ways to Deal with a Child who Resists Homeschooling https://t.co/tPBDxlnwZB #issues #schoolissues #play #game #homeschool
— AllEnglishWebs (@AllEnglishWebs) May 1, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/AllEnglishWebs May 02, 2017 at 02:15AM via IFTTT
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engwebsites · 7 years
Effective Ways to Deal with a Child who Resists Homeschooling https://t.co/tPBDxlnwZB #issues #schoolissues #play #game #homeschool
Effective Ways to Deal with a Child who Resists Homeschooling https://t.co/tPBDxlnwZB #issues #schoolissues #play #game #homeschool
— AllEnglishWebs (@AllEnglishWebs) April 1, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/AllEnglishWebs April 02, 2017 at 02:15AM via IFTTT
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engwebsites · 7 years
Effective Ways to Deal with a Child who Resists Homeschooling https://t.co/tPBDxlnwZB #issues #schoolissues #play #game #homeschool
Effective Ways to Deal with a Child who Resists Homeschooling https://t.co/tPBDxlnwZB #issues #schoolissues #play #game #homeschool
— AllEnglishWebs (@AllEnglishWebs) March 1, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/AllEnglishWebs March 02, 2017 at 02:15AM via IFTTT
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